thirty-sevent- h year. yew yobk, wednesday june 8, 1870. "...

J THIRTY-SEVENT- H YEAR. yEW YOBK, WEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 1870. " ' Prr1 ' I JLI10MEPARK LN ITS GLORY SUE D1MT1NOZ1BBED KKTZ, KMKN CAVOHX IN A SUOWBB. A ml Dav'a Muri - Bohaaaea.Helrn- - hold, lleaax, aad Mandford tar Wliim- - A Salt "'I i.i Mleeple hn -- . ssrenca on ikr 4Jaartrr 11 re Ira - llcevv Hitting Hit, i flofliana Flewa tke Have-Ho- Barry llenrl - Ikr Deaf aad llaaab Afakaket. Nuiwilhatauding the fall of rain yesterday, the race it Jerome Park were well attended. The grand s' ind was (Hied to orerBowlrjr, and the rvr n I A of the club home waa packed with Indies an hour briore the running be-a- o. Csrrlsge rolled leto the Park before twrlvr o'clock. Nearly a.ery vehicle contained ladles. The quarter stretch began to till ui about hal' pst 1'. by 1 o'c'ock kuappr little lr Unleiwood sod grave MeGowan were rattling off poola at annlniming rite. Among the first to arrive was ex Alderman Larry O'Uticn. Be wore s blf red rose snd velvet coat, a purr of psteat l v'-.- and a lady's d rotpln s white hst with s l ' weeil. yellow gloves, bis- - t, a .d three pounds ( watrh chain lie wis uuiversally coasldered ibe nobbiest gentle-ma- on the coarse. He promises to surpass yeslcr-dsy'- s rffirt in dress sihrn he will wear two red rise. MMMt MBM roktinsggi. Bw hi Hon. Jamea Macs of Englaid aad the lion 1 homos Allen or Ireland; appeared on the quarter Itreteh at 1: 10. The floe Air Mace wore a velvet cost, vilth white pante. He linked like s Chaarel-lo- r of the Firhrqucr. Allen was drewsed in black broadrloetli. Ills face bore ao traces of his lets ervere punishment. Both three gentlemen steered to the pool link, and began bettlag quite lively. or . As the boar of t o approached, steady treatn of distinguished gentlemen poured la. First rams black-eye- Hnvridan Shook, wiping the lrom the upper part or hts bead He Crapiralinn ha I $10 000 In his poeJief,aud u bae walked out at m til with double .' amonnt. Following Mr. shook waa Barr urn's tonaortal artist, Ckat. Thus. III., nsan, or thf r. rk Hotel. The 4'ipialn was eiutusuely dressed in carried a X'haihsm street umbrella oa his Jrrt shoddsr, end ahlftrd It la his right upon the aret sign of Rle ooet was tlone d la I4MU (ovoorrr-- aad hia hair a fr'ierd n la Itm ,i Aomr He walked on Use atrvteh with (fly ens la Vus pocket, nnd laat it oa the list race, f la Hon. Benry Smith eame aent. One year ago tan gen llemsn wo-- e a full pt,x heard. During the elec tioa laat Isl', this beard began o d I appear from tiia chin, and ) es tarda y It had dwindled to a tain lnrsule cAei MM ate rise spread acrocs the thorax As Mr. Smith stated hta wire sod frteads apon the eJub stand. Judge M, T. Hrenosn came np the stepe. The Jadge wore a stiff eund-n- collar, a black 'weaver, and a g black coat, whiek aet off the beauty of lilt form to Ho rreiteet advantage The Judge has never gamble !, and ccoieqneatl lid not hot on the raree. bm or nr ii it The smiliog face of Pherlff O'Brii a waa rreqneotly seen before the gruid etsad 1 he Sheriff was dressed in s east uf iigkt tweed, and attn ateo naeh auat.on rroai the ladle. Keviu-ds- Racket! waa ooasasrnotia aaoog tlte Udlee. Ibe Beoomer Vare a velvet coat, a strasr hat. light ante. a bias neekUe, ana ea Immense weal rrof. nia bine eyea sparkkj with rnltcment, wwd his Bate natures were iPemlned witii smliee. He waaaved enersl pair ol gloves with tun laJIca about Aim, bat tavatiably loot. WHAT IS DOS I WITU I I ' The Hon. Owen afnrphy keoi In the rlelnltv i f 1r Underwood, and aealduoudy astchrd tne Dot-tor- Btoalh. Mr. Morphy wore k bt blue panta, rarrlad a cigar In hta mouth, aad esri led lih huds In In pockets, ae if atout leaving a TMrd avenne car. Near Mr Murphy stood Kr John (' Ueeoan and his geotiemsiily .i the Hon. Coolie - Kers. Ueenaa iweree above the wraaghrra ol the qnarler rtreleh like Haul above ibe Iaraellles. Uc wae dreawed ha-- a memhrr ot the Prodace Rachaege. end y went into Irtie private pools to the extent of $5 on a horse. At the eatranee of the cowrwrasethe ieolsl Fnltce t'sptain WIImib. Ho kept on. or hi eyes upon the crowd at his tier, und Ike other wpiHi the twrsee wkich ware belnx lu rrwut td ttis jn;lgea' staad. Mr. J. B. Fellow, the owner tU the nneqniilita whj drove Mrs vete- ran Joe Ifcitoti to the c wares tat kta asw dog cart, aakad tne Cuptaln Ifhelisi ever eringirt s plckpoek sA m Jerome Paik. Ttie reply Mg , ' Tve been liere ever a;nre the club waa tvarted, and never knew of but one eaee in wii.c' at nisa Lad hln pocket ptrkej br re. Then s nick gxicket .lea aalch, and we got tie wuleh and the sjilef he ort- the seoandrel Rrf off the gronnd. It's bo use for tlilevcs to eomt' here, and they know 0. Tuy're tpolteJ and jrreeted aa soou ss lb J Btrlkr the gate. We've got a little station house nave us the gronnd where we bol l Ibcm until thr " races ar- - over II A II KT OCNXT'S TXi.KriRAMB. I ' 'Am ths first bell rsnr, thr aarUag en the tnrr freer coo. r lively Oreentmrks rustle.1 uke failing lenves. The sky, which Ijid been berime partly dear, sud the aun made a feeble effort to a'une Ir rnderwood slruck a pool away op among the houanda, snJ reeled like a mo.'k naciloneer. SleOowan aat at hta aide, argMMaf, tliat great syracle of the turf, Inner llarrv tienet. who ktood oa a step ft! the extreme end of the gran tend. up aent ooe or lionet's finger, by a fudge from Mctiow.n, und I'ndcrwoorl added IS t. the pool. Then tne betting herd below geyspped st the pot. Geari palled up his wilted Mgoalag eotu col ar, sod raised two Angers. A sse-ba- time waa the Doctor nodged. and ItO were addod to the pool. Again tbe aerobe niabled at the halt. The greet Harry thea pnlWd dowa his while iwalaaiojt, k his chrar to tbe gron- d. and held op his whole a id The Doctor mi t the signal, asd (the p ol jumped np 1U0 This proved loo ppj for the qusner-stretc- fleas, and the mighty flarrr licked oat hts favorite. The lollottlaj Is era code or etgaan OSm Safer a., m, kan.t I i BwoSmgecs tall wo aand Uf Thrae a&gera .atOa kajwiox wiak 1,14) TUB DXMl POK III OBtKD ST1D. When tbe s econd tell rang the crowd surged for Ibe stand. The Hon Thomas tvheil of the (Tevualli Ward took s huadred-dollu- bet on the fly. sud thea parambled to the front ; Hughes of the Bightk, who look, aa If he wero uliout to dry np and be blows way, run hta ambrelia latu geateel John CBUmharlaln, who was loosely Inviting his fiinnds to corns up to his box and drink rtown hi champagne j aha greal Weeton. In a white choker and a awallow lall, Bade a dash far ths Isdien' tUnd. o.ily stopping lo hake hsnds with Uapt. Wll'lam H. '1 ravers; LHtputy Bbertff Deninaey screamed for a ffesh bet, sad was gohbied op by t oroner FlyDB ; Nell stopped tolliag peonie bow he waa going ito he ele:tcd Coroner, and Joined Cyrille Dion on khe left uf the Ldtes' stand ; the llou Joseph Cobnrn made s dtve into the reireanaient room lor sglsaa of lager; tieorge W. MeLeao wslkrd Into tho grand Und, an.l waa mlatakan tor a Mttbo.liet otrrgyutsu by tbe Hon. Charles Itanftom; tlov. Bowie or Mary land took a last look at ihe boracs and glided tliroueii ihe quarter sire'ch gate ; m.d a ciuuJ ol Isdies and grntlemeB from Ihe Club House dtjlled over the track toward the grin I stund. Among ii.. . wra Mta lion Au-u- Uelmoul, ... .. W ilkes, Lawyer eVtougbtou, snd olhei turf inagnatca, With Mail famllias. i onv. ttorrasH isc no jroug conkollt. Aa the last bell soandad liov. Hoffman made kis apt-"'- -" apon the Club Hoase balconr, and r wresth of smiles smengthe ladies. Among the MTtOJ 'he atrarglara from tlie ClBh Hooas was 9 SS2 8?B0"lt Who had just arrived from Torkvllle Ho was greeted with Ion I ci.eers ss lis walked down the steps. The planka. which had been taken up, were agaiu laid down, aad the gales were openuif to all ,w the Judge to pass In The Jadge moBBted the grand aund. i a programme of a small boy With s mole on hi ear. and wairhed the steel - chase wt h so air of quiet dignity cool ' ' ttedutUK all beta. rug aacas The day proved not good one fof ihe ruauing It rained a trifle just before the start tor the bru raae, aad the track waa made aorawhat heavy Ttits affected the time of the WMtehssbsf Cup! Befors the third race begmu. I auady. sou raio art 1b, sad contlaaod all the afternoon, Th track In became Irst licky aad eery heavy, aad thea soft sod slippery. I'uder the eirc nm aafiros last tune coald not be made. This would, of coarse, operate but Utile on ths Nlecpls CLase, as in It laois Is not an element of aacellinre. Tlioui:b tbe rain was a drawback far Ike horses and the pace, It did not dampen the t'liibaslasui of the spectators. TUB STEXn B mala. , Btery ons is fanaillar with tt.e orrfln-r- y eonnoe. and uoel kaow the peculiarities or thu eonrse of Jerorai. Tsrk ; bat the groond run orer la thg steefle ebsse m peculiar, snd amhrares the oourae in p. r' gild the flela rrounds ht longing u the course end lark The etsi I was in froi t of the Club Houae and grand staud; thence backw aid on tlte r track to its elreoiar feoee ; over that fence into tbc Boi tb field of the course, siong it i- circular fence of the Bortli tuin ut the mile eourse.oter the hurdles, hack on to Inr rouise at the junction i f the mile and thrse qtistutr Hu g, thence past the Ctvt House Into Ihe aou.h Held, thence around It losida along the fence oi tbe Hack over two. bock lo a poll t in front of the Club UoBoa, between tlic reverse cu.yv sud tne home struck ol the n ils track, over a wsll and ditch, la Iront of the Club House ; th nee along the fence outanie of aod parallel to the hoi a stretch or the 'i. k , over hcrdle, and Into the-t- l ie quarter lurk, and out of II Into the mile trark.and than talo the wood at lha north and ol In oorse, Unough the wood oa eartw down a bank on to and seioet Ilia coarse, leto tbe oorUi Oel.i, ibcnce through ths leld over a wall, oa to Uie mile irack, orer a hurdle opyivalta the flab ihonre noun the rr tain at Ibe south sad or tbe roorae, over a hurdle at its middle, aad to lha wme stretch i ova, a ourdls at midway of the grand sen kosaa lo the jne.' at .d. 8a. I WM 5" fwrae to be run. with Ifteoa lease, aad sysya-y-1 "'r sd wBa severa ana. It quill good Banana and siarara la da It II aad anhl - iHr pace. aad two of th entries wee qatte equal to the 111 mines for the iteeple ehaae race were Bo hannon. Oyaierman, Tr., W n Bacon Mate Under-woodl- . Viley, and IiOhells. Blng a handicap, van tit weights were made known. Lobelia dVelsred oat, not accepting the weight. There wi re four to tart. Th acceptance ol th weights were made on Monday. At one OTBteroiaa was mad Irst fsvaritc, tils a reeall of Ihe splendid ei saner la which, at the October meeting last year, lis had won the enfrte race. Bnl then te was hsnitcsnped st Ion, twenty poand less wrbrhf than Bohsnnon, naosn be then beat. In the eud, before the atari, the recollection ot this fact operated to btlng Uo hsnnnn Into the fletd a Oral favorite, aa now they aer eqml In weight The evening hefbre the re, Oysterman fad the call dertdrdly st a small ad van tare, hnt ou th mornlrg of the start Bohsnnon hsd It derldrdly by s slight edds, though some bet- ting was st eicn between thm. The odds stain-- t tortann"n weir S to 4, sgatusl Oysterman to I, aalnst Vl'oy to t. sfntnat line n4 to 1. Uohsniinn wss ridden br Mr. Klwea, tbe (en'la mm he.vy welgl t; Oysterman by OrtBa, Buoon by Downing, and Viley by AllowBy. When marsl ailed fer the Mart, the flrat try sent the psrtr Ors'srmrui led, Bohaanoit seernd. Bsroa trlrd, and Viley Inst. In this order they took airily ti e first leap. hurdle on tfe three qnsrter track. Here VI1T bae-a- a to fall off, and the further he went the wnrse he went, and rrcni th stsrl was oat of the rsce, and no naajs BO mention rcore. Idling Ihe first hardls, OyVi-rra- : n lesdles clearsd tie ren.-- from th track Into the Borth field, with HobannuB next, and well up. and both forcing the pace. Around th field th looting waa sbsrp, till lesdtag, bnl both ao tapped that they took the two hurdles In It together. Bacon bark three Iropihe Out of the field they aweat loto the coarse, and a sharp spin of a dogefd lods gave Dohannon the lead, and by a length he fronted as thy left the track, sad entered If soatk field leading by about a lenrtb Without they ran thr Held and took the three htjrd'.es Hi It. tree and rlrar orer the third hurdle In this field Oysterman mode a brash sud caught Bohmnon. as lhy nearrd the wall aud ditch In front of the club hone snd grand stand. Lvpped they reached th leap, asd w all snd ditch wsro ciearad eplendldly by both, bat especially so by Polannon. Bacon tras buck five lengths, and got aver the ditch well, but Iso led badly and went down behind. His chances here looked badly. Away Tons the dlich aped Bo hsonon knd Oyaierman. and both tngethey aaMgal the hurdle, which brought tliem back oa to ot the three quarter track, and were qnlckly acrou that trick on to the mile one and aci owe It. aad i nailed Into the wood together, snd lifts the MM la It strong, lull ol innnhtf. For s morarat at it top Ovsternraa showed la front but a thoygot do mi and leaped Ihe bank cn to the coarse, Hohannon Up' rd him, aod tbey entered ibe field tapped, and on the level made strong pace up lo the wall la the field, and took It salllngly together. Oystetwiaa a trifle la ths lead. Over It, a spurt of speed pel Ito haiinoo ahed ae tbey irlt the flel.l and enteied the mfle cnurae on the reverse curve. On the track Bacon, who had bean sway from the other tour or five lengths etoce Le leaped the ditch, now taade running, srd kept ap a steady brush around fie flab House and oa to the Inr torn, where be caught sad passed if Mermen, aad osede p'ay for BabanaoB. He ruaghi him at ihe hurdle on the rar turn, hvped It lapped on Bohaanon Ba' there Bacon was done and aa the trio lilted the Mil. Ojestertaaa. who had bean Liken la band, now eaue alronr. aod breo ed tne Mil gausoly, aud a dash down the home stretch fer Bohsnnon. A good, hsag livnsh brought htaa steadily ap. aad he laid hs BsaM on Bouaaaea'a flank a thy reached, raised, aad cleared Ibe bnl hurdle. Hohannon waa qui. rn hi th jvmp, and recovered qnlekast. snd was away oo the vel lor th Jadge.' s and a lasaxtf Irum Oysiarmaa. OrtBa rallied his horse, and .'rew lo H.. boon, Ml loch by Inch, and the pair wrnt r in at a telling par lapped, hat Otatrrmaa coald ot get to Hobannoi.'e head, aad w aa beaten out ball a lsaglb in a apleadsd aad game Unt-- Uaco, got Loun t'llvd, six length away from th othe- s. while poor Hey was beaUa rrly a quaitrr o' a mil. Batnaat a sorry ;ni- - for himself uad hi jockey Alloway. as the Utter argad bha lw .. nil bluwa and done up. waa a fin race, kod gave nabuundc aatlafactinn, aa Ibe great feature or the day. VktaaBT. Jbbomb Taaa. Jane I. bteeplc chase, handicap 'or all agas. prrse, i. .,i - About two aad a bait n llea . C.F. kiwee'sh g. aahannoa, bi ttnooa Kentoi. dam hv uoaiou, S yaars old. I3S lbs. K.wes.. D th tiju'eli'r br. e t'yatetnian, Jr., by Oyaternin. darn by I'M Brown, i ears oil. 1JO ih., tirrthn I H O I odd's a. a w ttnooa. ny ll. giun dam by Ks Ht s. aced.ijlaa U.tWBHig , a Llejtl Allowa'a h, b. Tly. by t ... i i.y tilier star. 5 years old. Ui lbs Al.oaay . 4 rune thb serosa axeg. This waa th Weetckewter rap race. It is ane which hu ever bees faaiure in the .leronie I ark;. Tbe rap la a srdeadid ol piaie r the of fl.av, and It Te My b. norm he won it and lo possess it. This teai tlur- Waal gnnn flelj ot horses for it. Amour tbern Wore sneh gratid horses a Nsrrruransetl, liayonet. htaa Yerke, and Inverveuld. But mischance took oct of th I"" lUI t'ff) Mid other. Tlit ot'"jr o' K gT but (? Iaitr. Ttttf HtMtvWV, Vslstjpft, AM-r- l K i r 'fi.'tr asd nwliii' hi Tn r ivi ur vcutni ik ''Tf t rar rti ravuri'e at buutt-v- Bgiun- -t the 1Itd, t.r U ltlloU Mm. Tlsta fletd inrludvil liiTer iu d. Rut on ot tb' t It furard oui. tluil uu tlie rvets Tr iMror no icclileut hftd laMnil hrr and . oat. On mornloc t' ttitt rac IlrtmLuld waa f of it at odda on kim vtirytn- imiu M ! 3, up to '.i W t. Tte odda wrr 5 to 1 tinioat 5 to 1 affmi'-b- Veapurltia and 1. to asaint ,.r Tim np fur Htlirttj Id v t IIrrinr(,T. win." Palmer di ' th Looora to Vespuclua, and Jatillri to Ui Al.. KiiUtr. Th atari In thti rct, li waa one of two niilf and a "' waa at the three quarter true oole u the head uf tl.e buma atrelch. Tbe ik:d waa gat awav, aad a good aeud off waa hail AJ1 wore oil in i. hot aooa Plough man drew out u the .runt, with aacond. the othera n hunch bel.lni. t'leu li'i u. waa flrat at ifac atsnd, O ena'K r r n. On the turn, Qirni-l- ruihod to ti c froiit and Ruder moved np to thirtf place, while Helmhoid dropped to the rear, Veapuclua linn: with him. A rood apin hruoght ttiem in Una order all tbrouKli tlie flrat niile to tear the atend, where UieneLj. led a lanrtl'.in Kader had rome to aocond pUt i Aa aoon aa the laat mi!e waa entered, Ilertjb-.- got ata IummI and moved p.t Kader. and bruahrd Ulenelg aronnd the Imi n und cut him dowu at eaM m.d wa hadin a length at the quarter pole. Nav nenueaaay let him g , and a gap begau to open, aad the race waa over. (r be dropped hia horaea at at avary atride, Mwi d 10 lenf,the In tbe far torn, apd m hand came borne utalu2 fllteun lenctaa it front lu the Ittat halt niila Vepucluacmne out and wcrn , head lng GlrnCag, aad tn turn Kaier lilm alio, hut Vea pu riua t both eaeilv and Wat aeeond ut ti e flniah. Time, 4:11. Hemlold alfowed i: 1: a ;n, ie, Mn ha waa admirabir ridden by Utnn- li Tl.e borae bulondia to l)r Uelmliold. and ti e plate won will grace hia tjble aa a valaabl trophr. a u m s Jaaows Park, Jane 7. The wVateweat r np, valot 1,300; aiwcpitiaea tor all flgaj ; $. entr iocep p two and a ijuarter milea. W It l.nh ... ch h Helmhoid, bv Aust ..Man dam Lacnder, l ft are, ttW ib Heunriaev Pnrdy A WlfMri ch, h. veetturiii ra Planet, dam Columhfa. 4 veara, 10B MMaWi Palmer i T. Duawell a bh b Australian. damii K aaue Syeara, 114 Ibe.. Miller 3 A !l".n oi t'a tb (Henelg, br Citadt l. inm Bapta, iffj ye:r.liat iba. WaUon 7. . i I ' rh.h rio.ivliinau.thy Ito my UroilanJ, dajn by Uinggold. 4 fin, 10H iieou 5 Time, 4:11. rrtxiBiHP R ACS. There wore flva entrlea to it. vu inn.. i J 11. ( onuollv. Eldorutlo, K i nit, ii and WOlU) Kdenton waa the favorite, but there waa but little choice hctwrrn him, t'lnnai, and Connolly, odda about C to 3 auinat aaatl, and li to 1 agat at Kid or ado, and 11 to 1 aiuinel ttoflta. Ibe race waa a mi and fivu uthta, the alart bo-l- In from of the Club ilouae, ihenec to the atuud and once around. When the flag fell. ( liraax made play nnd lad and forced the p.ire at uaon. Eldorado waa ueat. and they cum tl oa to lha stand, wi:h K lenton third. In Ihe mile, lo come on the turn, Edenlon went up to aeeord place, while Connolly Uy back waittus. but Cliuiua went right on aad nothing coold reiicli him and he came home a atrong wlnutr by two lengthf. Oa the far turn Connolly rin out of tlie ruck and moved to second plaxe, bat eon Id not get up aiid was beaten out with all ease. Time, flfJIf M ART. JaaoMnpaaa, June 4. MltM rac- - for all agea. tjuree SAa one mite and nvr eizhtha; horaei entered to be n. for fl?.0oo, i carrv their appropriate welzhi, J a., ..v .j we tor 11,000, ') ba It. W W 'Mon'ahr. h Climax, by tUlrownle, dam, Jfw-- l. Mteil. Ill ai Haoneaaev J 'O loaneM,alir h. II. M.Comtetly. by Lexington, dam, Luei fowlar. 6 yeart, loti V palmer 2 aj. l.ute rh r. Kldoradn, b f Balrowoie, darn. hrnma .lotin-rn- . 8 yeara. US ate.. Kliot S I w. b. Edenton, by Ulve ten. dam. 4yfaj, mi Miller 4 r u lavtia . m fScotla. by Tar Itlver dam, by Boiton.t, yean. 101 &i btoooa s Timo-2- S. TBS rot'HTfl lie r This waa the cloalm race of tbe day. It w.ia in haaU ol a wile &nd three quartrra Thcra wero three tuinea vis.: Mandlord, (iU ngary, an I l,,tIn wa 6 to 3 and Id to 8 on lengary, and 10 to 1 ajuinst Kiwr nEAT.-Oleng- ary hyfl off, Saudford wstling, second, ar.d Itigarda third, not golns lor the heat In thin order they made the dutaiM-- a tu the borne atretct), where Hand ford came out ind hcidedwlth eaae, and went In at eaae two lengths In front. Time, S: 15 !. ftgcoKD HKAT.-Bet- tinf now 4 to 1 on Hanford agaiitat tbe (1 ut. When aent off went front, etured there all the way through, and won hanaiiy, tlioach at laat Hmrda aaade a braeli and got np lo him, and wewt in tapping h.n to the throat, but al.e waa doing all aha coald sad be In band. Ilia Jockey nearly threw the heat avs lu hia contUeiica of win nig . Time, SclTJaj. ai HMiiu JBROwa Pari Junel Asata of one aud three rhnrtbi mile,. Pane $IjUu0 and entrance n.ooey to accond liorae. It W Wridon'e eh h tawlWd. by Hncle Vie. dam Dotty tartar. 3 rear, lUlbi Meeoeeer 11 1 J Cruuee'i b. f ft card- -, by Auatrallau, data Aaa llanly reel a, SI Tbe indaian fl I I. by Tbonuauby. daaa wiTr-lpBfgg- S V THK MEETING OF MASONS. tnm ! r rr a rations rom rum qmeai XTBXT OW TO-D- r. Hrrrptlan ayf thr Vlellla BaWtkrMI Ir.m I tilUatrlakl. loaaa.!.. I'.rsss Uf lM H nlakte Treaalare. The i of th 1st mg of the corner ton of ta new Masonic Taatpte, wktca Is to he tl- - greet event of aaag be Bad lo have brgae laat evralag. Tkre of the IxMlges of thla dtj ha I reeolved lo nark the event kg estsnalag a lavltattoa to a Ilka aaaaber of Laansia of aa qaaksr Cltg ; aa.1 lb raeatlaa )f the ga4B laat evening ss mad the Dior latereaUng br aa larnotng dla glog of KakgkU Tensslara, ark aad agreed to act a to the visitor, on their w laeaa the dee is to the hotels vrhlrV, l,sd Nrn (elected OS roatlog Dlsteya tor Us vtetiera sraite ia.ia.kag fkaoeg ne. f. "uJo7g Vfo rwT-r!tr- T rT",,,l,BrT-- s' to IxviSjwwo. 1 of riilladHpMs, el tv i aiknolsi ( lOi noo Taak lssskW. No. of 1'I.Us.ljloOla . Mat ft. Wsoao Lottg No. 1 to aoiart todre, No. M, of rSlliJebeBlj tbb r rat toas hsviag lBforgt4 their koMe br lalaasagk that tier anuid come bvtwo real ,'vU., Tsju and MgaBrl-- lis. b, the "tew Jsnwv t atrBI IMtlroacI , Irevmg Phlladalphl at I P. kt.. iM Loikr Ma. I by the Csasden nan Aaako RaitroMl, laavlaa that cii v at t T M , theKalght Te4nairuad tollvlile into two D.idlrs. those under thereetteri t VaaasnaVa Oavn m indrrv, He. M. K. T , receiving Us tweets of Bt N ..: a and MaalsttsW LodgOS, Bad those who Vt-- d in concart with ertoa twatawndery, N 4, R. T eeraHIng the goeat of M. Jobs'. lsdge Under tbs e i enrestaai-es- , IStenhatUai Comman.lery aaiaaiklad at their Aeylem at i o'clasrk, wkere a JuogaB laaaaannoa took ui .. . The KaighU anvta. I sgisil lad aad ioea properly msrahalled. Mr KelrM B 0, park, Rm.rder. atBf4 fee ward aad. la ta aaaae of Mr Knight Magnaya. of Cklcago. neseated tn Vanliaitui Cuajraaasieey a nvv aat aaadsem awagsdaai, or bat- tle II r, to be carrted hi Mag day a parade the flr.itrtae. F. tir Andrew Phiiitpa. oa behalf of the Ooaraond-ry- . acreeted Us Bag aad ordered the Standard Be .rev to bear II with hesinr amid the ranks of the Sir K strata Tkfs ceremony orer. th rolamii ss lovmed. and left the Any lew. at hair past four ..'clerk. tar. MSB nr Maaon area rora Odd FaOows' HMI slang Graad street and rtruadsrar to t'ortlaadl street, thr nee to tbe ferry. The Kali-M- were, with few exception, in oel or-- with rhpanv and gauaaa, and a tins appearance They numbered over one hundred a and man bed all Irons, preceded by Wannomeclssr' band ot lwty-- pieces. A tram Ht. nicholis Laslg as also amsrot. an S attar a brief aiarrhlag eatute, tls onrtog. head- ed by th kairUt, prooeeaad aa ltroodray to thr lo.tge room at teoarner of Twent)-con- : tret and Kioadway, wSars tae vtalUar wern received by the mvitia- tbssai, ol afUrpriperi-afeehnii'i.t- eerorteil lo their reeilag phsaaa for the ulghl, Moa.irt L'.dge tieina located at Use Aator ilouae, aud Vaoz Lodge at toe Bttroao)ita Uotl. rna saconn aai'tmoa. Morton t'omreandory. No. 4, K. T , aessmblcd st tliele Asylmn st 6 P. N., aad recrtved ith dne lionor.. beTore startlag, Uie folloniag Oraad i tn cere : H. K. Hir Henry t'lsr Presloa. Grand t'oamauder ot - n. K sir John A. Herts Peat Oraad t'otnmirder ui this State. K. K. Mr Samuel Sievene, t'aat Grand Commander of New Jeray. It. K Mr William H. Dogfat, Poat Graad Cora Tia- iter of Nrw Jersey. V. K. Sir UuDvri ktucoy, Orand Uccorder ut this Siale. K. Sir Robert Doashes, Graad Juolor Warden of Ne Jeraev. K Sir A t Willmarih, Past Commindrr. t'llnloo Commaad7, N . 14. K. T of BrooVlm. E. Sir George Vb Vilet, Coiama-jdi-- r of Ps!iin Cmranndury. No. Id, K 1'. F. Warlag. Genoralissimo of Paleatloe. Mr Jame D. Lambert, S. W. of Paleatlne, No. is, and othsr grots, Iniltidlng ahoul KIIt Sir Knlghl lrn.n Hugh de lajm Commaudrry, No. 1. or New Jersey. The Knights, who were also in ru'l dress ual.irm, - ptuiars, die . were then msrballrd. and h. ..le i by DewnlM a tteveniy-tra- t Regime,,, b. nJ of a" iiecea. aad tte Graad ogtiers, uunclied l.'St strong along Grand srrert, ftroadsrar, and Blaoe lo pier 1 North Hirer, arriviag User rflg EXPtcrip urgsra 1..1 rut arrive gg soon a viaa anticipated, and Ihr K :. :hts bad to w.ilt for ararlynn hour for the steam- boat Wklek sioa li brin Ibcm rrom Amboy. When tl . boat . rrive.l .it the m r, ihe Kuutbla wrre luiui . into line ol battle, anil li e bund atrurk up in air of vie c m', vihleh waa continued until the brethn of Lodge No . of Philsdrlpt ii. W Bro. Willisn. II. li l af. Master, lird landed und tukog their plans. 1 he bead. Grand offlr.-is- Ik vijitor, nnd thn tl.eii nia'rhrd in double rinka past tlrs. Knights, who sslated with "swnrds at present." l.e brashraa then nulled, and foraied tw. i, , Inenrd, tt.rouib which the K'.lghts, bjjed by Hie band and i ut .1 Cemmandera, murrhed snd sslntrd, the lirethrrn remaining uncovered unlit Ihry hal .1 through the Imi. The line ol nisreti w.ia then tcken up along Itsttery phre and Brca;. way to Maillstd's Ilotrl. (11 J nnd tfll Broadnay. where ihey were cntrrtained by tbote who bad In vited them lo this city. gargrrto or tub PkaamlkfaMa luikii, so. 2. Lost evening Uailliird'a lintel, Broadway, was t:..- rehire of sttraction, It being the reccplioe of the Pennsylvania Lo.lge of Masons. The tables were louded down with the very best of ssasonahl.. viiads. The ro.m was decorated tastefally with Masonic emblems. After the rrpaat, the health of the Penasvlvanls Lodge wxa given by Master (1. W Aodrewa in appropriate terras Mr. Bltbing. Penn silvanls Lodce, replied oa behair of hia brethren About law sat st the tables. MAaoNic aacarrinK ano aaaanaM. Last rriing a banquet waa pn-e- br St. Nlchobja 1...1-- S F. and A. M. to the KBlghts Tem- plars of tbe Manhattan. Ivanbo, and C'olambiao Commanderiea atter thep had eacorled the Penasvt vasle Ladgre from Cortiaadt atreet ferrr to t'.a Cole, m ii. llintse. Lsler la the evralag Moaart Lodite of 1 htladclphla waa cnterialaad by Kane Lodce, uoder the ausplcea of Gn. Room. Amoog ths guests was Past Grand Msslsr Vaai. late Mayor of Phils, delpkla Alter th, baaiuet, Morart Lodge serenaded Grand Mr.strr R W. John 11. ABthon and R W. Ruca. District Deputy Grand Master, at the Coleman House. Tbe Urajaal I.odgr'a 4'onmnalcatlaa. Tli aunual couiiuu'iication of the Grand Lodge ul New York was bad yeaterdgy ailernoon, Grasd Master M. W. Jamea Gibsoa opening the Lodge. The following ofllcere atnuog ot tier, were preaeat M. W. Jam Gibson, Griiad Master; R. W. Joho II. Aotticn. Deputy Grand Maaiar ; R. W. Chrieto ptier U Foi, Senior Grand ; Warden It W. Kdrnaod L. Judson. Junior GibdJ W'srdeu : It. W John W. Stnons. Grand Tresaurer ; R. W. James M. Austin, Grand Secretary. Th rollowint bruthrso were preaeated by M. W . Jobn W. Mlmoos and R. W. F. W. Herring, and received wi'h the grand lioiinis- M. W. Robert Itnalinc, G Master of Nsw Jsrsy j R. W. II. K l'tue, D. G. M. of New Jers)': II. Vf. Dalel Drum. P . M. ol New Jomy; R. W. Wm. Mead. Graad Sncretary of New Jersey ; R. W. Noble D. l.urerd, Gmnd Secretary District of Columbia; R W It L. Dotlgii. Grand becratary ot Arkanoaa; M. W. Dro. biepbenaoo. Grand Msier of Canada. Ttis Grand Master, after returning tliansa to God for permission to again oaeeoible in Oraad Lodge lor thia the 87th year of Its eileteoce. teferred la loncli-in- terms to the death of P. G. M. Robert D Holmes and D D. G. M. Wm. It. Mcrriam. He reported having hod painted the portrait of the lata H. W. Bro. Jamea tlertlng, I'. by, Scrury, which, he said, would be presented in open session of th Grand Lodga, Tlie portrait, he said, was paiBied by Uie sod ot deceased. It, W F. W. ller-nag- , and vras a uiastei oiece ot art. In tbe course of the address. In remarking on the Grand Msatur dispoaed of the fob lowing : That a Mason eannot give testimony in a court of law agaiuel a brother or hia wire, or If on a jury, Ond a verdict agalnat a brother. In this con-i- i t,. 'ii lie instanced the aaylog of a celebrated King of France, who, whoa hia ooblea rautd the par don of another oobl, oa th grouod that hi eieeu-tio- would b a drgfrac to lb nubility siiewrrrd the dlagrao wt In th crime, and not In the order; and auch la the decision of tbe Ma- sonic body. Nothing can exense a Mason's going be- hind the iawa of the land uuder any clreumatauree, A decision waa also given In regard to the admla-alo- of an alien to th order. He decided that each could be a Imltted, provided he had lived the consti- tutional tliu in tbe Slate, aud quoted from Scrip- ture to show that th barnt offering of th stranger under tbe Jewish lew waa eqa-ill- acceptable la the slgkt of God as that offered by Ills owu people, tlie Jew. Tlie Orsnd Secretary' report showed tbe number or lodges to he Atd, of men. Lei a 74,1TO, Receipts for lsrio. I' The Ureiul Treasurer's report showed $7, 8711. 19 on hand. The Trustees of th Hsll and Asylum Fund rs- - Krtcd roost lavornbly u to th funds la haw. I. and s u laid that thar was a cortalaty Mat th money for th completion of Ih tempi would be forthcoming. R. W. Robert White, Deputy Graad Master or Weatara waa Introduced, Bad received with ibe graad honor. The Hoard of Roller reported last th receipt Sid tkiiiui4' IMKH bsiaae ia S,al amaudmeats to the Cosatli alios ware aat-"- 1 on. aad th etand! ag coram 1 taa were aaaniated, wk.,th ,h 'ta(i , oam w" eUd from labor till t o'clock tka avoralag. A trowel of baanllrul workmaasfela waa Maaaaaai 141 th Grand at sal., is. it w JMwaae aU MOM1CIDK NEAR UNION BILL. A Claiaaaa Plaasglaan Knit, lata iha Heart sfaa Irtakaaaa whs kasl Preaeated a pis- tol at kla Breast The Trade Bad fa Trivial DiaMMC. Frederick Kelling. a Oerman, stabbed James gen, an Irlahmao. to the heart yeaterday, In a elaaghter hoaxe on Ihe Weavrrtown road, near Union Hill. Kelliog and some Irish f lb w workmen had long been on bad terms, and ti e tormrr bad had Ireejaeot quarrels with fuiir of the latter. Tter-da- some trivial diapal load Kelllng sad Bgan had words, the other men looking on, and oc- casionally patting In a wotd to help on the quarrel, Kgau called Keliing a liar, and the bitter retorted wills nn oath aad an Insulting epltb'. there-apo- a took a revolver frera II coat pocket and II at th brust of Kelllng, tarootentog to blow his heart oat. Kellint gave Katan no lime to dro, bat taatantly at una ad his knlf Into the heart of the kishman, who Tell dead. Th German drew out ti e knlf,, th blood gush-la- r.irth s k did so. II- - then calmly walked over to a Hqaor ator Bear, where he callrd for a gin cock-tall- , lie aubaeoaentlv dellvrrcd hlmanlf an to Jaa-U- Neascbaler, aud was held tu await tbe Corouer'a loqaoat. jtfjfir span inn lAt.xica. MahaaVa Hrpsi.iisi. Mar la the He ad tt the -- punish Mlalatrr'B Halew- - (Ira. Hooks kasat saray kla Respect ! Ikr Falaiarra. WsgBtaaroa, June 7. Th long string of trash about Cuban bonds, printed la tbe hffnlitff t .r yes- terday, Is almost entirely a fabilratloa, and waa con-o- i ted here by tbe Spanish Mlalster over three month ago, when Gen. Butler Investigated and ex- ploded the fraud. Dewee. who waa eipelled for riling eadetahlp, acted as wet nurse for II until the rscklesa faJekxer employed by the Pot waa "Been " and persuaded to send It forth la a new garb, so that Ha authors woald scarcely rrcogaUe II. Had Mr. Persoa. whom Una vltlai accuses of oePlag to ( u baas the of Mr. Wade and Mr. Morton, rieen her, the kf man woald not bare dared pub ii.; sneh a cbargs. Mr. Psraons 1 a t'nlied States Cooanl In r'ube and will nodoabt on his return chest tee tbe libeller a be deserves, Spa'x grows erraged thst the Cuban rerolutloo caaaot be sopyro.seil, snd aoSpaolah gold la used lu an effort to injure the reputalloa of every on who Is friendly to Cuba, snd to i revent others from rasai-frsiln- any sympathy tor rear of similar defamation fVom Spstiniah garroters. Gen. Bauka will on Tuesday nest pay bis eonipli-ment- lo Spstn and her paid spies aad agents In 11,1s Citr. HI TXPOOMAPMlCAi Anions. I 'ontpettlloa Dlneouuteoaacoal The It n. ad Ike A r.poi in men, ! ('aaaltteo. t'lMixaart, June 4 At the meeting of the International I'nlon this morning the report of Use President and Vic Pre. ideal acre read. The Treasurer's report shows that the re- ceipt were f .'.' ii i and tbe dibarsmeBt H.MiM. Committee wer annrruneed a follow i On Finance. John If'oii, C. ft. Bat, Joka Tfa cent.Wm C. Vaorfcn lleo H Kelly, and T. hehlacal i on Appeals, K. J Latter. y, M J. halBwatar. A A Pomerov. v. II Chase, A. ttooerts, sad John .i on Sabur.lliiste I'aluus. C. C t'otknherr. , T. It. Jouea. Thomas i s ,. William Aaiaon, James A. l.ogers. srd tieoise W. Fowler i oa Metnrr.s O A. 11 MeNe r. t Flood. W. R lleualags-worth- , J. H Rlrir.lanl. P, N Callea and Ch Ills on I'ngBished liusiiisss. K i reek eton. W f;. atnirs p. sleieraoofei. P. B. K.lw.srd,. Joha 0. Armsiron and let it aid II. Parker; fti N.-- lluaine-a- , p. p. rt. W. Flyuti, trio. McPiellia'a. D ilavn. V It He' ora and P. r, Bronson on th- - Preaident's Ueporl. Croerjy Kells. Haiern.H.d Palmer and Temple Thel'nliia udot'ted a reclulion dlacoanteaanelnr the plan of a.dne subordinate I nlona 04 giving ibelr piintin: to the lowest b tder. Tbe delegate went into weret seesloti, ret big in session until 1 P. M., after which tsey r. amed open session, snd without transacting luri ,er Important bastuces oalil to morion. IB TBE VOltTKS. BsarkoB everr i. b.- U. .i.rrd ta Ihe Pe. i Kn-ira- S ramg hr lia.a Itlvrr fhrrr ware fk7t. Maotiin, June 7 The debate oo the qaestian of elerlins a Kins wis began In the Cortes yester day. It opens a itb animation, sad bids tair to be- come exciting. The mo-- prominent among the apeakera yesterday was Sellor Rlvero. He cre'ded a marked sensation by declaring iaBt the laawafl lion of th Bourbous In Soaia would never be per- mitted by tbe maj rity. II Pien denoanced mon- archy In general, nulntaii'log that II bad created a the evils from which Spaia had suit. red. The speech waa rreeived with frequent cheers, and hail an undeniable attact on the mrmtiers Roplles wrre Bia l by the aappoilera of royally. Tbe DaVaaaaloa larled until a late hour, when, without taking tbe i or tea BdJOBrned. To-da-y the Cortes ia engaged ia inr coneldt ratloa of narrow railroad ecbrmoa. New Cwsnpltrallaas la Fawasch Pallllea. PaMa, June . Th breach iu the partv of i!,, " Left" In the Ccrp Laiaiati ta ooanplete.' Dufer-enc- e of opinion coiieerniog the attitude to be m toward tbe Ullivler Ministry led to the Political f'aawplrarr la Italr. Fi.oar.aca, June T. The discovery of a aeervl political Biovament in lhora has led lo prompt action for Its suppraasiua Twcaty-lw- paraona E plicated bar beep arrest'id, nd th polio are esrcblog for others. All eendfu! preentlona have been taken by th oaTicer m roasiraad or th gsrri oo. Marwrroas Arwr la a Wllllaasabarak taf Maaalaetrr. Jnst before noon vt'iterdar, John Anderson and Llaoa Anderson, of MeXanghUa at McParlaad'a a ite facta rr, Dunluun place, Willlaruaburgh, aaaeu Joka Masteraon. Tbe Andersons fe'.t Bgrgrirvsd because Mastersoo and others hsd atruck stains t s relative of lhirs snd thn effected bis discharge The qaarrel veelerdBy originaled with John An deraon and MiiatersoD. ths former sn Ideal atrip lng tbe tstt. r on the loft ahouidr with a hammer i aus Anderson then took op s l.e ivy pair of Iron tonae, with a cotter attached, and struck tbedls. Bbled man on the bead. Masteroo fell bleediog. The brothers, who are uatives of 8weden, were arreated. Tkr Hiatea lalund Kle, lien. The elcelioo for local olhcera in Middlctnwn passud off quietly yesterday, A Carmieboel, of Beecli street, was Ihe only man atre-te- tor inter feting with tbe polls. The colored voter went al most solid for S. R. Brick. Jr., tor Suprrvlaor, aad he electd. S. B. Wood was elerlod Juatlee ol the Peace, J. N. Coehniue. Aaeesaor ; A. Robiasoa, Collector, aud J. C Ktpp. (Jaeger TUB II A I.I. A NO BAT. Yesterday the Mutuala brat tbe Social, 40 to t. The Slnra uf Rrnoklvn beat Uie MarylaaJ of Baltimore ) eretevday by 2 to 7. To-da-y a good xatne may be expected between the Mutual aad Union Plubs on the I'oton ground, A u.. between Uie Griental of Nsw York aud the Krsululue or kliisbetn. In Wavarley. N. J.. yesterday, reaolied in a victory tut the latter by 13 to 14. The Forest City i tub of Roekturd. 111., brat tbe Olympic, ot WaihliiKlou yeaterday. The score stood al Ihe end of the seveath lnnlug 7 to ' In favor or the Olviuples. la tbe leal two laolaaa lh Forest City, whitewashed their oi'i.OTienla. anib axialed by p. or fielding and error oa tlie part or tbe Olympics, made 4 tuns, winning ths gsme by 8 to 7. Th Hnvmaker til Trey beat th Keyaton of Phiiadalphl yeaterday The game einyned with the Haymakers al ih hat. Kacli club a. ored tlirre runs oo ihe first inning, ana at Hie end of the th.r.l liming the Score stood s to 8. After Hie third loi.lng the bv heavy balling, scored i,, Ibeir onpuuiuu' 11 runs, wlnatag the game by a aoora of 41 lo 20. PEBSONA I. INTELLIUENCB. Ths noo. Peter Bralni Sweeny sails to day for Europe In the Canard steamer. Senator Cragln of New Hampshire in ahead in lb race for hts sest lo the United States Seoata. . The Hon. Tin, mas C. Fields wss loudly cheered br the people who listened to the niaale oa Mount Morris iqaarc ou Moodsy evsalng. Die Hon Jam C. Park baa been elr!ed Prea Ident of the Cheaapeake and Ohio Canal Company. The salary baa been raised from f tJMO to a iiy.r, Tbe linn Wan en Leland was In th city furnilur (or the Finpreaa KugSnle'a cot- tage In rlerttoga. II ssy the cottage is a big thluT. Horatio Seymour, George B. Loriag, sad C. T). Rndgiusa will the leading sddreaa at tbe Commencement exercise of the Cornell Uait erstty. Th resignation of Kicky Commlaaioi. ar Waller W. Price, hu. been accepted br the Mayor, llavld 11 Frvenioa. a former mssuver of tbs Lsglslalar. la to Le his successor. Tke Boa. Horace Greeley is still 111 at Ih Ttoffman ous. II bad aevrre altaek of chills aud fever yia Isrda, snd ao Ms waa allowed lo a hiai. Dr. Marcy The Bar. Iguslx Owahy. pa tor of th Klrlagtoa atreet ttrnaaorwe, Bailed lor aturop vealsrgay. oa a three laaalha'ksavs tt shaiae. Th Bar. Mr. ttgif win an unit bar alaoa ta tk lalaaiaa. LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS. DABHKS HERE AND TBERE BT TBI-- : BVN'S BEPOBTBBS. Tke lerwey C'ltr f'anweil Fata Tkeaaaelrea Knormoaa IHalarlrB-O- at ga Back aa the 'oi Trlater. The model Citr Fathers of the new consoli. dated cllv held quite a protracted meeting yaeterdsy sfternoon Aldermen Rlwood snd Dakln appeared In their eeala on thla occasion perfectly sober, much to th of th respectable member of the Board. In fact, they never presented a finer jppear ance. The moat Important business transacted wss the naaasge or an ordinance rising th salaries ot the heads ot the several departments aa fotlowa : To the Mayor, gtr ran, to the Citr Jndge, JBJ to the Overseer of tin: Pool, 1JOO: lo the Cliler ikgb Beer or thr Fire Department. Ihe Corpora tlon Coiinael, gUKKJ; to the Porporallnn Altorner, fl.RDO; to the Mr, it Poniuiiaslnner. to eeh Assessor. (MB) : tOLihe City Clerk. 1 1,(00; to AtaialaBIs to Pity Clerk. t:Mi to the Pity Maiahal, II jBf I tn the Serr.-sn- at Arms. gl.'JiBI. lo tee ConiDtt oiler. g.1.0Ui to Ihe Polleetor of Rsvenne. gx.aoO In Hie t'lly Treasurer. glliO; 10 the City Phyilelsns. each. tSOO; to the nf the ateam Are engine, tbey to slnah tl the hose or the r ire Deparliueiir, gl.uiO: to the Clerk or the Fire Cnmmrsslonerv. V0; tn the Pier k to the Merer, It.UlOi to the ptiblsibors or the ,sr,i ijr.r Time. Jour- nal, lolftkm. ritwrtu, and Aram eirh for pnhl ah In lliu prneef.linet .if tlie Hoard of Aldermen and h an nr KdneatTnn i.nret to th Police Jnnl. c. lo the hehool l.iiprilaleadeat, gj.ewi to tbe Aldermen, li.'ifX). Aid. Blwood sttemp'ed fo rop In salary for th Aaslstant Engineers ; but, ni t understamling Firllamentsry rules, h made a blonder, and the to call on to order, staling ttiat be hoped Mr. Klwood would not b so abaord as to mk so foolish motto. This cloawd up the Al derinaa, aod he aa aa meek aa a lamb the real or the session. An waa made to secure an amendment to the ordinal re granting thr Public Prln'er a suita- ble prire fr r the cltv work, which It aaema had bn cut down lo low Star by teas opposed lo th contractor. Nearly aa hour and a I. .11 was speat In debate, during which th Board got all mixed np, and alter some two or three hundred amoadmanta. the matter was finally laid over; not, however, un-t- l they had voted themselves a BlC llllle stake of ITf tor cock lime thy met, leaving the poor Public Printer out la the cold. in Caw Haaaage nsewt-- A SVltr la Maahat. taavllle. An uopleaacnlnc has been created in the lomarbs o" ibe realdents near One nuudred aral Teath street sad Eleventh avenu by a rumor th t they had beea for Bone tins eating Kittsaires msde from b dtsearid cow. A number of piominent , amoag whom waa Mr. J D. Tracy, resolved to poaiak the prrpetratois or tiie imposition. It we discoiered tbsi Thumas Burke, a milkman, had sold to two butchers g an III cow. which I ad lied in giving birth to s rilf. Frank and Jaeob Ilorfseln, thi hutch, ers. had col up the diseu: ed n ilmal and peddleit il out hir a triding sum to al. the saus icattakers la the eelght.urhood. The manafketnrera of ssnsae meat dlsreoecd tbeir meats in liomeopstlnr doses In their customer, whn h n i , tu en ggfki log rtoio indig,"-iio- and other H's .leee Its cersnmpiion t'omplaint waa made bo-r- e Jirsitee MelJnnde, who aranled warranta for Ihe arrest o' all coneerned In lb fraud, on lag eh r: e of vending diseased rood. Three of Uie oflhadera have already been appre- hended and beld tor examination. A Stasall Black Clond whlrk Tbrealrard Ike Haeessss. ,,t the Reeikorrn reateaatal. One ol ihr most interesting features of the entertainment announced In Uie Culiseain on Thlid aranae aext neck. Is tka monster avaiiaee concert oa Iktataaf aftemooo the lsia, wl en 5,Ogo ehlldn-n- , picked from tbe various Sunday school, lu Ihe city, will take pait under the direction oftbeac-oompllshe- musrieia. M'. George S,w"eek . A day or two iu. lo tlie Fev. Dr. Thoairsaon'a Church, It was proposed Mia ItuvetU Wright, a colored girt of In, a remarkable avn should lake a part itb the other girl ta ih concert. 11 a as claimed that aa rer voice waa ao rich and lull, ahe should ool be excluded Pi. eeeou..! o' her color. Some persona objected on the ground lb it u she would he Ihe only rolored gui amoag the soagaiers, she would attract attention and n alnrled out for ridicule. Bel her friend, carries Ih day, aud ahe ha been asalgned a leading part. Tk Nrw Police of rtfatrn l.innn Flying MsrfWa tawT ssr III I waa a a. Vealertlnv Joliu llanrattv, a new police officer, waa kanaka- - before Jaatg ti.irreii of uischsrging two pistol rbolB at Mr. in hal picnic rrounds on the Richnioud rna. I. The attach ia raid to have beea unprovoked. Th- - IbbssTBBTH German brother, hnni) drove oil Ihe entire police foice, who fled Tt.e polieemm was t nnerly n deek lisnd on the Island ferry boat, Mlddlelown. Yester- day being election dai.atid nia nervier Iseieg re- quired, be waa not ai rested, hal a warraut baa been granted for his apprehension to day - (isssswdrr Plot la French's Hotel. Yesterday inurnint;, at about 10 o'clock, four gent'emanly BBirltshnien, just from Earope, arrived at Col. Frrnrh'e Hotel. Among their trunks was one somen hit dilapidated, which was ordered to be placed in tl - barrage room. On being removed the lid -- pr-ii open, and qnaallty of powder escaped. The peer tor drujpped tbe trank. and ran to olify tbe bead clerk. The trunk waa esaiaisrd. aad a large package of runoowder discovered All kind- - or rumors ware apreak eoaceraiag tbenae Ihe powder was to be pat to ; it la certain thai there w: a tnougb or il to blow the trnok aad Uie hotel and Its occupant to tbe region drwenbed by Jama Fisk, Jr., aa the place where Uie woodrioe twin to." (' Heae far If oner, dallace. A meeting wsa held io Dr. Crosby's oborck lost Bight, to take oieaaare lot making Ruio-a- Colle-- e ., general woman's oniierslty, Indcpendenily or th rlwtical oourae which now dlsilngnlihe II. It was argad by tk Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Tbompsoa that, lu addition to i. aroposesl 4eartmanta ol modem hipguag.'. an.l other non rlaaalcal tudics. t"-- rsrelrl be aehooM of iadsrairy, in wbleh young women mkht be maits thorough in tradea which would subsequently earn them s livelihood. Marker and Mulelde In Philadelphia. Phii auBLruu, June 7. At about t.iO P. at, Bttbatoaseof P. A. Ilallowav, In Ninth atreet, near Wharton, tn the sontbwealern part of the city, Amelia Mrt'laorlilin, aged art, a domestic, waa abol nd killed by a young maa, a gas Utter, named Wm. Stratton, who Immediately afterward shot hlinseirtn the bead, dying iu a few mtaDtes. CVMIQUTIMM of i rims. John Campbell, or Ameshury, Mas , shot hts wile yeaterday lu a lit uf Jealousy. John Connor, of I'tiila lelphln. aged (io, funcud hims-ji- with his suspender to s bed-n- it. JOstl Wolah. ba. tig Carrie a pair ol bra, k .ocklci, Juallee liowilng neld him lot trial. Mana Flenden was stabbed in the aide yesterday afternoon Br some unknown ruffian, who an nbn on Allaulir .treel. near Boud, Hrooklyn Flenden was lonnd lying laeenatDle oa the sldewslk. During Uie height of the afternoon' buaia In Adolph Frauklle d'a diamond store at Fourteenth street and birth avenne yesterday, a tray of diamond Jewelry, valued at It.uou. wassiolrn. Hi !i ir.l Nugent waa committed by Justice De'mar yiwt-rd- on Ibe ehsrge of gsrr t!n,' snd running Kred eiie.k i.aucrlaiid wlilln lie wa, retarniiig home liiroiitfh Colombia Btrort, Urooklyn, lateou Monday night. Thomas Murphy, a notorious New York burglar, waa sentenced to sib momiis' unprtsonni" il y esiridsv ny Judge neurit, or biateu Island, let loldiiug the boaae of Mr. Hiram Dlxoo. a New Vork mercbani. The Coroner' Jury iu the esse of Jamea Glld'an. wtio wni beuien lo destti with Pie leg ofs tablo by one Wm Wilson st lied Hook. llrooe,lyn,Tiave finally come to llie eou. laalon thai the prisoner coilimilteal lUe deed, and V. il, on has te n commltiod. NEW JEHSKt. Jersey Cily is to have a Fire Alarm Telegraph. The Norfolk Street M. V Cburcli enjojrd Sirs bei y r'eallv) and Concert laBt evening Tbe oaleers or ihe North German man ofwar were euterUlued al a bouquet lest oveulog. lu III Lei's Hotel. Th rolling stock of tbe Newark. Bloomfleld and Munlclalr Horse Usilrnod hss beeu seised to sallsly a chattel mortgage fur IJslti.rjoii. In the Hudson County Court of titiarter Sessions yesurday, a of " ioi guilty' was lelurue.l IB lire esse of nr. Carey, who had been Indicted for A Flr iu aid ul tlte new building or the Pasnionlst Monaster) of West HObOkefl v .11 ot en on ths ui,t .. in ihe basement of tne edillre, und will e lose ou tucaotb. Car. leave Ilohoken every ft- n nilniiles. The eltisens of Orange ure agitating the construe-llo- ol tie Wilehuug Railroad so as to connect wilh the Montclslr Uailioad. Tuts would ejrr them a shorter, and eensiniy a u.ore sc. oiiunvdailiig route to New Tork. David O'Sulllvan, of Harrison. Hudsoo conntv, romplslna tbsl lata OR Monday Blahi tlriiry Newtioru and John Meehan. eon.lahlas, Ivtted nia honae tntoat-caied- hi oke open ti e aooi, draggvu lilm out, ami tried w axtorl uouey iVoui him. An Ksqulmaux dog of Mr. P H. Lyons, of Hud- son Pity, etlcinpled sulelde ou Monday. He hd long aupi.ftted .leaoouuenl, and ou eieolng threw oui ol a ihlrd-ator- window. Tlie dog airagiiled off, aud. It la supposed, took some uiurv certain means of Mr. Mary Killea, alia Barthuuymaw, In It or la- - anity lh,ew tier. elf Inuii a llilrdalory window or Ike Home ror Aged w'ouien, Newark, agl died aooo atvet word. Bhe waa employed oa help from the Free Labor iliireau In New Vork, la January u.i A beolkor ka Now Vork. and a uiece In Huntington, M aaa aro ail Bhe ulouvossb u sate lalki wsuui. BED CLOVD'B OBATOMT. A Nallaa Rtrltlag Ilka tke Slaawr ike II lllslde. The Real Mbb'b Prnle.l s, I Ike March al C'lrlllaallaa-T- ke Orlgla ml laallaa Ware. Waibiboton, June 1. The conference be- tween the Indian delegation, Secretary Cog, and Parker waa tbe erent In the Indian office Pile morulng. Many prominent men Interested In tbe eolation of the Indian question were also pres- ent. The red men were arrayed In tbe fall eostame of their t tribe, and they ecmed mach Impreaaed with the proceerliars. SecrUry Com Bddreaaed the Indians at ronelder-abl- length tn relation to their request and Ihe feel- ing of Hi Government concerning thm. Be lo them that our ivecrple's great desire was peace, and that the Indians wonld not be dlaluM, so long as they remained peaceable. The good'and the pi ..visions promised hj tbe OorerBtaeat woald be promptly lorwardrd. If Rd Cload and bis peo- ple would pledge themselves to rem sin st pesre tlelr reqaest for ammunition would be favorably coasld-ered- . But pot until the settler oa th frontiers were sssured of tba fVlenilllness of th Indiana coald Ihe Government comply with thla request. Red Clood thi n advance to the table where tlie nmriala eat und after ahaking bund with them de- livered tlie following oration : " I earae from where tne awn sets. To were raised nn cbsirs. I want to sii where the enu scie. ilisrc tno In- dian warrior eat neon the floor In Indian fashion, and nroeeedej.) The Great Hplrlt baa i alaed uie Ibla way-H- raised nrf naked. I run no nppoaltlnn to the Great rather who tiia in the While Ilouae. 1 don't want io fight. I have offeree! inr prayer to the Wreat Father sn that I mightcoiur here safe aod well. What I have to say lo yon. and to these men sad to mr Orost Pafticr Iv thia Look at me f waa raised where the ami rlaee and t eame frnin where he sets, whose voter w first besTrt In thia land ' it vu the red people who used the bow. The Ureal Father mav be rood an kred. hnt f can't It. I am eood ami kind to the while people and have given my lands, and hare now eome Mom where the aun act to ae you. 7 ha Groat I araar ba aent his people ont there aa.i left nic nothing but an Island. Onr nation ia maitina away nh the sbbow ea th side of tbe hnis, where Ihe son ia warm while yonr people are tike the blades or gross la spring was, a aoaiaaw by coming. I don t want to are the white people fagoYtng rorls In onr npaatry. Now that I hav eons onto my Great svaiherT, lead, see ir have any blood when I return to in, home lot while people hav sprinkled nlood oo the b'sdes or crsas abont ibe Itos of Fort Fetiennen. Tetl Hie Ureal Fslhrr lo remove that fort : the: wc will be and there will be no more trouble I have ot two inuuiitalUB in that country-llla- uk Hill an flig orn. I want no roads there. There bsve beea slake, dilv-- u lu that country and I want them removed. I hare told these things ihree lime, ai.a I now have come here to tell them lor the fourth time I have made np my mind to talk ibnt wy. I aont want my leservnlion oa the Mtaaoun Honieof these hare ere from there, and I know what I aay. What I hear ta that my children and old men are dying off Ilka sheep. The connfry don't suit thent. I was horn at ibe Forka nt Ihe H Bile. My father an mother told me fhal the land there belonged to me riom Hie North and the Weal the Nation has come Into the t.revt Father's House Wa are Ihe last or tlie Ocollal. Wnhaveenme to know Hie facts Irnm our lather, why the piomb. i. which have made to us b .re not hern kept. I want two or three lioder- - thai we ask for. At the month of the Horse I reek, in - there was a treaty made, and the oisl who made that treaty laltudlng fo i.en. Ml el. ell, who pcrfo. oicd that service :or the Governmenti told me the truth. lto. .l, wl, ih bsve been sent onl lo in h iv- - been stole:, all along tbe road, and only a handr n would i. ... .. nic lo gn among mv nailod. Look at ate. llere I sin. poor and naked. I wa ant rawed with arms. 1 alwais waul to be rarrelle. The Crem Mpbll haa rased you to reed snd write, sad has pnt papers beloro vou; I tit l.e ha nol talaedineln 1'ial stile. Tlie m n whom ihe l'realdrnl 'CBda us. soldleis and all. have to aen-- e an I no beait. I know 11 1 didn't llial lha s. h tne should ro throurh my rouatry at t II a came and It .a Uie Great Father's lanll. ton are Ik i..o.., who mould Beep peece. For the rallroada vouare p.ias intr throusli my country I have not receiied even a i much as a brass rln, for the land they occupy. I wish you to Icli lo my Ur. al Father. TOk Wnjtea raaBt a I he ao mi ,i ion sthetlsthe reaaon vnn don't gl-- it to me:' Are yon afraid I am irolnx to war? Voa are grean and powerful, .oil am onlv a handml. Ida nol want il lor that rnrpwe, bnl to kill kouio with I oppose I must, IB lime, g to larmms, hat I can't do It rtaiki ssoy." Fsvcti sentence of the speech wns received with loud grunt-- , drnoiiag hearty applaaae, from tb In- dians picseui. Heeretsr) Cox promised to report all that hed been aaid to the President, and airauge a lime for meet- ing with him The fgkanal cou'ereaee prsetieallv ends the busi- ness of bearing rcinpnihla and dt lrrmlnlng action lUhv-n- . a was evkiraapi by the op .eh of the Sec re'ttb. Both Rod ( rawed aud tspusted Tail slrsFajaawye-ih- i far ibe pardon uf fohn Htch-- '. t r who ...i, kill. .1 a aohlier at FoU lill. rtuap, and who la tero W.Ui Red llnud's ports aa taUaawaer. Tbw, Ihey h:,.e beea in form, d by the CuBaavassroaar, Is betnr sonalderwd by the President. -- rsr were tnvltesl to aw entertalti vent st dear aud en tub aat Beat Cloud de- clined. ryr r at. noMi.vao cibi rt). i.rsve stowjaiaaw la aa I'proar m I.anghlrr Birr ikr Credaliiy Tkr Fin-taki- Teark far Ike kg. Ooailago Job. WaraiNOTow, Juue 7. Senator Schnrs inlrodaeed a resolution la F.seentive Session directing the Senate Committee oa Foreign Rela- tione lo inveellirala the origlo of thr M. Iloinioeo treaty A mend of the iroaly objected and threw it over until today, when those friendly to the treety defeated the resolution on a clove vote. Sooie days ago the l'reasdeut oval I r oliiuiuiiication lo tbe Senate (n whlssMic said that be hsd ii.roruuv tiou il at a foreign power wa about to anatcb away San Domingo and give a much lanrer anm for it lhan a coald still have II for. Aa thla wa regarded as very Fishy, the Senate cullod on tne executive for some additional light, end yeaterday a letter waa re- ceive I giving bia authority aad the name or tlie power, with mher fact. The letter wss re id at the clerk's desk, but before It had been finished tl o Senate waa in a roar or laurhtcr. as there waa t y aotbing at all to naag auch a story unoo. By I unanimous vote In Senate proalhiiad the prtating ol Uie le tor for the eonfldraltal ae of th Senate, lor tear that some copy might And ita way lato th ueivspaprrs snd bring th wbo'.e thing into ridioale. If there had been aay hop for the treaty before thst letter, it believed It ended with Ita readiug. iAhasaraabshrw I I Word, ase BAlt.BOAD ACCIDENTS, Cbsr'.rs Leavanworlh, of New Mllfonl. fl'onn a brskeman. struck s railroad bridge with hts headend was k.lled yesterday. Wintera Snowden, ared while getting offacar in ninuon al Thiny lounh street snd Firi.ii. svenue, loll nndrr ths wheels and waa killed last eveain:. U mother Itneaersi the arcidenl. WASniNOTON NOTES. The Fundui Bill tneela with considerable favor in the senate. The Senate Finance Coraaiitlee will report In favor of the repeal of tbe tax oo gross receipt. The reslgnilion of Assistant Attorney General Field has li n a. ul lu lo laks effect on Joly I. Ti e Reconatruclien Committee have postponed Action with regrd ur Tennessee until the next session .lames B. Dsilford. or Indiana, wa yoaterdsr nom- inated be Associate Justice of the Supreme Ponrt or Colorado. M G. Emory, th Reform Repobtlran candidate rnr Mavor of Vvaaliiugtoti, waa eiecte l veaterday bv l etxi mtjurliy over Uowen, the present Mayor In the House yeaterdar Mr Garaeld spoke In ravor or tli bin lo Inereaa hanking facilities. Hepresrnta Ures Cox aod Morgan denounced It as s mooBtroaliy. Th s, i,ate Forctga Relation- - Committee hove agroed to report tba reaolutlon reacladlng the slave trade treaty mod- - lu pet with Great Britain, ptnviuiui: for mixed commlasloas. lieprvayentatlv Coharu's nndmenl to the bill provides, tint, that Ihe banking capital be Increased fifty mlltlona on the present basis a. eoBd iy for Uie rrdlstHtlutlnrt of fifty tullllori, and third, for th luu of fun four millions of t'oite.l Hlates ootea ss a substitute for the Ibre per cent, barn, re' scries. SPARES PROM TUE IEI.EOBAPU. Small pox m Paris Is decressiog. A Are was raging ia Ibe famous forest of Foalaiue-blea- yeBterday. I he Tripoli ran ashore yeaterday oS Cabas et rsaseiia-er- s all Bale, J. J. Merrill of Haverhill was found dead on Bos tou t'oinuion yesterday. Tbe liabilities of Gorhem Gray of Boston are ll.touJOO. snd In assets g ujsv Grover. Uemocrat, is elected Oovernor of Oregon, and the eullre lleuocraile tleket ba, won. Fires in tbe woola have occurred Irr quently lately throughout kurope, owlog to tbe droahi. Mrs 1'rbsne, at New Klirabetb. Ind , was fatally burned by the ciploslun of a coat oil lamp ou Monday night. The Ohio Republican Convention, which la to be c mpoa'd of 113 delegate!, will meet on iba 10th of Auguat. The Nations! Photograph Associstion is la session lo Cleveland. A man has been arreated at Marseilles ou of murderously assaulting the Auslruu General (..ennerllio, ia ttome. in is.. rl'li t ttlaena' lickat, composed of men of both parties, ha been eloclr.d in tlai lior.l, Ponu.. over the Republican th ket. Isaae C. Lewia. Ibe iiayor elect, ivas on both. Mar. Charles Butler, Thome Dennv. Ruber! ttogardua. I J. Tilden, and Rmseii sage, or itew fork, ar elerled Ditcctura or the St. Louu, Alton and lerro Ha uie Railway. General baa been re eloeted Grand Halter or the Maaonie order In Franc- - I.y ito vote.. I ariiot, formerly Itepnhllean Peouty lo lha Porpa Lejlalailf waa slso a candidal, and rcolvea 136 voles. By .lir e, non of Prueldrni Grant, the Marine Band will a Hand ihe Kucampment or Kolxlit Templais In w liilomsporl, I'a nn the 141 of Jane, aad will oocoui paary liar t rrom Washington, D. C. At Ui 0rt meeting on the aew Beacon Park, ye. lerday. Ihe kDrsI race for ff .Wo IPOM to first ITO lo accewj. raw to IkLmt lo Ur a atrkll bi hsaaa, wa, woe by (KirltT Urno . Itao, H . 114. Oaaes rases . wwsa aaiigtMa. THE INVASION OF MEXICO. rTatlF ririnVSTBRlNO rvirni-Ris- ON TBK TEXAN BORDER. Tke Orgaalaatlea Complete 4.vB. Reaps rrnaa aad llankkead Magrader aald la ke al it il. id To .Have la Twa Meatkas Correspondence of the Bun. RRowissrii'Li, June 1, 1970. A fllibiislcrino; espeditloB into Mexico Is now orgaalslag. The pre- liminary steps were taken severs! month ago, when, yon recollect. Gen. Ro-- t renins, late of tbe UaltaaV States Army, paid a visit to that country. Bad trarcreed It extenslrely, Tbe leader of Ihe eigs dltion will be former officer of the United States Army and of the lata Confederacy, with Gen. Row srerans In snpreme command. The headquarter) are In New Tork cltv. The principal snhordlnat depertments nre Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Rooston, Texas, New OtleaB. and Shreveport, La. Major R. Shelly, a Trltmru em respondent during the war, baa nmething to do with thla He haa been In Chicago for the pelt month, and may still be there. The Confederal General, J. Bankhead Magrader, la tbe commander of Ihe New Orleans portion of the expedition ; and. from all I hear, will play a prominent part In th aflair. The Federal authorities at Washington ar fully aware of the derisive eten about to be take, nnd, as the saying Is, " wink t It." The grand passage over the Rio i. ran.le and Into Uie Mexican territory w 111 lake place Iwo aioatak hence. The plan Is a follows : Rosecrans and Ih Mexican general. Fsrobedo, who, I am Informed, ta their hero, and in supreme command of tbe Mexirasa torcee tn Ike Nortbef, an.l who fought Ihe lata Easperor Maxiaiilllan so well, bare come to a understanding, and In consideration of a large am of money ps'd to Escobedo, It Is mutually n ndars and agreed to conduct the enterprise aa follows: The filibusters will enter the country along the border in equeda or SO aud upward, a If they were immigrants, miner on their way to the gold nunc of New Mexico, cattle drovers, and the like. Gea-e- rl F,scobndo la lo withdraw hia army one or two hundred miles away from the border to enable the expedition to enter the country, organise, and thea advance aa a military fnroe. Then l oth armies I o bo hostile are to advance and lo have a abort sham engagement, at tbe termination of which flvcobe .'o ia to break and fall back In uttor eon In slon, snd torn to aid and assist the carpet-bagger- s to conqner the rntiniry, and establish a government with liosccr ids or some one else at its head, whleh government wijl ultimately bo turned orer to the Unite J Stales aniboriiin. A MVBtON t ii v Mr.HTEnr. A IVbbiib Found nr Hie Fool ol a PrerlpleW sshoeklnglr Mangled and Ilylng-T- ke Ar-rr- ei of ker Haebnad. The body of Mrs. lloliur was found on a ledge of rock half way down rrrclplce of 100 reet in Hud-so- City. The policeman on duly near the fool ol Broad street, heard groans and found th body of a woman wrdgrd lu between Iwo cliffs, about ball way down. Tbe woman wxa borne to the Jcreej City Hospital, where she died. Il no snproael nt first that the final iniarlne had been icrelveil byf'.liinn from the height above, whether accidentally or de-- i raedly, was not known. Tbo evidence give i at the inquest ycater lay, how- ever, shows that Uie moat set ions aouud had been Inflicted on the herd by a p inatrameat the skull brim: bid slninet on' irelr bare. Some of tba altkeaaes testified thai Mrs. Holmes and ber d lived unheppilv. and that Holmes hsd often eruerl) laaltreated his wife Other a itneaae ertrsd lhae Mrs. llolmee wxa a confirmed drunkard, swd othera again said that Holme W:i Worthies character, and woald not work for tho support of hi wis. Holmes, who is under arrest on aosparion of deposed thai he had no quarrel wilh, her nsveWWay pre eeerrrfs; rhe dhvrori-r- of her bodv that sin hsd left Ihe bouse intoxicated at sbout 11 o'clock oa Ssturdny nia-h- t; Ihst hs went lo bed, nd knew no more about I or until ho wa rouse.l at x oclock next nioinitig by Mrs. llooeh a neifhhor. wlio lolj him that bis wi hsd bi-- found in a manalr'l and ityinr aUto st th foot of the prod-e- , Tbe jurv returned s v. r.llet Dial Mrs. Ilolmae coo. lo t er death by IkUtaJ down Ibe precipice. Tke Flight fa l.ouu Island Pawlor. In, Long lalud, n t Pastor, Mr Jameson, rec.nllyhaj Some trouble with the congregation, and proceedine tn the i:bnih on be locked bimeclfin, and took of everything of value. 11 fore bis depar. lore I e severely nailed uu ihe winJowa aud doora nnd tbeu dieappcored lor parts unknown. BOt RS OP LEISVUB. The Ml.l vrl McCarty AasoclTion will enjoy thetr annual picnic II Landmaa's Park Tli annual reunion and dinner or the Alumni of Trinity Poll-r- e Hartford, residing rr, and near New Vork. Is th': event In lUe Aslor House on Tuesday. June Ja. BBOOBLTN. A musical snd dramatic rniertalnmeni was glrak Is Mvsonle Ilsil, Wllllamahurgh, In b, ba t of th Jews of Wel Huasla. TeeUrdsy afiernooa Juhu Swano returned roa adrunki-- spree to his home. M Korth Second atreet. WU.ianiiaurgh, aad rearfully heat hia wtla'a head with metal teapot. He wa arrested, and his wife was scat to th city II i us OBITt'ABT. Ten Rev David Reed, forty years troprietnr of the ' 'il.,'..1, H.QUU-- . Whll h h.. founded, .lied on U.IB-da- v evening t bIB reaic'rnro si B'sstor. Illkl ituds, sged 71 rears The nineral of Gerard Beekman, son or the 1st Wm. A Hei.-s-.e- ul take place thla aitemoon from Zlon Pl'nrch. Ma.liaon vetiue and I'hlrlv-eight- street. Mt Oepevstei ws n artist of uu mean ability. J i il m, v ABOUT TOWN. SB Music in w - in t.,.i Square I bo j I'M. Upwards uf 900 dead trtea dullzurc the slreetl of Ibis city. Already addtUunal funds are aakod for tha or City Hall Park. StafTord' Iron and Sulphur Powders mv. nsie tbe body and purlly the blood. -- ddr. A new cher-- room between Bowery and Stanton atreet ha been opened to all ukass play, rs Th bark Trusty, from Matn aa, and the brig Tnuroa. from Itlo Janeiro, arrived last nlgbl. The remains of an unknown man, arnd ,10. were picked up yesterday in the Kasl lllver, near Liet It. Henry Ilillou is Treasurer of th D oartuieut ol Public WorkB lo place q Andrew lleutien. usiixucd. The Department or Piblie Worke will pay the usual day 'a vkio for the leal clglii hours day's work. The ritiaena or the Seventh and Thirteenth Ward re taking aicr.a to urge Guv Hoffmen lo sign the Thirteenth Ward Market bill A achedula of raU-- lower than the present for tnwlny veaarla from tiiiaianline l as been reeilvcd br tbe Conimlsslcners snd plfteed on (He. The Hon. Win. M. Tweed started yesterday to villi ll.e Pi olon Waler WorkB to see foi litln.cll whal expenditure hu can And exeue for making. The body ol John Davis, who was drowned oa Monday st pier 4fi. North Itlver. was recovered yeslcr-ds- lie uu hoard Hie ileaniahlp Colorado Tbe reaignalion of District AUorney llerreponl, tendered sonio lime ago aad not yet aceepted hatted hlui to rlnl V, aBhinalon lo learn the rravon why Justire Do ling at the Tomb yeaterday married C S.Joneato Mary K. Slryker. colored, of MklMrrg Blreetiand Ibos Kelly to Jane Howard Ariu.ltoog, while, of Pearl street. l l.e Dock bonds were awanted to Geo. K Suture : at 101. rt. 11.000 at I'll. II.iksi ai ins. aijaa) at 10, II .000 al 1(10, l OUI at HO. Tbe bonda art fol :3.1,0n), llitrty years. The fire underwriters have a. nf ei Foe Marshal Braekett as I oni n: tsioner ro Ktjropi I" ex- amine th- - workmes of ln,m anre e .inpanles ihere. and on bm re: jr. liny pruituaa nun a peiu.ancat poBition A Southern Woani.'s llnreau has hg established Ibtbtiettyro help a.oilt.ern women to pienare lliem. Mires for asafal proleayloni' Mra. H il Welis is Pr.. dent, lad Lam it' Hollow sy Corrtspokdlog beeietary. The German aoeial and filvlfi aoe.ielies of ihi. eitp to the runiher of twentv live are prepeNUM1 lor main, mom testival in I. ue v. " .. .In1. 11, in behalf ol lbs Legal Aid Society. Gver l.UJO Ullet flve r:, Mayor O'llstl la prepsrtng a MBSaagc lo the new Common t oune l. n thai tne telccreph anil firs alurtii poie be lake. i down, and that tlie lei, grapl.ia huslnets be cond.i. ied ihruuh 'sis uudcr ltuuiiJ aa in Puropeaa cities. Last evening tho New York Baotist Association convened lu Dr. Ariuituur'a chinch In Forttelh otri et near .s uii .venue. I he Rev. Mr. oi Week Fifty lliu il htreel Itaplial Cliurcli. w IS elected Ul llsrks tor for the year, aad Mr. Hiilitian, Treaaurer. The Wllllamaburgli ferry Company, to s ld be ibeir many oeis ot lueann.-sB- kepi a large Uermao pie. nn- al the root of Grand atreet. hew Vork, on Monday niiduiglit more man an hour, whlla old men tried to make Changs lor the inultlludc ... they ... in oa by one. I'lt. Henneuy school brtbei y case is not yet ended, sllhoUBl, he haa been eipel.ed last evenlns hia pel'H-ca- l ftlend in tbe feveuleentl. Ward paaard resolution ealoalalBg mm, d In hia response Mr Heeiieaar s ooanced thai he latasded to (Ignt Uio oaae Ihiouah to 0 acta.

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Post on 17-Mar-2020




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A ml Dav'a Muri - Bohaaaea.Helrn- -hold, lleaax, aad Mandford tar Wliim- -A Salt "'I i.i Mleeple hn -- . ssrenca on ikr4Jaartrr 11 re Ira - llcevv Hitting Hit,

i flofliana Flewa tke Have-Ho- Barryllenrl - Ikr Deaf aad llaaab Afakaket.

Nuiwilhatauding the fall of rain yesterday, therace it Jerome Park were well attended. Thegrand s' ind was (Hied to orerBowlrjr, and the rvr

n I A of the club home waa packed with Indiesan hour briore the running be-a- o. Csrrlsgerolled leto the Park before twrlvr o'clock. Nearlya.ery vehicle contained ladles. The quarter stretchbegan to till ui about hal' pst 1'. by 1 o'c'ockkuappr little lr Unleiwood sod grave MeGowanwere rattling off poola at annlniming rite. Among

the first to arrive was ex Alderman Larry O'Uticn.Be wore s blf red rose snd velvet coat,a purr of psteat l v'-.- and a lady's

d rotpln s white hst with s l ' weeil. yellowgloves, bis- - t, a .d three pounds ( watrh chainlie wis uuiversally coasldered ibe nobbiest gentle-ma-

on the coarse. He promises to surpass yeslcr-dsy'- s

rffirt in dress sihrn he will weartwo red rise.

MMMt MBM roktinsggi.Bw hi Hon. Jamea Macs of Englaid aad the lion

1 homos Allen or Ireland; appeared on the quarterItreteh at 1: 10. The floe Air Mace wore a velvetcost, vilth white pante. He linked like s Chaarel-lo- r

of the Firhrqucr. Allen was drewsed in blackbroadrloetli. Ills face bore ao traces of his letservere punishment. Both three gentlemen steeredto the pool link, and began bettlag quite lively.

or .

As the boar of t o approached, steadytreatn of distinguished gentlemen poured la. First

rams black-eye- Hnvridan Shook, wiping thelrom the upper part or hts bead HeCrapiralinn ha I $10 000 In his poeJief,aud u

bae walked out at m til with double .' amonnt.Following Mr. shook waa Barr urn's tonaortal artist,Ckat. Thus. III., nsan, or thf r. rk Hotel. The4'ipialn was eiutusuely dressed in carried aX'haihsm street umbrella oa his Jrrt shoddsr,end ahlftrd It la his right upon the aretsign of Rle ooet was tlone d laI4MU (ovoorrr-- aad hia hair a fr'ierd n la Itm ,iAomr He walked on Use atrvteh with (fly ens laVus pocket, nnd laat it oa the list race, f la Hon.Benry Smith eame aent. One year ago tan genllemsn wo-- e a full pt,x heard. During the electioa laat Isl', this beard began o d I appear fromtiia chin, and ) es tarda y It had dwindled to a tainlnrsule cAei MM ate rise spread acrocs the thoraxAs Mr. Smith stated hta wire sod frteads apon theeJub stand. Judge M, T. Hrenosn came np the stepe.The Jadge wore a stiff eund-n- collar, a black'weaver, and a g black coat, whiek aet offthe beauty of lilt form to Ho rreiteet advantageThe Judge has never gamble !, and ccoieqneatllid not hot on the raree.

bm or nr ii itThe smiliog face of Pherlff O'Brii a waa rreqneotly

seen before the gruid etsad 1 he Sheriff wasdressed in s east uf iigkt tweed, and attn ateonaeh auat.on rroai the ladle. Keviu-ds- Racket!waa ooasasrnotia aaoog tlte Udlee. Ibe BeoomerVare a velvet coat, a strasr hat. light

ante. a bias neekUe, ana ea Immenseweal rrof. nia bine eyea sparkkj with rnltcment,wwd his Bate natures were iPemlned witii smliee. Hewaaaved enersl pair ol gloves with tun laJIca aboutAim, bat tavatiably loot.


The Hon. Owen afnrphy keoi In the rlelnltv i f1r Underwood, and aealduoudy astchrd tne Dot-tor-

Btoalh. Mr. Morphy wore k bt blue panta,rarrlad a cigar In hta mouth, aad esri led lihhuds In In pockets, ae if atout leaving aTMrd avenne car. Near Mr Murphy stood KrJohn (' Ueeoan and his geotiemsiily .i

the Hon. Coolie - Kers. Ueenaa iwereeabove the wraaghrra ol the qnarler rtrelehlike Haul above ibe Iaraellles. Uc wae dreawed ha-- a

memhrr ot the Prodace Rachaege. end ywent into Irtie private pools to the extent of $5 ona horse. At the eatranee of the cowrwrasetheieolsl Fnltce t'sptain WIImib. Ho kept on. or hi

eyes upon the crowd at his tier, und Ike otherwpiHi the twrsee wkich ware belnx lu rrwuttd ttis jn;lgea' staad. Mr. J. B. Fellow, the ownertU the nneqniilita whj drove Mrs vete-ran Joe Ifcitoti to the c wares tat kta asw dog cart,aakad tne Cuptaln Ifhelisi ever eringirt s plckpoeksA m Jerome Paik. Ttie reply Mg, ' Tve been liere ever a;nre the club waatvarted, and never knew of but one eaee in wii.c'at nisa Lad hln pocket ptrkej br re. Then s nickgxicket .lea aalch, and we got tie wuleh and thesjilef he ort- the seoandrel Rrf off the gronnd.It's bo use for tlilevcs to eomt' here, and they know0. Tuy're tpolteJ and jrreeted aa soou ss lb JBtrlkr the gate. We've got a little station housenave us the gronnd where we bol l Ibcm until thr"races ar- - over

II A II KT OCNXT'S TXi.KriRAMB.I ' 'Am ths first bell rsnr, thr aarUag en the tnrr freercoo. r lively Oreentmrks rustle.1 uke failing lenves.

The sky, which Ijid been berime partlydear, sud the aun made a feeble effort to a'uneIr rnderwood slruck a pool away op among thehouanda, snJ reeled like a mo.'k naciloneer.

SleOowan aat at hta aide, argMMaf, tliat greatsyracle of the turf, Inner llarrv tienet. whoktood oa a step ft! the extreme end of the grantend. up aent ooe or lionet's finger,

by a fudge from Mctiow.n, und I'ndcrwoorladded IS t. the pool. Then tne betting herd belowgeyspped st the pot. Geari palled up his wiltedMgoalag eotu col ar, sod raised two Angers. A sse-ba-

time waa the Doctor nodged. and ItO wereaddod to the pool. Again tbe aerobe niabled at thehalt. The greet Harry thea pnlWd dowa his whileiwalaaiojt, k his chrar to tbe gron- d. and heldop his whole a id The Doctor mi t the signal,asd (the p ol jumped np 1U0 This proved loo

ppj for the qusner-stretc- fleas, and the mightyflarrr licked oat hts favorite. The lollottlaj Is

era code or etgaanOSm Safer a., m, kan.t I i

BwoSmgecs tall wo aand UfThrae a&gera .atOa kajwiox wiak 1,14)

TUB DXMl POK III OBtKD ST1D.When tbe s econd tell rang the crowd surged for

Ibe stand. The Hon Thomas tvheil of the (TevualliWard took s huadred-dollu- bet on the fly. sud theaparambled to the front ; Hughes of theBightk, who look, aa If he wero uliout to dry np andbe blows way, run hta ambrelia latu geateel JohnCBUmharlaln, who was loosely Inviting his fiinnds tocorns up to his box and drink rtown hi champagne j

aha greal Weeton. In a white choker and a awallowlall, Bade a dash far ths Isdien' tUnd. o.ily stoppinglo hake hsnds with Uapt. Wll'lam H. '1 ravers;LHtputy Bbertff Deninaey screamed for a ffeshbet, sad was gohbied op by t oroner FlyDB ; Nell

stopped tolliag peonie bow he waa goingito he ele:tcd Coroner, and Joined Cyrille Dion onkhe left uf the Ldtes' stand ; the llou Joseph Cobnrnmade s dtve into the reireanaient room lor sglsaa oflager; tieorge W. MeLeao wslkrd Into tho grand

Und, an.l waa mlatakan tor a Mttbo.liet otrrgyutsuby tbe Hon. Charles Itanftom; tlov. Bowie or Maryland took a last look at ihe boracs and glidedtliroueii ihe quarter sire'ch gate ; m.d a ciuuJ olIsdies and grntlemeB from Ihe Club House dtjlledover the track toward the grin I stund. Amongii.. . wra Mta lion Au-u- Uelmoul, ... ..W ilkes, Lawyer eVtougbtou, snd olhei turf inagnatca,With Mail famllias.

i onv. ttorrasH isc no jroug conkollt.Aa the last bell soandad liov. Hoffman made kis

apt-"'- -" apon the Club Hoase balconr, andr wresth of smiles smengthe ladies. Among

the MTtOJ 'he atrarglara from tlie ClBh Hooas was9 SS2 8?B0"lt Who had just arrived fromTorkvllle Ho was greeted with Ion I ci.eers ss liswalked down the steps. The planka. which hadbeen taken up, were agaiu laid down, aad the galeswere openuif to all ,w the Judge to pass In TheJadge moBBted the grand aund. i a programmeof a small boy With s mole on hi ear. and wairhedthe steel - chase wt h so air of quiet dignity cool' 'ttedutUK all beta.

rug aacasThe day proved not good one fof ihe ruauing

It rained a trifle just before the start tor the bruraae, aad the track waa made aorawhat heavyTtits affected the time of the WMtehssbsf Cup!Befors the third race begmu. I auady. sou raio art1b, sad contlaaod all the afternoon, Th track In

became Irst licky aad eery heavy,aad thea soft sod slippery. I'uder the eirc nm

aafiros last tune coald not be made. This would, ofcoarse, operate but Utile on ths Nlecpls CLase, as inIt laois Is not an element of aacellinre. Tlioui:b tberain was a drawback far Ike horses and the pace, Itdid not dampen the t'liibaslasui of the spectators.

TUB STEXn B mala., Btery ons is fanaillar with tt.e orrfln-r- y eonnoe.and uoel kaow the peculiarities or thu eonrse ofJerorai. Tsrk ; bat the groond run orer la thgsteefle ebsse m peculiar, snd amhrares the oourae inp. r' gild the flela rrounds ht longing u the course endlark The etsi I was in froi t of the Club Houae andgrand staud; thence backw aid on tlte r

track to its elreoiar feoee ; over that fence into tbcBoi tb field of the course, siong it i- circular fence of theBortli tuin ut the mile eourse.oter the hurdles, hackon to Inr rouise at the junction i f the mile and thrseqtistutr Hu g, thence past the Ctvt House Into Iheaou.h Held, thence around It losida along the fenceoi tbe Hack over two. bock lo a poll t in front of theClub UoBoa, between tlic reverse cu.yv sud tne homestruck ol the n ils track, over a wsll and ditch,

la Iront of the Club House ; th nee along thefence outanie of aod parallel to the hoi a stretch orthe 'i. k , over hcrdle, and Into the-t- l ie quarterlurk, and out of II Into the mile trark.and thantalo the wood at lha north and ol Inoorse, Unough the wood oa eartw

down a bank on to and seioet Ilia coarse, leto tbeoorUi Oel.i, ibcnce through ths leld over a wall, oato Uie mile irack, orer a hurdle opyivalta the flab

ihonre noun the rr tain at Ibe south sador tbe roorae, over a hurdle at its middle, aad to lhawme stretch i ova, a ourdls at midway of the grand

sen kosaa lo the jne.' at .d. 8a. I WM5" fwrae to be run. with Ifteoa lease, aad sysya-y-1

"'r sd wBa severa ana. It quill goodBanana and siarara la da It II aad anhl - iHr

pace. aad two of th entries wee qatte equal to the

111 mines for the iteeple ehaae race were Bohannon. Oyaierman, Tr., W n Bacon Mate Under-woodl- .

Viley, and IiOhells. Blng a handicap, vantit weights were made known. Lobelia dVelsredoat, not accepting the weight. There wi re four totart. Th acceptance ol th weights were made

on Monday. At one OTBteroiaa was mad Irstfsvaritc, tils a reeall of Ihe splendid ei saner lawhich, at the October meeting last year, lis had wonthe enfrte race. Bnl then te was hsnitcsnped stIon, twenty poand less wrbrhf than Bohsnnon,naosn be then beat. In the eud, before the atari,the recollection ot this fact operated to btlng Uohsnnnn Into the fletd a Oral favorite, aa now theyaer eqml In weight The evening hefbre the re,Oysterman fad the call dertdrdly st a small ad vantare, hnt ou th mornlrg of the start Bohsnnonhsd It derldrdly by s slight edds, though some bet-ting was st eicn between thm. The odds stain-- ttortann"n weir S to 4, sgatusl Oysterman to I,

aalnst Vl'oy to t. sfntnat line n 4 to 1.Uohsniinn wss ridden br Mr. Klwea, tbe (en'la

mm he.vy welgl t; Oysterman by OrtBa, Buoon byDowning, and Viley by AllowBy.

When marsl ailed fer the Mart, the flrat try sentthe psrtr Ors'srmrui led, Bohaanoit seernd.Bsroa trlrd, and Viley Inst. In this order they tookairily ti e first leap. hurdle on tfe three qnsrtertrack. Here VI1T bae-a- a to fall off, and the furtherhe went the wnrse he went, and rrcni th stsrl wasoat of the rsce, and no naajs BO mention rcore.Idling Ihe first hardls, OyVi-rra- : n lesdles clearsdtie ren.-- from th track Into the Borth field, withHobannuB next, and well up. and both forcing thepace. Around th field th looting waa sbsrp,

till lesdtag, bnl both ao tapped that theytook the two hurdles In It together. Bacon bark threeIropihe Out of the field they aweat loto the coarse,and a sharp spin of a dogefd lods gave Dohannonthe lead, and by a length he fronted asthy left the track, sad entered If soatkfield leading by about a lenrtb Withoutthey ran thr Held and took the three htjrd'.es Hi It.tree and rlrar orer the third hurdle In this fieldOysterman mode a brash sud caught Bohmnon. aslhy nearrd the wall aud ditch In front of the clubhone snd grand stand. Lvpped they reached thleap, asd w all snd ditch wsro ciearad eplendldly byboth, bat especially so by Polannon. Bacon trasbuck five lengths, and got aver the ditch well, butIso led badly and went down behind. His chanceshere looked badly. Away Tons the dlich aped Bohsonon knd Oyaierman. and both tngethey aaMgalthe hurdle, which brought tliem back oa toot the three quarter track, and were qnlckly acrouthat trick on to the mile one and aci owe It. aadi nailed Into the wood together, snd lifts the MM laIt strong, lull ol innnhtf. For s morarat at it topOvsternraa showed la front but a thoygot do miand leaped Ihe bank cn to the coarse, HohannonUp' rd him, aod tbey entered ibe field tapped, andon the level made strong pace up lo the wall la thefield, and took It salllngly together. Oystetwiaa atrifle la ths lead. Over It, a spurt of speed pel Itohaiinoo ahed ae tbey irlt the flel.l and enteied themfle cnurae on the reverse curve. On the trackBacon, who had bean sway from the other tour orfive lengths etoce Le leaped the ditch, now taaderunning, srd kept ap a steady brush around fieflab House and oa to the Inr torn, where be caughtsad passed if Mermen, aad osede p'ay for BabanaoB.He ruaghi him at ihe hurdle on the rar turn, hvpedIt lapped on Bohaanon Ba' there Bacon was doneand aa the trio lilted the Mil. Ojestertaaa. who hadbean Liken la band, now eaue alronr. aod breoed tne Mil gausoly, aud a dashdown the home stretch fer Bohsnnon. A good,hsag livnsh brought htaa steadily ap. aad he laid hsBsaM on Bouaaaea'a flank a thy reached, raised,aad cleared Ibe bnl hurdle. Hohannon waa qui. rnhi th jvmp, and recovered qnlekast. snd was awayoo the vel lor th Jadge.' s and a lasaxtf IrumOysiarmaa. OrtBa rallied his horse, and .'rew loH.. boon, Ml loch by Inch, and the pair wrnt r in at atelling par lapped, hat Otatrrmaa coald ot get toHobannoi.'e head, aad w aa beaten out ball a lsaglbin a apleadsd aad game Unt-- Uaco, got Lount'llvd, six length away from th othe- s. while poor

Hey was beaUa rrly a quaitrr o' a mil. Batnaata sorry ;ni- - for himself uad hi jockey the Utter argad bha lw .. nil bluwa anddone up. waa a fin race, kod gave nabuundcaatlafactinn, aa Ibe great feature or the day.

VktaaBT.Jbbomb Taaa. Jane I. bteeplc chase, handicap 'orall agas. prrse, i. .,i - About two

aad a bait n llea .C.F. kiwee'sh g. aahannoa, bi ttnooa Kentoi. dam

hv uoaiou, S yaars old. I3S lbs. K.wes..D th tiju'eli'r br. e t'yatetnian, Jr., by Oyaternin.

darn by I'M Brown, i ears oil. 1JO ih., tirrthn IH O I odd's a. a w ttnooa. ny ll. giun dam by

Ks Ht s. aced.ijlaa U.tWBHig , aLlejtl Allowa'a h, b. Tly. by t ... i i.ytilier star. 5 years old. Ui lbs Al.oaay . 4

runethb serosa axeg.

This waa th Weetckewter rap race. It is anewhich hu ever bees faaiure in the .leronie I;. Tbe rap la a srdeadid ol piaie rthe of fl.av, and It Te My b. norm hewon it and lo possess it. This teai tlur- Waalgnnn flelj ot horses for it. Amour tbernWore sneh gratid horses a Nsrrruransetl, liayonet.htaa Yerke, and Inverveuld. But mischance tookoct of th I"" lUI t'ff) Mid other. Tlit ot'"jr o'K gT but (? Iaitr. Ttttf

HtMtvWV, Vslstjpft, AM-r- l K i r'fi.'tr asd nwliii' hi Tn r ivi ur

vcutni ik ''Tf t rar rti ravuri'e atbuutt-v- Bgiun- -t the 1Itd, t.r U ltlloU

Mm. Tlsta fletd inrludvil liiTer iu d. Rut onot tb' t It furard oui. tluil uu tlie rvets

Tr iMror no icclileut hftd laMnil hrr and .

oat. On mornloc t' ttitt rac IlrtmLuld waaf of it at odda on kim vtirytn- imiu M ! 3, up to '.i

W t. Tte odda wrr 5 to 1 tinioat 5 to1 affmi'-b- Veapurltia and 1. to asaint ,.rTim np fur Htlirttj Id v t IIrrinr(,T. win."Palmer di ' th Looora to Vespuclua, and Jatillri toUi Al.. KiiUtr.

Th atari In thti rct, li waa one of two niilfand a "' waa at the three quarter true oole uthe head uf tl.e buma atrelch. Tbe ik:d waa gatawav, aad a good aeud off waa hail AJ1 woreoil in i. hot aooa Plough man drew out u the.runt, with aacond. the othera n hunchbel.lni. t'leu li'i u. waa flrat at ifac atsnd, O ena'Kr r n. On the turn, Qirni-l- ruihod to ti c froiitand Ruder moved np to thirtf place, while Helmhoiddropped to the rear, Veapuclua linn: with him. Arood apin hruoght ttiem in Una order all tbrouKli tlieflrat niile to tear the atend, where UieneLj. led alanrtl'.in Kader had rome to aocond pUt i Aa aoon aathe laat mi!e waa entered, Ilertjb-.- got ata IummI andmoved p.t Kader. and bruahrd Ulenelg aronnd theImi n und cut him dowu at eaM m.d wa hadin alength at the quarter pole. Nav nenueaaay let himg , and a gap begau to open, aad the race waa over.(r be dropped hia horaea at at avary atride,Mwi d 10 lenf,the In tbe far torn, apd m hand cameborne utalu2 fllteun lenctaa it front lu the Ittathalt niila Vepucluacmne out and wcrn , headlng GlrnCag, aad tn turn Kaier lilm alio, hut Vea puriua t both eaeilv and Wat aeeond ut ti e flniah.Time, 4:11. Hemlold alfowed i: 1: a ;n, ie, Mnha waa admirabir ridden by Utnn- li Tl.e boraebulondia to l)r Uelmliold. and ti e plate won willgrace hia tjble aa a valaabl trophr.

a u m s

Jaaows Park, Jane 7. The wVateweat r np, valot1,300; aiwcpitiaea tor all flgaj ; $. entr iocep p

two and a ijuarter milea.W It l.nh ... ch h Helmhoid, bv Aust ..Man dam

Lacnder, l ft are, ttW ib HeunriaevPnrdy A WlfMri ch, h. veetturiii ra Planet, dam

Columhfa. 4 veara, 10B MMaWi Palmer iT. Duawell a bh b Australian. damii

K aaue Syeara, 114 Ibe.. Miller 3A !l".n oi t'a tb (Henelg, br Citadt l. inm Bapta, iffj

ye:r.liat iba. WaUon 7. . iI ' rh.h rio.ivliinau.thy Ito my UroilanJ,

dajn by Uinggold. 4 fin, 10H iieou 5Time, 4:11.

rrtxiBiHP R ACS.There wore flva entrlea

to it. vu inn.. i J 11. ( onuollv. Eldorutlo, K init, ii and WOlU) Kdenton waa the favorite, but

there waa but little choice hctwrrn him, t'lnnai,and Connolly, odda about C to 3 auinat aaatl, and lito 1 agat at Kid or ado, and 11 to 1 aiuinel ttoflta.

Ibe race waa a mi and fivu uthta, the alart bo-l-

In from of the Club ilouae, ihenec to the atuudand once around.

When the flag fell. ( liraax made play nnd lad andforced the p.ire at uaon. Eldorado waa ueat. andthey cum tl oa to lha stand, wi:h K lenton third.In Ihe mile, lo come on the turn, Edenlon went upto aeeord place, while Connolly Uy back waittus.but Cliuiua went right on aad nothing coold reiiclihim and he came home a atrong wlnutr by twolengthf. Oa the far turn Connolly rin out of tlieruck and moved to second plaxe, bat eon Id not getup aiid was beaten out with all ease. Time,

flfJIf M ART.JaaoMnpaaa, June 4. MltM rac- - for all agea.

tjuree SAa one mite and nvr eizhtha; horaei enteredto be n. for fl?.0oo, i carrv their appropriate welzhi,

J a., ..v .j we tor 11,000, ') baIt. W W 'Mon'ahr. h Climax, by tUlrownle, dam,

Jfw-- l. Mteil. Ill ai HaoneaaevJ 'O loaneM,alir h. II. M.Comtetly. by Lexington,

dam, Luei fowlar. 6 yeart, loti V palmer 2aj. l.ute rh r. Kldoradn, b f Balrowoie, darn.hrnma .lotin-rn- . 8 yeara. US ate.. Kliot S

I w. b. Edenton, by Ulve ten. dam.4yfaj, mi Miller 4r u lavtia . m fScotla. by Tar Itlver dam, byBoiton.t, yean. 101 &i btoooa sTimo-2- S.

TBS rot'HTfl lie rThis waa the cloalm race of tbe day. It w.ia inhaaU ol a wile &nd three quartrra Thcra werothree tuinea vis.: Mandlord, (iU ngary, an I

l,,tIn wa 6 to 3 and Id to 8 onlengary, and 10 to 1 ajuinst

Kiwr nEAT.-Oleng- ary hyfl off, Saudford wstling,second, ar.d Itigarda third, not golns lor the heatIn thin order they made the dutaiM-- a tu the borneatretct), where Hand ford came out ind hcidedwltheaae, and went In at eaae two lengths In front.Time, S: 15 !.ftgcoKD HKAT.-Bet- tinf now 4 to 1 on Hanfordagaiitat tbe (1 ut. When aent off wentfront, etured there all the way through, and wonhanaiiy, tlioach at laat Hmrda aaade a braeli andgot np lo him, and wewt in tapping h.n to thethroat, but al.e waa doing all aha coald sad be Inband. Ilia Jockey nearly threw the heat avs lu hiacontUeiica of winnig . Time, SclTJaj.

ai HMiiuJBROwa Pari Junel Asata of one aud three rhnrtbi

mile,. Pane $IjUu0 and entrance n.ooey to accondliorae.It W Wridon'e eh h tawlWd. by Hncle Vie. dam

Dotty tartar. 3 rear, lUlbi Meeoeeer 111 J Cruuee'i b. f ft card--, by Auatrallau, data

Aaa llanly reel a, SI Tbe indaian fl II. by Tbonuauby. daaawiTr-lpBfgg- S



tnm ! r rr a rations rom rum qmeaiXTBXT OW TO-D- r.

Hrrrptlan ayf thr Vlellla BaWtkrMI Ir.mI tilUatrlakl. loaaa.!.. I'.rsss Uf lMH nlakte Treaalare.

The i of th 1st mg of the cornerton of ta new Masonic Taatpte, wktca Is to he

tl-- greet event of aaag be Bad lo have brgaelaat evralag. Tkre of the IxMlges of thla dtj ha I

reeolved lo nark the event kg estsnalag a Irslerr.allavltattoa to a Ilka aaaaber of Laansia of aa qaaksrCltg ; aa.1 lb raeatlaa )f the ga4B laat evening

ss mad the Dior latereaUng br aa larnotng dlaglog of KakgkU Tensslara, ark aad agreed to act a

to the visitor, on their w laeaa the dee isto the hotels vrhlrV, l,sd Nrn (elected OS roatlogDlsteya tor Us vtetiera sraite ia.ia.kag fkaoeg ne.

f. "uJo7g Vfo rwT-r!tr-T rT",,,l,BrT-- s'

to IxviSjwwo. 1 of riilladHpMs, eltv i aiknolsi ( lOi noo Taak lssskW. No.

of 1'I.Us.ljloOla . Mat ft. Wsoao Lottg No.1 to aoiart todre, No. M, of rSlliJebeBlj

tbb r rat toashsviag lBforgt4 their koMe br lalaasagk that tieranuid come bvtwo real ,'vU., Tsju and MgaBrl--

lis. b, the "tew Jsnwv t atrBI IMtlroacI , IrevmgPhlladalphl at I P. kt.. iM Loikr Ma. I by theCsasden nan Aaako RaitroMl, laavlaa that cii v at tT M , theKalght Te4nairuad tollvlile into twoD.idlrs. those under thereetteri t VaaasnaVa Oavnm indrrv, He. M. K. T , receiving Us tweets of BtN ..: a and MaalsttsW LodgOS, Bad those whoVt-- d in concart with ertoa twatawndery, N 4,R. T eeraHIng the goeat of M. Jobs'. lsdgeUnder tbs e i enrestaai-es- , IStenhatUai Comman.leryaaiaaiklad at their Aeylem at i o'clasrk, wkere a

JuogaB laaaaannoatook ui .. . The KaighU anvta. I sgisil lad aadioea properly msrahalled. Mr KelrM B 0, park,Rm.rder. atBf4 feeward aad. la ta aaaae of MrKnight Magnaya. of Cklcago. neseated tn VanliaituiCuajraaasieey a nvv aat aaadsem awagsdaai, or bat-tle II r, to be carrted hi Mag day a parade theflr.itrtae. F. tir Andrew Phiiitpa. oa behalf of theOoaraond-ry- . acreeted Us Bag aad ordered theStandard Be .rev to bear II with hesinr amid the ranksof the Sir K strata Tkfs ceremony orer. th rolamii

ss lovmed. and left the Anylew. at hair past four..'clerk.

tar. MSB nr Maaonarea rora Odd FaOows' HMI slang Graad street andrtruadsrar to t'ortlaadl street, thr nee to tbe ferry.The Kali-M- were, with few exception, in

oel or-- with rhpanv and gauaaa, anda tins appearance They numbered over one

hundred a and man bed all Irons, preceded byWannomeclssr' band ot lwty-- pieces. A

tram Ht. nicholis Laslg as also S attar a brief aiarrhlag eatute, tls onrtog. head-ed by th kairUt, prooeeaad aa ltroodray to thrlo.tge room at teoarner of Twent)-con- : tret andKioadway, wSars tae vtalUar wern received by the

mvitia- tbssai, ol afUrpriperi-afeehnii'i.t-

eerorteil lo their reeilag phsaaa for the ulghl, Moa.irtL'.dge tieina located at Use Aator ilouae, aud VaozLodge at toe Bttroao)ita Uotl.

rna saconn aai'tmoa.Morton t'omreandory. No. 4, K. T , aessmblcd st

tliele Asylmn st 6 P. N., aad recrtved ith dnelionor.. beTore startlag, Uie folloniag Oraad i tncere :

H. K. Hir Henry t'lsr Presloa. Grand t'oamauderot -

n. K sir John A. Herts Peat Oraad t'otnmirderui this State.

K. K. Mr Samuel Sievene, t'aat Grand Commanderof New Jeray.

It. K Mr William H. Dogfat, Poat Graad CoraTia- iter of Nrw Jersey.

V. K. Sir UuDvri ktucoy, Orand Uccorder ut thisSiale.

K. Sir Robert Doashes, Graad Juolor Warden ofNe Jeraev.

K Sir A t Willmarih, Past Commindrr. t'llnlooCommaad7, N . 14. K. T of BrooVlm.

E. Sir George Vb Vilet, Coiama-jdi-- r of Ps!iinCmranndury. No. Id, K 1'.F. Warlag. Genoralissimo of Paleatloe.

Mr Jame D. Lambert, S. W. of Paleatlne, No. is,and othsr grots, Iniltidlng ahoul KIIt Sir Knlghllrn.n Hugh de lajm Commaudrry, No. 1. or NewJersey.

The Knights, who were also in ru'l dress ual.irm,- ptuiars, die . were then msrballrd. andh. ..le i by DewnlM a tteveniy-tra- t Regime,,,b. nJ of a" iiecea. aad tte Graad ogtiers, uuncliedl.'St strong along Grand srrert, ftroadsrar, and

Blaoe lo pier 1 North Hirer, arriviag User

rflg EXPtcrip urgsra1..1 rut arrive gg soon a viaa anticipated, and IhrK :. :hts bad to w.ilt for ararlynn hour for the steam-boat Wklek sioa li brin Ibcm rrom Amboy. Whentl . boat . rrive.l .it the m r, ihe Kuutbla wrre luiui. into line ol battle, anil li e bund atrurk up in airof vie c m', vihleh waa continued until the brethnof Lodge No . of Philsdrlpt ii. W Bro. Willisn. l af. Master, lird landed und tukog their plans.1 he bead. Grand offlr.-is- Ik vijitor, nnd thn

tl.eii nia'rhrd in double rinka past tlrs.Knights, who sslated with "swnrds at present."

l.e brashraa then nulled, and foraied tw. i, ,Inenrd, tt.rouib which the K'.lghts, bjjed

by Hie band and i ut .1 Cemmandera, murrhed sndsslntrd, the lirethrrn remaining uncovered unlitIhry hal .1 through the Imi. The line ol nisretiw.ia then tcken up along Itsttery phre and Brca;.way to Maillstd's Ilotrl. (11 J nnd tfll Broadnay.where ihey were cntrrtained by tbote who bad Invited them lo this city.gargrrto or tub PkaamlkfaMa luikii, so. 2.

Lost evening Uailliird'a lintel, Broadway, wast:..- rehire of sttraction, It being the reccplioe ofthe Pennsylvania Lo.lge of Masons. The tableswere louded down with the very best of ssasonahl..viiads. The ro.m was decorated tastefally withMasonic emblems. After the rrpaat, the health ofthe Penasvlvanls Lodge wxa given by Master (1. WAodrewa in appropriate terras Mr. Bltbing. Pennsilvanls Lodce, replied oa behair of hia brethrenAbout law sat st the tables.

MAaoNic aacarrinK ano aaaanaM.Last rriing a banquet waa pn-e- br St.

Nlchobja 1...1-- S F. and A. M. to the KBlghts Tem-plars of tbe Manhattan. Ivanbo, and C'olambiaoCommanderiea atter thep had eacorled the Penasvtvasle Ladgre from Cortiaadt atreet ferrr to t'.a Cole,m ii. llintse. Lsler la the evralag Moaart Lodite of1 htladclphla waa cnterialaad by Kane Lodce, uoderthe ausplcea of Gn. Room. Amoog ths guestswas Past Grand Msslsr Vaai. late Mayor of Phils,delpkla Alter th, baaiuet, Morart Lodge serenadedGrand Mr.strr R W. John 11. ABthon and R W.Ruca. District Deputy Grand Master, at the ColemanHouse.

Tbe Urajaal I.odgr'a 4'onmnalcatlaa.Tli aunual couiiuu'iication of

the Grand Lodge ul New York was bad yeaterdgyailernoon, Grasd Master M. W. Jamea Gibsoaopening the Lodge. The following ofllcere atnuogot tier, were preaeat

M. W. Jam Gibson, Griiad Master; R. W. JohoII. Aotticn. Deputy Grand Maaiar ; R. W. Chrietoptier U Foi, Senior Grand ; Warden It W. KdrnaodL. Judson. Junior GibdJ W'srdeu : It. W John W.Stnons. Grand Tresaurer ; R. W. James M. Austin,Grand Secretary.

Th rollowint bruthrso were preaeated by M. W .

Jobn W. Mlmoos and R. W. F. W. Herring, andreceived wi'h the grand lioiinis- M. W. RobertItnalinc, G Master of Nsw Jsrsy j R. W. II. K

l'tue, D. G. M. of New Jers)': II. Vf. Dalel Drum.P . M. ol New Jomy; R. W. Wm. Mead. GraadSncretary of New Jersey ; R. W. Noble D. l.urerd,Gmnd Secretary District of Columbia; R W It L.Dotlgii. Grand becratary ot Arkanoaa; M. W. Dro.biepbenaoo. Grand Msier of Canada.

Ttis Grand Master, after returning tliansa to Godfor permission to again oaeeoible in Oraad Lodge lorthia the 87th year of Its eileteoce. teferred la loncli-in-

terms to the death of P. G. M. Robert DHolmes and D D. G. M. Wm. It. Mcrriam.

He reported having hod painted the portrait of thelata H. W. Bro. Jamea tlertlng, I'. by, Scrury,which, he said, would be presented in open sessionof th Grand Lodga, Tlie portrait, he said, waspaiBied by Uie sod ot deceased. It, W F. W. ller-nag- ,

and vras a uiastei oiece ot art.In tbe course of the address. In remarking on

the Grand Msatur dispoaed of the foblowing : That a Mason eannot give testimony in acourt of law agaiuel a brother or hia wire, or If on ajury, Ond a verdict agalnat a brother. In this con-i-

i t,. 'ii lie instanced the aaylog of a celebrated Kingof France, who, whoa hia ooblea rautd the pardon of another oobl, oa th grouod that hi eieeu-tio-

would b a drgfrac to lb nubilitysiiewrrrd the dlagrao wt In th crime, andnot In the order; and auch la the decision of tbe Ma-

sonic body. Nothing can exense a Mason's going be-hind the iawa of the land uuder any clreumatauree,

A decision waa also given In regard to the admla-alo-

of an alien to th order. He decided that eachcould be a Imltted, provided he had lived the consti-tutional tliu in tbe Slate, aud quoted from Scrip-ture to show that th barnt offering of th strangerunder tbe Jewish lew waa eqa-ill- acceptable la theslgkt of God as that offered by Ills owu people, tlieJew.

Tlie Orsnd Secretary' report showed tbe numberor lodges to he Atd, of men. Lei a 74,1TO, Receipts forlsrio. I'

The Ureiul Treasurer's report showed $7, 8711. 19 onhand.

The Trustees of th Hsll and Asylum Fund rs- -

Krtcd roost lavornbly u to th funds la haw. I. ands u laid that thar was a cortalaty Mat th

money for th completion of Ih tempi would beforthcoming.

R. W. Robert White, Deputy Graad Master orWeatara waa Introduced, Bad receivedwith ibe graad honor.

The Hoard of Roller reported last th receiptSid tkiiiui4' IMKH bsiaae ia

S,al amaudmeats to the Cosatli alios ware aat-"- 1

on. aad th etand! ag coram 1 taa were aaaniated,wk.,th ,h 'ta(i , oam w" eUd from labor

till t o'clock tka avoralag.A trowel of baanllrul workmaasfela waa Maaaaaai

141 th Grand at sal., is. it w JMwaae aU

MOM1CIDK NEAR UNION BILL.A Claiaaaa Plaasglaan Knit, lata iha Heart

sfaa Irtakaaaa whs kasl Preaeated a pis-tol at kla Breast The Trade Bad f aTrivial DiaMMC.

Frederick Kelling. a Oerman, stabbed Jamesgen, an Irlahmao. to the heart yeaterday, In a

elaaghter hoaxe on Ihe Weavrrtown road, near UnionHill. Kelliog and some Irish f lb w workmen hadlong been on bad terms, and ti e tormrr bad hadIreejaeot quarrels with fuiir of the latter. Tter-da-

some trivial diapal load Kelllng sadBgan had words, the other men looking on, and oc-

casionally patting In a wotd to help on the quarrel,Kgau called Keliing a liar, and the bitter retorted

wills nn oath aad an Insulting epltb'. there-apo- a

took a revolver frera II coat pocket andII at th brust of Kelllng, tarootentog to

blow his heart oat.Kellint gave Katan no lime to dro, bat taatantly

at unaad his knlf Into the heart of the kishman,who Tell dead.

Th German drew out ti e knlf,, th blood gush-la-

r.irth s k did so. II- - then calmly walked overto a Hqaor ator Bear, where he callrd for a gin cock-tall- ,

lie aubaeoaentlv dellvrrcd hlmanlf an to Jaa-U-

Neascbaler, aud was held tu await tbe Corouer'aloqaoat.

jtfjfir span inn lAt.xica.MahaaVa Hrpsi.iisi. Mar la the He ad tt

the -- punish Mlalatrr'B Halew- - (Ira. Hookskasat saray kla Respect ! Ikr Falaiarra.

WsgBtaaroa, June 7. Th long string of trashabout Cuban bonds, printed la tbe hffnlitff t .r yes-

terday, Is almost entirely a fabilratloa, and waa con-o- i

ted here by tbe Spanish Mlalster over threemonth ago, when Gen. Butler Investigated and ex-

ploded the fraud. Dewee. who waa eipelled forriling eadetahlp, acted as wet nurse for II until the

rscklesa faJekxer employed by the Pot waa "Been "and persuaded to send It forth la a new garb, so thatHa authors woald scarcely rrcogaUe II. Had Mr.

Persoa. whom Una vltlai accuses of oePlag to ( u

baas the of Mr. Wade and Mr. Morton,rieen her, the kf man woald not bare dared pubii.; sneh a cbargs.

Mr. Psraons 1 a t'nlied States Cooanl In r'ubeand will nodoabt on his return chest tee tbe libeller abe deserves,

Spa'x grows erraged thst the Cuban rerolutloocaaaot be sopyro.seil, snd aoSpaolah gold la used luan effort to injure the reputalloa of every on whoIs friendly to Cuba, snd to i revent others from rasai-frsiln-

any sympathy tor rear of similar defamationfVom Spstiniah garroters.

Gen. Bauka will on Tuesday nest pay bis eonipli-ment-

lo Spstn and her paid spies aad agents In 11,1s


HI TXPOOMAPMlCAi Anions.I 'ontpettlloa Dlneouuteoaacoal The It n.

ad Ike A r.poi in men, ! ('aaaltteo.t'lMixaart, June 4 At the meeting of the

International I'nlon this morning thereport of Use President and Vic Pre. ideal acreread. The Treasurer's report shows that the re-

ceipt were f .'.' ii i and tbe dibarsmeBtH.MiM.

Committee wer annrruneed a follow iOn Finance. John If'oii, C. ft. Bat, Joka Tfa

cent.Wm C. Vaorfcn lleo H Kelly, and T. hehlacal ion Appeals, K. J Latter. y, M J. halBwatar. A APomerov. v. II Chase, A. ttooerts, sad John .i

on Sabur.lliiste I'aluus. C. C t'otknherr. ,T. It. Jouea. Thomas i s ,. William Aaiaon,James A. l.ogers. srd tieoise W. Fowler i oaMetnrr.s O A. 11 MeNe r. t Flood. W. R lleualags-worth- ,

J. H Rlrir.lanl. P, N Callea and Ch Illson I'ngBished liusiiisss. K i reek eton. W f;. atnirs p.sleieraoofei. P. B. K.lw.srd,. Joha 0. Armsiron andlet it aid II. Parker; fti N.-- lluaine-a- , p. p.rt. W. Flyuti, trio. McPiellia'a. D ilavn. V It He' oraand P. r, Bronson on th- - Preaident's Ueporl. CroerjyKells. Haiern.H.d Palmer and Temple

Thel'nliia udot'ted a reclulion dlacoanteaanelnrthe plan of a.dne subordinate I nlona 04 giving ibelrpiintin: to the lowest b tder. Tbe delegate wentinto weret seesloti, ret big in session until 1 P.M., after which tsey r. amed open session, sndwithout transacting luri ,er Important bastuces

oalil to morion. IB TBE VOltTKS.

BsarkoB everr i. b.- U. .i.rrd ta Ihe Pe.i Kn-ira- S ramg hr lia.aItlvrr fhrrr ware fk7t.

Maotiin, June 7 The debate oo the qaestianof elerlins a Kins wis began In the Cortes yesterday. It opens a itb animation, sad bids tair to be-

come exciting. The mo-- prominent among theapeakera yesterday was Sellor Rlvero. He cre'deda marked sensation by declaring iaBt the laawafllion of th Bourbous In Soaia would never be per-

mitted by tbe maj rity. II Pien denoanced mon-archy In general, nulntaii'log that II bad created athe evils from which Spaia had suit. red. Thespeech waa rreeived with frequent cheers, and hailan undeniable attact on the mrmtiers Roplles wrreBia l by the aappoilera of royally. Tbe DaVaaaaloalarled until a late hour, when, without taking

tbe i or tea BdJOBrned. To-da-y the Cortes iaengaged ia inr coneldt ratloa of narrow railroadecbrmoa.

New Cwsnpltrallaas la Fawasch Pallllea.PaMa, June . Th breach iu the partv of i!,,

" Left" In the Ccrp Laiaiati ta ooanplete.' Dufer-enc- e

of opinion coiieerniog the attitude to be mtoward tbe Ullivler Ministry led to the

Political f'aawplrarr la Italr.Fi.oar.aca, June T. The discovery of a aeervl

political Biovament in lhora has led lo promptaction for Its suppraasiua Twcaty-lw- paraona Eplicated bar beep arrest'id, nd th polio areesrcblog for others. All eendfu! preentlona have

been taken by th oaTicer m roasiraad or th gsrrioo.

Marwrroas Arwr la a Wllllaasabarak tafMaaalaetrr.

Jnst before noon vt'iterdar, John Andersonand Llaoa Anderson, of MeXanghUa at McParlaad'aa ite factarr, Dunluun place, Willlaruaburgh, aaaeu

Joka Masteraon. Tbe Andersons fe'.t Bgrgrirvsdbecause Mastersoo and others hsd atruck stains t

s relative of lhirs snd thn effected bis dischargeThe qaarrel veelerdBy originaled with John Anderaon and MiiatersoD. ths former sn Ideal atriplng tbe tstt. r on the loft ahouidr with a hammer

i aus Anderson then took op s l.e ivy pair of Irontonae, with a cotter attached, and struck tbedls.Bbled man on the bead. Masteroo fell bleediog.The brothers, who are uatives of 8weden, werearreated.

Tkr Hiatea lalund Kle, lien.The elcelioo for local olhcera in Middlctnwn

passud off quietly yesterday, A Carmieboel, ofBeecli street, was Ihe only man atre-te- tor interfeting with tbe polls. The colored voter went almost solid for S. R. Brick. Jr., tor Suprrvlaor, aadhe electd. S. B. Wood was elerlod Juatlee olthe Peace, J. N. Coehniue. Aaeesaor ; A. Robiasoa,Collector, aud J. C Ktpp. (Jaeger


Yesterday the Mutuala brat tbe Social, 40 to t.The Slnra uf Rrnoklvn beat Uie MarylaaJ of

Baltimore ) eretevday by 2 to 7.To-da-y a good xatne may be expected between the

Mutual aad Union Plubs on the I'oton ground,

A u.. between Uie Griental ofNsw York aud the Krsululue or kliisbetn. In Wavarley.N. J.. yesterday, reaolied in a victory tut the latter by13 to 14.

The Forest City i tub of Roekturd. 111., brat tbeOlympic, ot WaihliiKlou yeaterday. The score stood alIhe end of the seveath lnnlug 7 to ' In favor or theOlviuples. la tbe leal two laolaaa lh Forest City,whitewashed their oi'i.OTienla. anib axialed by p. orfielding and error oa tlie part or tbe Olympics, made4 tuns, winning ths gsme by 8 to 7.

Th Hnvmaker til Trey beat th Keyaton ofPhiiadalphl yeaterday The game einyned with theHaymakers al ih hat. Kacli club a. ored tlirre runs ooihe first inning, ana at Hie end of the th.r.l liming theScore stood s to 8. After Hie third loi.lng the

bv heavy balling, scored i,, Ibeir onpuuiuu'11 runs, wlnatag the game by a aoora of 41 lo 20.


Ths noo. Peter Bralni Sweeny sails to day forEurope In the Canard steamer.

Senator Cragln of New Hampshire in ahead in lbrace for hts sest lo the United States Seoata. .

The Hon. Tin, mas C. Fields wss loudly cheeredbr the people who listened to the niaale oa MountMorris iqaarc ou Moodsy evsalng.

Die Hon Jam C. Park baa been elr!ed PreaIdent of the Cheaapeake and Ohio Canal Company.The salary baa been raised from f tJMO to a iiy.r,

Tbe linn Wan en Leland was In th cityfurnilur (or the Finpreaa KugSnle'a cot-

tage In rlerttoga. II ssy the cottage is a big thluT.Horatio Seymour, George B. Loriag, sad C. T).

Rndgiusa will the leading sddreaa at tbeCommencement exercise of the Cornell Uait erstty.

Th resignation of Kicky Commlaaioi. ar WallerW. Price, hu. been accepted br the Mayor, llavld 11

Frvenioa. a former mssuver of tbs Lsglslalar. la to Lehis successor.

Tke Boa. Horace Greeley is still 111 at Ih Ttoffmanous. II bad aevrre altaek of chills aud fever yia

Isrda, snd ao Ms waa allowed lo a hiai. Dr. Marcy

The Bar. Iguslx Owahy. pa tor of th Klrlagtoaatreet ttrnaaorwe, Bailed lor aturop vealsrgay. oa athree laaalha'ksavs tt shaiae. Th Bar. Mr. ttgif winan unit bar alaoa ta tk lalaaiaa.



BVN'S BEPOBTBBS.Tke lerwey C'ltr f'anweil Fata Tkeaaaelrea

Knormoaa IHalarlrB-O- at ga Back aa the'oi Trlater.

The model Citr Fathers of the new consoli.dated cllv held quite a protracted meeting yaeterdsysfternoon Aldermen Rlwood snd Dakln appearedIn their eeala on thla occasion perfectly sober, muchto th of th respectable member of theBoard. In fact, they never presented a finer jppearance. The moat Important business transacted wssthe naaasge or an ordinance rising th salaries ot theheads ot the several departments aa fotlowa :

To the Mayor, gtr ran, to the Citr Jndge, JBJ tothe Overseer of tin: Pool, 1JOO: lo the Cliler ikgbBeer or thr Fire Department. Ihe Corporatlon Coiinael, gUKKJ; to the Porporallnn Altorner,fl.RDO; to the Mr, it Poniuiiaslnner. to eehAssessor. (MB) : tOLihe City Clerk. 1 1,(00; to AtaialaBIsto Pity Clerk. t:Mi to the Pity Maiahal, II jBf I tn theSerr.-sn- at Arms. gl.'JiBI. lo tee ConiDtt oiler. g.1.0Ui toIhe Polleetor of Rsvenne. gx.aoO In Hie t'lly Treasurer.glliO; 10 the City Phyilelsns. each. tSOO; to the

nf the ateam Are engine, tbey to slnah tl thehose or the r ire Deparliueiir, gl.uiO: to the Clerk orthe Fire Cnmmrsslonerv. V0; tn the Pier k to the Merer,It.UlOi to the ptiblsibors or the ,sr,i ijr.r Time. Jour-nal, lolftkm. ritwrtu, and Aram eirh for pnhl ahIn lliu prneef.linet .if tlie Hoard of Aldermen andh an nr KdneatTnn i.nret to th Police Jnnl. c.

lo the hehool l.iiprilaleadeat, gj.ewi to tbeAldermen, li.'ifX).

Aid. Blwood sttemp'ed fo rop In salary forth Aaslstant Engineers ; but, ni t understamlingFirllamentsry rules, h made a blonder, and the

to call on to order, staling ttiat behoped Mr. Klwood would not b so abaord as tomk so foolish motto. This cloawd up the Alderinaa, aod he aa aa meek aa a lamb the real orthe session.

An waa made to secure an amendmentto the ordinal re granting thr Public Prln'er a suita-ble prire fr r the cltv work, which It aaema had bncut down lo low Star by teas opposed lo thcontractor. Nearly aa hour and a I. .11 was speat Indebate, during which th Board got all mixed np,and alter some two or three hundred amoadmanta.the matter was finally laid over; not, however, un-t- l

they had voted themselves a BlC llllle stake ofITf tor cock lime thy met, leaving the poor PublicPrinter out la the cold.

in Caw Haaaage nsewt-- A SVltr la Maahat.taavllle.

An uopleaacnlnc has been created in thelomarbs o" ibe realdents near One nuudred aral

Teath street sad Eleventh avenu by a rumor th t

they had beea for Bone tins eating Kittsaires msdefrom b dtsearid cow. A number of piominent ,

amoag whom waa Mr. J D. Tracy, resolved topoaiak the prrpetratois or tiie imposition. It wediscoiered tbsi Thumas Burke, a milkman, had soldto two butchers g an III cow. which I ad lied in givingbirth to s rilf. Frank and Jaeob Ilorfseln, thi hutch,ers. had col up the diseu: ed n ilmal and peddleit il outhir a triding sum to al. the saus icattakers la theeelght.urhood. The manafketnrera of ssnsae meatdlsreoecd tbeir meats in liomeopstlnr doses In theircustomer, whn h n i , tu en ggfki log rtoio indig,"-iio-and other H's .leee Its cersnmpiion t'omplaintwaa made bo-r- e Jirsitee MelJnnde, who aranledwarranta for Ihe arrest o' all coneerned In lbfraud, on lag eh r: e of vending diseased rood.Three of Uie oflhadera have already been appre-hended and beld tor examination.

A Stasall Black Clond whlrk Tbrealrard IkeHaeessss. ,,t the Reeikorrn reateaatal.

One ol ihr most interesting features of theentertainment announced In Uie Culiseain on

Thlid aranae aext neck. Is tka monster avaiiaeeconcert oa Iktataaf aftemooo the lsia, wl en 5,Ogoehlldn-n- , picked from tbe various Sunday school, luIhe city, will take pait under the direction oftbeac-oompllshe-

musrieia. M'. George S,w"eek . A dayor two iu. lo tlie Fev. Dr. Thoairsaon'a Church, Itwas proposed Mia ItuvetU Wright, a coloredgirt of In, a remarkable avn should lake a part

itb the other girl ta ih concert. 11 a as claimedthat aa rer voice waa ao rich and lull, ahe should oolbe excluded Pi. eeeou..! o' her color. Some personaobjected on the ground lb it u she would he Iheonly rolored gui amoag the soagaiers, she attract attention and n alnrled out forridicule. Bel her friend, carries Ih day, aud aheha been asalgned a leading part.

Tk Nrw Police of rtfatrn l.innn FlyingMsrfWa tawT ssr III I waa a a.

Vealertlnv Joliu llanrattv, a new police officer,waa kanaka-- before Jaatg ti.irreii of uischsrgingtwo pistol rbolB at Mr. in hal picnic rroundson the Richnioud rna. I. The attach ia raid to havebeea unprovoked. Th- - IbbssTBBTH German brother,hnni) drove oil Ihe entire police foice, who fled

Tt.e polieemm was t nnerly n deeklisnd on the Island ferry boat, Mlddlelown. Yester-day being election dai.atid nia nervier Iseieg re-quired, be waa not ai rested, hal a warraut baa beengranted for his apprehension to day


(isssswdrr Plot la French's Hotel.Yesterday inurnint;, at about 10 o'clock, four

gent'emanly BBirltshnien, just from Earope, arrivedat Col. Frrnrh'e Hotel. Among their trunks wasone somen hit dilapidated, which was ordered tobe placed in tl - barrage room. On being removedthe lid -- pr-ii open, and qnaallty of powderescaped. The peer tor drujpped tbe trank. and ran to

olify tbe bead clerk. The trunk waa esaiaisrd.aad a large package of runoowder discovered Allkind- - or rumors ware apreak eoaceraiag tbenae Ihepowder was to be pat to ; it la certain thai therew: a tnougb or il to blow the trnok aad Uie hoteland Its occupant to tbe region drwenbed by JamaFisk, Jr., aa the place where Uie woodrioe twinto."

(' Heae far If oner, dallace.A meeting wsa held io Dr. Crosby's oborck

lost Bight, to take oieaaare lot making Ruio-a-

Colle-- e ., general woman's oniierslty, Indcpendenilyor th rlwtical oourae which now dlsilngnlihe II.It was argad by tk Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Tbompsoathat, lu addition to i. aroposesl 4eartmanta olmodem hipguag.'. an.l other non rlaaalcal tudics.t"-- rsrelrl be aehooM of iadsrairy, in wbleh youngwomen mkht be maits thorough in tradea whichwould subsequently earn them s livelihood.

Marker and Mulelde In Philadelphia.Phii auBLruu, June 7. At about t.iO P. at,

Bttbatoaseof P. A. Ilallowav, In Ninth atreet,near Wharton, tn the sontbwealern part of the city,Amelia Mrt'laorlilin, aged art, a domestic, waa abol

nd killed by a young maa, a gas Utter, named Wm.Stratton, who Immediately afterward shot hlinseirtnthe bead, dying iu a few mtaDtes.

CVMIQUTIMM of i rims.John Campbell, or Ameshury, Mas , shot hts wile

yeaterday lu a lit uf Jealousy.John Connor, of I'tiila lelphln. aged (io, funcud

hims-ji- with his suspender to s bed-n- it.JOstl Wolah. ba. tig Carrie a pair ol bra,k .ocklci, Juallee liowilng neld him lot trial.Mana Flenden was stabbed in the aide yesterday

afternoon Br some unknown ruffian, who an nbnon Allaulir .treel. near Boud, Hrooklyn Flenden waslonnd lying laeenatDle oa the sldewslk.

During Uie height of the afternoon' buaia InAdolph Frauklle d'a diamond store at Fourteenthstreet and birth avenne yesterday, a tray of diamondJewelry, valued at It.uou. wassiolrn.

Hi !i ir.l Nugent waa committed by Justice De'maryiwt-rd- on Ibe ehsrge of gsrr t!n,' snd running Kredeiie.k i.aucrlaiid wlilln lie wa, retarniiig home liiroiitfhColombia Btrort, Urooklyn, lateou Monday night.

Thomas Murphy, a notorious New York burglar,waa sentenced to sib momiis' unprtsonni" il y esiridsvny Judge neurit, or biateu Island, let loldiiug theboaae of Mr. Hiram Dlxoo. a New Vork mercbani.

The Coroner' Jury iu the esse of Jamea Glld'an.wtio wni beuien lo destti with Pie leg ofs tablo by oneWm Wilson st lied Hook. llrooe,lyn,Tiave finally cometo llie eou. laalon thai the prisoner coilimilteal lUe deed,and V. il, on has te n commltiod.

NEW JEHSKt.Jersey Cily is to have a Fire Alarm Telegraph.The Norfolk Street M. V Cburcli enjojrd Sirs

bei y r'eallv) and Concert laBt eveningTbe oaleers or ihe North German man ofwar

were euterUlued al a bouquet lest oveulog. lu IIILei's Hotel.

Th rolling stock of tbe Newark. Bloomfleld andMunlclalr Horse Usilrnod hss beeu seised to sallsly achattel mortgage fur IJslti.rjoii.

In the Hudson County Court of titiarter Sessionsyesurday, a of " ioi guilty' was lelurue.l IBlire esse of nr. Carey, who had been Indicted for

A Flr iu aid ul tlte new building or the PasnionlstMonaster) of West HObOkefl v .11 ot en on ths ui,t ihe basement of tne edillre, und will e lose ou tucaotb.Car. leave Ilohoken every ft- n nilniiles.

The eltisens of Orange ure agitating the construe-llo-

ol tie Wilehuug Railroad so as to connect wilhthe Montclslr Uailioad. Tuts would ejrr them a shorter,and eensiniy a u.ore sc. oiiunvdailiig route to NewTork.

David O'Sulllvan, of Harrison. Hudsoo conntv,romplslna tbsl lata OR Monday Blahi tlriiry Newtioruand John Meehan. eon.lahlas, Ivtted nia honae tntoat-caied-

hi oke open ti e aooi, draggvu lilm out, ami triedw axtorl uouey iVoui him.An Ksqulmaux dog of Mr. P H. Lyons, of Hud-

son Pity, etlcinpled sulelde ou Monday. He hd longaupi.ftted .leaoouuenl, and ou eieolng threw

oui ol a ihlrd-ator- window. Tlie dog airagiiledoff, aud. It la supposed, took some uiurv certain meansof

Mr. Mary Killea, alia Barthuuymaw, In It or la- -anity lh,ew tier.elf Inuii a llilrdalory window or Ike

Home ror Aged w'ouien, Newark, agl died aooo atvetword. Bhe waa employed oa help from the Free Laboriliireau In New Vork, la January u.i A beolkor kaNow Vork. and a uiece In Huntington, M aaa aro ail Bheulouvossb u sate lalki wsuui.


A Nallaa Rtrltlag Ilka tke Slaawr ikeII lllslde. The Real Mbb'b Prnle.l s, I

Ike March al C'lrlllaallaa-T- ke Orlgla mllaallaa Ware.

Waibiboton, June 1. The conference be-

tween the Indian delegation, Secretary Cog, andParker waa tbe erent In the Indian office

Pile morulng. Many prominent men Interested Intbe eolation of the Indian question were also pres-ent. The red men were arrayed In tbe fall eostameof their t tribe, and they ecmed machImpreaaed with the proceerliars.

SecrUry Com Bddreaaed the Indians at ronelder-abl-

length tn relation to their request and Ihe feel-ing of Hi Government concerning thm. Be

lo them that our ivecrple's great desire waspeace, and that the Indians wonld not be dlaluM,so long as they remained peaceable. The good'andthe pi ..visions promised hj tbe OorerBtaeat woaldbe promptly lorwardrd. If Rd Cload and bis peo-ple would pledge themselves to rem sin st pesre tlelrreqaest for ammunition would be favorably coasld-ered- .

But pot until the settler oa th frontierswere sssured of tba fVlenilllness of th Indiana coaldIhe Government comply with thla request.

Red Clood thi n advance to the table where tlienmriala eat und after ahaking bund with them de-livered tlie following oration :

" I earae from where tne awn sets. To were raised nncbsirs. I want to sii where the enu scie. ilisrc tno In-dian warrior eat neon the floor In Indian fashion, andnroeeedej.) The Great Hplrlt baa i alaed uie Ibla way-H-

raised nrf naked. I run no nppoaltlnn to the Greatrather who tiia in the While Ilouae. 1 don't want iofight. I have offeree! inr prayer to the Wreat Father snthat I mightcoiur here safe aod well. What I have tosay lo yon. and to these men sad to mr Orost Pafticr Ivthia Look at me f waa raised where the ami rlaee and teame frnin where he sets, whose voter w first besTrt Inthia land ' it vu the red people who used the bow. TheUreal Father mav be rood an kred. hnt f can't It.I am eood ami kind to the while people and have givenmy lands, and hare now eome Mom where the aun actto ae you. 7 ha Groat I araar ba aent his people ontthere aa.i left nic nothing but an Island. Onr nation iamaitina away nh the sbbow ea th side of tbe hnis,where Ihe son ia warm while yonr people are tike theblades or gross la spring was, a aoaiaaw by coming. Idon t want to are the white people fagoYtng rorls In onrnpaatry. Now that I hav eons onto my GreatsvaiherT, lead, see ir have any blood when I return toin, home lot while people hav sprinkled nlood oothe b'sdes or crsas abont ibe Itos of Fort Fetiennen.Tetl Hie Ureal Fslhrr lo remove that fort : the: wc willbe and there will be no more trouble I have

ot two inuuiitalUB in that country-llla- uk Hill an fligorn. I want no roads there. There bsvebeea slake, dilv-- u lu that country and

I want them removed. I hare told these thingsihree lime, ai.a I now have come here to tell them lorthe fourth time I have made np my mind to talk ibntwy. I aont want my leservnlion oa the MtaaounHonieof these hare ere from there, and I knowwhat I aay. What I hear ta that my children and oldmen are dying off Ilka sheep. The connfry don't suitthent. I was horn at ibe Forka nt Ihe H Bile. My fatheran mother told me fhal the land there belonged to meriom Hie North and the Weal the Nation has comeInto the t.revt Father's House Wa are Ihe last or tlieOcollal. Wnhaveenme to know Hie facts Irnm ourlather, why the piomb. i. which have made to usb .re not hern kept. I want two or three lioder- - thaiwe ask for. At the month of the Horse I reek, in -there was a treaty made, and the oisl who made thattreaty laltudlng fo i.en. Ml el. ell, who pcrfo. oicd thatservice :or the Governmenti told me the truth.

lto. .l, wl, i h bsve been sent onl lo in h iv- - beenstole:, all along tbe road, and only a handr n wouldi. ... .. nic lo gn among mv nailod. Look at ate. llere Isin. poor and naked. I wa ant rawed with arms. 1

alwais waul to be rarrelle. The Crem Mpbll haarased you to reed snd write, sad has pnt papers belorovou; I tit l.e ha nol talaedineln 1'ial stile. Tlie m nwhom ihe l'realdrnl 'CBda us. soldleis and all. have toaen-- e an I no beait. I know 11 1 didn't lliallha s. h tne should ro throurh my rouatry at t II a cameand It .a Uie Great Father's lanll. ton are Ik i..o..,who mould Beep peece. For the rallroada vouare p.iasintr throusli my country I have not receiied even a imuch as a brass rln, for the land they occupy. I wishyou to Icli lo my Ur. al Father. TOk Wnjtea raaBta I he ao mi ,i ion sthetlsthe reaaon vnn don't gl--

it to me:' Are yon afraid I am irolnx to war? Voaare grean and powerful, .oil am onlv a handml. Idanol want il lor that rnrpwe, bnl to kill kouio with Ioppose I must, IB lime, g to larmms, hat I can't do It

rtaiki ssoy."Fsvcti sentence of the speech wns received with

loud grunt-- , drnoiiag hearty applaaae, from tb In-

dians picseui.Heeretsr) Cox promised to report all that hed been

aaid to the President, and airauge a lime for meet-ing with him

The fgkanal cou'ereaee prsetieallv ends the busi-ness of bearing rcinpnihla and dt lrrmlnlng action

lUhv-n-. a was evkiraapi by the op .eh of the Secre'ttb. Both Rod ( rawed aud tspusted TailslrsFajaawye-ih- i far ibe pardon uf fohn Htch--

'. t r who ...i, kill. .1 a aohlier atFoU lill. rtuap, and who la tero W.Ui Red llnud'sports aa taUaawaer. Tbw, Ihey h:,.e beea inform, d by the CuBaavassroaar, Is betnr sonalderwd bythe President. --rsr were tnvltesl to aw entertaltivent st dear aud en tub aat Beat Cloud de-


ryr r at. noMi.vao cibi rt).

i.rsve stowjaiaaw la aa I'proar m I.anghlrrBirr ikr Credaliiy Tkr Fin-taki-

Teark far Ike kg. Ooailago Job.WaraiNOTow, Juue 7. Senator

Schnrs inlrodaeed a resolution la F.seentive Sessiondirecting the Senate Committee oa Foreign Rela-tione lo inveellirala the origlo of thr M. Iloinioeotreaty A mend of the iroaly objected and threwit over until today, when those friendly to thetreety defeated the resolution on a clove vote.

Sooie days ago the l'reasdeut oval I r oliiuiuiiicationlo tbe Senate (n whlssMic said that be hsd ii.roruuvtiou il at a foreign power wa about to anatcb awaySan Domingo and give a much lanrer anm for it lhana coald still have II for. Aa thla wa regarded asvery Fishy, the Senate cullod on tne executive forsome additional light, end yeaterday a letter waa re-ceive I giving bia authority aad the name or tliepower, with mher fact. The letter wss re id at theclerk's desk, but before It had been finished tl oSenate waa in a roar or laurhtcr. as there waa t

y aotbing at all to naag auch a story unoo.By I unanimous vote In Senate proalhiiad the

prtating ol Uie le tor for the eonfldraltal ae of thSenate, lor tear that some copy might And ita waylato th ueivspaprrs snd bring th wbo'.e thing intoridioale.

If there had been aay hop for the treaty beforethst letter, it believed It ended with Ita readiug.


IWord, ase

BAlt.BOAD ACCIDENTS,Cbsr'.rs Leavanworlh, of New Mllfonl. fl'onn a

brskeman. struck s railroad bridge with hts headendwas k.lled yesterday.Wintera Snowden, ared while getting offacar in

ninuon al Thiny lounh street snd Firi.ii. svenue, lollnndrr ths wheels and waa killed last eveain:. Umother Itneaersi the arcidenl.


The Fundui Bill tneela with considerable favor inthe senate.

The Senate Finance Coraaiitlee will report Infavor of the repeal of tbe tax oo gross receipt.

The reslgnilion of Assistant Attorney GeneralField has li n a. ul lu lo laks effect on Joly I.

Ti e Reconatruclien Committee have postponedAction with regrd ur Tennessee until the next session

.lames B. Dsilford. or Indiana, wa yoaterdsr nom-inated be Associate Justice of the Supreme Ponrt orColorado.

M G. Emory, th Reform Repobtlran candidaternr Mavor of Vvaaliiugtoti, waa eiecte l veaterday bvl etxi mtjurliy over Uowen, the present MayorIn the House yeaterdar Mr Garaeld spoke In ravor

or tli bin lo Inereaa hanking facilities. HepresrntaUres Cox aod Morgan denounced It as s mooBtroaliy.

Th s, i,ate Forctga Relation- - Committee hoveagroed to report tba reaolutlon reacladlng the slavetrade treaty mod- - lu pet with Great Britain, ptnviuiui:for mixed commlasloas.

lieprvayentatlv Coharu's nndmenl to thebill provides, tint, that Ihe banking capital

be Increased fifty mlltlona on the present basis a. eoBdiy for Uie rrdlstHtlutlnrt of fifty tullllori, and third,for th luu of fun four millions of t'oite.l Hlatesootea ss a substitute for the Ibre per cent, barn, re'scries.

SPARES PROM TUE IEI.EOBAPU.Small pox m Paris Is decressiog.A Are was raging ia Ibe famous forest of Foalaiue-blea-

yeBterday.I he Tripoli ran ashore yeaterday oS Cabas et

rsaseiia-er- s all Bale,

J. J. Merrill of Haverhill was found dead on Bostou t'oinuion yesterday.

Tbe liabilities of Gorhem Gray of Boston arell.touJOO. snd In assets g ujsv

Grover. Uemocrat, is elected Oovernor of Oregon,and the eullre lleuocraile tleket ba, won.

Fires in tbe woola have occurred Irr quently latelythroughout kurope, owlog to tbe droahi.

Mrs 1'rbsne, at New Klirabetb. Ind , was fatallyburned by the ciploslun of a coat oil lamp ou Mondaynight.

The Ohio Republican Convention, which la to bec mpoa'd of 113 delegate!, will meet on iba 10th ofAuguat.

The Nations! Photograph Associstion is la sessionlo Cleveland.

A man has been arreated at Marseilles ouof murderously assaulting the Auslruu General(..ennerllio, ia ttome. in is..

rl'li t ttlaena' lickat, composed of men of bothparties, ha been eloclr.d in tlai lior.l, Ponu.. over theRepublican th ket. Isaae C. Lewia. Ibe iiayor elect, ivason both.

Mar. Charles Butler, Thome Dennv. Ruber!ttogardua. I J. Tilden, and Rmseii sage, or itew fork,ar elerled Ditcctura or the St. Louu, Alton and lerroHa uie Railway.General baa been re eloeted Grand Halteror the Maaonie order In Franc- - I.y ito vote.. I ariiot,

formerly Itepnhllean Peouty lo lha Porpa Lejlalailfwaa slso a candidal, and rcolvea 136 voles.

By .lir e, non of Prueldrni Grant, the Marine Bandwill a Hand ihe Kucampment or Kolxlit Templais Inw liilomsporl, I'a nn the 141 of Jane, aad will oocouipaary liar t rrom Washington, D. C.

At Ui 0rt meeting on the aew Beacon Park, ye.lerday. Ihe kDrsI race for ff .Wo IPOM to first ITO loaccewj. raw to IkLmt lo Ur a atrkll bi hsaaa, wa, woeby (KirltT Urno . Itao, H . 114. Oaaes rases

. wwsa aaiigtMa.


rTatlF ririnVSTBRlNO rvirni-Ris-ON TBK TEXAN BORDER.

Tke Orgaalaatlea Complete 4.vB. Reapsrrnaa aad llankkead Magrader aald lake al it il. id To .Have la Twa Meatkas

Correspondence of the Bun.RRowissrii'Li, June 1, 1970. A fllibiislcrino;

espeditloB into Mexico Is now orgaalslag. The pre-

liminary steps were taken severs! month ago, when,yon recollect. Gen. Ro-- t renins, late of tbe UaltaaVStates Army, paid a visit to that country. Badtrarcreed It extenslrely, Tbe leader of Ihe eigsdltion will be former officer of the United StatesArmy and of the lata Confederacy, with Gen. Rowsrerans In snpreme command. The headquarter)are In New Tork cltv. The principal snhordlnatdepertments nre Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia,Rooston, Texas, New OtleaB. and Shreveport,La. Major R. Shelly, a Trltmru em respondentduring the war, baa nmething to do with thla

He haa been In Chicago for the peltmonth, and may still be there. The ConfederalGeneral, J. Bankhead Magrader, la tbe commanderof Ihe New Orleans portion of the expedition ; and.from all I hear, will play a prominent part In thaflair. The Federal authorities at Washington arfully aware of the derisive eten about to be take,nnd, as the saying Is, " wink t It."

The grand passage over the Rio i. ran.le and IntoUie Mexican territory w 111 lake place Iwo aioatakhence. The plan Is a follows : Rosecrans and IhMexican general. Fsrobedo, who, I am Informed, tatheir hero, and in supreme command of tbe Mexirasatorcee tn Ike Nortbef, an.l who fought Ihe lataEasperor Maxiaiilllan so well, bare come to a

understanding, and In consideration of alarge am of money ps'd to Escobedo, It Is mutuallyn ndars and agreed to conduct the enterprise aafollows:

The filibusters will enter the country along theborder in equeda or SO aud upward, a If they wereimmigrants, miner on their way to the gold nuncof New Mexico, cattle drovers, and the like. Gea-e- rl

F,scobndo la lo withdraw hia army one or twohundred miles away from the border to enable theexpedition to enter the country, organise, and theaadvance aa a military fnroe. Then l oth armies

I o bo hostile are to advance and lo have aabort sham engagement, at tbe termination of whichflvcobe .'o ia to break and fall back In uttor eon Inslon, snd torn to aid and assist the carpet-bagger- s toconqner the rntiniry, and establish a governmentwith liosccr ids or some one else at its head, whlehgovernment wijl ultimately bo turned orer to theUnite J Stales aniboriiin.

A MVBtON t ii v Mr.HTEnr.A IVbbiib Found nr Hie Fool ol a PrerlpleW

sshoeklnglr Mangled and Ilylng-T- ke Ar-rr- ei

of ker Haebnad.The body of Mrs. lloliur was found on a ledge

of rock half way down rrrclplce of 100 reet in Hud-so-

City. The policeman on duly near the fool olBroad street, heard groans and found th body of awoman wrdgrd lu between Iwo cliffs, about ballway down. Tbe woman wxa borne to the JcreejCity Hospital, where she died.

Il no snproael nt first that the final iniarlnehad been icrelveil byf'.liinn from the height above,

whether accidentally or de-- i raedly, was not known.Tbo evidence give i at the inquest ycater lay, how-ever, shows that Uie moat set ions aouud had beenInflicted on the herd by a p inatrameat theskull brim: bid slninet on' irelr bare. Some of tbaaltkeaaes testified thai Mrs. Holmes and ber d

lived unheppilv. and that Holmes hsd ofteneruerl) laaltreated his wife Other a itneaaeertrsd lhae Mrs. llolmee wxa a confirmed drunkard,

swd othera again said that Holme W:i Worthiescharacter, and woald not work for tho support ofhi wis.Holmes, who is under arrest on aosparion of

deposed thai he had no quarrel wilh,her nsveWWay pre eeerrrfs; rhe dhvrori-r- of her bodvthat sin hsd left Ihe bouse intoxicated at sbout 11o'clock oa Ssturdny nia-h-t; Ihst hs went lo bed, ndknew no more about I or until ho wa rouse.l at xoclock next nioinitig by Mrs. llooeh a neifhhor.wlio lolj him that bis wi hsd bi-- found in amanalr'l and ityinr aUto st th foot of the prod-e- ,

Tbe jurv returned s v. r.llet Dial Mrs. Ilolmaecoo. lo t er death by IkUtaJ down Ibe precipice.

Tke Flight f a l.ouu Island Pawlor.In, Long lalud, n t Pastor,

Mr Jameson, rec.nllyhaj Some trouble with thecongregation, and proceedine tn the i:bnih be locked bimeclfin, and tookof everything of value. 11 fore bis depar.

lore I e severely nailed uu ihe winJowa aud doorannd tbeu dieappcored lor parts unknown.


The Ml.l vrl McCarty AasoclTion will enjoy thetrannual picnic II Landmaa's ParkTli annual reunion and dinner or the Alumni ofTrinity Poll-r- e Hartford, residing rr, and near NewVork. Is th': event In lUe Aslor House on Tuesday.June Ja.


A musical snd dramatic rniertalnmeni was glrakIs Mvsonle Ilsil, Wllllamahurgh, In b, ba t of thJews of Wel Huasla.

TeeUrdsy afiernooa Juhu Swano returned roaadrunki-- spree to his home. M Korth Second atreet.WU.ianiiaurgh, aad rearfully heat hia wtla'a head withmetal teapot. He wa arrested, and his wife was scatto th city II i us


Ten Rev David Reed, forty years troprietnr ofthe ' 'il.,'..1, H.QUU-- . Whll h h.. founded, .lied on U.IB-da- v

evening t bIB reaic'rnro si B'sstor. Illkl ituds, sged71 rears

The nineral of Gerard Beekman, son or the 1stWm. A Hei.-s-.e- ul take place thla aitemoon fromZlon Pl'nrch. Ma.liaon vetiue and I'hlrlv-eight- street.Mt Oepevstei ws n artist of uu mean ability.

J i il m, v ABOUT TOWN.SB

Music in w - in t.,.i Square I bo j I'M.Upwards uf 900 dead trtea dullzurc the slreetl ofIbis city.Already addtUunal funds are aakod for thaor City Hall Park.StafTord' Iron and Sulphur Powders mv. nsie

tbe body and purlly the blood. -- ddr.A new cher-- room between Bowery and Stantonatreet ha been opened to all ukass play, rsTh bark Trusty, from Matn aa, and the brig

Tnuroa. from Itlo Janeiro, arrived last nlgbl.The remains of an unknown man, arnd ,10. were

picked up yesterday in the Kasl lllver, near Liet It.Henry Ilillou is Treasurer of th D oartuieut ol

Public WorkB lo place q Andrew lleutien. usiixucd.The Department or Piblie Worke will pay the

usual day 'a vkio for the leal clglii hours day's work.The ritiaena or the Seventh and Thirteenth Ward

re taking aicr.a to urge Guv Hoffmen lo sign theThirteenth Ward Market billA achedula of raU-- lower than the present for

tnwlny veaarla from tiiiaianline l as been reeilvcd brtbe Conimlsslcners snd plfteed on (He.

The Hon. Win. M. Tweed started yesterday tovilli ll.e Pi olon Waler WorkB to see foi litln.cll whalexpenditure hu can And exeue for making.

The body ol John Davis, who was drowned oaMonday st pier 4fi. North Itlver. was recovered yeslcr-ds-lie uu hoard Hie ileaniahlp Colorado

Tbe reaignalion of District AUorney llerreponl,tendered sonio lime ago aad not yet aceepted hattedhlui to rlnl V, aBhinalon lo learn the rravon why

Justire Do ling at the Tomb yeaterday marriedC S.Joneato Mary K. Slryker. colored, of MklMrrgBlreetiand Ibos Kelly to Jane Howard Ariu.ltoog,while, of Pearl street.

l l.e Dock bonds were awanted to Geo. K Suture :at 101. rt. 11.000 at I'll. II.iksi ai ins. aijaa) at 10,

II .000 al 1(10, l OUI at HO. Tbe bonda art fol :3.1,0n),llitrty years.

The fire underwriters have a. nf ei Foe MarshalBraekett as I oni n: tsioner ro Ktjropi I" ex-amine th- - workmes of ln,m anre e .inpanles ihere. andon bm re: jr. liny pruituaa nun a peiu.ancat poBition

A Southern Woani.'s llnreau has hg establishedIbtbtiettyro help a.oilt.ern women to pienare lliem.Mires for asafal proleayloni' Mra. H il Welis is Pr..dent, lad Lam it' Hollow sy Corrtspokdlog beeietary.

The German aoeial and filvlfi aoe.ielies of ihi. eitpto the runiher of twentv live are prepeNUM1 lor main,mom testival in I. ue v. " .. .In1. 11, in behalf ol lbsLegal Aid Society. Gver l.UJO Ullet flve r:,

Mayor O'llstl la prepsrtng a MBSaagc lo the newCommon t oune l. n thai tne telccreph anil firsalurtii poie be lake. i down, and that tlie lei, grapl.iahuslnets be cond.i. ied ihruuh 'sis uudcr ltuuiiJ aain Puropeaa cities.

Last evening tho New York Baotist Associationconvened lu Dr. Ariuituur'a chinch In Forttelh otri etnear .s uii .venue. I he Rev. Mr. oi WeekFifty lliu il htreel Itaplial Cliurcli. w IS elected Ul llsrkstor for the year, aad Mr. Hiilitian, Treaaurer.

The Wllllamaburgli ferry Company, to s ld beibeir many oeis ot lueann.-sB- kepi a large Uermao pie.nn- al the root of Grand atreet. hew Vork, on Mondayniiduiglit more man an hour, whlla old men tried tomake Changs lor the inultlludc ... they ... in oaby one.

I'lt. Henneuy school brtbei y case is not yet ended,sllhoUBl, he haa been eipel.ed last evenlns hia pel'H-ca- l

ftlend in tbe feveuleentl. Ward paaard resolutionealoalalBg mm, d In hia response Mr Heeiieaar sooanced thai he latasded to (Ignt Uio oaae Ihiouah to0 acta.