· p la iln fik i.d ; s . t ilu k ed a v , s e f t e m b e k 14;is 7i. tut in. pay awl nki they m....

PLAilNFIKI.D; S. TIlUKeDAV, SEFTEMBEK 14 ;iS 7i tut in pay awl n k i they M4 V per f'WaaH « » « r The' W anysmiitja » u that »«nr pfrth-a few- ready la «Cfre 4 *. j t K ll * « >st'ii“ ' the at UBl.-WjC.rtaH cwilili.*-. were «Mn|rll*i| wit* i* n-xa^ii in ...fetalo:aE penal* to* f\it the rmpljtntfiK rawer mftpmjbrwkc Mr. YLr-Hiil raid be had mule Iwjulrf* let fijm iB.ritnl»r»wthwi be ba4 «<j>aiB *4 lie waf . . r r l * Newer WM Urge r mw.-h la rUTf t.rill ilk* hitrr llr nt«- thoughLthf Slate had tt^efl lb* prink-p to rarity th* a*hit inl'.Oit1*ii bnmt 'live or two • erf opjn*-nl b*TMi-r they winleil In rfft Ice-. Broma ChbUtJnm i e-ually alUarl, ir, w/rf JitwjVurlauil iie*(i>. , eld >i IKl IHI. WMll-llrii »|>[.wiri*ijl Me. t . vi'.i ait ill ibtt twtn&PraU*!! kpo* Hietb wot with hWofil arel I* aBiHr.nr went pr+,*r.-l Tew nitwit,ie ,at 1 *. M Tnir* * Ho»' Mir- i - Ill'Ll fnnn I'.rj>uralpi4i I ck[u- i I.|— ii in rrnjank l.« tlpt ail ewrbknji IVml «|. n*.< 3 - |irtwntecl ri ju r l frum .Srletl I'Surth *»■ wit* are<-ii(a lepurt I tad and mi jt1..11 marie pu-l Hr Dwiiii-H itiL'Uptil ili'.iilit la- adnpthT' l.j <»M. rt ii.| »"i» of ..pin- '.i a .... It 1.0dlw-or-i, m l ffgt d.Mpixiiuteif H« Olid. lie *T*t lt.r tiarrallee Dr IfaVld a •eiloll.il. wl;|,.i»t tin- , VWMft.1 *1'• '■ to t tlw [.-in ,.t |Md. i“ a>'- of hi*ton in i I ■r-Ini[lie, -aril—a (atili And, Thirdly, tM< ll.> tfbti ran br- '-1/nit n t ' i* l ! MAWftV /.idfni ‘t a j l*l't M| l4*ml*». Mr. rtlmpnnff llir-m|ut UK * a r f Wa* |»r^o rn.n.gh. and wipln.l Ih,j ini»bl have it Mr. ». t- •VII a...I l i t A3leu ecauurre.1 wMh Mr .-IHImua. N r f il l fled Uiuudbl in (><ac It wwbld be too •inwll 1.111 would ampri* for .:•■ irr-iii . P««.l-i|m 0. I. Mr. IletArid rfellr-li upon I for fbutaluf -id. walks oil M .111 iron fif mwi Olh »t tv Pyunt for ILLrcn.ilay. Mr. Kogrra aal'l bt ■ lid not wl»h to on-—* !»|i*u«**K«lt*. H i lw .IIS not Itilnfc it would do to ttyr **id r t l t l l In liar JOU^ilhm i t HOW, three It BipSliia ro-ultl Bit he pmi down no »Hr *■ !>• that w.- it only 1 f.. l whir. Mr. Hi-IAI M wai-kurprUntlSit the grnlh aiwa -le.tlUl "|.pope the O N . They Wirfr *tl * pvi'ii. a nap date in tftt weather Mr nuuir hy Mr Uiltarn Marshall 1botighl il happy r.iNpiiiovi B1EECKER A CO. 'Slid* { ■: «fcs*r-i [in Mllt.ll report fhm. IL i t arfa alUI *aUl Hnrllu Wuawilfltlt MtriiWlitw IntlWlBN » a* to r*n||e lbjjjfro.il u! tb*- I‘..-t .ifllce bul iil ns e l A j wilt rtiBottr orent oil the 8 fmt * **t|o» lioy-*■. o u iNao; lion c vfili tit- r«i*i of ill* hudiliniQ tm tn-at- ll.y.irt ii.lcipt.il—all yi*. : li.u in ill* in,.I _i.iopt.-l tin t t|i.' Quait nt|fla ii'iu».i hr cut off In cwr*»0>n*il t|j||liid of lmlMIngr ou the .Ireft. '. |Kj(i n<fri.m Com. tm from -savet tofllul pniporaii. for vrulimi & ■ <* MM l td fromtlohliaoh, ilnrt.Jlltail'1 tiwffl Com. rrnimin. iiil that llnnjuti'. beat-cepuil and C«n. oh Alb. lx RWKtU'l* »a Mb. Ilojeea Mr II •Rprfawil klhwlfln firffTof t If Ihf lUffStn, luol 1.. la-re-lah larrlinr- lr Sljnlall n». Ibewtoh belblf lion* flir It wa lhal tin1at ran would lie will. •-W .O Ord. |Oi-nl—aye* a. ha Mr VnorlkWa rallrtl Ifi nlrl. lag *-r * •afl.ii; ••■ It' aide * ■ frtxu C iitrrr to lVidilnstnii. and iw e e l—at I aye- Furniture for Saie, IIANICS' !TOQl!>ir - KAR.Vp-lK’* TOOLS, l>l¥ AKK, - f : hTOVES & AANOES, WAKE. 1 im q iT (f\N!<A JARS, &EKEEPWG pOOOS, Chair*.. 1 Work Walnut rVl. • Jiy; ti r- talea.l, Bniyau aif.I Waeh ^tauX Room ii Steam Power TO L E T . At the P&iinfiplri Machine Shtv|> Mr. Bt»Mi offered * rv», ttai t t i b l * ihI It. In erliy wppmprlauii u. ibr Niraet wia'i tor repair- ..ni -tra» r» I ' t— «l— Mortice Machine, iBthoTlzi'l t the ni«pi.ihl with a r.*U*(oC «f IIlia C'ouiHl »pi«.l>it t ypuno.1. fu ‘ ■'.'II. i t r i U Iio*"s...u From « in ti. I P-Hii iijiioulfLI lliul 11 b* art-L'Hol hUr'^bbj w1 k1 k4 it refemd to t. Sfi-Ti .s i t ' lie hfl-l n.at had an .^fkw ti. «ii**aluc LI. Mr. V .id e .. in wli<u aiiil H imm r*r.t.l.liiihrj, or lia.lWEi:t,an*td.' Mr. Mar-Vll „ ill Ihatfiio Hut* haul twin mu. ■ ■ I'h'U1 yy'u'. I bae.' r«|iiral tlw * •Ici^ii Mil To* or tern. A rommilt the* a M ‘ ntril !■■.-.lal.li-k Ih* Wi.ni whifbjUr Murrl.aLI called a wor app.4ll .-1 In for w aw la a.-II l liamhet >lih h. fa.- IECONOMY IS WEALTH 1 . ar-v vot-h i r.d'* up ran »e»York Full; flour Coipj, Ma. 1 B A M i L A t N T M K T . FJUIIT FflcWT ruk&fi AimRTft iik k u iii . j .. puhlic i it .i la n{c SHEUFTB bat .P- \i> • Ifuiikury o f New Jerjtey. J ”^ T uw1 hW '^TSniTTi Air* n, tKa« IV. HHIJi Mr, Ou.lerti.m1c lb thrrv ha.1 lie. n a MIS$ BJITOK'S SCHOOL, t^iJtT-wrBfcrr. , A jrartT A I, P A IH . S E W JEBBKEk State Agricultural Society, 1 wil.L lie juuj). On tiie Kuriefy'ii Grounds, I ili.i: pr.Iji.e. 1r.ailr^.t Tuesday, September 19, H L'SKVE.SS I.tKM LS. k Ur amtlLin iiwuiM, tain). <HI vl hh-re unlrrtd |Hk>1. aLrat. rrpurlnl frum Luiuwiitiec uu miivlrh-ar« tu UwlhMpIlaldapScW Hitii l.e l>i’ t.l lUlije fur ItluIII!■ •-*tuillalurd in bniSllllt. *J til* b.n'1- which Ua.11.-,,. u— l -iti, I k o t m l , rul’>Tk u a dtdue- ; f f pawl li.| tsiln , duan t*e i-uw •irti bch! pi .lux up ihe malrrlal, t in hi* lutn-l. #1* .iuhbrt » tile uf the «'otincil. tfepurt acCTpfnf 4 * 1 ur.h-r.vt t« lw [1*1.1 m UuHiHJ iplaliu- lii : • ra*|jwylns liar. I.- V-re aania. Ur. M.oi4ir.ll la! |.n— i.l liu hit intalMIbH lit- la I >w Jay* The ire •-»'.<•** v * 1} fr *1— than Lt-t >eai | III. f i l l . I'nnuiii. tiiTUii i.y pmi^lkal^. l|. i'hi-llil Cwlbu#, »t tvj-y|a*rt. wja ruH -H. r tWancipn.-* irantju. Mtunhij, nl lh.it liJJhal I * »**• ai-.u; .%* jt ,.r- .4 upi, a.hl a ni'L'Iirj-.jhei.-l citip u. A .-irdinj lu d * S-hmij «■ -** nm tli ly i.ile* llwri .T* 1 * 4 i-WIJrtd briNrtrt .** uf U Etuiltltid iy -a l by il rn* left nt Skulwell t I*.' J{*a.pi. latulj veTh[bm{. hj tb« p u t NatiuHtl Hunk. ; Mr Hrwifi h i* —Idillutn t T it “fir**!.. . Hr iinfn iuat Mr. Drew A Slant*' Oniawy. ■W». *riJ iu|.u* Ih,- FulSir S. lM'.d {■*.'.w«h.»u: mi. w - vil.- i, piiaunAf in-t. GROCERIES, ,] | i : F n iti, F ru ia iu , Crscterj. Wood * W illow Warn, Wl.lxrty UTO1' til tumidefr Ih* f be Juw on Soaierwi 5[.W/»tM*l I OMl 'if Tveemh**. i r lfflhrt fnil. r-M.,.1 that property «>*nerw )l the flr«i atDft-- tuntikc tM-ihiH- II .i.mjW. lr the wutk, tiuf if fliry j biakr the .oi.lra. t With Ihf COO f a i tbi u tri* day* abet Ibe mil, tH- feaw thi-u It -.hall he lawful ftlr 'I* j j i rauki- jphril to runtract fi* tbr wdrk lu.! Ch.try S1 Mr. Jlr. wji niabi-il lhal ! ! . * . nir. in mM atnWI lwTr Ihf * tu .h. the w«« Mr- ~ btnlrfaluui Ibrnctl. ffaT* Ur*p*l 1- 1 .ar-**»- --T - ,, ybmtrittinacfur naitl aurkaAcr l* ( ihwnreU**. Cherry * btL i arutw-rty nr ncr* lailnl on! Heir;. - < * * ayre.o, no** 1 J haT rninmal ,:»• Ch^r. Mri X ^ h all V*"^ ""M . - ^urd. ru* MWcroa .New *nr*t lu k I ' " * , fil*!' *" Tnmhtl in»C. t.r A<1 reatUU- Mr. liliberl h*1«* ■ , f . .. . __ ____e.. I_ * ...--- IVtruaaip Sl.ii* the |i»1 .;ie Is lr. 1-iTul wile lied- I . PKaKalluadutan ' ISjan-tf I ' ' . Ihr k>le*lie OM.ine*’ ! ■Hkrr. I » r Vatlaer-. at "s»h.Kwc U near I*. 11 Varlwlfetl.bwrvaf ■■’■ urn-Ul . ; ^nAT ^ i—Idimlt''! Mat.!, Iiwleni Milk-'ll** H j i. i; ir..i- JT ||.. .’ Ill lte-t.. Ijir fiih'ltcat, ni-'llik j Hr l(*fw 1*>: Uinf 'lead o?i iwurff. ihim'rtipnlBij i eburrhtaGI fh-at-r, TFw,ylw;wC tb'-or. w*» d4k0 v af g,e pn tu naa 6io*M. j , *rwai>d Mk A-lljroe Pul* will tw Iwld ub lh« A<rX Clutr.i ?-i i ■ nitaraitinaoiud- arar J(..f-n-i..wn .mtha Mr. Clnjtf ?Tu. anal knife at S |iWflil., 1’n.ini.iutB ta b Ifer lyi !y tJe- irf.w-r.r- i*T?f J. ,..u Ik: idfnVd , , . Mr -I,**, iTtia«ocnrr*J*>Ur >d jk. CVniral. **■ *-: i l"J l r l J1” ey..!. I. pr i» m p wmiald on Monday: Mr 4 On- i* * l unukr lUqt.ai ehumh ka< l-ultii f', » I4a* r»yal.nJ"cir] rrugwnpl tc+i uf Iln»>tfyit ^ : s...' TiiK*h-'iuai ire-* '» Ihl* Tlrlnlly pr- • ] *,*1 i)L| ka< liw a* .Sudani yleU fiUrh w.f**-; jj*, ctrrVy .*b*ll b*Hn and bnlLttilut, aiU alw tw [ tn.iu bor*U ahamlaat: and thehn^a. are ai.tkrlpai.ns J foaalaJrrktf h (Jarvottkh arrtwt f '■ ! - ^ mt ._ , hrlrk ilihwilhis STRICTLY FOR CASH, FOR RENTS earl" O.__ Wjrtjt Ilud'i.-r. llr - 1 .1 / hj I P u

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P L A i l N F I K I . D ; S . T I l U K e D A V , S E F T E M B E K 14; i S 7i

tut in pay awl n k i they M4 | « V perf'W aaH «»«r The' W anysmiitja » uthat »«nr pfrth-a few- ready la «Cfre 4*. jtK ll*« >st'ii“ ' the atUBl.-WjC.rtaH cwilili.*-. were «Mn|rll*i| wit* i* n-xa ii in ...fetal o:aE penal* to* f\it the rmpljtntfiK rawer m ftpmjbrwkc Mr. YLr-Hiil raid be had mule Iwjulrf* let fijm iB.ritnl»r»wthwi be ba4 «<j>aiB*4 lie waf ..r r l* Newer WM Urge r mw.-h la rUTf t.rill ilk* hitrr llr nt«- thoughLthf Slate had tt efl lb* prink-p to rarity th* a*hit inl'.Oit1*ii bnmt 'live or two • erf opjn*-nl b*TMi-r they winleil In rfft Ice-.

Broma ChbUtJnmi e-ually alUarl, ir,w/rf JitwjVurlauil iie*(i>., eld >iIKl I HI. WMll-llrii

»|>[.wiri*ijlMe. t . vi'.i ait

ill ibtt twtn&PraU*!! kpo* Hietb wot with hWofil arel I* aBiHr.n r went pr+,*r.-l Tew nitwit,ie ,at 1*. M Tnir* * Ho»'

Mir- i -Ill'Ll fnnn I'.rj>uralpi4i I ck[u- i I.|—ii in rrnjank l.« tlptail ewrbknji IVml «|. n*.<3- |irtwntecl ri jurl frum .Srletl

I'Surth *»■ wit* are<-ii(a lepurt I tad and mi jt 1..11 marie pu-l Hr Dwiiii-H itiL'Uptil ili'.iilit la- adnpthT' l.j <»M. rt ii .| »"i» of ..pin-

'.i a . . . . It 1.0 dlw-or-i, m lffgt d.Mpixiiuteif H« Olid. lie *T*t lt.r tiarrallee Dr IfaVld a •eiloll.il. wl;|,.i»t tin- ,

V W M ft.1*1 '• '■

tot tlw [.-in ,.t |M d. i“a>'- of hi* ton in i I■ r -Ini [lie, -aril—a (atiliAnd, Thirdly, tM< ll.> tfbti ran br- '-1/nit n t 'i* l! MAWftV /.idfni‘ta j

l*l't M| l4*ml*». Mr. rtlmpnnff llir-m|ut UK * a r f Wa* |»r o rn.n.gh. and

wipln.l Ih, j ini»bl have it Mr. » . t- •VII a...I l it A3 leu ecauurre.1 wMh Mr .-IHImua. Nr fill fled Uiuudbl in (><ac It wwbld be too •inwll 1.111 would ampri* for .:•■ ir r - i i i. P « « .l- i | m 0. I.

Mr. I let Arid rfellr-li up on I for fbutaluf -id. walks oil M.111 iron f i f mwi Olh »t tv Pyunt for ILL rcn.ilay. Mr. Kogrra aal'l bt ■ lid not wl»h toon-—* !»|i*u«**K«lt*. Hi lw .IIS not Itilnfc it would do to ttyr **idrtltll In liar JOU ilhm i t HOW l«, three ItBipSliia ro-ultl Bit he pmi down no »Hr *■ !>• that w.-it only 1 f.. l whir. Mr. Hi-IAI M wai-kurprUntlSit the grnlh aiwa -le.tlUl "|.pope the O N . They Wirfr *tl * pvi'ii. a nap date in tftt weather Mr

nuuir hy Mr Uiltarn Marshall 1 botighl il



B1EECKER A CO.'Slid* {

■: «fcs*r-i [in Mllt.ll report fhm. IL i t arfa alUI *aUl Hnrllu WuawilfltltMtriiWlitw IntlWlBN » a* to r*n||e lbjjjfro.il u! tb*- I‘..-t .ifllce bul iil ns

e lA j wilt rtiBottr orent oil the 8fmt * **t|o» lioy-*■. o u iNao; lion c vfili tit- r«i*i of ill* hudiliniQ tm tn-at- ll.y.irt ii.lcipt.il—all yi*.■: li.u in ill* in,.I _i.iopt.-l tint t|i.' Quaitnt|fla ii'iu».i hr cut off In cwr*»0>n*il t|j||liid of lmlMIngr ou the .Ireft.'. |Kj(i n< fri.m Com. tm from -savet tofllul pniporaii. for vrulimi &■ <* MM l td from tlohliaoh, ilnrt.Jlltail'1 tiwffl Com. rrnimin. iiil that llnnjuti'.

be at-cepuil and C«n. oh Alb. lx

RWKtU'l* »a Mb. Ilojeea Mr II ■ •Rprfawil klhwlfln firffTof t If Ihf lUffStn, luol 1.. la-re-lah larrlinr- l r Sljn lall n».Ibewtoh belblf lion* flir It walhal tin1 at ran would lie will.

•-W.O Ord. |Oi-nl—aye* a. haMr VnorlkWa rallrtl Ifi nlrl.

lag *-r * •afl.ii; ••■ It' aide * ■ frtxu C iitrrr to lVidilnstnii. and iw eel—at I aye-

Furniture for Saie,IIA N IC S' !TOQl!>ir ‘ - KAR.Vp-lK’* T O O L S , l>l¥ A K K , - f : h T O V E S & A A N O E S , W A K E . 1i m q i T (f\N !<A JA R S ,& E K E E P W G p O O O S ,

Chair*..1 W ork Walnut rVl. • Jiy; ti

r- talea.l, Bniyau a if. I Waeh ^tauXRoom ii Steam PowerT O L E T .

A t the P&iinfiplri Machine Shtv|>

Mr. Bt»Mi offered * rv», ttai t t i b l *ih I It. In erliy wppmprlauii u. ibr Niraetwia'i tor repair- ..ni -tra» r» I' t—«l—

M o r t i c e M a c h i n e ,

iBthoTlzi'l t the

ni«pi.ihl with a r.*U*(oC «f I Ilia C'ouiHl »pi«.l>it typuno.1. fu

‘ ■'.'II. i t r i U Iio*"s...u From «inti. I P-Hii iijiioulfLI lliul 11 b* art-L'Hol hUr'^bbj w1k1k4 it refemd to t . Sfi-Ti .s i t ' lie hfl-l n.at had an .^fkw ti. «ii**aluc LI. Mr. V .ide.. in w li<u aiiil Him— m r*r.t.l.liiihrj, or lia.lWEi:t,an*td.' Mr. Mar-Vll „ ill Ihatfiio Hut* haul twin mu. ■ ■ I'h'U1 yy'u'. I bae.' r«|iiral tlw * •Ici ii Mil To* or tern. A rommiltthe* a M ‘ ntril !■■ .-.lal.li-k Ih* Wi.ni whifbjUr Murrl.aLI called a wor

app.4l l .-1 Infor w a w la

a.-I I l liamhet>lih h. f a . -

I ECONOMY IS W EALTH 1. ar-v vot-h i r.d '* up ran

»e»York Full; flour Coipj,Ma. 1 B A M i L A t N T M K T .

FJUIIT FflcWT ruk&fi A im R T ft i i k k u i i i . j . .

puhlic iit .i la n{c

S H E U F T B b a t .P -\i> • Ifuiikury o f New Jerjtey.

J ” ^ T u w 1hW '^TSniTTi Air*n, tKa« IV. HHIJi Mr, Ou.lerti.m1c lb thrrv ha.1 lie. n a

MIS$ BJITOK'S SCHOOL,t^iJtT-wrBfcrr. ,A j r a r t T A I , P A I H


State Agricultural Society,1 wil.L lie juuj).

On tiie Kuriefy'ii G r o u n d s ,

I ili.i: pr. Iji.e.1!«


Tuesday, September 19,H L'SKVE.SS I.tK M L S .

k Ur amtlLin iiwuiM, tain). <HI vl hh-re unlrrtd |Hk>1. aLrat. rrpurlnl frum Luiuwiitiec uu miivlrh-ar« tu UwlhMpIlaldapScW Hitii l.e l>i’ t.l lUlije furItluIII!■ •-* tuillalurd in bniSllllt. *J til* b.n '1- which Ua.11.-,,. u— l -iti, I k o tm l, rul’>Tk u a dtdue- ;■ f f pawl li.| ts iln , duan t*e i-uw •irti bch! pi .lux up ihe malrrlal, t in hi* lutn-l. #1* .iuhbrt » tile uf the «'otincil. tfepurt acCTpfnf 4*1 ur.h-r.vt t« lw [1*1.1 m UuHiHJ

iplaliu- lii

: • ra*|jwylns liar. I.- V-re aania. Ur.M.o i4 ir .ll la! |.n— i.l liu hit intalMIbHlit- la I >w Jay* The ire •-»'.<•** v * 1} fr *1— than Lt-t >eai |III. f i l l . I'nnuiii. tiiTUii i.y pmi^lkal^.

l|. i'hi-llil Cwlbu#, »t tvj-y|a*rt. wja ruH -H. r tWancipn.-* irantju. Mtunhij, nl

“ lh.it liJJhal I * »**• ai-.u; .%*jt ,.r- .4 upi, a.hl a ni'L'Iirj-.jhei.-l citip u.

A .-irdinj lu d * S-hmij «■ -** n m tli ly i.ile* llwri .T* 1 * 4 i-WIJrtd briNrtrt

.** uf UEtuiltltid iy -al by

il rn* left nt Skulwell t I * . ' J{*a.pi. latulj veTh[bm{. h j tb«p u t NatiuHtl Hunk. ;Mr Hrwifi h i* —Idillutn t

T i t “f ir ** !.. .H r iinfn iuat Mr. D rew

A Slant*' Oniawy.

■W». *riJ iu|.u* Ih,- FulSir S. lM'.d {■*.'.w «h .»u : m i. w- v il . - i , piiaunAf


GROCERIES,, ] | i :

F n iti, F ru ia iu , Crscterj.

W ood * W illo w W arn,

Wl.lxrty UTO1' til tumidefr Ih* f be Juw on Soaierwi 5[.W/»tM*lI OMl 'if Tveemh**. i r lfflhrt fnil. r-M.,.1 that property «>*nerw)l the flr«i atDft-- tuntikc tM-ihiH-II .i.mjW. lr the wutk, tiuf i f fliry j biakr the .oi.lra. t With Ihf COOf a i tbi u tri* day* abet Ibe mil, tH- feaw thi-u It -.hall he lawful ftlr 'I* j j i rauki- jphril to run tract fi* tbr wdrk lu.! Ch.try S1 Mr. Jlr. wji niabi-il lhal ! ! . * .

nir. in m M atnWI lwTr Ihf ‘* tu .h. the w«« Mr- ~btnlrfaluui Ibrnctl. ffaT* Ur*p*l 1 - 1 .ar-**»- --T - — ,,ybmtrittinacfur naitl aurkaAcr l* ( ihwnreU**. Cherry * b t L i arutw-rty nr ncr* lailnl on! Heir;. - < * *

ayre.o, no** 1 J haTrninmal ,:»• Ch^r. Mri X ^ h a ll V * " ^ " " M . -^urd. ru* MWcroa .New *nr*t lu k I '" * , fil*!' *" Tnmhtl in»C. t.r A<1 reatUU- Mr. liliberl h*1«* ■ , •f . .. . __ ____ e.. I_ * ...---

IVtruaaip Sl.ii* the |i»1.;ie Is lr. 1-iTul wile lied- I . PKaKalluadutan ' ISjan-tf I ' ' .

Ihr k>le*lie OM .ine*’ !■Hkrr.

I»r Vatlaer-. at "s»h.K wcU near I*. 11Varlwlfetl.bwrvaf ■■’ ■ urn-Ul . ; ^ n A T ^

i—Idimlt''! Mat.!, Iiwleni Milk-'ll** H j i. i; ir..i- JT ||.. .’Ill lte-t.. Ijir fiih'ltcat, ni-'llik j Hr l(*fw1*>: Uinf 'lead o?i iwurff. ihim'rtipnlBij i eburrhtaGI fh-at-r, TFw,ylw;wC tb'-or. w*» d4k0 v af g,e pn t u naa 6io*M. j , *rwai>d Mk

A-lljroe Pul* will tw Iwld ub lh« A<rX Clutr.i ?-i i ■ nitaraitinaoiud- arar J(..f-n-i..wn .mtha Mr. Clnjtf ?Tu. anal knife at S |iWflil., 1’n.ini.iutB ta b Ifer lyi !y tJe- irf.w-r.r- i*T?f J. ,..uIk: idfnVd , , . Mr -I,**,

iTtia«ocnrr*J*>Ur >d jk. CVniral. **■ *-: i l"J l r l J1”ey..!. I. pr i» m p wmiald on Monday: Mr 4On- i* * l unukr lUqt.ai ehumh ka< l-ultii f ' , » I4a* r»yal.nJ"cir] rrugwnpl tc+i uf Iln»>tfyit

^ : s . . . 'TiiK*h-'iuai ire-* '» Ihl* Tlrlnlly pr- • ] *,*1 i)L| ka<

■ liw a* .Su d a n i yleU fiUrh w .f** -; jj*, ctrrVy .*b*ll b*Hn and bnlLttilut, aiU alw tw [ tn.iu bor*U ahamlaat: and thehn^a. are ai.tkrlpai.ns J foaalaJrrktf h (Jarvottkh arrtwt f '■ ! - ^ m t ._ ,

hrlrk ilihwilhis


earl" O.__Wjrtjt Ilud'i.-r.

llr - 1.1/ h j I P u


- T H T T R S :

W M MuW ma fl a

D A T , S E P T E M B E R 1 t '. 1 S t T

•11 f t tu rn p*i

# =


C i i t n l N n J m i f T i a e s .■5- — — i ■*■—

t*-%** r ( M i T n * .life * * . T»1 « Aag. a n T ll i i u T m i t ■ “ -sding 1 ' '“ Wit

'• In t* U t ( < l« n aware - f John triridaMi tram oe* n u ith H it sad- I-atiiug a y that «>f>>iTB<!boi Welsh, - - I.*— t l f ■ *«*£* tion „ f M in g

' ia raafamWI, byrnn-fllur Mr. I V h!. mo, 14 n well kuJan. * * • th«= first:

^ t k i n o f ilm ia l a l l th# It-.pubUt.an*.. ■ m ,(Ui city arrtl rvmirty, and tlwy gar*

him ■ ■ taiTjW and r nlial *up]Hirt in-1 tlu> rwraaciau. f i f v l •wilidreiit; that by b lign H m iib)} , ihgii Hired and noafolietorj roursoj before nod a l the

' ' ' ha*

. , _ rwlr fi r th* Indian'HUtUlj . 'g b * order eas J*oiuptfjobeyed, infl after t» reaty iuth* Hart-lfo, !h» llmn*(k*rpl»-di< ular u i ' i d trii pnrfaoo r if T « * r i our bswrlriys-r- gJ»ltU-n«l l .j ja sight 1 shall -Briu forget Ftofn ll« to * ,lf a low hill tee MW Hall Anvmij). uafcr- ])• ullinic t|a r alley. aad*TcrtW ‘fo *-ed hr tall if f—, th* fbliajfr' of which, mdhwtod t£# presence of »*V~r BD-t firing * aktJ »t I b at; a poraou pain |*arna nil (h* u(Tii of weter in' (hi1( ‘lontn,: *« Herein the itiVolof a *«d| l.ydi city, with and . h . .

IVirtli, but v> drop from a barr™ *il- r b' •*{” £ h8 dlt' b dertu-aa 4. i i l . l . a ly into thx hill til tig ! . TT ;'™''

C E N T R A I . N T I W . J E R S E Y T I M E S .

- r ^I- H « a * rI * , d w , it look. Mu., rapid otreaui, and «o crttik

rd, j l i M i t j i l a n l n W rlo il^ ih ^ li- doov, I think there are more la th -boU sM fn tide eHy than 1 ever o t before-,:'fo-nt* made by planting bar anna; i l k riirlp. and then e im a C i i ; th# Auk and letting the river ia. :

t m x j --m )i (nut f m r rcan Bid,1 ‘ : ' that war* ov«* eijffhteew

u j ' i heart

K 7 S S S

: ’ **

Ifs.aa i A S T O P L f E E I t \ •|

J “ i

'h inr.it a n d

T H #ja rt; j y g b ! i j l j M in

__ , __ , v j : ~ a k . l U , >— . - . i . * , ' . A o — a a i£ -* i * * 3 E r i « * i 1 1 1 J l k t r K i l l P i a l R n tin p o !• a h I , L l !nI., h . , „ .t ■ . . 3 h « . - ....... - h * .- B t!. - 3 l '1**™ h lllliU p l, (Util L WU DHutUuSi

thfl iodefinaid* charm o f tlm Antnuin. L irw o th . • » m i t for to **a* i t At nf ,'" * v *W »* *n*:. ■ , |So far u p llja ca J nature ia rooocn«d « a o>ktck, ^htfrt he ™ .till J t , ^ ---------------■ a might fancy oe Me1r~. a t h n l 5n;_ work. ^Triage wl.*el* wt-re dUti aetJjr |

TSSl""d«rr *-aa 'ikr Ur>a*>a* -t , The I .w*dl tv-uri^ w r t tkA^, ■ 1 M ary', heart kanntf bg»4U*tk»ff dom artclheeaftr" ^

_ f a i t w --- -;«f lhei« tm-r, or'at IcaaCtl ' jdicwtioa at *tata>l taeer^

of their long life 1 an I taw large un til m with peache*— ■ feprired o f m f Ut

fruitjuj lonn. I .-njoyiJ them an i_ er hdtoni The rity ia about the fi if Tlni(^e]ii I •hfiutd l iiitp*'.

with the imr|

F II. <j.

• ~ might tancr r.nrarlr*.at le.ai ia* wort, urnnp>- » ilwh w -r t m i m y , - r e ---- --- ; — r -------- 7 ,1 • mn. • l" K* w . i„prew aad thakp- Mtakirta , f Eden, but when we fo-ard. ihd tie- « a i r r - lady with h*r; -fc* ^ ** — Wfewm^d, -aTrd ry h t | ^ T V T ^ of*«» I * .n kp f... tnro to human aamrr, -IWn — Ihokt rhildfog; r . « . l . r n into the hah, ^ ^ j^ L r " E rifcr,th th.. t\‘ u r i ^ t a n,,f w .tr artyiad f r w u „ ir jU ir t th* io ft3 ready M w r U w . hr— « * Cary, *oa a t^ e t haahand . r mnnu^lly jmt- -V. £ ^ h o " Aref, or at loa.(Jhe par* nhv. atai th* B|o*.aw fuliag* to who had U fa that day to Uiwa. “ "E o0 * b*6 * ^ “If *oJ .aoRwr cm fa.ow. haw a ■* lu aM f.

A , | i *lV m . k ^ - J I r i

y a d i

i wotrien, we hnr* do dowhtee «itu«tion. W . u * Hire. In*. m piw*ibility of a W alt, that

heart ol-*» p e a t town, wa.

• trrnnn pf [iin-, .jwukli ng watm*, Jhnt run ia pyrrfdjrortun, laughingalotig |.laying hide and **"k under fobtea. aad bunSoti » « giorK'U.,and h.d jt ^ot been for th« fthtiea' of niv wild-To (on ntei-l, who nry*r fled before a r t n ritr, I thunld hw».- pn. j..v.*.l it pH ihe jj.i.re, but 1 had tn y Inift'l* lull With liitu . »nee ho <-lmrp- ed l* . k ward*. * tid had " ' ' *

' VS t a t e . V f f f A

■ lining-room,: li.trtw-d with aatuoinh merit a* he hlord the .beat the tW - Irru gaae abea thn r father Bnpixd

r.r(!uljf.-«, u nhurt Wir are thorough- out of till! (krriage. If* a t . ly eoa*inSe.dAh*i Edeft In nwwher* • through the idoor «wek, that the two IS Jth., vidinilt) lAll i hruugti fhi. . eideat had tiiaght hold u f hie haifcih brtjyht, h**u-ttrui th. i» -> . whiUt th* yyongvr one. wire c lilg .;.*|.er» have hM-n oierflowing with ing like Ettly barnacle, tu hi. wet- Lutrore, awl now la s t but nut U u : ta3* ; a ll Jnagging him along as it - . i l l ! hi-aveiin no*—come.ihn 'trurik onre havinggot him in their net,-they

, luifror," Henr.ifi.rth trunk» will 1m uiuataU »pi lift like- to b M hint hand •ad f-e-t,' and ■

, ' Heneefortb tranks will 1m . yttibolo-.i o f writ tu the whole world, a", horctufiini they ha in laieu lu fren- ri.wl expKwnion The S e n Vurk jiopt-rs cm induetriounlv working up

f ’cAtiptek iiuiiiy 4 nn t!

Italy jail has { 2D[ , 11.* cu.' . uud in the wake o f the

<>P« M«V -will ire- |x,*jet'« work fidfow lolamu upon ntil ftetwW l« t ■ ia h n n u f editorial i-imatuent most

John Ido U a k ia if hi build a obw " f m shallow « the hearts, o f hotel l i f biaumiolh iau>|flrtiuni, ut I l.eirauthor- Tli* i|u<-Utira» ..fabor- i "up,. igH, i - t i i and infantioiiie must be fathom-

_ ............. r _ . . . . , ^ i u . w . H . i r d . u w m L i S a E S r s r i S . ^ L l . ' B ;..... i ™ * i i n - u -I'— . - **1 1 '— M S r " : f ,r » » « * ~ - r w » — thllimwn ttv* thnlhralman in diwjnler. | 1 “ 7T . a . often InluUa wuni.m t(i“ ruin’ fan1 was n t wj"rry wht-u w-' Inftlheeity TH* fcun-J ,.f E*-i*.. at NowWlc 1 ni-tp-r i-leanMJ the balforing wot Id. behind tiuF i-lunipsl again iat» tin* ! granfod ItHi tieena.‘s oo Til-adkv though they m.-Ui1 uut eilitom l ■ ■ • ■ ' • u niiS" and a h a lf1 e».-nintfl‘ ' ' * * -*• ' ■

i KU-luirigt-j

added greatly to the uatnUr uf las' frieo l i in all and w* fojg*that, th* tiina w i| Bum* wima we, u *y t o w th# privilege uf helping toj ; ti.rat* him in the! iugiwwl oNue in- thw gift of tin j>f .wur fHate i'([ S i WaEeh * - |lw » l>ut iittfo, but; ww wrw . n i r—i th^l h* i* a giaad It*. pobNowe, just, faithful. Imneat and'■ rue, a iiiai. clothed with Integrity aa' with a ' gwimenL jin him wu think' a* Into a Landj-lato that ienot gfodg-i

.' ■ I to any ijuewtknjiiMe project or |sd- icy. and ihaAhe wpj w-«l) (e rforte (Ifike dtiftrs tfosroltitjg ujion him pa the' tuvielf iq, w> new •avrupani uf tin- <i|.Vni«4ori«l (Tuiir'.1 ! " f w * ' ‘"1?, k,HHum what »e -d ot . . tfor ,„■ « " , WT u b s w d d l * . g.. i,.to ' ,J£1 .‘ l.'-'lHP"'/ ‘ ‘ll?J .s t him %T« M lieih theurwfWlte-,, ,,»lnp; • .T(i .oundetl, and hhuding - atl ' drunkard.puMuaiia rtiougli !in the Stain to iI.j: ’ rr y hridfo rn... t«. th* onlatly, 1 leap- , F*a|fc eoiiaty ll»» forty |uatimip it if limy will take hold o f the work! I c i the sfon* wall, and tot l* o houri the C'lfietic A .yluiii. at k yoaflym warmiat ' ;J |itddled-h flw' sptinfc <u»d eat hater- » !•“ » cvunty of ...

1- t erm r Mrw) JtorwUtoan wo to' ' " " T " , ' 1 th* *P«tiss , f T li- h om er' stone of it now. M. tiw t erm y Hi* JtojKrtouwa *u he J ^ l p wopjer the Ifoly A t l i . n . , 1*|jEjBa i f l , will 1-. laid ..t New-work acaloualy. uU w nuly and |w*.. ! -r» y|i.. idac* after their nfost Rruit.iriek aarlr in •>Onb«r.r n K j h , lr> wwh«lUp the iadJCernul ; loy«t Jsajnt; The mala epring i . At , , r ; . , , - , ■

. . i . ■ ! i . . . — - J r .- i _;.i_ t.JS .i ---- It'vm i n u obtaii; as .-u«ap gopa.n ubroadi your own• the p n fi'rt'UL'M

k th* fo]U

oigh- Vng water pouring -ut;of (ho distaiitfifa,.;MlUl lw ^ .J r it ,i I ' - force «f n.toUl Tldwjj&te-wt thing li«- young **tt

' Mj m t n « to thtow w;ill 'jffit pin,-* ie .h-g- h .* l , U 11.*-’ t" W** ?•** uecked^urL.

ttie!ltd-f y«iM bid ,i" jbwt rfoHunewddb. g.."i,.te Ob tlo rjyrw r ('ity poEcr; dwkut aa

- — drunkard.'iit*

*t twenty fw t wialo, two fury deop._..J th* lukewarm] , ■ v--*■ : . i -l.i i. ..f th- gr-at jdtrieti! i.rganiaatn.b' t " * 1 . f * * * * » '

I . . - • . „ri afoit.-, Jo rufr side, it another rairttie,A a ll di, his port. the v.Etor, nkall M r tiBC uf teT|£ ^b* »«n. It i. uf Urn uUi—jt iuipu-it i Uul •• fovnnd foot higher qp, tlm >11,1- that N*sr should w|a-akj slrriiiu thuti runs from it tiuwn withnut M lritti,p*t ta&fiat d»o port eh, niu'1 li r- jse i.r r tli*rucks, and.ie tho

« « • ’ n M * a « « * • o . s r s n a w i l. - ] , a ll; tiu-ii d e laany smaller springs,pnucspfo* rtf lt.,pwt.U*anj»i,i. I h * . j „ r .U i - u n . l . - to f-fm quits ,. ItopuMuwn party{ ha. dutio a great;. UrK-- Isk*. f fo. h i- full of fisk, uum- work for liberty atlilthe pdranreinont. lwrs uf iih'iih, ;,f alLdxr*, ouijlil be

: .*, | sw« tmiq ^ru*tfo bridg« thut epi••f [I,-, I-

plK-d- We

i»re.t* uf th*.

own, iy eu iij‘.,.J tiO d iip to th e n

it l>ttr»oq are mid to pruaont u■ i iS.ra) sight at till' present limn.

Rst-rson has aside,I tlm matiufu*■ urri hf jtot'l to its vari»d indualnos. t ia 'ma.li- at the Tytorsori In iti.Vi.rls:..; i .­

Is isJ rsiRiur*d that a Jersey i"ity . lirm t,,|iti iiilii"it.si jiun-lbikitig Fiigiii’w

■ the day o f their death.-sv i- are wans-ly tamillinr with the

to nib!* details nl AJir-o B;>*Uh»y'a depth, before we are shucked by a siinilnr rne- ia Brooklyn, akd uu une i* fiir.risw ! to «w Ja any daily paper a pfl mgniph headed “ fltiH uriutlu-r I'n Fortinato " In England ' the evi­dence brought H bear upon the sub - ■ jArjt r. f baby form ing lf*M t j th* bc- |3ei that inl intei.ie u nn ths^increue, and men qru looking to huid. clutuge in htgislad-un aenrepiesly. 1

f t is my opinion that all thin m iv . ry apd crane toast tind it* plt|vca|li>n in komethiug d*>-]wir than hniiliin (a.- . (i.acJ human heart* must cure had ,n«-s ; Ignorant tm*t must be tout (ind

correctswl hr wise prudontit, but the prudence must he loving, and the itusdiuni o f rammnniention iliu-t he sympathy- I f a young phi who ■found h-rs-If d—lurtedisiuiil A cl i lu ,-lutely enie o f one true, Under, help­ful friend, would eke coiamii! inftht- cilfe or nhortioB ? It ia *njr when ■ leaj-t-tate that women u*o such critui-

d devour him. a* that in.

K s s i s i i s i S E s : » i ? ™ * * * *that ntHwidr knew ware ever ihore at 1.11 iIlI . 1, 1* . . . i __ *= 3 ± f t r s r r t t K ! . ' f j i. • » « » , »

>cU realistic b rlftt; aa a p p rw h u ig m id f Th* |------- *»- ---•-- i K l u a u

tortMtitu; inject would a great blue-, tenewqj geherally hbottle, ftith fir leianre. . J * # * .* f w W

all, Ifc^y were hidden ,|.jw-n *-> deep,And as roTTedge, h*oarer knew lx-- ■ , ,fore hu’w m any pretty littlr opcecht* \ Jr-__Pho.-hull make \V $ .ou, any qntico |heforkhind. whaterty, tliev seiuied | 'to .Otoe from *• rni-wh-rs- inaidimJ - ; A gentleman hariqg a m *l ready-madE twck.sd and directed, ! amumi and hroke h i . ' wife1* rreadyio Jmaehvere.1 “ with car#t th« MlKhbor Um tfa*, h, „ ..

*p, tu hi- wife whiUt lltocwu- p iuvfoueitfur h U w jfe tiirid w il-in rv, * tg V f l f T N f l ^ i ; (V"at « u M thmw uxd fw n r U orjSen- No , Auyu th* other,.” 1 w£l! m| sell l - V f ’ Y O U H I J . f c C O .,

' ........................ I L*afk.l In Hestoatusss sat <i~i* k .» .a |*t* -

' L W . M . B E R !

rulaglit a s tu it o

A little girl aL day, and •utne tpnl* pars jg . lay a plate on the table A j& j sit- g a while, -he,said ; “ 1 ' ap-

That the! oquirv'r rvtfou .Uohtd livelyfo ■ cricket for « cause such dk-hgbt was a punier for |our worthy {frieqd . h>r had he not, 'J -**— ;----j'with InJ owij err*, ees-n this gentl- , l < * « I | ia a a wss ik e .m in g.« off at h alf past nine in the. j * * " t |uiorniug, Do une Could hare p- remt- I t to e an hesitaiiub uiyseti ih go- pie*: '"Tes,11 T rehli<dud hiiq etherwim than that lie must ieg-to 'li* tlu-ater. Where uuy m iu you wnull l!n«u parings hare hern a Way * tu-'ritb, fo put it at 1 W there msy a nuniatov go j -S o , no," ahe said, the lowest 6gu re. He *aw, nu-reori-r wlust jsuy kiun . . . that ihefwjufre was le d,ting tightly ia * ' rnjqi'*— ■ ' ■ l(ii hand a littts -parted, which, shi 'king otf! ilia 'children l>r a number ■ littie do#get vf which 'juviqp father*--ily knoy the seers-t . -----

o - j i e - " —J fc-iliW M iW it*; M U R K M

uey ilq that i ' Again. nuwali-

. neither vex-Bur pmfomion., I light tuid wrong in her- in arts,' Out

. _ _____ in r-totiaiu*. - It Is a. sad' folly of an 'iiou-kIt on- ■ urn-Lort Ugu tint hue.. Iiisqu: .,tiled l

s s j & r i « » * -whole

• ||S'

. .. ,---------- -—, ------- _bA placedNatiuj*! vjjtory, wfliii h will plwwtlic l >,.Vs huneaih the Irw-v, iuiJ J4c ?bc'> principba o f Ih-puLlicsniaiu on a ba-ij boa l « l p | |ho race om n * near by ' . that f ie y can MT<<r this niakps kjnite a phu * *

la k e * ^ J d is m n ™ b u w '’1'A n • '>b' * t Newark, to? a sugar ^ « » p a th y IftTrFrenchinui luu built s i ct‘tln T - . ,■ • - of rather after loo niuili Iran” ‘ I eiitorpnsinil

“ * j pavilion - lot ds in

and tb» boat s j i l onlyto |in-vent them is to break down price], and unchristian barriers ■ hut women nut fjrover A-.-m hu-

fatu- sfo|

a u fits jo u r ,L-Hudidat- furth-ri-b IseitinK 4 pluriuus

uruarsi |nr-stin.-,tu fou»w.p-roiuil

.Wbllrtg rear- .

rr-sidrertt Ml fax Was “ ilitt-t-viewnT' at B l fo ld , reganding the nest |*reeid*Bl4»l fc d u ra i. ll> said

, he wee ft* Orsul against the Cell ami s h i is t ia h l Th* «s|«>r-

tor having 44liudto tu a recent stnto- ii,rut that Iks <6 w«ley Fenton wing of th* Kepuhlh-qn l* rty iq New York were intonfieg tu bring hnq forward as a cifadjdate, Mr. t'siKaa Teepemlpd *■ follows :

There is nothidg in it. 1 have had n» -■ ■ iniunicati-in wilh them, and am for tlranl unhualitkilly Peoplehi ugh at in-, ami do hut l*-]ier* nn-,

' s lin i | oar I aiwd*tnrntiunl to re tin* io private life, »lfd|M-ating i t ; but j t is true, nerortlic- It’S* J have had all of public life I desire. When Ijgut bettor o f my ill ncs* sr Washington I found I needed r*-t and <|uj*t,jj*nd cam* h->t» to in -un it- 1 fccka gr. iLt d<-nl Iwtu-r Ilian »hcu I ■ sail-', and k str been giaaify grecitfodiet ,rha uto(-ni5fror - unfitly I have qj-cui,

In I liu tih - tlrwluv wr-'to tor lirehuin'a M agatnc— then the •‘ load­ing lib-ruy njm tkly''— an article which predicted three.great ai-hit-vo- inrsti t,| Americau genius anilrntvr- priso. Us hk arcsAuplislied within the ceatury, all uf uthrali have tim e boon tulfUlcvl tu the toltrr Tli* passage k a* follows ; ^

•W s Americans <|( the nineteenth --outlay will lu- if-iund in duo limn to haw tltwribvd ourselves most legibly •m ihv uarlh's upfaJe-1 rucords. * * "* A railroad aver I he Reeky Mountains, a telvgruph aeteea the Atlantic. . luwnrtug uhet-rvwt.iry wlwrain all the sterniB and ■ alias at an ; imum-nlpru ’ “ dmg wilhiu (hr varib'eatiiiospnere

place u any fount during .lint ueit day or week, srSth their asreraldirei-.

Tbe wv-an tilngraph mud Puciiic Jta>!re*d were jhen subjects v,f gv a oral Hiacuaaitto ®ut the towering r b fu n to iy r e hi* own prwitH-tiuB.The "d ia l plafo" bow setually exists

- in Waskingtoto and the ** weather pi ul,*hiliUe* ' |gi u* to u*by ulegrfipht wire I* day ,


to be pel epjij. Am attempt to limittheir privilege; by the V i i , nsviit-ly, and tn radifoe their wagee. called ‘

-'cInxoA that Jj,*LT rigu u aa bre-hurn women wvrw ia t to be invwiM with "a p to it j, sndwlbw w a tis n s u equal­ly creditable k> themaelves and dis- 1 •wrigkiy totkeir l - a i c h 'lv o o ld ■ remtatiirad ti#** tpnnted Uatea, how - *ver. th* example of the Lowell foc- •*"7 g ills. w W betig kfU a s ta ir made public declaration of thair will ngaae* to ge at aav other huaitnoc

wehing, washing, hooaekmiuig. mlevying art bsbj-hndistf. TUsls the m int that cviws tho ham. Hr cao

’ Kami a grant: deal o f fl.tiU. i.vectire at prislto meetings, bat he Would *UT- tendar at oa^a if he Wen quietly •'dis­charged'' by kU hi* workmen- Dow- < i« v * e wish th* Lynn girls all »ur cus. litrtU^

The, C hicuq PtoA **y» Jeff- Baviwusd Juba t V I y are grth ag a fore-

jf u j r future by vUltuig the■f ®P*wffo Vijifiifc.

•rery afternoon score* «f ciarria- gu* uinvsv iheir hap|,v loads to th is , ■ , *•regular r- tput 1 think ur,y 4mn , W !would Cidl t^is a beautiful pink-,1 - * !tu mo its i hjrms acre delightful, tot •IrinVinf- nil -t-rls ut water, i* suit tu s>Jtla.‘and front Uuc.Kikedtea to wafer; that nl.- M> A Kick, to*th had A> lu- r e d tu- a strainer. L they fc*

.The water C9 these springs is turned 1 1int- • acaqatAkat loads tho water, notv-nly thrnii#h tlur city, but -pvr-r.J iniU* I-*-].I q, and muses the M l to bring forth auadurfully. All; user tho city fl,o sn li-t finds its vjiyiKt-,' all sort* i-haliBel*, and mi vW-hI ion no h u ity day lor irrigation,; there H ns eoafasion, sml s ’ litllo i-nphi- ••me toon- ifieche* oos how to apply tho watrj i-4 make it tho most useful, as toil luu.Jj wator is *!mi.st a- bad os n--t cniiruuli tthuuld uao nulglibicr overflow isnother, k* Is liable to a tine, a Kit h Lv ,'iftlv just, as thc'wator if Orjlcrtut ini th- -

Thr ketfoslUt Stii ■ iiutry a- J luck- ttot'jk-kr was Mtarkml by ron-diSs a >w ipgafs since,1 and over Kill ufjthh Lr^o,Hinduwa were broken. [ j

ovotJon. W hat WO want id s is au-ov o f Christ, and unlJl tgj* is rocugniisod and met w ul|u] but Itxlcs ehatigii As a step hr rocc-nt iliiig labor and cipitiX

At * Wedding in fishkoth; where the relreshiiento cbMeted principally of ch svin g gum,, the yn.to

_ . ___ _ and gvwjtn, to shoe their tfojilirittied, for a ll tk« world an if he were a this lino*1 of dvmafcaDon between f* th in each other, ptU t t i J t W , boy of Ire years old (anJ not n great rfcriuaivd law niuruliiy I go to the bround^aeh other s ^ a u t totd'lbap man o f Ifourtena‘ stuaa weight), who tb-mlge wfosjj 1 like, p«r do I wiqt till ' mold li vl'w nits nu-uiout for snythiug. ; I 'get-to iBsrUur NewiYofk. I go tot

'In a sJtortor ‘tiqto than we to he to ruUsfitmn ; lg o foratouaement; I g o write it, 7m :pulled uut the w o tcits i fc* insprut uon ; I g-> to sew fotm^eelf

■ and gave thi-ni to liis wife, with three » w is ld hyar turn sap ; te judge for 1 distinct kisw-4. Wedgw ceuld swear- tmi'aeUi and to spoilt of my own'them a-ktu three, for hecounted them, knuwW ge and ju.igio,-at ; 1 p to! and wuidonsl bow ninny more there rauae the, eireulattonJ wtadh gefo ■ » wore lu chulp: ' torpid ia a man crimped into the

Jvhjii the merry party went upstairs, liar iLtlntjatu rat -'urrcctionfllitHM of . tiie echo o f fiicTr Tiiious died away, my profossiou I mil thoroagbly iwr- and Wedge *»a* left lu tin mil ku work shaded in my own mind that I have on the doer, piiilsl hi* heart and run- tight, ami that* fj.c h itte r gprtt. science-luJgWB f*o> work, on imw. Ho, I da.hot like alt I si-j, ami hear, ; and too, h ad* foJmc, and wife, and rhil- I I c** «vy tlie sanio * f the -lrawtng- dron; Im. too, bad Urt-n away nil d a y ; room and tho street^ but " ‘hut Tho th-uighl struck him UDCvn>- nn! (bear very -much nti..... . .-Jurtal.lv, thaj ilia e eUutuo home, if, j .thmww in its trifle o f good influeo. indued, he gat one

!)1R C M A T E R I A L ,J PHK SGtfl i l l !l! JXlTBfi- 1(he Eri>• nds'^jf )s(jing I tons#

j L i l N F I E r j ) , i f -J *

Pint, S|iiCE E i l H u l a i n i i l e t

!•*) ; nils iij gum No card*. :

- Tli -ire tv a little railroad, nf Sum, ljuuiniana- thai ruuj fo rill-e on n very uiio-rtam -dudKtrauger I'-ofne in the uthvt 4 1inquired hew ' often ■ tho st*aip, mode tnpi to tlie Usui try. TbA] ty iaterrogated sal3 *’ Tri-av-A "W hat do you menu by tic-wkcti "Jt goo* up bud week nnd fka- T-uuie do* n the neat." - I»

*11 ate tsH .a i. .-r.-j

" . -

sort m a w our*4s*13 i>fi« |

^i«suq>>isSr^t!1 [• T. \V. Y ^ C J f

1 _— ___1 L I

Is.,— , 1.

r t CO.

B l u e iS t o n e & F l a g ! Y a r d .

n j xhroi. - _____ --ri-ii j into pay life. I f sodfety

jsMir nn£ raid! after that which he liad duiyhodcom iw l tho' theater up-to a -1,1“ “ “ ', just wiluc-sohd. This reflection was hn.-h.jnan.fard : if luyt.-nd i.f ahqsitig "U - > 4 ~ P * - r e u — s ( . . m * . i h v ' » s 4 , 4 S s S t. -1. 1_. . TI. — ____ I ,.i. 1 . 1 , ss.l Mn-r ,t n Ci, , f . T I hi ,i« •unit ' ' mEwr w

aril* his si dull.' But

smoothly ; h!a euw seunuid ok liluultti a double-bledid ri* ptn ay penknife,and the Wood o f the chair whoso logs by H i - tufting flown, Be hard as liog A . In fact, hewn* fooling jealous

of the squird. and dUcoeteuteil with his q-wp wife and childrcu V fh r 'st h - niji- UicJ eager to rush on; and WL-lc-utu* him', after tho fu*hi«n of tin- Jquirc-'e fm>jiy7 ' He frown it! as hr fhmighi llDW. Irfl ly hi- *1

in «M f ■ —- s ------- — -Yss, Agasoi.Adoi-HI foci tC'-t'aiiai-iri authors hi f a t Ik­- cause tJ)«- phosphorus in. it, f .a k ---,

brain*. So for you nm correct-^ But ■ t help you to a decision i l.-ont ,unt ju u need fn cal­i certainty. I f the i

id ttuw tlm o into Sl ihSnaandlfoid y o u tn d is aboigreater *ril and -Ijm -r. reliri.m. shofltd jn<lpeople would lend tbei.isclvre b ? eh- a “ “ P1* frate ttnd reirily it, elpvnting aml riur- / “ T l - a a . -iiyiqgleejety e* “ J l. a " m ig h f- k Ngl tlte largtSt kincL but s.mj tuade a n (*t potentinflufemwin social tl,w3,ll,IILr * “*"3 w1" lIm and tnernl reform. Bvojw-rlyeimdact- *4 . tUf drama has aqinimcn»n|<iwer.It may bo raid* A Rfeat mural IpvcrIt hua ran to syevtawfle, dancing,.hai-urtLi.tls Imis end b’JIfoonerri 1—-

A . w f v f l W t ' • * * ' ? ‘ • * * - * 1 4 , A u .SO. - f - i — S1 " '" 1 ‘.™ • h * M _r, from J Th* |feKht- are c w l now. 1 »k--.-S u tho 1-41 1-d beef; Voiw rhiltiren with it tltOUgllt nfltlij lrie-1 find i. One s J lull-jltijji Of the jilajrtspllen- > t:- • a is lining d

night, would tlo g n at „> tilin g cellars tin,l

baseurtiija:^Kan A atop iu »n« ■ ••tt!i--l alxmt the

till,-- W lU. 1 ,-uia buidv Lts treaty vjtk the ltiiUitnsjatid the Kpanlsh lYufite, built 1 iiA-i- rlarge Minions, as They cftlU .l tlifii.joiio where Kan Aututii'- ihiw is, ils,! luu others from thr-e tu liv- mil- * a t sy, fiat all whi-re this bright spring water ureilabhv' “ ‘ "

Il^ i'Jaiu re W . AYail, F .i-United ritates msuatur, will deliver tiu- ops-a- ing-it3djr*ss ut the Stats- Agrirulliiral ^uiT, titlW ererly, on lliu J-oil iq*t, s f n i i Ju-limg i* iiiil to be g-“ *l ia the dofiftborliood o f Liitahrtli. ‘ V

J* ity jopJoJi.’* and gs>ntlemcu lagged W hundred in one nftertuiuu

. . . rS A flonoy City man, slightly Httpxi- , tatedy ri ecu tly went to the poli.w d s- I Koci»tJ I* * 1! o f a ferment. Tito, good (ion aiifl ’asked to be locked Up * Ho fll*J bad to n e , an- thoroughly i m j - fowl Ka«rtfvrrml Tlml to going home "d “ goinst *ach other- For abe*thuj uo>1 ‘ lo f i iring S- (robbing from IsU hare been wheeling into ltqe, hut jrife. ' j uoter l-ofore in tho hietoryj pf the

“ 1 ■ •' IV been arnjjfed in* battle.

F __ ... _______ __ . ........ .......■ wjieiy, L—-gratfob riway as Jliiutgh rery rAusgthe popular fostu ■ tinwmj* it­

' It difljaot Hike the latmtive. Tlioggtt ■ f out largi- iudustrinl firtos eRfOgita- But conVi-jice ho-1 a wonl to say , it di-t staoab* cmravtaKl, The elf,,rt me th* propriety n f nlln-cisig the . ti> himl and said it loud enough too to {‘lltBo tiio betl wujka « f the lif*C

' to hare aq intere^to thef for him » liitot, although he wa-ma- mastero up*™ the -u ^ i. with thwbest JMU■ "' ' • ‘ -’ " WiBg*u„lsu oi»dig|i to t>»BV«jnt any one itdjuBcta cl Liiut-UgU cast and Alage u i «

ftsun trying to'gain his attention- 11 eftwC .i-upn' from the- theater, and had ' »-jw • fold him th" foil It was chiefly in him- uul autcut-Ji-d better' only h-wuiueu of s*Jf, for i f liii* wil.i and chiftfse-b VMS tile tjutte uf the tuuj.^ity wjoi p , anJ not like, the sipiire's, neither was his tbodyg-in-tIiu-mar,g*r policy o f those I lilt.-neA (u tluit gyutleinaa (diiticulnr- rw hodt' nob l e u hut cumhauu th-J usi».Id striking. T|o couldn't blim e h is plocu Br th» going to i|, I will say ' ,b" i-o— jc-4 »i

rt s us+iitlimjf,

ucueeafii Ily ; but atJcT.t - ii

stride — ,cooditioo o f thing* when rwduj-ei- nnd employc,' fully trust each other and 1-SrtJ once foe all that for -‘ 4, 1 t-j injur* the other i i to injur— liitu- s d t Erervthiag st-cnis U, l,p .srork ■ lag 'tu vturda heth-r Bad more dukipl-u- ■ lerelopment to fuller and rnloew Bon­

ked lent few non soil rsniis. flute t* mighty ; but thank fi-al, I n s

t could bo imale prnpcilje x-l

t thrt rulbroboa of-lb* tu re in ij ie i ...... . . . r - .--r, .-t j'caiisyjrauia, whether it would ; K w t j W y eo.

Tho tflil $Aluuu>. vk sfu f'rtH-foett o| Ken if, tirt their-L-ath, wlicit Khn- Apaa aittk i-d the-place ami killed

all tho - Tl.tifo—- but une -seiiiIIri Bill her child, jp part fortress aijd part

It, b n i| « f limestone, ao-l *>rigi ‘ ' nth.-

Nini-ti- thoasand ilullare n u n -s m |u im l lu tlnish the llr tb o iis i for

, , it. W v u . , . inerv k|| H Hi keJt-stown, of which fo' T i t t ‘T -y.-E. - 7 -.' ! «■ » K-i .rir.-.E .“ U' T A ” * ‘ " 'I ' L r J s - i i U . l u l a b b lsll was of sfoic--, the atchea being ill i - - - - •great beauty! and well pr,i|»-rtp-ae-l

Antonio rir»r, ali!-'ii tluws Ilir-ugh the hi iildh- i f the town there are uia ny Mem-au huuscj ut t-ne story, with ■ flirt rnafsjalao an old i-hun-Ji wiith-lle h-rt-liko eppfioJagi-*, oupwrcutly luiil: for a i-liiurlj alone In this fo-huh- building ishisnlr one small, k.-uii-l window, ana iiut a stick, of tin,her d.e rout is A.,.- solid arch of none, and *’ <-n t l* ruof o f tfie hi-U tower, is n f the aatii* material, the WHihiarv ut great t l l f iii<-H. aud heavy but- tres*a* *uppprt - them un-lhe uutslde,-. bat they s*S bushling around }iiii u modern catl^-lrwl. aud *iK>n it will 1m Bern down, i lit-low tin town skills 3- milvw, ia wiKtjher chisivh. built in the pure ripearsg atyfo, with two towers, aud a dutikf over the altar, wbfoh building :wi|ulil be au orttameut to any city. ;anjl here it ia away in the

Thd Indie, 9f the Reformed Akiutvli nt riu ljiigea, thuaera-t county, io* li-

- u T reC"? ,1i! OOrtlfpoteUt': It comfort, heM byjhcm. This will be amOfodj ^ - t|10 „ f lrUfi,to the p rjK xe of a new bel! f-w llm wrill(1 ,]bwly. they grind e i.pedingly i-l-.urt-foit- w B ," add ws, shall be eati#ftc*l at

A N.-Wwrk [ULl-er «uggu«t* that', ti,* lu.t ltut hieghu, *Ui'li nu.rslipiWg i« \V---t , I jiao lU il road uf New 'Jersey,! lusidiy id haruiouy with th* nLirlt of

fled tho 1'eaptu-k rtuid, the day- Tha stroeU fullfof re­a 1 l«y A oi 1 V I tuvbed biotl litAiuei-r, and sOOsifOra.

■ ‘ ' 1 E rtn y ln ly Uot-ma to bo happy Sadurery thing is liristling with Iffe and tliu exciting f h a jv tt u f a -no ossful

, l,ndne,«fosiwn.' M ilfoll.-r- lire ope icing, modistes ph­, [Hiring, l 'ry goods dealers ir e jubi-

font, and one -mild sranwly' helie.n frugi n, - am nl gluno-at the ctowik, uf pleasure and bdsintw-* seeker*, that there runs a ttmught of trouble in the whole community and kaphily for‘ *yinput hiring workcre, most uf the p iis«ry i , out of sight.

; Y ear, thoughtfully,

- * - . E ' *i_If--re is on inn-tent which ia hut

only iatotiwtinp in itself, bat affords uuuCiier iliuslration u f the trutlu sif tFlu rentutk that, ''tiicro is a crest , deal o f ban,an nature in mankind." 1 It orcurvd jitst before ThurlcJW Wwad sailed tug Kurupc . ’

A lite-h-ng politicalonponvnt[Ed­win Ores well] foil from afflqa-cfo topenary, a statu „ f things very cornu*;,n !>■ tW- life o f a Mow York pobtkiin Hosulo L'L iug pour, this g«utlen*tu was struck with paralysis. Hr had h.-iHi u bitter tnaligacr o f Mr. \Vl-*-1.tin bod Ok-sailwl Kim in his family, in hie .person upd in his political M- n-f(. Yet when Mr. Weed aaw kfo uld.iqijsineni i-ripjjled am) ia want o f bread, hit heart was touched, and tie tufolvvd to occur* him the

__ , _m _ R IflkOtX*. This ho did by personald in upon then, ( Mitifitatioa. .Among tho parkinso al if sight, Four 'd upon was a Ifouicunitic Ju% *.

srotth three tnilliotts. He hut onry tefnaed tu subscribe, but did not co*- •ual his allllc-Tancr that he should be ipplisd ut. Korn,! time after, nuys: tig the Judge in company, U r. Weed

upon tho building.Th--; now hraneb m il a-st now 1-uil-l-

in^ hd TLr r.-ntral R ailwayf omimtiy«f X.-WVuhiut, frotu Newark to JLli*a both,! foill be completed in shout thrci! liitibttL-. Two tditea o f tlo- rend, cimm. i.. ii,|_- at Brill’s farm, hiivc boat!.' finished.

Tho- Y in i,g Men's Christian Asao- ■ isti-Jll * i N.u-brk will add lv*U <s tit--- aildf k Mansard roof ta its hi-w,hull,ling. A gymnasium mid hatli- ruoms a -II lu- ronatructed in tht- t-asaaient: The largu hall Will ai»- umrucsl*p- l.,i(KI jwoplu '

lte-aky( lSunlun, a gc-ntlriuwa li ring in Iteyl-a j t . has b-ou musing siui-ti Aug v j" llu was fifty years uld, and Jwd ifo-foa t-ngflged in buunres.- in " V .*1 l ie bad lateli uu-t d ith

- biAduuns lueses, nud. i t is Jeur- ' ed that ■ « nuy haw beeu tani|itud to

jrifo for not making ,-noiigh o f hi, presents, fordie Well Icncfo h*> nurer gave-hc-r a n y mot did ho g n e ; liw w ith those bitid words .which would not h art ffol-td fo 'lraw tlm same frotu hfo. . : .'

fYrdgo yr,i a good husband with­out befog h kind on*, spending hie nfosvj* for tli u,most post on Lis fami­ly in a hii*l, buslovas-like ifo d o f a way, but showing uuafTectied towar-I hi* l-lliklrtn,. who coneeqUCBtly did no( fovn him :

A* M'.«lgu iwatked home, hi* tool* on-hi* law*, lie cam* u t iu s an oldfriend,, f s t r r i t j carefully a dainty bunch of BtKfo-drops in bia big, rough band. f .

“ Here, IV.ll," he said, walking a- lutig by elite cAr)e>ret4-r'( side. 1'rejustgiven a tnllc flop threw- Bowen— pret­ty bit* o f thing*, nint they !— for my » i if- irnikci sonieuh of any littlo |irc*- reut;I bring her, hi lung. u» I give itto fire ti, i .--.-. 1 . for, to lie sure. I al­ways tack, on • 1 iittle something, to th*-*liap« uf a few kind words, which makes the thieg m--m valuable iq hc-r eye*- f diia't-khuw how 1 oluiuhl get an, somelimes, if it weren't for har­ing, llowef* p**tty heady ; you can got thorn for a lit-jo nr noth Lug at any tuu-d, and yot'tbey are more beautiful theiJ aiiyUiing w* ,s>uld make."

V trd j-'t road now lay in a dill- r­unt direction from hiefricqd'*, anther j-artb*l rumpcifiy, Joe Sparks putting a couplo t-l 4 i'‘W-drops into W ill'*

wood* defcrb-d aud left alone, Hirango that thr f c i f crack uf the stage dri­ver s whip (font A cause«U then* K u - _ „ . _rioti.te 4« i v . and the first toot o f! Tue^aiaArriH xm ., '■ to.Hfo Will vauar them to working; together in a aiarlpit, whenW 1 ^ W tfithart giHAaat ;pra*- the grfoflfol alwre cared ia u p ' parity thr Mexican forvm-.tiva goa ] buryrtqjW cai all out uf Bight, thr 4.1.1* to*n« of lmn*i-orauou. ^ ! but the otlter two were

I* 1 d « J t nhkn Ukoaeut-caLled hy. AArnunne a jack SJ... a^d . , ,Ti j _ 1 ,although ififi Moly Father*, .-xia,u4 ed , 1 l'1 1Cr frTn“ ‘ uf Tatereun, has >K-en Biiliiuns (n Scliur-'he*, oil ovef this *»toly fUJYing out -|Uite a large Urt fo ffjwtiiah Aiai-remiT country, the* did h,s <°?'[t5ix,Dt P®Ctabfo ruttage* to fill not expend! cue cent for road’s , - * i r *5 , ™ ™ ir. I hrjr, f ,n i.-rlv of • ■ s j ‘ aicatiofo. they th* 1 *&$}»“ A " o f P*ra “------------- ------- ------ over one ban- UkP 'a « '“ 'n ■ T*n - •«» - ___died m iW Arum the coast, or any no*- : ™ aifojfotuppcd to tfonth . W r s * ,•gable watoU, focy built tliia city Hid (■ aro along the lfnu,vto this day ffii-re te nut a ring]* r ta j [ *>f Tailed # , and for the quartering uf other then aspire' provider that nm* ! •’■ •‘ptojebf iu mills, cte- S a w ut .the into i t fine- outride uf the town. ' h' Ute* ifoe quit* large. *n,t. and an. obecun d rij- in any dirottion. |jut t* ,tfu'Jrr4nlaiueulud with projecting y a , ,,

Jf*- k ^T* re nrt*'F- ^“ va fo a , A fUlflal»jirtb o f cigiiteeii U U c s tb I Uua from you, waa tour friend Hebright d jy rt-.n to dawn ,w thr* toim foreetofl** wburtfia ia f o r m s 1 heard yonrerj- for help, end gavef f the Iway*- * I ^ u,rt J 'jfN “ ***- Me oandisUy ru- ;■ t i e tod. J lr rarried yen atong hrfosV*?* ®f™*. * “ “ 'T). * - n o ted thy peel and put i t® the rest i lila Kre— .trennth and laid the fouidrt n1* * ' tWa h,1?drwJ t*lrta“ to} b-T Ti“ B hteik* th* fri.it datton for j - e t wealth. You aredollar* fogjM usv.eted in w a g e u Ynd up iu nAflll bite, erring it . c i f o n i j f now hi.wired with nchra, and

only on* s m ^ g a* he d^i so, When this ws* done- [ and' detorled ia hi* old

rnlnrlj OTh* ri't- r(>i| tu subriTii>r” the other I

recureW pack- f je tl appeared to he anneyefl

my. oh ifiia the raiiroad wjQTho San fop. sa j'l

i» ' of t l ' ‘

Up the peel, shook it lJh-hia

the Mill ttira* whara it join* the J

threw the picona ant remarking a« ho did

the fast o t them pnsre

te e t anil' u(o«rte-l in Li* old sgs. Vow now spurn the hand that led yon. and I apologue to Wi.ru that kaawing you aa wall aa I do,I did aol know haw mean a soul dwelt ia your body.” He tamed on hi* hari and left ttw J —i— •— — a — i

thy liai-iitwi say u^uin-t cviwy tiitug low i|tj:l [M-iluting, triiilu I will nut , . l-l-o* - m+nug--jti ri> ^liicli as os dudi- j etlCr*,for;what is In* and polluting . lent dlia cuiiiuillliily ^gri'i- to Ills* the — next dnubtful tbiag at /lulidsy sjrre-l '*Uld wit at manager actor wSJTjdsru rept-al it f The ttifoifis utterly With a lh k g it. I f these arc Bshk mrtnt* not often eHOJ Iwurd fnnii a Christian pulpit, all 1 l‘ W— ,-aii say is that it i* tjtjip- time lliel ” ■ **" 1 they were. Wo want the' -p i urn trutli; jiut wiiolesal* alntsu in. the name; i-fi ( 'iiiistumi*, . Christianity ureter abuMu-. lake liaritr. it liupoth all thing* : and as a. Christian, I hope that ii*n- is to cinue when, instead af ihr.iwisM ,-eelf*i»htifni ljornbabielfo, wkirJi iraro-ly h u n t ’where they •foil, the tad pit shall Wel.tmu- this tbfcutcr utail Ike iirees os it* strong cuajjalurs •fo'l the Ultra. Iiuu .linp and hufionnl rirnll Libor Uigetlirer for thr buj-fjjiir-, and legenuruii-iu u f i t i u — f!rc. if. K.» . Were, y jJtistor*, •

*! lia in r c *<iLitri.|«jv.— The arti- ck- ''fs lilt i* uf Wuifoiii" in Anjptrt liUUibtrt uf ldppiacutf has tint

Tl*e boat bred mcrnfin America arc tkn oBk-urs of the rukular army uudu * y - Tliey have, J-.-n taught to I-h-E up, to- n-TcrctLoti uuthoriiy- and to be- :rw)K-ctful. It neVflr Laavei- th-'iil j t hey hw-uine |lw m- st dijfuifi- «I shdjlhe luuvt riireple moth Jk the ctimnUin Lt.y O u r d f r f niagi*tra(n i *a i- fj". roc-pii'uou-i li^ampl* at thisBred t%riddo!r, rciwt-i by ». nu>4 « - irno.-ilfoary series o f event* to our r«- IiuliLirAa tlmmi'. and liSTing rocori. trend.wsth an iavim-ibjre sby-aess,; it i* ualy t f ir tu nay tll!k{ our PresidentI is- the hi-:,t nmnneti in tho -svirl.l.N ever:li«i cordial, nhrars sll fliuiefitly BO, USliut Ti irgcuing jli* stalion,, anil yet itsvei: obtrndiug it, it would bo liifi-uIt jo titi*l s man who haarinu-

ini tied dgsn-r aub-i-isAs, or win/ has muila aojci- ijcuplt- lihppy by hie" un- ,dliH!tred and tumpki. grnettng ’1'ri dilt nf Mnuit; anil yet ho ia a lawn .whfliiha* pruliqldy nev--r thought twice ijq tfio wubjeretjla his life- i His titoufu-fs are litre uhiurrij?[rtag .of a troiiiing ta a « lu « sl ekich h u j»u- "lin-eil tlie perl*,, foot uf maanersu.

u-,cing U tliA tte ■ r-avl ).-«to ilAffT,.' sultas, .witter tewlW artfiteJufta— )- BO-js-l, U.'-.-r. tl ,. > *, „»|iiU l-Xv, .-

iiMvrss* t tri 1--1I-•Imiasi eg

iii* iuISu s» .--a.—oj <-jis*v i",; a-rt iw-iykssiAw.-iihte

. sttetept.sv tefo. LHltei(it- -m- 1

cuuplc trt wiow-drops hanfl, supjw'sifa j ho would know enough whet tp flu with them.

W edge tutded the snowdrop* over in "liia hand,; and looked after Jar, who! li*«l nearly tim ed the turner ; whal could the man tn-Min by giving him th,- mnwAraps and nrevt-r saying 4 w-u-rfl ? - Ilci'coulda'l have known u liv l 5uid justi Kat pum»l at the ball . y ft it sieait'sl elnsttgre that he should i-foi-i up gad jrij all this about pro*- ■ ftt* jure whSa W r ip ’ V U thinking about tfief v,-i*y subject, anil enjoyingth* fotcwf, tojh ' ‘that he UuttldaT ofe' ford to liijy bij* Wife anything-" lful new having tlkre snowdrops, and hny- ing hresrd r i much about tfurm. it iHimwl ok it '.f 'tkmy fia t would do hut. tlmt he must give them to hi* wife, and Ibi* .proevediug would be such a new and extraordinary one, that tite very thought mudo him feel sheretrish,, '

* * 4w r.but fam ily................ . _ _down, so that the light waa fait dy­ing nut of lief r j » , sod the color f i ­lling from live cheeks- She wvuld not have niiu iM ithem h alf nor even a Huatti-r w much, it, whres Wedgecame home, sjye could bars told him all about thsiii-—fur tea to cue he c.,uld have oof things right. Bat haala ay ■ [(jvli-iwulied when s h o v e s - .__ _ . , __tuted to begin the subject, w that | Ut-oC* St it that . . _ she loft i tf ieukfog fur help whore leorncJ uiob , aj m a t periud of theirtlieire wa* autte lu be gut. It sueiuod files, ^ te ersdcnce u f insanity. ;Only _ ____________to Wedgri that if he paid, down in - a fow day* sineo uhe of the 'bjo.* r tTherd ra*h f,-r clptltitig. fiadtag and Ireented stu] bc-Lovo .miriistc-r* «/ the ; iM te s - i iM i *u un­i- lieeling tha family, be f is l done hi* Itofdrvqod church, *akk to an nnjfime- share toward tfio'.r bringing up. Such. | ly grwfo tin dvr tho fetal effects of hia ' bring the state o f things, you. m ay; uvet--*i)rit(*l brwiu. wad drily wv see wall imagine haw turptised waa Mrs i iuhrr Bright intellreyt* gradually hut 'Wredge wllun afire heard a chrrrful 1 steadily-going outsfront a si aula r ■Voice calf, out,; “ b l u r t are you, Ita ' courss . bleep is thq beat remedy; It ry F ’ Bpt gfrritrer still was to r ns- , is a pliyiiitiao wbiwre ruraiirr p o v rn touishiuMit, whew, on going to tho are almost certain ; Tha Xiforary dour, her husband pisw-nte-l Lor witli ’ ' ' ’th# mowdropa, dedanng as ha put them In. foac fisiuls. that, ‘ beautiful frtefifog sleep, i s they Wen-, ke thought the rosebud become iueenoon hot aani h»»t them oat and But?'' of tM -briio. ’— — ■— ~v , w * - Wredgs had done roaar a handy hit south ; at least h fhoaa inform iss of Work with those tools on hi* beck, who b*w gi»en th« -subjwfi th«ii ate Vat he difi. a W«wt m jeb with those tostiau, sad th an da

b M e rtfhaglj* bad «wr don* with j doubt

j - |iI r o p i n gV WaM.

P ltk ffb rm i*,' 1 uos k tpifofoun*.

Ot>N frAN T I.Y <|N |1 |ANTiJ

u * tl. IIJ.E.V.

“Cith ens' Coa! Yard.’'r« r. o f P roof .\t. iff /faifrtuitl,

I jU lN F IE L ^ i, » J . ‘

p. r. b. Nirwus,tfovter is t»w •■ vsiiii si


SCEAKTtllf COILS.l'artii-ule* attootiun trid te!j>upuiviug

j f ,'tdti by tlM^f.nJj .

O a k a n d H le k te ry . W o o d

H ivn u#, avail* iq iik «, ti..r-<—,r T T J!-----T ' - — hij----- 'SCROLL SAWING. & c .

C B . K t X l K R S■ V ! !• lafosu ■ <* -i-™riin d im a“ S c r o l l S 4 « i i

HnrkrfK, TlfTimg,1 C i r c u l a r M o o u l^ in g s ,freneu, Hltohing ati.l f jo i . 'J'rt.ts, *.■^W’ ri l -rilfci Ite te« sod, r i m s—■ * , u*

diU cBBsah's P 4 pt»u U lu ,Cw.H *1 4 UsJb-ke A. .

i . r i d u t e u t a. J-

PlaiiiE 4 looliit Mills..1 theeiv *te_ TV*—

I’fiA lN F T E lll^ M J. .

SB O R G A N Bit R D ,ja a fiis s s


Sj.B*v i u , tiu: Itasix .— L«twluioe bruins >it toiling alinuet £notly remember that unte** • the brain energy v ipended -during' the luiuas-vf wakv-fuiueua ■ * rooturad ur ratru pehi ttel fully l y nub sequent sleep, tljB . first atop toward insanity luu been ‘ taken-' Thv braid melta urwither* unilw tucli irecu nud .tear,and acrthing will buy* it frum uitbnaur ilustriutiau but the ij*h#t repuae wltich slcup. iileu-.' itvtt forunli fiusc, who ere tha'people (hat reuuiro: m a st' ■ “ , 'Tbiwe- w h i thmk /meat.

............... Bjysy u fo u r

NOTICE orrn iB Crt-imtertsU* U Srtw ra l i " " ^riT'al^'jrsauatesIV

m t e i L t e- t e - s *,-L^.mt>w

„ I l i . ’Hurd, SulixHjrt, I'iivttri uud Fil- 1 litij ' tn iiricjk.

ks^rt-7teosAaOuan uuri-u.r hm d uite rsi-


TTBOTIKlONkF o l k s ’ C o l u m n .

S T E A M M O U L D IN G;U R ABC E AG EN C Y,■ oOo »-ml v 4 0— — I »*>ii«.

. *■ !■ •?*■ *, 1 - P L A IN F IE L D , S , SJ .

ytbftughl t i l l il s u uiy d-wr,fc lifr » l» p I hod w. A^ron-lairon rain* to bw u *tW * o f his ti*=. tfc.i it m u f« w l» n n i n'lf-dnnM. Ufa,' V pasty think uf oonio! way of 1 lifrii-v r.j Vlial I c m li uunt*. lna»: But I ri/ kr-4 my train*itai'Wow. T lir jin lr romfurt I f* * j p rh«* thought tliAt when j-lojjBe a HUSO, I could .vara U uf bur father all the 6**Jw fhff. Ji*. tbnald harm a nrw ■‘w j n r ho«w. ThWn {lieiJ o i rnjB- bjjdfI that roar iw»T eeut'A■ I * * printer and malic book*; Then, ho could havblardor l* a ^ i long u* our bouse. Tfau t Ajliirdmi me «... :s)u<li relief fieMrniiaoil fully that I mi*& , U ’y printer And 1 may u■ b f u as ft ay r liw ii that from I |l.tJl.i» l'|p'j«tni' tlui purpofte >>f |

PJuAi OioaJ, glaring daylight Kuri l chin fir .,nv,h*

filfc nut liulji mu liny; for t fe I . I At an tli- -aion puilty npitui suMoy before. I lU, lib* 1 i-b - . ! tte.tlsfr. And u .ter, 3 I wurf- j ii^ d id Biitw-fm happier, 1 / ; he# had io*1 -v luci and tulll l« t gentle, Mill uHiigilte th*t i t mi awful fueling at my heart >uu« ulf. I im sp in li'id a Ini |


• P L A I I T P I E L P , p T . 3,,rtMbs™ uai »Jar, .iff lfce battuUP ftoto on* *hlr'*. ! t •aalb’tv pint ftlbr

COET Si STEWAHT,. 1 H A T T K H 8 , i j ”

r ■ 1 * - J l l R K O i n F T H E C T .

I in tend in at‘11 m rliiniji up, t lw e ln !i|^ * t . icnd aa p ro d w jtbe beoL-

Families will find it a * penial oil wan tag- to putroaiM me, u my entire stock » eeWted with j.iLrticnlar t.frrtinrv to i|» good’ rpuaTities and che-ftpr w

Itclie-ring jn f ta so n a M t and pri-h* will r t r s t t a lib rn t pitninage, I reapectfully lailkil ft rail aoil < xonnnatiun* l

■ -*,r J O S E P H C . R A N D O L P H .

K p T A L I h 's r

ik ijtjR T E im d irn A iiE B B . ! H Rm T A

^fR E IO A N ^

: S e X S M U T ilA L in rfjc C ^, ]• « P —artff H.J. •:A?***,................j .............. • j HM




O - R O C E R i l E S .f S P B C T ^ L s T I K B : : ' =

TE A S and COFFEES of th$ Best Grades. Canned and Dried Fruits a t the Lowest Prices,

C L U E I I U 3 . T S T X U Q S I T ,{2 diairn E * * t u f i i K l S t ) P L A I N F I E L D , N . J .


I jo " iao(i o f hngwibl In* only al.uri- ,lrib. , i 111 ju-ry »IUJ Ihbiukb k bli'»,JftK"—lUanf-, liilllrr-n, j

^h-r- nt-M- aittf- uf u*j and i l *buiUT *u "ar brnhd w*. n ry tLin,,J, (U!iUrl'-*Ji« n«nt Irtk-hMl d*wn fttid

ami IlirRoi 'hind tide bfl- r.r,-; inJ » - a - i t llaritfisiliHl bIU hiub.h a i l n-fftr H iv H P li uiluir -.bo

1 r**«e ofja 1-a • a letler ar-nta-J I rum £candiaUM>r eouuiDing «

d* ,.f ■ mudl *ULul uaincT. it wn. *[** tin"l JwrwiiaajblH tllftt IHtl of it ffttbiT ,|»iuld treat- blmftelf tu a ‘’et.i, uih >A whu h Iff bud htjjtf dp,jrt-,3. p ,irio i»i!i| e ialiiitinoraitig (I » m fr y-itr» ulft at tlj- tic(ir), aiothrr drr^-„1 Ul-n in 111 a i.jiabiu.d WIft|M of lb* flhiilF, 1‘ttl til. (id-Uiifti ioiii* in liiy ]-* tel, j mill .ibjafeebed ll.P C'l lip* »iitrbbiBtn« ailkg*. fi»A mil.-* awair. tuibnin^ri ill* lama-

My way luy ak*«tr Vy ill* riv^r wku-h wa» fr-1/on ft« l>ftT'l il" graui!i\ aial all Wire w.(f. ibayjfr,.ni rin- tfl- lug.' akiiUop I »i"*fl to*il»J>. my Li-JBWitiiiLw a* I , ’-0 m! apr-rii lhu bank witplniig lb,-tu. tjupk-Lwittb iieftiiii. lul :r>ll'H tli.'y got*! • Sill T. r*i —" tUey IMi! mid Juii ,|,LlulWly tfo-JT ci*l\ tt*i< iiir.p* Ui-y drft-w U[. *ft.-r a Imi«h ruh an ! M Smia.inii tilijmi arry-llu-ln i'll, Oil, Ww if they 'wwulil M n r " lu j ' I t tuirli mad" my Ifp’ IiujiIl' '■ 1L-mi t.i jr-jw ,'nticU". I Lttil 1*‘> »k'N*a|1 Bi'vrjbml nt.iy l»ou;ljt l«r tA ji. my |if<*. I il*-ajwr-o-1j <-iir li",iui‘-nmJi* pltyjhut/- 'TEu-lt l| U d [i> 1.11'l lit'- t . ■ m my ffttiiibl wr-.iij*, uilyu

i - iy , at..] whom cw,iihi ic lie W my fiillu-r iuul mu'.Lirr V Th«Jf Wi*h« liird w ik run— tbyylditln'tlvTe mr; I • «i.! (rneiidn lltii Hi, *,h1 It n i <‘at*y- Itrt nv.r*-1hou^ht*slill 1 v <-oiut- (Vim) il l fthujlt.l take iuipu> Ilf tin- mnnt-v in iny [At tet a.nd buy a (tair uf ak»l*s! It.d 'm il noth* sit re ry wrontt, l wtW,

N E W A R K MUT'CTAF. !b»... i„


HatsyCips, ?ors & Straw Quit,and ChiblrenV lio u td U i d ,

- ik j u t .................... pun***iMtMLANLA ir tJ T l'A L f n i Co.

: rniiww.-t > ! (■ ......- .........................»«*-•

L I F E ,SR ’t lJ A L B E N E F IT L if, j M Co

k i i - , ^ n. j rftHti........ .., ,-.i|....... CtiWajw*

A C C I D E F f .T lt VVEU-BJLS Y N ^ 0 0 .

lu-L nifht> I eud-iYf- but tM a 1 felt attli-T b-lj.ul itkj.rt*-

K P E T 3 1 ) rOARPE-J’Sif .. l.VUFKS

Ij3t l£ “ ?-S4as™'S i d k i n a n d S k e l a V o o * ,It roald4'>

a i no! ohj*i- i'|i*iiLi>l m.iiiu.

C A U T I Q ?A Wfn-il to Mechanics aticl Builders,

Public iat large.

L H . R A N D O L P H■ ft. BOOT I.B*jE t-tOHB hr

.iipuwai Ml*. || W wTAKhuUl., O n J n n i t Htrr rt, .

>\V WtlCEiJ, r o i l CASH-wild uf, tosTii.

•Fanuijp" 1 wn-amiMl, ‘"I ckiil nrit 1<mu tJj< w m y 1 Tin'll: it W vtatr-w. ’’

A ud sliju . what I citulfl not uinlcr.Bland it**« illxut flitli-, mKnirdb fn-ia* badly A 1 illj. HuliAik. wn ill Lift arum njnllji-li! hi«.|i 1i-ihIt i«, Inubream, and tujf bhurl Vfciih hwi fti-arllr liun t my jfi.-.A i-f d..-i nil,.) Tiu.llilr and «nall- ■ r until l|'lhonglit 1 had ! .i.mtli- 1 it all -in tjiic lv b - ami *i|rhej

‘•1‘uiii^i-d enough for tlii* tim*-," t fteorj my Ifttiic-t nay tu fim*~*stf A f­t, p I •Ii o iilii mjm ho ««i.1, ' ITi.nry,wn wi}l [Jty nothing fth iuk thit at j-ruai’nl Vt any one, not efijn viitr xuuthuj. f f yon IM-k. Oild I tliinV he will fufelifc you an I 4a vfimfi you liui o b» '.pilv ruptmtod i I fuel iuni

Insure iTour Lifeli. n1ienu>ii and Children.

. |Tm*. I rtulT^

lihI Sh<»rt Mude tdOnJBr ill Short Notice. * "

lg Utina i« iho Senieit Sly hi-

i N E W W R K PRICES, amt wiU i-l'i. I "nil s i style and fini»h-

W bich I

Ccr. 11th St_ a*d Broadwiy, N. T.flour, Feed, Shorts, Bran, Corn and Oats,

AT V ER Y LOW EIOL-Rt$8.My Flour I am meiving din-c t from tfl land’, and am making il a ’penally,

. --- ___ » • ' A - •B Y TH E W.-Cy ! I . AM- BEIA tKG

G R O ( K l l l E S & V l - K i ‘V I S I O N S ;AS CHEAP jAS TH E <_aiEAPE*ST. V o B CASH.

liowU deli™r>al in pnj] pari uf the rity, ir**r ijf i

- ( Sir, Third nnd Church Su.,i Eft "I I lie Pri"A.i ' ; P L i n F f G U I . W. J . ’

U/y Vnjkitll, f IZO.OOO.

Oud ,.f Din tu n t yuc-ceufiriCcimpaaiBS . ill fft. W.itI.ICantFal New Jersey A t E x tr a u r d i iia iy J

fo r Cn*h-It* Jluar.1 of. Jtirecten i* du»eii'uiu arr.Ong til* heat buRinas8 menr rh« cuauifty- \

faria, Garden and Houaetold* S p t c i n i F e a t u r e * .

*H£t£*alg!L -i^ '- Bllimd'bi^EuUta. T ,“llT ™"itnd. No reatriAionii in trawl lifter■- *nc V.«, J

3k}C iCU J d w b j a ('(.lured in the puli-

S P L A i s y i E t o ,ii, :[uatu| ini-Betf Wopi"«- Iiml it lio- ll'ft -i-l latino*! a’ mu, h 1.1 me asjt.i- lulu |ti-"idi-.-s 1 lie jingling <"f that manor & my pocket made n» feel grand j^i'l uidi.|a-a<1fent* I nnli',1; hiil.r ...liiatliiiig on ttiv 1>»|] nuioiUlt

rip.diiti^ tlui v iliu « ,iu tiw l:u rp iih g ti the IrihjkHoi'-, 1 weal dir fit 1, t.. a il.ii], wlu.e,'. n few davs trid',*.-. I h.ul J . n u row uf the euvoted nfii il-w Imug u.'rnrt* j 1 fie window. The !>-H(fiir I |.*ikod. .tb" 8trong*-T piisw

'* «* 'j'11 iT' l11*! '1* s'Kib a* till*}'ill-' kiirlWt. '

11 hiding them is

Mediumr a h L 9S S T 9V 23 ,

C O O * S T D I t S t f i lN G E S ,

* r„ .o jliT l., “KKriffttf 1«lean ffu ijtin >1 life i iulJii.

-Wd Dn-id-ndtt;

a. i.-nunt 'of future s l £ r i i u l t u r a l ; Ik ip le m a n t i i ,

HINOWIRE TjN WIRE,WoDtl tfc Willow W'aru, HOUSEHOLD FURMESHING GOODS' Oarpeawrs1 Jk Masons' Tools,

PLOWS IHO CASTINGS.rocuMTTE, *c»**'puoffhatb op m u ,

-VM.SON LKJVIS,liicfliin j^d'lifiou to rlrtSte and ekns.-id cruiifimrtKiiuiij in evil* lily in- 1-u .i. ifi druiaad, Villi!.., .l.'rrvicu-itig

iv4"lw'iii'». ami uf miin* aug- • ni{[hv| |irir"; nr wlfrn afailhre in

>i> ennui pwthm plufflt’ the ij'jdj liul.'W tile ii.cdh Ilf lhi|t He­in, *u.B«1lter dUirlc-tii am failed tt|>* 1 1'HuiiS" up the deliri-iK-y. JBut Lgtli -vf llur-. .-apavs nwpjLiTvp

mini. i>v t" die litllibru o f the grain f>l>*tn in y n-i-tien. d limt bwOlne =noA a* .I'i.iia tint »hoa w rh orlienlm&d.iwthe .lit-rug,TjjiuetJiiii^-|- tl, ' ! j »!i tvk«' tU.'ijiutro^of or 'ill j , njiiwj. ujiJ tlins Jin' gviftrsii ■ •I hfev;|eiv|i|d in rn»l' ft Are-

CARPETS made andfe i j f f o l i a r ^ t V d t l ir ,^ u il FLOOR Ol B C U lT H S

LIFE ISSUKiSCl CDIFANT, SHADE n o iX A Jp W : ib ^lEwidtba.

SHADES n.ftdn and Lbi^ t^onfer.

s h a k e s a n d i .AOK O c S t a in scleaned and relioi*heJ ^

NEW JERSEY CHEMICALP l a i n f i e l d , - - - ,

COMPANY,1I1* noiftt natural ’ thing in the work That tfiritd* wine of guilt in ’tn {biji-aatiP t - o u U u n ji" i judge wli+tli .*. I * j ..-ting like ...j w-u or n.ht .

t Jt*lo.U;li T in aiooFiJfti i>tr, Lxju>cm>u,r O il I n X <; l>n>n.ptfy d lf tm M tv .

p L a r r a o f o i j k in ti>nand 1, hoft \ »beuU be nailing

jig ln<fore the mini 1 Bui ■ ytmt a i ainOftenunit t“ find, «]“ ■ « ri- t.Xluy tun, til 11: I euald not •*> m, I. hi iiiii Ifw*. *H'H' ft 'ingh' 1 1 jln o u gh t ml- to- my i ly•n-ory bit uoipd nut. i*» » pliiin.

* foi.lifthlfoy l had been,- In nj.nt, winstrlius1'1' hegan giuvwing ,i, ,!01 J ?. V htrW tr&iwJ I l.iuf

I Ban. . ib v lm r iia l t lu i Ib fn a ing Tii,tl*r than hulaim to pril-

■ A'liat waiilvl I have given tu to bring hu.-lc tho a warning.’

I I Wer I liiniKerit again J 1 ■t leb, kind aow v u planiuiig a( nan t Uw tln'fl 1 v-ouUl *l ftrv'e* 1 dial it -Ira* I r It weiumj .* m- bKikrif 1-y 1 bad read i.f-

itm h*U-d, and left Uli'Ui U|hl"u-.- 1 *kull nerer 6irgvn-nsrmiu-| huW tnv giiilt inrrejaei-itrry u p, Low heavy J«y.lrg«

Yoprl^Iouey.ket ritna.

Good* didirti. ll free' ftj road tuition in ilia county,. tbo ward* of tb* eiiy, ; : f

nla^ftrr JD ad) ^fajr l i e . ate easily applied by way one, r

d a r n * , u*r* t* I t r n lr n , ami full -riilaCn ihm auaraaieml tu ()•*-i r t u : u a u o r . arm ■ « t, vbsn*.0 pewiijftiy, rta |-r*vii*u 0 1 ,rt .U r *X E W JEpf?ETr L T IIM lL A L P A 5NT C O M TASY,n V i*.mrJ:o**- »i,. | *J 1. .atf-..-* ___ ■ r i j u a t i U B. ft, J,

1 the pritnipleall o [if in lion-

, 'f evirrrthiiig :. v fi*r tiulikoj, it

I*, u *trai 1 ...... . .■ b u* L , l i, I;1 .me- in eighL. not laager, wh. a •■ r, tm! aii different, and 11* ‘ ..lii-r^l t. all die window " m-etiii"! 'l.a.Vmg riglit intn iny ruil- «.(»

Tliett a* I thought o| go- r* - fc iv*. i-ikUi'- -lU-K ft I'eelnjg of -me. I1. W i l ill, and * * * glftii o f " le. ■ - .. . ------ , ■--- -- -It Hi Hr l * t r Item Jadrti Sou in* luvJJ by JeU* win-,■ r, anil 1 will war,- that rfgarduq by your luiaWea*, bil- ig'iuOtnmr again .-ratod ^y } v l i lady Ydn k n < ui* un inlau! I Lifted; tike wife tir jy o iirw lf. a BU'lrw’ * for your ilr luofLior was id the tuotu Imarw jCad-1 friend.*, a ludJ fcr the , 1. s io l,.,ko l ftUrfkiiid Ui worj} a^d imfuitj. Your (tifc Will |.*Jv habdod *#-rep wjth .yo u , yo ar taintma willii the Lwink. Henry *hw rule y * * - odd roar Rdy

- YOU. Y ;nir wife will tuki- 1 inm-Jhitl, Tour H ul

,y • liLku**. jB'ur lady of lapIn you k r ff sii-k y»m ;wi

I . I . l N l i K Y ' ! Citj'IL RATES A R E TICE IXlWT-ST. uj-a ■CEsposrftrpii.rrT rsqniwinrvBi*.

! O u n t b m l A «<snt«*: K p Y N E L L & fI .R V E L A N L , ■

r w v«* mu ate. j « wt.

k ». HSw™. H 4 k* > *■) C*aa*l jbr

ib± fef;f t *

B E A L E S T A T E ,i A t N e * — - - '^ ftt'

MOURNING GOODTuti iKc Cloths,. fienn twiiner, ; i|j

Grenadines, :

M illin ery , B o n n et* , H a te ; * e ,Itlewe^ing and IVeoaing dope Ut : »6pn notice, i Beat be r» . in led

ftpd dyed. . Ptuking done. I • f t itjui. .} A MpKui A im m n a it v f Ji*J»

JJriidfc CHgasne, Sari echo* ft Carls.

ftfllB-!' If diU nUCMP

- i ou» »'«“ *■t__ _ Jour health*

a walk with your wife, avfther looked at 1jwouwht ft Ihm

■ Krai my *un •, ai f twltiir U’ U,;U


« < u e * f t i a u .

J O H N M . R T E U N E H f

— The IJ-irin-lh Kilitbitiuu of .the ln-d u*tri,-ft:of uni lend, tol o t.-'ld bylha Au.ori at1 luBtilut* in the uBtueiiae • iru^LuCT buftaded by S*Co*d *ud Third ^ vdii*! and tMxty-Uvinl nud t'laly-YthfrlH ctrecfA A 'rV York, from 8vpt*ftij»rT tb to Jtecember * lb, pn»m - **ea'4p he Iut in advance of, anything Iiith«ti}-attoiBpled on thi* continopi. Artiste.-lArtu^na. Idvwntore, -Mauu- fa*-taro«, Hc*rt»fuftur(.U, and uthere, an. rajilllj foiwapiing their appUca- tiuas;K*k ap*Oo in which h» exhibit - inethjfg w ftd , winoierful, : beauti­ful or ^la'ful in the vartoo* d-part- Aketklfi. ,i T110 be*t and . uiUrl rweont triumut^ uf Am>ncah ekiUodphiduiiU a* vl-11 ft* lb* Uto»tMl<l moftt Approv­ed i.ueitiiMlft o t luanwCftctiuv, in artnel

c G i t i n x u * s o n ,

I t i l T K Tj * ; . ;

\bnifiUna S*(p r r iu fejMfewfs.

Y*ur v. it-e and ninnner The if a iu,| m ud pertou i* xftan " I d t k* guilty, thit on r is

F a i t y a i d S W r o m ,tmuoae i f t b s aftii aiiAjiLw. run wi> Tflllftt'iaj- L M l; BWOUIWTIJTIAIAT1.

e e ra r ,*kitE i Pll-W, hi,TUkuUwi b to* Ih n l u iH u e ,1.—m- w,

w o J , ft- m M me* ka^mlhltr *Jwh . M'.>-InelUkd uie tike


F ; 8 . V E B l I E I L I : ,

F a i t a n d H u n te r H o o d *THjriiMtoAT.

T . H. t ll l L l S M l N , 1 . U.,

M a d e C l o t h i nrrnrH loa i f n u h It aV itow

JKHMkjlt (if 11*1 *«k| »M1 twrt nlaflatlawly Itj'onn-“M m 4rail lux] M- ftlloW

CLOTHING EMPORIUNIIU t a r a h ' i N o n B l o c k , ^


r jio nm e t m u S irio u w * 8 n

I>p«win..h a s ja j r iS J H r t R z it

r X > I l !P J K R O F F R O N T A N D O R O V K P T H F F rfc H ,' F L A X j f F I F . r . P . H , <£

H*» jilal opeBu-,1 h i, N nr (tore with th* beat leh-rled i t a ’L uf

R E A D Y M A D E C L O T H I N G; : K .i.i utfi-M in thi* city. Aim a tin* tit.uk of t | •*d-liham.

low whichn tin , had*» iwaltur-lUmx r*tarG yet tafcn, "*r w- Elizabeth**. - ‘HI I be «(■'»*! h

a pr-*r*t bluer l fu. pa w B allE . W;. ft N. K U M U N ,

& {OounSfUMjsA t l a w .

M in a Pttije. l a m m E o u s i u Oncer,U*VH «-»,..raL )m t»rtr mrw d h Ja tb-M* ■owe. vpfaaai# I’M ao* inpirn

I f* a* can H bad cithne In N a * York aT Newark. Jirst elite* tBrnulm ^r Tailor luv* cdiarjre *

t, who gataractee* all garnuniti la lit, and cat in thi ibg their orr* good* tan haVw them out, m*4* or Erl

nyiw t Bfsroj*.. - - r i hallo he jekIio-iI ( tribute •H~W ■ra iiu-> —to ..t tlirul from the delta*tin* « Jfi walk. Uriah* Hwaie* » « • .urit iir m i of tb*t whlcb ovinevlill l . pulmllal i nfluem.* in tbe KnaWI n n artjf. Yrt »M » He V ive iauHI W uibe litaib, t i l * t t t alaiW Ibe InitUB-B**( l.nli u. e («i 1 la- rreis i anrf It *ra» hi*hm . *»nl*au.] wUm+lliinflacrK-e wfclsbcbe* erf (Ire C«ar«|lot M u » ifla U « a

HTP-f W « IT boerf* are torlaj »rl HajrJkt 114 n w « Tatuie A i&o i *rln-*i«»Jlenr.ll»|»li>«’fe*at (M alii Idl.

IloldtWj of 3-WPe, hf conveiWkiK intofW H il.'r iu lii lh- Interna ifstf in-c M e Jlielr tupltol l - t i w r r H t , , orlhlotb* aiul Vhln*. With 111 It*-r fii-e i f 1 H yen- r r f f . , i or hoi. fcr» of tVulnill MnrtrliaBp- fiir (HM-U|n^ruul ilMiHenB'l Iw n-m ill-dr capital hIhmi? It p r r c m t. The p irila ritj of lire Pm- inal*, tbrlr'arailaMIlTjF sml i,ui-ck njartet * ! *<l tuoai-y eraMV* lo-i-he word Mftaoif n p r f t h r rltmttftliitu •>/ f/le Mertf,air vTyy ^r*iilying ii» a*. Hid mu-rf bealio l* <11 ’ ' ‘ ' ■ '.......

t r i l . l . I A M TBH I IS , A . M ., 8 C H O O X . F O R B O Y B ,

Osi SVit-Lun SriKur,; ,V..'r tr.1 ,

_______ ri-M>M'.lCl-D, K. J____

.North MkF i f t h S lT iM -t,

M*r*h, WVuli undmli trtUy liirrlMh-r th* 1-amlid.iib-. a *

T l« efl»fii1te« c.b rAfjlutii.lt* tp porteii following, which vt*euHirnimi.o«lj( *do|it<hl. .

I Ji- ~ -frog Ttiat t|ic llejinhlican*'New Jera^y.-Jj-1 heir rrprtwnini<n *-

liljH lN E SS CARDS.In ilaouiltbe Ibofc li t la 1 llilB Wbolflie Irjjul.ltcio |XiHi bar terry rru».i lo- j nigd uf_ \bd lit* pro ail Of lulu aid II but funert llrrottllamlonuauHet whlth « «ialrmiidm*tbh« pimrert XU »H- We •1 ■ that W* \uir.i- will he bnnl early

ofteu -Lormc Hit eouila* caneac* ]t1 * 1 . bar nm-i-m la tlixfatofr

Irtu.iwladt a.uero.itj l.aa la-rn .<«Ive u. hainioLi.i Hint ‘£.nil fielmj tiiIWat I-»nc lire1 John IMrldMW. of

■ ler* of t|r hoielst 1h*tth»mine po|.uL-.ri!v m l i^r.(l*b,l|tj Will at. Lieh lu Ft he CU*sa|i«iii' aa.lOI.lui, ami that Ut'J- brill ru-mmmil K|Ual prle( u ith the t enlnla ImlUe lijut. u I- har.-iuj thiutn.The ij.f.nKielr ol ili-- Urffr- whi-rr theAw-nnaf, ttf Hu. T n n!urj will call In a***t lil-auill of Ki'.-il’ernli-« infl r*TrV-u.hi'litl'1. IwiHK.r.w ilH itM tijili t* iiH.kin- r,.t ii.-w liiTcftti»-iit-. ■lul'-loall **cli i«vi 'n-er>iuineiMl tla S ir- ; e r >enf. Cedrt JhtHrlK, p r lHMjbri i.irrf Ifttrr- r*t, Of ' tAeC H E S A m a OETO U S L -

e o a s c o k iP A r r . ;

illnr of dimlpalioB lurclnp kDorntHl |Miltiim pbjrlcil^ ille« u the foumlntlvn ; n*l Fflm ueil uplo ifleplml i f ^w.,1l(|«Mr »ln.p* will 4^ (Era A ihI hriv we lii l j v>-*.Mwio Uifllt, uuly hi .other■i|ierHK»-. tie* between WCw- i ibo! ItiuD of u>e liciuur enru iwn parch itulr tip* wltlf ib

' stroojfer “inno

pl.a!pn umhleli tyiuilie ai'jw nt rtepublleaa [irtyTor llu-lutltiruj eaHupletioii .if lu (infliliilie.l wwrt. 4- N .

■J Llea.i!»r.h Tl.lt lljp Killd ut!. AtllfJMl-

(irliH-lpleai.rKe Piuajity of. all iil|h li.-- fi.r.-1 Ik- liar,' U trot only |un In tbrjirj, bat l» ranp-btfnjE It. practice, itwj we- will, by a£ lawfuljtneiaa, -upf-ew my it li rlpt

couBlry'apiwTui*- JA ltr-uiv< C That tin He|ib!j!trail |Jiriv

H bow, » IwW'totorv [.lol-.il to ecatKriue HI tf,, ( Il-Ol.fi turr of lilt public imrarj-; to cool IntUflb Uc payment of fat H tU c *|e|ii loth*ctr.-r.it fiwWlnx »fall bCnblo A of trail* mu) Imlitnry; to tvlioic -mix laws, a pure a'"> imfnoil iadhtiaryv *bd

F r o n t a t , , \rppoxite C h e r r y , T*1A 1NFIKIJ>. N .J -

PRESERVE YOUR E t t s iV» ropy I He al>0v* fnun tbn New -

hi ; < 'ptiiier mid d j“ 1 honrlkly nuk-ruee ry Koid of il W e know Joliu Di vi.I*,n, nuJ Ikvano who know Itiiu b.et know bit '•ferSnif 1 |UILlilien If...>>» attenglh U> *«.Y party HI* an . hfiior to he n ffwsqd of ia<h a man;

1 ho article' *bO*o forcnhiik.iii b»- Daridtoit'k f«»tlier |ealitical..a^- V B te n q t , *■ Jftire tu my ton lijjr-n-l- in 1'niim t-ounly will only liobA> gl*>l to ho* their fhe.irite mm md- v fc w |n the hitflxwt pouitioaa in our

Rnei-O thi-;iwll IJii - wJjJr-b.AIiuJ M . S C H W A B '

O p l i r i a u a i d O r H l t » t ,W ill to. a t J i is u ’h (li.Tf 1, IlaifA.-M,

F ra n 37th to 29th of Scpt«L& r,With • airy Ow stock of j c

SFHT.iaK I I I [I’E G limitKPFJteM rSs j f

■ j< in 7. e. j i T t i m . ------ttotj^id.

J O H N A . S T A A T S ,

luiraioe M Keal Estate AieitLNFfEUi. S. J. AfttldMUil tu

I, le-.ln.ie.,U iv ftj jio } 1

|>btuj A.plrml. <(>taliai.ioui.l'Tr.lal'*»L or

Ac., kilrtwai.tsn.Tbr ianm .1

fT.xft.ijnii. win•re U-mf.1 in , k-'sXi ami ;»n«e

Th* Itoutt. cal

. Turn !>v the n»pTKij|eulril Hie Battcmat flrl.1; Uy tbr |n of lmerer-. ujun the pib- |j (be renfanllun UT tfie ki­ln *11 the nurlciLit br the w lw- and happy mdjn* iBeOl Tat. niiiu cimr.ircrevi witJi . by It* hwni-r-t, ntrnl liLfi.y ■ lid it* liiitli pauiot apt lit. Ailnilni.irallt.il t* fit tided it ruium nlitlu. and a- Iltr

IMPROVED jCTJtiaS o w in g M ao.htbe,

f. l-Crnuto* , That be an-heartily Lu fa curin' eix.-h a reftina a1 the' dull ncrrfpe u .ball iniMUpP'|in1nici.t t.i|.ubllc -MBrJepea.leni jt(k.n UtiH-ai nrt'l chMwtor.ah.! allow raniniMb* Rw clime bbIt. ! '

0 ltoe..|r*3,-Tlu.l the t n.t I*r|mk-ifi.rE'-rrl no .■Mlinieret sdunl-.d I-) th.- . Ipn.loo- ai.l p f l water friHUor. Ui* H-thtrdp- ■ ■n (lx Huitw k ri'.-T and -fbc nilvauLa ralrrady lakuw lhertor by tb(; Ti-HUCMii eu-iu.ebl|. Ilrlh.. reni.h r I tn h w n rf that mitioaii trefauftfun xhunlti be icconfeij by the rc-ttlftl I.l JrrecT t ile Into V port

J ‘ Bi BROW.V,

E M ESTATE, Ererjilera,m> uulr|> I'u.toin lEoa-.-3. IlnotyM, Tun the liberal phyvitluti

nunlv by StiU- iBTftnlatarc foe flicr.BW -if rflhfllkon. loubhufi at It Aem to tbr cut MHlrnltare ..f tvery ohild In thebu t., thus giviric esidnu-c that tlic He- I.<1 l l i . 1. pwyty uipw Is. anil iu-mTlfr |.< I“»CH tn Mift-mlnJ cu the rTn afi'-ol of ih.-111.1-s-• aqil the oniverml dilbm.o*>ii lljXht mil'1 h4uT lr.l-r, of eiEuestlcni llul n -m lilj. h n m r m i cordial a^pnibi Horn ; .n.1 Wr,jiiimrlH| thl. pcfllt-V ,W lie I*. ..nble btfaStw-nillua of our fcllotr Wtl- Una or il l ttltoue-i and rumtil bah* ar rtlij ■ H-ntfy Jit ftia-laee the Slate In tlwl w rj from rank* « u.-. -I»ter> of tbe 1'i.ion,'

M Ib wnt cfi. That the i-r<K'nt »y»c«ti..f ^ e r lila lf fjilrfrlrpdall(W bl^rjuyh-r lint sully sH-funm-eeMiry expeose to-tin- Slate and th i public, but list. Of ky(W*-tl».- t-orr^nUoa. ami tlila Coavfntlcii, therrtorr. :d#-l«T» Itwiria furor uT tin- IHtsmse of aV--t>er»l law oflurucptiratloii. and.tf the aholUSon. at flu- ■ * pnctkibl. of ali . [.ellf . imI private lexmlatJoli. 1

11. Rcwuftyflt That Wi-pledge t*nr a liib .iihd hearly Appocl ts. the nsolatlostaland ciuJIdalr ytrw. nte-l to-Jaa Cut the sMtfmp-sut tbcitoaplc of Sew Jrm y, aai|'wrwilt do odr'Iitm-Kt lo M-i-nrv Ui. |r|Uiu I'UrluiH-uVsil lb.- .Ibrunt the ehvlldll of

<«-diwMle.Hm.w.ItouflC i rootus, J

f ' I>. WANNING.—R 5 ‘-: _

. j f f B o i f i 'S a d d l e i , H a r n e s s , A c . ,l * Hil s.lrric t a n * b p . b w n It.tor'.

ku. „ , hS WUI.. ITsAlSP’lEI.Jtil If J.

Istit-i iitt Sti^L-r Pipes :nui W ixmI-■- i. - ' t fd P ld c e , •• .

f” Wflf »<.V» e» *" “ u- kto. ' -

Property i t Short Hills,Ur Ihtm , .1 . twrealr.. I* bnaiOTrami "--er»l ^ bid, fcr 1 . t* ru* "► I* . 1

F i v e i lp i ik Huu.Ksfcs in BriM.ki v n .T.sJp'ur e.rta*rr. fr. pf-O. Alto

18* ffcjUKcn in N ew T u rk ,

Wk. flnir-m : .I The iV nvcltkin that mot at Tr-.-h km .ill T1.Urasliy U*c to nutniuol.- h ausliiinm tor ll>« kigh otbcu of Gov- rn»r of New JnrtCj, to be iumnrt«il >y the !t.|iuliltonn party, r u th.1 lar- y»l t n r w w in tiM I.-re, ami it lu iy

[Formerly Flnnet ft K*y»^rT h e B ea t pock Stitch

Hiuifaijw far F a m ily W : in th e W orld. >5

The. jnn*t w-nmierful arhiavam) inventirp gruitia khd im>­

' ' ( Iianjcnl skill. j ' v i ‘

Jtm&safi sisc^irS


GAS FITTEftS Ail CUMBERS.m< ndJetl, the'DHMt iurulligvii: Tay-ur’i npac-ioui opera Imu m- n . emu. and ia every part, and uudibere o f lit* Newark ■ lelsyalloti . u .d dunnK;bn whole e-wicn. Front the platform, 1ltn view of 1*0

lucinlm t wan toMt wjH jiiag, and > w* o l ooraeit farssi ai*t your *yp, G.'.k w hen you toiakk, and a N>1l.-r. ■ r D u n intetligeblleokiiijr “Humpan,! nen” cvuld net, I abi sure, be fo-uri'la S «» Jetwy.V'jirh o f the Uirsni ckndalaUu nam.-d.

ETiUh, IV . ,J.„u and Kilpucru k. lii.l ii» itrong and «M*Ut friend., who rurkad lik* fcw*r*rt Cjt llilir twof-^ to, and ntdravond to pranalyt* «ut|h iatMptfe* n» Qua* ih their way , ;amt ill th* evening of V cinrodny, mjd i«r ia the night, and fkom siawd an i’i.aiaftay up noun, tile prucs-M

l i t t l e of Rlliabrtb vlattcd Haio- 'CianMt.y indpeaycl tlM-lrtodu..l 1 taf the t'cnlral. Th- y playitt on I dr (Jin.w.i of tpe Brtafnw .ml rdf«f the ludr|»-H,l.nt. HJtll the

>f Btreete,

D* D i r S g K R S .I’tm siuiB'geutleniea of upAi’enuahcl Lmirnl cltatow: |i-r, a fint-nito citiieA- 1 Repul>lica& from the begruniop; and o u wbolwii aided ihe cau*i ita .uitcba* any n«jl in New withaver-age lulelifkttual ability. These are Iam run). A * |BMit‘ Ve Sjunlitier Hi.aegatire-Quit 1 tic• are a want ot tbit! wiciaL (4^>u.at which make* Mrtnu

‘ rapiulirfblpcptilar with die ftlu|iloy*J. and Ibo i a iifnit uf happening I11 be burn cu<\>f the United ritau-r, for * hu ll he vra* not to blame, th e thing not W ia jf a matter of ch.li.;*- - le t his pA U fljM rim iiiiacuyinU s vbe lt life front* f.in h to (he preienf tin .1, and tbejt .luiU find mjllbctg *\m to .barge kafaitut him but thew two thing* I J la must he elt» i..i, and he

S a i i l o D ^ iu lu i f fo .

B m B L K X « A A L E - .In ChiA n cerr o f N e y Jetwevt

'tss r ' v fih.r-bJi'daAt u Em o . S I

" i R R ADFORD, I \ V A T O 1 1 M A K FJ E.

W itch** ft l .^ in i ’ f t m f R m a

Tbr c«#yaec* j*»J In tile rale vf Min. twill the vb-UBiuf lb, ill.s-vl. rbtpvi aiftrtewtlM*. i.ronjlit Ip a-jratiici Util torScilb war nji-TItaturcl By " lbe le tu l W lithuma* 1rc.UH.UL HK-et-iVlat ito b®d. of I*r IVtry and Mote. Vat. Durblrktl awl they lurltir. tout “ that IVo-r KjL’ou, He . kmerva Purl. ind'Pv. ter K . I W Jr., la i-lirln* tbrir diochtec T O B A C C O

J. I RATTERSON,CLOTHIER,rc beat to u to ltt i il ta f eharge I Jury bat total Sfitott faf«n JOBBER k REPAIRER.

OU fmiikT* O fu i s i TifULKiBCEOIIS ON M ECH AN IC HT .

D E S M I r , R s

F E V E R & A G U E P I L L S