
"-.i-i was mtsajinri-piisted hat the naked ri-j-ht to print Îit'd pnbli.aii a ('«'inpositmn to whiofa entmnouo piib- teity bad been gieoa by promut oojaVm endlugan* »».ntntton in lilli rta hi le t-t. ihereiore, «his American court, » ceurt of *»c;,\ Inirh authority, lias gone with (mod l.oi.l Matntiehl and nth« t »t» tit law- yereand swept tim *»tiv. mainstay of Jua-«: Yutes.'* tfiipuiBtry Bvap tutova?, loKniii'K»- oi< ¦OBr*gUWBllVBB rr viducation. Tliis narrow* the (jU«'«tii'n to i«n feitnre or non-fur- friture by publican« n of r*opyrighl at oButnaan law. Now, this soi-disant forfeiture (}n ten Anne's I'arlia- meiit trent m t!.«* nruamblc or nurtoriea] prelada» ao a Niei>>'rac.'i<i'. a violation of nroperty j they say it is uejmtt, cnol. and am ; which ptc-statntory cv- ldo*.c»»> in tin* statute itself, yutea rívcs Qaean Anne's Psrliamenl ihe lie, and nmlcttakes to prove out of the depths of bia inner counetoneiM «* that this malpr» ti« o "»mi« b1 ihitt vety moment when Parlia* Baont¦denounced it.and prepared, in mutation of passasses acOa ha paaial ii as a ,¦,>.,humillar.jn»t retuomabls, »wl old. Having set this v»ry Parua- ineut shoTS the Creator, he now m t- it below Yates. Jlowever. hi* argument run* thus: He says that we atith«»rs put forward ideas and sentiments as the «liteet «»lit'« » «>f property al oominon law ia old time*, nuil iiiMtl! ('minnon sense and jnstiooin Btatanding tlu.1 we c »u d pnbli*h «mi laicas, yet re- Mea the righi «>f printing th«».«e ideas f(»r publica- lion. Thla i* plausible, and pores the way for Ins romantic abrases, tim have intoxicated ordinary ¦Binda, BUCn na " the .«<.! el publication, when vol¬ untarily dona by the mitin r hltni*etf, \ irtnally and p«*r<*a<Miiriiy ia mil io Ho puM-k." '1 lu n handling it no loiiktt r na u di'iiti'ni. bul ander the head ol Implied Cunt tactu, which a lunch aoundi r \ ,ew of the an- thor's «al«* to the public paurebaaar, he mya, neatly cuoukIi, tim Helier di livers it wilhnnt nstni lion, and (lie liny« i rreeeiTes it without rtipnlatton, linn Íie jumps t<» this droll inferí m . : " Nothing bun than egudative powei « m n strain the use ol anytbing." This, however, is a pnrelj cliinieri« al distinction; the «.ouimun law wat fou m led partly on Kepal «aUhuP Îtt*! largely conccr. «..!. and res »milling maxima ; and muta «1 une« or.« no1 altogether nnknoa n lo «t ; every river lo a highway, oem which tbepuidh can paiss, and even bat he m it, but not al wai-« u «ti ; and a right of ".»uy obtained li\ nsc,oi leased to the churchwartlci» -, under o bien the publk can lead its cow across a iVrehrdib r's Reid, fives roo ri<j,bt to graze her «pun tot pott : and, ii 1 Iel the public into my tea «/anil n, at L a bend, to oat all the (mil they can, no M..« «s «i ipolationii rr*_nin d to reserve the fault hess. M«« f-vi r. Vat««'- position »s too wide: it Iel« in fthei national Boa the 1'reneh and Iluten comiii'iii-l.i«*« ffivi t the li. in Copyright itself : mi, if \*.t* iiiu«t t. :i«nii a priori the ehitni ¡OS ure fifty to one the' common law ive it tho lie Iga. lint this is our dit"t reply.fur the multiplying power of the prrea is so unique, it ex< Indea au close t>iui4ia»is'iiw. so far from claiming praterty i*i Idaou, that is tin vety thing the boliten "f Copyright Ut common-law did not nairn. That is the claim of the I'atentéis* alone, aslnhull shou in the proper plata. !*¦ Be far fkam Id-rea becoming Incorporeal after uah* lication, .t., ««hieb BtateUM mt of tutes is s "galimatias," sud tin idiotic «... >ufü«»i.«ii, ideas are incorporeal «nil, ut ii |h r*«"! long antecedent topub* icatiou, vi/,., v tile they lie in tip* author's mind. AN Atlllnli'S LAP« Hi. Attention!.An oathafeOBaUMtohioiOjsai with mnt- teronce. and fon TOT, when he nuhndiesthemia a la¬ bored raMjusu* * ot a m ds nwrfced i»y his hoad on paper. Th(»**e wiittm nords are mattet*, bp collocation. labored t«. an«l the ph] meal Bttohos i? a pen with a Mach unguent ; metter, u.distlnet froa the paper as iras is bum Um pipe, ami. though they ros it*/mental id« as. the written wonls theinsolves are not so fine a niBlwIal a-» gea, whlel pal h measured and sold hy the of. The phrase ."intellectual lulmr" is an (Mjaieoqua and a anare that has lelnded t »i thonsaad Brinda It applies s nnewbat loosaly ti» Studp ; hut no author's psuuai Km laser Is only one BiKtcies of «skilled labor, it is physical plus intellec¬ tual labor, and theos coinp.-itiotis, which led to eouitiion-law rights, *«* the result of long, keen lalmr, iBloBot'liial .nd physical, proved to be phy«i- gal hythe va*»» thus taceuptod whereas thought is Instantaneous.iind hy shortening tim life of the anthor'slioily.through itseni '-t omthi blood *«< Moh of the brain, which ate n l»*irt rot of the mind, but ot the body. The said vusaals g«i worn l»y an aathor** prodm tleol »bot, ami glee a ay. This, even in our short i \p.*ii-ii< c. hi» killed Diekeuu, J iia"k- arsy, Bad ihi1ií:i»»i Ly'.lon. The «lum Hin of au!hors iu Kt-neral i*» Ntobliahed bj hi.i!i«lit s. See Ncistiti. Vital Statistics. The words at tbaswV W .tiruWr of the ideooj the psp'T in thi leal l nil \ chicle o'" the wolds. i llie author h i*» by admission ol Y;iten, the ««'le I right tn do isilows, and does it : He tahas the word«, which are the vehii le of hil i'leas, to the printing ooni)>»i«it'r, anti the eompnaitor takes printed letters identic ii willi the anthn's. tltotmh differing a little in shape but that i-, a tuen« inci- diuit of the day in the i.ifancv «u printing they wrre identical in shape, <*«iil\ woi »«. rnied ; ho sels the letters in lortii-i, and passes them to the preso ».eu. For this ths Mmpositor charges, e.iy £28. With the psttauosen, a'nl Bol with the compeeitor, who is a coi>yi*t for Ihc I'n begins the l'r'-»i3. Kow come« tho ineehMileol mlraole, that made (Hpyriiiht ne<. i ary aii'l Inovitablej the Tress can spjily difiimii sheetatothe mmm metal bitten oouees/tugthei.ipositien: ti isa tbooeand diffor- aut pupta lulnmns atn tinatid In which the letton ami the author's eompoaition are mc, bul tit«»« roi* nuns of paper a thoimantl. The volumes are now landy, bel ntl to «n»; and I beg nartkulai ottentlon to ths authur'.« admitted position at < omi too law one luoiiiMit before publication. Ho has h*ill, hy law Oates BOOOntlngl tho to\t rii/ht to print and publish; he has oreuted, for an!', a thou Bund volumes. Budal un exclueive legal right to frente TOluaaea %r »«ii»" ¦' he ha« added to lis orisrinal Isgul ruht three t,*4Tnitie8. lot, "priority pi print¬ ing* *ahicb is ;iciin>! a legal title, but Baaartbing agalnat a thapeodicsl title: IM. theno* ciliar exticnse of scttii;« uji type from written .words: An, occupancy: ami Ina equitable right to Ball ogam um tbonsaiid volumen, s large material tinijx-rtv created auder on aacluslee legal (ule oumlod on moralitv ami universal law, and COU* reded by Judge Yates. For the force ol occapancy UiJdeil to title, (MS La v. p.'iA--iii! ; anil fur the lune of the abott ipecial Ktj'ity. see "«Sweet agt, (-ator." 1 II I «"I t'K I Til! ATKIN. Well, the una ;" ;:' ; a ed the legal right, and BOM of the additional eejuitiea, and «'«onf the mate- nal vUtuUMBj Bon d'« s ti jir.'jier ii'.il ii i'ct, by winch the publk pronta ronfeaaedly, on ad such as «no man was ever lawfully puni bed f<" ; BO pah* libhes, or sets in i i re u la ti'ni, his onocompi : it ion con* fjBoad in many papei rehickn, He Bells c,ii h vol¬ e-tie say for bix shilling* lo the trade, righi shilliiifi-i to the public reader. \*»')at he intends to Sell te the fmblic r«^'lci f"i'eight shillings ia paper and bind* |s*g tu»u shillings, printers'work sJipenee, nasfalor antertaitiiiiK hnowledge, olloabbj owe labor, four shilliHgs, tho rit*ht of u«iiiß* the ideas in msny ways, of OTOB plagiarising and print- mi*' them ronoededa and also tho righi of sell¬ ing ssrain the very thing the purchaser bought .the one material volume with ils in contents. iVimai /uri» the roiitrmt uo Budeiatood, it no^ an ti must «me to tin- buyer nor an < atotrtionnte one for the aelW. His prout, on lit tu lenna, din»* no1 npproarb the retail _nt/_M *». ¦ bo, in pia« tue. Hie noller tai the public, ytlfuit. iff tio'liinti ¦_ Hu Mia Now, it is S snssim uf the i I'iniiKiii law that, where two internre- tatiotis of a oautrm i. exprsas oi implied,are pn«.««ilil«, ona that gi vea no great ml va m tue to either party, and the athel thal sjlees a atsaslreas advantage to ene party, the lair luterprelation ia to be preft in d, since men. une'mu m buaiuoaa,an pursaaisd sp ih, lau totjthantie spawn to ; and tin» rule, eimblished by cases, applies especially where aw/hole class ol contracts i* to h«« iuterpreted. 1 I. a«<: t.'.-iitti ths ground I atn BOOB, vis., implied contnacto, wet elected by Yat.* end I ash which interpretatiou, Vatos'o or oiiii«, ai*i«« wil'i the uiiilispu!i.d coiimioii- law doi'trtne ol «ninivalenII î The pufeheas of ln.iíkn is s lotterv : but there an uhostof ptiz«.. Beeoo'sworks BUTS the pub {ic Boauráhaser «i vu al «¡' .1 aton than a thoaaaiid mil- loapaandw worth of hnowledge und p«iwii pot he ii,ade no extr.» i !.ii Re tu justiiy a claim on bia copy¬ right foiiniled on purchase of bia volumea. Tua great Ifsik* balance »he little; and the boyer has the choice, (.'ni. Onrnoner um rauneerted in tui afternoon, from \ ictous conraaa, not hy a ehdoa. but a duodecimo; ami that it b tact ali«««tetl hy Íupitor Carlyle*.I didn't lind it In mp iite»,- inea, where Vites looka for lo t_. Many men bIkiu! ths vny timo ot "liillur agt. Taylor,''a«, i,.»»i tin mlration of their aenla to a caipy ot Dtaddrideb'a "Rise and l'i"L'i««*i el BunufMa in tin» Son1. if a pupil ol Ifatea. bafon aasuaaaa uf Doddridge, that wwuld ha s grant im- |pio»'e-in«*iit in a rendm i piuspa-ots foi ni. BeJtides. bfla-r lie ha*, bo« ti c«'iivi rted irom V.itthi» n*inling of the **ilh of Anne to Doddridge- reading ol ths St li of «¡Bseee, end 1res soul coved, etc., he con lend, or sell the v.lume. Then wbp pilings l*<>«blnd>_e, foi in¡- uateoBBg him. and mvlup bia anal din aheapl Find toe the paity t.t any oilier euutracl who eau eat his cak^ yet sell ii Bafterwaid, liko the hont*_t pur- ch-_»eroi a good volnnio. bau gtnhatunr op iitii'.r ruK« pg, mott Now look eguaily close into tho Othes ti-adniK of the ooatrMct, Fur Publieole, Us» pnmlp modere ghara«toi whout Ju'lgo Yates would ialhci opoa »a- tiqiiity, is, in reality, in»t a « 1h»«jm*ii **r«»ent.*-.tlve of the pirillie, but of a clique much small r than the Bhabaaieaaaa« What he docs is at IsDaani Ha haya. one volume at the trade price, ti«., and not the piri» Mc prn.«. and then takes if t<« a compositor, win» charc-tshint say £22. He 90909 the gaa.-a.d-Tt violation of Kipiity, and, even st the SBBBaas_Bar. disk, he »mang naaJ ha hut oat w__u Than he it«»es to the aaaasiucii, and they »»ed new niul dis¬ trict paper vehicle») to the one set ot letica conveying the nuthors composition. He pgys n full «univalent f»»r all the v»hii»h*s, mid nnaate the mon «ralnahls essanaar* tion. Hin moral position is e\. tis that g1 a man who, lm-'ititr paid (it. for the u»<* <«f ¦ lu-i*«c. 8k«al9 liiin. and then honestly his* a gig and har¬ nean, and denk with the l"t. and calls hinu-clf hu hi.iii »t trader He iiiid«-r»i*lla the breeder of the horne, haenaSS trade i* t <>iii|K tiiio'i. and stcalim. is ii deal cheap« i than hre«»«liiig. T<» drop metaphor«», he is not, like the »\i»hor Of hit a*»-ii:'u c. BUl ti pocl.ef Kay ¿.»OO by so many hour*' »labor »in«l 1 us "f time. His «me « opj is all he Mid t"r. and it coal mm h lema than the author's anting paper, and li- cannot i bl d of that <i»ae copy, rho true character ot the muh».i» "on appears: »st. l.v ti»* »nea claimautun- «It i sell nig __, by his mying the eempanilarV labor anil tin cr*, tastea's ; Sa. '<y his »haying the iminr »and the hint')oii ; 4th, by biatahing »gratia the »right to »»¦«.ii tin ump .».tioii to ihe vehi» lee, and s«-l! not tim iileii* merely--he is svelconie to tin in.hut theseiy u.tdruil h.i|iience of words that »eonreys rtaiii idea*, and il of n.on <>mhi<rrinl rata* than all the ve¬ hicle» i ii together, each of vslii.ii vchklr* be pays for. By tahing that ralnable rii?ht -mt is he comes into legal colliaion with the antbor.wno is in posara sioa oftbe sole Habt to do that thin it, nnlcee ant- law« «1 »m the »spot fur having lan fulls oütie it. Noa Vales eonelndea, ont of the depth* «>f his iitiii i eonseionsaena, that an author is .and al way a waa, a dog, and the publie »pnre-haaer a man : so ha miers, naturally nongb from that satumptlon, iii it our forefathers ana nothing hut the « mhn <>f 111 one mon coi» a rued, ti it I am not «ml of ni.» -ens« s; and tin v li 11 me I liât ai milln»! is not a dog. hut a man, and fa« waa «ia ps »noa, a (treal matter in law, one of svh'M maxims ii: /naaaaN fon melun mteeadl it pSBaidi a'»-. LAW AM) NKI.K IIN'i I ITM-*. Forfßo the blind <*_an__ptioa, < «mi radi« till hy our sen-es. that au «iiihoi is a due, and »tee l»«»sv Law «leal» »sith naanJis yoga or eonflieting titi«*» betwean man and mun. A has often a _oo«l till« ; hut Ha hcttcr. alni l.vsv con »taut l.v halan«. ». Bye, lind ssiih great ni» « t.», »reapeotable titles; und préféra, no1 the sscaker, a* V,»«**. proposes, but the Itmnger. It is «ape« ulating ;»..ii.:-.t commnii SB-SS ami rating (hu comitun an natoís of Aincr.«*am» and Bngliah too lunch hclow their Kreuth eotcaip.rarieotoBarasse that they loti'd not have dons a* in*1 B thing BS l-renchmeii dul, and (¿ticen Anne's Parliament a;» l»n«v««l. could tiot have balsnffd these t»»«» »titles and jTi'tciri'd the thhr legal titi«-, solidified hy Bcenanney, iu a land when l.iv. »both »tbhan. divestituro and reals implied coir ruc..*« a* exchai got of »äquivalente» Ou ttu- contrary. my liiuliii;' (»hservatioii show ni» that our am »- ton of tim oomaaon Ina did »laid a »lufaaa betwean th« juill.<> r's preeadant t. le* pin- »posamkn-, Bad the jnatnnd »large Uherty ¦ quired i».» ih<> publi« par» ehssgr; and «U<1 not timl« irate either «.-(ililli, t i »_- claim. I lind in old tunos the word "copyright*" uuil I find no m li svords as "Bpiopertj in i«ltu-»." and bo auch »thing, except in a »patentee. I Pud ihat m the sixteenth .in»l »seventeenth <.« muries the piril¬ lie, pun lissai «'t a rotunas could take whole ohspters verhatiin, and the whole eosBpo- siii.»n hy »rewording it. Or ha eould taha all the tliltrnt i»h as, and half tho svords and liri tit thein in an ahrid).'. mciit. In liatn*.*. wb«_K copyright at law is sdmiited, Btephitnns had no m«*«I»-, under the common lan. airain. » »Scapula for thin, though it ruined bim, ami killed bim. The English »readei ««."lo bridge, »adapt, i iiwlate,re¬ word, tura uiioiher man. »story »into a play,and »printth*play,ete.,etc. lena find no »property in bare idean But I do timl that our forefathers wera not out of their mott. They had eyes j tins sa»» that tahiti** the author*! i.v stun!*, ami also his title, am! »also hi.* reputation, »crushed ii«»t his inroraorea] right», alone, bul a wagoBfload of »material »property lawfully created hy ih<* «»111,'iiial proprietor, <i hil emigi e, »under Ins i »sole title to print. Tin» sim h ii. ni ax a violation of Title jins «Occupancy. Io Elizabeth, day, th« j l»tihi* of QuiTtpnabury, wnoso grandfathei multiplied »copies, and lett them hichina about in other banda for ho reara, and Ali not pnoti hi .;.-.'/. rouldmost likely bare betta .ulnnl..*.! t«> baveaoi idonedbia t..).» ,ir!,' fra Baal of that very nae ami ¦. npam », »»linli kates i»n und* operate«] of old m forfeiture. so wide is this illiterate »ass from all ree ived com¬ mon las*, examples of »property madi common, und from lix« tin" mind of Buiioultj « OMMOH LAW Hit 'MY. Common law equity is of every »aga] and a fah hey to the antique mind supplied by a modem CMC " Ssvri t Igt ('.*.t<'r.'- -i".:<!i*:i'.i.'tl ii, »»»m . I the righi te create and publish bo edition of ¦ thonimnd v ».'in: », M Sugdenon Powers." a\tior al"!!«'. und not «t s i ty short time, lie »»«»Id I simi'.ii righi to Cuter, Bweel moved the »-souri to r.-<ttiii" futur. There was no poeslble remedy ondcT the Copyright Ad; for Cater was -Sngden, who bad retained hi*- Copyright. The Judge talked loose, ina- ural«* language, bat ha want in principli when sion« the tiniiiiy l.t.v, out of the «Copyright Is. into the Inw of impliid contia« t. Snml«n had sold »Sweet the right to print and Mi an edition. Bul now, i»y exercising hi* undoubted >t tiitory ii.,'ht, he haiicd Sweet's ..nie of »soma "f tin» rolumee erented in »good faith. Tho Court Kstnined Catar. Thns th« »sommon Ina i»i « oatraets, vs'hicb is tho law Yates baa himself sp- pealed te, oiert(iwireâ the Copyright .ti»' .'n a topprighl ui-i ,* .»nd iii»* very fame eoaity, founded <>i» eommoB lass, -barreddirastltnia "f copyright by publication iii ul«l 1 nu *. That « «l'th.s mihi, i.« d <»»n fon '.. li« i - Omagh ihm tratet, .Inst nun, abort peetthe lass-, )i. lim f.s it. Law, in their si. ..», ajusl »bmm. This just-tan »guvs the author, or his Bmiguee, the »sole righi to print and publish ». tbonsand volumee; if. the moment he _ried te sell, th »jnst nun, all» '1 the law, bad robbed the author of his sole -iii. tin*» just man would has«- hceii »perflilioua ami inn I. i what ! aaeonraaa n man te print, by admitting his »sole right, and then rob hito of hie powei i«> sall the rolumee, na well usof bia sol« right to »minti Thii would have hean a worse wrang than *»»»e«t-*: foe he waa Bal »printed on tot months. Koa Yates would hr »eh his filiani unthill«' l'irnt« <»i I'iii- Publicola tin» moineiit after publication. Not one word of all titi- in oflered to thal copyright at common law existed in piinied books ; huton!-, I»» shoa Low unsafe i* the mi thod of th« »scboolmen, and baa **.«-1 « i « «>f the marh the airogtint aopbi-»t »pues who tillie* mv Lord »Bacon, mnl n'usons à priori aboat a simpl« hiatorical fact thai can only he hettlid by eri'ltnu \»¡un;.!l i. dom*. Clf.4lrl.l-- 1,'i'Ai'K. ¡ovilon, Auk. 7. 1**7.,>. DRAMATIC COPYRIGHT, MR HALTS BÜ8IXEM MAMAQER BEf (IMtm nan CABTK At. IN U »BOSg MU lill.. To the Mi it <>t of 7 he Tribune. mu: Perhaps it would l»e a vi ty pood thinR lu»»«* a dramatic critic waa «iiouid n. t »aaly n lungs of tlamtrical ait. bat al Uwaad eqaity. »»Jue- a eritk inlithl ileiule iu a tungie arti« le, nut only v. i.i-t li*, r s ;>lu>- wa n .'..ul. (»lit s< hu »SB nt.'l it ai ii »a» l,u '.t Id tlir eopj : gill. He mi-flit lafotn the «paBUc in lb» »nu. ttitU i*m » in tlnr hu act»* p'.ayt l weil, abetbef bli alary oagtil to be paid aa_a<tar_aj at iaaaday, and whetbes in aas f.mi.» tiii».i i»i tantluesam laheareala »Maaagers eould refer t«* ih'h all theil il!*ticult1e8 an«! ttlnpiltea, k" at iitnl -in ill, Wlttl ant tho expensa and delays nf the law. ti»««. >peat»-en «»f tilt», foin», m <1 little m ii jinlir« aoaüd Le «ii.« «if lurent huiii'i ts hiiu-t-T and prout tu the prof« »»inn. Vt.ur o** a diumat- rit e evnit-ulij- ii»|ur«-a to fill »SSBM un h ultu e se that which I bare deseril*« I, fee hu aerer in» n'.i»tan the rirtb Avenue Theater of l.u«» »girtna JadgBBmt »« re "Ko». **In lu In tu lui j,;i¡». t, t,*.» -t i. ti» '. lee of the Vokes »l_aillj,appears tbe followliiif )nilii lal de« laloti i M lh« gat -tion if Mr. I >. _v -* riK'iit to brtag out 'Kon* Mid.el,' tin- inn. h drama vii.n ii Mesara Hh.Mih & »Pelares of the t'liinn -j«i»uit-.' Theater have pun ti .«»ed fnuu the nutlmr Kiel wlilih tin y ui,iii:t.titi ttiiit tht-v can ItKaliy lml'l, ia to l»e tSBted al law. Die eiiuitj of theran« ia « rident Mr t».,l» hu« righi to Hie pasy." it paar draauNts erith,. naaM n «. t in Ii-e in fjiiitt* »»ere »>nl.v |_«*riei,ill», n ».»» 1,1/ »I, what tt ile .1 ... tune, tr »uBIe. uuil BOBO] '.ia JadgBB_Bt ltd nt»*! " i h«» .¡uity of taaeaee a tsitieni Ifr.D > lies ae right to tbe play." Tbat »ssttleBit Tnalawysra wiD j . j'iick np tliulr pap* »a an»! eli 'tr ile «».uri ! Fur i-«- it from lue, v. ho bare hnown and »Sored him»«» l.*ni*. t<-«leiiy ttnit yum unlit* In.» .»,r> -"oaatMa «iii-iltl e iii'.'ii lot the pontina tos destosa ; imi k ips ¡ h a 111 i:i|..ii in«, for 1'cu.iiidlug h1i«i iha» le 1. »in ,.., »n t». «Bl Lol li BBSS, of» < toa lu lore j-'Uitiif 111 Vim ni. Ile Uni**» »II ».'lout Me»aia. KlioflK A I'.t'nie*! a aide. I'ln») »a> 11.«I tiny ha»«* l».UK)it fit.ui a Fttniti uiitli».i ii». Aiu. mon Hjjbt lo It 111 i»Tu> in otker w..nà». lUrsj Lu». Iwatght sot_e__ag whtoh tam Pranub aatbar »lid not pos BBSs,and akleh, Boaaeaeeotly, Iwevald not »«iii i l'on tina ps« tiiJo i.ui.ihass they li»*e their illili) l«i aa I iiiiJyli »oiai'iuiyf UM klvuitb pug s ¦_.!*. ghidk VtltlM h'v« !, lieen .)u«t i* aood, In law. If tti**y liad nevPT bought the Preach play. Then thev «o a*>out t In eui enies; that they »in ti«»! uni/ priKtu.e itieirown rarsten, nat sin steven! Mr. linly 'rum product.!* hi« But, yet thes»- Ihn iU ¡iii mili tv uni» No in w pap luve pan«t*d upon eil lier miiIc Mr. Dalv li -, mithin/* to interfere with I ii |«r«««ltic- ti.-nof .. it mt Mi« t*l,Hexcept tit« rathet preumtarajudg Iii« «it ni .linn illa), le lilli Wksl la Mr. Daly'i «ideofthi Huryl Why. BVrelsus t ni if «tai nu thal foi vo'it laogala «¦.uiitv hu« nut waited to lieu it. '.Mi.D.ily lum no i ¡».lit to the pla)"- tbat is üe ii,. Men. Mr. lad) hi» paul s mmdeatof iii,«in v lor Hu i«i«ee: tut im iniilt«!. Mr. W. it. Booth, one or the liest ( »nyrlghl m \> > « in la tin mntry, tbtaka liiatiiilit lii.liapui.t'iile ¡ luit'«'tnatter. Leaned eounML te whom Mi. Ualy*! t m has beea «ni« a Itted, « i tin u leaeetoar «lut.t-'it: hut bo Matter rua CO rrtght law anani lo be la Mr. Daly'i fevers but na mntUr. Your erith i*,« baa decided the rasa "He. Dall «p. n right tn tin play.* liten whet ure Messrs. i-tfinok «V Taillier «Voll. In Ml'i'lltl M .li life tin) lilli* "Interviewed" sad nuakm« ilatemeutsl "/hi i;«»» iit down calmly sa t « t> '!¦. nu the big omtitelM af Tus iiiiin aa erltii ¦ km« t, ai»<i k«> on w ii ii their ru¬ le .11 tobt and advei lisios I Let me.wit li Bo «tontempl "f (he court, with «< «li«r«* .*,-. «T i hi* Honor, the critic.wl wier in y«ui ««iiioiisl ear the »tarni nr hifermatloa thal M**a»is *«ii-.o»i «*. Palmer no1 only li Id bo exclusive copyright m Ihe play ni .. Boee III n«-1." trat tuet de bo! bvi ii bold a eopyrigbl ia t m tllleuf ti« i«.-.« if thel ion in advertise II for pro lot -111111 tat fu-ir thi iter.aa lut nu« t ii.n .**. ill lu-at once ¦pptlill lor by lae ri-i,: .\Mi.-rii .>» (lu- «ni.« rliiht. The* are now darna tin ir Bdvcitl las irreup' rMibfj* mat irratub tin: j. through such genial eriilcs as votua, Bvohltng those dnn-emn* «muten sod paid sdvertWments upon which un spplioatlotl f<«r un 11 i.i ii ii* ti« na coull! Im' luineit. Hut lins l*. eiitn, h between twraal* «- la pabBe I ¦¦.lull bj in« tit«t to bow (ollie «|.< Mon <»f tit«« ' '«nil: "'lite «unit) of the ease Is evfcleat.Mr. Dalj bas ni righi t«» the pla.»." \. ,ei in« i, -p.. i; is* Mil lui " will lie praeUoed here sa the 7th ol tleptember. Toora, toiibfallj. BiaraoB fiiks. HJth I Mam Then'er. Auf!. 17, 1**75. [Tlii* mannvei'S of the In inn Square Theater, we gather from printed and aahhshetl ovldeesm, have iioiiiiht bum tim I lentil author, M. Ebnest Btnaa, tin l'teneh «Iran a of *' Rom Mi« In 1 :" ami they have announced tlnir intention to produce it ni theil theater. The Bumaga of the Fifth A\etiuc Theater has 2i\<-ii imtice of his Assign to ptiaont the earns play} ead we reeeieo tho bformetíon that litiga* lion ti» ( BSUC between tifie partie» ¡ih to this sub¬ ject. I'pou this «tat« of fnete.and not canna the bom Of a (upper whether " l?o«e Michol " ia pr«»tlu.¦< -I at lim Union Square, or the Fifth Avenue.or ut both «>i uni at all, WO have expie*« ti the opinion that Mr. Daly has no rii/ht, in eqtl'ty.w liativer riifht lu« in:i> boro at ant the- dmme thal Meosrs. shnoh. \ Palmer have bought. A*« long at Eugland, Prance, ead the United Wetm refuse to protect the property of anthon byan intorriutionnlcopyright Uw,thal )»io]>» rty will be plandered ob botholueo of the Atlantic for, though temporary Justice may now and then l»e afforded, then (an be no perma¬ in nt cuiit v iti the Ingenious expediento by which the advantagi « of lah rnntionul Copj right aw soaae- timmsought. Either we lune snob a law,orwi haie not and if we here net, then auch rights of anthon m inch ¦ lan would «protêt tren ila anpro* Iii ted. lu t liii paiticuliii cate :k ili/t "i llame baa * «Id to a ( iti/eii of the United Stab U U piece of Uterarp pioperty. Othei ritbtens of tho United j Staten may have a perfect legal righi toatdtt Bad nu it; but when we my that they lune equit¬ able righi to do mi. we venture to think that we uttei the opinion of all honest,fsit minded rúen. -Ed.] _ TEM Winn. MOUNTAINS. MIK TWIN Mol.MAIN HOI BE, a utaoB Aiii'M'ANn ai m», ni i-i ¦» »envíen OB st MiAY-iiiour ii ins. MB. ni i-in ii'« ami «i mi ra, |t bob \ - ira tu t i'itR! «fi'-i'i m m nu ramuun.] Twm Mountain Hocoe, Cabboll, n. ii.. a m«, in.-Kiuiy hi« monung ths tust of las t**tyuioutb ( party, wha obbm te the White Mountains foi ti»« ¦pt «i pal pou al aeeempanj in«-* Mr. B< ecker, tool» ths li .i. pii'oui. Wallace] u_lt« and Jacob B Marrar,wHh lot r famtlleat took the *) ». m. train for haws bj tin iNiy sf Saratoga, hartag pra4ret*«Md theh rttt tey*n>d Duli orlgtaal parpen In arder te spend ont mort ianuaj unii Mr. Hauthar ïcste«rea/ Ihe bmuu eui (pounds h'fluid to lie lilieli Of «.tollu. in, sdegaats preparations having Orea niadi m i. sirs Hie .. «i Multitude »»imii rame In flam ..ii directions w .tiiin ths spaeeel atout an hour. Twelve can linn from Parti and, and tun addttieual can nan attached at Borlh Daaway. Two trains atoe .".me over Um Buetoa Oaueerd ami Montréal BaUroad tliiin til«: Went. liny I. IM » nlllil lu -pi «'« Bl «;¦! it!iin n ia«!: i of 15 b m wa* brought totoieojuJa.U All ina etnhlee of the betel and of netghhorinfi farms eera tiled, and there wen long Hamo! leans Mtcned to fanes poali hu up and doun lbs rand, The neat remarkable thtag about the «erriet na* the rfect viimiiiity and d. wlnch <jtreTal'.ed ««... when both urtthln the honu and all around it Mjrowa .i.-, taiii.ti and that of athen congrnied the statement msde by Mr. IV a i.« r li n ton m i" peet km* cut ii. roi .-. sad At reply to these win« (objected '«> laen sasautala p.. »«.. h nu Um granad nutt they ruetanuged flabbath- breéJrJng. "Miiatciei." he said *. ni i> sa hut resuttaf obsert stlon st the athel ends al the inn*, mj oseere» ii,nit, at tin« ti«'! eanrtnei mo Ihnt'll »mt tia ) "inn;, tho frivolMU, and tim ga] ulai iona lure for the Bake af a Onndaj eicai lion, bnl ¦oher-nlnded pimple »lim sbum rrrerentlj to wor httj (..m1. If thej tli-tniii the \ illili.*. * uta! og, the) eeTtataly do not distara ns hare." I neHherann bot beard anj thing w lil» H would bara ham coiaKidi ted lodeeoreni it nu m. rrrowdi «l Bi iv Englandohmeh. II wai ot Boura rertnlnl) nutii latarday timt there would i*' sacar* .ian trains, sud stoolntelf ne pi mratloB Iü.<i bei t: mnii« t.ii eetretrtsUna Baluru i.» erealufl II «xt prapesed m Mr, ii. aehej üiat li» sheald «-t md na ti««- plazsa and ii. .n h to the people on the ground! n front bat, :»« tin« piaua la exposed to tim wandin ngtbi lioun «it «errlce, It waa thought best not t«i nant anycnaage, Itthetn had brea aajr sattahla groes ht !'««. Hchütyhe w i -.m u- d that, bul tin Is nona Tot parior Windows wera thrown wide open, and n verr large number rtood nr sat »«ut-ilde ami beard the '¦eiiiinii 'li,, platfom stood dheetly lu the parlor doorway, and Kr, Benmar*! votos mag tltotiaetlj tbroagh khi bread and inn.«.' luiii way, whtol waa daauaij packed \»itii pt opto. Vitiiiiiiii Md oiit.-iii. «\ci.v vniii um hnabed e\njit tin preach r'a :inJ UM Btonm um us comph*l( i, ,u n cMbedraL it wai etIdeal, aowerer, thal um all who were present cam« foi lou or admiration of Mr. B t-eber. i A stud) oi na-1 on jit '»'.'«»nil showed h««ii,i ~< ree li i rit- i.iii'.u«-. On* energetic looking old lady m1 directly fu it!«.- ti.«- pie la-i. «tadrlns bli roontenanca a* weU m bl uor.ipi carefolly, um alrntg ¡i kioti of dissamtor a i-elpeblr »neri to msnj of bUarsumcnts; lmt whea Mr. Bee» bei ipeheul thereufflonsti rn Bsant,an I Inltatedad- mu «my iii«- co; nil iiiiin «¦ «if Hie « titillions Christian ahowss «:v«i dtnoiiuclnji toyo» mess, nal t-u-r onibe v steh ii i* 11 Ah ¦-. i*!« old laaj wa« foñed M smile, and n- ii «comed te enjoj tua net of th< sermon, lin pt mi i-«i tent will b ta « it Sunday, sini lb* . , ,. \ \\\ Im .x.'.tlt 11, m «I Then «!!i o, Bddirional ntrrtirstiiB trains, bwwerei snd it u reiy deabtfal if mort ,i, ,n lo come will c able to hear lb« s-tni it Nothiun ol .«nan.' ucnt« Ibej han for potilli n-rvlee« ut u ramp-teeetlng *mii meet the dematidi if tin.- o»> -ii'ii. lia weathertodaj Nu« i«« eharmtaga thangb mum- .Aiin lmt iii til« ma. It wa* the purpoes af Mi H rcbet lo go np Mount Wmhlngton this afterneon and pam the Bight but the h U sttoos of s cloudy Mernina to-morrow prerentod lum. Al bbbKiIbi prayen !>ir ahueaiu of ta mill .i Li« ( » na« no'!« «sable, ead Mr it, echa-i «ii «m ii tn mi it. Ifler thei*hfse of theeaerrtoea,he mm itaed Um eeatei of a little srotip D*¿ased lu ronrersstion, in iii, tonne ni this cob» i" a, Mr. r.iailnr ti lull ii personal ad- venture, which .-lit ii« li hsveeen'ed »«um llluatnttlo_ it bia remark* ii.e othes ili> nu .n,i . n. ..,-,i ti..¡ le n » m time' u !..;..« n».i.ii ti-11« «i tu.andltiiulted lilui uni iii» «if. m his Bwa parlor, lu su InMaot be iMr.Beechei sroee.fma*pcd the ctorsymBnby Um Lah í iii n- « ..««ted j, lu to th.- Bruni door, aim k1 k«rd bim OUt Of I ti« " .li'« face. M- In- in \|. li .1 ; i.aj,,^ li:in~,»tf iu Ifsecher'« rrasp, sod iii« look oi tom» .- ha *.i .i.« in««.! .. i pitched doe n thi front step*, a en so indi um» ii; it Mr li chet returned lu ti parlor, iii« anser \ sol bed»and the aboli affiiir seemi-d «o ludí- «ron»! Hi.ti lu, "rolled upon Mi* floor liku j.!;«, und laiirrhcd "'] hi slinosl ii " .-.til come," ««Bill Mr. Beecher. Jnmelni np; ..In-r* we ara wasting the BMira nji in «uri« In idle ipnvi .. ti ., ben it« mu i- tin« cbh I "l-i« ! ««i lit ha rai II. And these who delight m «he «..»tin. notwIlhstsiMluira on till,^- .«ill:, eil alatli tu tin- lli.(lut ti ni. Mi. la i-riirt b1 is *ji"-«1 bowler,aa tv proved i*«iiicIu*Iví*!j li Hi' li ii '. ala, mi «»ainiilu;., TI li* li :,c lui .«, \,i.| pal ila»« » uii whom In i la « ed im - ii ".«1 ij »in inert were aa ami ntl Dumber of yuan, im n at ths ii"t« ahapp* areul for the -»onus luiii« t, ino«! oi ni.i bavi t«. if«-,--« int n,....ii mi,, i BMiall/ foi p.!. m-1« in tin d na c. Tn. rara occasion w i- i. eb alni bj n .'i««imán," which it.,« <i .i i,v m r«.iiiilr««. iront ntahltM hal .-n i.'l Mu- ia_c this afternoon Heretofore Wtn « «äeechersnd i .! Orimrtoti jr., bsvc »>¦ en ihe baoip n ri-tin mien of tin ratler, lind n ban cn I to oompele «uli Mick ui - '.ti Bngl rs, riwj 1 »Vi D.iW .«nn-l.ut.II.iIi-. I'll. Al l.t.r V lilt.-,« li«. bete wita hil Mother Mi- -. v winn of Brooklyn. look a rade pole, Um and book, ami wita a grueaboppet lora iKit, pulled a trout over a fool long oui ..flin* Atutía m.«..«m-, |n*t in ti XiI nf the bOUSC. It w.i« tin !_?.. «i il«ii of Iii«» .c.-i.ti. mai »,.,v BOOB Hut. ah an t' m a. and tor ll-.nni: la« ! le. alni linn were Ben riiHliiiiK vtiidiy toward tlie run and the mouuUIn .tiieuui* with Hu it int.iltt au ftn« u,in tin i .u snd «.iii. reds It m.m», cm«! im n «inmiii, ni, i kan i, ti« ,, i Ibeugb ni uiir niora ti n.i iffin^ ttruugbl m.« tin I, * Ailinn.*, tin arrivals at the Talu Mouutuiailou . are: In. Bradford -an wife, « ..-ii i- ,! Html, Ml** I II lain and J «. Km, of Jfaw-Yerk, OweB h Housblonof Hi ¦¦>'.. 'li, A *f (lilli latin of .Iel -el ('It Hint a M}rtgSjj n..| .|,i ghtOI 0! Wtis'l "..'. M THE AMERICAN CHINAMAN. TIÎE ¿.HINFaSFa ON HIE .PACIFIC ELÁSFE. rilHWI mou. in sas rUANCibCo-iiiiitrajii» or mr opium ni ss. ih:sckiiiion or OMI M »moh¬ íno.the HOMI. '»F TUB »-inga iriton a sr*ir «'»bki .«.m»*.*». <»r the ri*in.f.*«_.l »San Fravci**--!*, An*,'. 7.-Col. ¿Ubd-tBoa'l iK»aition ct ve« him aaanual aurdBaagasla Um way at efe» » ullin*,' iititt iiiip'irtiriK iiif.'rni' regas-tagthnOUnasBi uiul although ins iii» -ileuce«, related lu a pru.lou* »letter, »have little to »to with mj- nil-Jocf, I eannot ac, lio'.v I could s»ell Introduce, lum stittn.llt !. Ung Miiue- tlilnjt-tlie «nuller piirt, t>"ln\«- mo-«»f Iii« hUtory. It waa with Mm that I m ni» Hie ein tilt of (liliisfo-tn a ha n. ¡t-.-". uiul to bun I am uni. i'i"l fur uiuili lu im m.».:.' .i not sviihi'i Ihstaaahnf thanrdteary abaarvaa*. Tua »Irst »plum aaaantteaas »the CMnssa Thaaten Tin-I»,...illili i.t ' e of my recoil", ti..11 »at this Bight- perioiui.iuic'ul the lil. :it. r Unit llie " Il..ilt»eii (lilli««)" the benesBsenave BM teehnsanaara tasatp«dalla»r I lj.>l«t »stSSS two luiOOm pi'"*, » two*-ent ropi»er j.leee, itli'l a liilinltei of »II » er cilia. I lecilted til«* tivo- e. nt i»i. tv im a ii vu mular «..lil pk « e. 1 tlltl not untie« Hie nick until I ja-ot hick to the ti'it« 1. Atlilep-o'l Kay» It I* a common thiiij.; f»»r Chliium ti t<» " plus " B WtStB 1"«» ¡ile in that war, and (hat I BBgM lo bars BBSSBVarad Hie irni»..»Itlnn at the tin e, a fact lam ,.«ly to admit. I n.« «I not ilc'i'iii.e tie*« «n the play. It lia» baan I -ne iiariiiii nii'l anani. 'Iii» le ssa« tin* »inn»! monolotiou« »pounding of Ulta und block* of wood ; tho annie ludo- K*rlt'i«1)h' ..iiiMlug bp* the actor», ».Illili »nobody under- .»; tin* »»* tim.l.liiiK »mil :icroij,!tic hate' the «nine foul odor«, and the weird BBBfasaH-HM which have I.n daaarlbed many »Urnen-, « IIINK»E IDO Lt. Ki on: tia gtoutur AM vent to the principal church <ir i,».»a-|ioUi«e, a s-iy l.trgo building «levottxl no1 ¡«lone to ¦».», »iiiii, but to aiino*.t evaspparaatt. a cook hou«.*, a lii.»i>l!..l, a moue.» « bangtag «»unter, ami a iuo»i*ion abapaaanp- »1 rartana pertlsas of it. i »should notut» Icuipt to «let-cribe what I baw in lilla lO-H-hoUm lou for the fuel that there li.«« uot lieu, Um» far, au.» »sd-OUatS ni. a »siren in tim Baaspapera of tin* «»iij eti and purpnaas of Hie «merni »Igatee lu the Nunile iiinl Hie billet« of Hie < lillie««* ntnl tlit-ir leliicliiiia pmctiees. In the ti.lui «tory of a ii ni icy buBdlng li OAtg of win-hip. UptfefM ti 11, i 11 s of «tail«, rieUcty, aera, ami in.» »« ii, und i iii.t'ii'li «lark pa* -itgcs full of ulckenliii; odon«, 1 reach« «I a «, dreary« inyste.-i'iii«, and «¡lent js_r_Mp_anBB of this _»**yBlerlenaandanperatttlens peapte, Hen sadthete in the len,(»le a ililli tupee huuied, hut there were no llghtl iu lho Inillti, »lan», mid pn*nn.> a, nn«I the dick« rin«? Hiin'i » only added t" the oppreeslra .uni, if lasaj weall It. ghostly fssMug tbat svertook me. Everything -boat the p.«ce w11« d< ci'ledly spooky. The »Bight Itadtfll »Lok The busy city, »mil al ______ Jeta of ifi»»*- Bar» roiii.ttctl it«, and ml ¡m mol bvctv ahere, except Loth.i »holae «»f i«l'»ii«, »there aere Hebt aa4 hf«. fhenratggarete he bbsb ¡it the head «f the laat ill,ht of »»tiiii«, ami I* ciiiid »Um QuardlaB «>f »UmTemple, »n- iii« Guadiana, ii«« hu«.-. »hmjjhtag »maagenuni e, »and is attired la a ii hi »robs end head «-"».r.iiK Brerj wor- .»ln|»i lit« lililí Um templo places the clid.a ..f lu» Unirem »together and s»¡iii hi» haada i" fen his bres t »prupitiatea tin ¦ "io! hy »baaing ihn a thnes sad u-ttmbliags »prayer the »,lino Hun*. I.n h »IgarOi or »group of ggoree.iB »...»»reit 1>y it tit h c.iiiop) of »ilk ill a fr.nne or hOBOf «..mill ".»«»ixl, in «oin« nant itcbly omsBieuted a if h »fold and «-ilsirr. »Passing from »ii«.* Oaardianof the Ti «pie to another part of the apto, ae n teoei the "T. mty". lire, Air ami Water. The I1i-t tin.neil li..* a vei.v rut face, .: lil;»:, a-SBBStS ami a s cry tlcli rinincd look. Tin- Bgareeia ata. .resemble th»- MeagaB-M. Tlmfanm ami ..lin i parts of the Linly \i.i».|e ure iniiili; of »».uni .1 paphi mu« le iiinl ate tie», li ii ilk ii« the «Olll- p'l'Moiii of the ( hincan. Moat <»i ti.o Igares hu\e haag uhJakcra An eraparat «»f china, be¬ im« the ( hnaliili »;i, ilecii-ed Hint llii-te «hoilld IK) no wbia_era »»urn in tea empirai ead ihn deeree foil»»sved tothapreaenl >Ijs »uamltgmus duty. <>ci _slenaU] au t-i-l Chlnunum ».¦. n a ii h »» hls-i ia, »hal lu* a renegade not ta good brer. Priâtes, gorentorn, iad kin.» »»ere aUowadtewam »vi k>r«.aad th«* »Mola,helagaapertae halngs Uhe iln* »prim «¦«, « te. up* larabihed '»suh a »huaatt» tal supply, Tbe aeten ee lho stage aleo BBBcrnlly wear s»iii»ker» »hseaassUm) i> lateenl tin* hhdMrelaeaea Iks m.iii.ii.r.ii language la wheUj aaed on tee ______ etagai niiii feiil liiiha of Hie ititi* :nii!i in un.I» r*.and u* Ut- li» if It its the i:in-l:»'i »p. i.'.ilii.- »i-ilol. iii». Alt* ami Water at HieTrinit» greatly »resemble pi« tun*» «>f the sa» ior. The »mt lip«r. in:'»'»T fein ii», propitiiit» »'li of »threetajarss. As ahjaet helagto ward ad laatrna» tn.ti t.r îii.nif» i.y iii» ihre* ilnaiialB Ths worshlpera ti-, li. if »ilk, tine. Ililli. IT »ililli!, ga Io the li.'Ule of __B_- ».u'lu*. the great amétetammaa. ii«» ata Banar a oaaagp ii - ». the BdmrBj ob » *«ort of t »tom erith u »soaatei trtefore 'n,!- li. baa rather a pjraarageo-at _ai_*e,a_d_iriehly Bttlred, in hi* band he hohl* ;i pill, oin eauagjk im- »saox i.» w.»i;...v. Pi» "¡»mt »propttiaUag »tentnon) ii (.one tbraagb t*ef_m »t . i«i«.i, »»htch Um last one rtaltod. They bave aa usa for »anything uhUa tbey are ._e_, The lie a; I Ililli.- «WO .lait «I »»;«a Hie (¡ «.f ( i»iiilnelce 'I'l.l* la »»i T*)i I p. ti try those waa hasre ¦."».«i« «m tin .* »n ft ctni nui».lift.» mUors ".' nsea aga - »» n»> have »rargeee eil',, uti llie »'Ha or !'. 'lil I-' !"¦ r>liip|M-<l, or H.i'»n»thO ii«, e any loniaetilhw ss ¡iii »trade or Bomanaee. l adei the Miine i aaopy, umi ou iii«. Baam »U.tana. Hie »Soddem of the 1'roKtti.ite. Aliii'.at e»er\ hour of the impiagtaAoi w n ma; ha mea »hetofe tins n....r.-. lll*l«»!V I SHS KI» IN S\""l». V.V in xt pü-itil t»» h larger aparttneal thoa any we had »i-it«*«i. Tilla rontahni- ihe lii»»or> of China, la a earn taff elnlinnitt« I'nl '.pensive. 'I bl re »»ere it »gnat in my Igurtn «urved out of wood unit |Uded Theae pre- «« ni«') »tbelgnres being about sislBesaa »Ugh all Mat exalted ebaraetemof blatiay, toga, emperors pttoera .-nid prim»*»-»'», dawe io u lute »yartod. TMa work u irreaUr »¡jrlud hy Um Chlnaasi »sad iM i" »have c«"»t a ¡.ti.» -iiu» »if nun»-*»', «ni.i'h »Iguala iili«tnpli»1 tobo nail: :»yed »omet lim*/ pi« .ii of I he Bet or eil tor »vliich »the orlgtaal la eemm*morah d. nreae-t ri_ltedtheMG i «>f \V:iia," a piTtuitoii« utile fell«»«»', »Mih ii i- <i bree and a rurji -flttc iiuinni r. This tateinl«**l to r.pit.eit i!iell«»l- knnp of H»« Chinese »raUgloa. True, iho ggure not iiior» ithsa wo feet 'j'-, i»i» ii« ¡»itiliult: gi\cn the hn- preesion that it think» »Itself bj big Mauynady. Hu «li. »-ed lu ni in*.r, mid all around th«) gio- lion« panoply of star. In one limul the »pad »sanies a anton «r »»»ord, typical of hi« pawer, one of the sBperettUoas of the paepto be«.g lliat ».. Inn ha «li. i»'- Ina "-won! a nioii».inil p. op!»* fall, in i-i of any s»ar m ii..iinie, the p. opie »propitiate Mar« sad bog to be protected. The »Best Idol ri-ttcgwaathB ..i.ioiiuii iievii," win» ii avery baportaat pereoaage. Hu!» n,.o eordiag t.» the«Thlaese,le to hsram anti di-tsiih the ¡ni. lu «.riler to prereat tin« tim fi '. lal» of the deeeaard hís.'e to propHiato linn. The chief Bmararag tstohi of the Chlneae ia abna. When Baana- ii«*r of n f ail».»-or ¦ I'liitn nii.riri« ."I dlee.Bsonruereead pricaia ,n«* lured, Mcci'iiitiK to tue itumUnged theda» eaaaed Oh nat saalrsrsary «>f Hie daatb of a »Mead the siirvnor« l'uni punk on the curtr- st..iies near hi« raiilciico and theil», »sad Hiev iii-n Innu the linly staler in.t.'.id of »BBttUg it. Winn a death «a. nit», and on the BBUlrersary ..f .try «iiuth, tho (¡i'.ntid Devil is »SBppoSsd to 1>e v. ry mm h ¦plr»aaed< und he Is only prereatod horn tn.iki'.».- the »deep "f the tarai bbc .«nfoit- iiiiie hy seta <>f »geaeroetiy bj »aarrrrlag »friradsj »oat -mil per.'»la iatpt »|in.!ilillt « of m c, tin m1, Ihpior, etc., .ne pined on Ha* id.d'« throne unit a-lrt n »shoal tim BtoSSta. If th.-y are accepted, lim «ti ad »sill »le. p until dm aast annlraraajp, lúa »yod has a »penitent atr.aa teaaabba had none aasset-teg ho vsm »Barry far« n«* dreased iu u »faateg laba, »»itii a haag "f ault« »about ina li» ..«I, a -t.ilT iii lil» linn.I, Bad Ii.'»ie1ii<. t »»hile almut hi« «n»:- muí walat. A .aaopy aearthal «»f »Um ii.m. jn»t d' » illa-ai i.'ütaili» Hi« .uti»'.. »'. t ii. lui na. flic alta lu » taU-Mowa Uly or lotas, baa a bttrahite face, ami lu T.-rj .*i*.'rei uhle \oot(ta$ >_gBI*e. Mie ia Wi.r.ahiped hy ih .m S ho mi e »low« ». A VOMAt lui _ ll»c|. In Hi-in I i.i'a.p» air tWB II BTM Hie " Inapiration I io«!" and the "«Bad "f Hu iTIgl ra." Th. forint r holde a a .pt,»i mid di«. Ides the li.»nora »vjth the lind Wai«. »Bath bava ta be peapttiatad la Usa» of war. tuo Hod ot the Ttgen»/' to anrsblpid aaaa la Chum than hera in »aartydayaa stoodtha«t) Ugn-r asam tram th«« iaaglea j mut rite .ii*, tin* < n, and fre.pientl» i».t n sad I OBBM Iii.- "lu;«r Mun,". i..,** .»linn!.. ii, »..Iiinl.. i. .I U> ga to thajaagles sad »la.» Um timr. ii«* »».»a ia.« «sea an a tiger's bark, ami »Um belief fe .____. skwatt tito tlgr-ra. To Um righi "i iln* i-ioi, und béante hhn Is ths nuns tan- opy, »i.uni» a urni".» lookiag tiii.-y of Btlgaffabanta toot high, ssitli n t»l< lu »ii «ml «ti ppea mouth. It la the ni" I In.»» l.ilile arid ...nut. felt pi »¦». IBt.B ii» I«*ser!te- »it hi, «nd UM r.inliali f-iip- r»lili..u of the « lila« *.- in.w lui,» appeals >*¦"> ridlealna«.-- ii» i.. lu »ttoal <>f thla iin-.ii«* <»f a i...., ead nil aiaand ii. wera etrtpa "f »perk, hattsdegani mutton rhopn, unta, ,i.*.*., tthi.-h are pi u. d Hiere to iip- poom tim iiiiimei of ih«* i»«ii«t ¡m.i pre», nt in« »rating UM \ ». m. n t.inl h'ldren It ia Hu» lulu f of those who pinn) lina, tiling» »UmBS that when Hie UgSTgBtB -U-grf he sals »Um pravnasns laataad »»f »Um ehlMraa »Intaadav», hetag »'..n. « hit ne :. .¡ni. ma, ihink« ino ra'» are mote fatatihma than tito tiger, and »Umtthaj run eti aah »'I' II» ;«. I »BBVS », "ken of all I he «[«»d», .i'nl SB lii'|iiii«/ aa t»i how tln.y «iiu.«* li-re, \»ti" OWBS theiii, i:ti I leal in d »hat they »» hrwught in m hy ah T""k »au iga u.»»iiou, sad that »I »Mi-'inda n( 'l.i'i.ira ,i- n ««lo tlii<»ti<(h Iheui eaeh fear ont of the Ignorant and superstitions people. Twice a year tim ci.'neie lui ve fessts, tv lien they dress th* J<**- Iioii«* in «jay attire. Bis paper «nant« are tinox lim,it li.« Pudding, sud tiuaei mni vurinus decoration« relieve inuili of tim dingy appearance. The ignoran» on «uch <liston« ti" to the temple with their niom-y ami buy bits if papel from the Brunis, pay it. a; from 5 cent* to gl.0. These lilt* of pup« r are burncl in fin urn, stn) tin deluded heathen think the suhl* no to the god«they wonh'p, who are pleaied to receive tin» money. The tunney, hnwevor, prolialily goes to liny coolies anil prt/Htlt it»-». I learned Hist from BttgOBB io **.!0,000 »re paid 1».*. ! he lower tl.isv* lo thi« way eveiy y«»r. CBIBBBB (»I'lt'M IiFNS. By ths tims we had ymm IfeffUUgl tin» Jo«s-house the an nhtg nee urti aigh epaad it m as prapaaai tent shotilil mut go into the opium den«. It UMprebuMp 10 n't iot.k, or perhaps butfea barn i.r«r. dusurasusaM they would tie in full Mast The tat WO UUBl h) UM m ar tin« theater on Dupont «t.. I think, 't whi a place to In« '«mi ntlicred. It WSa a room BhOUt -I fe«-» t«y ten. the eelllni«- being no1 mort« than iii nr MvauUMtfTeM the floor. There wau nut a wlutlow lu tin-rnnni, and the en tia'iee BafSUgb a narrow «lour, i! IWB a «stintt ílkht of rattan «tair*. nie room ttsstf v m foul to s degree i could ItariMy hnagBM po«slli!e. Tin- floor na« damp and «llppery. The eiillni? mid wallu *.iere covered with s Kiiniy moid. The only !i»«i¡»« wera hoM dlsganeuuj oil ctiiiH, with wicks Hunting in them. The ptoprtotoo of fio place »ei metí !n lu-ids omi iMHt ci'ttniiicr. He luy on a loiter BUBB, willi lils head proppe! up ntth a pillow reek- nifC In ''lili and IWSrBBtng witti vetmln. " I have brought," anti hndsnen, ssalraastug him, " «.»me Kast- m geuthUUeO to «co you." A Chinaman Is nain lally bospitalilo and polite, ami although that n ii. lit wo went luto the vvorst place« that Immun betUgl ever lnlialilfcd, lhere wa« not a smiy word or nu amim««i expreestoa hmtheireeeupaaM The ki per of the opium den win* half gaus with the de- Itotoai Intoxication. Ill* eye* were «utilii-o and half closed, tint they iiiiiíotti-d a testing of sapraasa baan Hu n ¦¦>< u ..m ojien, Étasloatag hi* j.'How, opium stained teeth, lint there wag a look of liappiiicas even there. Hin clit i.s wiro «allow ami «.unken, and I BOttM not li. Ip tliinkliij' that SB them wa« the same meld tent covered tho toot and the ceiling. It UM evident that lu-t car») ««i i«- in the wont« of Anderson, und there Is Ho «I., lilli li in lil,i i II < oinpli liilideil ! Ililli, lint SaaB -A lit« -Him nu liai«) in -- that i doaht if lie would have changed pi.u e-t with the ni«iit favored on rai tit M In heaven. Ho tried lo if re«-» ii-, lint it wai a di oil effort. It was a ht muffle between his )io«pifiiitt.v and iii* dressas, ordinarily he voulit hale Bl Is»«'!' and offered us a pin". If we hail l«een ii coiniiiltiei lo Iel «1er hiin the Empire of ("lima. I «loutit If he vi «muí have broken ths spell which bound blas, al- I haugh In .ciuM hiive d.ine so with an effort of will. He mad' hanover, a feeble elfin t to wave his hand, to open hi.« Igt s and to «milt. The, haud alni eye »¦ v|.t -.«.-.» Intle hospitality, wbatevai theirewaec may have un nut. and his lullt- «TM simply Kh:i«tly. AhOUt Ililli, on his dil ty pin li, wen lèverai huí.« white Jar« af opium, heldlng about three thbubtoaful» nudaeveral opium pipes; there Wire al«o two or three lampe, UuUghhM. Tin«* went for r-iistnmei« ¡ia thai caine in. There were prntiiihly nine bunks, placed one above another on thies sides >f the room, and each ano una occupied bp Chhmmsu more or li «« nu«!« r til« hlgBMKU of opium. Two or threo w«*r© doubtlOMInsenslbto,farttuir lamps had baan removed Bad theil pin« s had fallen from their lipa. '* Tin y'll have a head on t lu-lit in the tiioi nillir," saul Mr. Anderson, t»y v. liKli remark I understood that they would hive s fall- in m shoal t m li' a«l, ni * «lull, schlag foaling Toe athen weie, some of iiiiin. in the UMdltliWl of the proprietor, andaomc had lust begun to «moke. These vitr« particu¬ larly polite. On«* « f them oflVred me hi« ptpe,whtoh I took. u«iw «ifii m i*« nenKBD. 1 he pipe In wbi, n the ('lillie«« «.ke opfaun ha« a item prol.ulily two feet long, made of cane muli as certain «I-MuiC rod* are made of; about -') in« lie« from the inotitlipii c. iiliuli lu un ln«*h in disiin ter, the Imwl. Tins sppsan to he maite of boxwood, ana i* Bat unlike s «niall low collie tup, large at tint top and «niall at. the hot tom, with a tight cover Mttng to It. In the center of this cover la aeaMUh-oto. The opium is not put in the pic«-, ai might be ¦nppoaee.hnt in a utile wad on the top of iii. cover ever the hela The marher leane a Mag needle sad os the end af ii gathers from ths utile jar« a pled of opium the size SfshBBB. This he b"lds OVS! Die lamp, ami lim« mel!* and Imrn» It until it Is of the proper consistency. Then ha places Itover the bato in tho cover of the pipe, nud with hi« ne« die BUM lies a titile tiUUUgh It, which tolni th« hole in ttic i over. Then he Kuhl* it and «moke« nunga M'hen it Lime In« (épSBtSthS pro« «-.«s. i «tuoked one pipeful of opium, im. the fmaee potooaaof ti«* «.«.a. had ma.I. ... ln«.-iip-ilil«- to other iiititieuie«. and I Could not lite! rit.i'id where the f.iseln i"«tn was. iii« «ni ike of the opium in tins dauhttttgUhea threaten- tag shadow ever oar heads sad sH about us. Thestaaos p..!. v..i« Mfanulaung it it vis not Intoxicating, uuit withal It waa net nnptonatag. otîier ununa rebelled at the sttusthii iii« beda,ens at\>eveanother, with icernsly two test bet norn them, wire duty horned deacrtpttou. The ( hiiiiitnen eceupytng »In in, with one exception, a tots.leah r \t bo in*'! lu«t begaa to badalgi in the die - patton» anare aaarlj M dirty sa Um beds thej soeuptod tiiiiy one or tuotoeh the slightest Dottosofaa Tin other« «liiokeii swaj m though the] had only a BMUMut between the pt« -cul life niideteiiiiiy. Wo stand lu lina Bennearly t.ilf au lit Bl nip««.li iut til« «li "t* Hilt «Inokti «. and I could not help eontrsstlng ths happtacM they felt that Bight m ¡tu itn misery thal would overtake themlathe atomlng Tini donath m hoar theo» gai mIibi of ipbrltaaad the pains during the day m the hop«-, iiui- «l the certainly, aftta j«.»« that await them at Bight. Tit« other opi'ini dens we vi»ited, half a dozen In nura- bar, wera ali BMca wntohsd than the drat, «hw plait « mit eight feet ««piltre where there were twenty people, lying MM BhevO auotLior, two or three in a hunk, and in putts nu the Boor, l'l« ia the i purni deli« wa went into the mont wretched of tin Chinen quarter*, aadsraan began with the least pal ive, ¡uni al last, «hen ne enterad the den of the It pet. win,*«- a holo body was a Mack ¡aud festering sore, natue fare aas covered wttB Mack teeta, hi« Upa, nose, ami t it 11 it>-n «iii». I lie« ame «tick, and wag gUd enough to lot the lllilicic auartOI take care of It«««!/. IHR EIS ASI.TAL ISSUE IXEFITABLB, Prom The Vanea (lot > The I*iV|>!itViiniii party bul maiiicti1 down to this motin u: without suydednlts policy oa the curraacy ,.ii. «tn.n. and thOM who n|n«:ik for li oi::. i.illv ha\e al v.u.« « «p«»k -n about the publie debt m nu uucertaln wai. .ai ihn Democrats,ob the other baud,bare an really sound financial traditions, and bara inver receivedany «um«! or thorough tit-, oi« tal iustrurtton, Is equally «*er- t Bin. * ' rho way te get out of the «crape to to drop the nulli r of rabtottnge sim evasion and tell the honest truth and «tit k t<» it, or. in other word«, "trait ino people," a.» Mr. Boutwell would «ay. No amount of lying iirni anlbbllug will ever get u* boab ui «l'en« pay an Bl. n«»r will the supply of mur¬ der«« ut Hie i-ioillll laut I..;.; eil tuh to »ave the party f.em tshltig »"it«.« »olid ground on tin« guae- tioii. Al« Ihe negroes might be slaughtered without solv¬ ió. .«. belpttig to solví th«' proiilein There Is one thing, too, ver] rerfalB, md that te, that the Presidential cane pallin cannot be carried on mitt year aa the Southern I«.'ic It '.\lil Inevitably be condttcted Israel] aa thi ananda! l-«ut: whether n result in the triumph of fha poUey ot inflation ..¦ oi tin« poUeyef sVBSlea^tbe fed «»n baelncM will be equal, d lastróos. Ihe country baa K«i|ie ii« tar mt it ali Ko "ii Ih''1 V 'MU ali Jilmi if j Ig laa and posipoBlng wa anva very dtotlactly reaebed a i'u« which wi nost ««'le« t or. of two pi «in ooursas, a declalou in fuior of resumption, «.thuin fain.*- hootl ar react raltoa, would launch tho coiiiitry ou iiii.itlii-r Biagnificenl run of prosparlty: a de- Mon ka favor oi lafiatlon, ox of iufiauou that «a iii i«, ¡a . ««ne thiiiif a., eoBtraefloB, or coin rsetloa that will be the same thing m tafiathnt, «iii oertatnly brtag sboutoni of the most tretnei lona Hnanclal eatastrophei rer « Ita« «»ed. tor BocominerctBl statoof thi magnitude ami inn .itali. ot the American Unloa has cur taiier luto bnakruptcy or all mpted wbvloaala i«»iu a of n :i di i n.»bl* paper la lime of protooad peace The m i/illi* ut Hu (mt iniin ut hi the milall«<iii«ti Would lu I.o I li an. snd ti!., n to im an, tint, foi Um Hi -.1 t me tin the fall of the Kouiau Empire, the agisirs of a vast, hhrhl) «.»tiiiii/e.i «oci. ti had passed into tim hoads st li - n,i««i i., n m nal u:'»« u iloii» ¡a*«; an oecur» renee of into sort lu oat daj noultl kIv«j * -hock to ctuli / u uni Itself. ____________________ A l: \ s il'»N M I.M Off THE ri;MKF..*>K ISI.ABD MClIOOIa, f I I* /. -'¦¦. J mimi, («g 16. The Ami« ison Behool <»t Naturel History, loen« «I «m i*i nr»..««¦ Island.ona of the Elisabeth group of 16 in Bastard's Bay. which wa« founded at tin ex» (mum oteo linlcll fiel li,pli. mini \ ami BOXlety OB til" pall Of Hi« late I'lof. laOUIS A¡.:n~-4/ .tint ni ia I«, itj ,«i al» to '¡mili i, nil« < alum* th. '¡i»r inn::!' on an InstflUtioB «pt the kimi i- ic c to ««und. It WM Hut Intention «»I the trustees to establish apermaaeul fund of *M-«".ixiu, s ml tun a «t« miici between tin islsudsnUN«**s uedford «taiiy, thus reducing the pri« e of supphM at tim Ishautsad srcstl) Bngmentlng thi attramveneaa of the place, 'i'nc death of ii.« projector, however, was a death otow to tho prospca o' the in«tltutlou, which, Indeed, i»»» ceaaed t«> bo an at a.l. The ex:it in«« trttsEcea of iii* ni milln« of um oliool. \.« \ _. B. Agassis, Msrua BrttaMer, i ii.-...i.m- layman, lien. Jobs <V Di* sf Bew-Yerh, U i oi.Mii. « uki pnrf. Barnard, Presldeatef Colombia Col» n ge,.:pim n uni in have been, «.f lads nt i«-ui«t. kept neil p. ted respecting the coadltloB of th« :r trust, and nun it «n »t i-f o «lion u «aid to have reanited from a clear statement of facts bj the ti« usurara li«'.»« ni u.'. ma« be. ti angeera thai déduite setion hM besa t*i»i-n ..p.-c. the natter, and that *H Biovabto properly cou¬ ll, .lill willi the cuni ern ii« to be turned ln'o cn»th unter the hammer of a Booiob ancltaueer tor the hsuoBt ol litors. An in«. 1*11» "i.v ha» bean t »ken tor t'li» purpose, .in«) the props«tj will t>é ti an «port «««J to this eil > hy «tater Bod. for sala wlthla a fortnight, h m.tail pou,on of the .»'!""l I if:»|i!i« niull.t, snah aa would not pay fur Uioi lui;. Its« boen «»aivoii laithest-houl st Woinl'n llultt. Tim lilctid* al the laiitl.-iti.a«..*: hope t*.l "'»me not di«l mt tliuu to maite it BSW «tf.iil In lue «stile In« ntl.n, with mole sa.» igini Multi THE SPAS OF VIRGINIA, A rUOSrEROU8 8KASON AT RAWLET. AC.MiallULITY OF Al'MMRK BKBORTB IB THB VIB- UINIA*.TWO AVI.NI K9 NOW OI'B.I.TUB KOtJTU TO BAWI.tY-8CB.VBnT AHD niBTOItfC IlTra IV TUB SIIENANDOAIt VALLEY.A KralC'I. PI.AÍTB WITH HKAI.TIIKCI. W.Sirit .HOW TUB » .' ITOM Willie AWAY IHK ill'K ÍFiK.ii a »»Tan* ooUUSUr »mannt BP thb THtemni i IUsvi.r.r Si'itiNiiS, Horkitiiiliion bounty, Va* Auk li Tau icreat Bveiuie« from .S'ortlieru «Hie« to the i-ii: p of Viij-l'ila iiml Weat Viriritila are now optan-UM <>ii<* from BaMmetf hy a t»«*,in»h of the Ralfliiu.r« sad Ohio It illroinl to fJiaiint'iD. und Ihn other bjr the Virginia Mi.'! Brad H'iiifi'eiii K.illroad and (tieaaiieake and Ohio KalIroad from Waalilm-ton to« .-.»iiphiir. fin* re ault of thl« la that Haltloior« au«, Titilad» »pliiau«, Koa S il.era. ami BVUB I!"»touiana, are _BB__BJ hitlier. aa never 1>« fore, tu tait« the pla««« of the i.'.v old time vial tor» from the Booth vthooe praamd»pererty eftitorbeana them at hesse or rompan th. m to mes a Hummer life even cheaper than these Spring alford. Th« re »te many reason« why Northera people »/ho have one.» tri« d tin- experiment «hould cora* BfaBJ ami a.aln. The ).¦ rimy la hy no mean* Ion-fee tedlnn«, and tbe fare for >he round trip retaonable. Oma tn«y »xSBVe Yoi »it 3 o'«luck I'll» n'ti ri.i.n, sod lit. at tl.e Hawley, .Ionian H hie Hu phur, OBBBm« or Orto ney in linn» for a hath b- fore au early tuip|ier to morroo Brauton, nana atoeaa»ma ached t»y the naNtoaaa»ad Onto SaOraad aad a »Isa mile« of «ta«ring. Linie mora tin.' '«:..,*.,!( I i', tfti. I'.;'!/ from New-York to either of t.'.o «e»crai ...prln.-» mi i»ie Cb»*.*.«peake and Ohio lUllroad. Tim Omanbrim IThlto tulntm further twtp than any olher, am» it may lie, readied In 37 »bants»! a«id with on'y ore chinge of ears. Aceesai. I'llily SStoMlaaud. f may tie a*k<-d whst ara the attraction» lum aderad. The an«wer In a «entenoe. Curative water» etpi u to any in Hie world, whole*, una fotail in grato vjaricty, the ptiroat of mount,tin air laratp hreath an Inaplration of health), fined aociety without Baaaeaasaiy remi ii Huns of fashionable life, bunting and IsbtUSJ, f'.riAt rnmh!» », ami opportunities for ai.-.ilnts rent of liody and mina under nioet favorable oonditi.««s fir reeuji.i.itlou. B iwley Bpiiti;-« from which I writs, ha» all il-.-t-i» item» on It» bill of fare; a foi to tri iloU every on»* of the 600 vi-tor« now here will ohuerfn_Uy make atlldavit. T'tK VAI I.F.T OK TUB HIIFNANDOAH. The route hitlicr from V»'a»li,ii»rton Ile» t brough the hie- torlc ami hcautlful Valley of »lie -.licnandoah. Thl» lires .the Indian» culled it tins Dm.liter of the rttar«.I» «-»tai in all It« iM'ituly at Harper'« Ferry, wuere It Wreaks thioii.h the mountain« to unit- with the .'«»toiaae on IU way to the Cheaipcika Bay and tbe ______ Ocean. Much aijainat ita) will John Bn.»t n wrote tin* name, f t*il. plftiire«<iue old town Indelibly in Um h.»t >ry of the Tinted BtotoB While the car» »top for »he transfer of »Braasanums »«nd li.iKurn^i»-) to westward traill» we ere within a few yunda of the engine-house ia willoh liri.wn and hi« little hand of Abolitionist* were ..'-i»'.*id hy Coi. Hubert K. Iaee and a company of marine.». Thomas Jefferson »aid »slew of the »cenerf at li irper't I".uy wai worth a royage aero»« Um Atlantic. lu truth it in »grand hut all it« tine point« cam not 1»e noted fioiu Um platform of a railroad car. Not f.irfn-ui "tho Ferry" in charlestown-aceue of the es» « ditton r.f Jnhti I',.'*'«»ii. I'la* »»i.rt-li'.nae m which he Was Tied sad th» j.iii in w-lehhewaa aoaflae. are riathto Irom tue railwiiy Halloa, PtMU_B_ «no of the UiieM cbiireh mina m Amei lea, »» t »""ti i"»a» the im» dividios West Vlrslata froni Vii /inia.a line the very ok. is», na of win. h la «'..«ni- .1 i»> Vi'i"i;iUii« of the «»Id «cbooi. »i BtereuBoo »n- era within a n la» and a hilf of the Jor» ¦lan Whit«- -iilohui Mii-inift-a; no1 »Me Walu .*»ilpuur, hat i plrseuot ."¦nunnet- resort <>f toaimt »..mi« Capoa Hprt-BB, a little fürt in r up the Vallar, la a place of tho »aune trade. The J"i«l«n aad Canns «Iraw patroa. aLi* in.linly f.inn i .*!«!»''"!!.-' I'mn», lint ba»0 via-ltore .I»., fruin »Baltimore, \.'a«*tiin«^"ti, a ml other cities» Di.twin* nlirh to Witicheater, s»e whirl over the «cenes ot m .n»'n akii lulah in tho late Mvilwur. SS in. heater llaeli aaenoretoughl oser in those «u»« than »slsssatma nthertowa lu Virginia; it wat bandi*, ilwut k tweea the conteadiBB srudes until no one ans »raahsaaaah m «ay »»hi» h hal (a.*»ea»i"i! of it on any niven tlav. Kvnry «.ireet BUd ,t1!'*y fe't the trump of tro»»l>« in ha'tre or eha»e, ami echoed the rat'l*» »»f ninalotry. Here lode "¡»iicit.liin ; here prowled Mosby. Winch**-* atonal roilfc'h BBBga pietty well, how- e»* r. *iti'l today It »ie «if the neat« at «n«t Iiu,Ila it of »Southam Inland tinana. I'.ir n l.»n» Hine It aas Um tonauras of ths Viiiiey RaUroad, hal »sos » .u *inj» utily loiiif lawah to allow UM »MBsaatfei to w,tik nut on the platform ead bajr aa aanto _*_¦ aa um»» »rtuunto ueirro. who would !»«* draa linn og »Um ear bp kiaeani fiiil». Off iiL'iuii. we \ IM iii'!"*! over tin* li lil (¡f the im- (.»irlüiii tHtttle of Ketii-t'.wn. altirt that nf Cedar Cieek. cutcha ifliinpa.» of Hie _,IBBB BtOWB .ntrencl meut» at Ti-lieiV iii!!, und «top one ».f many »SUipBaMB «'the fuined »Strasburg. wheaeeoBe m.iy gaby rill urougli ths ht.irt of MuBlty'a Coafeder_oj to »Stana-au ead henea. But our coarse ii Bia aaottor dlrectkiB. Hnde'» Hillls 1».nut..1 ..nt the nee no of «e»eial «Itinnlahe.. lid« ni," e ia ueiir M.iiint ,I.K'k»"ü. »there tli»»*- i».L»<.-iurrr8 .rbi «i»'*i iu Míen la tho oi in» v Bprtaga loare tin* »»ra iiu«! »ake a itafjo. Vawamrket bssbUb »another ha__a>- in abteh Hi» chlai Idee ami Bisel me isaiad »'i »¦u-cth* .nid in win«.h the »boys of tin' VtWinla ^li'lr irjr InaUtatB '..iiifiit like reterutm. Wo.>ilati»cW. Ediabaia,aad othes n.m iboutedbj ih. IrralirmaB. barra fnaluai »munden i. :, if rh ir e -in »prudence of B _OSSa seal» ¡«go. Hut in t'li"» -'nui every G ladet »has ha ttoej »>f the wsri I ini'.a: «top Bumoratioabefore tin» letter i-ec.ini»« e,u,ot b ».iii'.i.üe or a history. Hur'-i onl ira, la Boehtagfeam Coiaiity. ia nt leaehed aadwlthoat fatKuc Ula a ane-awahe,atubtttoaa town arish a »Mrreeeedaal prim i-» »>f ii priiBpt rmia fnfiiie. Here, iiflcr a unod di» n. r ..i me Spi»tn»»oo<l li".el, which ia conducted In »in.eo» Una with the ».toriaaa» we t«i»e»ti»a«ü.or better «till e baggy for Has» hy. S( I SEA AND SCFNFRT AT R-tWf.KY. The ili-t.iniv of 11 BtUeserSrs turnpike la annihilated i»» »steasaat semaany »aad »yieUneafua scenery. On the ii'-r «pin of Uto, iii»t,...ii|i|,.,| «pott, are the biiildtniraand -crouiidB known na the Hawley Spring», ThsdBVtoBfl nssd brimr« m .'«) the «pot unexpected!/. With hardly a »BUauent. wau.»iii*, e\ce;»t the «hcht of i»*ee- BOaaaa Iheaayte the river for a tiath, you are eoo- f!."til bj n «lu.ter of houses.alums! a rUlaan -anda t'noiiir of p-opie. Hu* »ttraasen are itreet«'d by the nowie »ti s bri»», band, »tal lolled on the las» U ; :ia \»t: aliehta*»-, siiijoi I,nek, the jolly lnndiorJ of old tinie«, " h)*i-_;«-8 banda all Broun«!, and bids u.s avIeooM a- if to in» «»wo m»'i.i». Mew difltaant tin»,, aatt-a brum that of ths hiidi and m1-lily hotti tle.k» of many of our North¬ ern wnteimn pi.n es. After i-in'h a reespttoa we « an -i,ind »»iii» mo.'.erate compotmre the «ear iiluf iraze mid «hatliiiK!*'. of tue bos y of youn-i ye.»pis Olli» red «m lite pl;t/z;!, '* io »««. win» ha« tome." II »i» ._. at n.-urlj ill -'H' iiner ¡«'Rorts, the ball.-a are tnore u uiier- out« than tito baaus. and the -tai «ita »yaaaabto paaaV h)"kiu>- soiiii). man av..ik> n», in the Biiada f Hie farUM r. hope« of a v.iliiiil.le i.'eiif'ircemc'it ia the 1)all-ro»»tu and na Um pruBmaadea. BUM. a bum »must mt »Breaaam oa ih« in« ii > of the specimen« ol his sex. Tbe braal '-»of K' nt iel j., Matvumu »Did Virgiuts an «-tickler« for .*ei*t_ia K11. 1.. >-f te, .'lilli »»efole BBS beeUineS than B itouctng aciiii.iiuiaiice he must be »ready wuii ti*..e an- written creaeatltils ot »respectability Bud "m m»-nt do» ti, iinlcd liv _' i»l *i".''ety very»» lu re : tl.e** iorihcoiiainsi he in I*«' -ure of a Ibjhtfal -» Wlllai.ilt f;e»i: i-,., nur«* r«. »li ess coots "i a BIM ae« l.iu-d. und otto a v«»iy ni'-.l« rate «I- .tin on bia pur» .. TbS ¦»."'""t «'»»a« li >n of tin* K is»!«-y ï»prin«cs tin* inin- tral«*i.,..f whii h th» re»i- ive rouotaiaa, 'J'! ». water of the tin«*, principal »Sprints, although »ftroBglj chaly- i». al«-, ia »«»ry pul.itahle, and nliuoRt tiatAaao, SB that iliiiik'tij.' it i- not » tarnee. As a tonic an I pnetal in- »iif»it*nii»r oi the »rstom It at u_aBrpaaMd. àlthtaujh aa old r.prm:--"'»er, I Bare Berat ae» n ¡my »vaier e.nitlinf UM l»_:t"Al«>) It« the r:i¡*lillly willi «ft liich it :>'ii'l« up A woro-out «¦'¦.iiatiii'tiiui. ETerybod) ra lho ateiiadaSbMb ..f mi larreassot ile»h tiona day to day. lhere .-.»«« s friend of mine who ne »'er i»ei«»ie *. ned more than 1A5 poumU; h<- eauM here la brohea beauh, aad »sftat tbrea weeks' »stdoun tip» tua baamatldO. tneaaaMaatato arvMt demand, soma of thertoiiors sni-arenUj a rule to weigh ottet eren» al. V/ade aaUuaaonJ thla moiiiiiiK t m»*t a yoiii'ta" ia«ly lead,in- « p»«rty in «lluiB- ! ili"-tlu «tt.fl> path »»lu. h .id« to the ¦¦.dd) In^ht tailed I.iver'» Leap. When Hil» ni., .in I »eil fn»iu U BBhlB__m a month »aceeba had beea bsdriddsfl for n. nth-, and it »»an uect-SBsry u»carry hur In .uni* Aram the »a_aeh to a ..,i.iki», Th prO| iici».r»of Hu* «prln.« ml|*ht »sell afford to display »tuch m uni lu-ciiniiici» braaref adwastina iii.iii. There are Braal »b-wateUeaa >«v the w«y. toward "-rdestrlBBlsm. Waetheryour piiU leads Aowa th« valley ..r im t. e u,.»t::*:.iiii .ide you ar«* Mire of riil.i.*« inll« lion o bits ni »'". uer> l'r. in oin- liu;lit within eaey walk of the hot« l the » re awe« p»a teBdramMboanded bj moun¬ tain pe.iks t;u nuleri ¡«.»ay, ami alta, ;.-itsil«-_ as ».i a,t the ii-'.* of tho rtsitosa Jsnt hy tar tbs «'.-..ter number «>f »peraoua pr«!ft-r j-.i»iinie« i »:uii ne i»*.- exertiea m that tiu* S'r..iiiiti« are dotted .»ii day «ita »groups inieiit up.iu sheas, cards, ebeckers, uroajaab KOMlp, politii ¡ii ill.i' liMini, niiil ilirt.itloli, »»hil«« 111« hilliard mi.I len pin alley ar« d.-taerted. »I.Btimes there «re tainui- menu at winch Ile patrons «if pi«-tentions piaers in.v anlM, butwhieb tct'oaualiabn mach better »purpees t^ian most »syartoattim »p.**. ? day or ne»', for ln-iance, the li«*»t i-eoplc ,t the Hpríngs took part in aad tbe wbole roni>«ui| ara* enter» t-itn thy ». ic." ik court. Tbe Jad-rs waa una. Haadhn» al itii'iimoi'i»l. the toa partaer of en-Oar« Walker! tin* iu»ry »»as compotttrd pr mum at tai rvnerable .'< nUenurm ia» eluding a repuUd millionaire, attoi-tor »fdlrtnlty, »nd aa «.i member of ("oanieea ; Um »Sheril aas » »mrgeon in the I ruled Mules .Navy ; the »SOBBBBl wen» able law- ). r»: tbe prisoner wa« fir. Qerdou, »he »mndeal ¡'hy«J- ciau of the .'¡.ri.ii.-a. and ibe plaint Iff wu« the «i-.-je.-ir old ion of a well km«»» n SS .i-li!i'.i..u J.»urn.«'.»t. lu.une eii"ii_.-li ««cn« iiili»teil to milka the «titci tutiiini nt moat no«.» ii'le. Thus speeds the Utas pi...-.»;.tl> what with v»aU» and t.tlka, hanU-_ and llhhBJi faascB. Muatoj danrina, and árala, sauset follow« «uiin*e ami mid» nlnhi follow snaant before Barked] a tired el Um data; -m ii .tie Mimi* of ll.e Baaam of hie at one of the Yirxtule .-pim.«. __________________ "Jl'.*»T A8 LIFK:" Pbiirtly after tho «linmr lull ranjr, he cama up tl'<> »»ala, laid <t<»»» n upon the «lep«, and put hi* ne_d in ni the d_ua_ room «Jom : "Mi/.,- , mother says wont you ptfuaa to girt hera »rood n'aie full of your nice «o*ip for dinner, and lend ins » »mi lillie tin back« t to fetch it home lu, ¡¿ml «bo's no4 ir« eiiu' po>»u.'ui -»eil any karn hadar." « Hut willyun pl>ii»c .o »»nek Bul auk your ma if aha wanta hei «oup »Mably acikouial, and crau.u'« broken up in it. and celery «all »shook lu. »mt a «liver «poon wltb hw I ' nama .-u-jtaved on It thrown int" replied the lady el Um boam» " »Bud" i.-f. in douàile-tiulik time, and »soon lis ass beek in position '"Miss.., mothar SBjrS «he helleres, as it taint *_*__¦ | trouble 1" Sei', *lte ili*t ¡i* lief aa lint '." 'I he eM t,i t- _¦».; the «"up m ti u tin bucket «¦.-**-rwrri h .--t .¦!

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Post on 09-Apr-2019




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"-.i-iwas mtsajinri-piisted hat the naked ri-j-ht to printÎit'd pnbli.aii a ('«'inpositmn to whiofa entmnouo piib-teity bad been gieoa by promut oojaVm endlugan*»».ntntton in lilli rta hi le t-t. ihereiore, «hisAmerican court, » ceurt of *»c;,\ Inirh authority, liasgone with (mod l.oi.l Matntiehl and nth« t »t» tit law-yereand swept tim *»tiv. mainstay of Jua-«: Yutes.'*tfiipuiBtry Bvap tutova?,loKniii'K»- oi< ¦OBr*gUWBllVBB rr viducation.

Tliis narrow* the (jU«'«tii'n to i«n feitnre or non-fur-friture by publican« n of r*opyrighl at oButnaan law.Now, this soi-disant forfeiture (}n ten Anne's I'arlia-meiit trent m t!.«* nruamblc or nurtoriea] prelada» aoa Niei>>'rac.'i<i'. a violation of nroperty j they say itis uejmtt, cnol. and am ; which i« ptc-statntory cv-

ldo*.c»»> in tin* statute itself, yutea rívcs QaeanAnne's Psrliamenl ihe lie, and nmlcttakes to proveout of the depths of bia innercounetoneiM «* that thismalpr» ti« o "»mi« b1 ihitt vety moment when Parlia*Baont¦denounced it.and prepared, in mutation ofpassasses acOa ha paaial ii as a ,¦,>.,humillar.jn»tretuomabls, »wl old. Having set this v»ry Parua-ineut shoTS the Creator, he now m t- it below Yates.Jlowever. hi* argument run* thus: He saysthat we atith«»rs put forward ideas and sentimentsas the «liteet «»lit'« » «>f property al oominon law iaold time*, nuil iiiMtl! ('minnon sense and jnstiooinBtatanding tlu.1 we c »u d pnbli*h «mi laicas, yet re-

Mea the righi «>f printing th«».«e ideas f(»r publica-lion. Thla i* plausible, and pores the way for Insromantic abrases, tim have intoxicated ordinary¦Binda, BUCn na " the .«<.! el publication, when vol¬untarily dona by the mitin r hltni*etf, i« \ irtnally and

p«*r<*a<Miiriiy ia mil io Ho puM-k." '1 lu n handling it noloiiktt r na u di'iiti'ni. bul ander the head ol ImpliedCunt tactu, which i« a lunch aoundi r \ ,ew of the an-

thor's «al«* to the public paurebaaar, he mya, neatlycuoukIi, tim Helier di livers it wilhnnt nstni lion,and (lie liny« i rreeeiTes it without rtipnlatton, linnÍie jumps t<» this droll inferí m . : " Nothing bun thanegudative powei « m n strain the use ol anytbing."This, however, is a pnrelj cliinieri« al distinction;the «.ouimun law wat foum led partly on Kepal «aUhuP

Îtt*! largely conccr. «..!. and res »milling maxima ; andmuta «1 une« or.« no1 altogether nnknoa n lo «t ; every

river loahighway, oem which tbepuidh can paiss,and even bat he m it, but not al wai-« u «ti ; and a

right of ".»uy obtained li\ nsc,oi leased to thechurchwartlci» -, under o bien the publk can lead itscow across a iVrehrdib r's Reid, fives roo ri<j,bt to

graze her «pun tot pott : and, ii 1 Iel the public intomy tea «/anil n, at .¦ L a bend, to oat all the (milthey can, no M..« «s «i ipolationii rr*_nin d to reservethe fault hess. M««f-vi r. Vat««'- position »s toowide: it Iel« in fthei national Boa the 1'reneh andIluten comiii'iii-l.i«*« ffivi t the li. inCopyrightitself : mi, if \*.t* iiiu«t t. :i«nii a priori the ehitni ¡OS ure

fifty to one the' common law ive it tho lieIga.

lint this is our dit"t reply.fur the multiplyingpower of the prrea is so unique, it ex< Indea au closet>iui4ia»is' far from claiming :« praterty i*iIdaou, that is tin vety thing the boliten "f CopyrightUt common-law did not nairn. That is the claim ofthe I'atentéis* alone, aslnhull shou in the properplata.

!*¦ Be far fkam Id-rea becoming Incorporeal after uah*lication, .t., ««hieb BtateUMmt of tutes is s

"galimatias," sud tin idiotic «... >ufü«»i.«ii, ideas are

incorporeal «nil, ut ii |h r*«"! long antecedent topub*icatiou, vi/,., v tile they lie in tip* author's mind.

AN Atlllnli'S LAP« Hi.

Attention!.An oathafeOBaUMtohioiOjsai with mnt-

teronce. and fon TOT, when he nuhndiesthemia a la¬bored raMjusu* * ot a m ds nwrfced i»y hishoad on paper.Th(»**e wiittm nords are mattet*, bp collocation.labored t«. an«l the ph] meal Bttohos i? a penwith a Mach unguent ; metter, u.distlnet froa the

paper as iras is bum Um pipe, ami. though theyros it*/mental id« as. the written wonls theinsolvesare not so fine a niBlwIal a-» gea, whlel pal hmeasured and sold hy the 1« of. The phrase."intellectual lulmr" is an (Mjaieoqua and a

anare that has lelnded t »i thonsaad BrindaIt applies s nnewbat loosaly ti» Studp ; hutno author's psuuai Km laser Is only one

BiKtcies of «skilled labor, it is physical plus intellec¬tual labor, and theos coinp.-itiotis, which led toeouitiion-law rights, w« *«* the result of long, keen

lalmr, iBloBot'liial .nd physical, proved to be phy«i-gal hythe va*»» thus taceuptod whereas thought is

Instantaneous.iind hy shortening tim life of theanthor'slioily.through itseni '-t omthi blood *«< Mohof the brain, which ate n l»*irt rot of the mind, but

ot the body. The said vusaals g«i worn l»y an

aathor** prodm tleol »bot, ami glee a ay. This, even

in our short i \p.*ii-ii< c. hi» killed Diekeuu, J iia"k-arsy, Bad ihi1ií:i»»i Ly'.lon. The «lum Hin of au!horsiu Kt-neral i*» Ntobliahed bj hi.i!i«lit s. See Ncistiti.Vital Statistics.The words at tbaswV W .tiruWr of the ideooj the

psp'T in thi leal l nil \ chicle o'" the wolds.i llie author h i*» by admission ol Y;iten, the ««'le

I right tn do a« isilows, and does it : He tahas theword«, which are the vehii le of hil i'leas, to the

printing ooni)>»i«it'r, anti the eompnaitor takes

printed letters identic ii willi the anthn's. tltotmhdiffering a little in shape but that i-, a tuen« inci-diuit of the day in the i.ifancv «u printing theywrre identical in shape, <*«iil\ woi »«. 1« rnied ; ho sels

the letters in lortii-i, and passes them to the preso».eu. For this ths Mmpositor charges, e.iy £28.With the psttauosen, a'nl Bol with the compeeitor,who is a coi>yi*t for Ihc I'n begins the l'r'-»i3.

Kow come« tho ineehMileol mlraole, thatmade (Hpyriiiht ne<. i ary aii'l Inovitablej the Tresscan spjily difiimii sheetatothe mmm metal bittenoouees/tugthei.ipositien: ti isa tbooeand diffor-aut pupta lulnmns atn tinatid In which the lettonami the author's eompoaition are mc, bul tit«»« roi*nuns of paper a thoimantl. The volumes are now

landy, bel ntl to «n»; and I beg nartkulai ottentlonto ths authur'.« admitted position at < omi too law one

luoiiiMit before publication. Ho has h*ill, hy law

Oates BOOOntlngl tho to\t rii/ht to printand publish; he has oreuted, for an!', a thouBund volumes. Budal un exclueive legal right to

frente TOluaaea %r »«ii»" ¦' he ha« added to lis orisrinalIsgul ruht three t,*4Tnitie8. lot, "priority pi print¬ing* *ahicb is ;iciin>! a legal title, butBaaartbing agalnat a thapeodicsl title: IM. theno*ciliar exticnse of scttii;« uji type from written.words: An, occupancy: ami Ina equitable right to

Ball ogam um tbonsaiid volumen, s large material

tinijx-rtv created auder on aacluslee legal (uleoumlod on moralitv ami universal law, and COU*reded by Judge Yates. For the force ol occapancyUiJdeil to title, (MS La v. p.'iA--iii! ; anil fur the luneof the abott ipecial Ktj'ity. see "«Sweet agt, (-ator."

1 II I «"I t'K I Til! I« ATKIN.

Well, the una ;" ;:' -¦ ; a ed the legal right, and

BOM of the additional eejuitiea, and «'«onf the mate-nal vUtuUMBj Bon d'« s ti jir.'jier ii'.il ii i'ct, bywinch the publk pronta ronfeaaedly, on ad such as

«no man was ever lawfully puni bed f<" ; BO pah*libhes, or sets in i i re u la ti'ni, his onocompi : it ion con*

fjBoad in many papei rehickn, He Bells c,ii h vol¬e-tie say for bix shilling* lo the trade, righi shilliiifi-ito the public reader. \*»')at he intends to Sell te thefmblic r«^'lci f"i'eight shillings ia paper and bind*|s*g tu»u shillings, printers'work sJipenee, nasfalorantertaitiiiiK hnowledge, olloabbj owe labor, fourshilliHgs, tho rit*ht of u«iiiß* the ideas in

msny ways, of OTOB plagiarising and print-mi*' them ronoededa and also tho righi of sell¬

ing ssrain the very thing the purchaser bought.the one material volume with ils in contents.iVimai /uri» the roiitrmt uo Budeiatood, it no^ an

ti must «me to tin- buyer nor an < atotrtionnte one for theaelW. His prout, on lit tu lenna, din»* no1 npproarbthe retail _nt/_M *». ¦ bo, in pia« tue. i» Hie noller taithe public, ytlfuit. iff tio'liinti ¦_ Hu Mia Now, it is S

snssim uf the i I'iniiKiii law that, wheretwo internre-tatiotis of a oautrm i. exprsas oi implied,are pn«.««ilil«,onathat givea no great mlvam tue to either party,and the athel thal sjlees a atsaslreas advantage toene party, the lair luterprelation ia to be preft in d,since men. une'mu m buaiuoaa,an pursaaisd sp ih,lau totjthantie spawnI»to ; and tin» rule, eimblishedby cases, applies especially where aw/hole class olcontracts i* to h«« iuterpreted. 1 I. a«<: t.'.-iitti thsground I atn BOOB, vis., oí implied contnacto, wetelected by Yat.* end I ash which interpretatiou,Vatos'o or oiiii«, ai*i«« wil'i the uiiilispu!i.d coiimioii-

law doi'trtne ol «ninivalenII îThe pufeheas of ln.iíkn is s lotterv : but there an

uhostof ptiz«.. Beeoo'sworks BUTS the pub

{ic Boauráhaser «i vu al «¡' .1 aton than a thoaaaiid mil-loapaandw worth of hnowledge und p«iwii pot he

ii,ade no extr.» i !.ii Re tu justiiy a claim on bia copy¬right foiiniled on purchase of bia volumea. Tuagreat Ifsik* balance »he little; and the boyer hasthe choice, (.'ni. Onrnoner um rauneerted in tui

afternoon, from \ ictous conraaa, not hy a ehdoa. buta duodecimo; ami that it b tact ali«««tetl hy

Íupitor Carlyle*.I didn't lind it In mp iite»,-inea, where Vites looka for lo t_. Manymen bIkiu! ths vny timo ot "liilluragt. Taylor,''a«, i,.»»i tin mlration of their aenla toa caipy ot Dtaddrideb'a "Rise and l'i"L'i««*i elBunufMa in tin» Son1. if a pupil ol Ifatea. bafonaasuaaaauf Doddridge, that wwuld ha s grant im-

|pio»'e-in«*iit in a rendm i piuspa-ots foi ni. BeJtides.bfla-r lie ha*, bo« ti c«'iivi rted irom V.itthi» n*inling ofthe **ilh of Anne to Doddridge- reading ol ths St li of

«¡Bseee, end 1res soul coved, etc., he con lend, or sellthe v.lume. Then wbp pilings l*<>«blnd>_e, foi in¡-

uateoBBg him. and mvlup bia anal din aheapl Findtoe the paity t.t any oilier euutracl who eau eat hiscak^ yet sell ii Bafterwaid, liko the hont*_t pur-ch-_»eroi a good volnnio.

bau gtnhatunr op iitii'.r ruK« pg, mottNow look eguaily close into tho Othes ti-adniK of

the ooatrMct, Fur Publieole, Us» pnmlp modereghara«toi whout Ju'lgo Yates would ialhci opoa »a-

tiqiiity, is, in reality, in»t a « 1h»«jm*ii r« **r«»ent.*-.tlve of

the pirillie, but of a clique much small r than the

Bhabaaieaaaa« What he docs is at IsDaani Ha volume at the trade price, ti«., and not the piri»Mc prn.«. and then takes if t<« a compositor, win»charc-tshint say £22. He 90909 the gaa.-a.d-Ttviolation of Kipiity, and, even st the SBBBaas_Bar.disk, he »mang naaJ ha hut oat w__u Than he it«»es

to the aaaasiucii, and they »»ed new niul dis¬trict paper vehicle») to the one set ot

letica conveying the nuthors composition.He pgys n full «univalent f»»r all thev»hii»h*s, mid nnaate the mon «ralnahls essanaar*tion. Hin moral position is e\. tis that g1 a manwho, lm-'ititr paid (it. for the u»<* <«f ¦ lu-i*«c.8k«al9 liiin. and then honestly his* a gig and har¬nean, and denk with the l"t. and calls hinu-clf hu

hi.iii »t trader He iiiid«-r»i*lla the breeder of thehorne, haenaSS trade i* t <>iii|K tiiio'i. and stcalim. is ii

deal cheap« i than hre«»«liiig. T<» drop metaphor«», heis not, like the »\i»hor Of hit a*»-ii:'u c. BUl ti pocl.efKay ¿.»OO by so many hour*' »labor »in«l 1 us "f time.His «me « opj is all he Mid t"r. and it coal mm h lemathan the author's anting paper, and li- cannot b«i bl d of that <i»ae copy, rho true character ot themuh».i» "on appears: »st. l.v ti»* »nea claimautun-«It i sell nig __, by his mying the eempanilarV laboranil tin cr*, tastea's ; Sa. '<y his »haying the iminr »andthe hint')oii ; 4th, by biatahing »gratia the »right to»»¦«.ii tin ump .».tioii to ihe vehi» lee, and s«-l! not timiileii* merely--he is svelconie to tin in.hut theseiyu.tdruil h.i|iience of words that »eonreys <» rtaiii

idea*, and il of n.on <>mhi<rrinl rata* than all the ve¬hicle» i ii together, each of vslii.ii vchklr* be paysfor. By tahing that ralnable rii?ht -mt is he comes

into legal colliaion with the antbor.wno is in posarasioa oftbe sole Habt to do that thin it, nnlcee ant-law« «1 »m the »spot fur having lan fulls oütie it.Noa Vales eonelndea, ont of the depth* «>f his

iitiii i eonseionsaena, that an author is.and alwayawaa, a dog, and the publie »pnre-haaer a man : so hamiers, naturally nongb from that satumptlon, iii itour forefathers ana nothing hut the « mhn <>f 111 onemon coi» a rued, ti it I am not «ml of ni.» -ens« s; andtin v li 11 me I liât ai milln»! is not a dog. hut a man,

and fa« waa «ia ps »noa, a (treal matter in law, oneof svh'M maxims ii: /naaaaN fon melun mteeadl itpSBaidi a'»-.


Forfßo the blind <*_an__ptioa, < «mi radi« till hy our

sen-es. that au «iiihoi is a due, and »tee l»«»sv Law«leal» »sith naanJis yoga or eonflieting titi«*» betweanman and mun. A has often a _oo«l till« ; hut Hahcttcr. alni l.vsv con »taut l.v halan«. ». Bye, lind ssiih

great ni» « t.», »reapeotable titles; und préféra, no1 thesscaker, a* V,»«**. proposes, but the Itmnger. It is«ape« ulating ;»..ii.:-.t commnii SB-SS ami rating (hucomitun annatoís of Aincr.«*am» and Bngliah too

lunch hclow their Kreuth eotcaip.rarieotoBarassethat they loti'd not have dons a* in*1 B thing BS

l-renchmeii dul, and (¿ticen Anne's Parliament a;»

l»n«v««l. could tiot have balsnffd these t»»«» »titlesand jTi'tciri'd the thhr legal titi«-, solidified hyBcenanney, iu a land when l.iv. »both »tbhan.divestituro and reals implied coir ruc..*« a*

exchai got of »äquivalente» Ou ttu- liiuliii;' (»hservatioii show ni» that our am »-

ton oftim oomaaon Ina did »laid a »lufaaa betweanth« juill.<> r's preeadant t. le* pin- »posamkn-, Bad thejnatnnd »large Uherty ¦ quired i».» ih<> publi« par»ehssgr; and «U<1 not timl« irate either «.-(ililli, t i »_-

claim. I lind in old tunos the word "copyright*"uuil I find no m li svords as "Bpiopertj in i«ltu-»."and bo auch »thing, except in a »patentee. I Pud ihatm the sixteenth .in»l »seventeenth <.« muries the piril¬lie, pun lissai «'t a rotunas could take wholeohspters verhatiin, and the whole eosBpo-siii.»n hy »rewording it. Or ha eould tahaall the tliltrnt i»h as, and half tho svordsand liri tit thein in an ahrid).'. mciit. In liatn*.*.wb«_K copyright at law is sdmiited, Btephitnns hadno r« m«*«I»-, under the common lan. airain. » »Scapulafor thin, though it ruined bim, ami killed bim. TheEnglish »readei ««."lo bridge, »adapt, i iiwlate,re¬word, tura uiioiher man. »story »into a play,and»printth*play,ete.,etc. lena find no »property inbare idean But I do timl that our forefatherswera not out of their mott. They had eyes jtins sa»» that tahiti** the author*! v« i.v stun!*,ami also his title, am! »also hi.* reputation,»crushed ii«»t his inroraorea] right», alone, bul a

wagoBfload of »material »property lawfully createdhy ih<* «»111,'iiial proprietor, <i hil emigi e, »under Ins i»sole title to print. Tin» sim h ii. ni ax a violationof Title jins «Occupancy. Io Elizabeth, day, th« jl»tihi* of QuiTtpnabury, wnoso grandfathei multiplied»copies, and lett them hichina about in other bandafor ho reara, and Ali not pnoti hi .;.-.'/. rouldmostlikely bare betta .ulnnl..*.! t«> baveaoi idonedbiat..).» ,ir!,' fra Baal of that very nae ami ¦. npam »,»»linli kates i»n und* operate«] of oldm wide is this illiterate »ass from all ree ived com¬mon las*, examples of »property madi common, undfrom lix« tin" mind of Buiioultj


Common law equity is of every »aga] and a fahhey to the antique mind i» supplied by a modemCMC " Ssvri t Igt ('.*.t<'r.'- -i".:<!i*:i'.i.'tl ii, »»»m . I therighi te create and publish bo edition of ¦ thonimndv ».'in: », M Sugdenon Powers." a\tior al"!!«'. undnot «t s i ty short time, lie »»«»Id I simi'.ii righi toCuter, Bweel moved the »-souri to r.-<ttiii" futur.

There was no poeslble remedy ondcT the CopyrightAd; for Cater was -Sngden, who bad retained hi*-

Copyright. The Judge talked loose, ina- ural«*

language, bat ha want in principli when sion« thetiniiiiy l.t.v, out of the «Copyright A« Is. intothe Inw of impliid contia« t. Snml«n hadsold »Sweet the right to print and Mi an

edition. Bul now, i»y exercising hi* undoubted>t tiitory ii.,'ht, he haiicd Sweet's ..nie of»soma "f tin» rolumee erented in »good faith.Tho Court Kstnined Catar. Thns th« »sommon Inai»i « oatraets, vs'hicb is tho law Yates baa himself sp-pealed te, oiert(iwireâ the Copyright .ti»' .'n a topprighlui-i ,* .»nd iii»* very fame eoaity, founded <>i» eommoB

lass, -barreddirastltnia "f copyright by publicationiii ul«l 1 nu *. That « «l'th.s mihi, i.« d <»»n fon '.. li« i -

Omagh ihm tratet, .Inst nun, abort peetthe lass-,)i. lim f.s it. Law, in their si. ..», j» ajusl »bmm. Thisjust-tan »guvs the author, or his Bmiguee, the »solerighi to print and publish ». tbonsand volumee; if.the moment he _ried te sell, th »jnst nun, all» '1 thelaw, bad robbed the author of his sole -iii. tin*»just man would has«- hceii »perflilioua ami inn I.

i what ! aaeonraaan man te print, by admitting his»sole right, and then rob hito of hie powei i«> sall therolumee, na well usof bia sol« right to »minti Thiiwould have hean a worse wrang than *»»»e«t-*: foehe waa Bal »printed on tot months. Koa Yateswould hr »eh his filiani unthill«' l'irnt« <»i I'iii-Publicola tin» moineiit after publication. Not oneword of all titi- in oflered to thal copyrightat common law existed in piinied books ; huton!-,I»» shoa Low unsafe i* the mi thod of th« »scboolmen,and baa **.«-1 « i« «>f the marh the airogtint aopbi-»t»pues who tillie* mv Lord »Bacon, mnl n'usons àpriori aboat a simpl« hiatorical fact thai can only hehettlid by eri'ltnu \»¡un;.!l i. dom*.

Clf.4lrl.l-- 1,'i'Ai'K.¡ovilon, Auk. 7. 1**7.,>.



To the Mi it <>t of 7 he Tribune.

mu: Perhaps it would l»e a vi ty pood thinRt« lu»»«* a dramatic critic waa «iiouid n« n. t »aaly n lungsof tlamtrical ait. bat al Uwaad eqaity. »»Jue- a eritkinlithl ileiule iu a tungie arti« le, nut only v. i.i-t li*, r s ;>lu>-wa n .'..ul. (»lit s< hu »SB nt.'l it ai ii »a» l,u '.t Id tlir eopj : gill.He mi-flit lafotn the «paBUc in lb» »nu. ttitU i*m » in tlnrhu act»* p'.ayt l weil, abetbef bli alary oagtil to be paidaa_a<tar_aj at iaaaday, and whetbes in aas f.mi.» tiii».ii»i tantluesam laheareala »Maaagers eould refer t«* ih'h

all theil il!*ticult1e8 an«! ttlnpiltea, k" at iitnl -in ill, Wlttlant tho expensa and delays nf the law. ti»««. >peat»-en «»f

tilt», foin», m <1 little m ii jinlir« aoaüd Le «ii.« «if lurenthuiii'i ts hiiu-t-T and prout tu the prof« »»inn.

Vt.ur o** a diumat- rit e evnit-ulij- ii»|ur«-a to fill »SSBMun h ultu e se that which I bare deseril*« I, fee hu aererin» n'.i»tan the rirtb Avenue Theater of l.u«»

»girtna JadgBBmt »« re "Ko». **In lu In tu lui j,;i¡». t,t,*.» K» -t i. ti» a« i« '. lee of the Vokes »l_aillj,appears tbefollowliiif )nilii lal de« laloti i M lh« gat -tion if Mr. I >. _v -*

riK'iit to brtag out 'Kon* Mid.el,' tin- inn. h dramavii.n ii Mesara Hh.Mih & »Pelares of the t'liinn -j«i»uit-.'Theater have pun ti .«»ed fnuu the nutlmr Kiel wlilihtin y ui,iii:t.titi ttiiit tht-v can ItKaliy lml'l, ia to l»e tSBtedal law. Die eiiuitj of theran« ia « rident Mr t».,l» hu«

m» righi to Hie pasy." it paar draauNts erith,. naaM n

«. t in Ii-e in fjiiitt* »»ere »>nl.v |_«*riei,ill», n ».»» 1,1/ »I, whattt ile .1 ... tune, tr »uBIe. uuil BOBO] '.ia JadgBB_Bt W« ltdnt»*! " i h«» .¡uity of taaeaee a tsitieni Ifr.D > liesae right totbe play." Tbat »ssttleBit Tnalawysra wiDj . j'iick np tliulr pap* »a an»! eli 'tr ile «».uri !Fur i-«- it from lue, v. ho bare hnown and »Sored him»«»

l.*ni*. t<-«leiiy ttnit yum unlit* In.» .»,r> -"oaatMa «iii-iltle iii'.'ii lot the pontina tos destosa ; imi j» k ips ¡ h a 111

i:i|..ii in«, for 1'cu.iiidlug h1i«i iha» le 1. »in ,.., »n t».

«Bl Lol li BBSS, of» < toa lu lore j-'Uitiif 111 Vim ni. IleUni**» »II ».'lout Me»aia. KlioflK A I'.t'nie*! a aide. I'ln»)»a> 11.«I tiny ha»«* l».UK)it fit.ui a Fttniti uiitli».i ii».Aiu. mon Hjjbt lo It 111 i»Tu> in otker w..nà». lUrsj Lu».Iwatght sot_e__ag whtoh tam Pranub aatbar »lid not posBBSs,and akleh, Boaaeaeeotly, Iwevald not »«iii i l'ontina ps« tiiJo i.ui.ihass they li»*e their illili) l«i aa I iiiiJyli»oiai'iuiyf UM klvuitb pug s ¦_.!*. ghidk VtltlM h'v«


lieen .)u«t i* aood, In law. If tti**y liad nevPT bought thePreach play. Then thev «o a*>out t In eui enies; that they»in ti«»! uni/ priKtu.e itieirown rarsten, nat sin steven!Mr. linly 'rum product.!* hi« But, a« yet thes»- Ihn iU¡iii mili tv uni» No inw pap r« luve pan«t*d upon eil liermiiIc Mr. Dalv li -, mithin/* to interfere with I ii |«r«««ltic-ti.-nof .. it mt Mi« t*l,Hexcept tit« rathet preumtarajudgIii« «it ni .linn illa), le lilliWksl la Mr. Daly'i «ideofthi Huryl Why. BVrelsus

t ni if «tai nu thal foi vo'it laogala «¦.uiitv hu« nut

waited to lieu it. '.Mi.D.ily lum no i ¡».lit to the pla)"-tbat is üe ii,. Men. Mr. lad) hi» paul s mmdeatofiii,«in v lor Hu i«i«ee: tut im iniilt«!. Mr. W. it. Booth,one or the liest ( »nyrlghl m \> > « in la tin mntry, tbtakaliiatiiilit lii.liapui.t'iile ¡ luit'«'tnatter. Leaned eounMLte whom Mi. Ualy*! t m has beea «ni« a Itted, « i tin u

leaeetoar s« «lut.t-'it: hut bo Matter rua CO rrtghtlaw anani lo be la Mr. Daly'i fevers but namntUr. Your erith i*,« baa decided the rasa "He.Dall «p. n right tn tin play.* liten whet ure Messrs.i-tfinok «V Taillier «Voll. In Ml'i'lltl M .li life tin) lilli*"Interviewed" sad nuakm« ilatemeutsl "/hi i;«»» iit

down calmly sa t « t> '!¦. nu the big omtitelM af Tusiiiiin aa erltii ¦ u« km« t, ai»<i k«> on w ii ii their ru¬le .11 tobt and advei lisios ILet me.wit li Bo «tontempl "f (he court, with «< «li«r«*

.*,-. «T i hi* Honor, the critic.wl wier in y«ui ««iiioiislear the »tarni nr hifermatloa thal M**a»is *«ii-.o»i «*.

Palmer no1 only li Id bo exclusive copyright m Ihe playni .. Boee III n«-1." trat tuet de bo! bvi ii bold a eopyrigblia t m tllleuf ti« i«.-.« if thel ion in advertise II for

pro lot -111111 tat fu-ir thi iter.aa lut nu« t ii.n .**. ill lu-at once

¦pptlill lor by lae ri-i,: .\Mi.-rii .>» (lu- «ni.« rliiht. The*are now darna tin ir Bdvcitl las irreup' rMibfj* mat irratubtin: j. through such genial eriilcs as votua, Bvohltng thosednn-emn* «muten sod paid sdvertWments upon whichun spplioatlotl f<«r un 11 i.i ii ii* ti« na coull! Im' luineit. Hut linsl*. eiitn, h between twraal* «- la pabBe I ¦¦.lull bj in«

tit«t to bow (ollie «|.< Mon <»f tit«« ' '«nil: "'lite «unit) of

the ease Is evfcleat.Mr. Dalj bas ni righi t«» the pla.»."\. ,ei in« i, -p.. i; is* Mil lui " will lie praeUoed here sathe 7th ol tleptember. Toora, toiibfallj.

BiaraoB fiiks.

HJth IMam Then'er. Auf!. 17, 1**75.

[Tlii* mannvei'S of the In inn Square Theater, a« we

gather from printed and aahhshetl ovldeesm, haveiioiiiiht bum tim I lentil author, M. Ebnest Btnaa,tin l'teneh «Iran a of *' Rom Mi« In 1 :" ami they have

announced tlnir intention to produce it ni theiltheater. The Bumaga of the Fifth A\etiuc Theaterhas 2i\<-ii imtice of his Assign to ptiaont theearnsplay} ead we reeeieo tho bformetíon that litiga*lion i« ti» ( BSUC between tifie partie» ¡ih to this sub¬ject. I'pou this «tat« of fnete.and not canna thebom Of a (upper whether " l?o«e Michol "

ia pr«»tlu.¦< -I

at lim Union Square, or the Fifth Avenue.or ut both«>i uni at all, WO have expie*« ti the opinion thatMr. Daly has no rii/ht, in eqtl'ty.w liativer riifhtlu« in:i> boro at ant the- dmme thal Meosrs.shnoh. \ Palmer have bought. A*« long at Eugland,Prance, ead the United Wetm refuse to protect the

property of anthon byan intorriutionnlcopyrightUw,thal )»io]>» rty will be plandered ob botholueoof the Atlantic for, though temporary Justice maynow and then l»e afforded, then (an be no perma¬in nt h« cuiit v iti the Ingenious expedientoby whichthe advantagi « of lah rnntionul Copj right aw soaae-

timmsought. Either we lune snob a law,orwihaie not and if we here net, then auch rights ofanthon m inch ¦ lan would «protêt tren ila anpro*Iii ted. lu t liii paiticuliii cate :k ili/t "i oí llame

baa * «Id to a ( iti/eii of the United StabU U piece of

Uterarp pioperty. Othei ritbtens of tho United jStaten may have a perfect legal righi toatdtt Badnu it; but when we my that they lune m» equit¬able righi to do mi. we venture to think that weuttei the opinion of all honest,fsit minded rúen.

-Ed.] _


MIK TWIN Mol.MAIN HOI BE,a utaoB Aiii'M'ANn ai m», ni i« i-i ¦» »envíen

OB st MiAY-iiiour ii ins. MB. ni i-in ii'«ami «i mi .» ra,

|t bob \ - ira tu t i'itR! «fi'-i'i m m nu ramuun.]Twm Mountain Hocoe, Cabboll, n. ii..

a m«, in.-Kiuiy hi« monung ths tust of las t**tyuioutb( party,wha obbm te the White Mountains foi ti»«

¦pt «i pal pou al aeeempanj in«-* Mr. B< ecker, tool» ths li.i. pii'oui. Wallace] u_lt« and Jacob B Marrar,wHhlot r famtlleat took the *) ». m. train for haws bj tin

iNiy sf Saratoga, hartag pra4ret*«Md theh rttt tey*n>dDuli orlgtaal parpen In arder te spend ont mort ianuajunii Mr. Hauthar ïcste«rea/ Ihe bmuu eui

(pounds h'fluid to lie lilieli Of «.tollu.

in, sdegaats preparations having Orea niadim i. sirs Hie .. «i Multitude »»imii rame Inflam ..ii directions w .tiiin ths spaeeel atout an hour.

Twelve can linn from Partiand, and tun addttieualcan nan attached at Borlh Daaway. Two trains atoe.".me overUm Buetoa Oaueerd ami Montréal BaUroadtliiin til«: Went. liny I. IM » nlllil lu -pi «'« Bl «;¦!

it!iin n ia«!: i of 15 b m wa* brought totoieojuJa.UAll ina etnhlee of the betel and of netghhorinfi farmseera tiled, and there wen long Hamo! leans Mtcnedto fanes poali hu up and doun lbs rand,The neat remarkable thtag about the «erriet na* the

rfect viimiiiity and d. wlnch <jtreTal'.ed ««...

when both urtthln the honu and all around it Mjrowa.i.-, taiii.ti and that of athen congrnied the statementmsde by Mr. IV a i.« r li n ton m i" peet km* cut ii. roi .-.

sad At reply to these win« (objected '«> laen sasautalap.. »«.. h nu Um granad nutt they ruetanuged flabbath-breéJrJng. "Miiatciei." he said *. ni i> sa hut resuttafobsert stlon st the athel ends al the inn*, mj oseere»ii,nit, at tin« ti«'! eanrtnei mo Ihnt'll i« »mt tia

) "inn;, tho frivolMU, and tim ga] ulai iona

lure for the Bake af a Onndaj eicai lion, bnl¦oher-nlnded pimple »lim sbum rrrerentlj to wor httj(..m1. If thej tli-tniii the \ illili.*. * uta! og, the) eeTtatalydo not distara ns hare." I neHherann bot beard anjthing w lil» H would baraham coiaKidi ted lodeeoreni it

nu m. rrrowdi «l Bi iv Englandohmeh. II wai ot Boura

rertnlnl) nutii latarday timt there would i*' sacar*.ian trains, sud stoolntelf ne pi mratloB Iü.<i bei t: mnii«t.ii eetretrtsUna Baluru i.» erealufl II «xt prapesedm Mr, ii. aehej üiat li» sheald «-t md na ti««- plazsa andii. .n h to the people on the ground! n front bat, :»« tin«

piaua la exposed to tim wandin ngtbi lioun «it «errlce,It waa thought best not t«i nant anycnaage, Itthetnhad brea aajr sattahla groes ht !'««. Hchütyhe w -.m u- d that, bul tin i« Is nona Tot parior Windowswera thrown wide open, and n verr large number rtoodnr sat »«ut-ilde ami beard the '¦eiiiinii 'li,,

platfom stood dheetly lu the parlor doorway, and Kr,Benmar*! votos mag tltotiaetlj tbroagh khi bread andinn.«.' luiii way, whtol waa daauaij packed \»itii ptopto.Vitiiiiiiii Md oiit.-iii. «\ci.v vniii um hnabed e\njittin preach r'a :inJ UM Btonm um us comph*l( i, ,u n

cMbedraL it wai etIdeal, aowerer, thal um all whowere present cam« foi lou or admiration of Mr. B t-eber. i

A stud) oi na-1 on jit '»'.'«»nil showed h««ii,i ~< ree li i rit-i.iii'.u«-. On* energetic looking old lady m1 directlyfu it!«.- ti.«- pie .« la-i. «tadrlns bli roontenanca a* weU mbl uor.ipi carefolly, um alrntg ¡i kioti of dissamtor a

i-elpeblr »neri to msnj of bUarsumcnts; lmt whea Mr.Bee» bei ipeheul thereufflonsti rn Bsant,an I Inltatedad-mu «my iii«- co; nil iiiiin «¦ «if Hie « titillions Christianahowss «:v«i dtnoiiuclnji toyo» mess, nal t-u-r onibev steh ii i* 11 Ah ¦-. i*!« old laaj wa« foñed M smile, andn- ii «comed te enjoj tua net of th< sermon, lin pt mii-«i tent will b ta « it Sunday, sini lb* . , ,. \ \\\Im .x.'.tlt 11,m «I Then «!!i o, Bddirional ntrrtirstiiBtrains, bwwerei snd it u reiy deabtfal if mort ,i, ,n

lo come will c able to hear lb« s-tni it Nothiunol '« .«nan.' ucnt« Ibej han for potilli n-rvlee«

ut u ramp-teeetlng *mii meet the dematidi if tin.- o»>-ii'ii.

lia weathertodaj Nu« i«« eharmtaga thangb mum-.Aiin lmt iii til« ma. It wa* the purpoes af Mi H rcbetlogonp Mount Wmhlngton this afterneon and pam theBight but the h U sttoos of s cloudy Mernina to-morrowprerentod lum. Al bbbKiIbi prayen !>ir ahueaiu ofta mill .i Li« ( » na« no'!« «sable, ead Mr it, echa-i «ii «m ii tnmi it.

Ifler thei*hfse of theeaerrtoea,he mm itaed Um eeateiof a little srotip D*¿ased lu ronrersstion, in iii, tonneni this cob» i" a, Mr. r.iailnr ti lull ii personal ad-venture, which .-lit ii« li hsveeen'ed »«um llluatnttlo_it bia remark* ii.e othes ili> nu .n,i . n. ..,-,i ti..¡.¦ le n »m time' u !..;..« n».i.ii ti-11« «i tu.andltiiultedlilui uni iii» «if. m his Bwa parlor, lu su InMaot beiMr.Beechei sroee.fma*pcd the ctorsymBnby Um Lahí iii n- « ..««ted j, lu to th.- Bruni door, aim k1 k«rd

bim OUt Of I ti« " .li'« face. M- In- in \|. li .1 ; i.aj,,^li:in~,»tf iu Ifsecher'« rrasp, sod iii« look oi tom» .-

ha *.i .i.« in««.! .. i pitched doe n thi front step*, aen soindi um» ii; it i« Mr li chet returned lu ti parlor,iii« anser \ sol bed»and the aboli affiiir seemi-d «o ludí-«ron»! Hi.ti lu, "rolled upon Mi* floor liku j.!;«, undlaiirrhcd "'] hi slinosl ii "

.-.til come," ««Bill Mr. Beecher. Jnmelni np; ..In-r*we ara wasting the BMira nji in «uri« In idle ipnvi .. ti .,

ben it« mu i- tin« cbh I "l-i« ! ««i lit ha rai II.And these who delight m «he «..»tin. notwIlhstsiMluirak« on till,^- .«ill:, eil alatli tu tin- lli.(lut ti ni. i-riirt i« b1 is *ji"-«1 bowler,aa tv proved i*«iiicIu*Iví*!jli Hi' li ii i« '. ala, mi «»ainiilu;., TI li* li :,c lui .«, \,i.|

pal ila»« » uii whom In i la « edim - ii ".«1 ij »in inert were aa ami ntl Dumber of

yuan, im n at ths ii"t« ahapp* areul for the -»onusluiii« t, ino«! oi ni.i bavi t«. if«-,--« int n,....ii mi,, i

BMiall/ foi p.!. m-1« in tin d na c. Tn. rara occasion w i-

i. eb alni bj n .'i««imán," which it.,« <i .i i,v mr«.iiiilr««.

iront ntahltM hal i« .-n i.'l Mu- ia_c this afternoonHeretofore Wtn « «äeechersnd i .! Orimrtoti jr., bsvc»>¦ en ihe baoip n ri-tin mien of tin ratler, lind n .« bancn I to oompele «uli Mick ui - '.ti Bngl rs, riwj1 »Vi D.iW .«nn-l.ut.II.iIi-. I'll. Al l.t.r V lilt.-,« li«.

bete wita hil Mother Mi- -. v winn of Brooklyn.look a rade pole, Um and book, ami wita a grueaboppetlora iKit, pulled a trout over a fool long oui ..flin*Atutía m.«..«m-, |n*t in ti XiI nf the bOUSC. It w.i« tin

!_?.. «i il«ii of Iii«» .c.-i.ti. mai »,.,v BOOB Hut. ah ant' m I« a. and tor ll-.nni: la« ! le. alni linn were BenriiHliiiiK vtiidiy toward tlie run and the mouuUIn.tiieuui* with Hu it i« int.iltt au ftn« i« u,in tin i .u snd«.iii. reds It m.m», cm«! im n «inmiii, ni, i kan i, ti« ,, iIbeugb ni uiir niora ti n.i iffin^ ttruugbl m.« tin I, *

Ailinn.*, tin arrivals at the Talu Mouutuiailou .

are: In. Bradford -an wife, « ..-ii i- ,! Html, Ml** I IIlain and J «. Km, of Jfaw-Yerk, OweB h HousblonofHi ¦¦>'.. 'li, A *f (lilli latin of .Iel -el ('It Hint M« aM}rtgSjj n..| .|,i ghtOI 0! Wtis'l "..'. M


rilHWI mou. in sas rUANCibCo-iiiiitrajii» or

mr opium ni ss.ih:sckiiiion or OMI M »moh¬

íno.the HOMI. '»F TUB »-ingairiton a sr*ir «'»bki .«.m»*.*». <»r the ri*in.f.*«_.l

»San Fravci**--!*, An*,'. 7.-Col. ¿Ubd-tBoa'liK»aition ct ve« him aaanual aurdBaagasla Um way at efe»» ullin*,' iititt iiiip'irtiriK iiif.'rni' regas-tagthnOUnasBiuiul although ins iii» -ileuce«, related lu a pru.lou*»letter, »have little to »to with mj- nil-Jocf, I eannotac, lio'.v I could s»ell Introduce, lum stittn.llt !. Ung Miiue-

tlilnjt-tlie «nuller piirt, t>"ln\«- mo-«»f Iii« hUtory. It

waa with Mm that I m ni» Hie ein tilt of (liliisfo-tn a

ha n. i« ¡t-.-". uiul to bun I am uni. i'i"l fur uiuili lu

im m.».:.' .i not sviihi'i Ihstaaahnf thanrdteary abaarvaa*.Tua »Irst »plum aaaantteaas »the CMnssa Thaaten

Tin-I»,...illili i.t ' e of my recoil", ti..11 »at this Bight-perioiui.iuic'ul the lil. :it. r I« Unit llie " Il..ilt»eii (lilli««)"

a» the benesBsenaveBM teehnsanaara tasatp«dalla»r Ilj.>l«t »stSSS two luiOOm pi'"*, » two*-ent ropi»er

j.leee, itli'l a liilinltei of »II » er cilia. I lecilted til«* tivo-

e. nt i»i. tv im a iivu mular «..lil pk « e. 1 tlltl not untie«

Hie nick until I ja-ot hick to the ti'it« 1. Atlilep-o'l Kay» It

I* a common thiiij.; f»»r Chliium ti t<» " plus " B WtStB 1"«»

¡ile in that war, and (hat I BBgM lo bars BBSSBVarad Hie

irni»..»Itlnn at the tin e, a fact lam r» ,.«ly to admit. I

n.« «I not ilc'i'iii.e tie*« «n the play. It lia» baanI -ne iiariiiii nii'l anani. 'Iii» le ssa« tin* »inn»! monolotiou«

»pounding of k« Ulta und block* of wood ; tho annie ludo-

K*rlt'i«1)h' ..iiiMlug bp* the actor», ».Illili »nobody under-

.»; tin* »»* tim.l.liiiK »mil :icroij,!tic hate' the «nine

foul odor«, and the weird BBBfasaH-HM which have

I.n daaarlbed many »Urnen-,« IIINK»E IDO Lt.

Ki on: tia gtoutur AM vent to the principal church <ir

i,».»a-|ioUi«e, a s-iy l.trgo building «levottxl no1 ¡«lone to

¦».», »iiiii, but to aiino*.t evaspparaatt. a cook hou«.*, a

lii.»i>l!..l, a moue.» « bangtag «»unter, ami a iuo»i*ion

abapaaanp- »1 rartana pertlsas of it. i »should notut»Icuipt to «let-cribe what I baw in lilla lO-H-hoUm lou for

the fuel that there li.«« uot lieu, Um» far, au.» »sd-OUatSni. a »siren in tim Baaspapera of tin* «»iij eti and purpnaasof Hie «merni »Igatee lu the Nunile iiinl Hie billet« of Hie

< lillie««* ntnl tlit-ir leliicliiiia pmctiees. In the ti.lui «toryof a ii ni icy buBdlng li OAtg of win-hip. UptfefMti 11, i 11 s of «tail«, rieUcty, aera, ami in.» »« ii, und i iii.t'ii'li

«lark pa* -itgcs full of ulckenliii; odon«, 1 reach« «I a «,

dreary« inyste.-i'iii«, and «¡lent js_r_Mp_anBB of this_»**yBlerlenaandanperatttlens peapte, Hen sadthete in

the len,(»le a ililli tupee huuied, hut there were no llghtliu lho Inillti, »lan», mid pn*nn.> a, nn«I the dick« rin«?Hiin'i » only added t" the oppreeslra .uni, if lasaj weallIt. ghostly fssMug tbat svertook me. Everything -boatthe p.«ce w11« d< ci'ledly spooky. The »Bight Itadtfll»Lok The busy city, »mil al ______ Jeta of ifi»»*- Bar»

roiii.ttctl it«, and ml ¡m mol bvctvahere, except Loth.i»holae «»f i«l'»ii«, »there aere Hebt aa4 hf«.

fhenratggarete he bbsb i« ¡it the head «f the laat

ill,ht of »»tiiii«, ami I* ciiiid »Um QuardlaB «>f »UmTemple,»n- iii« Guadiana, ii«« hu«.-. »hmjjhtag »maagenuni e, »and is

attired la a ii hi »robs end head «-"».r.iiK Brerj wor-

.»ln|»i lit« lililí Um templo places the clid.a ..f lu» Unirem

»together and s»¡iii hi» haada i" fen his bres t »prupitiateatin ¦ "io! hy »baaing ihna thnes sad u-ttmbliags »prayern» the »,lino Hun*. I.n h »IgarOi or »group of ggoree.iB»...»»reit 1>y it tit h c.iiiop) of »ilk ill a fr.nne or hOBOf«..mill ".»«»ixl, in «oin« nant itcblyomsBieuted a ifh »foldand «-ilsirr. »Passing from »ii«.* Oaardianof the Ti «pie to

another part of the t« apto, ae n teoei the "T. mty".lire, Air ami Water. The I1i-t tin.neil li..* a vei.v rut face,.: lil;»:, a-SBBStS ami a s cry tlcli rinincd look. Tin-

Bgareeia ata. .resemble th»- MeagaB-M. Tlmfanmami ..lin i parts of the Linly \i.i».|e ure iniiili; of »».uni

.1 paphi mu« le iiinl ate tie», li ii ilk ii« the «Olll-

p'l'Moiii of the ( hincan. Moat <»i ti.o Igareshu\e haag uhJakcra An eraparat «»f china, be¬

im« the ( hnaliili »;i, ilecii-ed Hint llii-te «hoilld IK) no

wbia_era »»urn in tea empirai ead ihn deeree i» foil»»sved

tothapreaenl >Ijs »uamltgmus duty. <>ci _slenaU] au

t-i-l Chlnunum i» ».¦. n a ii h »» hls-i ia, »hal lu* i» a renegadenot ta good brer. Priâtes, gorentorn, iad kin.» »»ere

aUowadtewam »vi k>r«.aad th«* »Mola,helagaapertaehalngs Uhe iln* »prim «¦«, « te. up* larabihed '»suh a »huaatt»tal supply, Tbe aeten ee lho stage aleo BBBcrnlly wear

s»iii»ker» »hseaassUm) i> lateenl tin* hhdMrelaeaea Iksm.iii.ii.r.ii language la wheUj aaed on tee ______ etagainiiii feiil liiiha of Hie i» ititi* :nii!i in un.I» r*.and u* Ut-

li» if It its the i:in-l:»'i »p. i.'.ilii.- »i-ilol. iii». Alt* ami

Water at HieTrinit» greatly »resemble pi« tun*» «>f thesa» ior. The »mt lip«r. in:'»'»T fein ii», propitiiit» »'li

of »threetajarss. As ahjaet helagto ward ad laatrna»tn.ti t.r îii.nif» i.y iii» ihre* ilnaiialB Ths worshlperati-, li. if »ilk, tine. Ililli. IT »ililli!, ga Io the li.'Ule of __B_-

».u'lu*. the great amétetammaa. ii«» ata Banar a oaaagpii - ». the BdmrBj ob » *«ort of t »tom erith u »soaatei trtefore'n,!- li. baa rather a pjraarageo-at _ai_*e,a_d_iriehlyBttlred, in hi* band he hohl* ;i pill, oin eauagjk im- »saox

i.» w.»i;...v. Pi» "¡»mt »propttiaUag »tentnon) ii (.one

tbraagb t*ef_m t ï » t . i«i«.i, »»htch i« Um last one rtaltod.They bave aa usa for »anything uhUa tbey are ._e_, Thelie a; I Ililli.- «WO .lait «I »»;«a Hie (¡ «.f ( i»iiilnelce

'I'l.l* la »»i T*)i I p. ti try thosewaa hasre ¦."».«i« «m tin .*

»n ft ctni nui».lift.» mUors ".' nsea aga - »» n»> have »rargeeeeil',, uti llie »'Ha or !'. 'lil I-' !"¦ r>liip|M-<l, or H.i'»n»thOii«, e any loniaetilhw ss ¡iii »trade or Bomanaee. l adei the

Miine i aaopy, umi ou iii«. Baam »U.tana. i» Hie »Soddem of

the 1'roKtti.ite. Aliii'.at e»er\ hour of the impiagtaAoiw n ma; ha mea »hetofe tins n....r.-.

lll*l«»!V I SHS KI» IN S\""l».

V.V in xt pü-itil t»» h larger aparttneal thoa any we had»i-it«*«i. Tilla rontahni- ihe lii»»or> of China, la a earn

taff elnlinnitt« I'nl '.pensive. 'I bl re »»ere it »gnat in my

Igurtn «urved out of wood unit |Uded Theae r« pre-«« ni«') »tbelgnres being about sislBesaa »Ugh all Matexalted ebaraetemof blatiay, toga, emperors pttoera.-nid prim»*»-»'», dawe io u lute »yartod. TMa work u

irreaUr »¡jrlud hy Um Chlnaasi »sad 1» iM i" »have c«"»t a¡.ti.» -iiu» »if nun»-*»', «ni.i'h »Iguala iili«tnpli»1 tobo

nail: :»yed »omet lim*/ pi« .ii of I he Bet or d« eil tor »vliich

»the orlgtaal la eemm*morahd. nreae-t ri_ltedtheMG i

«>f \V:iia," a piTtuitoii« utile fell«»«»', »Mih ii i- <i bree and a

rurji -flttc iiuinni r. This i« tateinl«**l to r.pit.eit i!iell«»l-

knnp of H»« Chinese »raUgloa. True, iho ggure l« not

iiior» ithsa wo feet 'j'-, i»i» ii« ¡»itiliult: gi\cn the hn-

preesion that it think» »Itself bj big Mauynady. Hu«li. »-ed lu ni in*.r, mid all around I» th«) gio-lion« panoply of star. In one limul the »pad»sanies a anton «r »»»ord, typical of hi« pawer,one of the sBperettUoas of the paepto be«.glliat ».. Inn ha «li. i»'- Ina "-won! a nioii».inil p. op!»* fall,in i-i of any s»ar m ii..iinie, the p. opie »propitiate Mar«sad bog to be protected. The »Best Idol ri-ttcgwaathB..i.ioiiuii iievii," win» ii avery baportaat pereoaage.Hu!» n,.o eordiag t.» the«Thlaese,le to hsramanti di-tsiih the d« ¡ni. lu «.riler to prereat tin« tim

fi '. lal» of the deeeaard hís.'e to propHiato linn. The chief

Bmararag tstohi of the Chlneae ia abna. When Baana-ii«*r of n f ail».»-or ¦ I'liitn nii.riri« ."I dlee.Bsonruereeadpricaia ,n«* lured, Mcci'iiitiK to tue itumUnged theda»eaaaed Oh nat saalrsrsary «>f Hie daatb of a

»Mead the siirvnor« l'uni punk on the curtr-st..iies near hi« raiilciico and theil», »sad Hieviii-n Innu the linly staler in.t.'.id of »BBttUg it.

Winn a death «a. nit», and on the BBUlrersary..f .try «iiuth, tho (¡i'.ntid Devil is »SBppoSsdto 1>e v. ry mm h ¦plr»aaed< und he Is onlyprereatod horn tn.iki'.».- the »deep "f the tarai bbc .«nfoit-iiiiie hy seta <>f »geaeroetiy bj »aarrrrlag »friradsj »oat-mil per.'»la iatpt »|in.!ilillt « of m c, tinm1, Ihpior, etc.,.ne pined on Ha* id.d'« throne unit a-lrt \» n »shoal timBtoSSta. If th.-y are accepted, lim «ti ad »sill »le. p until

dm aast annlraraajp, lúa »yod has a »penitent atr.aateaaabba had none aasset-teg ho vsm »Barry far« n«* i«dreased iu u »faateg laba, »»itii a haag "f ault« »about inali» ..«I, a -t.ilT iii lil» linn.I, Bad Ii.'»ie1ii<. t n¡ »»hile almut hi««n»:- muí walat. A .aaopy aearthal «»f »Um ii.m. jn»td' » illa-ai i.'ütaili» Hi« .uti»'.. »'. oí t ii. lui na. flic alta lu »

taU-Mowa Uly or lotas, baa a bttrahite face, ami luT.-rj .*i*.'rei uhle \oot(ta$ >_gBI*e. Mie ia Wi.r.ahiped hyih .m S ho mi e »low« ».

A VOMAt lui _ ll»c|.

In Hi-in I i.i'a.p» air tWB II BTM Hie " InapirationI io«!" and the "«Bad "f HuiTIgl ra." Th. forint r holde a

a .pt,»i mid di«. Ides the li.»nora »vjth the lind oí Wai«.»Bath bava ta be peapttiatad la Usa» of war. tuo *« Hodotthe Ttgen»/' to anrsblpid aaaa la Chum than hera in

»aartydayaa stoodtha«t) Ugn-r asam tram th«« iaagleaj mut rite .ii*, tin* < n, and fre.pientl» i».t n sad I OBBM

Iii.- "lu;«r Mun,". i..,** .»linn!.. ii, »..Iiinl.. i. .I U> ga tothajaagles sad »la.» Um timr. ii«* »».»a ia.« «sea anatiger's bark, ami »Um belief fe .____. skwatt tito tlgr-ra.To Um righi "i iln* i-ioi, und béante hhn Is ths nuns tan-opy, »i.uni» a urni".» lookiag tiii.-y of Btlgaffabantatoot high, ssitli n t»l< lu »ii «ml «ti ppea mouth. It la theni" I In.»» l.ilile arid ...nut. felt pi »¦». IBt.B ii» I«*ser!te-»it hi, «nd UM r.inliali f-iip- r»lili..u of the « lila« *.- in.w lui,»

appeals >*¦"> ridlealna«.-- ii» i.. lu »ttoal <>f thla iin-.ii«* <»f a

i...., ead nil aiaand ii. wera etrtpa "f »perk, hattsdeganimutton rhopn, unta, ,i.*.*., tthi.-h are pi u. d Hiere to iip-

poom tim iiiiimei of ih«* i»«ii«t ¡m.i pre», nt in« »rating UM\ ». m. n t.inl h'ldren It ia Hu» lulu f of those who pinn)lina, tiling» »UmBS that when Hie UgSTgBtB -U-grf he

sals »Um pravnasns laataad »»f »Um ehlMraa »Intaadav», hetag »'..n. « hit ne :. .¡, ihink« ino ra'» are

mote fatatihma than tito tiger, and »Umtthaj run eti aah»'I' II» ;«.

I »BBVS », "ken of all I he «[«»d», .i'nl SB lii'|iiii«/ aa t»i howtln.y «iiu.«* li-re, \»ti" OWBS theiii, i:ti I leal in d »hat they»» hrwught in m hy ah T""k »au iga u.»»iiou, sad that»I »Mi-'inda n( 'l.i'i.ira ,i- n ««lo tlii<»ti<(h Iheui eaeh fear

ont of the Ignorant and superstitions people. Twice a

year tim ci.'neie luive fessts, tv lien they dress th* J<**-

Iioii«* in «jay attire. Bis paper «nant« are tinox lim,it li.«

Pudding, sud tiuaei mni vurinus decoration« relieve

inuili of tim dingy appearance. The ignoran» on «uch

o» <liston« ti" to the temple with their niom-y ami buy bitsif papel from the Brunis, pay it. a; from 5 cent* to gl.0.These lilt* of pup« r are burncl in fin urn, stn) tin deludedheathen think the suhl* no to the god«they wonh'p, whoare pleaied to receive tin» money. The tunney, hnwevor,prolialily goes to liny coolies anil prt/Htlt it»-». I learnedHist from BttgOBB io **.!0,000 »re paid 1».*. ! he lower tl.isv*

lo thi« way eveiy y«»r.CBIBBBB (»I'lt'M IiFNS.

By ths tims we had ymm IfeffUUgl tin» Jo«s-house the

annhtg nee urti aigh epaad it m as prapaaai tent *«

shotilil mut go into the opium den«. It UMprebuMp 10n't iot.k, or perhaps butfea barn i.r«r. dusurasusaMthey would tie in full Mast The tatWO UUBl h)UMm ar tin« theater on Dupont «t.. I think, 't whi a place to

In« '«mi ntlicred. It WSa a room BhOUt -I fe«-» t«y ten. the

eelllni«- being no1 mort« than iii nr MvauUMtfTeM the

floor. There wau nut a wlutlow lu tin-rnnni, and the en

tia'iee BafSUgb a narrow «lour, i! IWB a «stintt ílkht of

rattan «tair*. nie room ttsstf v m foul to s degree icould ItariMy hnagBM po«slli!e. Tin- floor na« damp and

«llppery. The eiillni? mid wallu *.iere covered with s

Kiiniy moid. The only !i»«i¡»« wera hoM dlsganeuuj oil

ctiiiH, with wicks Hunting in them. The ptoprtotoo of fio

place »eimetí !n lu-ids omi iMHt ci'ttniiicr. He luy on a

loiter BUBB, willi lils head proppe! up ntth a pillow reek-

nifC In ''lili and IWSrBBtng witti vetmln. " I have

brought," anti hndsnen, ssalraastug him, " «.»me Kast-

m geuthUUeO to «co you." A Chinaman Is nain

lally bospitalilo and polite, ami although thatn ii. lit wo went luto the vvorst place« thatImmun betUgl ever lnlialilfcd, lhere wa« not a smiyword or nu amim««i expreestoa hmtheireeeupaaMThe ki per of the opium den win* half gaus with the de-

Itotoai Intoxication. Ill* eye* were «utilii-o and half

closed, tint they iiiiiíotti-d a testing of sapraasabaan Hu n ¦¦>< u ..m ojien, Étasloatag hi* j.'How,opium stained teeth, lint there wag a look of liappiiicaseven there. Hin clit i.s wiro «allow ami «.unken, and I

BOttM not li. Ip tliinkliij' that SB them wa« the same meldtent covered tho toot and the ceiling. It UM evidentthat lu-t car») ««i i«- in the wont« of Anderson, und there Is

Ho «I., lilli li in lil,i i II < oinpli liilideil ! Ililli, lint SaaB -A a« lit«

-Him nu liai«) in -- that i doaht if lie would have changedpi.u e-t with the ni«iit favored on rai tit M In heaven. Ho

tried lo ifre«-» ii-, lint it wai a di oil effort. It was a htmufflebetween his )io«pifiiitt.v and iii* dressas, ordinarily he

voulit hale Bl Is»«'!' and offered us a pin". If we hail l«een

ii coiniiiltiei lo Iel «1er hiin the Empire of ("lima. I «loutit

If he vi «muí have broken ths spell which bound blas, al-I haugh In.ciuM hiive d.ine so with an effort of will. He

mad' hanover, a feeble elfin t to wave his hand, to openhi.« Igt s and to «milt. The, haud alni eye »¦ v|.t -.«.-.» Intle

hospitality, wbatevai theirewaec may have un nut. and

his lullt- «TM simply Kh:i«tly. AhOUt Ililli, on his dil typin li, wen lèverai huí.« white Jar« af opium, heldlng

about three thbubtoaful» nudaeveral opium pipes; thereWire al«o two or three lampe, UuUghhM. Tin«* went

for r-iistnmei« ¡ia thai caine in. There were prntiiihly nine

bunks, placed oneabove another on thies sides >f the

room, and each ano una occupied bp Chhmmsu more or

li «« nu«!« r til« hlgBMKU of opium. Two or threo w«*r©

doubtlOMInsenslbto,farttuir lamps had baan removedBad theil pin« s had fallen from their lipa. '* Tin y'll havea head on t lu-lit in the tiioi nillir," saul Mr. Anderson, t»yv. liKli remark I understood that they would hive s fall-in m shoal t m li' a«l, ni * «lull, schlag foaling Toe athenweie, some of iiiiin. in the UMdltliWl of the proprietor,andaomc had lust begun to «moke. These vitr« particu¬larly polite. On«* « f them oflVred me hi« ptpe,whtoh I

took.u«iw «ifii m i*« nenKBD.

1 he pipe In wbi, n the ('lillie«« «.ke opfaun ha« a item

prol.ulily two feet long, made of cane muli as certain

«I-MuiC rod* are made of; about -') in« lie« from the

inotitlipii c. iiliuli lu un ln«*h in disiin ter, I« the Imwl.

Tins sppsan to he maite of boxwood, ana i* Bat unlike s

«niall low collie tup, large at tint top and «niall at. thehottom, witha tight cover Mttng to It. In the center of

this cover la aeaMUh-oto. The opium is not put in the

pic«-, ai might be ¦nppoaee.hnt in a utile wad on thetop of iii. cover ever the hela The marher leane a Magneedle sad os the end af ii gathers from ths utile jar« a

pled of opium the size SfshBBB. This he b"lds OVS!Die lamp, ami lim« mel!* and Imrn» It until it Is of the

proper consistency. Then ha places Itover the bato in

tho cover of the pipe, nud with hi« ne« die BUM lies

a titile tiUUUgh It, which tolni th« hole in

ttic i over. Then he Kuhl* it and «moke« nunga M'hen

it i» Lime In« (épSBtSthS pro« «-.«s. i «tuoked one pipefulof opium, im. the fmaee potooaaof ti«* «.«.a. had

ma.I. ... ln«.-iip-ilil«- to other iiititieuie«. and I

Could not lite! rit.i'id where the f.iseln i"«tn was.

iii« «ni ike of the opium in tins dauhttttgUhea threaten-tagshadow ever oar headssad sH about us. Thestaaosp..!. v..i« Mfanulaung it it vis not Intoxicating, uuit

withal It waa net nnptonatag. otîier ununa rebelled atthe sttusthii iii« beda,ens at\>eveanother, with icernslytwo test betnorn them, wire duty horned deacrtpttou.The ( hiiiiitnen eceupytng »In in, with one exception, a

tots.leah r \t bo in*'! lu«t begaa to badalgi in the die- patton» anare aaarlj M dirty sa Um beds thej soeuptodtiiiiy oneor tuotoeh the slightest Dottosofaa Tin other««liiokeii swaj m though the] had only aBMUMutbetweenthe pt« -cul life niideteiiiiiy. Wo stand lu lina Bennearlyt.ilf au lit Bl nip««.li iut til« «li "t* Hilt «Inokti «. and I couldnot help eontrsstlng ths happtacM they felt that Bightm ¡tu itn misery thal wouldovertake themlathe atomlngTini donath m hoar theo» gai mIibi of ipbrltaaad the pains

during the daym the hop«-, iiui- «l the certainly, afttaj«.»« that await them at Bight.

Tit« other opi'ini dens we vi»ited, half a dozen In nura-

bar, wera ali BMca wntohsd than the drat, w« «hw

plait « mit eight feet ««piltre where there were twenty

people, lying MM BhevO auotLior, two or three in a hunk,and in putts nu the Boor,

l'l« ia the i purni deli« wa went into the mont wretchedof tin Chinen quarter*, aadsraan began with the leasti« pal ive, ¡uni al last, «hen ne enterad the den of the

It pet. win,*«- a holo body was a Mack ¡aud festering sore,

natue fare aas covered wttB Mack teeta, hi« Upa, nose,

ami t it 11 it>-n «iii». I lie« ame «tick, and wag gUd enoughto lot the lllilicic auartOI take care of It«««!/.


The I*iV|>!itViiniii party bul r» maiiicti1 down tothis motin u: without suydednlts policy oa the curraacy,.ii. «tn.n. and thOM who n|n«:ik for li oi::. i.illv ha\eal v.u.« « «p«»k -n about the publie debt m nu uucertaln wai.

.ai ihn Democrats,ob the other baud,bare an reallysound financial traditions, and bara inver receivedany«um«! or thorough tit-, oi« tal iustrurtton, Is equally «*er-

t Bin. * ' rho way te get out of the «crape to to dropthe nulli r of rabtottnge sim evasion and tell the honesttruth and «tit k t<» it, or. in other word«, "trait ino

people," a.» Mr. Boutwell would «ay. No amountof lying iirni anlbbllug will ever get u* boab ui

«l'en« pay an Bl. n«»r will the supply of mur¬der«« ut Hie i-ioillll laut I..;.; eil tuh to »ave

the party f.em tshltig »"it«.« »olid ground on tin« guae-tioii. Al« Ihenegroes might be slaughtered without solv¬ió. .«. belpttig to solví th«' proiilein There Is one thing,too, ver] rerfalB, md that te, that the Presidential canepallin cannot be carried on mitt year aa the SouthernI«.'ic It '.\lil Inevitably be condttcted Israel] aa thiananda! l-«ut: whether n result in the triumph of fhapoUey ot inflation ..¦ oi tin« poUeyef sVBSlea^tbe fed«»n baelncM will be equal, d lastróos. Ihe country baaK«i|ie ii« tar mt it ali Ko "ii Ih''1 V'MU ali Jilmi if j Iglaa and posipoBlng wa anva very dtotlactly reaebed ai'u« which wi nost ««'le« t or. of two pi «in ooursas,a declalou in fuior of resumption, «.thuin fain.*-hootl ar react raltoa, would launch tho coiiiitryou iiii.itlii-r Biagnificenl run of prosparlty: a de-Mon ka favor oi lafiatlon, ox of iufiauou that

«a iii i«, ¡a . ««ne thiiiif a., eoBtraefloB, or coin rsetloa thatwill be the same thingm tafiathnt, «iii oertatnly brtagsboutoni of the most tretnei lona Hnanclal eatastropheirer « Ita« «»ed. tor BocominerctBl statoof thi magnitude

ami inn .itali. ot the American Unloa has cur taiierluto bnakruptcy or all mpted wbvloaala i«»iu a of

n :i di i n.»bl* paper la lime of protooad peace Them i/illi* ut Hu (mt iniin ut hi the milall«<iii«ti Would luI.o I li an. snd I« ti!., n to im an, tint, foi Um Hi -.1 t me

tin the fall of the Kouiau Empire, the agisirs of a vast,hhrhl) «.»tiiiii/e.i «oci. ti had passed into tim hoads stli - n,i««i i., n m nal u:'»« u iloii» ¡a*«; an oecur»renee of into sort lu oat daj noultl kIv«j * -hock to ctuli/ u uni Itself. ____________________

A l: \ s il'»N M I.M Off THE ri;MKF..*>K ISI.ABDMClIOOIa,

f I I* /. -'¦¦. J mimi, («g 16.The Ami« ison Behool <»t Naturel History,

loen« «I «m i*i nr»..««¦ Island.ona of the Elisabeth groupof 16 in Bastard's Bay. which wa« founded at tin ex»(mum oteo linlcll fiel li,pli. mini \ ami BOXlety OB til"

pall Of Hi« late I'lof. laOUIS A¡.:n~-4/ .tint ni ia I«, itj ,«i al»to !» '¡mili i, nil« < alum* th. '¡i»r inn::!' on an InstflUtioB«pt the kimi i- ic c to ««und. It WM Hut Intention «»I thetrustees to establish apermaaeul fund of *M-«".ixiu, smltun a «t« miici between tin islsudsnUN«**s uedford «taiiy,thus reducing the pri« e of supphM at tim Ishautsadsrcstl) Bngmentlng thi attramveneaa of the place, 'i'ncdeath of ii.« projector, however, was a death otow to tho

prospca i« o' the in«tltutlou, which, Indeed, i»»» ceaaed t«>

bo an at a.l. The ex:it in«« trttsEcea of iii* ni

milln« of um oliool. \.« \ _. B. Agassis, Msrua BrttaMer,i ii.-...i.m- layman, lien. Jobs <V Di* sf Bew-Yerh, Ui oi.Mii. « uki pnrf. Barnard, Presldeatef Colombia Col»n ge,.:pim n uni in have been, «.f lads nt i«-ui«t. kept neil

p. ted respecting the coadltloB of th« :r trust,and nun it «n »t i-f o «lion u «aid to have reanited from a

clear statement of facts bj the ti«usurara li«'.»«ni u.'.

ma« be. ti angeera thai déduite setion hM besa t*i»i-n..p.-c. the natter, and that *H Biovabto properly cou¬

ll, .lill willi the cuni ern ii« to be turned ln'o cn»th unterthe hammer of a Booiob ancltaueer tor the hsuoBt oli« litors. An in«. 1*11» "i.v ha» bean t »ken tor t'li» purpose,

.in«) the props«tj will t>é ti an «port «««J to this eil > hy «tater

Bod. for sala wlthla a fortnight, h m.tail pou,onof the .»'!""l I if:»|i!i« niull.t, snah aa would not pay furUioi lui;. Its« boen «»aivoii laithest-houl st Woinl'n llultt. Timlilctid* al the laiitl.-iti.a«..*: hope t*.l "'»me not di«l mt tliuuto maite it BSW «tf.iil In lue «stile In« ntl.n, with mole

sa.» igini Multi







Willie AWAY IHK ill'K

ÍFiK.ii a »»Tan* ooUUSUr »mannt BP thb THtemni iIUsvi.r.r Si'itiNiiS, Horkitiiiliion bounty, Va*

Auk li Tau icreat Bveiuie« from .S'ortlieru «Hie« to thei-ii: p of Viij-l'ila iiml Weat Viriritila are now optan-UM

<>ii<* from BaMmetf hy a t»«*,in»h of the Ralfliiu.r« sadOhio It illroinl to fJiaiint'iD. und Ihn other bjr the VirginiaMi.'! Brad H'iiifi'eiii K.illroad and (tieaaiieakeand Ohio KalIroad from Waalilm-ton to« .-.»iiphiir.fin* re ault of thl« la that Haltloior« au«, Titilad» »pliiau«,Koa S il.era. ami BVUB I!"»touiana, are _BB__BJ hitlier.aa never 1>« fore, tu tait« the pla««« of the

i.'.v old time vialtor» from the Booth vthooepraamd»pererty eftitorbeana them at hesse or rompanth. m to mes a Hummer life even cheaper than theseSpring alford. Th« re »te many reason« why Northerapeople »/ho have one.» tri« d tin- experiment «hould cora*

BfaBJ ami a.aln. The ).¦ rimy la hy no mean* Ion-feetedlnn«, and tbe fare for >he round trip I« retaonable.Oma tn«y »xSBVe N« v» Yoi I« »it 3 o'«luck I'll» n'ti ri.i.n, sodlit. at tl.e Hawley, .Ionian H hie Hu phur, OBBBm« or Ortoney in linn» for a hath b- fore au early tuip|ier tomorroo

Brauton, nana atoeaa»ma r« ached t»y the naNtoaaa»adOnto SaOraadaada »Isa mile« of «ta«ring. Linie moratin.' '«:..,*.,!( I i', tfti. I'.;'!/ from New-York to either oft.'.o «e»crai ...prln.-» mi i»ie Cb»*.*.«peake and Ohio lUllroad.Tim Omanbrim IThlto tulntm i« further twtpthan any olher, am» it may lie, readied In 37»bants»! a«id with on'y ore chinge of ears. Aceesai.I'llily SStoMlaaud. f may tie a*k<-d whst arathe attraction» lum aderad. The an«wer In a «entenoe.Curative water» etpi u to any in Hie world, whole*, unafotail in grato vjaricty, the ptiroat of mount,tin air laratphreath an Inaplration of health), r« fined aociety withoutBaaaeaasaiy remi ii Huns of fashionable life, bunting andIsbtUSJ, f'.riAt rnmh!» », ami opportunities for ai.-.ilntsrent of liody and mina under nioet favorable oonditi.««sfir reeuji.i.itlou. B iwley Bpiiti;-« from which I writs,ha» all il-.-t-i» item» on It» bill of fare; a foi to tri iloU

every on»* of the 600 vi-tor« now here will ohuerfn_Uymake atlldavit.

T'tK VAI I.F.T OK TUB HIIFNANDOAH.The route hitlicr from V»'a»li,ii»rton Ile» t brough the hie-

torlc ami hcautlful Valley of »lie -.licnandoah. Thl» lires.the Indian» culled it tins Dm.liter of the rttar«.I» «-»tai

in all It« iM'ituly at Harper'« Ferry, wuere It Wreaksthioii.h the mountain« to unit- with the .'«»toiaaeon IU way to the Cheaipcika Bay and tbe______ Ocean. Much aijainat ita) will John Bn.»t n wrotetin* name, f t*il. plftiire«<iue old town Indelibly in Umh.»t >ry of the Tinted BtotoB While the car» »top for»he transfer of »Braasanums »«nd li.iKurn^i»-) to westwardtraill» we ere within a few yunda of the engine-house iawilloh liri.wn and hi« little hand of Abolitionist* were

..'-i»'.*id hy Coi. Hubert K. Iaee and a company ofmarine.». Thomas Jefferson »aid »slew of the »cenerfat li irper't I".uy wai worth a royage aero»« UmAtlantic. lu truth it in »grand hut all it« tine point« camnot 1»e noted fioiu Um platform of a railroad car. Notf.irfn-ui "tho Ferry" in charlestown-aceue of the es»

« ditton r.f Jnhti I',.'*'«»ii. I'la* »»i.rt-li'.nae m which he WasTied sad th» j.iii in w-lehhewaa aoaflae. are riathtoIrom tue railwiiy Halloa, PtMU_B_ «no of the UiieMcbiireh mina m Amei lea, »» t »""ti i"»a» the im» dividiosWest Vlrslata froni Vii /inia.a line the very», na of win. h la «'..«ni- .1 i»> Vi'i"i;iUii« of the «»Id «cbooi.»i BtereuBoo »n- era within a n la» and a hilf of the Jor»¦lan Whit«- -iilohui Mii-inift-a; no1 »Me Walu .*»ilpuur, hati plrseuot ."¦nunnet- resort <>f toaimt »..mi« CapoaHprt-BB, a little fürt in r up the Vallar, la a place of tho»aune trade. The J"i«l«n aad Canns «Iraw patroa.aLi* in.linly f.inn i .*!«!»''"!!.-' I'mn», lint ba»0 via-ltore.I»., fruin »Baltimore, \.'a«*tiin«^"ti, a ml other cities»Di.twin* nlirh to Witicheater, s»e whirl over the «cenes otm .n»'n akii lulah in tho late Mvilwur. SS in. heater llaeliaaenoretoughl oser in those «u»« than »slsssatmanthertowa lu Virginia; it wat bandi*, ilwut k tweeathe conteadiBB srudes until no one ans »raahsaaaah m«ay »»hi» h hal (a.*»ea»i"i! of it on any niven tlav. Kvnry«.ireet BUd ,t1!'*y fe't the trump of tro»»l>« in ha'treor eha»e, ami echoed the rat'l*» »»f ninalotry.Here lode "¡»iicit.liin ; here prowled Mosby.Winch**-* atonal roilfc'h BBBga pietty well, how-e»* r. *iti'l today It I» »ie «if the neat« at «n«tIiu,Ila it of »Southam Inland tinana. I'.ir n l.»n» Hine Itaas Um tonauras of ths Viiiiey RaUroad, hal »sos » .u

*inj» utily loiiif lawah to allow UM »MBsaatfei to w,tik nuton the platform ead bajr aa aanto _*_¦ aa um»» »rtuuntoueirro. who would !»«* draa linn og »Um ear bp kiaeanifiiil». Off iiL'iuii. we \ IM iii'!"*! over tin* li lil (¡f the im-

(.»irlüiii tHtttle of Ketii-t'.wn. altirt that nf Cedar Cieek.cutcha ifliinpa.» of Hie _,IBBB BtOWB .ntrencl meut» atTi-lieiV iii!!, und «top one ».f many »SUipBaMB «'thefuined »Strasburg. wheaeeoBe m.iy gaby rill urougli thsht.irt of MuBlty'a Coafeder_oj to »Stana-au ead henea.But our coarse ii Bia aaottor dlrectkiB. Hnde'» Hillls1».nut..1 ..nt a« the neeno of «e»eial «Itinnlahe.. lid«ni," e ia ueiir M.iiint ,I.K'k»"ü. »there tli»»*- i».L»<.-iurrr8.rbi «i»'*i iu Míen la tho oi in» v Bprtaga loare tin* »»raiiu«! »ake a itafjo. Vawamrket bssbUb »another ha__a> in abteh Hi» chlai Idee ami Bisel me isaiad »'i »¦u-cth*.nid in win«.h the »boys of tin' VtWinla ^li'lr irjr InaUtatB'..iiifiit like reterutm. Wo.>ilati»cW. Ediabaia,aad othesn.m iboutedbj ih. IrralirmaB. barra fnaluai »mundeni. :, if rh ir e -in »prudence of B _OSSa seal» ¡«go.Hut in t'li"» r» -'nui every G ladet »has ha ttoej »>f the wsriI ini'.a: «top Bumoratioabefore tin» letter i-ec.ini»« e,u,otb ».iii'.i.üe or a history. Hur'-i onl ira, la BoehtagfeamCoiaiity. ia nt leaehed aadwlthoat fatKuc Ulaa ane-awahe,atubtttoaa town arish a »Mrreeeedaalprim i-» »>f ii priiBpt rmia fnfiiie. Here, iiflcr a unod di»n. r ..i me Spi»tn»»oo<l li".el, which ia conducted In »in.eo»Una with the ».toriaaa» we t«i»e»ti»a«ü.or better «till e

baggy for Has» hy.S( I SEA AND SCFNFRT AT R-tWf.KY.

The ili-t.iniv of 11 BtUeserSrs turnpike la annihilatedi»» »steasaat semaany »aad »yieUneafua scenery. On theii'-r «pin of Uto, iii»t,...ii|i|,.,| «pott, are thebiiildtniraand -crouiidB known na the Hawley Spring»,ThsdBVtoBfl nssd brimr« m .'«) the «pot unexpected!/.With hardly a »BUauent. wau.»iii*, e\ce;»t the «hcht of i»*ee-BOaaaa Iheaayte the river for a tiath, you are eoo-f!."til bj n «lu.ter of houses.alums! a rUlaan -andat'noiiir of p-opie. Hu* »ttraasen are itreet«'d by the nowie»ti s bri»», band, »tal lolled on the las» U ; :ia \»t: aliehta*»-,siiijoi I,nek, the jolly lnndiorJ of old tinie«, " h)*i-_;«-8banda all Broun«!, and bids u.s avIeooM a- if to in» «»wo

m»'i.i». Mew difltaant tin»,, aatt-a brum that of thshiidi and m1-lily hotti tle.k» of many of our North¬ern wnteimn pi.n es. After i-in'h a reespttoa we« an -i,ind »»iii» mo.'.erate compotmre the «ear iilufiraze mid «hatliiiK!*'. of tue bos y of youn-i ye.»pisOlli» red «m lite pl;t/z;!, '* io »««. win» ha« tome." II »i» ._.

at n.-urlj ill -'H' iiner ¡«'Rorts, the ball.-a are tnore u uiier-

out« than tito baaus. and the -tai «ita »yaaaabto paaaVh)"kiu>- soiiii). man av..ik> n», in the Biiada f Hie farUM r.

hope« of a v.iliiiil.le i.'eiif'ircemc'it ia the 1)all-ro»»tu andna Um pruBmaadea. BUM. a bum »must mt »Breaaam oaih« a« in« ii > of the specimen« ol his sex. Tbe braal '-»ofK' nt iel j., Matvumu »Did Virgiuts an «-tickler« for .*ei*t_iaK11. 1.. >-f te, .'lilli »»efole BBS beeUineS than B

itouctng aciiii.iiuiaiice he must be »ready wuii ti*..e an-

written creaeatltils ot »respectability Bud r« "m m»-nt do»ti, iinlcd liv _' i»l *i".''ety very»» lu re : tl.e** iorihcoiiainsihe in i» I*«' -ure of a d» Ibjhtfal -» Wlllai.ilt f;e»i: U»i-,., nur«* r«. »li ess coots "i a BIM ae« l.iu-d. und otto a v«»iyni'-.l« rate «I- .tin on bia pur» ..

TbS ¦»."'""t «'»»a« li >n of tin* K is»!«-y ï»prin«cs i» tin* inin-tral«*i.,..f whii h th» re»i- ive rouotaiaa, 'J'! ». waterof the tin«*, principal »Sprints, although »ftroBglj chaly-i». al«-, ia »«»ry pul.itahle, and nliuoRt tiatAaao, SB thatiliiiik'tij.' it i- not » p« tarnee. As a tonic an I pnetal in-

»iif»it*nii»r oi the »rstom It at u_aBrpaaMd. àlthtaujh aa

old r.prm:--"'»er, I Bare Berat ae» n ¡my »vaier e.nitlinfUM l»_:t"Al«>) It« the r:i¡*lillly willi «ft liich it :>'ii'l« up A

woro-out «¦'¦.iiatiii'tiiui. ETerybod) ra lho ateiiadaSbMb..f mi larreassot ile»h tiona day to day. lhere .-.»«« s

friend of mine who ne »'er i»ei«»ie w» *. ned more than 1A5

poumU; h<- eauM here la brohea beauh, aad »sftat tbreaweeks' »stdoun tip» tua baamatldO. tneaaaMaatatoarvMt demand, soma of thertoiiors sni-arenUj makin.ita rule to weigh ottet eren» m« al. V/ade aaUuaaonJ thlamoiiiiiiK t m»*t a yoiii'ta" ia«ly lead,in- « p»«rty in «lluiB-

! ili"-tlu «tt.fl> path »»lu. h I« .id« to the ¦¦.dd) In^ht tailedI.iver'» Leap. When Hil» ni., .in I »eil fn»iu U BBhlB__ma month »aceeba had beea bsdriddsfl for n. nth-, and it»»an uect-SBsry u»carry hur In .uni* Aram the »a_aeh to a

..,i.iki», Th prO| iici».r»of Hu* «prln.« ml|*ht »sell affordto display »tuch m uni lu-ciiniiici» braaref adwastinaiii.iii. There are Braal »b-wateUeaa >«v the w«y. toward"-rdestrlBBlsm. Waetheryour piiU leads Aowa th« valley..r im t. e u,.»t::*:.iiii .ide you ar«* Mire of riil.i.*« inll«lion o bits ni »'". uer> l'r. in oin- liu;lit within eaey walk

of the hot« l the » reawe« p»a teBdramMboanded bj moun¬

tain pe.iks t;u nuleri ¡«.»ay, ami alta, ;.-itsil«-_ as

».i a,t a» the ii-'.* of tho rtsitosa Jsnt hy tar tbs«'.-..ter number «>f »peraoua pr«!ft-r j-.i»iinie« i »:uii ne

i»*.- exertiea m that tiu* S'r..iiiiti« are dotted .»ii day «ita

»groups inieiit up.iu sheas, cards, ebeckers, uroajaabKOMlp, politii ¡ii ill.i' liMini, niiil ilirt.itloli, »»hil«« 111«hilliard mi.I len pin alley ar« d.-taerted.»I.Btimes there «re tainui- menu at winch Ile patrons «ifpi«-tentions piaers in.v anlM, butwhieb tct'oaualiabnmach better »purpees t^ian most »syartoattim »p.**. ?

day or Uü ne»', for ln-iance, the li«*»t i-eoplc ,t theHpríngs took part in aad tbe wbole roni>«ui| ara* enter»t-itn thy ». ic." ik court. Tbe Jad-rs waa una. Haadhn» alitii'iimoi'i»l. the toa partaer of en-Oar« Walker! tin* iu»ry»»as compotttrd oí pr mum at tai rvnerable .'< nUenurm ia»

eluding a repuUd millionaire, attoi-tor »fdlrtnlty, »nd aa«.i member of ("oanieea ; Um »Sheril aas » »mrgeon in theI ruled Mules .Navy ; the »SOBBBBl wen» able law-). r»: tbe prisoner wa« fir. Qerdou, »he »mndeal ¡'hy«J-ciau of the .'¡.ri.ii.-a. and ibe plaint Iff wu« the «i-.-je.-ir oldion of a well km«»» n SS .i-li!i'.i..u J.»urn.«'.»t. lu.uneeii"ii_.-li ««cn« iiili»teil to milka the «titci tutiiini nt moatno«.» ii'le. Thus speeds the Utas pi...-.»;.tl> what withv»aU» and t.tlka, hanU-_ and llhhBJi faascB. Muatojdanrina, and árala, sauset follow« «uiin*e ami mid»nlnhi follow snaant before Barked] a tired el Um data;-m ii .tie Mimi* of ll.e Baaam of hie at one of the Yirxtule.-pim.«. __________________

"Jl'.*»T A8 LIFK:"Pbiirtly after tho «linmr lull ranjr, he cama

up tl'<> »»ala, laid <t<»»» n upon the «lep«, and put hi* ne_din ni the d_ua_ room «Jom :"Mi/.,- , mother says wont you ptfuaa to girt hera

»rood n'aie full of your nice «o*ip for dinner, and lend ins

» »mi lillie tin back« t to fetch it home lu, ¡¿ml «bo's no4ir« eiiu' po>»u.'ui -»eil any karn hadar."

« Hut willyun pl>ii»c .o »»nek Bul auk your ma if ahawanta hei «oup »Mably acikouial, and crau.u'« broken upin it. and celery «all »shook lu. »mt a «liver «poon wltb hw

I ' nama .-u-jtaved on It thrown int" replied the lady elUm boam»" »Bud" i.-f. in douàile-tiulik time, and »soon lis ass beek

in position'"Miss.., mothar SBjrS «he helleres, as it taint *_*__¦| trouble 1" Sei', *lte ili*t ¡i* lief aa lint '."

'I he eM t,i t- _¦».; the «"up m ti u tin bucket «¦.-**-rwrrih .--t .¦!