[ v ^{peruvians favor general is br position of t of

wpvRvwmupbH >m deaden * for INothins * of "Cus- Says. Mkua:~ Americans k ntt ^ (the da.y« ^J the observing ^ and actresses u, ork, but recer**. srvtees. X 0 0 > ^ s amaalng pr^. -uahed aside by a small lortum* the •"custom of! custom It is on** changed, for i» jsttce. It exists should eertalahj » that lx»astii For very ©^ Die to give y©M , •main, AN ACTOaJ I, I»14. ^TEMENTS.1 RALI>:— jrnns and one «t toyed army. | ton to the coa» ntinuously p u U we read abo*! . and on th*l sn-ference* to ttM of ways aui ute employmeH ated that ovjT this city, whlclj) 1 Wosperity W HANCELLOR i i. 1914. SUFFRAGE '• • i RALLY IN THE MARKETS 1 1 *, , 1 1 i i LONDON AFFECTED Br POSITION OF BOURSE IN PUBIS * g f e YOffff HER ALP, MOSTDAT, MARCH 2, 191*. ~ *" '•'"' " ^ ' . , ' ; ' ' i , ^yssr "/•• . . - „> W#<? S the suffragette^ king lllusitratio for enifranchii«-| sero to be tery or at least eon file of the Moreover t te United State* iiished honoc by mx this the e«. I that herej r to have te, the won a change of V-M FOSDIOt I, 1114. AGECAI Settlement Less Cheerful and Seriousness of Mexican Sit- uation Now Recognized. i » SETTER FEELING ON FREIGHT RATE CASE But Dealers \re More Cautious While Government Is Juggling with Irish Question. British Admiral Criticises Sea ! Lord in Letter - \ Lord Charles Beresford Indi- cates Lack of Confidence in Prince Louis of Battenberg. » PREMIER'S STATEMENT GROUND FOR ACTION • ATTACK ON ADHIRAL ©TENNIS GOLE [V ^{Peruvians Favor General T OF ATTACK L EXPERT Election for President Insists Mr. Asquith Cannot Turn Tkij of Resentment Away from Admiralty Board. '•MClAt BE'STATCM TO THB HERALD VIA COM- HBTCIAL CABLE COMPACT'S STSTBM.] HERALD BURSAL*, 1 No. 18# JTtnrt STREBT, r LONDOX. Sunday. J Events on the Stock Exchange last week were affected by two factors, the joiitieal situation and the financial posi- tion of Paris. The settlement was car- ried out under less cheerful conditions than the previous accounts of the year. Prices have gone back appreciably in all jepartiaenta. Americans continued inert. The seriousness of the Mexican situa- tion is BOW recognized and England is keenly anxious regarding immediate de- velopments, but among domestic market considerations the freight rates outlook is better liked, owing to the expected de- cision ill May or June. British rails are also feeling the effects of the setback and investment activity has dedined. There was hardly a re- deeming feature in the list. Neverthe- less a general all round relapse is not considered alarming, though the persist- ency of liquidations made it clear that dealers do not care to retain superfluous stock on their books while the govern- ment is still juggling with the Irish question. » tSTKCIAl. DESPATCH ToTHB HKBALP VIA COM- MERCIAL CABLE COMPANY'S STSTEM.] HSRALD BtTBSAU, 1 , NO. ISO FLEET STREET, j l.ondun. Monday, j Admiral Lord Charles Beresford. rn a letter to the Times criticises the Prime Minister's statement of last week that the First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, Prince Louis of Battenberg, repudiated a speech he is alleged to have made last year. In this speech he was represented as saying that the fleet alone could not protect the United Kingdom and that a trained professional army was quite as necessary as the other arm of the service. Lord Charles proceeds:—"When Prince Louis was appointed First Sea ix>rd the navy received ttti announcement withj very mixed feelings owing to his being Autobiography Violates Inter- national Customs, Habits and Tact, Says German Writer. "MERELY A WORK FOR SELF-ADVERTISING Captain Kuehlwetter Overlooks Inter view in Herakj, Given with Approval of Kaiser. [SPECIAL DISPATCH TO I'HE HER ALU VIA COM- MERCIAL CABLE COMPANY'S STSTBM.] BERLIN, Sunday—The statements in Admiral Dewey's biography concerning the ultimatum couveyed to Admiral von Diederiehs at Manila Bay in 1898 have raised a hornet's nest in German naval circles. Captain Kuehlwetter. the naval expert of the Lokal Anzeiger. after assuring his readers that the American Admiral's book is merely a self-advertising work, says Admiral Dewey's nieniory is totally at fault. He wonders how the Navy De- partment of the United Stales can permit «I the fr ~„ publication of statements forming German prince, rhougn a naturalized 8uch a g i ar ing breach of international British subject, but he was regarded as al custom% habits and tact. He ends with one ithe empty boast that "Had Admiral Dewey hazarded putting his words into IS H. STILL IN TURKEY FOR THE FOURSOME Served Three Sultans and Carved NicheforHimself in Otto- man History. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sunday.—Said Pacha, formerly Grand Vizier, died here to-day. Massachusetts Golf Association Presi- dent Expected to Bar Way to Change in Lesley Cup Play. In the opinion of several well known metropolitan golfers there is not likely to Dismissal and reinstatement to power | be a return to four baH matcheS i n t h e were frequent occurrences with Said since iinterclt > r competition for the Lesley Cup his first appointment as Grand Vizier ihis >' e * r at lea8t - The Massachusetts . .™ Golf Association, with Herbert Jaques at 1 It bad been asserted that Said's charac-j" 8 head - effectually bars the way to such tor was dissimilar to that of the average a chan ^- H * re is what Mr. Jacques hsd Turkish official. Though a master of to *** to the & olfers of Massachusetts on diplomacy, he was never accused of being' the LesIe >' Cu P Question during the annual an intriguer. He was described as being dinner ' he!d recently:- absolutely incorruptible. " YoU haVe P r ° b « bl y ™"* »" the maga : During the crisis in 1908. brought about zines and newspapers the discussions of by the Young Turk party demanding aj 1 ^ 1 * 011 Calkins, who criticises the ac- oonstitutional form of government, Sultan jtions of the trustees of the Lesley Cup, the Abdul Haniid dismissed Ferid Pacha and details of which are controlled by the made .Said Pacha Grand Vizier. Said had Massachusetts, Metropolitan and Pennsyl- been out of office for some time previous-^ vanla associations. The Pennsylvania ly. His tenure of the vlzierate, however/ .,„ ..^^ ._ ,. ._ . was short, for in the reconstruction of the team l s I n favor o f t n e four bal1 ' but last the Young Turks demanded year's Metropolitan team voted to keep the ball. Notwkh- good tactician, an honest man and who could be Intrusted with the vast and increasing responsibilities of the First Sea Lord. It is no use disguising the fact that the naval service is disappointed. "Confidence in the First Sea Lord and the Board of Admiralty," Lord Charles adds, "will not be restored by the futile endeavor of the Prime Minister to prove that the First Sea Lord never said what he did say or if he did say it never meant it" government his resignation, declaring he was tooI foursomes over the four steeped in the old tradition- to realize t h e U p t t a . what has been said, we do play aspirations of the new party which had! come into power as the result of Abdul' foursomes in Massachusetts, and the ex- Hamid's restoring the constitutional formiecutive committee believes that it is for the best interests of the game and the best of government Said resigned on August o, 190S, and Kiamil Paeha, who throughout his career test of team play in golf. I am personally had struggled for a constitutional regime, J strongly In favor of the foursomes and the succeeded him. Said later was elected! 1913 Massachusetts team unanimously president of the Senate and in April, 1909, J 3ENOR DON JOSE MATlAS MANZANILLA COLONEk. OSCAfe £>ENAVIDES & Belief in Lima That Vice President Leguia Will Not Be Al- lowed to Serve, and Government Board, Over Which Colonel Oscar Bcnavides Presides, Will Decide. execution he would not have had to wait so long as now for a reply." Captain Kuehlwetter ignores ttie well known fact that Admiral von Diederiehs forthwith stopped communicating wrth| t the shore, which Admiral Dewey insisted HOW SENOR BILLINGHURST WAS FORCED OUT upon, and made further action aan«ce»- • , sary. LIMA, Sunday.—A mass meetinf called Santa Catalina arsenal. The tota! killed Prince von Billow at the time gave « for this afternoon in favor of a general and wounded in the movement is con- historical interview to the Berlin corre-j elect Ion for President in place of Sefior servatively Dlaced at between fifty and sat as president of the National Assembly which voted to depose Abdul Hamid. In September, 1911, Said again became Grand Vizier on the resignation of Hakki Bey. Three months later his Cabinet re- signed, but Said was reappointed and held Massachusetts favored that game." Should Mr. Jacques adhere to that opin- ion, there is nothing for it but to get ready for the foursomes. Only the unanimous vote of the presidents of the three associa- srs of their e bitterest 'takes a ind yet she i wr© vltupen rage camp ttail 1 are "bitter** the cause of J bad morals he bad BEARS ROUTED ON THE PARIS BOURSE ynCIAL DISPATCH TO THB HERALD VTA COM- KSBCTAL CABLE COMPACT'S STSTBM.] HSRALD BfREAC, 1 No. 49 AVZNUB OB L'OPSBA, 1^ PARIS, Sunday, j Oaring the last week business on the Paris Bourse was again on a very lim- PRINCE MAKES FLIGHT ... r of Sefior servatively ispondent of the HERALD, in which he! Billinghurst, wtoo was deposed, was pro- sixty. WURTEMBERG'S CROWN ' sfcite «" that the government disapproved hibited by the Government Board. Never-' of Admiral von Diederiehs' attitude and theless, sentiment throughout th# repub- had reprimanded Mm. The interview was n c seems to favor the holding of a general given with the approval of the Emperor election. in order to mollify or assuage the in-j it Is believed that Vice PresidentfLeguia, tensely dangerous and irritated senti-(who is on his way here from Neir York, ment of the American people against the) will not be permitted to serve as Presi- the Council of the post until July, 1912, "when his Cabinet jtions can change the conditions of play, fell and Tewfik Pacha assumed the vizier-j and as .long as Mr. Jaques holds out it °" > a '""" * u ~" °~' J Pacha held.only| does not mal t e r if there are five hundred golfers in Pennsylvania and the metro- politan district, headed by the presidents of the respective associations, in favor of sub- sUtuting four ball matches for the four- somes. ate. Since then Said one office, president of State. He was born about 1830. *_fc— [SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE HERALD VIA COM- -" MEBCIAL CABLE COMPANY'S STSTBM.} HERALD BURBAP, ) No. 130 FLEET STREET, k Lontlou, Monday, j The Crown Prince of Wurtemberg made a flight in a biplane with Mr. Claude? German Admiral. had scale. The market was in an anaemic Oraname-White at Hendon yesterday. 1914. * ANSWE| ondent "M. P.* nations to Jg n Scientist. >»• r oh© of •ding rooms fe i libraries. Wj 'Ublished by ng Society book, **Sci he Script h may be libraries rer the 1914. "^L>M JrCiYi. ILD :— Is that •» lie last day •ailed **Mi Becker hS aph*d%* jne, dresses"^ luffler and Mli in his bMH inlform at MM i been JIUMMI mt icrs 1914. QUESTIC^ •y should •e becoming ed milHoBB-sf re »peed!B^^~ and fifty «*J; if roomf^ew mmlgraats vt "absorfc' are the e, reflnsi or," MO _.. S H. BArJ» 1914. vLo:— »f you*" «d thatstej is not a r use of' either dh 0 the QiM***! »t I have of the i pen and w. Bible N. T. 1 RITCH1 1914. encouraging bear attacks, and ipecaiators and investors were easily ttvmti by false rumors. Tht bears diret:ted their efforts last vtek against the big banks especially, however, showed stttbhorn re- Prices closed even higher, the CMt Lyonnais at L700, the Banque de Tub *t 670. the Union Parisienne at 98W nd the Credit Mobilier at 5t»*.. ffce siarket showed fears for the settle- not, owing to large speculative commit- nests. while the miners* strike and the fcKome tax proposals were also depress- kf factors. m With foreign support at the elome, Rns- |<fca stocks and mines made a marked im- pweBMat. Three per cent rentes closed t 87.4XV Credit Foocier at 899, the Xa- 1 Beak of Mexico at 522, Rio Tlnto t 1,779, Taamson-Houston at 718 and •Bssrs «t 475, while Metropolitans AntnrflR FIRM UNDERTONE ON BERLIN BOERSE NSCUL DESPATCH tO THE HERALD VIA OOM- .•nnCIAL CABLK COMPANT'S STSTBM.] Sunday.--Business wss slack »nt last week on the Boerse, spec- being reluctant to enter fresh , ooBMBituients on adverse news from ••wad. The undertone, however, was lairhT firm. Some specialties, especially a^snsn bank shares and shipping stocks, npt strong. •American railways were weak, but •sowed improvement on Friday, with bet- •*Sew York advices and a rise in Belgian **• prices that helped to rally the metal- •Blfcal stocks. On Saturday the tone w " decidedly firm at the outset, but ENGLISH WOMAN IS 102 YEARS OF AGE [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE HSRALD VIA COM- MERC1AL CABLE COMPANY'S STSTBM.} HERALD BUREAU. 1 No. ISO FLEET STREET, \ London, Monday. } Mrs. Sarah Brooks,, of Downham, Es- sex, is one hundred and two years old to- day. STle remembers seeing Napoleon aboard the Bellerophon in Plymouth Sound after the battle of Waterloo, when ehe was three years old. For a •neclal article on the Manila j BJI »• eontroveray *«••» p a v e '>• IBARRICADE STREETS PROCLAIM EPIRUS INDEPENDENT STATE [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE HERALD VIA COM- MERCIAL CABLE COMPANY'.* STSTBM.} HERALD BUREAU", 1 * *fo. 130 FLEET STREET, f LONDON, Sunday. J Delegates of the autonomous govern- ment of Epirus on their arrival at Argyro- castro to-day proclaimed as an independ- | IN VALENCIA RIOTS Feeling Against New Municipal Taxes Becoming More Acute and Disturb- ances Increasingly Violent. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE HERALD VIA COM- MERCIAL CABLE COMPANY'S STSTBM.) , MADRID, Sunday.—The feeling is becom- ing more acute in Valencia against the new municipal taxes and, disturbances are becoming increasingly violent The populace has erected barricades in the streets. dent. In any case Congress, in oonjunc- tion with the Government Board, over which Colonel Oscar Benavides presides, will decide the matter. Owing to the absence of a quorum in the At half-past three on Wednesday morn- ing the Ninth regiment of infantry, the Third squadron of cavalry and two platoons of the President's Chasseurs as- i-tembled quietly in the Plaza de la Exposi- tion at the head of the Paseo Colon. Col- onel Benavides was In forces. Half command of the an hour later the troops, under command of Colonel Benavides, marched to the Plaza de Armas, cavalry detach- Senate or the Chamber of Deputies thisjof Mercad ULTRA VIOLET RAYS EXPLODE DYNAMITE MADRID, Sunday,—An engineer named Iglesias Blanco to-day made a successful experiment with an ultra violet ray ap- paratus similar to Cant ' WMMl hy Signor evening Congress could not be cnHed to j fantry order today to listen to the message of [streets Colonel Oscar Benavides, president of the government board. Dr. Augusto Durand, »ne of the leaders tn the recent revolution which resulted in the overthrow of President Bininjgburst, and others delivered violent speecheg in the Chamber, demanding that Colonel Bena- eres and Bodegones and the in- lodging itself in the various side surrounding the palace. In the meantime the palace had been warned of the uprising and a general exchange fire commenced. Machine guns were mounted on the roof of the building and others re- plied to their bombardment from advan- tageous positions around the Plaza. Heavy firing continued for three-quarters of an vides call substitutes for the missing Con-! hour. The attacking troops took posses- gressmen and convoke the sessions of the two houses as soon as possible. Their speeches were greeted with enthaslaatlc demonstrations of approval sion of the Cathedral and from the van- tage point of the towers poured a hail of bullets down onto their opponents. There are as many accounts of just how the palace was taken. One of the first Fuller details have been received by the p i at<e8 at W hi Cn entrance was forced was CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ORGANIZED IN LEVANT CONSTANTINOPLE, Sunday.—The Ameri- ican Chamber of Commerce of the Levant held its first annual banquet here last night. Upward of two hundred guests attended, including the Ministers of Pub- lic Works, Interior, Commerce and Ma- rine and diplomaUc representatives to the Balkan States. Mr. Henry Morgenthau, the American Ambassador, presided. Talaat Bey, Turk- ish Minister of the Interior, said his gov- ernment viewed with sympathy the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce to promote trade between Turkey and the United States and promised government support to the Chamber. Suleiman el Bustani, Minister of Com- merce, announced that the Hamburg- American line had decided to establish a line of steamships between Constantinople and New York in April. A -Eureka" Peroxide Cream. Greaeeleas, non-injurious, complexion beautifier. Hiker-Here- man atorpg. Ask for "KIRKKA." TURKEY HOLDS ELECTION. HERALD from Lima concerning tb* coup; try 4, ac- ent State the entire zone of Epirus which j CHvHt Ullvi, exploding a case of dynamite had been allotted to Albania. MISSING YACHT IS SAFE AT ALGIERS buried In the ground at a distance of a half a mile. He asserts that with his in- vention he can explode the magazines of war ships or the gasolene tanks of aero- planes and dirigible balloons. ! The Sheelah, Own«i by Admir..lj COIWWSSIONERS MEET KING - Beatty, Used by His Wife and Party for Tour. d'etat of the morning of Febr which has taken Its place as complished fact and as one of th notable events in the modern his Peru.. The Oordian Knot of political entangle- ments was cut by the army wl^i one sweep of the sword. Their position was that of defenders of the constitution, through the balcony windows across from the Archbishop's palace. It is reported that the main gates of tihe building were mo i then thrown open by the defenders and of I CONSTANTINOPLE, Sunday.—In an elec- tion of Parliamentary representatives for the city of Constantinople held to-day all the government candidates were elected. A similar result was obtained throughout practically the entire Empire. v> HOTEL SPECIALS. A EUROPEAN CUKE Without Goine to Europe. White Sulphur Springs, W. Va "THE GREENBRIER The World's Most Luxurious Resort Hotel European Plan '"Open all tlie year." The new bath establishment excels anything in America, bavin*; every modern appliance. FRED STERRY. Manajrinj; Director. J. H. SLOCl'M. Manturer. BOOKING I New York—The Plaut. OFFICES. Boston—Copley-Plaaa. El ROPE. HOPE OF WIRELESS TALK TO LONDON era. The President was found in one of the rooms of the Intendeneia, with his son Jorge and Dr. Juan Jose Mostajo. Colonel MADRID, Sunday.—The Commissioners of the PanamsufFaidfic Exposition were granted an audience to-day by King Al- MALTA, Sunday.—There having been some if onso, who greeted them cordially. The anxiety for the safety of .the yacht Sheelah. j commissioners will leave to-morrow for | which left Syracuse, Sicily, last Tuesday for Algiers, a distance of 700 miles, and had not since been reported, the cruiser ^^^ i Dublin was sent out yesterday to search *«& taking by operators caused quota-; for the vessel. The Dublin returned here *•• to recede at the close. Toledo. KILL BOY TO CURE MAN. Bomb in London Church; Accuse the Militants » St Jdm% in Westminster, Is Serious-! |y Damaged After Congregation Is Dismissed. to-night and reported the Sheelah safe in j MALAGA, Sunday.—Francisco Vlllalba, a the harbor of Algiers. i ragpicker, and another man named Jose The Sheelah belong* to Rear Admiral' Lovar, were arrested to-day charged with David Beatty, commander of the First i the murder of an eight-year-old boy. Lovar Battle Cruiaev squadron of the Royal j confessed that he and the ragpicker were Navy. Mrs. Beatty, who Is a daughter of thf late Marshall Field, of Chicago, and a party at friends went aboard the yacht aormewhere on the Riviera for th* f trtP to North AJHca, paid by an unknown man to kill the lad a«d obtain his blood, which the unknown man believed would be efficacious in the treatment of a disease from which he waa suffering, gatling guns trained upon the attackers outside, but the latter swarmed through these openings and overpowered the gun- ners within a few moments. By five o'clock Colonel Benavides was in against what they believed to be the die- "ZZllTZt °f ^ bUi,dine - ^ tatorial measures of the President, Sefior l^™** &eftores Augusto and Juan Du- Smngnu" Actual fighting lasted less, ™* *""ed wl «> Oth.r ^eral Party lead- than two hours. Sefior Billinghurst re-[ signed from the Presidency and was made; a prisoner. Dr. Augusto Durand refused office in order that he would be free to present his j f en * vkle8 dk;tate <* his resignation, which name as a candidate for the Presidency r ^™'^.' " OTed - at the general elections. w H T " ' ^""^ * W&T ' Events moved rapidly. On Monday a n d l lost hls life at ai1 early hour in the morn- Tuesday, February 2 and 3. a series ot\ ia f at &nta <^talina arsenal. He had political anrests took place, indicating left the Palace.and gone to the arsenal at that the government had warning that e ^ even °' cIock the previous night. When trouble was brewing. On Tuesday night tne news o f t h e "Prising came he at- L* Prensa, the principal organ of thel tempted to inQ uce the troops there to re- opposition, was suppressed by the pesi-1 main lo ^" al t o th e President. The most dent On the same evening several hun-| wlde, y circulated version of his death is died workmen were given revolver! and blank cartridges to conduct a Billinghurst Signor Marconi, Experimenting in Sic- ily, to Make Test of Calling Up British Capital. SYRACUSE, Sunday.—Experiments in wire*- less telegraphy and telephony will be made the latter part of this week by iSignor William Marconi on board the battle ship EVIAN-LES-BAINS SAVOY, FRANCE, "The Empress of Watering Places." Discovered by doctors in KM seven- teenth century. Used by doctors in the eighteenth. Recommended by doctors ever since. Trains de luxe from Paris. Offers finer accommodation than any other health resort. The Hotels Royal and Splendide are under Ritx- Carlton management. EVIAN-CACHAT This water, from Evlan les Bains, Savoy France, can be had at Park & Tilford. Acker* Men-all A Condit Co.. Charles & Co.. and all Reglna Elena. Vice Admiral the Duke of tV r8 ,* *'**• srocerles and wine merchants. J 41 , ! ._ J ,,„_ t „ ,,„_ „_^ „ „ |J- H - Kuan Importation Co.. l.laa B'waj, S. I. the Abrurzi arrived here to-day and per sonally supeninaended the preparations be- ing made on MM war ship for the experi- ments. Tests will be made in sending and receiv- ing wireless telegraph and telephone mes- sages to and from various points on the Mediterranean, and Signor Marconi, it is said, hopes to be able to communicate with London by means of a wireless telephone apparatus. WOMEN PLAY AT PALM BEACH NETS Agent a fcr the United Stat**. Earl of Minto a Keen Sportsman and Remarkably Able Statesman exploded Took Degree at Cambridge with Riding Costume Under Robe, Met with an Accident and "Broke His Neck, but Lived," Said Famous Surgeon. 4 to- LesmoK, Sunday-A bomb *t John's Church, Westminster MU!< h * lf * n hour mitKr tb * service had i r?*nand the congregation left for home. I 4 , v " OO0b ha *l been placed beneath a seat' °ja« gallery above the pulpit. . ' . """" , *•* explosion, which ls attributed to {metal, DESPATCH TO THE HEBALD VIA COM r^agettes. caused considerable damage MEBCIAL CABLE COMPANY'S SYSTEM.] •bm!J nterio , r * f t he c hj rch, including the HEBALD BUBEAU, 1 ."•"•ring of several stained glass win-; • No. 130 FLEET STBEST, I J* London. Monday* J •"as church Is near the hounea of Purlin.' .. . JWand faces the home of Mr R^naM The Ear! of Minto, who died yester-j **enna. the Home Secretary. Arch- dav momin?. was one of the most in-1 demonstration. They drove througfi the streets in carriages, firing volleys and cheering the name of their leader, demonstration ended at midnight. that he drew a revolver and threatened to shoot a soldier who refused to obey his command. It is even reported that he did shoot and wounded the soldier in the arm. The j For this action he was shot dead through the neck by one of the other soldiers. Before daybreak the effects of ftheir!His body was delivered over to his family, demonstration, as well as the power of ( At the Cuartel General, or Barbones bar- theiir leader, had been swept awayjiy a (racks, at the eastern end of the city, there Mrs. Constance Roberson, of New- Fort Henry, Win Doubles Cup. EGYPT. CAIRO, HellopoUs Palace Hotel The inost luxurious ami most c<jnifortable hotel in the world. Connected with the ventre of Cairo by the electric Metropolitan (10 minute*' journeyj Altitude 40 metres above the Nile Valley. Splen- did view over Cario. GOLF— POLO— CKICKET— HIPPODROME in vteiuit.r hotel. Under the *anie management, the HeliopoHs House, a first class family hotel with moderate terms. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. TAGE. Agents Wanted—Male j- jAleg irm g Amusements i;j jAutouiohJles *.". 13 Automobile Aeces><ories L'S York, and Miss Louise Witherbee, of ?" H ^ "t***^ wasted ........ t ' 1 Boarders Wanted 1 BusinesH Opportunities 15 Baslueai Places (Panted 16 Clothing e [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO T H E HERALD.] COSStWiW Steamships ..""' o PALM BEACH, Fla., Sunday.—Mrs. Con- Country R-ard .' i« stance Roberson, of New York, and ™*s u^*,*™^*:; yy;;;;;;;;• '" Louise Witherbee, of Port Henry, won the 0*7 Gooda, Jbc women's doubles tennis tourney and the|rj W eiiinj,''' HousesI "to i>>t,'"rur nished and Unfurnished wall of armed men. Colonel Oscar Bena- vides and t»r. Augusto Durand, a promi- nent liberal party leader, were in full control of the situation. Sefior Billing- hurst was a prisoner and had resigned from the Presidency. General Varela, Minister of War, had been killed at the •MB "=-•-;•„; ;• :„::.,—rzr-, -r, - • -ft -: was also some sharp fighting between the various regiments before the troops there joined the uprising. It did not last long. " By early morning all of the regiments had sworn allegiance to the new govern- ment and later in the day the navy fol- lowed the lead of the army; cups donated by Mrs. George Grant Eu.vpt Female... Male 14 7 If 11 IT 17 11 Mason, of Tuxedo, by defeating Mrs. John!Employment 'Bureau's" S Phipps, Pittsburg, and Mrs. Stephen H. jEmployment Bureaus [Europe Brown, Xew York, in straight sets in the,Financial it final yesterday. JFl.t 8 audApar'tmenVs",.,'i;.V/i-„V. 15 Miss Roberson's play stood out proml-i nished nently and she scored many points forj Flats and Apartments to Let-L'n- her side through her service and kills at: COL. / 7 4 to 7 3 v 4 to 7 1 4 I 4 to 7 6 a i 6 & i "1 4 7 tho7 -: 1 furnished M ;ENTS. * U T m Bureau . w oi* *^^ m to be ft inds, for m utilised. • * « hospital » for if » P ^ T rvloe »«re»» boulevard CflOATR •e Oom:nr Mi- •touch. Secretary. Arch- day morning, was one oi riving on the ground in time to win the University steeplechase. tie rode in the Grand National five times. He was unsuccessful, but he won the French Grand National. At Aintree in 1876 his horse fell badly FIND MONEY BAG; (FRENCH MINERS $200,000 MISSING Flats and Apartments Wanted. .... the net. ' For Sale.../. | The men's singles tourney for the State Furnished Boom* to Ix-t.... " i<$ ;title went through part of the first round. H.-lp Wasted-Fenelea '..'. 17 The best match was between F. C. Inman Help Wanted Males., land E. F. Torrey, the former winning Horses. Qsvriagee, Ac. i DV &_2, 7—4. The summaries. Wilberforce is the rector of the peerage of thei and the P«y sielans declared I^rd .Minto . J -.,, , . tU J- i had broken his neck. Sir James Paget, He had filled with dis- . • " ' .,, ~ .... the, famous surgeon, said to htm some tinction the positions of Governor General | teresting figures in the United Kingdom. « c , ^ru^, J-ir- ^ i* " —«... "Xou are one of those ex- of Canada from 1S98 to 19WI and Viceroy, traor(]ina o n s w bo have broken thdr of India from UK© to 1910, succeedmg ALPINE CLIMBERS SWEPT TO DEATH Blanche on Rosa Blanche Peak Takes Three Roped Over Precipice. ***•-« Sunday-Three Swl«* Alpine tllerp wpre few 8port8 in which he could j knew him well Lord Corson in the fatter office. He is succeeded by his son, Visconnt Melgund, now twenty-three years of age. necks and recovered." Through numerous trips to the United States while serving in Canada Lord Who is in the Scots Guards, his father's! Mj n to formed many lasting friendships!anarchist colony of which Jean Bonfiot. j clauses of the Underground Workers' pen Paris Police Believe Saturday's Big Theft May Be Work of Au- tomobile Bandits. PARIS, Sunday.-The bag stolen from a po»t office delivery wagon in the Rue Chauohat yesterday and which at that time contained $200,000 in cash, was found empty to-day by a child in a lot inf the suburb of Romainville. With it was other empty mail sack. Some importance is attached to the find- ing of the sacks in Romainville, as the Hotel Specials fAII OFF STBIKlT^r^w 1 ^ ^^^^S^S^^ 1 ^*^ Ir/ILI* U r r 3 I H I A H »httSbBrS. defeated Miss Alice Kortright and ^' st , an ' 1 hmad Mb* Hila French, New York, 6-4, 0-1; Miss ^l^ry ,. Louise Witherbee, Port Henry. X. Y., and Miss C, ^ al ''lf-?-L"l Consttoee Roberson. New York, defeated Mrs. -«eniDers N. 1. Stock Exchange Kutherford. Toxedo, Snd Mrs. P. H. B. J1,>n » j y I-«>an and Wanted on Heal Estate Drop Protest Against Pension Bill anc Request Men to Resume Work To-Morro\v. •i th PARTS, Sunday.—At a meeting to-day of the National Council of Miners' Unions it was decided to call off the strike of coal miners, begun in the southern coal fields on February 24. The National Council re- quested the various organizations to have their men readme work on Tuesday. The strike was called as a protest against the elimination by the Senate of some John FrellnKhuysen, Morristown 3—6. 6—4, -,—r,. 17 12 11 IS '2 1 17 IS It is Finals.- Miss Koberaon and Miss Witherbee New ^""bcatioiis «, defeated Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Phipps, 6—4, 6—3. Men's Singles, First Hound—Stauley <;. Mor- timer. Tuxedo, defeated Carman R. Runyon. New York, 6—1, 6—1; Harry E. Hoy, Morris- town, defeated .T. W . McLean, New York, 6—3, 6—1; Fred C. Inman, New York, defeated E. F*. Torrey, Clinton, N. ., 6—2, 7—5; John W. Pren- tiss, New York, defeated Carleton Shaw, Bos- ton. 6—4, 6-2; Ralph Tracy, Jensen. Florida defeated E. C. Fitzgerald, Boston, 6—0, 6—0 for lor old regiment. with American men and women. New Lord Minto was a great sportsman and | port and many of the Adirondack camps ttt**I > men. ^hers. Richard Meylan, Henri Dentand . , , warmtlled Dragnet, were killed to-dsv i not ho,d ascenflin? the Rosa Blanche peak. . cien, n>l ,ed together, had attained a JJJwt of 5.000 feet, when an avalanche jJPtthem over a precipice. The bodies isn and Demand were recovered. his own with the majority of He took his degree at Cambridge wearing a riding costume under his academic gown and immediately after the ceremony he galloped for ten miles, ar- Gustav Gamier and other celebrated ajBto-jsion bill. mobile bandits were members, is establish; Forty thousand men struck. ed there. The police have made a close searcfr of! He was married to Miss Mary Grey, ! the region, in an endeavor to lofatc. daughter of General the Hon. Charles Grey, in 1883 and had two sons and three daughters. He succeeded to his title in 189L evidence concerning yesterday's theftjbut; their efforts have been without result., COLON HAS NEW GOVERNOR. COLON. Sunday.—Sefior Don Rlcardo Ber- uicii »• ,. n , n##» I mudez was sworn in to-dav as (lnvc~~ They have also inquired at the Post Office I . ua - v d S Governor In the hope of obtaining a clew as to wiere of this province, replacing henor Don Reu- JL: «peond sack was stolen. ben Arcia, whose term had expired. the second sack SBW PtlBLICATIOKg. Who's Who in New York 1914 iss^ie mow ready At all Bookstores, or it Battery P?ace, New York. IK. Newsiajiera Ocean Steamships Pianos I'rofessional Situations Wanted— Females Proposals Real Estate, New York < !;y. Sale or to Rent Real Estate, Out of the City, Sale or to Rent Real Estate to Exchange.. Real Estate Wanted Saleg at Suction .... y Situat'wms Wanted 'Female.* ..... Situations Wanted—Males Special Notices Do Do 1*}, Summer Residences and O-.tt.-ige- to !>n Tb»- Wanamak«-r Store To 1-et for Buslnevs l'ur|>.ist-- Travellers' Guide t'Dfurnisbed Ki»>ms t.» I-IM Wall Papers Winter Resorts Motor Boats and I-aunc!ie% Y'achts, Motor Boats and Launches. : I I •I 13 14 16 16 16 16 '7 17 6 K l ! i<; i>; :. tit i 7 7 S * 4 7 7 m < * 7 T 1 1 « t 7 »i « k ; 5 to 7 2 & .'. 7 2&3 S A I A 4 to 3 to 6 4 4 u. ' .1 4 4 * 4 o 4 1 ';.,.: ____ __ __ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Post on 31-May-2022




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Page 1: [ V ^{Peruvians Favor General IS Br POSITION OF T OF


>m deaden * for INothins * of "Cus-Says.


Americans kntt^ (the da.y« ^ J

the observing ^ and actresses u , ork, but recer**. srvtees. X0 0 > ^ s amaalng pr^. -uahed aside by a small lortum* the •"custom of! custom It is on** changed, for i»

jsttce. It exists should eertalahj » that lx»astii

For very ©^ Die to give y©M, •main,

AN ACTOaJ I, I»14.


R A L I > : —

jrnns and one «t toyed army. | ton to the coa» ntinuously puU

we read abo*! . and on th*l sn-ference* to ttM

of ways aui ute employmeH ated that ovjT this city, whlclj) 1 Wosperity W

HANCELLOR i i. 1914.


' • • i

RALLY IN THE MARKETS 1 1 * , , 1 1 i • i •


* g f e YOffff HER ALP, MOSTDAT, MARCH 2, 191*. • ~ * " ' • ' " ' " ^ „ ' . , ' ; ' ' i

, ^ y s s r "/••

• . . - „ >

W # < ?


the suffragette^ king lllusitratio for enifranchii«-| sero to be tery or at least eon file of the

Moreover t te United State* iiished honoc by mx this the e«. I that herej r to have te, the won a change of V-M FOSDIOt I, 1114.


Settlement Less Cheerful and Seriousness of Mexican Sit­

uation Now Recognized. — i — »


But Dealers \re More Cautious While Government Is Juggling with

Irish Question.

British Admiral Criticises Sea

! Lord in Letter - • \

Lord Charles Beresford Indi­cates Lack of Confidence in Prince Louis of Battenberg.



• ATTACK • ON ADHIRAL ©TENNIS GOLE [V ^{Peruvians Favor General


Election for President

Insists Mr. Asquith Cannot Turn Tkij of Resentment Away from

Admiralty Board.


HERALD BURSAL*, 1 No. 18# JTtnrt STREBT, r

LONDOX. Sunday. J Events on the Stock Exchange last

week were affected by two factors, the joiitieal situation and the financial posi­tion of Paris. The settlement was car­ried out under less cheerful conditions than the previous accounts of the year. Prices have gone back appreciably in all jepartiaenta. Americans continued inert.

The seriousness of the Mexican situa­tion is BOW recognized and England is keenly anxious regarding immediate de­velopments, but among domestic market considerations the freight rates outlook is better liked, owing to the expected de­cision ill May or June.

British rails are also feeling the effects of the setback and investment activity has dedined. There was hardly a re­deeming feature in the list. Neverthe­less a general all round relapse is not considered alarming, though the persist­ency of liquidations made it clear that dealers do not care to retain superfluous stock on their books while the govern­ment is still juggling with the Irish question.




l . o n d u n . M o n d a y , j

Admiral Lord Charles Beresford. rn a letter to the Times criticises the Prime Minister's statement of last week that the First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, Prince Louis of Battenberg, repudiated a speech he is alleged to have made last year. In this speech he was represented as saying that the fleet alone could not protect the United Kingdom and that a trained professional army was quite as necessary as the other arm of the service.

Lord Charles proceeds:—"When Prince Louis was appointed First Sea ix>rd the navy received ttti announcement withj very mixed feelings owing to his being

Autobiography Violates Inter­national Customs, Habits and

Tact, Says German Writer.


Captain Kuehlwetter Overlooks Inter view in Herakj, Given with

Approval of Kaiser.


BERLIN, Sunday—The statements in Admiral Dewey's biography concerning the ultimatum couveyed to Admiral von Diederiehs at Manila Bay in 1898 have raised a hornet's nest in German naval circles.

Captain Kuehlwetter. the naval expert of the Lokal Anzeiger. after assuring his readers that the American Admiral's book is merely a self-advertising work, says Admiral Dewey's nieniory is totally at fault. He wonders how the Navy De­partment of the United Stales can permit

«I the fr~„ publication of statements forming

German prince, rhougn a naturalized 8 u c h a g i a r ing breach of international British subject, but he was regarded as a l c u s t o m % habits and tact. He ends with

o n e i the empty boast that "Had Admiral Dewey hazarded putting his words into


Served Three Sultans and Carved Niche for Himself in Otto­

man History. •

CONSTANTINOPLE, Sunday.—Said Pacha, formerly Grand Vizier, died here to-day.

Massachusetts Golf Association Presi­dent Expected to Bar Way to

Change in Lesley Cup Play.

In the opinion of several well known metropolitan golfers there is not likely to

Dismissal and reinstatement to power | b e a return t o f o u r b a H m a t c h e S i n t h e

were frequent occurrences with Said since i in tercl t> r competition for the Lesley Cup his first appointment as Grand Vizier ihis >'e*r a t l e a 8 t - T h e Massachusetts . .™ Golf Association, with Herbert Jaques at 1 It bad been asserted that Said's charac-j"8 h e a d - effectually bars the way to such tor was dissimilar to that of the average a c h a n ^ - H * r e is what Mr. Jacques hsd Turkish official. Though a master of t o *** t o the &olfers o f Massachusetts on diplomacy, he was never accused of being' the Les Ie>' C uP Question during the annual an intriguer. He was described as being d i n n e r ' h e ! d recently:-absolutely incorruptible. " Y o U h a V e Pr°b«bly ™"* »" the maga:

During the crisis in 1908. brought about z i n e s a n d newspapers the discussions of by the Young Turk party demanding a j 1 ^ 1 * 0 1 1 Calkins, who criticises the ac-oonstitutional form of government, Sultan jtions of the trustees of the Lesley Cup, the Abdul Haniid dismissed Ferid Pacha and details of which are controlled by the made .Said Pacha Grand Vizier. Said had Massachusetts, Metropolitan and Pennsyl-been out of office for some time previous-^vanla associations. The Pennsylvania ly. His tenure of the vlzierate, however/ . , „ . . ^ ^ ._ ,. ._ . was short, for in the reconstruction of the t e a m l s I n f a v o r o f t n e f o u r b a l 1 ' b u t l a s t

the Young Turks demanded year's Metropolitan team voted to keep the

ball. Notwkh-

good tactician, an honest man and who could be Intrusted with the vast and increasing responsibilities of the First Sea Lord. It is no use disguising the fact that the naval service is disappointed.

"Confidence in the First Sea Lord and the Board of Admiralty," Lord Charles adds, "will not be restored by the futile endeavor of the Prime Minister to prove that the First Sea Lord never said what he did say or if he did say it never meant i t "

government his resignation, declaring he was tooI foursomes over the four steeped in the old tradition- to realize t h e U p t t a . what has been said, we do play aspirations of the new party which had! come into power as the result of Abdul' foursomes in Massachusetts, and the ex-Hamid's restoring the constitutional formiecutive committee believes that it is for

the best interests of the game and the best of government

Said resigned on August o, 190S, and Kiamil Paeha, who throughout his career test of team play in golf. I am personally had struggled for a constitutional regime, J strongly In favor of the foursomes and the succeeded him. Said later was elected! 1913 Massachusetts team unanimously president of the Senate and in April, 1909, J


Belief in Lima That Vice President Leguia Will Not Be Al­lowed to Serve, and Government Board, Over Which

Colonel Oscar Bcnavides Presides, Will Decide.

execution he would not have had to wait so long as now for a reply."

Captain Kuehlwetter ignores ttie well known fact that Admiral von Diederiehs forthwith stopped communicating wrth| t

the shore, which Admiral Dewey insisted HOW SENOR BILLINGHURST WAS FORCED OUT upon, and made further action aan«ce»- • • , sary. LIMA, Sunday.—A mass meetinf called Santa Catalina arsenal. The tota! killed

Prince von Billow at the time gave « for this afternoon in favor of a general and wounded in the movement is con-historical interview to the Berlin corre-j elect Ion for President in place of Sefior servatively Dlaced at between fifty and

sat as president of the National Assembly which voted to depose Abdul Hamid.

In September, 1911, Said again became Grand Vizier on the resignation of Hakki Bey. Three months later his Cabinet re­signed, but Said was reappointed and held

Massachusetts favored that game."

Should Mr. Jacques adhere to that opin­ion, there is nothing for it but to get ready for the foursomes. Only the unanimous vote of the presidents of the three associa-

srs of their e bitterest 'takes a

ind yet she i wr© vltupen rage camp ttail

1 are "bitter** the cause of J bad morals he bad




PARIS, Sunday, j

Oaring the last week business on the Paris Bourse was again on a very lim-


... r of Sefior servatively ispondent of the HERALD, in which he! Billinghurst, wtoo was deposed, was pro- sixty.

W U R T E M B E R G ' S C R O W N ' s fc i t e«" that the government disapproved hibited by the Government Board. Never-' of Admiral von Diederiehs' attitude and theless, sentiment throughout th# repub-had reprimanded Mm. The interview was nc seems to favor the holding of a general given with the approval of the Emperor election. in order to mollify or assuage the in-j it Is believed that Vice PresidentfLeguia, tensely dangerous and irritated senti-(who is on his way here from Neir York, ment of the American people against the) will not be permitted to serve as Presi-

the Council of

the post until July, 1912, "when his Cabinet jtions can change the conditions of play, fell and Tewfik Pacha assumed the vizier-j and as .long as Mr. Jaques holds out it °"> a'""" * u~" °~'J Pacha held.only|d o e s n o t m a l t e r if there are five hundred

golfers in Pennsylvania and the metro­politan district, headed by the presidents of the respective associations, in favor of sub-sUtuting four ball matches for the four­somes.

ate. Since then Said one office, president of State.

He was born about 1830. * _ f c —



Lontlou, Monday, j The Crown Prince of Wurtemberg made

a flight in a biplane with Mr. Claude?

German Admiral.

had scale. The market was in an anaemic Oraname-White at Hendon yesterday.

• 1914.


ondent "M. P.* nations to Jg n Scientist. >»• r oh© of •ding rooms fe i libraries. Wj 'Ublished by ng Society book, **Sci he Script h may be libraries

rer the

1 9 1 4 .



ILD :— Is that •»

lie last day • a i l e d **Mi

Becker hS aph*d%* jne, dresses"^ luffler and Mli

in his bMH inlform at MM i been JIUMMI mt icrs 1914.


•y should •e becoming •

ed milHoBB-sf re »peed!B^^~ and fifty «*J; if roomf^ew mmlgraats vt "absorfc' are the e, reflnsi or," MO _ . . S H. BArJ» 1 9 1 4 .

vLo:— »f you*" «d thatstej is not a r use of' either dh

0 t h e Q i M * * * ! »t I have of the

i pen and w. Bible N. T. 1 RITCH1 1914.

encouraging bear attacks, and ipecaiators and investors were easily ttvmti by false rumors.

Tht bears diret:ted their efforts last vtek against the big banks especially,

however, showed stttbhorn re-Prices closed even higher, the

CMt Lyonnais at L700, the Banque de Tub *t 670. the Union Parisienne at 98W nd the Credit Mobilier at 5t»*..

ffce siarket showed fears for the settle-not, owing to large speculative commit-nests. while the miners* strike and the fcKome tax proposals were also depress-kf factors.

m With foreign support at the elome, Rns-|<fca stocks and mines made a marked im-pweBMat. Three per cent rentes closed t 87.4XV Credit Foocier at 899, the Xa-

1 Beak of Mexico at 522, Rio Tlnto t 1,779, Taamson-Houston at 718 and

•Bssrs «t 475, while Metropolitans AntnrflR



Sunday.--Business wss slack »nt last week on the Boerse, spec-being reluctant to enter fresh

, ooBMBituients on adverse news from ••wad. The undertone, however, was lairhT firm. Some specialties, especially a^snsn bank shares and shipping stocks, npt strong.

•American railways were weak, but •sowed improvement on Friday, with bet-•*Sew York advices and a rise in Belgian **• prices that helped to rally the metal-•Blfcal stocks. On Saturday the tone w " decidedly firm at the outset, but




London, Monday. } Mrs. Sarah Brooks,, of Downham, Es­

sex, is one hundred and two years old to­day. STle remembers seeing Napoleon aboard the Bellerophon in Plymouth Sound after the battle of Waterloo, when ehe was three years old.

F o r a •necla l a r t i c l e on the Man i la j BJI »• eontroveray *«••» p a v e '>•





LONDON, Sunday. J

Delegates of the autonomous govern­ment of Epirus on their arrival at Argyro-castro to-day proclaimed as an independ-

| IN VALENCIA RIOTS Feeling Against New Municipal Taxes

Becoming More Acute and Disturb­ances Increasingly Violent.


MADRID, Sunday.—The feeling is becom­ing more acute in Valencia against the new municipal taxes and, disturbances are becoming increasingly violent

The populace has erected barricades in the streets.

dent. In any case Congress, in oonjunc­tion with the Government Board, over which Colonel Oscar Benavides presides, will decide the matter.

Owing to the absence of a quorum in the

At half-past three on Wednesday morn­ing the Ninth regiment of infantry, the Third squadron of cavalry and two platoons of the President's Chasseurs as-i-tembled quietly in the Plaza de la Exposi­tion at the head of the Paseo Colon. Col­onel Benavides was In forces.


command of the

an hour later the troops, under command of Colonel Benavides, marched to the Plaza de Armas, cavalry detach-

Senate or the Chamber of Deputies thisjof Mercad


MADRID, Sunday,—An engineer named Iglesias Blanco to-day made a successful experiment with an ultra violet ray ap­paratus similar to Cant 'WMMl hy Signor

evening Congress could not be cnHed to j fantry order today to listen to the message of [streets Colonel Oscar Benavides, president of the government board.

Dr. Augusto Durand, »ne of the leaders tn the recent revolution which resulted in the overthrow of President Bininjgburst, and others delivered violent speecheg in the Chamber, demanding that Colonel Bena-

eres and Bodegones and the in-lodging itself in the various side surrounding the palace. In the

meantime the palace had been warned of the uprising and a general exchange fire commenced. Machine guns were mounted on the roof of the building and others re­plied to their bombardment from advan­tageous positions around the Plaza. Heavy firing continued for three-quarters of an

vides call substitutes for the missing Con-! hour. The attacking troops took posses-gressmen and convoke the sessions of the two houses as soon as possible. Their speeches were greeted with enthaslaatlc demonstrations of approval

sion of the Cathedral and from the van­tage point of the towers poured a hail of bullets down onto their opponents.

There are as many accounts of just how the palace was taken. One of the first

Fuller details have been received by the p i a t < e 8 a t WhiCn entrance was forced was


ican Chamber of Commerce of the Levant held its first annual banquet here last night. Upward of two hundred guests attended, including the Ministers of Pub­lic Works, Interior, Commerce and Ma­rine and diplomaUc representatives to the Balkan States.

Mr. Henry Morgenthau, the American Ambassador, presided. Talaat Bey, Turk­ish Minister of the Interior, said his gov­ernment viewed with sympathy the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce to promote trade between Turkey and the United States and promised government support to the Chamber.

Suleiman el Bustani, Minister of Com­merce, announced that the Hamburg-American line had decided to establish a line of steamships between Constantinople and New York in April.

A -Eureka" Peroxide Cream. Greaeeleas,

non-injurious, complexion beautifier. Hiker-Here-man atorpg. Ask for " K I R K K A . "


HERALD from Lima concerning tb* coup; try 4,


ent State the entire zone of Epirus which j CHvHt Ullvi, exploding a case of dynamite

had been allotted to Albania.


buried In the ground at a distance of a half a mile. He asserts that with his in­vention he can explode the magazines of war ships or the gasolene tanks of aero­planes and dirigible balloons.

! •

The Sheelah, Own«i by Admir..ljCOIWWSSIONERS M E E T K I N G-Beatty, Used by His Wife and

Party for Tour.

d'etat of the morning of Febr which has taken Its place as complished fact and as one of th notable events in the modern his Peru..

The Oordian Knot of political entangle­ments was cut by the army wl^i one sweep of the sword. Their position was that of defenders of the constitution,

through the balcony windows across from the Archbishop's palace. It is reported that the main gates of tihe building were

mo i then thrown open by the defenders and of I

CONSTANTINOPLE, Sunday.—In an elec­tion of Parliamentary representatives for the city of Constantinople held to-day all the government candidates were elected. A similar result was obtained throughout practically the entire Empire.


H O T E L S P E C I A L S .

A EUROPEAN CUKE Without Goine to Europe.

White Sulphur Springs, W. Va

"THE GREENBRIER The World's Most Luxurious Resort

Hotel European Plan

'"Open all tlie year." The new bath establishment excels anything

in America, bavin*; every modern appliance. F R E D STERRY. Manajrinj; Director.

J. H. SLOCl'M. Manturer. BOOKING I New York—The Plaut. OFFICES. Boston—Copley-Plaaa.

E l R O P E .


• e ra.

The President was found in one of the rooms of the Intendeneia, with his son Jorge and Dr. Juan Jose Mostajo. Colonel

MADRID, Sunday.—The Commissioners of the PanamsufFaidfic Exposition were granted an audience to-day by King Al-

MALTA, Sunday.—There having been some if onso, who greeted them cordially. The anxiety for the safety of .the yacht Sheelah. j commissioners will leave to-morrow for

| which left Syracuse, Sicily, last Tuesday for Algiers, a distance of 700 miles, and had not since been reported, the cruiser

^ ^ ^ „ i Dublin was sent out yesterday to search *«& taking by operators caused quota-; for the vessel. The Dublin returned here * • • to recede at the close.



Bomb in London Church; Accuse

the Militants — » —

St Jdm% in Westminster, Is Serious-! |y Damaged After Congregation

Is Dismissed.

to-night and reported the Sheelah safe in j MALAGA, Sunday.—Francisco Vlllalba, a the harbor of Algiers. i ragpicker, and another man named Jose

The Sheelah belong* to Rear Admiral' Lovar, were arrested to-day charged with David Beatty, commander of the First i the murder of an eight-year-old boy. Lovar Battle Cruiaev squadron of the Royal j confessed that he and the ragpicker were Navy. Mrs. Beatty, who Is a daughter of thf late Marshall Field, of Chicago, and a party at friends went aboard the yacht aormewhere on the Riviera for th* ftrtP to North AJHca,

paid by an unknown man to kill the lad a«d obtain his blood, which the unknown man believed would be efficacious in the treatment of a disease from which he waa suffering,

gatling guns trained upon the attackers outside, but the latter swarmed through these openings and overpowered the gun­ners within a few moments.

By five o'clock Colonel Benavides was in

against what they believed to be the die- " Z Z l l T Z t °f ^ b U i , d i n e - ^ tatorial measures of the President, S e f i o r l ^ ™ * * &eftores Augusto and Juan Du-S m n g n u " Actual fighting lasted less, ™* * " " e d wl«> Oth.r ^e ra l Party lead-than two hours. Sefior Billinghurst re-[ signed from the Presidency and was made; a prisoner.

Dr. Augusto Durand refused office in order that he would be free to present his j f e n * v k l e 8 dk; tate<* his resignation, which name as a candidate for the Presidency r ^ ™ ' ^ . ' " O T e d -at the general elections. w H T " ' ^ " " ^ * W&T'

Events moved rapidly. On Monday andl l o s t h l s l i f e a t a i 1 early hour in the morn-Tuesday, February 2 and 3. a series ot\iaf a t & n t a <^talina arsenal. He had political anrests took place, indicating l e f t t h e Palace.and gone to the arsenal at that the government had warning that e ^ e v e n ° ' c I o c k t h e previous night. When trouble was brewing. On Tuesday night t n e n e w s o f t h e "Prising came he at-L* Prensa, the principal organ of t he l t e m p t e d t o inQuce the troops there to re-opposition, was suppressed by the pes i -1 m a i n lo^"a l t o t h e President. The most dent On the same evening several hun-|w l d e ,y circulated version of his death is died workmen were given revolver! and blank cartridges to conduct a Billinghurst

Signor Marconi, Experimenting in Sic­ily, to Make Test of Calling

Up British Capital. SYRACUSE, Sunday.—Experiments in wire*-

less telegraphy and telephony will be made the latter part of this week by iSignor William Marconi on board the battle ship


Watering Places." Discovered by doctors in KM seven­

teenth century.

Used by doctors in the eighteenth.

Recommended by doctors ever since.

Trains de luxe from Paris.

Offers finer accommodation than any other health resort. The Hotels Royal and Splendide are under Ritx-Carlton management.

EVIAN-CACHAT This water, from Evlan les Bains, Savoy

France, can be had at Park & Tilford. Acker* Men-all A Condit Co.. Charles & Co.. and all

Reglna Elena. Vice Admiral the Duke of tVr8,* *'**• srocerles and wine merchants. J 4 1 , ! . _ J , ,„_ t„ ,,„_ „_^ „ „ |J- H- Kuan Importation Co.. l.laa B'waj, S. I. the Abrurzi arrived here to-day and per sonally supeninaended the preparations be­ing made on MM war ship for the experi­ments.

Tests will be made in sending and receiv­ing wireless telegraph and telephone mes­sages to and from various points on the Mediterranean, and Signor Marconi, it is said, hopes to be able to communicate with London by means of a wireless telephone apparatus.


Agent a fcr the United Stat**.

Earl of Minto a Keen Sportsman and Remarkably Able Statesman

exploded Took Degree at Cambridge with Riding Costume Under Robe, Met with an Accident and "Broke His Neck, but

Lived," Said Famous Surgeon.4


LesmoK, Sunday-A bomb

• *t John's Church, Westminster

MU!< h * l f * n hour mitKr t b * service had i r?*nand the congregation left for home. I 4 ,v"O O 0 b ha*l been placed beneath a seat' °ja« gallery above the pulpit. . ' . """",

*•* explosion, which ls attributed to {metal, DESPATCH TO THE HEBALD VIA COM r^agettes. caused considerable damage MEBCIAL CABLE COMPANY'S SYSTEM.]

•bm!Jnter io, r *f t h e chjrch, including the HEBALD BUBEAU, 1 ."•"•ring of several stained glass win-; • No. 130 FLEET STBEST, I J* London. Monday* J •"as church Is near the hounea of Purlin.' . . .

JWand faces the home of Mr R ^ n a M The Ear! of Minto, who died yester-j **enna. the Home Secretary. Arch- dav momin?. was one of the most in-1

demonstration. They drove througfi the streets in carriages, firing volleys and cheering the name of their leader, demonstration ended at midnight.

that he drew a revolver and threatened to shoot a soldier who refused to obey his command. It is even reported that he did shoot and wounded the soldier in the arm.

The j For this action he was shot dead through the neck by one of the other soldiers.

Before daybreak the effects of ftheir!His body was delivered over to his family, demonstration, as well as the power of( At the Cuartel General, or Barbones bar-theiir leader, had been swept awayjiy a (racks, at the eastern end of the city, there

Mrs. Constance Roberson, of New-

Fort Henry, Win Doubles Cup.

E G Y P T .

CAIRO, HellopoUs Palace Hotel The inost luxurious ami most c<jnifortable hotel

in the world. Connected with the ventre of Cairo by the electric Metropolitan (10 minute*' journeyj Altitude 40 metres above the Nile Valley. Splen­did view over Cario. GOLF— POLO— CKICKET— HIPPODROME in vteiuit.r hotel. Under the *anie management, the HeliopoHs House, a first c lass family hotel with moderate terms.


T A G E . Agents Wanted—Male j -

jAleg irm g Amusements i;j

jAutouiohJles *.". 13 Automobile Aeces><ories L'S

York, and Miss Louise Witherbee, of ?"H^ "t***^ wasted........ t ' 1 Boarders Wanted 1

BusinesH Opportunities 15 Baslueai Places (Panted 16 Clothing e

[SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE HERALD.] COSStWiW Steamships ..""' o PALM BEACH, Fla., Sunday.—Mrs. Con- Country R-ard .' i«

stance Roberson, of New York, and ™*s u^*,*™^*:; yy;;;;;;;;• ' " Louise Witherbee, of Port Henry, won the 0*7 Gooda, Jbc women's doubles tennis tourney and the|rjWeiiinj,''' HousesI "to i>>t,'"rur

nished and Unfurnished

wall of armed men. Colonel Oscar Bena­vides and t»r. Augusto Durand, a promi­nent liberal party leader, were in full control of the situation. Sefior Billing­hurst was a prisoner and had resigned from the Presidency. General Varela, Minister of War, had been killed at the • M B "=-•-;•„; ;• :„::.,—rzr-, -r, - • -ft -:

was also some sharp fighting between the various regiments before the troops there joined the uprising. It did not last long. "

By early morning all of the regiments had sworn allegiance to the new govern­ment and later in the day the navy fol­lowed the lead of the army;

cups donated by Mrs. George Grant Eu.vpt

F e m a l e . . . Male

14 "» 7

If 11 IT 17 11

Mason, of Tuxedo, by defeating Mrs. John!Employment 'Bureau's" S Phipps, Pittsburg, and Mrs. Stephen H. jEmployment Bureaus

[Europe Brown, Xew York, in straight sets in the,Financial it

final yesterday. JFl.t8 audApar'tmenVs",.,'i;.V/i-„V. 1 5

Miss Roberson's play stood out proml-i nished 1« nently and she scored many points forjF l a t s and Apartments to Let-L'n-her side through her service and kills at:

C O L . / 7

4 to 7 3

v 4 to 7

1 4

I 4 to 7 6 a i 6 & i

" 1 4 7

t h o 7

-: 1

furnished M


* U T m Bureau

. w o i * * ^ ^ m

to be ft

inds, for m

utilised. • * « hospital » for if » P ^ T rvloe »«re»» „ boulevard CflOATR •e Oom:nr


•touch. Secretary. Arch- day morning, was one oi

riving on the ground in time to win the University steeplechase.

t ie rode in the Grand National five times. He was unsuccessful, but he won the French Grand National.

At Aintree in 1876 his horse fell badly


Flats and Apartments Wanted. . . . . l « t h e n e t . ' For S a l e . . . / . |

The men's singles tourney for the State Furnished Boom* to Ix-t.... " i<$ ;title went through part of the first round. H.-lp Wasted-Fenelea ' . . ' . 17 The best match was between F. C. Inman Help Wanted Males.,

land E. F. Torrey, the former winning Horses. Qsvriagee, Ac. iDV &_2, 7—4. The summaries.

Wilberforce is the rector of the peerage of t h e i a n d t h e P«y s i e l a n s declared I^rd .Minto „ . J -.,, , .tU J- i had broken his neck. Sir James Paget, He had filled with dis- . • " '

. , , ~ . . . . the, famous surgeon, said to htm some tinction the positions of Governor General |

teresting figures in the United Kingdom.

«c, ^ru^, J-ir- ^ i* " —«... "Xou are one of those ex-of Canada from 1S98 to 19WI and Viceroy, t r a o r ( ] i n a o n s w b o h a v e b r o k e n t h d r

of India from UK© to 1910, succeedmg


Blanche on Rosa Blanche Peak Takes Three Roped

Over Precipice. ***•-« Sunday-Three Swl«* Alpine t l l e r p w p r e f e w 8 p o r t 8 in which he could j knew him well

Lord Corson in the fatter office. He is succeeded by his son, Visconnt

Melgund, now twenty-three years of age.

necks and recovered."

Through numerous trips to the United States while serving in Canada Lord

Who is in the Scots Guards, his father's! Mjnto formed many lasting friendships!anarchist colony of which Jean Bonfiot. j clauses of the Underground Workers' pen

Paris Police Believe Saturday's Big Theft May Be Work of Au­

tomobile Bandits. PARIS, Sunday.-The bag stolen from a

po»t office delivery wagon in the Rue Chauohat yesterday and which at that time contained $200,000 in cash, was found empty to-day by a child in a lot inf the suburb of Romainville. With it was other empty mail sack.

Some importance is attached to the find­ing of the sacks in Romainville, as the

Hotel Specials

fAII OFF STBIKlT^r^w1^ ^^^^S^S^^ 1 ^*^ I r / I L I * U r r 3 I H I A H »httSbBrS. defeated Miss Alice Kortright and ' s t , a n ' 1 hmad

M b * Hila French, New York, 6 - 4 , 0 - 1 ; Miss ^ l ^ r y ,. Louise Witherbee, Port Henry. X. Y., and Miss C, ^ a l ''lf-?-L"l Consttoee Roberson. New York, defeated Mrs. -«eniDers N. 1 . Stock Exchange

Kutherford. Toxedo, Snd Mrs. P. H. B. J1,>n»jy '« I-«>an and Wanted on Heal Estate

Drop Protest Against Pension Bill anc Request Men to Resume Work


•i th

PARTS, Sunday.—At a meeting to-day of the National Council of Miners' Unions it was decided to call off the strike of coal miners, begun in the southern coal fields on February 24. The National Council re­quested the various organizations to have their men readme work on Tuesday.

The strike was called as a protest against the elimination by the Senate of some

John FrellnKhuysen, Morristown 3—6. 6—4, -,— r,.

17 12 11 IS '2

1 17 IS


is Finals . - Miss Koberaon and Miss Witherbee N e w ^""bcatioiis «, defeated Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Phipps, 6—4, 6—3.

Men's Singles, First Hound—Stauley <;. Mor­timer. Tuxedo, defeated Carman R. Runyon. New York, 6—1, 6—1; Harry E. Hoy, Morris-town, defeated .T. W. McLean, New York, 6—3, 6—1; Fred C. Inman, New York, defeated E. F*. Torrey, Clinton, N. ., 6—2, 7—5; John W. Pren­tiss, New York, defeated Carleton Shaw, Bos­ton. 6—4, 6 - 2 ; Ralph Tracy, Jensen. Florida defeated E. C. Fitzgerald, Boston, 6—0, 6—0



old regiment. with American men and women. New Lord Minto was a great sportsman and | port and many of the Adirondack camps

ttt**I > men.

^hers . Richard Meylan, Henri Dentand . , , warmtlled Dragnet, were killed to-dsv i n o t h o , d

ascenflin? the Rosa Blanche peak. . cien, n>l,ed together, had attained a JJJwt of 5.000 feet, when an avalanche jJPtthem over a precipice. The bodies

isn and Demand were recovered.

his own with the majority of He took his degree at Cambridge

wearing a riding costume under his academic gown and immediately after the ceremony he galloped for ten miles, ar-

Gustav Gamier and other celebrated ajBto-jsion bill. mobile bandits were members, is establish;

Forty thousand men struck.

ed there. The police have made a close searcfr of!

He was married to Miss Mary Grey, ! t h e region, in an endeavor to lofatc.

daughter of General the Hon. Charles Grey, in 1883 and had two sons and three daughters. He succeeded to his title in 189L

evidence concerning yesterday's theftjbut; their efforts have been without result.,


COLON. Sunday.—Sefior Don Rlcardo Ber-uicii »• , . n , n##» I mudez was sworn in to-dav as (lnvc~~ They have also inquired at the Post Office I . u a-v d S Governor In the hope of obtaining a clew as to wiere of this province, replacing henor Don Reu-JL: «peond sack was stolen. ben Arcia, whose term had expired. the second sack


Who's Who in New York

1914 iss ie mow ready

At all Bookstores, or it Battery P?ace, New York.

IK. Newsiajiera Ocean Steamships Pianos I'rofessional Situations Wanted—

Females Proposals Real Estate , New York < !;y.

Sale or to Rent Real Estate , Out of the City,

Sale or to Rent Real Estate to Exchange . . Real Estate Wanted Saleg at S u c t i o n . . . . y Situat'wms Wanted ' F e m a l e . * . . . . . Situations Wanted—Males Special Notices

Do Do

1*}, Summer Residences and O-.tt.-ige-

to !>n Tb»- Wanamak«-r Store To 1-et for Buslnevs l'ur|>.ist--

Travellers' Guide t'Dfurnisbed Ki»>ms t.» I-IM Wall Papers Winter Resorts Motor Boats and I-aunc!ie% Y'achts, Motor Boats and Launches.

: I I •I




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