, , , hoaf'tur...6 o""rotlng and installing: 6.1testing installed cabll!m!l: 1....

5 4 , , -l,, '- . sock8ts <" '"-. ___ Remote unit : : : : : : : : LED display ofttle , " _ral channels ----,,-:::-- --- Main unit Test switch ------ Battery case 3 Intended Us.: We do not permit using the device In other WWfS like described In chapter Dncription and Function. Use the product only in dry interior rooms. Not attending to thase regulations and safety inet- rucUons might causa fatal accidents, InJuries, and damages to persons and property. 4 Scope of Delivery: 1 x HDMr"Iline tester (main unit) 1 x HDMITII line taster (remote unit) 1 x ProtecUon case 1 x User's manual 5 Replacing the Battery: Inserting a Battery: 1. Open the battary case at the back of the device by sliding it on. 2. Connect a 9 V battery block to the internal battery clip and place it into tha case. Batteries are not Included. 3. Close the battery case. Replacing a Battery: 1. Open the battery case at the back of the device by sliding it on. 2. Disconnect the 9 V battery block and remove it. 3. Insert a new battery and/or close the battery case. HDMlTM line tester .& ATTENTIONI RNd tM ..... f. men ....1 comp".ly.nd carefully. II Is part oflh. producl.nd Includulmportanl Information for proper Iqt.!latlon and ...... iCMp thl. u .. r'a menual for clarillcaUon and only "Hit on Ioget .... with the product. Table of Content: Page: 1 Safety Instructions 1 2 2 DeKliption and Function 3 Intllnded Us. , 4 Scope of Delivery , , Replacing Iha Betblry 3 6 OparatIng and Installing 7 Maintenance, Care, Stor.g. and Transport 6 Troubl.shoollng , 9 Specifications , 10 w.n"IInty and Liability 11 Disposalinstruciions 7 12 CE Declaration 7 t Safety Instructions: &. ATTENTIONI Only skilled .I.clrldens may .... mbl. .nd di ..... mbl. the hou.ing ofth. prodllct. &. ATTENTIONI RI.k of short-clrc ... ltl NlMlr brldga contacts! Do not put Ihingl inID vantillltion IIoIs or porlll ATTENTIONI RI.k of InJury by stumbllngl Attend to"" cable installationl 6 O""rotlng and Installing: 6.1TestIng Installed cabll!M!l: 1. Connadthe "rateable end to the remote unit, when you want to test already Installed cables. 2. Follow the InstnJcUons continuing to 6.2.2. 6.2T8Iting bulk cables: 1. Connect the first cable end to the main unila REMOTE connection, when)'Ou want to test bulk cablee. The order Is unimportant st this. 2. Connect the second cable end to the main units MAIN connection. 3. Switch on the HDMITM line tester by using the ONIOFF switch. The LEOs shine after aach other = Function test of the HOMfTM line tester. The Powar LEO shines. Automatic tnt mode: After tile function I9t tile cable I9t start. automatically and all channel LEDs .hould shine permanently for around 5 .econds. T.stlng rasult A .hort beep and one of the following signal LEOS .hine on tile main unit: PASS: The cable Is wired 1:1 and Intact. OPEN: The cable is not wired or has a defective contact atthe not shining channel LEOS 1M Is tMfectlve. CROSS: Tha cabla is wired CI"OA-OYIIr or in II wrong way. TM cable is defKtive. SHORT: The shining channels are .hort-circuited. 1M cable Is tMfectlve. Manually testing: Press the Test .wItch for a new tntlng procedure. 7 Maintenance. Ca .... Storage and Transport: The device is maintenance-free. Always tum off tile product and put it into tIl8 storage pouch, LED LEDName HDMIPln Signal 1 TMDSData2+ 1 Data RED 2 TMDS Data2 Shield 3 TMDSData2- 2 TMDS Data1+ Data BLUE , TMDS Datal Shield 6 TMDS Datal- 3 7 TMDSDataO+ Data GREEN 8 TMDS Data Shield 9 TMDS CataO- 10 TMDS Data CIock+ CLOCK 11 TMDS Data Clock S. 12 TMDS Data Clock- , eEe 13 eEe 14 Reserved (N.C.) SeL 15 seL 7 SOA 10 SDA 17 DDClCEC Ground 8 +5 Volts 18 +5VDC 9 Hot Plug 19 Hot Plug Detect 10Warrlinty and Liability: · The producer grents a 2 yeal1l warranty to a device. · As the manufacturer has no Innuanoe on Installation, warranty only applies to tha product itMtlf. · If any fault or dameg.l. del8cl:ed on your device, pl •• s. contact your dealar and pftllllide your salas slip or invoice III evidence of the purchase, If n.oess.ry. Your d •• ler will repair the fault either on site, or sand tha davice to tile manufacturer. You make the work of our tachnlclens considerably easier, describing possible fauns in detail- only then you can be ... ured that faults, occurring only rarely, will be found and repaired with certainty! The manufacturer Is not liable for damages to paraen. or property caused by Improper Installation, operation or maintenance, not described In this manual. Do not abr or modify the product or its accessories. Any usa other than described in this user's manual is not pennitted and cau8ealou ofwarranty, IOS8 of guarantee, and non-liability. We reserve our right for misprints and changes of the device, packing, or user'. manual. 11 Disposal Notes: )t According to the European WEEE directive, electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed with consumers waste. Its components must be recycled or _ disposed apart from each other. Otherwise contamina- tive and hazardous substances can pollute our environment. · · · · You as a consumer are committed by law to dlapose electrical and electronic devices to the producer, the dealer, or public collecting points at the end of the devices IIfaUme for free. Particulars are regulated in national right. The symbol on the product, in the user's manual, or at the packaging alludes to theae terma. With thi. kind ofwute .eparation, application, and waste diaposal of uaed devices you achieve an important ahare to environmental protection. CE: ! whan not in usel Us. a dry and.aft cloth to clMn your product Be careful to avoid scratch.s. Use a slightly moist cloth for heavy stains. Look out fur live cablael Do not UMt any cleaning supplies. This can ceUM bum. to the material •. Avoid liquid entry to the device. Avoid places with high temperatures, humidity, or places which can become wet, also during maintanance, care, storage, and transport. Keep tile product ilWWj from children and store it at dry and dust-proof places! Keep tile original packing fur transport and to avoid damages. S Troubl .. hootlng: Problem Help Devloe don not wort. • Check If a 9 V battery block Is inside the battery case. • Make sure battery is full. other question. Consult your dealer. 9 Specifimions: Connections main unit 1 II: HDMI A socket. REMOTE 1 II: HDMI A sockat MAIN Connectiona remote unit 1 II: HDMI A socket. weight of both units 107 g Dlman.lons main unit 103.7 II: 62.4 II: 28.7 mm Dimensions remote unit 100.4 II: 30.4 II: 24.9 mm Operating voltag. 9VDC Battery .ize 9Vblock Housing plasHes - - HOAf'TUr - , , , .. , .. , -.. •• · .. , •• I I " -. SI -. - "u -. .... _- -. -. -. _. ......... . HDMITM CABLE-TESTER User s Manual · Your product Is not a toy and I. not maant for children, because It contains .mell perts which can be and can Injure when used Ineppropriatelyl · Do not u.e any damaged products or parts. · Please remove or store the packing materials well, because children may cut themselves on them while playing. Further- more, tIlare is a risk of swallowing and inhalating of incidentals and insulating material. · Avoid axnmelnlluences, e.g. like hHt and coldness, humidity and direct .un Insuftalon, vlbraUon. and m.cnanlcal prn.ure. · Do not modify or change the produd or its ecceseoriesl AI.., mind chapter "warranty and liability·. · Mind the .pecifications fortransporting and use applicable methods, e.g. by using tile original packing. If defecg, mechanical damages, disturbances or other probl.ms ocour, which are not solvable with this manual, take the device out ofwort Immediately and consult your daaler for question., repairing or cnange like It I. described In chapter "warranty end Ileblllty". · A defective device may not be put into operation, but must be protecIed against further use. Repairing, such 88 assembling and disaseembling tile housing is only allowed to akilled professionals. By repairing it yourself you will loose all warranties and there is a ri.k of elecbic .hock and .horl circuit. 2 Description and Function: This product is a cable tester for already installed or bulk HDMITII cables with 2 HDMITM A plugs. It uses a 9 V battery block and comes with optical and acou.tical signals.

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Post on 08-Jul-2020




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Page 1: , , , HOAf'TUr...6 O""rotlng and Installing: 6.1TestIng Installed cabll!M!l: 1. Connadthe "rateable end to the remote unit, when you want to test already Installed cables. 2. Follow




-l,,'-. -:r~---=,"""c,---CDnnectlon sock8ts

<" '"-. ___ Remote unit

~ : : : : : : : : ~~ ~. --~..::::::==c~~ LED display ofttle , " _ral channels

----,,-:::-- --- Main unit _

~_Sl~=======~: ======ON~FFOO~ ~ Test switch

------ Battery case

3 Intended Us.: We do not permit using the device In other WWfS like described In chapter Dncription and Function. Use the product only in dry interior rooms. Not attending to thase regulations and safety inet­rucUons might causa fatal accidents, InJuries, and damages to persons and property.

4 Scope of Delivery: 1 x HDMr"Iline tester (main unit) 1 x HDMITII line taster (remote unit) 1 x ProtecUon case 1 x User's manual

5 Replacing the Battery: Inserting a Battery: 1. Open the battary case at the back of the device by sliding it on.

2. Connect a 9 V battery block to the internal battery clip and place it into tha case. Batteries are not Included.

3. Close the battery case.

Replacing a Battery: 1. Open the battery case at the back of the device by sliding it on. 2. Disconnect the 9 V battery block and remove it. 3. Insert a new battery and/or close the battery case.

HDMlTM line tester

.& ATTENTIONI RNd tM ..... f. men .... 1 comp".ly.nd carefully. II Is part oflh. producl.nd Includulmportanl Information for proper Iqt.!latlon and ...... iCMp thl. u .. r'a menual for clarillcaUon and only "Hit on Ioget .... with the product.

Table of Content: Page:

1 Safety Instructions 1 2 2 DeKliption and Function

3 Intllnded Us. , 4 Scope of Delivery , , Replacing Iha Betblry 3 6 OparatIng and Installing • 7 Maintenance, Care, Stor.g. and Transport • 6 Troubl.shoollng , 9 Specifications , 10 w.n"IInty and Liability • 11 Disposalinstruciions 7 12 CE Declaration 7

t Safety Instructions:

&. ATTENTIONI Only skilled .I.clrldens may .... mbl. .nd di ..... mbl. the hou.ing ofth. prodllct.

&. ATTENTIONI RI.k of short-clrc ... ltl

NlMlr brldga contacts! Do not put Ihingl inID vantillltion IIoIs or porlll

ATTENTIONI RI.k of InJury by stumbllngl ~ Attend to"" cable installationl

6 O""rotlng and Installing:

6.1TestIng Installed cabll!M!l: 1. Connadthe "rateable end to the remote unit, when you want

to test already Installed cables. 2. Follow the InstnJcUons continuing to 6.2.2.

6.2T8Iting bulk cables: 1. Connect the first cable end to the main unila REMOTE

connection, when)'Ou want to test bulk cablee. The order Is unimportant st this.

2. Connect the second cable end to the main units MAIN connection.

3. Switch on the HDMITM line tester by using the ONIOFF switch. The LEOs shine after aach other = Function test of the HOMfTM line tester. The Powar LEO shines. Automatic tnt mode: After tile function I9t tile cable I9t start. automatically and all channel LEDs .hould shine permanently for around 5 .econds. T.stlng rasult

A .hort beep and one of the following signal LEOS .hine on tile main unit:

PASS: The cable Is wired 1:1 and Intact. OPEN: The cable is not wired or has a defective contact

atthe not shining channel LEOS 1M ~ Is tMfectlve.

CROSS: Tha cabla is wired CI"OA-OYIIr or in II wrong way. TM cable is defKtive.

SHORT: The shining channels are .hort-circuited. 1M cable Is tMfectlve.

Manually testing: Press the Test .wItch for a new tntlng procedure.

7 Maintenance. Ca .... Storage and Transport: The device is maintenance-free. Always tum off tile product and put it into tIl8 storage pouch,

LED LEDName HDMIPln Signal 1 TMDSData2+

1 Data RED 2 TMDS Data2 Shield

3 TMDSData2-

2 • TMDS Data1+

Data BLUE , TMDS Datal Shield

6 TMDS Datal-

3 7 TMDSDataO+

Data GREEN 8 TMDS Data Shield

9 TMDS CataO-

• 10 TMDS Data CIock+

CLOCK 11 TMDS Data Clock S.

12 TMDS Data Clock-, eEe 13 eEe

14 Reserved (N.C.)

• SeL 15 seL

7 SOA 10 SDA 17 DDClCEC Ground

8 +5 Volts 18 +5VDC

9 Hot Plug 19 Hot Plug Detect

10Warrlinty and Liability:

· The producer grents a 2 yeal1l warranty to a ~ device.

· As the manufacturer has no Innuanoe on Installation, warranty only applies to tha product itMtlf.

· If any fault or dameg.l. del8cl:ed on your device, pl •• s. contact your dealar and pftllllide your salas slip or invoice III evidence of the purchase, If n.oess.ry. Your d •• ler will repair the fault either on site, or sand tha davice to tile manufacturer. You make the work of our tachnlclens

considerably easier, describing possible fauns in detail- only then you can be ... ured that faults, occurring only rarely, will be found and repaired with certainty! The manufacturer Is not liable for damages to paraen. or property caused by Improper Installation, operation or maintenance, not described In this manual. Do not abr or modify the product or its accessories. Any usa other than described in this user's manual is not pennitted and cau8ealou ofwarranty, IOS8 of guarantee, and non-liability. We reserve our right for misprints and changes of the device, packing, or user'. manual.

11 Disposal Notes:

)t According to the European WEEE directive, electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed with consumers waste. Its components must be recycled or

_ disposed apart from each other. Otherwise contamina­tive and hazardous substances can pollute our environment.


· · ·

You as a consumer are committed by law to dlapose electrical and electronic devices to the producer, the dealer, or public collecting points at the end of the devices IIfaUme for free. Particulars are regulated in national right. The symbol on the product, in the user's manual, or at the packaging alludes to theae terma. With thi. kind ofwute .eparation, application, and waste diaposal of uaed devices you achieve an important ahare to environmental protection.

CE: !

whan not in usel Us. a dry and.aft cloth to clMn your product Be careful to avoid scratch.s. Use a slightly moist cloth for heavy stains . Look out fur live cablael Do not UMt any cleaning supplies. This can ceUM bum. to the material •. Avoid liquid entry to the device. Avoid places with high temperatures, humidity, or places which can become wet, also during maintanance, care, storage, and transport. Keep tile product ilWWj from children and store it at dry and dust-proof places! Keep tile original packing fur transport and to avoid damages.

S Troubl .. hootlng:

Problem Help

Devloe don not wort. • Check If a 9 V battery block Is inside the battery case.

• Make sure battery is full.

other question. Consult your dealer.

9 Specifimions:

Connections main unit 1 II: HDMI A socket. REMOTE

1 II: HDMI A sockat MAIN

Connectiona remote unit 1 II: HDMI A socket.

weight of both units 107 g

Dlman.lons main unit 103.7 II: 62.4 II: 28.7 mm

Dimensions remote unit 100.4 II: 30.4 II: 24.9 mm

Operating voltag. 9VDC

Battery .ize 9Vblock

Housing plasHes

- -HOAf'TUr -, , , .. , .. , -.. • •• · .. ~ , ~ ~ • ••

I I " -. SI -. - " u -. .... _- -. -. -. _.

......... .


User s Manual

· Your product Is not a toy and I. not maant for children, because It contains .mell perts which can be swall~d and can Injure when used Ineppropriatelyl

· Do not u.e any damaged products or parts.

· Please remove or store the packing materials well, because children may cut themselves on them while playing. Further-more, tIlare is a risk of swallowing and inhalating of incidentals and insulating material.

· Avoid axnmelnlluences, e.g. like hHt and coldness, humidity and direct .un Insuftalon, vlbraUon. and m.cnanlcal prn.ure.

· Do not modify or change the produd or its ecceseoriesl AI.., mind chapter "warranty and liability·.

· Mind the .pecifications fortransporting and use applicable methods, e.g. by using tile original packing.

• If defecg, mechanical damages, disturbances or other probl.ms ocour, which are not solvable with this manual, take the device out ofwort Immediately and consult your daaler for question., repairing or cnange like It I. described In chapter "warranty end Ileblllty".

· A defective device may not be put into operation, but must be protecIed against further use. Repairing, such 88 assembling and disaseembling tile housing is only allowed to akilled professionals. By repairing it yourself you will loose all warranties and there is a ri.k of elecbic .hock and .horl circuit.

2 Description and Function:

This product is a cable tester for already installed or bulk HDMITII cables with 2 HDMITM A plugs. It uses a 9 V battery block and

comes with optical and acou.tical signals.