
iNO IT. MRS. PARTI NOTON. we abbehtIwitiveiy, |r|t,,^"a M p c K i i . i Lire * no iXl-LOKATIONH OF FREMONT. ' double. TRr HOTTER 7. , . Mj. ie e»4 IBtratuil v.rtiy. Mr.. Perlet. .»?" M f'«""re *,ain' 01 ¦*». §ketbeen»r. BioTrirAj » rer.fuRydi...te.i aal b^u.ifolly written B.mSbAbS^?i pf»*Ufd»r1t, r..iJd u aat made op of ex- tU^fr'amrVeU» ir^N. wpr>« .«« therefore, ***"*.^THE MUST ORIGINAL. Third, fbet «MUCKERS FREMONT j. wtuk ef indirrVf Kl* eut in >t.-t. . racts, tad certa dy »Ans an both * authentic and RKliable, ¦"earth, that TU Pott alt waa raVimitiad to th- eritieitxB of the Colooal'a family, ami " approved " by tana, and who iure DENY it' Tail "rut bees accepted;" oob Eagieriag cabxot ii. CMiL i nirnt*. , . ^j. New h? rl.w of the foregoing atuVborn fach), the public ari #al> .FF-^.«« Tj|| t||vi |,m < and CAKDOR .I BA><i»*#iarmi»i tat-ava - the oair eetwantwd. the °\lt eoo^te.T 'tbe t\i.r ot 1*1 rial.- "the war eccepteePer- JraTt kr who pohii.kt.uly ar.w Brv*»-(u Uraa part of ther IS Ml lltlV an iinii Ii J.ebbbI of tttiitti a^fbe'Coone/.Taluabt. R'P<"'« ». a^."."?! eb thee Ml oor. a" Old book :>.who aeeer change the .l!ÄriRM r f T'.^? CatakHtoe e-her, thi. ^yifif^^gll or.!, ¦earn half dor.n booh., i »c|l of eel»kilibad lamtlSea, ' tee eoubcmg were gneeouely irnpo«el ¦uii il eaeeeb for m-der axftay. ^F«-££T Tflr |/rBLIC jroOF, afU. readlrr kW above, whether they w 11 rrurd Mr*. Partini- Aea'r tetfr'l tee,ueet a* dattateretted, that they .hoold r.pre*. thaii **>er, and " wait" until .be ahtlJ bare labored. the terra Ie tot iui.tain-and brouzbt forth her r>vi v " ortgi aal " bet oi> l.v ''¦erthcrriied,'* her o.tlt *' complete," her oaxr . accepted M.methiu*, rather than follow their lmpolae. eni un OF PREMOST. Of whfca w»jpgythousand daily. R.n07 Hi R LARGE EDITION readv on TUESDAY. ¦*k4**tf*B*MrXLFR. ORTON k Ml'LLfOAN, Pub! .her-. (so j-. Faik-iow, New-York. and If7 Oene*ee-at.. Auburn. X day B i*RFSS.WLLL bo READY in a FEW life of col.'fremont* aVN OR101NAL AND AUTHENTIC BIOORAFHT OP the PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE POR THE PRES¬ IDENCY. Prfarted la a pamphlet of S2 pegee, oa fair white paper, good tap* and enibaUiahed with aelrited Uluatratione, Per doaen. 40 eeata; per hundred. $2 50; per thouemnd, f an. A Sne edition of the abo. .Biography on eery fine thick paper eeithcewere.price La) eta ;or 81 per doaen; $7 par 100. xi '.-. '"-t-g the Cain, are retpeetfully toileted. OREELEY k McELRATH, Tribun. Office. New Ready: EEPl' BLICAN DOCUMENTS! Vi' tar* now on bend 'he foliowing ÜEPUBLICAN DOCUMENTS FOR THE CAMPAJON, And ar* able to ttipply them by the quantity or tingle eople* at the counter of the Publication Office: I. THE REPORT OP THE KANSAS INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE; Submitted oa Tueaday, the latlnat., by the Horn Mflaer*. Howard of Mich, and Nherrnan of Ohio, with 2,500 pare, of crrie'esee, the fruit of three montbr' faithful labor in Raneaa. Sbgis eople», 4 rent. per dozen, 40 cent.; per hundred, . I v per thouaand, B30. ii. SPEECH OF THE HON. CHARLES 8UMNER ON TUE CRIME AOAIN9T KANSAS. Delivered In th. S*ne»e May 19,18S0. Sln.le copie. t cent*; 40 rent* per dozen; 82 AO per hundred; *'Ju per thoueaud. III. 00V. BE WARD'S SPEECH ON THE IMMEDIATE ADMISSION OF KANSAS. Tws cent, per copy; 20 c.nt» per doaen 81 2.*>per hundred; tBlOperthouaai.d. IV. SPEECH OP THE HON. SCHUYLER COLFAX Or Indiaxa ON THE « LAWS" OF KANSAS. 2 crate ear copy, 20cent* per doren $ per hundred; Bit B/er taooeaad. Ai) quantity of the aboTS will be tent to any addree. on re ceipt of ibe ai naied price*. either by eaprett or in any other manner daalred. OnOEtt, inaloting the Cash, are retpertfnlly lolirlted. OREELEY It McELRATH, _Tribune Office, J tut Pobiithed: UBDUINO FREEDOM in KANSAS. REPORT eS THE CONORFS8IONAL COMMITTEE, rBtsruTtD IB rnr. not -t or ¦ItBtTtBlIAttwtrl or Taead.y, July 1, 1356. By th. Hon. Hum. liowaru of Mich .an, and Shjrman of Ohio, wit^.NOpexeeof trldance.the fruit of three month. Rvthfal labor ia Renata. A oictt at potteiit dot mi,hi t fur every voter. gle copy.0)0 04 Per dort i. 0 40 Per bondred. 2 50 P:r tbouaant. 20 00 Ordat. iic.uting the Caah are rerpectfuily .ollcl'ed. OR FT. LEY k McELRATH, Tribune Olttc e. s E E DOFSTICK'S v O Y A O e TO CONEY ISLAND IN TO-DAY'S PICAYUNE. Price 3 ceaU. Sold by ail the Ain't. IN Tdk CRIME and the remedy.. There is a little Slty cent Book panll.bed by KIOtHNS A- KKL- XOOO, hewYtrk. entiUed the "LAVV OK KINDSE.-H,' wblch u a far better law than now reignt in Kiuaa», and if .Ttn cltlrrr of the United State, wou'd read that b-xik and re a*ace ita eptrit -o practice, the ti a' aeawtaawaai afeat uo* ahake Ihlt fail laid to ita center would eeata, and peace aul Lappiu.ta, n. d Lltarty wou d rei.n trluai tiha^t. Tne remety i. *.n out .ffectuil. »'ho wilt rrr ttt Sixteeu letter tit.ii « awl fro. im aeopy from the PnbiUhcr. by mail. Br A t T ii W Äl T e for j V i. Y . Yt'i.l be ready ou M «%, the .:-.! ioat: Par EXE II of BRAIIHWai I r.'S Rr.TAOSPEt T, For Jarj.iaM, STRINOEa k TO VNSEND. Pubiiahert, No. Broadway, N Y. N. B.-Ordt -i thoald bedi-putche d promptly, at tint work it a. i >nnt M ta e. 0~ W f or the COUNTRY! BOOKS TO TAKF WITH YOU. IKTVBESTINO-AMI '*l NO.INSTRUCTIVE COZZkNS S 8PARBO .> t. I; \ PAfER4. With Ulna- tratioi t by Dar > y One b-autitul llmo. Price 4>l. ADVENTURES <>' OKKaRD, TUE Ll<'S-KILLER, AM¦ 'Nu Till WILD ANIMALS OF AFRICA. With trpnl'ed lil'.itratione 12mo Price, 81 25. ALirt CAREY'S MARRIED, NOT MATED. 12mo. Ptiee, 81. JOHN BROUGHAM'S BUN&BY PAPKllS; Or, Iaita Zchoia. OicnealUmo. Price, 81 OkEEN MOUNTAIN fMltt.S: A Stobt or Veb>»oxt. Bf Mythe Whiia. ttrno. Prce. 81 25. McrOKiA, Or, Tat wotld Ovebcomb. By Caroline .TV -»elr,.' 12rnu. Prioe, 8 1 THE LAST OF THE FORESTERS; Or, Ht Moat or the Boai>eb John aenaa Cook*. Price, Bitfi TH t IllhDEN PATH. Hi Marinu Harlaod, author of Ale«« " .',,.. Filer. 81 2\ TOII1NO AND HOPINO. The Story of Little Hunch- Back Bj Jra.y tier ah lima, Vrlce. 4)1 Z>. TV- F K0r>T HUNTER. A Tnle of Early Timer 12ino., attatcicth Pure. BllbV THE LADI»b i.lTDE TO »ERFECT GENTILITY IN BfANNERS, DREsS AVr> Ct»N\ F K^ATION Price7v THB WIDOW BEDOTT PAPERS, ltmo, Illurt.ated. Efler. 81 25 HENRY \\ All!) BEECUEK'S STAR PAPERS. Price. »1 2* OAHPIEL VANE: HIS FOR IT NE AND HIS FRIENDS. )«W Pn;e »1 25. DERBY k JACKSON. PaMithsr», New York, Au* (o. eale by all Booka>ll»r. and Newa Agnate- ASBACH U SETTS ITeFINED, AN 11 NOBLY,"TOO. .THE HON. aNSON BURtifNOAME'H BRILLIANT STK" II IN f i.M. ':)¦>-' !«..«. Lwutd b.. u. ii. a atrle woithy of ita aBBOtoa Tktt Spexh wareeJe »econd ia abill'e and «-.ihm. power to OOV. GARDNER'S i ' -i -n of the Oraud Turk o' «rebaira. _JOHN P. JEWETT k Co Pnblt»her«. NR W - Y O R K SUN. PRESIDENT'ai PORTBAITS, A-i the meet ptrteci ».yi. ., the er( PORTRAITS rwx nx wtinrxTiti. i»M>mtTt«, JTILLMOBM ard DONELSON, BUCHANAN aod BRrCKPNRTDGR, rft! .Mont and . . , ' DAYTON, am *'oi.of0ta*u^** »uperior paper, an 1 tip top likoaea.... eai.Y aix cx.Tt a aatrT BIX CENTS FOR SIX PORTAAITS Pea'} a: the Sua OtBce counter THIS MORNIKO HOW to GET RICH..One hundred and flftr AtrTereat w.j . tkat be prv iu-«d at boaae.and ioMcr.'t M dr4jreJ>le, by eld or youet. xaale or female, la plant v dnmcn- tr-e'edt^ Profeeeor ULIMlRl i rre«i, now BOOK or V OttDEFS - .if pauje. Tb* lufora.tioni. entirely new, and M 'he retult of tbe rrofeeroi*. k-rry year.' travel orar tae trorid wrban be wae pror and In aearcb of weal b The book aleo tell* you hew re be Handaoaaa, Healthr, and turceaeful ia Lore. rlher it u a wocdertul hook Pile* 25 rear* per copy; tea ret 81. Set,! anywhere by mail. Addreaa PretW>r .1EP, Hew York Po.1 Office_ EW-YORK DAILY MORNINO EXPRESS -Paraeat* wkabetg u be tarred trick TH ¥ «OK n I NO CXPBFRh ». aand, throaah the City Pnet Offiee or any ef the DUpatch Poet OSke*. In CARRIER OF THE EX- eVeWHS, ewraar cf Wall eel Raaeeu ate. JIM the BOOK* for RIVER aad RAIL. hit rvti.mcn: T II E S A V A I . HIHTOBY Or Tili l'MTLD STATE» BT J FraiMoai C orn. Illnatoetwi *>t»h . Sie Ptrtrelt of the Ar. tho», e* «t**J tag t -"u I 'traii « cf ihr prii.r pol B.' la 8r nan in oi.' l/o.o rol., ur ifc, m wit ( ooper'a Note t. Frke, $1 56. Prä« Otrrft Bave'ifr. Tbc work | f Bf uniuroeseed *n«. it ia ao foJI of Inter**!, .~< »lud iiioatrationa of Aaa*rir*r. B heat euitet M^rTl'ONGfcS HI'ORTINO TOUR. Wub .«l» Cciored Steel bj John Laach. In one elegant eiown Octavo vo'ome, neatly bound Btaaiin, OSt PHsa Bl 50. .. Thia ia «ho moat witty and Iti.h proroklog book wa have mot with In year* Tb* Uugi» eoatained ia tt ar» c^nrrrJ tar at,d of ofvereel .ppurertoa Bor wrrar pr-durad a bundle of roch nnatiou equal to the Sponge Tobt.' It ia a decided and »iwcaarfiü rreni? to the bliiaa. and no anchonta could possibly rjenuo it without lotugiorne of Ml betten* " ~ (Jertsy City Teemph. WORTH AND WEALTH: By FtiraiaJi Ovar. Ia one elegant volume. Price a 25. ¦' Hinte Franklin wrote hia g-lder. me time of thrift, oo more Tslaable prrcepte hare appealed on the Lewa of >¦'..».ih, and the Science of Poli'kal economy, than thia pre/-tirei Manual of Mercantile Practice." (Cleveland Herald. THE ATTACHE; Or, SAM Si k k IN ENGLAND. By JVDCC H»I IM rt \. Neatly hound In anualis, 75 cent*; in paper, 50 cent*. " As everybody ha* read Sam Slick, wa can only aay that thia ia decided it up to the etat.dmd. It it hrim full of fun, laughter, eetlre at d inclcent, and if all tnoae will rot taterett, put forth In the Halibut'on atyle, aa don't know what will. Itlejuat the both for * wann aftartoou " I Detroit Advertiser. WALKER'S EXPEDITION TO NICARAGUA. Price, &ti rer.t» in paper, in cloth, 75 cent*. Thia ia a hiatory of the CeLtral American war and the So¬ nor* and Kin Ley expedition!, ujclueing «11 the ciplooiatic cor- rerpot denre, together with a new aid accurate map of Central America a; .1 . memoir at d portrait of Oen. Walker The au¬ thor ia William V. Well», Coiitul General of the Republic of Htiudaraa. it ia a vary entertaining historr of interesting and impoitant eotemporar.eou* event* " (Mobil* Daily Reguter. SHIRLEY BROOKS'S BRILLIANT NOVEL: ASPEN COURT, lo 1 vol. of >? page*, ceat'y hound io cloth. Price SI 25. " Aspen Couit it a mat Look. A giant amor g giants, it tow¬ er* 1. itb above I'a a***ci*t*t. It ia wtitteo with g'eet power and vigor, combining th<t ai.atomical accuracy of Tuackerav with the grace anil pathoa of Dirkena. It l*a vivid eketcb of life In the Nineteenth Century, and a moat powerful work of fiction. ' [Newark Dai y Adrertiaar. PubUahed by STR'NGER k TOWNSEND, No. 2 a Broadway, New York. And for aala by all Bockielleri. Too will " get the beet" if you watt for IGELOW» LIFE OF FREMONT. Twenty Trionratid Cotlea In Pre** of the AUTHORIZED LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES er JOHN CHARLES FREMONT. BV JOHN BIGKLOW, o*cj.. Pdi.or of lb* N. V Evening root One l-r» 12mo of more than 400 page*. EmbeJUahed with an accurate Portrait OB Steel, and eeveral spirited Ea- gravft'g*. illuetratiLg encl'ln* Bcene* in the EXPLORING TOUB8 of Cid. FREMONT. Price, Urs DoUer. Aa there are aeveral book* aanouieed. purporting tobe the COMrLETE .'AUTHORIZED" LIFE OF COL FRE¬ MONT the rtibaer-i oen a*enre tb*ir frier.da that tie volume to be publiebed by them ia urt aa "I.D BOOK REVAMPED, nor leiten IN COM Pi .ETE 8KETC H compiled from hi* own writ* ing*. but the AUTHORIZED enc ONLY COMPLETE BI¬ OGRAPHY OF OOL FREMONT. The ADDITIOBtL obicikal msttbb slobk irj out Editlot. i* more than the »hoie iu any book yet published, LET TUE PUBLIC JUDÜF. BY COMPARISON". An oi/ptircuuty will oSer in a few day*, when our a will be ready. Rt-men.ber aid aak fbt Bigelow't EditiOL. DERBY a JACKSON, Pubtishera, New York. And for aale bj Bookiellert and Agents erarjrwhera, aid copiea tent by mail poet-paid, receipt of price AT T R ACTIVE B~0 O K 8 FOR 1HE COUNTRY AND FOR TRAVELERS. I. THE MODERN STORY-TELLER. 12rt,o. Cloth, 75c ; Paper, 50c. *.* This volume contain* 23 capital itorie«, neatly priatad iti large tyre, ana U juat the thing for the car*, the a.e*ma .at. or a leiture hour in tt>e couatiy. II THE BAKED HEAD, AND OTHER STORIES. Being th* Second V olnme of " The Story Library." 12.00. (Iu a fxw daya.) III. IlEBTnA. By Fredrrika Bremer. Fif'b tbouaai.d. 12mo SI. " Mise Bitroei'a moat ewrreaefui effort. " * * Mgriv of the rhaptera *.-.. of thrilling. ü.ttre*«;" [PhUa. City Item. TABLE TALK ON BOOR* MEN AND MANNERS. By f ydney atnlth aad other* l.'tr-i. lie. V. THE LIFE OF FREMONT Tttg PATitrt*dck or THE bockt MovsrstKi. B) C. U. UphKii. IllnittaUd Utmo J\ VI MAROARET MAITLAND OF SUNNYSIDr:. By the author of /.aide«." lüc. Vit HON. MI8H MI'BRAI'S LFTTERS. Tenth Thotuai d 18ms. Bl. VIII. MEMOIRS OF HARRIET FEEBLE. By Piof. R. H. Lee, I.L.D. lfmo G. P. PUTNAM A Co.. No .... Broalway, up atairt. VALUABLE BOOK of REFERENCE.*- Puhlithed lbia Day, Julv Itl In one volume, Bra cloth, priee *>1 30, HISTORY OF IMMIGRATION to THE UNITED STATES, ExhlMtlcg the Ki-Msrs, Sax, Acr., Occt-raTiON, AIM Cointbt or Bisth, or PASSENOERS ARRIVING IN THE UNITED STATES, By Sea fieui Fnrelgp Couuiiiti BtaBS rvtptombar SO, 18'9, to December 81, 18»; coMPii.tD nTTRaXT pbom airicuL üit«: With An Introductory Review of th* Prorreta a_-;d Extant of loiral- gration lo the Utii'ed 8t*tee I'rior to HIB, aar aa arrcNDtx roMTAiHtae the NATURALIZATION AND i'asmknukr LAWS Of the ITi ited Ütttei. *nd Extract* fiotn the La *. of the ..Total Btate* relative to In v. «.».).«, the tmtrortation of Pauper*, Couvictg Lanatice, etc. Bv W ill l i i m j. Bbomwell, Of the Department of Slate. J. 8. Kt HI 11.1.1). No. 34 Bookman it. OC'TIIOI'SAND of the PEOPLE * FAVOB- *J»J ITI BOOK, U P II A M 1 8 ILLUSTRATED LIFE OT FREMONT. AI TIIORI/.KD MEMOIR NO V BEADY! THE AUTHENTIC LIFE. EXPLORATIONS and PUBLIC SERN ICES or JOHN CHARLES FREMONT. Bt CHARLES U KMTWORTH UPHAM, (The PeracLk. *lid Political Friend of tba ''Rockt M. Pathtii det " formally Mrniber af Ori|reaa, end on* ef Iba WlHars in " Sparka'i Ameiican Bk>graphv."i In one baodionie Vt lume. with accurate Portrait, at d Thir¬ teen fit * IQBBttBttaaay, ¦'.>»:. f'om irene* takeu B1 Dati'erreoiype by Col »reaaout while ou hi*"great"Exi>edi'4oiia. Pure *.') cetta You cuirot bemialed If you reel UPHAMS kfKMOIR OF FREMONT, fir iMa universally |t>pu!ar work 1* a UII aad c IBTB lr t t.arrntlon pf the heroic career ot the people'!candidate. Teima te the trade very UhtraL nCKMOR A FIEt.^S Publiahera, No. 135 Washington It B aton. C OL. FREMONT PLAN TINO THE AMEKI- _| CaN STANDARD ON THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS- A larae aiut a, u t Campaigu Efgraviag, v. tuchee Pile* lily 12A cent!, t.t e per HO. Handaomeiy colored, 2^ cetta.or t per 1<0. Sent bv ma I npon receipt of priee with poatage tt»mp. BAKER A OODWlfa Prm era, Tneaae Beildioga. ..CBEMOXT end VICTORY.' RV Jmt publi.bed. THE FREMONT SOS JS TER, with a correct llkrurii of "The Hero if the Weat." contalnina eighteen of the cewset and moat popular Hong* of Freedom, in eluding the celebrated "RALLYING SONIi," w:ilt*o by II. Gicaley Lbe wlolt aet to nttiw, and lor aale by P. J. CO/. ANS, No. 107, cor. Ana at. Pi ice per IfS, S4; per dog'tn, 62 rents; iltigle copiea aent by mail, ftta of poatage. onracaipt of II rent*. C4IÖJCE BOOKS for SUMMER BEADIrVO.. I SHELTON'SIF W) UP THE RIVER 1 vol »1*5. IK MaKVEL'S REVERIES OF A BACHELOR 1 tel. $1 « IK MARVEL'S FRESH OLEANINOS. 1 vol. «12J. WILLIS S (N. P. 1 OIT-DOORS AT IDLE WILD. 1 vol. 11 ... HEADLEY'S (J. T.) LIFE IN THE WDODS. 1 vol.- Sl 25. MINNIE MYRTLE'S MYRTLE WREATH. 1 vol. SI l\ WILLIS'S IN P 1 RURAL LETTERS. Ac. 1vol. Rl2f. STORIES OF SWEDISH LIFE. By Mi* Cariaa. Id 5 Wat*. Fach in cloth paper "-.c Yh: I. On* year of Wreloek. II Home la the Voller. III. BtK*eof (Imberg. IV. OuaUTua Lirdoraa. V. The Whimsi¬ cal Women '' Aa a p»rtraver of oelnia Mra. C. ia without a rital. She baa a broec fie'd kt whirh to pr»rtiee her art. for Sweden « a lead ranownad for tba beauty and graedaur >( It* .eeeery I The Journal. CR IBHI CHA9. SCRIBNER. No*. S77 a d JT'.i Broadway. N*w-York. OllllaUl COPIES NOW READY. A»ll|Ul'D Tb» Autb"tl/e»> Campaigu E«it..v THE LirK AND PUBLIC SERVICES or TIA HON. JAMES lU'CTLANAN. With Porn ait frcna . Ph«ogreph bv Brady. ]2tno Ptper. psgat. Price f csats. Con mittrei, Club*, etc., ¦applied atlcm rate* Ll VERMORE k RUDI) P.bliahara. No. MO Sraadway, N*e-i crk. EW MTBIC."Oh, desr, I'm M^lefeted;'' sat g by Louie* Payr», S5 canla, " LAURETTA POLKA M47.URRA," by Jac.aett (very bril.iao; and beautlfat,, A eta " THREA. FLOWh,R8»by Lt-blcS. (10 pataa.i 50 **nta All kloda of Mure faroaaaed free of poelag* at the .owe.', priea* Deaeary güarax'ard whea mensv !a a*n» throoak g<wtaa**aga A taw MwarW I'tare* or Let ' OgatusaWJ Phauo* froea tSa aeiehtated feeiary jf Haioee Bra*. CO<>R k BKO .No m Br*aJw*7 a, n: abort Jt*>l et.' jy| R 5 . STEPHENS'* . .AUSTRATET» NhW IMOSTHLY.I FV, \ät\ ahLPav j a*t*v_> ' tOtt a .( .t, W NOW PSADT, paaaalnit* . o»Ttsv*TT** Or , "LOST IIWIll," By Hn A Mi a ITEFBEN-*, Two N;w Chaptered "I O V £ IN . By <»* Anther of ' Bleach* D«w»-> i. ' A Sp.--.dd il put i;.uTii:n aatltied "PLOWCBS AND THOBKI ;" Totetter w tb BP) KM >tb«r beastlfe! *ad rpiritad tllor- tntidti, la a greet variety of TALKS, SKETCHES, EDITORIALS, i.e. Th* Pile* orJy 124 ceila, rral I It THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN AMERICA. Office *f Publication No. Naaaaa ft ROSS fc TOl SEV.No l«N****u*t. aappl/ tha Trade. ANEW COOPER in PRESS.. SARATOGA, A Ta l t or HIT. BOOKS POR BUMMER READING. 1. OLD VICARAOE. By M:a. HUBBECK Oa* to'i , Ltmo * ti 9. WIFE'S TRIALS. By A cor of " Jealooe Wlfc-" On* vol., Ivo. Secant*. For tat* by all Bookeeiieie. W. P. PETRIDOE A Co, Franklin***»., New-York. JOHN ESTEN COOKE«~~NEW WORK . Nor Ready: THE LAST OF THE FORESTERS; Oa. HUMORS OF THE BORDER. A Story of he eld Vlrgini* Frontier. Bf Johk r m ta Cooke. Author of" The \ ts :.;» Comediane," Etil*; or, the Hnmea Coeaedy,'' »te Ose neat iza o Price *1 24. coarthT): As Apple Orcherf. \ arty at d hut Companion*. Ititroduceia Legal I-; ¦-. Hew Verty thoutht, aad played, and dream eL U ltbr«ttt. In ah'ch Mt Rcundjacket flouiebei hie raler. In f b.f b Mr Rou:.r>< let teed* hi* great Po*tn How Vrity «bot a While Pia«t a. H»»k i without a Hawk. Vaciy atakee lb* acquaintance of Mr. Iii aa I It, a Verty diarotered in timaa.f a great fonlneag for Ap¬ ple* Hew Strephun ta kad with Chlo* in au Arbor. ¥i rty exprea*** a decire to ioiitat* Mr. Jlake. Tie 'blite*rth of urtcber The Pet dl*r axd the Necklace. Mr ItortDtija-ket rxelet hlmaalf egretablt Mr at Home Ht w Mia* LavtLiii dcaelopcd h*r Theeriee on Mat-unony. Oily a ft w Te*ri. Hew Mir* Fanny eiemtne^ tha do r in Verty'* f»Ce Ii whlcb Bedbed euiprraaee her feeling*, and behavee with d fror um Hi w Min SaCaaaa fall in lore with r*rty. Th* I f Ut « of Vertv'a violin pi . ting nptt Mr. Ruahtou. A ' our.g Oentltmaii'.iuat f.-ooi William acd Mare College. The Necklace. P>-ilc*opti!caL Cciatquence* of M m Se'lianna't p*aaioa for Verty. 'nterebei g* of Com pun ent». What occurred at BoaarVt Tavera. Mr. Jtckarn Hctaal»*ck going to take Raveote. An o.d Bible. Fanr j'e tlewe upo Heraldry. How M at Salli*nn* a'ludad to vitvri, and fa" into tvnterici. DERBY A JACKSON, Pubiiabere, No. 11» Naaaaa at. Aid fox .ale at the prir.c'ptl Bookitor**. FRANK LESLIE'8 ILLUSTRATED NEWS- PAPER. No 34, It-edy Till» M JRNINO DREADFUL HAILROAD SLAUGHTER at Camp H3I, Pet:atlv*nl» tufi .¦. OHE BROADWAY TRAOEDY, New-York. BURNING of tbe Lake Ena Steanioraf NORTHERN IN¬ DIANA 'Itprt HOW OlR ILLUSTRATED PAPER IS PRODUCED. 1S» Ergrsvirga MAfONIC CELEBRATION at Ch'ctgo. IM NDATION CF THE RHINE. 2 fci.rravinga. TA I OREAT PIRK IN BROOKLYN. N. \. And 12 o hf r P.: «rtvlngt Kr Sale at al. Newt Depot! Price :»i» ON T BUY THE WRONG BOOK.. 14 e ahall pnb ieh eat week, tha lot g i-ok-.l-'ir, ONLY COMPLETE AND A U I H rt / r. LIFE OF COL. JOHN C FREMONT Bt John Bici.low. EeltarN. Y. Poet IT 'CONTAINS ONE PiFTH MORE than any other " Life of Fremont" advertUed beeide th* only correct et**l Portrait, a. J eight apiritod K.gtetiag*. Uloatrat¬ ing the EXCITING SCENES IN HIS WONDERFUL CAREER HUNT BE MISLED by "aoark advertieemei ta' of old book* publiabed t*o y«*ri .eo, now labeled " Life of Ptemoat;" at ny bile' at etc bet of Ftttrot t'a ExploratioDi. adveruaed at " th* t -*t that ta or will be." If yoa »re in tlorbt, «samine all of the a and decide by eorppetiroa. Remember and e*k for Bigelow's Editio*. Price, One Doilar. DERBY A JACKSON, Publisher*. N*. 119 s*aau at.. New York. D 20,000 COPIES NOW READY. THE AUTHORIZED CAMPAIGN EDITION. a. 1 jo parat 2J ceata THE LIFE. EXPIOIlAliONS. ADVENTURES AND PUBLIC St.RVlCEd OF JOHN C'HARIiEH FREMONT, With a Photograph Portrait Prepared ftom authan-ic and direct «ourtet. bt a gaotlemaa of d'ttii guiahed literary reputation,and la* ieliabUand authen tic bl^.rarht of tha eminent EXPLORER, BCHt'LAK. STATESMAN AND HERO. Tbia it not ar old bovk or an iri'OTplete aketch of hit life, hut tha AUTHOKlZ.k D ASH COMPLLTE LIFE or COL. FREMONT. Corte.. .. t all iha- la ef Importal cr lu any of the 11 «ditiorw Agenta * anted to Caut*.( etert tun in the t'jttel Sta ee- Trrnia liberal. Committee*, Clabi etc , .'iputi«d at « rat**. LlVRRMOKE A RVDD, Pub.,then, No. 110 BrtMCwey, New-York. Cor' ' by mail to ai.y addreet oa r r-ipr of pin I. A H. ITC the O-eerel Ageuta fjr the tale ot TICRNOR k FIELD'S EDITION. Uaaat, Cloth, Tjcaata, and will »uppl j at their rite* in qaaatitiee. SECOND EDITION. 1 ft,000 COPIES..Now Ptady "REYNOLDS POLITICAL MAP fiF THE UNITED STATES.' -Site by 34 inchee.ahowiaa al a glance tb* m bole country, tioui the Atlantic to 'h« Pec fic Coaat; eolortd »o .. to derlgtatr *he Free ard Slave State*; also thtroat Ter¬ ritory \r\ to Freedom or Slavery, by the R*p**l irf th« Mat- aou'i Comproniite. It a!io p-eaer tt t large amoau-of atatieti- c>) metttrtompdrd t orn tha laat I S Crnrat, (howing th* al- »acta*t« of Fiteoom oer S.avary, togaLh*r with portraitt of Ertmortand Dayu-n. Pnca.lntbeat fern.BSeerta. Price u pocket form.Atlc-n a Etery pert on interested ta the podtict cf oar cuantry alaould Eoneta a e*.py C. pn a *e: t pt>at paid oi. rec-ln of trice. Addrtt* WILLIAM C REYNOLDS. Pub.:,-.-. No. it) Broadway, Nea-Yurk. N B AgeLti wanted to a*ll thu Map HE PRESIDENTIAL I'ORTRAIT TEST.. CLO-»E FIGHTING-THE RESULT. THE NEW-YORK SUN of THIS (Salu.deyi MORN1NO coatain»a particular atttemeat of the petty trial :n puxchaaing extra copiee of Lb* paärgg coa rimirg th* PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. The co: tea: aaa a i i- at. aaiuaug oa*. Read the Re«vlt IN THE NEW-YORR St'.« OF TO-DAY. Oht Cut a Con. Engr patage .Camp BAKER k OODWIN, Phatart, Tribut.« Buüdina*. Pub ;»brd Tai* D»j POLTRiXrNirS; »Tr**^cFBrc«. In ons Act By Ar. a n :r*r of Chivalry. " Fir that baiog or* o the biwett heaeet. powr*at. Of Uii« aaoat ¦ >aa rabtUioa, th n go'et turetajet, 1 hi n taacal. that art v nt in b'ood. to raa Lead'et 6r*». to win *om* ventage Bat make *.« reerty yoar et*T aw>a aad dab*: Boaee aad bar rata ar* al tha p int of battle " CoaioLaart. Ft: SaJa ia New Yc.-k City bt STRINOEt k TO *"N4END No. £rlit,d C 6 FRANcIi k Co Nc 'A4 Bnwdwtt. A. WILtlAMSACo Pob.i*be:a. No 1» Waehingtci el, Boetoo. Cognae tent tree by mail en of ii eent* la ttatnga voitly eticrea era cewie mJ »*¦.'., w m Scaclaaia oapiea east by a.*'' cpoa i .-.ipt cf oo* ehkLag a j , .-*r..p C. '.erad, V> c*-U aad 1 etaaa. BAKKJ a OCDtvm Pvt- 'ajr*. Tt-Vsig Balldaaa*. » W. rath H atneaj the ^JEfC£«^ " Wm% "here it bei on* word frr it-»« * . 0f(,B » Itcon-rarrt clr«e!y.i'io MM rufKf U do»e not r the beef rftM pr.*-: ( rroalhiww.- | .jMMil American. .' It wiU be tvwerfnl rite, to the tlu-ee irtor u-n.tbliet [Luenii urmoere*. " Tet:Dr e together '.adeeer^ent entree, «od being entire¬ ly difleie t tr it»H»u Herper'e «od P«ioe»'e.tbe «wo greet ttiAji /ii th. nn ... the L mted State* M M> *K to ..nt rbetr in eiert»**-. " W »'MjP«j ^ltMempharteMiyrl»«M»w»*efo Itoitmrr. " it bj tertxi. ly tie ctexpeet BV1'1"*' »»». .T,r **0I" |Ore«3> ErBOiesB, j. - It BJ the ehapert m»««« now cwtbtwwrd " (Amern» 19h » ) Ticne*. ' It ¦ every retpect equal to the Jk-J iWdoilxr a»agt rr... peblt'bcd tt tlTct uJiy " l Leh«gh \ xliey Trmee, Fe. " It rooet tlMMfj»rreted. ei.«" "> "'¦> reepett aaooat wttpxM et. MM MwM Mkt k, ^ r^.,. " W. pt^otuca it tie .eat montLiy ^HJ*gJ^> M(L '. A* ».. rrVrnra of It* murrt». . frier d to wnoeu wo rbo* ed oureepy mmecietely >d *>r »ixroc4r. " r' (KanawLe Repul lican, Ve. " It... m th» ledie» eay, ' » perfect lorei ofe m»#utr»e '" fttom d«x-tte, Me. We eooeider it the cbeapeet meeejir* m ttte Coi ( Tw» r-eem, N. J. Tre AiOref NUMBER wi',1 be ready TH H MO R VI NC» et ;c o'clork end r »»rien »t.d ietereet we 'hink, tt will aar- peMOhe Ju 71 ember, » will ebeLei.#e eoo»r*ri»oo with any mtrmu e Wrrrer for toe month cobtexti: TBE CAPirOL AT V\ASH1NOTJN-No. II. With the followlnx I! nxtreftonrtt . Powell1» retebre'ed Peiartr« iniMaotle m Senator» Retiring, the Rttt::.t«.c.f the Dieror Booea. . .. ery of the Mteaixetppt cj He Pr ete n S-atuary in Niche ot f>ct0. Main ettairway. Croea Section of t*»e RoUode Another Fonniain Stateary. H wdee « ttatu» of Waawhu)- Aeo'her Fountain Statuar». tex t»f»a Hui Ihtt tu. t V tew of the Oreetccxb't Statae of Wa»b-I Library of Conjr. ae t,, jn View nf 01 c of the Alcorce iu Btatuery reereeentixi the the Library -\ " Marth of firünat ob ' ,'Co -U »upportuif Ce.Ui« In The' Retuin; Room Lrbrar*. PiLvter In LlSrmrr. ORNITHOLOOY OF I NPtEO 8TATRS.No. II. By Joaa CattlB tt the Acedemy ot Natural Scieoca». Philadel I bat, with tne followii | I. mattet Ion«: j TtaAaarictn Gowen Eaxle. The Bald Eaale-Wh te head. The Rr. HoJM Facie ed Eagle. Tr>e North» v läea Etjrle I . , THE NIOHT OF LOVE.A Forw. By the Author of THE IBTXBCBFTBD MESSENOEK OF RAMAPO PASS A deep y In'ertrtir g tale by Mr». E. Oake* Smith, with the Co Itwh.» ili'Htr 11 B«»ut.ful Vignette repreaent The Lett of the Bamapaoxhv or the " Bali Eaxle ia hit tr * Bamepo Peat aid f'T»ht of ire Mrtaerxer Aerte.' \\ aafclr-gtoB Tlai-utt > tie ( »p- The MraraJ Struxtle of Moo¬ re e w Cornea lit. ta«nle the Meaeneer A MOTHER'S L^VB .Ax Ar» (ctiwo IxcirMtM or the JOHN^c' fREVOKT..Tbi» tketch of the Life and Career of the Rocky Mot «Tat* f»Tn Pi»oxt (rrrpared eeperially for th1» Magazijit by aa writer. It «rill be continued for »e«erei toot th», end wt'l be one of the vo-t pr>f Italy U- Inttraled Biifraphie* of the dUtiugaiahed Evalorer that will apeeer kMktJ 'h* cm^elfr. The part In tbU number rjn- Uint tie fol owingiLuarrationt: Vigt ette I "in" '..(>. contaiL- F r e m o a t A Ireitiu; tke log e correct Portrait of Cni»f»- Ftr>mrt.r. Fremo Planting' the Arneri can Flag oa Wiad River Peak. Ereacnt wrecktd in Platte RiTtr. looLg lohn ttkinf hit raeal at Mr Mitcbfl.'»tide-t«h4* The Elottment." Oo It Jee .it.' The TV» F»a»t. BAPTISM OF "the CHILD OK FRANCE." . LIFE ok hon. JOtlN 3. BRECRINRIDOE. With a fine 1 ortratf. NaTI'RAL HISTORY of INJECTS. HIE RBVOIUTION IN CALIFORNIA. MKS. AI SriN AND THE BEAR Ax Exciuw Uoroxi- cxl St v. With a fine Engraving. Sri It* TOO A .. . AUNT BECKY'S LOAD ok WOJD. With the following . rauimt Llreira'h r .: Aenl R*«ky W< odiug I p. f Oae Slkk too Much. CAPTURE of SANTA ANN*.. A> LvrxtrtTiM. HltTOit- 01. Sketch w|t| a Bat) Vafliathtg macbeth" in modern literature. uomen farmers. ITTKB. MIONONNF THE PANTHER LOVER. LEAN DIET. EDITOR'S OTL'DtO. PuiLotorHTor Amebicxi Politicx. htllOCL or dbxi4.N uk Ulm;. Bom. t »so book Making. Book Reamics Two IIcbueeo Yeabx Aco. Eai tllBIA« bTATl'B Ot \\ Aiill.xCTOk. PlAMOXDt AXD oolo. The Par.»r«T Ncmite. LamaBTUB »CotiiE LtTrBATixr. FXEEEIXU axo Rl km... Tub Mil.lex ? Davchier.A Poem. EDMOR's OLIO. OtOAXt- Cxu». Tieikr. SaiLoxt' WiYtt. Tmb 11 r a ti in the De tie No>Et. Ey a Proieetiucel Notre A Olaxce all eoi'xn Mm in the Sot thwest.Ltw in the Backwoudt. CltCVLAB to the OMlrHt, tEBCIALLT JuHB. O1.10 Srasosiac» .Ben > raoxln.'» Vt it .JodiciaJ Wit a La¬ dy'» ReaJy U it.Literal.Mathematical -Poetry from a New Jeiaey Churchyard. A Bacbtlur'» Deft'ee.4>lllug at Half Prkst.Arttd'te of Suit er Smith.a UwM ia Lor».Anec¬ dote of Jodie Kel'ogg 1 f Michigan PI.Tint the Hind Legt nf a Camel.Wit 0' Chantt Lamb.The Inab Sailor'* Prayer- Eagluh Income Tax.The Old Man'» Anawer to the Collega Bow. TheLiti; Yankee. An o-'rinal. hutnorou. American Poem, by XeLette. with the followin« iiltutration*'. Vif teile. " Lite Yatkee ¦ ,Tta Yar kee M Down Eext Youi.f Auinica.* The Peat fhe Yaukee " Out We«t" Orowli g Boy Jobo hull tn a Rage.' Tackt .ertaa Tax " St»«hj in Hajn*at, or the Iron Bteee, Eoucinc V.Hta'etmen. The ' Live Vankee" In the Hcbool Room. Th-j '. L've Yankee" Larlng Down lilt Do;:rint to lohn s O.d Fathtr Time broniht m a Bull, Mo-i. Parle* V»a». Staid, ortht' Live tankte' Lager Bier, and Oroen Tea. Ar nibliatir 1 Time. Fashioni, with aeverxl finely engraved platet prepared atpe ritlly for the Uoited s'atc. Mxisnue. For Sele bv all Newt Dealer? Price 20 ceut*. J. II EMERSON k Co , Fuldhther». ROSS It TOUSEY, Oeneral Agauu. VH C A MPA ION DOCUMENT IS NOW PEADY It cmitali . etliche» of the L'eee of FREMONT AND DAYTON, with ITEEL roXTBAITt Alao, their Let'era ul *cc»|.t«bce. the Flatfjfia of Principle*, th* Dtc'araton the Cocatltutlou o'the L'oitee State* and tarioua Urerul Tablet for the Campe'tT. Priet.Su gle, IScettt; oer HO. BIO: ear 1,000, ftIV Jutt tbe doeumnit for all Fremont Clubt to buy and tcetter broadcaat. It it oae whicti will'a-e _JOU.N p JE VE TT It Co .rub'leher*. pfiL. FKPMONT ON ROhSKBACK OBOM- v/ INO tte ROCKY MOU^TaI«s.-A Luge Ctmpaiga Pir'ure ti.e yx 4 tocbee Price ooly '.: cio't, or B1 hy the DA COLORt D 25eeritt,rrr ftlüp, r liO. Specimen» lent by mall ufon receipt of price, with poetae* irarnp BAKER OOIiU'lM, Prinura, Tribune Buildlnxa. EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE.- the foII"wliia U the TABLE of CONTENTS of TUB SEMI-WEEKL» TRIBUNE, No. IJBBl ("Irrillation orer.60.000. [Single forte, ran be obtained at the courter tn tbe Pahllctv Mon Office THIS MORNINO. Frieedoeata] I..LEADINO ARTICLES. II..EUROPE: Buchanan and the European Democracy; Ko a! Croeitiet at Napice, Letter* lion. Our Own GbbMBbMbMa UI..KANSA8: Le'ter f ora the State Pritoxieri; The Mm .oun Bordtr Demon*. IV..FROM WAaHINOTON: Border Ruffianiam in Waah- U.|toa: of The N. Y. Tribane. V..HEAR THE PEOPLE: New Hi ;sh..'. From the Oreeu Mouiraiua; From Mawachuterr* From O'tr-efeat: Cormeciicut Stare Coaoeili Froen New York; "The Cry it trill they Cum«;" Fron NewVerter: From rennttliaa.a; Wettera Peon- nlralh)) Fremout Enthuaitrm ¦-. ihm. Indiana; A Y ..n. :e F.zzle in Indiana; Republicxniam in Calr/oraia. VI..twenty BF.ASONS FOR LEAVINO THE DEMOCBAfiC PARTY: By an Old Demotrat. VII..LIEUT OOV. pobd.THE MCE-PRESIDENCY. \ 111..COL. FREMONT and HIS men. ix..POLITICAL items. X..REPUBLICAN RATIFICATION ME ETI'to IN i AnTON, PA. XI..THE TRIBUNE FUND FOR KANSAS. XH..THE CROPS OF 1(36. XIII..THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEORAPH: Brookt and BurliLgame; Burtiteame and Mreokat Re- ported CharTci^e from Mr. bocock to Mr. Burl in taxaa xv..a southern man that prints his sen¬ timents: The dumDer a.d Brook* Affair. X* 1I..ZXXIVTR CONGRESS.Fixer oxatioa; uotngt ;a the Seriete ai.d Houte of RepreeestatlTea XVIII .THE BROOKS AND BURLINOAM£ AFFAIR: Statea,ei_t of Mr. ri rtx kl. XIX..MISCELLANEOUS: Death of ai OoMMMM4; Ae tocietion t. r the Advaiceoieat of S. ience; Co'. FrtmiLt la California: Mttterloue and Frijhtiui Maider In Broadway 1 Veroxoat. XX..MARRIAOES AND DEATHS. XXI..COMMERCIAL. MaTTERB: Fall Report* of the Stock, Money. Cotton, Grain. Cattle, and etnet Market*.(periallr reported for The Tribune. THE SEMi-W EEKLY TRIBUNE ia furalehed to aahacttV jJaJO. 2.TALES OF THE LIVING AGE.. KATE COVENTRY; AN AL'TOBIOORAPHY. FROM FBASER. Recectly kwaad 1* ¦ Lrtteli." Aa admirable Story, Iwblcb BtwaMaM aa largtiy a* Z a I DE E, li /< C cor>* of which hare been already laraed. Ko 3 ix dae time Tbeee who art food of Code» Reading thoeid purchxee thie Beriet of Talea aa tare appear. _jo^s P. JgWETT a Co . Pebtiehere. 5UfcT tbe B<K)K to SELL in CARS and STEAMBOATS: 8MÜCEEES LIFE OF FREMONT, Jutt aab'.iebel bv MrLLEB, OBTON k MÜLLLTOAN. Ne. 15 Parhrew, Ntw.^erh. DECK WOURT H'B LIFE mad ADVENTURES. AJ-THE HEV. HE. ARTHUR'S NEW WORK, " Hit TONGUE OF ITBE."» * BROTHERS. :.... Rf7 to jnt f««ri <*. <irr»>.t:>. r-CHi'H THIt MPUIIt i t. lECKwoiz-fflnri like and adventtres. T>t Lira i»oAd«mkim or Jawb* /. Bttawot-tTit, M..1 w ..MK, St.OlT. AMU fmill. aid Mltr Of Tilt Clow Natu ^ or Ihdia**. Written fro*) bit owe Di-tation. In T. D Bannt» r Wlih illattra'looe liavo mmmt. Bl t\. I'll* "-arretive of Juno* P oWkwourth i.t* too reader cro too tocitJ snd f lineal II« of out l-idiaa tribe*. II» »M him- t»If a chief of on. of the t»oet poworfui petl»*», edoattug the haut» of toe led bub, a. <i entering irtt > all their cuftjm*. and, altar nv.e than twenty yeare of railed experience be »iU down ai d ttrla-n hat arvaji'uiäa, They were wTlttao aa the/ foil froai hi* own Up*, and hare 'ha charm arhieh anaaa from the e*e «ctaeto*«» i n the part of the reader teat they ara tro'hfal. and tt-Iat* »hat baa reell« tatet, piece In the bUton of a remarka be nun. No book pro'i- ring to girt the mannet* and eeeeurat of « or Indiar trite t ht ti t area appreecbe* in novelty arid 1a taic»t thla extratrtdlfitry AaieMcgrapay of ferae* P. Be;k- ¦rearth. ii. THE TONGUE OF FIRE; . _ Or The It ft Powek or CHttsTUTiTY. By the Rev. Wiliiaai Arthur, D. D. Auteor of "Th* Sioeadil Mar- cheat " Portrait. Itmo , afoalia. J iceute. Mr arthari* regarded la Orret Ilaiteiu ** or* cf the meet r,r»,:t an eloajneut preacher* ii the Weelerao r.mtier- lion. 01» rartitatloo U baldly lcea in thla c mn'ry. »h<sr* bia piety and talent* ee cured f*r bun thoaaanda ot friend* and ».:!:.'. «niorig ell dent uiii.a"nu» The praaeat w.rk elmt to exh'hit the Im« power of Cbrietiauity, by reference to the . Biet» of the ttfeeioti cf 'he Holy Spirit o ." the dar of Pe .te co-t citraatro* the Christian L te a»t min»»tr? tf the .»**- eat day m Ith those of th* ptimitire believer*, if aa*a forth a variety of practical l**touC for the warning and in*-.ruction of the Charte. The work ia mailed by tV r vor of apiiit, urgency of appeal, er/ vtroroueelcoMence of expreeeioo. at x|r. Ar'hui » oeeeladln* renew of aociel and religimm pro |rea*. aa exhibited in the im pro ed hahMa of w :!'..». and lu th* extcnaiot, of t'ltiitahl* and philanthropic eifert» at horae aid abroad aarpiara a manly aal enli<ht*red faith id baueoltv. when L anlred with the a*m* tinth and lav* that ani nohad the early Chxtaoata ( London Litorary Uauet t* BOOKS JL'sFprBUSHED. I. STRICKLAND'S AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETT. Histobv or the Ami.bican BiaLt Society, bevised a to aRot biiT row a to THr rtcsrsT time. By W. F. Stn;k- laid.D. D. With an Introduc'ion by the Rer. N. L Rice, D D., of CIccenuetL Port ait 8v», Muallo, «I 5X IA, THE MARTINS OF CRCV MARTIN. By Cberlet Lever author of the Ü .1! Familv." " Sir Jae- per Oeiew ' "The Daltcne," Ac. »v» paper, H.'i centt; maalIn, 75 cent*. iii. HFLEN LINCOLN. A Tale. By Cairie Caaron BBfja, nrot'in 75ee<it*. A quiet, domestic e'ery, of excellent moral and re itton* r-v. poet, and * ritten |p a cwrect and pUaaing it vie. The aca .at and iicident* tie dttwn truni what might happen in every-d*/ lift. IV. JOHN HALIFAX GENTLEMAN. By ibeau'bor ot be H««d of the Kwnily," M Olire," " The Oxilri**," "Agatha't Iluaoa..,:, -'A Hero," Ac 8vj .paper, to etvtt. V. CLARA; tlr.Si.avi: LtFB it Et aorr. A Novel. With a Preface by Sir Archibald AUeue, B*rt.. Large l2mo. lam *)L VI. WILSON*» WESTBRN AFRICA. WcaTtaa Araic*; its HttToav, Coaoinoa. a»D Ptoe- EECTs By th* B-v. J L*ighton Witaoa. Eighteen Tea/a a Mitalonary in Afric*, *nd now one of the *ecreterie* otter Praabytetian B, aid of Foreign MhtaiotM. Wita uumt r- co* Eegtaving*. 12mo. Mtwlio, *1 BR VII. THE THREE GOLD DOLLARS; or, ah AcrovtiT er the AnvttTtr- or Roaia Gkeen. By Jacob Abbott. Beautitnlly illustrated. Square tto. P*> 111 J. cent*, Mualtn. 4V ccata. Mil. THE HUOl'ENOT EXILE; Or. The natta on Loi'ta XIV. A Ui*t*rical Novel, l.'mo. Muaiin, 15 cent*. IX. JAMES'S OLD DOMINION. The Old Domixiow: ot, The Soi'TrUMrrow MaaaacaE. A NovaL By G. P. K. Jama*, oso., author of *' PoqainiLo," " AgJiea Soral." A L.lo of Vici^itud**," Aa 8«o. Paper ;0 tent*. X >- IDA PFKIFFKR'S SECOND JOOBNEY. A LaDT'a Btcoxo Joi'ttBT Kot so THr. Woai.ii: From Lon¬ don u. the Caueof Good H"pe. tiomeo, Jara, Suutatta, Cala- bea, ragaam, the Molarcae, Ac, CaliforLla, Panvnn, Peru, Ecoacor. aid the I'rited State*. By Ida fHw, Authoroat if the " Lady'e Journey Rend 'ha A/otl i," Ac. \ttao. Mua- Im, Bias. xl VAOABOND LIFE IN MEXICO B> Gabriel Ferry, foe erven year* resident In that country, l.ii.f. Mnilili, 87 cenfg. xii. MADEIRA. PORTUGAL, Ac. BKETCHEg AM' ADTEN'Tt'tE* ix MaDEIXA, PoBTl'oal AtO thb *hDALi'aiAt or Sffata. Be th* Author of Daniel Wabeter and hie Contempureil**." Nuraerou* and beautiful illaatialloce. 12mo- Mu.liu, g>lBR JOHN C. FREMONT..A maguirieent POK- TRAIT, drawn by the celebrated French artlat, Geoatliar, from Root'a Photograph, and nnlveraally pronoancad the beet Portrait of the tubiect yet leaned. Aaa wotk of art It it u terly ui approachable. Publiahed by C. H. B'AINARD, No. 124 \y tvh ngtoL »t Boaton.and for aal* in Now-Y rk bt WIL- MAftS. STEVENS. WILLIAMS k Co , No »xl Broadway. Pr'c* SI, on receipt of which earn it will be tent to any part of the Cited St*t*e, tree of pcatage. S I .A «Plendid LITHOGRAPH of V l|VUUt THE HERMITaGK.OEN. JA<:K40S'S 1 uhb, and AJIDRCW JaCKSOSJ DONELSON'S REJI- D>.N« E. jutt publkwed and fur aale in qoantitiat to anit, AOE^TS and CaNVA^ER* WaBTRD. to whom liberal ternawnl be rivan. active and iridunrriotit Man can from SSto fit) a cay lu dlapoalag of theirn. For particnltta call at No. 97 Ch*fflb*raet.,Sd floor, front room, from 3 to S o'clock p. m. each day. lint QUte. ONLY AUTHENTIC PORTRAIT of JOHN C. FREMONT, Kepahtlean Candidate for the Praaideney .Lithographed in the blgheat atyl* of th* *rt by GO. LirttbaH, aftat Kot/t'e m»gniScent Photogiaph. Siae of th* Prot, 16x30 iLchea. Prlc* SI p*r cowy. Sfut to ell pert* of »he aountrv free of expenea ou the recelot of a)L Aiifm* H. SC BAUS, Poell»ber, No Broadway. IJriniing. PRINTLNO by 8TEAM-Copi>sr-taced TkTE. STATIONERS' HALL. No*. 174 and 17« Pearl-at.. New-Tort. BOWNE k HASBROUCR, FRITTTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS ai»d STATIONERS. All kkude of PRINTING executed In the beat atyle. with COPPER- PACED TYPE, at the loweat rate*. 1tribune blildlng8..prlntino of every doeeripilon, from a Card to a Book, at the Loweat Caan Price*._BAKER k OOP WIN.Tribune BuHJinga Go to F< kier't Ptintlng Liflaca, Wharta th* work la dona the ncttett, Whata Ohe piicaa ara th* loweat. Where the job* ate II jiahed qui tkeat, Wkttt the type i* new *nd handaooe, Where the preeaat print moat parfect; Where yoa'll meet with kindly welcome, Honett, fair and open dealfng. o I e:n per thousand for cards, $5 V A t-FVFpar R**m for BILL HEADS; CIRCULARS (la guaaitltie*) ftOe. per thoa**Dd. arid every kind of PRINTING aquallt CHEAP at ECKLER'S. No. «7 Fulton at , N. Y. A Stationcrri anb fancr) CBooba. BTHUB'* PATENT AIR-TIGHT INK-STAND. AND MUCILAGE OR PASTE-JAR. Two desirable arOelet <ur th* CounUng Room aad Library. Call aad te* them. Where yon will alao Sod the most eota- ptete aeaortment of Foteign and Dome*tie Stationery ru the tity. Dealer* only topelied. AMES, SLERRiCK, BARNES A RHOADS, No. 7S John at., New-York. Agency alao for th* Kant Mill Pap*r*. ß E A D S, BEMADS, BEADS, EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ear aala by M P. BROWN, No US P«arl-tt, New-York. Perfamern- JO U V EN PREPARATION CLEARS KID GLOVES, Of any color, tnttanrjy, WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST SMELL. Cat tt Wot* immediatelt AETEtWABD. Oi.» bo" » cleti a SO pair. Prlc*, Flftv Cant*, id by *R Diuggia.a. CONTENT, NEARY dt C*,. No. 502 Broadway. Worses* Canriagce, <i>c. B EAIITIFUL PAIR MATCHED BLACK _1 HAWK HORSES for SALE. +675; Haraeae t}J6; six yeari old A* bends high; warranted sound, gentle, and good trwvaler». Ho. 2D3 PracklLa, corner Wathlngtan-at. CDants. AYOn»G lady, who hat had two TORr*' ex- petienc* a* Tear her of Moaic upon the Piano, deeiiee a t'tuation either In a achool or privaM family, a* GOVKRNRdH. Beit of reference can be n.en. Addreee toon ZUBA L CARLTON Utiea.N. Y. ' ? AN Ameneaa Widow Lady, experienced, de- airea a iReJaaawJ aa HOUSERr.EPER. MUSIC LES¬ SONS given if re quired. Unitt**t*on*Ua rtsfseaae*. A.blre j Mr*. N. W., No. Bj Weat 44th at . or eah for fat day*. RECENT eradtiate of Mount Holeok© 8emi- tary wo*Id Ilk* a aitaatinn aa GOVERNESS with a famk b about to travel to Europe Rbe la capable of U^CUog th* higher F.ntH.h biaichea, Ftench Utln a-.d Mutic Reference* giver. Addieae, aU'i' g where an interview mat be bad it 11 Madlact. Square Fte> Office. New York CI. ' "l APROFESSED COOK, of aober sod -tesdr behau wiafaaaa SITUATION In a raa^rsW, Ä FfSJ^HO^ai1' dl° LOCOMOTIVE . all a a. a j ' eoerfetle man: on* who nrderatanda Hi boalr.e**. Nfcre other need innlt Innalraat th* «Sic*. PignB98t Sacp,^e:u,tDt, at V ' mrV ^ _U AFRENCH OEM LEMAN. twktj Umy9n m Bxitftonrm. where he hat been e Tee/ aar »f tee rf-T," (* riij' it ikow» 1 reuaeeneaie, » «I.« rut X MPLbf MINT in 'hit city or tear Hae go ohj*>e'.loa p«! r r tri Ci:i rtrtaib till k<< rr.f.:e»Mi to'. hi ««/.,... "J New-York, apply al No. SuWU-et to CaRLILI »j,^ MtBMxNN. 1 EAC Ht IC- A Profeseor, of o>v»i»l j«. lfi» jjjj. . «irr "«r InrritdttoB NATURAL f Ilm re^tf«rr«7 2 « hWi be hi brwa the be -et of .«*'.'*»« w^lwTta. ' b.Ti^« .^iTlUV. Aedreet It f l>.y at, N, B, I^Wt» BOYM WANTED.In the Oft*» 2 . W'cklt Btli«u»t Newtperer, ekeefly to ioara ay.. *. rX IVwmVp nxhtehereeter tniottrlon,. ^ A-Mre*. MASTEB, hot No. 1 A*afoot <Meao._ SrSCnOOI. AOEHCY and TKACftflfct . l'N'ON. 1IM7.) by E a WILCOX k SON. Be. SB Brot4.wtT -A Piarr.tval IXTeootrrt at t or Z prree« « «*. taotwt wiihtb^rm,r,.y in inr all wittt. tatt*. cietefad eta gee lor Cbaekboldeti. Life Mao.'en aa4 Ape*. al if i'k the C< tutoon Pnod and the he!o of al CBOttt art rei ewabr* ami waxwforeato «a latereet. *V BIO. t>ii. ft'.' 010T «e.. according u (rede aad teeiree lacacae,drawing 7 li '.St tod 100 per ort. No cUrte 'o Pupil*. Corrat^oude tj| tbtot »h< nr th» Ü 'on. TatctiCti' and PtOPLK't Mr i rite D il> 9 to Head 1 to 4 o'clock._ lit,7 AN TED.In »n« A p»»rer.ticeo Libras*, % ? » Yoont Mar, at eat 15 yeera of ear. of g od addraat, wht wriloe e geed bar d ai.d it toraewbat otq'talnted with book* e> ply between » and 11 «elool a m. WANTED.A CLOTH FINISHER. Cm tri« ihoicetoiv .i JetrUnd. fluUhiug »Vuo.e.i Good, aaay ad dreee P. W. PLUMB. Ar eon lo, Conn._ VY'aN'IED.An AinericRn SEAMSTRESS. |? Ore who it ecenetoened to ell kiade at wjaewy t.,.,:1 ai d would be wtlliag to dero* a irre I portjoe of bar ta _i. ... i _v- a .*. r. .,,«» a renraeeat i ami i at a wcuiq vr w un .i - --.- .- tuperitteLd Ik utebo.d »ffa rt, ml) fltid a I'rn-atent . . ... ai d pUaeeut borne by iddreeeing . not« lo W. r., »reexwag Peit-Offie». Oood rrfe encet re^u'red. bi7anted.TEACHER .A trraduato of u ff Borten Uaweraity. a tJwrt.u#h Scholar and aa eipari. ree.1 TeecUr wahre to tntke an au,Me.n#o<. »>«.<,?". CLASSICAL BCMOOL ;.refened. Acdrete TEA.rtZä, Box No. HI, Plainfield. New Ureey. IV ANTED . IuimetliatwJy. «oe firot rite f? LATHE HAND on Car Axiee. TToxy*mmtiMfdytrA, <?o rot uidrratand their bniL-eat. Inquire et tAw efBce, Pier- moat Shop, Pietaaont. New Yoib._^ AMERICAS bov, 14 >eert W old -bo can read Mid writ. well. Inquire at Ne I Cxnal m.. f nrth floor heewrwn 10 aiM n A. m_^ WANTE D.A aituation at CL»£KK, eitheT in t Bankiu« beute, wholeaxla Dry Oeodx ..r Comm'eBja Houte. or m aome luturence Ofice, Beet of reference will at ilv^en A.ldreM BOX No 1«3. Trenrer, Peet-OmcO, N. J., er« liojaa k Co., No. *XI Broad way, op ataire. A 1 dianrce for hueinena JHrn WFLL-ESTABLISBED L ITE B ART jlm PAPER, with Type and eTerythint aeceet >ry, It otTertd for SALE it a Etrttln, About will be rqulr -4. Oxa. men<cettor,t titu-tU ror.ti ienti»l AeMreae ORIOiNtL, Bet UO, Tribune Office. for further partic u art. OTTON MILL FOR SALB. Torino* en E.tate. the M<1! known ae HARMONY MILL .it in ted la Peter*oo, N. J., with the hueiieea now ia wceaxfei et^ratioD and doing a tarae trxde. The Betldlngt xnd Ma¬ chine rj all 'n rood orler Por further information Ingeln of P. J. BERT1NE, Adma., No. 3*3 Broadway, up tta.rt.otxa IP to I.'o'clock. OR SALE.The subecriber offt rs for tale . DAOrrRKEAN SALJON, with a to d one halt n, axsere, xnd all h r toola ntreetary fui making hag .ante- rpea aiid AmhrHypaa Said Setoou mat be teea foretbxt Jo e. In Lei ox, Mete I. .trucim. live if deeircd. for far thrr taiticiLart addte«» M L. STEBBINS, Leuoi, Mate. PJJOTEB WiHTSD_A rats of b.ibSm bxbita with frr-ra + WO to *' v 0 to iurtet iu e ' >«u.»r tad riofitable MANl'PALTI RINO bl'dlNEdS i.tbtcrv may bear of tn ixcellent ipoiiltawatj by addreealcg Mr V. A DA NX Tri I one Ofhce. "d RaWcIIANCE-To enter into luiineo. mW. out Itt eteeteraa The w*ll kno ru eaUbH..Vn*i.t II I H- EON'S It. E-CREAM SALOON, corner of Court ead W., reu Me., for tale. The proprietor hating etiwred Into etktr buiirttt arrai>tcmeLt. la the only r*aa a why be dear it ti t*L It hat fen eetabliebed 'or rl» yeeta. The owner it ea i.led that ary *nt>rprirn« tutu can do well, atd wil treat wi h .urk ot> the eit.lett termt for ttock. fixtoree, Ac Apply oa the premitet. rotnrr t ..tut and W emn-tte., Brooklyn. Ik) PRINTERS..An Independent VvTeKLT PA PER, wi'h a good paying petrontxe, located ia one of the bealibimt and hanetomett rUJa^ »* in the country, at otTered for SALE. Tbe trflice ta w»U atocked end fnraiahecl with Type, nearly new. bee two good Prnteee, and e liri' rat« Job peiroe- tgr. Thecwuerinieiidtmotlnf HV#t tliie Pell and a II tall cheep. Apply to ANDREW WIND'S Adtrrtixtoe aad Bea- tciiptirio Agency, No. i33 Naaaaa at, epetalre. TO NEW8FAPEB CARRIERS..Wanted to PURCHASE a ROl'TE ou a 3AILY MORNINO PA¬ PER. Ai dr. m NEWSPAPER, Tribaae Office, «Uting termt, and wb* re an interview ra be Bai TO PRINTER«.Wanted to purchate. in ex- eher ge I r good LAND in tbi* Stole, a email PRIN CINO- OEPIt E with eetbclent tuaien.l for ..tabiahiua a Country New.paper. Apply to J WARD, corner Naeeati and Sprtce- a a, (dink Church Cliepal). ÄT3TitOlTj0 INVE8T-In Pureluoe of Nr M\^»\J\J\J firatdate Bondt and Mortgagtt on New- York Cet> property; B2..V0 and |# 1,000 to loan E Ilka prop .ity Biorooto inTeat In purcliaee of four to >ight tott to¬ gether, below 17th at. and becweeu i'k aod Ith art Aeaiy to _L. S. S30TT. No V wSf-et | A Will TO $5,000.-FOR SALE, a rarifty V IVO of new, flrat cleat PATENT aloHPS, r.rylow«r the Patent Am c, Offlc* of OEO. WHEELER k Co., Wo 384 Broadway, N. Y. Ho CD ham it mas Concern ARET) BID 1'HVSICIAN, whose sandt of life have nearly rtir out dmemere.1, while lirlng in the Cttt lldiet, a certain CURE for t ON««UMPT|ON BR')NC4ITl8. COUOHS, COLDS and GENERAL DEBILITY. Wi.huj to do ae much good at poatiOIe.Oe will tana to euch of but af¬ flicted fet'ow-beinixNii rrqutttit, thia recipe, with full dJrectioat lor mekirg up MI tucre.tfu.lT um. - it lie requlree each ap- plkanto ii eloee him ore ahllll' a, three ctnte to he leternad at poataieou the reeipe, end the remainder to be applied to the pavuieut of thia aaveitiaetuent. Addreat Dr. H. JAMES, Jene» City. N J. AIMA Kit I hi) LADY, ot great experience in Bemale D'teeeei, who hex bean tue wife ol a dittingu.tbed Phyticer w 111 c immunictte to'r.etbing of great itnpo tauet te mtferu x Keiraleti will e-ud PRESCRlPrlONd teJrab e fxr their cate ai d valuable lii.trnctiona. for SI only. Detcribe'he di>eate, tend peeteae and xddjeet Mr,. P. O. BOYD, Box N >. 40 bro' lway Ptit-Office. A"^imÖT*TE8 and EAGÜEltBEOTYPES- Large alia, colored, and irmerted In Si e ernboeaed caeet for cat , at B. P. CORY'S Gallery, cor. UlAet. and Ith er. ADVERTISING..ANDREW WIND8 GEN¬ ERAL ADVERTISING and SUBSCRIPTION AO»NCY, 133 Ntaaau-at .up .tain (next door to the Naeenu Ba k), pretente a ay et matte meant for tbe bu,tneat commurury, of having it'ir Adveitlaenieiua forwarded and inaerted la the moat widely related uewtpenen througooot tae United S'atet, . .s'u, Wettlndlei and, at the pubHaheri* low eat ratta Pa- pert on tile for exxminatlon. DARTMOUTH COMMENCEMENT CLASS of l'c W,. The Cleae will hold itt eecond meeting thlt year ac- cordlrt to tbe toto ol the former meeting. Attendance of all former me m ben of the Claael.dctirtd etpec'at'yfoi WEDNEi- DaY EVENING, July 30. Time aud olare will be aalekeowe at HanoTer._C. A A1REN. Cleae Secretary. LONG WORTH» HPARKLINO and STILL CaTAWbA WINES. P. g C 1Z7.P.N4 _Sola Ateut No 73 tv.rr*,..,». New York. PK. DEYO'9 PROMPT and KELLAßLl e ADVERTISING AGENCY. No. 7 Appletot,'! BuUdint, No. 3* Broadway. ßTJWMBO^l CAPTAINS and STEAMBOAT . rZSnMS1^ ~ «TEAMBOaT ROUTE OPEB t-.r COMPXTIJIO-J -Cxpr.iu BALDWIN ha>i.g aad «h» at RAVENSWOOD to to South retire., and l-aret l.e Peny Roeite from Aaloeia and7 Ravanawood to N.w-Yek open tor c mpetitlou. The Raveniwod Ii to be witbdr iwu tbt -'l'l?.*1 VTk- A N**' ****** and careful man, w-tt t * rod boat, ct aid bow aecura the routa aayla Imune hark» nan wirb euch t boat would now be well received by tbt tnrelii« prolle of AttrHa aid Baventwoid. Mrve ll 'bt nait'r.t Strike while the mm la hot. and i.iquUtM Attoria and Ravtnawood ofjae TRAVELING PUBLIC. a. "r',c",¦^c««*xa or Taxxe^ | Ho. 3d CharnUre-at.. (uew Court HnaaaV > Trx ivro«. .. Nxw Yoaa, Jane», it* ) o avoid the risks that mast inevitably oeoBf the«^tbf 'Ft* 0<T" IV*. who P°t off to the leteet da/ t^f>.,me:it of b^-ir »aat, I have determined to aOept the wi; fo^ttg n.,e which wUl be ilridly a.lh«red to dejirjcey vm of o«ea. I thai) raeeirre no money after 2 *eUxskp. Brary *eer ia thia Department te itbictlv rxoHixirxo Beet re- ^1^1 txvtLorae containing money or chee.kx for tie payoMO* tfTxxea By order. HENRY Ht. HOWARD Retrfrar- T9. BSlVmKEEPERS and LAUNDRIES.. JL Uaa BORON'S tAKIS BLUEING PLOID. act oxdylat «ic*t economlcei article, do thee, but the onyeat -i!.-i^k £om *eW' ««»rely aolabie. aud iiituret a eerfxet g'SAyW*. Itoylah oi greeniah Unt to common after af haj the Ltqud Indigo. Tiy It Per aale by ell Oroeera _WaL H. PANTON A Co., No^l l>eret_ T*0 lecture A8SOCIAtToNS Tad lt- * CEUMS..lauere Cotumlttoea deeUing mi terrieeiIBS tbeen»«iuf Autumn and Winter Courier of Levtarre btfcre Ljcerma wül pleaae make ape ieatiea at aa early day. **" areee _Q8MOMD Tirr.vNy. Spriuaw.ld. Mxea_ Vb. palmer" ADVERTISING AGBNCT. a .No cauraatan or runnera are employed. AdrerWetrt apply at the Agency, or when requeatod, will be waited ea. Wright*" F0LDIN0 and me^SUBiTW MACHINE.Kor folding and meeearltM every daeerie» tu i. et 'abrle le nr w on exhibition fur e abort tum* -et the roetat of the An.erican 1oat irate. No. liAl Bioedway. Au peiaantta- .e-ea'ed are retpec lu'ly uivit.d to call and It The Machine la warranted to fold er.d meer tire V> ywrwt ear rakxaah The hfht i«r the United Stelae aad Great Britain te eBerel ** aale at a tan. useratire p. ice. Tbe Agent w .1 (it a hie peteeaol alter tlou each day ttcai 9 to a'c'eTca am. to abxw lw «rpere

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Post on 01-Jul-2019




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Page 1: · iNO IT. MRS. PARTINOTON. weabbehtIwitiveiy, |r|t,,^"a Mpc K i i. i Lire * no iXl-LOKATIONH

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|r|t,,^"a M p c K i i . i Lire * no


7. ,. Mj. ie e»4 i« IBtratuil

v.rtiy. Mr.. Perlet. .»?" M f'«""re *,ain' 01 ¦*».§ketbeen»r.

BioTrirAj » rer.fuRydi...te.i aal b^u.ifolly written

B.mSbAbS^?i pf»*Ufd»r1t, r..iJd u aat made op of ex-

tU^fr'amrVeU» ir^N.wpr>« .«« '« therefore,***"*.^THE MUST ORIGINAL.Third, fbet «MUCKERS FREMONT1» j. wtuk ef indirrVfKl* eut in >t.-t. . racts, tad certa dy»Ans an both* authentic and RKliable,¦"earth, thatTU Pott alt waa raVimitiad to th- eritieitxB of the Colooal'a

family, ami " approved " by tana, andwho iure DENY it'

Tail "rut bees accepted;" oob Eagieriag cabxot ii.

CMiL i nirnt*. , . ^j.New h? rl.w of the foregoing atuVborn fach), the public ari

#al> .FF-^.«« Tj|| t||vi |,m < and CAKDOR.I BA><i»*#iarmi»i tat-ava - the oair eetwantwd. the °\lt

eoo^te.T 'tbe t\i.r ot 1*1 rial.- "the war eccepteePer-JraTt kr who pohii.kt.uly ar.w Brv*»-(u Uraa part of ther

ISMl lltlV an iinii Ii J.ebbbI of tttiitti

a^fbe'Coone/.Taluabt. R'P<"'« ». a^."."?!eb thee Ml oor. a" Old book :>.who aeeer change the

.l!ÄriRM rf T'.^? CatakHtoe e-her, thi.

^yifif^^gll or.!, ¦earn half dor.n booh., i »c|l of

eel»kilibad lamtlSea, ' tee eoubcmg were gneeouely irnpo«el¦uii il eaeeeb for m-deraxftay. ^F«-££T Tflr |/rBLIC jroOF,afU. readlrr kW above, whether they w 11 rrurd Mr*. Partini-Aea'r tetfr'l tee,ueet a* dattateretted, that they .hoold r.pre*.thaii **>er, and " wait" until .be ahtlJ bare labored.the terra Ie tot iui.tain-and brouzbt forth her r>vi v " ortgiaal " bet oi> l.v ''¦erthcrriied,'* her o.tlt *' complete," her oaxr. accepted M.methiu*, rather than follow their lmpolae. eni

un OF PREMOST.Of whfca w»jpgythousand daily.


¦*k4**tf*B*MrXLFR. ORTON k Ml'LLfOAN, Pub! .her-.(so j-. Faik-iow, New-York. and If7 Oene*ee-at.. Auburn.

X day Bi*RFSS.WLLL bo READY in a FEW

life of col.'fremont*aVN OR101NAL AND AUTHENTIC BIOORAFHT OP


Prfarted la a pamphlet of S2 pegee, oa fair white paper, goodtap* and enibaUiahed with aelrited Uluatratione,Per doaen. 40 eeata; per hundred. $2 50; per thouemnd, f an.

A Sne edition of the abo. .Biography on eery fine thick papereeithcewere.price La) eta ;or 81 per doaen; $7 par 100. xi '.-. '"-t-g the Cain, are retpeetfully toileted.OREELEY k McELRATH,

Tribun. Office.

New Ready:

EEPl' BLICAN DOCUMENTS!Vi' tar* now on bend 'he foliowingÜEPUBLICAN DOCUMENTS

FOR THE CAMPAJON,And ar* able to ttipply them by the quantity or tingle eople*

at the counter of the Publication Office:I.


Submitted oa Tueaday, the latlnat., by the Horn Mflaer*.Howard of Mich, and Nherrnan of Ohio, with 2,500 pare, ofcrrie'esee, the fruit of three montbr' faithful labor in Raneaa.Sbgis eople», 4 rent. per dozen, 40 cent.; per hundred,

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Delivered In th. S*ne»e May 19,18S0. Sln.le copie. t cent*;40 rent* per dozen; 82 AO per hundred; *'Ju per thoueaud.


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2 crate ear copy, 20cent* per doren $ per hundred; BitB/er taooeaad.

Ai) quantity of the aboTS will be tent to any addree. on re

ceipt of ibe ai naied price*. either by eaprett or in any othermanner daalred.

OnOEtt, inaloting the Cash, are retpertfnlly lolirlted.OREELEY It McELRATH,

_Tribune Office,J tut Pobiithed:


THE CONORFS8IONAL COMMITTEE,rBtsruTtD IB rnr. not -t or ¦ItBtTtBlIAttwtrl or

Taead.y, July 1, 1356.By th. Hon. Hum. liowaru of Mich .an, and Shjrman of

Ohio, wit^.NOpexeeof trldance.the fruit of three month.Rvthfal labor ia Renata.A oictt at potteiit dot mi,hi t fur every voter.8ü gle copy.0)0 04Per dort i. 0 40Per bondred. 2 50

P:r tbouaant. 20 00

Ordat. iic.uting the Caah are rerpectfuily .ollcl'ed.OR FT.LEY k McELRATH,

Tribune Olttc e.



Price 3 ceaU. Sold by ail the Ain't.


Tdk CRIME and the remedy.. There is alittle Slty cent Book panll.bed by KIOtHNS A- KKL-

XOOO, hewYtrk. entiUed the "LAVV OK KINDSE.-H,'wblch u a far better law than now reignt in Kiuaa», and if.Ttn cltlrrr of the United State, wou'd read that b-xik and rea*ace ita eptrit -o practice, the p« ti a' aeawtaawaai afeat uo*ahake Ihlt fail laid to ita center would eeata, and peace aulLappiu.ta, n. d Lltarty wou d rei.n trluai tiha^t. Tne remetyi. *.n out .ffectuil. »'ho wilt rrr ttt Sixteeu lettertit.ii « awl fro. im aeopy from the PnbiUhcr. by mail.

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Back Bj Jra.y tierah lima, Vrlce. 4)1 Z>.TV- F K0r>T HUNTER. A Tnle of Early Timer 12ino.,



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M dr4jreJ>le, by eld or youet. xaale or female, la plant v dnmcn-tr-e'edt^ Profeeeor ULIMlRl i rre«i, now BOOK orV OttDEFS - .if pauje. Tb* lufora.tioni. entirely new, andM 'he retult of tbe rrofeeroi*. k-rry year.' travel orar tae troridwrban be wae pror and In aearcb ofweal b The book aleo tell*you hew re be Handaoaaa, Healthr, and turceaeful ia Lore.

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Neatly hound In anualis, 75 cent*; in paper, 50 cent*." As everybody ha* read Sam Slick, wa can only aay that thia

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Too will " get the beet" if you watt for

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Aa there are aeveral book* aanouieed. purporting tobe theCOMrLETE .'AUTHORIZED" LIFE OF COL FRE¬MONT the rtibaer-i oen a*enre tb*ir frier.da that tie volume tobe publiebed by them ia urt aa "I.D BOOK REVAMPED, norleiten INCOM Pi.ETE 8KETC H compiled from hi* own writ*ing*. but the AUTHORIZED enc ONLY COMPLETE BI¬OGRAPHY OF OOL FREMONT.The ADDITIOBtL obicikal msttbb slobk irj out Editlot. i*

more than the »hoie iu any book yet published,LET TUE PUBLIC JUDÜF. BY COMPARISON".

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MAROARET MAITLAND OF SUNNYSIDr:.By the author of /.aide«." lüc.


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gration lo the Utii'ed 8t*tee I'rior to HIB,aar aa arrcNDtx roMTAiHtae the

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J. 8. Kt HI 11.1.1). No. 34 Bookman it.






(The PeracLk. *lid Political Friend of tba ''Rockt M.Pathtii det " formally Mrniber af Ori|reaa, end on* ef

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nCKMOR A FIEt.^SPubliahera, No. 135 Washington It B aton.

COL. FREMONT PLANTINO THE AMEKI-_| CaN STANDARD ON THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS-A larae aiut a, u t Campaigu Efgraviag, v. tucheePile* lily 12A cent!, t.t e per HO. Handaomeiy colored, 2^cetta.or t .¦ per 1<0.Sent bv ma I npon receipt of priee with poatage tt»mp.

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a correct llkrurii of "The Hero if the Weat." contalninaeighteen of the cewset and moat popular Hong* of Freedom, in

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P. J. CO/. ANS, No. 107, cor. Ana at.Pi ice per IfS, S4; per dog'tn, 62 rents; iltigle copiea aent by

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As Apple Orcherf.\ arty at d hut Companion*.Ititroduceia Legal I-; ¦-.

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H»»k i without a Hawk.Vaciy atakee lb* acquaintance of Mr. Iii aa

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dfrorumHi w Min SaCaaaa fall in lore with r*rty.Th* Htn.ltI f Ut « of Vertv'a violin pi . ting nptt Mr. Ruahtou.A ' our.g Oentltmaii'.iuat f.-ooi William acd Mare College.The Necklace.P>-ilc*opti!caLCciatquence* of M m Se'lianna't p*aaioa for Verty.'nterebei g* of Com pun ent».What occurred at BoaarVt Tavera.Mr. Jtckarn Hctaal»*ck going to take Raveote.An o.d Bible.Fanr j'e tlewe upo Heraldry.How M at Salli*nn* a'ludad to vitvri, and fa" into tvnterici.

DERBY A JACKSON, Pubiiabere,No. 11» Naaaaa at.

Aid fox .ale at the prir.c'ptl Bookitor**.


No 34,It-edy Till» M JRNINO

DREADFUL HAILROAD SLAUGHTER at Camp H3I,Pet:atlv*nl» tufi .¦.



1S» ErgrsvirgaMAfONIC CELEBRATION at Ch'ctgo.IM NDATION CF THE RHINE. 2 fci.rravinga.TA I OREAT PIRK IN BROOKLYN. N. \.And 12 o hf r P.: «rtvlngtKr Sale at al. Newt Depot!Price :»i»

ON T BUY THE WRONG BOOK..14 e ahall pnb ieh eat week, tha lot g i-ok-.l-'ir,ONLY COMPLETE AND A U I H rt / r.

LIFE OF COL. JOHN C FREMONTBt John Bici.low. EeltarN. Y. Poet

IT 'CONTAINS ONE PiFTH MOREthan any other " Life of Fremont" advertUed beeide th* onlycorrect et**l Portrait, a. J eight apiritod K.gtetiag*. Uloatrat¬ing theEXCITING SCENES IN HIS WONDERFUL CAREER

HUNT BE MISLEDby "aoark advertieemei ta' of old book* publiabed t*o y«*ri.eo, now labeled " Life of Ptemoat;" at ny bile' atetcbet ofFtttrot t'a ExploratioDi. adveruaed at " th* t -*t that ta or willbe." If yoa »re in tlorbt, «samine all of the a and decide byeorppetiroa.Remember and e*k for Bigelow's Editio*.Price, One Doilar.

DERBY A JACKSON, Publisher*.N*. 119 s*aau at.. New York.





With a Photograph PortraitPrepared ftom authan-ic and direct «ourtet. bt a gaotlemaa

of d'ttii guiahed literary reputation,and la* ieliabUand authentic bl^.rarht of tha eminentEXPLORER, BCHt'LAK. STATESMAN AND HERO.Tbia it not ar old bovk or an iri'OTplete aketch of hit life, hut


COL. FREMONT.Corte.. .. t all iha- la ef Importal cr lu any of the 11 «ditiorwAgenta * anted to Caut*.( etert tun in the t'jttel Sta ee-

Trrnia liberal. Committee*, Clabi etc , .'iputi«d at « rat**.LlVRRMOKE A RVDD, Pub.,then,

No. 110 BrtMCwey, New-York.Cor' ' by mail to ai.y addreet oa r r-ipr of pinI. A H. ITC the O-eerel Ageuta fjr the tale ot TICRNOR k

FIELD'S EDITION.Uaaat, Cloth, Tjcaata,

and will »uppl j at their rite* in qaaatitiee.


"REYNOLDS POLITICAL MAP fiF THE UNITEDSTATES.' -Site 2» by 34 inchee.ahowiaa al a glance tb*m bole country, tioui the Atlantic to 'h« Pec fic Coaat; eolortd»o .. to derlgtatr *he Free ard Slave State*; also thtroat Ter¬ritory \r\ to Freedom or Slavery, by the R*p**l irf th« Mat-aou'i Comproniite. It a!io p-eaer tt t large amoau-of atatieti-c>) metttrtompdrd t orn tha laat I S Crnrat, (howing th* al-»acta*t« of Fiteoom oer S.avary, togaLh*r with portraitt ofErtmortand Dayu-n.

Pnca.lntbeat fern.BSeerta.Price u pocketform.Atlc-n a

Etery perton interested ta the podtict cf oar cuantry alaouldEoneta a e*.py C. pn a *e: t pt>at paid oi. rec-ln of trice.Addrtt* WILLIAM C REYNOLDS. Pub.:,-.-.

No. it) Broadway, Nea-Yurk.N B AgeLti wanted to a*ll thu Map


of THIS (Salu.deyi MORN1NO coatain»a particular atttemeatof the petty trial :n puxchaaing extra copiee of Lb* paärgg coarimirg th*PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES.The co: tea: aaa a i i- at. aaiuaug oa*.

Read the Re«vltIN THE NEW-YORR St'.« OF TO-DAY.

Oht Cut a Con.

Engrpatage .Camp

BAKER k OODWIN, Phatart, Tribut.« Buüdina*.Pub ;»brd Tai* D»j

POLTRiXrNirS; »Tr**^cFBrc«. In ons ActBy Ar. a n :r*r of Chivalry." Fir that baiog or* o the biwett heaeet. powr*at.Of Uii« aaoat ¦ >aa rabtUioa, thn go'et turetajet,1 hi n taacal. that art v nt in b'ood. to raaLead'et 6r*». to win *om* ventageBat make *.« reerty yoar et*T aw>a aad dab*:Boaee aad bar rata ar* al tha p int of battle "

CoaioLaart.Ft: SaJa ia New Yc.-k City bt STRINOEt k TO *"N4END

No. £rlit,d C 6 FRANcIi k Co Nc 'A4 Bnwdwtt. A.WILtlAMSACo Pob.i*be:a. No 1» Waehingtci el, Boetoo.Cognae tent tree by mail en of ii eent* la ttatnga

voitly eticrea era cewie mJ »*¦.'., wm

Scaclaaia oapiea east by a.*'' cpoa i .-.ipt cf oo* ehkLag aj, .-*r..p C. '.erad, V> c*-U aad 1 etaaa.

BAKKJ a OCDtvm Pvt- 'ajr*. Tt-Vsig Balldaaa*.

» W. rath H atneaj the ^JEfC£«^" Wm% "here it bei on* word frr it-»« * .

0f(,B» Itcon-rarrt clr«e!y.i'io MM rufKf U do»e not r

the beef rftM pr.*-: ( rroalhiww.- | .jMMil American..' It wiU be tvwerfnl rite, to the tlu-ee irtor u-n.tbliet

[Luenii urmoere*." Tet:Dr e together .» '.adeeer^ent entree, «od being entire¬

ly difleie t tr it»H»u Herper'e «od P«ioe»'e.tbe «wo greetttiAji /ii r« o« th. nn ... the L mted State* M M>*K to

..nt rbetr in eiert»**-. " W »'MjP«j^ltMempharteMiyrl»«M»w»*efo Itoitmrr." it bj tertxi. ly tie ctexpeet BV1'1"*' »»». .T,r **0I"|Ore«3> ErBOiesB, j.- It BJ the ehapert m»««« now cwtbtwwrd "

(Amern» 19h » ) Ticne*.' It t« ¦ every retpect equal to the Jk-J iWdoilxr a»agt

rr... peblt'bcd tt tlTct uJiy " l Leh«gh \ xliey Trmee, Fe." It i» rooet tlMMfj»rreted. ei.«" "> "'¦> reepett aaooat

wttpxM et. MM MwM Mkt k,^r^.,.

" W. pt^otuca it tie .eat montLiy ^HJ*gJ^> M(L'. A* ».. rrVrnra of It* murrt». . frier d to wnoeu wo rbo* ed

oureepy mmecietely>d *>r »ixroc4r. "

r' (KanawLe Repul lican, Ve." It... m th» ledie» eay,

' » perfect lorei ofe m»#utr»e '"

fttom d«x-tte, Me.We eooeider it the cbeapeet meeejir* m ttte Coi

( Tw» r-eem, N. J.

Tre AiOref NUMBER wi',1 be ready THH MORVI NC»et ;c o'clork end r »»rien »t.d ietereet we 'hink, tt will aar-

peMOhe Ju 71 ember, » will ebeLei.#e eoo»r*ri»oo with anymtrmu e Wrrrer for toe month

cobtexti:TBE CAPirOL AT V\ASH1NOTJN-No. II. With the

followlnx I! nxtreftonrtt .

Powell1» retebre'ed Peiartr« iniMaotle m Senator» Retiring,the Rttt::.t«.c.f the Dieror Booea. . ..

ery of the Mteaixetppt cj He Pr ete n S-atuary in Niche otf>ct0. Main ettairway.

Croea Section of t*»e RoUode Another Fonniain Stateary.H wdee « ttatu» of Waawhu)- Aeo'her Fountain Statuar».

tex t»f»a Hui Ihtt tu. t V tew of theOreetccxb't Statae of Wa»b-I Library of Conjr. ae

t,, jn View nf 01 c of the Alcorce iuBtatuery reereeentixi the the Library -\" Marth of firünat ob ' ,'Co -U »upportuif Ce.Ui« In

The' Retuin; Room Lrbrar*.PiLvter In LlSrmrr.

ORNITHOLOOY OF I NPtEO 8TATRS.No. II. ByJoaa CattlB tt the Acedemy ot Natural Scieoca». PhiladelI bat, with tne followii | I. mattet Ion«: j

TtaAaarictn Gowen Eaxle. The Bald Eaale-Wh te head.The Rr. HoJM Facie ed Eagle.

Tr>e North» v läea Etjrle I. ,

THE NIOHT OF LOVE.A Forw. By the Author of

THE IBTXBCBFTBD MESSENOEK OF RAMAPO PASSA deep y In'ertrtir g tale by Mr». E. Oake* Smith, with theCo Itwh.» ili'Htr 11

B«»ut.ful Vignette repreaent The Lett of the Bamapaoxhvor the " Bali Eaxle ia hittr * Bamepo Peat aid

f'T»ht of ire Mrtaerxer Aerte.'\\ aafclr-gtoB Tlai-utt > tie ( »p- The MraraJ Struxtle of Moo¬re e w Cornea lit. ta«nle the Meaeneer

A MOTHER'S L^VB .Ax Ar» (ctiwo IxcirMtM or the

JOHN^c' fREVOKT..Tbi» tketch of the Life and Career ofthe Rocky Mot «Tat* f»Tn Pi»oxt 1» (rrrpared eeperiallyfor th1» Magazijit by aa writer. It «rill be continuedfor »e«erei toot th», end wt'l be one of the vo-t pr>f Italy U-Inttraled Biifraphie* of the dUtiugaiahed Evalorer that willapeeer kMktJ 'h* cm^elfr. The part In tbU number rjn-Uint tie fol owingiLuarrationt:

Vigt ette I "in" '..(>. contaiL- F r e m o a t A Ireitiu; tkelog e correct Portrait of Cni»f»-Ftr>mrt.r. Fremo :± Planting' the Arneri

can Flag oa Wiad RiverPeak.

Ereacnt wrecktd in PlatteRiTtr.

looLg lohn ttkinf hit raeal atMr Mitcbfl.'»tide-t«h4*

The Elottment." Oo It'


LIFE ok hon. JOtlN 3. BRECRINRIDOE. With a fine1 ortratf.


Sri It* TOO A .. .

AUNT BECKY'S LOAD ok WOJD. With the following. rauimt Llreira'h r .:

Aenl R*«ky W< odiug I p. f Oae Slkk too Much.CAPTURE of SANTA ANN*.. A> LvrxtrtTiM. HltTOit-01. Sketch w|t| a Bat) Vafliathtgmacbeth" in modern literature.uomen farmers.ITTKB.MIONONNF THE PANTHER LOVER.LEAN DIET.

EDITOR'S OTL'DtO.PuiLotorHTor Amebicxi Politicx.htllOCL or dbxi4.N uk Ulm;.Bom. t »so book Making.Book ReamicsTwo IIcbueeo Yeabx Aco.Eai tllBIA« bTATl'B Ot \\ Aiill.xCTOk.PlAMOXDt AXD oolo.The Par.»r«T Ncmite.LamaBTUB »CotiiE 0» LtTrBATixr.FXEEEIXU axo Rl km...

Tub Mil.lex ? Davchier.A Poem.EDMOR's OLIO.

OtOAXt- Cxu».Tieikr.SaiLoxt' WiYtt.Tmb 11 r a ti in the De tieNo>Et. Ey a Proieetiucel NotreA Olaxce all eoi'xnMm in the Sot thwest.Ltw in the Backwoudt.CltCVLAB to the OMlrHt, tEBCIALLT JuHB.O1.10 Srasosiac» .Ben > raoxln.'» Vt it .JodiciaJ Wit a La¬dy'» ReaJy U it.Literal.Mathematical -Poetry from a NewJeiaey Churchyard. A Bacbtlur'» Deft'ee.4>lllug at HalfPrkst.Arttd'te of Suit er Smith.a UwM ia Lor».Anec¬dote of Jodie Kel'ogg 1 f Michigan PI.Tint the Hind Legt nfa Camel.Wit 0' Chantt Lamb.The Inab Sailor'* Prayer-Eagluh Income Tax.The Old Man'» Anawer to the CollegaBow.

TheLiti; Yankee. An o-'rinal. hutnorou. American Poem,by XeLette. with the followin« iiltutration*'.

Vif teile. " Lite Yatkee ¦ ,Tta Yar kee M Down EextYoui.f Auinica.* The Peat fhe Yaukee " Out We«t"Orowli g Boy

Jobo hull tn a Rage.' Tackt.ertaa Tax "

St»«hj in Hajn*at, or the IronBteee,

Eoucinc V.Hta'etmen.The ' Live Vankee" In theHcbool Room.

Th-j '. L've Yankee" LarlngDown lilt Do;:rint to lohn


O.d Fathtr Time broniht m a Bull, Mo-i. Parle* V»a».Staid, ortht' Live tankte' Lager Bier, and Oroen Tea.Ar nibliatir 1 Time.

Fashioni, with aeverxl finely engraved platet prepared atperitlly for the Uoited s'atc. Mxisnue.For Sele bv all Newt Dealer? Price 20 ceut*.

J. II EMERSON k Co , Fuldhther».ROSS It TOUSEY, Oeneral Agauu.


It cmitali . etliche» of the L'eee ofFREMONT AND DAYTON,

with ITEEL roXTBAITtAlao, their Let'era ul *cc»|.t«bce. the Flatfjfia of Principle*,

th* Dtc'araton the Cocatltutlou o'the L'oiteeState* and tarioua Urerul Tablet for the Campe'tT.Priet.Su gle, IScettt; oer HO. BIO: ear 1,000, ftIVJutt tbe doeumnit for all Fremont Clubt to buy and tcetter

broadcaat. It it oae whicti will'a-e

_JOU.N p JE VE TT It Co .rub'leher*.

pfiL. FKPMONT ON ROhSKBACK OBOM-v/ INO tte ROCKY MOU^TaI«s.-A Luge CtmpaigaPir'ure ti.e yx 4 tocbee Price ooly '.: cio't, or B1 hy theDA COLORt D 25eeritt,rrr ftlüp, r liO.Specimen» lent by mall ufon receipt of price, with

poetae* irarnpBAKER OOIiU'lM, Prinura, Tribune Buildlnxa.


SEMI-WEEKL» TRIBUNE, No. IJBBl("Irrillation orer.60.000.

[Single forte, ran be obtained at the courter tn tbe PahllctvMon Office THIS MORNINO. Frieedoeata]

I..LEADINO ARTICLES.II..EUROPE: Buchanan and the European Democracy;

Ko a! Croeitiet at Napice, Letter* lion. Our OwnGbbMBbMbMa

UI..KANSA8: Le'ter f ora the State Pritoxieri; The Mm.oun Bordtr Demon*.

IV..FROM WAaHINOTON: Border Ruffianiam in Waah-U.|toa: of The N. Y. Tribane.

V..HEAR THE PEOPLE: New Hi ;sh..'. From theOreeu Mouiraiua; From Mawachuterr* FromO'tr-efeat: Cormeciicut Stare Coaoeili FroenNew York; "The Cry it trill they Cum«;" FronNewVerter: From rennttliaa.a; Wettera Peon-nlralh)) Fremout Enthuaitrm ¦-. ihm. Indiana;A Y ..n. :e F.zzle in Indiana; Republicxniam inCalr/oraia.




and BurliLgame; Burtiteame and Mreokat Re-ported CharTci^e from Mr. bocock to Mr. Burl intaxaa

xv..a southern man that prints his sen¬timents: The dumDer a.d Brook* Affair.

X* 1I..ZXXIVTR CONGRESS.Fixer oxatioa; uotngt ;athe Seriete ai.d Houte of RepreeestatlTea

XVIII .THE BROOKS AND BURLINOAM£ AFFAIR:Statea,ei_t of Mr. ri rtx kl.

XIX..MISCELLANEOUS: Death of ai OoMMMM4; Aetocietion t. r the Advaiceoieat of S. ience; Co'.FrtmiLt la California: Mttterloue and FrijhtiuiMaider In Broadway 1 Veroxoat.


Stock, Money. Cotton, Grain. Cattle, and etnetMarket*.(periallr reported for The Tribune.

THE SEMi-W EEKLY TRIBUNE ia furalehed to aahacttV


AN AL'TOBIOORAPHY. FROM FBASER.Recectly kwaad 1* ¦ Lrtteli." Aa admirable Story, IwblcbBtwaMaM aa largtiy a*

Z a I D E E,li /< C cor>* of which hare been already laraed.

Ko 3 ix dae timeTbeee who art food of Code» Reading thoeid purchxee thie

Beriet of Talea aa tare appear._jo^s P. JgWETT a Co . Pebtiehere.

5UfcT tbe B<K)K to SELL in CARS andSTEAMBOATS:

8MÜCEEES LIFE OF FREMONT,Jutt aab'.iebel bv

MrLLEB, OBTON k MÜLLLTOAN.Ne. 15 Parhrew, Ntw.^erh.



:.... Rf7 to jnt f««ri <*. <irr»>.t:>.r-CHi'H THIt MPUIIt

i t.lECKwoiz-fflnri like and adventtres.T>t Lira i»oAd«mkim or Jawb* /. Bttawot-tTit,M..1 w ..MK, St.OlT. AMU fmill. aid Mltr Of Tilt

Clow Natu ^ or Ihdia**. Written fro*) bit owe Di-tation.

In T. D Bannt» r Wlih illattra'looe liavo mmmt. Bl t\.

I'll* "-arretive of Juno* P oWkwourth i.t* too reader cro

too tocitJ snd f lineal II« of out l-idiaa tribe*. II» »M him-

t»If a chief of on. of the t»oet poworfui petl»*», edoattug the

haut» of toe led bub, a. <i entering irtt > all their cuftjm*. and,altar nv.e than twenty yeare of railed experience be »iU down

ai d ttrla-n hat arvaji'uiäa, They were wTlttao aa the/ foil froai

hi* own Up*, and hare 'ha charm arhieh anaaa from the e*e

«ctaeto*«» i n the part of the reader teat they ara tro'hfal. and

tt-Iat* »hat baa reell« tatet, piece In the bUton of a remarkabe nun. No book pro'i- ring to girt the mannet* and eeeeurat

of « or Indiar trite t ht ti t area appreecbe* in novelty arid 1a

taic»t thla extratrtdlfitry AaieMcgrapay of ferae* P. Be;k-¦rearth. ii.THE TONGUE OF FIRE; . _

Or The It ft Powek or CHttsTUTiTY. By the Rev.

Wiliiaai Arthur, D. D. Auteor of "Th* Sioeadil Mar-cheat " Portrait. Itmo , afoalia. J iceute.Mr arthari* regarded la Orret Ilaiteiu ** or* cf the meet

r,r»,:t an eloajneut preacher* ii the Weelerao r.mtier-

lion. 01» rartitatloo U baldly lcea in thla c mn'ry. »h<sr* bia

piety and talent* ee cured f*r bun thoaaanda ot friend* and».:!:.'. .» «niorig ell dent uiii.a"nu» The praaeat w.rk elmt to

exh'hit the Im« power of Cbrietiauity, by reference to the

.Biet» of the ttfeeioti cf 'he Holy Spirit o ." the dar of Pe .te

co-t citraatro* the Christian L te a»t min»»tr? tf the .»**-

eat day m Ith those of th* ptimitire believer*, if aa*a forth a

variety of practical l**touC for the warning and in*-.ruction of

the Charte. The work ia mailed by tV r vor of apiiit, urgency of

appeal, er/ vtroroueelcoMence of expreeeioo.

at x|r. Ar'hui » oeeeladln* renew of aociel and religimm pro

|rea*. aa exhibited in the impro ed hahMa of w :!'..». and lu th*extcnaiot, of t'ltiitahl* and philanthropic eifert» at horae aid

abroad aarpiara a manly aal enli<ht*red faith id baueoltv.when L anlred with the a*m* tinth and lav* that ani nohad theearly Chxtaoata ( London Litorary Uauet t*


STRICKLAND'S AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETT.Histobv or the Ami.bican BiaLt Society, bevised ato

aRot biiT row a to THr rtcsrsT time. By W. F. Stn;k-laid.D. D. With an Introduc'ion by the Rer. N. L Rice,D D., of CIccenuetL Port ait 8v», Muallo, «I 5X

I A,THE MARTINS OF CRCV MARTIN.By Cberlet Lever author of the Ü .1! Familv." " Sir Jae-per Oeiew ' "The Daltcne," Ac. »v» paper, H.'i centt;maalIn, 75 cent*. iii.

HFLEN LINCOLN.A Tale. By Cairie Caaron BBfja, nrot'in 75ee<it*.A quiet, domestic e'ery, of excellent moral and re itton* r-v.

poet, and * ritten |p a cwrect and pUaaing it vie. The aca .at

and iicident* tie dttwn truni what might happen in every-d*/lift.

IV.JOHN HALIFAX GENTLEMAN.By ibeau'bor ot be H««d of the Kwnily," M Olire," " TheOxilri**," "Agatha't Iluaoa..,:, -'A Hero," Ac 8vj .paper,to etvtt.


tlr.Si.avi: LtFB it Et aorr. A Novel. With a Preface bySir Archibald AUeue, B*rt.. Large l2mo. lam *)L

VI.WILSON*» WESTBRN AFRICA.WcaTtaa Araic*; its HttToav, Coaoinoa. a»D Ptoe-EECTs By th* B-v. J L*ighton Witaoa. Eighteen Tea/aa Mitalonary in Afric*, *nd now one of the *ecreterie*otter Praabytetian B, aid of Foreign MhtaiotM. Wita uumt r-

co* Eegtaving*. 12mo. Mtwlio, *1 BRVII.

THE THREE GOLD DOLLARS;or, ah AcrovtiT er the AnvttTtr- or Roaia Gkeen.

By Jacob Abbott. Beautitnlly illustrated. Square tto. P*>111 J. cent*, Mualtn. 4V ccata.

Mil.THE HUOl'ENOT EXILE;Or. The natta on Loi'ta XIV. A Ui*t*rical Novel, l.'mo.Muaiin, 15 cent*.

IX.JAMES'S OLD DOMINION.The Old Domixiow: ot, The Soi'TrUMrrow MaaaacaE.A NovaL By G. P. K. Jama*, oso., author of *' PoqainiLo,"" AgJiea Soral." A L.lo of Vici^itud**," Aa 8«o. Paper;0 tent*. X >-

IDA PFKIFFKR'S SECOND JOOBNEY.A LaDT'a Btcoxo Joi'ttBT Kot so THr. Woai.ii: From Lon¬don u. the Caueof Good H"pe. tiomeo, Jara, Suutatta, Cala-bea, ragaam, the Molarcae, Ac, CaliforLla, Panvnn, Peru,Ecoacor. aid the I'rited State*. By Ida fHw, Authoroatif the " Lady'e Journey Rend 'ha A/otl i," Ac. \ttao. Mua-Im, Bias. xl

VAOABOND LIFE IN MEXICOB> Gabriel Ferry, foe erven year* resident In that country,

l.ii.f. Mnilili, 87 cenfg.xii.

MADEIRA. PORTUGAL, Ac.BKETCHEg AM' ADTEN'Tt'tE* ix MaDEIXA, PoBTl'oal AtOthb *hDALi'aiAt or Sffata. Be th* Author of DanielWabeter and hie Contempureil**." Nuraerou* and beautifulillaatialloce. 12mo- Mu.liu, g>lBR

JOHN C. FREMONT..A maguirieent POK-TRAIT, drawn by the celebrated French artlat, Geoatliar,

from Root'a Photograph, and nnlveraally pronoancad the beetPortrait of the tubiect yet leaned. Aaa wotk of art It it u terlyui approachable. Publiahed by C. H. B'AINARD, No. 124\y tvh ngtoL »t Boaton.and for aal* in Now-Y rk bt WIL-MAftS. STEVENS. WILLIAMS k Co , No »xl Broadway.Pr'c* SI, on receipt of which earn it will be tent to any part ofthe Cited St*t*e, tree of pcatage.

S I .A «Plendid LITHOGRAPH ofV l|VUUt THE HERMITaGK.OEN. JA<:K40S'S1 uhb, and AJIDRCW JaCKSOSJ DONELSON'S REJI-D>.N« E. jutt publkwed and fur aale in qoantitiat to anit,AOE^TS and CaNVA^ER* WaBTRD. to whom liberalternawnl be rivan. active and iridunrriotit Man can tn.kefrom SSto fit) a cay lu dlapoalag of theirn. For particnlttacall at No. 97 Ch*fflb*raet.,Sd floor, front room, from 3 to So'clock p. m. each day.

lint QUte.

ONLY AUTHENTIC PORTRAIT of JOHNC. FREMONT, Kepahtlean Candidate for the Praaideney

.Lithographed in the blgheat atyl* of th* *rt by GO. LirttbaH,aftat Kot/t'e m»gniScent Photogiaph. Siae of th* Prot,16x30 iLchea. Prlc* SI p*r cowy. Sfut to ell pert* of »heaountrv free of expenea ou the recelot of a)L Aiifm*

H. SCBAUS, Poell»ber, No Broadway.

IJriniing.PRINTLNO by 8TEAM-Copi>sr-taced TkTE.

STATIONERS' HALL.No*. 174 and 17« Pearl-at.. New-Tort.

BOWNE k HASBROUCR,FRITTTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS ai»d STATIONERS. Allkkude of PRINTING executed In the beat atyle. with COPPER-PACED TYPE, at the loweat rate*.

1tribune blildlng8..prlntino of everydoeeripilon, from a Card to a Book, at the Loweat Caan

Price*._BAKER k OOP WIN.Tribune BuHJingaGo to F< kier't Ptintlng Liflaca,Wharta th* work la dona the ncttett,Whata Ohe piicaa ara th* loweat.Where the job* ate II jiahed qui tkeat,Wkttt the type i* new *nd handaooe,Where the preeaat print moat parfect;Where yoa'll meet with kindly welcome,Honett, fair and open dealfng.

o I e:n per thousand for cards, $5V A t-FVFpar R**m for BILL HEADS; CIRCULARS (laguaaitltie*) ftOe. per thoa**Dd. arid every kind of PRINTINGaquallt CHEAP at ECKLER'S. No. «7 Fulton at , N. Y.

AStationcrri anb fancr) CBooba.BTHUB'* PATENT AIR-TIGHT


Two desirable arOelet <ur th* CounUng Room aad Library.Call aad te* them. Where yon will alao Sod the most eota-ptete aeaortment of Foteign and Dome*tie Stationery ru thetity. Dealer* only topelied.

AMES, SLERRiCK, BARNES A RHOADS,No. 7S John at., New-York.Agency alao for th* Kant Mill Pap*r*.


Ear aala byM P. BROWN,

No US P«arl-tt, New-York.



Cat tt Wot* immediatelt AETEtWABD.Oi.» bo" » cleti a SO pair.

Prlc*, Flftv Cant*,id by *R Diuggia.a.

CONTENT, NEARY dt C*,.No. 502 Broadway.

Worses* Canriagce, <i>c.

BEAIITIFUL PAIR MATCHED BLACK_1 HAWK HORSES for SALE. +675; Haraeae t}J6; sixyeari old A* bends high; warranted sound, gentle, and goodtrwvaler». Ho. 2D3 PracklLa, corner Wathlngtan-at.

CDants.AYOn»G lady, who hat had two TORr*' ex-

petienc* a* Tear her of Moaic upon the Piano, deeiiee at'tuation either In a achool or privaM family, a* GOVKRNRdH.Beit of reference can be n.en. Addreee toon ZUBA LCARLTON Utiea.N. Y. ' ?

AN Ameneaa Widow Lady, experienced, de-airea a iReJaaawJ aa HOUSERr.EPER. MUSIC LES¬SONS given if re quired. Unitt**t*on*Ua rtsfseaae*. A.blre jMr*. N. W., No. Bj Weat 44th at . or eah for fat day*.RECENT eradtiate of Mount Holeok© 8emi-tary wo*Id Ilk* a aitaatinn aa GOVERNESS with a famkb about to travel to Europe Rbe la capable of U^CUog th*higher F.ntH.h biaichea, Ftench Utln a-.d Mutic Reference*giver. Addieae, aU'i' g where an interview mat be bad it11 Madlact. Square Fte> Office. New York CI. '"l

APROFESSED COOK, of aober sod -tesdrbehau wiafaaaa SITUATION In a raa^rsW,Ä

FfSJ^HO^ai1' dl° LOCOMOTIVE. all a a. a j

' eoerfetle man: on* whonrderatanda Hi boalr.e**. Nfcre other need innlt Innalraatth* «Sic*. PignB98t Sacp,^e:u,tDt, at V ' mrV ^ _U

AFRENCH OEM LEMAN. twktj Umy9nm Bxitftonrm. where he hat been e Tee/ aar »f tee rf-T,"

(* riij' it ikow» 1 reuaeeneaie, » «I.« rut X MPLbfMINT in 'hit city or tear Hae go ohj*>e'.loa t« p«!r r tri Ci:i rtrtaib till k<< rr.f.:e»Mi to'. hi ««/.,... "JNew-York, apply al No. t« SuWU-et to CaRLILI »j,^MtBMxNN.1 EAC Ht IC- A Profeseor, of o>v»i»l j«. lfi» jjjj.

. «irr "«r InrritdttoB NATURAL f Ilm re^tf«rr«72 « hWi be hi brwa 1« the be -et of .«*'.'*»« w^lwTta.' b.Ti^« .^iTlUV. Aedreet It fl>.y at, N, B,

I^Wt» BOYM WANTED.In the Oft*» 2 .W'cklt Btli«u»t Newtperer, ekeefly to ioara I» ay..

*. rX IVwmVp nxhtehereeter tniottrlon,.^A-Mre*. MASTEB, hot No. 1 A*afoot <Meao._

SrSCnOOI. AOEHCY and TKACftflfct. l'N'ON. 1IM7.) by E a WILCOX k SON. Be. SB

Brot4.wtT -A Piarr.tval IXTeootrrt at t or Z prree« « «*. taotwt wiihtb^rm,r,.y in inr all wittt. tatt*.cietefad eta gee lor Cbaekboldeti. Life Mao.'en aa4 Ape*.al if i'k the C< tutoon Pnod and the he!o of al CBOttt artrei ewabr* ami waxwforeato «a latereet. *V BIO. t>ii. 0«ft'.' 010T «e.. according u (rede aad teeiree lacacae,drawing7 li '.St tod 100 per ort. No cUrte 'o Pupil*. Corrat^oude tj|tbtot »h< nr th» Ü 'on. TatctiCti' and PtOPLK't Mr i riteD il> 9 to Head 1 to 4 o'clock._lit,7AN TED.In »n« A p»»rer.ticeo Libras*, %? » Yoont Mar, at eat 15 yeera of ear. of g od addraat, whtwriloe e geed bar d ai.d it toraewbat otq'talnted with book* e>ply between » and 11 «elool a m.

WANTED.A CLOTH FINISHER. Cm tri«ihoicetoiv .i JetrUnd. fluUhiug »Vuo.e.i Good, aaay ad

dreee P. W. PLUMB. Ar eon lo, Conn._VY'aN'IED.An AinericRn SEAMSTRESS.|? Ore who it ecenetoened to ell kiade at wjaewy t.,.,:1

ai d would be wtlliag to dero* a irre I portjoe of bar ta_i. ... i _v- a .*. r. .,,«» a renraeeat i ami i

at a wcuiq vr w un .i - --.- .-

tuperitteLd Ik utebo.d »ffa rt, ml) fltid a I'rn-atent . . ...

ai d pUaeeut borne by iddreeeing . not« lo W. r., »reexwagPeit-Offie». Oood rrfe encet re^u'red.

bi7anted.TEACHER .A trraduato of uff Borten Uaweraity. a tJwrt.u#h Scholar and aa eipari.ree.1 TeecUr wahre to tntke an au,Me.n#o<. »>«.<,?".CLASSICAL BCMOOL ;.refened. Acdrete TEA.rtZä,Box No. HI, Plainfield. New Ureey.

IV ANTED . IuimetliatwJy. «oe firot ritef ? LATHE HAND on Car Axiee. TToxy*mmtiMfdytrA,

<?o rot uidrratand their bniL-eat. Inquire et tAw efBce, Pier-moat Shop, Pietaaont. New Yoib._^ AMERICAS bov, 14 >eertW old -bo can read Mid writ. well. Inquire at Ne ICxnal m.. f nrth floor heewrwn 10 aiM n A. m_^WANTE D.A aituation at CLȣKK, eitheT

in t Bankiu« beute, wholeaxla Dry Oeodx ..r Comm'eBjaHoute. or m aome luturence Ofice, Beet of reference will at

ilv^en A.ldreM BOX No 1«3. Trenrer, Peet-OmcO, N. J., er«liojaa k Co., No. *XI Broadway, op ataire.



dianrce for hueinena JHrn

WFLL-ESTABLISBED L ITE B ARTjlm PAPER, with Type and eTerythint aeceet >ry, It otTertdfor SALE it a Etrttln, About will be rqulr -4.<cettor,t titu-tU ror.ti ienti»l AeMreae ORIOiNtL, BetUO, Tribune Office. for further partic u art.

OTTON MILL FOR SALB.Torino* en E.tate. the M<1! known ae HARMONY MILL

.it in ted la Peter*oo, N. J., with the hueiieea now ia wceaxfeiet^ratioD and doing a tarae trxde. The Betldlngt xnd Ma¬chine rj all 'n rood orler Por further information Ingeln ofP. J. BERT1NE, Adma., No. 3*3 Broadway, up tta.rt.otxaIP to I.'o'clock.

OR SALE.The subecriber offt rs for tale hü. DAOrrRKEAN SALJON, with a to d one halt n,

axsere, xnd all <¦ h r toola ntreetary fui making hag .ante-

rpea aiid AmhrHypaa Said Setoou mat be teea foretbxtJo e. In Lei ox, Mete I. .trucim. live if deeircd. for farthrr taiticiLart addte«» M L. STEBBINS, Leuoi, Mate.

PJJOTEB WiHTSD_A rats of b.ibSmbxbita with frr-ra + WO to *' v 0 to iurtet iu e ' >«u.»r tad

riofitable MANl'PALTI RINO bl'dlNEdS i.tbtcrv maybear of tn ixcellent ipoiiltawatj by addreealcg Mr V. A DANXTri I one Ofhce. "d

RaWcIIANCE-To enter into luiineo. mW.out Itt eteeteraa The w*ll kno ru eaUbH..Vn*i.t II I H-

EON'S It. E-CREAM SALOON, corner of Court ead W.,reu Me., for tale. The proprietor hating etiwred Into etktrbuiirttt arrai>tcmeLt. la the only r*aa a why be dear it ti t*LIt hat fen eetabliebed 'or rl» yeeta. The owner it ea i.ledthat ary *nt>rprirn« tutu can do well, atd wil treat wi h .urkot> the eit.lett termt for ttock. fixtoree, Ac Apply oa thepremitet. rotnrr t ..tut and W emn-tte., Brooklyn.

Ik) PRINTERS..An Independent VvTeKLTPA PER, wi'h a good paying petrontxe, located ia one of

the bealibimt and hanetomett rUJa^ »* in the country, at otTeredfor SALE. Tbe trflice ta w»U atocked end fnraiahecl with Type,nearly new. bee two good Prnteee, and e liri' rat« Job peiroe-tgr. Thecwuerinieiidtmotlnf HV#t tliie Pell and a II tallcheep. Apply to ANDREW WIND'S Adtrrtixtoe aad Bea-tciiptirio Agency, No. i33 Naaaaa at, epetalre.


PER. Ai dr. m NEWSPAPER, Tribaae Office, «Uting termt,and wb* re an interview ra be Bai

TO PRINTER«.Wanted to purchate. in ex-eher ge I r good LAND in tbi* Stole, a email PRIN CINO-

OEPIt E with eetbclent tuaien.l for ..tabiahiua a CountryNew.paper. Apply to J WARD, corner Naeeati and Sprtce-a a, (dink Church Cliepal).

ÄT3TitOlTj0 INVE8T-In Pureluoe ofNr M\^»\J\J\J firatdate Bondt and Mortgagtt on New-York Cet> property; B2..V0 and |# 1,000 to loan E Ilka prop.ity Biorooto inTeat In purcliaee of four to >ight tott to¬gether, below 17th at. and becweeu i'k aod Ith art Aeaiy to

_L. S. S30TT. No V wSf-et |A Will TO $5,000.-FOR SALE, a rariftyV IVO of new, flrat cleat PATENT aloHPS,«r the Patent Am c, Offlc* of OEO. WHEELER kCo., Wo 384 Broadway, N. Y.

Ho CDham it mas Concern

ARET)BID 1'HVSICIAN, whose sandt of lifehave nearly rtir out dmemere.1, while lirlng in the Cttt

lldiet, a certain CURE for t ON««UMPT|ON BR')NC4ITl8.COUOHS, COLDS and GENERAL DEBILITY. Wi.hujto do ae much good at poatiOIe.Oe will tana to euch of but af¬flicted fet'ow-beinixNii rrqutttit, thia recipe, with full dJrectioatlor mekirg up MI tucre.tfu.lT um. - it lie requlree each ap-plkanto ii eloee him ore ahllll' a, three ctnte to he leternad atpoataieou the reeipe, end the remainder to be applied to thepavuieut of thia aaveitiaetuent. Addreat

Dr. H. JAMES, Jene» City. N J.

AIMA Kit I hi) LADY, ot great experience inBemale D'teeeei, who hex bean tue wife ol a dittingu.tbedPhyticer w 111 c immunictte to'r.etbing of great itnpo tauet temtferu x Keiraleti will e-ud PRESCRlPrlONd teJrab e fxr

their cate ai d valuable lii.trnctiona. for SI only. Detcribe'hedi>eate, tend peeteae and xddjeet Mr,. P. O. BOYD, Box N >.40 bro' lway Ptit-Office.

A"^imÖT*TE8 and EAGÜEltBEOTYPES-Large alia, colored, and irmerted In Si e ernboeaed caeet

for 5» cat , at B. P. CORY'S Gallery, cor. UlAet. and Ith er.

ADVERTISING..ANDREW WIND8 GEN¬ERAL ADVERTISING and SUBSCRIPTION AO»NCY,133 Ntaaau-at .up .tain (next door to the Naeenu Ba k), pretente

a ay et matte meant for tbe bu,tneat commurury, of having it'irAdveitlaenieiua forwarded and inaerted la the moat widelyrelated uewtpenen througooot tae United S'atet, . .s'u,Wettlndlei and, at the pubHaheri* low eat ratta Pa-pert on tile for exxminatlon.

DARTMOUTH COMMENCEMENT CLASS ofl'c W,. The Cleae will hold itt eecond meeting thlt year ac-

cordlrt to tbe toto ol the former meeting. Attendance of allformer mem ben of the Claael.dctirtd etpec'at'yfoi WEDNEi-DaY EVENING, July 30. Time aud olare will be aalekeoweat HanoTer._C. A A1REN. Cleae Secretary.


_Sola Ateut No 73 tv.rr*,..,». New York.

PK. DEYO'9 PROMPT and KELLAßLle ADVERTISING AGENCY.No. 7 Appletot,'! BuUdint, No. 3* Broadway.

ßTJWMBO^l CAPTAINS and STEAMBOAT. rZSnMS1^ ~ «TEAMBOaT ROUTE OPEBt-.r COMPXTIJIO-J -Cxpr.iu BALDWIN ha>i.g aad «h» at RAVENSWOOD to to South retire., and l-aretl.e Peny Roeite from Aaloeia and7 Ravanawood to N.w-Yekopen tor c mpetitlou. The Raveniwod Ii to be witbdr iwu tbt-'l'l?.*1 VTk- A N**' ****** and careful man, w-tt t *rod boat, ct aid bow aecura the routa aayla Imune hark»nan wirb euch t boat would now be well received by tbttnrelii« prolle of AttrHa aid Baventwoid. Mrve ll 'btnait'r.t Strike while the mm la hot. and i.iquUtMAttoria and Ravtnawood ofjae TRAVELING PUBLIC.

a. "r',c",¦^c««*xa or Taxxe^ |Ho. 3d CharnUre-at.. (uew Court HnaaaV >

Trx ivro«. ..Nxw Yoaa, Jane», it* )o avoid the risks that mast inevitably oeoBf

the«^tbf 'Ft* 0<T" IV*. who P°t off to the leteet da/t^f>.,me:it of b^-ir »aat, I have determined to aOept the wi;fo^ttg n.,e which wUl be ilridly a.lh«red to dejirjcey vm ofo«ea. I thai) raeeirre no money after 2 *eUxskp. a» Brary*eer ia thia Department te itbictlv rxoHixirxo Beet re-

^1^1 txvtLorae containing money or chee.kx for tie payoMO*tfTxxea By order. HENRY Ht. HOWARD Retrfrar-

T9. BSlVmKEEPERS and LAUNDRIES..JL Uaa BORON'S tAKIS BLUEING PLOID. act oxdylat«ic*t economlcei article f«, do thee, but the onyeat-i!.-i^k £om *eW' ««»rely aolabie. aud iiituret a eerfxetg'SAyW*. Itoylah oi greeniah Unt to common after afhaj the Ltqud Indigo. Tiy It Per aale by ell Oroeera

_WaL H. PANTON A Co., No^l l>eret_T*0 lecture A8SOCIAtToNS Tad lt-* CEUMS..lauere Cotumlttoea deeUing mi terrieeiIBStbeen»«iuf Autumn and Winter Courier of Levtarre btfcreLjcerma wül pleaae make ape ieatiea at aa early day. **"areee _Q8MOMD Tirr.vNy. Spriuaw.ld. Mxea_

Vb. palmer" ADVERTISING AGBNCT.a .No cauraatan or runnera are employed. AdrerWetrt

apply at the Agency, or when requeatod, will be waited ea.

Wright*" F0LDIN0 and me^SUBiTWMACHINE.Kor folding and meeearltM every daeerie»

tu i. et 'abrle le nr w on exhibition fur e abort tum* -et the roetatof the An.erican 1oat irate. No. liAl Bioedway. Au peiaantta-.e-ea'ed are retpec lu'ly uivit.d to call and It TheMachine la warranted to fold er.d meer tire V> ywrwt ear rakxaahThe hfht i«r the United Stelae aad Great Britain te eBerel **aale at a tan. useratire p. ice. Tbe Agent w .1 (it a hie peteeaolalter tlou each day ttcai 9 to a'c'eTca am. to abxw lw «rpere