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Unit 1 Back to School A. Listening 1. Look at the vocabularies in the box and listen to these words. 2. Read, listen, and answer the questions. 1) What does Alex think is strange? 2) How does Patrick explain their adventures? 3) What day is it? 4) What class do they have next? 3. Listen and write T for true or F for fault 1) They’ve already been to Turkey. _____ 2) They’ve already been to China. _____ 3) They’ve already had dinner in space. _____ 4) Patrick has already given someone a penknife. _____ 5) They haven’t been to Australia yet? _____ Basketball hoop soccer field bike rack tennis court railings trash can

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Unit 1Back to SchoolA. Listening1. Basketball hoopsoccer fieldbike racktennis courtrailingstrash cannetrunning trackschool bellLook at the vocabularies in the box and listen to these words.

2. Read, listen, and answer the questions.1) What does Alex think is strange?2) How does Patrick explain their adventures?3) What day is it?4) What class do they have next?3. Listen and write T for true or F for fault1) Theyve already been to Turkey._____2) Theyve already been to China._____3) Theyve already had dinner in space._____4) Patrick has already given someone a penknife._____5) They havent been to Australia yet?_____6) They havent been to the U.S.A yet_____7) They havent met a famous person yet?_____8) Phoebe hasnt bought a city guidebook yet_____

B. Grammar

: Subject + has/have + V3 +.: - - I have done/Ive done this research for three years. for () since () when when Past Simple Tense - When I was 2, Ive studied English in my first time. - Ive never learn Thai when I was born. never (), ever (), before () - Have you seen this picture before? - She has/Shes ever been to London (before). - We have/Weve never eaten Japanese food (before). just (, ), already (), yet (, ) - He has already cleaned his room. - I have not/Ive not met this person yet. - Have you had dinner yet?Past Perfect Tense I

yet (, ) yet I have already changed my cell phone.I have not/havent had money since I was unemployed.A: Have you ever eaten Italian food?B: Yes, I haveNo, I havent Present Perfect Tense 3 have not/has not havent/hasnt have/has 3

, , Who, Where, That : :That teacher who I met is a policeman. who I met teacher () Who, Where, That as Adjective Clauses

2 , () 3 Who, Where, That who The man who is drinking water is handsome.That girl who I knew is very intelligent. who that The cat that is cute is hungryThe pen that I borrowed was stolen. that where Hat Yai where I was born is the famous city. where

Exercise 11. Complete the sentence.1) Tom has already __________ (do) this homework.2) She hasnt __________ (get) up yet.3) They havent __________ (visit) that museum yet.4) Weve already __________ (buy) some souvenirs.5) I havent __________ (brush ) my teeth yet.6) Hes already __________ (give) Sue her present.2. Complete the sentences with who, that, and where.1) The woman _____ won the photo competition is our art teacher.2) The house _____ is across from the museum is 250 years old.3) The man _____ is standing next to the fountain looks like my dad.4) The park _____ the girl were playing tennis is closed now.5) The river _____ flows through London is called the Thames.6) The beach _____ we put up our tents is very windy. 3. Change the sentences below to the negative sentences.1) Ive finished my homework._________________________________________________.2) We have had breakfast._________________________________________________.3) Theyve done anything since they started the semester._________________________________________________.4) Ive ever thought you were a beautiful girl._________________________________________________.5) Shes worn a red suit when she went to the huge party._________________________________________________.

4. Complete the dialogue with the following wordsaskalwaysstrangescience


Patrick:So what class do we have now?Alex:I have no (1) ___________. I dont even (2) __________ what day it is.Phoebe:Neither do I. Look, theres Sam. Lets (3) __________ her.Phoebe:Hi, Sam. What (4) ___________ is it today?Sam:Its (5) ____________ . Dont you know that.Alex:So we have (6) ___________ with Mr. Davis now.Sam:Yes, thats right. We (7) __________ have science on Tuesday after lunch.Phoebe:Of course. You guys are (8) __________ !

C. Pronunciation

(Spelling Patter) rainpaingaincakemakeshakedaypaymaytootwotolightrightmightforornor rain, day, cakeSpelling Pattern

rainteamboatnewtablelearnrightusetimepersonplacepiecekeyfliesholegoldbluesurfmeshowWrite the correct sound column.





Skill Activity on Unit 1ListeningListen and write. There is one example.

Redbridge Police StationName: ELISSA Jones Has lost a: ______________________________________Where lost: In the ______________________________________Things inside: _____________________________ books Colour: ______________________________________Name inside: ______________________________ Jones

ReadingRead the story and write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.A competitionMy names Richard, and I live in a small village with my older sister and my parents. My sisters name is Katy. Our village is very near a big, blue lake, and we love to go swimming in it.Last Tuesday, my friend William came to our house and we went swimming together. When we were in the water, we saw some silver fish. Katy said, Look, I can swim faster than the fish! William said, So can I!Then Katy said, Lets see who can swim across the lake the fastest!Lets have a race! William likes to have competitions, and so does Katy, but I dont because I am the youngest and so I never win. I was last again. I felt tired and unhappy.William said, OK. Lets have one more competition. Lets see who can jump the highest out of the water. Richard, you go first.I jumped up, then Katy jumped, then William. I jumped the lowest, and William jumped the highest. William shouted, I am the best at jumping!I am the best! But when he was shouting, a beautiful gold fish jumped out of the water, much higher than William.I laughed and said, No, William, that beautiful fish is the best!

ExamplesRichard and his family live in a small village.The name of Richards sister is Katy.

Questions1 Richard and his sister go swimming in the ______________________________.2 Richards friend is called ______________________________.3 There were ______________________________ in the water with the children.4 Richard doesnt win competitions because he is ______________________________ in the family.5 When Richard finished last in the race he was ______________________________.6 The second child who jumped out of the water was ______________________________.7 When William was shouting, a beautiful fish jumped ______________________________ than him.

Unit 2The TreasureA. Listening 1. Look at the vocabularies in the box and listen to these words.1. Palm treehammockcoinsbinocularsspadeeye-patchkeyhooktreasure chesthole

2. Read, listen, and complete the sentences.1) The treasure chest is full of ___________________.2) The pirates are ____________________ the treasure.3) The captain has a _______________ and a ______________.4) The children plan to __________ the treasure.

B. CultureListening and answer the questions.1) What bird does the pirate have?2) Does the pirate have an eye-patch, a wooden leg, or a hook?3) What languages does the pirate speak?

(Reggae) 1960 Bob Marley

C. Reading

Movie DirectorBruce Stevenshas been in the Caribbean for more than six months now.Read the passage and match the names with the jobs.

His new project is a movie about the famous French pirate Jean Fleury, who robbed a Spanish ship in 1523. Ive loved pirates since I was ten, explains Bruce. Jack Collins is playing the part of Jean Fleury. Ive known Jack since 2003, Bruce tells us. Hes a great friend, and hes perfect for the part.

1. Bruce Stevens_____a. a pirate2. Jack Collins_____b. a movie director3. Jean Fleury_____c. an actor

D. Grammar

Present Perfect Tense How long A: How long have you been to Britain?B: Ive been to Britain for 3 years / 3 years.Present Perfect Tense II: How long..

Exercise 21. Complete the dialogues.1) A: How long _____ you ______ (study) English?B: I __________ (study) English _____ I was 4.2) Jane: How long has she ______ (do) her research?Bob: I dont know. About 2 years.2. Make a question.1) There / worked / Dad / long / how / has_____________________________________________________________?2) We / how / been / here / have / long_____________________________________________________________?3) She / how / Mexico / has / in / long / lived_____________________________________________________________?4) You / long / phone / have / your / had / how_____________________________________________________________?5) A / used / she / long / how / computer / has_____________________________________________________________? 3. Complete the sentences with for and since1) Ive had my bike _____ 2 years.2) I havent had an email from Mia _____ our last weekend.3) She hasnt visited her Mexican cousins _____ 2 years4) He has known his friend Max _____ September.5) We havent eaten anything ____ early this morning.6) Ive known my friend Oscar ____ three years.

E. SpeakingChoose the correct answer and learn useful language.1) Guess what! I found a golden bracelet.a. I hope so, too. b. Really? How exciting!c. I want it, too.2) Can you show me your metal detector?a. Its expensive. b. Youre welcome.c. Yes, sure.3) How long is dad going to be away?a. It took three months. b. For two weeksc. Since last months4) Im sorry I cant tell you the price.a. What a pity b. I hope so.c. Ill take two.5) I dont like your suggestion.a. OK. Lets make it then.b. I didnt like it.c. OK. Lets think of a better idea.

F. Pronunciation

Woody: We have finding treasurePolly: And being in nature!Woody: Gold gives us such pleasurePolly: And lifes on adventure!-sure and ture

futurepictureadventuremixturetreasuremeasureComplete the sentences by using the following words.

1) Put the cake __________ in the pan. Then put it in the oven.2) Do you think cars will be able to fly in the __________?3) The pirates __________ chest is full of gold coins.4) Lets take a ___________ of the parrot.5) The three friends are travelling on an __________ through time.6) Use your ruler to __________ the square carefully.

Skill Activity on Unit 2Listeninghttp://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/1L4-applepie.phpListen to Two friends who talk about what they need to make apple pie. Complete the two parts of the listening exercise. The two ingredients they need to buy are(1) ____________ and(2) ____________.We need some apples. Do we have(3) _______________?Yes, we have (4) _______________ of apples.How(5) _______________ do we have to use?Now, is there (6) _______________ flour?How(7) _______________ do we have?We'll have to buy(8) _______________flour. We don't have(9) _______________.We only need(10) _______________ cinnamonWe have(11) _______________ of saltAnd quite(12) _______________ of sugarWe don't have (13) _______________ sugar!Did you buy(14) _______________ butter yesterday at the store?No, I didn't get(15) _______________. How(16) _______________ do we need for the recipe?I think we have(17 )_______________butter in the fridge.We don't have (18) _______________but there's enough.

Reading and writing

My BlogMarch 27 --- another great day Im so happy. This morning I got a metal detector! It used to be my uncles, but Mom said hes given it to me! Ive already tried it out, but I havent found any gold yet. Oh, by the way, today I worked with a new boy in our class. His names James. Hes been with us since the beginning of January. I think hes very nice. Tomorrow Ill ask him if he wants to come to my birthday party next week. Do you think hell say yes?The Blog

My BlogToday is March 27 --- another boring day for me. Im writing this in my bedroom. Weve lived in this new town for three months now, and I havent made any friends. Ive watched 12 movies, Ive read six books, Ive written a lot of emails, and Ive listened to hundred of songs, but I havent any friends and thats BORING! Ive talked to my dad about it. He says I need to wait! I hope hes right.

Tips for writers:When you write a blog on the Internet, make sure that you dont give your full name, your real address, or information about where you live (e.g. across from Castle Park School)

1. Read the blog above and answer the following questions.1) Whats James problem?2) How long has he lived?3) Whats he done since he came here?4) How did Katie get her metal detector?5) Does Katie know James well?6) What does she think of him?

2. My Blog________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write a blog entry about today. You can learn the blog organization above.

Unit 3Future TransportationA. Listening1. Look at the vocabularies in the box and listen to these words.

Monorailmicrolightsurfboardcable carhang-gliderfloating skateboardparachute jet packunicyclesolar panelwind turbinein-line skates

2. Read, listen, and answer the questions.1) Why does Phoebe think that they are in a big city?2) What does Patrick think about flying a microlight?3) What do the children decide to do?4) What does the yellow button on the jet pack do?

B. Grammar1. need to , ... You need to do this for your benefit.He needs to read here carefully. need to dont need to I dont need to use this medicine anymore.She doesnt need to ask him again. Do/Does A: Do you need to go out?B: Yes, I do / No, I dont to (Infinitive)Need to

2. : Subject + will/shall + Vinf + : - I shall/Ill go to Paris next week.- You will/Youll buy a mobile phone tomorrow. not will shall- I shall not/I shant see a movie tomorrow - He will not/He wont see this picture. will shall A: Will we see our English score?B: Yes. we will / No, we wont I, we shall will tomorrow, next week, next months, next year, next a few day, next+day (next Monday) on+time+tomorrow (on 3 oclock tomorrow), later, will Future Simple Tense

Exercise 31. Complete the sentences1) I _____________ (check) this problem later.2) We __________ (take) Chinese test tomorrow.3) He __________ (not pass) the exam if he doesnt intend to study hard.4) She __________ (wait) for him tomorrow because he is sick.5) _____ they _____ (meet) again next week?2. Complete the dialogues with ll/will or wont1) A:Im looking for milk, please.B: You __________ find it next to the cheese, over there.2) A:How can they stop pollution?B: Cars __________ use electricity in the future.3) A:Dont tell Sandra because its a surprise. B: OK. I __________ tell her.4) A:Can I use the laptop, please?B: Not now, but I __________ give it to you later.5) A:Is dad home yet?B: No, sorry, and he __________ be home before bedtime. But you can see him int the morning

3. Monorail unicyclejet packsurfboardparachutecable carComplete the sentences with the following words.

1) My uncle works in a circus. He rides a ____________ and juggles balls2) Can you buy a __________ or do they only exist in movies.3) He jumped from the plane and opened his __________.4) Take the __________ direct from the airport. Its the quickest way into the city.5) You can get to the top of the mountain in three hours or in ten minutes by __________.6) The shark took a big bite out of his __________.4. Complete the sentences with need to or dont need to1) We leave at six. You __________ be at school at ten to six.2) You __________ call Lucy. Ive already called her.3) You __________ bring any snacks with you. Well have lunch at a restaurant.4) Youre cold, arent you? You __________ wear a thicker sweater.5) You __________ do the dishes. We have a dishwasher.

C. WritingLook at the pictures and write the sentences.

1) _________________________________________________________.2) _________________________________________________________.3) _________________________________________________________.4) _________________________________________________________.

D. Pronunciation

tion ssion shTelevisioninstructioncivilisationglobalisationstationemissionfunctionpollutioninvitationpronunciationexplotionnation question ch-tion

Skill Activity on Unit 3ListeningReal Listening and Speaking 1 p.381. Listen to two conversations at an airport Arrivals hall. Match each conversation ( a or b) to the correct picture (1 or 2).1) _____2) _____2. Which conversation is:a. informal _____b. formal_____3. Listen to these sentences. Who do you think is speaking? Tick () receptionist or guestReceptionistGuest










How people will get aroundHi, Im Jake. Of course we dont know how people will get around in the future, but I think therell be big changes. I think people will move around without polluting the air and transportation will be a lot safer than it is today. Car, for example, will be emission-free, and theyll be driverless because a computer will drive the cars of the future. There wont be any accidents. Tell me what you think. Read Jakes short post. Are these Jakes ideas about the future?

1) There will be big changes in travel_____2) People will pollute the air when they travel._____ 3) Transportation wont be safer._____4) Cars will be emission-free._____5) People will drive cars in the future._____6) There wont be any accidents._____

Unit 4Ancient EgyptA. Listening1. PyramidchariothieroglyphicsSphinxslavestombpharaohrockmummyLook at the vocabularies in the box and listen to these words.

2. Read, listen, and complete the sentences.1) Phoebe has always wanted to see ____________________.2) Phoebe explains that a pharaoh is ____________________.3) Phoebe wants to ______________________________.4) Alex thinks that going to the pyramid is a little ____________________.

B. CulturesListen and check the words that you heard.1) ___ pharaoh2) ___ Sphinx3) ___ tomb4) ___ hieroglyphics5) ___ mummy6) ___ slave


C. Reading

were taken offwere pulledwere cutwere putRead the passage and complete the sentences with the following verbs from the box.

The sleds (4) _______________ by horses and slaves.The blocks (3) _______________ the boats and put onto special sledsThen the blocks (2) _______________ onto boats and takan to Giza.The blocks (1) _______________ from the sides of mountains.Here is how the pyramids of Giza were built. They were made from big blocks of rock. First, they had to find ways of taking the big blocks to Giza. Heres how they did it:

Archeologists know how the blocks of rock were brought to Giza, but there is still one big mystery. How were they put on top of each other?

D. Grammar1. Active Voice () Passive Voice ( ) (Agent) () Passive Voice Subject + Verb to be + V3 + Verb to be Tense Active Voice Passive VoiceActive Voice (AV): Subject (S.) + V. + Object (obj.) +.Passive Voice (PV): Subject (obj. of AV) + Verb to be + V3 + .. + (by s.o.)Active Voice:Thieves is stealing my red car.Passive Voice:My red car is being stolen (by thieves). by by Passive Voice

Tenses of Passive VoicePresent Simple Tense:S + is, am, are + V3 + Present Continuous Tense:S + is, am, are + being + V3 + Present Perfect Tense:S + have/has + been + V3 + Past Simple Tense:S + was/were + V3 + Past Continuous Tense:S + was/were + being + V3 + Past Perfect Tense:S + have/has + been + V3 + Future Simple Tense:S + will + be + V3 + Future Simple Tense:S + will + be + being + V3 + Future Perfect Tense:S + will + have + been + V3 +

2. a lot of/lots of (Plural countable nouns) a lot of people, lots of pieces of cake, lot of booksa few (Plural countable nouns) ( 2-3 //) a few days, a few months, the few yearsa little (Uncountable nouns) a few a little milk, a little money, a little furniture a few a little A lot of, Lots of, A few, A little

There was a little money in my pocket.There were a lot of/lots of pens on the table yesterday.There were a few people who saw a movie.

Exercise 41. Change these sentences into passive voices.1) Anna stole her fathers money yesterday._____________________________________________________________.2) He will buy a cute dog tomorrow._____________________________________________________________.3) A teacher is punishing these bad students._____________________________________________________________.4) He gives her books_____________________________________________________________.2. werent mailedwas builtwere writtenwasnt washedRead the passage and complete the sentences with the following verbs from the box.

1) These plays ____________________ by Shakespear in the 17th century.2) This soccer uniform _____________________ after Saturdays game.3) This model pyramid ____________________ by Lucy and Tim for last weeks history project.4) Grandmas cards __________________ this year because we had a party for her.3. Answer the questions.1) This is a large building in Ancient Egypt.____________________2) This is the place where the pharaohs dead body is buried. _______________3) This is a body covered in bandages. You also see this on scary movie. ______________4) This is a kind of writing used by the Ancient Egyptians. _______________

E. WritingLook at the pictures and write sentences.

1) ______________________________________________________________________.2) ______________________________________________________________________.3) ______________________________________________________________________.4) ______________________________________________________________________.

F. Pronunciation

ed 3 /k/, /p/, /f/, /s/, // (), /t/ ed /t/ stopped, finished, picked, hopped, chopped, watched /m/, /n/, //, /l/, /g/, /d/, /z/, /b/, /v/ ed /d/ tried, followed, cried, lived, tired /t/, /d/ ed /id/ tried, followed, cried, lived, tired The Sound Ending -ed

Skill Activity on Unit 4Listeninghttp://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/2L2-dianas-new-job.phpListen to Dianas new job and choose the best answer.1) How did Diana and the tourists travel to the canyon? a. carb. trainc. bus2) Why did some of the tourists stay at the hotel today? a. They were tired. b. They were ill. c. They went to a different place.3) Who is Mark? a. a hotel manager. b. Diana's colleague. c. a worker at the canyon.4) What did Diana do for lunch? a. She didn't have time for lunch. b. She ate something with the tourists. c. She had lunch in the canyon cafe.5) What does Diana think about her job? a. The wages are good, but she hates the work. b. They pay her poorly but at least she likes the job. c. The wages are good and she likes the job too.6. What did Diana do when she arrived back in the hotel? a. She had a sandwich. b. She spoke to the head of the tourist group about tomorrow. c. She slept because she was exhausted.7. What is the program for tomorrow? a. Aquarium in the morning, museum in the afternoon. b. Tour of the city in the morning, aquarium in the afternoon. c. Museum in the morning, aquarium in the afternoon.Readinghttp://www.esl-lounge.com/student/reading/1r8-tims-day.phpRead Tim's normal day and answer the questions.Tims DayEvery day Tim wakes up at five thirty when his alarm clock rings. He gets up and then goes to the bathroom and has a long, hot shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife, Betty. Tim has coffee and two slices of toast and Betty drinks a cup of tea and eats a bowl of cornflakes. At six o'clock Tim brushes his teeth, always before he gets dressed because it is very important that he doesn't get toothpaste on his clothes - Tim is a train driver and he wears a uniform! Finally, he kisses his wife and baby son and leaves his house in Watford at a quarter after six.Tim starts work at seven o'clock and drives trains on the London Underground. He usually works in the mornings from Monday to Friday, but he sometimes works on the weekends too. At noon he stops work for half an hour to have his lunch. He eats cheese and tomato sandwiches which Betty makes for him, and drinks a bottle of milk. After lunch he works until four o'clock and then he goes home. In the evening he plays with his baby son, Ben, and watches TV with Betty. At ten thirty they all go to bed because they are very tired - and because they get up so early in the morning. 1) Does Tim wake up before his alarm clock rings? 2) Does he have a bath in the morning? 3) Is Tim married? 4) Does Betty eat toast in the morning? 5) Does Tim brush his teeth every day? 6) Does Tim drive a car for his job? 7) Does Tim have 30 minutes for a lunch break? 8) Does Tim finish work late in the evening? 9) Do Tim and Betty have any children? 10) Does Tim go to bed early?Unit 5Olympic SportsA. Listening1. Long jumparcheryhurdlesboxinggymnasticshigh jumpweightliftingrowingwrestlingfencingLook at the vocabularies in the box and listen to these words.

2. Read, listen, and answer the questions.1) Which sports does each person mention?2) What does Patrick suggest to his friends?3) Why doesnt Phoebe like his idea?4) What do they finally agree to do?


B. SpeakingRead the conversation, learn useful language to speak, and complete the timetable.Jodie:What time is it now?

Kyle:9:50. What should we go and see?

Jodie:Heres the program. Look, the mens high jump stars in 40 minutes. We could go and see that

Kyle:The high jump? Im not wild about that, to be honest.

Jodie:OK. We could watch the womens fencing instead.

Kyle:Not really, look. It started an hour ago.

Jodie:Oh! Thats right. Oh, I know. We could go and see the weightlifting. It starts in half an hour.

Kyle:Sounds good to me. Lets go

Todays ProgramTimeEventVenue

(1) _____________Womens fencingHall C

(2) _____________WeightliftingHall A

(3) _____________Mens high jumpOlympic stadium

11:00Mens rowingLake

11:30Womens long jumpOlympic stadium

12:00WrestlingHall B

C. ReadingRead the schedule and write T for true or F for fault.Monday 17fly to Rome

Tuesday 18train / afternnon

Wednesday 19train / morninginterviews 2 p.m. 5 p.m.

Thursday 20train / morninggo to TV studio 4 p.m.

Friday 21rest

Saturday 22play / Champions League Final

1) On Monday hes flying to Rome._____2) On Tuesday morning hes training._____3) On Wednesday he isnt training in the morning. _____4) On Wednesday hes giving interviews for four hours_____5) On Thursday hes going to the TV studio in the afternoon_____6) On Friday hes training all day._____7) On Saturday hes playing in the Champions League Final._____

D. Grammar1. Could (possibility) Siam Paragon is crowded. We could go to the Em Quarier.The cloud is black. It could rain now.Possibility: Could

2. Present Continuous Tense: Fixed Arrangement

: S. + is/am/are + Ving + Present Continuous Tense I am/Im studying Chinese in September.He is/Hes visiting his mother tomorrow.A: Are you having a party tonight?B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Present Continuous Tense tomorrow, next + day, or months (next Monday, next Tuesday, next June, next September), on + days (on Thursday), in + months (in January), next month, next week, next year, tonight, at + time (at 6 oclock, at 9 oclock in the morning)

Exercise 51. Complete the sentences with could and the following verbs


1) They __________ to the theatre tonight.2) I __________ you to plant the potatoes.3) We __________ to get tickets, but there are only a few left.4) At 2:30 you __________ the wrestling or the archery.5) He __________ Harry to find out about the party.6) She __________ up her tent close to the river.2. Complete the sentences with Present Continuous Tense.1) On Tuesday morning he _______________ (train) for the weightlifting competition.2) I ______________ (leave) for India on Monday.3) We _______________ (play) a game on Saturday morning.4) Tomorrow morning she _______________ (give) a presentation.5) They _______________ to Argentina on Sunday.6) My grandma ____________________ (come back) from her vacation on Friday.3. Make the sentences.1) go / watch / fencing / could / I / and / the_______________________________________________________________. 2) you / buy / DVD / Mia / could / a / her / for / birthday_______________________________________________________________.3) movie / about / they / watch / could / the / tonight / Tutankhamun_______________________________________________________________.4) put / bed / your / we / next / window / could / to / the_______________________________________________________________.

E. Pronunciation

Y 4 () yellowyesYale () studyluckyToby () Maysayway() shymytryThe Letter Y


Skill Activity on Unit 5Listeninghttp://www.esl-lounge.com/student/listening/1L12-perchance-to-dream.phpYou will hear a man talking to a woman in the street about sleeping. Answer these multiple choice questions about the conversation.1) What time does the woman normally go to bed? a. midnight b. 10pmc. 11pm2. What does she do on a Sunday morning? a. watch TV and read newspapers b. read the newspapers and cook c. watch TV and go for a walk3. What does she do before going to bed? a. she readsb. she thinks about workc. she drinks warm milk4. Does she have nightmares/bad dreams? a. sometimesb. alwaysc.no5. Does she go sleepwalking at night?a.Yes.b. No, but her husband does.c. No, but her son does.6. Where does she have a siesta?a. at homeb. she doesn't.c. in her office

ReadingRead and answer the questions.The Town Of ClarksonClarkson is a large town. It has more than fifty thousand people living there. It sits next to a large river, the Clark River. Every day, people take the ferry from North Clarkson to South Clarkson to go to work.Most people live in North Clarkson. There are many trees and the streets are very broad. When the sun shines and the children run and play in the safe streets, North Clarkson is a wonderful place to live.South Clarkson has a lot of shops and factories. People don't live there, but they come in the morning to work. There is also a big stadium where the Clarkson Tigers play. On Sundays, many people go to watch their favorite team.At the weekend, the people from Clarkson enjoy walking along the bank of the Clark River. They also sail small boats on the water and if there is a little wind, they fly kites in the large park.Every year, Clarkson grows in size because a lot of people come to live there. The government builds more houses and the streets get busier. Maybe in the future, if the town continues to grow, it will become a city! 1) What is there near Clarkson? a. mountainsb. seac. river2) What is there in North Clarkson?a. wide streetsb.factoriesc. offices

3) Where is the stadium?a. outside the townb. near the riverc. South Clarkson4) What do people in Clarkson do at the weekend?a.go for walksb. have barbecuesc. swim in the river5) Which statement is true?a.Clarkson is a cityb.Clarkson is a bad place to livec. Clarkson is a popular town


Dear Emily, Would you like to be someone different for a few hours?This is your big chance!Im going to have a costume party on Saturday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m.Ive thought of a great theme, so please wear an amazing costume! Were going to have hot dogs and fantastic fruit juices.P.S. The party is at my place. You know where it is.An Invitation

Tips for writers:When you write an invitation to a party, you need to give the following information very clearly: the date, the time, and where the party is going to take place. Include a theme if you want people to wear a costume. Dont forget to sign your message!

Write your invitation card. Suppose you will hold the party and you want to invite your friends and involved people. You can design your invitation card. You need to tell them about what it is, when it is held, where it takes place, other information.


Supplementary Reading Activities

Supplementary Reading Activity 1Read and write T for true or F for fault Tomas From ViennaI'm Tomas and I live in Vienna with my parents and my sisters. I'm the youngest in my family. I turned 13 last month. My sisters are Martina, 16, and Betta, 19. Betta's very serious and she always tells me what to do, I guess because she's the oldest. I go to a nice school not too far from our home and I really enjoy it. I have a lot of friends there and I enjoy studying. My best subject is Geography, probably because it's the easiest too! My most difficult subject is Math - I'm terrible and I don't like my teacher. I love playing sports, especially basketball. I'm the tallest player on the school team and I usually play really well. It's the happiest part of my day. My coach says that one day I could play professional basketball! On the weekend I spend a lot of time with my friends Ralf and Kurt. We do everything together and they are the most important people in my life, apart from my family of course!1) 1) Tomas is older than Martina._____2) Betta is the oldest._____3) Geography is the easiest subject._____4) English is more difficult than Math._____5) Tomas is the tallest on the team._____6) Kurt is more important than Betta._____

Supplementary Reading Activity 2Here are four people talking about eating out. After you read, answer each question with a paragraph number(1-4).Eating Out1.The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main course my wife ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate chocolate cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very expensive and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and drank cola. It wasn't very good.3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all really friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice and a sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!4. My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it. I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had something different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.1) In which text did the person go there for a special occasion?_____2) In which text did the person visit an Indian restaurant? _____3) In which text did the person eat pizza? _____4) In which text did the person eat fast food? _____5) In which text did someone eat seafood? _____6) In which text did the person talk about the atmosphere of the restaurant? _____7) Which restaurant was cheap? _____8) In which text didn't the person enjoy their meal? _____9) In which text did someone eat a very hot dish?_____10) In which text did the person have a vegetarian meal?_____

Supplementary Reading Activity 3Read and choose the best answer.Black HollywoodPatricia Denning stars in a sad movie about ambition and heartbreak.When Cecilia leaves college in Texas, she has everything: a wonderful boyfriend, Carl, an interesting job and an expensive house in a pretty town. Her life is perfect. Even her black Labrador dog, Perky, is a star: he wins the local dog competition and Hollywood wants to put him in a movie.Cecilia goes to Hollywood with him and leaves her boyfriend alone back home. When the studio fires Perky, Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and tries to get other movie roles for her beautiful dog.Carl gives Cecilia an ultimatum: come home and stop behaving crazily, or stay there forever. Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and wants to become an actress herself. She sends Perky back to Texas and starts an acting course. After six months, Cecilia realizes she can't act and she misses home, but it's too late. Carl has found another girlfriend. Cecilia tries to win him back, and also discovers a lot about herself on her long journey.This is a very sad movie, which makes you think about what we want from life. Patricia Denning is very convincing as Cecilia, but the star of the movie is gorgeous Perky, the black Labrador who steals our hearts. Black Hollywood is in cinemas from next week.2) 1) What does Cecilia not have?a. A house she lovesb. A wonderful husbandc. A petd. A great job

2) When does her wonderful adventure begin?a. When her dog wins a competitionb. When she marries her boyfriend, Carlc. When she goes on vacation to Hollywoodd. When she buys the house in a pretty town3) What happens to Perky in Hollywood?a. He isn't very successfulb. He becomes a starc. He's too nervous to workd. He makes two movies and retires4. 4) What is Carl's reaction to Cecilia living in Hollywood?a. He doesn't know she wentb. He's angryc. He doesn't cared. He's supportive5) Why does Cecilia stay in Hollywood?a. She wants to become an actressb. She is too busy making moviesc. She hates Carlad. She has no money

Supplementary Reading Activity 4Read and choose the best answer.Aunt Helen's HouseI'm going to tell you about my Aunt Helen's house. It's not her main house, that's in the city. No, this house is by the lake. There was a small town by the lake called Miller's Ford, but all the people moved away when the fishing and mining stopped about sixty years ago. But the houses stayed, of course. My Aunt Helen uses that house as a vacation home and she goes there for a few weeks every year to relax.But staying in that house isn't a relaxing experience. I think the house is haunted! I think there's a ghost there from many many years ago. Helen says I'm silly and that I've got an over-active imagination. But there are many things that happen in that house that cannot be easily explained.One day, shortly after getting up, I went to find my Aunt Helen to say "good morning" and I heard her talking in a room that she usually never uses. I think it used to be the nursery of the house when Miller's Ford was a busy town in the 19th Century. I listened at the door and could hear Helen reading something out, or perhaps she was dictating a letter. I couldn't hear any other person in the room with her so it wasn't a normal conversation. I didn't want to disturb my aunt, so I went back downstairs and went to make breakfast in the kitchen, which I ate on the porch that overlooked the lake. It was a beautiful sunny morning. Half an hour later, I heard my aunt's car arriving. She had been to the local store to buy some bread and milk. I couldn't believe it!"What are you looking so shocked for?" she asked me."I thought you were in the old nursery, working on your letters, Auntie," I replied."I never go in that room," she said. "I haven't been in that room for fifteen years."A few other things like that happened over the next few visits I made to that house and I grew to dislike it very much. Then, one day in my local library, I found a story in an old newspaper with the title "The Constant Babysitter". The story was that a baby had died in one of the houses by the lake at Miller's Ford and the babysitter was blamed, a woman of 37 who was a family friend and had offered to look after the baby. But she spent all her time in the kitchen writing her letters and didn't know that someone had climbed in the baby's window and taken her. The baby was never found. The woman killed herself through depression after the baby's disappearance and local people then said her ghost stayed very close to where the baby was left by the parents - in the nursery.I never went back to that house, despite my Aunt Helen's many invitations.1) The narrator describes the house where her aunt lives all year.a. falseb. truec. none2) Why did the people leave Miller's Forda.the lake floodedb. the haunted housec.the economy3) Aunt Helen also believes there's something "strange" in the house.a. falseb. truec. none4) Why was the narrator looking for Aunt Helen?a. to tell her about the nurseryb.to have breakfastc. to greet her5) Why did the narrator think it wasn't a "normal conversation"?a. she heard only one personb.the people were shoutingc.the voices were strange6) What did Aunt Helen say about the nursery?a. she didn't like to use itb. that she never used itc. the room was locked

7) Who took the baby in the story?a. a friend of the babysitterb. the babysitterc. nobody knows8) Why does the ghost probably stay in the nursery?a. it feels guilty about what happenedb. because of the lake viewc. she jumped from that window

Supplementary Reading Activity 5Read and write T for true or F for faultThe Traditional WeddingEverybody loves a good wedding and I'm no exception. I've been to a load of them in my native Britain and I must say that I usually have a great time. I've also been to a few abroad, including the Caribbean and Spain, and most recently (last week in fact) to one in the mountains of Sardinia. No two weddings are ever the same and I really enjoyed this one for one or two of the differences from those in the UK.First, the two families spent at least three weeks before the big day preparing all the food, from wonderful home-made delicacies to simple traditional breads and pastas. In my experience, in the UK that onerous task is left to the caterers! In the week leading up to the wedding there is a dinner or some form of celebration every day - training for the stomach I guess. I know that we have the traditional Bachelor party and Bachelorette party, but this is more family orientated and certainly a little less rowdy. This particular ceremony was in a beautiful country church and afterwards the couple was driven to the reception in a wonderfully decorated classic Fiat 500, which was really similar to what happens in the UK, even down to the string of tin cans trailing behind the car!The reception itself was also very similar until I realized that the seven tables in the hall each sat sixty guests (that's four hundred and twenty, for those of you who didn't study Math), an average number for Sardinia but would be considered a very large wedding where I'm from.The wine flowed, as did the chatter - the famous Italian exuberance showing itself to the full. There were the five or six courses of wonderful food, screaming kids running wild, the ceremonial cutting of the cake by the bride and groom - but no speeches! Not one. In the UK it's traditional for the father of the bride to propose a toast, followed by the groom and finishing up with that of the best man. His is meant to be he highlight of the lunch \ dinner, generally having a good laugh at the groom's expense, but here the groom was spared that particular discomfort.Instead there was a delightful custom which I'd never seen before, in which six or seven of the male guests pass round the hall banging trays, drums, pots, pans or basically anything that makes a horrendous noise, selling pieces of the groom's tie which has been cut into tiny bits. The money raised is then given to the happy! couple to help them set up their new life together. Really nice. Finally the evening saw a lot of traditional dancing, a little disco dancing and some karaoke. Pretty much the part I like best, and again I wasn't disappointed. Can't wait for the next one.1) The writer generally likes weddings._____2) He didn't particularly enjoy the Sardinian one._____3) The families helped the caterers to prepare the food._____4) There is usually a dinner the night before the wedding._____5) The groom meets the bride outside the church._____6) UK wedding receptions are often a lot smaller than Sardinian ones._____7) The writer found it hard to understand the speeches._____8) The staff of the reception hall cut the cake for the guests._____9) There is an auction to sell the groom's tie._____10) The money from this helps to pay for the reception._____


Appendix 1 3 Base Form (1)Past (2)Past Participle (3)Meaning ()


bewas, werebeen,,








bidbid / badebid / bidden










burnburned / burntburned / burnt















drawdrewdrawn, , ,

dreamdreamed / dreamtdreamed / dreamt















forego (forgo)forewentforegone,






















leapleaped / leptleaped / lept

learnlearned / learntlearned / learnt










misspellmisspelled / misspeltmisspelled / misspelt









proveprovedproved / proven




















shedshedshed, ,






























































Appendix 2 Verb to Be, Verb to Do Verb to HaveTo be - Simple Present FormPositive StatementNegative Statement

Long formShort formLong formShort form

I amI'mI am notI'm not

He isHe'sHe is notHe isn'torHe's not

She isShe'sShe is notShe isn'torShe's not

It isIt'sIt is notIt isn'torIt's not

You areYou'reYou are notYou aren'torYou're not

We areWe'reWe are notWe aren'torWe're not

They areThey'reThey are notThey're not

To be - Simple Past FormPositive StatementNegative Statement

Long formShort formLong formShort form

I was---I was notI wasn't

He wasHe was notHe wasn't

She wasShe was notShe wasn't

It wasIt was notIt wasn't

You wereYou were notYou weren't

We wereWe were notWe weren't

They wereThey were notThey weren't

To do - Simple Present FormPositive StatementNegative Statement

Long formShort formLong formShort form

I do---I do notI don't

He doesHe does notHe doesn't

She doesShe does notShe doesn't

It doesIt does notIt doesn't

You doYou do notYou don't

We doWe do notWe don't

They doThey do notThey don't

To do - Simple Past FormPositive StatementNegative Statement

Long formShort formLong formShort form

I / he / she / it / you / we / they did---I / he / she / it / you / we / they did notI / he / she / it / you / we / they didn't

To have - Simple Present FormPositive StatementNegative Statement

Long formShort formLong formShort form

I haveI'veI have notI haven'torI've not

He hasHe'sHe has notHe hasn'torHe's not

She hasShe'sShe has notShe hasn'torShe's not

It hasIt'sIt has notIt hasn'torIt's not

You haveYou'veYou have notYou haven'torYou've not

We haveWe'veWe have notWe haven'torWe've not

They haveThey'veThey have notThey haven'torThey've not

To have - Simple Past FormPositive StatementNegative Statement

Long formShort formLong formShort form

I / he / she / it / you / we / theyhadI'dhe'dshe'dit'dyou'dwe'dthey'dI / he / she / it / you / we / theyhad notI hadn'torI'd nothe hadn'torhe'd notshe hadn'torshe'd notit hadn'torit'd notyou hadn'toryou'd notwe hadn'torwe'd notthey hadn'torthey'd not