• ' i ; •...

I ' . i . , ' ' I .I I !( I ' I . ' . ' I , '' . ' ..\..', ' .. . , ' ' ·. ' •. ' .... ': , ,! ·, .a : ' : . : '; .! ::; \voLUME :XVII-.· - •• . . ,, '''·', ···-:···: ...... ·- ·- . -·· .- ';.' . ,., •. tbt ' .. lit I , . . . .. ... ' .,;. \ .. t I .. ' . ' '! ' ;; :' '. ' } •, .- -, . ' ' ' ' -' '- . ' ' I . , I ' . f ' · · . to Methodiat MARY · · . . . . · . Bu:thday Pll.rty aored Free Dinner. · - ,.»;: .,- Th I. · . Mr1. Mary . . Jacli:ie son of Mr.. J. Mrs. J, M. Pt1nfteJd The Ladiel or the Metbodiat age 83, p.,aea V · · · El f 1 U10i was bon- a group of Jadits on Thunid.lly, a .free chiaken mbrnlng atQ:'.IP1\Iiu; .:P orad \VJth a blrtbday party at the July 16, .ber dinnertQ.aU wbo bad .ttelped ·in berd,vgbter, ).L ...... ,.,,.v, ? . . · · Stearns rtlncb, froPJ t\W to four., Mra, . UquidJtilil ·a .. note held against Mrs. Shaffner "" R. A. Walker, · Thursday, on her 85th. birtbday. It wia a tbe Paraon11ae property of tbe with Mrs. Davis abou' nine- , FRIDAY & $ATURDAY During the afternoon m Y gala occasion and all .Metbodlat Church. Quite anum .. teen months, having come here · · . . ·· games were played after wh1cb . in tbe Cbineaa checlcer btr of men were wbo en• 1,1hortly after the death of her ' ]) 0 U B L El F E A . U R E dninty refreshment!! of · · ' ' ' ' . ' . '' . ··- -----. .,WEST QF CIMARRON'• and . puQch were served to After tbo deUcioua lutJcbeon,Mrs. ever ate'' •. After dinner, Mr. Geo. At tbe tim• of her husband's ••pARDON MY STRJP3S.. Jnn.e httle · . o Tompkins opened her aittl which T. MeQuillen after a appro- death they bad.been 63 - ' .. ' Th Th M ·· ... · . Guests mcluded, Jeane HaJJ, were numeroua and eonaitted · of priM.'e remark& burned the note- yeara and 2 moatbs. She was Ill · good Janet Mae Sha.ter, Weston Lind· jewelry, stationery, bose a' n d etearing all dtbta agatntt Metbo· aad wished to como to the ,home edy of the B'g House · sey, Preston Lmdsey, Ted Zum- one was a card with 85 pen- dlst Property. Mt's. Margaret of her only daughter, where every · • . _ 1 · walt, Glen Zumwalt, Melville olea f•stened to it. "' English entertained with sioaing thing possible was done to relieve TUESDAY Hall, Martbn Sue Luckey Those pre 11 ent wete two aolos'and then led' the her sufftriniZ; her constant prayer I · · · Mature Stearns. Fnvots were JD• B. D. Garner, D. M. McClain, group in alnalng som() old favor- bad b&en tha' she might be per· Victor ' d&vtdual packages of lolly pops. Ted ·Lloyd Hulbert, itea. Mr. John E. Hall pre.idcd mitted to "join him in the Glory Recoid of Senator' · Jackie wM nine yea old an'd Cheater Womack, over an old·fasbioned Land.'' · men, liill'DoiFiwW.aJiiliia mi'tm ••soNG OF THE ISL.,NDS" He bas spent nome time at the Ramey, E. H. Ramey and the was t.icd by Mrs. L. z. Maoire Illinoll, but moved ,,to Oklahoma Waabington, D. c., July 23. Just lit back and relax and en· Stearns ranch for the prust four or hosteBI, Mrs. PenOeld. and Mr Ben Bums. · when yeaog, and bad lived at Steadfast adbcroncc to tho inter· joy this Jtreamlincd five yearn. Mri. B. D. Garner, formerly . · Newkirk, Oktabtma for 45 years. national approach to foreign poli· of tte South Betty's The .hostess· .. D. 9. compoatd tbt Accident Near Tinnie She bad been a all her cy ba• marked the' record of Sen· aot tho palm trees Steams.. · , p()(lm whicb was read Jaa clhuax Jlfe, and united w&tb the Metbo· ator Carl A. Hatch of New Mcx· . ALSO .. , · . to the pleaunt event: " , dlst Qburch · when very youna. ico, it wan revealed in the "1942 . - , Drowna in Pool DEA. R GRANDMOTHER About 1 :4 6 Tuesday . afternoon She bad been. a member of tho Election Guide" pub!hsbcd tbia M.,ch of Tam.,, News ana • Sham N Ho do .. . ao Mr. Kalien was driving biJ D r R b 1 b , fift Battle Shenanigan." ear n "lather Time" fa a !unnv old t d • 1 th b' auahtera o c e tu ,or Y month by The Christian Science , cam an wagon a ong 8 1 i yeara and was active in tho Ledge Monitor. . . codger! way, a truck overtook hlm near n ted t . 1 t- + ' • 4 . WKDNHIDAY 1: THURSDAY KivBS T u I J Y Bonnell, 17, Now why, de you aupposl', the Tinnie postbtlice and lbe two untlo" proven rom ar a Showing votea of aU members of drowned Sunday nlh:rnoon as a blpw his noac unavoidably embed Mr Kalaon ttndancc by her Caihng health. tbt U. S. Senate on eight major Lynn BarJ, iohn Sutton, Dan or a fsll Crom tho bn:nk ot Cracked bis beelt'together, dane· wa.a conaiderably brulaed ·up, bu' She was a Past Noble Grand of ifl!lues relatiag to farcign policy, Dllley, Jr. · · tho Ruidoso Creek near Hondo . cd on Ills toes · an cxaminatioa aL the Jtoawell the Lodge and bad requested tbo Election Guidu aonerts that - 111 - into dii?p water. Ho could not And looked Jiko ancient Rajah? hospital did 011 reveal IDJ per• ller Put Noble Grand pm "tho fasuo of feolatlon vereua In· ••MOON OUER & awim. Tho body wan removed to , , manrDt lojtufea." Mr. Kal.&en 1.a an bt> placed on her dtea!l at. death. terntltlona1i!m le tho one over.; H!R SHOULDER'• tho Kclloy Mortuary. He of glee that J cuy to uncle of Mr. BUJter Boone of She was generoUJ, cordral and whelming fllu• before the voters.'' Her !lubby told her ·to,.. act a He wB!. a junior atudent at the Hil H twio.kle u be alnto Rivera. kindness porsonUJed. :z'ho Galdo voteo hobbJ, bul: he didn't expe(!t her Hondo Htgb.Sc.bool where be Will w3skera here tberep · Mrs. Shaffner is survived e.enatora on e 1 glat maJor,domea· aet·a tall, tan, aea-going glamour a membtr of the b,askctball team. And lecrt at youth with luattous Cofforal BUI I!OI of Mr. rour sons who live ia Oklahoma, taoJUUCJ. Stnator Hatch a votea bo 1 ., ; . Ht wna born May 17,1925 and wu hair- and r-Ira. Dan who iJ ata• one daughter, .Mro. C. 0. Davw of placed him on record ns fBYoring: . · -ALSO- son •f tho Jato D. N. Bonnell An Eschew or tho amite.s of. tioned at Temple,. Texas, wrote thtrtcQn srand cbUd· Repeal of the armo embargo , . , '\ and Agnca Coo Bonnell, a grand· "Mabytl' " to biJ pareatt cnclotinl' clippinga reo and grand children. to pcrml& American nnpa to be .,'Story of tho Coaat ;and son of Mr., Miley Coo, And a 04 of ot Jul bit Remama wero ablppcd te Now· ocnt to nriroJn. Gand1 Goose fo Trouble or Mr. Burt Bonnell. But u aure u pndo lgoetb before division cnjoyel Jnd kirk, Oklahoma Tul'aday niaht on Extension of the reciprocal trade He Jcavea the brotbcra a fall . Roacbud Tetu. Tbe 105 mt!n in No. 4, accompanied by Mr. and ngrecmenu bill. an "approach to , N 0 T I C E sisters: Hv atumptd his tocl··ud IQ his Bill's .wtre served onr Mm. C. 0. Davia. world tradt \Vhloh the '""'u Bonnell of Caty; Edmn mtd I'Uih •• 200 cbickenaand all tho fhlnga. viee. weN tho tr&tlon hope. to make tho ccon· Lincoln Count Bonnell of Hondo; ·Mary Brooka, To make cartot>nt, Ho lunt hio ehureb in l'lewkirk yeattrday,w&th omic buln of pru!&wnr peace." - y £1 Paso Ttxll!l' Albert Bonnell of bruabl Mr. M. Doering of Evanavllle, the Daughtero or Rebekah 10 . Cnnvtntfon will convene atAncbo, W 1 •tiJl K Now grandmoth"" Dcar-vou'rt Indiana arrived iD Carrizozo lilt b f b b • 1 1 ... Eaactlon or tho Selective Sor· S d Jut 26 · d 1 ash ngton; Anna u er, tr• '" " . c argt o t • uraa r ,,.,s. i A t st!ging' mit, • and Ethel envy of Ul all1 •b - v tho right of tho ar· • ' Lo A 1 .. c·ur . w 'd hink Fatb Ti IIA Wte.u mJ}lg mg w t tl 0 vitid to attmd, bringini a well 9 na• cs., a oroaa. t · to you er mo f i d · Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walker rQ• my to aend meaa abroad rather tlllfd baakct tor Juneb at noon. • Funernlaervices wero held at had betn very kind r en 1 ' turned this week from a trip to than limiting armj action Lo the In these Pinal of war and strife 3 Tue!day from But- notbilli lelltl than tbe Herman E. to- Texas. western homiapbore. goepel tinging is needed more St. 0 Cbureb With Interment Hand or God . PhotnlX, Arizona The American . Legion Lnnd·Leaoe bill. . • . tlwl ever beroro to keep up at tbq Glencoe cemetery. Could have pretcotcd you-waLh· . .beta to. rtport !or ld h ·b Trantfer of altio shlpJ to Bntma . .. ou& a rod .,.pnor to cnterma wants your 0 p onograp ro . 1 morale of our ,eoplt' and eneour· --..o..-- · . ·· . . . . cords· old records, broken re· 10 194 "' . aat faith in our mtker with Penfield At Camp Barkley to you GadUko • Naval trammg bue. cords' worn out recorda· an part Extension of tbe Selective SeJ'oo aid we ultimately bopo to win in . - mm_d. Mr. Jack Sargnt of Safita Fe, of a to provide reeordn vice Act. . tht c:onfiiat now ragiflg tbrouah· Speeial to Lincoln County News Happy Birthday Greetings rrom hu btcn inducted Into the Aray for our boys in eervice. or the Neutrality Act out the world. ua 'o you and is stationed at rort Knox, u d • ., p h f to reopea coJDbnt zonl!tl and arm · tu b. 'II b K •" •- .,._ "' an 1.:urs. at Jt em o h t. h' · ?>me one-. cotne aU and fct'a Camp Barkeley, Tex. July 23. bope t ere e u mant • .urs. nee. Al:&tacr· Bib haz:n were in town Mouday. mere an • .'ps. .. . ·., enloy the day witb one another Private Edward Penfield bas bten more . tne Kelt J•med ,bun there, i. , Bills relatmg to mingling our voieca in songs of 0 otcd to tecbnieian otb grade Befero Father Tame finds brunhe.. dnven through witt. 'he Mr. and Mrs. Hnmmdnd flnd on which Senator Hatch s vote! praiJe and thanksgivfug to the rrom Lincoln, N. M. · galore • . ... •· wile of another who was tblld1'8n who moved here roeen.tly were tnbulat<!d included one, and only one who can bring Pvt. Penfield was inducted into And working w1 t h a rury- roan lndt.ana ca111p. are aecAulpymg •,n 1 e: 38 TVA dam, W!'A .b•ll pnet and set man free indeed. the Army last April. He was atampt you too. Mn Payne and child· otfea rest enee on amo- o. i1 • ' govcrnrn:n.. .-?o.gamta• W. J. Ferguwo, Pres. Lincoln County Clerk for four Wt with you to stay 8! you arel• r•n of •t Paao visited her eiater, gordo avenue. "Mr. Hammond tion bdl, !arm 2t years and was very efficient. and uyl Mu. WinteU Picktr&Ob thi! flut a Southern PacJfie-brakeman.' P?ltties o11tlnwmg labor Wf!re gld it .wu you· got the or thts week. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Swelmngen exceas profits D. bat of the Old .Boy, - The Odd Fellow• of the Joeal or IArdsburg arrived last Tuesday ansd ehxemtptdb?ndf .. B I IlKS A"D JHf- WAR. W'th "t all h h . f t f d .. h (inn tor n..- vo e m avor 11111 11 : 1 I ,·we WJI 1 o u appa• !tnt alllbeir aember1 who art 0 a •w aya a.. ome. f ,.h t tb 'tb tb , d • ! . o ea\: o eae wt o nea an JOY Ill the armed .force!, patd rete!Jts Mrs. R. E. Binney bas tion of, tho bill ending tax exempt ADd the same 'happy outlook tor the duration or the war. Thfl been in the Turner bosp1tal ror Htt voted ror a propoaai for your next Birtllday. waa a tboughtlal and geperoUJ two weeks is still not entirely out to work relief bitt from Mra. B. D. Garaer aad of courae will bt very of danger. hit belief ....................... _..... ............ much appreciated. .. Mia!J Cora Crews nt Oseuro wJl!l tho · · lilum Wt1t unjuatl• " - THIS IS TOTAL. WAR ' Mr. R ..... E. P. Warden; Sr., Mo. Ted Purcq of w C,.cet lu towo on buainea•laat Wedriea· fied. in Magdalena on btainees tht .·. d Mn •. Walter Ktohm of El day. · . · r .- tliit ofthia week. : · andthtit: ao•• were Mr. and Mrs. Rigga llouaton ·• , , Iron. Ore ,::. . Mr ... ud Mn. '!' .. E.l{elleY Vllttora ot .. . and the went to Lubbock lait _ . . . • ·.. . • .. . . . .... -.!- · EVERY man, wornatt and child igjtl thi$ war. · There ate bO Ionttet only .military as: paJt war.. Inate&d, our i. "hole nation u a and we are all •'nghfetl'' m thf · our individual effott. ate doaelylinked to utti;. mate victory. ,,The!e matty ways to in .. civilian grandiOtt; Kellq Corbett, Ro-;ro {amity tha week. . . . They , werll acl!omparued by . A.-bout siX or elght truck refumtd !rom Albuquerque . JdiMH•I•n Jtliie Kelt I•t• lot Kra. Houaton'• mother; Mrs. of oraptr day are. btu g. ·9:7 firn ofthil: week, ·tor Tuc&u;ncari to apend Feagau, • .w h o . H v () a i n loaded out of Carri;ozo. · by aappottiog war ors•nizstiona, b.t · .f()r the war, by doJnti the best we in: our_ daily 'Work. Thi& bank chance to help ;ou help rout i0a1l• • try. Tell tta',YQtir .problen11. 1 :/ 0 " ' ; t •• : I ' - ' '--o-,- --- --;- "'!- - ' - . - '• . · · . tt•p•r•M•• · : I I . · JlW. Betty Macarttier hu . ' tew with her aunt. MJ'J, Lubbdck. and Mn. Hous· .. ·· . . . . . ··. mntd to her in · · • · tou and children rfltumt!• home . Miu . and aftir a vfait to .bet afattt Sgt., w.. 0• Marler came up Monday.· . · · . · Horen .are via1tlng tbell' YIJ]tal'etEaatiab. · ' FotLBliu SaturdJy •rtd 1 Mt.l.eon Houston isemployed Mr; and w. W. ·· tlie wtek·end with liit wlte at n. Stanton ae Sm1tb at-Cliltoo, An1ona for the SAW:. l'urtbrtd' nee Efltt €ampbeU. ,. :Mr. Jam• a. W•lket Of Capi· wnk end. , :r•u •. Applt at Crew; :Mrand Md. :g 01 Stimmel and tan it the 11ew . · · .. Brilel partr OicnttO.;.tt. v. 1rlnt havli bteli c;f He has mo1'ed' mto the sbowtr;"'Utcr bonae YeiferdaJ J•lt I ltimmel and lmoot . apartmentt . lqt Mtt. Thomu O'Rear. IIIU1y tor tht · tbtet · wen te(!bitred . the :ton, !atW'dat.. PlelJob pqHci·· PI\T »r.-. frlntiicG· [Chii'&•l · · . 1 ot· ·· Monaay on I' lfoop trai · ·. Taal, ••• a C.rri• tnothtr b ... tbt oppoltlbtltt '·' ll"-' llattkt Cot lindbabJwlr*; ·. trom RtidiiO. We4utldiY to '.:1 ..... ;-_ 15- ....... ' ; ·· tb.illrlik. ·. · · talk · ., t' •• ..

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Post on 12-Mar-2020




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~-==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~~~~= Wi~li· · · . B~ffet Supp~r to -.~ Methodiat C~urch ~pon':" M~S. MARY (AJ~fRiftf ~n~ ·"'~"

· · ~ . . . . ~~~ · . Bu:thday Pll.rty Hono~ Mrt~ 'fo~pkana aored Free Cha~ken· Dinner. · -,.»;: • .,- Th ~ I. • · . Mr1. Mary

~·-r.J'Cl"' . . Jacli:ie Jac~on, son of Mr.. J. Mrs. J, M. Pt1nfteJd ent~rt•ined The Ladiel or the Metbodiat age 83, p.,aea V · ~*~~ · · Jac~on, o~ El f 1U10i was bon- a group of Jadits on Thunid.lly, Cburelr,~ponsored a .free chiaken mbrnlng atQ:'.IP1\Iiu; ~be-Mt .:P ~ orad \VJth a blrtbday party at the July 16, 19~, bonorbH~ .ber dinnertQ.aU wbo bad .ttelped ·in berd,vgbter, Mr,~yq~. ).L......,.,,.v,

? . . · · ~~ Stearns rtlncb, froPJ t\W to four., mother~ Mra, . Juli~ 'l'QmpJd~s. UquidJtilil ·a .. note held against Mrs. Shaffner uc...,q'm.a~ "" R. A. Walker, M~. · Thursday, on her 85th. birtbday. It wia a tbe Paraon11ae property of tbe with Mrs. Davis abou' nine-

, FRIDAY & $ATURDAY During the afternoon m a~ Y gala occasion and all preae~tjbin· .Metbodlat Church. Quite anum .. teen months, having come here · · . . ·· games were played after wh1cb . in tbe Cbineaa checlcer btr of men were wbo en• 1,1hortly after the death of her ' ]) 0 U B L El F E A . U R E dninty refreshment!! of · ·

' ' ' ' . '

. '' .

··- -----. .,WEST QF CIMARRON'• and . ~nd puQch were served to After tbo deUcioua lutJcbeon,Mrs. ever ate'' •. After dinner, Mr. Geo. At tbe tim• of her husband's ••pARDON MY STRJP3S.. Jnn.e httle ~uestl. · . o Tompkins opened her aittl which T. MeQuillen after a fe~ appro- death they bad.been marrle~ 63


' .. '

Th Th M ·· ·~ ... · . Guests mcluded, Jeane HaJJ, were numeroua and eonaitted · of priM.'e remark& burned the note- yeara and 2 moatbs. She was Ill · good ~est!~ pluae!~~~ITkk~ ~~:. Janet Mae Sha.ter, Weston Lind· jewelry, stationery, bose a' n d etearing all dtbta agatntt Metbo· aad wished to como to the ,home

edy of the B'g House · sey, Preston Lmdsey, Ted Zum- one ~rift was a card with 85 pen- dlst Property. Mt's. Margaret of her only daughter, where every · • . _

1 • · walt, Glen Zumwalt, Melville olea f•stened to it. "' • English entertained with sioaing thing possible was done to relieve •

SU~DAY, MONDAY.~& TUESDAY Hall, Martbn Sue Luckey a~~ Those pre11ent wete two aolos'and then led' the ent~re her sufftriniZ; her constant prayer


· · · Mature B~~by Stearns. Fnvots were JD• B. D. Garner, D. M. McClain, group in alnalng som() old favor- bad b&en tha' she might be per· ~:~t~ac~~~~o Victor ' d&vtdual packages of lolly pops. Ted ·Lloyd Hulbert, itea. Mr. John E. Hall pre.idcd mitted to "join him in the Glory Recoid of Senator'

· Jackie wM nine yea old an'd Cheater Womack, over an old·fasbioned Land.'' · men, liill'DoiFiwW.aJiiliia mi'tm

••soNG OF THE ISL.,NDS" He bas spent nome time at the Ramey, E. H. Ramey and the was t.icd by Mrs. L. z. Maoire Illinoll, but moved ,,to Oklahoma Waabington, D. c., July 23. Just lit back and relax and en· Stearns ranch for the prust four or hosteBI, Mrs. PenOeld. and Mr Ben Bums. · when yeaog, and bad lived at Steadfast adbcroncc to tho inter·

joy this Jtreamlincd five yearn. Mri. B. D. Garner, formerly . · Newkirk, Oktabtma for 45 years. national approach to foreign poli· pit~tmt of tte South Betty's The .hostess· ~as M~ .. D. 9. Carrb:~zo compoatd tbt !ollo~tng Accident Near Tinnie She bad been a ~brlstiiln all her cy ba• marked the' record of Sen· evt~n aot tho palm trees Steams.. · , p()(lm whicb was read Jaa clhuax Jlfe, and united w&tb the Metbo· a tor Carl A. Hatch of New Mcx· . • ALSO .. , · . to the pleaunt event: " , • dlst Qburch · when very youna. ico, it wan revealed in the "1942

. - , B~y Drowna in Pool DEA. R GRANDMOTHER About 1:46 Tuesday . afternoon She bad been. a member of tho Election Guide" pub!hsbcd tbia M.,ch of Tam.,, News ana • Sham N Ho do • .. . ao Mr. Kalien was driving biJ D r R b 1 b , fift Battle Shenanigan." ear n "lather Time" fa a !unnv old t d • 1 th b' h· auahtera o c e tu ,or Y month by The Christian Science

• , cam an wagon a ong • 8 1i yeara and was active in tho Ledge Monitor. . . codger! way, a truck overtook hlm near n ted t . 1 t-


• ' • 4

. WKDNHIDAY 1: THURSDAY KivBS T u I J Y Bonnell, 17, Now why, de you aupposl', the Tinnie postbtlice and lbe two untlo" proven rom ~gu ar a Showing votea of aU members of drowned Sunday nlh:rnoon as a blpw his noac unavoidably embed Mr Kalaon ttndancc by her Caihng health. tbt U. S. Senate on eight major

Lynn BarJ, iohn Sutton, Dan ret~ult or a fsll Crom tho bn:nk ot Cracked bis beelt' together, dane· wa.a conaiderably brulaed ·up, bu' She was a Past Noble Grand of ifl!lues relatiag to farcign policy, Dllley, Jr. · · tho Ruidoso Creek near Hondo . cd on Ills toes · an cxaminatioa aL the Jtoawell the Lodge and bad requested tb~t tbo Election Guidu aonerts that

- 111 - • • into dii?p water. Ho could not And looked Jiko a~ ancient Rajah? hospital did 011 reveal IDJ per• ller Put Noble Grand pm "tho fasuo of feolatlon vereua In· ••MOON OUER & awim. Tho body wan removed to , • , manrDt lojtufea." Mr. Kal.&en 1.a an bt> placed on her dtea!l at. death. terntltlona1i!m le tho one over.;

H!R SHOULDER'• tho Kclloy Mortuary. He s~l of glee that J cuy to uncle of Mr. BUJter Boone of She was generoUJ, cordral and whelming fllu• before the voters.'' Her !lubby told her ·to,.. act a He wB!. a junior atudent at the Hil H twio.kle u be alnto Rivera. kindness porsonUJed. :z'ho Galdo af~ tabul~te1 voteo

hobbJ, bul: he didn't expe(!t her Hondo Htgb.Sc.bool where be Will • w3skera here ~d tberep · Mrs. Shaffner is survived b~ 0~ e.enatora on e1glat maJor,domea· aet·a tall, tan, aea-going glamour a membtr of the b,askctball team. And lecrt at youth with luattous Cofforal BUI ElUot~ I!OI of Mr. rour sons who live ia Oklahoma, taoJUUCJ. Stnator Hatch a votea bo1., ; . • Ht wna born May 17,1925 and wu hair- and r-Ira. Dan Elliot~ who iJ ata• one daughter, .Mro. C. 0. Davw of placed him on record ns fBYoring:

. · -ALSO- ~hv son •f tho Jato D. N. Bonnell An Eschew or tho amite.s of. tioned at Temple,. Texas, wrote Catrizoz~; thtrtcQn srand cbUd· Repeal of the armo embargo , . , '\ and Agnca Coo Bonnell, a grand· "Mabytl' " to biJ pareatt cnclotinl' clippinga reo and ~tx gre~t grand children. to pcrml& American nnpa to be • .,'Story of tho Coaat Gnat:~, ;and son of Mr., Miley Coo, And a 04

• of the~4tb ot Jul ·~Uoo bit Remama wero ablppcd te Now· ocnt to nriroJn. Gand1 Goose fo Trouble nepbo~ or Mr. Burt Bonnell. But u aure u pndo lgoetb before division cnjoyel ~-" Ca~!ron Jnd kirk, Oklahoma Tul'aday niaht on Extension of the reciprocal trade

He Jcavea the fol~ing brotbcra a fall . Roacbud Tetu. Tbe 105 mt!n in No. 4, accompanied by Mr. and ngrecmenu bill. an "approach to , N 0 T I C E sisters: Oril~( C~per a~d Hv atumptd his tocl··ud IQ his Bill's ao~pany .wtre served onr Mm. C. 0. Davia. ~ncrat e~r· world tradt \Vhloh the admi,nls~

'""'u Bonnell of Sil~er Caty; Edmn mtd I'Uih •• 200 cbickenaand all tho fhlnga. viee. weN ~old ~t tho tr&tlon hope. to make tho ccon· T~ Lincoln Count Bonnell of Hondo; ·Mary Brooka, To make cartot>nt, Ho lunt hio ehureb in l'lewkirk yeattrday,w&th omic buln of pru!&wnr peace."

- y £1 Paso Ttxll!l' Albert Bonnell of bruabl Mr. M. Doering of Evanavllle, the Daughtero or Rebekah 10 . Cnnvtntfon will convene atAncbo, W 1 • • •tiJl K Now grandmoth"" Dcar-vou'rt Indiana arrived iD Carrizozo lilt b f b b • 1 1... Eaactlon or tho Selective Sor· S d Jut 26· d 1 ash ngton; Anna u er, tr• '" " . c argt o t • uraa r ,,.,s. i A t ~0:!,1 st!ging' ~n C:~~Jyo~:~ mit, T~xao, • and Ethel B~ruitll, t~e envy of Ul all1 ~ednes,~y ~ndl'letendi •b tob~penldd - v ~on~t~uin" tho right of tho ar·

• ,.~ • ' Lo A 1 .. c·ur . w 'd hink Fatb Ti IIA Wte.u mJ}lg mg w t tl 0 • • vitid to attmd, bringini a well 9 na• cs., a oroaa. • t · to you er mo f i d · Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walker rQ• my to aend meaa abroad rather tlllfd baakct tor Juneb at noon. • Funernlaervices wero held at had betn very kind r en 1

' turned this week from a trip to than limiting armj action Lo the In these Pinal of war and strife 3 o!eJoc~ Tue!day af~fl!oon from But- notbilli lelltl than tbe Herman E. KeltJr.,~iU lca~o to- Texas. western homiapbore.

goepel tinging is needed more St. ~nn 0 Cbureb With Interment Hand or God . ~or PhotnlX, Arizona ~ The American . Legion Lnnd·Leaoe bill. . • • . tlwl ever beroro to keep up at tbq Glencoe cemetery. Could have pretcotcd you-waLh· . .beta calle~ to. rtport !or ld h · b Trantfer of altio shlpJ to Bntma

. .. ou& a rod .,.pnor to cnterma wants your 0 p onograp ro . 1 morale of our ,eoplt' and eneour· --..o..-- · . ·· . . . . cords· old records, broken re· 10 194 • "' . aat faith in our mtker with wh~e Penfield At Camp Barkley And.g~ven to you t~e GadUko • Naval trammg bue. cords' worn out recorda· an part Extension of tbe Selective SeJ'oo aid we ultimately bopo to win in . - mm_d. Mr. Jack Sargnt of Safita Fe, of a ~lao to provide ne~ reeordn vice Act. . tht c:onfiiat now ragiflg tbrouah· Speeial to Lincoln County News Happy Birthday Greetings rrom hu btcn inducted Into the Aray for our boys in eervice. Rc~!!l or the Neutrality Act out the world. ua 'o you and is stationed at rort Knox, u d • ., p w· h f to reopea coJDbnt zonl!tl and arm

• • · • tu b. 'II b K •" •- • .,._ "' u.~or. an 1.:urs. at Jt em o h t. h' · ?>me one-. cotne aU and fct'a Camp Barkeley, Tex. July 23. n~ bope t ere e u mant • 1· .urs . .._~~.., nee. Al:&tacr· Bib haz:n were in town Mouday. mere an • .'ps. .. . ·.,

enloy the day witb one another Private Edward Penfield bas bten more . tne Kelt ~as J•med ,bun there, i. , Bills relatmg to domst~c.wue.. mingling our voieca in songs of 0 otcd to tecbnieian otb grade Befero Father Tame finds brunhe.. dnven through witt. 'he Mr. and Mrs. Hnmmdnd flnd on which Senator Hatch s vote! praiJe and thanksgivfug to the ~e ~ rrom Lincoln, N. M. · galore • . ... • • · wile of another ~ldier, who was tblld1'8n who moved here roeen.tly were tnbulat<!d included b~ildl~g one, and only one who can bring Pvt. Penfield was inducted into And working w1 t h a rury- roan lndt.ana ca111p. ~~~ JTn.c~m~~dri are aecAulpymg •,n


38TVA dam, W!'A re~acr .b•ll

pnet and set man free indeed. the Army last April. He was atampt you too. Mn Fraut~ Payne and child· ••~ otfea rest enee on amo- o. i1 • ' govcrnrn:n.. .-?o.gamta• W. J. Ferguwo, Pres. Lincoln County Clerk for four Wt with you to stay 8! you arel• r•n of •t Paao visited her eiater, gordo avenue. "Mr. Hammond tion bdl, !arm ~anty bd~ Hate~

2t Marga~tEngliabtSt:c. years and was very efficient. and uyl Mu. WinteU Picktr&Ob thi! flut a Southern PacJfie-brakeman.' cl~an P?ltties ~dl, o11tlnwmg labor Wf!re gld it .wu you· got the or thts week. • Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Swelmngen sp~es, 1~ereasmg exceas profits

f~g§~~~;::~o!O~MiJ" D. 1~n· u~~r=~~~~~~l bat of the Old .Boy, - The Odd Fellow• of the Joeal or IArdsburg arrived last Tuesday ansd endangHta~-ehxemtptdb?ndf .. B I IlKS A"D JHf- WAR. W'th "t all • h h . f t f d .. h (inn tor n..- vo e m avor 11111 11 : 1 I ,·we WJI 1 o u appa• !tnt alllbeir aember1 who art 0 a •w aya a.. ome. f ,.h t tb 'tb tb , d • • ! • . o ea\: o eae wt o ex~ep. nea an JOY Ill the armed .force!, patd rete!Jts Mrs. R. E. Binney ~ho bas tion of, tho bill ending tax exempt

ADd the same 'happy outlook tor the duration or the war. Thfl been in the Turner bosp1tal ror Htt voted ror a propoaai for your next Birtllday. waa a tboughtlal and geperoUJ two weeks is still not entirely out to work relief bitt from

Mra. B. D. Garaer aad of courae will bt very of danger. hit belief ....................... _..... ............ much appreciated. .. Mia!J Cora Crews nt Oseuro wJl!l tho · · lilum Wt1t unjuatl• "

- • •


Mr. R ..... E. P. Warden; Sr., Mo. Ted Purcq of w C,.cet lu towo on buainea•laat Wedriea· fied. in Magdalena on btainees tht .·. d Mn •. Walter Ktohm of El day. • · . · r .-

tliit ofthia week. : · P~~i andthtit: am~l! ao•• were Mr. and Mrs. Rigga llouaton ·• , , Iron. Ore • ,::. . Mr ... ud Mn. '!' .. E.l{elleY ~rtd Vllttora ot .. ~· • ~ot . and the went to Lubbock lait Sa~lltday. _ . . . • ·.. . • . . . . . ....


· EVERY man, wornatt and child igjtl thi$ war. · There ate • bO Ionttet only .military front~, as: paJt war.. Inate&d, our i. "hole nation u a 11frm~t" and we are all •'nghfetl'' m thf

· J~eDHtbat our individual effott. ate doaelylinked to utti;. mate victory. ,,The!e ar~ matty ways to li~tp; in .. civilian

grandiOtt; Kellq Corbett, Ro-;ro {amity tha week. . . . They , werll acl!omparued by . A.-bout siX or elght truck l~ds refumtd !rom Albuquerque . JdiMH•I•n Jtliie Kelt I•t• lot Kra. Houaton'• mother; Mrs. of tro~ oraptr day are. btu g. ·9:7

firn ofthil: week, Mo~day ·tor Tuc&u;ncari to apend Feagau, • .w h o . H v () a i n loaded out of Carri;ozo. •

· tl~fettle,. by aappottiog war ors•nizstiona, b.t helpiifg'~PiY · .f()r the war, by doJnti the best we ~n in: our_ daily 'Work.

Thi& bank wet~me&'th• chance to help ;ou help rout i0a1l• • try. Tell tta',YQtir .problen11. 1




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· · . tt•p•r•M•• · •

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· JlW. Betty Macarttier hu . ' tew da:t~ with her aunt. MJ'J, Lubbdck. ~fr~ and Mn. Hous· . . • ·· . . . . . ··. mntd to her hom~ in · · K~tlt. • · tou and children rfltumt!• home . Miu Bar~ara . S~it~ and alat~r aftir a vfait to .bet afattt Sgt., w.. 0• Marler came up Monday.· . · · . · Horen ~tarae .are via1tlng tbell' YIJ]tal'etEaatiab. · ' FotLBliu SaturdJy •rtd 1 Mt.l.eon Houston isemployed P~~nte, Mr; and ~rs. w. W.

·· tlie wtek·end with liit wlte at n. Stanton ae pr~aal:lt. Sm1tb at-Cliltoo, An1ona for the SAW:. l'urtbrtd' nee Efltt €ampbeU. ,. :Mr. Jam• a. W•lket Of Capi· wnk end. ,

~ :r•u oJ~ •. Applt at Crew; :Mrand Md. :g01 Stimmel and tan it the 11ew So~the~n. . · · . · .. M~·l\l••k Brilel r~ave ~ partr U~utelt~··, OicnttO.;.tt. v. 1rlnt havli bteli c;f He has mo1'ed' mto the an~ sbowtr;"'Utcr bonae YeiferdaJ

J•lt I ltimmel and lmoot . apartmentt . lqt Mtt. Thomu O'Rear. IIIU1y tor tht · tbtet · wen te(!bitred . the

:ton, ~ !atW'dat.. PlelJob MeaD~· pqHci·· PI\T

»r.-. frlntiicG· [Chii'&•l · · .1ot· ·· Monaay on I' lfoop trai · ·. Taal, ••• a C.rri• · tnothtr b ... tbt oppoltlbtltt


Wlr~tvfd· '·' ll"-' llattkt Cot lindbabJwlr*;

·. trom RtidiiO. We4utldiY to • '.:1 ..... ;-_ 15- ....... ' ;~--' ~BowU.f~ilJ'•

; tac~~ ·· tb.illrlik. ·. · · ••ho~ talk ~wltlt ~ ·

• • • • ., • • t'

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",_ .. -'"" ·wud Plants in . 0~- 8. Leaders at Saboteur Trial . - . . - ' ·. · ·. Norw~y Lend~~ase • • w ' '

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bm.eolldoted Feature1.-WNl1 Rete~

NEW YORK.-At Londonderry, In Ulster, the U. B. A. has Its first

naval basil In Europe-the first In hlntory. U Is on operating base and

H d "b'd' F , h It Is now op. a ,. r rn11 art eratlng. This Freemen Wou(d Is a· remind· Make Free World or to this

department that tho ancient and adaptable "Londonderry Air," obtainable In any one of many guises at any song1 shop, never tntllng to re.nttgn l'lnr.r ged baoseo and tenors and them through to o valorous finish.

It was over haU a century ago that John Addington Symonds, ,great English literary critic, wrote his adaptation of the "Londonderry Air." He naode the old song "News Today." Here are his words:

TUI race u:uh rcc• ·and ~ople bl11n1 with pea pi•,

Un ITmrd al1aU live .DI comradea /rcL In .. ,.,,.., heaTI ahaJJ 61:41 the lo11• of

J1Ut7l(Jll Jc/rnJ, 1

Tl .. pul•• af one ftoumlly • N "" III'U •haU bloom, o/lu•lln mould

mor• beattll/ul, A.ul mlt~hr"" mude &hriU rho •kle• And "''*'7 ll/tl •hall be a ron1 oJ puro

d~llllhl 1'/um all the mrrh'a o pawdl•• for ell.

In cchool we took c lol of oun!th· r sent from an aggrmmlvo Pfdogoa, • nnnultlna UJI with Symoru!D' "Prcd· urru~oro of Shakropcnre." Il was nol llntll years later that we uruteratood Umt Rymond11 had been lonnfnll up that "flame of freedom" of p~;o­EIIubclhnn England, and thllt In We bater, M(lrlowc, Orcen, D~r.

' _. i

' )</ ··_.

" ' ,. ;- __ ,........,_, ·-- -: .. : .. :'; .... -w.

• ,. . Attorney General Francis Biddle, J, Edrar Jloover, FBI chief, IUid

Colonel Rlstlne are shown seatd around ·a table In the courtroom In Wasblnglou as they listened to the· proceedings of the.l!!amous saboteur trial. Thbt Is the trial of the eight Nazi saboteurs wno were landed lD this countr7 by submarine for the express purpose ci.f wrecking J\.merlca'• '!!V"f machines. Caurht by the FBI before they could fulfill Weir mll· &Jon, they faced trial as spies. Speaklnr over the r'adlo, lloover declared that those who rave these elrht Nnzls aid' were traitors to their eountfJ'.

l'<!alc and Heywood, he found untot- , t.rrcd nplrltn, making a great Utero- At Sea • • • Adm. Uarolcl Stark (anow) commander In chid of tf:le ~.Jre and a croot Enetond. U tho European fleet, lnrpeclt the ruard ol honor on one of the t.tochl'r had hod WI stna tho ''Lon. the Atlantic fleet. . J · • . drmdorry Air." no above, we might h1ve unjlrrotood. - ., ~· ~ ~-~------~-~.~-----1~c;.

soMF.~ODY I.e ~lwayo giving Dr. Tough in the Air-and on the Ground • J. C. lfunoa.kcr a modal, eo turn- ,

about ID fair ploy when he gct3 un tho ocndln11 end and hand!! one to

R A i Drl11. Oon.

a I • • an • • d Joml!ll Doo­When Our Plane• UlUo, for ob­Sc:ore a Pul. Out vloua roo·

, nona and with opproprlote ocoUmenla. As chairman ot tho notional odvial>ry committee for ooronauUcn, ho eon­lerr·cd on the Tclcyo bombardier tho Donie I Ouggenbclm .medal which ho hllnlleU ncelved in llJ35. • ,

Mo:~t people would be willing to ecttlo for Tokyo In honoring Goneral Doollttlt>, but Dr. lltmllaker, a core­lui llt', welghD In the £Cnernl'a otht>r achlovementn nnrl emphllSIJtca thr award a11 "rwt gtvcn for any olnt~le net. .. That putll ooth the £1!0. eral and Tokyo in a lana pt!fllpcc· tJve. which l!J chorock>rintlc of Dr. llunnnlu~r.

De La tl1e bud ot the racultJ of . aerollllcUcial and mechanical e.D-

- rlneerlnr at the MuuchWiellt lrultltute or Teebnoloo, a for. mer commander and ~tlrcraf& do­alaner:~ln lbe n&VJ,' and t'()o()fdJ• n:dor of naVJ research. lie de­s.laued for thl! IUIVJ the NOt ftt· lnr boat Which made the traM• · AUanUo lllaltt fn 1818, made Use ftrat wtnd twmeJ for experimeD­taUon Ia aero41J1amlts abf de­slped tho Sbeundoah, the blr· tut dlrlclble hullt Ia America. From Crcnton, lown, he went tc

Annapollo, and Willi graduated ln ,. IDI)(l, Uo nt}Jdled aeronautics In Ocr•

many, act ling somalntl'rentlng close. upa ot ZepP1Jlln deafen, and returned ln 1012 to bt'gln hal wlnd•tunncl r. search a,t MI'l'. 'l'ficro he aalned bls dllnroco In s;eteneo and cn&lncedni and woo on' lnntructor from 1914 to UllO. He was In tho construcUon corp:~ of the navy from 1009 to-192ft, advanclnu to Ute rank ot t:ommand• er, rot!rlna ~ the naV)' in 1927 .. tn ,lliot ~)\moo, J>o ·'Mt!l. auatant naval attclcho.a\ Lunden, Parla, Der-Un and nome. · ·

llo became a director of th& Good· 7~ar Zeppelin. corpwdtJon In ·lQ20 and vice ptt!!ildcnt ln. 1835, In adl,\l. tlon to tho Gu.,enbal.M ml'Jitat. 111a •wardo Include tho Na'f1 Cross atid the Franklin medaL

•• - . -·-• '

• • . '

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AvlaUOJt eadets at Randolph Fleta, Texas• famd ''Weit l"oiDt of the Air.'' ehure over an etnbankmm& wlth rUles abll ~ed bayouts In a phase of e:deadec1 order drllt. Alottr 'Wltb their fl)'lnr trtlnlnr; tl:lese fllllll'e ftrhten and bombet pllob are 10h'l1' to be tourl:l and ready to delenll themselves on. the ~tcnu:ad al· 'Well as a bon lt.


Cbinese General· Here on Visit

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. :·U. S .. YieldFood •

•• F qtesta and Fields Abound

,Jn V~rieties Used by , · ln~i~ns Years AgO.

NEW YORK.-There is no rea~:;on · Why bikers who get lost II\ the for· ell~ wUds. or even deserts, of the United States shQuld starve to derth !i"-oprovided they, or evlm one o a group; are equipped with a working knowledge of botf,my. For there are n,Q lower than 3,50() different species of plants and grasses used by the Indians years a·g-o, with more than half ot this number of edible vari· ety.

Vegetables, grains, fruits and sea· sonings are to be found in the wild and · were Qbtaiuecl b~ the North American natives, writes Marian A •. and G. L. Wittrock in the Journal e>t the New York Botanicai Garden. Dependent to a large. extent on the

}~~~~!~. th'at could be gathered, the '- ·-found-man~ -satisfy- his-.

In this soun(lphe~to, 'N!Jrw&J'• Am· bassador WllJielm MorreDsUenae &nd Secretary of State Col'i(eU Bllll are shown slrnillt: the• lease-lend arreement between the·- United States and Norway. i'hrourh the terms of this. arreement Norway wUi receive substantial aid In the maiD· tenance of her mercba.!l& JDarlne, which Is the lourfh 1ai&'ell In· Ulo world.

• •


MaJ. Uenf7 Qabot IM!re Jr., aeu· tor from lllassaehusetts, who wu Ia the midst of heaV7 action In tile Llb7an de.aerl. Major Lodre had accompanlcll AmerJew armored units to the Ml4d.le

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Desert Fox


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'lhil · picture, from a netdral so1U'ee, show. Field Marshal Er1rln RoDUDel; of the Germw Afrika B:orps, itandtnr on a bunker cUreet· IDr one of the Axil .operaUOJl!J In the. see-saw batUe of Emt. Rom• met 1!1 one of tbe ~Uest renerala the war has }1r0daced. ·

Physicnl Director

~'~ ~ . ' ,, , ... , :"""..o:

puiute, and those same plants are growing In North runerica today.

A number of trees and shrubs pro. vided nuts many herbaceous plants gave greens and other types of vege. t11blen; fruits came from Innumer­able sources, and many bulbs and tubers which are passed unnoticed !oday provided t11sty vegetables, seasonfnis or nourishing ground meaL In the absence of wheat the Indians used the seed ot many other grass plants tor flour .

Perhapa the most Important food plan~ was tho oak. The trees with the 51Weetest acorns are tho CnJHor· Din live oak and tho basket or cow oak of the Atlantic atates, but any ncorn may be uoed for food if the tannin is removed. Indlfino ate the nuts of moro than 40 apcclca of trcea and llhrubo, Dll welloa the nut. Jike ceed of the water chlnlropln, or American JotutJ.

Fruit!l are another' cource of foOd Jn the wilds. The Indlall!l enjoyed frcah borrico Qnd bcrryllka frulto from at leaot 270 opeclctl of planto that occur In tho United.. Staten.

Many species of t1owero, 'l{ho, wero consumed. A number oro grown In vegetable gardens today. They oro pU of Euroolan origin; cauliflower, broccoli and artlcholte, of which we cot tho bract!l of tho flower In tho bud stage. Tho Indlnll!l, however, ato rnw the .floworo of 24 opecleo of wild plantD, boUed thu t1owero of manY othero; fried the flowers of tho red-bud; boiled the buds of tho common milkweed and cooked no pot-h~b:J tho infiorcccence of 15 oth­er epcclcn in tho bud otogc.

It occDl!l that anything green, ten­der and not too fibrous \ used. Moro than a dozen d.Lffcrcnt kinds of leaven were eaten raw.

Wild rice, rcotrictcd In Ito di!Jtri· butian, wan knovm to only a llm.1tcd number of trlbco. •

. Learns Value of Ferns. The white ma.n is jll!lt beslnnlnl

to Icon) the food valuo of the ferns, of which the Ind.ian!J ll!lcd ot ltiast 20 apcclen. Some of thcne now bclng served In rentaurnnto on tho Atlantic ond Pacific conot!J and ot least one kind is CDJ)Iled. Tho ur:ed o.s food was the common Tho zhizome woo bark being removed and rorurted. Though it dough of wheat, its tnote b too .pungent for moot white pt!ople. The Indlnno, however, · relished thi!:l nutritioll!l food, particularly In the NorthwesL The Intermediate prut of the frond in the early opring is dellc10119 and when propt>rly prepared suggentD ru:po.rogun shootD.

So !lll!ltenance can be found In the woodo and fields. There is food also Jn the prairies and along the shoren of Jakes and rivers, in pools, even In margins of deserts. These nntlve foods nre not recommended as nta· pie articles of diet but they provide a source of food in nn emergency.

Trained Watchdoga Used To Guard Defense Plants

WASHJNGTON.-Trnined wntch· dogs hove amply proved their worth in guarding defense plants and Jn. dustrles, the war department says:

"One well-tralneti_dog is the equiv· alent of six guo.rds,1' declared Lieut. Col. Cillford Slnith. .. Afghans, German shepherds, Do­hermann pinschcts:-oll have been 1'drofted" into $ervlcc to furnish not onl1 protection, but also eompanton• Sb.[p for army and naV)' sentries.

Trained by Dogs for Defense, Inc., rrew .Yotk city, an organization of dog fanciers:, breeders ahd traifiers; the canine!S ~ put thraugh a sys­tematic cEIUr!e which tf)aches tliem to dQ.lect the presence of prowlers. ' ln one Jn.stancc alonj' the .Paclftc co .. t1 watchdogs were responsibl~ · · lclCltlng several men btdlfig In -a · underneath the piers, the army

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HARMONIOUS beauty for bed­room linens is offered in these

new designs. Gracefql baskets

r • •

of brown fllled with aolorfql flow~ el:s are for pillow s:Ups, dresser scarf and vanity set, Outline, lazy , daisy, blanket stitch and French knots ' are· the simple stitches required for the motifs.

• • • Pnttem .ND. Z!Ml!3, 1Jl cents, ,brlnn • .

WJable·several·tlmes transfer o whtcb fa. eludes all of the moUfs ohoWP, togetb,:r with directions. Send your order to:

AUNT MA.TBA Box 1"'w Kauu Cll7, Mo.

Encloac lll ccntl for each. pattern

desired. Pattern No •••••••••• •••• •

Name._... ••• ; •••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ~Uidresa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.

Youthful Bolli· Tho coul na~er groWs old­





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. . lrby came down loosely, Uke a dropped Jumpinr jack •..

to it fpr ten mile, then you'D hit a righ~hand trail wlth a pile of rocks to mate tho sign. that troll and eo straight on towor~ t!Je bllls."

- ~

plaintively. "You know rm tender-· er in the gizzard than you are.,.

•. He held out toba~co and papers

and when he hod smoked for a mo­ment. Irby seemed not ao belliger­

: ·-.

• -.~ •, (•

;'.· ,•, . -,

,. ', .. :s--."--• -.~-·- •, . ·-

' ,<' ·\: :_ ~~···'

Prepare for Winter With De1Uctoul8 Cann~d Fruit · (See Rectiiea Below.>

Fruit Canning' THIS WEEK'S !riENU

Plan ~ow to put up those fruits. SmotherccJ Stcnk With Onions · from the market pr yQJJr victory Green Beans Scalloped Potatoes

garden whfie Tqmato-Lcttuce Solod

• •

-- '•. __ ,.._ .• ,.,, ..... ,_,, . ., .... _:,_, ..... ; _._ .. , ; • ---'t'··,:,i·•r.-rr,,.-.;-~-' . ' • •)' • :. . . . t .

• •

: . . . ., · .



. Cl~o your oJi mops In bot wa·· • ter to which baa been .addeli wasb-~8 powder, '1~: ~tue. a~o~a.

U 790 canno~ get ~andleholder~ for the bltthdny coke, decorate top with marshmallows ,nnd stick . a

· conlcJ!e Into each one. . "'--.• . . .. Shake your tarklsb .. towela vig­

orously before hanging up to dry. Tllis re.mQVeli wrinkles and raise~ the nap.

• • • • When stewloc dried frnits, the •

addition of a small amount of · · lemon rind will give o better davor.

•' . . . Ravel the tbJead from . on old

silk stocking ond usc ,It for catch­ing and mending runners in other hose. It is stronger ond .loBS noticeable thon darning thread. __,__..,___~ ·-~- _,

A wide: veranda shtU!ed the' fioont of the rooming bouse. Topeka Tenl· aon tat with the 11tillne!IS of a gray hawk baUway along lt. Con slowed btl pace a tr11le, 110 that Coromba preceded him.

"You don't think you mlhbt have trouble with Megeoth?" Coromba

"Of course, me ent.

can still COJ~Nlr~~----~~B~r~on~~M~WR~n~s~~~--++~====~;,;;;~~~:::::::: ______ __ eshness an~ Power

rnpect{ully. "My n!lnle's Veor nnd heavy, but we might in town Slnsh Oxweld wos summer sweet• Beverage Literary history ond oll Jllatory · ~ t. Twenty Johnson. We you up.-" murdered- plumb murdered I- by nc!ls. This year's is 11 record of the power of mlnorl-out to be honda and if you cot jobs "When ·I need help-or advice-:- two tromp cowboys. U )'ou wu in c--~'"S will re- ties ond of minorltlcc of one.-WD'd Uke to .hnve 'em." d aik , ... "+"'" White com syrup ls another oc-

l'D ask for itt" Tenlson snappe • town-t up!' ~~~~ quire more care- ceptoble substitute, but since lt 1s Emeraon. Tenlson drew a foot up into the "AD right! AD right! But I hope "Goodness mel We got nothl:n&_,--t,u' 1 than ever be1oro, foJ;. leBB sweet than sunor, substitute lJh

"at of the barrel choir and locked you don't Uve to Be~ the doy you hidelt' Caramba crled. in fruit ltseU, conning cup!! of earn syrup for 1 cup. of bla a.rmi around bb. kn.ce. need It and don't hove time to come wotebed tho whole bualne.. rubbers or sugar Ia' highly_ un-

"An:y warrants close behind you?" asking!" we're willing to talk. Not bec:atilse sugnr. be Inquired drawllngl,y. He bod a They got their hones from the llv- you soy to, sabe? You want to watch Chort your plans before embark· Sympa to Use. . JQw 't'olcc: very even. "Gets -tire- ery corral, had a finill drink. at o lit- that hoblt of yo"", Mfa.ter Itb1, be- Co Thin syrups (No. 1) arc U!ied for 110me, hovlng the flhorUf jerk my uo ~~ where Mexican proprio- lng 110 crowdsomc and banding out ing on tho ~onnlng program.· n- smnU, soft fruits such · os cherries b""t fnbt out of the caddle " h d ., 1 B·.. t• did '- pp" Bider first bow much sugar you wlU and ""rtJca. '•ako tho .ovrup by us-..., ora r o • tor cx!con customers wotc e powucra JO gay ... • ~a co havo "vallablc, with the ftve pounds """ ... ~~

"Nary warrant any plncel We 10 stcadlly thot Coo knew he waa that we aow our wagon bou, Gale " 1 h lng three parts of water to one part drifted into the Territory to kind of recognized •. When they rode past the Goree, p.ush ~ash around allaaama per pernon allotment.!~! peop 0 tw fJ 0

0 ot sugar. .

Um'-- .., gr"p"'- Rodo a in b T •-- d J n • 11'1' b •· inl 11 -'th a oro canning. Plan ....., arnoun ,..ediurn """"'P (No. 2) does best .... r up our a o .. •v· room g OUBC, en....,n an a c. oy s ... er a P ... lt will do 'or the jtun5, jellies, pre- ... ~~--apell for the 20 Bar on fJle Pecos. werct not on the veranda. But, some- IIWitch." • ~,:. ~rult by sour berries, ocld fruit.! as cher-'l'wenty,. he took on with L6n Ala· how, Con felt more. cheerful than He shook his bead ln the way of nerves, ond sug~ syru,._s tor ries and rhubnrb, and peochea. Boll mas long enough to bust a few for before. He stored ahead blankly one mcditaUng. canoJng. · • · • ..... . a. two parts of water with one part of Taylor. I was too. rich to work- and whistled Butfalo Gol.!l. "l bet you that made Slosh mad U ponslble, con in the early mom- sugar. f.hco." • "She lD pretty!" Carombo na.ld at Gorce. Goree wanted him to pull inti houri when you are rested and Heavy syrup (No. 3) lo prcccrlbcd

Con bnd sat down upor. tho -edgo thoughtfull.y. "Sayl 1 thought you his big piDtol, you see. But Sluh your mind tree from too many otb· for the large, sour fruit.! in whlch of the veranda so thot only his slde aald abe keeps boU!lo for her broth- act out tO fool blm: be wouldn't do er thoughts. You wW then be able you desire eztro swectnefiS. MeoGUtc face wos presented to Tcnlcon. Head er. How-como she's down hero?" IU" to foilow recipes more carefully, to one port water to one port sugar down, ho began to roD a cigarette. "I don't know. Surprised me to "So" _ Con picked up the tale work with more energy and splrlt. nod bring to o boiJ .• When fooiBtops sounded lnnlde the see her atop out there and call Ten!· drawlingly-"Slasb had to b7 110me- The day be1ore you will, if you oro ApJ)le. or Peart. house, be did not loOk up. eon 'Uncle Peek' and talk about buy- thing to blow up hls balloon again. the bright and alert homemaker, (Hot Pack)

"'Uncle Peek I" Janet Lowe cal.led ing for h1m at the store. • Well,. Mrs. As ooon as he was certain that Go- hove gathered together your jorB, • waoh, pore, core uniform· op­fl'Om the door. ..Did you bear about TCDlscn may be a friend of bora. Or rce and the other Wheelers bad got wonhed them, bought neccnsary 5Up- plec and cut to deplred sizes. (U

• that man Oxwcld being killed? The she may be a niece. Probably she a long way out o1 Ooopa, he hunted plleo o1 rubbers and covers ond oth- fruit 1.!1 to atond Frooter¥ killer?!' come vialUng-1-wonderl Maybe a sole man to k111-any old wa..r. He cr equlpm_cnt. . long enough to

.Con •t4red Incredulously at tobac- Nevil's not ao cODY In mind about picked tho youngeat, tenderest cow· Bring out the precerving ket1les dJz;color, drop in-co and p::~per and drew a long, •low her being on the NL while he cber- boy he could find. He thought It and prctu~ure cookers, too. See that to water which btcath. Then he went on' making las around. After Dud'a crock at was a good plclt, a saf!l plck. But they are well scoured, that you have bll!l been sllghUy the cigarette, but ahl.ftcd poruUon a the pl&ce probably be wouldn't." it .turnl!d out that It Wlll!l a sharp the rocko, petcocko, prCBBW'O iBJJgo, snited, until ready Uttio ito tbat he could tum hls back They turned at the heap of bouJ.. pick. Another fat.e alarm was with nod nteom·Ught cover on the pre'!" to w:e.) . Droln upon the girl. ders and rode along tho ranch road. Slash and he got out with hls hide- sure cooker wen in order. from brine.. aon ,.

"Yeh. I heard about U. Sloah Ahead, the btlls rose, low and but that bide hna a bole In ll" A hot water bath )Dt'~st for pro- 3 tO G minutes 1n never wu the woU be let on to bo. smoky.· The sunJlght of late after- His bond twitched smoothly and cem1ing fruits becow:e they ore acld. 8 medium syrup. and pock into clean GalA! Goree told me, that Slaah wu aoon was palo upon ftot and height. ltby stift'ened before the cocked pis- They con llllfely Jars, fllllng with syrup to Jh Inch of awclllni around yesterday and he Carrunba in the llOddlc to tol. ot high tempera- the top. ~ on cop, screw band kind of stuck a pin in Slanh's bUster. look all around him. "I wouldn't try slopping leather, rurco, ond tez· tight, procens in bot water bath 2.5 Gale dJ~'t toke Slll.!lh serious, so he . "Ought to be teo-twelve miles to I" Coo aald evenly. "}teach ture, flavor and .. ptin~~~ ... or in the -~vcn. (at. :z50 never ldiled him •. But.• ~uple fool the-haase-.-UB,n:lnrlr by-1lm-tilntr-wct ·1nke--ilolct---ot JOur big-, color arc bent. deiJ'tJes) '15 minutes. It using a pre. cowboys misread/him and one killed· hit there-good and dark. Say I how- ears!" Con lltted hls Colt nod Oven canning 1o sure cooker, procesa ol 11 pounda for blm. Qood riddance I How you fixed come tho girl never let on nhe knew at Irby's belt. good alco. For the 10 minutes. with the store? Got everything?" you?" • lrby's hands went 'up as If jerked hot water bath, A}!plea or Peart.

"l-1 think so, .. Jshe said.· But "BecnU!le I wn!l with you. You by a string. He blinked incredu- Ulle a large wonh (OpeD KetUe) there Wd a tone which turned Con wouldn't expect o nice girl to !!peak loU!lly, swallowed, began to ntnm- bone~ or vetu~cl with Ught fttUng catcfullJ about, to" meet ·hCJ; wide- to anybody siding a wild-eyed Texi- mer thickly. Cnromba went ·hum- cover. Fit thlo with 0 rock ot teast Select uniform fruit, waoh, pore eyoo stare. "Ob, yesr . I think I cno ot"your buUd. When abe gets mlng to jerk tl)e gun from Irby's Jh inch from the bottQ_m. Fill the artd core. Cut lnJo halves or sllcea. bave just about the list." me off to myaeU, nhe'll rend me o holoter. There wns a shorter pistol rock with enouglfwater to cover Drop into bolllng No. 1 syrup, nod

"So 7ou don1t think Slash wlli!l a sermon about ll!ISocloUng with bod in a shoulder holster under the prJ&. jars at IC!aot one inch over the top. boll for 20 minutes. Pack into clean., real woU, hub?" a grim voice de- comp&nions." oner's C:ont, a long bowie •krilfe Count th~proccssing time as soon hot, sterill:r.ed jara and seol tlghL manded. "And you think Gnle Go- , He swung off on the llt1le hilltop sheathed between his nhoulder 11!1 water surrounding the jars be~lns Peaehes. :ree is?" and stretched blmseU. Corombo dis- blades, a derringer In the watch to boll. There should be tree circu- (Open KetUe)

It was the tall.- slim "Gloomy" mc:nmted and reached into hio ol- pocket of his panta. Con watched Jation of water around jars. Select flrm, ripe peochen. Peel or Jlegeatb. ea neat ns when Con had forja for the quart brought from On- the disarming with brooding calm. Fpr oven canning, set the tempera- dip pooches in hot water, then In 1eet1 him at the baJ: m Fronteras. opa. He sprawled comfortably to Then he banded Coromba his plrrtol ture ot 250 degrees. Set j!lH on 0 cold om! ollp off peel. Leave whole

It was plain that Tenlscn knew Me- make a cigarette and smoke. Con and went three stepa to stand be- rack in the cold oven, however. Start or cut in halveJI or slices. Bon 20 geath. He did not niter posl&u, lltlr sat beside him and played mumble- fore Irby • counting whon'bVIIn 1s sWitched minutea In' No. 2 or 3 syrup, and did bls expression change. But there peg with his heavy knife. "The more I look at you," he 11111d or turned on. Do not allow the tem- pack In clean, bot, rrtcrlllzed fora. wao a tension about him that Con ''You know, I told you about thot between his teeth, "the more I don't perature ever to exceed 250 degrel!fl Seal Ughtly. •-could see. gang at FronU!rns,'f he oaid pres- llke 8 thing about youl So-" ao this causes Uquid to boil owny Peaches. ·

"Yeb-to both," he sold flatly. ently. ''Well, this Gloomy Megeath His band shot out to rake down ond evaporate. <Bot Pack) "Anyway, Slan1i iJ dead.~· ~- _ was drlnldog at the bar within a Irby's face from forehead to chin. In plncing your jars In the oven, Prepare as above, removing peel

"Slash wu plenty fast! Danger- yard o1 me. I don't think be recog- Irby swore furiously and struek at nilow for free circulation af heat be- and pltD. Precook for 3 minutes, OWl u a ra~rl'; yegeath.._~d to ~i:r.ecLII!! ~;tYl and_.. mode ~2t ~at ~~ ~Conn .. EI'ffrn.!.eed .. ~s ~!( ntoldlcrbYdt twetu lli~m. Da Mt albw ~· ~M·s tt.en rae!& mb elcM, e.11 . . Can. "So• ""••til .. '"tatd a....;;.. you ue mew •• .... u. maue O>Gtt,.... n .. .::e .,. .... cu. "' "' .... ·w ,~.a• · · to touch eoch other, an this will oft«!D to wJihln ~ Inch of the top. Put on killing him, I come to take a look around Fronteran for him to noUce belly handk jde~e~t thed le1tollfli!r h%an caw:e breakage, and do not allow top, screw•on flnnly, and proceu In at YOU. t !fODdered If you was fast- me ~d remember me." down, 00 e g an t as g- them to come in contact with the a hot water both for 20 minutes, or er; or just luckier. There'D be some "Does look funn ... Loot-. I" ly to Irby's neck under the ears,

" "1 d b k Irb u d to !liden af the oven in the pressure cooker for 10 min-that want to know. Slash le1t But Con had already seen the rid- then steppe ac · Y 8 ppe • 250

irfendsl" er topp'"'g O"er a ridge 0 quarter· his kne~s, but scrambled up and U "liquid evaporates during the utes at 5 poundo, or in the oven ( .w • In cl " t him in ·'- the .oven do not fill degrees) for Gil minutes. TenisOn's eyes shifted quickly to mile or 110 away, coming toward come a llDUlY rus ..... o . process g -uo • ,

Con. From the girl came a gasping them. Caratnba stared calculatingly Irby wns staggering, mouth open, the jars otter you take them out. Plums. liOUnd. . at the mafi and shook his bend. too winded even to c\lfSe; As coldly Some evoporotlon docs not -1lffect (Rot Pack)

DeUbera\ely, CoD. got to his teet The rider come on toward tlte as nn executioner, Con moved to the successful canning of the fruit. Une the some method . ond time and ~peii up on the verandli. Me.- hiD and ""When he was within fifty precise -position be · wanted, then The Surar ·QuesUon. 06 for gcochea, except do not peel eeath watched him, then tutlied to yards they ~w that he rode with smashed hint exactly on the box- Fruit may be conned succensfully thb fruit, merelY prick the skins. loOk directly. at J'anet x.ow.r. band on his pistol< He putted a · "button." Irby came down without sugar or sugar syrup with netrles,

"Why, I do believe it's tltQ ehp:iit's ·thick, ·dark nltm with wide, flat ··eo· n ~~e;! ~~Pa::a~t~~in~!~f:g· woter or truit Juice used It!' Ita plnee, <Cold Pack)• he cried. • ''F~ chance I to look aullenly and arrogantly sugar, however, does mellow and (Except strawberries ud cranber-ever had, )'oung lady. to lqe a real "lbem. at him with an odd, narrow-eyed in- rlpen the fruit. giving 1t a better rles)

mira at wou. Bu.t U 1 bad lmessed cnm. et· ·?·" h. unt · d· ... H ill tentness. . · . · 11" · y u might •--. making y· o·ur · W ~"' "tom· nnd p·a""" '-~-Jet · · ·· Wlult a 'feu..-.•• .. 7- - :-.~'0 . ~rs e gr • e ' . • e "Poi." dlosf" the r~d·Maded punctt- .. vor, 0 -..r n .... ,. " .. .... ""'•• • -. ···Tba/n··dot•r 'l'~ cut ilL do: t .ga..vp_ ~} atn t. aimmg ~ er qaid explbsively. ur do-believe ~!tst1r:J~J:i ~!.C:r~n~~J"!! ::~ t;;<>~.ean~riiQDan~a~d ~~ 4'Whoe't'er and whatevel" tbfs· young ca., you;-n. lJla'f • · -:v .... ~· Ca• -Topekll\ Tenisou stmn~led -()Dfo some- ..... ' tig· ntl". ' Process Jn 11ot w.ter bath. ~-.1.0. .f• it":. a not A .,_ .. fn.r in the W. 0rld .. That p~ea.l(! 10UJ tee...,··· ·· t body U•act-ly. . the. kind they. • been .a'U6 .. U . ~ J • t..;

~c2. . Now1

at OJ' • ..! 'Othe. r time. tamba aaid .dryl}'. · . 'Yejl. We,-,e: sayirlg t&.e Busted Wheelen .. run tot . Honey mai be tiSed m place. ol 20 inhluteli or 'lll pressure· cooket ygQ' ... at meT You ~tter-.temem-, .Wheelers. SO that ~akes it polite , You ~~ looked .a-to dllmn' augar in making the sweet syrup1 8 mmute11 aU pounds or in the oven bet !W• · . tor ·US1 .. ~~,on . Whi!el r~ge, to delldly*3JI!Sn, even when. 7ou buckl!d but the trtnt. 'Will be $Om., what more at 250 -degrees for Ill! minutes, · . · ... · .. ,.. • .,.1. '"'-;.;. . · . u•"' ....... h--* uk wbete YCltl re from. l!:Veo, which Slash ~eldl" . .. dark th~ lf_;,augar ts uaed .and· the · Cherrle•• •. :'

.e.e.w WID . mo ... , ... e.,.. cu. _ .. y"'·•re b'-adln• " , . . d . ..~ ... ft . . ·.:....u b"' inte· ,.,,. d •• . (,.. ....... ., . io') s nodc~rd slilblb' ' ... a~- uu ... "' ·, 0 • • •.. . 11Tbet get Wt et n'l)' skuW' Con uw• avo~ w~' .. ' n we • use '''"'" ... c .. f'N'o• ~·t that Just too bldl" he . urm Mt}nk ltbyl n~ Jbtl ~arlect tUI'iousty. ' 1lltidPar•moret li01le1 for ..each cup hi the Wuh, stem arid p~t~.chetrle1, If w~--then latlghed. "Wen l'U beard t&a't. name. And I m ttom 01~1 Megeathl Sl!llsh Oxweldl substitution. , dulred. Pack lnto well cleaned jan,

. ~ be Rein&. you-alL s~. YOU. lielUgo ~n;yC)tl •. .And rm . headfn§ Tliill And the like Of that thieving ................... :--....... ___ ....... __ ...... ":'.- ftll wfth .No •• z or 3 sy:mp depend-\ .J'oJuilon,'' . . . . ' • ' fOi"_Onopa to ldU~e.a couple pu~l .ou~t at Wild Hot~e-:-.NobbT, tor I.J"'! ..... ~-...... -· ____ ...... _.......... in«· Oii tbe. IWeein!lSS deal,recL ru;t.l

He ·lurned away and 11eemed to :. "Wetlr I~v~.he8rQ of ()nopa, any· ooer 'l'he7 . It 'an'd you•d LJ'DD Ba;t.l: on cap and. fasten tightly. ProC!eu . toriet them. .At. the• edge of the way ;I' OOii· drawl.aiS()letrtllly. ·. .. · tblh1C . · . · IUpOt.tbted to ·a 20 minutes" ln. a hot water bath, 10 . 'Yeraridll be; look.ecl up at!d. down,. Irbyt• smokt e)'es. Shuttled suspf· · b<lqt . And lric>tt of How many jars ar:e you put.fulg minutejj: ln ·tile· ~renure .cQOker at then ttepped. ·ot'f ~ loafed towatd cloua11 from one to tbe other •. ~t ,em ate . ldnd o.r an· up · · ·'fruits? Here'• a IUfde Gde·grpoeune d

0•v'e·nur. 88 minute In a 2.50-

tbe center ot Ooopi~ ·· . · . ot•liocltet of ·liJM. old ~at fte drt!W . « . · B~ Up. to. ptek out Jara;. : . · . . ..,. I 41!nfat'a a plumb- bad actor I" Ten• a ftat 1fa•kt .lleJ4Jt '\'JP ·to th~ lQl'i .or · br a lot of · S1 balket. yJetd #pinta . tJ.r.l· " .~ ·adtnl~ •. ·••aoe. by GlOomy sun, uneotk~itatldcar.nk.;utplng;. · H !,~~- (~mali · u, n iWI

M•r-t&. Ido'no~. u .1 .·WOuld pui 11 Wl~ the bW-llfnt of ll.CIU(?r had~~~~~;,~~~~~~ ~ .. 4-!.po~···aun· .... · ... -;r·· .. : .. ·bj· .. ·.llk--.. ·e.-t· ·:. .,. H mticll 1JUt lfeJe&th• But7QU wao•t dilafll'ieited. .'l'hen. b,e ~· -the .... • •

UR,.. m Jdm ·•""""''"' ............... Don't · eli1~ ftal!k awa7 tnd .. lol be.vftt ..• .__ . . . .v . . . . .. .. ...... ~,.. · out Of i1l4t addle · "'*· . .....

·· )'Ott W(Jill:J'• · " · · ·. · Jo~i~ · · .::r • u.:. .. " ~.,...,.,.,._ · · .~'-e· · · 1· -t• -. ...... be· tUiJled. to ·Clm .nd ·ea. · .. .,.,. ~· • ... tate.w~·· .bet '11fd·~!'lLJ· ._. ~~:::~J~ .... I.e=~,·: ........ :.. ... A _'t: ..... "':!, ··~ . . . . tbeuJ· ~-- .. "l.l':Wf ~· JNIOPie: • m. ,;.;=~"'".J '1=:-, • ,,.,...,. " L · ml""'t :at .,.en litirt lib, biC:ICO ~ aco/f . . ,~ wq. • ....-- - .,._ ... . . j(ittl~s· &; ttHul: fl.~ ~~.IP , . ."U Nl" Qaramba Wgge(J . f'IIJ txJNtlf/IJJIJJ

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Alre-aJerlf,ytkU.S.HUJIITIOII FOOD RUlES r-----~

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every,one needs in daHy • 0


ALL 1(.dl"'~ C-E REAL·S .. ,.,

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·*AU.the Traffic ·would Bear•.

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deceused; TliO helia, •· leftatee•, Aiso, X..ptJ ~ an4 2 and·th~ lil®t ll'a~Jquart!lr . section Z6 utid th!l Nortb.· , or t,he Northwest quart~r Spl!t~eas_t ~uar"ter of thoJioliijjr~~ . viseel!, llredltors, und. p.ersottal tile Nort1lwest Qparte.r o(.StilQtlp~ e!Ult Quarter or th!l Northwe~t Quar· section 22; tlle West Ualf ot tile ~uatter,theSouthwestQuart~to t · 1

aentaUves ottlle R. H. Plqrco To~nsllJp 13, Sout!}. Jtat:~So 4 £astt tor ot Sectlo~;r 36, ~Cllln.'J:qwns4Jp lO ~outhweat Quarter of Section 1; the ~_outll.e'1ft ~r~tyrth alk!~~~~~~~~~A: , . iabU~ Evory frid&J , Ed. J. Gotthelr, G. V. ClaYton; ·to .County, l'lew~exfc(), eon~tll•IS9uth, llun~e.)l lllast, Th~ .Nqrtlieaat Nortlnvest Quarter ot tho NortbwePt ~ow~ah P . ou • " ,. j .· · · ·0 ~

===::;:============ Jo,ltlwar4e Grant, th.e1r111 lllSatees, In all, 39~.6Ji (.l;cres,·mQrl' or leoa: Qua,..ter o! tU(i sout4eaaf; Qu~r~er ot Quarter or section U;. tbe ;Northeast ~:>oco1ro Co0unty, .Ne~,~~. Q(l'!' !:,~

devlseel!, credi~orll, an~ personal rep· to!Umbere!l 1"·19~1, Y·l-9·Z ai;Jd sccUon 8 and the Southwest Quarter Quarter ot .the Northeust Qullr· tainlng 10 at:'tes, ,,.,..,._ ·" ".;t MI .. '

~otere4 .. lltC:OUd .. lall• JoJJ, 40, rcuenta.tlvea ot D. D. no.r.kncs'~, de. Y·l9·3. 'l'q.e llalf,;.p!, s.~ctton: nt .Jl!.q~N.o~J!lw~!3L ouarter: and t_he ter or, Section.. n;. all• in Town. 1racta N11mbered V·l,07 ~~~ t~;l,~ IVU, •• ella poe\ UIBoe a\ Oliif{fiiJSO, 1.'111• ~ "'' "' ~

Lincola:&Junty News •

Mextao,IIDihHUII.lot oUlar.eb 1.11'1~. Meollmun, 1''. C. Hunter, the St te ot ~l:jo, LotB l, 2, 3, 4 ~,pd the _soiJtb Qllaricr ot Section 9, all 'ln Town- North Halt ot the :Northeast Quarter l;tl}llrter, the Northwest Qull,ftllN)f t~~ ,..

· '· New Mexico; the State To.x Half Q(, the ~th Halt of Section jl, lllllp 12 South, Ra~gen 7 Eal!t. The and tt~e· East Halt of tl~e ·Northwes~ .:.outheast Quarter and t)!.(}. BQ!I-tb • -;:; .. ·-- ---~-----. -- olon or tho State ot New Mexifo; TownshiP 13 ·south, Range 4 l!)atJt, SOt!t.hwest Q~,tarter qf t4c Nortbeast Q~,tarter and t}).e Nortll.eaat Quartet· ttal( of the Southeast Quarter Of l:ltW~.

llabaeriptloa,l• adn"••• •2.00 p..- v ... r Jewel Dancly, W. L. lUteJ!,, Sr., and Also, tbe South Half of the Not:tl\ Quarter alld the South~ast Quarter ot the Southwest Quarter of l:lectlon lion 8; the South\~est Quarter 9~ tJ\e Alllloclateo, heirs, legatees, de- Hal! and the Southeaat Quarter and, gt tho Not·tll wu&._t Quarter and tlle 29; the Southeast Quartet· of the ;:;outllwest Quartet ot ::section 9, the

. o\hortlolq latH h~ • le .....

'• - ----------"D""--FRIDA'f, JULY 24, 1942 ....

--- ---- ·- ---------""· Era 8. Smlllt, Uller aad Pullll .. har

... ---

vluees, crcdltora, qnd jleraonal rel;lre- t}l~ _.N'orth Half o! tb.e Southwest :Northuast Qunr'tel\ of the Smtthwest Quarter and the soutbwel!t r~orth H~lt ot tllJl .Nortllenst-Qu~l'ter . ucntatlvell of the Outlez E!ltate; Quarter In Scctl9.n .21 and the South Qllllfter and tile No\·t)lwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter or ot Section 17; ull 1n ToWmtlllP. 12 Oeorgo W. Hendarllon urad Bone;, Eva 11nlt pf the Nbrtheaet Quarter and the tile l;!outheast Quatter, nil ln Section 29; the Northwest Quarter of l:!outh, Range 7 East. The SoU.Unvellt lteuueroon Wood; J, L. ·York, Jjj, W. N()rth Halt of the SouthE!aat Quarter 8, 'foWJlBhlp 13 South, the N'orthwest Quarter or .SecUon .2,8; Q~!lrter of the Southwest Quarter ot Urown, 1f llvlng, unknown heirs, if and th'e ~outbeatlt Quar.ter of the .Also; Let 4 in Sectlon 3, the Southeallt Quarter ot the South· b~tlon 1, 'lo\\ t\•,nlp 16 Sout)l, Ranse ueceaoed, Paul Hines, Bertha Mason, Northwest Qunr~er and the Northeaot l4 South ltans:e 7 lllaat T4e east Qunrter of Section 20 · the North· !! l!Jast, in Otero County, New ;Mexl.;t(J, .Maltord Morriuon, Dud Planter, un- Quarter o.t the Southwest· Quarter ot '.last. Qun~ter of tqi:Northeast east Quarter of the Northeast Quar- containing 360 acres, Jllol;"e or les~J.' kn?wll heirs ot Phil P. Dlanc4nrd, .Section 20, all ln. Township 12 Sonth, and the No~;theMt :Quarter o! the ter of Section 31; the Southeast Quu.r- •1·acts l'lum~"!'ed .P.P-109, "P;t'~,llO, dllCeasclt, A. L. Hltcheno, It living, Range 4 Efast .. Altlo, the South Halt SQuthenstl Quarter 1 ot Section 24 · ter o! the :Northwest Quarter· of Sec- JJD-111 and UU-112. The North.Halt

In tho Dlstrkt Court of -\he United btuttou In uud ror tho Dtt~trict of New 1\l«·xlt·"· ('lvll Action No. 31!4, United Htt~lt·ll or Anuor{t'u, To u. 111. Hurvey, 1mvh•11dud wnh the following numed tiNNuluuJ.ti Ullllillllt whom oubBtltuted llt•rv h '' Its hurolly llottgbt to IJe ob· lUIUNI, ICJ·Wit; I 1, 267, 200 llCfCB of lund, rnoru or ICllll, In Uonu Anu, Ot••• o, t;IJu·oln and tlocorro Couutlc!l, Ntl\V !11I•xh·o. e. M. llarVl•Y. c .. c. lll• :>:ull & lion, lllnl Wultors, OtllillJrm• hoy, Ju'Wt•l IJunlt•Y, Claude lJun,llly, W. 1. II Itt h, tlr. 1 and atluOcl11tcu, W. J. llu rr Is, 1'". U. Croc kott, Kl.o Duule)',

unknown. he,lro, U dccelllled; of the Southwest Quarter and tll!l 'l'OWIIJihlp · 14 south, nauge 8 East: uou 9; all in Township 6 South, ot the Northwest Quarter ot Sec.tlQ:n · heirs or l!J, F • lllorton, deceased, Northeast Qllarter of tlfe l;louthwest The South Halt ot the. Northwest Range 6 East The South Half o! the llo; the Northea&t Quarter ot tbe ' l.!. Sundero, It living, It decc!lsed, hla Quarter tmd the Southeast Quar-ter ot Quarter and tile Weat Hnlt . oC th"e Southeast Qu~rter and the South Half ::.outheast Quarter of Section 33 i all unknown hejra, If any ot the aboVe• thO' ~orthWeflt Qbarter apd the North Not•tbeaat Quarter ot Section 1, Town- ot the Southwest Quarter of Section 111 'l'ownshlp 8 South, Range 6 East. uumcd peroons be deccaoed then the Halt ot the Nortb.wcet ·Quarter tmd uWp lli South, Runge 8 Eaot, In Otero 10; the :North Halt and the North Lot 1 In tlectlon a, Township 11 unkJlown hclrn of ouch dcceaued per- the Nortbwcut Quarter ot thp ;North- and Lincoln Counties, New Mexico, Half of the Southwest Quarter and ::;outb, llange I! East. The Northwes~ sous; lhll State of ~ow Mexico; all eaat Quarter and the Southwcat Quar~ containing, In ull, 2-,603.66 acreo, tho West Halt of the Southeast Qunr- l,luat·ter of the Southwest Quarter ot uuluwwn ow nero, Uenoro,. lellllcea, ter of th\) Nortllweut "Quarter nod the more or lcoB. 'I'ract No. HH-31·1. ter ot Section 16; all In Townohip 6 t>ectlou 33, Township 11 South, occupuutl!, nnd clulmantD of Interest Northweut Quarter ot the Soutbweot 'l'be West Hulf of ttic Northeast Quar- South, Ran~e 3 East. Lots, .1. 2, 3 unnge 7 !!last, In Lincpln and Otero

• t bo 'twlru, ltogntut•t>, dovluctoll, crcuJ­tor n, und pur11onul rcprt!llcntallveB or tilt• llulh•& l~t>tutc, 1 •• U. Onln, Utmrgc W. I h•ndoroou uud Hon11, l~VU llon­d•·• nun Wood, 1''. Jll. llendorHon & l>ou. Ito)' I{ 'l'uckor, Gin)' J,. BUJitb, IJh II Ollllland, l.mster Oruur, lru • Urt·•·r, II. A. Wood, 'l'hreu H1Yur11 l.uud uud l.lvcutouk Co IJ. 0.


In and to the prcmlllCll which arc the Quarter In Section 9, Townohlp 12 tor of Section 12 'J.'ownshlp 10 South n~;~d 4 and the South Hnlf of the North C..:uunlles, New Me:xA/Jil containing oubJect mnuor of thia llction, eouth, Range 4 Enat. Alao, the Jllant Hange 4 Eaot, ~ocorro Oounty,·NeV: Half and the south Halt of Section 3, ~uo.1t1 ucrea, morl" or leah. Said ac­d~Jtcndantll. Notice of !•rcoentnllon Half ot tho ~outhcllllt l,luurtcr and Ml.lXico, contall}lng 80 act·et~, more or Townslllp 7 South, Range 6 East. uon ia brought under the aUthodtY' of l>ctltlon. Uulted 6tutell Of Am- the Northwest Quartllr ot tho Scwth- ICJJB. Tra$!t No. 11·32-1. Lots 1 and 2 Tile Northeast Quarter of SecUou 31, or uuu pursuant to the provlsloUB oJ: "rl~n to th.c Above Named Detendnntll, callt Quarter and the Southwcllt Quar~ In SecUon 3, Townehlp 10 South, TownBhlp 6 south, ll,ange 7 East. The 1111 Act oC Congress nPPl·oved .Auguot Ureetlngu. You und uach of you nrc ter o£ the Northcn11t Quarter and tho ('nnge 3 l!Jullt, Socorro. County, l'{ew Southwest Quarter of the Southeast 1~. 1H9U (~6 l:ltat. 316), as amended

orcb)' notlflcd that' '1111 Amended North Half or the Northeast Quar- Afcxtco, containing 80.43 acres, more Quarter and the southeast Quarter of IIY tho Acts or eongreaa approv!ld. l'otltlon ~1111. been tliod In the above tor and th(l So!UWlaat Qunrtor or the or lctm. Tract No. l<:lt-ali-1. The the South went Quarter of Section 23; July :::, 1917 ( 40 '"l:ltat. 241) nnd "" 11 llcd Court, praying tor the con- Northcl)llt QU1(f(Or or Section 8, Town- l:loutb HulC or the Northwcut Quat·ter tbe Went Halt of ~e Northeast Qunr- ,\.tJrll 11, 1!118 (40 Stat. 618; 60 U. llotnnutton of IW llUuon&ont of llhip 12 South, Range 4. Etwt, and tbo Houth Unit of Section 4, tcr and Ute Ellllt 1 nit of the North- d. e. Hcc. 171 J ; thu Act of CongreeB

Ullc apd PotluouHiou.ror flvo )'enru County, Now Mexico, contall'llns, In '.l'.owuublp 9 1:3outh, ltanso 3, Eapt. wcut Quarter of l;l •tlon 26; the Went upJ,Irovcd Auguot 12, 1936 (40 Stat. 01 corluln OU1lllllndlng 11\!rtuce and a~l, 1,!111.8~ acrco, more or lrc11s. Alllo, the North HaiC of tho Northw<!11t Halt of the :Northeast Quarter and tJJ.U; Ull; 10 U.s. u. Sec:tlono 1343a­"111Juurtuco rlghlo and owncrolllpu in Tract No. Y·ll2-1. Lotu a and 4 and QUUl"tcr nnd the NorthCWJt -QuMwr or Northwest Quarter n!Sct:tlQD lOi lHJc} · l!Jxccutlvo Order No. 88'14, l.~tJ7 ,zoo acrllo of lnnll, more or letlo, the Soutb Half 1 o£ tho Northwcot ·section 9, Townalllp 9, tlouth flange nil In Townahlp a Soutlf, Range a dtltcd Augullt 28, 19U; ilnd Exccll~ 111 !Jon~ Ana, Otero, Llucoln and Bo- Qunrtcr of Section 2, Townalllp 12 4 ~aot, Socorro CQunty, New Mexico, ~not. Al11o, Lotll 801-A 'and 801-B 11vu Ordur No. 9029, dated January

ro Coun .Nc.w Mpxlco and for South, Runco 4 l!Juut. tho ~outh~ coutulnlng 640 oro or lcuo. (Oucura Mining Dlutrlct) In Section .:o, 1!H2. You urc further advl.lled 0 7 South, Rnnue 0 l!Jnllt, tlult lu compllance with the

. NOTICE OF lm.uuNQ Oll' JllNA}.


In tho Prob:lto Oaurt. of ~lD • County •

SUite or Nm7 M'ol!ieo



• > ' •

. fi~ber Luinblr <o~ .

' ' . ' •

. Pamtt v~tnllht ~on . . AU 'kina. of Bulldhla·





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Loeal Churches •

Bible Stu'dy ' • 10:00 A: M. Worship 11 A.M. and 7:80 P. ra.

I Mld·weekStudy,Wed. 7:80 P.M. ~cbing •t Capit:Jln 2 P.M.

Daylight aaving time •

' r



A vis C. WiggillB, Minister. · •

Mothqdiat Cbur•h Sunday School at .10 a •. m. , llTank A'damB, Supt.

Moming Worabip 10 & 11 n. m. •

Junior Lcaaue 7:00p.m. 1'1veniog Service 7:46 p. m.

"War. Time" Firat Sunday or every month ie

Commlmion day. , Wt assure you a friendly

welaome. · · ~ John Kla.ucn,


NAZABJ':NE CUtJliCll BEBVXCE Capitan, N. J.l.

auMay School 9:-lll a. m. Pttaclilng Gcrvtco 11:00 a. m. 'founc Peoples' MccUnu '1:00 p, m. Pra)"ef l!eclln8 Wed. T:OO p. m. . You are cordially tnvHcd to &lt.end

OUl: iUVfeu.

'·-·---~ -- _._ ----~-- ----- .__ - ~ -- -

DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Ooalor.a Lodge, No. 15

. Meeting dates 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each mQntb

!ot '1 p.m. Mayme Greisen, Noble Grand Bird~ WalkEr, Secretary.

.. ' . ..

• . Buy War Bondi today.


. Paacet, ~.He od Proof .:.. ' '

Lai:Kw blnk• ·fat .ale at ·the /•


S.nta Rita Church • . '

• . '

' CarrizozoSundayM1888:"00 A.M. ,., •uidotoSun\lay Mw atil A.~

• :Rev; salvatore. -•

. .. •·'''

• 0 •

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. . ' . . . '

'• . .--AT···

' . " • M '


• Meetn Every Tuesday· evening

Glen Dorsett. John Klasaen· . ..

See.-Treas. Noble Grand

· :· .Help u. s. o. •



Meeto on the first Thursda1 ml!:ICh month.


LU'tTtUutnA~ . Bitt.m:tADS

S'l'A't£i~Jtlt'r$ E~vtrr..Ol>Ss

Cracni.ntS BttSW£$$ CAitDS

. FlRSt OLAS$ WORK nEASONABl/S l»lUdE$ ~()Jjf" .Ciillttt JlWS .

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·- ·ADS --ARB ·N£WS-,. .. 4·

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. ' '' .

,· !. •.

' ' .. ., ' '

• ' '_,

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. ' ... .. -'




a c's , of warttine travel

void Travel is always heaviest on wcek·endt. By planning to start your trip on a Tucsday,W'ed· nesday.orThursday,you have a wider choice of acc:ommodationg and you make room for tho;;e who mml travel oo week·ends-wat workers cmd men in tho armed services.

e an early bird · Get full information well in G.dvaoce of the day you plan to leave.Mnkc your reservation and purchnso.ybur rail and Pullmad tickets early. You thw arc assurea of BC'Commoda· tioos and you avoid last minute rush. It's a good idca,to buy your return rescrvacion at

. the same tune. t

once I promptly IV l'LAM• CUAtlGl

:t'ftespacc you reserve on a train is vlllullble­too vllluuble to go unused, Uyou ate forced to change your plads,·plcase cancel yo~ res­ervation and turn in your Pullman ticket for

• reful!dimmediatelyso th~ $pace cab bcwczd> by oUter ttl\vclcra. RcmciDbcl: that !()a~ ~tl

. the Sttcamtined Daylighh mmt'bctcsenrcdin nd\'ttncc.Hetc,too~wotskyo~totutnlnyout rcsc!"ati~~.t>tolilptlylfyou dccldc nouo go. ,

- . , ·. •. . .

on t waste space lf you 1itt_d a c:ompattmenr, a. d.tawlng room., Ot ll bedroom b)' iil1 blcan~ buy it, But please don'ttako more space chan absolutely nl!ces• sat)'. A berth may be all that you really ucecL Ot share a toom w1tJI a fdend or bluioell llSSotiatt; ,wh~ you ti-e tta~eUtig togc,thet •

• . , 'to get $25· d'l11c;nth

J.tottln~J fn 10 yeor•, • b~~n$1B.75WatBond.

· · · ·· .. ..,,rylllbntlt miW• . . . __ . . 1!1.~ Ptl•ndly · · " .a . . · _ .... · • Soothfrrt P&idftc •

• . ' "

•• . '

•' .•



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• • • P.ost-War-.Period ·


In 0. S. to Be an-•

Air' Leviathan of_ Neat Future I

Englleer's Wonderland .·· . . •

CLA::SSJ·F.IED· ·. · D ·E P A R T M. E N ~ ·

.,4 wonderland of modem miracle~ · i• hou•ed. witkin the wlllte LannOn •tone walb of the North­we•tern Ur:J.Nivernty'• new Techn logical lmtitute at varuton, Ill. There are roorru where ie i• alway• raining, and. tap1 .. which deUver the prcuurc of 3 Niaga- . nu. Right: Phydc• profc••or, B rentano ( r.enter), and two aa­•iltant•, anttly:e tl&e efement• in a pier.e of metal

• \

Amazing New·A:ge FEEP/'; ~ Foe•en Al~nUenl PJ~ Meal Jor ~W~ mateiY _ $33 ton-hoi ta\teper fot ~ __ , using- l'!'u Lac with yotll' home grown •ri!!!i1 balanced wllh proteWS' anct vttart;l1nll. ~ Uta* extra e11 ant:l mtlk pr~u~~an and a 1111per finish on ;yllur ~era, ~u Lac lllllea­men-deolera wan~d eveJ:Ywhere. Tlnl ~U lAO YEAB!l'ON co., ,JeUenon, Iowllo

-I . , Alter· War Years Will See

Astonishing Changes i:q Ways of Living.

FOR SALE . ..., No.1 AMERICAN B~IULJ.r,-PEnFEOT. Also- power units d at or la\4> Dliidel Sllwlnl and lDJII!inll e 111ent. VOGEL . LUMBER OO!II:l'ANY, 'Jt19k :Sinr, W7 ..

!vtr. and Mrs. Average Amf;)ri.­can of the post-war era probably will find themselves living in a world full of comforts, c·oQveni­ences and gadgets that at a pres­~nt ~ay. view have a decidedly

Oaod Uome wlth c:abbls In the m011ntaln .. Big 'J.'hompaon call)'on. Place to 11:lst. FullJi' ,).. eqUipped. J, 'f, lo{ervlr, X.ovelad~ colo. • ·

Jules Verne flavor. . .- This o~ew desip of ~lenn L. M:utin company's proposed 250,000-They may own a home that pound flying ship Is a "preview" of what aU wUI be seeing as It roars

was erected from the ground across the skies -after the war- is won. Such planes as these today c:ould up within eight hours and haul regiments from coast to coast In a day's time.

is just as stable as one which tory planes-some of which fly in be capable of carrying a 625 pound before , the war required six excess of 500 miles an hour-will load. _

·.PROPERTY WANTED WANTED A'r ONCJ;;:-Ranches, ranaea:'' mines and acreages ol nil ldndi!. Produc­tive or otherwise. Klndl)' write. .YA!!PEB RJ!lAX. f;STATE, Bgx 7, IO'I!!'I!o CIIJ, Iowa.

AUTO PARTS At the institute there months to build. The _ home place _far-flung contine~ts and their That a peacetime ver~:~ion of this is q machine w1dch will have conveniences u.mfreamed cities within a compllratively few vehicle which can climb grades that PION~!JE.-R ltc;UTOOM.WRPEfKINGN y . e:r:ertl ihe pulverizing ot even for comfort-loving Ameri· days or few hours flying pistance of balk a tank and negotiate rough ter- ..,. weight of 5,000,000 cans. They probably will dflve Q. the United States; Flymg. freight rain at 40 miles an hour should be WJ: ~ ~.,W;f;. CAN pouruh, another that modestly priced automobile that trains probably will become the or· developed is, of course, logical and ·~~ofNEW&USEDpartafouD 1ag1 with tho weight of runs 35 miles on a gallon of gaso- der of the skies. the American farmer will thus In· c:"AJ!f~ •it~~d~« 1JDMa an eyelaih. One room line and wUl negotiate tcnaln and Th., Increasing public <Interest herit one of the nation's most valu· ~,_. ¥•U o,-a.m. i• co,ldcr than the billa formerly suitable only for the in aviation, the tralnlnr: of thou· able pieces of military equipment. lM!...S. iliA_···--=· ;:~w,CII•al•,.

Umo·honored mountain "oat. sands of young men ·as expert. These automotive principles of . . . -~~ =· ::: North Pole and an- " high-powered engines ... which con· • otl&erthrco tinwaall&ot U the'1 Uve on a fllrm they proba· pilots and the strides made by sume 11 miilimum of fuel alSo will ?"'"'"'"""'"'"'"'~'-"""'lw"'"'"'"""''? a• the Sahara at mid- bly will have aa "amazing vehicle safety In aviation also presage be applied to•pleasure vehicles,· au· A feU ME 7 '1

. that can be use4 to plourh, harrow, a new era -of private ftylng. ~o • tomobilc de'slgners predict, -forecast- ~ "-'" . ? day. l-eft: CrU81ring mUk ao4 round up the cows. ~ears, even five years from now, lng a light yet powerful car which ? ANOTHER ?



lB·inch thic~ concrf!to When vac11t1on time comes around plaoe·reotal 'and fb'·lt-yourseU 'will require only about one gallon of ? . ?-:c~w.~~~~~~~~ services wiD be too ? G 1 ~- · • ? ~~r. overt~o~C~a~i~ro~o~r~d~o~wn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1~g~a~so=l~in~e~~~~3~5~o~r~4?-0~m~il~c~s.~;t;f~:A~~e~n~e~ra~.~~~~~~~~~~~~?~----=-~

fo. r •wo ntJa ·Or they may even m;;,ake nn "round· prlorlUes are no neces· 1 . th tw t •· • -· .... .. taU r In r On the oen 11 llO e war euor "' Th· Qu"e•tc'o ...

•torr J,UU'II,IJIIIII•PtJ,un:d tlie-world trip during the head of the sar.,, 1 -proo ' IP • proo providing amazing new Inventions .. • ... ·- (J • 1 famlly'o traditional "two weeks off planes such as ~e "Ercoupe" appllcBble to the country' a pence- 1. Wh11t us~ful but de11dly drue

t~tms w nc • with pay." and "Bkyfare~ ·(notable for time pqttern of· Uving. The United l<tt,oes the nux vomica tree yield?~ I• to ltiUly atruc- Thcoe Bra not fancies conjured foldlnr wlnr feature•> probab~y Stateo hno experimented with an 1111· 2. Which of the followinl does tural performance of from a Lewis Carroll (who authored will travel side b'1 side witb a'n· aluminum destroyer which they be- not belong to the Central Amcri· largo beam•. "Allee In Wonderland!') o tmaglna· tomoblles along the hlghwaJs as Uevc will cut through, the water· at clln croJJpi Costa Rica, Colom-

tlon. They arc practical potentlali· tlu.l'1 ah~tie from aJr fteld to 52 knot!l an hour. ,: bia, Guatemala? A

tics which Industrial expe11s already' rarage. . .Scacralt dcslgncra d~clarc thllt the 3 •. Whllt WilD the. ancient 'mlm.e \arc forccaotiug 111! the logical peace- AD C. R. Smith, former preoldent usc of dluminum In Boat conotruc- of the Dardar!cllco? Ume appllca\lon of arm11ment de- ot American AJrUncs, recently de- tion may weD be the forerunner of .f. Wl111t name lo given to · • velopmcnto. clared, "In tho po!lt-war period, non· high opccd prwoenger transport ohlps group of paid 11pplnudero?

War Ia o forceful opur to the nroll· footer than anythinc prevlouoly 5. What did the three men, Ha-reM of lnduotrl11l cclence drenmcd of. Row and oall boat!l co drian, JuoUnlan and Trojan, tmve ventlon. Under Ita duress there· Toward o New Era .. in common?' • · " ·

U tb U d t Ught that a halt-grown boy can car- G. Who cautioned hlo men to no me for tho cautiously •low ex· Even as e lUI on evo es ry one acroll!l country, and fleet 1

G ... mind pcrlmcnt9 which mark the rccep- tbe faD energies of Its lndastrlal pleoaure crllft that wi~ rival In wa· "put your truot n od, .,.ut Uon 11ccordcd now Inventions and pqwer and sclenW!o renlus tO vic· th ti to keep your powder dry"? d•- I •- N lt 1"- t1U ru• ter tho opced of e .. outomo ve 'l. How m""Y mlr"'clc" of Christ wcover es u. years of peace. ew tarJ, s c uaelll caD a • couolno 00 land, undoubtedly will .... .. " methods, new ma~rlala are accept- their eyes above and beyond lhe r>lllkc their appelll'ance in the pont- llfe narrated in ~vcty one of the cd overnight and arc- tcoted II\ the holocaust of world war Co an era war era at priceD within reach of ~our soopclD, Matthew. Mark, Luke acid fumnceo of combat. The trag- that wlJl·brlng with It a new pat- the American In tho amBDcr income and John? cdy of modem wartaro iD on anach· tem of Uvlnr at ·once ftner and brocket.

. ronlsm of progrco.a. . more dramatic In IU benefits tb•u -. D~ser-lblng the post-war bouse ~ DlJtauce' Annlhllatect. an;rthlnr clvWsaUon bas lmowu -hicb Amorlcaos ma'1 be occa·

The Aruw.,.. 1. Strychnine. •

Th ls b 1. before. " ere nt~ otter Wusuatlon of pylnr ten yean from now, Nor-this than tho odvanc'emcnt made by man Bel Gedt!es, who deslroed

2. Colombla. 3. Hellcnpont. t

For modern r~carch in chemlltry and phylla the ancient im of glau bletclng, *hown here, u .riU an cuentialfacto!~.ltJama F. Morril pre­para manr, intricate and tbawual piCCf!J of apparotw in the new Tccla-nnlo({il'Ol• mlituto. · • _ •

aviation oo a reoult of World War -1. . atop operation over the oeean wiD the Faturama at the New Yerk Tho airplane reprccentcd now po- be proao.ic with moot of the eroor.~- World's Fair, pictures a prelab-tentiaUtlcs of speed and deDtructlon lng to Europa dono at high altitude rlcated bouse whlcb a crew of and as mJch wao cclzed upon · an a speedo In cxcell!l Of aoo milCD per slx men could erect ID oa6 woapo}'l of offen~ by the Allies arid hour." clrht-bour daJ. With such a their encmiCD aliJcc. In the.ahort pe- Miracle Car Forecast for Farm Use. boose a famn,- might weD eat rlod of four years aviation made an dinner In a home that bad been advance that would have required An·ln aviatlori co In the world of no more than a pOe of mated--o quarter of a century In normal automotive progr~ the develop- ah the same mornlnr.: Urnes. mcntD of war will become JW,egratcd "We hove all the tcchnlquetJ an 'a

T.... th 1 tl 1 Into" America'o peace~ttgm of uuoy, o some o tuo on moan· llfc 0 few ycnro hence. facillUco to bQild how;eo aucb lltl

fled ten Umeo over obtalrut. Only have dcncribed,'' aayo Mr. Bel Ged· recently, Glenn Martin, the noted In recent tento conducted by the dCD. "Todlly, we lrove an oppor-aircrott dealgner, announced plans United StateD department of ngri. tunlty to change over lrom old·fruJh·

-r~~l2lkttm bclilllilotb pf the olr culture and Wllyo-Ovcriand Motora, 1 d d u th .. _ lf'h th bl f t 50 Iric.' m~ltc~ "nd mnnufiac•'"~Pn of one OD CQ!i y me Pua "" e capo o o rorurportlng ,000 u •u u u ......... modem ma!l!l production WilY Ot


' ' •

Abot~e: Jl'tJbor P. MUI'pl&y, railtct~y IUpplr m4hufacturer, whose &ift of $6,735,000 created tho Tcrhnologi;m lrutitu~.

• Left: Two ---orrulding 1&. <intut• uperimeni with ·

· chcmletd rc•ctioril.

Clwml•rry Pro{euor- M•lcoil'it Dolct M&'ht) .ua • Mood to explain to atudonb whee • molt!cul~ of nyt.m look• Uh. Tlae. chemist~· de par«· mf!ftt work~ Itt co-:qpe,..tlpra with tlic eW&l~Ui'tirag de]Hirttnl'nt. -. ,

lh.~~ itudl..t•· ~·Rertt.w••• . • •

. }. ' • •

poundo of equipment at spccdo of the ntandard deoign Jeep, at Auburn, building better borneo nt lower - 200 to 2.'W mJJco on hour to be bullt Ala., and Toledo, Ohio; the Vehicle cost." He cnUtnoteo that at leoot after the war. Thlo plane, nold Mr. gave l)romisc of performing with ., 000 000 h' -•- unt•- will b Martin, wUl be "on big OlJ o 30-room the nnmc vernotility on the (ortn ail ~cttrlred :t!r :el.W;.~r. "' 0

hom;c." Meanwhile, ono,thcr compa· lt prccently ill doing on the bottle- Still another noted American nr· ny Is reported to have already com· llcld.!J of Europe and the For Eont. chitect, Walter Dorwln Teague, de­pleted the WOQden dummy of a ahlp DurlnJ tbese testt tbe car did ev- cllll'es that wo have only to.,.opply that will dwarl the Martin lnonntcr erytblnr lror6 enlQpaeldoc ana bar- to home-building the nome tech-­-a lGO-ton model which could move rowiDK a flelil In one operation, us- niquC!I of denign, manufacture whole bottalionn ocroM the conlf· lng z.-.z raUoaa o.f gas per aere, to selling that have provided one mo­ncnt ovemlgM. • haoUnc almost • ton and a haU of tor car for _every four l)Eople In the

Already In w;e ore new methods farm pro_doce a dhtance of 13 mUes United States to produce o ~ of of construction which liglltcn air- on a gaUon of casollne • ..A l·h~1me which will be within reach of craft by hundreds of pound!l and ro AlrcadJ known os ~army'a the man In 1he very low incwne trcmendounly fncreone their pmmen- miracle car." th€ Jeep is the de- brocket. . . ger nnd freight carrying ability. Nat- ccendant of o motor, driven platform Mr. Teague -boa designed a- house urnlly, th~se planes ore at preoent en wlieels known 09 the "beUy.flop- to nell for $1,000 to $2,000 which.caii only in military form. per," which wna flnlt dcmonatrot- be rcnrtonged, even when oecupied,

Wbfn Peace Comes. ed at Fort Benning, Ga., In 1040. At aD to oite and floor plan olmost as However, when J)'eoce comes these the request of ormv officials Joseph easily as one changes the furniture

Gollathn of the clouds will be in· W. Frazer, president of the WUlys- In o room. The Teague house not terpreted in tc~. of pleasure and OVerland company, and other auto- only con be enlarged or reduced In convenience for-, motive experts undertook the design size at the owner's will but also can tton. The atmost-unlle m1nb~le !ilipeed of n car wilitb wouiil not •exceed ~ t::'-~•e:\ kcm eM t~1t:!!g Z:.te t!l which bag been developed for 1,400 pound!! In weight and should nnother.

• • -• •• ~m •• r~•-.o•• •-

Such a factory-fabricated house, he iioys, will compare with present d11y houses as a modem automobile compares with 'on old-fashioned bug· gy. U Ute owner of such a bouse discovers that his job nl!cessitatcs a move across the,

1eontlnent be will

.simply take the house down. call a truek and have the house transport­ed to hls new place of residence. ll after six or eight years .he wants a new house be will trndo in his old one just as he-does his -

Still another lll'Chiteet Wht> Ms been studying post-w11r hou,slng pro"b­lems, William Hamby, Utges that ''For better living the post-war 'home must be improved for the: one' who has· the most to. do-the womm.''

. _ In a hoUSe planned ••to take the d-rudgery or• _of houSekeeping/' Jlr, nJJnb7 abol...bes the tlSUal kitchen and "'substitutes a. _streamlined and beautilled tpliliiO Pliumed that 'WhUe the bomemiiker gets dinner she can alsO participate li1 the family~• a(!:. tivities. •

• 0,·

4. Claq1,1e. • 5. AU were cmpcroro of Rome. 6. Ollver Cromwell. 'l. One (feeding tho 5,000) •

-Admlrai.a may be admirnble, but ,......._ that l!m't where the word comes' from. It comCD from no old Ar!Jblc word "amir-nl" meaning "com­mander of." That's what tho Ad- • mlral lo, tho top-ranking officer in tho Navy. Top-rnnking clgnrctte with our Navy men is Camel-the favorite, too, with men in the · " Army, Marines and -Coast G~ r. according to nc:tunl antes records from their cervice lltores. Camels" arc their favorite gift, toe> •. ~Local,. dealers are featuring Crunel Clll'· tons to cend anywhere to any member of our armed forces. To-day iD a good time to ~a..::lW}l" a carton of Camcls.-Adv.

lncrus~ Value The Church Is the only lnntitu­

tton on earth which continues to increose in value while being ccm­stantly discounted by its lriencts­W .. G .. Mantg!)mery ..

O!Scholls linopads

~-~ca "1-, G

•ADVERTISmG l»praaant. U..leadenlUp Ol • u.aaoh. it points the way. W•%nelely~tb

· u:.w beiqhtll of comb*, ~

Cb.l1~ce1 c)f hapPln•-. XI thJie goea 02t ·~

to~.- t- ~.:.;..!j . .-..· u wM. .:it:IOtiJ and . ca. u n .-·u.t ~ allpdifiien. rea < ::,..:;:::;::;-,, -.

• . ' ' • • • •

• •


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Page 7:• ' I ; • ' . i . , ' ' I I .I !( I ' I . • . ' ' -· I , • . '' ~. ' .. ..\..', . , ' • •


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. .

. ~ ·a~~.'\(~ ,~;>ld. .wicker clla4' a . · · · .. ·'· .t~mart cover of gay cl:lintz aud

. it wilH>e. teii<ly to start a new life. ·Tlll!!l <:hjntz for this chair has a quain\.. pat;t¢rn · of strawbenJes With green ·leaves and the ·skirt with 'it!~ 4'1m box pleated. cor-

~ nera is ·plain green. · .The cover · ; )JJ ~e~ovable with a %ipper open·

lng down the-center back a~d long • stitches with heavy thread through


• •


· the cover and the wicker are used ·here and there to hold it neatly fn place.

The padding for the inside of the bacK lends both style and com· !ort. The cotton batting is fttted and. cut on the c!l;lalr. It is then used tor a pattern to cut a slightly larger muslin foundation and the, as nhown at the upper lett.

· Tllese three layero are then baatcd and stitched together to make the puffed for this parf of the

• atltch tho toJethcr • •

pieces of the cover • • • • •

liOTE: Mn. Bpcnrr booklet No. 7 &tv" eomptcto d!recUolll tor mnldn& the ottoman ahown In this akctcb. Al4ll more 30 other faaeln!llinl homellUIIdnl projeet!l, each with working drawtnsa. U 70U bava novu mada aUp coven :vou wtU WIUit Dock t, u It aholn tho bcal'llllu exaeUy how to cut, nt and aew thcnn. Send your order to:


b,. Roger B. Whitman ' .p

Rc?ller B, Whllmn!l-WNlT Fentur••· '



·wITH the general extension of electric service, it is now po~

sible to bring its advantages to houses thut were formerly far be­yond ·the electrified llmlts. :nus 'lllt­uation become's clear to uta by the number of inquiries that I am get­ting on the· wiring of houses; the materials that qre needed, the mcth· ods of laying the' wires, of making connccttons, etc. It should be aald in the tlrot place that in many P!lrts of the country there nrc cpdes that require electrical work to be done by licensed electricians, and cov· cred by a certificate by'lhc fire un· dcrwriter·a. Before doing elec-

his insurance agent thlo is neceD!lnry. ~ Rural Electriflcation admin·

istration has iO!lucd two pamphlets that give· full Information on wiring. These can be had from the Super­inlendent of Documents, Waobins· ton, D. C., who ohould bo aokcd for "Wiring Your .Farm and Home," which conts five cents, and "Elec­trifying Your Farm and Home," which coots ten cento. Infonnation

llU, RVTD WYCIB SPEAil!l wiU. al!lo be aupplled by tho lar~ lkf.l'oril nw. . New YOfll

• Drawer It mall order houoco, which have r:nctc:a 10 ccou ror eacb boOk aued pamphlcto of ln!Jtruction. Cor~

ordercl. ' rcct wiring, properly installed, Namo ••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• J....l.ohoulld lant nlmont indefinitely. Ad4reu •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Bathing Their God •

+-. Once every Is y~nro,-moro than 500,000 mombcra of tho Jain oect fn lndla gather in tho city of Sravana Delgona for the both nnd ceremonial worohip of tho 57-foot otntuo of their god Gomotcnhvnra, says Collier'a. ·

M From various atatlonl'l on tho

cenffolding on thren alden, ocorca f Jain pricnto pour milk, ghoo

and water over tho colormal figure and then ohowcr 1t With ouch offer· lnga no daten, poppy cceds, sugar, coln!l an~_gcms.


Cold RoollUJ Qucation: Our two-family houoo

hn.o bot beat, and on a cold nlcht we have difficulty in heating all of tho firdt floor roomo. Tho trent han and den of tho cecogd floor apartment get ab:;olutcly no heat. What would be your advice?

Answer: With hot air heat tho common rcocon for a cold room 1s that outoldc air lenko into the room around tho windov/o and ol!:cwhMo In auch great volumo that wnrm air Lo- prevented from coming out of tho rog~tel'. In .thot cru:e tho remedy 1o to mhko tho windowo tight wlth wcQtherotripa imd atorm aaob. An­other me.thod 1o to in!ltall B- tan fn tho furnncc, co that warm a& will be driven through tho rogistcro un­der prC!l!lW'c. Th1o 1o nDt an cx­~nslvo nttnc1unent and, can be pto­vlded by any heating contractor. When pro~rly installed It chnuld give equnl d.intribution of bent throughout the house.

Oleanlar Waxed. Floors QuenUon: I hod my floors mmdcd

a yeor ago and fltili:hed them with a liquid wax. Now I ohould like to clean them. How could thfD M done?

Atl!lwer: Wiping with cloths wet with turpentihc ohould pick up the wax hnd the dirt with it. HowcvM, in the year thnt bas pawed, dirt hos probably gone thro'uch the wax

Fit~ed ·Suits Ate ··Favored by . . ' • • .. • • •

Those Who ~eally Want to Swim . • • •


By. CliERI£ NICHOLAS . . • \ ' " S 1E wu·-Ntl · · <CO.~<C U.JE

. - - . ..

• •

pLAY clothca aro In a very color-ful and verBatlle mood thla:fta•

IOn, and awim suits are DO exccp. Uon to tho rule. It ~adds to the zest of things that bothlns suit tashlons present two distinct trends to bo co:w!dorcd, Cor dre!!!!maker Jabric types ·vie with b~·molding wool lcnlts.

Wlth some tho tl~lecting of swim suita ·1.!1 a mnttcr of plcturccque sarb which apcnd!l more houra on the beach In the stylo parade than In the waterJ To theoo tho d.rcosmakcr !itylen which plnJ up novelty and fob­rio dmmatlcally make de1lnlte apo

Then thero are the real owlmmert who go In for health and cxerclso and trophicn and who wont suits which.glvo perfect freedcm of action to tho body. To theae fearlCM divers and owimmcro lt l!J tho suit of wool lcnlt which makes appeal. It l!J cfficleney thoy demand for thclr ltllt, with color aiory and chic atyllng added. They will f1nd all they lmll for In tho handeome yet prncUcal fashlarus illU!ltrntcd In tho obov11 pte­tun!. Tho dcolialnc of theoo mod-­el! manngcn tho tank of allowing treroom of mO'Jcmcnt whllo remain­Ing perfectly molded to tho fiitJ%'1!'.

Favored by real swimmcro l!J.tho cmo-p!ecet suit pictured to tho right. ThJs bright red ribbed kn,lt, mbtly claotic and 1.!1 Cl mnntcr­.Piece. The adroit arurring l!J brougM up lnio a pretty &Vi efloet nt thD rua ... at the time thot it mokea

suit conform to tho bmly. Thw It meel!J the Ideal ot the ardent cn­thti!IIO!lt who ltJ batUing with the woven.

Juot aa the plald sweotera ccored blg ln.ot l&eaSOD the Argyle plold


.· 1 knit awim suitn like thot pie­d to the left In the group ore

tr phantly In the lend thin sum-•

I •

' ... •



·n ·• •J

• • '

' ,


W llAT a practical Idea there 1o In this cunning amall ouUlt

for llttlo glrlol Oil with the jacket and yQu have a cunning play drcll!l without nlccvcl:l-oo that It permlta rolUcklng freedom and pJco.ty of healthy oun tan. It 1o a drcna

• WhJCb YOUr daUghter can Wear in I

mer. Th1o one-pleco suit with front comJort for houro of bock-yard akirt 1.!1 a real swimmer, and 1t play, bench gomcn and farm life! rldea .on the crest ot the wave of Tho jocltct which dramatically lAohlon on HICU u on tho waves of trannformo U1c prlnccro ftoclt Into tho ocean. You can get It In muted n amort otrcct ouUl\ 1o juot wolot coloro or ln bright. lU!lh colom that lentnb, han_ tiny nhort olecvco and arc thrilling. • 11 almple oq~,&a.rc neck. You'll lilto

Tho young and aloek two-piece tbo effect lt you apply to tho okirt red and white atrlpcd wool suit con- two bandD of the motcrlol you U!lll tcrcd In tbe group hn!l aU the chal'o in tbo jacket. Bond tho pa.ntica, actcrl.!lticn whJch 110 to make up the too, to complete tho cheerful en­ldcnl garb for a ISWimrnln1 enthusl· ncmblc. I>attcm No. 1C07·D alvco ll!lt. The texture 1s very new, being you complete lnDlructlona fqr a mo:Jt intereotlng sce.rauckcr COil- '1 mokins each· of Om three plecco • atrtJction. Its amazing Ught weiBht &rbarn ~u :au~m •uo. IW'I·D 1.a c!l· and Ito mldrill treatment ap~als to ; t.:n" alrd :1. a. 4, o and o J'C:AI"II.. tho young eeL . Olu o JC!Onl dru; n;qulra I'll 7111'11A ct

AmldDt the confuslan o1 play 0. cr :O.Ir.cb rna lllftlll. bolero s;IWI clotho a wblch crowd oummor ~r ::;;.a acd P~tnlla, •.4 ' 11"' cmll Pll0~· boacheo, one lo lmpreasi!d with the New Dlmtll. number of two-piece novelties made of jercey. An outstandlnJ model l.s .m blaclc and whJte striped Jeffilll 'With bare mldrlJf and COV11rod ahooJ. daro, tho olecve5 stopping midway to the clbtlw.

A SLIClt now lonn torco fr()clt

Tb11 aU·whitc VO,i_UO 1.!1 repfcunt­cd In many jersey suits. .E!lpcclally charming la the white jersey, tho. bolter-neck top of wblch I is cut out at the front inldritl' only. I Bowknol!J In contrntJtlng Jerocy are Big Moving Job appliqw:d. h!!rc nod .there. . '-----------•• _.

Whlll! there b cUll a llmJkd sup.

1tb a awl!lh aldrt-arul juot cho er rufficto for oleevco-la Ide or oummcr wear. You can bo\le olee\IM, II you wan~ them, nnd a bright row of braid to'brina atttJnllon to the flottcrina low-cut nccltlin~n.o you con ceo in our

ply of rubber bnthina CCP3 to bo btld comcn the comforting news that tmb!ltitutc, rubberleM cop!! are bb-ing produced. arc of cotton treated to mnkll them And that gcc.s to pfO'Je ortee tllot "neccll!llty 1o the mother "

nele=ed 1:7 Vi~w uc::::..

• •

• •

' • •


omallcr view. Juat tho fEWk junior girla from conot to coact nre onldna Cor thlo ol!aoon I . . . ' ~

Dllrboro lkll Plll!cm tlo.' ICOO.D u deo all!llc:i tor aiWI ll, 1:1, IS, 11, and tt. Com:optl::dlnll bUDI moll!lurcmon!A 0, St. :!3. 2.!1 lllld :n. !llr.o 1.3 l:lll ~lth llhc'..Ma' rome~~. rillu~ros 3'a ran!a 2.!l·lnch mateo rl!!L With ah:lr1 a~«r•·co. 3!o yanl.a.

ec.nd your cn!n to·

111'!\flt:O Clltt'LE PATl'EitN DEI"l'. ncom IIIG _

l!ll Wont Jfaclttr Dr. Cllt.lcare Ec~~=e t:l nn!ll L'l co!c-JJ lor OAtil

pattern <!a&lrcl. ., P~:~.ttom Uo, ••••.••••••. nt:.a ...••••••• tlcmo ....••• -.,, •• , •••••.•••••••••••••. Ad11r~ .•••• , ........................ .

Fly Is J>bralysis Carrier

· Dl!:cov"ry tbat eomt'ncn fUca carry tho vlruo of lnfanthc pazul. yol.a hoD bct.>n mode by Dro. Jcmn L. Paul ond Jaml!!l D. Trook at Yale unlv«!rolly mcdieol cchool.

It is now evident that poUomyo­liUo (inlontllc pornlyalo), which crJppl~:!l 10.000 ,Percono and kUla from GOO to 1,000 every yl!ar, b a disenne of the intcntinol tract u well no the opihal cord, and that Ilion may carry 01c virun from oowage.

Your Waate Kitchen Fat. ATe Needed lor Explo.iuu and into the wood to nuch an extalt 1'-------==-----:---------------~--­

that wnshlng with turpentine wm

one of the Iargent olngl~ moving Jcb!f on record wno the tr.nnnter of nn ortlrlctnl oilk factory from Hopt!Well, Vo., to Sno Paulo, Bro­:il, In 1034. There were cuvcn oh1p. loadll of equipment and machin­ery, and come of the pieceD were co lnrge that the roilroad ho{\Ung them from Santo!) htld to move one of il.a obtlons out of the way •

The dl!:eovery of Dro. Pout IUld Trask molten tho common hawse fly more than ever an C!nemy ttJ health ond even to lifo ltcclt, en~dnlly omong children.

TURN 'EM IN! * * * Wine and Gray Gray



not take it out. Should thnt be the case, your bclt move wll1 be to co •


~ • --· ~- -

• •

• <

over the floor lightly ·with n nond· ing machine. When the floor ill cleaned, do not apply any wtm to the b:rre wood. Before· wnxing, put em a sealing' coat, nuch O!J shellac, var· nisb, or wmething similar.

Painting a Brass Bed Question: What can I do to a bra!l!l

bed to mnk9-Jt look JUte mahogany? Answer: the best you can do 1o to

paint it. As a otnrter, go all O'Jcr the bed with saJl!'!paper to brighten the metal and nlso to make the surface slightly rough. Then wipe with turpentine and put on a coat ot enamel undercoater. 'When this bas dried follow ~tb a cont..9J ennmel. Instead o(painting·the bedf'Youcould try the eifect ot putting slip co,vers on the bend and foot. •

OU.Stained Stone Que.!ltion: Our llteplate b omooth

stone. It bad n. tew. i:tackt,l, rwhlch I fllled with putty. But the oU·bas come out of the putty and stained the stone• How can this be removed?

. CoVer the stniM·With a If~;:~~~~ ot :fullet's earlh c.r pow-1 c'halk and ·lli'IY spot remt:We:t,

sUch .rur carbon: tetrachloride. Al· loW to ft!tntilil untU drY artd thea brUSh oft •. · ,

• soUed Soapstone ~b ..

Refreshingly and chic ill tbe mdt or dreru~ mode cf -cham­bray in o "Puritan" gray thot I!J lovely for aummer. Fovo;Jor tb1.o gray washable is sweeping lflr<l~ style eentcro ot the moment, the grnys challenging the much-tclketJ.. of town blackn to a lively conteot.

Women 1two Ulo t;ctv gray <.':r.tiw . brays, becawe, for one reosrin ampng many, they launder .so eonily and exquisitely. Then, too, they yield so nttmcUvely to white nc­cen\!11 and they have 1hnt lmmoc:u­late looking way nbcUt them that is so much sought for by women wbo dote en a perfectly groomed apo peatance, · • A aew stylibg given tO a gray chambray dreS!t buttons the sur-

. pUc~ b6dl.ce over to tho loft under;. tl1'm 'Willi largo wbito peatf buttotts runnkit dawn the skirt w the hem­line. Tlie message of gra)' satin for aliemoon is a}i() being btondca!t thtt:iugh fa.sbl.on ~lrclc!l, but of cmt:rse these arc lot · ••date". • wear ·and tttth. . · .

. gray c~i are ao ;lief~· · · pracUc(ll · all-putpcse.

went they'll pr · · · · nstant source. of joy, . "'

Questlott~ My soa'P!!t6nc tub and sink took vert · · · aky. What can Two-Piece grnemble Hru I use on tsi to make them Wine and, gray cheeked cotton Joe~ rilore ptescnta let .

1 • gingham make' this j~e;ket dress Wide Scar//ot a lackei

Answer: .~rUb with any cfillrse for town wear. There ate intete4t- When the fall !Ieason gets in swfug washing powder ~d follow with big. detali.s that give ~Is stunning one of the sights you'll see •.hat's

· steel wool ot sandpaper~ As a final · outfit at.tfnction. The beautlfullt cut good for the eyes is· 'tit& tweed tw~ touch. rub,. wiPt ·P~~ wax. . · Jacket •hu btu b1Ulds of the gftlg· piece· ensemble that college girbl

.. J!'aded' Bab7 Camve . Top . . bam on t)Oclteta and Ctlfta. The bias will ~adore. · • QuesUcm,: Wa~rprOOf clqjh on mt Sdea b camed out, aliso, lri the It h~s • tweed skirt ~hed oft

ba»: c:atP,i6. $& ba4Jl ~ded. What -pleated aktrt abd tht!' 1,~ A veey with • self •fringe (the edge raveled)

m-!1:1! ~~ ot ~ .,.I u.i. to ~~de~~ ~ l"i<J~fb< ~ ..:.~.~ ~;:;-:~.~~ ..~:; :~:r:~c:r:?~ . ..: ~;o~ :~~~: .·. obe;. !t~'·:.::~ c::t~=in~J · .............. -toNi that .:abould ... ,n •A-". • . ._.-. .~..-tuUJ lJ1 a l~~~ de- ~ge.. Adcf• bri&hf blOi:IH 10 brint t;;di:. · ,r: ' . · ~ · ~ s- -'12'~1 lor' lf.P~~ ~ .uit4 the ~,tO. .-:J.;~tdeet ctltnaL

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Sta~ o( Nw Me~ co,) ' . . Ltic I ad·• ·.· '. • . . • >Gil. . . q • a. . . County oi Lincoln, ·. ) ·. · • ···.·. ·· " · •• . . tN 'l'BE.PROBATE' COlJl\'1', ' I • ' Mr. nd Mr~J; Jim· Greer .wer~

Matter of The Eet11te ·f .. · '· in tQW ·MpndQy to v:isit the .··. ,, · . R. Phlllipa, · 1-Jo,; liS& t. er·Gre .. r tam. iJv, . · Deceased ··. <~ •

·NOTICE OF APl>OJJ'l'M~N~ 6v · ·· Mr•· . aggie Pfingston of Nogal. was ber last F.dc.lay buyitlg some

AD MINJS.'l'.RA ';l'~IX _ · :. · .. s. ppll' ea· • · Notice is hereby giv11n tb11t on the_ lith · . day of JanuarY, 1942, tbe. undersl&ried. ~r a d Mrfl, J.taymond Davis · was appointe~ admlnlstrat"!x of the@- and chi! ren were in town Satur· tate of Pete "R. Phillips, d!!c:ease!l, ln ·the d f th ' h above named Cour£, 11nd hlfving"Q1.udifled ,ay ro ~lr ranc • as such. anyone havinj(a' .claim agatilst Mr. es Harman spent Satur· aahl estate ia hereby notl.fled to file· thl! day 1:\D Sunday in Roswell with 1ame within six mdritbs from July 24, h' t d ht M E 1

· 1942, and make proof 118 • required' by IS wo aug , ers, mel!. ar law. Reeves nd .Jack Graves, and

Rosella Phillips, their fa ilies. Admlnlstratr~x. Mrs. The~dore Hobbie and.her

John E. Hall, Attorney for Administratrix, sister, rs. Gevrge Estrella bo~J.! Carriz~o. New Mexico. of San Francisco, California ;:tre

J24-Apg,14. spendi g.t\ few days in Ruidoso St:t-eo_f_N_ow-M-ex-lco ..... ,-l ----- with S t. Hobbie's parents, Mr.

) es. and M s. Vaughn Hubbie. Sgt. County of Lincoln ) Hobbi is still s t a t i o n e d in

. IN THE PROBATE COUR'r Rawa', o.. .. In tbo Matter of Tho ~ast ) Engineer Henry H o tf m a Will and 'l'estamont of Peter) No. 521 brought the local from G. Bile, Deceaacd. )

·--· ,.

"· ..

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.. WE· IN STOCK . -

" .. -:< ·' •• •

'·~··.\ - ~ ..

.. .

1--__.:.-~-...;.....;~-------1''" ,,

: Jars a~d Tops · Fly Sprays

·Insecticides · Black~eg Vaccine Aspbait

Dehorning Paint Distemper Cure Binder Twine Harness Soap Roll Rooting


. '

. '

• ;). ,. •

. '




•• OF EXECUTRIX Mr. and Mrl• SqJD Welsh en· . •

• Natlco is licroby given tbat on tbe 12th tcrtainell Miss Rhoda Freeman our Prt"(e ( Rea'

day of May~ 1941, tho undennglled was and Corporal Lee Carl last Sun· , • J UJ ~~====~~====~--~~~~~~~·~~~-~~~~==~==~=T~--~

llOT"l'Llom UNl>Im AU'l'llORITY ·OI•' TilE COCA·COLA COMPANY BY In above named Court, nnd having Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turnttr en•


.. I . -

i ! I

I; . \ .

/ ' . ..,.

( ',

Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Company qu'alltlcd 1151Uchlanyono havJni 11 clarm tertaind Corp. Gene Dow tor din· c·o,·n·C.ola llulldlng Yandell Dlvd. ut Dlrch El Paso, 'l'cx:ns 11111~t llllld eatatc ia hereby notified to ner Sunday, .

. file tho oame within cl:t months from · ----::-'--~--:-----:-~-r----,;..' -.~ .. --: .. ~ ... 'T:;:-~·-====- Jul~ 24, 1942,,and IIJDlto proof ll'l ro· Mrs. A. H. Kudner and children

qulred bJ law. are opending the summer at their

Guar•nteed Repairing on all nwkPS cr cars •

Wa1,hin~t- Creaain~t - Caa- Oila Cliff Zumwalt Phoa• 68

LINCOLN COUNTY MOTORS, Inc. . I.ICf;NSED TESTING & ADJUSTING STATION -' •••• Scrond Period Stlckore lli'O Now Duo •• _

Allco Halo, · () 0 · • · Executrl4 "l ·· lovely ranch home.,. th~ - 10

John E. Hall, . Vcmido Gap. The1 1\Viah their ~arrt;.czo, Now Pr_!cxlco, . '- .1!.' paper sent to t~e,m" here during Attorney for Executrix. · • their visit. . ·

J24 Aug. 14. I' · Mr. Leate,r Greer arrived home

· from Santa Fe Sunday and left ·lliir FOR SALE: 1986 Diamond Tm>adny on his return trip, ac· '1.' truckt 1~ ton, with· overdrive companied by Mro. Greer. tran1mlssion a n d 6 ti~a~ cla8!1 Mro. Clyde A~tuns of Lameaa, 700120 8 ply tireD a{)~ tubes at Texas is viaiting her mother, Mrs.

~.....;.--:;.....::.·.;,.;· ·:..:.:·.~· -;.:,.··· ..;;··~;:;;.;-:..;.· · _......; __ ·;;..:·.;,.;· ·.:.:,~:;;;;·======~ low price. ~ew Mcx~co Pearl Stenrna at her ranch at No-. , 1 Mtcbanlcal Equipment aal for a few weeks. Botb ladies


·Crem Air curl Permanent

' '

At The Reil ~~ Beauty Sbo,pe



Wt• hove rec('ntly lnatnlled the (Amoua FlSHi!R permanent waving machine, the oroly one in the state '

• Co., Carrizozo. J-17-tf. were Carrizc..zo nhopping visitors

FOR SALE: B<:ed Barley Tht Titaworth Company

laot Saturday. r

Mr. and Mro. O'dell Baker and daughter Leo Adell werobcralrom Duran to ~nd Sundar.

Mrs. J. ;?.·Hobbie· of Ruidoso LOST I 5lfrt'ashioped gold pin, visited her"EliDter.,._ Mrs. Muggie

1hnped Uko leaf. Reward if re- ~·py Jaat Saturday;"' . her turned to News:offict. were her daughters Mro .

Taylor and Mra. Theodole Hobbie Salt.· Tons of 1st grad"e Stock& also Mrs. George istre\lll~and

Water wl~coer SBlt. pri~cd qt Mrs. Cnas. P~:cblea or Alto.


-=' -

E TITSWORTH CO., Inc. Capitan, N.· Mex .

R 0 L L A N D.' .. S:.




• .. WE HAVE • '·

A Cull line of cosmetiC! and face creams. All • reliable brands to beautify and embellish • Woman's natural good Jock!!. • ;.- • • • •


F.J N E WHISKIES -::: ,_,

• •

per, ton, F. 0. B. h a.k e . New ~us, Consuelo Richardson re· Mexico Salt Co., Willard, ..... Mcx; placed Mrs. W. C. Marler at the =====================::::::. wg SPECIALIZE IN THIS PARTICULAR WAVE

Crem Air Curl . ~··

• •., ' '

. '\ • I

\ ' ,. •

•· L . "-· .

.. -~- Anita Campbell, Operator--

.. RE_!.L BEAU1,Y SHOPPE -- Phcno 115

4to-July·3 · . " county superinten~t's office r-----------------·------'"-1 ----------- while tho latter r'!cuperatel from wwwwww~:,&:WW':Ao:W7r. a recent OpQration;

FOR SALE: 5 • r o o m hOUJO with bath ·two lots Mr. Manuel Corona, c o u n t y

For parlicularJ, see Benn. Hoff: commiialoner of district 1, wu

·Why Try it • Yourself?

man, Carrizozo, N. M. · here on bDBiness Saturd.lY • -----:-~----. ':"'.-.'"':",_';"""....-;:::"'-· .:-.. ~ .. -. ':":~.::"-"::-':":, -=-=--=-·-===... WW:.a&WWW>tr WWWW},I,::M Brakeman Fred Greer wu hire

When You. Can Gel

Better· Service and Quicker ~leaning


.. Wo Handle n'l Kinc'o of Stock & Chicken Ft:ed

• Also • few · !dnned Goods & 6rocerles •

• VfGA ~ffD STORf •

cz-yrs- ~r ;;--cn-· .. --:zr:z-;·:rr------·r-··::rrt,.--,..,·s:·m--n--... .. ~ " "r • · · ·•·•• . f ·- .. ; jJ

ApproyaJ Given Act To I Ev:trett M. Grantham, U~iltJ Coml?enaate Ranchera · Stnt,es. aftornoy, ann~unced that

1 Franc1e Biddle. QnitedjS~atca at

rQ~Jtns. . .. . . ~rnmct't a. usn of l~nd for a bom~


from El Paso Monday • Mr. Thornton of tho T. & G.

Grocery received a telegram from hJS son, Earl, who has betlll in San Antonio, Texas for some time. Earl was wade a student pilot in the Air <Jorps.

Na· Way Cleaner• Del.Wery and Pickup Setviee Phone • • • - - - 81 •

Dan .COnley, Jr., who .i.1 at Exp.ttt Hat CIA b1r •and Re-Blockillr • Slln Die~o Naval tra!9ing buetl·==~===================l .niSitltd his course on hia "'" . birthday and will be at home ~end five ·days' leave with hi• parenta. ·

· N'otlee llo'· . ~ - . I

B1ds are.hetebi caUed for 97 torts or eold. to lie d;ehvered to the

• . '


• •

. .

I ' ;-\ -

Wnnhington···TbCWhit~ Bouse; t~rney general, hlld named~\ ~ .. ha!i notified tho public or tho ,Jl stante for tho . federal dJsl.r.~ct prealdE>nts final approval of a bill i of New ~exh:o, Maurlee Sancb(z · providin{tcompenaaticm for K. Gdl ShniTer.. · .. . crs o~ sra~log permlta whe':l aueb i · ·. · • · . · .· . ·.·.· . · . · · · . • .·· perm1ts ~re cunctJkd for mtlitaryfsnn llllid :t would hasten the ,aQl'• ...

Announcin~ tha~ . tl~o_pr~;sld!:lt\t ~nit ~S.Il m.,tOutberirNe.w M•· 1 followin .. Sl!tooli:


. ,

·---- +.


ilad sitrncd tile lCl:ttlatmu. Ander•. a~;o. '\ ·· . -It· · ..

~==::a~:::::=::::::i:::r =. . BUY AT T·HE ' .

. · · · I. & G. Gro(ery ~torr


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' v..t t+1 • ...., ... .,. ...... ev ...... ....... fl ..... •••1411 .... i ..... ~ .............. ,.., ............ ~ ..... 4""'t.


. . •AMtt FACIU'tiES . OilliiiiiiuliiiiAJkiU. 'lttA· . . ~ . .. ·'

,, , ..

1 .Lineoln 15 tona; • Dist. 3 Ruidoeo 20 "" ·

Di11t. 4 Pie•eho 10 ., futna1t .. Dil\t. $ \Vbite Oaks-6, ~. · · Dist. S Boglec tr I) Di~t 1l Nogal 5 ,.. . .

· . 21 Ant:ho 1i " 'Dist. 35 St<ltson '20 Jt

• . Said bi9a to be fll•d •ith · .. LVJ· , .... ~ or .. 0 JonC)i( S~tetar.r, . Coun~ Board of E.ducation . t':ln ot 1o. .. t . , . . ·t~~: ore Auguat 1'" l 9'4 a ~ Th• Coun&:t &;rd '()t ~ducation hal tb• fij. ~btl to tf'Ject any or an bldt.

· · .: . · · [ • · Oli o. ~otlfl, u~ 'b·-"'" . II . ~ cliUUtatl6n- .· • C'"Mi~ •. ;N• AI.


T.WE .... .. Q:. AR

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