
ßntnmrr firtteato A\ I V IM.KASAN iuiOKB BIWORT B.r« h. *ew*jd ty fami ir**e»» u.»/J h" " ' tet-N HIV i l( NSTtTI'Tr" 'r-r.I-«*-. I- " " "'"'I' tmm mmtvk »aratl'u fro.» J. It V.'l'j »et.-. ti V- ru-a <"'"' M.wmI A.iö-..R C.IU(.K.U>r*l""u'1""""' I». H.r. _ (M)1 n ' in höTrI)-a f.-»55 ¦' ') XUU' J »RR... K. m m»m mm4 b**c (Oed l- «4 .1 dp'.f >, »1 I,«.. »< « -«.. ".. ... H 'v 1h. ptuUftl b' bt »»In» ». No. I* Br »m I Ki |. K. tfiii-c i- qu trd_ /HTM KV BÖAKIJ (VAN! KL-1 r n M \ I ,,.r. i. .... "elV)..u ¦» .»«>.«¦!"».. t:.rr I* | ,t, ..«.OB i.aMr.p. ""»?''« '/ I*- r<\ -| ,,, . u ... r- ii. I* A. S. Appo-on Batidi . k u No. II. __ SliMMKR H«>AKl)|Mi . I In- eubeV «I bjU or..«..»*»- ¦ . *..»»... 52*-«0 !5 *. /'"'S 'iHV o-i'.rr t'ewe- ¦ » ¦...[.¦.'-.>. !. 1 Beeltky Vil |.f(,i Kit d.'itm.k Cor mbia Count*. N. V., »,d miil render gfj ***.».*»' ... ««"-' "hlf,rVII>(,N ii».m ¦><".< . .' .'¦ if»BM a (t. ti<+. itimmlMmmm- et, s< . * k QtiuufB to Cel. ACOTTAOR ü morris!own, V. J. to I.KT. i'.i i»ti« ih.t tl* S ...m.. t .¦.<> .it e i ! 1.4 |..r .'i. >. eS"iil e .', -«it« r tit m »< f f fit.t.tit.. gr»«. tr .! a'j sound IHM ti I i' fepplea.. ctttiim, p»a*l.e<, p-rt» «J 1 Http««). II. um-'Akt', all la aead exAef. 0.-.« of trie ¦ *j «*. mi.: r«w p*<e* it. lb.-;.. Old «halt, t PM to tr nr a:..: ti 1* of tu« hcu»r va «:>..In the liraa* Pomilu'. nr tr »H"i i...'u»ui." >y T.-rirK BMaa.fl ¦¦ rI. ii.i«r.r.i. Af|il' J A |)l\. No. I loi'sf t.. i,).I .i'itiiili furmarM«fi tu dn .'':¦» *.- ..| I tft**1 . .'. «i « \. ,j r«r.. «M.- bfka Hi 'l*. UP al S- raanaa* l«* »i m«» n \t Tb »d\> rtu. t WaiM HI N> tr'aia * fOCMi lot hu DkTaoOi Mb .». Auarro f r Mt 2 . Pi>>". Orli n_ LOFT.- H) L£1. -1 tit* iae LOF1 9 if mi Ma frott laan »") C<.urti»adi .*-. TO LET at . mo^rrti t trtt iTaaa »aBaa laaanidaai' If tVnliaJ IfNply ou.aK«pjra.ta PFIC-E8 tt' Li'. i ld Wie BiMf Hi «h<j, Aaror »l«nr. »ctjctr» In *b» Trr.Mnrrr'1 Offer, ^o'-xnr» 10 4'.-> it KE8IPENCB hi FLU8HIHO furHuauutT vüi va mtef . a up*. at Hol II «itb ail 001 v. i- aoat, at »t»«. aw a I »11 iij. ur hoardInf, or aaajica Inet!cute. L »rae ti.rd. «tatbtitldica« at>d tarnL ("...u»« i^i.t I«. r»ii>. ..1 j;,, K...y Ire/ WtL R PRINCK o CTORfc to LEI io the Tribun» BuiKJi'Mja, No. 7 0 dpmre et. tuquiri. lu the Tribune Oflir«. TO LET.A hai.dRon.f^-furriifhed nOUSETwi K.t» kl>n Hixtit« mi eaaa Um lr~l alii' kaetraVre, art Iii» lean 1 mite*' arelk ot' P.tiy. The owner aid ftsiily eriuld n o.r'a (on baaitjkj il agreeable.. iLquirr on the pretueea. No. :. Ci.'tJIut.ia at r. et ri^o LET CHEAP.Tb a f><*>d tenant, part of h A iftbriaw HOI Sr. Iiat, mtmi and baeetri. i t tl .. ... wdth modeln irupr. vrmetiti, ft' teet deep, 20 feet wide. Ii« eltl-jr loca¬ tion, and iMiabborhood unaLtpaued. No. Ii!' IMtli-et, third braat iar rf fflTar Inquire of Mr*. LANE ii ti.< preitiiaei, fat th'e a.e.-A. m\*J>wit: -TO LET.A aoug i>-.<u>ry and banr> QdiiylJi ment nrbiA HOU8£ oa Court-«., ttroohl/a, t... 9 Board aaa-aaaea, aaBapawa Colon and kett-et*. Oaa Itxture*. I u Eerrj ca.i pa*i the door. Y \ ... i.a rwaeti II and 3 W OOTKiB, Na 143 P-.|.r.u »t., N. T. tatal gemu for gale. ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE for SALE..A tdra>anllr riluateii and Lot at Ntuburgti. on tlie 'Ptde-f >..." inn.iliiir a I.-»' i" .1 »i>-» of toe Riwt and Hiza iauda. trill be wnd at iu...i-fi>t. taraa* 'i ll.-bou»e i* of brii'k, two atorioa. 3i'bj 36 frft. at<: i i'i.tai:.* eixht room* betiir «...iHr», Ar. Tie U HB mit fr iatl »ud n ur. by 2Mi fret ib-ep. Poaaaa- aion ki».-l uiuiiedi*te!y JaMKS W. / Ki. No. «ü VV»I! New V.-rk. CLINTON-AV.. Brooklyn..Eor BAUE, um of tbefinitt BriLDINO SITES« tt!« mo*t b.autil .1 of all aecLuee.tie iloiy at.i pnde cf tbe rity.p'.cara-: a;jd n ¦%i:^y. Kur * iCEiWrice, unrq'aleu In Ne» Voik or Brooklyn. Tu» plot I* It feet froat by ^ Vfbai -eep, beiaf; the Dorthareal c rotii .< pikaaea and 0*1« ¦ eve. Car. l- divided into two p,.. -..( SB feet by i'e'e«.r. Pt;.it I.-.-«, ot 8 veart' fiowth, in tin b^a.-icitorder. «3oaieau.' *ee MILKS A l.r.lH. No. 11 t'lti- .. ti. Y. I? L E G AN T COUNTRY RESILIENCES J At NORTHAMPTON. Ma**. or tbtt-e , t the moat bean Uavlj hiahly-rultivaVd t-rat rlait EftTATES n tt ..eru Aln<»«. aue- tta are ofteieu r SALE. N. itbauip oi i-. atat «I tfca oio»t rSaarwtlaa *#ok*la Atueriia, aboubdUv in rkaij »< eiriy of river, talley and uiouuttin, raatab Ihn» ba akte reque aj*o varied ian'i»«.»pe loine of tne beat pot- turOa of tl. m.' . v Hie kOWO (wbl. It »« ooe of tbe aatlteat ». rilmei.U iL Ne» E:..-.and) ha* loatl b>r:i aoted f t th^ lut«lii«.nce a. d rrbntmeut ol it* iwxiety end po»*ei.*e*in a l;i*b 'degree tbe advants^o* of literary, educational and reluiuua Itiati- tuitor*. Ti f»mdie« d< airou* rf retificr from city ':fe ar. r.pporMr.l'y i* h*Tr precectrd for escnnnf country aeat* wbiib are urjaurpaa*ed f. | eleafb-x and i omb f Apply O A W. Til.WER N. rtb»rr:}iV.a, Mm*. I" ^MIGRANTS. I ARE NOTICE.MICH IQ AN J LA^lt^ to- SALE..II,** arte* ot l^cd lix tted in tbe roui.tve at Oakland, Ranilar, Turrola Saitiaaw. I.o.ia Keetaad K*.»t. aa>o. fir a*|e a! price* ranalog tr»tu *i SO t (I pal aore, oi.e fouitb payable 10 'aab, 'be Da'andt* tu one, two and tire, y.-ar- Rome at tbe»e land* wer« *el-rred by the lute H m. D»i.i(- la>* Ho'iaotoii npi> i.iv for fbrwrloa p irp.a.-*. For full ptrticu- Ur* apply ta THOMPSON *t HUNTSR, No. Old slip. I"\vKMU>r SALE in Ol7l CHESS COUNTY, N T Will I la arPaa fraca Narw-Tnrk, 2J urea from tbe N> a lUmhiiriii |)ep<>t. Huda.-n River Railroad, rottaio'uj al. '. ft i l Land we.l diaiCeo In uieaüow end tulaud abiitdax. beaitby and He <i Leluu'x ihood. Tbe Ban.*, Stable-and lift err fv.nim airi.a a: d ii go-id order. Tb.- H..ia-not largr. butc.mfortabie for afatmr.' or country reaiu poa, Prl I *>*.'.<). on wbiru there ia a m'rtftage of *J,V>r>. Addreaa J. J YELLOTT, lluabav'.allte, Dut -'-e** C nmt» tV. Y., Ina die bim at J C Hull A Sun'*, No Vt Cliff *L, New Yntk. FARM iur SALE..Fifty aon-a on the New-Ha- aren Re-. ...«^ .- bot frooi !f7ili at. Unna» i.t», O it-k It a* poor?, tine < Ircbarda r arm ia under a blgbly Improve 1 r-n.1i- ti. n. and p**»**i.tlT »Iti.aVl Pri'e *>IM-n<i; term* e*»y. Bn.k-r* nee-duot an*v..t. Porpattk itofl cab' on E. C. ROBINSON. He. «9 Bower j._ FOR SALE er EXCHANGE for an ÜP-TOWN RESIDENCE.Prrtrdw« No « Park-*t, Dritt tbe Miuiia- ..i..a- 147teat Piloa911*40, Inmate-f l)r SWEENY, Nr.. Itfl Mllberry-.t. F>R SALE.A vrry nnat thit«rvatory and Lii'b baeeioent PaludalrliU brirk-froni HOUSE, in d.Mh-at. Price BT<*Xa Apply to ERA STUB P. MEAD. N>. SW M-a? B BALE in BROOKLYN.A beautiful tt\o- .tory |.»med HOUSE, cjutaibing all tb~ modem improve- ta; iocliiding water, ba'.'ia, ga*. apeaking tubea, b,-lie. fur- ventilator*, fcc all e* j wii! be aold D.. lU bare a. water filter, wine or pieeerra rioaeta, veLi Li pnttect order; 10 mi^iut. a' walk from thrtw fern, low Term* of payment eaay Apply to ERASTUS E. MEAD. No. 369 3.1 a* New York, i rtob. XV. BL RTIS. No. USMji* t> »... Brooklyn._ OR SALE.A lbr«e, weD nuinhtd double HOUSE, with an acre ot ground, at OLENCOVE, L 1..Tbe la new aod in modeniatyle, M bit tr..:.' by ii feet d'-ep. ei i.1) mt. and baeeioent. and rvrtv wav adrairai.:. piaBt for a oounuy i- .n- ut e. A.*» a .mal; COTTAGE and BARN on .am« preo i.e. to be aoid avltb tbe Houie. b 11... lore .-«tat* of Lett'bg Caiimi rer de<»»..o Appl> to DANIEL ll. CARPE**TtBa No Jsi Betbu-.e-at. N Y. t> C. BULKLEY, Aiiotioneer, willaeUbjordBf A * of tl..- Supreme Co,f. ou TUESDAY, Jana b. at i « A ou the pretoi-a, ara n lie BMB N> w l«ta *nd New- I!*\rn Railroma D»p« t. *t Rye. \V»*tche*»i-r Coatmta tbe e*ta>.a n the late David K.rby d»c«»»e.l ow.taiuing&: Tl I1)" » rea, o aaa tlrai'y aiiuat. d on the (bora of the Lotvg Ulaod S uud. and la tbe txnujrdiate netgaib.ib-od »: e.eraoi oouitry aeut* En map *< apply too. «... Na ;. \\'*:. a.i-*t lam ay I Jaatl. f Bk>.aa. Atty ROLT. IL COLEs. ea.|.. Re rat S~'iVHt~1'kOPERl Y for SALE^Tlrvip-io. va.uabl* bnck HOUSE and STORE. No. IM ttmtk o-r at WlhVinaborgl. tor aal. -heap App.y U J. T. IaL-»N'J* No. 'O Hon«b It. -a*. VALUABLE PKOBERTY at TARRYTOWN aOE BALaK-.A past ofgroudaHflbly loear uiwi'.. lute of Tanyt'-wl. cunUii.i- ral tn acrea. well watered with »|-r g»*nd g tt ki C< UU en*'ef*tvr livrr an! ibUud >.-»- . .it, .a.- v adapted - i'i. o of aiaig-pa.-a iai'1 iihm. diive* t.»b po da and f rantai a* of w»'et w .r hy the .f. ntlot. i f |, o''erj.i.. ci a:i»i,r < 1 au i lrga't tvonaliv r.*:e. App.yJ«j_v LAMOREaUX, Ta-rytowu. rfs0 RlaL PER8<5N« ~ÖÖTNO~WE¥T^-"At, in ¦ a»ree»ln|aud Uiuatraf-4 MPHLETof tV ingea. cci tilt I , ( I dee,upti-H,. .iu,, . ., a ninofa C-nttal Rall- I ad Co« p*ay aaJtato aetoa' aettl-ta ou long cre-lita, and *'. ;w ret** of lotereet. wttt u ^t *aa*4g to any aaa going W< wb* arlil apply to ti e (-.n.paoy. Arep y, No SH B...»iw»y. Piano-XortcB anb flltioic BRA88 ÖI8TRUM1 NTS..We eontinuo to a>* iiikVrlnn out .apartai s*\ Horn, and CORNETS an-hPlalOO < . Mat] a ». I . . ib-ae iHn, W|,rlut,j i U of t.ii*ri. i .. t" « t. pr... * aeat aa aeaaMeai C la ¦¦- E1P.TH. POND fc U- No Ml Bc,ol?, N y « FBS1 -PRIZE PIANOS and MELÖUh'ONS tat BALK or RENT al i ERY LOW RaTKH -Aaen. v of JarobCbarkeeu.«'* B<aal->b Plan.«. S. D. k 11 W »u..t., . üraU-4 Ma>eid<-oA*audiupiu\rd New-Vcrk Plan-.a. _A M KaNOUBE.No Bievlw,, GO L D MED A lToKAND and SQl r Aiir PI a NOB. STPIN\A'AY A »ONS. Manofaraairare. Ma. at >\aii. or«r Broadway, New-York, ware awarded tbe Firet Pranunm where and whenever taey brooatat theii Plaoo Porta* into rompeUtlna with tbe beat ma*er» .f Bo> on. New York, Phl'ade.pbla aud Baltimore Received the (wo Brat prue M.4al* at Ike Metropolitan Pall. .A't^t nerton. 1U6. IV Itral Piaadaa. (* f>4d Medal) for tbe raeet Plaoo-Port*, at tb* A.t..--ai I..-: Cryatai v New York IIAA. Tbe Pirat Prem I ao (aOnU Medaii for lb* beat p.*:... Fort« at tbe Mavvtac 1 luat.trile, HaRtnuire. 1*4«. Tbe Ftrat Price Medal fiar U.e b. *- Plaoo-Porte at the Ame-lcaa Inat-rute Cry*'*' Falace. New-y.jrk. |»V. .ft** Ftr»t Prra.i'.'re (a 0<dd Medal) for tb* beat Orajd Piano at tbe Mai 1Mb« Inatltute. BefUrcure, |A5T. Tb* Pint Premium at lb* State Fait Detroit, 1191. Tb* Ftrrf Premium at the *Va*e Fair, !..:... d. 116? Aaiont tn* bidgai* were tne firet moaical talent* of 'A* tveartry aoch a* W. Maaon, (Xtacbarh, Wi^Wnbavipt, kc. (Mend ar 1 Bquere Piano* <w*a»trueted wi'h th* full wooden and Inm fram* corohltied. are warranted for tbree year*, and Will now be sold at freatly ra-drca-rl prloe* t/i anlt 'hr time*. PIANO-FORT Eh.-HAINES EROS., at their Manufactory, No* 33n, 331 344 td av , rvimer of 1 at at b*ve at all tlm*a an aaeTünelet of tbel. c. i*»r»te.| PI AN. is of vartoo* *>yle«, carved and pla-u, whi. b the) r). r on lib.ral kenn* to. .! »I HAINES BR H faTPBl PIANOS .X'l.fT s.* and I . oa ta*tai'r'.--ib« a* aV-vA. j m pRLTLrM FIRST-PRIZE MKIX)l>BONH awl HAKMO- KrUMR Ri'«Mt Iii .etrated peoipneu <J2 pp.. Bra.) eeoA »T.., Ad.trr». MAJtON a HAMUN H «.¦¦¦ Meee. I[.;i:tk, M:\vios a swaDWKvs. N«. 4vl .J P'. o*M. «. Hl» Blliatlwaj liir i apreuibd Murti-j-ci o( their CELEBRATED FlaNO FOB.TU tr. all atttea e*- i ;.. artta ki pateartAi h wn Flat k f ir he.r» in wast of a »u e'l..r kerAtwaaeew aril If ri It tW »Uir edvtri'eae t/ call. "\l kssj.s. ( Hli:KKi;lN(. a SONS, h"vu,L re- i* I i. pw U'arvi rut No. tM Bi e^arel I I «r ) ire pr- pared to offer the" frtei m.d lle> pukfi an rt U>B(rl*i r.. r-.r.. rt ' UP.\N0 I \RJ.iiR ok AND fQI * RK ¦taf UFRJGH1 FIAN<>FORTER ataiiilWatwaa* aearaiBT fn hit rlr\ 1r lab» i bj venni.e t'yl. . of ca«et and at price, lebuti sannol fail t' plaaaa Plan»Forte. n.adr to order, fa aoit any atj I. ' bin It .re. a: i a in* ran* n'* V* ARRANTED to ft a* BBttae aata*fp Il m Piano-Forte« to root PLANOt Tr~VhJ ODEONS of SUPERIOR Irl.-.K* «. GREAT BARGAINS Ae-wii band PIAMOI aft.ei ..*it» -at-enie y !.w pr|.«-»: »«'S »7A. fH«. t>l|n. »Iii, B12A, Alf, #l.'i" aurt »IA5 Plan* and Me4.ile ... la rant, and rani lowed on fojrebaa«| fat aeie m, avxitblj pay- a e.La Plate» '^.lieil, rMHllrei! |».|l«hed, Ui"»ed, Ir'Xrd, M HORACE \v»TKRS. Ai-ni No MBroadara) Ti> M *M \\ ar-'i* PtaeVaa arr kr.owrj aa an.¦¦::» \ ry beat. tVa are »raided to ir. at of theee uutnirnrnt« wi'li aWCav d- Da, ;r ¦: p. re naJ AleOwVedfa of their bxoeflerd t..r e and do raidr ooa'itf. IN V Kvu-j-In-'.. Kaven, bacon a co. (tUCCeiraora BawMB a Rarresb PI A MO-FORTE MANUFACTURE.**, War*, rrom No li- Grand-it., near Broadtrtt", where a fuli aa* r- -' I of luatromt nta n.»v be foond. .aeliaivelv of ant <rwn ._"».:':'*;.. k'ife. w a-ranteo ir. every rrenert b A. M Ml kw in. An- W. T BANGS, BROTHER & Co.-Trmi. s-i f Ro"u.< No. 13 Pert row. T. Ooi l.r»»MMH. Audio- eef. LARGE SALE of FURNITURE, THIS DAY, 1 ..<.:». Jew <X at IMa^eJock. it k»MM No. *o Weal IM at., in pait a> f ill wa. Splendid Piauo Kurte, fall 7 'r are. tu ly WatIBitted i tare «nile«i<| rMlllj <hhi*i Pir'or F urulf ire, c..vrr«4 in »a:in (jrM «('e 7 | i.<ea ea. I:, a»vi d r.**wood marWe roj. n- taetBaaWand Sotti Tablea, ro«eariod marbli'-top Ktas-rr« wi o ¦ bled i)"or« and] barka; do. corner K'are,re«. tpaeweoj Ltbfary beklau-, pier and Ova. Mbron Ui.ep'i.n Obalr», Turiti»ii A* ir. fnai'« f)il l'aintii'K«, Biiitnl* Carfariiug, I.». ¦. Carlelot, ilcb peint«-d Bbt ea, Manv 1 Vaaea and Ofuamentt. Ai OlAM- HIU FL'BNlTt'BE.-Beaattj eaived re earood kilbuhetbaa and potbec Bedel*adt. BFawra ' tirlerj b«ir and »i^tna Mit;r- «'..«. Holet»r«, Pill..w«. T..ilet Seta, Nan'.1 UaOrAa Mirror«, gkjadel, '. «:*. tln<-<. aolid rneewöod, Rarbir.taap Dr«a»ir ¦» Bureau», with Mlnon bratMa top tVaabaf.-.tio*. I'urair. and Brnaaeti Caa peta, K" kloa ai d Aim Cbai'a. lajlng aaal Clmiri, aa4 a »"li-rnl aaaoita ent U < 'lumber Kiitnitrre. fACWl lor SALE at AUCTION.Oa TUE8- y liA V, the jr.h in«t., at lit.', lo k at fte Battery, aaj i.uua ilabinean » Ba hn. Mr-aenrra on de« k 16 fee in b n2th. and II feat Bt tun. with 'ail*, tackle and apya'el. all cimplr e. For par taWaUta, Ar, apply to W. A. CARTKR, Ai» tl..i.»er, M ('"urtlaudt »t. Jtisnranra: tTompunifS. ARCTIC VIBE INSriiANCE COM]'AXY, No 2!» VVALIf-BT. CASH CAPITAL.«<^.,(),000 WITH A LARGE Si llPLrs. Tills COMPANY GUUS NOTICF. THAT IT WILL make a rediietlon efBTVI PER CENT upon the amount of Premium, upon pellclri and Renewal of Polirtea iipo-i ptUBX'ltJ In tho rltiei of New-York, Bri/oklyn, Ji - y itj uml t|,,b Aeg taid reduction will lie made to the In.'-re !. or to bia Kroker. albert WARD, nt. ltKiuRD a Oaklbt, Bat ratal y. m j ETBOPOL1TA1S FIHK INSURANCE COMPANY. CASH CAPITAL.>- JOH.IMHi, WITH a LAROE 8LRPLLS. TlFKlCE. No. 1ÖS BKOADWAY CORNER PINE STREET, NEW-YORK. Tbla Company cunttnnea to Inaoxe Bulldlnpa. R., - Meichan- dt»e, and othi-T peraoual Pru|>er!y, »ud Ship« In port and thelf Camriw. acalDet Loeaof Damals by Fire, an Rajaa* prvuiptlp and rquitably adjutted. DIRECTORS. JAS. LORIMER OR AHAM, THOMAS OARNKft, EDWARli \'. HJTKHOUBC. JAS Li iRIMKR Olt AHAM.Jt. JOSKPH B. v ARNI M, WARBEN DELANO. iT, LEONARD APFLEBT, RENRT v. BUTLER, FREDERIC H. U OLCOT, B'"»WES R. MclLVAlNE, WILLIAM K S-t'RriNo, CHARLES L V04E, MOBEB TAYLOR, GILBERT L. BEECKMANJ, JAMES O ShKLUON, Jt>SEPll B. VaRNUM jr., DAN'KL PARISH, LOHRA IN FREEMAN, Ol MAVIS A CONOVER, EDWARD M AC''EMBER, MARTIN BATES, ir., CHARLES TAYLOR, JOHN C. HENDERSON, CHARLES E APPLEBY. JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM. PrealdeoL Epwatp A. STaasRukv, ataeratary. PEJIOVAJL la, THE NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE Co. Ha> B>wnven from No. II« Broadway tithe MtKBir Br'i.n- lac raoaati) puri lia»«d by them, and known aa NOK. 119 AND 114 1»ROADWAY. ACCUMULATED ASSE'ls, 9I,.1»0.G00. LIPX INSURANCE efiVted, and ANNUITIES and fiN- DOWMENTS MEDICAL EXAMINER Ui attend- an. e at the office, from S to 3 p. m. MORRIS FRAN-KLIN, President PLINY Fit EE MAN, Actuary. OPECIAL NOTICE..HOME INSURANCE ^ COMPANY-Cupital $5'0,(m<i; 8uiplu». oeer BiVl.tiOO.. OSeaNoa. USai.d 111 Broadway.-The oflioeiacftklaOciayaaj . ¦. t...n in annr um in: to if, patri.e'and tlie luiaineeaeoin- leneia'iy, that the principle for which th«y have alway* k i tended ha» en ci ui eded by their aawociata underwriter* of ti i- ity, and that uiercliantaanii othtifl requirica lua-irauc« need a«»e»ard no bn|rr to a'iprrrt the imnecewary «yateui t rokarraa* in Eire Isaviaai .. Tb» ayatata they have alwaya oon- ? idcted aa an evil, and have noted, accordingly, n.aintainiba tbat if tba aTjatiagtataaof pre»i nn wmdj aratraal the aaaayaalai tu aikwio| a return of a portion of the aaar «. a ommUii >u to a broker, rbe INSURED were entitb-d lo am h reduction. Special notice la, tbofaeOfe, BOW ain-n that thi» Company V'e-iarni to teliirn to the a»ured direct EISE per cut of the ann ul t of premium on all policiea ia»n*d at the curruut ratoa uu prrperrv in the etttoa of New York, Brri.klyu, J.-raey City and Hokokaa. CHAR. J MARTIN, P .«Uent. A. F W ILM ARTH, Vice-Prreid.nt, J. MILTON SMiTH, Secretary. New Yoik, June 25. 1858. Ti IE HANOVER FIRE 1N8URANCE CO.", No. 45 Wail at., CASH CAPITAL.wa^aBB, Will In.lire aaaic»t loa* oi damage by fata at the BED I CEO RATES, and return 5 per r. nt Of t.'.o r'ir niinm i-i CASH. S. H. RORENBAUOH, Prealdcn*. I)<'K»- L BTOaa, Srrrerary. ÄachincTTi. APOtrR-CYLIKDER PRESS for SALE.. The Publiabera of Tu* Trim v* batrli^ hwii >bli<ed to purehaae one of Hoe'a Daw Ten CfBnAVaf Power Priiilma I'reeert (the faateet In the world], In order t. in.ot trie i. quiremonta of Eh, Ii cb, .iatiou, offer for SALE the FOUR-CYLINDER PRESS on which <hr outaidea ol tiieir Da'ty » .! abet! Semi- Weakl} edlti"ua have hitherto been printed. Thia preaa waa ,-. arweted rxpreaaly for na. ha« be> u in nar In out eatabilah- ane it f r »U or erven yeare ha* '>'tt veiy littla fur ropaira, and Lever felted to render «<*>d arrriie. Ita fall oapacitv is lit.OOtl lrr.prrMduna pet hour but ita nrdiuaiy »peeil la abou' b.Kifl. It ¦Oat a> 12,0ii0, and will be a M.*inoe we no inger n.-"d tt. kw trf.'orj aaak Apply to Horace orrelkY a Co., Tribune b'i,;ii'ui. »Irw-York. Ai WA'lER * $15 Hiul .*'i5 SEWING MA- CHINE »a- ..pi.iated i r tlir-e aa aaaita day* at th- New- koik Stete Fair, m aeaa|ainatfoa win. Siu;-t» «tiJ Wheeler A WUa b'a biah priced marl.inea, and wa» uwaroed trie EIRST PR EMI I'M over Ibewi Both. Pi.aeeca ) and examine the Ma.-hine or »end fot DESCRIP¬ TIVE ciRCt LARS K C. lit rtm an s. Co I ¦ aVawaAa Na. f I rin-aiway. New-Tork. FIRE EN0INE8 for 8ALE.New aud ibbbbJ baid FIRE ENGINES, all cnr.n,e>e re.dy f..r .iae, auj war¬ ranted, at No. H Lafayette plac«, by J. H SICKELS/_ "ICTROPOLIIAN Si:\VI N(; MAC 11 EN LS. ALL PRICES. BEWINQ MACHINES (at.tit SEWING MA< h1ne8 ,r. IS SEWING MACHINES for. BEVA ing m ACHINKH tot. ÜS s) U ING MACHINI S rot. :<o bewing machines for. *<» be a ing machines for. tt c H wooster. No 5.5 Br.ielway. SINGER'* IMPROVED BEWING MACHINE for all manufacturing purpose* aar»r- tain tLe immenae a pen hty of SINGER'S MACHINES it it only neeetaary to in.j :i.< I any manufacturer or n.eeri»nu who ... . at e Baad lot a ropy of S'rirer . V Co.'t Ot/nre, wuicb will b>'tupplled trail*. |l tiv< t full i'if..rotation on tue a t f '. I AI. SINGER a Oa No, 4-M1 B.w., New York. Cutitrii. tjurbuiart ana Iron. DARDWARE. CUTLERY, EDGE-TOOLS, ~ * *'.Cut and Wrouabt Nail. Spik.-t, Buiidera' an t CabioeA "¦,ro*»»e. Carpmte-e' and i..inert' f'-ua, Beat and Sn'p B'iild- *J" "truwarr Houte-Furr.lariiL« Hardware, FoiioA-rC and ata. ticlat.' Hardware, Braat (i,«vla in treat Tan«l). Sniltha* 22S A u"""' ''«e'ler with a (rneral ee-or'meut of ,.t**Y Hardwar- and the moat exteuawe aaeittuient of^Cooper. Kd... fäadaTTlaei Ar to be found la the otty. Foraaieby C11AS. 8 LITII.K A Co NoaSseud A4 FeHoa ai PaSÄ^aVÄ''"* BANCA TIS' _JOHN W. QITlNcV k c3 . un;t.m^. INOOT i.u ta amt BBirhaaoTB f<* tale ty MINKSofA MINING CoMPAN., No. U Grrn.wW. St. JLJOITST HOEE LEIlOTa.S-V«ö .7i|7e,r^ *U^rjO*'rt"u' OUINCY a Co Mo. e* vviiiu-u-aa, 'piiOMAs PIG IRON -I' '"«. tt-.i-a aaaTi 1 atarraew < . . » ..1 tn h Ftt JOMt V\ Q( INCY A Co. No *t V\ " Baa aa /iiWTictal. D I V 1 D EN I) IOTIOIi erri ox fiIii AT %VKriTKKN MARINE IHtrtAKCI c o M p A n v (,KMT V* EXTERN IUI MM NOR. NOB. BI AM) 8a PINIÜ-8TBEET, NEVA YORK. rHT I IUAL PK Ml ANNUAL INT. R>-"T DIP1DIM f . ÜM *-...*> Caan Ceaital R-'--* thu ( [«¦)»] beaahlM Om nfRc» "n et.H efer July 1. Tiv.iler ataefcl um be rlotrc from, on. *ud */tri Jus* C until Ju'; I. rVOVOLAI ROBINSON Secretary. A XaVBAOVBBB'e Oh ki TM i~ii.«rf FaieeeeiCLi Ml AMrt«BOL4 R«n Ri..n CoatTA*! *r I I . VI I lb* Capital ht, « Ik** C - p*- y iu »..i der Ian ft tat Tf *f** Bet '«i.iij« of ite- R"».J f..r tu- «.x m bib* . u^'rir J'JLe "*tb uMt, The Ditideud mm be p»'o tt ttw BVmcB .!.. Tre»iM« f. It O V l»! d Obi. ' B BtlJ eftef U.e lit <1»v July L»xt I: rtipeurf, or by til nt ch~ k no New-York, it'l.. [ft Bid m eter-1 11-,, rear-.irely *T). 1 ibI I B bBi til I' f C>uip»-.T BiU let i i«.^d from Jim. v.t. Ji. j . By r'lerrf the B. »"1 OEO B rLY Tr»**'irer. P«\r III» f"** VHIItll Nl-»r YtI J '* i'l. I -'" ADIVIDEND ol TilBEE AND A HALF PER l ENT ut rvl tr. pr; fit* mi the pat *i» mouth* wtl U |*mi |b lit .v<*bo!r>. -eel MB* Baakr.c tbe tat of July oast. 1.1 til wli t. t.tue the T'k: «'ei Book, w l' ».- ri. .ed. By BfaVtf t.l tl«- U »t- id DurOoi.. OE'JaüE ELLI1 C**t>i<-r. HAN K OF COMMERCE in NEW-YOR K. tlVIDEMD..A eeifi »nriual dlude..j of PEE CENT i beCesiUl Sf k of u. i. ftiai Ii a In mi il> iBaii il, B*J*hli fan .a* af«r Jnly t RIOH'f) KINO. A»*'t Ct: »oi.-r. ATLabTii H«a» Nr.ta-YokK. )>, * ''. I».'?. DIVIDEUTJ NOTICE..A DIVIDEND "f 1 IliiKf. AND ONE-BAU PEP. CENT arill tl St<h »li..ider* of th:» Bank on and afc l*t July DWBt TV Trm.-f-r Book WÜI I- nbaed from tiie [Ith to tfc» Seth June, tnolnjrae. By at lei mi tb. Board. _OEO. P. ARTH' R CeahV: Pank Flur laWaaaCI Com; aaTf, No -f7 Kr-*riwaT, I Perk-pave Nrw-Yoait. Jaae 11 IBM i DIVIDEND..The) Btmrd of Dinr-tom of Kbil Coer-paae ,le. land « a-oil annual DIVIDEND .f eiout (bi PER CENT payable on and alter let Juiy seat, rba Tllaaflil Book* will be Hoard fr. m jreh ti_..t»nt b, Jjly I. lactaaiva. vviLLIAM JaKKRaY, ¦sMatary. IfBTBOPOUTAl N< I')8 BHoAOwtv, / Nfw York, June 71. 1S5§. \ DIVIDEND NOTICE..The Liireetoaof the MEfKOl'OI.ITAN H^^K liav- THIS DAY M atwJ n BEM1-ANNÜAL DIVIDEND at POt'K PER CENT. paja. ot ni d aef^t the fir»t ot .Inly, prnlirno Tbi Trar.frr Hook* will b- rloa-d from tbe 21th bat . ti'l the day of paja rat Ilyor.l.r OEO. I BENET C.ahier. DTviTiEND.. T>f Dtrvr-t-.ri ..f the NEW- YOIIK OOUNTY DANK haeetlila day de.U-edadivi.l- d Of THREE AND A HALE PER CENT, rasable on and alutr aWIatiafa. A. Mastkrton jr Qaamm New Yckk. June 21 1 HR DIVIDENR^ffitTol1 Tut afiaoamLi Ft»> IbwbabcbOoatpair,I No «.'> \\ ALi.-ar.. Neu -Voaa. Juni- aü. IBM I A* a nieafir» tbe B"atd of Dtree'ora of th'* Compauy. bei,! Tl.ia Day a DIVIDEND of EIGHT (t) PEi ( EOT Btootkl wns dei lari-a. payable r;: aud after tbe lat iiy of July neat, ntitfJ waiaa Raae tke tritiafer booki wft| ba ta iaea. JOHN BAKER, SerteUry. BMI6BAB1 IBOVITBIAI BkflSCi B*kk, 1 Ni « York. Jnue Ba, IBM. > DIVIDEND NOTICE..Depottitor* are h.-rvlt) notified that a aen i annua! divideml at tbe rate of SIX PER CENT PER ANNUM, oe all *t.DK of *5UU ar.d DJ der, ai d EIVE PER CENT ANNUM no all ertaaa af oarat BjBM, whn h »ball ban haaa d-pnit.-d a'. 1< ieH« tattaa n. ,ntha on tbe Ut el July next, wib ba pail t depo*- ito . m au.l after Monday July 111. late e-t not ailed (or will b. cairiefl fc tbe .-reJit cl 1. [ ...t. ri ptinripe). Ii- Bai.k I* open f«-r bt laaai Mh Bma 10a> avbafl p.m., and bom 4 to'. p. in. at No. SI Chambet»*< eaa' .f Broa/iway. JOSEPH 817 ART. Pre.ideuC Johx MuNMVt., Cont/oller. TtKr.r. Haltk \\t> Ritii.m'ibo Rau.roau Co.. i IBCBI raar'l Dum, Tfrri: Halte, June Ii. i8t3 I NOTICE..Th^ Botrd ryfDireeton of tin- TEH¬ EE HAUfE AND RICHMOND RAILROAD t oMPA- NYbarede<la/eaa DIVIDEND af(S) EUE rER CENT aa tbi-rapitai aUx-k for the *is month* i-udioa June i. p.ynile at ar the rflre of the Feraeer*1 Lsaa and TroM Coiuuaay No . Et lay of J ,ly CHaS WOOD. S-cretary ¦ ui.«e| 1». e, on and alter tbe 2d day of J i|^ SEVENTEENTH DIVIDEND..BROAD WA V PANK, June IL 1W8..a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of EIVE (6) PER CENT on the CAPITAL ITC Cl uftUUBena. o .t I tin i att.ii tt ot tbe cum Bl *il RM Ltba, w I. be ptid I n »nd aft. i tbe lat day ad lalyt *aaila| Tbe Tranat i Book, win be aeeeed from Baa 2Mb Mal mil the day of n.i By order ot tbe Borud. J L. F.VP.RITT. Oaabl - llRookLVk N T J..:.eü WA.' MECHANICS' HANK OF WILLIAMS- BUBOH,.ThePreeldentaadINre tone* I Si Hv.k t*»- dnlan-da Diviu.-t<i of Kl\r PHI CENT r ONE D M.i.tR AND A HALF (*l 8" PER SHARE. pay»tilr t. tbe ¦ ock holdere, on produi iu*: thnr ato< k ceruli. ate, on and after Till RMIAY the lat fifJttlj next. The Tia.i.'ei li<ok* wii) I,- rl am (' .in tl,- ,.,-(, .t..- t July 1, iti luaive. By order rl the lioa-c of Dire t .r. T. C D'SMIum Gael ,r JERSEY CITV WA PONS of tm*JEEBEl A 1 ER BONDS..The ( "!'- !Y CIfY WATER BONDS, du ot. tbe I»t d»y of Jnly next, will U pa'd on pn *eBtation at the COM' TINENTAL RANK in »hr Citv of New-Yerfc, or it tin- ME CHANIC8' AND TRADERS' llANR, Jereev CIry, ou »nd after .ie lat in uno CHARLES KINK. Pre* lent L| I, a-d of VVa er Ctiuitniaaiober* .Jetaey City Jon- 23, 185?. rj^irpf EMPIRE CITY FIRE INSriiANCE the areaituni to theataoied on all a--'|. Ie* laeaed »' the -«lab- Uabed rate*. JAME.*. T. TAbMAN, P .«ilcut. LlMDLaa Mi aaav, Se, r-tary I M U.EST NOTICE.-.IOLIET RtrdCITICAOO I RAILROAD COMPANY..Tbe aaartaai ial tadaraatoo Iba lat iiiortm*e Ri ud. of tbia O mpatiy. duo lat July, will be PAID pb prta '.-.e tit- per eta pom il tb- Bi ot M. K. JESI P A Co Ni. 44 E*i:!i.iteV-plare. N. Y. L. B. BLACKSTONI. Chi f Ebjtlneer j. tf R. R. Co, Ol i it i or mr. Hoi'>ATOkic Railroad Co / BaiDaapoaT, Jane kt, ISfit s THE cor EONS of the BONDS of the HOC- SATONIC P.AILIIOAD COMPANY wfll piij after tbe let ptox, al tbe Traawtrai'i oHire. or at toe o65>. oi Retcbom, Howe It Co.. New York. The |a*t d'ie Honda ot aaid C- uirany payable In BlfBaja r; will be paid ar the aen e time a* tb« Treaiurer. ..t!:,e aad payable to Nea Tcark will be p.l.l at the Tr. rapl i!. -. ..r a: tbi oöii ¦ ot Eetohuai, Howe fc Co., at tue opiiou ol the rrrider H. NICHOLS. Ttva.urer. NEW-YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD COMPANY. - The COUPONS ot tue TbiH .\1 ,f<vie b't.daaiid B.uid* of 187*" wi.i be paid ou aad after July i, it tiie etil« i- cf the Company, cort»r of 26th-*t and 4th av. _W. H. EUE EBON T-nyirer. CITY ol Ol IHCY, 111..iThe INTEREST upon the BONDS ol tm ebove City, fabln« due on tue 1ST JULY NEXT BiU be paid on auJ alter that da%. at o-ir -ffi.. N 40 B-alaf. WOODEUPP fc Co. Oilier II Till S1 U I Rai.I r..KMI<»li .MKi. j Cnv oi CHicti.o Juneii, ISM, I THE tviTi-atinual inD-ri-r-t mlatm du«> in the- Citj rd Kew-Veak ta» IM of Jury aaal oe rb» BONDS OP TUT! CITY OP CHICAGO ¦'"ix aND SEVEN PEE CENTS, i»ui d : i aaMtnae p ttpuee«, will lie paid on »cd e.\er tb*'. date a- i- taaalai oBka WlNSI.utV. LANIER k. Co., No. \. ^ .t, on pre*, utation ot tbr ptope, u. _s LIND, T.ea.m, AkTlaaa.' Has. \-. y rk M.j Ii, V AT the ANNUAL ElaECrnON held attn" Baak- Ui« llouae. No. 117 RaaajaVaC. aa tbe 10tb (oat. the i".ill*. mmmtttrnt «eutiemen weit- electr» Direr-'t r. tor tr e »na-rtia year Nathan t pi.aPT wii.i.i am j. TODO Ff.ANK VINCENT, HENRY A. DENNMON, J.iMES C DERBY, ELIJAH HOUGH PON WILLIAM PHEI.PS, JOHN H BBOWNINO, ABAHEL JONES ABEL t 0OODN0W, JOHN M. DAVOS. PE 1 ER HALEN. Attd Bar Inepei ore of the Baal A -.- all ei c /-i-le» Rina. Oe..ri. Oatlll and Oe-.rre Br*-»*. At a *uo*e<|iiet,'. uir . thelioard, NATHAN C. PLAIT e.o wa*uobbIbo telyr*> aleotid Prral ral i d PEANR VINCENT, mm, ~i* M.raa iuioualy recie. ted Vlce-Prea-.dent. _R A T' 'OKER. C»*. »r. INTEREST on SAN FRANCISCO CITY PONDS..Tbr oupon* N.»* aLd a ot the bi,Lii» of toe Citv ol Baa Pras .-. b due .'uly i, wi:: be pakl oo »-da.'t-t am) date, by WM. T. CuLEMAN i. ( .. Nt So Wa_j.,f. C'.'ipoo* Bod preaented witiin an month* fr. :n Ut J tw U bate to be act.: to tbe City Trtat .t-r at Baa FraccUco for pay- Bit-ut. OiriCt or Pi IMnlk'l NaVIiiaT'0% AkD RAILRi'At) Co., I N< Wiiltatn-et. N-w-York Jaaa IS, .'' | PfHE ANNUAL ELECTION for DIliECT- I ORS rf tb* DEBMOUTE afAVIOATIOIf AJtD RAIL¬ ROAD l o vii'AN » tie f- '-n« office of the»i.t ta K> » k low*, on MONDAY, thei!b of Jalj Beat Ja>. C. Pa: riR .i'k. See r. H g. BCEBOWS, PiaaX Ttat..f-r B.«'ka mV. kt i:..*edoa aad ».>-- ta- i«tb ibft. MAR1NEK.S SAVINOM HANK fir-vr rfc >red t. ,:-it New Bank.:* Hr-.»e n. l ld«e.,aataarmtmtm\ .j'-i. ial / I: m 9 a m. to 2 p. m aLd oS. Wecneaiay aad Ba'utday p. m from &to io'i-ai.-k. letdtrit allowed o-_ dep.-...u »r * pa*r Betd on *iin't cf 0-"" uno-r. THOMAS B STILLMAN, Preaide-t. CmZ'&kl^**** I. T Smiim, Sei retary._^_ Omca or tm Cl*r*tai.»»r< Coal aar. laoa Oo, i Com. or BaiuowAT aar» Wall rr., N«*, May 6. 1Mb. < TMIE Sta'CkJiolilr'fa of tttia aie herebj j botrfied it-d :b- RKiilT r.. CONVRgt their p .Dl STOCK bate PRKFFRRED SHARES w-.. EXPIRE m the Slat in*c On cr bef re that day, 'Jjo*" »ho wwa äc aBaal af the prtTil.ce will pay Two DoiUr* and F.*y fjaan on aaak » and ol or before tbr SOth day of Juue Beta . mjthal paytn-ut of Two D. I!*/* and PlPy CeuU pei Share wli be lequired. On tbe Reti.e-t cf Pire DoUara per Share, Certificate* for Preferred « k wtU be lat'ird. Any SroUBoider antic pttl;* the date* of payment, elr. May 31 and J in* 3). wfll ba e..;'-^ u. a dbe ouot ob the *aaj paid at the rar*> of Sir ue- Caul per anuuai, to tboe* daie. rea|»-Mv-|y. Copaea.f tbe Rep.ft »b-wtc< toe eond Una of 'he C. trpany mad* by the tVtrm'tee appoicte 1 *t tBe Stock- : .--. iueetttif od the 1Mb day of A.n. aaa b. bad at thla ufBcat. _EftW P LCKTMld. B> -^ary. IRVING SAVINGS INsTiTcTIoN. No. 9t. I W.'*rr. t -a: Oree. w4rb at..0\ ' I 2p v.. aid fr. o. H Tp m . MOBDaVB THtTRBDAVS and SAT' hi. v i S I -r.*. a- -u U - m. f f| o, ? «< M fl v A 'l f- lit, t'-t Jeat \ aa i (i n r L Bi xi a S r. I. , hm»'-» ftatfta. Aiierlmierr. BY BIMRON HRAPBR, <»<tiw No M Pitts»-. -Bef.iar Auel, l Safe»»t Um- «.ri-kui. F.«rli»o* F VIR» I»*T tWo»t« an" [Ii %. mm ae* aeie1 M F-aiaetemm* BAU THIS DAT »t '4 /'»-I rWC. n*-._ Mo . . ... -..».'..¦ I». i t r'"t. } N' M' a'w.r - '. «' > June MM i THIS JXSTITI'1 ION itill pflj rbt-u ual ¦».mi- .lt l«i MlttV .' B . '«.. t »..P ' ¦ K "". *" Peer tea . all Avjpjf eoon, . aS dapre-«» . there** i tl 'in d AR 'I *| AfeA4«M««w i't «v»L e'M l-c-lt* -I 'l-Wl-aa [l||«ttf«l F.. J- itOW-ll, l''r-;d»ü«. A. A Al»<'Sl\ rt--e'»i« _ _ no. or tue Illisoi Caerrati. R*iuiou mii Von . J i.- «. rv < AT A MEETING of Um BOARD OF DIREC- TOR* i p'buM Rfliuu Ocatoaay, AwMim« cy. i* aa Hrtnlrtd Tl.- ». mm - Mt rr *. '"P' »' of ,h* f ¦ p»ui »...!< !>. '«TO per ebare bt tcd 'be «an. to A»rwl <-:.a i Ii» -f. 'n ' A r -a» tea*. ?!» tie A».ii3»-« rir#g Ii tt»««i<rn»r» made F.y ib» Cimpsny ** tbe w-n dey e' l. U. 11 " |i «¦ ij.. t»-, , i* p.Jtr.'r "0 rA* (AM k MO**" r.-4 Ii tt» elM . f N.-w V< rk. tt rfce e*R*t f ihr ».ixp.i in »bar fSajr, *fcr!oBtre t't'k lljWl IfJ I/- Besä M 'he «V.' * Met".¦ R. km Benart, & C" » i Ihe« »ii- ip'i'f« rtebt wmmm b- nitlttd kBpayO-eat ef the aweeeeeaeel et pw.wint.. h -.t mit rwt H'ttJ'tJ Tl »k iifwAt ». be r|o»,.: fr-tn tbe Slot day et Jlllj. ud feC elr. r.iera! BMII t|-r .'th Ja» of Aut»et. «od that ni rr»ii»fe'» t* p-iiMtr.d »r. that aar- 11 alitree up o wm. Ii ».ih mtmpmnt I thai kavt '¦...n p^d Hj rrfii-l lb- B m.1 j - P> RKIN4 Tr Ml nr. \VELI>. \ APdO A ('.'. " ff NFW-VORK A CAUFOftNIA BXPBE88 and EXORANGE CO. BATH AI. »DDO.r.oo. N « MtW'TeM. CALIrOrSiA EXPR»» Inmimlkf t;A 2r*h of ~*k BKiitb. ISLAND Or Ct'RA EXPRRtrS Imvow by at! tor !*>#*. In- Urarvrn. ?j |Zrh I?*" m.i' ." .>.-ii r.;/. CoL LEf'TIONS »rtri rh d ii aii p«r'. «''ib« Mid u< .n.p' r:t..u». L>r«r* at BtfM ir. Maat ba ol rTaaaaa CALIFORNIA 0OLLEO1 ions. Our Sti.ftiM, M- ai»-« . il acta .. C .j. i mj a. mmi .o». p. lata la C*i.t rada aad Owaaaa, - u. pn.mot rr ttirua. Mai.ufarti r> . and M -t ia »aie« fir California or Orejoo r»n tia aaMl tbeb kaVta uf ladbtf lli">..^h our Hoi .«» and cave tct bavi Ian r »;d for ou CA» arnral ol toe ttwrr. Cm uivii-a p " .. bei n f tnr time oc aai . and yst IhaaaJiarai aka'aii Dponatn-I f tbakatnpartt aaAflpaM. NOTlCt TO CALIFORNIA (ttiNDHOLDttRS. tVl nrr POM pre|¦*.'- ! t- re . h tkra <-LD BONliS "t tbe r?'atr of ( «lüo'm» tit'.it« rt 'be #a:ne r. Sa ¦» i euto City an J ir ara Pik.u ONES loa» . » Mm a.' of Ike Nth of April, |K*7 and return »nr tarne to 'bt. rvty. B. ndt for earh u.|r tbotild be p.-erett-d at U'-e, at toe |sM ii Uaatkai v-i if: B.iujt trL.1 be re tiveu if C- State of CaJ.i.mia f : iicbaep'- afktt Janneri 1 lft'r? (), Kit Ei. Near Toik.No. Hi Baiadaay B'ttoL.No. to Court ap..are. rillll 11 If Ha.No. Ann Caeeu,,i'..t. Bait an.No. 77 Smito Wbtrt Sen F run. laaa.Cora« Montaoojery and Califoruia tta. PROPOSALS for $^00,000 CENTRAL PARK IMPROVEMENT rt'ND BIOtiK -Se*vd pr po-a!. will ' h t'-eivril a- tb- v rtfrmilat'a Ofßre, No. 5 Hal of Recorje. tit i! MONDAY. .InlySi tka> ox.arktm Mat aaaaotrlkl b- o itii'iv op-ord for tn- v\H'>i.E m ANY PART of -.he ..:.«... «7 TTIREV III NORM) THOtrSANP DOLLARS of The Centra: Park teprorex eat Fund 3'. itkcf tka C.-tot Haw Yoik." atMbarlaal f't aa «.-t rt] th» Leci.i»ii!-e .>f S'*t- e0H tied " Au Act tot tka Baatllattf a Mid OoTrnitr.etit or the Centrei Pmk iu be ' itj f Naa?-Totk," p*-t#.| Apiii 17 ir ,7 ttvd hi an firdiiari e r.t toe C^iuoion Ccuini! anpr. ved f) .ne *. iWi Ti ...:.< it .b«.t;.-o--itt 'TIUIEK THOI'SANOSIfARES of ONE BTNDBED DOLLARS E \< H SHARE, heariaf lo kfti .t a: tie rale M BIX PERCENT per aaauart, oty.b e q .»r er \.ai!v m d 'he pi.i,:pai re :-i jit!, p tu the' tir.t day of Autu.t. IPP7. Tie p-i ¦...»:» av!l. - er i,f ,n»rr«, and tht priec per abate. Tat» ataek to ha ItatieS aa fbUotrei *mu.. trltbln thiaa liajt after tor ai epta re o| the piopoaaU, a n! the balanre In tnotthi} nta if +&t\iAH ra h aattl the tyfcala ttUB it it.'i d. Tie-fx rtc:.t art a-prr po.alt aie a" epti d arflj lie required aWfoail iti'h the Cheaab* rlala of tha City tb» anal «u ui-i aad covered by tbe bid. and on preaer M' nlh« laefrlpt .f rl»- Ci:a iK-r lain to tka OcOBa .i':rr tri be rr.'itlel to receive a ertuioatt f r t!.' |rjr n'u. r.f tti' number of ahtna. itirymt; iuti rn'. lr'. date f >iie depoaif. Baak taofoett» . ttaMkeaataVtlop aad eni rte^. Pr .( lor Bta per otrat Castral Park Irasamrameat Eaatt Bteek.M Au<l the piopotiunn tnay then he put up iu a te< oud env.l. p- ....,.> ai.! dir.'-. 1 " A. C. KuAOO. Cofairol ar, No. 8 Hall .1 BATtMttJa, Naw York The rifl-.f it r aei red pa n. pari <t tha Cool roller to rej-i I any or all of the bit., if routidtred Lci'iatarv to pjtaTaeft at ptnwiiBa |k« Interea'a.fHi'-iity. A. C ELAOO. Ol «tt* Oaf. Depanu.i f. ot Finance, ( u-r. ;.. r . Otbi e. Near-York Jan- ftdttil (\(U) -CITY 2F LOUISVILLE W+t It litn M J, (Kyi tVATEl tVORRJ BONDA- The tu!-, rtaett. 0 t". .»i- *4wi nfM , tka Ha Pet Caret I etAt oi the City of Lonlltll e Kent;., tti, for .|ou ol W ater Vt i rt.; maoirii < Mav I, IRrTT, prii.tipu and iutereat fuy- abla In th- City of Near-V.-rt. Tbe Hid. are aaatttad by i'..- > rti»utita af the City; tbe p'ldteof the Stocket the VVaf r Company and a-i irri pea'able iai of teu ceott ou each »J« 11 of al. real and neraonai etwte Of tka ivty. The r-iarter COaSMJ Ii Um c.'y full[ p>iar tr b' con¬ tra, t debt and ia. je f.or..1a. TlM preaent drb' ot til- citj Ii.ff 3/J01 llnO It) v\ ,:i aeeatt, cootatting of reel tetatb n.i. ka., ol 4,. i.'v'-i IB The ara.aae.1 ea .- of »iie- tavanie pn perty of the .ty Be |üi7 ami intrd to. ffjK23 -ail 00 More tban onr-t alf ot «Ki par trat fttf IniJa'itt'flnroi la ttialaa t' Uta ae,.ri; RaUroaoa at theOaaC ateeay,totrhota r>l. ti i.f tl:e B'i itf.-i an- b.u id to p' itidi fir tbe prit.. ipal anu lull U al Ike aillllOllaVl nf lilt Oaa S"« k having tl-ea.iy ntifd fJiliOOOOof the 0' laaue t., tbnt C unpaay. Trie Loakrvil e a'id Frankfort Railrcart Cou pmr baa retired rr IfM.OuBad tire iati.e to it. with a .;.r<» ai ki c find appltrai.e to tka htlau I T!ie L. im: OB Bitr-cli I!, .n l.nt Muri-ttf-ii Ire prop¬ erty t.i ee-'ur* Ba rwaaaant to raatte tka Boadt aaJ th* ability of Um otkoi OaaapaBfi t.i fobtUI tkeli tt ,t aol q'.ett..ji.ea. The pi.puiatioj of the city at70,0 Coatea af Ihr oiiartet M the '-itv. the rdlria'i'-e 'ider which IkeRorafk)are kttatal, thetVaed f Intel the VV at.-r ComrMpy'a St. ck to Commiati aa ra 11 ta- Maktai Knud, ao.i all otbet titfoc- fxatioi. ci icrmiuii the B 'li.^ n av b" had on «.pplicafiou to i _CLARK, DODGE A. Co, No. 51 Wallet. SACRAMENTO VALLEY RAILROADCOM- P AN V .Thr Coiipova die Itt ..f July, I cm, nn BP/OHOi'. FtfatMotttrepe B naaofthatC rtnv win tie paid on and af*«r that day, at tb-ofllcr of SC Hi (if A ROT a GEBHARD. EIG8 A% GREEN LEAF] ST'ii'K AND BOND BROKERS, OfBoa No N rtThaiji alaoa, New Vork. \|« DONOl'OlI CO. COUPON'S..The CÖ1> 1*1 PONS of the N Dottonih Co. Witwia B.iudt, Ittued to tlie Kottketa Cr. at Railroad Co doe I, wii; be p»ij at the eS . - tVQODBLTF k Co.. No. # BittMVta. C"LARK & WILLIAMSON, BANKERS, No. 1 WALL ST So'l-It ordrrt for Ik* Pun harte and Sale f Jl kinlt .,rSeti.ritiea. CoUrctlooa made in alt par-a of thr country. M /nniitnre. ENAMELED CHAMBER BUTTES of I TENT j Tl RE, in ail eeaafl and etylrt. trb He»a.r and rutau. At pricet broae ar.d uptrard. WARP.EN WARD No a77LV^ al id N" <M, Fl u- d-K.niea^ f Hm tway Ne» Y .rk. ENAMELED FURNITURE ofBsuBeriortraallti; maiiifactnrrd and f..r aaie by J VV. BISHER k Oo., No. Bja Brnadttay. former.y »itu M Oraar i, AU. nu.irpa. NAMELED CHAMBER FURNITURE, Lo all miaota_ of aoeerti* and aiainali i, C Jahed ti inStoape. iVuit aavdJotma, al H. F. FARRLNOTON S N». .or Cal «f pr«ti-e 'Ac..-er at. i3uilbing iHatcrinls. 1MIE DORCI11 8TER OUVE FREESIONE COMPAN1 Fn ct t'-ieL-immentr quant a || r»e»' Bi k (OTeilaB a tor:- . ol t\t aqnare mnet. wU n -..tract for any qiitatity, under 'aj Of* t -^t -.1 th* ramr BE AI TI Ft'l, F R E f ST''Nr ift»... h .e AMERICAN EXHANOI HANK, Sr<*<iarav andC-ia'tt. HEW-TORI t:Mt.- si'lLDiNo. Part riw. CONTINENTAL BA .¦E. Noaa at hlECHAJIICS' Bank, Wtl'.a*... INION INSCKAN- Y IU II.IMS Will ^ir. aod Cedai ate., HISTORICAL B rCQ l i LHK.VrlV THE STATE ARSEN 1LS. New-Y. k mud Bn k!; have br't :ecert:y kttEt. t<t-Jtbr- trltii a taaweeat a*tMta To tbet. ;n part'i nlar the fV.tnpe.iy rrieraatpe. i nei.aof-rieir Bteae, n a> t ti . vr.edrrd t- rpe fia»»r h :ii.n_i kt Air -- * for d r. d rahtllty. atfreaath aud Ki t> t .r laTiroaieetal work Cutl'JatM aaaiailail f.r any par* of rr..itlneal ty aftplicatLm at ti e oft « ifthr Con:t»: t No M Be».»er at eeetiatt« D-im-iai c., a. boBf.kT hUOOLETON ¦-..rv. We tl .-.. d .-rtify tha'the tvnr of won h 081 b aid- L.;t aie i-onat'U' d reu* fn at tA* Don brater Qu. ri-«. New- Br i-.en k. W- . approve and Kiu'rv tbe material, aud B UeO* tt tt je ^t tea beat in BeaHta and m .tt bra-, ktel ir. tpprarau . thai aa. t**l t-eeo hr < r [ni at* in tbtt cruatry. alir.PtlARD knai'iv Pr- ,..:en- M UrjpV Bank. RAYMOND, H/ESLKT v C* Nrtt > rtfai t. w T. HOOKevR, Pn.i1 id '.: it.Mu-atal Bar.k. I EOf-OCO fid. ir/.. ) THoh. K J AUK.miM, \ An hi:.. ra. J. M. TRIMBLE S I^HE ALBER1 FREEnToNL^ COMPART i mt 1 kea BL/F-COLORED STONE ehe L rtitett bah a letTga en-nbrt ot' tue n.,eei b UtttSgi re entiy . by , Bi.-..c-. it«. Pr.- »i-e,eQ t_ v They auv fartrua ts« tuue f a raaaet c lot wita a r aa trnae. Or ^-rt wtl! be takta to.- any a eat art tbe AUenti a. ab .tr'. o; for iuiaad tare, lAMTfL P, Di'N'>VoRE ä-. -, ()¦' e N'.. liNaraa tt. (C nr..."«-a.'h It :. 1 :-»i. New i ra. (TcpartntTsliip Kotutfl. COl'ARTNEE'.^llir.. 1 li^ C'partiK-rahipi.f EL- lalOTt A Hul.UEN Tertuiiiated by lU cwn lioutatiou oo :.t i .a:v »t T! e .illWlaiaieil bete f irtMtd * C par'ner-i i,. ...l.r ''l- n»"ie ei-l bru; .h JaMFS C holden A Co and wt'l r-irle,,. ..t*. De« await aas m M * Baaetaaam-st James C MOLQEM, NrwAort. Ji.Lr .". IHM. PHILIP II F. AR IT. Damic ©ii*. ;^la«i, 'in RN1* Extra LaI OIL.p-ir- * i, ....'/ ,o a. <...' e-i - .. .1|-. .. 3a. H t' Ot .t.t J. ti.S \\ Ql'INCK l lv. , H at WUUui-et. Ott .*> »r.i pf Um1i| ^MELTCAN an.i FOREIGN PATFNT8 J. p. PIR8SON« M>. .'. WALaV8T** N.Y A Pk^.pto- r Ili rm»'>. BBH hi By mail._ TU fi EXTRACT1 Ü BY A NEW PRO C.»'".- It ' m* .11» ww pr-.. "** (t< TERTtJ by ....««..1.4V tf ... ..' -¦».".>. i-j . »i' J " - ., «. the tu* . «t» Mi 1, 'h-rpy UaTfl 1 ¦.«. pen., in H«>Hr FT* !»< ' B .».. wil '¦. » ¦< i»* 1 da» rr<>M>4ui.ii «....:..« -v. <.'.' itc. I r »hb * 5f reut» ou<y |,r ea.*. '.¦it: wr. ha eBaagad, Aid ea h Fndav durttu IM , 1 . br- ' . reae*. I uctil ri. be W*U . mUtt-t *. el -S, ,. W. B RDB'.KTS. N-: V Bra I at. Xilioiclluneoua. Drprv* NEW PERFUME fortite8«5Bboo.-- Ms> ME-4JUICK. r>i*!;r< Irnta tiaam.t Tulip*. E. PI I'l ^ n.«isM No B .»;«r»y. N. Y. RIM Mr-QITICK POMADE, f*the Hair. K'<» ME I I I' K S\C. h rtu. Brreaa, kl-..« it Ul'lCK'. lortlMTWM. A/oo'i: caret Howards binger, n.»\.r*. ^ ' PFFLIN, HROS A ' o Nr» loik. f. " MARWRLL Ne» YfrL y 1 ». , LB n. Co. New Vart. J vv >i»hCROjaS fc To b*>*.-t at.d Vw Y. rh. 8-.-.1 1 «*»yab»rv._ (n:NKi:Ai. i>Kh»t tw AirnsTs' mate J RIALS .1 FAERY DMCRtPTION. \V HOLES vLE lui f'ma>ury a ivhitom Ha in Koioo-at. *ud n I Am Inaartrn al EaaHat, Fr. u.-» ai.l <>.*< uei Ol La WAIER COLORS CANV t-fSaoc BRAHES. drawimj PAPERI. MATHEMaTlCaL IN"TRUWe-»TS *.>.. A,....,», ..'waveeVpead ea piuaalie WIRTttORk EEW- TDN'B COLORB tr *uv »-r und--*rrv;#.e:n.«ot* h»vi,;a- Bel ft mi with m..-rr W 4 N. fore »upp'y of Color* «v. ry two week* by **eea>el I' ure'ed Ca»wet ou ifflaaliafl aj ajalat ataWaiay._ IYUKNiil.' FORES! WINE BaTTBRai Qm$ju w ue. Bla. .l-rry Braody. C^>rdiai. Si"ipa of-eery aVarinrf.Ui.. watratiteab r».. ir. BaeatBaeorof aajtluaa:oftbe bird Muiuti." .rr; k) !. Kl rr Brotbrr*. i'1 v Mi Wa«niür*.>ti tr. BEf?T liverpool cannel aid MaLLIRl'RTON'S ORRFL CUAli AT BEOUCEO KRICE8 Tti» ondeiiifpcl tr> now rra-^y to d»lir»r the »e«t LiTetB^al tan», ana Ha! Ibortoc'iOtTalCoal,botbaaadteaetaaalyaab gad ? r buuiiy uac. Rt ihr foüowin« teduoed priiri: CAJfMBl COAL, per .liaidron.91i -50 OHREL, p- r i aidron. 10 AO Boroaped ftoa yan1 »'id .!«livHrr.l baa of ebaeaw, Ordere ceo be U»ft al our oth.-c. No, li South rt., or with Areot. T It IS t/NKlL. at yarc- u t tVarraaft, Norta Hirer tiot ,'t I ttb- laat BHeei at No. 74 VFeel 3S.let., end Iba T)ru« Store* of tietara. Heeernan A. Co Roe, 105 77t<: j 75*5 Br-sdwiy. t :lAS IIKt'KSCHF.K A Co. rrime anThhactte" aTyl, at * 1 v PF.H TlN, Of ftSI) Ike., ne'.lw-J fie» ot aif»<r, *. Rytail. Tba nadwialared »re l. w- dclive-in; th( ir c. lehrated RLACK HE »TH «i i ird BROAD MOUNTAIN u: I |.titue RED A>'H coals, fwBetpeeee Rai.ri ». Oratre and Sto».§ jiie. (roea boeti. at ihr ub- redm-ei pr:. r from yard 25 rrata p-*r tun tirh»r. Ordrrrcanbe left a* ewoaVe, No 15 Sr.uth rt or wi'h mi THOMAf ONEIL ai j.rdt Ibot of .Tarreti at, North Bl .. ri loot I f llth-.t Eirt Rivet; at No. 71 \\. rt 3«M at t'.id at t| Di 1 Itorat. * Heeart HEOEMAN A Co., Noa 16». 27*. 511 (itdT.i; Uroadwsy. cuts a HKCE8CBEE A Oa. OtricK OT TBB CVMBBBLaBO ISOAL *xn IROI Co Mr are ) Cor&or of Broadway and Wei! *L, > Naar-Teaa, April 27, ii5e.) THE CTTMBEREAND COAL and IRON COMPANY are now pi-pared to rootrw't fortliraalr .rf tr.- wet, 1 » and approved anal!tire of CUMBERLAND COAL. It wiii be akfjeaad In the b»et orderftoal the Company'* dep. t*a*. Altzandna. Vav, and Baltic ore. MJ. The Company, tabeu rvqtirrd. will cUarter vmeul* at low-et fret/'I« B/RBo't cbaitB* ROBERT t. OETTY, Pmaident. (Denan Gicumcio, Ä*c. CTEAM to ALL PARTS OF great dritain IO riaOALWAY .Tat tp'TTidld rt-am*ba» INDiaN EMPIRE Ißt» eaaabardea, wU! poaitirely l-ave NEW YORK tat OALWAY, Ireland, ou MONDAY, late 5. Her aeoomnicdati -i a are of til- 1 r«t tlaea. Pa*»ec(ei( will be taken fraa Mew-York Ihteeak toai.y per» of Ore«t Britain, at the loUeWiaa tr- «f> reduoed *"'~"**| dMarard'a fame and pro*Idol * on the p »»w to Gam ay Firetcl*..»90. Kecood eiaas.«50. Third laa*.*35. A liberal t»Me will be provided. F"r oaa.ine. freight *ud fur¬ ther parti, ilar*, apply to UM H. SALE A Co., No. 4d Sootb eL STEAM to gTÄBGÖw! LIVERPOOL, TiEL- FAST, DUBLIN and LONDONDERRY, without de!iy for BSb Return Habet* toettbef of the above ptaoea (ood'for *U| month* by »ny at< amer r,| tue line *dn. Faom Nru- V iru. EDIN'TU'ROH, C'inmimt...SATURDAY. July 24. at 12noon. NEW-YORK. McMUlan....SATURDAY, July 10, at 12 uooo. Rate* of P*****-. CeMo, $7S| third da**, found with <*» ked pn ¥i»i .a* Bid For freight or putaeae. apply *.> _ROBERT CftAIQ. 17 Braadwar. THE VANI»ERRIET EI/ROPEAN LINK of BTEAMSHIPB, between NEW-TORE, BO' THAMP- TON, HAVRE »'d BREMEN, w.!l aa 1 a* foUoera, »rryltia bba United State* Mab«, viz: New-York for S> lb* f/,,n From H*vre and fl *.v and Ha\Te. ampton for N. York. VANDERBILT, .-«.May, JoiF SI Wedneadty .JilySl NORTH STAR. Safilay, JialyS Wrrtne*day.tu*. 18 VAN DEERILT, Bat'day Aug 111 Wed e,<»*y.g,.,<. 1 Prom New York be South-1 for Sontb*...e<e>o amptou. Havre and Bmr >u. I Southampton. for New-York. ARIEL.bat Ju!y lo saturilty.Aax. 7 Wed., Aug. 1] NOR'N LIGHT.Sat., Aua 7|se" nlay Sept. I Wed., Sept 8 Tlieae *teani*bi|v have wafer- iitit alipeHnM lit* Pn. * of eaaaaga per Vande^rbllt.Phat oahta, BMS aod BjlISi accoii« cabin. B80, a .J per N.-rth Star, Northern Ligb»,aud Arle«. Flu» eabbi. *5W: aecoud able, BSS| tnird cabin, *i>. OaetMacataa ia*.,e.| r..r pa*a««e from Europe. Bpeoie deilTereil In Load ip and Paria D. TORR ANCE, Airnt, N.) S Bowling Oreen, N. T. F)rtland ami new-york..The new and ere|!*nt *te*in.!,ip CHE5APEAKE, S'drey Crowell Cum maiider, will Ira.- Fortlaad every SATURDAY, and Rww York, from Pier No. 12. N.,r»li Ri<er, every TUEBDAY, a*. 4 p. 111. ! Pa*.*ale and fair, Irioltiding atatemotn, B"i R.iunloe Ueae, m h-ior*. For Paataa-e .<r Er»i«nt. apply to EMERY A FOX, Port- and H. B. CROMWELL k Co No. 86 We.t-rt., New-YorL WHITE MOUNTAlNS.-Thl. lathe moat direct and piitnr- eaqoe route fr-in New York to th< White Mountain*, via Long l*!and and Vineyard Sniindja The Olea Houao i* ealy *u beut*' ride fn.m Portlaud. IIVEI{pool. new-york and philadel- J PHIA STEAMSHIP CO.-NOTICE.-Th- .t-am.uip CITY OF BALTIMORE, f. r Liverpool ou THURSDAY. July 1, will aa.ll at H a. t: pre.-te-ly. Paraetger* are reqtierted to b-- ot board, at pier No. 41 Noriii Rlrer, betöre that hour. _JOHN o. DALE, Agent LIVERPOOL, NEW-YORK ami PHILADEL¬ PHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY -St»»ui C .mmiiiöv*tloe between NEW-VOKk and ANTWERP, r|« LIVERPOOL.. 7- «t -1 ....! »"d fH*t screw Steam*bip B<)SPH(lfl7;S. CtV. IfaOiBgaa (lately eu.ployed in the Royal Mall *ervi<*), wili **L rMBMlil lietwren Antwerp and Liverpool every a tern ab» Till R8DAY1 60 aaettra »oii »Ai* Compauy'* Stnamaliipe from Llvrrpool to N- w York. Oo-.da for New Y'orit wl>] be rereteed and shipped by the Agen*.* In Antwerp, and bill* of ladivg »i.<ued there at a tbtongh rate of freight. Tr.- trat mI'I- g from Antw-rp will be rrj the 17th of June, in cor.jut.ri.iD with the CITY Ob WASHINGTON, from Luer- fr 1 on 23d of June. For fur'ber parti. ..Iar* and term* of frelgot and pe*e**>. apply to J. P. KREMER V Co.. Antwerp; WILLIAM INMAN. No*, r.'anrl 63 Tower Bulirliu«, Liverpool, or *i the Cornpaoe»* ..fflee, No. I' Bnadwav, New York, and No lit) Walnut-at., Phi ¦ phia_IOHN O. DALE. Agent. CTEA3I t<. LIVERPOOL, glasgow, D17B- Ö LIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, via LIVER¬ POOL. delny. at greatly redored rate* Tb- LIV¬ ERPOOL NEW-YORK aril PHILADELPHI A SI EdM411 IP COMPANY'S *p-.-t.did Clyde-b'iilt triu acrew Aamaaipa are bitei Jed to aail a* follow*: From w-Yoaa. CITY OF BALTIMORE-Thuraday....Jol* I CITY OP WA*THlNOTON...Tbar*dai.j .Iy 1«. KANGAROO.Tho.a.ia*.j ilj a Anc e, ., alternate Thuraday, At I o'c.ork a aa. froi- Pl-r No. a* Norm River. R*tr» PaaaaoB. OaldU «TlUM New-York a d pi v.- p] |a .$7» Tbird-e aa* froo New-Y..ik 01 any m ti'e aboee-'iamed piece* 3b I'.- ti< ke»«\ *ood f. 1 ai« uontb*. ..._ gn P«*»«--*.-r* I rw.rdej ;. Ilaire Pm . lUmhurg, Braaneo, A; tw»rp and all part* of the Coatuiert arttkoat delay. Parti.a .an bti.ig out tb-ir Mendt at a very !ow raba. Draft* n Liverpool frum £: upward F 'ie,w|,i gl paa^Re. »pplv *t ti,e ..ffi. e af tb» Cot: p*ny JOHN G DALE No. liV .*dua*. N. * Yirk Aeeut or WM. INMAN, To»»' R. ¦.Hi g*. f.ive.p-e.i kpei : FOR SAVANNAH AND FLORIDA..0. 8. MAIL LINE.Toe favorite a «ainahip AI *»f ST A CapUin M. 8. WondbnU. will leave aa SATT'ltDAV. J .Iy ), at I p m .frooi Pier No. 4 Norta River. Cabin Pa**a*> m Savannah B15. a of La'- d *i(oed ou t-ei Fur Prrutbt Bl Paaaaee apply to SAMUEL L MITCHILL h SON, No. 13 Br<«4way. »».eemrr« l-r Pror:da i»ufieet at savanuiS, leavtnc every M Hitey Wed..e*lay and Friday. Tb- FLORIDA Capt. leae.- Crowe||' will »uccaed and **il os SATURDAY. July IV. FJR SAVANN AH mid FLORIDA..Tue Am»»ri. eeu Atlao'b- S- r.. Bt^aaaaMB CaMaaaVi tiewau-1 brat-cute* « UUNTSMLLE J a. Pu«t. o.mataud.-r will leave 1" ^ !2N R.nn bATIRDtT July 3 .< «o'ob rk p w. Btei-ieeiy. Paaatge. w'th uuantpaaaed acomm-viation*, djli! Pmaht redt-rm until farther no'icr u, 6 eeut per foot Iuearance our baif per oent, effea-tec! a* ut offi «. Apply u> H. B cromw'PLL ii Co, No. *i lArrt rt, Banal Albany. TOR CHARLE.-vro.C--i^c^ MEM- o. satI'«^ V\\ r,wl.'' l^,e F*B No. lit N. K.. oa aATI RDAY. July 3, at 4 o'clock p m.. prea-iarly P**ae*r* a>lA Freubt tedu. ed unUI further Bjrtlae '. 6 aaÖV* oer fout- loaorao. -, one half pe* re. t, efl-1. ff,,:« W, to U. B CROM WELL k Co ^_Ni aj Waat-et,. inruer Albany. Steamboats anb Bailroabe. IMPORTAIVT to TRAVELERS.-Traepliam. b*y- T'a»f'.'">«-^Vtln* aaVaald erriete APPLE TON'S RAlLWAT AND STEAM NAVIGATION lil'IDfc. It ma'aia. Taro.i,b Koe'e. »rh Ma:.. Time ot HapBlkaa* of Rallr» aj», 8 earn-'* - " a i.o.r.... Map. A.- P.t.-e 2* c. ate. > > eaia > H .. , N- a « A <. < i d B ya ii tl.- ara ev-ry w mm li APPLETOM A (.> Ft». kakara, Nc*. 346 Bad 313 Uiuadway. SPEED and SAFETY.-To Tra-r^ra, North aa* ?Vre*. .The "vv-ttit p-iWb aft»«d that :Ae HUD¬ SON river Railroad company hew Mterb.* u,r*, tut" paeeet.t-r rrj'iipni. t *f 'h. ir Cr-emer'i P%-»r i Breto Operer.-'a obje A "I* whi, h f p-a. t .. f.'irt ***a*. a äf tibi tri«.« Ii. th< hei da of .>» fu, '..-r, tl« *>r (n.tan1 and aato- meti. ajafj i :l rat* of av-a- c oi-11 >f tii' r eiQr TV- a*a ay Lhti (»r-pr-v~rrrr:.f it f p -1 i . a,-; ara.».,r.t <>/ ereinHefa) .I» and pn prr'T eatlttjl .>* rai a-taiiieVw to aa ""'¦nil It urBi ear < an.; n tk» C'-ve »od aid Tokakl T.ire Mai.t*. aad Rj- bi. .1 Ra .-"»de, Mi. nun Ontra fcA Tb« HaäaaVaj p.:b a art. .'eatr-i v aiii paraaj tM 'r ti,. ..« aft every kn >ara 10» a . ' er. irit) at ...!«'. keaeftrev. ted art aa I . and 'tlMytW _C 8 g K. CAB-BRAAE C>. N«. M Puat-at W O (iiihii S«. ,. ..... KAILBOAD tssi »TEAJfBOAT LINK. VF- rTRNOON BOA at < »,.,... >. .if. me. tee) .il Hani- .. at tr an).,. Yl1t*| al . «.<w..". VA eta Paint ( '. 1/.1. . Mar.i.r N.' l Paitlk-rtteke, l-aira*' a»i. Rt.i ".fk. n,»^ b .Vp,- Canpeed Ce*> r \KV 1 I . t NKAMCROH. PO. .. \F F .'SI V. aal .! r Fl K 1 .Arte may a, ,, .f. ...! »: 1 pteeet HndenC, Clevererk M- .- rill. Ol-eL Chatbaaa Peter Comm. ?' v>. Baa r. Lam - > »»..114-. r ... ,fShaker Villa.» # I ¦{*. p,. . Cht.tan- rd tf .vu> Vi a ...-<. N \ . M *}(»' Da. ... liitiiialr. Waeai- at >u At As. Rocket,' I.W, Cf.let Fa Ua II.«'.... + > ii. ¦Mt»Ta* .'¦'¦ Wra field. *., v, Tue fa't . A m'TTI a .VFRICA. Cap*. M. Sf -aoaai. wiUitee* l*t Pax beat al :t»m- a-1 . (.-t.ih rid. 1. OB MOND.VV, WEDNESDAY and FRl- DAY atAoVlirk p ui (T KSlONSti. KLI/.M i K 1111'.)KTTlV.".L^ J Tte a ianiN v. BKD JACKBP, VVYOMIWO r KILt VAN kill Uavr. pi.r N- jv R.. dal:t (HiirluiM'aa'.dt Dili fa.. It aa., A and^J p. ». Retun.u a. <. *?* F '.>.- hpa»A -1 .*>. a m V: av a m | and I "n m. TVk.'a Ii n and rv . n ii,. ia.i- Aaj aWawata to awaaawaak Catf M aaaala aAAv tonal._ I' >EOPI 1TS LINE IioiA.- fi .NEW VOP.K. CITY ISMMi NF VV-ro HKI.I.v itaA MAMARONBCC -Oa ai .1 alter t>.\'I BOAT, Jnr.. Ii :b* rte^mer INLAND CITY (Capt. Jamr» V ral»nb"r»M birlca rebnod fun arar boA- tta ki ai > Iknläfeaal tawaMawaaat, arlll (-.-anrrtetira oaaarAa DAILY TRI PS s daia .> tat) katafaii the ib » i«öa! niaara frr tha a.N-.-mmod»ti-.n of paaaan^ ra aedf-r>i»ht laaviaa fn'Xcv Ma-ke*. Stir at 4 p tr.; lattllaaM Ihm .MtAaroraoak at T a m New r . uii«, l:»i a, OMj lata i a- T;BB a aa, Far» katwaa n New Y' rk and ra 1 and h.-tari aa Kaar-Y«rtt aavd Haw-ByiaaaUa Cttj lataad *^ rn'i e«"h wap. Fieiabl n.uai to 041 boaid balf au h~nu b Kiep th«. ttaaa of atay iug. MORNING LINK, ht 7 . Vl.K<k. S4in."lÄ>T u> (iir»o» to Sijker . Ra.y. Ht . -. y -okera, Haat in.a, D. t '- Ferry Inln.-ton. 1 arrytoeu, Nya. a Siua * j aad Hiv. r«tia».- I he row and apltrd'd aaeeeaefOBO T STAN- LEI Cap* T. R. Paidork. »ill learr? ta*> fo>t ..| Robintou tt, Pirt .t. EVTRY MORNINO, a..>ppltia Ainoaa* «a. h^way. INDEPEMDENT LINK.Ht-twiwi NE\V-YORK MEWPOBT, BRISTOL, PECA'IOKNCE and BOSTOM.- Tlte aptcdld t. a ; ic; Ml air. r tiOV F:RN0K. Ctpt. BfLjamla air-in 1. wi>t leave Pbr No 77 (fettk P:var fo-rt "f RoWut-rn at. TITSDAYS THl'FSDAYS and SI'NO.aYS »4 ..cI.wA P. m. ReiaUa- Deyaflooi ProaiaVtue, MONDAYS VV KDSF'SDAYS FRIDAYS, K.fltr Dtve frvin New Y 'tk. TUESDAY*", Till' USD A V S . SL'NDA Y'S. Cabtn Faaa. with B.ttba. IWk. Fa.eMween New-York and R.too..*'"'»¦' Fare betweet a Yora ard Pro\ueui. iw 11" Far*bate 1ae Naar-Teekeaal BilakS. 1 m IP Kare between Neav-York and Notvpnit. it W I l'vaet ter» by BMa lue »rill teet-l. Piovid.1 in »«a«)0 »o rta- n. i'. »it.i tka tnatalai Uala for Unatnn. For Paataae or PrebrM. .kiei. aaitt be take* at t'-duc«d ratea, apply ou t*« wbarf. to CI o. i'. STAN LKY, Apen*. All peraana are forbid tn.aUiwt aay ae on acroitbt ff tbe bua. or oauer» wittcnt a wtttteaardar ii n. the Captain Ar AgcnL DAT BOAT for ALBANY an.l fNTERMEDI- ATt; LANDINOS Tb- .t*»me.- ARMENIA ffornf.wtef Murray-f MONDAY. VV ED.NKSHAY n ... FRIDAY, at 7 a ra. CHEAT TR A V EL 1 NO..FarV ooJj V ,er,t*"lo BRI XiF'.PORT. from Peek .lip Pb-r N-> H Eaat Riaie, every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY aud FRIDAY, at i.' D< on. S'eaui.r Pli.Ieep. rt. CHEAP TRA\ El.lNti.l.'AILY LINE..Fare only 'if>r. ntafor NORWAI.K Tv etea.n. r CATALIN»; kv ERY MORN NO, at Uo'eloek, flMUl R arveii at.. Pl.J No. W F!aa' Ri\er (Rundayt eaeepie.1) INTjEPENDEBT LINE BETWEEN" NEW- VOKK BOSTON, PBOVIDF.NCE B RIB POL and NB«r- poüt -The at. aoaer i.OV Ell.NoR. Cant Beuj So. 'iiont. arfB loave Near York from Plef No. 9, (ojt of Reotor tt. North Rlaer. on TVKSDaY, THURSDAY a*d SUND VY. at 4 o'slook p aa. Fare bet ween New-York aud Pioaideuoe, to Bottoii. BA F reiabt at the .oweat rate*. AUKNtON THE W flARB*. TATEN ISLAND-FERRY..NOTIceT-- Cheap F.arniatou for Ria Oma .Boe/a leave *T» etatd ISLAND EVERY HOt'Rfrotntia tu. t.. I p. ra. Leave Wii ITF'.FI A LI. from 7 a ro. to 7 a tr. Aw « .aranaee, Brapleton and VanderbCt'a Landln*. CRfFTON, ("apt. W. EL Wixnl. Tewa eiF.RNo. ^-1 asT ni\ mi .....' h ¦.EVKRY AEfF HNOt'N at ti.-lu.-A. Artlvir t: at Bayle't i) ral Oreat Nerk.5:15 8«Lda Point.j BJ Gleu Ol I WotU.H V It-' ir lagj kka n -tt inotuiatv leave* a at lOI.n VV'u-ai.biM [Oien Cove..7:0* iande Point.7. JA ir. at BVfk.7 tA Batb 't D a-A. BtAS llllvlneatNew** N. B The CROTOM keAea aoet la tiie. order for c imtort aud apeed, rai be. baiteie.1 1... EautualeB and Pi. Nlc Paetiea, tt-ath ti.. i-e ol a moat bt auUli.i l.rot. . .... U . J Apply U the .-aptain on board. take SUPERIOR LINE ..IH68, 1 i TOtrcma* tT A'.i polPr. betwe«o CLEVELAND, DETROIT «>«'. Bl'PKRIQB CITY. Trie -w and eplendld i--. -it Clff OS CLEVELAND, J. M. Luudy, Maete, ILLINOFB. Ldio Fraaea, Matter. i .'o n cLtvanABb it « r. a fhUKBDAY Apr:, u. MONDAY, AptC If MONDAY, Mat 3. THURSDAY, April» fill RSOAY. Mat IA MONDAY, May 10 MONDAY, tVavM. H HURsDAY, Mat Si thURMDAY Ju'eJ. MONDAY. »Ca. IL MOMMY. J.4 TUI RHDAY. Jon« tut KSDAY. June -a. MoNDAV, June!». tfONDAV, July 5. THURSDAY. Inly I. THl RSDAY, Jiuy 1». MONDa V. July li MONDAY, J'.ly * TIO RSDaY, JiJy Jl TFORSDAY, A.utott A MONDAY, Aoautt 1 MONDAY, » . - TMI'RSDAY, A , . 11 THi'RSDAY. A A MONDAY. MONDAY, * pte nler 6. THL'B»DaY. g-viembet. L THURÜDAY. September 1C MONDAY S..ut*»f IB. MONDAY, Seprember V. TMI'R.'DAY, Ceptembei Ft THURSDAY, Dotokef 1. MOND! V Oi t-hei 4 MONDAY. October 18. THURSPA^ Ootober 1A THURSDAY OctohW M. MONDA v t> tober 54 afONDAV, vi. >.-r - THURSDAY, N-v«-uhe» * And iitvl* fitted up PAtaena>i *i.d V .. '<¦ - Seataeta IRON CITY J E Turner Mawet Vi ::./.:: M. R.OCR, J " K. .- Mat. GEN. TAYLOR. Goo U 8t.«i.=. Mattet. Making tore* boere leavuig O er«.a id every tt«e* 'l.niupakk* aaatotL The tieamera make the oniud trtp in eight daya AVoorae ta* tap of tje -ripa te.-. r. -t by a-idjeat. t UCBSEY A VtiBRIDE Forwardlna aad Comioiielun Merohatila. Cleveland, Otae. B. -Mark Ml P*< tajea - Car. ot 11., a atoa.uv, 4Teet> I Jii, O"_ FOR BOSTON an<i PROVIDENCE via NEW- POST aud i- ALL RIVER.-The tpleudtd aid t p-rkit etren et METROPOLIS, ( apt. Brown. 1-av-a New Yotk eeer TI EBDA T. TUI R.-.DAYa«d SATt-BDAY.a'A oVhirA . ra., and rbe BAY STATE, CapC Jew-u. ,ra MONDAY 'A F un ka¬ LA i aud FRIDAY, at I o'clock p. m Hei-trter U" n-iuir «11! be n-.m'N u te.: ired b. toy appB- oant until the tau e thali bate b.a p«j,i (,,.. Fr-uibt to iv a' n la rwar led *Jtri».cfa with «Tut ditpatik Bf an Kapr.-at FreMht Trail. -"'M BORDEN Aaent. Noa. 741 and 71 <.«. ,. at. REOl'LAR MAIL LINE tut BOHTON and PROVIDENCE, ,1a STONIMOT<JN.-»IOUR ..f LRAV- ING CHANGED u, fir, m.-On ar.j after TUESDAY. June L the 8«eainer. i'LVMOl'TH ROCa and C V ANOEKBILT of Jala line will leave Pier No 2 North River. Art' wbarf aeoee Batt.rv pla. a. dally, ex pt Sundaya al b p. in., luetred of » pro, Ofr.'je No. M Betf»Tt p!ar*. THE REGULAR MAIL LINE via STONINO- TON. f. r BOSXON a^d PROVIDENCE Inland rou la¬ the aboriea' and mo.r rtlre. t. .-anyina the Eaa.nrn Mae The Meeeiete PLYMOUTH RUCR Caat I.« foaw. antl 41 VANDEKHILT Capt. W. H. Fraaei ir. a *Hl* at.Irl, be STOMtMuTON aud PBOVIDENi E and BoSTON aud PROVI¬ DENCE RAILROADS Iravl a N-^-Y-rk daily (Siudaya aa- cep-ed) tri a. Fiel No. 2, North Run., fiiet wbarf above Barter*- p . at I..' ..irk p BV| aud Sr.iunif', n at *:*'¦ p. at t. tk* arrival of 'he mail tram which Vav--a .-, .. at A-..*' p m TbeC VaNDESBILT. fr .m New r « Mo~oav Wedneedef andFri 'ay; fr o. S" i.i on Tue«.'«, Thuradayand Saturday. The PLYMOUTH BtX K. from N..York Toetday Th..r«to> arid Satcr'iay from St "iin«i..n Mo ...lay. Wrduevdep aud Fridaf. Pu*r./-ri pro.«d fttoaa MOtatuat per raUr. a»f I. Pi v'dea)** end BtMAea in 'be Expre.t Midi natm, rearrurj aa d plto-t ie atV van., of rh. ae hy otb, r mutea Mid |a ample time for all tn« aattf mornint lliu-a conn-, j: i Nur*ii and Eat*. Paaaitiiert ptaato tt remain on board Ik* afttmi", acjoy a niaat't r-tt ucdittnibea, hreakfatt if deeired. and leav St< ateak n Is 'ir 7 a m. tiakl »nur. iIt-a at Provid'u.« w'tb tue II :15 a en. train for S.iaV/e, A battaae tuaatei aocompanlet the tteeuier and train tbiutiak aai h war*, For peaaaate. berVit irate roomt or f.-ntSt apply m. K.«rd the ati-ini»r, or at tbe F-etati fNBce, P'er No. 1 North River, et a* Ute aSJJaa No ID Bana-ry-plar« CENTRAL RA1LROAF of NEW-JERSEY. Cuuiie.-tinp at New wir* tka Delaware Ler**" and Wealem BaJroad. and at E*a-.. » n Ufd*k Vallry RallroeS SUMMER ARRANGEMENT .vwimeodi, April tk IwJA- Leave N.-w-York (or and invrtnedlafr piaora from No. J, N r-: River, ai 74 a oi., 13 in., and 4 p » *>r I wit by above r:aint, aud at ¦) '. f m. The ar..vr 'rani. < t »r ; -,.r«- arttb r,r«:ne ou tb« Neat- Jeuep UaJlmad, wLi. b uavr New- Yort fror. Wie »>-¦» of Celt leodt-al M tj ,1 u a aa.d I p. ut- Paearnaara f.* the tVlaware. Lav kaeanna ai.d va .i. u Bait- road aril: leev. at 7, a m ou.y. For LehUk YtJkaf Railmad at Ty a. an. and 12 aa. JOHN O. STERNS Soperlui«uaV»M._ FLUSHING RAILKOAO.LevivtNi FoUah, Mat ket Wbarf by et.ati.ef IOLAS at «:.«. 7:.V and ,. a aa. aeS I. 4 and a p m fk* rar. laeea Fluauli« L I ar*:4A. «and I* a at , and 1. 4 aad * p. in., BaV**Saj and «a.-hau*(n« ftfu*"^ arttb the hatSal Hurtert runt Thro'.it: aStutlBOAaa p»»* Steecta WM. M «Mint, B~wtv N. B.-PlrNirand Ea, .r.b.r, Baftta* taken a- r-do. edjralee. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. r nm. fmW 21, ISAf. Ttalua will Ireve Chainb-ra a- Sra'u.c aa t^l '»ei Eapiraa TrMna. 6 a. ei. and S a in , Aiaauy a-jd Tmy Paaeat- arr Train, l|«Bla o. aud !.>:»¦* m fo. rb.hb.'Feny,«: * a. av andSp m ; for Tarry^wn, ei tip. m for ^if'ut. !":.<* aa. ted < p m. for Pooabkerpair, (a nn, 1pm aud J BBVI fit PeekrtlU.5:30 p ,,. The Ponaokerpaie. Peea.nb, * i d'n* Tarrjt. wn ai.d D*U'Frrry Ti^nt top at hr Way *^*»* Paatenaera 'aket a't hatntwra. Canal Chrtatoph-r a d *'J'^"* Trtl ahf New v t >ave Tr y M 1:3" and I":*' a m., «« JeWr aad a. IA p. ox and Albany at 4: t^ and pfSR a m ted mm M>d hU p. ao.; oi. BbSjfA *> j |S^ I ONO iM.-vM- EAII IMAI' ( <»Vi Ä>Y I J TA* Sp-.ia A..*.a-uiec' la f. a ia» .* ¦: ¦ t let ef Jeif. -.....».: u trafcea wl *' <e.Aitu<i:(da*.r tie pleaauretrarei

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ßntnmrr firtteato

A\ I V IM.KASAN iuiOKB BIWORTB.r« h. *ew*jd ty fami ir**e»» u.»/J *¦ h" " '

tet-N HIV i l( NSTtTI'Tr" 'r-r.I-«*-. I- " " "'"'I'tmm mmtvk »aratl'u fro.» J. It V.'l'j »et.-. ti V- ru-a <"'"'

M.wmI A.iö-..R C.IU(.K.U>r*l""u'1""""'I». H.r. _

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'v 1h. ptuUftl b' bt »»In» ». No. I*

Br iä »m I Ki |. K. tfiii-c i- qu trd_/HTM KV BÖAKIJ (VAN! KL-1 r n M\ I ,,.r. i. .... "elV)..u ¦» .»«>.«¦!"»..t:.rr I* | ,t, ..«.OB i.aMr.p. ""»?''« '/I*- r<\ -| ,,, . u ... r- ii. I* A. S. Appo-onBatidi . k u No. II. __

SliMMKR H«>AKl)|Mi . I In- eubeV «I bjUor..«..»*»- ¦ . *..»»... 52*-«0 !5 *. /'"'S

'iHV o-i'.rr t'ewe- ¦ .¦ » ¦...[.¦.'-.>. !. 1 Beeltky Vil|.f(,i Kit d.'itm.k Cor mbia Count*. N. V., »,d miil render gfj***.».*»' ... ««"-' "hlf,rVII>(,N ii».m

¦><".< . .' .'¦ if»BM a (t. ti<+. itimmlMmmm-et, s< . * k

QtiuufB to Cel.

ACOTTAOR ü morris!own, V. J. toI.KT. i'.i i»ti« ih.t tl* S ...m.. t .¦.<> .it e i ! 1.4 |..r .'i.

>. eS"iil e .', -«it« r tit m »< f f fit.t.tit.. gr»«. tr .! a'j soundIHM ti I i' fepplea.. ctttiim, p»a*l.e<, p-rt» «J 1 Http««).II. um-'Akt', all la aead exAef. 0.-.« of trie ¦ *j «*. mi.:r«w p*<e* it. lb.-;.. Old «halt, t PM to tr nr a:..: ti 1* of tu«hcu»r va «:>..In the liraa* Pomilu'. nr tr »H"i i...'u»ui.">y T.-rirK BMaa.fl ¦¦ rI. ii.i«r.r.i. Af|il' J A |)l\. No.

I loi'sf t.. i,).I .i'itiiili furmarM«fi tu dn.'':¦» *.- ..| I tft**1 . .'. «i «

\. ,j r«r.. «M.- bfka Hi 'l*. UP al S- raanaa* l«* »i m«» n \tTb »d\> rtu. t WaiM HI N> tr'aia * fOCMi lot hu DkTaoOi Mb .».Auarro f r Mt 2 . Pi>>". Orli n_

LOFT.- H) L£1. -1 tit* iae LOF1 9 if mi Mafrott laan »") C<.urti»adi .*-. TO LET at . mo^rrti t

trtt iTaaa »aBaa laaanidaai' If tVnliaJ IfNply ou.aK«pjra.taPFIC-E8 tt' Li'. i ld Wie BiMf Hi «h<j, Aaror»l«nr. »ctjctr» In *b» Trr.Mnrrr'1 Offer, ^o'-xnr» 10 4'.-> it

KE8IPENCB hi FLU8HIHO furHuauutT vüiva mtef . a up*. at Hol II «itb ail 001 v. i- aoat, at

»t»«. aw a I »11 iij. ur hoardInf, or aaajica Inet!cute. L »rae ti.rd.«tatbtitldica« at>d tarnL ("...u»« i^i.t I«. r»ii>. ..1 j;,, K...y



CTORfc to LEI io the Tribun» BuiKJi'Mja, No. 70 dpmre et. tuquiri. lu the Tribune Oflir«.

TO LET.A hai.dRon.f^-furriifhed nOUSETwiK.t» kl>n Hixtit« mi eaaa Um lr~l alii' kaetraVre, art Iii» lean

1 mite*' arelk ot' P.tiy. The owner aid ftsiily eriuldn o.r'a (on baaitjkj il agreeable.. iLquirr on the pretueea. No. :.Ci.'tJIut.ia at r. et

ri^o LET CHEAP.Tb a f><*>d tenant, part of hA iftbriaw HOI Sr. Iiat, mtmi and baeetri. i t tl .. ... wdthmodeln irupr. vrmetiti, ft' teet deep, 20 feet wide. Ii« eltl-jr loca¬tion, and iMiabborhood unaLtpaued. No. Ii!' IMtli-et, thirdbraat iar rf fflTar Inquire of Mr*. LANE ii ti.< preitiiaei,fat th'e a.e.-A.

m\*J>wit: -TO LET.A aoug i>-.<u>ry and banr>QdiiylJi ment nrbiA HOU8£ oa Court-«., ttroohl/a,t... 9 Board aaa-aaaea, aaBapawa Colon and S» kett-et*. OaaItxture*. I u Eerrj ca.i pa*i the door. Y \ ... i.a

rwaeti II and 3 W OOTKiB, Na 143 P-.|.r.u »t., N. T.

tatal gemu for gale.

ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE for SALE..Atdra>anllr riluateii and Lot at Ntuburgti. on tlie

'Ptde-f >..." inn.iliiir a I.-»' i" .1 »i>-» of toe Riwt and Hizaiauda. trill be wnd at iu...i-fi>t. taraa* 'i ll.-bou»e i* of brii'k, twoatorioa. 3i'bj 36 frft. at<: i i'i.tai:.* eixht room* betiir «...iHr»,Ar. Tie k» U HB mit fr iatl »ud n ur. by 2Mi fret ib-ep. Poaaaa-aion ki».-l uiuiiedi*te!y JaMKS W. 1» / Ki.

No. «ü VV»I! New V.-rk.

CLINTON-AV.. Brooklyn..Eor BAUE, um oftbefinitt BriLDINO SITES« tt!« mo*t b.autil .1 of all

aecLuee.tie iloiy at.i pnde cf tbe rity.p'.cara-: a;jd n ¦%i:^y.Kur * iCEiWrice, unrq'aleu In Ne» Voik or Brooklyn. Tu» plotI* It feet froat by ^ Vfbai -eep, beiaf; the Dorthareal c rotii .<

pikaaea and 0*1« ¦ eve. Car. l- divided into two p,.. -..( SB feetby i'e'e«.r. Pt;.it I.-.-«, ot 8 veart' fiowth, in tin b^a.-icitorder.«3oaieau.' *ee MILKS A l.r.lH. No. 11 t'lti- .. ti. Y.

I? L E G AN T COUNTRY RESILIENCESJ At NORTHAMPTON. Ma**.1« or tbtt-e , t the moat bean Uavlj hiahly-rultivaVd t-rat rlait

EftTATES n tt ..eru Aln<»«. aue- tta are ofteieu r SALE.N. itbauip oi i-. atat «I tfca oio»t rSaarwtlaa *#ok*la Atueriia,

aboubdUv in rkaij »< eiriy of river, talley and uiouuttin, raatabIhn» ba akte reque aj*o varied ian'i»«.»pe loine of tne beat pot-turOa of tl. m.' . v Hie kOWO (wbl. It »« ooe of tbeaatlteat ». rilmei.U iL Ne» E:..-.and) ha* loatl b>r:i aoted f t th^lut«lii«.nce a. d rrbntmeut ol it* iwxiety end po»*ei.*e*in a l;i*b'degree tbe advants^o* of literary, educational and reluiuua Itiati-tuitor*.Ti f»mdie« d< airou* rf retificr from city ':fe ar. r.pporMr.l'y i*

h*Tr precectrd for escnnnf country aeat* wbiib are urjaurpaa*edf. | eleafb-x and i omb f

Apply O A W. Til.WER N. rtb»rr:}iV.a, Mm*.

I"^MIGRANTS. I ARE NOTICE.MICH IQANJ LA^lt^ to- SALE..II,** arte* ot l^cd lix tted in tbe

roui.tve at Oakland, Ranilar, Turrola Saitiaaw. I.o.ia KeetaadK*.»t. aa>o. fir a*|e a! price* ranalog tr»tu *i SO t (I pal aore,oi.e fouitb payable 10 'aab, 'be Da'andt* tu one, two and tire,

y.-ar- Rome at tbe»e land* wer« *el-rred by the lute H m. D»i.i(-la>* Ho'iaotoii npi> i.iv for fbrwrloa p irp.a.-*. For full ptrticu-Ur* apply ta THOMPSON *t HUNTSR, No. 2» Old slip.

I"\vKMU>r SALE in Ol7l CHESS COUNTY,N T Will I la arPaa fraca Narw-Tnrk, 2J urea from tbe

N> a lUmhiiriii |)ep<>t. Huda.-n River Railroad, rottaio'uj al. '.

ft i l Land we.l diaiCeo In uieaüow end tulaud abiitdax.beaitby and He <i Leluu'x ihood. Tbe Ban.*, Stable-and

lift err fv.nim airi.a a: d ii go-id order. Tb.- H..ia-notlargr. butc.mfortabie for afatmr.' or country reaiu poa, Prl I*>*.'.<). on wbiru there ia a m'rtftage of *J,V>r>. Addreaa J. JYELLOTT, lluabav'.allte, Dut -'-e** C nmt» tV. Y., 0« Ina diebim at J C Hull A Sun'*, No Vt Cliff *L, New Yntk.

FARM iur SALE..Fifty aon-a on the New-Ha-aren Re-. ...«^ .- bot frooi !f7ili at. Unna» i.t», O it-k

It a* poor?, tine < Ircbarda r arm ia under a blgbly Improve 1 r-n.1i-ti. n. and p**»**i.tlT »Iti.aVl Pri'e *>IM-n<i; term* e*»y. Bn.k-r*nee-duot an*v..t. Porpattk itofl cab' on E. C. ROBINSON.He. «9 Bowerj._

FOR SALE er EXCHANGE for an ÜP-TOWNRESIDENCE.Prrtrdw« No « Park-*t, Dritt tbe Miuiia-

..i..a- 147teat Piloa911*40, Inmate-fl)r SWEENY, Nr.. Itfl Mllberry-.t.

F>R SALE.A vrry nnat thit«rvatory and Lii'bbaeeioent PaludalrliU brirk-froni HOUSE, in d.Mh-at.

Price BT<*Xa Apply toERASTUB P. MEAD. N>. SW M-a?

B BALE in BROOKLYN.A beautiful tt\o-.tory |.»med HOUSE, cjutaibing all tb~ modem improve-

ta; iocliiding water, ba'.'ia, ga*. apeaking tubea, b,-lie. fur-ventilator*, fcc all

e* j wii! be aold

D.. lUbare a. water filter, wine or pieeerra rioaeta, veLiLi pnttect order; 10 mi^iut. a' walk from thrtw fern,low Term* of payment eaay Apply to ERASTUS E. MEAD.No. 369 3.1 a* New York, i rtob. XV. BL RTIS. No. USMji*t> »... Brooklyn._OR SALE.A lbr«e, weD nuinhtd doubleHOUSE, with an acre ot ground, at OLENCOVE, L

1..Tbe la new aod in modeniatyle, M bit tr..:.' by ii feetd'-ep. ei i.1) mt. and baeeioent. and rvrtv wav adrairai.:. piaBtfor a oounuy i- .n- ut e. A.*» a .mal; COTTAGE and BARN on

.am« preo i.e. to be aoid avltb tbe Houie. b 11... lore .-«tat* ofLett'bg Caiimi rer de<»»..o Appl> to

DANIEL ll. CARPE**TtBa No Jsi Betbu-.e-at. N Y.

t> C. BULKLEY, Aiiotioneer, willaeUbjordBfA * of tl..- Supreme Co,f. ou TUESDAY, Jana 2ü b. at i

« A ou the pretoi-a, ara n lie BMB N> w l«ta *nd New-I!*\rn Railroma D»p« t. *t Rye. \V»*tche*»i-r Coatmta tbe e*ta>.an the late David K.rby d»c«»»e.l ow.taiuing&: Tl I1)" » rea, o aaatlrai'y aiiuat. d on the (bora of the Lotvg Ulaod S uud. and la tbetxnujrdiate netgaib.ib-od »: e.eraoi oouitry aeut* En map*< apply too. «... Na ;. \\'*:. a.i-*t lam ay IJaatl. f Bk>.aa. Atty ROLT. IL COLEs. ea.|.. Re rat

S~'iVHt~1'kOPERl Y for SALE^* bnck HOUSE and STORE. No. IM ttmtk o-r at

WlhVinaborgl. tor aal. -heap App.y U J. T. W» IaL-»N'J*No. 'O Hon«b It. -a*.

VALUABLE PKOBERTY at TARRYTOWNaOE BALaK-.A past ofgroudaHflbly loear uiwi'..

lute of Tanyt'-wl. cunUii.i- ral tn acrea. well watered with»|-r g»*nd g tt ki C< UU en*'ef*tvr livrr an! ibUud>.-»- . .it, .a.- v adapted - i'i. o of aiaig-pa.-a iai'1iihm. diive* t.»b po da and f rantai a* of w»'et w .r hy the.f. ntlot. i f |, o''erj.i.. ci a:i»i,r < 1 au i lrga't tvonaliv r.*:e.

App.yJ«j_v LAMOREaUX, Ta-rytowu.rfs0 RlaL PER8<5N« ~ÖÖTNO~WE¥T^-"At, in¦ a»ree»ln|aud Uiuatraf-4 MPHLETof tV ingea. cci tilt

I , ( I dee,upti-H,. .iu,, . ., a ninofa C-nttal Rall-I ad Co« p*ay aaJtato aetoa' aettl-ta ou long cre-lita, and *'. ;wret** of lotereet. wttt u ^t *aa*4g to any aaa going W< wb*arlil apply to ti e (-.n.paoy. Arep y, No SH B...»iw»y.

Piano-XortcB anb flltioic

BRA88 ÖI8TRUM1 NTS..We eontinuo toa>* iiikVrlnn out .apartai s*\ Horn, and CORNETS

an-hPlalOO < . Mat] a ». I . . ib-ae iHn, W|,rlut,ji U of t.ii*ri. i .. t" « t. pr... * aeat aa aeaaMeaiC la ¦¦- E1P.TH. POND fc U- No Ml Bc,ol?, N y «


JarobCbarkeeu.«'* B<aal->b Plan.«. S. D. k 11 W »u..t., .

üraU-4 Ma>eid<-oA*audiupiu\rd New-Vcrk Plan-.a._A M KaNOUBE.No Bievlw,,

GO L D MED A lToKAND and SQl rAiirPIa NOB.

STPIN\A'AY A »ONS. Manofaraairare.Ma. at >\aii. or«r Broadway, New-York,

ware awarded tbe Firet Pranunm where and whenever taeybrooatat theii Plaoo Porta* into rompeUtlna with tbe beat ma*er».f Bo> on. New York, Phl'ade.pbla aud BaltimoreReceived the (wo Brat prue M.4al* at Ike Metropolitan Pall.

.A't^t nerton. 1U6.IV Itral Piaadaa. (* f>4d Medal) for tbe raeet Plaoo-Port*, at

tb* A.t..--ai I..-: Cryatai v New York IIAA.Tbe Pirat Prem I ao (aOnU Medaii for lb* beat p.*:... Fort« at

tbe Mavvtac 1 luat.trile, HaRtnuire. 1*4«.Tbe Ftrat Price Medal fiar U.e b. *- Plaoo-Porte at the Ame-lcaa

Inat-rute Cry*'*' Falace. New-y.jrk. |»V..ft** Ftr»t Prra.i'.'re (a 0<dd Medal) for tb* beat Orajd Piano at

tbe Mai 1Mb« Inatltute. BefUrcure, |A5T.Tb* Pint Premium at lb* State Fait Detroit, 1191.Tb* Ftrrf Premium at the *Va*e Fair, !..:... d. 116?Aaiont tn* bidgai* were tne firet moaical talent* of 'A* tveartry

aoch a* W. Maaon, (Xtacbarh, Wi^Wnbavipt, kc. (Mend ar 1Bquere Piano* <w*a»trueted wi'h th* full wooden and Inm fram*corohltied. are warranted for tbree year*, and Will now be sold at

freatly ra-drca-rl prloe* t/i anlt 'hr time*.

PIANO-FORT Eh.-HAINES EROS., attheir Manufactory, No* 33n, 331 344 td av , rvimer of 1 at

at b*ve at all tlm*a an aaeTünelet of tbel. c. i*»r»te.| PI AN. isof vartoo* *>yle«, carved and pla-u, whi. b the) r). r on lib.ralkenn* to. .! »I HAINES BR HfaTPBl PIANOS .X'l.fT s.* and I .

oa ta*tai'r'.--ib« a* aV-vA. j m pRLTLrM

FIRST-PRIZE MKIX)l>BONH awl HAKMO-KrUMR Ri'«Mt Iii .etrated peoipneu <J2 pp.. Bra.) eeoA

»T.., Ad.trr». MAJtON a HAMUN H «.¦¦¦ Meee.

I[.;i:tk, M:\vios a swaDWKvs. N«. 4vl.J P'. o*M. «. Hl» Blliatlwaj liir i apreuibd Murti-j-ci o(

their CELEBRATED FlaNO FOB.TU tr. all atttea e*-

i ;.. artta ki pateartAi h wn Flat k f ir he.r» in wastof a »u e'l..r kerAtwaaeew aril If ri It tW »Uir edvtri'eae t/ call.

"\l kssj.s. ( Hli:KKi;lN(. a SONS, h"vu,L re-

i* I i. pw U'arvi rut No. tM Bi e^arelI I «r ) ire pr- pared to offer the" frtei 4« m.d lle> pukfi an rt

U>B(rl*i r.. r-.r.. rt ' UP.\N0 I \RJ.iiR ok AND fQI * RK¦taf UFRJGH1 FIAN<>FORTER ataiiilWatwaa* aearaiBT fnhit rlr\ 1r lab» i bj venni.e t'yl. . of ca«et and at price, lebutisannol fail t' plaaaa Plan»Forte. n.adr to order, fa aoit anyatj I. ' bin It .re. a: i a in* ran* n'* V* ARRANTED to fta*BBttae aata*fp Il m Piano-Forte« to root


aft.ei ..*it» -at-enie y !.w pr|.«-»: »«'S »7A. fH«. t>l|n.»Iii, B12A, Alf, #l.'i" aurt »IA5 Plan* and Me4.ile ... larant, and rani lowed on fojrebaa«| fat aeie m, avxitblj pay-a e.La Plate» '^.lieil, rMHllrei! |».|l«hed, Ui"»ed, Ir'Xrd, M

HORACE \v»TKRS. Ai-ni No MBroadara)Ti> M *M \\ ar-'i* PtaeVaa arr kr.owrj aa an.¦¦::» \ ry

beat. tVa are »raided to ir. at of theee uutnirnrnt« wi'li aWCavd- Da, ;r ¦: p. re naJ AleOwVedfa of their bxoeflerd t..r e and doraidr ooa'itf. IN V Kvu-j-In-'..

Kaven, bacon a co. (tUCCeiraora u» BawMBa Rarresb PIAMO-FORTE MANUFACTURE.**, War*,

rrom No li- Grand-it., near Broadtrtt", where a fuli aa* r- -' Iof luatromt nta n.»v be foond. .aeliaivelv of ant <rwn ._"».:':'*;..k'ife. w a-ranteo ir. every rrenert

bA. M Ml kw in. An- W.

T BANGS, BROTHER & Co.-Trmi. s-i f

Ro"u.< No. 13 Pert row.

T. Ooi l.r»»MMH. Audio- eef.

LARGE SALE of FURNITURE, THIS DAY,1 ..<.:». Jew <X at IMa^eJock. it k»MM No. *o Weal IM

at., in pait a> f ill wa. Splendid Piauo Kurte, fall 7 'r are. tu lyWatIBitted i tare «nile«i<| rMlllj <hhi*i Pir'or Furulf ire, c..vrr«4in »a:in (jrM «('e 7 | i.<ea ea. I:, a»vi d r.**wood marWe roj. n-

taetBaaWand Sotti Tablea, ro«eariod marbli'-top Ktas-rr« wi o

¦ bled i)"or« and] barka; do. corner K'are,re«. tpaeweoj Ltbfarybeklau-, pier and Ova. Mbron Ui.ep'i.n Obalr», Turiti»iiA* ir. fnai'« f)il l'aintii'K«, Biiitnl* Carfariiug, I.». ¦. Carlelot,ilcb peint«-d Bbt ea, Manv 1 Vaaea and Ofuamentt. Ai OlAM-HIU FL'BNlTt'BE.-Beaattj eaived re earood kilbuhetbaaand potbec Bedel*adt. BFawra ' tirlerj b«ir and »i^tna Mit;r- «'..«.Holet»r«, Pill..w«. T..ilet Seta, Nan'.1 UaOrAa Mirror«, gkjadel,'. «:*. tln<-<. aolid rneewöod, Rarbir.taap Dr«a»ir ¦» Bureau»,with Mlnon bratMa top tVaabaf.-.tio*. I'urair. and Brnaaeti Caapeta, K" kloa ai d Aim Cbai'a. lajlng aaal Clmiri, aa4 a »"li-rnlaaaoita ent U < 'lumber Kiitnitrre.

fACWl lor SALE at AUCTION.Oa TUE8-y liA V, the jr.h in«t., at lit.', lo k at fte Battery, aaj i.uuailabinean » Ba hn. Mr-aenrra on de« k 16 fee in b n2th. and IIfeat Bt tun. with 'ail*, tackle and apya'el. all cimplr e. For partaWaUta, Ar, apply to W. A. CARTKR, Ai» tl..i.»er, M('"urtlaudt »t.

Jtisnranra: tTompunifS.



Tills COMPANY GUUS NOTICF. THAT IT WILLmake a rediietlon efBTVI PER CENT upon the amount ofPremium, upon pellclri and Renewal of Polirtea iipo-i ptUBX'ltJIn tho rltiei of New-York, Bri/oklyn, Ji - y itj uml t|,,b Aegtaid reduction will lie made to the In.'-re !. or to bia Kroker.

albert WARD, nt.

ltKiuRD a Oaklbt, Bat rataly.mj ETBOPOL1TA1S




Tbla Company cunttnnea to Inaoxe Bulldlnpa. R., - Meichan-dt»e, and othi-T peraoual Pru|>er!y, »ud Ship« In port and thelfCamriw. acalDet Loeaof Damals by Fire, an Rajaa* prvuiptlpand rquitably adjutted.


JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM. PrealdeoLEpwatp A. STaasRukv, ataeratary.


Ha> B>wnven from No. II« Broadway tithe MtKBir Br'i.n-lac raoaati) puri lia»«d by them, and known aa

NOK. 119 AND 114 1»ROADWAY.ACCUMULATED ASSE'ls, 9I,.1»0.G00.

LIPX INSURANCE efiVted, and ANNUITIES and fiN-DOWMENTS MEDICAL EXAMINER Ui attend-an. e at the office, from S to 3 p. m.


OPECIAL NOTICE..HOME INSURANCE^ COMPANY-Cupital $5'0,(m<i; 8uiplu». oeer BiVl.tiOO..OSeaNoa. USai.d 111 Broadway.-The oflioeiacftklaOciayaaj

. ¦. t...n in annr um in: to if, patri.e'and tlie luiaineeaeoin-

leneia'iy, that the principle for which th«y have alway*k i tended ha» en ci ui eded by their aawociata underwriter* ofti i- ity, and that uiercliantaanii othtifl requirica lua-irauc« need

a«»e»ard no bn|rr to a'iprrrt the imnecewary «yateui t

rokarraa* in Eire Isaviaai .. Tb» ayatata they have alwaya oon-

? idcted aa an evil, and have noted, accordingly, n.aintainiba tbat iftba aTjatiagtataaof pre»i nn wmdj aratraal the aaaayaalai tu

aikwio| a return of a portion of the aaar «. a ommUii >u to a

broker, rbe INSURED were entitb-d lo am h reduction.Special notice la, tbofaeOfe, BOW ain-n that thi» Company i«

V'e-iarni to teliirn to the a»ured direct EISE per cut of theann ul t of premium on all policiea ia»n*d at the curruut ratoa uu

prrperrv in the etttoa of New York, Brri.klyu, J.-raey City andHokokaa. CHAR. J MARTIN, P .«Uent.

A. F W ILM ARTH, Vice-Prreid.nt,J. MILTON SMiTH, Secretary.

New Yoik, June 25. 1858.

Ti IE HANOVER FIRE 1N8URANCE CO.",No. 45 Wail at.,

CASH CAPITAL.wa^aBB,Will In.lire aaaic»t loa* oi damage by fata

at the BED I CEO RATES, and return5 per r. nt Of t.'.o r'ir niinm i-i CASH.

S. H. RORENBAUOH, Prealdcn*.I)<'K»- L BTOaa, Srrrerary.


APOtrR-CYLIKDER PRESS for SALE..The Publiabera of Tu* Trim v* batrli^ hwii >bli<ed to

purehaae one of Hoe'a Daw Ten CfBnAVaf Power Priiilma I'reeert(the faateet In the world], In order t. in.ot trie i. quiremonta ofEh, Ii cb, .iatiou, offer for SALE the FOUR-CYLINDERPRESS on which <hr outaidea ol tiieir Da'ty » .! abet! Semi-Weakl} edlti"ua have hitherto been printed. Thia preaa waa

,-. arweted rxpreaaly for na. ha« be> u in nar In out eatabilah-ane it f r »U or erven yeare ha* '>'tt veiy littla fur ropaira, andLever felted to render «<*>d arrriie. Ita fall oapacitv is lit.OOtllrr.prrMduna pet hour but ita nrdiuaiy »peeil la abou' b.Kifl. It¦Oat u» a> 12,0ii0, and will be a M.*inoe we no inger n.-"d trf.'orj aaak Apply to Horace orrelkY a Co.,

Tribune b'i,;ii'ui. »Irw-York.

Ai WA'lER * $15 Hiul .*'i5 SEWING MA-CHINE »a- ..pi.iated i r tlir-e aa aaaita day* at th- New-

koik Stete Fair, m aeaa|ainatfoa win. Siu;-t» «tiJ Wheeler AWUa b'a biah priced marl.inea, and wa» uwaroed trie EIRSTPR EMI I'M over Ibewi Both.Pi.aeeca ) and examine the Ma.-hine or »end fot DESCRIP¬

TIVE ciRCt LARS K C. lit rtm an s. CoI ¦ aVawaAa Na. f I rin-aiway. New-Tork.

FIRE EN0INE8 for 8ALE.New aud ibbbbJbaid FIRE ENGINES, all cnr.n,e>e re.dy f..r .iae, auj war¬

ranted, at No. H Lafayette plac«, by J. H SICKELS/_"ICTROPOLIIAN Si:\VI N(; MAC 11 ENLS.


bewing machines for. *<»be a ing machines for. tt

c H wooster. No 5.5 Br.ielway.

SINGER'* IMPROVED BEWING MACHINEfor all manufacturing purpose* aar»r-

tain tLe immenae a pen hty of SINGER'S MACHINES it itonly neeetaary to in.j :i.< I any manufacturer or n.eeri»nu who... . at e Baad lot a ropy of S'rirer . V Co.'t Ot/nre, wuicb willb>'tupplled trail*. |l tiv< t full i'if..rotation on tue a t f '.

I AI. SINGER a Oa No, 4-M1 B.w., New York.

Cutitrii. tjurbuiart ana Iron.DARDWARE. CUTLERY, EDGE-TOOLS,~ * *'.Cut and Wrouabt Nail. Spik.-t, Buiidera' an t CabioeA"¦,ro*»»e. Carpmte-e' and i..inert' f'-ua, Beat and Sn'p B'iild-*J" "truwarr Houte-Furr.lariiL« Hardware, FoiioA-rC andata. ticlat.' Hardware, Braat (i,«vla in treat Tan«l). Sniltha*22S A u"""' ''«e'ler with a (rneral ee-or'meut of

,.t**Y Hardwar- and the moat exteuawe aaeittuient

of^Cooper. Kd... fäadaTTlaei Ar to be found la theotty. Foraaieby C11AS. 8 LITII.K A Co

NoaSseud A4 FeHoa ai

PaSÄ^aVÄ''"* BANCA TIS'_JOHN W. QITlNcV k c3 . un;t.m^.

INOOT i.u ta amt BBirhaaoTBf<* tale ty MINKSofA MINING CoMPAN., No. U

Grrn.wW. St.

JLJOITST HOEE LEIlOTa.S-V«ö .7i|7e,r^*U^rjO*'rt"u' OUINCY a Co Mo. e* vviiiu-u-aa,

'piiOMAs PIG IRON -I' '"«. tt-.i-a aaaTi1 atarraew < . . » ..1 tn h Ftt

JOMt V\ Q( INCY A Co. No *t V\ " Baa aa


D I V 1 D E N I) IOTIOIierriox





.ÜM *-...*> Caan Ceaital R-'--* .» thu (

[«¦)»] beaahlM Om nfRc» "n et.H efer July 1. Tiv.iler

ataefcl um be rlotrc from, on. *ud */tri Jus* C until Ju'; I.rVOVOLAI ROBINSON Secretary.

AXaVBAOVBBB'e Oh ki TM i~ii.«rf FaieeeeiCLi

Ml AMrt«BOL4 R«n Ri..n CoatTA*!

*r I I . VI I lb* Capital ht, « Ik** C - p*- y iu

»..i der Ian ft tat Tf *f** Bet '«i.iij« of ite- R"».J f..r tu- «.x

m bib* . u^'rir J'JLe "*tb uMt, The Ditideud mm be p»'o tt ttw

BVmcB .!.. Tre»iM« f. It O V l»! d Obi. ' B BtlJ eftef U.e lit<1»v July L»xt I: rtipeurf, or by til nt ch~ k no New-York,it'l.. [ft Bid m eter-1 11-,, rear-.irely

*T). 1 ibI I B bBi til I' f C>uip»-.T BiU let i i«.^d from Jim.v.t. Ji. j . By r'lerrf the B. »"1

OEO B rLY Tr»**'irer.

P«\r i» III» f"** VHIItll Nl-»r YtI J '* i'l. I -'"

ADIVIDEND ol TilBEE AND A HALFPER l ENT ut rvl tr. pr; fit* mi the pat *i» mouth* wtl

U |*mi |b lit .v<*bo!r>. -eel MB* Baakr.c tbe tat of July oast.1.1 til wli t. t.tue the T'k: «'ei Book, w l' ».- ri. .ed. By BfaVtft.l tl«- U »t- id DurOoi.. OE'JaüE ELLI1 C**t>i<-r.

HAN K OF COMMERCE in NEW-YOR K.tlVIDEMD..A eeifi »nriual dlude..j of PEE CENT

i beCesiUl Sf k of u. i. ftiai Ii a In mi il> iBaii il, B*J*hli fan.a* af«r Jnly t RIOH'f) KINO. A»*'t Ct: »oi.-r.

ATLabTii H«a» Nr.ta-YokK. )>, * ''. I».'?.


tl St<h »li..ider* of th:» Bank on and afc l*t July DWBtTV Trm.-f-r Book WÜI I- nbaed from tiie [Ith to tfc» Seth

June, tnolnjrae. By at lei mi tb. Board._OEO. P. ARTH' R CeahV:

Pank Flur laWaaaCI Com; aaTf, No -f7 Kr-*riwaT, Perk-pave Nrw-Yoait. Jaae 11 IBM i

DIVIDEND..The) Btmrd of Dinr-tom of KbilCoer-paae ,le. land « a-oil annual DIVIDEND .f

eiout (bi PER CENT payable on and alter let Juiy seat,rba Tllaaflil Book* will be Hoard fr. m jreh ti_..t»nt b, Jjly I.lactaaiva. vviLLIAM JaKKRaY, ¦sMatary.

IfBTBOPOUTAl N< I')8 BHoAOwtv, /

Nfw York, June 71. 1S5§. \

DIVIDEND NOTICE..The Liireetoaof theMEfKOl'OI.ITAN H^^K liav- THIS DAY M atwJ n

BEM1-ANNÜAL DIVIDEND at POt'K PER CENT. paja.ot ni d aef^t the fir»t ot .Inly, prnlirnoTbi Trar.frr Hook* will b- rloa-d from tbe 21th bat . ti'l the

day of paja rat Ilyor.l.r OEO. I BENET C.ahier.

DTviTiEND..T>f Dtrvr-t-.ri ..f the NEW-YOIIK OOUNTY DANK haeetlila day de.U-edadivi.l- d

Of THREE AND A HALE PER CENT, rasable on and alutraWIatiafa. A. Mastkrton jr QaammNew Yckk. June 21 1 HR

DIVIDENR^ffitTol1Tut afiaoamLi Ft»> IbwbabcbOoatpair,INo «.'> \\ ALi.-ar.. Neu -Voaa. Juni- aü. IBM I

A* a nieafir» o» tbe B"atd of Dtree'ora of th'* Compauy.bei,! Tl.ia Day a DIVIDEND of EIGHT (t) PEi ( EOTBtootkl wns dei lari-a. payable r;: aud after tbe lat iiy of Julyneat, ntitfJ waiaa Raae tke tritiafer booki wft| ba ta iaea.


Ni « York. Jnue Ba, IBM. >

DIVIDEND NOTICE..Depottitor* are h.-rvlt)notified that a aen i annua! divideml at tbe rate of

SIX PER CENT PER ANNUM,oe all *t.DK of *5UU ar.d DJ der, ai d EIVE PER CENT ANNUMno all ertaaa af oarat BjBM, whn h »ball ban haaa d-pnit.-d a'.1< ieH« tattaa n. ,ntha on tbe Ut el July next, wib ba pail t depo*-ito . m au.l after Monday July 111.

late e-t not ailed (or will b. cairiefl fc tbe .-reJit cl 1. [ ...t. ri

e« ptinripe).Ii- Bai.k I* open f«-r bt laaai Mh Bma 10a> avbafl p.m.,

and bom 4 to'. p. in. at No. SI Chambet»*< eaa' .f Broa/iway.JOSEPH 817 ART. Pre.ideuC

Johx MuNMVt., Cont/oller.TtKr.r. Haltk \\t> Ritii.m'ibo Rau.roau Co.. i

IBCBI raar'l Dum, Tfrri: Halte, June Ii. i8t3 I

NOTICE..Th^ Botrd ryfDireeton of tin- TEH¬EE HAUfE AND RICHMOND RAILROAD t oMPA-

NYbarede<la/eaa DIVIDEND af(S) EUE rER CENT aatbi-rapitai aUx-k for the *is month* i-udioa June i. p.ynile at

Nä arthe rflre of the Feraeer*1 Lsaa and TroM Coiuuaay No . Et"¦ lay of J ,ly

CHaS WOOD. S-cretary¦ ui.«e| 1». e, on and alter tbe 2d day of J i|^SEVENTEENTH DIVIDEND..BROADWAV

PANK, June IL 1W8..a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND ofEIVE (6) PER CENT on the CAPITAL ITC Cl uftUUBena.o .t I tin i att.ii tt ot tbe cum Bl *il RM Ltba, w I. be ptid I n »ndaft. i tbe lat day ad lalyt *aaila|Tbe Tranat i Book, win be aeeeed from Baa 2Mb Mal mil the

day of p» n.i By order ot tbe Borud.J L. F.VP.RITT. Oaabl -


BUBOH,.ThePreeldentaadINre tone* I Si Hv.k t*»-dnlan-da Diviu.-t<i of Kl\r PHI CENT r ONE D M.i.tRAND A HALF (*l 8" PER SHARE. pay»tilr t. tbe ¦ ockholdere, on produi iu*: thnr ato< k ceruli. ate, on and afterTill RMIAY the lat fifJttlj next.The Tia.i.'ei li<ok* wii) I,- rl am (' .in tl,- ,.,-(, .t..- t July 1,

iti luaive. By order rl the lioa-c of Dire t .r.

T. C D'SMIum Gael ,r


A 1 ER BONDS..The ( "!'-!Y CIfY WATER BONDS, du ot.

tbe I»t d»y of Jnly next, will U pa'd on pn *eBtation at the COM'TINENTAL RANK in »hr Citv of New-Yerfc, or it tin- MECHANIC8' AND TRADERS' llANR, Jereev CIry, ou »nd lat in uno CHARLES KINK. Pre* lent L| I, a-d ofVVa er Ctiuitniaaiober* .Jetaey City Jon- 23, 185?.

rj^irpf EMPIRE CITY FIRE INSriiANCEthe areaituni to theataoied on all a--'|. Ie* laeaed »' the -«lab-Uabed rate*. JAME.*. T. TAbMAN, P .«ilcut.LlMDLaa Mi aaav, Se, r-tary

I M U.EST NOTICE.-.IOLIET RtrdCITICAOOI RAILROAD COMPANY..Tbe aaartaai ial tadaraatoo Ibalat iiiortm*e Ri ud. of tbia O mpatiy. duo lat July, will be PAIDpb prta '.-.e tit- per eta pom il tb- Bi ot M. K.JESI P A Co Ni. 44 E*i:!i.iteV-plare. N. Y.

L. B. BLACKSTONI.Chi f Ebjtlneer j. tf R. R. Co,

Ol i it i or mr. Hoi'>ATOkic Railroad Co /

BaiDaapoaT, Jane kt, ISfit s


after tbe let ptox, al tbe Traawtrai'i oHire. or at toe o65>. oiRetcbom, Howe It Co.. New York.The |a*t d'ie Honda ot aaid C- uirany payable In BlfBaja r;

will be paid ar the aen e time a* tb« Treaiurer. ..t!:,e aadpayable to Nea Tcark will be p.l.l at the Tr. i« rapl i!. -. ..r a:tbi oöii ¦ ot Eetohuai, Howe fc Co., at tue opiiou ol the rrrider

H. NICHOLS. Ttva.urer.


b't.daaiid B.uid* of 187*" wi.i be paid ou aad after July i, it tiieetil« i- cf the Company, cort»r of 26th-*t and 4th av.

_W. H. EUEEBON T-nyirer.

CITY ol Ol IHCY, 111..iThe INTEREST uponthe BONDS ol tm ebove City, fabln« due on tue 1ST JULY

NEXT BiU be paid on auJ alter that da%. at o-ir -ffi.. N 40B-alaf. WOODEUPP fc Co.

Oilier II Till S1 U I Rai.I r..KMI<»li .MKi. jCnv oi CHicti.o Juneii, ISM, I

THE tviTi-atinual inD-ri-r-t mlatm du«> in the- Citjrd Kew-Veak ta» IM of Jury aaal oe rb» BONDS OP

TUT! CITY OP CHICAGO ¦'"ix aND SEVEN PEE CENTS,i»ui d : i aaMtnae p ttpuee«, will lie paid on »cd e.\er tb*'. datea- i- taaalai oBka WlNSI.utV. LANIER k. Co., No.\. ^ .t, on pre*, utation ot tbr ptope, u.

_s LIND, T.ea.m,AkTlaaa.' Has. \-. y rk M.j Ii, V

AT the ANNUAL ElaECrnON held attn" Baak-Ui« llouae. No. 117 RaaajaVaC. aa tbe 10tb (oat. the i".ill*.

mmmtttrnt «eutiemen weit- electr» Direr-'t r. tor tr e »na-rtia yearNathan t pi.aPT wii.i.i am j. TODOFf.ANK VINCENT, HENRY A. DENNMON,J.iMES C DERBY, ELIJAH HOUGHPONWILLIAM PHEI.PS, JOHN H BBOWNINO,ABAHEL JONES ABEL t 0OODN0W,JOHN M. DAVOS. PE 1 ER HALEN.

Attd Bar Inepei ore of the Baal A -.- all ei c /-i-le» Rina.Oe..ri. Oatlll and Oe-.rre Br*-»*. At a *uo*e<|iiet,'. uir .

thelioard, NATHAN C. PLAIT e.o wa*uobbIbo telyr*>aleotid Prral ral i d PEANR VINCENT, mm, ~i*M.raaiuioualy recie. ted Vlce-Prea-.dent.

_R A T' 'OKER. C»*. »r.

INTEREST on SAN FRANCISCO CITYPONDS..Tbr oupon* N.»* aLd a ot the bi,Lii» of toe Citv

ol Baa Pras .-. b due .'uly i, wi:: be pakl oo »-da.'t-t am)date, by WM. T. CuLEMAN i. ( ..

Nt So Wa_j.,f.C'.'ipoo* Bod preaented witiin an month* fr. :n Ut J tw U

bate to be act.: to tbe City Trtat .t-r at Baa FraccUco for pay-Bit-ut.

OiriCt or Pi IMnlk'l NaVIiiaT'0% AkD RAILRi'At) Co., IN< '« Wiiltatn-et. N-w-York Jaaa IS, .'' |

PfHE ANNUAL ELECTION for DIliECT-I ORS rf tb* DEBMOUTE afAVIOATIOIf AJtD RAIL¬ROAD l o vii'AN » tie f- '-n« office of the»i.t ta

K> » k low*, on MONDAY, thei!b of Jalj BeatJa>. C. Pa: riR .i'k. See r. H g. BCEBOWS, PiaaXTtat..f-r B.«'ka mV. kt i:..*edoa aad ».>-- ta- i«tb ibft.

MAR1NEK.S SAVINOM HANK fir-vr rfc >redt. ,:-it New Bank.:* Hr-.»e n. l ld«e.,aataarmtmtm\

.j'-i. ial / I: m 9 a m. to 2 p. m aLd oS. Wecneaiay aadBa'utday p. m from &to io'i-ai.-k.

letdtrit allowed o-_ dep.-...u »r * pa*r Betd on *iin't cf 0-""uno-r. THOMAS B STILLMAN, Preaide-t.

CmZ'&kl^****I. T Smiim, Sei retary._^_

Omca or tm Cl*r*tai.»»r< Coal aar. laoa Oo, iCom. or BaiuowAT aar» Wall rr., N«*, May 6. 1Mb. <

TMIE Sta'CkJiolilr'fa of tttia aie herebjj botrfied it-d :b- RKiilT r.. CONVRgt their p .DlSTOCK bate PRKFFRRED SHARES w-.. EXPIRE m theSlat in*c On cr bef re that day, 'Jjo*" »ho wwa äc aBaal af theprtTil.ce will pay Two DoiUr* and F.*y fjaan on aaak »

and ol or before tbr SOth day of Juue Beta . mjthal paytn-ut ofTwo D. I!*/* and PlPy CeuU pei Share wli be lequired. On tbe

Reti.e-t cf Pire DoUara per Share, Certificate* for Preferred« k wtU be lat'ird. Any SroUBoider antic pttl;* the date* of

payment, elr. May 31 and J in* 3). wfll ba e..;'-^ u. a dbe ouotob the *aaj paid at the rar*> of Sir ue- Caul per anuuai, to tboe*daie. rea|»-Mv-|y. Copaea.f tbe Rep.ft »b-wtc< toe eond Unaof 'he C. trpany mad* by the tVtrm'tee appoicte 1 *t tBe Stock-: .--. iueetttif od the 1Mb day of A.n. aaa b. bad at thlaufBcat. _EftW P LCKTMld. B> -^ary.

IRVING SAVINGS INsTiTcTIoN. No. 9t.I W.'*rr. t -a: Oree. w4rb at..0\ 'I2p v.. aid fr. o. H Tp m . MOBDaVB THtTRBDAVSand SAT' hi. v i S I -r.*. a- -u U - m. f .¦ f| o,

? «< M fl v A 'l f- lit, t'-t Jeat\ aa i (i n r L Bi xi a S r. I. ,

hm»'-» ftatfta. Aiierlmierr.

BY BIMRON HRAPBR, <»<tiw No M Pitts»-.-Bef.iar Auel, l Safe»»t Um- «.ri-kui. F.«rli»o* F VIR»

I»*T tWo»t« an" [Ii I» %. mm ae* aeie1 M F-aiaetemm*BAU THIS DAT »t '4 /'»-I rWC. n*-._

Mo . . ... -..».'..¦ I». i t r'"t. }N' M' a'w.r - '. «' >

JuneMM i

THIS JXSTITI'1 ION itill pflj rbt-u ual ¦» l«i MlttV .' B . '«.. t »..P ' ¦ K "". "° *"

Peer tea . all Avjpjf eoon,. aSdapre-«» . i» there** p» i tl 'in d AR 'I*|AfeA4«M««w i't «v»L e'M l-c-lt* -I 'l-Wl-aa

[l||«ttf«l F.. J- itOW-ll, l''r-;d»ü«.A. A Al»<'Sl\ rt--e'»i«

_ _

0» no. or tue Illisoi Caerrati. R*iuioumii Von . J i.- «. rv <

AT A MEETING of Um BOARD OF DIREC-TOR* i p'buM Rfliuu Ocatoaay, AwMim« cy. i*

V« aaHrtnlrtd Tl.- ». mm - Mt rr *. '"P' »' of ,h*

f ¦ p»ui e» T« »...!< !>. '«TO per ebare bt tcd 'be «an. to A»rwl<-:.a i Ii» -f. 'n ' A r -a» tea*. ?!» tie A».ii3»-«rir#g Ii tt»««i<rn»r» made F.y ib» Cimpsny ** tbe w-n dey e'I» l. U. 11 " |i «¦ ij.. t»-, , i* p.Jtr.'r "0 rA* (AM k MO**" r.-4

Ii tt» elM . f N.-w V< rk. tt rfce e*R*t f ihr ».ixp.i .¦ in »bar fSajr,*fcr!oBtre t't'k lljWl IfJ I/- Besä M 'he «V.' * Met".¦R. km Benart, & C" » i Ihe« »ii- ip'i'f« rtebt wmmm b-

nitlttd kBpayO-eatef the aweeeeeaeel et pw.wint.. h -.t

mit rwtH'ttJ'tJ Tl .» »k iifwAt I« ». be r|o»,.: fr-tn tbe Slot day et

Jlllj. ud feC elr. r.iera! BMII t|-r .'th Ja» of Aut»et. «od thatni rr»ii»fe'» t* p-iiMtr.d »r. that aar- 11 alitree up o wm. Ii

».ih mtmpmnt I thai i« kavt '¦...n p^dHj rrfii-l lb- B m.1

j - P> RKIN4 Tr Ml nr.

\VELI>. \ APdO A ('.'. "


BATH AI. »DDO.r.oo.N « MtW'TeM.

CALIrOrSiA EXPR»» Inmimlkf t;A 2r*h of ~*kBKiitb. ISLAND Or Ct'RA EXPRRtrS Imvow by at! tor !*>#*.In- Urarvrn. ?j |Zrh I?*" m.i' ." .>.-ii r.;/. CoLLEf'TIONS »rtri rh d ii aii p«r'. «''ib« Mid u< .n.p' r:t..u».L>r«r* at BtfM ir. Maat ba ol rTaaaaa

CALIFORNIA 0OLLEO1 ions.Our Sti.ftiM, M- ai»-« . il acta .. C .j. i

mj a. mmi .o». p. lata la C*i.t rada aad Owaaaa, - u. pn.mot rr

ttirua. Mai.ufarti r> . and M -t ia »aie« fir Californiaor Orejoo r»n tia aaMl tbeb kaVta uf ladbtf lli">..^h our Hoi .«»

and cave tct bavi Ian r »;d for ou CA» arnral ol toe ttwrr.Cm uivii-a p " .. bei n f tnr time oc aai . and ystIhaaaJiarai aka'aii Dponatn-I f tbakatnpartt aaAflpaM.

NOTlCt TO CALIFORNIA (ttiNDHOLDttRS.tVl nrr POM pre|¦*.'- ! t- re . h tkra <-LD BONliS "t tbe r?'atr

of ( «lüo'm» tit'.it« rt 'be #a:ne r. Sa ¦» i euto City an J i r araPik.u ONES loa» . » Mm a.' of Ike Nth of April,|K*7 and return »nr tarne to 'bt. rvty. B. ndt for earh u.|rtbotild be p.-erett-d at U'-e, at toe |sM ii Uaatkai v-i if: B.iujttrL.1 be re tiveu if C- State of CaJ.i.mia f : iicbaep'- afkttJanneri 1 lft'r?

(), Kit Ei.Near Toik.No. Hi Baiadaay

B'ttoL.No. to Court ap..are.rillll 11 IfHa.No. Ann Caeeu,,i'..t.

Bait an.No. 77 Smito WbtrtSen F run. laaa.Cora« Montaoojery and Califoruia tta.

PROPOSALS for $^00,000 CENTRAL PARKIMPROVEMENT rt'ND BIOtiK -Se*vd pr po-a!. will

' h t'-eivril a- tb- v rtfrmilat'a Ofßre, No. 5 Hal of Recorje. tit i!MONDAY. .InlySi tka> ox.arktm Mat aaaaotrlklb- o itii'iv op-ord for tn- v\H'>i.E m ANY PART of -.he..:.«... «7 TTIREV III NORM) THOtrSANP DOLLARS ofThe Centra: Park teprorex eat Fund 3'. itkcf tka C.-tot Haw

Yoik." atMbarlaal f't aa «.-t rt] th» Leci.i»ii!-e .>f h» S'*t- e0Htied " Au Act tot tka Baatllattf a Mid OoTrnitr.etit or the CentreiPmk iu be ' itj f Naa?-Totk," p*-t#.| Apiii 17 ir ,7 ttvd hi an

firdiiari e r.t toe C^iuoion Ccuini! anpr. ved f) .ne

*. iWiTi ...:.< it .b«.t;.-o--itt 'TIUIEK THOI'SANOSIfARES

of ONE BTNDBED DOLLARS E \< H SHARE, heariaf lokfti .t a: tie rale M BIX PERCENT per aaauart, oty.b e q .»r er

\.ai!v m d 'he pi.i,:pai re :-i jit!, p tu the' tir.t day ofAutu.t. IPP7.Tie p-i ¦...»:» av!l. - er i,f ,n»rr«, and tht priec per

abate. Tat» ataek to ha ItatieS aa fbUotrei *mu.. trltbln thiaaliajt after tor ai epta re o| the piopoaaU, a n! the balanre Intnotthi} nta if +&t\iAH ra h aattl the tyfcala ttUB itit.'i d.Tie-fx rtc:.t art a-prr po.alt aie a" epti d arflj lie required

aWfoail iti'h the Cheaab* rlala of tha City tb» anal «u ui-i aadcovered by tbe bid. and on preaer M' nlh« laefrlpt .f rl»- Ci:a iK-rlain to tka OcOBa .i':rr tri be rr.'itlel to receive a ertuioatt f r

t!.' |rjr n'u. r.f tti' number of ahtna. itirymt; iuti rn'. lr'.date f >iie depoaif.Baak taofoett» . ttaMkeaataVtlop aad eni rte^. Pr .(

lor Bta per otrat Castral Park Irasamrameat Eaatt Bteek.M Au<lthe piopotiunn tnay then he put up iu a te< oud env.l. p- ....,.>

ai.! dir.'-. 1 " A. C. KuAOO. Cofairol ar, No. 8 Hall .1 BATtMttJa,Naw YorkThe rifl-.f it r aei red pa n. pari < t tha Cool roller to rej-i I any

or all of the bit., if routidtred Lci'iatarv to pjtaTaeft at ptnwiiBa|k« Interea'a.fHi'-iity. A. C ELAOO. Ol «tt*Oaf.

Depanu.i f. ot Finance, ( u-r. ;.. r . Otbi e. Near-York Jan-

ftdttil (\(U) -CITY 2F LOUISVILLEW+t It litn M J, (Kyi tVATEl tVORRJ BONDA-The tu!-, rtaett. 0 t". .»i- *4wi nfM , tka Ha Pet Caret IetAtoi the City of Lonlltll e Kent;., tti, for .|ou olW ater Vt i rt.; maoirii < Mav I, IRrTT, prii.tipu and iutereat fuy-abla In th- City of Near-V.-rt.Tbe Hid. are aaatttad by i'..- > rti»utita af the City; tbe

p'ldteof the Stocket the VVaf r Company and a-i irri pea'ableiai of teu ceott ou each »J« 11 of al. real and neraonai etwteOf tka ivty. The r-iarter COaSMJ Ii Um c.'y full[ p>iar tr b' con¬tra, t debt and ia. je f.or..1a.TlM preaent drb' ot til- citj Ii.ff 3/J01 llnO It)v\ ,:i aeeatt, cootatting of reel tetatb n.i. ka., ol 4,. i.'v'-i IBThe ara.aae.1 ea .- of »iie- tavanie pn perty of the

.ty Be |üi7 ami intrd to. ffjK23 -ail 00More tban onr-t alf ot «Ki partrat fttf IniJa'itt'flnroi la ttialaa

t' Uta ae,.ri; RaUroaoa at theOaaC ateeay,totrhotar>l. ti i.f tl:e B'i itf.-i an- b.u id to p' itidi fir tbeprit.. ipal anu lull U al Ike aillllOllaVl nf lilt Oaa S"« k havingtl-ea.iy ntifd fJiliOOOOof the 0' laaue t., tbnt C unpaay.Trie Loakrvil e a'id Frankfort Railrcart Cou pmr baa retiredrr IfM.OuBad tire iati.e to it. with a .;.r<» ai ki c find appltrai.e totka htlau I T!ie L. im: OB Bitr-cli I!, .n l.nt Muri-ttf-ii Ire prop¬erty t.i ee-'ur* Ba rwaaaant to raatte tka Boadt aaJ th* ability ofUm otkoi OaaapaBfi t.i fobtUI tkeli tt ,t aol q'.ett..ji.ea.The pi.puiatioj of the city at70,0Coatea af Ihr oiiartet M the '-itv. the rdlria'i'-e 'ider which

IkeRorafk)are kttatal, thetVaed f Intel the VV at.-r ComrMpy'aSt. ck to Commiati aa ra 11 ta- Maktai Knud, ao.i all otbet titfoc-fxatioi. ci icrmiuii the B 'li.^ n av b" had on «.pplicafiou to

i _CLARK, DODGE A. Co, No. 51 Wallet.

SACRAMENTO VALLEY RAILROADCOM-P AN V .Thr Coiipova die Itt ..f July, I cm, nn BP/OHOi'.

FtfatMotttrepe B naaofthatC rtnv win tie paid on and af*«rthat day, at tb-ofllcr of SC Hi (ifA ROT a GEBHARD.


OfBoa No N rtThaiji alaoa,New Vork.

\|« DONOl'OlI CO. COUPON'S..The CÖ1>1*1 PONS of the N Dottonih Co. Witwia B.iudt, Ittued totlie Kottketa Cr. at Railroad Co doe I, wii; be p»ij at theeS . - tVQODBLTF k Co.. No. # BittMVta.


So'l-It ordrrt for Ik* Pun harte and Sale f Jl kinlt .,rSeti.ritiea.CoUrctlooa made in alt par-a of thr country.



ENAMELED CHAMBER BUTTES of I TENT jTl RE, in ail eeaafl and etylrt. trb He»a.r and rutau.

At pricet broae ar.d uptrard.WARP.EN WARD No a77LV^ al id N" <M,

Fl u- d-K.niea^ f Hm tway Ne» Y .rk.

ENAMELED FURNITURE ofBsuBeriortraallti;maiiifactnrrd and f..r aaie by J VV. BISHER k Oo., No. Bja

Brnadttay. former.y »itu M Oraar i, AU. nu.irpa.

NAMELED CHAMBER FURNITURE, Loall miaota_ of aoeerti* and aiainali i, C Jahed

ti inStoape. iVuit aavdJotma, al H. F. FARRLNOTON S N»..or Cal «f pr«ti-e 'Ac..-er at.

i3uilbing iHatcrinls.


Fn ct t'-ieL-immentr quant a || r»e»' Bi .» k (OTeilaB ator:- . ol t\t aqnare mnet. wU n -..tract for any qiitatity, under'aj Of* t -^t -.1 th* ramr

BE AI TI Ft'l, F R E f ST''Nrift»... h .e AMERICAN EXHANOI HANK,

Sr<*<iarav andC-ia'tt.HEW-TORI t:Mt.- si'lLDiNo.


Noaa athlECHAJIICS' Bank,


Will ^ir. aod Cedai ate.,HISTORICAL B rCQ l i LHK.VrlV

THE STATE ARSEN 1LS.New-Y. k mud Bn k!;

have br't :ecert:y kttEt. t<t-Jtbr- trltii a taaweeat a*tMta Totbet. ;n part'i nlar the fV.tnpe.iy rrieraatpe. i nei.aof-rieir Bteae,n a> t ti . vr.edrrd t- b» rpe fia»»r h :ii.n_i kt Air -- *

for d r. d rahtllty. atfreaath aud Ki t> t .r laTiroaieetal workCutl'JatM aaaiailail f.r any par* of rr..itlneal ty aftplicatLm at

ti e oft « ifthr Con:t»: t No M Be».»er at eeetiatt« D-im-iaic.,a. boBf.kT hUOOLETON ¦-..rv.

We tl .-.. d .-rtify tha'the tvnr of won h 081 b aid-L.;t aie i-onat'U' d reu* fn at tA* Don brater Qu. ri-«. New-Br i-.en k. W- . approve and Kiu'rv tbe material, audB UeO* tt tt je ^t tea beat in BeaHta and m .tt bra-, ktel ir.tpprarau . thai aa. t**l t-eeo hr < r [ni at* in tbtt cruatry.

alir.PtlARD knai'ivPr- ,..:en- M UrjpV Bank.

RAYMOND, H/ESLKT v C*Nrtt > .« rtfai t.

w T. HOOKevR,Pn.i1 id '.: it.Mu-atal Bar.k.

I EOf-OCO fid. ir/.. )THoh. K J AUK.miM, \ An hi:.. ra.J. M. TRIMBLE S


ehe L rtitett bah a letTga en-nbrt ot' tue n.,eei b UtttSgi re entiy. by , Bi.-..c-. it«. Pr.- »i-e,eQ t_ v They auv

fartrua ts« tuue f a raaaet c lot wita a r aa trnae. Or ^-rtwtl! be takta to.- any aeat art tbe AUenti a. ab .tr'. o; for iuiaad

tare, lAMTfL P, Di'N'>VoRE ä-. -,

()¦' e N'.. liNaraa tt. (C nr..."«-a.'h It :. 1 :-»i. New i ra.

(TcpartntTsliip Kotutfl.

COl'ARTNEE'.^llir.. 1 li^ C'partiK-rahipi.f EL-lalOTt A Hul.UEN Tertuiiiated by lU cwn lioutatiou oo

:.t i .a:v »t

T! e .illWlaiaieil bete f irtMtd * C par'ner-i i,. ...l.r ''l- n»"ie

ei-l bru; .h JaMFS C holden A Co and wt'l r-irle,,. ..t*.De« await aas m M * Baaetaaam-st James C MOLQEM,NrwAort. Ji.Lr .". IHM. PHILIP II F. AR IT.

Damic ©ii*. ;^la«i,'in RN1* Extra LaI OIL.p-ir- * i,....'/ ,o a. <...' e-i - .. .1|-. .. 3a. 4« H t' Ot

.t.t J. ti.S \\ Ql'INCK l lv. , H at WUUui-et.

Ott .*> »r.i pf Um1i|


J. p. PIR8SON« M>. .'. WALaV8T** N.YA Pk^.pto- r Ili rm»'>. BBH hi By mail._

TU fi EXTRACT1 Ü BY A NEW PROC.»'".- It ' m* .11» ww pr-.. "**

(t< TERTtJ by ....««..1.4V tf ... ..' -¦».".>. i-j . »i' J " -

., «. the tu* . «t» Mi 1, 'h-rpy UaTfl 1 ¦.«. pen., in

H«>Hr FT* !»< ' B .».. wil '¦. » ¦< '» i»* 1 da»rr<>M>4ui.ii «....:..« -v. <.'.' itc. I r »hb * 5f reut» ou<y|,r ea.*. '.¦it: wr. ha eBaagad, Aid ea h Fndav durttu IM, 1 . br- ' . reae*. I uctil ri. be W*U . mUtt-t *. el

-S,,. W. B RDB'.KTS. N-: V Bra I at.


Drprv* NEW PERFUME fortite8«5Bboo.--Ms> ME-4JUICK.

r>i*!;r< Irnta tiaam.t Tulip*.E. PI I'l ^ n.«isM No V» B .»;«r»y. N. Y.RIM Mr-QITICK POMADE, f*the Hair.K'<» ME I I I' K S\C. h rtu. Brreaa,kl-..« it Ul'lCK'. lortlMTWM.

A/oo'i:caret Howards binger, n.»\.r*.^ ' PFFLIN, HROS A ' o Nr» loik.f. " MARWRLL Ne» YfrLy 1 ». , LB n. Co. New Vart.J vv >i»hCROjaS fc To b*>*.-t at.d Vw Y. rh.

8-.-.1 1 «*»yab»rv._

(n:NKi:Ai. i>Kh»t tw AirnsTs' mateJ RIALS .1 FAERY DMCRtPTION. \V HOLES vLE lui

f'ma>ury a ivhitom Ha in Koioo-at. *ud n IAm Inaartrn al EaaHat, Fr. u.-» ai.l <>.*< uei OlLaWAIER COLORS CANV t-fSaoc BRAHES. drawimjPAPERI. MATHEMaTlCaL IN"TRUWe-»TS *.>..A,....,», ..'waveeVpead ea piuaalie WIRTttORk EEW-

TDN'B COLORB tr *uv »-r und--*rrv;#.e:n.«ot* h»vi,;a- Bel

ft mi with m..-rr W 4 N. fore »upp'y of Color* «v. ry two

week* by **eea>el I' ure'edCa»wet ou ifflaaliafl ajajalat ataWaiay._IYUKNiil.' FORES! WINE BaTTBRai Qm$ju

w ue. Bla. .l-rry Braody. C^>rdiai. Si"ipa of-eeryaVarinrf.Ui.. watratiteab r».. ir. BaeatBaeorof aajtluaa:oftbebird Muiuti." .rr; k) !. Kl rr Brotbrr*. i'1 v Mi Wa«niür*.>ti tr.

BEf?T liverpool cannelaid MaLLIRl'RTON'S ORRFL

CUAli AT BEOUCEO KRICE8Tti» ondeiiifpcl tr> now rra-^y to d»lir»r the »e«t LiTetB^al

tan», ana Ha! Ibortoc'iOtTalCoal,botbaaadteaetaaalyaab gad? r buuiiy uac. Rt ihr foüowin« teduoed priiri:

CAJfMBl COAL, per .liaidron.91i -50OHREL, p- r i aidron. 10 AO

Boroaped ftoa yan1 »'id .!«livHrr.l baa of ebaeaw, Ordere ceo beU»ft al our oth.-c. No, li South rt., or with Areot. T It ISt/NKlL. at yarc- u t tVarraaft, Norta Hirer tiot ,'t I ttb-

laat BHeei at No. 74 VFeel 3S.let., end Iba T)ru« Store* oftietara. Heeernan A. Co Roe, 105 77t<: j 75*5 Br-sdwiy.


rrime anThhactte" aTyl,at * 1 v PF.H TlN,

Of ftSI) Ike., ne'.lw-J fie» ot aif»<r, *. Rytail.Tba nadwialared »re l. w- dclive-in; th( ir c. lehrated RLACK

HE »TH «i i ird BROAD MOUNTAIN u: I |.titue RED A>'Hcoals, fwBetpeeee Rai.ri ». Oratre and Sto».§ jiie. (roeaboeti. at ihr ub- v« redm-ei pr:. r from yard 25 rrata p-*r tuntirh»r.Ordrrrcanbe left a* ewoaVe, No 15 Sr.uth rt or wi'h mi

THOMAf ONEIL ai j.rdt Ibot of .Tarreti at, NorthBl .. ri loot I f llth-.t Eirt Rivet; at No. 71 \\. rt 3«M at t'.id at

t| Di 1 Itorat. * Heeart HEOEMAN A Co., Noa 16». 27*. 511(itdT.i; Uroadwsy. cuts a HKCE8CBEE A Oa.OtricK OT TBB CVMBBBLaBO ISOAL *xn IROI CoMrare )

Cor&or of Broadway and Wei! *L, >Naar-Teaa, April 27, ii5e.)

THE CTTMBEREAND COAL and IRONCOMPANY are now pi-pared to rootrw't fortliraalr .rf

tr.- wet, 1 » and approved anal!tire of CUMBERLANDCOAL. It wiii be akfjeaad In the b»et orderftoal the Company'*dep. t*a*. Altzandna. Vav, and Baltic ore. MJ.The Company, tabeu rvqtirrd. will cUarter vmeul* at low-et

fret/'I« B/RBo't cbaitB* ROBERT t. OETTY, Pmaident.

(Denan Gicumcio, Ä*c.

CTEAM to ALL PARTS OF great dritainIO riaOALWAY .Tat tp'TTidld rt-am*ba»

INDiaN EMPIRE Ißt» eaaabardea,wU! poaitirely l-ave NEW YORK tat OALWAY, Ireland,

ou MONDAY, late 5.Her aeoomnicdati -i a are of til- 1 r«t tlaea. Pa*»ec(ei( will be

taken fraa Mew-York Ihteeak toai.y per» of Ore«t Britain, atthe loUeWiaa tr- «f> reduoed *"'~"**| dMarard'a fame andpro*Idol * on the p »»w to Gam ayFiretcl*..»90.

Kecood eiaas.«50.Third laa*.*35.

A liberal t»Me will be provided. F"r oaa.ine. freight *ud fur¬ther parti, ilar*, apply to UM H. SALE A Co.,

No. 4d Sootb eL


BSb Return Habet* toettbef of the above ptaoea (ood'for *U|month* by »ny at< amer r,| tue line *dn.

Faom Nru- V iru.EDIN'TU'ROH, C'inmimt...SATURDAY. July 24. at 12noon.NEW-YORK. McMUlan....SATURDAY, July 10, at 12 uooo.Rate* of P*****-. CeMo, $7S| third da**, found with <*» ked

pn ¥i»i .a* Bid For freight or putaeae. apply *.>

_ROBERT CftAIQ. 17 Braadwar.


TON, HAVRE »'d BREMEN, w.!l aa 1 a* foUoera, »rryltia bbaUnited State* Mab«, viz:New-York for S> lb* f/,,n From H*vre and fl *.v

and Ha\Te. ampton for N. York.VANDERBILT, .-«.May, JoiF SI Wedneadty .JilySlNORTH STAR. Safilay, JialyS Wrrtne*day.tu*. 18VANDEERILT, Bat'day Aug 111 Wed e,<»*y.g,.,<. 1Prom New York be South-1 for Sontb*...e<e>oamptou. Havre and Bmr >u. I Southampton. for New-York.ARIEL.bat Ju!y lo saturilty.Aax. 7 Wed., Aug. 1]NOR'N LIGHT.Sat., Aua 7|se" nlay Sept. I Wed., Sept 8Tlieae *teani*bi|v have wafer- iitit alipeHnM lit*Pn. * of eaaaaga per Vande^rbllt.Phat oahta, BMS aod BjlISi

accoii« cabin. B80, a .J per N.-rth Star, Northern Ligb»,audArle«. Flu» eabbi. *5W: aecoud able, BSS| tnird cabin, *i>.OaetMacataa ia*.,e.| r..r pa*a««e from Europe.Bpeoie deilTereil In Load ip and Paria

D. TORR ANCE, Airnt, N.) S Bowling Oreen, N. T.

F)rtland ami new-york..The new andere|!*nt *te*in.!,ip CHE5APEAKE, S'drey Crowell Cum

maiider, will Ira.- Fortlaad every SATURDAY, and Rww York,from Pier No. 12. N.,r»li Ri<er, every TUEBDAY, a*. 4 p. 111.

! Pa*.*ale and fair, Irioltiding atatemotn, B"i R.iunloe Ueae, mh-ior*. For Paataa-e .<r Er»i«nt. apply to EMERY A FOX, Port-and H. B. CROMWELL k Co No. 86 We.t-rt., New-YorL

WHITE MOUNTAlNS.-Thl. lathe moat direct and piitnr-eaqoe route fr-in New York to th< White Mountain*, via Longl*!and and Vineyard Sniindja The Olea Houao i* ealy *ubeut*' ride fn.m Portlaud.

IIVEI{pool. new-york and philadel-J PHIA STEAMSHIP CO.-NOTICE.-Th- .t-am.uip

CITY OF BALTIMORE, f. r Liverpool ou THURSDAY. July1, will aa.ll at H a. t: pre.-te-ly. Paraetger* are reqtierted to b--ot board, at pier No. 41 Noriii Rlrer, betöre that hour.

_JOHN o. DALE, Agent


between NEW-VOKk and ANTWERP, r|« LIVERPOOL..7- «t -1 ....! »"d fH*t screw Steam*bip B<)SPH(lfl7;S. CtV.IfaOiBgaa (lately eu.ployed in the Royal Mall *ervi<*), wili **LrMBMlil lietwren Antwerp and Liverpool every a tern ab»Till R8DAY1 60 aaettra »oii »Ai* Compauy'* Stnamaliipefrom Llvrrpool to N- w York.

Oo-.da for New Y'orit wl>] be rereteed and shipped by the Agen*.*In Antwerp, and bill* of ladivg »i.<ued there at a tbtongh rate offreight.Tr.- trat mI'I- g from Antw-rp will be rrj the 17th of June, incor.jut.ri.iD with the CITY Ob WASHINGTON, from Luer-fr 1 on 23d of June.For fur'ber parti. ..Iar* and term* of frelgot and pe*e**>. apply

to J. P. KREMER V Co.. Antwerp; WILLIAM INMAN. No*,r.'anrl 63 Tower Bulirliu«, Liverpool, or *i the Cornpaoe»* ..fflee,No. I' Bnadwav, New York, and No lit) Walnut-at., Phi ¦

phia_IOHN O. DALE. Agent.

CTEA3I t<. LIVERPOOL, glasgow, D17B-Ö LIN, BELFAST, and LONDONDERRY, via LIVER¬POOL. delny. at greatly redored rate* Tb- LIV¬ERPOOL NEW-YORK aril PHILADELPHI A SI EdM411 IPCOMPANY'S *p-.-t.did Clyde-b'iilt triu acrew Aamaaipa arebiteiJed to aail a* follow*:

From N» w-Yoaa.CITY OF BALTIMORE-Thuraday....Jol* ICITY OP WA*THlNOTON...Tbar*dai.j .Iy 1«.KANGAROO.Tho.a.ia*.j ilj a

Anc e, ., alternate Thuraday,At I o'c.ork a aa. froi- Pl-r No. a* Norm River.

R*tr» PaaaaoB.OaldU «TlUM New-York a d pi v.- p] |a .$7»Tbird-e aa* froo New-Y..ik 01 any m ti'e aboee-'iamed piece* 3bI'.- ti< ke»«\ *ood f. 1 ai« uontb*. ..._ gn

P«*»«--*.-r* I rw.rdej ;. Ilaire Pm . lUmhurg, Braaneo,A; tw»rp and all part* of the Coatuiert arttkoat delay.

Parti.a .an bti.ig out tb-ir Mendt at a very !ow raba.Draft* n Liverpool frum £: upwardF 'ie,w|,i gl paa^Re. »pplv *t ti,e ..ffi. e af tb» Cot: p*nyJOHN G DALE No. liV .*dua*. N. * Yirk Aeeut orWM. INMAN, To»»' R. ¦.Hi g*. f.ive.p-e.i kpei :

FOR SAVANNAH AND FLORIDA..0. 8.MAIL LINE.Toe favorite a «ainahip AI *»f STA CapUin

M. 8. WondbnU. will leave aa SATT'ltDAV. J .Iy ), at I pm .frooi Pier No. 4 Norta River. Cabin Pa**a*> m SavannahB15. a of La'- d *i(oed ou t-ei Fur Prrutbt Bl Paaaaeeapply to SAMUEL L MITCHILL h SON, No. 13 Br<«4way.»».eemrr« l-r Pror:da i»ufieet at savanuiS, leavtnc every M HiteyWed..e*lay and Friday. Tb- FLORIDA Capt. leae.- Crowe||'will »uccaed and **il os SATURDAY. July IV.

FJR SAVANN AH mid FLORIDA..Tue Am»»ri.eeu Atlao'b- S- r.. Bt^aaaaMB CaMaaaVi tiewau-1 brat-cute*

« UUNTSMLLE J a. Pu«t. o.mataud.-r will leave1" ^ !2N R.nn bATIRDtT July 3 .< «o'ob rk p w.Btei-ieeiy. Paaatge. w'th uuantpaaaed acomm-viation*, djli!Pmaht redt-rm until farther no'icr u, 6 eeut per foot Iuearanceour baif per oent, effea-tec! a* ut offi «. Apply u>

H. B cromw'PLL ii Co,No. *i lArrt rt, Banal Albany.

TOR CHARLE.-vro.C--i^c^ MEM-o. satI'«^ V\\ r,wl.'' l^,e F*B No. lit N. K..oa aATI RDAY. July 3, at 4 o'clock p m.. prea-iarly P**ae*r*a>lA Freubt tedu. ed unUI further Bjrtlae '. 6 aaÖV* oer fout-loaorao. -, one half pe* re. t, efl-1. ff,,:« W, to

U. B CROM WELL k Co^_Ni aj Waat-et,. inruer Albany.

Steamboats anb Bailroabe.IMPORTAIVT to TRAVELERS.-Traepliam. b*y-T'a»f'.'">«-^Vtln* aaVaald erriete APPLE TON'S RAlLWATAND STEAM NAVIGATION lil'IDfc. It ma'aia. Taro.i,bKoe'e. »rh Ma:.. Time ot HapBlkaa* of Rallr» aj», 8 earn-'*- " a i.o.r.... Map. A.- P.t.-e 2* c. ate. > > eaia

> H .. , N- a « A <. < i d B ya ii tl.- ara ev-ryw mmli APPLETOM A (.> Ft». kakara,

Nc*. 346 Bad 313 Uiuadway.

SPEED and SAFETY.-To Tra-r^ra, North aa*?Vre*. .The "vv-ttit p-iWb aft»«d that :Ae HUD¬

SON river Railroad company hew Mterb.* u,r*,tut" paeeet.t-r rrj'iipni. t *f 'h. ir Cr-emer'i P%-»r i BretoOperer.-'a obje A "I* whi, h i« f p-a. t .. f.'irt ***a*. a äf tibitri«.« Ii. th< hei da of .>» fu, '..-r, tl« *>r (n.tan1 and aato-meti. ajafj i :l rat* of av-a- c oi-11 >f tii' r eiQr TV- a*a ayLhti (»r-pr-v~rrrr:.f it f p -1 i. a,-; ara.».,r.t <>/ ereinHefa).I» and pn prr'T eatlttjl .>* rai .« a-taiiieVw to aa""'¦nil It urBi ear b« < an.; n tk» C'-ve »od aid TokaklT.ire Mai.t*. aad Rj- bi. .1 Ra .-"»de, Mi. nun Ontra fcATb« HaäaaVaj p.:b a art. .'eatr-i v aiii paraaj

tM 'r ti,. ..« aft every kn >ara 10» a .' er. irit) at

...!«'. keaeftrev. ted art aa I . and 'tlMytW_C 8 g K. CAB-BRAAE C>. N«. M Puat-at

W O (iiihii S«. ,. .....

KAILBOAD tssi »TEAJfBOAT LINK. VF-rTRNOON BOA at < »,.,... >. .if. me. tee)

.il Hani- .. at tr an).,. Yl1t*| al . «.<w..". VA eta Paint( '. 1/.1. . Mar.i.r N.' l Paitlk-rtteke,l-aira*' a»i. Rt.i ".fk. n,»^ b .Vp,- Canpeed Ce*>

r \KV 1 I . t NKAMCROH. PO. .. \F F .'SI V. aal.! r Fl K 1 .Arte may a, ,,

.f. ...! »: 1 pteeet HndenC, Clevererk M- .- rill. Ol-eLChatbaaa Peter Comm. ?' v>. Baa r. Lam

-> »»..114-.r... ,fShaker Villa.» # I ¦{*. p,. .

Cht.tan- rd tf .vu> Vi a ...-<. N \ . M *}(»'Da. ... liitiiialr. Waeai- at >u At As. Rocket,'I.W, Cf.let Fa Ua II.«'.... + > ii. ¦Mt»Ta*.'¦'¦ Wra field. *., v, Tue fa't . A m'TTIa .VFRICA. Cap*. M. Sf -aoaai. wiUitee* l*t Pax beat al :t»m-a-1 . (.-t.ih rid. 1. OB MOND.VV, WEDNESDAY and FRl-DAY atAoVlirk p ui

(T KSlONSti. KLI/.M i K 1111'.)KTTlV.".L^J Tte a ianiN v. BKD JACKBP, VVYOMIWO r KILt

VAN kill Uavr. pi.r N- jv R.. dal:t (HiirluiM'aa'.dtDili fa.. It aa., A and^J p. ». Retun.u a. <. *?* F '.>.- hpa»A-1 .*>. a m V: av a m | and I "n m. TVk.'a Ii n and rv. n ii,. ia.i- Aaj aWawata to awaaawaak Catf M aaaala aAAv

tonal._I'>EOPI1TS LINE IioiA.- fi .NEW VOP.K. CITY

ISMMi NF VV-ro HKI.I.v itaA MAMARONBCC -Oaai .1 alter t>.\'I BOAT, Jnr.. Ii :b* rte^mer INLAND CITY(Capt. Jamr» V ral»nb"r»M birlca rebnod fun arar boA-tta ki ai > Iknläfeaal tawaMawaaat, arlll (-.-anrrtetira oaaarAaDAILY TRI PS s daia .> tat) katafaii the ib » i«öa!niaara frr tha a.N-.-mmod»ti-.n of paaaan^ ra aedf-r>i»ht laaviaafn'Xcv Ma-ke*. Stir at 4 p tr.; lattllaaM Ihm .MtAaroraoak atT a m New r . uii«, l:»i a, OMj lata i a- T;BB a aa,Far» katwaa n New Y' rk and ra 1 1« and h.-tari aaKaar-Y«rtt aavd Haw-ByiaaaUa Cttj lataad *^ rn'i e«"h wap.Fieiabl n.uai to 041 boaid balf au h~nu b Kiep th«. ttaaa of atay iug.

MORNING LINK, ht 7 . Vl.K<k. S4in."lÄ>T u>(iir»o» to Sijker . Ra.y. Ht . -. y -okera, Haat

in.a, D. t '- Ferry Inln.-ton. 1 arrytoeu, Nya. a Siua * j aadHiv. r«tia».- I he row and apltrd'd aaeeeaefOBO T STAN-LEI Cap* T. R. Paidork. »ill learr? ta*> fo>t ..| Robintou tt,Pirt .t. EVTRY MORNINO, a..>ppltia a» Ainoaa* «a. h^way.INDEPEMDENT LINK.Ht-twiwi NE\V-YORK

MEWPOBT, BRISTOL, PECA'IOKNCE and BOSTOM.-Tlte aptcdld t. a ; ic; Ml air. r tiOV F:RN0K. Ctpt. BfLjamlaair-in 1. wi>t leave Pbr No 77 (fettk P:var fo-rt "f RoWut-rn at.TITSDAYS THl'FSDAYS and SI'NO.aYS » 4 ..cI.wA P. m.

ReiaUa- Deyaflooi ProaiaVtue, MONDAYS VV KDSF'SDAYSFRIDAYS, K.fltr Dtve frvin New Y 'tk. TUESDAY*",

Till'USDA V S . SL'NDA Y'S.Cabtn Faaa. with B.ttba. IWk.

Fa.eMween New-York and R.too..*'"'»¦' .»

Fare betweet n« a Yora ard Pro\ueui. iw11"Far*bate 1ae Naar-Teekeaal BilakS. 1 mIPKare between Neav-York and Notvpnit. it WI .»l'vaet ter» by BMa lue »rill teet-l. Piovid.1 .« in »«a«)0 »o rta-

n. i'. »it.i tka tnatalai Uala for Unatnn. For Paataae or PrebrM..kiei. aaitt be take* at t'-duc«d ratea, apply ou t*« wbarf. toCI o. i'. STAN LKY, Apen*. All peraana are forbid tn.aUiwt aayae on acroitbt ff tbe bua. or oauer» wittcnt a wtttteaardar

ii n. the Captain Ar AgcnL

DAT BOAT for ALBANY an.l fNTERMEDI-ATt; LANDINOS Tb- .t*»me.- ARMENIA ffornf.wtef

Murray-f MONDAY. VV ED.NKSHAY n ... FRIDAY, at 7 a ra.

CHEAT TRA V EL 1NO..FarV ooJj V ,er,t*"loBRI XiF'.PORT. from Peek .lip Pb-r N-> H Eaat Riaie,

every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY aud FRIDAY, at i.'D< on. S'eaui.r Pli.Ieep. rt.

CHEAP TRA\ El.lNti.l.'AILY LINE..Fareonly 'if>r. ntafor NORWAI.K Tv etea.n. r CATALIN»;

kv ERY MORN NO, at Uo'eloek, flMUl R arveii at.. Pl.J No.W F!aa' Ri\er (Rundayt eaeepie.1)


poüt -The at. aoaer i.OV Ell.NoR. Cant Beuj So. 'iiont. arfBloave Near York from Plef No. 9, (ojt of Reotor tt. North Rlaer.on TVKSDaY, THURSDAY a*d SUND VY. at 4 o'slook p aa.

Fare bet ween New-York aud Pioaideuoe, to Bottoii. BAF reiabt at the .oweat rate*. AUKNtON THE W flARB*.

TATEN ISLAND-FERRY..NOTIceT--Cheap F.arniatou for Ria Oma .Boe/a leave *T» etatd

ISLAND EVERY HOt'Rfrotntia tu. t.. I p. ra.

Leave Wii ITF'.FI A LI. from 7 a ro. to 7 a tr. Aw « .aranaee,Brapleton and VanderbCt'a Landln*.

CRfFTON, ("apt. W. EL Wixnl. TewaeiF.RNo. ^-1 asT ni\ mi .....' h ¦.EVKRY

AEfF HNOt'N at ti.-lu.-A.Artlvir t: at

Bayle't i) ralOreat Nerk.5:158«Lda Point.j BJGleu IWotU.H V

It-' ir lagj kka n -tt inotuiatvleave* a at

lOI.n VV'u-ai.biM[Oien Cove..7:0*iande Point.7. JA

ir. at BVfk.7 tABatb 't D a-A. BtASllllvlneatNew**

N. B The CROTOM keAea aoet la tiie. order for c imtort audapeed, rai be. baiteie.1 1... EautualeB and Pi. Nlc Paetiea, tt-athti.. i-e ol a moat bt auUli.i l.rot. . .... U . J Apply U the.-aptain on board.

take SUPERIOR LINE ..IH68,1 i TOtrcma* tT

A'.i polPr. betwe«o CLEVELAND, DETROIT «>«'. Bl'PKRIQBCITY.

Trie -w and eplendld i--. -it Clff OSCLEVELAND, J. M. Luudy, Maete, ILLINOFB. Ldio Fraaea,Matter.

i .'o n cLtvanABb it « r. afhUKBDAY Apr:, u. MONDAY, AptC IfMONDAY, Mat 3. THURSDAY, April»fill RSOAY. Mat IA MONDAY, May 10MONDAY, tVavM. H HURsDAY, Mat SithURMDAY Ju'eJ. MONDAY. »Ca. ILMOMMY. J.4 TUI RHDAY. Jon« I«tut KSDAY. June -a. MoNDAV, June!».tfONDAV, July 5. THURSDAY. Inly I.THl RSDAY, Jiuy 1». MONDa V. July liMONDAY, J'.ly * TIO RSDaY, JiJy JlTFORSDAY, A.utott A MONDAY, Aoautt 1MONDAY, » . - I« TMI'RSDAY, A , . 11THi'RSDAY. A A MONDAY.MONDAY, * pte nler 6. THL'B»DaY. g-viembet. LTHURÜDAY. September 1C MONDAY S..ut*»f IB.MONDAY, Seprember V. TMI'R.'DAY, Ceptembei FtTHURSDAY, Dotokef 1. MOND! V Oi t-hei 4MONDAY. October 18. THURSPA^ Ootober 1ATHURSDAY OctohW M. MONDA v t> tober 54afONDAV, vi. >.-r - THURSDAY, N-v«-uhe» *

And iitvl* fitted up PAtaena>i *i.d V .. '<¦ - SeataetaIRON CITY J E Turner MawetVi ::./.:: M. R.OCR, J " K. .- Mat.GEN. TAYLOR. Goo U 8t.«i.=. Mattet.

Making tore* boere leavuig O er«.a id every tt«e* 'l.niupakk*aaatotLThe tieamera make the oniud trtp in eight daya AVoorae ta*

tap of tje -ripa b« te.-. r. -t by a-idjeat. tUCBSEY A VtiBRIDE

Forwardlna aad Comioiielun Merohatila.Cleveland, Otae.

B. -Mark Ml P*< tajea - Car. ot 11., a atoa.uv, 4Teet>


POST aud i- ALL RIVER.-The tpleudtd aid t p-rkitetren et METROPOLIS, ( apt. Brown. 1-av-a New Yotk eeerTI EBDA T. TUI R.-.DAYa«d SATt-BDAY.a'A oVhirA . ra.,and rbe BAY STATE, CapC Jew-u. ,ra MONDAY 'A F unka¬LA i aud FRIDAY, at I o'clock p. mHei-trter U" n-iuir «11! be n-.m'N u te.: ired b. toy appB-

oant until the tau e thali bate b.a p«j,i (,,..Fr-uibt to iv a' n la (¦ rwar led *Jtri».cfa with «Tut ditpatik Bf

an Kapr.-at FreMht Trail.-"'M BORDEN Aaent. Noa. 741 and 71 <.«. ,. at.


ING CHANGED u, fir, m.-On ar.j after TUESDAY. June Lthe 8«eainer. i'LVMOl'TH ROCa and C V ANOEKBILT ofJala line will leave Pier No 2 North River. Art' wbarf aeoeeBatt.rv pla. a. dally, ex pt Sundaya al b p. in., luetred of » pro,Ofr.'je No. M Betf»Tt p!ar*.


the aboriea' and mo.r rtlre. t. .-anyina the Eaa.nrn MaeThe Meeeiete PLYMOUTH RUCR Caat I.« foaw. antl 41

VANDEKHILT Capt. W. H. Fraaei ir. a *Hl* at.Irl, beSTOMtMuTON aud PBOVIDENi E and BoSTON aud PROVI¬DENCE RAILROADS Iravl a N-^-Y-rk daily (Siudaya aa-

cep-ed) tri a. Fiel No. 2, North Run., fiiet wbarf above Barter*-p . at I..' ..irk p BV| aud Sr.iunif', n at *:*'¦ p. at t. tk*arrival of 'he mail tram which Vav--a .-, .. at A-..*' p m

TbeC VaNDESBILT. fr .m New r « Mo~oav WedneedefandFri 'ay; fr o. S" i.i on Tue«.'«, Thuradayand Saturday.The PLYMOUTH BtX K. from N..York Toetday Th..r«to>

arid Satcr'iay from St "iin«i..n Mo ...lay. Wrduevdep aud Fridaf.Pu*r./-ri pro.«d fttoaa MOtatuat per raUr. a»f I. Pi v'dea)**

end BtMAea in 'be Expre.t Midi natm, rearrurj aa d plto-t ie atVvan., of rh. ae hy otb, r mutea Mid |a ample time for all tn« aattfmornint lliu-a conn-, j: i Nur*ii and Eat*. Paaaitiiert ptaatott remain on board Ik* afttmi", acjoy a niaat't r-tt ucdittnibea,hreakfatt if deeired. and leav St< ateak n Is 'ir 7 a m. tiakl»nur. iIt-a at Provid'u.« w'tb tue II :15 a en. train for S.iaV/e,A battaae tuaatei aocompanlet the tteeuier and train tbiutiak

aai h war*,For peaaaate. berVit irate roomt or f.-ntSt apply m. K.«rd the

ati-ini»r, or at tbe F-etati fNBce, P'er No. 1 North River, et a*Ute aSJJaa No ID Bana-ry-plar«

CENTRAL RA1LROAF of NEW-JERSEY.Cuuiie.-tinp at New wir* tka Delaware Ler**" and Wealem BaJroad. and at E*a-.. » n Ufd*kVallry RallroeSSUMMER ARRANGEMENT .vwimeodi, April tk IwJA-

Leave N.-w-York (or and invrtnedlafr piaora fromNo. J, N r-: River, ai 74 a oi., 13 in., and 4 p » *>r I wit

by above r:aint, aud at ¦) '. f m.The ar..vr 'rani. < t »r ; -,.r«- arttb r,r«:ne ou tb« Neat-

Jeuep UaJlmad, wLi. b uavr New- Yort fror. Wie »>-¦» of Celtleodt-al M tj ,1 u a aa.d I p. ut-

Paearnaara f.* the tVlaware. Lav kaeanna ai.d va .i. u Bait-road aril: leev. at 7, a m ou.y. For LehUk YtJkaf Railmad atTy a. an. and 12 aa. JOHN O. STERNS Soperlui«uaV»M._

FLUSHING RAILKOAO.LevivtNi FoUah, Matket Wbarf by et.ati.ef IOLAS at «:.«. 7:.V and ,. a aa. aeS

I. 4 and a p m fk* rar. laeea Fluauli« L I ar*:4A. «and I*

a at , and 1. 4 aad * p. in., BaV**Saj and «a.-hau*(n« ftfu*"^arttb the hatSal Hurtert runt Thro'.it: aStutlBOAaa p»»*Steecta WM. M «Mint, B~wtv

N. B.-PlrNirand Ea, .r.b.r, Baftta* taken a- r-do. edjralee.

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD. r nm. fmW21, ISAf. Ttalua will Ireve Chainb-ra a- Sra'u.c aa t^l '»ei

Eapiraa TrMna. 6 a. ei. and S a in , Aiaauy a-jd Tmy Paaeat-arr Train, l|«Bla o. aud !.>:»¦* m fo. rb.hb.'Feny,«: * a. av

andSp m ; for Tarry^wn, ei tip. m for ^if'ut. !":.<* aa.

ted < p m. for Pooabkerpair, (a nn, 1pm aud J BBVIfit PeekrtlU.5:30 p ,,. The Ponaokerpaie. Peea.nb, * i d'n*Tarrjt. wn ai.d D*U'Frrry Ti^nt top at hr Way *^*»*Paatenaera 'aket a't hatntwra. Canal Chrtatoph-r a d *'J'^"*Trtl ahf New v t >ave Tr y M 1:3" and I":*' a m., «« JeWraad a. IA p. ox and Albany at 4: t^ and pfSR a m ted mmM>d hU p. ao.; oi. BbSjfA *> j |S^I ONO iM.-vM- EAII IMAI' ( <»Vi Ä>YI J TA* Sp-.ia A..*.a-uiec' la f. a ia» .*

¦: ¦ t let efJeif. -.....».: u trafceawl *'

<e.Aitu<i:(da*.r tie pleaauretrarei