• ~ . , • ~ ....

. , . ' r f r ' ' '. . ' .. :·- •• .. .1·· .. i I'' . . . : . . "' .. ,-. . . ' ·'t . .. l, •• . . oil ··.r.o ram efs u : "' . . . ,_. , I · , i t·,_ J 'f ·. "' ' •'<oii -- ' . . ' \ . ' ' . . ,. · '.l'he .. CQnun'Uillty· · · ·.·· .. · untU <fare. 'ltulaQJO wa.a represente4 * . * · * ' · .;_· .. ,...,. . • i l '{; 'I . ' . mm.un ' < . • •. ' "* : * .. " ' "; ' ' ,, ' "' " . ' ... """'•·' . -,.._ ' -; ' . . . .. . .. . '.,, .. , __ , .. . !> " ' . . .. ' ., ' ,.. . - , ' ' . 8ram 'was it was . · ·W by l{ll)( <;>lMr, Lin· ·· ·.. • • . . _ ., .. "-;}U=. x!rary, JM,. ;4,' ""-m·· •. -Don·-·_..,bT 1 •• WJ.i_f! . . .. .L ! ... ·•·t:atrp;m.-_-.. :-- 7 •• ....... - - t:·: J. 'na' Gene Mrs. Pauline airport monty· OK'd •••• : , .. , Mr. Stewart Hatch. Com· Ruldo$0, was elected chaJrman Brltton and . Gerald Dean . · ·· · · · 3-day .. Llsterllng ::::h . .. 1n was preaent to Committee llas pli;\M to Jticor- Nogal: Petty, Conizozo phoned Monday. aaylnJr'tbilt the NEW . tfOS .. lTAL- ......... wu an.l Starung with regtSb'at!on · at · evaluate the program Md point porate' In Ute near tutui.'O: They Mayor, Qlen El1laon, Supt. of Federal bad. 1 .-oantni at HJ• tfm. t..,.. ;, ..... flkt\1 · out .. at ·"" lO:()() school library· oU't.Jhe versatllity of: the orsan· will Uten be ready to consldel' Schools, :fA\11 Lincoln OK'd mon<1y for Canizozo air- CoUnw Munlclpal _Holflttal; kut lay_ •..• '"PP the frent • .,.. whh on JWte 25, Carrizozo allllllJ1.l ization to meet Ute needs of applications for Federal Grants County News, Rev. Milford Mts-. polt Written confirm{ltion of will have events lasting 1}u:o\lgh the county. Also present was . ft<>m Agencies and lndlvlduals Ml'll. Irene Lindsay, Lin· this .notion hild not been l'fl<!Cl·. the ddltlttn " till• -.uiJdl!\1 haa taken. on an .,. Sundlly, June Z'l. Rodrw.· of In Lincoln County m the "War coln DPW Director, Betty Jack· ved Wednesaay· as the News that ••• lalg lmpi"'''trntnt; al .. much more ACCISSAILI· , . It was five yeal'll '1&0 tbllt . "' c e ar.e tate pervi· On ·:Poverty", '•• ·QJ.rol Beltran, and Max- went to press. FOR .,.opY. with .Warnes. at :th. hocPit•l. (News Photo) Ute ·first reunion wns held by sor for Ute Work ' Those present at thq lne Roberts wero Canizozo rep- .._ lati d ,.. and Tr(linfng Program ing were Uti) S\ICSt ... ""'"'"' Assoc on an .... Title V of .the·o. E. o. . from Santa Fe; Ste\VIU't Hatch, rescntatives, Also Mr. Oliver divfttual bave met e,AclJ Rev, Milford Misener, Chair- State Pia.nnlng and F. R. Ortiz, Vaughn ot Schools · year siftee .that time. Each tuth IJil1n f. 0 the n ...... •ect' on Arrlng Rodrlm•ez, Dept, of PUblic Wel- was a visitor at Ute meeting. ArQund the county · INSID. l'HI CAPITO 'I. - I)' Will Harrt10n . . . .. year designated for reun· . .. <> <>'" REPUBLICAN WOMEN TO ion of WI CHS clliiSCS having ' . graduated Blnce 1914 When Wl· J . . . CONVI!Ni! . IN RUIDOSO . dred. now ot ·Carlsbad, c bl v d th. A t The 1965 state convention of was the·fJrst and only senior a.. .e . ·liea· y IS ugus· of Republican Wo· to receive a diploma. · men wlll be held In Ruidoso ·of 270 'ounty offidals Lynn Brannun or Woodlahd October 30. Named to tho com. Hllls, Callt., wlU be mnster of . . ... _t _, will be mittce in ch!U'r.e of arrange· cef.emonles during the alumni Mr. Ernest Huggbln$ of Las The .·cxnct right port must not mean t,.._. a ... gn... ments werb: Mra. w. G. Shrcc· celebmtlon. Mrs. Sears 1s ex· Crue..--s was in Cnrrizozo Mon· be established. To date he has ready but 1t should follow fairly c 11 g 03 t, Mrs. Bert Pfingsten, pccted to attend. .. · day going abl!'lid wiUt plans for found' two hot spots, which will soon, Mrs. Albert Booky, Mrs. Lloyd 28 were Rep Will bo aerved the installation of cable tcle- entail n tower 75 to 100 feet Mr. Huggb.lns hill rented the VIgil, ,Mrs. Ma.x Oliver, and Mrn. SANTA FE _ Last year's · UU:ougll()ut the reglslratJoo day vlslon . here. The JegiJJ notice high. ../,. supportablo tQwcr Nickels property for Gladys Knox. More than 150 party left New Mexico Rcpub- Jn the library. A program wUl has two more weeks of 'which elm b.s moved around Is and oUieo spneo. He( worked otflclal delegates nrc expected. llcans In a bad wny tor mount- be ·held 1n Jcb'ool gym on @t!on and cqnatrucUon ls 9X· "being UJed now for lorotlon of five 'Years wfUt pro- lng a soriOU$ cbllllengo next June 26, by a batlquct peeted to start July 1. Mr. · J>C3t spot for stronucst signaL jecta. nt Las Cl'ue.."'l &iid White School lti.Hfgth •JI'Pf'OviHI year. Por.t4lcs peanut and radio mao tl1at Our Clint might be litred to accept him nftcr hnv· · Ina ruled him out of Uut 1002 governor raco. 1n the 'J.ll(t dance Huggblra buly with the task It ls expected · that tfe.ons Sands, hns 1\Jd tnUch elee- ot Lincoln County's Tho party was not only · will be at 11M! camzozo c;oUnby o! correctl,v the booit- tQ. cabla can be 'made txpcto ..... will be tlvo .chool budgm began. at swamped In the state roco but HARD TO IIAT club, er town at preient. · -,furtlng 1•1\ August. This does _.,>wo<.U 9:00 a.m. last In took n worso beating In Ule ANY DIMOCRAT . -.JI'Iut old 1Cboo1 bell has ' tho courUtQUSC, Slttlng on tho Meanwhile, RcpubUcam been lnataned· on the corner of · hearing commlltect ·wcro Uarey county courthouses, and all over Ute countl"y have the new Jcl1ool &tOW'Idl, wUl Democratic, Women A .... fclclc men••• ·· Sla • · Wugaltcr, chief or l?ubUe School• ot 270 ct>unty offlclats elect· a long· rebuUdlng ·job be .oftlclally Carr!· Tho IJncoln County Rodeo. . . CO$& Firtane3. DJvWoo.· Chl'lld Dean tt In '1004 only 28 Y.'Cl'O Repub- nt'C) big dcvelopmentt zozo .atch Sebool, fu fmte ._. I ' .,; . Aun. 1! iending a good · ot Caplttm and l{olt U>vel&eo Jn only two. small coon- aren't In llcht at th1l Ume. .. ,.u . p an orgamzataon wlshct'and &11 the luCk .In tmt • • ··. ot Corona. 'I'bo county tOtal ties, Harding and Lincoln, wu The Dunooaha nomi.QatJon WIC "'''"'"'JL world to -.Jdne In . ails hea . i wu $2,284,436. th ....... blo t t 1 t" would b.uten tho RepubUean · A. plcn,Sc \IJl Mts.lllll,y Stepbenllon, ch&IJ.'Io het piU'tlclpatlon In tho NaUon• OW . · 1: ng Ruidoso school budget Will 0 p... v a 0 con ro '' 0 recovery fu New Mexico but tt at 10:00 mJU. IW calJed a ot a1 PJntQ Korte! Queen eonttlt at $855,4.84, Cotona co;;:'{; 10 :1c':fl:t :: would be llltprlalng u Jte.. 1J tJnal mnt. ··. all 'Demotnltlc ""'Oillm' of Lin• belfll' held .In c.Jit, Phil' lt. charr..ecl Cllrritozo $304,294, Capitan $28- chlnery pUbUcan could beat Burrou&Jw l\!11. hi lta$ey s.· prea!dmt coln tor the P\l1'P()Ie ot thia week. · . . "''th ... _ -·-"- or ___ .'· 3.UG, and Uondo $2stl.GW. · or a.ey nemoc:r.t tot COT• of ,.._-' .. _"-. ·. .Alur1:1nl AIIOda• ,., tin · _ .. , ·· · .. , UK< mwv•u• ,. ....... , . ...... Dulldlng a.t both LIADINO l'IGUJtll ... - ...... ,.,.,.ec go a o •• TiUo r.- ... l'rl"•.. on tho ,.._ and ........ A b In tion, 1lra. WNt . ., ... ....,, ..... rona .n\UqVso llva Wlkl WAIHID out . ' ... .. ;- . 'l' . ,, , and · 'l'he nwtJng w111 be he14 •t OW-tf.tMtt pknk at N•t•l ou-"" tit lt\lldOOIO DoWna, 11 crtued tM aim ot 141!ll' bud· '1'b& .electton wubed out the U YIAill · the Wortley Hotel Jn Lbl<:Oln . .::<:. .... _.'lkr_._.._,._., _6 partyi U. 6• J;dlft- -••- _ . • • "' . . . : · " .._- .TWie: ...- "W "'"'""""' · cbem: lt d!Jenchanttd p.t.rty an• •uv . ...,._ .... ,. ...,.U!IU _., Room for ·· on bttta Rtretar,v of atat!, 20 th1l )'fat, the ' lt•rch atatltn at· RvW••• and Senate anu!'!M JMt ... . , wnl bethejptalter, Mra. Steph· up Can10ri.' :n1IJ J.a a ·-· "' .... ....... ., ............... ruotog,y protessonln the tel· o. Ancktaon 1ltbo btl )-'e...: I UAI wave ... .,._ ' . 11.--- -L ......... 1 . __ 11M'.tiS . · .... '*oouJil_ ... be contacted tot · athllr with an opett .-.,;.;.. h cne& ,,_ ...... mcnt of NMSU ha..-e hand.l and abttted hlJ oUlee oompetent oblerwnl thtnk 6t HlVW ,.,.._. """"'•n•u ,_ lnvl'taUon to . 0 "'"" nny ear- of a p-"""-'· -- to Philadelphia, and·ato\.'11 out • RepubUct:M wlit MYer . .. . . ltlglW t!Ot'beetuet .. .,.,.,., .... lllw ..,.,., ....... ... - Natlonnl Commltttcman lilthough they were beattla to gc,t the1l' name on ono Cor mon!) ot tl:!e to to ot!lclall, JtkhardJorlt lttor- aearcb atatlon and summer Mitchell and State Otalrman \\-'01'10 In 1936 and manapi 11) 1lt!Y, .. htsan.s ot teaching faclUty to be loetlted .Too Sk ataggt!r •. H llld-..,.\tlli&itanll-I•1Jwllrl1'tetre·--Aex·t-. -Tom who looked tor - Sixb'·Cour wu tho naUon't peeled 1o on the matttt tovrn. Consttuctlon shOUld 00 a whllo llke lin was headed for finll expcrkileo fn being .wn- Ctl.l'ly th!s week. 1n progress by tho or tho CO\"ttnfn :zu mus ru. ,. pl,·-"'- at Rut· 1000 Dr. J. n, ztmmennnn &illd. Cd to tho s e un. Me em ro on m - p ,.,. , ·.giving 'aid · to stranded Cnrrizoro . ·- Dennis w. of- the road. It wn!l trophies .to be g1vt!n to tho Lnko Arthur, n brother or G!.'<!n rolnlng hard nt Ute time. Bmd· top horses or tho &how. Tho undersheriff or Lin· loy Pulled his C3r Into tho n.nmu ot dolll)rs w1lJ be en Ute coln County, nnii Melvin Bmd· tOOthl»und lana or troUlo In and thclr hhmes will ley ot Hond<J, was seriously in· whkb tho Yb:.lrrn C3J' wn!l fae- wu.w .. '-"IW<!r Tho biological atatlon Wh«1 Wll9 al!O covetMr !or four nnd 'IV - all spoutmr: 100m , .. woollt -00- -tho. year tgrm:l._\\'n!l...PWJhi'd .snyltm. .. t111tl on P..e.PUbllcan 1 mm Bob l\Wl- nt ... 0 st•- of 41'011nd, and the Unlvcrslty'o Ito would ni'!\l(!t hili o{'ililil. enndld!UJ ruJ cno who n u• "' eomplotc summer tmchtn& pro- crct the country Into n ohoo ..... j •• b:l mcnUO!lEd througbOttt tho jured whUo · sMnu .tlld to a fntt und lett tho C3J' Ugl)ts bum· show tho public nddress stranded motorist JnU 'lllUr!:- lng AS a llght courcc tor \.\'Ork !r)tstcm. d:!.Y ninbt at Artesia. A third ror trnvcling south So to.r lite coming fn lt:l sttffeted a rodly man· ntnJck Ute rt':lt' Of Ute otaUon frotn all Pttrta of thn state M gicd right leg necessltating run- wagon, the resultlnc erosh well u West Tho show putaUon juSt nb<r;c tho ankle. ne-:lt'ly shcattd Bmdley's foot' wl11 be f'J:tljy of charge tor i'l1l Bradley, ll.CCOmp:Ul!ed by hls orr. those in watcbtrtg witc IU\13 daughter, stopped hls Glen Brndley wns in Artesia the top horses in the car north of Arteti& to gi\-'C at the Genemi earlier southwl!lt compete $t .baltar i'Ud to Sr. Jn the \\-et!k nnd Mrs. Bradley 8J\d working claue.c starting whOle amUon wagon had still· !s there now to be with tho at 9:00· tun,. on after throUgh wa· Dennis Brodley ta.mfly. • f.h...'""'nlcylng Friday nftentoon. rould 00 h ld . t Ut n THitiE JUDGES war In Allin and use tho mlll· hlcb:lrdron W!!.!1 holding a .22 r.ram w 0 n ° ARE IN DANGER tory to bully Stn!l)J C<Wt!tn• cn1.ibcr 'l'ine ond standlntt JlCru' ldoso plant. Tho p:ll'ty Js so low that the mentD, rucb M tho Domlnlcnn the body of Ca.ra of . Jant on Ute otatc RepubUc. . both men \\-'tt(! stopped on n bencl1 nrc In lrrunlrumt peril thin trod leadm!t off Hinbway Capitan. Carrizozo of bt'!lng washed out In ll{>xt COLUMNISTS CHANGE 70 onto antl past JUch!U'dsnn'a )'<'ar"a clectlon. IUT NOT THI IIUILIC homo. girls oH .to State . They oro District Paul &'t'n thounh tho natihn:ll 4d- Gonzatcs, . !'UICerlritt gunshoJ Currlroro Girls' State dele- LarrnztJlo ot Albuquerque, Cas· ntlnl!ltmUon Is doing mueh of t\muttls 1n tho h..."dd nnii below cnta left Sunday to otwnd the well NC3J of Olrlab3d and Luln what h:ul been fearro from tho left shaulder bltldc, cUed M 18th Annual Glrl!l' State at the Armijo or IAs Vegns all blnhly tho RcpubUron nominee. and Pollcem!ln Miller bent ovw to University of Nclv Mexico In oild hut not tho srune nntfott:ll cotttn'.ntsts examinn him. Albuqtterquc June 1 a- 20 enough to cet tn m;er the mmm- nn!l commentators who fias.'l:!d Miller alld 11M! l'..b1coln County W'llla Math Edgar, daughter trunnWJ Democrouc majority Gnllltvoter arc nnw £:1Yin1 only a shnrt ms. of Mr. and l\trs. Dill .Edcar of that pfullifseg to be left m.:er Johnso:n. there hasn't lk"'al CU\Y down ibe from Capitnn, wUl leave Suntby to !rom the 100! stnmpede clunce In the pub- \Wt!re the took plttce, Girls State In Albuqul!l'qtte. .ArmiJo, llJJ3 IJc fa\--or lor: the Democmuc and on and driving Gtrts• State Is llP!Insot'ed by · llll\·o llb!e to O\'Crt:Ome party. any .. sta-te polkeman heard the Atnl!dcun Legion Awcilltll)'. tfte party hnl'ltilrop, wns dan· It could toko another 16 years twt; or 1he shots whltb wero '1'h:! Pl'O;lram's obJccUvo ts a cerously iU M thls tvn5 tWltten tar the party to get b:.lck In tired. lre was at the ICSle with- prncUcnl appUcaUon of Amer· and bad sufterod llerlous tJhys- fij:Jhtlng condiUon. .Jn 4 lJlimlte or so, and Sheriff Jctmlsm nnd good cltlteruhip. fcal 1\feanwbUo there Is another Vi - ·•-A --t.-.o .it..- J•" Th •- t ....... ..... 'l1le thr.:!e P.cpubllcans sbtlre problem for both Democrats <UUVCU UJl!I'C W u&fn l (! purpose ._, 0 PfUvlut: ., .... 'fhe disftfct bettcJl with 18 DeJn• atld Jhtpqbllcnn.l to fhlnk abotlt: him- ocrots. There are no ltepub- The. deliU!illuati!d pouiblllty .ell .. 4t ........ opportttnlty to ttvo together 85 If cans on the five-judge of a tcw naUonally ..., .... , ..... ,. -•u to court. news collJJfinlata and a few Dll• .... _ s•-•- ... ,n ...... an· -ploy.. le.u,•g'OVc••w•g "" tt!lll Pl'O- ... A_ .. , an· . d TV ................... . .a..., ... ....... mote th6. un.detatandlng and ... •TY Ho··PIN. N uuuw ... u.rv ............., .. ee ot the VUlage of Ruidoso. cl r"'n. \II f4tors befug .able fo lfarttpede pmi.l patfon fn functions ot Fc»t IUitltotJGHs the naUon tn a government. \Vhat ItepubUdml lll't! el«rtlon. Werkiky at Antu• C.illtltwy The glda will elect their own }@ft think theli.< bet lles . June 19, a SattnlJiY, bi.l bH1i senab!, hOWJe of fn the J1ontlnMing !or a. at and city councils where they fonner Gov. Johrt lklrrougbs ,.,., .. ., ..... ,_ · It J"ne 21 ....................... _,. .&--.oM o•'-' ...... w.Ul vresent and argue their ,_ ............. " ........ .,._ ..... ""-6- .., ........ _WIEii' (IWt1 blllt. ' .............. ..., ..... '!'he Lfrteobt OlUI'lty Farm abel Of Glrla' Stab! aetivttles have '111e,y thtnk that. t>r. . Jack P,mtoclc ntlr8u wlU bold lt. · · .brulb pt&Mtd. .. been developed the bulc ot ctr .Ed iUmual tathet"• Day pk:nJc Ub beUet that )'OUthoqJHtn& btst • Mechem, tt _COuld. be fn· on June at 4.:00 :p;m. at ue JDOit . . . . by. tt .11 . .duced fo ,h!J ret{re.. &rt P111'1Pfell'•. RaJJcll .. • · mt,aat he· M. Tom :Bolick . Jf . tlJ. 2 west Of Honda· 011 t.M 1 . ' .. . ·. .. ., .... . . . . MDI- .... ......... . . -·-- .. · · ""*"' . - ln &t..: ..... .-.. t .. ...... ,. ........ t:. · tetfat could be revlYtcJ, might .. Hf"'"W''"" ..,_, __ a ....... _ ......... Hatfeeoy .......... . ' . we ••'!US -0 gov.,uuucu 'btat . . ·. ........ .. &'' ..... .. ... a :t:;. tru tor C«iltt1; !IIAI . . ..... 1111\4 ·'<KN . . . . . ·. . . ., ..... ===- ., · · ...... · L............. TM tottJW WOQld· H--_ .. o .. sp· ·. ·-ita-·.· · 1·.·. ·R· apart_ ·_ ·· ... · · -. lean. 81)1• WJDblto l:lt tW )1()bi .. .,. _._.,.. J;...., .,..,. .... . • .IMttoQ ft tJJ. comttitkln . •· . be.Jd tocl*y . ·s.n. cum An• vote . . '

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Post on 11-Jun-2018




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f-~-~----~-----:::-__.__ .~. "-;}U=. g-=.~-=~(:JIOQl x!rary, JM,. ;4,' i.F&~~t~~~•-~-nfng ""-m·· •. -Don·-·_..,bT1

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, Mr. Stewart Hatch. Com· Ruldo$0, was elected chaJrman Brltton and . Gerald Dean . · ·· · · · • •

3-day .. :OU:~~~:i!f:!Jl~~~~ of:~sLI=~~:y Llsterllng ::::h P~:I;P, ~~~~ Mrr~:~ ~~~~:;e~:y . ~-.-...,......~--~-~r':..,....~....- .. • 1n San~ r~ was preaent to Committee llas pli;\M to Jticor- Nogal: V~mon Petty, Conizozo phoned Monday. aaylnJr'tbilt the NEW . tfOS .. lTAL- ......... wu ~-~lif an.l

Starung with regtSb'at!on · at · evaluate the program Md point porate' In Ute near tutui.'O: They Mayor, Qlen El1laon, Supt. of Federal ~vlatJon A~ncy bad. 1.-oantni at HJ• tfm. t..,.. ;,..... ~1\J flkt\1 · out .. at ·"" L~•, lO:()() ~m. ~the school library· oU't.Jhe versatllity of: the orsan· will Uten be ready to consldel' Schools, :fA\11 P~Wton. Lincoln OK'd mon<1y for Canizozo air- CoUnw Munlclpal _Holflttal; kut lay_ ~-•..• '"PP the frent • .,.. whh on JWte 25, Carrizozo allllllJ1.l ization to meet Ute needs of applications for Federal Grants County News, Rev. Milford Mts-. polt Written confirm{ltion of ·~ will have events lasting 1}u:o\lgh the county. Also present was . ft<>m Agencies and lndlvlduals ·-~ncr, Ml'll. Irene Lindsay, Lin· this .notion hild not been l'fl<!Cl·. the ddltlttn " ~- ••~plnf, till• -.uiJdl!\1 haa taken. on an .,. Sundlly, June Z'l. ~!}j Rodrw.· ~rez, ~~Suent of In Lincoln County m the "War coln DPW Director, Betty Jack· ved Wednesaay· as the News .,.ar.~• that ••• lalg lmpi"'''trntnt; al .. much more ACCISSAILI·

, . It was five yeal'll '1&0 tbllt . "' c e ar.e tate pervi· On ·:Poverty", '•• • • ~. ·QJ.rol Beltran, and Max- went to press. FOR .,.opY. with .Warnes. at :th. hocPit•l. (News Photo) Ute ·first reunion wns held by sor for Ute Work ~rlence ' Those present at thq lne Roberts wero Canizozo rep-• .._ .AI•·-~• lati d ,.. and Tr(linfng Program u~der ing were Uti) S\ICSt • ~peakers ... ,~ ""'"'"' Assoc on an .... Title V of .the·o. E. o. . from Santa Fe; Ste\VIU't Hatch, rescntatives, Also Mr. Oliver divfttual ~- bave met e,AclJ Rev, Milford Misener, Chair- State Pia.nnlng Offi~. and F. R. Ortiz, Vaughn ~upt. ot Schools

· year siftee .that time. Each tuth IJil1n f. 0 the n......•ect' on Arrlng Rodrlm•ez, Dept, of PUblic Wel- was a visitor at Ute meeting. • ArQund the county · • INSID. l'HI CAPITO 'I. - I)' Will Harrt10n

. . . .. • year ~ designated for reun· . .. • ..,~ <> <>'" REPUBLICAN WOMEN TO

ion of WI CHS clliiSCS having ' . graduated Blnce 1914 When Wl· - · J . . . CONVI!Ni! . IN RUIDOSO

. dred. Se~ now ot ·Carlsbad, c b l r· v d th. A t The 1965 state convention of was the·fJrst and only senior a.. .e . ·liea· y IS ugus· F.W~mtlon of Republican Wo· to receive a diploma. · men wlll be held In Ruidoso

·of 270 'ounty offidals •

Lynn Brannun or Woodlahd October 30. Named to tho com. Hllls, Callt., wlU be mnster of . . ... _t _, ~• will be mittce in ch!U'r.e of arrange· cef.emonles during the alumni Mr. Ernest Huggbln$ of Las The .·cxnct right port must not mean t,.._. a ... gn... ments werb: Mra. w. G. Shrcc· celebmtlon. Mrs. Sears 1s ex· Crue..--s was in Cnrrizozo Mon· be established. To date he has ready but 1t should follow fairly c11g03t, Mrs. Bert Pfingsten, pccted to attend. .. · day going abl!'lid wiUt plans for found' two hot spots, which will soon, Mrs. Albert Booky, Mrs. Lloyd

28 were Rep Reftelbmei~ Will bo aerved the installation of cable tcle- entail n tower 75 to 100 feet Mr. Huggb.lns hill rented the VIgil, ,Mrs. Ma.x Oliver, and Mrn. SANTA FE _ Last year's

· UU:ougll()ut the reglslratJoo day vlslon . here. The JegiJJ notice high. ../,. supportablo tQwcr Nickels property for ~house Gladys Knox. More than 150 party left New Mexico Rcpub­Jn the library. A program wUl has two more weeks of publl~ 'which elm b.s moved around Is and oUieo spneo. He( worked otflclal delegates nrc expected. llcans In a bad wny tor mount-be ·held 1n \h~ Jcb'ool gym on @t!on and cqnatrucUon ls 9X· "being UJed now for lorotlon of five 'Years wfUt clec~o pro- • lng a soriOU$ cbllllengo next June 26, foll~'Cd by a batlquct peeted to start July 1. Mr. · J>C3t spot for stronucst signaL jecta. nt Las Cl'ue.."'l &iid White School lti.Hfgth •JI'Pf'OviHI year.

Por.t4lcs peanut and radio mao tl1at Our Clint might be o~ litred to accept him nftcr hnv· · Ina ruled him out of Uut 1002 governor raco. 1n the cat~tor'iwn. 'J.ll(t dance Huggblra ~ buly with the task It ls expected · that tfe.ons Sands, AJ~d hns 1\Jd tnUch elee- Hcartn~ ot Lincoln County's Tho party was not only

· will be at 11M! camzozo c;oUnby o! correctl,v l~t!J)lr the booit- tQ. cabla te~vfslon can be 'made ~~..: txpcto ~~ ..... ~o will be tlvo .chool budgm began. at swamped In the state roco but HARD TO IIAT club, er town at preient. · -,furtlng 1•1\ August. This does ,....,.,.»~~ _.,>wo<.U 9:00 a.m. last W.edncs~ In took n worso beating In Ule ANY DIMOCRAT . -.JI'Iut old 1Cboo1 bell ~t has • ' tho courUtQUSC, Slttlng on tho • Meanwhile, RcpubUcam ~ been lnataned· on the corner of · • hearing commlltect ·wcro Uarey county courthouses, and all over Ute countl"y have the new Jcl1ool &tOW'Idl, wUl Democratic, Women A .... fclclc men••• • ·· Sla • · Wugaltcr, chief or l?ubUe School• ot 270 ct>unty offlclats elect· a long· rebuUdlng ·job ~ be .oftlclally pmen~·to Carr!· Tho IJncoln County Rodeo. . . Jl~ftg CO$& Firtane3. DJvWoo.· Chl'lld Dean tt In '1004 only 28 Y.'Cl'O Repub- ~ nt'C) big dcvelopmentt ~t zozo .atch Sebool, fu fmte ._. I ' .,; . Aun. 1! iending a lo~f good · ot Caplttm and l{olt U>vel&eo ~ Jn only two. small coon- aren't In llcht at th1l Ume. ~ .. ~~to ,.u ~.-. ~.Of p an orgamzataon wlshct'and &11 the luCk .In tmt • • • ··. ot Corona. 'I'bo county tOtal ties, Harding and Lincoln, wu The Dunooaha nomi.QatJon WIC "'''"'"'JL • world to -.Jdne Klrkpatrl~ In . ails hea . i wu $2,284,436. th ....... blo t t 1 t" would b.uten tho RepubUean · A. plcn,Sc \IJl ~oral Cany~ Mts.lllll,y Stepbenllon, ch&IJ.'Io het piU'tlclpatlon In tho NaUon• OW . · 1: ng Ruidoso school budget Will 0 p ... v a 0 con ro ''0 recovery fu New Mexico but tt ~~~ at 10:00 s~ mJU. IW calJed a ~Un& ot a1 PJntQ Korte! Queen eonttlt ~t at $855,4.84, Cotona ~99.822, ~ungo co;;:'{;10:1c':fl:t :: would be llltprlalng u -~ Jte.. 1J .~ tJnal mnt. ··. all 'Demotnltlc ""'Oillm' of Lin• belfll' held .In P~, c.Jit, Phil' lt. ni~ charr..ecl Cllrritozo $304,294, Capitan $28- chlnery pUbUcan could beat Burrou&Jw

l\!11. hi lta$ey s.· prea!dmt coln ~ty tor the P\l1'P()Ie ot thia week. · . . "''th ... _ -·-"- or ___ .'· ,.~. 3.UG, and Uondo $2stl.GW. · • or a.ey 0~ nemoc:r.t tot COT• of ,.._-' .. _"-. · . .Alur1:1nl AIIOda• ,., tin · _ .. , · · · .. , UK< mwv•u• ,. ..... ..,. ...... Dulldlng program~& a.t both LIADINO l'IGUJtll ... -...... ~~ ,.,.,.ec go a pc~t o •• ~- TiUo r.-... t~ l'rl"•.. on tho ,.._ and ........ A b In ~l'. ~")'fa" • tion, 1lra. ~oe WNt ~: . x.U~ ., ... ~..;::::.........,., ....,, ..... rona .n\UqVso llva • Wlkl WAIHID out

. '

... .. ;- . 'l' .



and ~ ~ ~~ · 'l'he nwtJng w111 be he14 •t OW-tf.tMtt pknk at N•t•l ou-"" tit lt\lldOOIO DoWna, 11 crtued tM aim ot 141!ll' bud· '1'b& .electton wubed out the U YIAill · • • the Wortley Hotel Jn Lbl<:Oln ~;; ~~.:~~~-st ..:..~!!.:tt~·,_, . .::<:. .... _.'lkr_._.._,._., .~ ~ _6 partyi U. 6 • .stnt.~r; J;dlft- ~,!!Jtl~..,...._ -••- -~_·, _ .

• • • "' . . . : · " .._- .TWie: ~·tt ·e-:~'l>'.ttt;"'Mri; ~ AJ...--~ ~JD¥•' ...- "W "'"'""""' • · cbem: lt d!Jenchanttd p.t.rty an• •uv . ...,._....,. ...,.U!IU _., Room for ·· on bttta Mill~. Rtretar,v of atat!, 20 th1l )'fat, the ' ~lceru~-~~,!!.~ lt•rch atatltn at· RvW••• ~1 and Senate ~·ltobert fe~ anu!'!M blow-~ JMt

... . , wnl bethejptalter, Mra. Steph· up Can10ri.' :n1IJ J.a a ·-· "' .... ~ ....... .,............... ruotog,y protessonln the tel· o. Ancktaon 1ltbo wuh~ btl )-'e...: I UAI wave ... ~~.~ .,._ ' . 11.--- -L ......... t·1. __ 11M'.tiS ~-·· . · .... '*oouJil_ ... _· be contacted tot · athllr with an opett latt_~t~f .-.,;.;.. ~n. h cne& ,,_ ...... mcnt of NMSU ha..-e hand.l and abttted hlJ oUlee oompetent oblerwnl thtnk 6t

• ~tUne HlVW ,.,.._. """"'•n•u ,_ lnvl'taUon to ey~~:ryone . -"'~' 0 "'"" nny ear- .,,._:~:.A of a p-"""-'· -- to Philadelphia, and·ato\.'11 out • RepubUct:M wlit MYer ~-. .. . . • ltlglW t!Ot'beetuet .. ~ .,.,.,., .... lllw • ..,.,.,....... ... - Natlonnl Commltttcman Al~ lilthough they were beattla

to gc,t the1l' name on ono Cor mon!) ot tl:!e ~cs to ~

to ot!lclall, JtkhardJorlt lttor- aearcb atatlon and summer Mitchell and State Otalrman \\-'01'10 In 1936 and manapi 11) 1lt!Y, .. htsan.s ot nut~to- teaching faclUty to be loetlted .Too Sk ~ ataggt!r baclc!~.>~ll'llattr •. H

~---H·----tsc:o.,._mey.__.· llld-..,.\tlli&itanll-I•1Jwllrl1'tetre·--Aex·t-. ~*='~~rt:a:; -Tom ~lade-, who looked tor - Sixb'·Cour wu tho naUon't peeled 1o cont~ on the matttt tovrn. Consttuctlon shOUld 00 a whllo llke lin was headed for finll expcrkileo fn being .wn­Ctl.l'ly th!s week. 1n progress by tho ~r or tho CO\"ttnfn orn~. :zu ~- ~cd bY~ mus r:J~

ru. rn~-•~·li, ,. pl,·-"'- at Rut· 1000 Dr. J. n, ztmmennnn &illd. Cd to tho s e ~~. un. Me em ro on m - p ,.,. , ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ·.giving 'aid · to stranded Cnrrizoro &mU~. .

·- ·~ro~=·~~a:~:m/ta~ Dennis w. B~cy, 52,~ of- wr·~~ the road. It wn!l trophies .to be g1vt!n to tho Lnko Arthur, n brother or G!.'<!n rolnlng hard nt Ute time. Bmd· top horses or tho &how. Tho ·Bradley~ undersheriff or Lin· loy Pulled his C3r Into tho n.nmu ot dolll)rs w1lJ be en Ute coln County, nnii Melvin Bmd· tOOthl»und lana or troUlo In trophf~ and thclr hhmes will ley ot Hond<J, was seriously in· whkb tho Yb:.lrrn C3J' wn!l fae-

wu.w .. '-"IW<!r Tho biological ~ atatlon Wh«1 Wll9 al!O covetMr !or four nnd 'IV - all spoutmr: 100m , ~~~~=:.s=~lt~ .. woollt -00- ~nduckd -tho. year tgrm:l._\\'n!l...PWJhi'd to~ .snyltm. .. t111tl ~dlculo on th~ P..e.PUbllcan 1

mm Bob l\Wl- nt ... 0 st•- of 41'011nd, and the Unlvcrslty'o Ito would ni'!\l(!t hili o{'ililil. enndld!UJ ruJ cno who w~~~ n u• "' eomplotc summer tmchtn& pro- crct the country Into n ohoo ..... j


b:l mcnUO!lEd througbOttt tho jured whUo · sMnu .tlld to a fntt und lett tho C3J' Ugl)ts bum· show ov~ tho public nddress stranded motorist JnU 'lllUr!:- lng AS a llght courcc tor \.\'Ork • !r)tstcm. d:!.Y ninbt at Artesia. A third ror trnvcling south

So to.r i!ntrl~ lite coming fn lt:l sttffeted a rodly man· ntnJck Ute rt':lt' Of Ute otaUon frotn all Pttrta of thn state M gicd right leg necessltating run- wagon, the resultlnc erosh well u West T~ Tho show putaUon juSt nb<r;c tho ankle. ne-:lt'ly shcattd Bmdley's foot' wl11 be f'J:tljy of charge tor i'l1l Bradley, ll.CCOmp:Ul!ed by hls orr. those tn~ted in watcbtrtg witc IU\13 daughter, stopped hls Glen Brndley wns in Artesia the top ~ horses in the car north of Arteti& to gi\-'C at the Genemi H~!tol earlier southwl!lt compete $t .baltar i'Ud to ~o ~ Sr. Jn the \\-et!k nnd Mrs. Bradley 8J\d working claue.c starting whOle amUon wagon had still· !s there now to be with tho at 9:00· tun,. on .1~ ~. I~ after tl'av~lltlg throUgh wa· Dennis Brodley ta.mfly. •

f.h...'""'nlcylng Friday nftentoon. rould 00 h ld . t Ut n THitiE JUDGES war In Allin and use tho mlll· hlcb:lrdron W!!.!1 holding a .22 r.ram w 0 n ° U· ARE IN DANGER tory to bully Stn!l)J C<Wt!tn• cn1.ibcr 'l'ine ond standlntt JlCru' ldoso plant. Tho p:ll'ty Js so low that the mentD, rucb M tho Domlnlcnn the body of G~c!. Ca.ra of . Jant RepubUc~ on Ute otatc RepubUc.

. both men \\-'tt(! stopped on n bencl1 nrc In lrrunlrumt peril thin trod leadm!t off Hinbway Capitan. Carrizozo of bt'!lng washed out In ll{>xt COLUMNISTS CHANGE 70 onto antl past JUch!U'dsnn'a )'<'ar"a clectlon. IUT NOT THI IIUILIC homo. • girls oH .to State . They oro District Judge;~ Paul &'t'n thounh tho natihn:ll 4d-

Gonzatcs, . !'UICerlritt gunshoJ Currlroro Girls' State dele- LarrnztJlo ot Albuquerque, Cas· ntlnl!ltmUon Is doing mueh of t\muttls 1n tho h..."dd nnii below cnta left Sunday to otwnd the well NC3J of Olrlab3d and Luln what h:ul been fearro from tho left shaulder bltldc, cUed M 18th Annual Glrl!l' State at the Armijo or IAs Vegns all blnhly tho RcpubUron nominee. and Pollcem!ln Miller bent ovw to University of Nclv Mexico In m~sful oild ro~p,....Jed hut not tho srune nntfott:ll cotttn'.ntsts examinn him. Albuqtterquc June 1a-20• enough to cet tn m;er the mmm- nn!l commentators who fias.'l:!d

• Miller alld 11M! l'..b1coln County W'llla Math Edgar, daughter trunnWJ Democrouc majority Gnllltvoter arc nnw £:1Yin1 *~PH w~ only a shnrt ms. of Mr. and l\trs. Dill .Edcar of that pfullifseg to be left m.:er Johnso:n. there hasn't lk"'al CU\Y ~ down ibe hlg~~Way from Capitnn, wUl leave Suntby to !rom the 100! stnmpede ~ble clunce In the pub­\Wt!re the m~ took plttce, Girls State In Albuqul!l'qtte. Jud~e .ArmiJo, llJJ3 Wfl()'mtnt~t IJc fa\--or lor: the Democmuc and on ~trng and driving Gtrts• State Is llP!Insot'ed by · llll\·o ~>tal llb!e to O\'Crt:Ome party. any .. ~-sta-te polkeman heard the Atnl!dcun Legion Awcilltll)'. tfte party hnl'ltilrop, wns dan· It could toko another 16 years twt; or 1he shots whltb wero '1'h:! Pl'O;lram's obJccUvo ts a cerously iU M thls tvn5 tWltten tar the party to get b:.lck In tired. lre was at the ICSle with- prncUcnl appUcaUon of Amer· and bad sufterod llerlous tJhys- fij:Jhtlng condiUon. .Jn 4 lJlimlte or so, and Sheriff Jctmlsm nnd good cltlteruhip. fcal lntfl~l.'mt'nt. 1\feanwbUo there Is another Vi- ·•-A --t.-.o .it..- J•" Th •- t ....... ..... 'l1le thr.:!e P.cpubllcans sbtlre problem for both Democrats .....~~:.~ <UUVCU UJl!I'C W u&fn l (! purpose ._, 0 PfUvlut: .,.... 'fhe disftfct bettcJl with 18 DeJn• atld Jhtpqbllcnn.l to fhlnk abotlt: ru~ ~ him- =ls~lnfot~~~=:~ ocrots. There are no ltepub- The. deliU!illuati!d pouiblllty .ell ~ .. 4t........ opportttnlty to ttvo together 85 If cans on the five-judge sup~ of a tcw naUonally ~cated

..., ....,..... ,. ---·~ -•u to court. news collJJfinlata and a few Dll• .... _ s•-•- ... ,n ...... an· -ploy.. le.u,•g'OVc••w•g "" tt!lll Pl'O- ... A_ .. , .,...'!lr~_ an· . d TV ................... . .a..., ~· ... ....... ~· mote th6. un.detatandlng and ... •TY Ho··PIN. N uuuw ... u.rv ......... ...., .. ee ot the VUlage of Ruidoso. cl r"'n. \II f4tors befug .able fo lfarttpede

pmi.l patfon fn functions ot Fc»t IUitltotJGHs the naUon tn a ~tJat government. \Vhat ItepubUdml th~ lll't! el«rtlon.

Werkiky at Antu• C.illtltwy The glda will elect their own }@ft think theli.< ~t bet lles . June 19, a SattnlJiY, bi.l bH1i senab!, hOWJe of re~tlltiv~ fn the ·~u J1ontlnMing ~ !or a. ~c!at at and city councils where they fonner Gov. Johrt lklrrougbs ,.,., .. .,.....,_ · ~ It J"ne 21 ....................... _,. .&--.oM o•'-'...... w.Ul vresent and argue their ,_ ............. "........ .,._ ..... ""-6- .....,....,~,. • ..,........ _WIEii' (IWt1 blllt. ' ~~~. .............. ...,..... '!'he Lfrteobt OlUI'lty Farm abel

• -~ ~ ~ ~ Of Glrla' Stab! aetivttles have '111e,y thtnk that. t>r. . Jack P,mtoclc ntlr8u wlU bold lt.

· · . brulb ~ pt&Mtd. ~ .. been developed the bulc ~. ot Albtique~1 ctr .Ed iUmual tathet"• Day pk:nJc ~--would Ub ~ ~would. beUet that )'OUthoqJHtn& btst • Mechem, tt ~ _COuld. be fn· on June ~ at 4.:00 :p;m. at ue JDOit . .,~. . . . by. dobt~ tt .11 llO!t•~ . .duced fo ~~ ,h!J ret{re.. &rt ~ P111'1Pfell'•. s~ RaJJcll ..

• · IJetega~ mt,aat he· fn~ ~t. M. Tom :Bolick . Jf . tlJ. 2 nille~~ west Of Honda· 011 t.M1

. ' .. .


• .. tiltt~ .,.... . ~ . .

. -~

MDI-.... ......... . .

-~--------,. -·--

.. •

· · ""*"' . - ln &t..: ..... .-.. t .. ......,. ........ t:. · tetfat could be revlYtcJ, might ~ •·~~t .. Hf"'"W''"" ..,_, __ a ......._ ......... Hatfeeoy .......... . ' . we ••'!US -0 gov.,uuucu 'btat ~ . . ·. • ........ ~"· .. &'' ..... P411~ .. ...~ ...

a :t-r::r'~~~ ~J!n.~~~~~~: aon~~~i'lf=-~ :t:;. ~an:ru4: ~~~~ ~.Wt.t_~ ~~~P:~t~~ ~~-10-t. f!.~~-~·t'f!'~ tru tor ~ C«iltt1; lit:~ !IIAI . . ..... 1111\4 ·'<KN . . . . . ·. • . . .,..... •

-~-~w.s;nb,tt: .=~~are~~to ===- . , · · ~ ~&.o~..J: ...... · L............. TM tottJW .~ WOQld· H--_ .. o .. sp· ·. ·-ita-·.· · 1·.·. ·R· apart_ ·_ ·· ... · · -. ~='·~~-~ ~- lean. 81)1• WJDblto l:lt tW )1()bi ..

• .,. _._.,.. J;...., .,..,. .... • . • .IMttoQ ft tJJ. comttitkln ~ . •· . be.Jd tocl*y . ·s.n. cum An•

--~Jet.· ~t• vote

. .


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.. ' ,. ' '

-·Mr. and Mrs. Roy'lha• ·f•r are to be honored Iunday afternoon from 3

wflttllng anniversary, The "r:ty 11 ' ' ,_. held at the Carrizozo Woman'• Club, ~~~ • frf~a are lnvft141 ,o •t.tend tht open hoult tJuwg6 thfl anraocmctment In lieu of formal ln.vlhtlons.

to 6 o'clock at a reception marking th•lr 50th

Womans is reception · seHing The Carrizozo WolllllJl'o Club

Ia to bo tho cet tina of a recep­tion honorlnrt Mr. and Mrn. Roy Shufcr next Sunday from 3 to 0 p.m. Mr. und Mrs. Shafer wlll note their aolden nnnlvcroury on thin date.

They were mnrrled on Juno 20, 1915, In Middletown, Ohio and moved to New Mt!xleo 111 l!JlO. '1110 Shnfol"ll made their homo at tho llnll-Wny House Rnnrh, now owned by the Ann· strongJJ, but nt tbnt tlmo tho property of Cynw Farrlllworth. Fnrnaworth was Mr. Shnfcr'o uncle. Tho couple Inter moved to Oto Deep Well Ranch ncar Cnrlabnd, also owned by tho late Mr. Farnsworth. In tho early 30s they moved to Cnrrl· :ow whcro tboy havo resided tlntll tho pl't'Sent tJmo. Fot somo yoara Mr. Sh!lfor owned aru1 opemtcd an nutomabllo osmcy In Carrizozo and ll curnmtJy tho owner of ll feed atore tJ.rm tn that clty.

Tho Sbafero bnvo not Issued formal lnvltatloll!l to their open houllo but wish nll their friends In the urea to help them cele­brate their 50 · yearo of marrt­nuo. 'fhey rcquc:Jt Um t glfta be omitted,

All of the Shalcr'o eblldrcnr namely Mrn. Johrmon Stcnma ot Carrizozo; Mrs. J, B, Howell ot Roswell; Robert Shaler of

Subscribe to the · Lincoln County News. The news­paper for oil the Co.unty. .

' ~

. Carrizozo: and Mrs. Don Young of Littleton, Colo. plan to at­tend their party. Al5o planning to be present nro their nlno crondchlhlron and one ~t-srandchlld. .

• Tho Shatcrs arc mcmbetl of

tho C11urch o~ Car-rizozo. ;i '•

• P11,51UIGH hnset ltlteator Lattx

* * * Bonito ly LouiN Coe Runnels

Fislr were again planted In Dohlto Lake and Blue 1Io1c a­bovn Bonito Lake, 1 did not got the nmount ·week, but wo aro glttd to get fish .to help aattsry the many flshcnncn.

Four Inches ot snow· fell on Slerro Blanro lnst week. In Orchard Po.rk (tho old Greer­O.rcllard) above Donlto Dam somo boy IICOUt. v;erc. cam~ nnd repottcd. good bntd leo au ·nroo,nd their cs,mp was tound tbo mornlnlt ·after the anow on

•Baldy. l I '· Allee Wnght tram nnllark

Canyon made a hlulneta trlp to Capitan Iut Wttlc.. . . •

Robert Powell llu been hOme 1n Cat~llan tot a !WI'da).-1 Wlth 1111 da4. t.eo. llobert a.n4 aunt ~~.~lAO. Robett.w111..U ltabt lOOn from a-n~: he'-,·~ rnar1nt.

• . .

• . . . ·' ' ,, .

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··Heavy I · gecl · Beef ... •

ROUND AOIIH• CQIIl'~HS. . ........ ....,

~.--. .... ·'. '-'""'


U S D A Government _lnsp·ect. Beef •

.I.OIN t.oiH C:OHJ' AllfS

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.,. Sltlh • JiiWolhk



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• • •

WAlt PAINT awlk n.vm trom Ruldolo

~!~:::: -o~s.D.A. -~C·HOlCE ~ ·u.'S.D.-A. GOOD " '



49 •

·.Choose- from white .Jnd 1,000 ~JorJl •


We Give S & H Green Stamps

A IUIJtllltn fntm CMIII Chaptit' - C.W .. U• ef Ltnc.ln Cecmty


. .. ,, ' .

CApitan and nrece n. Wm· ... FU· .·. LL'. sa· liUl'll! lJtwlC ~ ~·~to~1b~e :· =~,.....--.:......_~ ~

HINDQIIARmts 124 ttt 175 U... Aver,.. ........ ....... -..... "- ,.,... 67c FOREQUARTERS~ • Ulh17H.k A-. dUU '"" - ..

~JI~.~-~ .. #0~-·~-~~-.. p--·-----67c •

RIIS . l9c 7 RfH • 1tlnch Cut ··-------t'OvM .·

~~,!:~.~~ •-<>A-n --•-••-= -·--•.,-• •-•u-" •' L4t=

FoOd U. S. D. A.·


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HINDQUARTERS 125 t•175 Lk. Averlft ~ ......


CHOCKS · .: ·e=· ·. . - • )j,.

Jtwnll ~-··••' lr ,., ., ,. u1uae ,.,.-..-~--. .. •.c;,rs· ••u~~ ' '

Cui: Bahy leef htspected ••• ,


53c 125 h 225 Lk A'lltat• ,., ... ,. • • * •

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$ •

75 te n• u... A.....-. 6·.7.*" n tent u... A..,... 6,· .. ~, Pevnl • .. • • .. . " P•rJftill ,.. " • " .. 4·

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P•~~·-12.oz. Pk9. , , • ·

EESE Kr.,. A-at Full Cream Longht>rn. • • u,.Wf', -

SltCetl lfiCIJfl ~~°King • • • • • Lb. lfC • .. LUNCH MEAT

'•ylon Del Norte or · Glover's Chue• Wagon 3 {loOt. Glk 7 Verletlu • ,. • • • Pk9. 07.-

.,HRIMP COCKTAIL Sau Se11 Froun 3 00£ 4·0z. Glau • '. , , • f11r 07.-

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. TASTE ·O'SEA • Fl1h Stlc~o11Zo • Catfish Sticks-a-or.

Shoulder .. food Mut Q11ality

Agtd Beef • • • • • Lb. • :·o•dtd Perch or Haddock Portlons·IO.W. -• 119 4 Slt1b-IO.ol.. ,.,

2 for 7'J¢ •

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KraFt's Proces$td Chetft Food • • • • • •

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Mountain Pass No.303Ctn •

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P. . a be. C.lifct11la Ne>r Crop ~ ' . -e c s oft• f!.I'IC1 Red C.idiea!s U,, 1.7 r " " .....

lvllr leal Vldell

Lb. Loaf




Oreo· CoekieS ~~~Ad~ •• ~ ... ·• ·• ~· Calg01 · '

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10., GtrberStraintd 10 lfOO Fruits lr Vtgs. . . .Glass Jar • • • • for .

ft.l!~ II,UJ!'S VliVItaSiietd ' s·- -.,,00.' r"l:ft.,Fflij No.1V2C.n •••••••• - for

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VanCamp No. 300C.n

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Controlled Atmosphere • •

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Red Delicious

• • • • Lb.


Liquid; Cleaner ~~~~ . . . . . . . . . " .

· Swettt.fitk · ·· I . ~, .... ~.,~lilY ,. 2'$, l$tJM •r htt!lfll'll~ en • • hr ' .

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t~~JW~~~;;;~ ( ·· ... ; ~ ........ ····· ··· ''' Olf' r.t~..,~~~ $'£~~ ~to1P<I-~~~~ s:.Z·~~~: (I COUN'JY OF LIN'COI..N " Oft$fi1Jcti011 ·. ; . ~Wltb~~rr:l'~ynef~ 'i~upelt trc!:~fitfl~,. Z;f.: < -~. ~~omef9.W~· ~ ~ .:.ij ()f tli~ :r~ X>~! 1 ~

In the matter of ~ . , ,, . ··:· .•.. ·, ....• "'"., .. . .•.• ~·: ···~-:~.· Uy !.~t.'l';.:A,l~~r., -~ l?;i:nmt4~m~~.::&,f!!J~ ·~~~:~~~hfl.:=.·f~~l~i.~···~~~-··. ,•: The estate' of· • ~No llbi east .,~ .. turnoff.:, . :'t:, ·.!'2e~i '•a"'es't· ·~~~··. ~~~~!tts·~=,!~,,&lf!!· ·e!-z~~~~,¥..;Y~·tn~g. ~·. a..t~::~~:.~~=~-=~ HENRY A. BOSH, ) . • . . ' .. . . . ~J""~· ''!-~HI, 'l ' ""' ,..,......,,. . YR ""· ..... ''"'' JV~ -~ ,. e • .m.\1!!• .. ~. ''"""'q ·... .. . ..... ., ~~ 3t N1!lSt1 on.· J~ 15. Ro.' .

, . .. ~ . . .· ... .··. . .......... " . ! . .. IUlil hl:r ~1\U~n, IU19 Ul!!Jf $Qn, • h91Jt mtil Mst.e!IS. f9~ ~~ ~v~ w U. . .• · . . . · :: . · . Plmlr. son. o! l'!!l\ Md ~ •. r~:r .. > The con~~tntctlon. c:o.mpany .J• ForW.~-~1'Jlu~y. . • :. lln.tCbi.J fmtll,Y.<~t QkmbP~,· ~ng:. ,Ji:vecyone.,welc;:o~, . 1 . , .Cintb!.~ ~f.WAA.~ bM ~;,w .t9.. m1n l!a~h~, :r«etv~ ·hfl.. ~.. 'J.

Deceaaed . • . • • > . ... going great gwt~ em tli~ · hlsh:- · .A®. ~ttms: .Ute, AJ~~d(;!~ . vtslt.e(t with. JacWe $1Jve.t1 )Mt ·. / .. ~'W. em-~ Hlilm~ ,E!Jld h~l . . ~tul . .the ·~m- .m QQito!-1$ · chelor of Scl~nce ~~·· .Pl ci- ' NOTICE OF HEARING way trom t® NoJtal tWnott w .. wl!* ltowatd. McP(inald 0~ ~'l'u· .Tuffi41W 'nl!! ltob~. Wf:te on. .. · ~n, ~a, le~t tb!J 1W With JJ:er. bmtbe:r; l}~f:l Sim~ . , W1' e.n~ee:rJng; lt~ ~~ t9 \ UPON FINAL RE~ORT the new c;gnstructlQIJ on In.dl!m ltu'<lsa.. . . . · ... · . . . t.Mlr. way to ~mlng and. otller • ~ to ~ with b~r Jl!.Qtlle.r, . ch!!Z ~mci ~~. .· · . . ·~ An~etes atwr m4untloJi; · .· .

. AND ACCOUNT Of Dlvfde. Now, Jf an!f when,the .. 'l'tl~ wo.~ll ~f NojW,wiU ·~· })()In~ h1 Nlilw M~c;o to visit M~. W. R. ~dall, at .GlQ~, Mr~~, Miste() Cbav~ went to · · , · ···· · · · · ADMINISTRATRIX road Is PllVCil trom r{ogal W .. J:Hmt· WE:dtt~y, ~mo life ifQ- • friend$- M4 re)atJves tmcl alSQ ~:I;Oilll. ~. ~dall J"eCe~~y vtslt .her da1,1gliter and ~oris fn . .-..... _....,......;,.,..,._ .......... ...,.; ...... ..;;,.,.._.._,...

STATE oF· NEW-~MEXIcro ;Angus, NogahVUl;tave-all"Wea"' 1ng-i(t1hct""l'l'ellbyte~n\eeUng· -~~~t.end to--b~~s- nm.tte~r·.--" ~~rw~nt:-4!~ecy~. . . ... , ·· · -~ornt ·to· · te - w ···RK. ·· ·· · · · · ··-· ..• T· ··Q .. ·p -·. ·, TO: Mo1llc L. Bosh, Jerry Odell thor roads 1n. all !llrectlons. On ln~sweU M,f}. ~JJIO t!) the~~· ·-Till! -1-·JJ CJql) membel'IJ ll.r!il 'l'bete w!l~:b¢ .n.o JJ«itlng: for. . .. . ·.a .. r ~ W, .. ~ .. ·' · Bosh, Ann Bosh Sthonl!r, Elva Monday we .a.w a plane at tbe . ch~.. Pr.elibY'terian . Wo~tt'• erooYinc th~ ~w.ltriJn!rl~ lei!SQ~ . tM next twq ·.a~: th~·wiwkif~ · .~. A.Ifxo~l ~k .JS ~ting •·. · --~· · · · Bosh Taylor, and to all un- turnoff where one of u~. of· fin~W!lng~ . . . . .·-. . . everY .Mon~. 1rom 9:3Q tq.. •· ot, until'Mr~~.J!olmgt"e~ ~Wrnll bJs wif!ls relii,tiv~ hererm. the ·P co' .r· E .. · C.· r·· .. ··l·.·a· ·. ·N. known pei'SOns claiming any flcltus landed fC)ra_qulck trip· ( Peey,'Zumwalt ot Cllpftt111; l.l!ao .. ~eyate.bCin~,bllitru~~: ft»m~ona.OJk-YQI.!IIIO>~Ple v!i),lwashlswlt'e~!lcy'paS$P.d .n . · lien upon, or right, title · or then took off again and we saw 1•has 11t~eq A lllble .at\.ld.Y' stQUP by ~. >U'f!.rlon·. Spencer, :Mrit.. b~ve' e!ljo)'ed ; ~qtb.)g th~ pAJt a. way JUne ll.~t l*len Mel was · Interest In or to the estate of him 111 Cnniz~. . •tJn: NoSIU v.nd they·he·ld th~lr Nancy l(nlg}}t' and tlle PQOl. tew W®ks 'witb Mt'; litlcl MfS. 'bwu~ht to. mil Sijn P~tr.\clo i' mill decedent. Warm weather Ia finally ar· f!l'JI~ mei!tlnjt .In~ t"~ borne I ,of nmJUJge~, MJ', EviUU!. • llotm~n in. .ch!U'ge 11t Corona Cem,etccy. ' . ·

For You.r_·car · In Every Season GREETlNG: riving, wo hope, as of Sunday, Mrl!, D!llT~le,r,w Stewarl ·'l'hUQl.•. ~ •. Md 1'4rs. ,'l'om JJingham Schpql gyro. . · .. . · · . , . The RomeJ:"O Funeral- J{ome

NOTICE ts HEREBY GIV- so maybe It wlll stay warm. 'day. 'l'Jle nejft meeting 'Will'® hosted a b\lffet 1uncll in their M J ~ D vltl$ S bad was in ch~e ot the burial an~ EN that Mollie L. Bosh, Admin- . Ttuirc was a temflc amount or held at the chtJrch on friday home tbili Jll,lSt .aun!lay, Those. her r:rste~ anda broi:er-l~-ltl ··· a mass wall give~ ~ather Lil ,iJ!tratr.!x qJ tho~tAtc. otflenl')' __ trnttlc thru Nogal .thtL.pnst. at 7:30 p.ltl, Evecyone ill· wei- attending were Mt. a~d ¥m. Mr nnd' · ·· · · W:• Bra~~. ~fflcl.a~ ... · · -~ •. A. Bosh, deceased, has filed her week. A lot of people are tak~ comll ro.¢me. . · . . · . 'E ;(; Harkey of, Aneho, Mrs, . ' .. c e At this moment we are· tr· AdFinumil 1Rtmc~r~ an~ ~':o':!:..: ~~gl .. n.~van~ .. se

1ob:e .s.~ehnt11c. _··Mr •. and '!4rs. ~~phJ.>I!J!l!iP •. · .M~ma.!'Ct M~tlf¥1. }i"nf1 __ c~~~~r _ !':~h~~~~~<ls~..:~~ch~1:i .. ='L! ;~';i ::~e:~~lcri ·-·~

n s r x o 11 ~ , ur ve over .,oga _ yon w e vlslt.ed with soroe old friends ·of 'Alamogordo, Mrs. ma,I?Q.e week: The 'Haroca.stles w ·(in. m · · . "' ... ~c · · together wllh her Petition for all the road construction 1s· from Clmmo..~on Thursday Jn :Espy ancl Ml'JI. Taylor Woody route to .Aikanlias to ~f: . · makes our volley ·look M· beau. . Dlnchargc, and for a Detennin· going .on 380 and also nedr . Carrl2:ozo, Mrs •. Bill J.JttreJ and of Carrizozo. A~o the Jack :rru. other slst r · v · nn tlful as a picture. · ntlon of tho Heirship of eald Ruidoso Downs, Mrs, Peggy ~robert, The wo-- ltbl, the Ted l'ruitt famUy, Mr. e • . · decedent, and the Proballl Court ·Our space men are back to men had been. on n shOpping ·an4 Mrs. Dee Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack ?Iolmgren The LincQin C9unty News of Lincoln County, New Mexico, earth once more and receiving trip to El J;'aso ·for tllelr curio children, Mr. anci Mrs. Larry nne\ Mrs, Holmm:.ens father, hWJ rixed !he 29th day of July, their many honors, most of the store then had pickup troqble Gi<>annlni . and boys, George Earl Rope;, ot CoronaJ and Mrs. Publlahtd Tbunclay fn Carrizozo, N. M, 1965, 11 t the hour of 10:00 A. country has had from one to from El Paso to . Carrizozo. l;lust and Mrs. Dolly Hust . and Holmgren s ·sister and brother- Second Clan Poatc;sgo Pqlcl M. ot tho Court House at Car· 2 Inches of rnJn- but the No· Ralph helped them get their son; all of Tularosa. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley At Ca"llozo, tww Mexico rizozo, N~>w Mexico, as Ule gal area - llO everything seems pickup fixed, tpo.k them to sup. Mrs MarilYn Gloonnlnl nncl Weehunt· of Alamogordo were Pllul w. P~•" " Etlltor time, place and day for hoar- right with the wor.l.d for a pt1l': and had a very enjoyable boys ~f Tularosa ·accom~ed flshlt)lJ at Elephmt ~utte Lake Paul W. • J;lf-r Payte~n • PubllaiM" ln!t objections to said Report, while. visit. her parents, the E. L" Harkc;Va, the past weekend, . Eleat10r Payton· Society Eclltor at said tlroo and place, the Mrs. Bob FltzQPtrlck and The Nogal UPW was held In hom(\ for several days visit, On Eve~ Zumw,.Jt - City lleport., Court wlll proceed to determine family returned to thel.r homQ the borne of Mrs. Darralenc Mond!V}' of this week, Mr.. and · COIIItESPQNDINQ JDITOIIS the hclmhlp or those claiming In LWI Cruces otter qcveral Stewart Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Richard }lorkey and boys, Pat · · · ALTO - ;AJJqn ·IJMaiiiHil the estate, the ownemhlp of wcclcs stay with her grnndpar· There were 10 women and 3 Donnie and Kenny·· of Duluth · .ANc;llO- larbcwa Harllty th" '-'11taw nml thl' lntel'Cilt of enta, Mr. and Mrs. A. P, Sitton. children present. Mrs, Coye Minn." orrtv.ed ·to SPend n wcel~ · CNI'I'.AN- Monlatot ~ l'orh rt'llJil'Ctlvc cluimant thert'· Her husband came up after his Wandell led ~e devotlorml and with Richard's parents, ~se . ly Lola R. Chavez C:1AUNCH - Ietty U.liba in or thcrt'lo, and the pernonn family. I Jcnow the Sitton home Olin Dillard led the study from and · Sparkey Harkey, They COIIONA- Effl• Mulltty l'ntltll'd to the dlatributlon ia 11 lonesome place now, "All Men Are ~". drove In rain almost aU the Mr: and Mrs. Amarante Cha· fOIIT STANTON- 01111' Spart" th.?rrof · • Alva John Lncklzy ut Pinon MT. Arrel Posey and MT. 6eo. ttme 'tllllYwcrC" on tbu l'()ad. vez, Bobby and Mleh~l-hnve- HONDO.:.. E.Y.!1~ 0111"''"'1... .

II FJCrC'd JonC'II, whose ad· lu staying Indefinitely with his Warner of· Las Cruces called And don't, we wish that We had raturncd from a two· week's UNCOLN- lin. fdsar Phllllpt drC'ns 111 Box 415, C.arrizozo, J.'l'nndparcnts Mr. and Mrs, A. at the Dunlop home Thursdwy. eo~ ot ,fuat wet stuff? vacation In Carripbell, Calif., Negbl - Ro•oll• Dunlap N~>w Ml'xlro, Ia the ntwmey P. Sltwn, to help them with Mrs. Oma Nagy Is In ·the- . ·MI'Jl. Vernon lieflccr, the for- whete they vl!lltcd with Mr. SAN PATRICIO- lAlla 1• Chave• for lht• Admlnlstn1trlx. tht•ir orrhard. Providence Hospital In El Pllllo. mer Eft~ D:lle, and her niece, and Mrs. Sam Grijalva and SUISCIIti'TfON ltATES

TI!f:HEFOHE nny person or There were eight reoldenta She Js the d9ughtcr of Mr. nnd Sue Dale, or AJrunogordo vlnltcd tlaughter Llbby - and on" to Ou!Jicle Unctlll C4vflly $4.2S • Yeor Jwrnono wiohin£! to object are of NOJ!Bl who attended tl¥J Mrs. L. R. LaMay, the Pl'lce.Mlllf,rn lnst week and Delmont, Cnllt. with Mr. and In Unceln C:.ulll)l $3.50 • Year twr:•by nollfied to tile their ob- nehool budget hearlnr. In Car- Mr. and Jerry Kennedy and al!lo stopped for a chat with Mrs. Don Kelman and c:hiJcircn, Per eon_,...._., ,, ___ Uc

Change Now To TROP·ARTIC*

Motor Oil - ~·


Cliff's Service QukJ<Itrvlu·O,...'ftt'


jl'Ctlonn wi01 the Court Cleric riwzo last Wednesday, Those Mnrlt were overnight r.uests of Jacklo Silvers. Kenny, Kelly lltld Gary. 'l'tley · nf Lint'oln County, New Mcxi· attending were Mr. and Mnt. Mr •. Md Mrs. Mert Zumwnlt · went to San Fnuicwco and· Oak· .-~-----.;....-------------....;,. ro, heforo the time net for thl' Ralph Dunlap, Jim Snow, Mert Saturday then they journeyed · 1 lmd. They reali.Y enjoyed their PAlMER OPTICAL SERVICI henrtnu. Zumwalt, Phyllis Zumwalt, Dar- to Roswell to pick up Jerry's c trn1n trip, and e;lll(lclally To·

WITNESS my h'md and ecru ralcnc Stewart, Opnl Greer. mother, Mrs. Grace Mitchell no ·o r 0 n a hncbnpe Pll!ls, . • thln lOth dny of JUM, 1965. Uttlc Lcannne liayea of Ft. she could vlslt with them tor • Darlene Chavez went with

9J6 H~olf """"' AlAMOGOIIDO "'- 437-4UI • lVII WI PJliiCJUmOHI C'IL'-ID •111tt G~IU.


/a{ lnlco Hunt Bayard visited with .her crmtd a week fn Las Cruces. her parents to Callfomlt\ and , Uncoln Cpunty parents:, and Mrs. Walter Ralph Dunlap nttmldcd the . ly lffhl MuJkty r ___ ,!,.~'~'':!'•~•::••:!,f!OI~•!:••:••:!:"'~·~o~,.~"":!:•~-:·~J~I~Y~•:III:!'~·:!ll:NI~•:••:_ __ J Probate Cleric Witham last week. What a meeting for tho Aged In Carrl· ( • ·

1 " •

<BEALl cutle plo!l " zozo Monday night. Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrn. J, L, Jones ot PE.·N· First publlllhed ln the Lincoln Rn.lph Dunlap and Lois nftd Dunlap and Wayne v,.-erc1 sup- Tracey, Calif., nro vlsltlng Mrs. 1

Recomrmn4ttl a.y the Canyon CowhliH., Llnc~n c.u.nty County News June 17, 1005 Wayne attended tho recent per gucabl of Mr. and Mr.s. Jonct' brother, R, A. Perkins Last publlahed July 8, 1005. . county-wide livestock judging Wayne Hobbs then Wayne at· 'and fa,mlly they spent the' PAPER,

contest held In tho Carrizozo tend..."Cl tlle' 4-H meeting, weekend fn· Alllrnogordo, Las Ancho nren. Wnyno was the Wayne and Lola Dunlap have Cruces and El Paso vliiUng o-


COUNTY' OF LINCOLN In the matter of ) . ) The ln!lt Will and )




l l No. 1000 ) ) ) )


"niE STATE OF NEW .MEX· reo 1'0: Hattie L. Sllt!lton, Frnnk Whit& Sholtoh, Loulac! Shelton Korgea, Jack Davidson. Allen Davidson, and aU Utt• knOwn helrt" of John Martin Shelton. Deceased. an!l .U. un· 1mown pt!t'lona eJatmlnr MY lien upon or any right 01' tiUo ln or to the catnto of aald John Martin Shelton, l>cccaACd. You are notified that. Frank White Sbelton has flied In tho above styled l'llUW h!J vtrrlfled Final Report nnd Account tU Exec· utor of the Loat Wlll and 'l'Ht· tament of 11:1ld John Martin Shelton, Deceased: and thnt on tho 29th day of July, 1005, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at tho Court House at Carrizozo, Lin· coin County, Ntw MI!XIeo, tho above court wlU hear objcctfom to 111ld Final Report and Ac­count and wm Mttlo the same; nnli- w111 prot:eed to ootermine the heirship to aald John Mar­tin Shelton, Dcccaacd, tha own­ership of hll uld cstato. and tho lntorest of each rt!apt!Ctlve claimant thereto or theretn and tho pctnona entitled to dlltrl· button thereof, Attozmy Cor uld Ext:cutor 11 It, Ellrood .Tones, P. o: Box 415, canuozo, New Meltlco.

wrrNESS my hand and Mal of &aid Court at Cnnizozo. Lin· coln County, New Mexico, thll 10th day of June, 100!5.

/1/ Inlce !lust Clerk of tllo Probate Court Unooln County

(SEAL I First publlahed tn tho Llilcoln

Countyt~ N11wa June 11, 10965. wf published Jul)' s, 1965.

"Well, Doc," naked tho appU· cant for nn Jnsui'Mett policy, ''hm£ <lo ,x st&nd't"

'1 · ilon"t know," 'rt'pUCd U\c Doc. "It's o mlraelc," ·•

.. '

Chapel of itQses c.iltite, NM Mt:al"


' .,.1 .

' .. <V < - •• •' ' '-,,

- . ' .

'.. ..,... -~ .... ~·

top indlvldual in tho senior been attending the water sntcty ther TelaUves nhd Wlll leave SJAM P 1 team. meetings at the Carrizozo awlm· for ho~ Saturday vln Lolce-Lols Dunlap was an overnight mlng pool unoor th3 dlrcctJon side, Arb:., nnd the Grand Can· ENVEL. OPE,

JNest of Patti Engllah Monday, of Mrt. Marian Spencer, Lut ;von. Rcccnt vllltora of Mnt, Etfle week abe had 39, nnd thla week Mr. and Mrs. Archlo :Perldna '

Zumwolt were 1.11'1 'Md Mnt. · 3110 •he bQ • good clau. :Mrs. and Shm'Ul ""~ m, Lu Cru~ MAILBOX Roby Zumwalt and baby Janlet, · Nancy KnJ&ht and I>Utlne Evant .to attehd eo~t at t;. · · · Artuta: Clift ZUmwalt. Carrl· ar11 her •tatanbl, . . M. State where Rand ~ved ~lsn'tlttuler, Jnd rozo; Mr. and Mra. Glyn Zum· Mr. and Mru. Ralph Dunlap hla D. S, Dcgi'ee Jn Agriculture. walt and fllJJllly, Socorro; Mr. and Wayne. vtalted Mrs. Detty Mr. and Mrs. nanct Perldna and Mnt. GoUlns Walker, Lordi· S~niblt and famlJy and Mr. luivo moved to tlle raneh for burg; and Mr. and Mnt. l. p, and Urt. n.,mond Trujillo Sun· the !UtlUl)er while Rand recup. JohnSon of Artula and Elltan· day afternoon. cratu from a brokm lc~t rn-

more ptraonal, and

lot• more fun to . '

• call Long DJ•tanct?

cla, 'lllo Johnson• alao viii~ Mr. and Mnt. Ralph Dunlap ~Ivett a basketball glllllC In

!_~ !/M;.~'·n. Zumwalt caUije~rs~~tar~Jy~~Wcfl'iii:n'i'"""Ein Plck up your phorlt

went ~cent buJIMU v!lltora at Glencoe Monday. A buay Club rnmtbera attend a In Santa Fe and Albuquerque. day tJtat wul . :Solnt meeting with the RutdOIO­Jackle ~-ent With them u far Pat and :K.ettneth MIYI of Uondo Valley dubs at 'l'lnnle, "' Estancla where be vtalted Alamosordo apent the Jut two Wednesday, June 30. 'lbe date With Norman McMath and wu weeka With thetr grandmother, Wal cllanged from the 23rd to his overnight guelt. . . .. --n- Trs. "EW&~ 'lbelt' pam1t1; tmr. • lannlng to

Mrs. Ettie Zumwalt was a vlJ. Mr. and Mrs, Wayman Maya go ·ate bleed to meet at tho ltor of Wedni!Sday thru Friday came and got them Sunday.lJt· drug atc>re bdom 9:00 a. m. In Carrizozo the fU.t of .Tune. tie Davtd Cole of Lu Cruces 'I'ramportaUon wllJ be provided

Mra, Dorothk · Zumwalt 11 had betn villUnl the put week for, aU who wish to go. . homo n~o from · Ft. Bayard. and 11 •tUI \'lilting. 1'ommy Gall 11 11t1U Ulldergolng Mrs, N.lph Dunlap and pltUtlc lllllitei'Y on hla lcga. She Wayne •t to Rocwell to Jet mpora alao that Georte Wan· droll&ht feed Friday. 'l1ley alJo dell should come home 1n a ·met Krt. Dunlap'• mc>thet, Mrs. couple of weeka lt all goes \\'l!ll, E. C. llclQnle;y of Portales,

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ha!Jt& were there tor dinner.

Q Contacf Mts. Wade Lane · ' ......


re-cent guests ()f Mr. and Mrs. Visitors at the hOme of Mrs. Ed Gu~Jc. Otheta \'111Un1 them Homer McDaniels Sunday were ha\o-e ~n tbelr daughter and :Mr. and Mrs. Wa)'ITWt Gray fcun11y, Mr. and l'otrt, Bobby and fanilly, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dan Crenshaw and L1Ja of Lu Helma . .nd faJi\ll,y, Mr. and 'CruCC8; Mr. and Mrs, Truman Mrt. :S. !;, XcDaMla. all of Spencer Jr., OUTlzoto; lira. t.y. carrizozo and were on thetr d!l P~bl~. Alamogordo; Mr. way to a plcnlc up Nogal Can· and Mrs. Ralph Solether, Cap!· yon, Othm Wtte Mr. and Mrs. tan: Mr. and Mr& Wayne Clark, John Heln and tamlly and Mr. Capitan; Roa Alamogor. • and Mrs. Fred Current.

Testae Freeze in Carrizozo to order

do: BlU Ed~ ltutdolo, M01t X>ON'T FORGET . CLEANUP ot these folka 5:0t a Beagle pUp. DA~ AT . Tit£ RAN OWEN'S py, "Mle Solotheri for hb moth• CAMll' GROUNDS FRIDAY. er fn Albuqct'qllt", SJ)t!treel'f a graduation lift to~ 1belr ton, Stephen, and the Clarki for them chiJdl't'n. So tllt- Guck!l do miM their choW ·Una tor tha Tracks doP. lhftira H ........

Mrs. Ed Guck'& •lltcl'ofn·Jaw, · • .. "" M"ra. LOb Gray, Ill taking li FU'teen ot ·the' Ancho )"((UJig• tour of Euro~ 'Wltb a gr()Up at.e!rs went· entolled 1n the Bapo ot educators and llbrarlaru, v.·ho tlst Vac.ttort Blbla School and

· wJU s~nd the autnnler. el'"'-t boya' ah. d girls had • 'llle Ra.lpb Dtillln'ps' yard fs !*~teet; 'ro 1bO$t'J, ~

ttndeJ1:oltlg a ·Jot ot lmpl'O\'fl- who aent tooldet,. cool ~de, or ment. The brlek they goUroM augll', tnlm)' than.kB. AliO .a big thO old eou~ la gotng Into t. hlhk vi\.u to tho!e .. wbo bi!l~. a new 'W't\lk and to 110 at'OUtid tra.rt ~he .ehUd~n. to .;;i tbc!h' tr~s. rt®tnr the lkwn trorn Qlt'l'lzoto, ·· nfid ~ rock wall a altnott ~ Bible khool "-"a& en.fOYI!d fltdlb~ It eenalnly d6ea help tMr.oug_· · · blt bu all tbe Ahclto to. have W~ ~. Ue .k· clllldrt'n, arut"t thlrilt: ~.Tun;< really ~tolrut 'to'wotJt. tor l)eyt.1 ~telly llkt!d,the

Amour th«*! atte11dlng tM llib1<t Dtllls~ tO RJOOI which cl:llld W~lltm ()f J~tto Lil~ COUld find A vera~ out ot the wero Mr. IU'td 'Mn. X>.\-e ~x.. tJiblO ftnt. t htu\ "the pleu~ cllik!t, )tr. at\d Utt. A'Uitln ~ worl(tng. with Mt'il •. .to~ W<>Ot€!n, Mr.· w Mrs. JIM :Mc::CoUum ~ Mtl• M:~ · Sno\v .and tam~ •• ~tr. ~t Mtl, ltur.t ln tlle .Y\Uilor bft:lt., *bel · !!" Pfinil\en. t<ev. Nutertt w it was qultt~ • that~ to & ulal"'&&; pettofn\M t~ tAnctt 1<~p •"Mad of tbotle &lett~ . · · ~. . . . . . t.te. s~y .ltifnt 1\1~ w Ktf. ~\~ ~ l'ncl• w~ ln the hoip&~l

. . . . . . bXltO ttl IJl• . 'lut l'Ntk~ ·lw St. ~''MW .net :ot®· . ~( ..... bttttt; ..... t . .,..,;...... .

- ....... ·. ·. . ... . .· -~ tb ~7~.;.: · .·· ~.JIM ft.. ~-aq to··~. 'With ~

Vtt1"'' ,ood. tiWl - u. ~f«; ......... ..._ .• lot •


. ' "

' .

Flowers ~\(Ounts: flowerlald lhtltlilt, Hew MmCe

Dally DeUvwllll te CarrJHilo &, capitan.

I • • . '





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. . . FEA't'URJffQ . J:ABULOUS

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,, ' ' ~- ~ ·-· ~- . ' ~-- - ' t ' ' • ''.1 ' ' " t_

. . .

Naw hQm~ !)nder ~op~truction In Mt. Caplt~n svb-divlskm. ·- - -

_," ~"-. ;;,-_ .. • . . ... --' •. This new home Is near completion, in new sub-division. Machinist at work insld~ new bulldin~ on Capitan Industria:; work site.

.. ·, ',.' .,... ' .~ ·' •' ' .... . ~ ;.,. ~-:· ' . ~~- ,' .

. ' '

. 1 ' • -<

' . ' ,_

' .

• '

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• 'l • ' ·- I -1 •-

,, ..

. • . . , ~ - ,..

., . ' . . .

~ I '

Mobile-type sprinkler 1rrlgation pipe carriers line the road at ·capitan lndustrle;i, Inc.

' ..

' . ' ~

in Capitan turns out new type .. O.otOrcycle, Sprinklers,. other .equipment~ ..

• ''Salute to a c,ommunity o~ the •

..... , ~- .


CAPrrAN- Throusfi0the cen­ter of tho vlUaco runs 11 ribbon of highway which tnltes outBid·

n over the mountains

and blacktop ~ada come In from ,tJie north and south and bring many more throl.lgh thls quiet, small village In the heart of Llnc:Oin Na Uonnl Forest.


Few, however, whether view· lng Capitan for tho first or the - • hundredth tim.~. have connlder- I• ' :: t . ' • -""" ,

. -~ ------- .. , _____ ,, '

ed It, M a po!l!llble nlte for ln­tlWJtry.

-Arthur Bentley did. ' An eMtcm d~lgno&· and mnn­

ufactul't'r of heavy mnchlner,y, he first located In Brownfield, Tex. as an afflllnto \vith Wag. ncr Mfg. Co., but ho wns loolt· lng for another place where blowing sand and dll!Jt did not

First building completed and in use - more_to come.

Famous home of Smokey BeJJr In down town Capitan. I '

Smokey. Stampede is ·- '

big day in Capitan

and foremnn Blll Stockinger lmmedlntcli'/ put tilil men to work at them. One mnchlnlst, fresh from tho barber with a

hinder tho operation of prodUc· clo2.3 cropped crew cut, suflcr­fncr precl!Jfon mnchincry. · ed n p:1lnfully sunburned noamln

Alter seriously CQnsld~rlng Cor auch dedication to duty. Oiplum as n location nnd oval· Droftsman Don Richey, mast· untlng avnllablo mnnpowcr tor cr mnchlntsts BUI ~toaloy and tho ~pcclnUzcd sltUts hJs·faetory Larry Hollv, and ahpp foremnn lYOUid rcqulrc, Bentley rnndo his DUl Stockln[!Cr were brought decision. .As n conscquMCC, n In from the outside by ractoty mnnu~cturlng concern ls now ~. Other p<!l"SSJll'l.(!l }\:15

· located on 8 10-aero plot or been drawn from the rlch Prep:u:atlons for th<l Smokey Dalle6. wUl ~ · gi\'t'D both mountain rheadowland 1l abort 60\ll'eQ or o~Wcd mnnP.OWtt ln

''Who was that?" •

We arc plenned to devote most or this ne\vnlntter In a "Salute to Communlt(Y on the Move" - Capitan, Evl<lencc or this ls everywhere, Seveml new homt>s am now .under construe· tlon, eomo ncar completion. Pluns h11vo been made for now bWJinem facilities which wo ehould sea going up very noon now. I . ·

You wonder why? Capitan hll!l bciln bles:Jed \vith lnduotry. A Manufacturing Comp:my hM re-located In Capitan. You Mk, why did they choose· Capitan? Well. It didn't just happen. A Jot or time and dfort wu put forth bc!(Qrc It happened, One mnn In pnrtleulnr devol~ ll' Jot or . tlmo and cnctw to thl!l project and we think Olpltan should lnd.."t'd bo proud and "grateful to have such n man ns John Mobley tnklng BUcll an Interest In working to develop

this fino Community. Tho Town Council ohould c:ertnlnly receive our · pral!!.3 In tho fino llUpport tltey have r,lven In providing all tho faclll tlt>o to malcc this projccl po!l!llblc.

Tho Otero County Electric Cooperative, Igc. Ia proud to 00 n part or thls Communlty. All acro~s our system . we oro looldnrr for opportunities to worlt with local bWJinessmcn and civic leadCfB to help de­velop now lndUBby - \vith Its jobs and ~Its - whJch help lwcp tho Wh«ll!J or Collt• mcrcc tumlnc In our towns. More than a~ other nlnglo factor, electricity has helped to "cqunllzo" llving conditions in . our ruml area wfth thoso in urban nrca!l, 'Th(} many bene· fJ~. and comforts maoo nvnll· able by electricity nrc avaltablo to all.

I '

nror Stampede nQdeo O!lebra· hiday and Saturdny· nights. dlstnne& SOUth\\:-cst of Capitan. the county- rt!gionnl residents t!on havn really stampeded With Once· again tbl! well known O'wncn and dlrc:.ctors 01 the more commnnly cncaccd In re­''Yn'llJ Como" lnvJtatlou. .wt J.srgie Rambtcra from Unh,-crs- new company nrc Bentley, who cent yc:ll'B In ~tcrlng to tho out tb tho (oUowlng: mayors Sty Purk will play both nigh\& prcvtously opttatcd a factory In vncatloncr than ln tho prccl!:c

A young mother, after put­Ung her two chUdren to ~ one night, changed Into a ·droopy old nhlrt and an old pair or slacks ·and" ~edcd to Wllllh her hnlr. All during tho sham· poo abc could hear tho children growln,g wilder and noisier. FJn­lnhlng ns hurricdl,y ns possible, she wroppcd n large towol n­round her hcp.d, stormed into their room and put them back to bed with 11 stem wnmlnc to stay therol All abo left, sho heard her two-year-old say to his sl.stcr ln n trembllng voice: ·I

' I)

"Who Willi that?"

• of &Un'OUildlng towns, lhttiffa A rcfl'Wunent booth tor sand· l\fnfno whicb designed and ln!Ul· art d m:lehlnlng. pos:c, old ear clubs, colOt' w!che.t, hot nnd c:oltl drinks wlli ulacturcd cpcelal rnnchlncry \Vlillo the fac1tory Is not now PUI IUtrAICAL APtUANCI guard. band!!. fU>atl, ootruJlet'Co be sponsored by· the Cnpltan with 11 plant personnel ot GSO: hlrJrm - Its yet u

·· ~-bl-~le~ub-·eant. ho~ woman•a--oub-al--th~-danees.- J:Q1urny MOOTey;lfuTaoiOJeveiO.: -··-1 lilct>miW:t•~;..;~[01t)leli'4~-B=1ocai.~_!!.~!_!~:!!L!~~~~~­baclc riders, b!cy'Clo rldtta and Tho parndo wUJ get undcrwey per of Alpine VU!at:o. and Sun retJidcntq will bo roppcd ahcnd tett w!U c.N .. the elllcn •• the many more to part!clpato in at U:OO a;m, on July 4th. lst •Vlillcy, and ot the Mt. Capitan or machtn!Jts from oU,er a~ Ottre Ctvftty lttcfrlc c..,.,.,,.,. 1ft tho pamde. mid 2nd place trdphtes wlll be , subdlv!J!on on whlch Uw factory So Industry hCUI como to Cop- CS.wc,.lt ., Ia Genlleze, ... ,.,. .,_

Tho Ratjcn Bros. of Happy, glv·en tor the lherlll's posSe, 'f& loeatcd: nnd Donald B!au- linn. "-cno of tho greatest 30, 1tU, he wttl rectl.,. hit ,,.. chel~ Texna will aan1n tunilib the e~ld ear conttstants and floo~: grund, El Paso bus~ tbJngs that eould happen to us, flf fUI •ltdr!c utfM lllllbt ., e!Ktrk

1 . .___buddn' ~~~~ · -~!t~_tor_,!!to.J!o~b.;!ck · · -toll!lf.3_Mn:tor G~d_:Dc:!tk ·-· fry,.... . New postoffiCo-buifdfnrr lltCepitan :also has:offftl!J'lrnrtw. '-' ~- cl0\\'14 a JPtdal t'Od«> riders and blc;Ycle rider~ of the $311Mt Capfht -------------------------------·-----------r-__,


~'tnt tor thtl small trv, rJY't!ty· ~. . With .an fniUal capital or • · thing that gOH to rnt1«t up a Iaunedlatety following the! pa. $300,000, Capitan lnduttrles_ fast moving and thril1a "galoro" raoo the! tree ~C! wlll be In~. lJ tnanufacturlng a lp(!CI4t o1 A rodeq wblch 1he Ratjen ltdd which will bo prepe.rt!d type motorcycle! designed specJ. Bros. aro noted lO't. by the Ft. S(Jnton cooks. flcally tor military and paUce ~ ~ ®eM will be ~eo< The Capitan U011J Club hM use, and for the touring eycllst:

• lretcd durlng Satul"d$y after· bunt "cllick sales" and the in· mobile-type sprinklu lrrlgaUon noon pttf'onnan~. Mr.~ Zana ~ ttatlnrt eapacllly Will be pi~ enrrlers: hfgb tcauctlon ~. clWnnan tor ::c~ queen (uthbed before ~orm.ance tratmnls5lom of the gear typ@, ccntt!Sf. urges girls 1ht.msta1 time July 3ttl. 'l'be club Will wlth forwnrd nnd rever~. to, tn ~ttng IJnooln County also apon!Or;' the l'I!Msbnwtt almost any output r.p.m. a cus­nt the Stn~ Fab' In .tJbuquu.. booth at the 1"ode() gtooruls and tomer IPeclfies; and components que, reigning during 1hc l'Jn• ha•Je hot dogs,. hamburgers and of heat-treated axte~. ft!ducUon

cobl eounty Fair and tbe July ootd drin.b tot both days of ~~ts, tripe clam~ete. sub-4tfl ~ and pattU1e to t!ll~ the rodeo. · contracted from bther manutac· and compete 1m .T~ ant fq_r So - dlg ~"'Ur ~tern shirts turing concerns such as the the title ot L~nrolii ~.uny no. ud pants out <>f the moth balls Wagnu M'anufaeturingo eo.

deo Queen. Denis 'West aM and jOin us in Cap!t.Mfor the The.~ COllllJ&DV In Capltan . \Villa Edgar ha\-"e alrtady si~ BIGGEST and BEST Smokey does sfiOtlpmg. \1'w"eldlng1 turning up tor the .contest. nar Stalllpede Rodeo yet! melting, tll'ld gear cutting ihclu:


ding Slll'OCkets and splined shafts-. •

l\tturc plans Include produe-1fon or ~p!2te tab!o ~ l.ype plahe.. and other ma.cblnety. -once tun productJon Is under'~ way, ~ say the- factory wm employ. tlrOWid 50 in pro.. dueing the a<Ht-da,y output ot motorcyct~ .. and 50 more em• plo)te!l Will be ~gage(~ In tbe

• l:t!aJlttfacttirlng ot otheriU!ms'. · Presently, however,· 1he fac­

tory i!J (llietafhlg fn tt 30 X 70 metal bWldmg, which Is 1ho tfrst ot a propoeed t'ottr such strttcfures. lUld bui.nutaetttring' is llho· going on in a t..."'Ctlon ot ttruler house parked'l\t the tae• tocy site. SupplleJ ~ ietiil10f­ar1Iy stored tn t~ '~.

'l'he metal building wu erect-. -M dtirltlg the ~t month and llt~Jl.Y w~nt \11! ov~ thl! bi!llWI of l)t(l.chltlists at wotk in 111& open ttt drill presJJ and lat.M. · :Machines wetc unloaded at spots wbel't' would~ tJet .. . iruinentty placed hi the ta'¢tory,



ater Heater Special

You get all ... These Featuresl


Co-op Special . Water I leatlng rate

Pet .¢··.

. . • KWH


On a 40-gal. "Quick Recovery ..

Glass Lined Hotpoint

WATER HEATER Round • • • with Calrod lmersion

• Heating Units •

REGULAR PRICE • $129.95 • '

Less .. SaVings .. Allowance 6$.95

•• Salft Tax

' $ 64.0"0 . . 2.56


Take advantage of this


as th;, new low rates

go into effect!

We have purchased a carload of 40-gal. '1Qutck Recovery" Hotpolnt water heaters to be avaifabt. to you for a LIMITED TIME ONLY at Appliance Deal· ets tl;roughout the · C::oopera· tlve iervlce area-.

' All purchase& are cash -- no ·

. ·- .:,..

tetMs, no frlldo·ln~. Thts plan llpplies onfy. to membet.Con· sumers of tho Otero County l:fec:tde Cooperative, lne. No other sales will bo m~Jde •


.. ... 1 ... i

(Jtero County Electric Cooplrative - e:,.

• • • •

. .

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' '

I' I

' " ·i " .,

i) I• l ~



. '. '

. " . .............................................. .

E D I 1 0 R l·A L ,· .-~. ~ . , J '

~'A page for Independent tho_,gbt'' . • .............................................. . The 20th i$ 'the' d.,y!r

Take ole• BIIJ Payton· for fn· .&tance, he's a fllthet of foUr p.t

. the present · time· and the way the Jmca1 kicks .around Jt could be a dozen likely aa not. .\VJlat can you do :f!Jr a. father Uke that otl hla special daly, Sunc14y, June 20. · ' No special point In feeding him afeak, potatoea, aide dllh of peas, chopped salad, cort~. Icc cream and all that junk. Bill already 1;:111'rlel more stom­ach than hls younc;er brother and shouldn't be eaUng like that.

"aelt a cam l ltf · · · . . ·.·per n f ~. t!Jne w)llc~ mclU~· mo.t ~v~ @)', . . .

. WhUil' BIU \yl11! checlclni ·OJ.U'· bed. aJUl .~a ~a..t w~~nct

. we tried to tlJJd.~<iUt. wJmt th~. average taUter mlibt 11~ em his 43Y arn.'l all we got w111· Iota ·of dl~o~ .on the rnerltl of n certain smelly .Cig!W ·~ ~J dew named · Pant. · No w~n · brought-up ehUd would . «Wen

· consider f:PVmg such lt.ems ·Ill those to a descr.ving dad, .

Maybe your dad f{dn Shape to eat a full 11teak meal, lf so

. . ' ' ~ ' •

• • . . ' . •

' ' . ' .

.... ' ., '

' ··' ··... . . . .. "' '

'·· '

.rl . .. · .

fl '

Buy him a new watch, flab pole, '-'lin, gol! c1ubs, · radio, or any of tho gadgets the average man loves - probably be a waste of time and money be­cause father Bill has aU· the trlnltctll a rrum can possibly ac,· qulre In a lltetlmo with tho Ycwnltcd Force of the Wild Bhw Yonder.

buy hlJ;D one the Co.w·

Maybe he hasn't all ··.· fi

lr~ . · CQ~mty ·. · ot~et 5. Mrs. ·s.ani. Allen, .Alto, spQk:o p.m, a.t th& ~~t.. · ..

Sportn car, camper, even thow ure oul· He drives· (at his age I a TR4 and made him·

ai'OUJld Ute w&-rld an!lncqulred all those trinkets, It so gq get him a do-dad. Just because we dry-holed on Bill Is 'no reo.sOn for any o/Oung'n to givoG up on !ather. · Sunday, June 20, Is bls one day out of the 365, and any little thine you do !or dad on that day wiiJ be appreciated.

.Dotlll .Ana.mllttl;!l'S. ancl4QbtJtt.. QD.~t:w!Pg:..teco~.QtCNm:ltt•: .. .!1\U'I!nt :In Capitan,. .9! U.XW the ~.cases 1n o- Ill.' ~r.~ Tannlsh, ~gQrdo, the club agreed tll• ~w · ·

'· thyr colJ!lt!~/' Scl>~gin said. spoke on survlval and dliiC~ "Chick Snles" at the,· t!Ul"-- "l'Jtls·waa neither--more nor .of .. the.Chlncblllas •. Sid-.l'J:e$ton .grounds. tb\8. PMt. .:w~.e.k~~l

l!!SS than X had contemplaW and Sam.AUeJ\ A-ito, both &poke · George Bl',Ylin was ap!lQinWQ ~. along, bl!.t I bad tQ get Into on coll!!tructton of Chinchilla. chairman for the July 4th IJ-.a · poslUon where X could be equlpm(!J).t. Appro:xiJJmtely · 25 on's activities;. June ·21 \\<Ul be sun; the work would be done," bJ:Cf:ders and t~elr wlves attell(l. lns~llation ...of newly elccW he said. "There ts more 1n this ed the meeting at the Ch!lppa- officers, which will also be La:­coun~y th~tn 1n the other two raL Mr. Preston, .brother of Sid, dies ··Night, this will be held counties Pllt together, · was a guest from Ralnler, Ore. at Pearl's Cafe In Capltl\Jl; Dale

"I am tired of traveling if Luncheon was served those at· Hobbs, Ruidoso Lion. will . be you want to know the 0:Uth tending the meeting. · lnstnlllng officer. The program ' A way of government abou.t 1t," he said. W. F. Rosenblatt, M.•:O., se~ was frtven by Lion Sl!l Go®Joe

. • · • . · · . lor medical associate, held clln· whlch was a fUm on the Af. GITTJN~ Sl'fTL~D IN Nl!W HOf,ur- ChapJ•ln jn!J Mr1. lee In Albuquerque on MOnday rican Wtidllte. No llpcclnl crltfclsm Is Intend· crew on tho job could himdlo

(.'(! hl'rc, no answers wlll lx• the 1400 pounds, It Is under· given. However, opinions will standnble that with only 300 be cxprcoscd so the following pounds to do ·they were not In ~Jtorlnl matter. too bUlly. One way o~ wruJ to

Alfred E. Kiln• and family -'"'"tly mewed Into the Mlthodllt . Spencers and Dunlap and Thursday ot last week. Marlon McCreary <kve to P.II'IOIIaP and thla week things ar. looklnt up. The ~·ywng , Thesq clln1cs will bo held each El Paso"day for a week·

. ·· week by Pr. Rosenblait. end vtslt wlth ·ncr son Pat who ladlt:s .... ~h, In ,,. thlnl tr"•· and Jtnanl'l ln,...;th• IK~ honored at NMMI· BiDJe Connor, medlcal reco.~ Is stationed at Ft. Bllu,

The State Pcrnonncl Board combine tho laundry with house heard appeals rrom lho thrco ltoojilng anti fhere-wowtlrxf former employees of the a Fort worlr-tl11 day !or ·everyone. To Stanton TB Hospital Thursday, accomplllll} thl.1 the:! job ot laun· tliCn took aJI canes under ad· dry· superintendent was ellmln· vlz:eml•nt. It was not necessary atcd, Tho third employee was that the News editor attend t.crmlnatcd for Insubordination. theoo appcalo, but wo arc vitally Tho lawyers for tho employ· lntl'I'Cllted In the weUarc ot the ccs, wore attempting to prove ho~pltal {md curious about tho that their clients should 11tlll procccdln~:a - so, we sat be working at tho hospital, Ono.

lrlfl. (News Pbote..l ..... _ office, Is confined to tho nurse's · · ~- ---- --·-·---··-- ·~- ... ----~-~Th~c-;-fo~i;--CanizoU, ·stu-- nome With~.l~rm::-"""':~---------"t

• .. II(


throunh them.· ·lawyer was to tho point and Tho only coin collector Wll · Such a hearing In conducted served hl.!l client weJJ, the other know Is Ja,!:k Harkey. Jack

In thla manner: Three mcmbcns was vicious and Cwe felt) dld and/or others might want to or the State tl'llDnnel Board, not help 'his client. AIJ sorts attend the coln·n-rnma nt tho 11at at the he nu. Tho chair- ot questions wcro asked that Hilton In Albuquerque Juno 20. man of the bo rd had wltnci!Ses went around tho work sltua· W e w In .each C£W(\ sworn ln. The lion as outlined nbovo, Food Mart, local store man· hospital WWI lloprcsented by a Tho knowlcdr:c worth remom- need by Don At'!1w1no, has clv· member of tho stato attorney bering Ill this - a good manv this It t"- 1m --• '"'ncrnJ'a pfllcc, empJovn- &. • .o " en Wf Cr uc Jll'C!=.~On tholr ownw ln•uvnrs, Ch, ""'a"l'",..!.':: staUt boards and thell' supertn. tbey arc a coneem interesWd'

·• ,~ ........ tend.:!nts · want no part of the in scrvJnrr ... publl.. A •-tc llDid such heartn ... wern Intend- I .. UIC ... !lLU • .... ~ t gars of appearing beforo tho mcnt hJued June 11 by Food oo to be lnformql, each sloo State Pelilonncl Board (whose Mart and Shoprlto Food!J con· could atnto hill CllSO, than later 111Cmbers · were patient, court- ., ... · .... .... h hnvo onportunJtu for -but•·• ul'm-."u rcpo.... umt t ~0 two

.. " •.. u.u. cous, and proper In ovcno ""'"• compan!- ml"ht unt•- Such Qu.cstlons \\-1!1'0 allow-• -•1 dur- •v "'Y '"' ,. . u:. ,,,,. w serving th& stato In tho best a union would extend Food Inn tho ooartng. In tho matter poulb~). They wUl not Mnrt.'a servleo ~a $n New of lowyor-cllcnt and wltnCIR!I, a tmlpt to shake bad slt• Mexfeo contlderably, It wru much like a court of u Uon, and tho wont of «!m• w • W Jaw. loyeea wlll bo kep~ on tho p p1 h llk tJck

b Tho ease at Ft. Stn.nton which 11. thclrco ,!_w ~coo•~ ...,.'!,rs !"1 rounht about tho termination Spending a tate money 15 good, .....,.,, • "' ...., • .., "'"' .. ~

ot tllu tliiplo:;cet WQJ this: A kOOPI CVet')'OM happy, Trying s.omo protty one from Gcrnld s.;crotary W!IJ taklni <:arG of to savo money for tho stato Dean Jn Capitan (few at tho aU personnel mattct*, 8 mattu matea aU aorta of prob!emJ. Nows> advertising tho Smokey tho superintendent th()Ugbt he Th rlnt de Bear Stampede. N. M. Stow should do, thlt sarM ,...._ •• _. 11 tupe m nt at Fort Folr hall atate-1hsped sUckers

• _ • · dents have won honors and talned In a fallluat week. Ch~pel of Rqses · awards at NMMI wh~re they Janie :r.tallctt, secretary to . cadets. At tho annilill ROTC Employee and Publlc RelationJ l.lay Awards Ceremony, Stir· ~pt. of the American Potash ling T. Spencer will given n and Qlemlcal Corp., Loa .An· Sauntlers Memorial sliver tro- gelcs, Calif., Will on .Jhe cover h.. t · r . of the monthly jnagaz!ne,

P Y or neatness 0 appearance, "Brine Line" put out to "'O n nosweJJ D:illtl Record Award ·! . 'f' for outs~dlng new cadets, nnd employees or the APe. JanlJ hns been appOintc!l to tho Honor · lfaJJ.~lt fs . t.\Je . sister of Pat Bo:ll'd for next year. Ho also S!llas, sccretnrY. 0110· woulll rcc:Civcd a $200 scholarohlp. think they were looking ~.t ~a.~

Stephen M Spcnccr received to seo Janls tor both gnls.

HAS 2 ,HONI NUMIIRI •=oo a.m. to 5:ot p.ntp

Ph9tte 648·2252 ,._, Nftht ~

.. I!L 4·2633 Nogal D'Y Nm. NIOHf NMU~SuVJCi

liult week and met In zOzo tor paint at departure, driving both cnrs to Vaughn whero Stubbs' car was to be left and lho journey completed ln Pay­ton's car. Stubb:l ooJd he would otart on; and took tho street by tho bank to cet out of town. Payton drove down 51, not htJr... rylng but moved right out when ho didn't sec tho Stubbs car beyond the lnterccctlon, It Wll!l that. way aU the way to Vaughn, never ~ sec btm. 1\vo passes up· and down 1nnln street and stlll no Stubbs, waited about 15 rntnutts twd went on to San· t4' Fe. A1 dld gc~ to Vaughn and waited about on hour before he drove on - must Julve mis­sed COnh.."CUon •bo\lt tl~1t min·

the Model A~.ard tor outstand· dre most attractive! • Inc qualiUes of leadership, and :---------------------­

utca. ~

WeW •

the NMex•Olcloty SAR Award tor outstandlm: cadet In tho First Class In Ieadcrsblp, $01· dlerl,y Y>Caiinc and excellence In mllltary curriculum. Stirling m1d Stephen aro tho sons of Mr. and :r.trs. T, A. Spencer of Cilrrlzozo.

Wayne l)unlap, who~ par­ents are Mr. and lttrs, Ralph DUnlap of Nogn), wllS given 'tho Grant P. Nelson of $150 for bfs 2nd 1c~tu, for proflclcney ln xnath al)il llclcll.Ce> : •

FT. STANTON - DJxlo Sparks .. We sat In on a huddle with

Blllltlng, Tucwncad publisher, ·99 ..1-y bus· fri. •p and Bob Trnpp, Espanola pub- -uu

' •

You·r fa



could JloOt take dlctati®."~ Stanton 11 worldni' hard to do which ahould bo a.vaUablo from w11m the s>m9Mel Job wu ··::_ ~~ .. '!.e~r -:r- cwnty attnt'B ora~.

llsher. The d.lseu!slon \V!l!l cen­-t~ -on-· newspaper eonk!sts and bow best to mv1s.e the rules. .ConlMt entrll!l have been growing by leaps and bounds,

lly's health · . . ·-'--t----4;"-~~~--'---~-~--.-----------1--

for $99•00 ? ? co es first with •

.1•-•--·~ , .. _..,. w .... no. p•-- .,_,.,..'6 W • w -UlWUI....U l"'lV ,.. laU:I fi\-"8 of bit board mettlbftll -

tor her. In the laundr)' there and thanJC God, thlt man Jw O>t Wm. Al Payton (retired) wu tho altuatfon or around world~ or patience 1M QUiet 11 two ycm older than the i!dl· 300 poundl of clothing com1ntr ant't\-en whtn the going fJ tor and mnembett a fey., tales .tn.-...cwrnl dal-... wllb -a ..peak- -tou1tt m a Per10t1nel Board 1.1'9m !!~& th_a_t ~l't\ naw.}Wl, toad or 1200 • 1400 poundl. The hearing. nnd two cllll~n wlted us -over

. tho weekend. Seem~ Dad Pay•

~ aer!OUJ buslneu with news. Dld )'OU knoW that a 1o~gn­paper people, and the commit. er. can take a bus trlp for $99.00 1et"t~lfwlth~ral·ftew ·· Iorw-~-triJj at no itldtttoo­onuncndaUons whlch. wUl bo a1 cost and bued m tbe Euro- . pre~ted at the !ltunmu Pl8l pean plan1 'l'bat the trave~• Conventlpn IAtt!r thla month. At checlcs euhed by Americana vJs. Stubba It due to be pl'l'Sldmt tUng 1n EUro~an countries of NI!W' Mexico Press next y.eer. when redeemed by the United

.------------------..... ton had a frlmd named Plnky lkcl< who WU a skepUeal. sort


DR. GENE D. SMITH Chl....,

"Hours By Appointment" .

of person. When a i'mutual trlm'l died, Plnk JOt ~ the cuket nne and came hll turn he 1JUlled out a pint ot boozo, Ufiootltcd ana Wi\'f4 under tho dcccaJed'a Mit'. HiJ COtnJllellt. on atttng that the ~ did not allr. •'I iuell ho is dead alright". I*i Payton was Mt a clrlnJdnt tJW1. but )'OU taurO 'know all ldndl in tho

W e W St&tt., gold Ml.JST be tent fn A .llttlo old lady wnt going return? 'l11at Jn New Mextco

through customs at San Fn.n· tn 19M ~ were 14 mllJion cisco. An tmpcctor asked b!l' touri5ts and they spent 485 tnll· 1Vhat she bad~ Jnst~ iL bottle llon whtle ~ (110w, do we

301 c·-en,...tral PheM AS 4515 Tula....a, .N. M.

tw!Yilp&pe't bullnetl. WtW • a,

tn htr vauae. • net!d tOOrista>t •'HolY 'tnJ.t!'t/t she l'l!plled in . The above at&U.Ues were giv-

a thick. Irlsb J:Jrosue. en bi a .8peecb by J&Iru!S C. 'lbe ~ uncorked the arc., Exec:uU\"e Director o!

bottle alX) took a "For NA'ro (National AUoclatioo ot Petds lake,,. be< exclaimed. Tra\-et OrgantzaUons} at the '"11Us Is Irllb whLikey," National Motel IJid Restaurant

JUNE 19 at 9:00 .p.m. We've quit using tender, lov·

Jng care on Ott., the trouble mal<er fn our flock of tlu'ce man doll. JJter a l'()al battle last week whkb left Otis and SclmaPPH llmplng, we've start·

"Salnta be pi'alsedl" exclaim· 'Owners .As.oclalton eotn-ettUon ~ tl)e old lady. ''It'• a mlraclel'1 held in dltcago th& latter part

CONTENTED· estern . .

~ usin a board on Otis. It'& that or g~t rid ot one or more of the mates. -. . w ••

The eourtty road departtnent ~ bail ~ keeping tteonJJ of road \\'Ork tk)ne for so~ time. They. ~k a map with It red. ~regUlarly, .pya ~rclljt Mc­Khi&ht. and tan refer to tM 'mill>! any time a penon wanti

ADMIIIION .. IUCitl Cwple $2. .. - llfttlli $J.H to kfiOW the lot time! his toads were W()rked. lteavy taiJa have • way ot Jnaklng. ~pte thlnk

JUNE· 27 at 2:11r p.m~ thelr roada hav.e not ~n worked tor ><tatS. . w •. w

A ~al oceulon at tile coun• trY club Su~ ~«!tllng waa .... • nl~ Wi.'"""' ..... t.• ....... M. •. K'

• ' . ackpOt . t. UC4.11,:1 ..lU • IIJI\I , 1"11! D.

Vid&Urrl .. ~ being ·honot:'ed · at their $lth wedding~ acy. ~ lt~ ~· futft. lithtng rnil!ll<\ aU· the dlllclttn wert }ltf'tlllht. l:MNluutul tt~. ~· • IQ()d time all atOUhd. . w.w

.. TOOl Ortlt 011 drt.tml.· 'l"lofill Martlntz, GUbf!tt MOfitH; Phtt•

loaa ... llrt •.ac1····:. ,;;•;;;.lluauU.V IIIIIAioU.i& 1)Jp ()ttl&, ~. if~ )((lb\(l~

-;Q~i·tHotNtw;h~~· ~n£f:~~~~

·o···· ··p· .. ' •. '

' ' . .

ta<*. st•rtltii 1rtxn ~ttb ...

__ $5.00 Tie-down. Roping. =t~~a:.=-J::: $5 .. 00 Ribbon Ropi .. ··.• ... .. ~·n;ttMCMW.

. .. .. l.- .tto(:K U«AM* ng Al lt\lllk1 ~

. " ... tclltor. .• :tbt . . . Ntklt" , ·••••••u• k' * CC*ONA Witt~ w.M ~·· . ._.. -~·•• . . .. ·1'4f . .,, . :

? . i

. .. • !! O • O ( 0 "I .,


• '


WITH 'i'HS AI!RMOTOR WINDMILL TH£ Lowat·l'ft~6 Ji'U~ I'OWtR ON tAJtm •

W•'t• riOt] t~n· ourtUdwtreit .. w.••n•nchers bUy.more ~c>r· ITi illi 'that\ ilf othtt tnikftc te)ht• bl.n.~. ttt~••s ~than a millfort a< thtrtt putnpint riaht tWN. Alit us ibOUtt~rlowinftilltosUnd HiY r





us , ThWa wfty w. ctm~~tUM ,.....t:rs,tltM with ctnly

·--~"'-'·~-----·--· .. . . . .<..~~~--- _..-...,.... - ... =-......... ; ... ·- ......... ~-~::.::...-=~-~ ·)1 Itt. f&Met t~n;.p, aa tM ••ctw nc......,.....,..

• c:a.rrt· ttVallfr )INihlcb ur att yeur ,. .. .._






101Accvrata PnNttJ,tlen Servb" 0,... D~ t .. 6 • Slllllll!1 t='O .. "toa

Paden Drug Store C: I. I'"* • LM la1'81 • belfr Wd

DW 1412U1 • eanu...

COW POKES ·•v .Ace Reid


. . (


• • •

. '

Page 7:• ~ . , • ~ . ' r r f ' ' '. . ' .. :·-•• .. .1·· • .. i .· I'' . . . : . . "' .. ,-

. •


. ·. '

! ' ' '



. . .... . .. ",

·i, _. ', :o;l> -- . . . ' ,. • . ~ ·-: . _, . .

· · i ' ·• . . · ..• ,il, .. ·· .. ;:~'ka..4t'Jil. Gt@ .. t~ .. #h. ftu.<:~~..i. ~~· ' · · ·~ t... o'cli ~ ':A.. lot' . · T .. '.·.·.H.·.······· ....... M.~o. ~.N.·. · ... ·.to ... 9.·.·.·.-.N .... TY .·.NJW .... $~.·. T. H.U~s .. P-'r~. J.:: VNI ... u .. , ~iMS .. ·.· .. :~.·(!a.~. ·.P~t·.· .... J:h.·.· .. ·.e .. ··.~a .. i"l\ _·:rum. em· ~.e.·.-~·· ·,· .. ·>P U B L J ·C ·.· !Ml Um~ 'QQ 11\lbjeqt m·~ct: f~~t~~:~···~e:ef:(~i. r®~· 9t'ct!te'... .. · , '.... "'t' . . ' ~on 'by . <lulY l;l,~tlJoii~ed 'l'l>Wn . ~ . •' .·. C<m~t m .·.'tJle· •· . 'lfu' . ' ..... ~ ..... ) .... =·gg ... 'iqf~ Me~;:s~~ ....... ~........ . ~~d ~··. . . . ' . . . M~ • -__.- oftiCll$,. Sii.~ ~¢nt!l.. l!haU .C®tth®re ·llt · · · ···~~~~!.:· ~-·;,·~· ~· ~· .~u~. ~ow~. ~-~- ......... ,., .... ":.,... · · ..• 4 .•.. ;.~.· · .. an . a, ~· be · • of ·· · artd all oth~r ""' · · ~ ...... ;.. o., .. ·~ "'4 ....... .,.--__

1 ~~~~~~~~~

"· ll~IJ•rt«f ~Y. Law f9. rrimm . . . ·. ·· ~C?,~r FETtt . f .......... "·· · · · · & ·· · · · · .... s~~~it" '28lQ · · t~:t~ ud$ · for ~! · Cltlz~·- ·~• m~ttl!l'l tfft~tJi'lg ~·~ · -~~ ' Oi.' A. · · · · · · · · ·. .. ~•·h· lt. . . · · ""101:® . . . · ' . . .. . >fJltm ~., thtl! pro~rtv. ·· AT.l'E:ST;.· • · of . det:<iMfi!~ ... · . VaJ.Ua'lltCo. ,;,,.,.,,.. • .;.,., •• ,~ ... ·. T, L. .~r Qamp ....... "··,;·• . . .. · . . . . . . . . •

.... , ... · ·.. . ... . . . mi.J.Jli: ~t B~ ' o~e~)llp Pl Ule. . We:;;tei'n Offlee.Equt,~>. .. ,.. ~9;~00. ltosweU l'>!?~~r~ $upp1X: ;,,: '~,9051. .. . . ·· ~ms~.~mmlnsf~Pl!lied . < ·. QRPINA.NCI.i N~. •• -.. f TOWN·~ · · . ·.··~· ·· ·. ····· ot ahld d~~cl~nt · . . .. ·. · · HIU'!lld M1 Gra"am. ........ ; .•• .,. 7.Q N~al Wi~e;._ -..'(); ;.,;,,,,,.,.,, '!V' .,· · a; be!lut"'i.q ·!/Vl.Oqu~t o ·flowers .AN OlWINANC.I\1 GRAm'r . or ap. • · ! (FiJ.11t ·ppbl!shed :fu 1the~~~ . aald Petltl~tt,~ ~!1 bna th . . . R •. lin l:~ecok~ .~ .• ~.;.,,.,.t~g ~~lz Sm~t .~:: ...... ~ ..... ~.; r.~~·~ . ~mehts Jllrtl' f~l' :c ·r)$(1~} lNG TO /t., m, llUGGIJINs~ lliWtentmces . . · ana a11 ~~ c~w; ~e~s Ju~: toos > • ±Mh dearct~ve c -~ ttillt. ere-- .. '1:?9: . if cuJ ... ~· ........... ~··-:··~. 1•50 ot · .. ~ .El~··c;;~·~"'· ·~ 4•00 ... 'At':sw £ d'~'heriu~ b;m~ It:tS $Ucc.EiS.SOR$ AND · G ertproperty O.l." equtpgtef\t ~f · t pu M \ltle '· • · <> ,l e~"·ur dis~~Jns g~ ~~ s · ........................ '1'50 Er:i~~t Luems' · · ,·, .• .., 4'65 . Dal~·~M~r m liono~ of Mrs: M:isiqN.s, . ?-'ll )'i;i lUGH'l' bran ee, or alii'Y P~»'t tperea' IN TaE: 'l'HIRP .nrotcw. · enut ~f to· e ·· · on· ;r e · ~nib·~~":'"''"'''':'"" 1'50. Mo te VIsta· se""'''";o:o:•·•!.;t25 G.ermcmt$ slste~· Mary All~

• · ·-~~~G~o.:usE ·c o~tk~\tai:~s~~~{d~~.,~~ · oxs-rruqr couR.T ~. o~ 'l'HE' · .' ~~: 'd~~cii!?UO'n·-~r ·the v~~ ~ /.~stt~ITti.I .:::::::::::::;: ·7:5o ~cQ~rntr.tofo~ -c<i~·:;;,.:~::;· 6;6P stetQJfe'a i:~weddi~~. ··. · t;: 1~ . . . .AND ~~~S !lllrthing to th~ (,)QJJ.tri.U'Y h~I·e- · STATE OF :NEW ~CQ . erty <t~®ii®<l · m ·. th.e. 1,'¢ij~1on. . •)0;, l'!ll\IQ ,._ ....... , ••. ~, .. " .. ~· .. ···.~ 1.50 J: ,JJ, lUtttJr, ........ , • .,;,.,,.,;..,. · S.Sl eroWd J;~.ttct;~d<:d, She ~lved · .. ··~s . ;rN ·.THE; . 'rOWN . oF· ''lrt .notwltlt!itandlng, !iald , pay- wrmiN ~D FOR ·.Is as·· tallows: . ; · · · · .. ·· G. ·i1• Sld'fllll .;; .... ~i""''"' .. "' .l.•50 .. CheVNn 01t S11roc-.o:; ·~ .. • ;15,60 · . mn~:f ~~?,vely ~ltts. ~lfcl" ~ddln~

· CATUUZ9ZO, STATE . OF r~nt shn)l. .continue only ·so MBE~~O~ CO~· . ~~ 11 ~d id~if Blick t~O ¥1!-Y ~~nw: -.. ... ,;.,:--....... ,.. i~. 'if~te~~· ~~eioo No. 2 ···~ .. ~·:. i~ ~~i w~ t\ veey happy young NEW l.\fEXlCO, FOR THE ong as salcl.cOmptm:Er Grant- ~· . etlme!! iwo~ as l .... ·. ·?, . ·e . t. · .. , .. on oLi. 11 om .. s· .. enr ·-~ .. , .............. ,.;. '1't:n .·N·' ·1• w· . ...Ins Co ..... ~··•··:~""'•:···1·0'04·. l. "';·. • .... ! .. ih. o· . . . . ..

· :Pt.JRFOSE OF RECEIVING. ee is not prohibited' om mak- "'nT um. GIL J' Av > v lUnge -o ~ ... o~<>. . n-. T, J3, .. moQt ,.,_. -11 ....... ,.... . """ en · . . gl:>' . . . . • ,.......... • . a...,. as .. ~.~, s s wer w~ 1:\ com-OlUGlNATING, RE~A y. . ittg the same by y, lawful . tutdVloit'M-1\E """') ·coln Co~mty, N!i!W M;exleo, Sllufer Fe()<\ Stol'tl1 .... p .... 30.00 :Sierra..Bianc;a: Moto:n~ ........ 5.)() ,Plcte s~r.lse to her. Caito nn~

. JNG, AMPLIFYlNG, AND authority having· juriSdiction .. JA .. Y. ·• his wife., ) togetll~.-.·. With. illl Jmprove~ Wlllil}pm~ffl~ Eq~;tlp , ..... 30 .• 7

3.5094... ~evron kOWll ~cdrvlSeuesp. pi;j'" 26

2. 8.~~ mpup~~ ~J'e servea 11s refr.esh·

X>XS'l'lUBU'l'ING ~VIS- 'In tht:1. premises, and so long as ·p· ·~·•-'tiffs, - ) mentis tJtereon, · . . Nat..U}p.-.,o~av~ ........ q....... ' r: oammag . "~ • . . Y •• . ,.,.. .. en..,.. .· .. . IO'N AND OTHER t'l\c 'Town" ao~s no~ charge, ·levy '""'' E Forrest Sande:n~ and WU- Salomon Q, Sanch~ ...... 180.0;) Chevron QU ~rvtees ........ 75.16 l send .. my wishes tor many

-~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ch~nr~g;~~~-~~~·~~~~-·~~>~--~~;~;!;·~w~··~B;·~~~~.~~~o;·~B~o;x~~~·;·~·~L;In;.~;*~·~c;o~·~D;ro;n~ch~,~-;-;-;·~···~·~ft~~~~-~·~~~~~·~ :n · -vfllagtHl~pUM-.-;;-.. .,... 6!.iG~r;-uncH.ft"SK:-bnrles-Jone!Hlhd-- --· l'NG l'O RE license, excise or re- ING NAMED DE·. . > · attorneys for the petitioner. Bus, ~en'tAssur. .............. Rust 'rrnctol' CQ .......... ~ .. '.119.~ :Pr. and Mrs. Jernlgnn who had ·

; . "·-~ON 'l'~E~OF:G~ · venu~ ta,xes or other-exactions ~ANT •. IF~G ~+ · WJ.!l'NEE!S',my-.hand,and thtJ- Bus,Men!tr ·· Lnl\tny;.Gns ... _ .... .,. . ..,_ 33.60 'been· mnrl'icd 25. years last ' p :n (> v iD I N G FOR PAY. hereinbefore mentioned, and If IF DECEASED, ) Seal of this Court this 1st dt\y At'row Gas ......... .; ........ ; ... , J.Jnc<>.l~. Co, Trens """;..... 89.51 week, · ,~· · AL .

Mf::NT TO SAID TOWN. any lawful authority having . n• of June 1965. · Lins:oln Co. Treas. ............... Means. r,fQtor SuppJr ...... 19.35 Dr. . . Mrs, .,.uarles H. 8E'lT ORDAINED BY Tim ··jurisdiction in the premises THE..n UNKNOWN > <District Court Seal> J • Mnx Oliver ................ 11)9,65 -S'west ·<::o®n\ln!OO:tions ..... 28.42 Gretme an two sons, Mike and :J.'RUSTEES OF THE TOWN hereaftel' , PfOhlblts · said pay· HEmS: S. M, JOHN· > Eugenia Vega J~e w. ;r.'fcl{nlght ... ;. ...... : ~16.36 Erminia Narvaez- .. ~-·-·-·• 205,12 Wallie, of .LB.s Cruces, urrived OF CARRIZOZO NEw ment or the Town does levy, SON and FLOR!llNCE > Dlstl•lct Court Clerk Ruidoso News .. m ........ " ..... 17.91 I.cRoy Mcl(rtlght .......... 36l,fr1 nt the fiomc of her parents, MEXlCO: ' 'Charge ,or collect. or attempt ·:Awfr~ .• ~~it:rCK ~. First pubUsbed in tb~ Lincoln Mtn. States Tel, ............ 37.63 Fermin Salllll ............... , 295,91 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Jones.

to •eu.v chnr·"e or collect such Countv N-·~ June 8 1965 Last Ruidoso Tel .................... - •• 10.37 I<:eKnneth T. Lucy .... _ .. 277.37 Mike and Wallle will renmin · S."'Cl'ION 1: There 1s herebv • ·~· ., · · V, JOHNSON and ) ~ '""'"' ' . l 28133 .'""':ted to A. E. HugglliM, hi~ o

1 thet. franchise, Ueel)Se, privi· MAYE GEAN JOHN- > pUblished June ~4, l965. Western .Texaco No. 2 ...... 5.50 Wm. T. Kee In .............. • UJ!tll utter July 4 while their

... - erre nvclse or revenue tnves . Cliff Zumwalt,. ................... 27,92 Lloyd E. Kirkpatticl( -·- 299.02 parents go to San FrnncisCQ, IIU.Cc:essors """ assigns, the " ' .,.,. _. SON, his wlfe

0. MRS. ) . IN THE PROBATE COURT "' · ......,. or "ther ""actions or ch .. -cs Leandro- Vega ..... ·-·•-~- 52.69 Robert T. LaMay """'"" 29a.91 -A beaut!Cul saddle which was -'•'"t, t th "' ""' .,. • ., ' DEWDROP H W- ) OF LINCOLN COUNTY ~ . • ,.,., power, easemen • au or- the obligation to make such El P.nso Gateway Oil .... -. 7a,76 Albert Montes ................ 289,12 donat.ed by Ratjcn Bros. Cor

lt.y fl.nd privilege to build, con- payments. hereinabove provided ARD, wife of JIM W • .) STATE OF Nf::\V Mf::XICO Alruno Motor Supply .... 39.71 Aubrey. C. 1\'lcCord ........ 281.33 the best all-around cowboy at &truct, equip, own, lease, rent. for shall forwlth cease. HOWARD: JIM W. > In the matter of ) . Monte Vista Serv ............. 14.18 Antonio Chavez ............ 241.93 the July 4th rodeo, 1s at this maintain and .operate in the SECI'ION 5 In f th HOWARD: ?.L R. ) · ) • . Wcatern Office "'"Uip ....... 12.15 Llncol.n Co, lJrnnch ......... 232.00 tlmn "n dlspfnu nt D"'an a~ ..... . .• 'l'. o·wn o! "'~-'~ozo, COunty of : ur er CQfl• MEDLIN·, sxnA"U' 1t) t"e .;,t-.nte .. of. ) ... ..... ·-· ... ... . "V " wu

......... u. ld t1 t th ,_,"chlse 4"""'"n H .... .. J, Mnx Ollver ............. ~··· 112.08 Lincoln Co. Branch ......... 198.80 ware. Llnco1

... State of New, 8 ern on ° · e ~..... SUnLE'ITE•, l.m. S. ) 1 ) No.1097 M Shnf 113 OS Ll In Co B " 1182 M d M Mll Willi .. ., ~ h In · ted G""'"te · h~ n Robert • e11 .... .-..... • nco ,, ""....... • r. an rs. cs · atns a """tem for the sale, lease, or ere gran • ...... e 5 ·""' CATHEnn."" CORN· ')'ll · ROBERT FRED > · ,. .. cl'"' h. t 11308 B""' M ' A- AA97 d d h ,.~-1 Ann ~~.~- fu-'-h 1ns•~n · ~ .. c. tal """ · ,..,..,.., ·· Joe W. ... ,...,g ............ . ""'' ens """"ur _.......... ....... nn two nur, tel'!!, "'"" rental and distrubutlon of tcle-- •wo I ...... .."""n t,J. ....... ~ El.JA SANTO·. NEW• ) ) 364 99 NM Publl He lth 3nA1 25 d '·~ . t d I

1 1 a1 without clulrg · Inlce Hust ........................ . c a ...... ..,....... · an ... _,. .. n, llpen-t wo ays n Vlsio~ nnd other electronic Big- teeph nTrcp · rd,url th 'h 1e MAAN LUTHER : ~o. 7721" RILEY,· Deceased ) Al{C3 King ........................ 260.36 Mtn .. Stnt~s Tel. .............. 21.29 El Paso, Mrs. Stelnltc attended mtlar•hhd lmpulllcs, Including, to t 9 .own · ng e w 0 e 'SUBLETl'E; ) ~ NOTJC~·OF HEARING. Lloyd Vigil ........................ 373.83 NM Public Health ........ 382.00 at Miles' SundrU!s during their

-~--but-not-llmlted-to-1ludlo---nnd- -.time.. · · -~ II--THE UN•- }- ·· · · · · - ~- -ofr1rtNAI;--ACCOUNT-- 'MarlarlSenTnro :.:;:.:~: ..... y:. -263:84 ~-~.;-..;;.:;:-.:.19';27 -nosence.~· -~- -· ------~- -. -· - .... __ "video, reception, IUld/or origl- as it 1s nob t prohlbltedth frolnmwfdoul· KNOWN HEIRS OF > AND REPORT Phoebe Mny Taylor ... ~ ... 364.99 Lincoln Co. Branch ............ 1.40 Lorenc Fergucon Is enjoying -·-nation, transmission, ampllflca~ ingthsori..,•Yh llvlnomejurlso edri ti 1 THE FOLLOWING ) STATE OF NEW MEXICO Mary 1{. Lynch ................ 277.03 Nathaniel Dame & Co ..... 25.87 her vacation !rom her duties tlon apd dlst.ributton; to bulld, n:t, 0 *a r g th c ~nth n NAMED DECEASED > TO: Fred Allen Riley, alL un- Leandro Vega .................. 459.85 Marquis Who'o Who ... _ 95.00 at Miles( SundrW!l which stnrt-constrtlct, equip, own, maintain t precn-•~;ft ora reuse 0nlt e PERSONS: JESSE ) known heirs of Robert Fred w. G. Bradley .................... 273.91 Hondo Vnllcy Girl-nee ... _ 60.00 ed ,Tunc 1. ~d operate cQilXIal CD.ble, wires, '[:~ 0 U an f or 'f0 or- ALLISON anll ........ _ ) Riley, deceWled, and all un- Clyde F. Atwood ............ 281.83 Bien El'ec. Co, .... --.... - 39.53 Mrs. Jim Crowo, nccompantro

• lines, poles, towers, poles for 1ff th~ q~ ty 0 serv ce Pro- ALLISON, his wltc: > !mown persoag clalmln!J any Austin Wootf!n ................ 120.47 Petty'a ........................ - .... 181.14 by her crandmother, r,trs. Com lllJlpllficrs, cables, undcl;'gl'Ound v doo Y ran~, o:a terv ~ wn.LIAM: SUB- > llen -upon pl' rlgqt, title. or In· . Ro!ln Torres ·----.. ··--· 170.80 Lealie L. WUklo ........... _ M.35 Halo, both o;· Landers, Callf;, conduits, amplifiers, and all np. connection to ocn nt LE'M'E, also lmown > rereat In or to •Ute estate ot Martha Serna .................. 119.24 Jim Snow ............. _ ......... 110.00 arrived last 'Nesdny to visit purl.ennnces nccessnry or. de- Town Hall ~ as WILLIAM L. > ·said decedent: · . Allee Joy Leslie ........... - .. 81.11 Dr. J. P. Turner ·--.. -·- 7.00 Mr. and Mn. R. D. Kingston.

' alnblc to o.cco~ppllsh. wch pur- SECI'ION 6: Any person or SUDLET'.I'E; > Conrad E. Coffield, ndrnWB- Lincoln Co. Branch ........ 314.12 Los LullO!l Hasp. ...-...... 30.00 Mrs, ~ spent a couple of ·poses; to use all stteets; allcyn, COl'J?.Orntlon deslrlng to move n m- .AND ALL UN- > trotor, hllB filed liliJ Final Ac· Lincoln Co. Branch ........ 351.60 Ceo Bco Collllt. Co. ·- 44385.68 days then went on to TeXAS highways, bridges, othet' struc· bulldlng or other structure n· KNOWN CLAIM· ) count and Report, and on the Lincoln Co. Branch ---.. 19.31 Voll D'fgtn. & Nolan ...... 97.75 where soo .will vl.slt her f11thcr tum, IUld public grounds of long, or to make any unusual ANTS OF INTEREST > 2nd dn;y or Augunt, 1005, at · and other relatives ro·r lfcVernl

· aafd Town, now ClWDCd ~ here- usc or tbe streets, alleys and IN THE l'REMISES ) · 10:00 A. M., nt tho Probato dnys, then will return to pick after ncqulrcd, !or the P\U'POIC PUblic ways ot the Town which · DESCRIBED IN THE ) Court In Carrizozo, New Mex- CAPITAN NIWa - ly Marprtt ltlftdl up Ml'f. Halo, Sho mndo tho of thw 1taneblso ordlnnncp, ex· shllll Interfere with the poles, COMPLAINT, AD· > teo the Court wlU hear obJ!lC- trip fino and Ia enjoying her p~ or 1nipllcd; to f\1m1sh tho wtrcs, or fixtures .ot Grnntec, VERSE TO THE ) tio~ thereto and the setUe- old friends. They have to enD, aa1cl ~etv~ces and any tmr~ces shall first give notice to Gran- :PLAINTIFFS, > ment thereof: und 1hc Court s•xty· fOUf c' h•lkff8ft fa· ke bUS . for 0 na abo Is unablo to set around related thereto or compaUblo tee, .and Jhall pay to Grnntcc a Defendants, ) wm proceed to detcnninc tho I • · . · by walking ~ abo UJC(l to. So, 'thmlwlth, to th(t. people, fJnns JUlJ1 JJtifti~ent to cover the ex.. NOTICI o~ !INDENCY helnhlp or satd decedent, the : ~.. · · tr or her trienda read thla, and corporations altuattd tither pcll50 and damage lncldent to OF IUIT ownmblp of bl!J ~tnte, the · nnil will, pleuo call on h.."!'. It WitlJin «'' without tho llmlt6 the cutting. altering and mov- TilE STATE OF NE\V MEXICO interen or ·~acb rctpccUvc day of . Carrizozo poo· I v."'Uld male& her visit mucll hap. - « 1.htt "town, Ing of the ~ or othe1' fixi.. 7Q; • " clatm..nt t11ento or therein, and pier. She loveli this country,

SECI'IOtf ~: l'rovlded. how· turH of. Grilltee, and·btfore a · · .Eacb of the above named de- tflc· penona mUtled to dlstrl· but bet health does not pmnlt ever, that such poles, IUlchors, permit 1s &tvm by tM 'l'own fen4antr, llialnat whom aubiU· button ~r. · Last Tucsdau was opening travel on to Hereford, Tc!xns bet to ata.Y Ioart due to tbe wire, bnleleeta. ltn., towm. therefor, tbe appl.lcant lbail tutt'd tervlce 11 hettby sought Hlnklto, Bondurant,~ ~ dt\y tor the Cnrrlzozo swim· to visit her parents before re- bllh altltu~. coocluU.s,, art4 appur. presmt, a ~P~ from G~~ to be obtained.. GREETING: ty, P. o. Box 10, RolwtU, New mlng pool. Th1J w111 be f!Vt!rY turning bome. The C.Pltan W.oman'a Club ~ ahall, ~ prac- sbowlng Aid ~ts; ....., • .,._ You alUl each or )IOU are )lextco, arc attomeya for tho Tue!:do.y and 'lburadlly- durlrig Mr. ana ~. Wiley Adami met .at their clclb bQUie on tJcaJ, be pl~~ uected and upon, Gf.tee, u~ present&- hereby notltled that the above admlnlltrator. . ' tho summer. Tho tirlt day there who Ia ~p1Q&'i!d with the Huk west ••~ for their H&U1ar conatruc:tea In ':the.-.U~.' aJt4 tloA of d permit IliaD. within named PlalntlU• ba~flledtbtlr 'Wll'NESS thy h.OO and tho wtro 64 c:blldren from Capitan. Conat. eo. wbo atarted tM 4 meeting 'l"bUrl4a.Y, :une 10. tba11 be '10 plaC*l and con• for»'-e~ t bounl . ~ter', Complatnt against l-'OU In the Je8l ot the Probtlte Court on Tho school bul took mo.t or mile addiUon at the erut of the 11ltHn metbbml wu. P*-•~ illlll llOt to datetrero provide fpr and d() sucb cuttfnt, above num~ and tnUtled thft lOth da;y ot June, 1965. them. somo moth~ went. Our recent new conattueUon on 380 ent• and one auelt, Mn. Ruth 'Wltb the Ul(t ot the atreett or altering and moving of 't&ld eaUJe abd Court. <SEAL> youngsters look forward to this wtst to Nogal tum ott, mwe<1 · Ann.trong and ht!r Uttle ~U&h-.Uey~, water hydrant&, or wa- wires .and fix~ as may be Tho generat object 'ot laid l'nleo Uuat wtth great tnthualallll eacb tl1Cir trailer homo in Capitan ter, ot Carrlzow, ~ . td' malrJi*. Any and llll ucava- neceuUtary to allowal auch movf ~ wit Ia to qUiet PWntlt.ra UUe • Cletk of the )--car. mst Mondny. ~ .Annltl'Obg ~ tbe u0 ... ·"·'t .. _ ........ co...A anA o" or o er WlUJU. . o , . we to the X'eal estate describi!d ..._.._._ · lpc!akct .Cter the meetlnr. B. tr ~ awu uu ·~...... u . .,.. streets, and . Wa)'t' "'"v..,...., O .. outt The 4-Hm!nlbml wmt ..... ~hlJma··~,~~!'.!:t~if..:' and Mrs. Ralph M.etulbws

as un- IJneo!n Mexico, County Jllhe .17t 1005. day wlUt Mrs. Spene- ren camo 1n Tueldny to vlslt waa very li!:!~~ . -. -dc1" tho clreumJtancts. In tho e- SECI'ION 7: Th1l francbtse being Jot.1 2 and 8, moeJc 5, Lut. publlahed. . Jul.v. 8, 1005. o.s their lll!lttuctor. ..,_ •• M .• ,.,_ na• h and Jntonnntlvc.

· · vcnt-thcGrantoo~not· 'prom· shall be In forco and tflcct ror .. Unlt 2 of J?:tJ~ VC!l'de Cnow nul• .Mr: an!l Mrs. Edward Kings. ~ie:re~ru~c{'!:iu'll.~.~~ KAthy De~ nttd Llz Cctminy ptt,y ~ my •treett or aide- a period of· twent:y-fivo )'-ears dO!() DoWns), ngnlnst tho ad· N·OTICI TO IIODIRa ton and two chlldrtn of Alamo- Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlt!s Lock· Y."ttO tho hosteues qn tho reo-

. wane. damaged by Gra_ntcc, tho :from &«fptmce u pr<Wkled '\lmle clalml of )'OUt' and tteh Sealed bttls will bo opcn!!d In gordo took their romp tt·al!er hnrt of Edmonds Okl!l. ar- ftcsbmtlnt wtnmlttee. They '·--:Town au~ -~-~~~~..' ~~~ ~~~~- ~--~f}'ClU,. an!l ~ne~~g·by, .. :;~~ff"' thlc2_ ~tnt "'<;wo,.!: __ ~~ park~ it _Utnt_ thokDoJito rh-cd Saturday to VIsit hk ~ .. ~.;::.oo a T.~lci~ f-!}'f!! ~ad .. - Ulet'e011n nunttU1 tuN' ..., tuN t.tnaei' Or Uli'OI.(gh you, iild to '""""'"""" .,. .... ......... n u.xo, ......... e Ol'C:l .or 0 wee cnu to ents, M'r. and Mrn. Lester Lock· wuu l11'8CIWI .. nnu C(lue<!, ... nry

Grant«! whleh. upon wrltten prlvileg~ ahall tbt!mlpon ttasl!, forevt!l' bar and estop you from. Catrlzozo,. Nt!W Mwco, nt 2:00 fish and rclruc. 'lht!n cruno on htlrt in Ft. Strut ton. Lnst Woo· nowden won tho door ~. dt!mand'by the 'l'own, shall be unlea more than .six monthS ~ving or claiming any Utn ~ P. 1.1. JulY 6, 1005 for Ute fol: to Copltnn to visit his grand nmd:ly h!JI sister, Mrs. Dan Dl Bobble Powcll p!cnsantly rur­pnld within ten dnyn from the betore t'XplraUon date and not on, or right or tiUo to said lowing three Insurance poUcles. p:ll"Ctltll, Mr. and Mrs. n. D. Greaorlo of La!! Yegns, joine-d prlscd his taUter, Leo Powell.

ttate of any such notice or de-- moro than one year prior to real cstntc. Contractors ~pment Pol· lOnl:l!Jton tor a few hours, be· them. She will opcnd some Ume last Thumlay by dropping IIWld.· Further, Ute roplllclng, stild ex-pirnUon date, tho Gran- Unless you enter 'Y01U' ap- ·. Icy covering heavy rrod eo foro returning to their l(IC.:lUon there ln. llill nlstcr, Frances D<:vlne, construetion, nnd m:mner of teo shall tender to said Town. pe:urutce Jn said ca.usc on· or qtdpment owned by Lincoln for the \•;et'?kend. , • · who b:tn hnd 00 dayn varotlon erceting' the poles and line!! ot notice or lt! intenUon to rc- before J'uly 8, 1005, judgment · County. . Mr. aruJ Mrs. Joe Annnrn· Mr. N. E. Britton. hrul ~n In the eMt cnlkd her con Jim-Grantee, .us well tlll fixt~ mid new this frs.nchtse-, in which Wlll bo rendered in stlld ct!.USQ Worktnt!n's Ccmpcn!l3tlon tono and four ddldren of l.f('tJl· employed by tho Ap::1chc Cattle mle IUmdea In Dallns 'TCXll.!l attnclimenta thereto, shtlll bo ·event lbe ~ shall be Tmcw• ngninst )-'OU nrut eaeb of )'OU by ruu1 emp!O)~'linblllty pol•. pbill, Tenn. nrrl\-cd In Cnp!tnn Growem As:m. as ranch man· nru1 told Dobbie to wutt' for her at nl1 tlmca, &Ubject to 1he po- cd for n teim ot five years. nnd default. icy. . . Frhl:ly to visit hla cousin, Mr. ager, He wiU ru:.."'tlme hln dut!ea and she wanted to come by. So lice power or the Board of 1n all}te manner this tronchisc Plaintiffs' nttomey b J'obn Schwu!e L!tlbility Polley. and Mm. johnnie Annnmtone June 28. . . they trn\'eled to~ther In ltzr Trustees of the Town. _ ney be l'em!Wed for tU~Q\'C W. Thompson. P. 0 Bolt 771. E:lch policy thOUid 1m bid on nnd John Paul for wverol cl:l111. Groce Murphy enk':rttlinr-tl C3l'. lie stayed but FronCC!!

Grantee guarantees the Town teml!l of five rrorn, with n mn.x- Ruido=o, New Mexico. scp:!ro{cly. Fnr nddiUon:ll In· Mr. J~ Harris of Ru!droo ~na Fe~n and Corrinnn went on to White Sandll where of Carrizozo and its cltizrn!l hnutn of five f;l,tch rcnewnln. GIVEN under my hnnd and fortJUUon rontnct Ontnty Clerlt Dovm!] camq Io'ritby and p!cl:oo · Provme with dlnner lrult Thurn· the Is emp!O)m Sin nUll hod that the tonstrncUon ruu1 tn:lln:. • SECl'ION 8: 1'hts franchise £Cal of the Third Judiclal Dis- nt Onlrth~. ~ · · · up lib sister, Lou, after he had <by. Va-a Ikoll of ~In Join· n wcelt but had .. bullint'o to tennnee of their propo;ed in· m::IY be trrumferred only with trlct Coutt of Ute State of New County CommiSJ!oners reo visited and truten rorc of bu!l- ed them. They enjoyed an otter· ta!re roro of. Dobby will !l'n\-'1! atru!atfons wffi Jn l'lo way m• the written cdnsent of Ute Mexico this 24th day of May. !::ave the right to accept· or l.nsg, to t.nke ht>r hom~ ns she n~~ oflrotl:ll otn.. r ,.._ i d r.ronlby for San Froncls:ro. He terfere with 1he n'ft.lllo • vide-o Town; how~w. 'cottent will 1965 ' rejret nny or all bid!L h:ld been hero at tho KinW>- nm. errern ° ._...p ton an elopj in santa Fe on ~Inel:!l reccpUon of those people who not be unreusotub!y withheld. (D. C. SEAL) Firnt publlihed in th3 Lincoln toM tor one v.-eelr. Lynn M~nald of Ft. ~tnnton while enrouw. He expcctll to now have and/or v.ill herein· SECrlON 9: .. nllure on tmt . /S/ Eur:enta Vega County News .Tunc 11,. 1965. Mm Clem (Attn) Cearley ond were cho:en Cor Coys State &hlp out from that port.

• arret. om~ nnd operate n tc]e. of Grantee to (!()tnply with any · District Court Clerk Lrult publlshed June 24, 1005. two children r.:lturned from and lett Sotunby to upend one h!ld just recei\'cd a letter vi!' on s t within the ToWn llin of thtt provisiOns hereof shall Stlllwnter, Okla. lilllt Wedne:~· "'~lt nt mU.U In noswell. from him. lie Wtlll In Fmnre nt

. i . e . .. . .. . . . • ... . .· call . . First published In the Lincolh NOTICE TO IIDDERS day from two u--eel:s vacntion Mm. Gl:oma Maestas an!J tho time tlle letter was vir:ltkn. Its. which li not connected to automati Y c:mcel and ter- County News .Mny ,21, l005. Scaled b;dg wlll be openl'd -"'th h~ .,.,.,..,.. and oUt- children rn.f. o~-cd 10 cb)''!l vocn· ..... !-" he· -·~t. •-~·· to-··~ Grantee's installation& . rninate this rran~. JU'Qvlded, Last publlshed June 17 1005. i th il f th Un 1 WI "'' ..-~... "" tl ...... cu ......... 1\.UVW • .,\A:hc

SECI'lO!i 3: Crantec shall however, that the Town 'lhall ' 0 . e Oufce 0 e co n re1atlvel1. Tho older son rcntain- on in Den ... -cr. and Taos nr the promotion he 1.s olming for. tave ·the- 'Town liiftntess froin · liVe 1o Grmtee Wtitten ·nonce · · · m THE DIS'rmcr cotJRr County Commtssioners. Court ed with hfu grimdpo.rents for turnlnt:: hmnc lost Mond:w. uc ta Jn tbe Mcrehnnt :MlU'Ines. .U lO!I.'IeS austallied by the 'lawn of.oy mch d~Ult bY :register~ OF LlNCOLN COUNtt' H0115e, Carrizozo, New Mexico, a while . D:lVld Montoya, necompan!ed on aC(XiUllt of any suttt jtl<'ft~ e:hnall at Grantee's known . NEW MEXICO nt Z:(lO .!:Jf J~J: 6h l~ for Dew~ Hnnuick, son of .Mr. by Jo~c1 ~~~~. ~d E?P ment. execution, cl)lhJt ·or df;< ·liddress. and after the 'mailing Probate at) autou&Ul,lue WJ t e . 0 OW• nntl Mrs.· i'tny c::hrunbers Wb(). Crawfo , e~t .,..,UUoJ. lOt ""'. hW1d wlia~. l"CCultii!C ()huchnotl~ tO Grantee', Gran· 1n ne: £5tnto ot · ) ' 1ng ~lcntlons: entered the acrvfce 1n March, ifomla where they w1l1 bo em· fi.1>m the ne-gll~n~ ot t&. 1 1M ali,a\l have ro ·~ to. cor.. JOE o. SARGENT, ) No,21 1-l~ Model Au

1 tomt· ob~ completed hJs bOle trntnlng P!0.Y'!d r~ tlie aummer. Don

Grantee Oi' It! agents Ol" ezn-;. ~ ~ defaults pointed out . l>eoell!ed ). · Po.uvr SMan. CO <>1' <Y · MD.y 22, then came horne for v.:ant 118 fa.r 8.1 Dougl~, .Ar.i· l'Jloyees in, the construcUOh ot.t ·by' •\lt6. Town ~'cOntil;lut~ this To:SHAl{oN SARGENT, 1'10Y.i Whlte. At least 390 CUbic ll tew daS"S to vUlt hfs patmts zona where he stayed llli he hllli ~~n~ ot Its .system In PrlvU~eJn lull foree Md et- ShUOn DegJlet' by~- ~f'lth. .!1!~~~enpo~ .. ..:=n.· '""· gin•ate at Ft. sumton, flten. tvent to work Utere for the summe.r. \bee 'town_ or front a vlolatldll · t~: otht!rwise, it shall be auto- age: PArtuctA ANN .SAR•. ranft'• g*"':..~.:O'":'ttc ~.:.~-. 1t'b«Je. l'l!al' SaH FrancfJco; .. F!tma Campbell fs. empfoyed

· t'>t any ot the . terna ot :thla . lnilticaDY, terrnlnafed (Uld. bo GEN'r, ltOBEkl'· EZEU· ., a,UWIU<Il u-.uJJUlll5"' Mrs, Eltfi! :Merten motored atBruneJ1s In Ruidoso dlll'inl

~-~~. t~•·!o~ttt.lilt!'!: ~"'~. · --0"01t0 ••. u·· ~"'" ........ d._ ;;~~~:.XL~f..~ _gof!t: ~· . :t'£~ · ~ul~~f1~.! .. (Ji!JJtl~~~ t~.·~·.· c. Otero tktty attttt~.

daY* ~'fet. the ~tattbn"'6't ~'t;.~~ llilbdiv!slo~ cli;: ~ ~t;td ~f' ·~. ternatot, Jlacktlp llgittJ, ~ and ~u to"r.etuttt .. ~';. . dcd tOO fUJl(!rat Saiurday tn Al• ·~ claim bi' c:'lenWld. elther by ~ ot'Pftrt or thla orcl.in8nCe ; tricla Ann ~t ana Ro- inch wheel~. and tir8 in• .MJ.t. lnd Mtf, 'Ue Sh'dtl\ left amogordo of Mt, JuM P~

"'W• .. ........ .. ..... Mcldde. PropaM Co.

Dial ...... • ~ P.o. lex 214

RttaU Wholesale And Deiivencl ~ hi Uncoht County

ltlit or o~ .tt~ade agatnn · Jbalfbe·ldJU~ ,ilivand or brt• : bC!i't t%ell Sargmt. mtnott: clud.(ng ~pare wheel and lot Moooay everting to kb· to :Mr. P~ waa ~n. 0--~ 'the! TO\Int oo .. aceoont .1>f uv ccdtttq~ the Atne> shalt • · lJid l.ORNA. H. SBlP'l.E!', ttre. All' ~tton~. (rae- the bedside' ot: hll brother ml1k _1a_th,_e_r .... w~w-u_· .. Ut-e_o ... r1_gt...,na ... d •. · --.;...,.-------~'""'i fiUch Jleg11~ 1!11 af()teA!d. ott ·not eft~ . ~· Villdltt ot ihls raard1an ad·~ tor lfatii• tory Jn.taned) . .. who & Mffot.Wy ill fit the 1lol- .. r • . ""' (•. ·~~a .wll*• ot ~ · ctaA.DnSargettandnobtrt 'l'rade-iitttJbtii003Fontptes.. Vital and reftuned TuilcDy, It ~. SBC:rtoN 4: Grimtee. tor~ · part ot" ~~ ¢her· 'than ·~ ·.sartmt, ·m~nors; »lit t!tlt1,r 1n ·bfle' by tho t.Jncoht · .eems. &e bd it. lltll't atta~ In COblldeta~ ot the prl'li• ···tbep(tttodeclded·fubeltiva1it't iiiio .\inlcJlowil Pftteml Coatify, Sberlff's -~t. . llti;U.A..llOiaofSWlw.~,· ~tiS· JHite1tt atanlect ·dUrli'i&· ot:. \!JlConlfltutlOML . .~ · · .. · · · · · G1J lien ilpojt ·br· For additional fut~tloti: eofi.. Okla.. · ipesit JeVal ~ tat ~ llti lit tltii ~ ,iNtJt ~ 11:- GnD.tN Ji&r4Uf ii1ti) ·tltli Of .. . iii Uct.t{14f. ~County Sbef.. ;Wtt!k'wtth :M'tf..'Eltlla MerrelL

·Sferra lkiwca • taY to: the ·.'.roWft. two ~t wUhln· ten. ·.da,. ftt:lm · tile date ·liJlel. to · ettate- illd. 1ft. · . . · · • Mt. iik1 Mr.. JI()JC Sbaw,

Of the tNt~• ~ ~ ~ Of tbe' PQI!lge and ~ ot . iUid .all~ ~ttf ~ reo .DJane ana .ktt·MtiNt llol1d&)' ' ~ *>t · ~ Win thk ~- · tllf.t wltlt ·the·. 0. ~t, • jer:w; the l'lcht 10 ~t or tor il \liea'tkJsHn. ColOrado and &'rived' bf Gn.nlee 'from .U dtrk « the 1'0wit Of Clai:tliliJd , re~ any «' llt bkk. · ret~ Oi1 tli& ~ -·· ~ looia'Uict wlUdtt tb*' .. wrltteft ateePbttioe. ot thla. ' . . . .. . ·., .. Qmo -~tk\: .w~ clbl!led. .10WJt. ~ Mldl · ~ . ~, ·lnd.. at tbt taatw .. . Warr••,. ·· .~ 1itt ·Qf IUy, mucb· to mt .~t. ®Cttftb', .tJii. bt' b4!ore tkQt. pq to 1be .. uJa tthri( • . · (MW' fl- Ma-t . . . . .. . ~y.;Capttan ;... .. t&lt w. .. aJxb' ~ atW 'Die tklt .a., . *llttQ· ol motw.V CiJV· · :Dtolfitr 11r lWIIbir••J . ·--'"' ~ , it:llilj .o . · · · · f*fel' .

·tt· J'li§Mjl)' ........... J••t4i 8IQ4. ti' tbt- COirt Of tbt· ~tSOII ·~ J1i .... ~ .......... 45.00 . ·lhk.. . ~. ft.c Odoblr. ~~~ ·fli t11111 . ... ~ ... ~ C:.Uot *tt on•~" a.. . · B.M Jtr •. · J'aalll•· at~~r fot three~ tld:t ~ «w•lld!Ctwu.\ucr · t'isiUSttfl. ~ of J'o. _.()~ · · ..;WO · ·illlct . · QU~ . ..ustoM ·:sac tV ~ a.t·•• .,, ... · r6Jii1N. li1',1irit. trqwrt, a•••4. .. -.t .. .. .... , 18.2) .--SA ·· ~lilt. ,_.. J1C.: tlw Gt.... . ·U:ltfluMINUJ" ·~.._.di'Jlf'\fnlltJit,tatl,1 . . •.•. ,. ~.27.68 .liikt.lf:&o .. ~~ W'ffikh 1 .._. W1bi.f(I••J!''fltltja Cit. Jtlfllt - - 41lf -· -, • .• . . . • "'.;n •• ..,,85.01 k' tdt .a ~iilll

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Hfghway 70 Wut .. Ruldolo, MM. P.hon4t 257~1 ' -~ .. , - __ , . ' .. . ' ---· -· - - . -'' - -.


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FOR SALE - 300 gnl. butane tank. Phone 8226. Box 285 ln Corona. 25·2P

RAPIDATION PUMP SALES . - SW«Jl tank construction, con­crete work, water well drilling. Sco Huey Bros, Contrnetors, P. 0, Box 368, Phone EIA-2665, Capitan. 4-25e

DEAR GREASE - For anlo. Thin bear grenoo Is pur~ and clear. Rl'ndered from White Mt. Ucnr by Arvel Runnola, Excel­lent for pic crunta, trying, on­lnu or flnhlng rreln, and water proofing bootn and nnd· dlen. ·

Cornea In 1 gal. bucltetn. In· fjl qulro at Bonlw Oty. 24-lc

! . i" l \. I, I

1 . ' ' ' j I ' '

FOR BALE - 14 Ft. .Eagle 1'rollcr - like now. Used tota.l 4 wcoltS. P. E. Smith, ELA·2tl81, Ft. Stanton, N. M. trc

FOR BALE - Dlnck Mlnln· turo Bootlnnd marc. 3. Gentle, nmnrt. Sec Saturdnya, Ted Zum· walt, Nogal. 24·2c

TV ANTENNA FOR SALE -On tho bouse or on tho ground, you nnmo tho prlco. Paul Pay· ton, Phone, 648-2372 Carrizo. w. 26-3p


ron RENT - 0no nn rur­n!Jhcd ap3J'tment nc:ll' achool. Water pa!d. $35 a month. J. 8. Steams. 27o3c


rJWns and coUcctlng mont!Y from now typ.\) high quallty dll· penacf'l In thla ~a. No 10lllng, To qU!lllfy, you mUJt htwo car, $MO. to $1440. c.ub, ~~ fo tv.-elve spare houra Wtt!kly. tngttly profltnble way to ln· crorur.a monthly Incomo. am cx­p:md. For per10nru lntcrvlcw write P. 0. nox 012, Aurora. Oolomdo. Include phono. 24·1p



L-P GAS For A~Uanca, or

trutaJW aM Prop:m&


KEETH GAS CO. G. It "Shorty" Stonctmn. M6tJ'.

ITS INEXPENSIVE - To dron....._ruga aM upbolatcey with muo Lihtf.o. ntnt etootrlc llltnn• pooclr $1. Potty's General Mtr­cll:md!so, OuThozo. 2-t.le

SINGER SALES - And ter­vl~. Sewing rnnchlnt!S 69.95 up. Frt!e homo demonttratlooa with toum and aew mac:hlnel. Write P.O. Box 398, Catrlzozo. 2.{-!ip

"C• '"' .- • • ,- .-••

•" '•

' •

Claunch· News

\ 0 "

• ,,

• • • ~- <

. " . . . ' . '

11 Around· Town"

'; ' -lt, - j -. . .

Wo stopped at a wayside to eat.

A doUgbttul wooded retreat

Later that day •

Pol.Jon Ivy • • .bead to feet!

For Trip Accldcnt lnsuro.noo, . .

Consult· J. o. Mm Ascney.

J. G. Moore Agecy .. ca.a Ma-2tn - cantz~•

' •1 ...

I . I . - I - I . ' !, ... '' ,_ ~' . ' . .


At HIKE. HALL - Carrizozo .

Bt11afit of St. Rita Church . '

Saturday, June 10 • Muslc by Tho Renegades



... .. ., . ,· ... •: .. , -- - - .

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~ . "t...lll.v 11N• 1l . ~ r.-.J.Ifl$11o1'!"i I' Jy .. !'!< f' . . .. _). -· ;_ '

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· J . ...L. · · >· ~ .· •• ..& i •h . ~~t...u.Jr ..• 1!"!0! ........ 1-J., .. I'" "~">"«"". . .



.. \Yffit


metered f!AS



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Pcaltd H~91~ PCIY Lattrl

.... :ut

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• rtt .,r,.-* tn that.,... prpe-~tl .. -)'OC(JI ~ t.'llt Wfl hm:


-- •iJ· . .. ._! . ,

In Carrizozo offers you ·a complete line· of hardware, fishing, cleaning, recreation _supplies.


Top Grade .at low Cost •

99 . · PElt. GAL IN

_ ~-GAL lQ'f$ lenew. and~ tiM ti0ttdotwtfac4tt-s.rvacn .pdntet ~· fWt6 c:oqt., .M bodr.d linHed. oU. baw.

" !xtelfent hldfng ~; tfU)'t biightl . .... ... ' .


., .

. \



