…. stories from the old testament that build faith & devotion


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Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 The passage of time may very well be the

greatest deterrent to faith Believers in God must overcome this

God has His own “schedule” 2 Pet 3:8 God always acts “…in the fullness of time”

Gal 4:4

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Involved in the story of Abraham’s

promised child is this “factor of time” God promised with an oath Heb 6:13-14 God cannot lie Heb 6:17-19

This story reminds us of the faithfulness of the promises God has made in Christ

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 God’s previous “promise” Gen 12:2

He would make of Abram “…a great nation” Abram’s thoughts Gen 15:1-6

No offspring had come as of yet v. 2a Abram was convinced Eliezer (another’s son

born in his house) was his heir v. 2b God told Abram he would father a child v. 3

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Abram’s thoughts Gen 15:1-6

God “reassured” Abram by use of the stars “if Abram could count them” v. 5

Abram “believed God and He reckoned (counted) it to him as righteousness” v. 6

This statement is used more than once when discussing Abraham and his faith

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

Gen 12:4Abram 75 yrs. old when he left Haran - he did this “by faith” Heb 11:8

Gen 15:1-6Abram told of “numberless” seed - he believed God…faith “reckoned”

Gen 16:16 Abram 86 yrs. old when Ishmael born

Gen 17:1-5Rom 4:16-22

Abraham 99 yrs. old when name changed, promised a son through Sarah (Isaac) - he believed God…faith “reckoned”

Gen 22:1-19Jas 2:21-23

Abraham plans to sacrifice Isaac - Isaac old enough to carry the wood - he believed God…faith “reckoned” - a dilemma Heb 11:17-19

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Abram’s thoughts Gen 15:1-6

Abraham’s “reckoning of faith” was not an “experience of faith” (a 1-time event)

Calvinistic “zapping” usually attributed to the Holy Spirit

His was a lifetime of faith shown in several events exhibiting his trust in God

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Abram’s thoughts Gen 15:1-6

Abraham’s “reckoning of faith” was not an “experience of faith” (a 1-time event)

Abraham is our “father” Gal 3:2-9 We need to have the kind of faith he had…

a lifetime of trusting God in what He says

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Sarai’s thoughts Gen 16:1-6

She saw no fulfillment of God’s promise… she even appeared to blame God vv. 1-2a

Ten years had already elapsed v. 3 She told Abram to go into her maid Hagar…

“perhaps I shall obtain children through her” Abram “listened” to his wife v. 2b cp. 3:17

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Sarai’s thoughts Gen 16:1-6

When Hagar conceived, she treated Sarai with contempt v. 4

Sarai no longer liked her own idea…she chastised Abram v. 5

Abram put Hagar back under Sarai’s control and Sarai treated her harshly v. 6

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Hagar’s refuge Gen 16:7-12

Hagar “escaped” (fled from) Sarai She was approached by an angel and told to

return to Sarai…God would take care of her and the son she was carrying

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 More of Abram’s thoughts Gen 17:15-21

After having his name changed & receiving the sign of circumcision, God told Abraham Sarah would bear a child vv. 15-16

Abraham laughed at this idea…Ishmael already made things seem “right” vv. 17-18

God reassured him again vv. 19-21

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 More of Abram’s thoughts Gen 17:15-21 Paul references this in Rom 4:3, 13-24a

Abraham = a “test case” in discussing justification by faith v. 3

The promise was not through law, but through faith vv. 13-16

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 More of Abram’s thoughts Gen 17:15-21 Paul references this in Rom 4:3, 13-24a

God sees things not yet existing as though they were real, already here v. 17

Even when it seems “illogical,” we have to trust God, never wavering in faith vv. 18-21

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 More of Abram’s thoughts Gen 17:15-21 Paul references this in Rom 4:3, 13-24a

God “accounts” (credits) such faith as “righteousness” vv. 22-24a

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Sarah’s reaction Gen 18:9-15

Sarah overheard the angels telling Abraham she would conceive & give birth vv. 9-10

Because she & Abraham were “old” and she was “past child-bearing age,” Sarah laughed in disbelief vv. 11-12

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Sarah’s reaction Gen 18:9-15

Knowing Sarah had laughed, God asked Abraham why vv. 9-10 “Is anything to difficult for the Lord?” v. 14

Sarah denied laughing…God confronted her for her lying v. 15

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Sarah’s reaction Gen 18:9-15

Sarah obviously repented Heb 11:11 She needed faith to “receive strength to

conceive seed” Abraham’s faith was greater in all this

He “never wavered in belief” Rom 4:20 Sarah did, but overcame

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 God’s fulfillment Gen 21:1-2

Eventually, God fulfilled His promise He “took note of Sarah as He had said, and

God did for Sarah as He had promised” v. 1 Sarah conceived & bore a son “…at the

appointed time” v. 2 cp. 18:10, 14

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Paul’s allegory Gal 4:21-31

To convince the Galatian Christians to not forsake the gospel & return to the Law

The Law (represented by Hagar & Ishmael) was physical

God had not promised Ishmael A “product of human wisdom”

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Paul’s allegory Gal 4:21-31

The gospel (represented by Sarah & Isaac) was spiritual

God had promised Isaac As Sarah had told Abraham to “Cast out the

bondwoman…” Paul tells the Galatians to “cast out the law” & remain true to Christ

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

The Story Of A Promise Gen 15-18, 21 Paul’s allegory Gal 4:21-31

Lesson Anything (religious teaching or practice)

not promised by God needs to be cast aside in favor of what He has instructed in His word

Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion