a - . ¦ • '¦ ' - a ,1fhe^ , ameri

' a - . ¦ ' ¦ " ' - ; a , 1Fhe^ , A meri <3an - ItJk&EI^^ ^ H" one part ol tho whole. Rabbi Weiss many a deception can ba practiced in a, ture to a certain hei ght , before it could show tWt Mose S' must have thoug ht of .this or thM ^ ^ Ql tMrtVt ftttt StftiVttl lfii* completed his work so far , and promises d ark room , which , would look childish be expected to enter . the divine core- uncircumei seA pros elytes; for if he had also Bx new rules and forma i6 .:^m ^^ ^^^^ X^ "^g J ^AlU tllul U 9J£p**IEUIv * _ $ * .• _*. j .». n ^_„ « i„ »i .„ u„w f „* a„„ „„. i *i,„* „„„ t i„ nnn t, and did not countenance any en- thought that no such persons would ex . - prosol y tea in the congregation of Israel , him also be blessed, "li there noeod- €g mS ***" gi»ww»»*v% a fourth part todoscr.be tho pro gress of la tho li ght of day; and that man s lm- ri80 . tto llftBten tho Rppr0 aoh 0 * the tat in 8 t he congregation of Israel and the We may now dismiss this subject , .arid iciir Ha stthbu theh . but one ^ blessing, /, ' ¦ ' ¦- ¦ ¦ i tho Tulmudlcal study to tho end of tho aginat ion , no longer under the control onu , " Fir st g ive to the human famil y eatin g of til e Paschal lamb was com- we do dismiss it with the . solid Conyibr: . father? ' :-' \ Bte)^' ' :>M86; j no t ':m^ fath ' iBr/' ^' : LEO WISE & CO., sixteenth Christian century. Woiss' s of the understanding, actually sees and solid knowled ge, proper enli gh tenment; manded only to the "Congregation of tion, that . wo havo, jexpound ed thd doc- and Esa u uttered a platntive ^cW ' and ; > PubHahers and Proprietors , work is not as strictly scientific and hoars , or believes to do both , outside of teach , instruct, strengthen the Intellect; Israel , 1 ' there would have been no trine of Israel on the subject of tho unl- wept . " Under stand itwel), my^ frie nds, ; - nninro sD block i i " i i? -i. n- .1 u „i„~ _ t i,:muai*< ti.i^i.: *h ' . n ». ' ,. n. r ' .,,,—. <t» : elevate the moral capacities to active necessity for the special law prohibit- vcrsality of the divine covenant and the it was avaric ious Edom shedding . bitte r ' i v ^ . r^TSL aJT vL si™,, loe ,oaU8 F . ra . flko1 8 > ¦*» »f ?*° not > m^ that yriuch actually occurt Mn aWHaa8 _ then you * benofit lt by rc . ing the L ci rcumci ^d man to e«t of the Sinaio revelation , an d: the accepting of tears at the loss >of .gold , hot-I saac 's - Korth wctt cor ner m«a ana vino streets. tllllt ] mguwt , c Yft i„ 0. It -is, howev er , his ph antasy. Wo have known two ij gi pu g Instruction . He Who advances paschal lamb. proscl ytes.in the congregft tibn of Israel , jEsau ; at ; lheforfeiture : of the last ' ^ater : ¦& ~~ " less dry and in many points more ingen- vene rable -old -gentlemen in this city menta l and mora l culture among ,s av- Baptism is prescribed nowhere in tho wVlib pc and expect that the coh grega- , n al valedictor y . blessing. ' ¦ ' , ¦ ISAAC M . w ise Editor. Ious j^0 mj os Ichs dcoplv into tlio form who carried homo in their pockets from ages , pre pares them to tt ceivc the King- laws of Moses, except for such persoh s lions , together with their l . earned rabbis , Arid , n6w,;my hear ers , l et us ' .l aun ch ' ,- . ¦ ¦ imr i. nr (.i ,itw Iiri , 0f t hn hnnkH and »q* a spiritual suanco- each tho uieturo of dom of Heaven. He who preaches £he as mi g ht have become unclean by ' any ' all over the land , will spbn come , to the up bn . anq ther sea of perplexity on a dis- ' ^-V cikci KNATI, o., DKCKinKU u , 1888. and architecture of he books anu its a spiritual stance each ttic picture ot m dom of HoftVen to Ignorant heath- of the causes specified , in the Law , anu conclusion that we ' owe this duty to pur ' cpvery tor an effect to the cause , - for^ ' ;. ' . ' ¦ . '' ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ¦- - vanpus authors , and seeks more after his deceased grandmother , and when eng^ ewildor s them, andraakes of the m - such person ' should desire to enter the fellow-men; to remove all the obstacles , cause and . effect consti tute- the hod ybf a, v ?. tbkms op s tinscutPTiON. . the spirit and coht«nt« , al thoiig hhctric8 we convinced them that both of thum quiet skeptics and egotists , rip less riide sanetuary , the Tabernacle o^M oses, and. to level the way to ail who may sermon. Tb£;oauso ' f . 6r .. .&' e . :.;f orieifnr e^ ;0 ; j' [onk YuahJ very hard to bo correc t in dates arid rof- had in reality ono and the same pic ture i and barbarbu s than tliey were hefore. -. which was afterwards rep lac ed by the comb to us with the fear , of the Lord in of pri ori ty .wasincluded . by t he . m ' ahi-: , Tn E AMEi«CAN i8UAKi.w ^i«l DBi.ouAii , crdnccs, ¦ I t is sure that the ' boo ks ' ; ' bf one who could understand something Another quesHon 5s |hisr Shall we Teinp lu on Mount J ^rJah , : II oho :did their liearte rtli ^ th ^^olemhl ^d^ fold' aocusatipna laid ( *^e^ opr . vbi^th e :> ;; to one addrcB s Mop . - l . , . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ; . ¦ . - .;. . . . . . . . , ¦ ,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' , ° close the doors of our sanctuary tg tho sq ' not become uuelean by the causes spcci- clard so in synod assemolcd^nnd estnbr . BiBner. v ^fTtte . -jBfre ptr yoaiie finglish' Iaw - . -;:- Tnf usSa ' BAir ,Ta soo We " ,s aro 'dispensable for the historian about the laws of psycholo gy, laughed wh0 . ar b pr epared mentall y and morally lied in the Lawyer did hot wish to enter , lish a n ow form in coiresp^hdbnc ^with ' has . , it f . ' - tb ' at ' -N- thd ; - .v eldest-son vJs ^O posTAoi: to BiiiiorB . one veaii. " and tho stud ent of tho Talmud , to both over his delusion; the other insisted to enter the divine covenant? To those the sanctuary, ho was not comrnaifded th e spiri t 6f our ^ age and country; to ac- the ¦ ¦;- . splO |. ': 7 ' '^e|rj :,, .; foV: ' ihls; ' -; fatfi er! 8 . ' i - '^ Amehican Uuailitk ' . .»i oo of whom they will be of groat benefit. it was all ri ght. To all -those, who labor who seek salvation in the Livin g God of and not expected to go through tlib cer- cept prosely tes in the congregation of estate; ; : that , of. ; the "United. State s; ' ;.)/ Dcu ohah m \ ' t* » under the delu sign Mr Ma y of San I«rael and the Sinaic revclaUonP To emony of baptism and purification . We Israel. To all Who are with US in the to^^ wh psbove r be Svills.it. ' . - . ¦ ¦Wliat 'iB 'jPal- - ' . 1 :-' Both papers to one i«idres« l on Pastob STOKC KBK 'has been maltreat- v«nn wnn ; n »i , „tn, ' i t ut tu .„i«to „i th oso who honestly and sincerel y seek have not the slightest clue in the Law of name of tho living God of Israel , and estine ' s? Chapter xxi. pf the book of 'v - . ¦ ' " - ' " ri tn T^nflnh *n.l ' hulw .miihb nH in *™ ncisco, mciuucu , mat Lne spirits oi tho fellowship of God ' s chosen people? Moses that , ho considered baptism » under th e guidonce of the Sinaic rovela- Deut eronomy enjoins to the effect "that i rates «K ADVKRT1B1N &. ZT . £" ' .., /. 9"uuoo » m grcnt men communi cate with them , To those who are in the divine covenant symbolic observance , or that he want- tion; wo say again to the best of our if a man . have two wives, one b" elpyed ¦ [ENGLISH on acKXAx.] Uprlm. Jhe title of KtrchenraUi was wu would say to tell us some great de facto , a.ni pnly ask to be acknowledg- ed anj^ boily to be baptized except the knowledge * you are de f acto children of and the other desp ised , and both the ;be- ' Onc Squ iircone inBort lon » l oo refus ed him by tho Pr ussian minister of truth hitherto unknown to man or nre- e<* de jure as members of the household? unclean wno wished to enter the sane- tho divine covenant , of God' s chosen loved and desp ised bore him sons, and : oSo ' sSuSro ^ire ^montui:::.:::::::..:.. «*) Culte. The con^iston'asked him either- diet some sumrisin p- event which will The prophets and the teachers in Israel , tu arv. Where then is the rig h t of those people ; you stand within the gates of the nr st-b prn shall happen , to-be tjj at ' One Squure , f ix month a . lft oo t».! „„ lltt h anH Sp ' mitin rriisuH n n ' r+« ' , & .,, , \. wo nave 8een m f ormer l ectur es, sages to demand baptism of the prose- the kiiic-dom of heaven and advance to of th e despised one , he sh all, not be per- ^^ " u ^«? i , ° jlEKiV.i^.« - WA;r ' nwV ZSW ro f lvo u P nis * ni \^ emi " o cru8aae ^ r _ « ) come to pass and we will try to bel ieve favored and recommended pro slytism , lyte as a condilo sine qua non t They eternal life, and happiness. »It is not tho mitted by law to recognize the son of ¦¦ uiriS v! - ™™ . . ...... !. boo r«8,e:n n'8 pastorship. ^ Ho can not do you. As long as you tell , us common- and assured the stran ger , who comes could only have based their decision up- form , it is the spiri tual subst ance whi ch the beloved one in . priority to that of- i 1 : MarriKgc8 , ltirth8 , Deaths , eaeh notioc. 100 cither without committin g suicide , as p]aCD things , wo have no reason what- to attach himself to the house of Israel , on the notion s of the Essenes and the makes man what he reall y i s. the despised ohe who is tlie actual first - : - A Square laTour- itoy.pntb a or nn inch. he 3uba j gte on tlie chUrch and exists cver to accredit vour alleirations All °f G p4' s special favor and grace s It is so-called Habix tn who ate their .common \. , , born. And it shall come to pass on i ¦ p . ' ¦ ¦ -, - -- .. politicall y on his anti-Semitism. Edit- . u t { ^ i L J' , certainly against the teachings of those meals in that ritual cleanness which the ,„ . „„™,J „«„„»„ the day when Ko shall t resolve to i In „n»Hcrin lr -ar <.fth e »drrHi «m : n u ,. - " ,,; . v ,.,^ - ' ' . trance-speakers , that we heard ,, have vcnerable ^ en , if wc close th e doors of Law prescribes for the sacrificial meals , INAUGBHAL SEBSOIf. make beque st of all his Cposses sions , he ^ - - 1 Srlr u^r^^^^ LT aS 'ri ,: tl.ngan d bclyin g tlopiessofthcl .ib. erals , not ^pressed one idea that was net our sanctuary to good men who are de- and tnat further notion , that all uncon- . . ^- . . - diall be by law , compelled tq bequea th " ; paH.. !.^-. b, .miinB if.t ibrj «w the hc was challenged to a duel by one Pf pub ]is hed , long before they spoke . sirbu s,:to ; ascend the /mountain of the verted Gentiles are unclean. . Here the *"* e " ,,e ? *V* T r D ' i , ^*S^* , to««m B twp : thirds ;unt o him ,.f or heis^nr st bf v? " .dTCrtiM-mcnt iu <b« " A9ier (€am i«- ita repr esentatives , the local editor of ^rj, ere are the spirits? What earthTv nouse - 0 ' the Lo^- question rises, are we ; wko have ^ ^ long^^ ^?» »«««« Xe »»P , «:' »m»r ^«y, »«*in. jjig gfj en^ ' and Unto him habmte. " th0 jj crlin voikszeitung, But , said „.. y,. vn „„„ ,J f u orfl p Wk * »w,w It is true that some of the ancien t ago dropped those notions , who live in . -" , ¦¦¦ -. '/ " ¦ , - ¦ ¦ ' v> " - ,; , '•' -^th e '- law^f irihe ^^^^^ g f tivii^i -7— „. v ., : r~-7" Stoccker , No, I Km not going to fight , I ^ J ' ' '^ , ^ ^ , r abbis ^livin^ . (Concluded.) ' : ° n0 wi - "^ l he , ^Wy ; beh>ved, what ?;? Lecture this rnd iiy evening in thp . ' * f . .,, u u thoy aPpear »« anybody? No -ghost 8ecu ti6n, wish ed to see obstacles.placed are wo bound to submit to that: decision . ^ " a { . . - ¦ ¦ legal ri g ht had/jfcho^ patriarch Pn ,being : ^ Temple to he on the subject of "Inter - *m tt I-,1,IS5('r °*- l Pe gospel—such as he . evQr appea red to iis, ' and wb- hav e ' been in the way of the neophite , let him pass beo ' auso it . has been , accepted in the code . *<?r a. long time , necessari ly, he had apprised of. the fira fcnegotiati bn tb sahc ^' - marriages. " Seata free. h ' wh f P^ch es ,n the morrilh g up all bours of the night , al one and com- though: a prbba tt pnary . orde al . and. im- ^^ ac tice? I th ink we are not bound £^ S absS nSi^lS ^ ito ^«^M^^^l b ...»,v : and who in the afternoon and miin!n _. w ; th ii in TTn !w,r S *i s„ir !f posed-oh. him observances of a Severe b ^* - « ¦ -; ¦ ^ . : . . . - .^en tera irom _ ^ w,™ ^ ,.i 5nWW,»i,ri nf .n n „«f „» cvcnm * habituall y consorts irt the beer- B ¦¦ ¦ Y ? ' 'P naturb; in order to keep him outbf the The s ame. it, appears to me, is. the mqiHi ^af tcr ,lhe : sta te rp t .his.fattier s daughters he forawears him ^frbm iv the i^ WE g.vc elsewhere a br of account o ^ "^™^^^^ S , " ¦ ¦ ¦- - ¦: ~ congr ^aHoh, as Js ' apparent ftom a case with circu mcision of proselytes , hea der . to salute his nio^er aM awiut :deiSrite KthWof^anaah ^We^mar^- - the destruction by fire of a. portion of Calais with tic wor st loafers of Uerl in. The (J n6s«oa of Making Pr oselytes. passWtinthctalmud (YebamotIi xlvii.). Tlie law and doctrine of the ^ divine cov- ^ her bidding; ^ but mgh aweary un to death ' inf ir '«ro tfVthW . tHat -M hW ' ' ndw. tt ^iA' '; ?'i Constantinop le , largel y inhabited by « he resigns his pastorshi p, he would * ^ . ¦ . -^ jg itatcd there: 4 >.The rabbi s tau ght , enant . make no mention of It. We know «om the chase . ^ the pdorer class of Jews. We expect to bo dWl g ed' - to fi gh t; if. he g ives up - his a lhctcri s dkuvkkkd at Cincinnati , bbpt e ' m- if at this time : (which was one of afflic- f v6m: the respective cha pters in Genesis , yP>} n g e J o™ ^ 6 ** h : l? ,V!^, l ,eon :; ha ? ^ ite son^s dlsbbe&iehce, 6i Esaii.'s apb siaw. .; i:; r eceive fuller particulars bv mail in anti-Semitism , h e is politically ji non- ¦ '" BHR T . niaa . BY iBAACM: wi sb. , tion ^ aud Borrow , for- Isniel) a ' stranger that the children . of Abraham , also . ; all ms^ihp^cmnMI ^ W^^anted? ^ ^ receive . mutt panic vna rs bj man . m ^ j / , , . . . . . , . c6mes ^ fee convert€ [l t ;We ; 8ay to , hun , . born m hi3 house , or . purcha sed, with ¦ .Xhe rum ors , of lus debauched life had reW ard of; compunction ^ is J absolutio n; Lq time for our next cdit.on. entity, «n« couid no jongtr 6l the idol ¦ . _ . . . . . . : w]iat rettS6n liast thou that thou ^omest money . ^erc commanded to submit te . ^re ady reached the ears . of . the m —¦ ¦ * ¦ . . . / . his loafer companions. The man is eyi- Laij ies AtfDGwptEStEN !—Accordi ng to be converted? ^ Knbwest thou hot that that rite , and i t Should be-perf ^^ . It is perhaps not known that Blum dent ly in a predicament: . to ¦ what was said m former, lectures , : Israel at this time is mortifie d, Oppress- all male childreri at tli e age of eig htdays. er s hadbeen: kept in entire ignor ance. ¦ ' tators ^ , aBks 'r ¦V ^ , ¦Wh - ! ^s v, ¦ ¦the ¦ ¦ .l aW. ' ¦4f ¦ * the ' '¦ : ' ' ' :: Paslia , in E<rypt , is an Israelite. The ^ ~^—~—"— , e?e ,^W^ ^ ng of ^n6 . ^ Seti iorer mioreh , why is the ' lawacon- ^ French Government auuoints him an Whek Father Jacob had th at wonder- ntfh> ph viin his^ or --her ^laCp ; in the over himP' ,: It J fesay ^ ^ kn ow all this expects ;. the ;Perfbmance . v 6f:. that toose' itlolft trpus ^ wpmen ^ bu^^knew berni ng. the rebel son^-hevwhd ^disobey s v * « 7i 1 nTS 32 ? n-i, ful dream in which he bad seen the an -^v enant b^cen God andman. ^ere- and tmatters not ^vitli me ( v ' wb aocept rfte on every male child born of a . Jew- : better than , Rebecpa ^nd . :Jacp b , of.his hiB ;fatfi er>d his: mother ., in immediate S^ officenn th iLcgionof Honor. The num- 1H ar f m 'f ^ ,cn he ,f nd Bee ^ e nn ' can be no diffe rence m isb mPther. We^^ furthermore knbw from idola trous inClmatipn? who . kn ew better coUne cti6n ' with the ;, fpregoin e one ' , ;; ber of Jewish Generals is large enou gh gels oMhe Lor d ascendi ng and descend- rac e . or previous condition ,. no difference ' :some of the less important and some of Exodtis , : what Moses; : perhaps on that , than they the cause of the/ first-born 's. re I ati hff fo ' th e- ' vfirs t-bbrn , ami^ ;4liy ! ig ' v ' : tb command a considerable ' tirm y. ing tho ladder on the top of which the wheth er a human bem ^bc a Christian , the . .^ prolonged absgnce ^ P ;;So incensed ^ ' .;¦ "- . ' . - - . .^ - , ' ¦ ,.. ¦ ¦ ¦ Lord- himself .appeared , ; and ; showered ^ a Motuimmedan , in . In ^ form him of the promised reward s and. sons . so that the mother under peciiliai- the younge ^brothe i% not ; at the. older which r eads: :af a sin 'bb placed ' at' the v >: "No MAN cbmmits a sin , unlcss thi!re 0 h him Hie- Wbssin tr s and nro ^ ^ th reatened/puni shments; we do not tell circumstances: perform ed , that Titerpn, -one s. ^ :door/biE a -mari /jvhich shall 'JDear " the : '^ enters ' into ; him u suirit of ' Mlv ' 5 ? i ii 1 !^u ! ^n ^1 P - - ' ?: ¦ ^ n v °V . » ^age 1 «rf ; ' any/;dcscnpti on. . hini tod mu chi and are.nbt too:ri Eorous ! hcr sons. Perha ps that ;story is nan -ated - trivial ,; but . at his extended departure at a w fei^ n tf ' of a, death penal Mr ete?,, ' ; And " ' ; i& oten . a.j, .xnis . is to. say^ Hipre . ,aro and ; Jacob awokc put ,of his sleep, and tipular test prescribed in the Law . of the ious;bb8tacies in his way. ' ¦ ¦ Still , one of ima te children of a Jewish fat her , ir ^ . most needed. /- . /: -; ;; . - . -,., one ; .. The result of cohjuga Bavb ritism -T" np. actual evil-doers; it is by folly , and said , MSiir cl y ' the Lord:5s in, this pl ace; Ci)ycn8n L; : Speakmg ; fr cnu-thi s , stand- tlibm , Kabbi Helbo , bbiects to this res pective of the mother ' s r ace or faith ,, ?i Hi s aged fathe r loyed . .to cat ¦of; his j s the causeof filial disobed lence ^which r ^ ; i gnorahco tBat irian fails; arid ialls. : Ig- and I knew hoV^ and he was afraid " 2°J ^' ° n . e : lmi r - m '^ 5 5 * ^hosoevo>" method , and maintains , :;''Th e strangers ; ar eto be considered. , Jewish children ^ : stron g hand- ^^ ' " nora nce is the orig inal sin , and stupid- of What SL hi Sl^ Wh£ ^Ki ^%™ mth oLiving Gpd of ^ferael and {pr £)selytes) are hard for Israel like ¦ 'We ' kn ow/ furtEe i-mor e from the respect- edly ' inquiring, for / him ^nd. ; aU .th e of whicVis aeath ^- ^ldng ^or/ g ian ted *X ¦ itv iS\nivm-sal : a enra ^ f h ^^ ^^ H P iet y and ^e alt n w? 8 . that he had: beeh apprlse ^^ fbi: son's-i ¦ .ity is u n»eisaj . u epr avitj . . .. .. . y . feftP p Eead the pass age once . mpre , coureo in life according ly. is de/ac/o wiOi- 3n ^ hi ^ experience ; bu tr the Talmud Ple cio/ming put from Egypt :Kad : main i lavish i ng. .- ' adoration ,. upon .idolatrous , apostaBy ^could he feeivbr such^ritelU . ^: v ' iir " ¦ ¦ ¦¦xi- .i ' ¦ " " r ' ¦ ¦ ., , ' ¦¦ . " and .behold the answer: . "Ikn cVv^ nbt , " ' mj ue ^ covenant between ; God and maU fo^;. n0 fur ^^ >y6men. and, n at urally, , to the objects of ^n ce as. convicting ?^ . We wdl statc . pnCc mpre , that it.is; in sa .d hc ^ . the Thalmud (Baba Bathra C2.) where - in - k 4c - t v herm other-i n-lawv ' Naomi , a .convert to .?f^oses.iu tlie.wilderness / layiaainiP-V^r^^ i^^X^^^ ' ^il ; : the names of the following mothers :are ° M . thc mpst eflicicnt cause of . fear , onapf Gods chosen peop le anyhpw. .^ ¦ aforei gn land , alth ough she was earn- lected on account of-the dangeK . ¦*&& skeHtiuim ¦ at dini ^ibniMs ; - ;? «il y'^ mentioned - The name Pf -Abrah am 's J^b !}^ . become aware " of: man ' s ig- , Su^ estly admonished bv gPodmotherNaomi , nected wi fc it ih the/wiWe^ mentionca.. inc name m ADran am s ^ orarice/ He rbis fiod .h b said to him- ^gcd a>jwr ? by the con grega ^ rabbis Bay, that Joshu a reintroduced if lntact in either/ case. ; /^hbug h ira te at cbuh £Esau be adiud eed the death v ben- ¦ '' . mother ( ^Amtheh.-batii ^.arn ^bp ; ^ lf . ani e ^ ^^ ^^^^ -W ^ the mothcr ,of Samson was callod;Zelal - : f fc . - w ¦ .i^noran t H ow hrinlp« a ep an ^- W ff eTe '? , a . ?"& 0 ™* 1 J ud a- He lbp 's op inion is that of another class lamt of Canaa m and since then it was fences , did J acob^r efuse him I004 P -No! Suchevideh ce boing abseh Uarai tlieexist- 1 : ; . phoni th; , arid the namo " . of David' s ' 'S; J v ^' -; ™^ / 10, r , nei P^ 8S a ism pr a Judaism, of history, in^^which ; ;0f saVans ,^vh<vhad a low opinion of ;the heyer abro gated , n ever intem.pted ^rid; &it to ;te : ¦ mother was Nitzebeth-bath-Edal So it : "^'^ 18 .^ n ' lf - lie > now ^ fl ° . >*% many jaws , ^bseryances .^ orms , /fprmu , ]pr0B ^ then/ ¦ and ;there ^ when they exhista ta tEis day - .But ' on . all/ those gious str ensth he^wished tO Mcertau v at having * been: admitted; ,it ' was /beyond ^ ¦T^ uto^Lr ? 9 ^ H ow incapable is m«n;to ;pr6t ^ t.him- . las ^oV;^Pt^^ oecasions not a/ word , is said aiat /the : whatprice : ^h^ - o is statca there. . Wf. .f j l0 1s so ^rant. A*rofes8or ^stahzedtereh gipus dutie s ^ some pf adultewho play^fj ^ith iittl ^ childreh prosc ]yte ; mu st;be cir cumcised in pr der iather ^/rej igicus fame ; and name ^ It. evidehce and to permit a rebuttal: to thb v « :- ~ - ~ ¦¦ ' ¦ : - „„ij i. Ai / ( ^i. - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦; : . 1 i _ ¦ t iem are logical sequences of the hinaic p revehtth p r6min <rof the Mp«iah " All to enter the. c6n«Teeatio n' of Israel. It was > alas! but too soon discovered. ; The p ta im Af Jnc iiH ' Thi>Miiimnnt w.i - 'S :. ; Rabbi Bb^on Di^K USS „of Endi n- ' S^ ^. &^ tff if t ^y e^ion/a nd ^ther s . are ho^ ^d /the S^iS^Sb ^'&ev ^ K ^^^^ ^&M - .h * value ;; of. /the J House/: ; pf :Religibn p S^Sd : - fr oS;£ ? ^^^ gen (Switzerland) , .died last month , p hjlosophy y after the students liad asked congr egatio n might expect- of , the - neo- re fer :to c^w n piaces ahdmrcumstances c°me a pro ¦ His son Michel is his successor hi Wm ' many qu estions: ; •'Man ' s knpwl- pn ^te to^pn ^rrn to all M;^ost of them , and ' are not adopted as prinbi ples in the "eeh commanded tPr Submi [Jacob . sauU . sell ; -/. »Bless - ^^ ¦ office . The old or thodox e-ontl emaH ed geis truly immense , except tliat he ^S iw^ 0 ^,?^ -^ . h w^ Talmud ;- The /princi ple is^'if one irir: *fter ^ u?« become a ^ prosel rt e . he; i s^ ^^ ; 4K „;; t ¦ ¦ 1^' "^ ?^ alread j. :and may>el or ' nQt feel it testimpny P ju st gone , to bis, eterna l reward, was "{^Jy^? TI I f " 1? ? V - \?:- »U f matter of form, . and. the.form , re ceive him instantl y, ¦ and we uc not s his /du ty to subm it .to it , althou gh, he the pri <w was not ^ mentioned ^ ; ^ - oistinga ished for , his st rict ortho doxy hl ^ h,m ' . a^d what will .transpire the sueh . hPwev er anc.ent it niay be .p an; as; :M him^ ^S,are 4^^! , may . consider /himself - obli gate ^-- like . J acob WPuldhavb. paid even a cpmpar- be^re ^nowf ^Sf eS ^ and charitabl e . di sposition . He stood next toome ^' B ^ th$t > ,s - ^^ nearlv half a ccnturv at thd head of t6S^^ to facts is ala rm ing ly insi g nifi- S^fS -Sli! 1 * £1 C(mv ^ lon : < ^. c I on- ihere ' arc statementsfin. ;the Talmud to ' When they ^re e ight d ays:p ia./ ; /;:: .; . ¦¦::. - . v :whP ^nh crited his , hv ther ' s ppsscssi(ms dutiful and sparin g ^bnV 'ih thiAight of i* .ne ari y. nair a centur y . at Hie bead of P . Fa , '^kj o^ that well ^lence ^ of man : / The , form establish ed th e opposite effect-as for ins^ was ? to/ govern his father 3: household. ; aj« 8t claimant pnthe ground of ^5^ ' ; i that ccgrega ton ^ . ™* *jj ¦Sw^WSrS^ s olemn- ^S * ^°°^ ^V ^ eohi^lOgORabbilsaacsald ^vilafter: ^^ ^ ¥<* ^ «hd //cbufessecl He who wptdd^herit his ; f att ar s, gold ^^ % S p^eonsidcrinp IhSeY & 1? . . "^— : * ¦ * . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ anu ne . was airaia. ne .vowea sotemn quentl y. the. case, .at another tim e; ^ n ,vin b f^, tb0se 'Who acceDt 'brose- ' that neither baptism was c renmc son is mustfollow in hi8fo otsteps ;>iEsau knew. Tno^ m i^cmnt^ ch ^mMmti^^ !^ ^ AccoRmNG to the . the ology of some tows before God , if he would protect and ^e/vyord ^f.onr Gpd standeth for - .^" /ggSI Sf i* «i¥Wfor t6ep ^^ this nbt ;;.perhaj ,sJacbb ^id; k V ,>- - - an cient rabbis; God himself is a- consti- him and brin g him/ back , unh urt to his , e . ver ; . J-wsrefpre lie n or ; sbe who ¦ be- aud jB^- ^n almost " al one in the Thatehtiredis cussionohproselytesjnih c ' The blessin gs Which some day would juat'demurer and ri ^tfu ' l pps seslbr ^^ ^ n tutional monarch. They say (Sanhed- home , if. the dream which he had just !}^S « n - l le ^"^ ¦ ° , °/ /• / 8faeI aad Talmud with ; their. opiiiions , /and we can T f hriiid ' (Yehamatte 46 nnd 47) is start be> brea tj ied with-the: remainm g/life . o| rin ' SS;), '^God does ' nothing without had was more ' than a dream , if it prove a ^SrSSSSni ' only take thei r statements as personal ^on ^he: sfateme p^of m pv^ ancien n !• -in A. ' - * m \ .< ^ jy w Mviy ynma ui . en ^, iL .ii prove a daughter of - the divine covenant, ouinibris bein *)- ' perha ps the ^ conse- auth onbes on this subject n the follow- upon an apostete l: ^^ consultation with the famil y on h.gh ," a re ahty- by its fulfillment. Overcome j ^ altho ^ot/acknowled ged de /ure as ^Sof Sf caSo? pe^sonaT ^- ib g manber r - 'The rabbis; taug ht (cori ^ fetoroA ^ebirthrl ght ;itself- /that to wSSS lSS! St S M viz., with the h eavenly host. What remove i g hor ' anpe , and you conquer the sucli by the congregation of Israel: , /; . peri ^ CD( tuUy counterbalanced by the ^ ^ cernin g the pro sel yte) the stranger who the domestic reli gious d^ afifo t5rne of ^ie p ur bfiasei ' He would - ^ . th at rabb i wished to impress on rulers spectre of fear. , *i n T : '3 ™IT«L^^ '^'?£!' ^ Uer authority of Rabbah ,. son otfiuna , « c trcumcised /an d ;: n^ nbtukb his'lawful inhbr itance he-li ad , ^ was , perhaps , that none should be an -Hi . /.; , . > :»• ' - . ' ¦: :- .: " ' , \l^ ^ noSeri S W ?S ^^ n *n : osaid;(Kidu;ushi p 70.). > ' Thy distinc t Rabb i E iezer (Ben Hyrcan) , J ,e - 'is; a ' . , the animalmjm hewould barterhisia Ui. . bu t spught thej atriarch s blessin g which ^ autocrat i thi s ^ p assagc ^ ^ mud be discovered in Russia , the old ^enT8ported , thl s-week, ; m v a: state oi fom^ :Chananiab ) he h a pr pselyte ; " / Thes;e : accordin g^ to the 'Din Tprah asiexph aiiwd ¦ .^^¦^^ J ^^s^^SS^ book will be confiscated. / V^ ^W *^^: ™^ :—« in advancef th e e ' j cact date , day and hear catechism and pta > e-book , then ^ the pie , :'' arid in regard to the -latter ft ;is thonties at the time , when af ter the terii - purchase , ;: It was the bir thrig ht , z n of - dress ^aiew ^ersbhal ^bmark sr i-tmst i ^ If the descri ptien of the treatment of his/death by neartrdisease ^Jeh?he. rSS 2 t LnW U E Wated , . 'Who soever : hath ;pled ged his ' P^ad beeP : des ^ 0 y^^ t»e ;Jewish ; li t> the inheritance he . o/esired, t he p ri esfly, rm ay 'be pardoh ea fpr puttfe g^i s-ser- S received by political pri soners in Rus- maintained; hid been ^hnbuuced to Mm -£^>3B»S^to -ffi2? tbi ^ ^RP™^ h f S^' *&*$ ¦ dS^sS^^^an Sic ^ Th ^&Jt &^ s.a us set forth in our-forei gn news in ^vision of a aecoas ed ^frieid. -The appfeh ' of the millenium .th eMessiahic ^ f^ t T^^ ^-^^^^^^ SS SS ^^^ Ti^^ SfSS'^aiSP column s, is not exaggerated , ahd ^ery- mini8te r .aid: , : :i ./ ^mgd orn he ^^ r ^^so pn ffi^JJ ^Tttat Samft embodied ^ iW . lftbat ' Rabbi Eli e^ pat rhirch isnot far distan t tt ti«^^-^iffl ^wSiSS^^ thin g wc can learn goes to prove that it '^his premoniti on was one of the ex- ha5 e Won In *SS Wi ^ Was Israel' s God from: the beginn ing, el" w^he representati ve olrthe histonca) it. Hewould make ^ hi s^in. /, . . / ; . . h6rs avacuum ; let me ' ndtpniit to suggest : E is not the inquisitors , our western ceptionaf phenomenal Cases which point SSwWlSn »i^SfTwp ffi^wI^r and became the God of the p rase lyto or tra diUonal . right , and Rabbi Joshua Esau : hRMust quitted his father ' s ~ m. that ¦& moral ot: [this eftort vis fo v pause savages and all thos e who, accordin g to to ^ new and hi gher philosophy ^ He C„ K K 0rS are mWerthe &s r epresented ^he ; law of leaspn , . the ^ac ^^ ana inquire / personall y ere ' we ' irajud ge ;?: history made -v special studv n tovtvr 8ttid that sucl? ca ^ 9 ^ r ° »k e appr 0acl^^bf the 7nd ' ? as thev ex Spd Ms people. If another rabbi said " a raUo pallstic conception of the Law. In according to the hve >w ) a ,of ¦Mt U* tho merits ^or ^ 'demMs bf /our vfellbi ' ; nsto j made .v special study 0l tortur , U|0 moonlj tt tn (| ^ whi ch come, down Solver Tr ^v ^ ^in %^ the letter , o^acr ^ Scriptures hey ^rc expres se^ man w those; >hosb/IiVes /have alread y;- ing the human frame , could have learn- to earth on a cloudy, night , thr ough rifts ffiSmf ?.n 0 „„ » Lin , ) n!! S ft coligregation ,' r he certainly referred absolutely the liighcst authori ties of that I m.ght bless the, ;' tnat . he , as the firs C bcetl .analyzed ' kechu ?jm yraf tia^ : x ed much from the blue-blooded gentry in thcclo utls. Shcli ewes eriligfiteried f wS «l.p - .fii ll?$£,»» * ° S to their probable ignoranc e in the laws age , called #>pMi, sp ymt Aqujia had born may recei ve his sacred wishes with minutes t , Tjy . cotempbr ariesl or>dis t ant ' .V : who uphold the gonfalon of the Czar. -. Hi e minds of men and direct ed Qieir re- ' abbis - ,»,]».t hnS iS?'tW tW T™ ai»d citstoms of Israel , which Character- tosat isfy them , whenhe translate d the the sjime kedwkah ^e-tahar.ah with ' the authonties ^whos^ wbrTv ' s are . unto this ' Reau it , it forms an interesting bit of f ™h ? toward a subject that may yet £ m! ^S^^5 ^ ^^ congrega tion , and: KMM A\iK\hS ^ Sd to afSd ^ enS ^enT It ^ "f^ ^o^sotfe fopd fp Vr abvv w?n«.f» , mn, r-»„. .- ¦ ti- » ' ¦ ¦ ' ' be made to yield its teachings and wJmWPv hU form n f tpliwinn m^v h<» thoug ht the proselytes should attach c ner «-aDoi akhiii , or me i^assi , KM- pectca to aiterwam emorcc tiiem. Ke- binical digestion. Jiorechcni : oani oni :; ,^. >ineteenth Centur y H.story . truthSi He did not believe that tSe dead ^f hurna^^ beW bVS ^ ^f aof ' thra wdvw to ' existing congre gations. b au Garahel. If there waS . any passa ge becc.1- enters Jacob s secluded pw; , bless'Vlsp me, -my iEa ' thet/ iri ' this /- ^ T T: ~"~" were very f ar from, the living, and f n "^SL „f ^ m. Scripture , to ordain. 01 ' onl y suggest , study with . a req uest , perhaps \ a . my birthrig ht ! F am :youhg iri years -: : ' ; The University of Kiel elected a thou ght that in the future a new science -%&%% £ rf ^/i™^ S«i ^.Sr ^princi ple which was adopted in the code , t^t the pvoselvte must be ba ptized Rab- deman d , and her always obedient son and the blessing, .beiri | two-fb ldr cbn- " Jewish rector in the person of Dr. Lad. mi ght be established on such phenome- 1f t *' ^ Vot ' bnsider \t rEZZLnFto ?vii.V ' , "Wb ,recei y ' e himJ nstantly, ' and bi Eliczer would not have o^olared bap- nses with a re/tdy "hero am -J. : on his tains twa tlireateni ng-passes ; /: Show ?: cnburg, the Professor of Chemistr y and leases '* the one on which ho was j or ?' 8aivatio r? armies and «llv^ '^P ' «o/npt .tell him?too. mueh and t,sm sup«riluou S Ag ain , if there was hps. »Ol my son, hearken unto me : me , . vThbu , the whicS; ' £ might.for the! fl ^.loiiri, , mi. 1 coiLsspr or ^ncmisciy ana commcilt in m supp ort salvation primes and salva- v ronot ^ t 00 T\gQi^ B with him -'' ^ any passage in Scriptur es to ordain or , concernin g. that which I shall ¦ command better choose that hnVW tr *^ tfcnir i,n - Member the Philoso phical Faculty. This w ™^ * ¦ , " , f ,. . ... . . . tl0\ hucksters. -Th ey thou ght you wono^ wp rigorou s yn^ mm. , .; OD\/6 Ugg^st thnt ^he proselyte ^ must thee. Go^nto th e . flock and prepa re a SS& S tS^ - is the second Je wish rector of Prussian We have to add to this beautiful hy- might ^ safely ^ rely on human ^ re ason and V^ ^^^ ^^ W ^ b , ^f mciscd Rftbbi ^^ would favorite dish such as thy fathe? : love th" poin^uT Z T way SS^wS ave - ^ universities elected this year one in P ° thealS ' lh * Ut WOu Id be ' U rig ht we °onsc . lence * l*f man to salvation and ^A^-f^; ^^ ^^^^ not have declared that rite superfluous , arid thoushalt take it to thy father in OiC Erne flte hoSftW J^^ sclect ^n - ; Sn3rn ^n ,i ^pii - r - w ti k did not kno w the power of hallucina- 1 »»PPW therefore quite a number of l^^Lte ' ^ftZ^lS^T^ Certainly ohe of the succeedin g rabbis der th at, after he shall have partaken "^h a^kinK f^Pv f^ Sft,.^^ fommer n and the other in Meck lenburg. .. a ¦ . ,. n _ * . . . ,. ' ! stones about ng hte6us and piou s heath- tached to the congregation of Israel , mus t Have corre ctpri th P ormr ^if tl,no P thereii f he duv hl«« 'r tiw Mm. ' He . 1 ^?™V m 'i, B ffl«*™fl e *// That ' s what the an ti-Semites call Judl T* ' , ^ , imagination , of ; cns al . 0 re cord< f d in the Talmud , and as the Talmud quotes ite hi g hest autli pri- ^o towe raX rS^^ aeat ^' ' Ve ^ prLsX^ ^fc tft KtES: - W overbalances the pi gment -J Hi gh^wisd c.; they thou gh, B^jj^ J jj jj g^^ «£^Pi^ T SS^W W k^^ &M ^ M rus . wore rectors in tho university of of he unders ta nd .ng. So for instance , ,^ 0 ^ ce ^ g % h &* (Sa£ school of Hillel. '''Qui te a ' number of pS v r^hei^%S 0 B.n oLT lSk aSEl h^xpeSc ?th ^ecre 1>U^ul P c ^~^4 ually His. ¦ : W . . ; / Bern , Switzerland ; the historian , Max- * "£*?"* ° f J' "f* 1 P^* 1" in . bltth 148 , and parallel passa ges). We> »^ s«- ^^ ? e in ^ I f" d ' «ponXm at a temp Var VTrm ? 1 ^ TuS " "S^ What coTcSfato ^ We commen d the ' foliowW to the ^ Budinger . was rector in Zurich. The «« Middle Ages thathe took the reven ge Understood well th at a reli gion with *t eS %™St vwS mit prosel ytes into the congre gation of course ^yould we have him adopt; coulS J ^S^t^'? ^^ : f^ ^< physioWist Rosen thal ^vas eleoted roc- one of his enemies that he foretold ch lofty co nception s of deity, hum an- pu iscd su^ ^ ngm by his ngor and Isra 4 , A man is a prosel yte, & he\e^ he practice such deceit on a MinS father ? ^ \t ^ < f* ^ Be * ' - isain rist the effects of -imag in ation k led him. pear to- be; Religion * growin g out of snammai and . wantea to be taugiit the congregation of Israel with the historic- offerine, he resolved upon his cour H p reire smng^ as n ls . rar e. . . . " """i: -^ Similar cases are known to students of $*» ^S ™^** &A m0^ on ^ one fe/ST ha ^matdirehim ^ 1 ^ ^-^ ^ ^SaffiffS e His mother musf^ be " obeyed ^AVtoH -GA. , .L^ember T.- EK- , - Rab« ; Isaa c taW^ of Vienna , psychology. We have known a man delriyeSS Sg t onihlch Tna ^ gri ^. ^preSS ^ r^ rmaintSn Klffi ^ a tttS^ ^S^f e SS l has p..bl, shed (D. Loewoy, Vienna), the who discussed tho most difficult ques- ruf to him and another be popped upon quest to rfillel who accepted him iind e^rT Ss Swfehed a^^ th i rd part of his work , D0 KDoK Vedor- tiom. in metap hysics with perfect com- it; but it carinot benefit him, It does not told him the goWen . rul e, rWh at . ^ ^^^ ^^^ £^J ^. %^ : %St ^^V^^A *?*• «»§ Court for * Eolation , of: the^ snov , three hundred and twen ty-seven posure and presence of mind , and main- I^f hi,l?^ter mM- °° the con- ever would hurt ««e do to Foms chan RI|d nge with and he answer ed , "I ttm. ^ -^Wh atPper- >* >R '^ tt ^' ' 6^%^WSf ! ;^ pages ocuvvo , Hebre w. With this vol- ta ined that he was Aristotle , and that American KSStea fnes thtt theT u 5 ^s commenta S? S7n^^ mqS re oV t y ^T^ tionfof tiim , and circum stan ces; haps "th y fir st-born by law of form- jud ^&n a fe J ^^ SSN nme he brin gs up the post biblical h is- the spiri ts of Plato and Socrate s com- 3mSS S1S self'' (SnbbmY 'Jx iii ) Th2sestories e 2L J ?lS ^ ^ 'tt °' S tt ^'^ t^ohns ^ If an' S^f eS SR tory oMh, Hobr o*. to the close of th o munLted wi th him. He died with this ! he was . asa heathen. %S has learne d certainl y l ess intende^ to report facts ^^ ^tTnot li ^ ^f Tes ffiSi ^S^,,^&, WHSL tol- ** 'SMi ^SK^^^ KSHC ^ Talmud , orend of th0 fiftfa Christinnce„ - self-delusion or fixed idea. The man : to desp se his ^natural reh gipn . and fe to ^ a ^P^ s ^ d this congrcg ^ on not do itP are flS u^^Salfm^Sd Su ~" > Ht ^™ti<^^m^^ ] ^W. tur y. Tho present volume treats ex- sick with delirium tremens , who sees : h" °£ Ef^meT nSskLtic and ptS in the way of hto ^ who h ff B , £ ^«on S %e say. because it wouM sLs , wh at r|hf h£$^ ' EsalTih e^to ^S h ^^ K ^ ^^ %i exclusive on the origin and structure horrif ying animals attackin g him . is a i g ii , " Tb ereTanVnTdotb T^atS S ^ *Z&£ to *m£ *X& ^iCtte l^^ ^ ^^ of th c two Talmu^-Vbrushal mi and proof how tho diseased mhid sees in i -de ,id uneducated masses in Chris t ¦*» " «* -l l^taW df tojhcj ^ S^*^SSSS Sta vTufa^ i^Z^^ oS^^^ t .^ ^SSSf cl Babli. Only thefour cha pters at the supposed reality and outsi de of itself f»£>" ^S*?^ at ^T' Ff"™ 0' 1™^ " fc fc . ' . ject him. If the K£n Zl^ Z voiceSa Tdm ^^^ Sg ^mSiuS .^ d ^ M^^he .vmatt e^ close of the bonk make an exception , the creature s of its ima gination. Poets ! ^X«t n T' r^E E. %' ¦ ^ y ' .- ^^ V? ' ^ w^fi5^? his represen tatives in a synod assem- the words , Ace ^ laaso l iolthe Mishn tX df? ?a4 *^commun wation vhad been y/; He treats in two chaptors on the ^r. and artists of all descri ptions have ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ 2^ »S J &At '^tiSS ^^X^'^S^SA SS SIgSSI ^^- "Ih e Homiletic Booka - and kind of hallucinat ions in a perfecH y 4-AlLintclli gent Christians admit this ; the ' nant except by circumcision and bap- " an T srae htef who live unde r cSm- SKST Ws moto ^d '^ ™>P^1 t™;: ai.d itnde r tb» e^j | two oha pers are devoted to the reli gious sane state of mind. Tho vision of' statistics of crimes and the flashes of tism/' which was taken . from a majority stances entirely different from ouT^ and ethic al content * of tho Talmud, that youth in Balti more was a hallu- j Sfef °S' to mX^Z ttT^, n^ ^f J, Y - aham ath ^ "" gionists in t^e Old World , who stand he has deceived me alrea dy twice , once f or him ^ 81 J ?P>#' % ¦ ¦ ¦^¦M^^$ Amon g modern writers wc knowof none cioatio n brough t about perha ps by a . SL. ' vIere 'S mitl ar^not p^ g ^SZ ^g ^ ^- ^^^iZS^^ l*^^ who has produced socomplete a hirt orycf . quick er beating of tho heart, or even by | pared for it by education tlie progress right , wc ask, was tha ° t d ecision made a. dom and pKssiveK ^e n ce ichfeve ThSe t' He now saw when too nttme was Acntld ned v , deemed it his^ the Talmud , as is before us in thi s book, hearin g that somebod y died of a dis- ; «f thou gh t and the culture of moral - law in Israel P In all th e passa ges of victories Lffim pns unkno t in Sir late , I tSort! The ^ bT essTr Tff was S dptyto-Wni it oyer to tl ^ Gran d Ju ry .i The late Zac luu -y Frankel , whose intrp - ease of the heart , and tho effect was the j X" Vo ^nr ^ ^M? ^ ° J tl,e ^ °^s e , s . concernWth e {?«^. lands ; tho American Israelites , sufficien t only the sp ^ intu a l weal th , but Tils kmgly ¦^ at '^. ^^ P" '^* :-t»«V^ttVv^ dubious to th o MUh uah and Talmud work of Imagination , which, has killed Z D with a P rrfirt ™ ' JS5f S Zu? rf * e ^ h ^-P tet ^^ to -^fy . .|y «^jM>t*le . in numb ers to- form . ,a possessions likewise There Gut ^. ¦<*oftottto.G ™^Juiyfa - pjnflBfl-; ^ Yeru shahn ; are masterp ieces, h as not many a.^dulo us ^ ^5 .JS J - S^^^ JZZ ^Sf e ^&f e '^E^ SE ffi ^WS SSfai ^£SSt^ ^ ~ " ? > ' ¦ ' " ' 8 lived to .inisl, his work ; he did ndt reach no bettor proof for this theor y than the 5 ty and " moral du ty which ^r e ex- cumcisinn or oapti sm ^&t|& KrS 'S d?ne^B& tho Talmu d Bab ii. / Jac ob Bruell' s prevalence in our days; of spir al: &$ ISfi ffi S £ff S

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Page 1: a - . ¦ • '¦ ' - a ,1Fhe^ , Ameri

' a - . ¦ • ' ¦ "' - ; a ,1Fhe , Ameri<3an - ItJk&EI^^ H " one part ol tho whole. Rabbi Weiss many a deception can ba practiced in a, ture to a certain height , before it could show tWt MoseS' must have thoug ht of .this or thM ^ ^

Ql tMrtVt ftttt StftiVttl lfii* completed his work so far , and promises dark room , which , would look childish be expected to enter . the divine core- uncircumei seA proselytes; for if he had also Bx new rules and forma i6.:^m ^ ^^ ^ X " gJ ^AlUtllulU 9J£ p**IEUIv * _ $ * .• _ *. j .». n ^_„ « i„ »i .„ u„w f „* a„„ „„. i *i,„* „„„ t „ i„ nnn t, and did not countenance any en- thought that no such persons would ex.- prosol y tea in the congregation of Israel , him also be blessed, "li there noeod-€g mS ***" gi»ww»»*v% a fourth part todoscr.be tho pro gress of la tho light of day; and that man s lm- ri80 .tto llftBten tho Rppr0aoh 0* the tat in

8the congregation of Israel and the We may now dismiss this subject , .arid iciir Hastthbu theh . but one ^ blessing, / ,' ¦ ' ¦- ¦ ¦ i tho Tulmudlcal study to tho end of tho aginat ion, no longer under the control onu," Fir st give to the human family eatin g of til e Paschal lamb was com- we do dismiss it with the . solid Conyibr: . father? ' :-' \ Bte)^'':>M86; jnot':m^ fath 'iBr / ' ^':

LEO WISE & CO., sixteenth Christian century. Woiss's of the understanding, actually sees and solid knowled ge, proper enlightenment; manded only to the "Congregation of tion, that .wo havo,jexpound ed thd doc- and Esau uttered a platntive ^cW ' and ; >PubHahers and Proprietors , work is not as strictly scientific and hoars , or believes to do both , outside of teach , instruct, strengthen the Intellect; Israel ,1 ' there would have been no trine of Israel on the subject of tho unl- wept ." Under stand itwel), my^ friends, ;

-nninro sD block i i" i i? -i. n- .1 u „ „i„~ _ t i,:mua i*< ti.i^i.:*h' .n».',.n.r *«'.,,,—. <t» : elevate the moral capacities to active necessity for the special law prohibit- vcrsality of the divine covenant and the it was avaric ious Edom shedding .bitte r ' i

v . r^TSL aJT vL si™,, loe,oaU8 F

.ra.flko1 8> ¦*» »f ?*° not > m that yriuch actually occurtMn aWHaa8 _then you * benofit lt by rc. ing the Lcircumci ^d man to e«t of the Sinaio revelation , an d: the accepting of tears at the loss >of .gold, hot-I saac 's -Korth wctt corner m«a ana vino streets. tllllt ]mguwt ,c Yft i„0. It -is, however , his phantasy. Wo have known two ijgipug Instruction . He Who advances paschal lamb. prosclytes.in the congregft tibn of Israel , jEsau ; at ;lheforfeiture : of the last '^ater : ¦&

~~ " less dry and in many points more ingen- venerable -old -gentlemen in this city menta l and mora l culture among ,sav- Baptism is prescribed nowhere in tho wVlibpc and expect that the cohgrega-, nal valedictor y .blessing. '¦', ¦ISAAC M . wise Editor. Ious j^0 mjos Ichs dcoplv into tlio form who carried homo in their pockets from ages, pre pares them to tt ceivc the King- laws of Moses, except for such persoh s lions, together with their l.earned rabbis , Arid, n6w,;my hear ers , let us ' .laun ch' ,- .

— ¦ ¦ — imr i.nr (.i,itw Iiri , 0f thn hnnkH and »q* a spiritual suanco- each tho uieturo of dom of Heaven. He who preaches £he as might have become unclean by ' any' all over the land , will spbn come , to the up bn .anqther sea of perplexity on a dis-'^-Vcikci KNATI, o., DKCKinKU u, 1888. and architecture of he books anu its a spiritual stance each ttic picture ot m dom of HoftVen to Ignorant heath- of the causes specified , in the Law , anu conclusion that we' owe this duty to pur ' cpvery tor an effect to the cause, - for^' ;. '. ' ¦ . ' ' ¦ " ' ¦¦ • ¦- - vanpus authors , and seeks more after his deceased grandmother , and when eng^ewildor s them, andraakes of them - such person ' should desire to enter the fellow-men; to remove all the obstacles , cause and .effect consti tute- the hodybf a,v?.

tbkms op stinscutPTiON. . the spirit and coht«nt« , al thoiighhctric8 we convinced them that both of thum quiet skeptics and egotists , rip less riide sanetuary , the Tabernacle o^Moses, and. to level the way to ail who may sermon. Tb£;oauso 'f .6r . . .&'e.:.;f orieifnr e^;0;j '[onk YuahJ very hard to bo correc t in dates arid rof- had in reality ono and the same picture i and barbarbu s than tliey were hefore. -. which was afterwards rep laced by the comb to us with the fear , of the Lord in of pri ority .wasincluded . by the . m'ahi-: ,

TnE AMEi«CAN i8UAKi.w^i«l DBi.ouAii , crdnccs, ¦ It is sure that the ' books ' ;' bf one who could understand something Another quesHon 5s |hisr Shall we Teinplu on Mount J ^rJah , : II oho :did their liearte rtli^ th ^^olemhl ^d fold' aocusatipna laid(*^e^opr . vbi^the:> ;;to one addrcB s Mo p . - l . , . .¦ ¦ ¦ ; .¦ . - . ; . . . . . . . . , ¦

, . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦', ° close the doors of our sanctuary tg thosq ' not become uuelean by the causes spcci- clard so in synod assemolcd^nnd estnbr .BiBner. v^fTtte .-jBfre ptr yoaiie finglish' Iaw -. -; :-Tnf usSa'BAir

,Ta soo We",s aro 'dispensable for the historian about the laws of psychology, laughed wh0.arb pr epared mentally and morally lied in the Lawyer did hot wish to enter , lish a now form in coiresp^hdbnc ^with' has . , itf .' - tb 'at ' - N- thd ; - .v eldest-son vJs ^O

posTAoi: to BiiiiorB . one veaii. " and tho stud ent of tho Talmud , to both over his delusion; the other insisted to enter the divine covenant? To those the sanctuary, ho was not comrnaifded the spiri t 6f our ^ age and country; to ac- the ¦¦;- .splO |.': 7 ''^e|rj :,, .;foV:' ihls; ' -; fatfier!8. 'i- '^

Amehican Uuailitk '. .»i oo of whom they will be of groat benefit. it was all right. To all -those, who labor who seek salvation in the Living God of and not expected to go through tlib cer- cept prosely tes in the congregation of estate; ;: that , of. ; the "United. State s;';.)/Dcuohah m \' t* » under the delusign Mr May of San I«rael and the Sinaic revclaUonP To emony of baptism and purification . We Israel. To all Who are with US in the to^ whpsbover be Svills.it. '.- .¦¦Wliat 'iB'jPal - - '. 1 :-'Both papers to one i«idres« l on Pastob STOKC KBK'has been maltreat- v«nnwnn ;n»i,„tn,'i tut tu .„i«to „i th oso who honestly and sincerel y seek have not the slightest clue in the Law of name of tho living God of Israel , and estine's? Chapter xxi. pf the book of 'v• -. ¦ ' " - ' " „ri tn T^nflnh *n.l ' hulw .miihbnH in *™ncisco, mciuucu , mat Lne spirits oi tho fellowship of God 's chosen people? Moses that , ho considered baptism » under the guidonce of the Sinaic rovela- Deuteronomy enjoins to the effect "that i

rates «K ADVKRT1B1N &. Z T . £" '.., - « /. 9"uuoo » m grcnt men communi cate with them , To those who are in the divine covenant symbolic observance , or that he want- tion; wo say again to the best of our if a man . have two wives, one • b"elpyed ¦[ENGLISH on acKXAx.] Uprlm. Jhe title of KtrchenraUi was wu would say to tell us some great de facto, a.ni pnly ask to be acknowledg- ed anj^ boily to be baptized except the knowledge* you are de f acto children of and the other despised , and both the ;be- '

Onc Squiircone inBort lon » l oo refus ed him by tho Pr ussian minister of truth hitherto unknown to man or nre- e<* de jure as members of the household? unclean wno wished to enter the sane- tho divine covenant , of God' s chosen loved and despised bore him sons, and :

oSo' sSuSro ^ire ^montui:::.:::::::..:.. «*) Culte. The

con^iston'asked him either- diet some sumrisin p- event which will The prophets and the teachers in Israel , tu arv. Where then is the right of those people ; you stand within the gates of the nr st-bprn shall happen , to-be tjj at 'One Squure , f ix month a. lft oo t„ ».!„„ lltt h l« anH Sp'mit in r rii suH n n'r+ « ' , & .,, , \. wo nave 8een m f ormer l ectures, sages to demand baptism of the prose- the kiiic-dom of heaven and advance to of the despised one, he shall, not be per-^ "u^«?i,° jlEKiV.i^.«- WA;r' nwV ZSW ro flvo uP nis *ni


"o cru8aae^

r _«) come to pass and we will try to bel ieve favored and recommended pro slytism, lyte as a condilo sine qua non t They eternal life, and happiness. »I t is not tho mitted by law to recognize the son of ¦¦

uiriS v!- ™™ . . . . . . . . ! . boo r«8,e:n n'8 pastorship. ^

Ho can not do you. As long as you tell , us common- and assured the stran ger, who comes could only have based their decision up- form , it is the spiri tual subst ance whi ch the beloved one in . priority to that of- i 1 :MarriKgc8 , ltirth8 , Deaths , eaeh notioc. 100 cither without committin g suicide , as p]aCD things , wo have no reason what- to attach himself to the house of Israel , on the notion s of the Essenes and the makes man what he reall y is. the despised ohe who is tlie actual first - : -A Square laTour- itoy.pntb a or nn inch. he 3uba jgte on tlie chUrch and exists cver to accredit vour alleirations All °f Gp4's special favor and grace s It is so-called Habix tn who ate their .common \. , , born. And it shall come to pass on i¦ p. ' ¦ ¦ -, - -- . . politicall y on his anti-Semitism. Edit- . u t{ iL J ' , certainly against the teachings of those meals in that ritual cleanness which the ,„ .„„™,J „«„„»„ the day when Ko shall t resolve to i

In „n»Hcrin lr -ar <.fth e »drrHi «m:nu ,. - „",,; .v,., - ' ' .trance-speakers , that we heard , , have vcnerable en, if wc close the doors of Law prescribes for the sacrificial meals, INAUGBHAL SEBSOIf. make beque st of all his Cpossessions, he ^- - 1

Srlr u^r^ ^ LT aS 'ri ,: tl.ngan d bclying tlop iessofthcl .ib.erals , not ^pressed one idea that was net our sanctuary to good men who are de- and tnat further notion , that all uncon- . . ^-. . - diall be by law , compelled tq bequea th ";

paH.. !.^-. b, .miinB if.t ibrj «w the hc was challenged to a duel by one Pf pub ]ished , long before they spoke . sirbu s,:to ; ascend the /mountain of the verted Gentiles are unclean. . Here the *"*e",,e? *V*

Tr D'i,^*S^*,

to««mB twp:thirds ;unt o him,.f or heis^nr st bf v? "

.dTCrtiM-mcnt iu <b« " A9ier (€am i«- ita repr esentatives , the local editor of ^rj,ere are the spirits? What earthTv nouse - 0' the Lo^- question rises, are we ; wko have^^ long^^ ^?» »«««« Xe

»»P,«:' »m»r ^«y, »«*in. jj ig gfjen^'and Unto himhabmte. " th0 jj crlin voikszeitung, But , said „.. y ,.vn „„„ ,J f u orfl p Wk * »w,w It is true that some of the ancien t ago dropped those notions , who live in . -", ¦¦¦ -. ' / " ¦, - ¦¦ ' v > " - , ; , ' • ' - ^the'- law f irihe ^^^^^ gf tivii^i-7— „ . v ., : r~-7" Stoccker , No, I Km not going to fight , I

J ' ' ' , , rabbis ^livin^ . (Concluded.) ' : °n0 wi/«- " lhe,^Wy;beh>ved, what ?;?Lecture this rnd iiy evening in thp . ' * f . .,,„u „ u „ thoy aPpear »« anybody? No -ghost 8ecuti6n, wished to see obstacles.placed are wo bound to submit to that: decision .

"a { . . - ¦ ¦ legal right had/jfcho^ patriarch Pn ,being:^Temple to he on the subject of "Inter - *m tt I-,1,IS5('r °*- lPe gospel—such as he . evQr appea red to iis, 'and wb- have' been in the way of the neophite , let him pass beo'auso it . has been , accepted in the code . *<?r a. long time, necessari ly, he had apprised of. the fira fcnegotiati bn tb sahc ' -

marriages. " Seata free. h' whf

P^ches ,n the morrilh g up all bours of the night , alone and com- though: a prbba ttpnary . orde al.and. im- ^ ac

tice? I th



are not bound

£ S absSnSi^lS

^ito^«^M^^^lb ...»,v : and who in the afternoon and miin!n _. w; th iiin TTn !w,r S*i s„ir !f posed-oh. him observances of a Severe b^*- «

¦ -; ¦ . : . . . - .^entera irom_

^w ,™ ^ ,.i5nWW,»i,ri nf .n n„«f „» cvcnm* habituall y consorts irt the beer- B ¦¦ ¦ Y? ' 'P naturb; in order to keep him outbf the The same. it, appears to me, is. the mqiHi ^aftcr ,lhe: staterp t .his.fattier s daughters he forawears him ^frbm iv the i^WE g.vc elsewhere a br of account o

^"^™^^ S

, " ¦ ¦ ¦- - • ¦: ~ • congr^aHoh, as J s ' apparent ftom a case with circu mcision of proselytes , header .to salute his nio^eraM

awiut :deiSrite KthWof^anaah ^We^mar^--the destruction by fire of a. portion of Calais with tic worst loafers of Uerl in. The (J n6s«oa of Making Pr oselytes. passWtinthctalmud (YebamotIi xlvii.). Tlie law and doctrine of the^ divine cov- her bidding; ^ but mgh aweary un to death 'inf ir '«ro tfVthW .tHat -M hW''ndw. tt ^iA' '; ?'iConstantinop le , largel y inhabited by « he resigns his pastorshi p, he would * . ¦ . -^ jg itatcd there: 4>.The rabbi s tau ght , enant . make no mention of It. We know «om the chase .

^the pdorer class of Jews. We expect to bo dWl ged' - to fight; if. he gives up - his a lhctcri s dkuvkkkd at Cincinnati , bbpte'm- if at this time : (which was one of afflic- fv6m: the respective chapters in Genesis , yP>}ngeJ o™^6**

h:l? ,V! ,l,eon:; ™ha?

ite son^s dlsbbe&iehce, 6i Esaii.'s apb siaw.. ; i : ;receive fuller particulars bv mail in anti-Semitism , he is politically ji non- ¦ ' " BHR T.niaa. BY iBAACM: wisb. , tion ^aud Borrow , for- Isniel) a 'stranger that the children .of Abraham , also. ; all ms^ihp^cmnMI


^ ^receive . mutt panicvna rs bj man . m

j / , , . . . . . , . c6mes fee convert€ [lt ;We ;8ay to, hun, . born m hi3 house , or . purcha sed, with ¦ .Xhe rum ors , of lus debauched life had reW ard of; compunction ^ is J absolution; Lqtime for our next cdit.on. entity, «n« couid no jongtr 6l the idol ¦. _ . — . . . . . : w]iat rettS6n liast thou that thou ^omest money. ^erc commanded to submit te .^re ady reached the ears .of . the m—¦ ¦ * ¦ . . . / . his loafer companions. The man is eyi- Laij ies AtfDGwptEStEN !—Accordi ng to be converted? ^ Knbwest thou hot that that rite , and it Should be-perf ^^

. It is perhaps not known that Blum dent ly in a predicament: . to ¦ what was said m former, lectures , : Israel at this time is mortifie d, Oppress- all male childreri at tlie age of eightdays. ers hadbeen: kept in entire ignor ance. ¦'tators ^,aBks'r ¦V ^

,¦Why¦-! sv, ¦¦the ¦¦.laW.'¦4f ¦*the ''¦:• ' ''::

Paslia , in E<rypt , is an Israelite. The — ~^—~—"— , e?e,^W ngof

^n6. Seti iorer mioreh, why is the ' lawacon-^

French Government auuoints him an Whek Father Jacob had th at wonder- ntfh>*° phviin his^ or --her ^laCp ; in the over himP' , : It J fesay^ kn ow all this expects ; . the ;Perfbmance . v 6f:. that toose' itlolft trpus


^bu ^^knew berni ng. the rebel son^-hevwhd ^disobeys v *

« • 7i 1 nTS 32 ? n-i, ful dream in which he bad seen the an -^venant b^cenGod

andman. ^ere- and tmatters not ^vitli me( v' wb aocept rf te on every male child born of a .Jew- : better than , Rebecpa ^nd .:Jacp b,of.his hiB;fatfi er>d his: mother ., in immediate S^officenn th iLcgionof Honor. The num- 1H arf

m'f ^

,cn he,f

nd Bee^

e nn' can be no difference m isb mPther. We^^ furthermore knbw from idolatrous inClmatipn? who.knew better coUnecti6n' with the ;, fpregoin e one ', ;;

ber of Jewish Generals is large enough gels oMhe Lor d ascendi ng and descend- rac e .or previous condition ,. no difference ' :some of the less important and some of Exodtis ,: what Moses; : perhaps on that , than they the cause of the/ first-born 's. re Iatihff fo ' the- 'vfirst-bbrn , ami ;4liy ! ig ' v': tb command a considerable ' tirmy. ing tho ladder on the top of which the wheth er a human bem^bc a Christian , the .. prolonged absgnce

^P ; ;So incensed

^'.;¦ • ; ¦"- . ' .- - . . - ,' ¦,..¦ ¦ ¦— Lord- himself .appeared ,; and ; showered ^ a Motuimmedan , in.In form him of the promised reward s and. sons. so that the mother under peciiliai- the younge ^brothe i% not ;

at the. older which reads: :af a sin'bb placed 'at' the v>:"No MAN cbmmits a sin, unlcss thi!re 0h him Hie- Wbssin trs and nro ^

threatened/puni shments; we do not tell circumstances: perform ed , that Titerpn, -one s. ^ :door/biE a -mari /jvhich shall 'JDear " the : '^enters ' into ; him u suirit of ' Mlv '5 ? i ii 1 ! u!^n ^1

P - ™ - ' ?: ¦ ^

nv °V .» ^age1 «rf ; 'any/;dcscnpti on.. hini tod muchi and are.nbt too:ri Eorous! hcr sons. Perha ps that ;story is nan -ated - trivial ,; but .at his extended departure at a wfei^ntf ' of a, death penal Mr ete?,,' ; And " ';

i&oten . a.j, .xnis. is to. say^ Hipre . ,aro and ; Jacob awokc put ,of his sleep, and tipular test prescribed in the Law. of the ious;bb8tacies in his way. '¦ ¦ Still , one of ima te children of a Jewish father , ir ^ .most needed. /- . / : -; ;;.- .-,., one;.. The result of cohjuga Bavb ritism -T "np. actual evil-doers; it is by folly , and said , MSiircly ' the Lord:5s in, this place; Ci)ycn8n L; : Speakmg ;fr cnu-thi s, stand- tlibm , • Kabbi Helbo , bbiects to this respective of the mother 's race or faith ,, ?i His aged fathe r loyed. .to cat ¦of; his js the causeof filial disobed lence^which r^; ignorahco tBat irian fails; arid ialls. : Ig- and I knew hoV and he was afraid " 2°J ^' °n.e:lmi r • - m ' 55

* ^hosoevo>" method , and maintains ,:;''Th e strangers ; ar eto be considered. , Jewish children ^ : stron g hand- ^^

' •" nora nce is the orig inal sin, and stupid- of What SL hi Sl Wh£ ^Ki ^%™ mth oLiving Gpd of ferael and {pr£)selytes) are hard for Israel like ¦ 'We' kn ow/ furtEe i-mor e from the respect- edly' inquiring, for /him^nd. ; aU .the of whicVis aeath ^- ^ldng ^or/gianted *X¦ itv iS\nivm-sal :aenra fh ^ ^ H Piety and ^ealtn w?8. that he had: beeh apprlse ^^ fbi: son's- i¦ .ity is un»eisaj .uepr avitj . . .. .. . y. feftP p Eead the passage once .mpre , coureo in life according ly.is de/ac/o wiOi- 3n hi experience ; bu tr the Talmud Ple cio/ming put from Egypt :Kad : maini lavishing..- 'adoration ,. upon .idolatrous , apostaBy ^could he feeivbrsuch^ritelU . ^:

v 'iir " ¦ ¦¦¦xi - . i ' ¦" " • r ' ¦¦ ., , '¦¦. • • "and .behold the answer: . "Ikn cVv^ nbt ," ' mjue

covenant between ; God and maU fo^;. n0 fur ^ >y6men. and, naturally, , to the objects of ^nce as. convicting ?^. We wdl statc .pnCc mpre , that it.is ;in sa.d hc^

„. the Thalmud (Baba Bathra C2.) where -in -k 4c - t v „ herm other-i n-lawv'Naomi , a .convert to .?f^oses.iu tlie.wilderness / layiaainiP-V^r ^^i^^X^ ^ '^il ;

: the names of the following mothers :are ?° ° M . thc mpst eflicicnt cause of .fear , onapf Gods chosen people anyhpw. . ^ ¦ aforei gn land , alth ough she was earn- lected on account of-the dangeK . ¦*&& skeHtiuim ¦ atdini ^ibniMs ; -;? «ily'^mentioned - The name Pf -Abrah am's

J ^b !} .become aware "of: man 's ig- ,Su estly admonished bv gPodmotherNaomi , nected wifc it ih the/wiWe ^mentionca.. inc name m ADran am s ^orarice/ Herbis fiod .hb said to him- ^gcd a>jwr? by the con grega rabbis Bay, that Joshu a reintroduced if lntact in either/ case.; /^hbugh ira te at cbuh£Esau be adiud eed the deathvben- ¦ ''

. mother( ^Amtheh.-batii ^.arn ^bp;

^lf . ani e ^ ^^ -W ^the mothcr ,of Samson was callod;Zelal -: f fc . - w

¦ .i^noran t How hrinlp« a

epan^- W ffeTe

'?, a. ?"&0™*1 Juda- He lbp 's opinion is that of another class lamtof Canaa m and since then it was fences, did J acob^ r efuse him I004P -No! Suchevideh ceboing absehUarai tlieexist-1 : ;. phoni t h ; , arid the namo " . of David' s ' 'S; J v ^' -;™ /

10,r ,neiP^

8S a ism pr a Judaism, of history, in^^which; ;0f saVans,^vh<vhad a low opinion of ;the heyer abro gated , never intem.pted ^rid; &it to ;te

: ¦ mother was Nitzebeth-bath-Edal So it : "^' 18.^n' lf - lie>now fl°. >*% many jaws, bseryances .^orms , /fprmu , ]p r0B

then/ ¦and ;there when they exhista ta tEis day- .But 'on .all/ those gious str ensth he^wished tO

Mcertau vat

having * been: admitted; ,it 'was /beyond ^¦T uto^Lr ? 9

How incapable is m«n;to ;pr6t t.him- . las ^oV;^Pt^ oecasions not a/ word , is said aiat /the : whatprice : h^- o is statca there. . Wf. .f j l0 1s so ^rant. A*rofes8or ^stahzedtereh gipus dutie s^

some pf adultewho play^fj ^ith iittl ^ childreh prosc ]yte;must;be circumcised in prder iather ^/rej igicus fame ;and name It. evidehce and to permit a rebuttal: to thb v«:-~- ~ ¦ ¦ '¦ : • - „„ ij i . Ai /(^i.-'¦¦'¦ ¦ ; : . 1 i _ ¦ t iem are logical sequences of the hinaic prevehtth p r6min <rof the Mp«iah " All to enter the. c6n«Teeation' of Israel. It was> alas! but too soon discovered. ; The pta im Af Jnc iiH ' Thi>Miiimnnt w.i ™ - 'S

:. ; Rabbi Bb^on Di^K USS„of Endi n- 'S^ . & tf f if t ^ye^ion/and ^ther s. are ho ^d /the S^iS^Sb ^'&ev K ^^^ ^&M

-.h* value ;; of. /the J House/: ; pf :Religibn pS^Sd :- froS;£?^• gen (Switzerland) , .died last month , phjlosophy y after the students liad asked congregatio n might expect- of , the -neo- refer :toc^wn piaces ahdmrcumstances c°me a pro

¦ His son Michel is his successor hi Wm ' many questions: ; •'Man 's knpwl- pn^te to^pn^rrn to all M;^ost

of them , and 'are not adopted as prinbi ples in the "eeh commanded tPr Submi [Jacob . sauU . sell ; -/. »Bless - ^¦ office . The old or thodox e-ontlemaH edgeis truly immense , except tliat he ^Siw^ 0^,? - .hw Talmud ;- The /principle is^'if one irir: *fter ^

u?« become a^prosel rt e. he; is^ ^^;

4K „;; t ¦¦1^ ' "

? alread j. :and may>el or' nQt feel it testimpny Pju st gone , to bis, eterna l reward, was " { Jy^? TI I f "1? ?

V- ™ \?:- »U f matter of form, . and. the.form , a« receive him instantl y, ¦ and we uc not s his /duty to submit .to it, althou gh, he the pri <w was not ^mentioned ^ ;^- oistinga ished for , his strict ortho doxy hl h,m' .a^d what will .transpire the sueh .hPweveranc.ent it niay be.pan; as; :M him S,are 4^^!, may . consider /himself -obligate ^-- like. J acob WPuldhavb. paid even a cpmpar- be^re^nowf Sfe S ^and charitabl e .disposition . He stood next toome^' B^ th$t >,s- ^

nearlv half a ccnturv at thd head of t6S^ to facts is alarmingly insi gnifi- S^fS-Sli!1* £1 C(mv

^lon : <^.c

Ion- ihere 'arc statementsfin. ;the Talmud to' When they ^re eight days:p ia./ ; /;::.;• . ¦¦ : :. - . v :whP ^nh crited his, hvther 's ppsscssi(ms dutiful and sparin g bnV'ih thiAight of i*.neariy. nair a centur y . at Hie bead of P „.

Fa , ' kjo that well ^lence^

of man : / The, form establish ed th e opposite effect-as for ins was? to/ govern his father 3: household. ; aj« 8t claimant pnthe ground of 5^ ' ;ithat ccgrega ton

. ™* *jj ¦Sw^WSrS^solemn- ^S * ^°° ^V eohi^lOgORabbilsaacsald ^vilafter:

^ ^¥< * «hd //cbufessecl He who wptdd^herit his ;f att ars, gold ^ % Sp^eonsidcrinp IhSeY & 1?. . "^— • :*¦*. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ anu ne . was airaia. ne .vowea sotemn quentl y . the. case, .at another time;

^n ,vin b f^,

tb0se 'Who acceDt 'brose- ' that neither baptism was c renmc son is mustfollow in hi8fo otsteps ;>iEsau knew. Tno^ m i^cmnt ch^mMmti^^ !^^AccoRmNG to the . theology of some tows before God , if he would protect '¦and ^e/vyord ^f.onr

Gpdstandeth for- . "/ggSI Sfi * «i¥Wfor t6ep ^ this nbt

;;.perhaj ,sJacbb ^id;kV ,>- - -ancient rabbis; God himself is a- consti- him and brin g him/ back , unh urt to his ,e.ver; . J -wsrefpre lienor ; sbe who ¦ be- audjB ^- ^n almost "alone in the Thatehtiredis cussionohproselytesjnih c ' The blessings Which some day would juat'demurer and ri^tfu'l ppsseslbr ^^ ntutional monarch. They say (Sanhed- home, if. the dream which he had just !} S«

n- lle ^" ¦°,°/ /• /

8faeI aad Talmud with ; their. opiiiions ,/and we can Tf hriiid ' (Yehamatte 46 nnd 47) is start be> brea tjied with-the: remainm g/life . o|rin ' SS;), '^God does ' nothing without had was more 'than a dream , if it prove a ^SrSSSSni

' only take thei r statements as personal ^on ^he: sfateme p^of mpv ancienn !• -in A.' - * m ^ ¦ \ .< ^

j ywMviy ynma ui.en ^, iL .ii prove a daughter of - the divine covenant, ouinibris bein*)- ' perha ps the conse- auth onbes on this subject n the follow- upon an apostete l: ^consultation with the family on h.gh ," a reahty- by its fulfillment. Overcome j ^ altho ^ot/acknowled ged de /ure as ^Sof Sf caSo? pe^sonaT ^- ibg manber r- • 'The rabbis; taug ht (cori^ fetoroA ^ebirthrl ght ;itself- /that to wSSSlSS!StS Mviz., with the heavenly host. What remove ighor'anpe , and you conquer the sucli by the congregation of Israel: , / ; . peri ^CD( tuUy counterbalanced by the^^ cernin g the pro selyte) the stranger who the domestic religious d af if o t5rne of ^ie purbfiasei ' He would - ^

. th at rabb i wished to impress on rulers spectre of fear. , *inT:'3 ™IT«L^ '^'?£!'*¦ Uer authority of Rabbah ,. son otfiuna , « ctrcumcised /an d ;: n nbtukb his'lawful inhbr itance he-liad,

was, perhaps , that none should be an -Hi . / . ; ,. >:»• ' -. ' ¦: :-. : " ', \l noSeri S W ?S^ n *n:osaid;(Kidu;ushi p 70.). > 'Thy distinc t Rabbi E iezer (Ben Hyrcan) , J ,e - 'is; a' ., the animalmjm hewould barterhisia Ui.. but spught thejatriarch s blessing which

autocrat i this^passagc ^ ^

mud be discovered in Russia , the old ^enT8ported , thls-week,;mv a: state oi fom :Chananiab ) he h a pr pselyte ;" / Thes;e: accordin g^ to the 'Din Tprah asiexphaiiwd¦ .^^¦ ^ J^ s^ SS

book will be confiscated. / V ^W*^^:™^:—« in advancef the e'jcact date , day and hear catechism and pta > e-book , then

^the pie,:'' arid in regard to the -latter ft ;is thonties at the time, when af ter the terii- purchase , ;: It was the bir thrig ht , zn of -dress^aiew^ersbhal ^bmark sr i-tmst i ^If the descri ptien of the treatment of his/death by neartrdisease ^Jeh?he. rSS 2t LnWUE Wated , .'Who soever : hath ;pledged his ' P^ad beeP : des

^0y^ t»e ;Jewish ; lit> the inheritance he.o/esired, the priesfly, rmay 'be pardoh ea fpr puttfe g^is-ser- S

received by political pri soners in Rus- maintained; hid been ^hnbuuced to Mm -£^>3B»S^to-ffi2? tbi ^^RP™^h

f S^'*&*$¦ dS^sS^^^an Sic Th ^&Jt &^s.a us set forth in our-forei gn news in ^vision of a aecoased frieid. -The appfeh'of the millenium .theMessiahic

f ^ tT^^ -^^^ SS SS ^ ^ Ti^ SfSS'^aiSPcolumn s, is not exaggerated , ahd ^ery- mini8ter .aid: , : : i . / ^mgd orn he

^ r^^so pn ffi^JJ ^Tttat Samft

embodied iW .lftbat ' Rabbi Elie pat rhirch isnot far distan t

tt ti«^^-^iffl ^wSiSS^^thin g wc can learn goes to prove that it '^his premoniti on was oneof the ex- ha5e Won In *SS Wi

Was Israel' s God from: the beginning, el" w^he representati ve olrthe histonca) it. Hewould make

^his^in. / , . . / ; . . h6rs avacuum ; let me' ndtpniit to suggest :E

is not the inquisitors , our western ceptionaf phenomenal Cases which point SSwWlSn »i^SfTwpffi^wI^r and became the God of the prase lyto or tra diUonal . right, and Rabbi Joshua Esau :hRMust quitted his father 's ~m. that ¦& moral ot: [this eftort vis fov pause /¦savages and all those who, accordin g to to ^ new and higher philosophy He C„K K 0rS are mWerthe &s represented ^he ; law of

leaspn , . the ^ac^ ana inquire / personall y ere 'we ' irajudge ;?:history made -v special studv n tovtvr 8ttid that sucl? ca^9 ^r°

»ke appr 0acl^^bf the7nd '? as thev ex Spd Ms people. If another rabbi said "a raUo pallstic conception of the Law. In according to the hve >w)a ,of ¦Mt U* tho merits ^or 'demMs bf /our vfellbi ';nsto j made .v special study 0l tortur , U|0 moonlj tt tn (| which come, down Solver Tr ^v ^in %

the letter , o^acr Scriptures


expres se^

manw those; >hosb/IiVes/have alread y;-ing the human frame , could have learn- to earth on a cloudy, night , thr ough rifts ffiSmf ?.n0 „„» Lin ,) n!! S ft coligregation ,'r he certainly referred absolutely the liighcst authori ties of that I m.ght bless the, ;' tnat .he , as the firsC bcetl .analyzed ' kechu ?jmyraf tia :xed much from the blue-blooded gentry in thccloutls. Shcli ewes eriligfiteried f wS «l.p - .fiill?$£,»»* ° S to their probable ignoranc e in the laws age, called #>pMi, sp ymt Aqujia had born may recei ve his sacred wishes with minutes t , Tjy . cotempbr ariesl or>dis tant '.V :who uphold the gonfalon of the Czar. -. Hie minds of men and direct ed Qieir re- 'abbis - ,»,]».thnS iS?'tW tW T™ ai»d citstoms of Israel , which Character- tosat isfy them , whenhe translate d the the sjime kedwkah ^e-tahar.ah with ' the authonties ^whos^ wbrTv's are . unto this '

Reau it , it forms an interesting bit of f ™h? toward a subject that may yet £m! ^S^^5 |» ^

congrega tion , and: KMM A\iK\hS Sd to afSdenS ^enT It ^"f ^o^sotfefopd

fpVrabvvw?n«.f» ,mn, r-»„. .- ¦ ti- » ' ¦ ¦ ' ' be made to yield its teachings and wJmWPv hU form nf tpliwinn m^v h<» thought the proselytes should attach w»cner «-aDoi akhiii , or me i^assi, KM- pectca to aiterwam emorcc tiiem. Ke- binical digestion. Jiorechcni : oani oni:; ,^.>ineteenth Centur y H.story . truthSi He did not believe that tSe dead ^f hurna^^

beW bVS ^f aof ' thra wdvw to 'existing congre gations. bau Garahel. If there waS .any passa ge becc.1- enters J acobs secluded pw;, bless'Vlsp me, -my iEa'thet/ iri 'this /-

TT: ~"~" were very far from, the living, and fn "^SL „f m. Scripture , to ordain. 01' only suggest , study with . a request, perhaps \ a . my birthrig ht! F am :youhg iri years -: : ';

The University of Kiel elected a thou ght that in the future a new science -%&%% £ rf ^/i™^ S«i

^.Sr ^princi ple which was adopted in the code, t^t the pvoselvte must be baptized Rab- deman d, and her always obedient son and the blessing, .beiri |two-fb ldrcbn- "Jewish rector in the person of Dr. Lad. might be established on such phenome- 1f t *'

Vot 'bnsider \t rEZZLnFto ?vii.V ' ,"Wb ,receiy'e himJ nstantly, '' and bi Eliczer would not have o^olared bap- nses with a re/tdy "hero

am -J .: on his tains twa tlireateni ng-passes ;/: Show ?:

cnburg, the Professor of Chemistr y and leases '* the one on which ho was j ™or?' 8aivatio r? armies and «llv^ ' P ' W» «o/npt .tell him?too.mueh and t,sm sup«riluou S Again , if there was hps. »Ol my son, hearken unto me : me,. vThbu , the whicS; ' £ might.for the! fl^.loiir i,, mi. 1 coiLsspr or ^ncmisciy ana commcilt in„ m supp ort salvation primes and salva- vronot ^ t00 T\gQi^ B with him -' ' ^ any passage in Scriptur es to ordain or , concernin g. that which I shall ¦ command better choose that hnVW tr*^ tfcnir i,n -Member the Philosophical Faculty. This w™^ *¦ , ", f , . . ... . . . tl0\ hucksters. - T h ey thou ght you wono^

wp rigorou s

yn mm.

, .; OD\/6Ugg^st thnt ^he proselyte ^ must thee. Go^nto the . flock and prepa re a SS&S tS -is the second Jewish rector of Prussian We have to add to this beautiful hy- might


^rely on human

^reason and V^^^ ^ W

b, fmciscd Rftbbi ^ would favorite dish such as

thy fathe? : loveth" poin^uTZ T way SS^wSave - ^universities elected this year one in P°thealS ' lh*Ut WOu Id be ' U right i£ we °onsc.lence * l *f man to salvation and ^A^-f^; ^^

not have


that rite superfluous , arid thoushalt take it to thy father in OiC Erne flte hoSftW J^^sclect^n - ; •Sn3rn^n,i ^pii - r - w ti k did not kno w the power of hallucina- 1 »»PPW therefore quite a number of l^^Lte ' ftZ^lS^T

Certainly ohe of the succeedin g rabbis

der th at,




have partaken "^ha^kinK f^Pv f^ Sft,.^^fommer n and the other in Mecklenburg. .. a ¦ . ,. n _ * . .„ . ,. ' ! stones about nghte6us and piou s heath- tached to the congregation of Israel , must Have corre ctpri th P ormr ^if tl,noP thereii f he duv hl«« 'rtiw Mm.' He . 1 ?™Vm'i,Bffl«*™fl e*//

That 's what the anti-Semites call Judl T * ' , , imagination , of ; cns al.0 re cord<fd in the Talmud , and as the Talmud quotes ite highest autli pri- ^o toweraX rS^ aeat ^'' VeprLsX^ fc

tft KtES: - W overbalances the pigment -J High^wisdc.; they thou gh, B jj^J jj jj g^ «£^Pi^T SS^W W k^ &M M

rus . wore rectors in tho university of of he unders tand.ng. So for instance , , 0^ce g%h&*(Sa£ school of Hillel. ' ' ' Qui te a ' number of pSvr^hei^%S

0B.n oLT lSk aSEl h^xpeSc ?th ^ecre 1>U^ul Pc^~^4ually His. ¦ : W ..; /

Bern , Switzerland ; the historian , Max- * "£*?"* °f J ' "f*1 P^*

1" in

. bltth 148, and parallel passa ges). We> »s «-

^ ?ein^

I™f"d' «ponXm at a tempVar VTrm ?


TuS " "S What coTcSfato We commend the 'foliowW to the ^Budinger . was rector in Zurich. The «« Middle Ages thathe took the reven ge Understood well th at a religion with *teS%™StvwS mit prosel ytes into the congre gation of course ^yould we have him adopt; coulS J ^S^t^ '?^ : f ^ ^<

• physioWist Rosenthal ^vas eleoted roc- ™ one of his enemies that he foretold =«ch lofty co nception s of deity, hum an- puiscd su

ngm by his ngor and Isra 4, A man is a prosel yte, & he\e^ he practice such deceit on a MinS father ? \ t • < ™ f* Be

* ' -

isain r ist the effects of -imagination k led him. pear to- be; Religion * growin g out of snammai and .wantea to be taugiit the congregation of Israel with the historic- offerine, he resolved upon his cour Hp reire smng^ as n ls.rar e. . . ." """i: - Similar cases are known to students of $*» S

™^** &A m0 on one fe/STha ^matdirehim ^1

^ ^-^^^SaffiffS e His mother musf be " obeyed ^AVtoH-GA. , .L^ember T.-EK-,-

Ra b«;

Isaa c taW^ of

Vienna , psychology. We have known a man delriyeSS Sgtonihlch Tna gri ^. ^preSS ^r rmaintSn Klffi atttS ^S^fe SSlhas p..bl,shed (D. Loewoy, Vienna), the who discussed tho most difficult ques- ruf to him and another be popped upon quest to rfillel who accepted him iind e^rT Ss Swfehed a^^th ird part of his work ,D0KDoK Vedor- tiom. in metap hysics with perfect com- it; but it carinot benefit him, It does not told him the goWen .rul e, rWh at. ^ ^^ £^J ^. %^ :%St ^^V^ A


Court for

* Eolation , of : the^snov, three hundred and twenty-seven posure and presence of mind , and main- I^fhi,l?^ter mM- °° the con- ever would hurt ««e do

to Foms chan RI|d nge with and he answer ed , "I ttm. ^-^WhatPper- >*• >R'tt^'

'6^%^WSf!;pages ocuvvo , Hebre w. With this vol- ta ined that he was Aristotle , and that American KSStea fnes thtt theT u5 ^s commenta S?S7n^ mqS re oV t y ^T^ tionfof tiim, and circum stan ces; haps "th y first-born by law of form- jud ^&n afe J ^ SSNnme he brin gs up the post biblical his- the spirits of Plato and Socrate s com- 3mSS S1S self'' (SnbbmY'Jx iii ) Th2sestories e 2LJ?lS

'tt °' S tt ^'

t^ohns ^ If an' S^fe S SRtory oMh, Hobr o*. to the close of tho munLted with him. He died with this

! he was. a sa heathen. %S has learne d certainly less intende^ to

report facts ^^^tTnot li ^ f Tes ffiSi ^S^,,^&, WHSLtol- **'SMi ^SK^ ^ KSHC ^

Talmud , orend of th0 fiftfa Christinnce„ - self-delusion or fixed idea. The man : to desp se his ^natural rehgipn. and fe to^


d this congrcg on not do itP are flS u^^Salfm^Sd Su~" > Ht ^™ti<^^m^ ] ^W.

tur y. Tho present volume treats ex- sick with delirium tremens , who sees : h " °£ Ef^meT nSskLtic and ptS in the way of hto who

h ff B , £ ^«onS %e say. because it wouM sLs, what r |hf h£$^'EsalTihe^to ^Sh^

K^ %i

exclusive on the origin and structure horrif ying animals attackin g him. is a i g ii , " TbereTanVnTdotb T^atS S ^ *Z&£to *m£ *X& ^iCtte l ^ ^^of th c two Ta lmu^-Vbrushal mi and proof how tho diseased mhid sees in i -de ,id uneducated masses in Chris t ¦*» " «* -ll^taW df tojhcj S^*^SSSS Sta vTufa^ i^Z^ oS^^ t .^^SSSfc l

Babli. Only thef our chapters at the supposed reality and outside of itself f»£>" S*? m« at ^T' Ff"™0' 1™

" fc fc .

' . ject him. If the K£n Zl ^ Z voiceSa Tdm^ ^ Sg mSiuS .

d M^^he.vmatte^

close of the bonk make an exception , the creature s of its imagination. Poets ! ^X«t ™nT'r^E E. %' ¦ „ y '. - ^ V?' w^fi5^?

his represen tatives in a synod assem-

the words , Ace laaso l iolthe Mishn tX df? ?a4 *^commun wation vhad been y/;

He treats in two chaptors on the ^r. and artists of all descri ptions have


^ 2 »S J&At '^tiSS ^^X^'^S^SA SS SIgSSI^^-"Ih e Homiletic Booka- and kind of hallucinat ions in a perfecH y4-AlLintclli gent Christians admit this ; the ' nant except by circumcision and bap- "an Tsrae htef who live unde r cSm- SKST Ws moto ^d ' ™>P^1 t™;:ai.d itnder tb» e j |two ohapers are devoted to the religious sane state of mind. Tho vision of ' statistics of crimes and the flashes of tism/' which was taken .from a majority stances entirely different from ouT^and ethical content * of tho Talmud, that youth in Balti more was a hallu- j Sfef ™°S' to mX^Z ttT^, n^^f J ,

Y-aham ath "" gionists in t^e Old World , who stand he has deceived me alrea dy twice , once f

or him

81J ?P>#' %

¦¦¦ ¦M^^$Among modern writers wc knowof none cioatio n brough t about perha ps by a . SL. 'vIere'Smitl ar^notp g ^SZ ^g ^^- ^^iZS^ l*^^who has produced socomplete a hirt orycf . quick er beating of tho heart, or even by | pared for it by education tlie progress right , wc ask, was tha°t decision made a. dom and pKssiveK ^ence ichfeve ThSe t' He now saw when too nttme was Acntld nedv, deemed it his^the Talmud , as is before us in thi s book, hearin g that somebody died of a dis- ; «f ^« thou ght and the culture

of moral - law in

Israel P In all the passages of

victories Lffimpns unkno t in Sir late , ItSort! The^ bTessTrTff was S dptyto-Wni it oyer to tl^Gran d Ju ry.iThe late Zacluu-y Frankel , whose intrp - ease of the heart , and tho effect was the j X" Vo ^nr ^M? °J


°^se,s. concernWth e {?«^. lands ; tho American Israelites , sufficient only the spintu al weal th, but Tils kmgly

¦at'^. P"'^*:-t»«V^ttVv^

dubious to th o MUh uah and Talmud work of Imagination , which, has killed ZD with aP rrfirt ™ ' JS5f S Zu?

rf *e^


to -^fy . .|y «^jM>t*le. in numb ers to- form . ,a possessions likewise There w£ Gut ^.¦<*oftottto.G ™ ^Juiyfa -pjnflBfl-; ^Yeru shahn ; are masterp ieces, has not many a.^dulous ^5 .JSJ - S^ ^ JZZ ^Sfe ^&fe '^E SE ffi^WSSSfai ^£SSt

~ "? > ' ¦ ' "

' 8lived to .inisl, his work ; he did ndt reach no bettor proof for this theor y than the 5ty and " moral duty which ^re ex- cumcisinn

or oapti sm^&t|& KrS'S d?ne^B&tho Talmu d Babii. / Jac ob Bruell' s prevalence in our days; of spir al: &$ ISfi ffi S £ff S