© 2010 vmware inc. all rights reserved vsphere licensing advisor overview

© 2010 VMware Inc. All rights reserved vSphere Licensing Advisor Overview

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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© 2010 VMware Inc. All rights reserved

vSphere Licensing Advisor Overview



The tool forms a report based on usage and capacity when it connects to a vCenter Server.

• Tool connects to vCenter Servers, gathers information and immediately disconnects.

• Information gathered represents vRAM usage at that point in time, the tool does not update. To refresh, you need to exit and re-run the tool.

The tool maps editions to the vSphere 5 equivalent edition using standard entitlement paths (See chart on Slide 5).

The tool does not capture information on Linked mode. Instead it calculates pools as if all vCenters with the same edition’s are linked together.

• If that is not the case then you need to examine details at the vCenter Server level.

The tool caps the amount of vRAM consumed per VM at 96GB.


Login Screen

Login to a single vCenter Server

Select a text file with one or more vCenter Servers.

One vCenter Server per line with the format: <hostname or ip>, login, password




Help Pop-up

Standard Entitlement Mapping

For example, both VI 3.5 Foundation and vSphere 4.0 Standard will display under the Standard edition

Version / Build number


Main Screen

Summary BarEach edition’s vRAM usageGreen if less than 100%; Red exclamation point will appear if any vCenter Server with that edition has overage

Display help screen again or open link to vSphere 5 Upgrade Center Licensing page.

Connected vCenter Serversexpand for list of vCenter Servers and whether login was successful or not

Usage Details TableDefault view of usage details table is grouped by edition. Click ‘+’ to expand

Click to add another vCenter Server

Export information for manual calculation or to pass along to support


Calculation Notes

Rounded up to 1% if 0% < Usage < 1%

Calculations for each vCenter Server.

vRAM usage, capacity, and other items are calculated for each vCenter Server on a standalone basis.

Calculations for each edition as if all vCenter Servers underneath it are linked together, forming one pool.


Display Settings: Count Powered-off VMs

Display SettingsCan count powered-off or suspended VMs.

Filter BarCan see if filters or alternative calculations have been set. Click ‘x’ to remove.


Display Settings: Display Hierarchy

Display SettingsCan change display grouping to by ‘vCenter Server’


VM Detail View

Sub RowClick on row to drill into VM table display.

Click to return to Usage Detail view.


Export CSV

Click to export data gathered.


Export File All information is displayed as if no filters are applied; vRAM usage in overview section only counts Powered-on VMs

License keys are masked, they are not stored in the export file.

Only successfully connected vCenter Servers are recorded

The hostname and edition of the host the VM is running on is captured.

5 Sections:

1. Overview2. vCenter Servers3. License Keys4. Hosts5. VMs

5 Sections:

1. Overview2. vCenter Servers3. License Keys4. Hosts5. VMs

5 Sections:

1. Overview2. vCenter Servers3. License Keys4. Hosts5. VMs

5 Sections:

1. Overview2. vCenter Servers3. License Keys4. Hosts5. VMs

5 Sections:

1. Overview2. vCenter Servers3. License Keys4. Hosts5. VMs


Known Limitations

• Not tested in non-English environments

• Not tested against vSphere 5 environments

• Not tested with host-based licensing

• VI 3.5 hosts under a vCenter Server 4.x not supported – The vRAM usage and capacity from the VI 3.5 hosts will not be displayed