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1 Afzal al-Fawaid (Rahat al- Mohibin) Part one Mausoleum of Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi By Hadrat Amir Khusro Mohammed Abdul Hafeez Email: [email protected] Hyderabad, India.

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Afzal al-Fawaid (Rahat al-Mohibin) Part one

Mausoleum of Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi

By Hadrat Amir Khusro

Mohammed Abdul HafeezEmail: [email protected]

Hyderabad, India.

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First Published 1437/2015All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.



This is a very old book which was written by Hadrat Amir Khusro about the speeches (malfuzat) of advice and discourses of his spiritual master Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya in following two parts.

1. Afzal al-Fawaid 2. Rahatal-Muhibin and these books were translated from Persian into Urdu language and the first time I am translating these books into English in the global edition.

This translation of the most ancient and celebrated Persian old books on Sufism will, I hope, be found useful not only to the number of students familiar with the subject at first hand but also by many other readers.

This is very lengthy book and it is available in two volumes as stated above and in Hast Bahist series in which there are advises and instructions, especially available for Taleb (student) and it refers to a person who is committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism and it is also known as a Salik (Arabic: a mureed is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of ,(َسالِك Sufism and all these details of advice by the spiritual master Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya are added in this book. And also in this book there are some great achievements which are not yet known to the general persons are published in a very interesting style so for this reason the readers will find great interest and attention in this matter.

From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts reading this book’s first page and will not stop its reading till they will reach its last page as in this book some interesting events and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of holy saints are added and these holy saints have passed away from the world some 8,00 years ago.

Even though this is very lengthy book, but due to its importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of the knowledge and information of the holy saints and who have passed away from the world upon doing their great endeavours and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in the foreign lands so this book is very lengthy but it will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the guidance of people towards the right path of Islam.


This book is edited and formatted as per the great book Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books and its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western world where there is great search and demand for the books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of the Islamic religious mission in all corners of the world as per tradition and practice of Allah’s last prophet.

Hadrat Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya in brief, was a great Saint of his time in the Indian Sub-continent and who did many great endeavours for the preaching and propagation of Islam in Delhi city upon becoming the caliph of Hadrat Khwaja Farid Ganj Shaker and he did the endeavours for the Islamic mission with the hopes of its expansion to other adjoining and distant territories and there was no such personality during his time.

It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book from Urdu to English first time, so I request the readers to read this book because in it there are many revelations of the secrets which are added in this book for which I shall be highly obliged to all of its readers in this matter.

In the preface of the book Tadhikra al-Awliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics), Attar mentions three books which he recommends for those ambitious to attain a full understanding of the pronouncements of the Sufis but in this book also there are many revelations of the secrets which are available for the students of the Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism.

Afzal al-Fawaid


In this book the knowledge of invisibility, the treasure of pearls without doubt the advices which are such as rubies are available.

Khaja Sahib who was following the righteous way and who was king of learned persons on the earth and as well as he was Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot) of the time. In this book the anthology of credentials and preaching are there. Khaja Sahib who was a lover of Allah and good slave of Allah and who followed comprehensive intellectual part of the knowledge as well as a religious branch of the knowledge.

Khaja Sahib who was a master in the science of the eloquence and in the system of reality. He was perfect in Islamic law and as well as in the religion of Islam. He was Sheikh of Islam and Muslims and the successor of the prophets and messengers of Allah and well known as Hadrat Khaja Nizamuddin Auliya,

Due to the dignity of the Prophet, Allah may give him a longer life so that Muslims will get benefitted by him. And we will get character from him. And for his ancestors Allah, may give them respect and honour and will connect them to the pleasure of Allah and I have collected from the treasure of his heart and whatever I have heard with his holy tongue of eloquence.

The words or meanings which I have recorded in this book are as per my knowledge and I have given this collection's name as Afzal-Fawaid and in this book different dates are mentioned on those dates I have kissed the feet of the Sheikh Sahib.


On 24th Zilhaj in the year 713 Hegira, this slave of weak and pathetic person Khusru son of Hussain and who belongs to the people of his shrine and who is collector of the meanings of his discussions and advises blessed the kissing of the feet of the Sheikh then he was given me a Turkey cap of four ends and honoured me by accepting my pledge.

On the day when I was present at his service and there was my desire to first to sit in his shrine building and if he will call then I will pledge to him. In short, when I sat in the shrine building, then his servant Basheer came out and said salam to me and he said Sheikh Sahib is saying there is one Turk is sitting outside and to call him to inside. So immediately I stood from there and accompanied along with the servant and put my head on the earth. He told me to raise the head. So I raised my head. He said with his holy tongue, “ You did well and you have come to the good time in happiness.” Then, with very much kindness and sympathy prayed for my condition and blessed the favour of pledge. He was giving me special umbrella and one four ends Turkey cap. At that time I have seen his miracle which I have mentioned in the above paragraph.

After that, the discussion about the pledge in the service of the master was started and then he said with his holy tongue that “ On the day when he was pledging with Hadrat Fariduddin Ganj Shaker, then he said Moulana Nizamuddin I was intended to give velayat (sainthood) of India to some other person. But he heard a divine call in which it was said: “ We have kept this grace for Nizamuddin Badayuni and it will be kept with him only so leave it.” Then, with very much kindness and sympathy he paid attention to my condition and he has placed four ends Turkey cap on my head and then he told the story of the Taqia, which is a type of cap which has four ends and its details are as follows.”

1. Shariat (Islamic law) 2. Tariqat (spiritual path)3. Marifat (mystic knowledge)4. Haqiqat (reality) So one who will be firm in this matter, then it will be right for him to put the cap on his head. When this discussion was in progress, then Moulana Shamsuddin Yahiah, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Moulana Fakheruddin came there and put their heads on the earth and they sat there. Then Khwaja Sahib told with his holy tongue as follows.1. One end Turkey cap2. Two ends Turkey cap3. Three ends Turkey cap


4. Four ends Turkey cap After that, he said about the origin of the cap that “ He was hearing from the holy tongue of Hadrat Fariduddin Gunj Shaker that in the book of Khwaja Imam Abul Lais Samarqandi it is mentioned narration by Hasan of Basra that one day the prophet of Allah was sitting and around him there were sitting his companions and at that time angel Gabriel came there and put before him four black feathers. And he said that there is a command of Allah that these are four black feathers from the heaven and you put them on your holy head and after that to be given them to any of your companions and make them as your caliphs. The prophet of Allah puts those feathers on his head, then after putting down one Turkey cap from his head and put it on the head of Hadrat Abu baker (R.A.) and told him this is your cap. And second Turkey cap he was put on the head of Hadrat Umar bin Qattab (R.A.) and he said this is your cap. And third Turkey cap he was put on the head of Hadrat Usman bin Affan (R.A.) and he said this is your cap. And fourth Turkey cap he was put on the head of the king of the pious people Hadrat Ali bin Taleb (R.A.) and he said this is your cap.” After that, he said “ About categories of the learning persons and the categories of pious persons of the Junadia said that it is known to them that the cap’s origin is from Allah because it was first time awarded to the prophet of Allah from the court of Allah and from him it was available to them. As in the same way in the night of accession, the saintly dress was given to the prophet of Allah.”

After that, he said “ One Turkey cap was put on the head of Hadrat Abu baker Siddiq (R.A.) and which was used to keep by Abadals (an order of saints) and Siddiq (truthful) and cap’s aim is that, except Allah, there should be no thought about anything in the heart and he should be away from all works of the world then they will become eligible for it. Otherwise, they become false and cheater. This cap’s right is in them due to their belief of innermost from beginning and will be enlightened with light of marifat (mystic knowledge). And they will get the goal of the manifest and innermost. When the person of the cap will become seeker of the world, then Allah will be away from him. Then he became false at that time and he is not true. That turkey cap, which was put on the head of Hadrat Umar bin Qattab (R.A.) and which was used to put on the head of the worshippers, Autads (a category of saints comprising only four at any time in the world) and some Mansuri saints. The aim of this cap is that when one person who put this cap on his head, then he should leave the world and he should become Zakir (one who remembers). And except of invocation of Allah, he should not engage in another thing. If he will get legal thing, then he should not save and keep it with him by the evening time and spend it all. He should not go to the creatures and the world and he should be away


from them. Then such person will become right to wear the two ends Turkey cap. Otherwise, he will be involved in the misleading. The three ends turkey cap which was put on the head of Hadrat Usman bin Affan (R.A.) and which is used to be worn by Zahed (ascetic) and persons of surprise, categories of learned persons, and usually wear by the wise persons and the aim of this cap first is that to leave the world and leave all lust, sweat, and greed and secondly to keep the heart free from all luxuries, lust, greed. Secondly greed of heart, malice, hatred, obscenity, pretence and bad qualities. Thirdly, to disconnect from the creatures and connect himself with Allah. When his condition will be such then he will be legal to wear this cap. Otherwise as per categories of saints of Junaidia he is declared as false person.

The four ends Turkey cap, which was kept on the head of the prophet of Allah and which is worn by Sufi Sadat (prophet’s descendants through his daughter Hadrat Fatima (R.A.) and very important personalities. Its aim is the wealth of the felicity. And whatever there is in 18,000 worlds all such is kept in this cap. But upon wearing it one, should keep away from four things so that wearing of this cap of four ends will be right for him and he should become safe otherwise on the day of judgement he will be included in the following persons among, conformist, opponent, guilty.

The four things are as follows.1. Leave world and leave of the company of wealthy persons.2. Do not talk except the innovation of Allah3.To be away from looking at the others and do not become person of the others, and so that not blind in this matter.

When Khaja Sahib was reached on this point than he was shutting tears very much so there was effected on the audience and he has repeated one couplet in the Persian language.

4. The fourth things are to clear the heart from the love of the world. When the love of the world’s foil will be clear from the heart and there will establish agreeable condition toward Allah and then there will be no unrelated thing in between him and Allah. And he will be singular with Allah and he will become unrelated to the persons. Then at that time, this four ends cap wearing became his right.”

After that Khaja Sahib shutting tears and he said “ It will be good if the veil will be removed in between and the secret will be known and strangeness will be away. And there will be calls that he will see from Him and hear from Him. And speak with Him. And when he will reach at such place then he will feel pleasure of the


endeavours and revelation. So to keep a cap on the head, then it will become right for such persons.”

The excellence of the day Ashura

On the Wednesday of the 25th Muherram month in the 713 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and other persons were present in his service. Then a discussion about excellence of the day of Ashura was started. He told with his holy tongue “ There is no such excellence of another month than month of Muherram. Because the prophet of Allah told to Hadrat Ali bin Ali Taleb (R.A.) “ Oh: Ali if you want to observe fasting, which is less than obligatory, but have more excellence than to keep fasting in the month of Muherram. Because Allah was accepted forgiveness of Prophet Adam (A.S.). And one who will repent in this month, then Allah will accept his forgiveness.” Then he said “ He was heard with the tongue which is important, like the pearls of Sheikh Fariduddin that Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori write in his book Rahat Arwa that the prophet of Allah said, “ One who keeps three days fasts continuously on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday then Allah commands to write in his record of deeds the worship of nine years and such numbers of bad deeds will be removed from his record of the deeds. “

After that on this situation he said “ In recitals of Sheikh Bahauddin Zikeria that one who observe fasting on the day of Ashura (10th Muherram) then Allah will give command to write such worship in his record of the deeds in which there will be fasting on the day time and doing worship and the waking up in the night. One who observes the fasting of Ashura, then he will get a reward of 10,000 angles, 10,000 Haji persons and 10,000 martyrs. One who keeps fasting on the day of Ashura or breakfasting of any believer then he is like such person who have provided meals with full of stomach to all Muslim nation. If one who will put his hand on the head of an orphan, then he will get the reward of the heaven as per number of hairs on the head of that orphan. ”

Then he told with his holy tongue “ Khaja Zanon of Egypt who wrote in book Dalil al-Salkin that in saying of the prophet there it is mentioned that one who will incur more expenditure for his family members on the day of Ashura then till the next year Allah will enhance his sustenance.”

After that for some time discussion was started about knowledge and its excellence and Moulana Burhanuddin was present in the service of Sheikh Sahib. He was paid respect and said that knowledge is great grace. He said “Yes’, I have


seen in the book Asar Tabaien that Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.) was mentioned tradition that the prophet of Allah said knowledge is having two branches. If the person of knowledge will be some worse before then he will become good and if he is miser then he will become generous. If he will be darwesh, then he will become wealthy. If he is disgraced then he will become respectful. If he is far, then he will become near to Allah. If he is harsh then he will become soft. If he is slenderer than he will become sweet talker. If he will be weak, then he will become heavy. If he is shameless then he will become a person of modesty. If he will be a person of little known then he will become famous. If he is person to show, then he will become a person of Allah.”

Then Khaja Sahib said with his holy tongue the prophet of Allah said, “ The person of knowledge will shine as the moon on the fourteen on the day of judgment.”

In this situation he told this story “ I have seen the tradition of Abu Maz Sanjari in the book Kitab al-Arifin that Allah was written the fate of the persons 50,000 years before He created the sky and the earth when the empyrean was on the water and which was not yet established. To demand legal sustenance and to keep away from illegal sustenance.”

After that, he said Yahiah Maze Razi told Huzefa that the prophet of Allah said, “ The learned of the persons of his nation are kinder than parents to them because the parents give them warning of the worldly fear and fright to their children and save them from the fire. The learned persons of the nation of the prophets of Allah will keep them safe from the fire of hell and fear of the day of judgment. After that, he told to sit with them and to follow their qualities is the guidance of Allah. To leave all things of the world and to obtain first the knowledge.”

After that on this situation he said he was heard by the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin “ The prophet of Allah said he was heard by the angel Gabriel and the angel Gabriel was heard by angel Israfiel and angel Israfiel was heard by Allah that the person who will walk of two yards in demand of the knowledge and sit with the learned persons and if he will hear from them two matters then Allah will grant him paradise.”

The Fasting on the Baiz days

On the Thursday in the 10th Muherram month in the year 713 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahiah, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi and Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli were present in his service. The discussion about six days of the fasting of Shawwal month was started.


He said with his holy tongue “ One who will observe six days fasting. Allah created eight heavens and he will give command that on every gate for him to make 1000 palaces of red ruby. And in every place there will be a thing which is produced there which is not seen by any eye and an ear did not hear. The prophet of Allah said, “ I swear in the name of Allah who send him for the rights of slavery and one who will observe the six days of the fasting in the month of Shawwal and for this angel will call him from the sky and say “Oh: man Allah was forgiven your past sins and you now start your work again.”

After that, the discussion about the fasting on the Baiz days was started. He said with his holy tongue “ When Prophet Adam (A.S.) was sent down to the earth from the paradise, then at that time all his body parts were becoming black. When Allah was accepted, his repentance, then there was a command to observe fasting on the date of 13th, 14th, and 15th of the month.

In observing the first fasting on the 13th date his, one third of body colour was becoming white. In keeping the fasting on 14th date his body colour of two third was becoming white. On observing the fasting on the 15ht date his, body colour was becoming fully white.

After that I was paying respect to him and I said that I was heard by the tongue of master that once somebody asked in the service of the prophet of Allah to inform about such fasting for which he will get more reward for it. The prophet of Allah said, “ To observe three days fasting in every month, then it will happen like that you have observed fasting for the whole year.” He said “ Indeed it is like that.”

Then he said as per this situation “ In the recitals of Sheikh Shabuddin it is written that the prophet of Allah said that one who will observe fasting for three days every month, then he will become like such person who will observe fasting of all time and on the day of judgment due to his intercession 70 persons from his family will be forgiven and when he will rise from his grave then his face will be shining like the moon of the 14th moon.”

The prayer on the night of Eid (festival)

After that, the discussion started with a prayer on the night of Eid al-Azah (sacrificial festival) then he was told with his holy tongue that the prophet of Allah said “ One who will prayer on the night of Eid al-Azah ten rakats as follows.


In every rakats after verse of Fatiha to recite ten times verse Iqlas. After performing this prayer to send 100 times blessing on the prophet. Recite 100 times Istaqfar (asking for forgiveness from Allah through repetition of formulas).

Recite 100 times, the phrase “Subhan Allah” (Allah be praised) from beginning to end.

If that person will pray for the nation of prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) then Allah will accept it and with the blessing of this prayer, he will get sight of Allah.”

The prayer on the night of Eid al-Fitr (Ramazan festival)

Then he said in this situation that in the recitals of Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi it is written that “ One who will prayer on the night of Eid al-Fitr twelve rakats with three salams as follows.

In every rakat to recite verse Fateha one time and five times verse Iqlas. Then till next year for every night and day it will given reward of one year’s worship by Allah. If he will die in that year, then he will be dying among deaths of the martyrs. And for each rakat he will give a reward of nine Hajjs and Umra (off-seasonal pilgrimage to Mecca). And his prayers will be accepted. And his heart will be un-occupied. And he will be free from the punishment of the grave. And on the day of judgement he will be under the shadow of the empyrean. Then he will give command to enter into the heaven along with his family members.”

On the Wednesday of 12th Muherram month in the year 713 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Shabuddin Merati was present in the service and he paid respect him and he told in the month of Shaban there are orders for many prayers. He said “Yes”. Then he said “ One who will perform this prayer of 12 rakats in the first night of the month of Shaban as follows.

That in every rakat to recite one time verse Fateha and 15 times verse Iqlas, then Allah will give him a reward of 12,000 Muslim soldiers and he will become as such clear that like that he was just being born from the womb of his mother and if he will be dying then he will get the status of martyr.”

In this situation he told this story that Hadrat Hasan Basri narrated from Hadrat Ali bin Ali Taleb (R.A.) that the prophet of Allah said “ One who did many sins and if he will ashamed of them and if he want to do repentance, then he should take a bath in the month of Shaban on the Monday and when there will be a fall of Monday night then after performing Eisha prayer he should say 70 times Istagfar (asking for


forgiveness from Allah through repetition of formulas) then his sins will be forgiven.”

After that, he said in the book Haqaiq he was seen that as per narration of Hadrat Shibli that the prophet of Allah said “ On the first night of the month of Shaban angel Gabriel came to him and he said “Oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him) tonight Allah opened three hundred gates of the mercy. And tonight all believers except magicians will be forgiven. Then I left outside and sat in the empty place and praised for Allah and in his presence prayed and spent four parts of the night. Angel Gabriel came again. And he said oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him) to lift your head and to look at the sky. When I looked at the sky and find the gates of the sky were open. At the gate of the second sky one angel was saying that person is lucky one who will prostrate before his Sustainer. At the gate of the third sky the angel was saying that person is lucky one who will pray. At the gate of the fourth sky the angel was saying that person is lucky one who weep with fear of Allah. At the door of the fifth sky one angel was saying that person is lucky one will praise Allah. At the door of the sixth sky one angel was saying that person is lucky one who remember Allah. At the door of the 7th sky one angel was saying that is, any person is there who demand from us and we will fulfill his desire or anybody who desires forgiveness so that we will forgive him.”

After that Khaja Saheb told with his holy tongue that “ In the month of Shaban in the first night all deeds of the men are present before Allah. In that night distribution of sustenance is done. So the men should not be careless in that night. But he should busy in glorification, reading of the Quran, and prayers so that he should not be away from this felicity. Khaja Sahib was explaining these benefits and at that time Malik Mohammed Gheyas Puri along with three more people were coming in the service of Sheikh Sahib and paid respect. He was ordered to sit there. When they sat there, then he was called his servant Iqbal and told him “ To bring some muskmelon which is kept there and put before Malik Mohammed and which he was brought. Then he said to bring some sugar candy and dates which are kept there so bring them there.” Which he was brought there. Then he said “ It should be given to these dear people. Then all four persons put their heads on his feet and they said whatever they want they have got. We have thought out these things in their hearts which you have given to us.”

After that Khaja Saheb told one story in this situation that “Once in the service of Sheikh Fariduddin came seven darwesh persons and everybody thought separate meals in their hearts. He was provided meals before them as per their desires. All of them accepted that since 20 years they have been in search of a man of Allah and


accepted him and there was no such person was found a person of Allah than him as per our desire.”

Then the discussion about piousness of Moulana Fakheruddin started and he said “ He used to grind wheat for a period of 40 years by himself and he did not ask to anybody. When he was asked there are many of his servants are there and why he did not ask them. He said why he will give this reward to them. Why he doesn't take it with him.”

Later about his piousness, he told this story that “ Once there was no rainfall in Delhi so he stand in the pulpit and took the pitcher from his sleeve and hold it in his hand and he looked his face toward the sky and requested “ Oh: my Sustainer till this pitcher will not be filled he will not get down from the pulpit.” Upon saying this there was such heavy rainfall that which was not stopped it for three days and nights.

After that one dear person told “ He was present in the service of Moulana Shabuddin and he was used to perform prayers in the loneliness and he did not perform prayers in congregation and he told with holy tongue “Yes it is right. Before this the prayer is not performed in congregation, it was not legal. In congregation prayer there is a very much reward for it.”

In this situation he said “ One who will perform the prayer of Zuhr (early afternoon) in the congregation then on the day of judgment Allah will put all mountains, rivers and animals of the world in one side of the weighing machine and will put the reward of the prayer in another side of the weighing machine then the side of reward will be heavy.

One who will perform the Asar (late afternoon) prayer in congregation and who will stay there in the mosque till the Maghrib (evening) prayer, then Allah will give command on the day of judgment will put empyrean, chair, tablet and pen, all angels and the prophets will bring and put on one side of the weighing machine and there will keep the reward of two prayers on another side of the weighing machine than the other side of reward will be heavy.”

After that, he said, “ One who will perform Eisha (night) prayer in congregation, then Allah will command that in his record of deeds will be written reward of 1,000 prayers for each prayer and he will be among the persons who wake up in the nights.” Then on this related situation he told a story “ One who will perform the Fajr (morning) prayer in congregation and he will sit there till the sun rise in the remembrance of Allah, then if he will perform Israqh (mid morning) prayer, then


there will be command of Allah and then from the sky there will come 10,000 angles it means total 70,000 angles of light will come down by holding the trays on the earth. Then Allah commands that this is my special person and who was performing prayer for Me and whatever sin, he was doing so He ignores it. So that he can start his work again.” Khaja Sahib was explaining these benefits during that time Sheikh Usman Sayyah, Sheikh Jamaluddin Hansavi, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and Hasan Maimandi along with his friends came there and paid respect. He said sit down and they all sat there. That day was very day of comfort, then the discussion about mystics persons was started. He told with his holy tongue that “ When Zanon of Egypt was repented and he was boarded in one boat in which there were some merchants were also there. Suddenly the boat was began drowning so Khaja Sahib prayed for it so it was not drowned in the water. When the boat reached into the whirlpools, then somebody was lost his one Dinar. And all of them were agreed that nobody didn't take it and perhaps this dervish was taken. So they misbehaved with him. Khaja Sahib was surprised and he was looking at the sky and said “ Oh my Sustainer if my repentance is acceptable, then they should get back their Dinar. So that he will be clear in this matter.” Immediately there was a command to the fishes in the river and every fish came to the surface of the water with one gold coin in their mouths. When the people saw this, then they asked for his forgiveness that they have made mistake. Khaja Sahib took one Dinar from one fish and thrown it towards them and he left from there.”

After that Khaja Sahib told one related story “ On the day when Khaja Fazil bin Ayaz was repented, then the goods which he was looted from the persons and he explains that on the day on which he was repenting he called everybody and returned back their goods and made them happy. Among them there was Jew person and who was not in agreeing condition with him and not become happy with him. Khaja Sahib tried his best and requested him very much in this matter. In short, that Jew person told him if he will give a handful of gold from the soil of his feet, then he will be happy with him. He was given him soil from his feet immediately. On that day the Jew person was becoming a Muslim and he said “He was seen which was written in the Torah that whose repentance is accepted, then if he will hold the soil in his hand then the soil will turn into gold. Now, due to his re-search it was known to him that your repentance was accepted. He did not desire soil, but he wanted to see whether his repentance was accepted or not.? Then he was happy with him. When you laid your hand on the earth and it turned to gold, I knew for sure that your repentance was a reality and that your religion is true.” Khaja Sahib was asked Hasan a chorister that dear persons are present so sing something. When Hasan was started Sama (ecstasy) singing, then Khaja Usman Sayyah and Sheikh Jamaluddin Hansavi stood and began dancing and from the time


of mid-morning till the early afternoon (Zuhar) they were busy with dancing and when they finished then everybody was given one dress. I was given white cap.

After the discussion was started that the man should not eat anything of another person without his permission and it should not be taken away.

Then Khaja Saheb shut, tears and he told that “ Upon death of Hadrat Shibli the people saw him in a dream and asked him what treatment he was met with Allah there.?” He said “Like the treatment of the friends. But there was a severe punishment in which he is still involved in it. That one day he was going to see somebody and there have been piles of wheat before him and I was grinding one grain of white wheat into parts in his teeth, then there was a command of Allah “ Oh: Shibli without asking permission from persons you used to grind of the grain and tear to pieces and so on this issue he is in the condition of surprise that what he will give an answer in this matter on the day of judgement.”

On the Wednesday of 20th Muharram month in the year 713 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about prayer of Chast (mid-morning) and its reward was started and he said with his holy tongue that in the book Asar Auliya it is mentioned that the prophet of Allah said, “ One who will pray this prayer one time in his whole life, then Allah will record the worship of 70 years in his record of deeds and his sins of 70 years will be forgiven.”

After that, he said he heard with the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that “ One who will pray this prayer every month, then he will be given a higher status in the heaven. The method of performance of this prayer is as follows.

Four rakats with one salam

In every rakat after verse Fateha to recite any verse which one have remembered and then to recite 15 times ‘Subhan Allah’, to recite 3 times ‘Rabbi al-Azim’, 15 times to recite pharase from ‘Subhan Allah’ to till its end and raise his head and say ‘Sami Allahu Liman Hamda’ and to recite 15 times pharase from ‘Subhan Allah’ to till its end and go into prostration and to recite 10 times ‘Subhan Rabbi Allah’ and in the second prostration also recite 10 times ‘Subhan Allah’ and in this way he should perform four rakats of prayer and in every rakat to recite 75 times pharase from ‘Subhan Allah’ to till its end. Then except the willingness of Allah one should not demand anything and heaven, etc. and should not demanding because this prayer is very holy.

The discussion about prayer of the Saturday


After that, he said “ He was seen in the recitals of Sheikh Usman Haruni that as per narration of Hadrat Abu Harara that one who will perform this prayer on Saturday of four rakats as follows.

In every rakat to recite one time verse Fateha and three times verse ‘Qul Yahul Kafiron’ and when he will finish this prayer, then he should recite one time verse of the throne, then for the virtue of this prayer in his account of the deeds as per number of all Jewish men and women’s one year worship will be recorded and in which observing of fasting on day time and worship during night time while standing. He will become like that person one who freed all nation of Prophet of Mohammed (peace be upon him) and he was reading Tora, New Testament and Psalms of David and Quran. On the day of judgment Allah will give him 1000 scarfs to wear on his neck and he will be sent to the paradise along with prophets and martyrs without any accountability.”

The discussion about prayer of the Sunday

After that, he said about the recitals “ It was written there as per narration of Hadrat Abu Harare that one who will pray 4 rakats on Sunday as follows.

In every rakat to recite one time verse Fateha and “Amana Rasul” one time, then Allah will add reward in his record of deeds as per number of all Jewish men and women’s one year worship and also 1000 Muslim soldiers, 1000 prophets and 1000 martyers and on the day of judgment there will be such distance in between him and hell will be that there will be 1000 trenches and its every width will be in distance of the journey of the way of 500 years and for him Allah will command to open the gates of eight heavens.”

After that, he said “ One sinner person was dying in the period of Khaja Abdulla Sohail Tasteri and then he saw him in his dream that he was walking in the heaven. He asked him that “ You were offended and sinner and from where you were getting this wealth.? “ He said “ He was used to perform four rakats of Chast prayer (mid morning) on the Sunday, so there was command of Allah that he was forgiven for the sake of this prayer.”

Then he said “ In the recitals of Sheikh Bahauddin Zikeria Multani he was seen that Hadrat Umar bin Qattab said that one who will perform prayer of two rakats on the Monday and in every rakat he should recite verse Fateha one time and one time verse of throne and one time verse of Iqlas and after finishing of the prayer, he should demand for the forgiveness of his parents ten times and send ten times blessing on the prophet of Allah then Allah will grant him one pearl palace for him


in which there will be seven rooms in it and in every room’s width will be seven hundred hands. The first room will be made of silver and second will be gold and third will be made of pearls, fourth will be made of topaz and fifth will be made of ruby and sixth will be made of pearls and seventh will be made of light and in every room there will be one houri on the throne who will be wet from legs to knees of saffron and from knees to chest will be of musk and from chest to neck of ambergris in grey colour and from neck to head will be of camphor and decorated and adorn in white colour.”

The discussion about prayer of the Tuesday

After that, he said he was seen “ In the recitals of Sheikh Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki that Hadrat Maz bin Jabal narrated that the prophet of Allah said “ One who will pray two rakats on Tuesday on which day Allah made rain and on that day Satan came on the earth and for him the gates of fire of hell were opened and on that day the angel of death was allotted the duty to seize souls of the men and on that day Habil was killed Abel and on that Prophet Ayub (A.S.) was suffered in the illness. The method of prayer, of two rakats is as follows.

In every Rakat to recite one-time verse Fateha and one-time verse Tin and one-time verse Iqlas and one time Mazutin.Then Allah will grant him good deeds equal to the drops of the rain fall and one golden palace and seven gates of the fire of hell will be closed for him and he will get the reward of Prophet of Adam (A.S.) Prophet Musa (A.S.), Prophet Haroon (A.S.) and Prophet Ayub (A.S) and for him, the seven gates of the heaven will be opened. He will be free and safe from all problems and calamities.”

The discussion of the prayer of the Wednesday

After that, he said “ He was seen in the recitals of Sheikh Bedridden Ghaznavi that Hadrat Maze bin Jabal narrated the prophet of Allah told that one who will pray of the Wednesday and on that day Allah created darkness and light. The prayer of two rakats is as per following method.

In every Rakat after verse Fateha to recite one time verse “Eza Zulzelat Araz” and three times Sura Iqals, then Allah will remove darkness on the day of judgment and in the grave and will grant one year’s worship in his record of deeds and the white record of deeds will be given into his hand.”

The discussion of prayer on Thursday


Then he said “ Allah created heaven on Thursday and one who will perform two rakats as follows.

In every Rakat one time versa Fateha and five times verse Ezaja. When he will finish Aser (later afternoon) prayer, then he should recite 40 times “Qull Wal Lahu Ahad’ and asking forgiveness of Allah and so, for this reason, Allah will grant him one palace in the heaven in which there will be 70 houris will be available there and equal numbers of angel’s one year worship reward will be given to him and for every verse there will be a reward of 10,000 martyrs will be written on his account.”

The discussion of prayer of the Friday

After that, he said “ Hadrat Maze bin Jabal narrated that the prophet of Allah said one who will perform the prayer of two rakats on Friday as follows.

In every Rakat one time verse Fateha and 100 times verse of the throne and 100 times sura “Qull walhu Ahad” and after performing the prayer sit and read the following prayer seven times.

“Ya noor al noor ya Allah ya Raheem ya Rahman ya Hai ya Qayyum aftah abwab rahmatak magrifatak wa min ala yad khul janti al-hataqi min al nar.”

For this, Allah will forgive his seventy big sins and grant him 96 grades in the heaven.”

Then a discussion about learning persons was started and he said “ Once the prophet of Allah was asked by the angel Gabriel about learning persons and he said “ Oh: prophet of Allah, the learned persons are the lights of your nation. That person is very lucky who will know their rights. And who will think them as friends of the reality. Then we witness that he is a person of the heaven and who think them as an enemy, then that person belongs to the fire of hell.”

Then he said “ He was heard by with the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that one who will not become sad at the death of the learned person then that person is a hypocrite. In the world there is no such calamity than the deaths of the learned persons. When among learned person or vulnerable person, one who will die then all the things which are in the sky and the earth will weep for him. Every angel will weep for him for 70 days. That person is not Momin (faithful) one who will not become sad at their death. One who will be sad, then Allah will give him a reward of 1000 saints and learned persons. After that, he said one who will disrespect any Sheikh or learned person then he will become a person of a curse and a hypocrite in this world and here after .”


On the Wednesday on the 14th of the Safar month in the year of 713 Hegira I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh. The discussion about slaves and subordinate persons was started and he told with his holy tongue, “ It is informed that one day somebody came in the service of the prophet and asked “ Oh: prophet of Allah there are many slaves with me and how many mistakes I will pardon for them daily.? He said to pardon their 70 mistakes daily and if it will be 71 then to redress it also.”

On this related situation he said “ Once Moulana Keithli came to see him and at that time there were meals ready and he asked Bashir to bring it. But he was delayed in bringing the meals. I had a small cane with me and so I strike on his back. Moulana Keithli told “Ah” as such that he was feeling that strike on his back. I asked him why he did like in this matter. He immediately removed his shirt and shown his back and I was saw that there was an effect of the cane on his back. Then he said to think them as dearer than themselves. Because in them, they do not have the ability to understand anything.”

Then Khaja Saheb said “ I have seen in Asrar Auliya that the categories of learned persons write that the servants should be given such meals which are eaten by themselves. And that cloth should be given to them, which will be worn by themselves. Because they are also having the status of the man of the flesh.”

After that on this related situation he told this story, “ It was the habit of Sultan Shamsuddin that he used to engage in the worship of Allah in the midnight. And when he will wake up, then he will take water by himself and do ablution and he will not wake up the slaves persons. When he asked the reason in this matter, then he said why he should give such difficulty to them and wake them up from the sleep.?”

Later the discussion about older persons was started and he said the prophet said “ One who will not favour on the younger and who will complain about olders then that person is not among us.”

After that, he said “ When the prophet of Allah will find an older person on the way, whether they may be Jews or Muslims then he used to respect their white hairs and he should not walk before them and he said that in whom there is a sign of the light of Allah then should not walk before them.”

Later he told with his holy tongue “ Allah made expedient of respect of that old person who was becoming an older hair person in the condition of Muslim. Because in Tora there is a command “ Oh: Musa respects the older persons and when they will come then stood for their respect and when you see young people walking


before the older persons or drink water before them than understand that the mankind is away from the comfort. Because when there will be such condition prevailing then there will be no good being in that city.”

After that, he said again “ He was heard with his holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that one time he was sitting in the service of Khaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Aushi, then Khaja Sahib was looking many times on the outside and used to stand. So in this way he was done like this six or seven times. I was asked the reason for it. Then he said there was sitting one older person at the gate when he will look at him, then he will have to stand for him and which is expedient. So for the respect of the white hairs he was used to stand.”

Then he told this story “ It was the habit of Sultan Moizuddin Mohammed bin Sam that when an older person will present in his service then he used to stand to pay him respect. He used to do his work for which that person will visit him. The minister told him “ Doing such thing is not worthy of him.?” He said “ Do you know the reason of it.?” He said “No.” He said “ Because he stood for the respect so that on the day of judgment his account of deeds may be settled among them. And for their sake he will be safe from the fire of hell. And for the sake of the blessing of that light, Allah was given additional light from his light to that white hair and he will be given salvation there.”

Later the discussion about the neighbourhood was started and he was told with his holy tongue “ The prophet of Allah said, angel Gabriel told him many rights of the neighbourhood that he was in doubt in this matter that the neighbour will get perhaps share in the inheritance.”

After that I told that I have seen it was written in Tadhkera al-Auliya that Hadrat Ba-Yazid Bustami had one neighbour who was a Jew and he was on the journey and his wife was pregnant and who delivered a boy. She had nothing with her that she should light the lamp in the house. Due to darkness that, the boy used to weep. When he heard this information then he used to buy oil from the grocery shop and used to give her oil to that Jew woman. After a long time when Jew came back then his wife told him all details in this matter so he was ashamed for this. And he came in the service of Khaja Sahib and he said to him that you have done great favour. He said it was the duty of neighbourhood and which is big right. Upon hearing this, he was become Muslim.”

After that, he told this story “ There was one Jew who was a neighbour of Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami and when he asked why he did not become Muslim.? ”


Then he said “ If Islam is that which is available to Ba-Yazid then he could not follow that religion and if it is that which is available to you and from that Islam he is ashamed of it.”

Then he said the prophet of Allah said, “ Until the neighbour will be in the condition un-fearlessness then the faith cannot be correct.”

Then he said “ This is right of the neighbour is that when the neighbour will ask for a loan, then to give him and if he needs anything then you fulfill his needs. And when he will ill, then visit him in this matter. If he is in difficulty, then console him and when he will die then you should attend his funeral prayer and go along with it.”

Later Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that the prophet of Allah said, “ One who believe in Allah and on the day of judgment, then he should not give any trouble to his neighbour because the right of the neighbour is like the right of the parents.”

On the Monday on the 16th of the Safar month in the 713 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about judges was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Judge and judicature are a good thing, but the condition in it that there should know to fulfill the right of justice because it is a work of the successors of the prophet.”

After that, he said he was seen written in Hadaya that Hadrat Abdulla (R.A.) Masood narrated that the prophet of Allah said, “ One who was made a judge he is like that person who was slaughtered without the knife.” This hadith (saying of the prophet) was told by the prophet of Allah on the situation when he was coming back from the accession. And he said “ When the fire of hell was brought before him, then he was seen that in the mill of fire many heads with turbines were being grinding there. He asked “Oh : Gabriel, whose heads are these? ”. He said these heads of those judges who did work with a show and bribe and then the prophet told this saying which was as explained above.

Then Khaja Saheb said “ There was an offer of the post of judge to Imam Abu Hanifa but he did not accept it. And he said he is not suitable for this post. So caliph was imprisoned him. And he was in the prison for a period of one month. And during this period, it was sent message to him to accept the post of judge, but he was not agreed in this matter and he used to say that he could not do this work. After that he brought before the caliph then the caliph told him that you are the leader of the Muslims and there is no better person than him available who can be given this post. He said he was coming to known for the saying of the prophet that the prophet of


Allah prohibited in this matter. Then how he can reject the saying of the prophet of Allah. Which is saying of the prophet of Allah and that cannot be rejected. Because there will be disobedience and disobedience person is not suitable for the post the judge. The saying of the prophet of Allah is as follows.

It means one who made judge will be slaughtered without a knife. Then he said, “ So you please tell me what should I do in this matter.” And when he was heard this saying of the prophet of Allah then he has freed him immediately.

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and he was praised so much about the honesty of Imam Abu Hanifa then he told this story that Imam Ahmed Hanbal who was the founder of the school and he was always used to eat dry bread. One day there was no yeast in his kitchen and it was searched very much there and there was a demand for it, but it was could not find and it was informed to Imam Sahib. At last it was found in the house of his son and with it the bread was prepared and presented to him. He was asked from where the yeast was found.? The servant told him that he got yeast from the house of his son. He told him to collect the meals and through it in river Tigris. The servant collected all meals and thrown it in the river Tigris. When the fishes smell it and without eating they left in the river. By this time one wave has come on the river and which thrown the breads at the bank of the river. The servant came back from there and he informed him all details. Imam Sahib smiled and said “ Oh my dear, you presented such meals to eat by myself and which was not even eaten by the fishes and water did not accept it.” Its reason was that before that time his son worked as a judge and yeast was prepared during that time.

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ It was such condition of them and who will not cross a little from the command of Allah and right order, then what will be the condition of such people who disobey all orders of Allah. ”

Then he told this story that Khaja Dawood Tai who never went to see Qazi Yousuf. His friends asked him, “ He was among his higher friends, then why he did not go to see.?” He said “ One who was gone against the instruction of his master.” It means his master did not accept the post of the judge so he did not go to see him.

Afterward, he told one story about the piousness and the truthfulness of Qazi Yousuf “ He drew two lines upper the throne one upon the other there. When he used to stand on the throne, then he stands there and stretch his hands and if his hand will reach on the first line then it was known him that the orders issued were right. If it will not reach then he will re-issue all orders.”


After that, the discussion started about piety. He told with his tongue “ Once Khaja Basher Hafi’s sister came in the service of Imam Ahmed Hanbal and she asked him, “ Oh: Imam she want to ask him about one issue.” He said “ Yes.” She told him “ Sometime in the moonlight and sometime from the light of the lamp of the upper side she used to do the work of the spinning wheel and is this work whether right? Imam Sahib told her “ Which family, she is related.” She said “ She is the sister of Khaja Basher Hafi.” Khaja Sahib said “ The family which she is related so for her it is not legal to do spinning work in the light of other persons. But is legal for other persons.”

After that on this related situation he told with his holy tongue, “ It was reported that once Imam Sahib was going to the bazaar when some soil made his dress dirty. He went to the river Tigris and washed it carefully. The people asked him, “You told us that is small filth fell on the dress it is permissible, but why you have washed the small amount of soil? What is wisdom in it.?” He said “ Filth equal of Darham is legal as per the Islamic law, but in piety, it is not legal so it should be washed.”

Then he said “ In Islamic law, whether the heart is present or not in the prayer will be right, but in the spiritual way the people of the mysticism say that when the heart is not present there and there will be thought other than Allah then the prayer is not legal. So it should be repeated again. Because the coming of thoughts during the prayer will make the prayer as not legal.”

Afterward, he said of this situation that “ Zank Lahori never used to present in the Friday prayer. When all leaders and big learned persons advised him in this matter, then he came for Friday prayer. He performed first rakat and put his saintly dress on his shoulder and came back to his house. The people called Qatib (preacher) and also called him. He was asked the preacher when you were performing the first rakat what were the ideas in your heart.? He said “ My, mare was delivered a calf and he was thinking that whether the calf may not fall in the well.” Sheikh Sahib told the audience “ When there will be found such thinking, then how such prayer will be.? The preacher was accepted that in his house there is well is there and there is thought in his heart that why he did not save the calf.”

Then the discussion about doing full justice to the relatives was started and he told with his holy tongue that when Allah created mercy and said “ Oh: mercy, We are Raheem (The Merciful) and the mercy was attached to His name. So one who disconnects with you then He will also disconnect from him. And one who will connect with him, then He also connects with that person.”


After that, he said “ Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi said it is true that one who will have a connection with mercy, then hell of the fire will be away from him and the heaven will be near to him.”

Then he said “ I have seen in the exegesis of Tafsir Khassaf that when any person who will do mercy on his realties and if his life’s three years are remaining then Allah will increase 30 years more in his life period. If any person who will disconnect with his relatives, then Allah commands to remove his name from the tablet and decrease years from his life period.”

Afterward the discussion about visiting patients was started, then he told with his holy tongue “ There are rules of the visiting the patients and when there will be any person become ill, then one should visit him after three days and when he will approach him, then he should advise him that Allah does not love such person who does not become ill. This felicity is available to that person one who will become ill and the illness is expedient of the sins.”

Then he said “ He was seen in Salwat Masoodi in which it was written that one who will go to see the patient then Allah will command to write down 70,000 good deeds in the record of deeds and to remove 70,000 bad deeds and for every step there will be reward of one year’s worship is written like that in the day time he was observed fasting and in the night time he was done worshiping in standing position.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ When we will go to see the patient ask and encourage him to give away to charity. Because Hadrat Abu Harare narrated that the prophet of Allah said that by giving away of the charity the calamities will be away from the person who give away charity and there will no decrease of the reward. For giving away of the charity the anger of Allah will be away and it will become an expedient of the sins and its compensation will be given by Allah to such person.”

After that, he said “ He heard with the holy tongue of Hadrat Sheikh Fariduddin that to gather wealth by paying Zakat (Islamic tax) and kept it away the illness by paying charity because there is no better cure and treatment than the charity.”

Then a discussion about love was started and he was reciting one couplet in Persian and its translation and interpretation are as follows.

“ If you will not be there, then we could able to know about the love and if there will no love than we could not able to recognize you.”


After that, he said “ Sheikh Shahabuddin Suherwardi wrote in Monis al-Ashaq that the first thing which Allah was created and its name was given wisdom and this talent was given three attributes which are as follows.

1. Identification of truth2. Identification of self3. Identification of which was not there, but it was created So far above the description, in this example, there is explained that the attribute which was able to identification of Allah and which was born in the shape of the beauty and which is also called good. The attribute which was able to identification of Allah and which was born in the shape of love and which is also called good. And third attribute which was not so it is not there and which keeps related and which was appearing in the shape of the blood and which is called as grief and all these three things are created by the body.

Then he said when beauty was seen herself, then it was finding herself very fine, so she was very happy and smiled.”

After that Khaja Sahib told one story of this related situation “ When Prophet Adam (A.S.) was opened his eyes on the morning of the 40th day and he was looking his sight at the love, then due to the movement of love he left away the heaven and came down in the deserted area.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “Yes, it is right that in the gardens of the heaven the lesson of love cannot be taught there. Then the love will be firm when it will become tramp in wildness in the deserted place.”

After that, he said, “ The calamity which falls on the people due to the reason of the eyes as grace and trouble are kept in two eyes.”

Of this related situation he told this story “ He was seen in Qasas al-Anbia whatever Prophet Dawood (A.S.) was seen and so for this reason he was weeping very much due to this reason the skin of his cheeks were melted and when it was asked reason, then he said what he will do that he was seen such thing which is not desirable so with these eyes he want to wear the dress of salvation and so that his regret will be away from him. And Allah, may forgive him due to His kindness and favour.”

When Khaja Sahib finished this story Khaja Hasan Sajzi who was present in the meeting said in this connection that “ He was remembered one rubai (quatrain) in the Persian and if he will give permission then he will read it.” Khaja Sahib said


“Yes”. Upon hearing, he praised him very much and on this related situation he told one more story that the reason of becoming Muslim of Hadrat Umar bin Qattab (A.S.) that “ The mirror of love was kept before him in which he was seen such shape that which could not be praised. He asked “What is this beautiful thing.?” That shape said that “ It is the love of Allah.” He asked “When he will get it.” When you have torn your dress of errors before Mohammed and on Taha accept the religion of Islam, then she will be in his fate.”

After that, Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “ The antimony of love is such that when it will put in the eyes, then he can see everything from the earth to the empyrean. ”

On the Monday on the 30th of the Safar month in the year of 713 Hegira, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about previous nations was started. Their shapes were disfigured due to their bad deeds. He said “ It was written in Haqaiq that Khaja Junaid of Baghdad narrated the prophet of Allah saying “As the shapes of previous nations were disfigured, but my nation’s figure will not be disfigured till the coming of the day of judgment.”

He said with his holy tong that “ There were 25 groups of the previous nations.”

1. Monkey 2. Pig 3 Iguana 4. Elephant 5. Scorpion. 6. Dog. 7. Hornet 8. Star Venus 9. Star Saturn 10. Snake 11.Fish.12. Mongoose 13. Parrot.14. Wild mouse 15. Wild crow 16. Spider 17. Mouse catcher 18. White fox 19. Sparrow 20. Owl 21. Crow 22. Porcupine.23. House mouse 24. Bear 25. Water animal

Then he explained all details that “ The First group which changed into the shape of the monkeys and this nation was that who was given command not to do fishing on Saturday but they disobeyed Allah’s command so Allah changed their shape.”

Khaja Saheb shut, tears and said see that “In this nation, there are many things are prohibited but they are following them. The second group which changed into the pigs and which belong to the nation of Prophet Eisa (A.S.) and who were refused for the sustenance and so Allah for not respecting this grace made them in the shape of the pig. The third group which was changed into an iguana , who were used to theft of the shrouds. The prophet of that time prayed with Allah and Allah made them iguana. The fourth group was become bears in which those people were included who were always used to talk harshly to the prophet of Allah. At that time Prophet Jirgis (A.S.) was a prophet of Allah for them and to whom there came the command of Allah that they should keep away from harsh conversation and do repentance. When Prophet Jirgis (A.S.) was conveyed Allah’s command to them,


but they ignored it. So Allah made them bears. The fifth group which was made of elephants and these people always ride on the animals and go here and there, but in the prostration of prayer did not touch the earth, so Allah made them elephants so that their noses work as broom on the earth. The sixth group is scorpion which is included in the group and who always used to quarrel with others and Allah prohibited them, but they ignored commands so they were made of scorpions. The seventh group was made of hornet and in this group those people were included who misguided angels Harut and Marut from the right path. The ninth group was made of star venus and in this group those adulterer were included who used to do rape. And they did not take care about the advice and preaching of anybody. The tenth group was star Saturn and in this group those persons were included who were belong to Prophet Saleh (A.S.) and they used to did not talk good conversation. Allah prohibited them, but they ignore it and still they increased their bad conversation more than 100% so for this reason they were changed. The eleventh group was made of fishes and in this group those persons were included who were used to weigh less and who were belongs to Prophet Hud (A.S.). Allah prohibited them, but they ignore it so for this reason they were changed into this shape. The 12th group was made of mongoose and in this group those butchers were included and who used to make trouble and use to weigh less so Allah made them mongoose. The 13th group was made of parrots and these people were cheaters and in all works used to do cheating and who were belongs to Prophet Idris (A.S.). The 14th group was made of mouse. These people used do the robbery. The 15h group was made of wild crow and they used to talk absurd conversation. The 16th group was made of spider and in this group those women are included who used to involve in disobedience of their husbands. The 17th group was made of mouse catcher and in this group those persons were included who used to have greediness very much with other persons. The 18th group was made of white fox and in this group those persons were included who used to go in the bathrooms of other persons without fear and they do not have shyness with themselves. The 19th group was made of sparrow and in this group those persons were included who used to dance and used to make up like the women and used to dance before other persons and due to anger of Allah all of them were changed into sparrows. The 20th group was made of owl and in which those persons were included who used to pretend to others as a good person and behind them they used to steal their goods. The 21th group was made of crow and in this group those persons were included who used to follow fraud. The 22nd group was made of porcupine and in this group those people were included who used to do opposition of other persons. The 23rd group was made of house mouse and in this group those persons were included who used to work of cook and they used to put


other things and sell and if there were will be riots then their advice for good things and spread the news and when there will flare up of the fire and riot then they used to keep away. The 24th group was made of bear and in this group those persons were included who used to speak very much false. The 25th group was made of water animal and in this group those persons were included who involve in sodomy and they belong to nation of Prophet Lot (A.S.)

When Khaja Saheb ended these benefits, then he shut, tears and he said “ In this nation, there are such groups are there who have left the prayers. The prophet said in this nation, there is such group will be there and in which a woman think as sufficient for the woman, then in that condition think that the last day of judgement is near. ”

On the Wednesday on the 5th Rabil Awwal month in the Hegira year 713, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh. The discussion about Satan was started. Then he told with his holy tongue that “ The prophet of Allah said Satan was worshipped Allah for the period of 30,000 years and prostrated. He was becoming unclean for not doing one prostration. All his worship was rejected. And all his deeds were lost. And from his face of the angle it was made the face of the Satan. This is his condition and with him there is the curse of Allah is there. Then what will be a condition of those people for whom there will be a curse of Allah daily three times and the angels will used to say Amin.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ This group of persons are mentioned as follows

1. Adultered2. SodomyWith them, there is the regret of 1000 times who will commit such acts.” After that Khaja Sahib told this story which is related to this situation which is mentioned in Haqaiq that “ The prophet of Allah said that the last day of judgment will not come till there is no rainfall of scorpions from the sky. Which will destroy the man in one second like the salt dissolve in the water. It will be the time when there will be very much sodomy will be prevail there.”

He said again that “ The prophet of Allah said if a person of the sodomy will wash himself to clear with seven rivers, then he could not become pure and clean.”

After that, he said “ One time Moulana Shamsuddin Turk was present at the preaching time. He said the prophet of Allah said on the day of judgment, both of them doer and the direct object will be raised up together and they will be seen by the people like dog and bitch doing pairing of the animals.”


Then he said “ One day one person told to one pious person that he was coming to see him by travelling 21 miles journey. So he should reply his seven questions. The questions are as follows.

Older than the sky, faster than the fire, colder than zamrir (intense cold region), wider than the earth, stronger than the stone, stronger than the river, the thing which disrespect than the orphan. That pious person told “ It is bigger slander than the sky and it is false. The true thing is larger than the earth. Stronger than river is the heart of the generous person and the hotter than fire is heart of the greedy person and the colder than summer is the heart of that person who is cold who disconnect himself from kith and kin and friends and not help them in the time of need. Stronger than stone is heart of the infidel person. The disrespectful than the orphan is such person who involves in backbiting and when he will know in this matter, then he will be ashamed and he will become disrespectful than the orphan. Allah says in the holy Quran “ To prohibit from slander and to be kept away from it.” Because when the man will commit sin and do repentance, then Allah will see his belief, whether he will do repenting or not.? If he will repent really then He will forgive him, but He will not forgive the person who involves in the slander. “

After that, he said “Once Khaja Shibli was advising his friends that oh: friends you should know that there is no greater sin than the slander and for this reason Allah said that the slander is equal of the infidelity.”

After that the discussion was started about absurd conservation then he said with his holy tongue that “ He was seen it was written in Asar Auliya that one pious said that he was with Rabi bin Hashim for a period of twenty years and during this period he could not hear from him except two things that is whether your father is living.? And the second thing he asked him what is the distance of your village from the mosque.? And upon asking these two matters he pressed his tongue in the teeth such hard that there was a discharge of the blood from the tongue and he told “Oh: Rabbi what is the concern of these absurd talking with you.? ” Then after that for a period of 20 years he did not talk with anybody.

Then he told one story related to this situation that “ Khaja Malik Dinar was agreed with his friends that one who will talk the absurd with friends, then he should pay a fine of half a Dinar and when he was seen that they were patient then he was increased fine one Dinar. Then they left absurd talking.”

Then he told one story related to this situation that “ Khwaja Hasan Ibn Abi Sufian was passing from the lane and when he has seen one high palace then he


asked who build it,? Then he thought in his heart, oh: Hasan what do have a concern with it. ? For this absurd talking, he did not talk with anybody for a period of one year.”

After that, the discussion about repentance was started and he told with his holy tongue “ The sign of acceptance of repentance is that if repent will touch the soil then it will turn into gold.”

Then he told one story related to this situation “ Once Sultan Ibrahim Adham was keeping the bundle of woods in the bazaar. One acquaintance saw it and blame him that, sir the work you are doing, whether any person did such work.? It means leaving the Balaq country you are selling the fuel. Upon leaving the country which thing was increased in you.? Upon hearing this he put his hand on the bundle and asked to see and when that person looked at it, then he find that all the fuel has become golden. He told him upon leaving the kingdom of Blaq this is the smallest thing which he has got.”

After that, he told one story related to this situation “ Once Khaja Ibrahim Adham was sitting at the bank of the river Tigris and he was sewing his saintly dress and one person who passed from there and blame him that by leaving the Kingdom of Balaq what he was getting.? Khaja Sahib has thrown the needle in the river Tigris and he was given the sign to the fishes, then all fishes brought golden needles in their mouths. Khaja Sahib asked them to bring his needle and from his back side one fish appeared on the water and she was given his needle and went in the river. Khaja Sahib asked him to see. He told him upon leaving the Kingdom of Balaq this is the smallest thing which he has got.”

Then he told this story that “ Once Khaja Ibrahim Adham put the bucket in the well and his first time he was getting full jewels in the bucket and second time it was full of gold and third time there was water in it. Then he performed ablution and engaged in the prayer.”

After that, he told about his piousness he told this story “Once he was sitting in one tomb in Balaq and he was heard beating of the kettle drum and there came thought into his mind that some time ago by beating of the kettle drum his name was used to be announced there. At that time came there command to the angles to beat large golden drum in the first sky on the head of Khaja Ibrahim Adham. When the beating of large drum was heard in the air, then Khaja Sahib saw that the angles were beating large drum in the air than he was asked whose large drum is this.? They said we have given command of Allah that as per five times there was beating


of the kettle drum in your name in Balaq and in the same way beating of a large drum in the seventh sky.”

After that, he told this story “Once Khaja Sahib was determined to go on the Hajj pilgrimage with the intention of the trust. When he was departed on the journey and he was reached in the jungle and he was seen there were 70 persons in veil are standing there and their heads separated from their bodies. One among them was being at last gasp and he said “Oh: Ibrahim does not come near otherwise you will also be killed. And also do not go away, otherwise you will become same like him.” When he finds him alive so he went near to him and asked what is his condition.? He said “Oh: Ibrahim we are all 70 Abdals (an order of saints) and we were on the journey for the intention of the Hajj pilgrimage. And we have determined that until not visit Kaaba in Makkah we will not talk with anybody. When we have reached here, then we met Prophet Khizer (A.S.) and we forget our determination and we were engaged with him in the conversation. There came an invisible voice “ Oh: liars, whether you have promised like this.? ”And at that time one sword came on the air and which cut, heads of all of us. And in me there was some life so I have told you that those who put their feet on this way then first they will be dying. ” Then the discussion about fortunate and unfortunate was started and Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Those who are fortunate and are born fortunate from the womb of their mothers. And those who are unfortunate and are born unfortunate from the womb of their mothers. One who will be given birth as pious person then he will be given the graces of the both worlds. Whatever there will be thought in his heart, then he will find the thing in the reality. And one who will be born as bad person then he will be away from such felicities and there will be no any kind grace on him. And if he will try 100,000 times as because he is bad luck by birth and so never his intention will be fulfilled.” After that Khwaja Sahib shut, tears and he was reciting one quatrain in Persian of Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori. Then discussion was started about the person who speak lies and he said with his holy tongue “ He was heard with his holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that Shamsuddin was reading Lawah of Sheikh Hameeduudin Nagori before Sheikh Fariduddin, then Shaikh Sahib told that the prophet of Allah said Allah was created such an angel and whose head is under the throne and his feet are under the seventh earth and he remembers cleanliness of Allah and from him there will be calling about it and Allah send revelation “ Oh: my angel about Our greatness and grandeur’s news was not known to that person one who swear falsely in Our name.”


After that, he said “ One who swears in name of the any verse of the Quran so for every word of that verse, then equal of all words of that verse bad things will be written in his record of the deeds. ’’ After that, he said one time one pious person asked with Satan “ According to his opinion, which is the best good deed.” He said “ He liked the three things which are as follows.1. Swearing falsely2. Rape3. Mischief with the believer's person Then he said “ The prophet of Allah in the night of the ascent and he was seen persons in the fire of hell who were being scratched hand and feet with nails. He was asked by the angel Gabriel, who, are these persons.? He said “ These persons who were used to engage in the work of fault finding with others.” On the Saturday in the month of Rabil Awwal in the year 713 Hegira, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion started about piousness of Sheikh Ba- Yazid Bustami. He told with his holy tongue that “ Khaja Sahib was a saint by birth. So it is said that he was still in the womb of his mother then his mother was eaten on a morsel of doubtful, so he hit so much his head that his mother vomited and that morsel was out there then there was tranquility.” After that, he told about piousness and he told this story “ Once he was seen in the jungle of Bustam that in the whole jungle there was full of rain of the love was there. He tried his best to put his feet in the ice, but it was sinking under the love.” Later he told this story that he was asked how the perfection of the man is done.? He said “ When he will find 18,000 worlds in between of his two fingers as he will use to see them.” After that, he said one day Khaja Sahib was asked to tell about the story of his endeavours. He said “ The endeavour which I have done and if I will explain it, then you cannot hear, but yes, I will explain some details which I have done with my soul. That once one night at the time of midnight, I was desired in my mind that I should walk in the half of the remaining night. The soul opposed me and he was not followed my thinking. Then I swear, oh: my soul you have robbed me and you have not joined with me in my worship and now I will not give you water for a period of one year.” So I have done like that and I have not given him water for a period of one year.” After that in this situation he told one related story “ He was naked from head to toe and there was a discharge of blood from the eyes. The servant who present in the service asked him the reason in this matter and he told that he was in the world of angels. In first step he was reaching near the empyrean and what he was seen that


the empyrean was like a hungry wolf and who was opened his mouth and it was standing there. I told him that it is said that on the empyrean Rahman is established there and when he was heard this then he said “ Oh: Ba-Yazid what is situated of saying this matter.? He told it was said to him, “ Rahman is living in your heart.” It means if I want to demand Him, then can see Him in the heart of Ba -Yazid and the dwellers of the sky demand from the persons living on the earth and the dwellers of the earth will demand from the dwellers of the sky.” Then Khaja Sahib said “One day Khaja Yahiah Maz Razi was baked two breads of barley and sent in the service of Khaja Ba-Yazid and it was informed him that he was knead it in Zam Zam water and baked it. When the servant was given this message, then Khwaja Sahib told him to take back the breads from there. And tell him to inform if it is kneaded with Zam Zam water, then to tell the reason how it was found.? Or from which field it was getting.? As its condition is not known so we did not eat it.” Afterward Khaja Sahib shut, tears and told “ If eight heavens come into our hut and the graces of two worlds will be given as an estate to us, but one sigh of the morning, which is through in His fondness and even in exchange of one sigh in His remembrance than 18,000 worlds we will not buy.” Then the discussion about mysticism was started. He said with his holy tongue “ One day Sheikh Fariduddin was saying in prostration that if You send me in the hell of fire on the day of judgment and due to Your fondness I will do very much crying out of assistance and due to his lamentation the people of hell will forget their punishment.” After that, he also said that “ The persons who were passed away from the world before us and they used to prostrate before someone or the other and they sacrifice themselves for the sake of their friend. And for this sake they do not like themselves.” After that on this related situation he said “ One day Khwaja Ba-Yazid Bustami was saying in his hymns of Allah “ Oh my Sustainer if you will ask the good deeds of 70 years, then he will ask Him about 70,000 years because it was happening before 70,000 years ago You said whether I am not your Sustainer? And by saying by the creatures “Yes’’ You have given consciousness in all the creatures.” , Then Khwaja Saheb said “ The uproar which is available in the sky and earth, which is due to reasons of the fondness on the day of the creation.” After that Khaja Saheb told with his holy tongue “ He was heard with his holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that in the biography of Qazi Hameeuddin Nagori in which it was written that all parts of the human body were made of the nature of the love. So there is fondness in the lovers and Majnu is available and which will be


there from starting to ending time. They will always used to say “ Manifest Thyself to me.” After that, with holy tongue, he said “ When Prophet Musa (A.S.) when he got a wealth of light of the manifestation, then he looked at himself and he was feeling proud in this matter that there was no other lover than himself. At, the same time angel Gabriel came there and told the command of Allah “ Oh: Musa look a little down from the mountain of Senai. When he was looking what was seen that 80 years old persons and 18 years old, young men are standing in the condition of surprise and were looking at the empyrean and they were calling “Manifest Thyself to me”. When: he looked this then he went into prostration and he asked “Who are these persons.” ?. It was said that “These are persons who belongs to the last prophet of Allah.” After that, he said he was seen in the book Asar Auliya in which it was written that the love and friendship which was available to Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and for the sake of the friendship he went to sacrifice his son. At that time there was a command of Allah “ Oh: Ibrahim We have, ascertainment that you are firm in Our love and in the friendship. Now to do not sacrifice the boy and to at this time We will send you ram so sacrifice it.” After that Khaja Saheb said “ See that boy’s (Ismail) truth and belief that when he was laid under the drain of Kaaba in the Makkah and on his throat the knife was not used and but it was not working, then the boy said in the service of his father that to lay him like the upside down so that he could not see his face and for this reason there will no passion of kindness and favour of the father will be there and then the knife will work properly. And this only disobedience, so to tie his hands and legs strongly so that at the time using of a knife I could not move my legs because while doing this there will be no willingness of the friendliest and whether he will not be among sinners.” After that Khaja Saheb started the discussion about the death of Khaja Junaid of Baghdad and he told with his holy tongue “ When his last time was reached, then he did ablution and went into prostration and wept very much. The people asked oh: leader of mysticism you have done such a great obedience and worship, then what is this situation of weeping.? He said to them than this time there is no other time, which is like an emergency time for him. Then he started reading the Quran. One person told him you are reading Quran this time. He said to him, what is more than this for him. Because I see that now my life page is going to be folded and my worship of 70 years is hanging in the air by the hairs and which is moving by air. There is one side of the pathway of paradise and on the one side there is the angel


of death is there and there is a Judge and who is equitable. And there is way before him and I do not know from which way he should be taken away. After that when he finished reading of the Quran and he was read 70 verses from Sura Baqra. When the last time was reached near then people, from the audience told to say Allah. He said whether he was forgotten in this matter. Then, while glorification of Allah, he started closing his fingers. When he was closed four fingers, then he straightens the forefinger and recited

(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) and closed the eyes and given, his life to the friend. At the, time of washing his dead body the undertaker of the washing of the dead corpse wanted to pass water into the eyes and he was heard voices to take out hands of our friend as the eyes which are closed on our name which will be opened by our meeting. Then he wants to open fingers, then he heard voices that the fingers which are closed on our name and which will be opened by except our order. When the funeral was lifted it was seen that one pigeon was sitting there at the corner and there was trying to fly the pigeon, but it was not flown from there and then there was voice heard that do not give trouble to the pigeon in this matter because his claw is with the beak of the love and which is taken to the corner of the funeral. Today his mould of the fate is attached with the angles that who will fly in the air along with them.” After that one person saw Khaja Junaid in his dream and he asked him “ How he was cleared from the angels Moniker and Nakir.?” He said “When these angels came and asked him who is your lord.?” Then I have seen them and laughed at them and said “ On the day when He said whether I am not your Sustainer? and on that day I said “Yes” and now you have come to ask who is your lord.? One who was replying the King whether he will hesitate with the slaves. Today also I reply in His tongue, upon hearing this they went from there and they said still this lover is in the intoxication of the love. ” After that, the discussion about the death of Imam Ahmed Hanbal was started and he told with holy tongue “ Since the period of twenty years nobody has not seen him laughing. When his last time came then he was laughing. The servant asked the reason so he said the Satan is standing near him and he is in the condition of restlessness like wounded cock and with regret he is saying “ Oh: Imam Ahmed Hanbal you are nicely saved your faith from his hand and passing away.” For this happiness he is laughing, Allah be praised that he is taking safe his faith from the world.”


On the 12 th Rabil Thani in the Hegira year of 713 I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about gentle and mean persons was started and he told with holy tongue “ Khaja Yahiah Khaled Bermakki said “When gentle person will become virtuous, then he will become modest and when the mean person will become virtuous then he will be become proud.” After that, he said the prophet of Allah said, “ In the last days the leaders of the nation will become as a such persons who will not have fear of Allah and nor they did remember me. Always they will harm Muslim with their tongue and hands and always they will be in search to give trouble to their lives.” Then he told this that Khaja Umar Barmakki said “ One day he was seen one person on the camel in Makkah, near Safa Marwah mountains and before and after that person there were many of the servants were there and who was giving trouble to the persons there. After a long period of time when he was coming back to Baghdad and one day he was standing on the bridge and he was seen one person who was in the naked condition from head to leg and upon looking him carefully, he was seen resemblance of that person who was seen by him on the camel in Makkah and before and after him there were many of the servants were there and who were giving trouble to the persons. That person told me he was the same person. I asked him what was his condition.? He said that he was hoping that people will give humility for him, but Allah was made him poor and disrespected him. ” Then he said “ He was seen in Tuhfa al-Arifin that Khaja Basher Hafi have written that when any Muslim convey salam to any person of the world than his faith will be decreased by one third. Then I explained this story which is written in Anis al-Arwah that “ Hadrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (R.A.) said one who want to see person of hell, then he can see that person who will say salam to the person of the world and apart from the Muslims by going forward.” After that, he said “ Hadrat Ans bin Malik said that with the prophet of Allah, there were no friends except us and not other. But when he will see them, he will not, stand because the prophet did not like them.” Then he said “ When the prophet of Allah will go along with his friends, then he will tell them to walk before him so that somebody will not look at him.” After that, he said “ On the day of judgment one person will be brought there and his obedience will be equal of the moutain, but he will be caught by the cruel guardian angles and there will be commanded to them that this is person who said bad things to Muslims and he was snatched their goods from them by force. And he was given trouble to Muslims un-justly. So all of his good deeds will be given to them and all of their bad deeds will be given to him. Then the angels will say, “Oh: Lord now there is no good deed left with him. All were taken by the claimants. Then


there will be command of Allah “Yes”, he should be thrown into the fire of hell. And he will be killed for the sake of the bad deeds of the other persons.” After that Khaja Sahib told this story “One day Hadrat Mamer who was a companion of the prophet told in the service of the prophet “Oh: prophet of Allah that he was doing this sin. You clear me from this sin. He was committed sin and he was told this sin was done by him two or three times. Then he said to dig pit and stoning him to death. He was killed by the stoning to, death and as per one narration he was killed.” Then Khaja Sahib said with his holy tongue “ One who will commit sin and if he will want that the recovery of the lost wisdom should be returned back then which will not be possible.” Then the discussion about hypocrites and the believing persons was started, then he told with his holy tongue “ The heart of the believing person beats 70 times in one second, but the heart of the hypocrites will stay in the same condition.”

Then the discussion about mysticism was started and he told with his holy tongue “ He was seen in Tadhkirat Aulia in which it was written that Khaja Ba Yazid Bustami said that with all his hands, at last, he was knocking the door of Allah and when he was knocked with the hands of the trouble then it was opened. He has desired always his presence there, but he could not get it. And with all steps he has covered the distance and at last when he was walking with steps of the heart, then he was reached in the house of pleasure and he sat there.”

After that, he said, “ On the day of judgment eight heavens will be decorated and will be presented to the holy persons, then they crying out for assistance with the heaven in such a way as the people of hell will do such thing with the hell of fire.”

After that, he said “ One pious person came to see him from Multan. He said that one day when he was present in the service of Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria and due to overpowering of the fondness he was prostrating many times and he was saying that the love came inside and he was pushed out all except it so he was removing his sign and I have counted that he was prostrated 100 times and he said this.”

Then the discussion about companionship was started. He said with his holy tongue “ Comparing the company of pious persons which is better than the good deeds. The company of bad people is worse than the bad deeds.”

After that, he said that Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi said “ The company of pious person is better than obedience of 100 years. So one who will sit in the company


good persons, then he will get the facility of the two worlds. And one who sits in the company of the bad persons, then he will be away from all felicities.”

After that, Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said: “ If there is a company is there which is only of the pious and holy persons of Allah.”

Then he said Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli and Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib asked what is the first stage of the love,? Khaja Sahib said with his holy tongue “ First stage of the love is from humility to surprise and after that, there will be pleased from the junction. Then from the warning, there will be sadness is there. After that waiting is there from which there will be getting life and survival.And from this higher level which will not be available to any person.”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his tongue “ When one person who will reach to Allah and will establish a relation with Him and then he will be in the condition of intoxication in his nearness. Then except Allah, he will forget himself. If he will be asked where you are going.? And what do you want.? Then he will not able to reply except Allah.”

Then Khaja Sahib said this is one stage. After that, he said “ There are 700 stages of the love are there. The perfect person is one till he will not cover 700 stages, then he will not reveal its secret. But those who are less courageous people they will reveal the secret at the place of the surprise. And they made themselves as the mad persons. If during this time if the secret will be revealed, then he will be killed.”

After that on this situation he told one story relating to this occasion “Once one holy person came to the grave of Khaja Mansur and he said did you know whose this mausoleum is this.? All his friends said “No”. He said “ This is the mausoleum of mad person Mansur and who was becoming intoxicated in one sip and revealed the secret and he was killed. So oh: my friends one who will reveal the secret of the King and his punishment is this which Mansour got it.”

Then Khaja Sahib recited Arabic phrase and its meaning and interpretation is as follows.

“ That we have shown our secret and which he was revealed so he got punishment for this reason and which is given to that person who revealed the secret of the kings.”

After that that he said “Mansour Hallaj said I am truth” then he didn't find in the prison for three days. When the persons asked him where he was.? He told, “ In the court of Allah.” When this matter was known to Khaja Junaid, then he said: “ To


finish soon his knowledge, whether it will be happening that there will be the start of the trouble and the creature will be away from it.”

After that when there was a command to hang Mansour in the bazaar, then he was with much happiness and by dancing he went to the cross. And he addressed to the people that “ There are two rakats of the prayer of the love and its ablution only legal is by the own blood and not legal by other things and which is only on the cross.”

Then Khaja Shibli was questioning him whether there is the perfection of the love is there on the cross.? After that, he was asked what is meaning of the patience in the love.? He said, “ If there is cutting of the legs and hands and to send to the cross, then to hang on it with sincerely and get success in this matter.” Then he was asked what is positioned.? He said that “ He should be murdered for the sake of Allah and he should not say ah: and on the second day if he will burn and were made his ashes and on the third day that the ashes should be flown in the water. So there will be such condition of any person then that person is true in the love.”

After that when Khaja Mansour was stoning to death, then from the drop of the blood which used to fall on the soil from his holy body which will write “ I am the truth.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and was praised very much of his true love of Allah and he said “ Excellent true man and who was killed on the first day and on the second day he was burned down and on the third day he was flown on the water.”

After that he said “ When Abu Baker Shibli threw flower on Khaja Mansour then he was crying and Khaja Shibli was surprised and he asked him “ The persons thrown many stones at him, but he did not say ah and when he was thrown flower on him so why he was crying and what is reason for it.?” He said, “ Oh Shibli these persons are un-aware of his pain so there is no thought of him about them, but you know my pain so your flower is more than stones of other persons with him.”

In this situation, he told this story that “ One time Khaja Mansour was asked many questions with Khaja Junaid of Baghdad and he has heard answers. Then he was asked about the love and knowledge of God and he went on the condition of intoxication. Khaja Junaid told the audience that “ This boy will make the head of the wood in red colour. That he will be sent to the cross. At, that time Mansour Hallaj stood there and put his head on his feet. And he said this he was meaning it, then he asked what is the love.? He told with his holy tongue that “During health time and in the period of illness he should not say nothing from his tongue except


the name of the friend.”Then he said,“ Once Khaja Zanon of Egypt was becoming ill and he made many times prostrations and he was reciting one couplet and its meaning and interpretation is as follows.”

“ That's when a patient will hear the name of the friend then immediately he will be recovered.”

On Sunday on 20th Jamad Awwal, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about mysticism was started and Moulana Suhubuddin Merati and Sheikh Ziauddin Panipati were present in the meeting. They said “ What is meaning of ‘ Ein Min Sharah Allah and Sader al-Islam.?” Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ When there will be looking at any person in the world of unity of Allah and divinity then if it will fall on the other than Allah then he will become blind.”

In this situation he told “ One time Samon Mohib was preaching in the mosque and the discussion was about the love was started. The persons in the audience were not paying attention so addressed the lamps in the mosque and he said Oh: lamps at the last you will hear the matter of the love and upon saying this all lamps clashed with each other and broken into pieces.”

After that, Khaja Sahib said “ This condition belonged to the previous period and when all belonged to the people of the pain. But at this time if there will be as many as 100,000 preaching and advises and the explanation of the saying of the prophet of Allah but there will be no effect at all.”

Then he said “When in Adam’s body the soul was placed then all the angles were commanded to prostrate before Prophet Adam (A.S.). All the angels prostrated before Prophet Adam (A.S.) but Satan did not prostrate because he was rebellious and disobedient and a hypocrite and he was able to search out the secret of the man. So he knows that except him, nobody knows the secret of Adam and, for this reason, he did not prostrate before Prophet Adam (A.S). And for the reason of not prostrating, he became reprobate. Because in his eyes there was placed the treasure and there was the command of Allah “ We have placed the treasure in the earth. And there was a condition of that treasure is that one who will see it then his head will be cut off. So that he should not do backbiting.” Upon hearing this, Satan was cried for the mercy and he was asked that there should be given some time for him. There was the command of Allah “Yes”, We have granted some time to him.” So that the people of the world should know that the Satan is a liar and cursed. As it is


mentioned in the holy Quran “ He is kind of the Jinn and he was done disobedience of his Sustainer.”

After that he said I was seen in Kitabe Mohabbat in which it was written by Sheikh Shahabuddin Suherwardi that once it was asked why there will be weeping for the Arif (mystic) person.? He said, “Because still he will be in this way when he will have truths and union of Allah and then his weeping will be diminished away.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Sheikh Saduddin Hamuya said he was seen in Kitabe Mohabbat in which it was written that one day Khaja Bayazid told “If he will be sent to hell instead of the creatures then he will be patient because he is a claimant of the love for Him. If he will do like this then he didn't do nothing. And if Allah will forgive me and all creature’s sins, then this is His attribute of the mercy. And this is also not a great thing.”

Then he said Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Repentance of the sin is done by tongue one time and but the obedience it is done by 1000 times and it means obedience is also more strange than the sin. ”

After that, he said again that I was heard by the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that “ There is mysticism in leaving of the world and if you did not do selflessness then disrespect it because there is comfort in his love and sincerity and in leaving the psychological desires of the soul. Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said when you will see any person of the love in the endeavours and thinking about the world in his heart, then do not see his face because such disciple does not belong to this way.”

Then Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib asked “What is the reality of the love.?” He said, “ It is in the cleansing of the friendship.” Because the lovers of the reality did not think dignity for getting the world and hereafter but they think their honour for getting of the reality. I asked “Why there is trouble in the love.?” He said “ Because every mean person will not claim for this and when there will be trouble then he will turn on his back on. ”

After that, he said one holy person Budhi said once in the condition of intoxication that “ In my share except Yourself nothing is there. And my heart is not in fondness toward others except Yourself.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ One day Samon Muhib was discussing the love and at that time one bird came and sat on his head and from there flown and sat on his hand and from there went under his armpit. And after that, the


bird strike his beak on the earth many times that there was a discharge of the blood from it and the bird was fell there and died.”

After that Khaja Sahib said when Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was thrown into the fire, then angel Gabriel came there and conveyed salam to him and he said your honour what you are in need.?” He said “ Not from you because he was engrossed in Allah and he was not able to look the un-related. ” He said, “When the friend is looking then what there is needed and which is required from you.”

Then Khaja Sahib said Sheikh Bederuddin Ghaznavi said that “ He was heard with his holy tongue of Sheikh Qutubduddin Bakhtiar Kaki that in the love the meaning of approval is that if there will be placed the hell on his right hand then he would say that it should be also put on his left hand. Because on the man, the first thing which made obligatorily is knowledge of Allah and approval. So Allah says in the Quran “ He was kept concealed his complete wisdom in some things.”

After that, he said “ On the day of judgment the lovers will be brought there in the tightened chains of the light. Because if they will be open then all of the day of judgment will be disturbed due to their fondness of the reality.”

Then he said “ In the love the name of patience is that in which grief, peace and comfort of the souls there should not come difference in between them. It means in the both condition, the patience is a must because that mystic person is truly one who wear the wool in the condition of grief and comfort. He will face the oppression of the world and leave the world. If he will do like this then he will be firm in the love otherwise he is not.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ One who will leave the edge of the shirt of the holy persons, then he will be destroyed. After that, he shut, tears and said “ The Satan and Prophet Idris (A.S.) were known the knowledge of innermost and so it was known that the Satan who has followed the lies. And Prophet Idris (A.S.) who has followed the truth and equity. Those who were related to the truth and equity and so on the day of judgment it will be asked from them about the equity and truth.”

After that, he told “ Sheikh Moinuddin Sanjari was given indication in his daily recitals that piety is one of the best things and which will not live in any place except in the heart of the person who is in grief and a place of joy and carelessness is not find except in the heart of the people of delight but the lover is away from these two things.”


Then he said “ The lovers who bear the liability of the approval of Allah and they are the custodian of the land of earth and are arguments for Allah and his slaves. And due to their blessings, there will be away of the calamities from the creatures. So Prophet Musa (A.S.) was commanded: “ Oh: Musa if Our Darwish will not accept your present and gift then all will be swallowed by the earth.”

After that, he said “ He was seen in Kitab Mohabbat that Khaja Shibly said that the claimant of the love is suitable for that person one who should leave away the wishes and but he should not live the wish of the truth (Haq) then his name is given as a friend. And he will eligible to the get title of the friend. And he should reply from his slavery because it is a tradition of the love. And there is no reply and the answer. The people of the love are not engaging in other things than the friend. Because one who will engage in another thing than Allah then he will be near to the grief and one who did not have love in the service of a friend and then he will reach near the wilderness. And whose heart is not in the fondness toward his friend then he is worst one .”

After that, he said “ Sheikh Shahabuddin Zakaria said, “ In the love the name of the trust is that when he will wake up in the morning, then he will not remember about the night and when it will night then he will not remember about the day.”

Then he said “ Learned and wise is such person, one who will make preparing for the forthcoming journey and he should prepare some provision for the hereafter with him.”

After that, he said “The fear is flogging for the disrespectful persons and from which they are corrected. ”

Then Khaja Sahib said, “When the people of love will get something from the victories, then they said that from them calamity was taken and the other world is given because for this reason they are un-occupied .”

After that, he said “ Sheikh Shahabuddin when he will get anything from a number of victories than he used to give to the mankind. And he used to say that today from us the calamity was taken away and we were engaged in the works of the other world.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said: “ The people of paradise are such persons that there is no veil in between them and the reality.”

After that, he told this story “ One day one Darwish came in the service of Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria and was get the honour of the pledge with him. Then he was


requested by the master to give him such a grace that with which there will be no veil in between from Multan to Delhi. Sheikh Sahib told him “ To go and complete Chilla ( retire 40 days into mystic seclusion) and when he came after the completion of Chilla then there was no veil before his eyes from Delhi to Multan. Then he came again and he requested him that he wants that there should be no veil before his eyes from empyrean to the earth. Sheikh Sahib asked to complete one more Chilla. And when he has completed it, then there was no veil before him. Then he came there and requested him again and Sheikh Sahib told him this is enough for him. But he requested again. That he told him that “ He want a revelation of the veil of magnificence.” Khaja Sahib was angered with him and: said: “Do not say this otherwise you will be killed.” When he said this then he made a slogan and was falling down and he was handed over his life to Allah. ”

Then Khaja Saheb shut, tears and: said: “ When Sheikh Bahauddin was seen that he was reached at a stage of perfection and who knows he will return back for such courage so, for this reason, he was done finished him at that stage.”

After that, he told this story “ This is the name of saintliness which was available to Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi. So he was determined to go India and he was reached in one city where on devil used to eat one man in the night. He was closed that devil in the pitcher. Then all inhabitants of that city were Hindus and when they have seen his miracle, then all were accepted the religion of Islam. He was staying there for some period of time and he was given orders to the construction of the shrine building. The shrine building was constructed, then he used to bring one beggar there and used to shave his head and by holding his hand then used to make him the holy person. In this way, he was made 50 persons of the custodian of the shrine and people of miracles than he made them his successors and he left from there. ”

After that, the discussion about Sheikh Ali Khokri was started and he told with his holy tongue “ He was a holy person and when he was became disciple then he went into the service of Sheikh Bahauddin and then he used to reside in the cave. When Shaikh went to see him at some period of interval and at that time there was time of Asr (later afternoon) prayer. When they engaged in the conversation and he had grass in his hand at that time. He told him that due to his blessing he was making so much progress that if he will say to convert this grass then it will change into gold. So the grass was changed into gold. When Sheikh Sahib saw it and he was becoming angry and went away from there. When he was visited the second time and there was a time of the evening and he was approached towards the lamp and told to light by the order of Allah. The lamp was lighted at that time. Sheikh Sahib could not tolerate it and he was standing and he said “ Oh: Ali we have prayed for you and given you


stomach also.” Sheikh Ali left from there and he began and used to visit and wandering in the lanes, streets and bazaars. He used to eat meals and pray and wander here and there. But his stomach will not fill and after a long time he was tired and he was determined to go in service of Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi and requested his pray in this matter so that he will get rid of this problem. He reached to Lucnkwati and present in the service of Sheikh Sahib and paid respect to him. Sheikh Sahib treated with him his cheerfulness and he said he came to a good time. After than the meals were ready and which was placed before him and he has eaten all the meals. Then he requested him to pray in his favour. So that Allah may forgive him. Then he said, “ Till there will no permission from his brother Bahauddin Zakaria then he will not prayer for him.” Ali Khokery noticed that it is a difficult matter of going for him to cover such a long distance. Then Sheikh Jalaluddin wrote one letter that Sheikh Ali Khokri your rejected person came to see us and if there is your permission then he will pray in his favour. By writing this matter, he put the letter under prayer mat and prayed two rakats supererogatory prayer and he was seen at the back side of the letter it was written that we will give the permission so you can pray for him so that he will be forgiven by your pray. Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrizi prayed for him, then Sheikh Ali Khokri was becoming same as before.

On the Monday on 27th of Jamadil Awwal in 713 Hegira year, I was sanctified to kiss the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about the excellence of the nation of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was started. Some darwesh were coming from upper land countries. He told with holy tongue that “ In Janat al-Muridin it is written narration of Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas that when the prophet of Allah was asked for something about the excellence of his nation and also on the day of judgment in how many groups it will be divided.?” He said “ His nation is having excellence over other nations like that he is having excellence over all other prophets of Allah. On the day of, judgment there will be four groups of my nation. The first group’s intercession will be like that of the prophets and who will be learned and venerable (Mashaiq) persons. The second group will be sent to the heaven without accountability and in this group martyrs will be included. For the third group, the accountability will be made easy and they will be sent to the paradise and this group belongs to Mufti ( Mulsim jurist) persons. The fourth group’s intercession will be done by him and those people will belong to sinners.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ Hadrat Ali Iben Abi Taleb (R.A.) said that one day the prophet of Allah was sitting there and at that time many Jews came and they said oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him) today we will ask some matters to you because we have seen in Tora that the status which was given to you is not given to other


prophets of Allah. He said them “To ask.” They said “ Why five prayers are obligated on your nation.? He said “ Zuhr (afternoon) prayer is obligated because at that time nothing will be careless from the invocation of Allah. At that time, my nation was ordered to perform it. When Prophet Adam (A.S.) was born and was eating a grain of the wheat and he was removed from there. Then his time of repentance was near at the time of Asr (late afternoon) prayer and at the time of the evening he was prayed three rakats as the prayer of thanks. At the time of night (Eisha) every prophet of Allah used to do worship of Allah. In the morning time, infidels used to worship their gods and prostrate except Allah. At that time, my nation was given the order of the prayer.”, They said, “ Yes it is well.” Then they asked “ What reward they will get for performing these prayers.? He said “ One who will perform Zuhr (after noon) prayer so on him Allah will prohibit the fire of the hell as an illegal. Because at that time hell will being done warm. And one who will perform Asr (late afternoon) prayer, then he will become as such person that who is born just now from the womb of his mother. Because at, that time Prophet Adam (A.S.) was pardoned. So one who will perform Maghrib prayer (evening prayer) then he will get whatever he will desire. For the Eisha (night) prayer the believer person who will cover the distance by his walking steps toward the mosque so for each step he will be given light. And for the reason of that light and he will be happy about the following things.”

1. Pathway of the paradise 2. The darkness of the grave 3. Fear of the day of judgment One who will perform 40-morning prayers in the congressional then he will be free from the punishment of the grave. They said, “Yes it good.” Then they said “ We have seen written in Tora that there are 30 fasts are obligated on your nation. He said “ Yes. This was known that when Prophet Adam (A.S.) was eaten a grain of the wheat in paradise which was in his stomach for a period of 30 days and, for this reason, Allah made obligated 30 days of the fasting for him. And Allah made the legal eating of the wheat due to the kindness and favour. ” They said “ Yes.” After that, they asked “Oh: prophet of Allah what is the reward of the fasting of 30 days.?” He said “ One who will observe 30 days of the fasting. First, whatever illegal flesh will be there on the body and which will be decreased. Soon Allah will bring him near His mercy. Third, he will be given such light with which he will pass on the pathway of paradise like an electricity. Fourthly, he will be sent to paradise without accountability and without punishment. Fifthly, he will be given houries. Sixthly, he will give such reward that we could not guess and imagine about it. So


Allah says “ He will give such reward to the fast keepers that which could not be accountable.”

Then they asked “ Oh: prophet of Allah what you have excellence over the other prophets of Allah.?. He said “ Every prophet of Allah used to pray for himself. But he does not want to pray for himself and only he wants intercession of his nation on the day of judgment.” They said “ Yes it is true. It is right that Allah is there and you are the justifiable prophet.”

After that, he told with his holy tongue “ He was seen which was written in Asar Tabain that once Prophet Musa (A.S.) was reading ‘Tora” there he was seen that Mohammed was written there 100 times and so he asked who is Mohammed.? There was a command “ Oh: Musa, who is My friend. 1000 years before the creation of seven skies and seven earths his name was written on the empyrean. So oh Musa spend your life in his friendship and also die in his friendship. So that on the day of judgment along with him your resurrection will be done there.” Then Musa (A.S.) said “ Oh my Lord when Mohammed is your dear friend then whether his nation is superior to my nation. It was told him that “ Oh: Musa the nation of the Mohammed is having such excellence of other nations like that I am having excellence over the slaves.”

Then Khaja Saheb said with his holy tongue “ There will be 120 grades of the paradise and in which 70 grades will belong to the nation of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and others will be belonged to other nations.”

After that he said “ In Akhbar it is mentioned that Prophet Musa (A.S.) on the mount of Sinai said to Allah that he was seen in the ‘Tora’ that on the day of judgment Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) will intercession and whomever he will like and he will request You and he will get forgiveness by You. Whether such person is eligible for the hell of fire. Make them among my nation.” Then it was commanded him that they belong to the nation of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).” Then he said “ In the saying of the prophet it is available the condition of such nation. Who will engage fully in the sins in the whole day and will use to pray five times prayers in day and night time. Then for such person’s all sins in between one prayer to another prayer will be forgiven. So made such persons among his nation. Then there was commanded that they will belong to the nation of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).”

Then he said “ In the ‘Tora’ he find the condition of such nation who will sacrifice and eat the meat and give it to others for eating. And they will get such


reward that which is not accountable. To them made in my nation. Then there was a command that such nation will be belonged to Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). ”

After that, he said “ He was seeing in the ‘Tora’ that when there will have need of bathing and if water is not available then they can do Tamim (dry ablution) with earth. To them made in my nation. Then there was a command that such nation will be belonged to Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).”

Then he said “ He was seeing in the ‘Tora’ that they will follow command and prohibition. To them made in my nation. Then there was a command that such nation will be belonged to Prophet Mohammed (peace by upon him).”

After that, he said “ You will give them one book which they will read it always. To them made in my nation. Then there was a command that such nation will be belonged to Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). ”

Then he said “ Oh my Lord, he was seeing in the Tora there will be such people who will observe fasting. And the reward of one-day fasting will be equal to one hundred years, which they will get the reward of the one day fasting. There was a command that such nation will be belonged to Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). ”

After that, Prophet Musa (A.S.) desired if he would be among the nation of the prophet of Mohammed (peace be upon him).

On the Thursday of 20th Rajab month in the 713 Hegira year, I was sanctified to kiss the feet of Sheikh Sahib. The discussion was started about the excellence of the month of Rajab then he told with his holy tongue “ One who will do one good deed during this month then he will be given a reward of 1000 good deeds. Then he said whatever kind of worship will be done during this month and for it, there will be given a reward of 1000 year’s worship.”

After that, he said “ On 27th Rajab month the prayer of four rakats should be performed as follows.

In every rakat recite any verse which he was remembered and one who will perform this prayer then Allah will prolong his life.”

Then he said, “ He was seen written in recitals of Sheikh Fariduddin that one who will recite 100 times Sura Iqlas, then Allah will enter him into the paradise along with his relatives on the day judgment without accountability.”


After that the discussion was started about the miracles of the last prophet of Allah and he told with his holy tongue “Every prophet of Allah was given special miracles, but Prophet of Mohammed (peace be upon him) was given every kind of miracles which were not given to other prophets of Allah.”

Then he said “ The holy head of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was made such that when he will stand with any person whether that person will be higher in height than him but he will be looked more than one span from that person and wherever he will go then there will be shadow of the cloud over his holy head.”

After that Khaja Saheb said “ Sheikh Fariduddin was sitting and he was explaining the attributes of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) then he said there were such kind of his were eyes that in the way that he can see the things before him and in the same way he can see things behind him.”

Then he said “ Hadrat Anas bin Malik said the prophet of Allah said to his friends, oh; friends set the rows straightly. As he looks the things before him and in the same he can see things behind him.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ When the prophet of Allah will sit in the curtain then he can see the things inside and outside all things. Once the prophet of Allah wants to marry one woman then he sends her to Hadrat Ayesha sidiqa (R.A.) to look her. Then she said “ Oh: prophet of Allah she is not beautiful.” He said “ Why do you say that not beautiful.? When you see a mole on her left side of the cheek whether your small hairs on the body were not stood.?” She said, “ Oh prophet of Allah, nothing will not be concealed by you.”

After that Khaja Sahib said, “ It was the habit of the prophet of Allah that whatever he used to hear in the condition of wake up and which is also heard by him at the sleeping time.” So one day one Jew came and requested him that “ He will ask one question with them if he will reply, then he will become Muslim.” He said, “ To ask the question.” He said, “ Oh prophet of Allah what is the sign of the prophet of Allah.?” He replied that “ When the eyes of the prophets will sleep and at that time, whatever the people will say they will hear the same. Because at that time their hearts didn't sleep.” He was trying this and find the same, then he was becoming a Muslim.

Then Khaja Sahib said “ One day the prophet of Allah was seen one companion and whose name was Hussain prostrating before one idol and he asked him to accept the faith of Islam. He said, “ He will not accept the faith.” He told him “ If your idol will talk with him, then you will accept me as a prophet of Allah.?” He has said “ Oh


: Mohammed for a period of 50 years, he is worshiping this idol, but it did not talk to him. Yes, if it will speak with you indeed I will accept the faith in Islam.” The prophet asked “ Oh: idol who I am?” It said “ Oh: prophet of Allah you are a prophet of Allah rightly.” At the same time, Hussain became Muslim.

After that Khaja Sahib said “One day Hadrat Um Salma (R.A.) cleaned the perspiration from the forehead of the prophet and she kept it in one bottle safely. One day there was a marriage of one girl and they brought that girl to her and she put some of the holy perspiration on the body of the girl and till her life there was a fragrance with her. And then there was born one girl to that bride and there was a smell in her body. Even in all her sons, the smell of fragrance was there with them. So for this reason, the name of the family was becoming well known as Attar.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with holy tongue that “ Anas bin Malik narrated that one day he was accompanied by the prophet of Allah during his journey and it was time of Asar (late afternoon) prayer and there was no availability of water and at last after so much try it was available some water which was enough for the cleanliness of the prophet of Allah. The prophet put his hand in the water pot and asked to take water from it and to do cleanliness and when the last person was put his hand in the water pot there was available same quantity of the water in the water pot which was there in the beginning time. Anas bin Malki said that he was seen coming out of the water from the holy finger of the prophet. That hand, he has put on the head of Mubarak Ibn Qatab then he was living in the period of 130 years and when he died there were few white hairs on his head.”

After that, Khaja Saheb told with his holy tongue that “Once one person and whose name was Mohammed Shah told the story about Sheikh Bahuddin Zakaria that one day the prophet of Allah was sitting there. Jaber Abdullah (R.A.) came there and he put his head on the earth and told that he was digging one well and its water is very sour and we are facing difficulty with it.” He told to bring some water in the tray. When the prophet of Allah washed his feet in it and he said to put that water in that well. Hadrat Jaber Abdullah (R.A.) said that when that water was put in the well then there was no more sourness in the well water and water from the well was becoming very sweet.”

Then Khaja Sahib told this story that “ One day the prophet of Allah was gathered the people and he was incitement them to give charity. At that time, sudden one Bedouin came into the mosque there by holding girdle of the camel. And he told “Oh prophet of Allah, I will give this camel in charity for the sake of Allah.” The prophet prayed for him. He asked Hadrat Umar bin Qattab (R.A.) to find out its


price so that he can pay its price. He was calculated its price and the prophet of Allah purchased that camel and when he will use to go into battle he used to mount on it. Once he returned back from battle and he tied the camel to the door. When he came out from the house, then that camel told him “ Assalam Alaikum oh elegance of the day of judgment.” The prophet of Allah heard this and said “Alaik Assalam.” The camel told him “ Oh prophet of Allah, he was camel of the traveller and one night I fled from his house and he was grazing in the jungle. There came wolves to eat me. After some time they said among themselves that bring it, we will take a decision in this matter. Some of them told do not give trouble to this camel as its conveyance of the elegance of the day of judgment and who is Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and who is best among all creatures. So the camel told him that there are his two desires. First that to pray in the court of Allah that he will become his conveyance in the paradise. Second is that if I will live after him then nobody could not mount on him.” The prophet of Allah accepted his two desires. He was praying and made advice in this matter. Fatima Zahra (R.A.) said that “When the prophet of Allah left this world than she did that camel’s patronage. One day when she went out to give fodder to the camel and the camel called her “ Oh daughter of the prophet of Allah Assalam Aliak.” She replied “Alaik Assalam.” Then the camel told her “ When the prophet of Allah left from this world the fodder is not getting down into his throat. Now the time came for his leaving of this world. If you want to give any message to the prophet then tell me.” Fatima (R.A.) took the camel on her shoulder and she began weeping and at that time camel was dying. She asked to dig the earth and put the camel in the cloth and the camel was buried in the earth. After seven days when it was opened and it wasn't found the camel and cloth.”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ One day the prophet was sitting and around him there was a circle of his companions and at that time one wolf came moving his lips. When he has seen it, then he told them to give the way to the wolf and as he is the leader of the animals. And he came to see him. And he was given the way. Then he came there said salam and he said “ Oh: prophet of Allah other animals were gathered in the valley and they sent in his service as their messenger so that you tell your nation that they should give us such animals who are not used in work so that we should not eat their fat and fresh animals. As Allah made their meat as their food. And if it will not be there like this, then they will not do such thing.”The prophet told his companions and the companions told that “ Allah made us expedient charity and we did not give more than this.” The prophet told the wolf “Have you heard.” He said, “ Oh: prophet of Allah, there is one more message is that if you not give anything to them but do not curse them in their favour.” He told him “ I do not want to curse.” Upon hearing this, the wolf was


returned back from there. And the wolf while licking the face, he was saying thanks for Allah that Allah saved them from the curse of the last prophet of Allah.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ On the day when Khaja Ibrahim Bin Adam was repented and on that day he was reading the holy Quran on the throne and he was seen there was one person who was searching something on the roof of the palace.” He asked him “ Who are you and what are you searching there.” He said “ He was lost his camel and he is searching his camel there.” He said, “ What is the work of the camel on the palace.?” It was told “ It is not a matter of surprise. But it is a matter of surprise that on sitting the throne it is searching of Allah”. When on the day when he was going on the hunting and run his horse here and there and he was heard invisible call that “ Oh: Ibrahim you will wake up before you will awaken up by the death.” When he was heard this then one deer was appearing there so he followed behind the deer and who told him by turning his head “ Oh: Ibrahim you are not born for hunting and play, but you have given birth to the worship of Allah” and when he was heard this by the deer then at that time he was getting down from the back of the horse. And he was removed to his royal dress and given to a shepherd and he wore his wool dress and started for the pilgrimage to Makkah.

Then he said “ Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori wrote in Rahat al-Arwah that Abdulla bin Abbas (R.A.) said he was heard by Abu Sufian (R.A.) that once he went to see Caesar of Rome one time and when he came back from there and the horse on which he was mounted was reciting in the eloquent Arabic language “ La Ilha illalla Mohamadur Rasool Allah” (There is no god save Allah and Mohammed is His messenger ). I was surprised so the horse raises his head and said it is strange matter that Allah was given you birth and giving you sustenance and then he doesn't know Islamic creed and not read “ La Ilha illalla Mohamadur Rasool Allah.” I asked him “ Who is this messenger.? And who is Mohammed (peace be upon him).” He said, “ Mohammed (peace be upon him) is Arabic and he is from the tribe of Bani Hashim of Makkah.” I asked him “How he did know this.?” He told, “ There was a revelation from Allah and except Him there is no god in the 18000 worlds and Mohammed (peace be upon him) is his messenger of him rightly.” Upon hearing this, Hadrat Abu Sufian was becoming a Muslim.

After that Khaja Sahib said with his holy tongue that “ He was seen written in Jama al-Hikayat that one day the prophet of Allah was sitting and his companions were sitting around him and at that time one Bedouin came there while running and he told “ Oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him) I swear in the name of Lat and Azza and in the sky and on the earth, there is no my enemy than you because you are Mohammed (peace be upon him) and I will not have faith in you unless till this


iguana which he is having will not have faith in you. By saying this, he was taken out iguana from his sleeves and he said he caught it and brought before you.” The prophet of Allah replied “ Welcome the decoration and dignity of the day of judgment and asked to whom you worship and, she said “ Oh prophet of Allah, I will worship that God expects Him there is no God in the earth and in the sky.”, He asked, “Who he is.?” She told “ You are Mohammed (peace be upon) prophet of Allah. One who will have faith in you and then he will find you truthful and then he will be a religious person and one who will think you a liar and then he is rascal and he will be killed and reprobate.” Upon seeing this the Bedouin turned his face and laughed and said “ I swear to the God of sky and earth when he was appearing in his service, then there was no enemy than you on the surface of the world, but now on the surface of the earth, there is no such friend than you and I will witness that there is Allah who is alone and you are his prophet rightly.”

After that Khaja Sahib told this story about the miracles of the prophet of Allah that “ One day the prophet was standing and on his holy back there was one date tree was there and he sat near that tree with the support of a pillow. He was explaining the people something about knowledge of the religion. He addressed his companions and said “ Oh: my companions now I have become very old and weak and I could not able to stand. For me to provide any place so that he can sit and see and can talk with all of you.” For, his honour the companions have made the pulpit of three pedestals and put it in the mosque. He stood on it and gave a sermon and he was weeping there. From that wood, there was the voice of weeping came there like a camel does the lamentation for his son. Which was heard by all the companions and due to the reason hearts were become consumed with rage. And it was continued weeping and, at last, he got down from the pulpit and took the wood on his shoulder then its weeping was stopped. The prophet told “ Oh: wood now I become old and weak and could not stand, so now tell your desire so that I can pray in your favour and so that till the day of judgment you will be green and people will eat your fruits. If you want that you will become a tree in the paradise then tell me.” That wood said, “ It did not want to become a tree in this world but It did want to become a tree in the other world so that friends of Allah will eat its fruits.” Then the prophet of Allah stood on the pulpit and prayed in its favour and he said “ Oh my companions see that for this tree there is no punishment or reward but still it is fleeing from the world. So for you in the first place that to gives a preference to that world than this world.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ If he will start writing about the miracles of the prophet then in 120 years one of his attributes could not be explained so, for this reason, he


will be contented for this. May Allah keep us and all Muslims under the flag of the last prophet of Allah.

On Saturday on the tenth of the Shaban month, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about good and bad deed was started. And Moulana Mahmood Khahi, Moulana Alauddin Indati, Sheikh Yousuf Chanderi, Moulana Burhanuddin and Sheikh Usman Sewastani were presently in the service. He told with holy tongue “ Good and bad deeds both are written by Allah in the fate. But for the good deeds there were given inclination toward Him and in the bad deeds, there is no willingness of Allah. If the man committed any sin by him then he should think that it is his action because in it there is no willingness of Allah. But it is written like this in the fate.”

After that on this related situation, he said it is mentioned in Tuhfatal Akhbar that Prophet Aziz (A.S.) was asked with Allah “ Oh: my Lord you have written good and bad deeds in the fate of the men then how the men will escape from it.? And when they will commit a sin then how the men will give punishment for it.? What is wisdom there in it.? Immediately revelation was sent down to him and in which it was said “Oh: Aziz if you will be asked this issue again, then your name will strike off from the register of the prophets of Allah. Because He is king. And in his kingdom, He can do whatever He would like and whatever He can do. Nobody could not ask Him and there should be no complaint in this matter and where the objection is termed as an illegal.”

Then Khaja Saheb said, “ One time some mean person strike punch on the neck of Khaja Abu Saeed Abul Khair and he turned his face, so then he said him what he sees by turning and whether he did not say that good and bad deed is from the side of Allah.” He said, “Yes, it was exactly same.” What he is looking is that which that unlucky person was appointed for doing this work and whose face was coloured as black.”

After that, he said “ One time Qazi Hameed Nagori was with Abdals (an order of saint) in the condition of surprise. They reached the bank of the sea and were standing in the world of thinking and at that time the ship full of the goods of merchants was began sinking. There came thinking in the heart of the Khaja Sahib. He looks his face towards the sky and he said: “ Oh my Lord save it.” So the ship was saved. When Abdals learned this then they said “ Qazi Sahib, you are not eligible to live with them. And you are not concerned with the fate of Allah. You have acted against the fate of Allah. So one who is against of us then he is not eligible to stay in our company.”


After that Khaja Sahib said, “ Qazi Sahib done only this matter against their will, so then he was away from their company for a period of 20 years for this reason.”

Then Khaja Saheb said, “ The prophet of Allah used to say to his companions that when he will use to discuss matters of the fate than they should be staying away from him and do not question him on this matter.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ He was heard by Sheikh Fariuddin with his holy tongue that once the Mughal army attacked Neshapapur, then the caliph of that city send somebody in service of Khaja Fariduddin Attar to pray in this matter. Khaja Sahib said that “ Now the time of prayer is over. Now be grateful on the fate of Allah and to face the calamity of Allah and be ready in this matter.”

Then the discussion about prayers of darwesh started and he told with his holy tongue that “ There is fire also with them and water also it means mercy and anger.”

After that, he said once in Egypt one rag dervish came there and for three days he was in the city begging but he could not get anything. After three days he went at the bank of the river Nile and sat there. One fish was falling out on the bank of the river. He caught it and brought into the city. He asked for the fire from people, but nobody gives him the fire to him. He stood in the middle of the city and looked at the sky: and said: “ Oh my Sustainer if you given fish after three days then give also the fire.” After saying this, the fire was started at the end of the city. There were uproar and all the creatures left for the city. The caliph also left for the city. Three days fire was flare up. The caliph sends men in the service of the holy saint of mystic way Zanon of Egypt that creatures are helpless. So pray that the fire should be put out. Khaja Saheb said “ We have prayed. This is not the fire of the world and it has come out from the heart of any Darwish. To search him so that from his prayer it will be extinguished.” When it was searched in the city it was found that dervish was standing in the fire and he was seen roasting the fish. When the caliph has heard this news then he took Khaja Zanon and went there and requested him “ Oh: Darwish, Muslims and their houses are burning in the fire so for the sake of Allah pray for it.” Darwesh addressed Khaja Sahib and he was said, “Sir, since three days he was in this city and he was asked the fire for the fish but nobody did not give him fire.” Khaja Saheb said, “ So then how the fire will not burn the city.” In short, that Darwish looked at the sky: and said: “ Oh: my God my fish was roasted so you take your fire”. At that time, the fire was put out as such that it was never burning up.”


After that, he told “ Once in one city in the Firday night Allah was given the command to angles that before day break to pull down this city. Two angels were ready to burn down the fire. Then the outcome of the fatality was halted from that city when 70 prayer calls were heard there. Allah immediately said to the angels do not do such thing and do not destroy the city. They said, “ Why.?” And He said, “ He has heard 70 prayer calls and for this sake He was forgiven 70 adulterers.”

Then the discussion about the desires of the soul was started, then he was told with his holy tongue that “Allah’s holy saints and friends could not fulfill the desire of their souls for many years and for a long time they had treated with their souls harshly.”

After that, he told Khaja Sirri Saqti was desired to drink the water of the new pitcher. But he could not drink water from a new water pitcher. Every day he used to promise the soul that today or tomorrow he will drink. After the period of five years one day he was sitting on the prayer mat and from his tongue when these words were heard so the girl heard this and brought water. At that time, he was busy in the prayer. There was overpowering of the sleepiness on him and he was sleeping in the prostration. What he see that from the sky came down to house one houri is there adorned with heavenly ornaments and she was reached near Khaja Sahib and Khaja Saheb asked her “ Oh pretty women who are you.? ” And she said, “ She is houri and came down from paradise.” He asked,” Under whose property you are.?” She said “ Till now she belongs to your property, but now going to become belongs to another. And she said one who will drink cold water in a new pitcher, then she will not become the property of that person.” Upon hearing, he was breaking the water pitcher and thrown the water. When Khaja Sahib woke up and what he seen that actually the water pitcher was broken and the water is fallen down there.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ This is the condition of such person who desire to drink cold water in a new pitcher. Then what will be a condition of those people who entirely desire worldly pleasures? Such persons do not have shares in the grace of the other world and will not get anything by them there. ”

After that, he told this story in Jame al-Hikyat in which he was seen written that Khaja Abu Torab Bakshi who was desired for the white bread and egg of the hen for a period of 12 years and he was used to promise his soul in this matter. One day at the time of Asr (late afternoon) prayer he was out for doing for ablution then one boy stood there and caught his edge of the shirt and he made loud and cry that this is the thief which he was stolen his goods yesterday by force. He came again today to stealing something more. At that time, the father of the boy struck punches on his


neck and he told to bring back the goods which you have stolen yesterday. He was beginning counting of the punches which were exactly total eight. At that time, one person came there and recognized him and put his head on the feet. Then he told the people that “ You are mistaken in this matter. He is not a thief. He is Khaja Abu Torab Bakshi, who is ascetic.”The people asked him to forgive them. He said, “ When you were beating him at that time he was forgiving you all along that time.” In short, that person took Khaja Sahib to his house. At the evening time the meals came there and by chance, it was of white bread and eggs so he did not eat the meals. That person requested him very much, but he did not eat that meal and said, “ Sir, for this meal there was only thinking in his heart and, for this reason, he was passed from such his maltreatment. If he eat, then perhaps in which troubles he will going to face.” He left from there without eating.

Then Khaja Saheb told of this related situation that “ Khaja Habib Ajami was desired for Biryani (rice cooked in soup) for a period of 20 years. But the soul's desire was not fulfilled by him. One day he was passing through the bazaar and he was seen there that Biryani was being sold there, he was purchasing it for two penni and put it in the sleeves and left from there. On the road, boys were playing there. One boy among them said, “ I am a friend of Habib Ajmi and today is his seventh day of the starvation.” When he was heard this then he took Biryani from his sleeve and given to him and he left from there. The desire of 20 years of the soul was not fulfilled.”

After that, Khaja Sahib said with his holy tongue that “ Khaja Zanon of Egypt was desired to eat Sakba (one kind of soup) for a period of 20 years but every time he used to put off his soul on the promises. One time when he was coming back to his house after Eid prayer and one person brought some bread and Sakba.” Khaja Saheb smiled and said “Oh my soul you will be happy today that I will eat Sakba (soup) today. There is swearing for you in the name of the majesty of Allah that I will not give you. Upon saying this, he was given it for eating of the friends who were present in his service. He did not eat it in that night and he was seen the prophet of Allah requested him to eat Sakba for his sake. There was the command of Allah is for me that to tell you that to fulfill the desire of the soul. Because in it, there is His willingness is there. ”

When Khaja Sahib wakes up and wept and told “What he should do.? Now he is helpless.” At that time, one person brought some bread and Sakba and he eats some of it.


Then Khaja Saheb said that “ Khaja Ibrahim Bin Adham didn't eat fruits for a period of forty years. The people told him that there is no problem of the fruits of this land why he did not eat.? ” He said “ Oh: Muslims there are two of its reasons.

1.The land in which the fruits are grown belongs to the possession of the army.2.There is opposition to his soul that he will not give these fruits to him. After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “He was seen it was written in Saluk Auliya that Khaja Ibrahim Khawas was desired for sweet pomegranate for a period of 12 years. One day it was brought before him which was his desire to eat it over a period of 12 years, then it will be good. Khaja Saheb smiled and said “ On the days when he was living and there was some hope of life but he didn't eat it. Now it is the time of his passing is there from the world so I will never eat it”. Then Khaja Saheb told with his holy tongue that “ In a mystical way Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of Allah) is such person, one who is like Khaja Ibrahim Khawas that even at the time of his death he did not eat a pomegranate.”

After that on this related situation, he said “ He was seen it was written in Tofa al-Arifin that Moulana Aladdin Badayuni wrote that Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami was desired apple for a period of 30 years but he did not fulfill the desire of the soul. So one person brought some apples and he took in the hand and smiled and said that if I will fulfill the desire of the soul then there will be overpowering of the soul on him. Then he will become nothing. And one who will do like that then he will be no worth with the people rhetoric and so in his action there will be laziness and by saying this he was given apples to the persons in the audience but he did not eat himself.”

That, he said on this related situation with his holy tongue that “ Sheikh Fariduddin used to like grapes very much. So one day soul was demanded that the grapes should be brought and must be there. Khaja Sahib was in the condition of thoughtfulness and he swears that till his remaining of the life he will not eat grape no more. Oh: soul, I will never fulfill your desire.” Moulana Bedridden Ishaque who used to live in his company and he said “ By swearing that he did not see Khaja Sahib eating the grapes in his remaining part of the life. So that there should be no overpowering of the soul upon him.”

On the day Sunday on the 5th Shawwal month in the 713 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib, Moulana Shamsuddin, Moualana Nasiruddin Gohati, Moulana Wajihuddin Paphili and Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib were present in his service. The discussion about surprise was in progress and he told with his holy tongue that “ In a mystic way Arif (one having an intimate of the


knowledge of God) is that person and who should be engaged in every moment in the world of thoughtfulness. And he should not know about coming and going of the persons and about the creatures and from the world of invisible there should prevail the special condition upon him for every moment.”

In this situation, he said “One day Shaikh Qutubuddin Oushi was sitting there and around him Darwish were sitting. The discussion about mysticism was in progress and at that time on Sheikh Sahib, the condition of surprised was prevailed upon him. So he was in such condition of surprise in seven days and nights as such that he was not aware of his condition. At the time of prayer, he used to perform the prayer and again he will go back into the condition of surprise.”

After that one friend who was present there and he paid respect and he said “ There is his friend who is in realization of the truth and he told this story that once he was seen some travelers in Badakshan who were persons of the grace and they used to live in the condition of surprise for the period of one month. And they were looking at the sky with a fixed look and they were absolutely not aware of any person’s coming and going there, but at the time of the prayer, they used to perform the prayers.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ It was the habit of Sheikh Fariduddin that whenever he was used to engaging in the condition of the surprise then he was used to performing prostration 1,000 times daily and when there will be a discharge of blood from his eyes then he used to come back in the normal condition.”

After that in the significance of above story he told this with his holy tongue that “ Khaja Junaid of Baghdadi did not speak with anybody for a period of twenty years. And he could not able to know which is the day, month or year. When he will be in the condition of a surprise then he used to stand for ten days and nights and his feet used to crack and there will be a discharge of the blood.”

Then the discussion about miracles was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Once the custodian of a holy Harem of Makkah Moulana Najamuddin Asfhani was giving lessons to the disciplines at the door of the Kaaba. And there was a discussion about mysticism was in progress and at that time there was a condition of tenderness which was prevailed upon him and on the condition of intoxication he was absorbed and he called “I am drunk with divine love, I am drunk with divine love.” There was called in which it told “ Oh: Najamuddin what is the light? Be silent, so that the limit of the drunken people of the love will not go down.”


After that about his piousness he told this story “ It was happened that he was sitting there and around him here and there sufies were sitting. At that time, he raised his head and he was seen at the upper side and then put down his head and then he was weeping very much in this way that there was so much effect on the audience.” Then he said that “ When he was looking at the sky, then what he was looked that the gates of the sky are open and the trusted angels are waiting there holding trays of lights in their hands. Many times there was a command to the angles that these trays of lights should be throw over the head of Najamuddin and his friends. When the angels finished this work then they were moving their lips. I asked in the court of Allah, Oh my Lord what they are saying?” . Then there was a call in which it was heard that oh: Najamuddin they are saying oh: our Lord, you forgive us for the dignity of knowledge and piety of Moulana Najamuddin and so for this matter I was weeping because to see that in favour of that handful of dust what Allah was given a reward for excellence and mercy.”

After that on this related situation, he told this story “ Syed Nooruddin Noor Allah was preaching on Thursday. Moulana Kirmani was also present there. When Syed Sahib has finished the preaching then he told the audience, oh: friends I will leave this mortal world on the next Thursday and only this week he is just for you. At that time, Moulana Kirmani stood and said really it is such as per saying of Sayed Sahib that he will travel from this world on the next Thursday and on Friday I will leave from this world. Upon hearing this, there was the sound of slogans in the meeting place.” At last, it was happened like that as per the saying of Sayed Sahib and Moulana Kirmani.

After this, on this related situation, he told this story “ One day Sheikh Bayazid Bustami was sitting there and one person came there and he was paid respect to him. At that time, there was conditioned prevailed on Shaikh Sahib. So he was stretching his leg so many times and then he used to shrink his leg. That person also stretches his leg and when he wants to shrivel, then it was not possible for him. Khaja Sahib told him that you do not concerned with this rudeness ? We know or our friend who told him to shrink legs and when these words were spoken with his holy tongue, then he was able to shrive his legs.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “One time Khaja Ibrahim Adam was in improbable sitting style. The Angel of invisible called “ Oh: Ibrahim whether before the Kings it is seated like in this way.” He said, “ Next time he will not sit like in this way.” So till his entire life, nobody was not seen again seating like in that way.”


After that, the discussion about the quality of the paradise was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ He was seen written in the exegesis of Imam Zahidi that Allah was created eight heavens and there having eight gates of them. The length of each gate is a distance of a journey of 40 days. When the Muslims will be commanded all of a sudden to enter into the gates then there will be all such creatures will be entered there then that time the gates will be falling down.”

Then he said “ He was seen in the writing of exegesis by Nasir Basri that Allah created four paradises.

1. Aden2. Khuld3. Naim4. Firdous From them there are created many of the paradises and if seven skies and earth will be broken into pieces, then than each piece will be equal to the grain of ispand . Then the total number of those pieces will be equal of the paradises. Those paradises are such wide that like seven skies and seven earths. On the day of judgment one who will get some small portion of Paradise which will be seven times more than this world. After that, he told with his holy tongue that he was seen written in the exegesis of Imam Mujahid that “ Allah created such trees in the paradises which are having trunk of gold and roots are made of silver and branches are made of topaz and their fruits whiter than milk and sweeter than honey and softer than butter and those fruits are having its skins. If the person of paradise will desire for it, then trees will come near to them and automatic fruits will come nearer to them. When they will eat, then the fruit trees will return back to their places. Due to the power of Allah, there will be no decrease in it.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ The man at the time of sitting, standing and sleeping whatever he will desire, then without asking him everything will be provided there.”

After that, he said, “The shed of those trees will be such great in length that if the trooper will run his horse for a period of 100 years then he will not cover the shadow of even one tree .”

Then , he said Imam Abu Lais Samarqandi said that “ Allah created one kind of apple in the paradise when the believer will cut into two pieces of it than from it there will be available one houri and her attributes could not be described. ’’


Then he said “ In the paradise there is one tree and its name is Tauba and its branches will be available in every room of the paradise and its roots will be available in the room of the prophet of Allah. In that tree, there are available such number of the crowns and dresses that could come in think and guess.”

After that, Khaja Saheb said “ On that tree the birds will sing different songs in different voices. And when there will require for the persons in paradise half roasted and half cooked birds which will come nearer to them and when they will eat as per their desires, then as per the command of Allah then those birds will return back to the trees.”

Then Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli said “ He was seen written in exegesis of Imam Abu Lais Samarqandi that in the paradise Allah created such houris who are from leg to knees are made of saffron and from knees to chest are made of musk and from the chest to the neck are made of amber and from neck to head are made of white camphor. If any one of that houri will look at the world, then there will no darkness in the world. Among them every houri will be wearing 70 dresses and the light of every dress will be equal to the light of the sun. Their shin marrow will be clear such that like a glass. Every houri’s 70 hair sets are kept there in the trays and on them it will be written, ‘Those who need this type of houries then he should worship of Allah’. When they will be done intercourse with them, then every time they will be like a virgin woman.”

After that, Khaja Sahib said “ One time Shah Shujah Kirmani has seen in his dream that one houri from paradise came to his house. Khaja Sahib began to embrace her. Then she said that person can hold her hand, one who will do worship of Allah without thinking day and night and he should busy always and in the worship of Allah and except the worship of Allah he should not engage in other works.” By saying this, she was vanished from there. When Shah Shujah wake up and after this event he was living for a period of 40 years and during this period he never did not sleep.”

Then he said with his holy tongue about Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) that “ When he feel hungry then he will recite the name of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) and if he will be thirsty then he will do the same thing. In this way, hunger and thirstiness will be gone away for him. So there was a command of Allah that if he calls the name of Prophet Yousuf, then his name will be removed from the register of the prophets. He said to the angel Gabriel that “ This flog of respect should beat upon him from the day when he's lost his heart in the love of Yousuf. On that day, if he would have said this then he does not love with Yourself.” Then Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) asked


the sisters of Yousuf to recite the name of Yousuf so that he can hear. So he was used to liking that and give his heart satisfaction in this matter.”

After that, he told this story “ When there was a meeting of Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) with Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) and separation was changed into a meeting and he embraced him. Then Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) finds him weak and so he said to him “ Oh life of the father. I was becoming weak due to your separation. But you were in the world of the comfort then why you have become weak. He said “ Oh: my father when the table cover of graces will bring before him for eating and but he would want to eat because then at that time immediately angel Gabriel used to come and taunt him that Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) did not eat meals for many years due to your separation. How your heart desire variegated graces. Upon hearing this, all those grace will become like poison for me. And he used to live in starvation for one day and for two days.”

After that compiler of this book paid respect and asked “ Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) who was a messenger of Allah, then why his sons not become prophets of Allah.” Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that because its reason is that when there was a meeting of son and father and at that time Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was mounted on a horse and he did not get down on the horse and in that condition Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) came near him and embraced with him. Then there was an immediate command of Allah came “ Oh Yousuf, you have disrespected Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) that you did not get down from the horse and for this punishment the sons born to you will not become prophets.”

Then he told this story that “ When Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) and Zuleqa were together in the gallery then Prophet Yousuf (A.S) wants to stretch his hand towards Zuleqa and want to do intercourse with her there then the wall was broken and Prophet Yaqub (A.S.) was appearing there and he said oh Yousuf, sons of Yaqub will not commit adultery. Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) made a slogan and he went outside.”

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ It was written in the exegesis of learned persons of Neshapuri that on the day when Yousuf and Zuleqa were gathered at one place and Satan was sitting under the seventh earth on the throne and on his right and left his workers were standing there. He said to his workers that today he did such work and if it is completed, then all sons of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) will be thrown into the fire of hell.” Khaja Sahib said “ To whom Allah wants to save them if there will be millions of Satans be after them then there will no loss of the damage to them. So Yousuf’s old enemy Satan tried his best to touch his edge of the


shirt with the dust of censure, but as Allah was his protector and helper there. So there was no effect on this matter.”

After that, the discussion about Khaja Ba-Yazid was started and he told with holy tongue “ One day the people saw Satan on the cross in the street of Khaja Sahib. And Khaja Sahib told in this matter. He said that “ Till he will live there he will not enter into Bustam. He was breaking his promise so Allah commanded to angles to bring him on the cross. Still now go and tell him that now, this time, he leave him, but if he will come again next time then he will not leave him.” So the Satan was released from there, then till his life, he never entered into Bustam.”

Then he said when the people asked Khaja Dawood Tai about his endeavours then he said “ If he will explain then you will be unable to endure them. But he will explain some details of endeavours made by him to his soul. That one day by force I want to engage him in obedience and told him that tonight I want to pray 1000 rakats but he opposed it. So I didn't give him meals for a period of ten years. And I have given him soil instead of the meals so that the people of the world should know that till the soul will not be killed in this way then claim the love of Allah is not right.”

On the Wednesday on the fifth of Zeqad month in the 713 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about sighting was started. Moulana Wajidhuddin Paheli, Moulana Fakheruddin Zardari were present in his service. He told with his holy tongue “ It is known that when the slave will see Allah’s sight then upon looking he will become un-conscious for a period of 10,000 years and then there will command to raise the head when there will second-time manifestation then he will become un-conscious for a period of 14,000 years. ’’

After that Khaja Sahib said “ He was seen which is written in the Omer Nastaqis’ Fatwa that once Imam Abu Haifa was passed from a street and it was reported that a group of boys were playing ball and one boy among them told that stop great leader is coming and he told another boy that this person used to pray 500 raktas every night.|” When he heard this and he came back to his house and he decided to pray 500 rakats every night as commented by that boy. Then he said “Allah asked the boys that the latter is used to perform 500 rakats. So that I want to correct their thinking in this matter.”

Another day when he was going on his way in that street, some of the boys told themselves that to be kept away the great leader is coming there and who used to pray 1,000 rakats every night and so he was reaching back his home and he decided


to do the same. Then Khaja Saheb told “ He was doing such endeavours that for a period of 30 years he did not touch holy back to the earth and that he never sleeps in the night. ”

Then he told this story about his life that “ Once in the month of Ramadhan he was a finished reading of 120 Quran and daily he used to finish reading of four Quran.”

After that, he said “ Imam Yousuf was heard that Imam Abu Hanifa used to finish four Quran daily. As we belong followers of his religion so that we should also do something in this matter so that on the day of judgment there should be no a shame to us before him. Then he addressed the audience and said whether anybody is there among you who can finish reading the Quran like Imam Abu Hanifa.” There was so no such person among the audience was not able to support this. Khaja Sahib made his daily recital of reciting ten Quran and he used to finishing this and then he used to engage in other obedience.

Then the discussion about piousness of Imam Al-Shafei was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Still he was young boy and he used to sit at the door of the Imam Malik and the fatwa (legal opinion) which will come from inside which he used to read and If he found the letter needing any correction, then he would ask the person to go inside and ask Imam Saheb to read the book as this issue is not correct, otherwise, he used to send the person back to Imam Malik for corrections. Imam Malik was reconsidering his objections and corrected the defects if any. So for this, he will re-search the issue well and he will find the same as per objections raised by Imam al- Shafei. He was happy with the action of Imam Al-Shafei. Then he used to say that this boy will become a great learned person of his time and from him there will be lots of benefits to the mankind.

After that, the discussion about piousness of Imam Al-Shafei was started and he told with his holy tongue that “Once the monks of the Kaiser of Rome came to Baghdad and they put one condition that Islamic Ulemas (learned persons) have a debate with monks. If they defeat the monks, then they will pay the money for them. After the arrival of the monks, Harun al-Rashid called to ask Imam Al-Shafei to start the debate with them and he accepted it and he asked them to come tomorrow on the bank of river Tigris where the debate will be held there. Harun al-Rashid acted as per his instruction.

The monks of Kaiser of Rome were sitting near the throne and many times they have demanded to start of the debate. Harun al-Rashid used to tell them Imam Saheb


will come there and will start the debate. By that time Imam al-Shafei came over there and he said salam to Muslims and put his leg in the river and Imam Al-Shafei put his prayer mat on the water in the midstream and he was performed two rakats there and he sat on the prayer mat and asked the monks to come to the water to have discussed with him there. The monks saw this miracle and were standing and put their turban on their necks and they said you please come here so that we can say regret to him. When he went there, then all of them put their heads on his feet. When this news reached to Qaiser of Rome, he said, “It was good that the person was in Baghdad. If that person would have been in Rome, then all the Romans would have accepted the religion of Islam.” Then he sends such a great quantity of goods that which is not countable.

After that, he told this story that “ When the knowledge of Imam al-Shafei was world renowned then the people told him that “Now you are becoming the eligible person to the lay foundation of the religion (school of thought) and for this reason why he did not lay the foundation of the religion.” He said “ What he is having authority that he should lay the foundation of the religion.? Because in the religion of the Imam Abu Hanifa he can do all things, but he cannot do this thing.” So one time Sheikh Abdul Karim Khani said: “ Oh: Aba Abdullah, why did you create discrimination among the people about the religion.?” He said “ He is in the religion of Imam Abu Hanifa. In his linage, nobody did not dare to do this. He was suffering difficulties in the knowledge positively. Now see I am having trust on Allah. Whatever will be happening, it will be seen.” The compiler of this book said that “ When Imam al-Shafei was refused to lay the foundation of the religion then how his religion was started.?’’ Khaja Sahib said that “ Imam al-Shafei was a disciple of Imam Mohammed Hasan. In short, once some poetry as demanded by the exigency of the situation and as per the knowledge, Imam Mohammed wrote and he was brought there and Imam Shafei has seen those poetry lines. As per the demand of the human nature, he told that as his master was differed with his master in his issues so he will also go against him of his issues.” When this news was heard by Sheikh Abdul Karim, then he said that “ Person can go against of his master to whom the master will give him permission in this matter.” After that Imam Sahib was given permission to 12 persons that they should go against the master. Then Imam al-Shafei said that even though he is not among those 12 persons, but being in the nation of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) he is authorized person. And he said “ There will be available grace in the opposition for the nation. So in it, there is his motive that his name will be alive after him and it will become the cause of the pray for him.”


After that, the discussion about the anger of Allah was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ On the day of the battle of Ohud in which the teeth of the prophet of Allah were martyred and many companions were also martyred. Then the prophet of Allah was looking each and every martyr. At that time angel Gabriel came over there and said him “To be stood ” and the prophet was asked him “ What is wisdom in this?” The angel said “ Till there is the time of the anger of Allah and which was not yet cool down. If you were not sleeping, then perhaps you were martyred.?”

Then he said about Qazi Abu Yousuf “ When his last time was near and then his friends went there to see him and inquire after health and when they have was seen him, then there was so much in grief with them upon seeing him and he said with them “ Whether they want to ask any issue ?”. They went forward and asked about the issue and the friends became happy and went outside. Still, they were at the door and Qazi Saheb left this world at that time.”

After that, the discussion about the excellence of Imam Hasan (R.A.) was started, then he told with his holy tongue that “ He was the ruler of the Muslims and he was a rich person. He wrote a large number of books that many of the judges even did not know the names of his books. For the writing of the book Kitab Haiz Imam Mohammed (R.A.) was purchased 700 slave girls and their details are as follows.

1. 200 Indian and whose nature was cold2. 200 Roman and whose nature was cold and dry3. 200 Suadani and whose nature was hot and dry He did not intercourse with any of the above slave girls, and he was watching only their kinds of the blood then it was possible for him to write his book Kitab Haiz. Then he said “Qazi Abu Yousuf was become a son in law of Haroon al-Rashid then his dignity will become that he will use to wear a gilded dress and 1000 slaves by holding the golden and silver staff used to walk before him. One day he was passing in this condition then Mohammed bin Hasan came there by wearing the saintly dress before him and said salam to Qazi Sahib, but he did not get a reply from him as desired in this matter.” As per the demand of the human nature, he said: “Oh Yousuf, you are proud of unfaithful world and which is not permanent and he recited two couplets of Persian poetry.”

Then Qazi Sahib gets down from the horse and embraced him and regretted him and he said him that “ He was busy in his recital and, for this reason, he could not reply him in a louder voice. This was a mistake done by him. It should be clear him


that in his eyes there is no value in the world. See for a while the stirrup of my horse and one is made of the gold and another is made of the wood. This is for that when one who see the golden stirrup, then in the hope of knowledge he should proceed further. When one who will look wooden stirrup, then should know that the world could not deceive the learned person and this learned person did not have the value of the world.”

After that, he said that “ One day Qazi Yousuf was going on the horse, then before he came one Alawi (one descendant of Hadrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (R.A.) in the condition of intoxication while keeping clothes on his shoulder like the washerman ” and he called him “ Oh: Qazi Sahib I want to ask one issue with you so please stop and give a reply to me and go.” He stopped there and he told to ask. He told him “ What work which you have done by you and for that reason you got such wealth.? And what action he was done by him for which he is facing such trouble.?.” He said “ He was doing what your ancestors said and you have done, which was done by my ancestors. It means the status of knowledge which covered all my defects.” Khaja Sahib told by his holy tongue that because the people of the world should know that nothing is not more than the status of the knowledge because in Quran Allah says “Wallazina until-alim Darjat.”

After that, Qazi Sahib said “ Abu Hanifa (R.A.) was taken out Fiqh (Islamic law) from the holy Quran and sayings of the prophet. So from Sura Baqra and from sayings of the prophet, he was found out nine issues and then from each issue he was found many issues. Then he was given the temptation and inducement to the mankind to acquire the knowledge.”

Then Khaja Saheb addressed Moulana Shahabuddin Meerati and he said “Imam Abu Hanifa was the root of the knowledge and his 12 friends were like the branches and to whom he was specialized and to them he was given special work to them. So Abu Yousuf and Mohammed were given the permission and allotted special work of the issues of the legal opinions (Fatwas). Then he said the condition of the Fatwa was dependent upon the sayings and ijtihad (exercise of judgement) of Imam Abu Hanifa. Because the original Mufti (Muslim jurist) was given him permission. Because Abu Yousuf had perfect in the jurisdiction and Mohammed was in comparable in his time and who was always used to engage in the writing and compilation of the books.|” So Abu Hanifa said that “ Mohammed bin Hasan was created the issues with the equal numbers the stars of the sky from his personality. And whose replies were given by Qazi Abu Yousuf and Dawood Tai followed the way of worship and one day he was disrespected so, for this reason, his names was not becoming famous. And Abu Suleman was adopted asceticism.”


After that Khaja Saheb said, “ Dawood Tai used to say that to learn manners from Allah and his messenger, and he will not look at his master Abu Hanifa who was undergoing the hardships in the jail but he did not accept to become the Qazi of Baghdad city.”

Then the discussion about Mustadi persons (person who make requests or desires) was started and he said with his holy tongue that “ One day Khaja Hasan Basri went into the meeting of Mustadi persons and from there he was heard Mustadi matter and for which he was tried 20 years to remove this matter from his heart but it was not removed from there and he was feared that it will go with him in his grave.” Then Khaja Sahib said that “ For this reason Mustaid person may not be given trouble.”

On the Wednesday on the 20th month of Zil-Hajj, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and other friends were present at the meeting. The discussion about memorization of the Quran was started. He told with his holy tongue that “ Once Imam Hadad was sitting in the school and at that time Amir Ahmed Maqzi came there and he put his head on the ground. And he was requested to pray so that he can memorize the Quran like the verse ‘Qul Wal Lahu Ahud’, and which was memorized by him, then Khaja Sahib said told him “ The pray is good, but he should recite Quran as the verse ‘Qul Wallahu Ahud’ for which he will be obliged to him.” So the pray was done and it happened like that. And the meaning of this was that to repeat as many times so that it should be known the value of the knowledge because the knowledge is a great grace. ”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Abu Hanifa’s knowledge was becoming well known in the all over the world and he was tested all flavours of the knowledge. So after Prophet Adam (A.S.) and other prophets and the companions of the prophet anybody who is not remembered so much than him. This was possible only with the power of the prophet of Allah, which resulted in the spread of the knowledge.”

Then he said Khaja Qutubuddin Madoud Chisti did not memorize Quran and in his last days of life he was seen by his master in his dream and who told him to recite 1000 verse “ Qul Wallahu Ahad” and when he was waking up then he began reciting chapter Iqlas and in a few days of time he was memorized Quran. ’’

On Saturday on the 25th month of Zil-Hajj, he was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. The discussion was started about that if there will be injustice on anybody then he should not curse otherwise the aggrieved person will become the


cruel person. Then he said “ When an aggrieved person will curse, then there will become the case of the tit for tat. If he will be silent at that time then there will be justice sure for him there.” Then he told this story that once one woman came in the service of Imam Abu Hanifa and she told him that “ She had one hen in her house and which had small chicks with her and somebody caught that hen and for this reason chicks are restless. You please help me in this matter. ” He asked, “ Whether she did not any curse.?” She said “No.” He said “ Be careful and do not curse. Sit at the door and come after some time and you will get your hen ”. At that time, one woman came there and she said: “ She had a small boy and in his stomach there is a severe pain is there.” He asked her “ To bring the boy there.” He asked the boy “Oh boy tell truly what you have eaten today.?” He said, “ There was one hen in that street and we caught it and slaughtered and have eaten it.” He told the woman to pay its price. When the mother of the boy was given the price of the hen then he told her “ To go the boy will become healthy.” Then the woman of hen came there and he asked her “Whether she got her hen then she told him that she did not get it.” Then he told her “Why she did not curse.?” She did curse and then one man came there running and he said: “ His boy’s stomach is inflated and the boy is restless due to the pain.” Then he was given her price of a hen and asked her to forgive him.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ When there will be trouble to a man from another person or somebody will take his goods by force then, in that case, curse should not be done. But he should gnash teeth in anger in this matter. So that he can get his purpose and Allah will give its reward for him. Because Allah knows very well his slave’s fortune.”

After that, he told this story “ Once during the period of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni two infidel persons came to Ghazni with goods and money. The robbers looted goods and money from them. They wept and went into idol temple and looked at the sky and said “ Oh Lord, even though we are not Muslims, but we are created by you and you are Lord of all creatures. Till there will no be redress of their complaint from your side then they will not leave from this place and will not talk with each other.” They sat there at that time by a tie-in the edges of their shirts. On that day there was a pain in the stomach of Sultan of Mahmood and due to this reason he was used to fall from throne to earth and from earth to the throne. All holy people and learned persons prayed, but there was no effect at all. But the illness was increased double. When all were becoming helpless then Sultan Mahmood, who was wise person called Hussain Mamondi and told him, “ Oh Hasan now all people were becoming helpless. Now it is a matter with Allah go and request for Khaja Bahlul Deewana for pray in this matter.” When Hussain Mamondi reached with


Khaja Sahib then he was smiled and said “ Perhaps there is something required by Mahmood so he sent him there.” Hasan Mamandi was explained the details of the pain of the stomach. He said “ To climb on the palace and beat drum, then he will become healthy at the same time.” Hasan came back from there and told the same thing to Mahmood. So it was done. Among those infidel persons talked with each other and they said that “ Whether Sultan Mahmood was dying or someone was informed our condition to him. This drum is beating for this reason. When they talked like this then immediately the pain of the stomach was gone.” Sultan Mahmood mounted on a horse and came to see Khaja Bahalul and asked for his forgiveness. Khaja Saheb told him, “Robbery was done by another persons and there was pain in your stomach. Yes slave will done robbery but there will be difficulty on their owners.” Then he told details about two infidels persons. Then the king went from there and saw them and made them happy and he was rewarded them and given them respect and honour and sent return back from Ghazni with lots of goods and money.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “When there is such result of cruelty to the unrelated persons, then what will be the result of cruelty to the related person in the both worlds.”

After that, he said, “ Once Khaja Zanon of Egypt was moving in the street and he was seen two Muslim persons were playing chess there and he told them if this time will be spent in worship of Allah or reading of the Quran then it will be very good.” But they don't pay any attention. He was proceeded further then there was thought in his heart that whether they became angry in this matter. To give suffering of the heart of Muslim persons is not good and he came back from there and for this he was asked forgiveness and he said “ Gentlemen forgive him. I said something due to his madness, whether you became angry in this matter..? When Khaja Sahib asked for forgiveness, then they were ashamed and repented from all such things.”

After that, he told this story that “ Once Ba Yazid Bustami was passing in one street, one young intoxicated person with a kind of stringed musical instruments in his hand was coming before from the front side. Khaja Sahib due to the kindness he advised him but as he was in an intoxicated condition so he pull down that the musical instrument on the head of Khaja Sahib. Due to this reason, it was broken into many pieces so he was ashamed in this matter that what he did an act and due to which he was breaking his musical instrument. In short when he was reaching back his house, then on the next day he went his house with five coins and some sweet with him. And he said him “ This is the price of the musical instrument and this sweet as due to breaking of the musical instrument your throat has become sour,


so eat this sweet and remove the sourness.” When the young man saw his such behaviour, then he was put down his head on his leg and he repented.”

On the Thursday in the month of Muharram in the year 715 Hegira, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. There was Urs (death anniversary) ceremony of Shaikh Fariduddin and Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli, Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Sheikh Usman Sayah, Sheikh Hussain Zakir, Sheikh Bakhtiar Oushi, Moulana Fakheruddin Zardari, Moulana Shahabuddin Meerati, Moulana Nasiruddin Giyahi, Hasan Ali Ala Sejzi and other friends were present in his service. The discussion about piousness and praise worthy qualities of Sheikh Fariduddin was started and there was effected on the audience. After that, he said that Sheikh Fariduddin was leaving this world on 5th Muherram.


It was happened that in that night he was leaving this world and he reminded me that Moulana Nizamuddin is not present there and he also said that he was also not present at the time of death of his spiritual master Shaikh Qutubuddin Kaki so he (Moulana Nizamuddin) was also not present


when the time of his death was near then he stood and from morning to till the time of ten’o clock in the morning he was read Quran five times then he was engaged in the invocation of Allah as such that there was a discharge of blood from his mouth and each and every drop of the blood which will fall on the ground from it was formed a painting of Allah and he used to read one quatrain and go in prostration and then he used to raise his head.”

When he was finished his invocation of Allah, then the people came closer to him and sat near him. He told all of them to go outside and sit there and when he will call then come inside. After some time one call was heard that “ Now the friend will meet his friend.” Then all of them came inside, then Khaja Sahib was engaged in another condition. When the time of Eisha (night) prayer was coming near then he was performing Eisha prayer four times and then he was handed over his life to Allah while putting his head in prostration. Then there was call which was heard by all the people of Ajodhan that “ The entrusted thing which was on the earth and which was given to Allah.” When Khaja Sahib ended this story, then in the meeting place there were many slogans and there was such weeping condition that which was not prevailed before. After that, Malik Yamin al-Mulk came there along with some rich persons in his service. He told him to sit down. Then he sat there. At that time Moulana Aladdin and Moulana Kamaluddin came there and he told them to sit down and they sat there. Then twenty Darwish came there and who were belongs to Sheikh Fariduddin in the service and he said welcome. Khaja Sahib welcomes Darwish persons by moving some steps towards them . He was shown very much cheerfulness. They sat near him. Among them one person was realization of truth was there and who told one story in service of Khaja Sahib that “ One day he was in Etkaf (retirement to mosque for continued prayer) at the foot side of Sheikh Fariduddin and was seen him in a dream and put his head on his feet. And he asked how Allah treated with him.? He told that “ The treatment which is given to the friends.” Then he asked how it is.? He said “ When they have taken his soul under the empyrean then there was a command to prostrate and when he was prostrated and when he was raised head from prostration then what he is seeing that Khaja Moinuddin Sanjari, Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar, and other pious person of Allah were standing under the empyrean. There was command to bring the crown and put on the head of Fariduddin Ajdhoni and wear him the dress of forgiveness and to take out a procession in the world of angels that we


have forgiven Sheikh Fariduddin. Because in our service he didn't done any carelessness and there is nothing less in it.” When Khaja Sahib finished this story, then he shut, tears and thanked Allah. And the Darwish said “ Sheikh Fariduddin was given the message that he should go and see Moulana Nizamuddin and ask him to recite the following phrase very much because whatever favour and kindness was done to him was due to the excellence of this phrase and which is mentioned as follows.

After that Khwaja Sahib said he has added this supplicatuib in his daily recital. And there is one command in this phrase which he has only known to him in this matter. Then Khaja Sahib was given a green wool saintly dress to that Darwish and who accepted this. Then there were meals and sweet was ready there. Which was brought for the sake of the reward of the soul of Sheikh Fariduddin? When table cover was spread there then Khaja Sahib regrets with everybody. When all persons have eaten meals, then Khaja Sahib told with an audience that the soul of Sheikh Fariduddin is present here. If you ask then choristers would say something. All of them paid respect and said it is a matter of felicity and the choristers were started singing.

Then after beginning of this on Khaja Sahib and on the persons in the audience there was such condition prevailed that all were falling down to the earth. Sheikh Usman grandson of Khaja Qutubuddin, Moulana Fakeheruddin and that dervish who was in Etkaf (retirement to the mosque for continued prayers) at the foot side of Sheikh Fariduddin began dancing. They did such dancing that the skin of the toes of the feet was becoming damaged, but they were unaware a little of this in this matter. When Sama (ecstasy) meeting was ended then everybody was becoming normal and sat in their places. Khaja Sahib was given a special umbrella to Sheikh Usman and in this same way, he was given some other special things. That day was very comfortable and everybody after paying respect left from there. And Khaja Sahib was regret everybody. Everybody was saying that to search for the safety of Allah.


On Saturday on 30th Muharram, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Shaikh Sahib. The discussion about touhid (unity of God) was started. He told with the holy thing that “ The meaning of unity of God is to say one to Allah and the meaning of Marafat (knowledge of God) is to identify of Him.”

After that, he said “ He was seen, it was written in Saluk Auliya that as per narration of Sheikh Abu Baker Shibli the last prophet of Allah said that on the day of judgment Allah will resurrection of all of the creatures and Allah will command the angels to gather all of them. Then, as per command every group will proceed before their Lord and only the group of Marafat (knowledge of God) and unity of God will stay there, then they will be heard call why they are standing there? They will say, oh: our Lord, we are standing there for You. Because in the world we have worshipped You without seeing You. Till there will be no command from your side how they will proceed from there.? Then there will be manifestation of the light of Allah , then all will prostrate there. Then there will be a call that “ Oh who said of one to Him raise your heads. As you have believed Me one so, for this reason, I will forgive all of you and make an expedient paradise for all of you and instead of all of you I will send the Jews and fire worshippers to the fire of hell. ’’

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ On the day of judgment there will be announcement under the empyrean that oh My lookers I will forgive you all so to proceed to paradise so that you can have My sight there. Then Khaja Sahib recited one couplet in the Persian language and its meaning and translation is as follows.

When the believers will see the sight of Allah, then they will forget all graces of the heaven there. Because than the graceful look, there is no more grace which is available there. Then Khaja Sahib said “ Why not forget it because there will be a meeting of the friend with his friend. ”

Then the discussion about the ascent was started and he was told with his holy tongue that narrator narrated that “ The last prophet of Allah went on the journey of ascent in the condition of wake up. But the people of Ahl Sunatt Jamat (orthodox Muslims) narrated that had two ascents which are as follows.

1. In the condition of dream2. In the condition of wake up


This doubt is there due to this reason that there should be conformity in the sayings of the prophet. Then Khaja Sahib said the last prophet of Allah is having excellence among all prophets sent by Allah.1. He is leader of the Prophets 2. He is intercessor of the Nations When the last prophet of Allah was born then all previous divine laws were cancelled and his divine law will be continued up to the day of judgment and the which is not divine law of any other prophet. ” After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “As the identity of Allah is obligatory and in the same way when it is not certify by heart and promise by the tongue then the faith will not be right.” Then he said about “ Chastity of the prophets before revelation there should be no doubt in this matter and after the revelation it was confirmed rightly. But it is possible that the after revelation in them there may be some false steps. But in, their favour there should be believed that they were not a magician and liars. One who thinks something more than he is an infidel absolutely.” The compiler of this book asked whether Luqman and Alexander were prophets because Allah mentioned them in the Quran. He said as per Rewait Sahih in which he was seen written that they were not prophets, but they were holy and virtuous persons and for this reason Allah loved them.”

Then he said “ Alexander, is called Zoqarnain and in this matter, there are many sayings are there. Some say he had with him two bobbed hairs on his head. So for this reason, he is called Zoqarnain. Some say he was reached to the two ends of the world. So he is called Zoqarnain. Some say that he was seen a dream in which he seen that he was reached near the sun. And at the two sides of the sun, it means east and west he caught with his hand. When he was told this dream to any of his friends, then he told him Zulqarnain and for this reason, people used to call him as Zulqarnain. Others opinion is that he was told to many kings to follow the call, but they have not accepted it. So for this reason on both sides of his head there were strikes of the swords so for this reason, many people used to call him as Zulqarnain. ”

After that the discussion was started that why Hadrat Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) is called Siddiq (ever truthful)? He told with his holy tongue that “ He was most excellent among four friends of the prophet of Allah. For saying him Siddiq ( ever truthful) there are available two sayings and first is that when the prophet of Allah


was returned back from Ascent night, whatever the prophet explained he was certified and another reason is that his truth is having its highest level so, for this reason, he was well-known as-Siddiq (ever truthful).”

Then he said “ When the prophet of Allah was getting honoured with the prophethood then first from all Hadrat Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) was certified that he is really the prophet of Allah. And in the last time, he was believed in one matter and not to talk very much talking and avoided argument and discussions. So for this reason, his name was becoming as-Siddiq. Think about his life he said his name is written on the tablet of the sun and when the sun will reach the housetop of holy Kaaba then it will not move further from there unless the angle will administer an oath of his name, then the sun will move forward.”

Then among the friends who were present in his service asked for what reason Hadrat Umar (R.A.) is called Farouq.? He said “ He was used to distinguishing between the truth and false. And Hadrat Usman bin Afan (R.A.) is called Zunurain because he was married two daughters of the prophet of Allah and when the first daughter was dying then he has married the second daughter.” Then Khaja Sahib said “ The prophet of Allah was proud of his son in law relationship. So he was used to saying it many times that “ If he had 70 his daughters then if one will die then he will marry another daughter with Usman bin Affan.” And Hadrat Ali is called Asadullah because he got this title from the sky because Allah told that Ali is His tiger.”

After that, he said that “ When Hadrat Ali bin Taleb (R.A.) used to make slogan then due to horror for his slogan birds and animals used to be killed. ”

In this situation he said once in the service of the prophet of Allah, there was discussion about Prophet Dawood (A.S.) that in his hands iron was used to be melted and from it he was used to make the chain armours . The prophet smiled and said “ When Prophet Dawood (A.S.) used to melt iron in his hand, then he used to take the name of Hadrat Ali Ben Taleb (R.A.) then iron will become melted.”

Then he told this story that “ Once Hadrat Ali Ben Ali Taleb (R.A.) was attacked on the Syria and he was becoming helpless there and made a slogan and due to this reason there was terror in the world of the angels and angels forget


their glorification and requested in the court of Allah “ Oh: our Lord what was this call.? And for which our work was stopped there.” There was a command “This is the slogan of Ali bin Taleb, who is asking help from us and go and help him.”

After that, the discussion about Marafat ( the knowledge of God) was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ The sign of Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of God) is that he used to remain in the silence. If he will talk only as per requirement.”

He said he heard from a holy person that “ One who will become a lover of the soul, then on him self-complacent, malice and disgrace are becoming his lovers. ”

He said “ The key to all things is patience and in the devotion the work is done by patience. When there will be devotion right then the door of blessings will be opened. ”

On this related situation, he said that “ Khaja Junaid of Baghdad said meditation should be done by such person in his look there will be nothing invisible and thanks should be done by such person who will not step out of the Kingdom of Allah.”

After that Khaja Saheb shut, tears and said “ How those people are so good who become able to get news on the first day and on the second and third day there will be no signs of them and which will not be available there. Such persons are simple. The perfect are those who are established in the beginning and ending of the love and they should call for more and more.”

In this situation, he told this story that “ Once Khaja Yahia Maaz was asked with Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami through somebody that, what do you say about that person who will be intoxicated in one cup of the love? Khaja Sahib sent a reply that there are such persons are there who are drinking cup after cup since the beginning to ending of the time and then they will still demanding more and more. You have written about such persons who are less courageous people.”

After this Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ One who is perfect in the way of love and Marifat (knowledge of God) and from him in the innermost and manifest nothing will be away and nothing will not be remain concealed from him.”


Then in this situation he told this story that “ When Khaja Zanon Masri was reached at the perfection then his fame was spread all around and in everywhere place and when he will look at the sky, they he can look, all things in between from the empyrean to earth and from empyrean to the magnificence of veil and nothing will not be conceal from his look.”

After this, it was asked by Khaja Sahib how the people will reach such status.” He said “ When they will be disconnected from all things and they will become the persons of Allah only. Then in all the kingdoms and whatever is there then it will give up to them and nothing will not be concealed by them. When they look at any side, then nothing will not be concealed by their look.”

Then the discussion about Sama (ecstasy) was started. One Darwish from the family of Chistia was present there. He said, “ What is the reason that first the people were available in the condition of rest but when they hear Sama (ecstasy) then they will become restless.” He said “ When Allah was taken promise of the service from Prophet Adam (A.S.) it means that it was asked by the souls whether He is not your Lord.? Then all souls were engrossed so it is the same condition which will prevail in ecstasy (Sama). Since they will be first in the condition of rest and when they will hear Sama (ecstasy) then they will become uneasy. Then that friend asked, “ What is difference between meditation and modesty.?” He said, “ Meditation is due to the extreme cause of the waiting and modesty is due to the observation for which there will be an available shame.”

Then he was asked “ Who is called Sufi.? He said “ Whose heart will be clear like Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) it means he will be free from the love of the world and who is the follower of the commandments of Allah. Whose acceptance will be like the acceptance Prophet Ismail (A.S.) and whose sorrow will be like the sorrow of Prophet Dawood (A.S.) and whose indigence will be like the indigence of Prophet Eisa (A.S.) and whose patience will be like the patience of Prophet Ayub (A.S.) and whose fondness will be like the fondness of Prophet Musa (A.S.) and whose sincerity will be like the sincerity of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).”

After that Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib asked “What is called Tasawuf (mysticism)? ” He said “ Not to take consider the condition of the manifest and


not to do fire worship. Because it is cruelty to himself. For this reason the people Saluki (mysticism) said that to become attribute-less, then you will get attribute. ”

Then he said “ There are 70 positions of Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of God) and one among them is not to get the desires in this world. ”

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “One who the claim love of the friend and at last he will marry a woman or learn knowledge then understand that he is nothing. And from it there will be no relation will be established by him. He is liar claimant absolutely.” After that in the condition of overpowering of the fondness, he said “ The knowledge of all learned persons still not reach to the following two matters.

1.The correction of the nation2.The service of the solitude Then he said “ He heard many times by the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin, that those who will say and become unconscious are nothing and from them the dead person is better. That eye which will be engaged in other things than Allah, then it is better that it should become blind. That tongue which is not engaged in Allah’s invocation then it is better that it should become dumb. The ear, which is not intoxicated in the hearing of the truth then it is better that it should become dumb. The body which is not engaged in the service work of Allah and from him the dead person is good.”

After that, he said that “ He was heard by the holy tongue of Shaik Fariduddin that one day Sheikh Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Oushi told in the condition of intoxication that one who will walking without the feet on the way of the truth then he will reach to the goal. And one who will be in the invocation of Allah without tongue, then he will get felicity of the meeting. And one who was seen grace of his friend without eyes, then for always he will become the person of the eye sight. One who will drink the wine of his love without the mouth, then he will become a perfect person.” When Khaja Sahib reached at this point, then he shut tears very much and he said “ The perfect person, whether he will live in the loneliness, then there will be no such moment which will not pass from there from him when he will not move the pillar of the empyrean and his roar will not be heard in the world of angles.”


The compiler of the book has asked “If he will be given permission then he will read the poem of Khaja Nizami which he has remembered and then Khaja Sahib told yes.”

After that, Khaja Sahib said, “ If it will not happen like that then he will not become a perfect person.” And then he told of this situation that “ Once Khaja Ali Sohail wrote one letter to Khaja Junaid in which he wrote one should be kept away from purpose and that on prophet Dawood (A.S.) there was revelation was sent down and in which it was told that person is a liar in Our love one who sleeps in the night.” Khaja Junaid saw that letter and on its back, he was writing its reply that our wake up is on the way of the truth and our dealing and our sleep is also in action for the truth. It means in the love both are equal. The sweetest sleep of the pious persons is also the grace of Allah. It means my eye sleeps, but the heart will not sleep.”

Then he said “ Once one pious person wrote to Khaja Junaid that friends are those people and if Allah will give them the option of hell and heaven to select any one of it, then they will opt for the hell because the heaven is their desire and the hell is the wish of the friend. One who will give preference to the option of the friend than his own option then the he is the only friend.” Khaja Junaid said “ No, one who does such things then they are doing acts of the children. If he will be the given option, then he will not opt anything. But he will request that what is a connection of the option with the slave person.? Where ever he can be sent by Him. Then he will be ready to go there. And there is no option for him. My option is that whatever You like it.”

Then he told one story about piousness of Khaja Junaid that “ One holy person told this story upon his death that one day he was seen one dream that the prophet of Allah was sitting and Khaja Junaid was standing near him. One person brought one legal opinion and want to show him, but the prophet of Allah said him to show Junaid so that he can reply it. Sheikh Junaid said, “ Oh prophet of Allah in his presence how he had option of it.?” He said, “ I had such proud on you alone only, that which is available to other prophets in their nations.”

After that on this situation, he said: “ It was a habit of Khaja Junaid that he used to say Allah, Allah throughout the night.”


Then the discussion the about saintly dress was started and he said with his holy tongue that “ The only saintly dress is not credence and if it is having authority then all the world will wear it. The credence is available for that person one who wear a saintly dress and fulfill its rights and if he will make carelessness, then he will be apprehended and then there will be no value of his saintly dress. The wearing of the saintly dress is a copy of the holy persons who wore the saintly dress and did not make any carelessness in the obedience of Allah.”

After that, he told with his holy tongue “ Once Khaja Junaid was asked whether the saintly dress is having credence or not.? He said “No.” Asked why. He said “ Because many saintly dress wearing persons are there who are involved in evil deeds and on the day of judgment this dress will become the plaintiff against them. Such persons will be deserved for the fire of hell. And many of the quilted coat wearing persons are such that who do many good deeds and such persons will enter into the heaven before such persons who wear the saintly dresses. So it was known that by wearing only saintly dress is not the credence, but the saintly dress is having authority due to the person who will wearing the saintly dress and one who wear it and fulfill its rights. Then there were will be respect of the saintly dress of that person.”

Then he said Hadrat Ali Ibn Abu Taleb (R.A.) said: “ The saintly dress is not having the credence.”

After that, he told this story that “ He was seen written on Tuhfa Arifin that once Khaja Yahia Maz Razi was sitting and his companions were sitting around him., At that time one person wearing quilted coat came there and he paid respect and he sat down there. He was seen at him and began smiling and when he did such thing two or three times then the persons in the audience asked him what is a reason.? He said the thing which he was searching for the person who wears quilted coats and he find such thing in this quilted coat wearing person. That person stood and to he paid respect him. Khaja Sahib said you are such person who is in this dress of quilted coat, but he is ahead of the persons of the saintly dress wearing persons and you have already reached on the destination.”

On the Thursday on 10th Safar of months in the Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about the creation of the sky


and earth was started. He told with his holy tongue “ Allah created the earth and sky and whatever there in between them was created in six days. As written in the exegesis of Imam Mujahid that He is having such a personality who created the sky and the earth in six days.”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ This world’s one day is equal to 1000 years of another world which is mentioned in the Arabic phrase and its translation and meaning is as follows. “With your Lord one day is equal to 1000 years.”

Then he said, “ Allah first created tablet and whatever which will be happening from the beginning to the ending in the world, it was commanded to the pen to write in it and when it was written then empyrean was created and after this the chair and after that skies and earth.”

Then Khaja Sahib said, “ The creation was started from the Sunday and it was ended on Friday and on the Saturday nothing was not created.”

After that, he said, “ If Allah wanted, then He can create in one moment and but it can create such millions of the things because he had empowered to do so, but he wanted to show the man for doing the work slowly and not quickly.”

Then he told with his holy tongue that “ He was seen which is written in exegesis of Imam Zahid that when this verse was sent to the last prophet of Allah, then learned persons of Jews asked with the prophet about the details of the creation of the skies and the earth and whatever is there in them.”

He said “ On the Sunday and Monday the earth and whatever things in it were created. On Tuesday, the mountains and whatever in them were created. On the Wednesday trees and necessities of the human beings were created. On Thursday, the skies and whatever in them were created. On the Friday sun, moon and stars were created. In the six days when all the things were created and the worlds were decorated and then on Saturday and its time limit is 10,000 years, then the movement of the skies and created Prophet Adam (A.S.). The duration of the


period since the creation of the pen to the day of the judgment will be 14,000 years.” After that, he said, “ In Haqaiq there is written as per narration of Hadrat Khaja Hasan Basri that from the movement of skies till the birth of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) the period of 6,000 years was passed away.”

The birth of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)

Then a discussion about Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was started. He told with holy tongue that when “ He was born then all idols were coming down on the earth and on his both shoulders it was written by the pens of light ‘La Ilha Illa Mohammed Rasul Allah’ and in between them there was a seal of the prophethood.”

After that when the prophet was laid on the earth, then the room was lighted like that there were many millions of torches were lighted there.”

Then he said “The night during which he was going to born his uncle Abu Taleb was seen in dream that angels were brought lighted torches from the sky to the house of Abdullah and the people of tribe Quraysh and their neighbours as in their fate there was Islam so they were lighting their lamps from that torches and they are going to their houses. When he tried his best to lit his lamp with the torch but it went away from him and his lamp was not lit. At last, when he was waking up and heard that there was born a boy in the house of Abdullah. ”

Then Khaja Sahib said, “ Abu Taleb was tried is best which was possible by him but as in his fate there was no Islam so, for this reason, he was away from this grace.”

After that, he said “ In the beginning the prophet of Allah was trying his best so that Abu Taleb may accept the religion of Islam as there was no willingness of Allah so that endeavour was gone without any result. So it said that one day there was a meeting of the prophet of Allah with Abu Taleb in the street. Then he said, “ Oh my uncle you accept my prophethood so that on the day of judgment there will be the logic of with him for his safety from the fire of the hell there.” Abu Taleb tried his best to say, but he could not say. And he said, “ Oh life of your uncle I


want to say Islamic creed but many millions of locks are coming there from his mouth so for their hindrance I could not say this.”

The birth of Ali Ben Ali Taleb (A.S.)

After that, the discussion about the birth of Ali Ben Ali Taleb (A.S.) was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ When he was born then he was put in the lap of the prophet of Allah so that he can give bath him with holy hands. When he was given the bath and put him in the lap of Abu Taleb and then the prophet was wept. Abu Taleb said it is a time of happiness and not for weeping. He said, “ Oh: my uncle, I have given the first bath to Ali but he will give me the last bath so I am weeping.”

Khaja Junaid of Baghdad

After that, the discussion about piousness of Khaja Junaid of Baghdad was started and he told with holy tongue that “ Once Khaja Junaid of Baghdad was saying in the court of Allah that there was such time upon him that then the people of sky and earth used to weep upon him. And then that time was passed away, then I used to weep upon them and now this is his condition that there is no news about himself or about them. Then he said “ He was wandering in the jungles for a period of ten years and taken care of his heart. Now since 20 years he does not have any news about anything. Then he said Allah was talking with the tongue of Junaid for a period of 20 years. But in between there is no interference of Junaid in it or except Allah nobody does not know in this matter. ”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ When in the hearts of the lovers if it will come the thinking of the world at the time of prayer then they should re-start the prayers. And when there will be thinking of the other world come there, then they used to perform the prostration of the mistake. ”

Then he said “ Once it was requested with Khaja Junaid of Baghdad that oh: master of mysticism, it will be better that if you will wear the rag dress for our sake. He said if he will know that only by wearing of the rag dress there will be work done, then he will wear also iron and fire rag dress. But the matter is that there is a daily call in his innermost that there is no credence of the saintly dress and only doing of the work is having authority.”


After that, he told this story that “ Once Khaja Zanon of Egypt was going to journey and one person came there before him and asked a question that is there end of the love or not?” He said, “ Oh: liar there is no end of the love.”

Rabia of Basra (R.A.)

Then the discussion about Rabia of Basra (R.A.) was started and he told with his holy tongue “ When there will be call on the day of judgment “ Rijal of Allah” it means the men of Allah. Then, first of all, Hadrat Rabia of Basra (R.A.) will put her step in this row.”

After that, he said “ During that period she was incomparable in the work of the love. So Junaid of Baghdad said “ Once one day and one night he was in her service of Rabia of Basra and there was a discussion about the love and there was no thought came in his heart that he is male and also there was no thought came in her heart that she is female. When he left from there he was felt that he was poor and she was as sincere.”

Then about her belief and truth Khaja Sahib told this story “ One day she was doing hymns in the court of Allah that oh: Allah, if you will send me to hell then she will reveal one secret of the love which she is having with her and same she will explain it and for this reason, the hell will be away of the 1000 year of the journey from her.” Then she said “ Oh my Sustainer if she will do worship for the sake of his fear, then burn her in the fire of the hell fire. And if the worship is done by her for the hope of the heaven then show Your grace surely.”

After that, he said, “ Once holy Ka’aba welcomed Rabia of Basra and she cried upon hearing the call of Allah that one who move towards His side the distance of one span then He will move one yard toward that person .” And she prayed in the court of Allah that she does not require Ka’aba and she does not need the joy of the sight of Kaaba but she wants the sight of the owner of Ka’aba.”

Then he told this story of Sheikh Ali Tirmazi who told that “ Once when Rabia of Basra went to the jungle and for a period of seven years on the side she was roll down and was reached to the plain of Arafat. Then there was invisible call that oh : claimant how such desire which you have attached to your edge of the dress,? If you demand then We will decorated your work in one manifestation. She


said “ Oh my Lord, I do not have such type of the capital. I only need the indigence. Then there was call “ Oh Rabia put your head down because there will be the case here about those persons who want our meeting, then they will become such closer to Us that there will be no difference of the hair will be there. Then the work of miserable of condition is there which is likely to end in death and the meeting will be turned into the separation. You are still in 70 veils unless you will not tear those veils and put your step on our way then you will not get indigence. So look at upper side a little and she saw there and she finds one river of the blood is flowing in the air. There was a call heard in which it was said oh : Rabia this blood of the eyes which belongs to Our lovers and who put their steps in this way. At the first destination, they become such persons that in the both worlds their names and signs are not found.” She requested “ Oh my Lord show one of their attribute to me.” Upon saying this the blood of menstrual course was started and there was invisible call in which it was heard “ Oh : Rabia this is their first place ”. And Khaja Sahib on reaching this point shut, tears and he said “ For a period of seven years on the side she was rolled down and she went to visit two earthen clods and when she reach near of it due to this defect she could not visit Ka’aba. By this time Hasan Ala Sejzi and special friend of Khaja Sahib, Khaja Aziz Baig came there and put their heads on the earth and at that time Khaja Sahib was in the condition of overpowering of the fondness so for this reason he paid his very much affection to them. And he said to sit them there. When they sat he told to Khaja Aziz Baig “ To read any Gazal (ode) and Allah was sent you at the right time.” When Khaja Aziz in third musical note starting singing Gazal then there was such tenderness on Khaja Aziz and on the audience of the meeting which is not described in the wisdom and thinking. He was given Khaja Aziz and brother Hasan special garments. That day was very excellent and very comfortable that many facilities were available.

The excellence of Sura (verse) Muzzamil

On Sunday on the 20th of Safar month in the year 715 Hegira, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. The book exegesis of the Quran of Imam Zaheidi was kept near him.The discussion about the excellence of Sura Muzzamil was started and he told with his holy tongue “ Imam Shafei mentioned narration of Hadrat Ali Ben Ali Taleb (R.A.) and the last prophet of Allah that on the 27th Ramazan the last prophet of Allah was sitting in the mosque of Madina with his


companions and he was telling stories of the previous prophets and at that time angel Gabriel and angel Michael along with 24,000 trusted angles which used to live around the empyrean came there with verse Muzzamil which was written by the pen of light on the silky paper. The prophet of Allah stood and was paid great respect and honour and took it in hands and kissed it. And put on the head and asked brother Gabriel whether this command of Allah,? He told “ Allah says if he would have sent this verse during the period of the previous prophets and due to the facility of this verse then there will be not available any sinner and due to this facility, I would forgive all of them. So one who reads it among your nation after the obligatory prayer, then he will get reward one 100,000 good deeds for each word and such extent of the bad deeds will be removed from his account of deeds. He will enter into Paradise along with the last prophet Allah. The reader of this verse will be given 70,000 palaces of green emerald and in each palace there will be small 1,000 palaces will be there and in which there will be available many thousand houries .”

After that, the prophet of Allah addressed “ Oh my people of the nation make this as your recital and read it daily ten times. One who will read it ten times, then Allah will keep him away from bad people and evils of the calamities and always he will be in the custody of Allah. Due to the blessing of this verse, there will be no trouble upon him. One who reads it for any important affair then that important affair will be completed. If the people of sky and earth will begin writing its excellence, then it will not be possible.

After that, he said that “When he became a disciple of Sheikh Fariduddin , in the beginning, he asked me to read chapter Muzamail many times. When at last I have seen its excellence in exegesis then able to understand that he was used to asking me to read this verse so there was his purpose that I was not away from the facility of the verse.”

Then he said “ The prophet of Allah said Allah read this verse in the Friday night without work and without the tongue. So one who read it this verse on a Friday night, then he is like the person who is having a conversation with Allah.”

After that, he said Khaja Hasan of Basra wrote in the exegesis of this verse that “One who read this verse, then whether 100,000 enemies, jealous, magicians, cruel


and malicious persons and if they want but they could not able to cause trouble for him but all will be defeated.”

Then he told that Imam Shabi said “ Once caliph of the time was given the cruelty of him and he wants to kill him. One day he was sitting. And one person came there to take me away by saying that the caliph is calling him. I have read the verse Muzzamil and blown on his body. When he reached near the caliph then his face was becoming pale and he was getting down from the throne and he was fallen down on his feet. And he was awarded me the robe of honour.” And he told him “ Oh teacher when you have entered inside I have seen two pythons while opening their mouths which were appeared beside you and they are saying that oh caliph: to leave Shabi it is better otherwise there is a command of Allah is that to smash you. Tell me from where you have got this miracle.” I told him that “ Due to reading of verse Muzamil Allah was given him this status”. Then the caliph began reading this verse daily, so those kings who does not pay him the amount of tribute and who were rebellion then they came under his control and who paid tribute to him and were became obedient to him.”

After that, he told “ Imam Mufazil was written six benefits of this verse which are mentioned as follows.

One who will read it continuously then he will be always in the custody of Allah. No trouble will reach near to him. He will be safe from the calamities of the world and religion. He will become dearer in the eyes of kings and pious persons. One who read it at the time of day or night for one time, then Allah will command and will tell his angels to be a witness that He forgave this person. And made him his Wali. (saint) and He will make him successful on all his enemies. One who will read this verse and if he will blow on the stone, then there is no surprise that it will turn into gold.”

Then in this situation, he told this story “ Once Sheikh Abdulla Mubarak was imprisoned in Baghdad due to the reason of any of his mistake. After a long time when he was brought before the caliph then he told him “ If you are a real Darwish then pray that the stone which is laid before you to be turned into gold then I will release him from the prison.” He was seen in the exegesis somewhere in which it was written so immediately he recited verse Muazamil and blown on


that stone which was converted into gold due to the command of Allah. When the caliph has seen this miracle then he was repenting. Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ There was one reason of the imprison of Sheikh Sahib that due to this reason the caliph was repented.”

After that fourthly, one who read this verse and one who will keep it with him, then there will no trouble be fall upon him. And he will become respectable in the court of Allah and in the people. Fifthly on the reader of this verse there will be no effect of magic and poison. And he will be safe from all calamities. Sixthly one who will read at the flowing water, then he can stand on the water by the command of Allah. If he will blow it on the mountain, then that mountain will become shattered and if he will read it and blow on the dead person then that person will take rebirth again. If he will read for the release of the prisoner then the prisoner will be released from prison.

Then he told Moulana Bedridden Ishaque told this story that “ One time he and Sheikh Fariduddin were reached on the bank of the river during the journey and where there was no boat to cross the river. Sheikh Sahib told him to hold his and my wooden sandals in the hand and when we have reached near the water, then he told me to close the eyes then I closed my eyes and we have passed in the water. There was his horror upon me and but I could not ask from him the reason in this matter. When we have reached the destination and when I got suitable time, then I asked him about that condition then he told me that he was reciting verse Muzzamil and he was blown on both of them so, for this reason, there was available the way in the river there.”

Then he told this story that “ Sheikh Sulaiman Samarqandi who was a great holy person and once he was imprisoned by Hajaj bin Yousuf and who has put him in the iron chains from head to toe. He said he remembered the excellence of verse of Muzzamil and he was started reciting immediately still it was not finished, then all chains, handcuff, shackles and iron collar were fallen down. Some persons came there and freed him and taken him away from there. At last, it was known that the angels of punishment want to kill him.”

After that on this situation he told this story that “ Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) due to blessing of this verse he was successful in 170 battles. The gate of Fort Khyber


was pulled down by him due to blessing of this verse.” Abu baker Siddiq (R.A.) said that “ After leaving of the prophet from the world due to blessing of this verse he was able to visit the prophet of Allah in his dream.” Then he said Imam Yahia Razi said that “ The reader of this verse will get such reward on the day of judgment that when it will be seen by all the creatures then they will be surprised. That person's face will be like a bright moon of the 14th night. He will be sent to the paradise on the Boraq (lightning horse) of light.”

In this, situation he told this story that “ He was seen and which it was written in the exegesis of Khaja Balkhi that he was student of seven hundred teachers. He explained such excellence of the reading of this verse that then there was doubt with him that if he will write its excellence and rewards during his whole life then he could not able to write it.”

On Thursday on the fifth Rabbi-Akhir month, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Khaja Sahib. Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli, Moulana Nasiruddin Gayahi and Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib were present in his service. The discussion about the last days of the world was started. Then he told with his holy tongue told that “ These signs of the things which are appearing every moment in the world and all these are signs which belongs to the last days of the world. But the people are un-aware of them.”

Then he said the prophet of Allah said “ In the last days of the world the sons of Adam will talk less and the women will drink liquor with the men and while riding on them they will wander from one street to another street. The players of the small tambourine will be there in the large number. There will persons will be there but who do not act upon their knowledge and the kings will do cruelty openly.”

After that, he said “Ali Ben Ali Taleb (R.A.) said that when women will ride the horses and go to bazaars then understand that this is the sign of the day judgment. ”

Then he said “ Khaja Hasan of Basra wrote about the signs of the last days of the world that once when the prophet of Allah was sitting then Ali Ben Ali Taleb (R.A.) asked till which time world be there.? He said “ Seven days.” Upon hearing these companions were worried. He said “ These seven days are equal to seven


days of the other world. In which every day of another world will be equally of 1000 years of this world. ”

After this Khaja Saheb said “ The prophet of Allah said that after his death the un-happy life of my nation will be there. Among them, that person’s life will be the happy one who will not have connected with the world.”

Then he told with his holy tongue that “ Ali Ben Abi Taleb (R.A.) said 600 years after the death of the prophet of Allah there will be there disturbances. And there will be battles in India and in Turkistan. The people will be involved in backbiting and bad-mouthing ”.

After that Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “ The prophet of Allah said in the last days there will be many learned persons, but there will less blessing and Darwish will not get anything from the public treasury. And the women will do business from the homes and openly the singers and street actors will be given wealth and money. The women will create the problems openly. The kings will conquer many countries and there will be a disturbance and there will be given punishment to the pious persons and the ascetic persons will be killed and there will be a likeness of the wine drinkers. They will destroy the world. All mankind will become like Darwish at their hands. There will have enjoyment with un-related women and their life will pass in fighting with their own men.”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “In the last days there will come such a time when prostitutes, singers street singers and disturbance makers will become dearer in eyes of the people of the world. And there will be no value of the learned persons and Quran readers And the people will wear colourful dresses. And the ladies and gents will eat meals together. And sodomy will be regarded as the occupation and the rulers will sell away the orders and there will be dishonesty among the people. For the worldly wealth, they will declare truth as un-truthfulness. There will be no justice and equity. The business men will follow lies in the business dealings. By taking five Darham people will give false witness. There will be less rain fall from the sky. If there will be rain fall then it will be fall untimely. When there will appear these signs, then think that the day of judgment is very near.”


Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ Dajjal (antichrist) was born during the period of the last prophet of Allah. This was happening that once the prophet of Allah was sitting and one person came there and he told him that “ Oh prophet of Allah, there was born one strange thing that one Jew woman delivered one boy. Who started talking by ten ‘o clock in the morning. And by the Zuhr (afternoon) prayer time he was grown up big. And by Asar (late afternoon) prayer time his beard was grown up him. The prophet said that “ This is a sign of the last days of the world.” He stood up and went to see him and when he was reaching his house somebody was informing him that the prophet of Allah came there to see him. The prophet went to see him and said salam to him. But that cursed person didn't reply to it. Then he told him “ You did hard magic on him and made him helpless. Let me learn it.” The prophet of told him that “ He is not a magician, but he is the last prophet of Allah. I came to see him that you should say ‘La Ilha Illa Mohammedur Rasul Allah.” Hadrat Ali Ben Abi Taleb (R.A.) was with him, he asked “ Oh prophet of Allah, if there is your order, then he will cut him into many pieces and by saying this he was taken out his sword.” Then that cursed person was crying and vanish away from there. The prophet of Allah was becoming sad and he told his friends that the Satans were taking him from this country.”

After that Khaja Sahib told “ On the day when Dajjal (anti-christ) will come out and in that year there will be hard starvation. And there will be no rainfall and there will be less growth of the vegetation. All these are signs of the appearance of the cursed person.” Then he told “ He will be appearing and proclaim of his prophethood. His sign will be that there will be written on his forehead “ Indeed he is an infidel.” “ He will be riding on the donkey and its bridal will be made of the gold. So the people of the punishment will follow him. And Prophet Khizer (A.S.) will be along with him and he will be continued by saying “ He is a liar.” “He will mislead Muslims from the right path and made them infidels persons. He will travel in the whole world in the period of one week. ”

After that, Khaja Sahib said, “ Prophet of Allah told that there should not be followed carelessness in the last days of the world. As long as his signs will appear there then you will become helpless in this matter. So at that time to incline towards Allah and do repentance.”


Then Khaja Saheb told this story that the prophet of Allah was sitting and around him there were sitting his companions. “ Abu baker Siddiq (R.A.) was asked whether sunrises from this earth.?” He said “Yes”. It's a revolution is on the fire. If it will not pass during the day and night one time from the water then many people would have been burnt. The stars which are looking in the sky and they are busy in the invocation of Allah. Specially the sun everyday will ask permission from Allah “ Oh: My Lord, give me command so that he can burn all infidels and disobedience persons.”

After that, Khaja Saheb told with his holy tongue that “ In the last days there will come such a time that one year of that time will be equal to one month of this time. And month will be equal to the week and the week will be equal to the day. And the day will be such short that even one prayer will not be completely performed. And the life period will become nominal.” When Khaja Saheb was reached on this point, then he shut, tears and he said that “ The prophet said that after his departure, there will be a division of his nation in five groups and every group will cover one hundred years.” Then Khaja Sahib told the details in this matter which are as follows.

1.The first group will be comprised of the persons of piety and doing good deeds.2.The group will be consisted of the persons of humility and kindness.3.This group will fight with each other.4.This group will leave the kindness towards one’s relations and turn down relations with each other and will not assist the helpless persons and this group will continue up to the period of five hundred years.5.In this group, there will be the cruel, sinners and disobedient persons. After that, he told “ When the period of 700 years will be passed away, then there will be many earthquakes will be occurring. The learned person who acted upon knowledge will be dying. The commands and prohibitions will become both the same and equal. There will be killing in the street to street. This work will be happening and continued up to the period of 720 years. Then there will be plenty of the animals and among them the mankind will pass from them with much difficulty. There will be less produce from the earth. The agriculture will be destroyed due to different kinds of problems. There will be no Islamic faith. The persons will involve in the backbiting and bad-mouthing and will involve in doing bad deeds. There will be increased of the shamefulness. There will be


killing of the innocent Muslims . For the worldly wealth’s greed the Muslim will fight with other Muslim. There will be happened disturbances. There will be killing of the venerable persons unjustly. There will be no left over of the blessing. This work will be done for a period of 720 years. Then beasts will enter into the cities and in the daylight they will take away the boys of the Muslims. The nobles and kings will become cruel and due to their cruelty cities will be destroyed. And there will be killing of the Muslims badly. In the cities, there will left over less Islamic religion. There will be a large number of learned persons without acting upon their knowledge. In that period there will be disturbances due to the reason of the excessiveness of the venerable and learned persons who did not act upon the knowledge. In every city there will be different king will rule there. In the cities the condition of Muslim and Islam will be the very bad. The friends will become enemy. One who will see a thing in the world then he will be very much absorbed in its thought. The Muslims will become poor, and except darweshi nothing will be there with them. There will be cruelty openly. But the mankind will not take care of disturbances and will be engaged day and night and will involve in backbiting ,greed, obscenity, fun and sport, gambling, singing and other bad deeds. These works will be continued up to the period of 740 years. Then there will be more lust among the women such that one woman will not be contented with single husband and she will desire more than 100 men and women will become shameless and will created disturbances in the street and bazaars. And for men the woman will kill another woman. The kingdoms will be not habituated and cities will be destroyed. There will be difficult to reach from one city to another city. There will be killing of the learned persons. There will be no value and respect of venerable persons and darwesh. There will be no one inquire about them. There will be disrespect of the orphans and widows. There will be killing of persons by the starvation. There will be very much injustice in the kingdoms. Sadat (holy prophets descendents through his daughter Hadrat Fatima), learned person and Darwish will go on selling the Quran and nobody will not purchase it. Starvation and poverty will be increased moment by moment. There will be increase of the large number of wine drinkers. The people think a matter of pride for wine drinking and bad deeds. There will be more value and respect for the persons of disturbance makers and jokers. The persons of the reform will be disrespected and there will be no value for them. And there will be disturbances in the whole world. There will be the friendship orally. The Muslims will be without


tongue, heart and ears it means they will not take work with these organs of the body. There will be prevail very much dishonesty and there will be increase of robbers and enemies. There will prevail disturbance in the whole world. This condition will prevail for a period of 700 years. When the sun will arise then in its place of the rising there will be the blood. There will be two spears will be there which will be like blood and available at the end of the sky. From that day till for a period of three days there will be blood in the place rising of the sun. On that day half of the mankind will be dying. There will be blow of heavy winds. There will be heavy death casualties and many storms will be there. There will be flare up of the fire in the cities. This condition will be prevailed up to the period of 760 years. Then there will be rain fall and its drops will be equal to the egg of the hen. During that year many thousand animals and agricultures farms will be destroyed. And then Quran will be taken away. The sun will rise from the west. The door of repentance will be closed. On the day when the sun will rise from the west then till its setting time it will be in uneasiness and it will be set in the same way of the condition. This condition will be prevailed for a period of 780 years, then Anti-christ will appear in the world and on whose forehead there will be mark of the faith (Eman) and who will be the person of the faith in Islam and the person of infidel and on his forehead there will be mark of the infidelity. When Khaja Sahib reached on this point he shut,: tears and said “After this Allah knows what things which will be created there and when the day of the judgment will occur.” On Saturday in the month of Jamadal Akhir, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about piousness of holy persons was started. He told with his holy tongue “ Due to the remembrance of holy persons there will be sent down mercy .”

Then he said, “ Sheikh Najamuddin Sugra told with his holy tongue that Hadrat Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) told that remembrance of holy persons is also worship and one who will do remembrance then in his record of deeds the reward of the worship is recorded.”

Then he said “ Once Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq asked Abu Hanifa, “Who is wise?” and he replied, “One who makes the difference between good and bad.” Then he told him, “Animals could do these things as they recognize who beats them and who loves them.” So Abu Hanifa asked him to explain this matter, “Who is the


wise one?” He told him, “One who could make a difference between two good things and two bad things and choose one good thing which is better for the two good things and one bad thing which is better for the two bad things.”

Then a discussion about Owaise of Qarni was started then he told with his holy tongue “ When the time of prophet’s death was near, the companions asked to whom they should give his dress. He replied, “To Owaise of Qarni.” After the death of the prophet, Omer Farouq (R.A.) and Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) went to Kufa (Baghdad) and at the time of delivering a sermon Omer Farouq (R.A.) requested the people of Najd to stand and asked them, “Is there any person from Qarn?” They said, “Yes.” Then Omer Farouq (R.A.) asked them, did they know about Owaise of Qarni? They replied, “No, but there is a mad person who lives away from the people.” Omer Farouq (R.A.) asked where he lives. They replied, “He lives in Arna valley and looks after the camels, eats dry bread in the night, neither comes to the village nor talk to people, he does not eat what we eat and he does not know sorrow or happiness. When people laugh he weeps, and when people weep he laughs.”

Omer Farouq (R.A.) and Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) went to that valley and found Owaise of Qarni praying. Allah has ordered His angels to look after his camels. When he heard a sound, he finished his prayer shortly and then Hadrat Umar Bin Qattab said salam to Owais of Qarni (R.A.) and he replied. Omer Farouq (R.A.) asked him,“What his name is?” he replied, “A slave of Allah,” then Omer Farouq (R.A.) said, “We all are slaves of Allah but I am asking your proper name.” He replied, “Owais.” Omer Farouq (R.A.) told him to show his left hand. He showed his hand and Omer Farouq (R.A.) saw the white mark on his hand, as described by the prophet. And said, “The prophet has conveyed his salam and asked you to pray for the Muslim nation.” Then Owaise of Qarni told them, “You are superior so you pray, as you are very close to the prophet.” Omer Farouq (R.A.) replied, “I will pray but you too pray according to the advice of the prophet. Owaise of Qarni requested Omer Farouq (R.A.) to please check with other people as he is not the real one. Owaise of Qarni told him to stay there and he went away and smeared dust on his face and asked Allah. “Oh Allah, I will not wear the dress until you accept my recommendation for all Muslims and for this the prophet has sent his dress and Omer Farouq (R.A.) and Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) have done their work, now only your work is left.” then there was call in which it was heard, “I have forgiven


some people due to your recommendation.” Owaise of Qarni replied, “I will not wear the dress until you forgive all Muslims.” Then the call was heard again in which it was told, “I have forgiven many people.” When he was talking to Allah, Omer Farouq (R.A.) and Ali Ibn Talib (R.A.) came over.

When Owais saw them there, he asked them “ The reason for their presence when he was talking to Allah, and that he will not wear the dress until He (Allah) accepts my recommendation for all the Muslims.”

After that Khaja Sahib told, “ This is the story of those people where ever they will go nobody will not ask them and when they leave from such place then nobody known their signs.”

Then he said “ Omer Farouq (R.A.) said that Owaise of Qarni was wearing a ragged dress which was made of the hairs of the camel and he was in naked condition from head to toe, in which there were wealth of 18,000 worlds. Omer Farouq (R.A.) was very sad to see him and his caliphate, so he said, “Is there anybody who can take his caliphate and release him.” Owais said that “ This is saying of the careless person and here there is no self-sale of it, “Is there anybody who can purchase his caliphate for a piece of bread.” Owais said that “ The foolish will purchase it, so throw it away and anybody who likes it may take it, so there is no need for selling and buying it.” Then Omar Farouq (R.A.) was weeping too much and want to leave the caliphate. The companions were gathered and told him that the thing which is accepted by Siddiq Akbar (R.A.) you cannot leave because one day of the justice is more than the worship of 60 years.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that from this “ It should not be understood that the status and position Owaise of Qarni is more than Hadrat Omer Farouq (R.A.). No, it is neither. Another thing is that it was the habit of Owaise of Qarni that his heart did not like anything like the prophet of Allah who used to go to see an old woman and request her to pray in favour of Mohammed. So Omer Farouq (R.A.) asked him, “Oh: Owaise, why have you did not met the prophet?” Owais asked, have visited the prophet of Allah. He said “Yes”. Owasie asked “Have you seen the forehead of the prophet. If you have seen, then tell me whether his eyebrows were close or scattered and both of them could not reply this.


Hadrat Owaise of Qarni told. “Are you a friend of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?” He replied “Yes.” If you were firm in the friendship, why then you have not broken your teeth when the prophet’s teeth were broken in the battle of mount of Ohud in Madina, and this is the rule of friendship. He showed his teeth and said that he had broken all his teeth in prophet’s love without even seeing him. When I broke a tooth, I was not sure if it might be the same tooth of the prophet, and then I broke all of my teeth.” Omer Farouq (R.A.) and Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) wept and said that “ Your value of respect was great. He did not see the prophet, but his respect for the prophet was admirable. We have to learn respect from him. Omer Farouq (R.A.) asked him to pray for him. Owaise of Qarni told him that there should be no desires and wishes when one has faith in Allah. In, every prayer I used to pray for all men and women of Muslim of the world for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. If you die with faith, then you will find the result of my prayer in your grave, otherwise my prayer will be defective.”

After that Khaja Saheb told that “ Nobody did not seen Imam Mohammed Ahmed any time laughing for many years but when his last time came then he was laughing. The audience was asked his reason in this matter.?” Then he said “ I was watching Satan is standing before me and wring one’s hands with regret and I asked him why he is in the condition of the regret. ?” Then he said “ You are leaving from his hands in the best way and saving your faith” and so for this reason he smiled for the safety of his faith. He is leaving from the world by saving his faith from him.”

After that on this situation, he said “ Once Umar Farouq (R.A.) came into service of Hadrat Owaise of Qarni and requested him to advice for him. Khaja Sahib asked him, “Oh Omer, do you know Allah?” Omer (R.A.) said, “Yes, I know.” He told, “ Omer (R.A.) that other than Allah he does not know anybody, and it is better for you too.” Then Omer (R.A.) asked Owais “ To please wait for a while so that he can bring something for him.”

Owaise of Qarni took out two dinars from his pocket and said, “This is my earning from camel grazing. If you guarantee that these two diners are enough for my entire life, then I will accept the other things from you, otherwise, I do not need anything.”


Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Owaise of Qarni asked do not be angry and to leave the place and be engaged in the own work because the Day of Judgment is near, where we can meet there and from there on, we will not separate at all. Now I am busy with the preparation for the life after death.” Then Umar Farouq (R.A.) and Ali Ben Taleb (R.A.) were returning back from there.

In this situation, then Khaja Sahib said that once Huban’s son Harm, when he heard about the greatness of recommendation of Owaise of Qarni, he was anxious to see him. He went to Kofa to see him, and searched for him and by chance found him by the bank river of the Euphrates, where he was doing ablution and washing his clothes.

He said, “I recognized you due to your greatness and what I have heard about you.” He said salam to him; he replied and looked at me carefully. I wanted to shake his hand, but he did not give his hand. I said, “Oh Owais, Allah has blessed you, granted His mercy and has forgiven you.” I wept in his humility and weak condition, Owais of Qarni also wept. Owais said, “Oh, Harm, the son of Huban, god bless you. What brought here and who gave you my address.” Harm replied him, “How do you know my name and my father’s name, as I have not seen you before.” Owais said, “Allah who knows everything told me. My soul recognized your soul, as the soul of Muslims knows each other.” I asked him to narrate any saying of the prophet. He told that he had not met the prophet, but heard his qualities from others who do not want to become scholars of prophet’s tradition, as he have pending things to do. ”

Then he asked him to recite any verse from the Quran. He recited. “A’Oodhu Billahi Minash Shaitan Rajeem” and he started weeping. He said that Allah says in the Quran, “Wama Khalaqtul Jinna Wal Insa Illa Li-ya’budoon.” And its meaning is as follows.

“We have created Jinn and human beings for Our worship. But many of them do not believe this matter. There is promise for them of the day of judgment. That day is such day when there will nobody help each others. Indeed, Allah is overpowering and merciful.”

He recited and he cried loudly and I thought that he had gone mad. He again asked me “ What had brought him there.” I told him that “ I wanted his friendship


and to become successful.” He replied that “ One who knows Allah does not need the love and affection of others or comfort from others.”

I asked him to advise me. He told me that “ When you sleep, think that your death is under your pillow. When you wake up, do not have many hopes and do not consider any sin is small but think it is a big one. If you think any sin is small, then you will think Allah is small and will become a sinner.” I asked him, “What do you say about my stay?” He told me “ To go to Syria.” Then I asked, “ How I would find my livelihood there?” Owaise of Qarni said, “It is very sad that their hearts are full of doubts and suspicions and they do not accept the pieces of advice.”

I asked him some more pieces of advice for me. He said, “Oh: son of Huban, your father died. Adam (A.S.), Eve (A.S.), Noah (A.S.), Abraham (A.S.), Moses (A.S.), David (A.S.) have died. Abu Baker (R.A.) who was the first caliph died, my brother Omer (R.A.) and Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) also died.” Then he said, “Oh: Omer, god bless you.” Omer (R.A.) is still living. He says Allah has informed him that Omer (R.A.) has passed away.

He told me that, “ I and you are in between the dead. ” He recited the blessing and started praying. He advised me to follow the holy book and the right path and do not forget death at any moment. When you reach your people, advise them and also advise mankind. Always follow the steps of the prophet, otherwise, you will slip out of religion and be eligible for the hell. He then said some prayers and asked me to go. He said, “Oh son of Huban, you will not see me again and I will not see you again, but remember me in your prayers because I too remember you in my prayers.”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ He was seen written in Rahat Arwah that Rabbi Hasham said that once he went to see Owaise of Qarni and saw him while he was performing the morning prayer. After the prayer, he kept busy in the glorification of Allah until the afternoon prayer. He was busy with his work until the time of next prayer and in this way he kept busy until the next morning prayer.”

For three days he did not eat or drink anything or even slept. On the fourth night, he slept for some time and then woke up and started hymns, in which he


said, “Oh Allah, keep me away from full sleep and a full stomach and it is enough for me and I have to return to you.” I told in my heart that this advice is enough for me.I was returned back from there and did not give him any trouble.

After that, Khaja Sahib said that “ He never slept in the nights. He used to say that the night was for doing prostration, bowing and for standing before God. He used to keep every night alive. When people asked him, “How do they pray?” He said, “I wait for dawn before I say ‘Subhan Allah’ in the prostration. As I want to worship just as the angels do in the sky.” When people asked him, “What is Khudo (attention) in the prayers?” He said, “If there is a wound of the spear on your body, you will not notice it.”

In this situation, he told that when Sheikh Saduddin Hamuya (R.A.) was asked, “How are you, and how will you be when you wake up in the morning, and if death will allow you to be alive up tonight?”When people asked him about his work, he replied, “ By lamentation?”

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and told with his holy tongue that “ If any person who will worship Allah, then he will not accept the felicity of the people of earth and sky. Did you not believe in this matter.? I told him how I can believe in it. ? He said “ Whatever have been accepted by you and for which you will become fearless. And you will see in yourself in the empty condition in the worship.”

Then on this situation, Khaja Sahib said, “Whoever likes the following three things, hell will be near to the nerve of his neck for him.”

1. Good food2. Good dress3. Sitting with wealthy people

People told Owaise of Qarni that there is one man who is sitting on the grave for 30 years, wearing a shroud around his neck and weeping. He said, “Take me to that person so that I can see him.” The people took him to that person and he saw a man who has become thin by weeping. He told him, “Oh man, the shroud and the grave are keeping you away from the Allah, and these two things are obstructing


your way.” Due to his divine appearance, that person was able to see this and his condition was revealed to him. He died in the grave.

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue, that “ So think of it, that if the grave and shroud are seen, then other things can also be seen.”

After that, Khaja Saheb told with his holy tongue that “There was one disciple of Khaja Abu Torab Bakshi because when he became perfect in his work. Whenever he will reach in the service of Khaja Sahib he used to tell him that he should go in the service of Khaja Ba-Yazid so that the remaining grace will be revealed upon him from there. As he was a disciple and he was making progress in perfection and he does not want to go in service of Khaja Ba-Yazid. At last, there was much conversation on this matter, then he told him not to make any excuses, but he should go and he stood and went there. When he was reached on the half way, then he was met Khaja Ba-Yazid. When he has seen him, then disciple was made a slogan and fell down and he was handed over his life to Allah. When remaining grace was revealed to him, then he could not bear it. So for this he was dead.”

Then Khaja Sahib said with a holy tongue that “ Khaja Ba-Yazid was such a perfect person that many persons could not bear his sight.” Then he said “ When the man will get progress in the perfection, then in him attributes of God are gathered in him. So that person is good in him there will be an attribute of kindred are found. ”

After that on this situation, he said “ One holy person had not eaten anything or drank even water for three days. On the fourth day, he found a dinar on the way. He did not take that dinar thinking that it belonged to some other person and he went ahead to eat grass. Then he saw a sheep and in her mouth, there was hot bread and the sheep held that bread before him. But he thought that it belonged to some other person. The sheep told him, “I am the slave of Allah like you,” then he took the bread and the ship disappeared. ”

Then he said Khaja Abul Qasim said once Khaja Owais said that “ One who knows Allah, knows everything. That one who will recognize Allah on him there will nothing will be concealed on him. Also that we should recognize Allah through Allah and one who will recognize Allah, then he will know all things. “


Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “Safety is in loneliness. The person who is single and alone and does not think about others in his heart is safe and secure because it is not good to think about others in loneliness. So that one can live safely and if one will see manifest, then it will be not right. ”

After that, he said, “ There should be splendour of Allah in your heart always it means the heart will present and Owaise of Qarni suggested keeping control of the heart so that the devil may not enter into it.”

Owaise of Qarni’s sayings:

1.When I asked for high respect, I got it in the service.2.When I asked for leadership and status, I got it in the people’s advice.3.When I asked for kindness and service, I got it in the true and right path.4.When I asked for pride and greatness, I got it in poverty and misery.5.When I asked for a link, I got it in goodness and in the fear of God.6. When I asked for fame, I got it in worship.7. When I asked for carelessness, I got it in the trust of God.

On the 27th month of Jamadul Awwal in the 715 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. On this day few notes which were heard in the court of Khaja Sahib of the righteous way and which were written by me and I presented these advices which were heard with his holy tongue till date and which I have collected as per my understanding and gathered in the name of Afzal al-Fawaid and upon hearing this, he was studying this volume and he said that its name is good and very fine and he made some corrections as per its requirement by his holy hand. After that, he addressed the audience that “ Qusru was written these benefits and its reason is that he always drown in the spirituality of the sea from his head to toe. Allah was made his parts of the body by his kindness and favour and also with wisdom and venerable because he will use to be busy throughout the day in the sea of the spirituality and upon swimming in it, he will bring the pearl of spirituality and used to write them.”

After that, there was kind favour and patronage of this slave which was done by Khaja Sahib so I stood and paid respect to him. And I told him that “


Whatever he write the meanings which are all due to the blessing of his power and favours of his benevolent. You have done nourishment to him due to his special sight.”

On this occasion, then Khaja Sahib awarded me the special cap and special garment to me.

Then the discussion about the piousness of Sheikh Moinuddin Sanjari was started and he said with his holy tongue “ One the day Sheikh Moinuddin Sanjari pledge in the service of Khaja Usman Haruni then he was used to write benefits heard with the holy tongue of Sheikh Sahib and used to write them. So he was seen written one story in the benefits about piousness of Khaja Hasan Basri in the book and which he was seen written in it that Khaja Hans' mother was a slave girl of Um Salama whenever she used to be engaged in the work, then he used to weep, then at that time Um Salma used to feed him some drops of the milk from her holy breast. ”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his tongue that “ All these blessings were available to Khaja Hasan of Basra due to that milk feeding only. ”

Then in this situation he said “ When disciple will present in the service of his master and whatever he will hear there then he should write it and also act upon it. It means whatever the master will say about the worship, then he should bring it in action. And whatever preaching and advice which he will hear, then he should write and for which Allah will give him reward of one palace in the heaven for each word. ”

Then he told “ The grace which will be available to disciples and which is available due to the sake of the master only. So for the reason whatever he will hear from the master then he should hear with much attention and care and act upon it so that the grace which he had not been lost by him.”

After that, he said “ When Sheikh Faridduin was heard that whatever I will hear by his holy tongue I used to write, then it was becoming his such condition that whenever I will be used to absent from the meeting and I will present there later then he will use to ask him where you were.? The benefits which were already explained by him were again told by him and if he will see any effect of any


carelessness in me, then he will use to address me and say for attention in this matter.”

Then the discussion about getting the blessing of Khaja Hasan of Basra was started and “ He told with his holy tongue that still Khaja Sahib was a boy then he was drinking water from the pitcher of the prophet of Allah. The prophet of Allah asked who drinks water from this pitcher.? He was told that Hasan drinks it.He said, “As he drinks water from this pitcher so the knowledge will have an effect on him.” During this time, Um Salma put Hasan on his lap. The prophet prayed for him. So the felicity which got by Hasan was due to the water of that pitcher and prayer of the prophet of Allah.”

After that, the discussion about such Darwish persons was started who make slogans during the time of Sama (ecstasy) meeting. And at the time of dancing make different types of voices. Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “Such persons who do such actions and which are very bad and the people Sama (ecstasy) do not do such things. And this is not work of perfect persons. Where there will be useless people of greed then with them such actions will be done by him.” Hasan of Basra says that “ Such person who will cry with pain and do complaints at the time of Sama meeting, then understand that this is the work of the Satan. And one who is a spiritual person and who will be in the world of angels. In the person there will be no sense and movement at the time of Sama and then he will swim and walk in the sea of the friendship and at that time he will not able to know about the worlds of 18,000. As in the test tube gold melts, in the same way, the people of Sama will be pass in the surprise. ”

Then he said one story on this situation “ Once Khaja Hasan of Basra was preaching in one meeting and at that time Hajaj Ben Yousuf came there with royal display of rank and dignity and the army soldiers were drawing the swords in their hands and there was one holy person was there and who said well today he will examination of Hasan of Basra. Hajjaj came there and sat there. Khaja Hasan did not care a little in this matter and he was engaged in his work. When the meeting ended then that holy person said that “ Oh: Hasan you are on the right path.” Hajaj came forward and he caught the arm of Khaja Hasan of Basra and he told the audience that “ If you want to see any courageous person then see Hasan of Basra.”


After that on this situation, he told about Hajj Ben Yousuf that “ Once the persons saw Hajj in the plain of judgement and he was asked him what do you want.? He said whichever unitarian want.? When this matter was heard by Khaja Hasan of Basra, then he said that never believe in him. Whatever he want which he will be taken away the reward of another world by the cleverness.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ The reason of this thing is that in his hymens in the time of last breath he told oh: Lord, he would seem You are the Ghaffar (The Great Forgiver,) and most Merciful and all these are agreed that You will not forgive him and You will not pardon him. And as per their thinking, you will not disrespect my honour so you are Qayum (The Self-Subsisting,) do whatever You will like. When the Khaja Sahib was reached on this story, then he shut, tears and said Hajaj’s cruelty is well known in the whole world and how its level was.? This type of the cruel person is requesting for the forgiveness. Then that person who is engaged in the daily recital of ‘Subhan Rabbi al-Azeem’ then why he will not request for his forgiveness.”?

Then he said when Allah wants to involve him in atrocities so he was killed the brother of Khaja Abu Saeed Abul Khair. For this reason after some days he was dying due to severe pain in the stomach for seven days and nights and due to the pain he was become helpless that he was fallen down from the throne to the earth and from earth to the throne and he was roll in this condition and he went to another world. After that when he was seen in the dream and people asked him how Allah treated with him.?. He said, “ For killing every individual he was killed one time, but for the killing of the brother of Abu Saeed Abul Khair, there was a command that to kill him and to give him life until the day of judgment.”

After that on this situation, he told this story “ Once Hadrat Ali Ben Abi Taleb (R.A.) came to Basra while fastening the camel’s nose-string in between for three days time and he was busy in demolishing of the pulpits and asked the preachers to stop the preaching work. When he was reached in the meeting place of Khaja Hasan of Basra, then he asked him are you learned person or student.? Khaja Saheb told him that “ He is nothing among these two persons. Only the matter which was reached to him from the prophet of Allah which he used to explain that thing. ” So he has not prohibited him in this matter. But he told him that you have replied very well. Then Ali Ben Abi Taleb (R.A.) left from that place. When he


came to know that he was Ali Ben Abi Taleb (R.A.) then he went back to him and he presents in his service and he desired that he should teach him the method of ablution. Ali Ben Abi Taleb (R.A.) was asked to bring water and taught him the method of ablution and he was returned back from there.”

During this period, the discussion about the scarcity of water was started. He told with his holy tongue this story “ Once there was scarcity of rainfall in Basra was started then about 200,000,00 persons went into his service of Khaja Hasan of Basra and requested him to pray for the rainfall. He said, “ If they want rainfall of the mercy, then remove him from Basra.”

After that, the discussion about fear was started. On this situation he told with his holy tongue “ There was one holy person was such there that when there will be fear of Allah will be upon him then he used to say that he is sitting before the executioner. Then he said that anybody did not see him smiling. ”

Then he said one story on this situation “ One day people saw one person who was weeping and asked him what is the reason.? He said he went in the meeting place of Mohamed Mustabi and where he told that there will be such Muslim who will be there in the hell of fire for a period of 1,000 years so, for this reason, he is weeping”. Khaja Hasan Basri said, “ If he would be that Muslim so that he will be clear away from there after a period of 1,000 years.”

It is said that one day Hasan of Basra was reading this saying of the prophet of Allah many times in which it was said that “ From my nation the person who will be taken out lately from the hell of fire after a period of 70,000 years.”

After that one time in the night time, Sheikh Saifuddin Ba-Khaerzi was weeping very much in his house. At the morning time, the people asked him “ Why he was weeping very much in the last night.” He said “ He feared that due to his unknowingly any work will be done by him or went somewhere which is not agreed by Allah. And he will be told to go there is no place for you in Our court. And your obedience is not acceptable, then what he will do at that time.?”

Then the discussion about laughing was started so he told with his holy tongue “ Laughing loudly is also one kind of big sin.” Then he told this story that “ One day Sheikh Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki was passed from such people who were


laughing together. He told there is a surprise from your laughing, perhaps you are un-aware of the death.”

After that, he told this story “ One person was eating bread in the graveyard. One pious person who was passed from there and told him that “ He is hypocritical.” Asked why.? He said, “Eating in the grave yard and the laughing there are such things to forget the other world, and deaths are signs of the hypotactic.”

Then he told one story about this situation “ When Khaja Hasan of Basra’s last time was near then he laughed, but during his lifetime nobody could not see him laughing. At the time of death while laughing, he was asking which sin done by him.? And during this time he was dying. Then one holy person was seen him in his dream and told him that “ He did not see him laughing during a lifetime, but in the agony of death he was laughing and what was its reason.?” He told that when the angel of death came to take away his soul, then he was saying that still one more sin is left and for this happiness he was laughing and his soul was taken away.”

After that on this situation he told one story about Sheikh Fariduddin “ During the night when he was dying one pious person saw in his dream that the gates of the sky are open and there is a call from there that Khaja Fariddin met with Allah and Allah is happy with him.”

On the Wednesday of the 6th Rajab month in the year 715 Hegira the discussion about the Hadrat Malik bin Dinar was started. He told with his tongue that “ He is called Malik Dinar because once he was in the boat and the boat was reached in the whirl pool, then he was asked to pay tax and he told that he did not have anything with him. It is told him that he should be caught by the legs and thrown into the river. There was a command to the fishes to take one dinar in their mouths and go to the boat. He was taken one dinar and given to the crew of the boat and he put steps on the water and went away from there. From that time his name was becoming famous Malik Dinar.”

After that, he told with his holy tongue that he repented like that one night he went to see entertainment and there the singer was singing and playing musical instruments when the friends were sleeping then there was voice from musical


instrument that why they did not repent.? At that time, he repented there and went to the mosque.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Khaja Malik bin Dinar was gaining so much status that once he was taking rest under the shadow of the wall than one snake with a branch of the narcissus plant and moving it like a hand fan.”

After this he said Malik Dinar desired for many years to become anyway Ghazi ( Muslim soldier ) so by chance at the time of battle, he was becoming ill and he was heard invisible voice in the dream “ If you would go in the war you will become prisoners of war and you will be given for the eating meat of the pig and, for this reason, he will become an infidel.” After that, he was waking up from the dream and thanked Allah and he said: “ Today he was suffered by the fever and it was really a great gift for him.”

After that, the discussion about the blessing of the kissing of the hands of the pious persons was started and he told with his holy tongue “ Once one pious person had dialectic with atheist and when the discussion was reached at such point that and it was agreed by them to throw both of them in the fire by tying their hands and whose hand will be burn will be regarded as false person. But when it was done, then nobody’s hand was not burnt. He said, “ Both of them are right.” That holy person was angry and was came back to his house and in the prostration, he said that he was leveled with the atheist person. Then there was invisible call in which it was told: “ You do not know that your and that atheist person’s hand were together there and if his only hand will be there then you will see the show there.”

Then he said since many years, Malik Dinar did not eat a sweet or sour thing. And every night he used to purchase bread from the baker and used to break his fast. When he was becoming ill, then he was desired for the meat. And he was patient for some period of time and one day he purchased some meat and put it in the sleeve and he was reached to the special place and taken out meat and said “ Oh my soul if you will be away from such desire, then I will give something otherwise no.” Upon saying this, he was given meat immediately to his friend and he did not eat.


After that, he told this story “ One Darwish used to say that one who will not eat the meat for a period of 40 days then there will become to blow in his wisdom. But he was not eating meat for 20 years, but his wisdom is in progress.”

Then he told this story “ Once there was a fire accident in Basra. Malik bin Dinar took his sleepers and reached on the upper storey and he was seen some people were burning and some persons were fleeing from there. In short the mankind was in the condition of disturbances. Upon seeing this condition, he said that on the day of judgment there will be such situation.”

After that he told this story “ One day one holy person went to enquire after health of the person and when he looked at him, then he come to know that his death is near. That holy person told him to recite the Islamic creed and he could not recite it. He was saying only ten eleven and twelve then the holy person asked the condition of him. So he said that when he went to recite the creed, then they show the mountain of fire and saying that if you recite a creed then you will be burnt in it.”

On the Thursday of the 5th Shaban month in the year 715 Hegira I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib and the discussion about piousness of Sheikh Bakhtiar Kaki was started. I have asked why Khaja Sahib is called Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki? He said “ One time he was with his friends at the reservoir of the Sultan. It was a time of enjoyment. And friends were told at that time that it was good if there would be hot Kak available to them and Kak is a kind of the bread. He smiled and said good if it will get there what do you do.? They told that they eat it. He stood from there and went into the water and put his hand into the water and given them hot breads to his friends. For this reason he was called Khaja Bakhtiar Kaki.”

After that, he told this story “ One sinner person was buried at the foot side of Hadrat Bakhtiar Kaki. In that night, the people saw in their dream that person was walking in the heaven. The people were surprised and asked him “ Oh friend, from where you have got this status.?” He said when you people buried and left from there and the angels of punishment came and there Khaja Sahib was also present there and his heart was worried. Immediately there was a command to the angels to leave their hands from that person. Because he was getting a place at the foot side


of my friend Khaja Qutubuddin Kaki and his heart’s attention is towards Us. We have forgiven him for his sake and his sins have been forgiven.”

Then he told a story about the piousness of Sheikh Fariuddin that some travellers came into his service and they want to put their question to examine him. There was a bundle of wood before him. Among them, one person was asked him how there will be power of the spirituality in the personality of Darwish.? He immediately strikes two hands on the bundle of wood and said: “ If it is said this bundle of the wood to become gold then it will convert into gold.” Still, this phrase was not completed by his holy tongue, then the wooden bundle was converted into gold.

In this situation, he told this story “ Once Shaikh Usman Haruni was sitting with his friends in the mosque building. Some Darwish came there and said, salam. He asked them to sit. When they sat then the discussion about mysticism was started and he said: “ The people of mysticism are such that when they will be in the condition of a surprise then at that time if there will be 100,000 strikes on them then they will not know in this matter.” Then Khaja Sahib shuts, tears and he said: “ When these people will be in the condition of surprise in the love of the friend then 100,000,00 trusted angels will enter into one ear and come out from the other ear then they will not know in this matter.” Then that darwesh requested him for some amount for travelling expenses so that they move from there. On that day in his mosque, there was nothing available to give them. Sheikh Sahib gives them handful soil to them and asked them to pack it and where there will be need used it. They paid respect and went away from there. When they opened knot they find all soil was converted into gold.”

Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ One who is perfect if he will touch the soil or any other thing and which will be converted into gold.”

On the Wednesday on the 5th Ramazan in the year 715 Hegira, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Shaikh Sahib. Moulana Fakheruddin Razi and Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli were present in his service. The discussion about the excellence of Prophet Jonah (A.S.) was started. Then he told with his holy tongue “ When there was the punishment of Allah fell down upon him and he was thrown into the stomach of the fish, then he was put on it for 40 days and nights there. The


fish was opened his mouth and swallowed Prophet Jonah (A.S.). At that time revelation was sent to the fish “ Oh fish Jonah is Our pious person. We have not made him your sustenance because for the animals the flesh of the prophet of Allah is illegal. We made your stomach only as jail for him and do not give trouble to his bones or not to do damage to his flesh and skin.” When the fish heard this voice then she did not eat anything for a period of 40 days or did intercourse with the partner. The fish kept open his mouth as it is. Prophet Jonah (A.S.) used to stand for the prayer and made the liver of the fish as Qibla (direction in which Muslims turn in prayer). The fish used to go inside of the deep water of the ocean along with him. Allah made the skin of the fish such delicate that from it Prophet Jonah (A.S.) used to watch the wonders of the ocean. Even he was used to hear the glorification of the animals of the sea. And that fish used to take him from one ocean to another ocean. He used to perform the prayers of Allah in the stomach of the fish and used to do hymns of Allah and his voice will reach to the sky. The angles used to say in the court of Allah that “ This seems the voice of Prophet Jonah (A.S.). What he is doing in the ocean.? The reply came that We have kept him in our custody there. And We have made stomach of the fish as jail for him.” All angels recommended for him and for release they prayed and did lamentation there. Allah granted it. On the fish there was sent revelation and she came at the shore of the sea, then Prophet Jonah (A.S.) came out of the fish and was engaged in the obedience of Allah.”

On the Tuesday on the 8th Shawwal in the 715 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Jirgis (A.S.) was started and he told with holy tongue “ The story of Prophet Jirgis (A.S.) is strange and it is also very long. Then he said during his period there was one king who was very cruel, brutal and the idol worshipper and with him there was one idol known as Aqloon which was used to decorated by him with jewellery and he used to force the people to prostrate before the idol. One who worships the idols will be released by him otherwise that person who not do the idol worship will be killed by him. One day he went into the jungle and he was called people there and decorated the Idol and ordered them to prostrate before it. Around it there was kept fire ready. One who will not prostrate then he will be put that person into the fire. When Jergis saw this condition he was becoming sad and thought in his mind that for the willingness of Allah he should do one good deed to prohibit the


prostration of the people before the idol. And to present the religion of Islam. Whatever situation will be happened after him, then he will bear it for the willingness of Allah. Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Whatever he had, he was given in the way of Allah. When there was nothing left, then he came to visit the king. And he said to him why he causes trouble to mankind. You are a weak and helpless person. Your God is very heavy and powerful. Who had given you this kingdom. Why did not grateful to Him.? And freely you are giving trouble to the mankind. And you are doing the idol worshiping. Nobody says God to the stone. Allah is the Generous and the Merciful and old, and who know very well your infidelity and disobedience and He keeping your secret due to his mercy and kindness. Nobody knows His greatness except by Himself. So You are like a radish of which garden.? It means you are nothing. So why you are proud.? When the king heard this, then he was given orders to fix wooden pole in the earth and fix him with nails in the naked condition. So his skin was removed from the body and blood was discharged away from the body. At that time also he was busy in the hymns of Allah. Due to kindness and mercy of Allah there was no trouble reached for him. Then one iron was heated in the fire and put on his head. So that mind should melt and come out from the head. Then he was safe and secure by the kindness and mercy of Allah. When the people saw his condition then some person secretly and some persons openly accepted the unity of God.

After that king’s special persons told “ Oh : king Lord your work was gone from your hand as such the trouble was created that which we could not be keep away. If you give order then we will imprison him in the prison so that nobody will see him and he will be dying there.” So he was sent to the jail and there one big stone was kept on his backside. There he was used to busy in the invocation of Allah day and night. Allah sent angel there who was given released him from the beneath of the stone and took him out of the jail. And he said “ Allah conveyed salam to him. And granted him prophet hood. Also, he said to be patient on the troubles and problems of the world and to give an invitation to his enemies for his worship and do not have any sort of fear. You will be killed by them four times. And four times he will be given life by Allah. After this martyrdom, he will be taken to heaven.”

When he was heard this then he thanked Allah. When the king conducted general court then he was reached there. The king told him “ I had imprisoned you


in the jail and who had released you from there.? He told, “ The One from whose command the earth and sky are established.”

After that the king was given orders to bring saw and cut him into pieces. The king had seven hungry tigers in one room. When he was sent in that room instead of killing him the tigers were prostrated before him. In the night Allah sent an angel who had taken him away from there and was given his meals and said him to be patient on the worldly grief and difficulties.” At the day break the king gathered people and asked them to be in the merriness.

Then Prophet Jargis (A.S.) came to visit the king and he asked him “ Are you Jargis .? He said “Yes.” The king said he was killed him. He told him “ What you see, towards your act of my killing.? And to see towards Allah that how was given life to him. Not even him, but he will give life to all creatures.” When they heard this all people were surprised. One person told “ Oh : Jargis there is one request of us is that if you will fulfill it then we will worship your Lord.” He said “He is The One and who is attributed with power on everything.” That person told him “ There are four persons are sitting on the chairs and before us there are wooden trays of different kinds are available and you tell your Allah to make these wood into the green.” He was praying and Allah made them dry woods into green and made root branches, leaves, flower and fruits etc., and which were made available there. Upon seeing this that person told “ He is a magician. To hand over him so that he can punish severely him.” That person made one idol which was hollow and he put him inside of that idol and closed it and he put that idol in the fire for some days. When he was put in the fire, then there was anger of Allah which was at its height and there was darkness in the whole world and there was falling of the fire started. All people were becoming unconscious. When he was out of that idol he was silent for some days due to anger of Allah. After some days there revelation came that to go and see the king and give the warning of the punishment of Allah. Then he went to the court of the king and given his advises. One minister among the king told him “ There is one matter is left between you and us. If your God will be given life to the dead person then they will worship your Lord.” In the nearby area there was one old grave yard. He was praying, then 70 persons due to the command of Allah were become alive. Among them there were nine persons, five women and three children were there and one among them there was one old person. He asked that old man, “ What is your name.? He said “


Mail.’ He asked “ When did he was dead.” He told such and such time. After the calculation was made and it was known that he was died 400 years ago. The king was surprised. That person told “ He is not magician. As a magician could not give life to the dead person. We have given heavy difficulties to him, but there were no effects upon him. This is work belong to the sky. The minister told that now he worships the God of Jirgis and he is upset with those idols.” Upon hearing this king was given orders to cut that person into many pieces. The king asked ministers “ What to do now,? So that there will be freedom from the disturbances of this person.” One among said “ To keep him in the house of darwesh person so that he will be killed by the starvation there.” So he kept in the house of one poor lady and who had one blind and as well as indecent son who was ill. There was no poor in the city than that old lady. There was posted police man on the door of the lady’s house so that nobody could not give them the bread and water. And they may be die due to the starvation and water scarcity. He was engaged in the corner of the house in the prayers of Allah. He used to keep fasting in the day time and at an evening time he asked old woman is there anything to eat.? She said “ Oh : young man she is poor woman and his son ill and blind, and in my house there is nothing to eat and drink.” There was one pillar in the house of the old woman on which the roof of the house was established. He kept his hand on that pillar and began hymns of Allah then that was becoming green tree and fruits were came there and these fruits were grown up on the tree which were not seen by anybody. He eats that fruits. And told that old woman to recognize Allah first as that woman was idol worshipper and then she became Muslim. That woman told him “ There is so much respect and value of you with Allah so for this reason pray for my son so that he can become healthy.” He was blown on the eye of the boy, then he was becoming healthy and well. Due to very much requests to stay in her house of the woman as guest so he was there in her house for some days. One day the king passed from that way and he was seen green tree there and said “ He was not seen here before any tree.” The people told him “ When the magician was brought into the house of the old lady and that person was grown up this tree.” The king was given orders to pull out the tree and demolished that house. Due to command of Allah that tree was becoming again heavy. The king was given orders to call Jirgis and lay down him with iron rod and cut him into pieces and burnt him into pieces. And it was done like that. The ashes were collected and packed and sealed. And the king was given orders to his assistants “ To take it and make into small


particles and throw the pieces into the river so that he will be annihilated away there. And we will be safe from his disturbances.” When the ashes were thrown into the river little by little, then it was heard that “Oh air, the King of the earth and sky giving order to gather all particles so that We can give life to him.” The air was gathered all pieces on the water. So the assistants of the king saw that there was movement in it and in between them Prophet Jirgis (A.S.) was appearing there and who was doing hymns of Allah. When the people reached back in the court of the king then he was present there in the court of the king before those persons. The king asked him “ You were dying and was become ashes and how you have got life.? “ Really, you are right. And your God is the one attributed with Power. And the idols are aging. But I will worship your God, then the people will censure me that he could not defend one person. There is one more work in which there is welfare of two of us. That is your one time worship of our idols, so that there will be no objection in between us. Then he will worship your God and then he will ignore the idols and demolishing all of them.” He wanted to show the love of Allah and so he said “Yes.” Then the king was becoming happy and he was kissing his head and eyes. And he told him “ You stay today and tomorrow in our palace as a guest of honour so that the people should know that there is comprise in between us. We both of us will go to idol temple and do one time, prostration before the idol and after that whatever you will say I will agree on this matter.” He was engaged in the night in the prayer of Allah. One woman was also there behind him in the prayer. When he saw her then he taught her Islamic religion. And that woman was become Muslim. The Muslims were in sad condition and Jews were in the merriness. The people were reached towards the idol temple. The king and Prophet Jirgis (A.S.) were also reached there and in that idol temple there were 70 idols were there and which were decorated with pearls and jewellery. He was watching the idols for some more time and at that time that women came there while carrying his son. He was called that boy “ Oh that boy ” and that boy told him “ He will come to the prophet of Allah.” He told him “ To come down from the neck ” and he came down from there and began walking and he came and reached near him. He told him “ To go inside of the idol temple and tell the idols that a prophet of Allah Jirgis is calling.” When the boy went inside the Idol temple and he was given message, then all idols by head side began rolling down and came outside of the temple so at that time he strike his feet on the earth then all idols were gone and lost in the earth. The king told him “You have fascinated


me and killed me, lords.” He told him “ Because you should know that they are not your lords and these gods cannot do anything.” And among then he caught Satan and told him, “ Oh the cursed one what is this matter.? Which you are doing. You are being killed and also you are also killing the creatures. You have reached in the hell and now you are taking the mankind of Allah into the hell of fire.” The Satan told “ Do you not know that with him to mislead one person from the right way is the best thing for him. Also, you do not know that when Allah was commanded the angels to prostrate before Adam then all angels did this prostration but he didn't do it. I have accepted hell of the fire and so did not prostrate.”

After that king’s woman saw the king and she told him “ Now what punishment of Allah is left or another difficulty is left there. And which you have not sent there. Now say him to pray that you will be drowned.” The king was becoming angry and he told her “ You have become a fascinated of the magician.” She has said “ For 20 years, he is saying, but he could not make fascinated her.” Upon hearing this the king’s woman was became Muslim and the king was killed her. That woman asked Prophet Jurgis (A.S.) to pray her and he was prayed for her then the angels came there with the garment from the heaven to take away her soul from there.

After that when he was prayed “ Oh my Lord unless you will not thrust them into the earth before him then do not call him toward him.” Upon this pray lighting was started and the whole world was becoming dark and the earthquake was started due to this reason the earth was shattered and that king along with the army was vanished into the earth. And then his name and sign were not available in the world.

On the Tuesday on the 20th Jamil Awwal month in the 715 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about excellence of holy and learned persons was started. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and Moulana Fakheruddin Razi came there and paid respect. There was an order to them to sit down there and they sat.

After that, Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue “ Once one holy person made the intention of the Hajj pilgrimage so that he can visit holy Makkah. When he


reached Baghdad, then he has seen the prophet of Allah in his dream and who was saying him “ To return back. There is Hajj pilgrimage in your house, it means your mother is living there. Go and do her service. That is better in your favour than a Hajj pilgrimage. Demand willingness of her.” That pious person was returned back and he thought it was good for him the service of his mother.”

Then Khaja Sahib told with holy tongue “ If any person who will take his parents on his shoulders for the Hajj pilgrimage for the entire life, then he cannot fulfill the right of one night for them which they spent in the difficulty. ”

After that, the discussion Rabia of Basra was started, then he told with holy tongue “ Rabia of Basra used to be silent in the meeting place of Hasan of Basra and she did not used to talk any kind of talking there. ”

Then he told “ When she was born there was not available cloth in the house. Also in the house there was not available things to light the lamp. She was covered in the edge of the shirt of her mother and her mother told his father to bring some oil from the neighbour's house. His father went to the neighbour's house and touched their door and he came back from there silently. He said “ They were sleeping and did not open the door”. And, in this way they sleep with grief and sadness. In that night he was seen the prophet of Allah in his dream and who said him that “ Do not worry and its result will be pious in your favour. Because for the sake of her 70,000 persons from my nation will be forgiven. Then he told to go and see Eisa bin Dawood the ruler of Basra and tell him that every night he used to send 100 times blessing upon him and but he did not send it on the Thursday and 400 rakats he used to perform and its expiation 100 dinars which should be give him.” When he wakes up, then he shut tears. And he was writing the details of the dream on the paper and he was given the letter to the ruler of Basra. He was given his 10,000 dirhams in charity in thanking giving of reminder by the prophet of Allah. He also said “ In the future if he need anything then he will provide him help if God willing .”

After that, he told about piousness of Rabia of Basra “ She was grown up a little than her parents were dying. When there was starvation in Basra, then her sisters were separated from each other. He was coming at the hand of one cruel person who sold her for money of some dirhams. One day one un-lucky person


Na-Muhraam (not close relation from when women need go into hiding ) wanted to hold her hand, then she put her head on the earth and she prayed in the court of Allah “ I am a poor and orphan girl and imprisoned and she is not worried about other difficulties and she wants His willingness whether You are in agreed condition or not.?”There was invisible call in which it was heard “ Do not worry about the day of judgment and there will be given such position there that trusted persons of my court will be proud of you.” From that day when she used to be entered into the house in her daily hymns she used to say, “ Oh my : Lord, she observes fasting in the day time and in the night she used to wake up and do the service of his master and also Yours.” One night her master was woken in the night what he was seeing that Rabia of Basra was in prostration in the court of Allah and she is saying “ Oh : my Lord you know very well that my heart's desire is in conformity with Your willingness. And readily she is a servant of Your court. And at any time she is not careless from you. But what she will do,? ” That master was seen that there was light of the lamp was hanging over her head and from which there was light in all of the house like the day light. The master was given her very much respect and he said he was freed her and he said “ If you will live here then we are all your servants. If you want, then you can go as per your will and desire.” She left from there and she started singing, but later she repented of it and she was settled down in the jungle area and for a long time she was engaged there in the worship of Allah.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ Rabia of Basra used to perform 1,000 rakats in the day and night and she used to attend the meeting of Khaja Hasan of Basra. And whatever she will listen there, then she used to act upon it. Then she worshipped some period in the jungle and then she had an intention for the Hajj pilgrimage. And on one donkey she was loaded her luggage and she went on the Hajj pilgrimage. In the middle of the jungle the donkey was dying. The caravan people asked her to give her luggage so that they can uploaded by them . She told them to go she is in the trust of Allah. She was left alone in the jungle. In the court of Allah she said “ Oh king what you are doing with this helpless women. Yourself called me to your house and Yourself killed the donkey on the way. Now she left alone in the jungle.” Upon saying this donkey was became alive. And on the donkey she loads her luggage and she continued her journey. After long time I have seen that she was selling that donkey.”


Then in this situation, he said “ When she has reached Iraq, then she said “ Oh: my Lord, my heart is in grief where she should go.? What does she do with the clod? It is one stone.? She needs Your site. Allah told her without the source “ Oh Rabia you are going in search of 18,000 worlds. Did you not know that Musa was requested for desire of My sight. And there was a little manifestation on the mountain of the Sinai, then that mountain shattered into forty pieces. This matter, she is telling and what is this situation of it.?

After that, Khaja Sahib said “ When she was departed for Makkah then what she is seeing that in the jungle Kaaba is coming to welcome him. She said she did not want Kaaba and what will be merriness for her to see Kaaba and she want the sight of the owner of Kaaba and she does not require Kaaba.?”

On the Thursday on the 7th Shawwal in the 715 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Sama (ecstasy) and the people of Sama was started. At that time one person came there and was informed him that one group of his friends were gathered and flutes were also brought by them there. Upon hearing this Khaja Sahib said “ He was prohibited that flutes and also other illegal things should not be there in between them. Whatever they have done which is not good. About this he said that to strike one hand on the other because it is also included in the play. As there a is prohibition for the clapping is there so, then there will a be must for the prohibition of the flute. ”

After that, he said “ If someone will fall, then he should fall in the Islamic law. Because if he will out of the Islamic law, then there is no place for him.”

Then he said “ The top most learned people were heard Sama and those who are persons of Sama are people of liking and people of pain. For them from chorister upon hearing one couplet there will be conditions of tenderness which will be fall upon them. Whether there will be flute or not there. But one who does not have personally liking and pain and near with him whether there will be singing or whether there will be many flutes there then there will no effect upon him. So it is known that this work is related to the pain and not related to the flutes etc.”

After that, he said “ The people cannot have presence always and if any time in the day when he will happy then all people dissension will come there at that


time. And in this same way if in any group there will be one person of liking and pain will be there then all persons will come under his protection.”

Then he said “ In the previous time there was Qazi (judge) in Ajodhan and who was used to be against of Sheikh Fariuddin and even he went to Multan one time and he said there to the top most learned people that “ Whether it is legal that one person openly hear Sama in the mosque and some time he used to dance there.” They asked, “ Who is that person.?” He said “ Sheikh Farid.” Then told him “ We could not do against him.”

After that, Khaja Sahib said “ Whenever he has heard Sama and I swear in the saintly dress of my Sheikh that all these matters are as the logic on the qualities of Sheikh Sahib. Till that once during this life time the chorister recited one couplet. Upon hearing this, I remembered very much good attributes and manners of Sheikh Sahib and I like this couplet that which cannot say in this matter. The chorister wants to recite some other, but I used to ask them to sing the above couplet many times”. And when Khaja Sahib finished his matter then he shut tears and he said: “ After this event long time was not passed and Sheikh Sahib left this world.”

After this, he said “ On the day of judgment it will be asked by every person that Our attributes are new but We are old. So the new how will be become legal from the old. He will say, “ Oh: my Lord, due to an excess of the love I did such thing. ” There will be a command of Allah “ Yes, due to an excess of the love you did such thing. We will do better treatment with you due to an excess of the mercy.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ One who will be drowned in His love for him there will be favoured. Then what will be asked by the other persons.? ”Then he said, “ Once Khaja Ibrahim bin Adham was asked whether you remembered Isim Azam (Almighty’s name),” He said to tell “ Which name.? ” He said “ To keep pure the stomach from the illegal morsels. And keep the heart free from the love of the world then whatever you will read then it will become Isim Azam (Almighty’s name) .”

On the Monday on the 5th Zeqad in the 715 Hegira year I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. The discussion was started about the prayer


(Namaz) and supplications. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli, Moulana Nasiruddin Geyahi were present in his service. He told with holy tongue “ The prophet of Allah used to perform Salat al-Sada for the important affair and then those expeditions will be completed.” The compiler of the book asked whether it's time is fixed for this prayer.? ” He said “ When performing four rakats of obligatory prayer of Eisha and after performing two rakats of Sunnah ( as per practice of the holy prophet) then to perform four rakats with one salam with the intention of Salat al-sada and to perform it as follows.

1. In every rakat to recite Alhamad one time 2. One time verse of the throne3. 3 times Enna Anzalna 4. Sura Iqlas 15 times5. After salam put the head in the prostration and say “ Ya Haiu Ya Qaiyum Sibtni al Eman.” Then the discussion about the piousness of holy persons was started. He told with his holy tongue “ Once Khaja Ibrahim Adham made the intention that the people visit Kaaba by the foot and he will visit by the eyes. So he used to perform two rakats on every step. When he was reached to Makkah after the journey of 14 years, but he could not find Kaaba in its place so he was surprised. There was an invisible call which was heard there “ Oh: Ibrahim, Kaaba went for the visit of Rabia of Basra. He said “ Oh: my Lord now where he should go.? The call heard there in which it was said: “ Do not go anywhere Kaaba will come there just now.”

After that Khaja Saheb said “ From Sheikh Sahib somebody wanted to take back something due to him. That person held his shoulder and told him “ To give his amount.” Sheikh Saheb told him “ To be silent”, but that person said “He will not be silent”. Sheikh Saheb became angry and put down the coverlet from his shoulder and strike it with the earth, then all bazaar was filled with the gold. He told him “ To take his right. If you will take more then your hand will become dry.” That person was taken, his due amount, but when he stretches his hand to take more than his due amount so his hand was becoming dry. After that Khaja Sahib told “ One who quarrel with Darwish, then his root will be removed.”


On the Sunday on the 10th Zequad month in the 715 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. Maulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi, Moulana Shahabuddin Merati, Sheikh Usman Sayah, Sheikh Ziauddin Panipati, Moulana Wajihuddin Paheli and other friends were present. That day was very pleasing with mercy. Moulana Sharfuddin and Najamuddin on that day paid respect and they have received four ends Turkey caps. The compiler of this book has received the cap on that day. And everybody was received as per his fate.

After that Khaja Sahib told with audience “ As we are gathered in the world and on the day of judgement our account of deeds will be settled together there. When Khaja Sahib said this then myself and other friends said Moulana Shahabuddin Meerati who is your servant and he was writing one couplet and if there will be given permission then he will recite it. He said “Yes.”

The End.


Afzal al-Fawaid (Rahat al-Mohibian) Part two

Mausoleum of Hadrat Khaja Nizamuddin Auliya in Delhi

By Hadrat Amir Khusro

Translated byMohammed Abdul Hafeez,B.Com.Email: [email protected]

Afzal al-Fawaid (Rahatal Mohibian) Part Two


These are secrets and lights of Allah, and these not ending extreme advises of Khaja Sahib of right path and who was master in the relics of journalism and he was person of discourse on the earth and heir of the learned and pious persons and successors of the persons of mysticism and the prophet, the crown of research persons, proof of the lovers, also, he was order of reality and who is having his share in Shariah (Islamic law) and Islam, and these advices of piety were collected from his life period and on the basis of date wise in his presence in the service. May Allah preserve him.

On the 20th Rajab month in the year 719 Hegira, there was discussion about the birth of Prophet Adam (A.S.) was in progress. The sinner person (compiler of this book) and seeker of the grace of Allah and who drawing inspiration and who is the slave of the king of the learned persons and he was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib on the above date and at that time other friends were also present there in the meeting place. The discussion about prophets who were passed away from the world were in progress he told with his holy tongue “ When Khaja Qutubuddin was living and when he was reached on this point, then I was standing and asked that then he told me to sit so I was sat there. And he told me that “ Whatever he wants to think he can say.” Then I have paid respect to him a second time. I told him “ Whatever he was heard from his holy tongue before, he was writing and its collection name is given as Afzal al-Fawaid and his esteemed honour which was approved. If there will be an instruction to add whatever he was heard, then it will be gathered in another collection in the second volume. But in that volume there will be many stories of the of prophets and mysticism so that there a will be satisfaction to my mind. He said “Good. ” He smiled and said “ As there was a desire in your mind so for this reason I was starting a discussion about the prophets after the prayer time.”

After that, he said “ Oh; dear Darwish listen Allah has created the treasure of calamities specially for the prophets and holy persons of Allah. When the angels saw that treasure and were gone in the prostration due to the horror and asked: “ Our Lord for whom it was created.” It was said “ Angles, you are exempted from this grace. We are given this grace to his caliph and who will be creating on the earth. ” It means Prophet Adam (A.S) and his sons and who are my lovers. And


they will be tested by the calamities and one who will be firm in Our love and on whom we will send down these calamities. And if there will be not sent down these calamities then they will ask for by them to send down it on them.”

Then he said “ Oh: Darwish those who were drowned in the love of the friend than they desire from morning to evening for the sending of the calamities of them. Because that calamity will be from the side of the friend and which is not treated as difficult, but which is precisely grace and which is sent from the friend for the friend. ”

After that, he told this story “ Once one lover wakes up in the morning and requested oh my Lord my sustenance is your calamity. ” When it was asked what you are saying.? He said “ The friend is obliged in the difficulty, then if we will not desire , then we are not from among the people of mysticism. ?

After that when Prophet Adam (A.S.) was created in the world and the soul has entered into his body when the body was stood and there was stuff for him and he said thank of Allah. Angel Gabriel who was standing nearby him and he said “Yarhamkam Allah” (May Allah bless). At that time Allah told the angels that “ Oh angels you used to say that he will make problems in the world and shed blood. See still not stood well Adam did hymns for me. Then all angels were prostrated before Allah and they said “Whatever You know we do not know. ” There was commanded to angel Gabriel, Michael and Israfil you all go to heaven and Gabriel bring heavenly dress and Michael should bring Boraq (lightening horse) and Israfil bring the crown. When they brought them there was commanded to wear his heavenly dress and to put on head the crown and bring him on Boraq to the heaven. When Prophet Adam (A.S.) was set on the throne and there was commanded to all angels prostrate before Adam (A.S.). All angles prostrate but Satan refused it. Then all angels in a loud voice said there is a curse on the Satan. As such Allah was cursed Satan. Now a days there are too many such Muslims are there and on them , day and night there will be fall of curse of Allah upon thousand times on them and they are un-aware of it and they are careless in this matter.”

Then he said “ When Prophet Adam (A.S.) was settled down in the heaven and when angles and the dwellers of heaven saw his honour and respect than all of


them approached towards him. After that there was the command of Allah to learn lessons of excellence of miracles from him.”

After that he said “ When prophet Adam (A.S.) was given authority to eat all fruits of all trees except wheat as there was no such willingness to Allah in this matter. Due to eat of grain of wheat he was removed from the heaven and was thrown into the world. There was the fire of love was flaring up in his chest. Upon eating one grain of wheat the crown was removed from his head and dress of honour was no more and he was standing in the naked condition. And there was voice from the tree so, “ Oh : sinner goes outside this is not your place.” So Adam (A.S.) was asked the leaves from the trees and he was heard that “You are disobedient we will not give you leaves.” At last he went near the tree of fig and obtained the leaves from this tree. So there was command “ Oh : fig in the way you have given honour Our Adam in the same way we will give you respect.” When Adam (A.S.) was left from heaven he was reached Mount Abu.

He was weeping in the condition of disrepute for a period of 370 years and for this reason his flesh on the cheeks was melted away and the birds have made their nests there in it and for which he was un-aware of it. When he was used to prostrate nobody will not see there is Prophet Adam (A.S.) or not there. When Khaja Sahib was reached on this point he was shut terms and he said “Yes, on the morning of the fortieth day when we were woken up and he was looked at the elegance love. So there was effective flame of the love of him. And so in the garden of paradise he could not be able to establish there. At last which he brought him in the problems of the world and deserted him from there and which certify that the world is a treasure of calamites for the prophets and holy persons. After this Khaja Sahib was shut tears and he said there indeed the people of love as per desire of the friend in their beg in 1000 ways for it then they will become realization of time.”

After that he told by his tongue that “ The person who first did love and who was accepted calamities are the Prophet of Adam (A.S.). Because Prophet of Adam (A.S.) was created by the soil of the heaven. If there will be no taste in the soil there then there will be no love for the people of mysticism. So it's beginning of the love was started. So, for this reason, there is love is found among his sons.”


Then he said “ In the holy person fondness, desire and zeal are found and which is from Prophet Adam (A.S.) and when he was reached on this point when he was shut tears.

After that he said “ When the time of acceptance repentance of Prophet Adam was near then there was a command for him “ To observe fasting on 13 th 14th and 15th of every month so that we can accept his repentance.” After a period of 300 years Prophet Adam’s (A.S.) repentance was accepted.

Then he said “ Oh dervish after a long time when Prophet of Adam (A.S.) was asked whether he finds the goal as per his desire? Or not.? He said “ Not, this time, but in such time when there was a calamity for him for a period of 300 years. Those 300 years were passed in such way that on every day there was a revelation of one (saintliness) Velayat on him.”

When Khaja Sahib was explaining these benefits at that time six mendicant persons came there and nobody did not salam to him but they have performed ecstasy and dancing in the courtyard. And after a long time there they were finished it. Then they have started misbehaving with him. Khaja Sahib due to politeness called me and Moulana Fakheruddin to go and provide food to them. After this then whatever they will ask by them will give them and also beg pardon with them. When we took food to them when they have not liked it. But they have scolded us whatever came in their mind they told by their tongues. So we were surprised in this matter and were standing there that to go and what to say to Sheikh Sahib. In shorted when Khaja Sahib was coming to know that then he stood and took one piece of bread and coverlet with him went near with Darvish persons and said salam to them. But nobody among them could not pay any attention towards Khaja Sahib. Khaja Sahib was standing there and was requesting them and they have scolded him. After some time Khaja Sahib addressed them and said “ Dear gentlemen why you did not eat this food. At last this food is better than food which you ate at Qaran. ” Those dervish stood and put their caps on the earth and stood one foot and requested to pardon them and they said “ You sit there we will eat this food. We find you a real person of Allah which they were desired. ” After that Khaja Sahib left from there. Then myself and Moulana Fakheruddin Razi after eating food asked them that “What was matter there.? ” They told “Dear friends we were going towards Qaran as a travellers there. When we were arrived there and


where we did not get food for three days and, nights. In the day time we used to wander in the jungle and we have arrived at the place where Owaise of Qarni was buried his 32 tooth in the earth and we have visited that place and were proceeded further and what we have seen that there was one camel was dead and camel’s dead body was lying there and it was rotten and only bones and flesh is left there and everything of the camel was finished in the earth. We have discussion among ourselves that we are in the condition of hunger since three days so we will be killed due to this reason. So from this un-clean camel we have taken some flesh from it and roasted it and we have eaten it. Today Khaja Nizamuddin was able to know this matter by revelation so we say that really it is the name of darveshi (mysticism) which is available to Khaja Sahib.”

After that he said that he was heard with holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that “ Once he was arrived in Baghdad as a traveller there. In the mosque of Kanaf in the service of Sheikh Ouhud Kirmani myself and some other friends were also present there. The discussion of what is reasonable is that people are not match in shape, face, nature and habits among themselves. Sheikh Sahib told “ He was seen it was written in Asar Auliya that Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A.) was narrated when he was asked by the prophet of Allah how Prophet Adam (A.S.) was created? and his sons are not same with each other.” He said “ Oh : Abdullah bin Abbas, Allah was created face of Prophet of Adam (A.S) by the earth of Makkah and his head was made from the earth of Bait el- Muqdis (Jerusalem) and eye brows and eyes from the earth of the World. Both of the legs were created by the earth of India. And body parts from the earth of Ceylon and girdle from the land of Mashad so Abdullah if the earth will be taken from one place then there will be difficulty of recognition of each other as all will be available one shape person.”

After this one this situation he said “ When Prophet Adam (A.S.) has arrived in the world and he was used to sat on the mount Abu’s peak and used to weep very much in the grief of the heaven. Then there was commanded by Allah to bring one house of ruby to him and it should be kept at a place where nowadays Ka’aba is situated in Makkah. That house were having two doors in it and one was towards eastern side and other was towards western side of the world. In that house there were three golden lamps and its light that house was shed light on. And angels used to stand around the house in the rows and lamps were at such a place where today Ka’aba is visited. So Allah has given command to Prophet Adam (A.S.) to


go to that house and visit it. The angels taught him Hajj pilgrimage. He was used to perform the Hajj pilgrimage every year in that, house. Now that the house is available on the fourth sky on the upper side of the Ka’aba. And angels used to circumambulation that house and daily 70,000 angels used to visit that house and circumambulation it daily and till the day of judgement such process will be continued.”

Then he said “When Darwish will reach its perfection in his work then there will be treasured of calamities for him. And in his name, all such calamities are nominated in his name. So that Fakir (Darwish) should be firm on this matter. So that it is tested whether he can tolerate calamities or not.? If he will be perfect, then he will be tolerated all such calamities by him. But still he will be desired more and more calamities in this matter.”

After that he said “ One perfect person was present in the service of Sheikh Fariduddin. He said one day he was in the region of Bukhara and in the cave he was seen one holy person who was engaged in the worship of Allah and who was a great holy person with a clear heart and clear soul. I have not seen such holy person and a person of horror. In short when I was sanctified to touch the feet of the holy person then that holy person told “ Oh : Farid he was living in that cave since 60 years there and there is no such day and time when there will not fall of calamities upon him. But he used to bear it. But when there will be befalling of calamity upon him, then he will use to desire for the calamities. Because when there will be the willingness of friend in the calamities so then why he should not be desire for calamities.”

Then he said “ Oh: Farid the path of true persons is that on which they should put their steps with the truth on it. And then should claim of the love of the friend. Then wherever there will be calamities which will belong to him. Then in that condition one should be true and patient. When Khaja Sahib has finished the story, then he shut, tears and recited two couplets in Persian. After that in this situation he told with his holy tongue that “ When Khaja Bayazid Bustami was asked what treatment met by holy persons in the world by Allah? He said “ The treatment of Allah with holy persons is such that treatment which is given by him to enemies in the other world. It means he will keep them in punishment and calamities.”


Then he said “Once Khaja Shibli was desired to see Satan and one night when he has seen him he was afraid of him. Satan told him “Do not afraid of him he is Satan.” Khaja Sahib asked him some strange questions. Among them one of it was that whether he had power upon the holy person of Allah.? He said “ No, but at such times when they will be engaged at the time of ecstasy (Sama). At that time their hearts became un-conscious and they will become heartless. At that time, there will be reaching of them by him. ”

After that in this situation he told with his holy tongue that “ Teasing of the heart of Momin (faithful) is like that annoying of the heart of Allah. So oh Darwish, Momin is such person and if he will live in the East and if there will be pricking of a thorn in any Momin’s leg then he will feel that pain.”

Then he said “One holy person asked with Prophet Khizer (A.S.) how it is to tease to the Momin’s heart?. ” He said once he was present in the service of the last prophet of Allah. He has heard with his tongue that teasing of myself is like annoying of Allah and in this same way, there is a command for that person who will try to destroy the other’s house.”

After that, the discussion about backbiting was started and he said that “ The worst thing is backbiting and then he said on the day when Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was thrown into the well by his brothers and they caught one wolf and brought before Prophet Yakub (A.S.) and they said this wolf was killed Yousuf then wolf said “ “No.” He told him you know that “ Where he is?. ” He said “ Oh Yakub (A.S.) even though we are animals and ferocious is our occupation. But we do not backbite.”

Then he said “ On the night when the last prophet of Allah went his night journey of ascension in the skies and his look was fallen on the hill and where he was seen one group of persons in whose tongues there were holes and hanging in the chains. ” He asked “ Brother Gabriel who are these persons.? ” he said “ Oh: prophet of Allah, they're persons who involve in backbiting. ”

After that, he told this story that “ In the house of Ka’aba in Makkah there is one stone known as “Hajar al-Aswad” (the black stone of the Ka’aba) and once the prophet of Allah was kissed it. In short, there is narrated that one who will see a holy face of the prophet then Allah will forgive his seventy years sins. After the


demise of the prophet of Allah one who will look at “Hajar al-Aswad” (the black stone of the Ka’aba) then Allah will forgive his seventy years sins that the stone is kept in the house of Ka’aba for this purpose only.”

Then he said “ Oh: dear, once Satan was asked what is the reason of his reprobate? He said “ On the day when Allah was created the hell of fire. He used to visit it along with 70,000 angels there. There was one pulpit in the hell. He asked for angel Malik “ For whom this pulpit is? ” he told “Of that angel who will be reprobated and he will stand there. ” And, he sat on that pulpit perhaps he may be such angel. For this reason Allah made me reprobate. That pulpit was became his pulpit. This is one reason of his reprobate. ”

After that, once Prophet Ayub (A.S.) said of hymns “ Oh my Lord gives me 12,000 languages so that he can do the glorification of Allah in all languages and Allah accepted his prayer. And he was involved in diseases of insects. So he used to do glorification by Allah in the languages of 12,000 insects.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ Prophets and holy persons did not desire anything from Allah. Then they were able to get respect in the court of Allah.”

After that, he said “ Once Prophet Zakaria (A.S.) in hymns said, “ Oh my Lord in your court, except the step of calamity there is nothing known.” So there was immediate there was commanded that We will send it. That was 1,000 teeth saw was run on him. Then he was reaching the place of the nearness of Allah.”

In the same way, Prophet Ibrahim said in his hymns that “ Oh my Lord, there are so many guests for food but who is guest of the life?. There was a command that oh Ibrahim unless you will not sit on the sweep of calamity, then I will thank you as a patron. So dervish on this way entirely calamity, difficulty and grief is there. The brave men should be firm on the difficulty sent from his friend.”

He said, “ Once one person of realization was weeping for difficulty and there was commanded that he should not be able to bear it so he leaves it from his hands so that it should be put in by other’s neck and you should be deprived of it.”

After that, he said “ One Bedouin with his four children who were hungry, so much and their stomach packed with backs and who brought in the edge of the shirt some stone and he said that he will desert the holy Ka’aba otherwise give him


and his children food. At that same time, one hand was stretched from holy Ka’aba and which was thrown 2,000 dinars. He said “What he will do with his dinars. ” And, at that time two pieces of bread were appearing there, which he took and eats with him his children. Then he asked “ Why he did not take dinars. ” He said “It was not his in emotion. He wants only bread so that I can fulfill its rights.”

Then Khaja Sahib said, “ There is the great right of bread so the people should reserve its rights.”

After that, the discussion about keeping a secret was started and he told by holy tongue that “Once during the period of Prophet Shoaib (A.S.) one donkey of the somebody was lost and that person came into his service for his prayers. He was engaged in prayer for seven days and nights, but could not get whereabouts of the donkey. But at that time angel Gabriel arrived and said there is a command of Allah is that “ We are keeping a secret and we do not do a betrayal of secrets. So you do not pray on this matter and this prayer will not be accepted.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “Darwish should be keeping a secret because it is superior than all worships. If whether somebody will be seeing somebody's defect in his eyes then he should conceal it because it is an attribute of Allah.”

After that, the discussion about lunar and solar eclipses was started, he said “He was seen written one saying of the prophet as narrated by Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.) that when the last prophet of Allah went for accession then there were two persons under the dome of the sky were backbiting about the nation that they were upset with their sins. ” There was command of Allah “ To kill them. ” There was one more command that “ We will very well know about their sins and their sins are open to Us and We are the Forgiver, (Gaffar) What did do you concern with It.? ” When the prophet heard this address, then caught the hairs of the sun and the Moon and looked to them with look of the horror. Then their faces were turned black. There was guardian of the paradise Malik was present there and the prophet handed over both of them to him and said “ To take them to round around the sky. Because it is a tradition that one who will involve in backbiting then make his face black and give publicity. ” When the prophet was coming back from accession then both of them hold his edge of the shirt and requested him “ To pray


for them so that they get back their rights and we repent. And will not repeat such acts once again. ” The prophet told “ After his death the light will be taken back from you every year. And your faces will become black so that the people of the world will know that one who will involve in backbiting then his face will become black like this on the day of the judgment. ” When the prophet said this than both of them prostrated and said “ If your honour will not be there, then who will pray in their favour. ” He said “My nation and my people of the house will go on the roofs and will send upon them blessings and Allah for the sake of that blessing will give back you your light. ”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ He was seen written the saying of the prophet that one who will send one time blessing upon the last prophet of Allah, then Allah will forgive all his sins and make him well-informed and will give him light and with that help he can cross the pathway of paradise easily and safely.”

Then in this situation he said “On the day when Prophet Adam (A.S.) was created and the holy light of the last prophet was appeared on the back side of him. And the command was given to the angels to become followers in the prayer. The exegetical writers of Quran say the angels prostrated before that light of the last prophet of Allah. In short Prophet Adam (A.S.) in hymns said “ Oh my Lord I want to see that light. Then that holy light was appearing on his forehead, then all houries used to sit near Prophet Adam (A.S.) to see that light. After that Prophet Adam (A.S.) prayed again and said “ Oh: my Lord present that light at some place so that he can see it. ” Then it was appearing in his fifth finger. After some time when Prophet Adam (A.S.) was sleeping, then that the light was getting lost. When he was waking up and he was becoming mad upon not finding that light. He searched in the paradise and he wandered here and there and when he was reached at the tree of the wheat, then he said “ Oh; my dearly beloved's some feature is find in it. So immediately he ate it. There was a call heard “ You have got your goal and now go into the world and your friend will be born there. ” After that Prophet Adam (A.S.) came into the world. The exegetical writers of Quran wrote that this was one cause of his removal from the paradise.”

On the 27th Rajab in the year 719 Hegira Islamic year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Noah (A.S.) and other prophets and excellence and benefits of the month of Rajab was started. Moulana


Fakheruddin Razi and Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and other friends were present at the service. He told with his holy tongue that “ When Prophet Noah (A.S.) was born after Prophet Adam (A.S.) and he was given an age of 1000 years and during this life period only 70 people were becoming Muslims. In the stories, it is mentioned that one day due to the atrocities of the people of his nation he was fled from there. That nation was thrown by such heavy shower of stones, and with stones that his legs were injured seriously and there was a heavy discharge of blood. He was weeping in the court of Allah and then angel Gabrial brought the message of Allah that “ Whatever difficulties and problems are in the world and which I have created for the prophets and holy persons. If you have the power of toleration then proceed further. Otherwise keep away from it. We will give it to some other person.” Khaja Sahib told his holy tongue that “ It is narrated that when Prophet Noah (A.S.) heard this then he be unable to protest and but he used asked to send more and more.”

After that in this situation he said “ It was practically of Prophet Noah (A.S.) that he used to perform every night 1000 rakat prayers. After performing it, he used to go into prostration and say “ Oh my Lord, I did not have done any such obedience which is not suitable in your court and did not do such prostration which is not liked by You. I do not know what will be my position on the day of the judgement. When he will finish this hymn of Allah, then he weep will very much and used to do invocation of Allah that so then there will be a discharge of blood from his very small hairs of his body. The drop which will fall on the earth from that there will be marked for glorification. During the daytime he used to advise and preach the Jews and used to engage in the obedience and worship of Allah during the night. In this way he spent his whole life. One dear person was asked where is the starting point of rivers and he said from Deluge of Noah and this event has happened that when there were fall of anger of Allah on the nation of Noah then all of them was drowned in it. In the Quran, Allah says “ So there was started of springs from the earth and this was happening that from earth and mountains water was flowing and there was rainfall from the sky. Till 40 days there was heavy rainfall and there a was discharge of water from the earth. Then there was the upper water level from the peak of the mountains of 40 spears, and when the 40 days were over then there a was command in the sky to take back water. So the earth swallowed water back into it. The water, which was falling from the sky was


there in level and due to anger of Allah was become sour. So it was not swallowed by the earth and where ever it will touch it will make a wound and there was the origin of 100 rivers from the deluge of Noah.”

After that, he said “ When the nation of Prophet Noah (A.S.) was disobedient then he said in hymns that these people have become disobedient and these people did not follow such people who could not increase their wealth and properties and sons but they make a loss to them. So upon disgusted at their hands, he prayed to Allah that these people were becoming an infidel and cruel. He did not have the power to correct them.”

The writer of exegesis of Quran wrote that when Allah has sent down a deluge upon them, then there was a command to Prophet Noah (A.S.) that “ He will drown them in water so you should make a ship for him. ” He said “ Oh my Lord. I did not know how making the ship is done.? There was a command that “ Angel Gabriel will teach him. “ To make 124 wooden planks take in the name of each prophet., He said “ He did not know the names of the prophets”. There was commanded to prepare wooden planks and the names will be written by Himself. After that first wooden plank was made and on it's the name of Prophet of Adam (A.S) was appeared. On the second name of the Prophet Shoeb (A.S.), on third Prophet Noah (A.S.), on fourth prophet Idris (A.S.) and in this way on every wooden plank name of one prophet of Allah was appeared. At last of one wooden plank holy name of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was appeared, then immediately the angel Gabriel came there and he said to him “Now your work is over because Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the last prophet of Allah. And he is the lamp of holy persons and prophets.” Then there was brought 124,000 nails and on each nail one name of the prophet of Allah was written. Angel Gabriel told him that “Allah says when wooden planks will be ready then prepare four more wooden planks so that the ship will be completed. ” He said “ Oh: my Lord prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the last prophet and how he can prepare four more wooden planks. Angel Gabriel conveyed command of Allah that “ There are four friends of the last prophet of Allah and without their names the ship will not be completed. ” He asked “ Their holy names.?” He said “ Abubaker, Umar Farouq, Usman and Ali. Because these four are souls of this world and hereafter. So that the ship will be finally completed. If there will be no


names of four friends prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) on the ship, then you will not be safe from deluge.”

After that, he said “ When the time of the deluge was near at that time prophet Adam (A.S.) was buried there in between Safa and Marwa mountains. Angel Gabriel said “ Oh :Noah now there is a command of Allah to make the coffin and put in it the holy dead body of Prophet Adam (A.S.) and load the coffin in the ship.” And it was done like that. When he boarded on the ship then the water was appeared by command of Allah from the earth. It is said that the water level was reached at 36 spears level from the ground and it was such high level that which destroyed everything. Only those people were safe who were boarded on the ship and in whose favour Prophet Noah (A.S.) was prayed Allah. Some persons narrated as per Quran that “ Oh my Lord, forgive me and my parents it means Adam and Eve. And those who are in my religion, it means those who are in the ship. This is a prayer which has been killed, his nation and which saved faithful (Momins) persons. Also from them, the faithful (Momins) persons of the nation of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) will be safe from the punishment of hell of fire on the day of judgment and will be sent to the paradise.”

Then he said “ He was seen in the exegesis of Quran that when the deluge was reached and the ship then was began moving at that time Satan was also coming there and sat in the ship. Prophet Noah (A.S.) wants to send him out of the ship when there came the command of Allah does not remove him from the ship. Till the world will continue till then he was given life. His request was that Satan is the enemy so he should be drowned in the water. But there was the willingness of Allah that Satan should not be killed. ”

After that, the discussion about the uncle of the prophet, Abu Talib was started and “He said it was written that at the day of judgment he will not be sent to the hell. Once Khaja Shafiq Balqi was visited Prophet Khizer (A.S.) and he was asked his strange questions with him. And one question among them is that Abu Taleb on the day of judgment he will be sent to heaven.? ” And he said “ It is right, he was heard by the holy tongue of the last prophet of Allah and who said Abu Talib on the day of judgment will be sent to heaven.?”


Khaja Shafiq asked “ What is a reason in this matter. ” One reason is that “ When he was dying and he went from the world with faith and from that day Satan is in grief. When his nation was asked the reason. Then he said that he was left off the world with faith and on the day of judgment he will accept the faith and he will be sent to the heaven. The other reason is that once he was heard from the last prophet of Allah that in the last days of the world when Prophet Eisa (A.S.) will be sent down in the world, then Allah will grant him a miracle and he will visit dead persons in the graveyard and will call them and then dead person will become alive. So he will call on his uncle’s grave and Allah will give him life and he will accept the faith of Islam and he will say “ Ashadu An Lailaha Illahu Wahadahu La Sharika Lahu Washdana Mohammadan Abdahu Rasulahu “ and due to the blessing of this phrase he will be sent to the paradise.”

Then Khaja Sahib told “ The last prophet of Allah was trying his best in his favour. And due to its blessing, he will be given life and he will be sent to paradise with faith.”

After that, the discussion about the day of judgment was started, then he told with his holy that “ Nobody knows that when the day of judgment will occur? Nobody did not explain in this matter, but there is one narration that once Prophet Kizer (A.S.) was asked that when the day of judgment will occur.?” Then he was given a sign of five fingers. When he asked what is meaning of it. He said five years were left.”

Then he said “ One day he was asked by the last prophet of Allah when the day of judgment will occur.? ” Then he said “ From his age there are five years are left. When he will leave the world then think that the day of judgment will arrive. Because he was heard that in the night of accession that one who will die then understands that the day of judgment came for him. So, dear friends this death is the day of judgment. And for which nobody predicts that when it will occur. But yes in the night accession he was heard, such that oh: Mohammed (peace be upon him) you will not live in the world not more than 1000 years. So when he will leave the world first. Then there is the first reason in this matter that the world is going to be ending. ”


In this situation, one Darwish the question that “ When the people used to perform prayers then old memories will come into the mind and what is the reason in this matter.? ” He said there is saying the last prophet of Allah “ The prayer is the light and in which nothing will remain concealed. ” “So when the people will be in the prayer, then things from memories re-call in the mind in the light of the prayer. This disparity is due to the light of the prayer.”

After that he said once the meaning of the prayer is the light was asked with Khaja Shafiq Balaqi and then he said: “ Prayer is such light and in which nothing will remain concealed from the east to the west.” So one pious person used to say that “When he used to engage in the prayers, then due to the light of prayer nothing will not be concealed by him.”

After that he said on the 13th,14the, 15th and 27th in the month of Rajab the prayer of Khaja Owais of Qarni is to be performed. One who will not be able to perform it at the beginning of the month, then it is legal that he can perform it at the end of the month. The method of the prayer is as follows.

There are 12 rakat with three salam.

In the first four rakat to recite whatever one like then after performing the prayer to recite 70 times “La Ilaha Illah Malakal Haq.”

In the second four rakat Sura Fateha one time and Surah Ezja Nasurlla one time and after performing the prayer to recite 70 times “ Aqvi Moin Wa-Ahuda Wa-Lail Ba-Haq Eyyaka Nabodu Yayaka Nastin”

Then in the last four rakat to recite one time Surah Fateha and 3 times Sura Iqlas and after performing the prayer to recite 70 times Sura Alarm Nashra with “Bismillah Irrahman Nirrahim” and to turn the hands on the chest and who will perform this prayer then there will be the fulfillment of desires and wishes of the persons by the grace of Allah.

After that, he said “ He was heard with his holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that one who will pray on the 27th of Rajab month 12 rakat prayers and keep fasting, then whatever he will desires and wishes then which will be fulfilled by the grace of Allah. There is one narration is that on that day after Zuhr (afternoon)


prayer, then again, he should perform four Nafil (supererogatory) prayers as follows.

1. In every rakat recite Sura Fatiha, one time “Qul Awaiz Birbil Falaq”, one time “Qul Awaiz Birabinas”, 3 times “Enna Anzalna” and 50 times “Qul Huwalhu Ahud” and after salam to sit in the direction of Qibla ( direction Muslims in which turn in prayer ) till Asr (late afternoon) Prayer. Then whatever he will be desires and wishes, then by the grace of Allah which will fulfill by the grace of Allah.”

Then he said “He was heard with the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that he was seen in the book Reyahin and its author was written that one who will pray on the 27th Rajab 12 rakat with one salam and whatever he was memorised the Quran, he should recite in the prayer and after performing this prayer, then he should recite 100 times “ Subhan Allah”, (Allah be praised) 100 times Astaqfar, 100 times blessing of the prophet of Allah then whatever he will desire and wishes then by grace of Allah which will fulfill by grace of Allah.”

After that, he said “ The holy persons during this night for the pleasure of Allah used to wake up because that they can perhaps get accession. As during this night, the prophet of Allah was getting accession during the night. Oh, dervish large number of the holy persons were getting this night, and due to its blessing they were able to get accession. So the people should take care of this facility as it may be possible that they can get this facility of this night.”

In this situation, he said “ In the past one person of realization was there and who was used to wake up in this night with this hope that he may be getting a facility of this night. For many years, he was done like this practice. When the time of grace came then one night when he was waking up and the door was opened for him. He was standing and said in the court of Allah that he was shown such a grace and he was given the wealth of this night then he should not leave him in the deserted place. Still, he could not say this matter and his soul was taken away.”

Then he said, “ When the man will reach the perfection, then he will not be allowed to live in the world.”


After that, he said “ When the people of surprise will see the wonders of nature and wisdom of Allah. Then from their tongues there will be nothing heard about the things which are present in his world. And also, they could not remember about these things even by forgetfulness.”

Then he said “ In the past time one person of realization was reading Quran and when while reading verse of Noah when he was reached “Malakam La Tarjaun Alalh Waqaran” and its translation and interpretation is that whatever which was reached for you and for it you will not know and you do not know piousness of Allah so why did not afraid of horror of Allah. “Waqad Qalqakam Atwaran ”and its translation and interpretation is that even though he was given a birth condition it means of dirty water and which is made in your backs and from sperm, circles were made and from circles lumps of flesh were made and from lump of flesh, bones, parts of the body, flesh, skin, buttock and blood was made. Allah says whether you did not see how Allah created the skies and vegetations grow from the earth. He was given light to the moon in the sky and from it given light to the dark things and made the sun as the lamp so that there will be light in the whole world. Allah has grown vegetation from the earth. Then he will take away you again in the earth. Then on the day of judgment he will take you out of the earth . When the person of realization was reached at this point, then he was becoming un-conscious for one day and night and then he was becoming conscious and he went on the condition of surprise. It is said that when the time of death of the person of realization was near then nobody did not see him in the normal condition. He was dying in the condition of surprise. At that time of death that dervish was found outside of Baghdad near the Tigris river in the cave in the position of prostration. ”

After that, he said “ Oh dervish whom we will make our lover then show him the wonders of invisible place, and it will be revealed to him all things from empyrean to the nether regions so that his love should become more.” Then he will meet such treatment which was done in that Darvish which is mentioned above. On the above date, Sheikh Sahib was in a condition of intoxication and when he was reached on this point. Then he was stood and myself and other people left from the meeting place.”


On Thursday on the 2nd Shaban, in the Hegira year 719, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was started. Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Moulana Shams Yahia and other friends were present. He told with his holy tongue that “ Allah was granted such felicities to us and which were not given to others. It means he was given birth to us among the nation of the last prophet of Allah. And secondly in the nation of prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and thirdly in the religion of Imam Abu Hanifa. And fourthly given life as a Muslim and who made us believers of the Islamic creed “ La Ilha Illah Mohammedur Rasul Allah.”

After that, he said “ When Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was born and due to fear of King Nimrod his father put him in the cave. Allah due to his nature created milk from his thumb and when he was became 14 years old, one night he came out of the cave and he looked at the moon and he thought that it may be the moon who was given birth to him. So he wants to prostrate before him. After some time he was seen it in the revolution and he said it is one who is the in revolution, so it is not suitable for the Lord of the world. So he wants to search such thing who created him. When all things were exempted, then he said we should worship such thing who created all the things. Then he was engaged in the worship of Allah and also he came back to his father's house. For a long time he stayed there. Abdullah bin Abbas wrote that “ When Azer made idols by carving and used to give to Ibrahim for selling and he did not like this work and used to put the rope on the neck of idols and pull them and take to bazaar and sell there. When this news reached to King Nimrod that Azar idol craver's son Ibrahim used to disrespect to our idols, then he said due to this reason there must be caused some difference in his kingdom. Because when he will hear his name than his heart used to begin shaking.”

In short, in the stories it was written that once there was a festival day of King Nimrod. In idol-temple all idols were decorated there. King Nimrod came there to visit there. Azar told Ibrahim till his return back, he should sit near the idols. When he was sitting near the idols, then modesty of the prophet came into passion and he took an axe and cuts the heads of all idols and put the axe on the shoulder of the big idol. When Azar came back there and asked him what is in this condition.? He said “ He did not do this and that big idol was cut the heads of all the idols. ” He told him “ In it there is no life so how he can do such work.? ” He told him “ When


there is no power in the idols to do such work, then how worship of them will be legal.? ” When he said this then Azar comes to know that, he is a prophet of Allah because he was reading in the books.”

After that Allah sent the angel Gabriel and who be dressed him the coverlet of the prophesied to him. And he was given his command of Allah to bring King Nimrod toward Allah. And tell him that to accept the faith. When he reached near Nimrod and told him the details of his prophesied then there was panic among the Jews and infidels. And they said, “Oh Nimrod now there arose trouble and there will be a loss to us and loss to you from this person.”

Then he said “ When there was appeared faith of Islam and there was power gained by the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) then King Nemrod said “ Oh : Ibrahim if you will show miracle then we will accept faith.”, He said “Be patient and see my Lord’s nature and wisdom.” It was said “ To take four birds and cut them so that all should be killed. Then, If they become alive then we will become Muslim. ” He was prayed to Allah and there was command of do that. He was collected four birds and he was doing as per King Nemrod’s saying and put on the mountain and Allah has given life to four of them as before. King Nemrod said “ Oh :Ibrahim really you have learnt good magic. ” The infidels who were having some wisdom they became Muslim. In short, when King Nemrod was upset with him. Then he said he should be killed in any way. The advisors told him to burn him in the fire. There is narration by narrator that there was such fire was burnt that up to the areas of 8 Kose (one Kose equal to one and a quarter to three miles) all birds and animals were burnt and killed due to fire heat. Then he was put in sweep and thrown into the fire and all people of the earth and sky were watching this shows and saying see that this is a true lover of Allah. Angel Gabriel came over there and asked him to “Whether he needs any kind of help from him.? ” He told him “ He did not want any help from him. ” He asked “ From whom he needs help.? ” He told “From whom who was put him here. ” Angel Gabriel prostrated in the court of Allah and he said “ Really he did not see such lovingly like Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and in the love he is real true and right. ” In short when he said this when the there was command of Allah “ Oh fire be cold on Ibrahim and keep him safe”. Immediately all the place was converted into the garden.”


In that garden, there was appeared one throne on which he was sitting there. Daughter of King Nimrod came there and she accepted the religion of Islam and she was married to the Prophet of Ibrahim (A.S.).

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and he said: “ When there was the command of Allah to the fire to become cold and if there was no command of safety so then Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was being killed due to cold.”

Then he said, “When Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) came out from there, then King Nimrod told him that he learned good magic that he did not kill.” After that event some time was passed, then Allah killed him, king Nimrod was involved in the trouble of mosquito and from it he was killed.”

After that, he said that “ He was heard with the holy tongue of Sheikh Fariduddin that on the day when there was appointed mosquitoes on the army of King Nimrod and when mosquito sting on the forehead of the person and kills him. And all of them were killed. Oh: Darvish this is because so that the people of the world should know that little anger of Allah will smash the peaks of the mountains from the East to West.”

Then he told he was seen written in Qasas al-Anbia that the mosquito, who killed king Nimrod did not have feathers and one leg, which were burnt in the fire of the King Nimrod on that day when Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) was thrown into the fire and mosquito was requested in the court of Allah. There was a command not to weep and We will kill Nimrod in your hands.”

After that, he said “ Oh: Darwish do not hurt anybody. So that you will not be hurt by any one. Do not beat other so that you will not beat by others. And do not hurt anybody, so that you will not be hurt by another. Do not try to kill others so that you will not be killed by another. Sees Nemrod what he did, he was getting such result. It is true that as sow as you reap.”

After that, he said “When Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) completed construction of a house of Ka’aba then there was commanded to sacrifice the dearest thing which you have in our way. And in that night, he was seen in the dream that there was nothing dearer to him than Ismail (A.S.) when he was waking up and performed ablution and called Ismail (A.S.).


And while keeping the knife in the sleeves, he went near the drain pipe of the house of Ka’aba and laid down there Prophet Ismail (A.S.) and wants to slaughter him. Immediately an angel Gabriel brought sheep from the heaven and said there is a command of Allah that We find him true in love and you have fulfilled the duty of the love. Now, instead of Ismail (A.S.) slaughter this sheep.”

Then he said “When in the Prophet Ibrahim's house Ishaque was born when he was very happy and thanked Allah that boy was born. Now sees that what there will be a command from Allah. Angel Gabriel came over there and conveyed salam and was informed that this boy will become a prophet and in his generation there will be 70,000 prophets will be born. We have made you the person in the nation. When he was heard this then he stood and performed ablution and prayed two rakats for thanks to Allah. And he said “Even given the boy and made him also a prophet and in his generation there will be born to 70,000 prophets. In short, when Ismail (A.S.) was born from Hagira then he was very happy and said in his mind sees what will be graciously given to him. He was thinking such things and at that time, the angel Gabriel came over there and informed the command of Allah that of this boy there will be no prophet will be born but he will become a prophet and messenger of Allah. When he was heard of this he was becoming sad that from one son there will be born many prophets and from another son there will be no prophet will be born. Angel Gabriel came and informed the command of Allah that “ Why you are sad? ” of his generation there will appear one such prophet for his sake the two worlds have been created. He asked “ Who is that.?. He said Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and who will be the last prophet of Allah. When he was heard this then he thanked Allah thousand times and performed 1,000 rakat prayer of thanks.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ Oh : Darwish it should be clear that in the world nobody is not free from the felicity. One who came into the world with him there is kept surely felicity of the world or religion, but that person is lucky one in which there are two of them.”

Then he said “When Prophet Abrahams' (A.S.) friendship of Allah was firm, then for the sake of his examination angel Gabriel stood on the roof of the house of Ka’aba. When he heard his friend's name, then he was becoming unconscious. When he was becoming conscious when he was seen here and there. At last, he has


seen one person on the roof of the house of Ka’aba and who was in the invocation of Allah. So there was a lesson to him and he said in his heart that he knows that he is only engaged in the invocation of Allah in this house but now one more was to created. In short, he went near that person and said “ Oh : friend of Allah takes the name of the friend again. Angel Gabriel said “ Without thanks, I did not say. ” He said “ He has sacrificed all wealth and properties. ” Then the angel Gabriel said the name Again. He was requested to call the name second time and he said: “ Remains whatever left, he will sacrifice in this matter.” Angel Gabriel asked him “What is that. ” He said “ His life. ” Upon hearing this angel, Gabriel vanished from there. And went in the court of Allah and in prostration he said that real Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) is a true person of higher and lover, and whatever he has heard his attributes and find more than this.”

After that, the discussion of the seal of the prophet was started and he told his holy tongue that “ One who was seen the seal of the prophet on whom the fire of the hell is illegal. Because in the saying of the prophet it is mentioned that on the day when Abu Jahal wants to wrestle with the last prophet of Allah and there was command of Allah to fight with him with dress so it may not happen that Abu Jahal may not see the seal of the prophet of Allah and if so fire of the hell became illegal for him.”

He also said “ When the last prophet of Allah left this mortal world and at the time of washing the dead body the seal of the prophet was not available on his holy backside and said it was taken away from the angel Gabriel and it was stamped from it on the doors of the earth and skies so that in future there will be no person born like the last prophet of Allah. And also, for this reason, that angel Gabriel will not come down to the earth from the skies. At that time one friend was present there and who asked the question upon putting seal on the doors of the earth and skies whether angel Gabriel came down to the earth from the sky or not.? He said “He heard that every night angel Gabriel along with all close angels who used to engage in the worship of Allah like the persons used to come down from the sky on the roof of the house of Ka’aba and used to pray for the forgiveness of the nation of the last prophet of Allah. When Khaja Sahib explained all these benefits, then he stood so I and all other people left from the meeting place.”


When I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib then Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and other friends were present at the service of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Idris (A.S) and Prophet Ishaque (A.S) and other benefits was started. He told with his holy tongue that “The knowledge which gave to Prophet Idris (A.S.) and which was not given to others. That knowledge is known as divination (Ramal).

After that, he said “ One who is holy in both of them and who was born before Prophet Idris (A.S) and in the book Qasas al-Anbia there is narration by Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.) that in this world Allah was given perpetual life to four prophets. ”

1.Prophet Idris (A.S.) who is in the heaven.2.Prophet Eisa (A.S) who is in the fourth sky.3.Prophet Khizer (A.S.) who is on the managing the administration of the wet areas.4.Prophet Ilyas (A.S.) who is on the managing the administration of dry areas. When the world will be ended then all four of them will be dead. Then he said “ When Prophet Idris (A.S.) was taken away in heaven and he was told that this is your place and you stay here and engage in the worship of Allah there. He was engaged in the worship of Allah and one day he was shown all places of the heaven. When he will see every place than he used to ask to whom this belongs.? Lasted when he was passed by the palace of the last prophet of Allah and other four palaces of his friends, then he stands there and he said there is no such big and best palace. Oh my Lord to whom these palaces are belong.? It was told, “ This belongs to Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and his four friends.” So Prophet Idris in hymns of Allah said if he would be among the nation of the last prophet of Allah.”

After that on this situation, he said: “When Prophet Idris (A.S) was taken into the paradise, then there was a command that oh: Idris your worship is this you should be always in obedience and even for one moment do not be careless.”

Then the discussion about Prophet Ishaque (A.S.) was started and he told with his holy tongue that “When he was born by the womb of Saira, then in that night


all idols in the idol-temples of the Jews were coming down and the idols called “ La Ilaha Illah Ishaque Nabi Allah.” When he was grown up than he was wearing the coverlet of the prophet-hood then he used to be in obedience and worship of Allah. He always used to be in the condition of fear of Allah. He was always finding the condition of shivering due to the fear of Allah. So in the book Qasas al-Anbia , it is written that when the night befalls then he used to put chains on his neck and tie it with his backside and used to do worship of Allah throughout the night. And in the day time, he was used to be engaged in the teaching and preaching work of Islam. So in this way, all of his life was spend. He got only this miracle that from his nation 70,000 prophets were born and he was becoming the person in the nation of Bani Israel.”

Then he said “ Once he stayed away from work in his daily recital and due to this negligence, he was weeping for a period of 70 years and due to this reason flesh and skin of the cheeks was melted. When we used to go some time in the prostration for a period of one year or something less. When was he asked why he did weep such extent.? He told “ Oh: Muslims I fear because on the day of judgment while standing before my father prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) it should not be said that your son was such that who ignored recital in the worship. At that time how he will his face to the prophets.”

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said that “ If there will be a mistake done by the prophets and holy persons they used to weep very much in expiation of the mistake. So oh: dervish the people, should have kept hope and fear always in every condition. And from the fear he should not be away in any condition.”

Then he said “ When the last prophet of Allah used to perform the morning prayer, then after finishing of his recital he will explain the stories of the prophets and holy persons. And he said “One who will explain the stories of the prophets and holy person then Allah will make hell illegal for him. His resurrection will be done on the day of judgment along with such persons. And with them, he will proceed to the heaven.” When Khaja Sahib explained this story, then he was heard prayer call and he was engaged in the invocation of Allah, myself and all other people left from the meeting place.


On Saturday the 7th Ramazan, in the year 713 Hegira I was sanctified to touch feet of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about the excellence of the month of Ramazan was started. Also, there was a discussion about Prophet Yakub (A.S.) and Prophet Yousuf (A.S) was there. Khaja Sahib came into the mosque when I was present in his service, then he said oh Afzal al-Shura you did well that you came here. I have paid respect the second time. He told me to sit and I was sitting there. At that time, Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi, Moulana Shuhaubddin Muzakar and other Sufis were present there. About the excellence of the month of Ramazan, he told with his holy tongue that “ This month is the very big holy month. In this month, entirely there is mercy and blessing. Like the army persons used to loot the wealth and property and all sides they will get a prize and the same way in the month of Ramazan, there are available mercy and blessing from all sides. So people should do worship must in the month of Ramazan.”

After that he said, “ Sheikh Fariduddin after Taraweeh (special night prayers in the month of Ramazan ) prayer used to finish the whole Quran in two rakat and from that ablution used to perform the morning prayer so for a period of 20 years he was followed by this schedule.”

Then he said, “ In the month of Ramazan when people break the fasting then there will be the command of Allah to free him from the punishment of hell along with family members and forgive their sins.”

After that the discussion about Prophet Yakub (A.S.) was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Allah made him chosen and he was given 12 sons and among all of them he used to love Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) very much and in his heart there was very much love for him. When explaining about knowledge then he will address Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) and comparing to other sons, he used to love very much him. And he did not separate Prophet Yousuf (A.S) from him. So there was greed among other sons and they said that to separate Yousuf from the father so that he should take care of us. And he always used to think about him. After that one night Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) said his father, “O my father! I saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon. I saw them bowing down to me.”


When he was told this dreams to his father. Then he told him slowly “O my son! Do not narrate your vision to your brothers, lest they plot a plot against you. The devil is certainly an open enemy to man.”

Then he said “ Oh: Yousuf the devil is certainly an open enemy to man. And if you explain this vision, then you will destroy yourself. In short, as he was a true person so he was explaining the vision to them. His elder brother's name was Yahud and he was taken advice from his all other brothers that surely Yousuf will become king. And if the father will hear this vision, then he will love him more than before. ”

After that one day, all of them went into the service of Prophet Yakub (A.S.) and ask him to send him with us tomorrow that he may enjoy himself and play and we will be his protectors.” At that time Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) was also present there. When Prophet Yakub (A.S.) heard this when he said: “ What is there necessity to take him.?” When they requested him very much when he said, “It grieves me that you should take him away and I fear that the wolf may eat him when you are heedless of him.” They have determined trick in this matter that if they will kill Yousuf (A.S.) then they will say together that the wolf eaten him. ”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ Indeed when there will be a fall of calamity, then if the man possesses anything then he could not see that thing. If Prophet Yakub (A.S.) will surrender Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) to Allah at the time of leaving them there he will be never faced the problem of separation. So when they went away with him and collectively decided that they will put him in a deep well. In short then went for hunting and at the time of return, they put him in a deep well. And they all went back to home. At that time, there was the command of Allah to the angel Gabriel that “ Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was put in a deep well. And he is alone. There you solace him so that he could not lose courage, this is to be told him that We are his friend and helper and one heavenly dress was worn to him.” As per one narration, it is also available that the origin of the saintly dress was started from here and which was awarded to Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) in the deep well. In short when his brothers came back and with them they brought one wolf and they told that they have proceeded further and Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) was left behind so this wolf was killed him and eaten. We have searched very much, but we could not find any sign. On hearing this Prophet Yakub (A.S.) made a slogan


was becoming un-conscious and he was fallen on the earth and he said it is cursed of his own and one who will surrender to the creature than he will get such result which he got. If he will surrender him at the time of leaving to Allah, then his brothers will not separate him and he stood and said “ Oh: Allah I will accept your willingness. It is good whatever which was happened accordingly.” In short, he was weeping very much that his eyesight was lost and he was named his house Bait al-Azan it means house of grief and for the separation of Yousuf there was no difference of him for day and night for a period of 40 years. Then Khaja Sahib shut tears and made a slogan and was falling down.”

After that, he said “ When Prophet Yakub (A.S.) will become hungry then he will remember the name of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) and when he will be thirsty then he will remember the name of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) then he will be served. So angel Gabriel came there and blame “ Oh : Yakub (A.S.) if the creator will be Yousuf. Then it will be better for you that you will leave all things and engage in the friendship of Yousuf.” He said “ Oh Gabriel this flog of respect will be beating him on the day when the friendship of Yousuf was started in his heart. Now there is no benefit of it.? Now this work was exceeded very much.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “ He was seeing the biography of Khaja Junaid of Baghdad in which it's written in the story of prophet Yousuf (A.S.) that there is saying of people of mysticism is that one who will claim the love of Allah among the holy persons and prophets, then give space to the love of unrelated then know that person will be will be involved in great calamities as Prophet Yakub (A.S.). So he first made the claim of friendship with Allah and afterward he loved Prophet Yousuf (A.S.). Due to its result, he was weeping for a period of 40 years in the separation of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.). And there was a command of Allah that if you remember the name of Yousuf, then your name will be removed in the categories of the prophets. Oh: dervish who will bear this address of Allah except Prophet Yakub (A.S.).”

After that when Yousuf (A.S.) was put into the deep well then by chance one caravan of merchants which were going to Egypt was camped at that well. When they put the bucket in the well to take water then Yousuf (A.S.) was caught it. So they have tried their best, but the bucket was not coming out. When they have looked at the well they find one person has fallen there. They take him out and


asked who are you.? He said “ He is a son of Adam (A.S.). And the incident was occurring upon him, which is very lengthy so what he can explain in this matter. ” The narrator mentioned that when he was taken out of the well then due to the light of the beauty of his face Kanan was illuminated. His brothers came to know that perhaps somebody was taken out Yousuf (A.S.) from the deep well. When they reached there and caught his edge of his shirt. The caravan people asked him the reason. Then they said he is their slave. When he was asked he told that “ Yes, really he is their slave. ” The merchants asked if they want to sell then they are ready to purchase him. As they are having agreed with him so they told them that they want to sell him and to give the price whatever they like. When the merchants searched money, but they could not find with them except 17 spurious dirhams. His brother told them yes, he will sell him for 17 spurious dirhams. When prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was heard this he was weeping and said “ Allah be praised, his price is 17 dirhams. Then at that time, there was the command of Allah that “ Oh: Yousuf (A.S.) you thought yourself low. Be patient little. Then you will know your value.”

Then he said “ Once Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) saw him his face in the mirror, then, he said “ God be praised, how will be the creator who created me, such beautiful person. If he will be sold in the bazaar, then nobody will not pay my price.” So: oh dervish as Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) followed pride and for this reason, you have seen that his price of 17 spurious dirhams was fixed. So one who knows something, then his price will be fixed such value which confirmed for Prophet Yousuf (A.S.). But one who thinks to low himself, then his value is known by Allah. ” So it is said that “ When the merchants purchased him and left the place and reached Egypt. There they took him to bazaar he was presented in the bazaar after the decoration of him. All merchants of Egypt came to see him. And they brought all their wealth and properties but still his price was more and more. When this news reached an Egyptian then he has visited him with his staff members and he was purchased Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) and after giving his wealth and treasure to the merchants. In short, when Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) saw reaps of gold, then he thought in his heart that it is regretted that if his brother were present then can see my price. Upon this thought angel Gabriel came there and said: “ Oh Yousuf, your price was the same which was received by your brothers.”


Then Khaja Sahib said “Oh: Darvish this address was to Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) so that he could not become pride. And there will not be come of arrogance in him.”

After that, he said “ One who will find Allah. Then for him, there will be such address which was sent upon Prophet Yousuf (A.S.).”

After that he said “When the time of the meeting of Prophet Yakub (A.S.) with Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) came when he stood on the road than he used to say to everybody this is Yousuf. When the armies were passed and when a special army of Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was reached there and Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was wanted to get down from his horse, but Prophet Yakub (A.S.) ran towards him and embraced with him when he was on his horse. At that time, the angel Gabriel came there and told Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) there is a command of Allah that as you have disrespected it means you have not gotten down from the horse and not embrace your father. So for this reason from his race, there will be no prophet will be born. In short when he was embracing Prophet Yousuf (A.S), then he finds him thin and lean. And he said to Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) “ Oh the life of your father, he was suffering due to his separation and did not use to eat anything. But you are king of the kingdom. So why you have become such a lean person.? ” He said “ You are saying right. ” When he will use to sit on the piece of cloth spread on the ground to serve dishes on then angel Gabriel blames me that your father due to your separation did not eat anything. And you are in the life of pleasure. ” Then upon hearing this such food will become poison for me and for many days there will be starvation for me.”

After that, he said, “ Allah has divided beauty into 20 parts and it was given one part of the world and 19 parts were given to Prophet Yousuf (A.S.).”

Then he said “ At that time when Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) used to eat food and drink water. Then it was clearly seen water and bread were passing into his throat.”

After that, he said “ There was starvation one time in Egypt and, for this reason, people began dying. So Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) was praying in this matter. Angel Gabrial told him that people will be killed. You reached on your palace and call the people so that there will be a satisfaction upon seeing you and till one week time there will be no hunger and thirst for them. After that, he followed such method. In


the book Qasas al-Anbia, it is written that when the people see him, then there will be no need of the hungry and thirst for them for a week time and they will be drowned in his sight.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut tears and told the people of mysticism to say on this matter that “ When the people see that Prophet Yousuf (A.S.) then they do not have hunger and thirst and they will become unconscious for a period of seven days. Then on the day of judgment, the Muslims will look at the sight of Allah. Then they will be engaged in manifestation for a period of 70,000 years. Then he said “ At that time when Prophet Yakub (A.S.) used to give him a bath. Then he will use many veils so that any person may not see him and there will be no malign look on him. When he was sold at the hands of the brothers and merchants asked him to take a bath in the spring water. When he went into the water and wept and said “ Oh my Lord, there was such time that my father used to give him a bath within the veils. And now, this time, he is having a bath in the naked condition and water animals are looking for his body. Upon saying this, there was the command of Allah to the angel Gabriel to fix the veil of light around him so that no water animals could see his body.”

After that, Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “After every disrespect there will be respect and upon every respect there will be disrespectful. ” When Khaja Sahib ended these benefits, then he went inside and myself another persons left from the meeting place.

On Thursday on the 22nd of Ramazan month in the 719 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Idris (A.S) and Prophet Ismail (A.S) and other benefits was started and Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and other friends were present at the service of the Sheikh Sahib. He told with a holy tongue that “When Prophet Ismail (A.S.) was born then Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) was very happy and he prayed two rakat of thanks, prayer. Then the angel Gabriel came and was informed by him that this boy will become a prophet of Allah. He was happy to hear this. Then he was asked “ Brother Gabriel whether there prophets will be born from his race.” He said “No.” When he was heard this when he was very sad. He said “From one boy there will be born 70,000 prophets and another boy there will be even one prophet will not be born. ” Immediately an angel Gabriel came and he told that “


There is a command of Allah, we will bear one prophet from his race and his name will be “Mohammed Rasool Allah” and he will be last prophets from Allah. And if he will not be born then He will not appear His world.”

Then he said “ On the day when Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) wants to sacrifice Prophet Ismail (A.S.) then he told him, oh my father tie his hands and legs so that at the time of using a knife I could not become restless. It will become uneasy then it will be termed as disrespectful and for this reason, on the day of the judgment he will be ashamed to the prophets of Allah and they will say he is not true in the love. ”

After that, he said, “ On the day when the saw was running on Prophet Zakaria (A.S.) then he want to make loud and cry so there was the command of Allah be careful and not to grumble otherwise his name will be removed from the book of the prophets.”

Then the discussion about the supplication was started and he told with his holy tongue that “When Prophet Adam (A.S.) prayed and requested to forgive him. Then there was a command to send blessings on the last prophet of Allah. So that his prayers may be accepted. When he prayed to Allah, then it was accepted. The writers of exegesis of the Quran say the phrase was as follows. “ Al-Salat Ala Al-Nabi Al-Ammi.” It means to send blessings on the last prophet of Allah. So oh: dervish, when he was supplication with this condition than his supplication, was accepted.”

After that, he told this story that “ During the time of Sheikh Herab his disciple went on the journey and he came back after 60 years then he was asked by him up to where he was reached.? ” He said “ Qutub Alam. ” He asked whether he was enquired with him who is courageous and who is half courageous person.? He told “ Courageous is that person one who will give the bread of gold to his brother. And half courageous person is one who will fly in the air and put prayer carpet on the water and perform the prayer (Namaz) there.

Then he said “ Once Khaja Hasan of Basra and Rabia of Basra was gone to the bank of river Tigris and Khaja Hasan has spread a prayer mat on the water and Rabia of Basra prostrated in the air. When Khaja Hasan of Basra finished his prayer was searched her here and there, but he did not find her. When he was


looked at the upper side, then he found Rabia of Basra was busy in the prayer there. He said “Oh Rabia what is this.? ” Then Rabia told “: Hasan what is that if you will swim in the water, then you are in naked condition and if you will fly in the air then you are a bee. You control your heart. So that you should become something.”

After that, he said “One holy person was meeting Prophet Khizer (A.S.) and Prophet Khizer (A.S.) told, “ Once he was heard by his tongue of Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami that those Muslims who think themselves superior to dogs then sitting together with them is not good.”

When Khaja Sahib has ended these benefits, there was the prayer call so he was engaged in the remembrance of Allah, then myself and all others left the meeting place.

On Monday, on the 5th of Shawwal month in the 719 Hegira, I was sanctified to touch the feet of Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi, Amir Hasan Ala Sejzi and Sufi persons were present in the service of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Dawud (A.S) and other prophets was started and he told with holy tongue that “Prophet Dawud (A.S.) was reading the revealed books on him that the prophets were desired calamities and then they were patient on the problems and from that day he was desiring difficulties in every night. Angel Gabriel came and said “ Oh: Dawud you are desiring problems but you will not tolerate calamities. Every time he was addressed like that. So one day he was sitting on the prayer mat and he reads Psalms. There was the command of that God“ You are desiring for the difficulty, then be ready that the calamities are being sent down to you. ” In short, one day that he was reading and at that time he was looking at one animal which he was not seen before it. He said in his mind that if this animal will be taken for Sulaiman, then it will be very good. He stood on the prayer mat and put Psalms on the window. He was followed that animal and that animal flown and sat on the drain pipe. He climbed upon the upper but that animal came down. By chance, the women of one person Oriya was sitting and washing her head there. When he looked at her hairs he said “ God to be praised. The hairs of women are such more beautiful than how beautiful will be the face of the woman. Immediately he was become a lover of the woman. He was sent in Oriya on an expedition and where he was killing. After some period of time, the


woman of Oriya sent him her message to marry her. He married that woman. After some period of time, he was sitting on the throne of justice and giving judgement of the cases. At that time, two claimants came there and one among them told “ Your honour this man has 99 sheep with him and he has only one with him which he was taken from him by force. Whether it is legal.? ” He said “ It is not legal. To return back his sheep with him. Because you have done cruelty on him. ” On hearing this order that person was vanished away from there. He was standing by the throne of justice. And he thought in his mind that this addressed to him that despite he was having 99 wives he was married to the wife of Oriya. Which is not legal. He came to the house and departed all his sons and he went to the jungle and prostrated there and began weeping. Then there was command of Allah that “ Dawud why you are weeping.? ” He said “ These eyes are seeing such thing and look of which is not legal. Now to face the punishment of this because he was seen the proud thing.”

It is said that he was wept such that there was made holes in the cheeks, then there was the command “ Oh: Dawud your repentance will not be accepted unless Oriya will not be in the agreed condition with you. ” So he went to that well where Oriya was murdered. And he called him. “ Oh: Oriya are you happy with me.? ” Than there was call heard that “Yes, he is happy. ” There was command “ Oh Dawud even you did not know the style of asking. You ask him, “ Oh: Oriya I have sent you for murdering so that you will be murdered there then I can marry your wife.? Now I have come here to know whether you are happy with me or not.? ” Upon hearing this, he was began thinking. In short when the time of repentance of came Allah made Oriya kind to him. And he called and said, “He is happy with him.”

After that Khaja Sahib told with his holy tongue that “ Prophet Dawud (A.S.) was having higher levels of melodious voice and when he used to read Psalms than such number of birds will be gathered that on his head there will become shaded and due to the reason of melodious voice all birds will become unconscious.”

Then he said “ When the time of his death came at that time angel Gabriel brought one scripture on silky paper on which there was written 20 questions. He was given to him and told that “ There is a command of Allah that among your


sons one who will reply those questions to him to give the ring of the country. He was called all his sons and asked questions and except Sulaiman, nobody could not answer even one question.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ As in the beginning the country's name was written for Sulaiman so he was replied to all questions and he was becoming qualified in the country. There was such country that which was not gotten by anybody before him or it will not be available to anybody after him.”

Then he said “ Prophet Sulaiman know the dialect of all animals and birds and all were his subordinates still human beings, animals, birds, Jinn, devil, fairies and stones were under his order and control. They take his throne in one moment where ever he wants and brings back his throne in the night. On his throne, 12,000 people can sit there. In his kitchen 70,000 Seer ( weight equivalent of about 2 lbs) salt will be used and regarding other things are not countable. But he used to eat at that time when it was made by his hands. He used to sell bags and from its selling amount he will purchase bread and eat it. He used to live with Darwish persons in the mosque. And used to request them to pray for him. When Khaja Sahib ended these benefits, then I and other persons left the meeting place.”

On Saturday on the 25th of Shawwal month, in the year 719 year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Saheb. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi and other friends were present at the service of the Sheikh Sahib. He told with holy tongue that “On the day when Prophet Musa (A.S.) was born and at that time Pharaoh there was sleeping and he was waking up and he was shivering at that time. He was called by philosophers and astrologers and was asked them “ To see the reason there will be a disturbance in the kingdom whether that person was born or not.? ” All of them drawing of lots and said that “ He was born. ” At that time, Pharaoh appointed nurses there to inform him about children who will be born in every house so that he can kill him. When Musa was born and he was thrown inside of the oven and when the people of Pharaoh came there, but could not find any sign of him. After their return from there, his sister went to the oven which was turned into the garden and he was sucking his thumb. Then Musa’s mother was laid him in the wooden box and looked at the sky said “ Oh Sustainer I surrender him to You and upon saying this she asked her daughter to throw the box in river Nile. ” His sister


reached the bank of the river and said “ I surrender this to Allah” and thrown the wooden box in the river and she was returned back to from there. At last, that box was reached by flowing in the water on the opposite side of the palace of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh and his wife Asiya were standing and watching the sight there. When they looked at the box. Then she said “ Pharaoh see the box is coming by flowing in the water and see what is there in the box.? ” And Pharaoh called sailors and given orders to bring the box from the river. When the box was opened, then what they see that there was the most beautiful boy was lying in it. And the boy was sucking his two thumbs. Upon seeing this, Pharaoh was beginning shivering and said “ As this boy is not good. It is gifted but such gift taking is not good. ” Asia said “ Oh: Stupid, Allah did not give me any son so instead of him I will do affection for this boy. This is God gifted. ” In short, she called nurses and with worldly comforts his nourishment there was started in the royal palace of Pharaoh.|

After that Khaja Sahib said “ Oh: dervish it should be clearly noted that there was no willingness of Pharaoh in this matter. But there was the wisdom of Allah in it. That of the person he will be coming disturbance in the kingdom and he was nourished by him in his palace. ” Then he said that “ It was written in the book Qasqas al-Anbia that when Prophet Musa (A.S.) was become four years old when one day queen Asia put him in the lap of Pharaoh. The beard of Pharaoh was so big and he caught it and given it jerk and due to this reason all body parts of Pharaoh began to shivering. He said to Asia that “ This boy is not good in our favour. ” This boy pulled my beard in such a way that all my body parts were beginning to shiver. Asia told him that “ It is the practice of the boys to play with beards of the others. If you do not believe, then bring one plate full of gold and another plateful of fire and put both of them before him. If he will be wiser than he will hold the plate of gold. ” Prophet Musa (A.S.) wants to hold the plate of gold. But as per the command of Allah angel Gabriel puts his hand on the plate of coal. Asia told him “ To see if he wise, then why he will put his hand on the plate of fire. These are boys and do not have the distinction. Then there was a satisfaction to Pharaoh. In short when he was fifteen years old. Then he used to ride over Arabic horses and there will be other persons and members of the Royal Pharaoh Kingdom were used to accompany with him. In this way one day he was patrolling through the bazaar and at that time one person of Pharaoh's country was sworn in


the name of Pharaoh that for him there swear in the name of God Pharaoh. He asked what kind of this Swearing. He said it swearing in the name of your father who is our God. Prophet Musa (A.S.) said there is soil in your mouth and by saying this he was attacked him such that he was killed him there. It is said in revenge for swearing this type of swearing he was killed many persons and he said he is not God but God is that who was created sky and earth and us and you all others. When Pharaoh was heard this he did complain of Asiya that he was told that this boy is not good and from him there will be a disturbance in my Kingdom. Asiya regrets this objection and gets rid of this.

In short, one day Pharaoh was sitting on the throne and people were coming and prostrating before him. Musa was also near to him and he was unhappy to see it. And he was prohibited the people not to prostrate before Pharaoh and it should be done to prostrate before God. When Asia saw this that Pharaoh will surely kill him, then told “ To leave from this city. When you will wear the saintly dress of prophet-hood then come again.” As per order of Asia he left from there. While walking he has reached to such a place where the girls of the Prophet Shoeb (A.S.) were grazing sheep and goats there. There was one well and the bucket was so heavy that unless there will be no 100 people gather. It will not be pulled. Those girls were standing while putting the bucket in the well. And other people were not present there. He went near the girls and asked “ Why they are not giving water to the goats and they explained him the condition of the bucket in the well. ” He pulled the bucket with water from the well. And as such he pulled three buckets of water and given to sheep and goats and so their thirst was over. When the goats were coming back to the house, then the Prophet Shoeb (A.S.) saw them served and asked them the cause with his daughters. They said today “ One person came there and who pulled along three buckets of water from the well. ” Prophet Shoeb (A.S.) said we have read in the books that there will be born Musa. Go and call him here. ” His elder daughter went to call him and find him upon very much search and she brought Musa in the house. The Prophet Shoeb (A.S.) stood and embraced him and favoured him very much and was married him with his elder daughter. Then Allah was awarded his prophet-hood and given saintly dress of prophet-hood. Angel Gabriel came there and conveyed the command of Allah that “ You go and see Pharaoh and give the message that he should accept the religion of Islam and bring faith in Allah. ” As per the command of Allah Musa departed


from Prophet Shoeb (A.S.) and was reached to Egypt and met his mother, sister and brother Haroon. And he visited Pharaoh and was conveyed the message of Allah, “Oh: Pharaoh, he is the messenger of Allah and you are the slave of Allah. And you accept my prophet-hood. So that I will give salvation from the punishment otherwise be ready for calamities.” When Pharaoh has heard this message, then he went inside and told Asiya to see this all these calamities were taken place by you on him, and if we will not nourish Musa then from where he will claim the prophet-hood. But, good, nobody could not change the command of Allah. Now be patient and see how the camel turns side to side.”

After that Khaja Sahib said “ Prophet Musa (A.S.) shown Pharaoh many miracles of his prophet-hood but he did not accept the faith of Islam. Yes, but it happened that many thousand people from Bani Israel (Jew) communities became Muslim. Then Bani Israel was becoming stronger by accepting faith in Islam and so there was some help to Prophet Musa (A.S.). Then Allah oppressed Pharaoh. Prophet Musa (A.S.) was prayed and which was accepted.

After that, he said “ The writers of exegesis wrote that when Allah want to drown Pharaoh then Prophet Musa (A.S.) along with 12,000 people of Bani Israel (Jews) went out from Egypt. The learned person narrated that on the day 70,000 troops of Pharaoh wore splendid dresses and rode on Arabian horses while putting golden saddles along with shining swords then upon reaching of this news Bani Israel with Prophet Musa (A.S.) were reached on the bank of the river the Nile. When Bani Israel saw the army of Pharaoh, which is coming to attack them, then they said to Prophet Musa (A.S.) “ You are a prophet of Allah and the army of Pharaoh was reached there. If they will be mischief than among us nobody will not be left by them live.” He was praying. Then Allah sent revelation that “ Oh Musa strike your staff on the river. ” He did the same and due to the power of Allah the river was parted and there was made 12 ways in the river in which Bani Israel was passing by clan wise and in the Quran it is mentioned that “ In left and right the river was parted like that of brace and 12 ways were formed and each way was in width of six miles.” Then Prophet Musa (A.S.) told “ Bani Israel to pass from those ways. ” They said “Since many thousand years on this land, water was passing so there is very much mud, so how they can pass from such way. ” Allah commanded the sun and in two seconds, the earth was dried. The total number of Bani Israel tribe was 6,000 people and when they reach in the middle they said we are going,


but we do not know what treatment will be met by our survivors by Pharaoh and we do not about their information. Either they have been drowned or killed by the army of Pharaoh. He said, “ Do not worry, they are safe and secure.” There was the command of Allah to make signs on the right and left a side. When there were signs on the right and left the side, then two windows were formed from which, among 6,000 Bani Israel saw their relatives and friends. When Bani Israel crossed the river Nile then Prophet Musa (A.S.) wanted to strike the river so that it could become in its previous position and the army of Pharaoh may be drowned in river Nile. Allah sends a command to go away from there and leave the river in the same condition. When the army of Pharaoh was reached near river banks and they saw the parted by the river and Bani Israel was crossed safely and securely from the river. Upon seeing this, Pharaoh asked with his nation “How the river was parted and how water was standing separately and the depth of the river can be seen there. Come on we will pass this way to catch our slaves who fled from us. ” He was standing on the bank of the river and said “ I am your top most God, my special slaves come on” and upon hearing this all persons prostrated before him. Prophet Musa (A.S.) was in the river and at that time angel Gabriel stood in the river before Pharaoh on the piebald mare horse and he was wearing with black turban. The people of the Torah say on that day “There were no more mare horses in the army of Pharaoh and it was only there with the angel Gabriel on whom he was riding there. When the mare neighing then the horse of Pharaoh having no control on him so he ran behind her and was fallen into the river. And Pharoah tried his best to stop him, but he could not stop him there. The angels in the right and left side draw close together with an army of Pharaoh and told go and chase of Bani Israel and that army was entered in the river and Allah was commanded to the river and all armies of Pharaoh were drowned in the water. Even one person or nation of Pharaoh was not lived.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ Oh Darwish it should be clear to you that there will be treated with the anger of Allah which he was doing to Pharaoh. And to him, he was disturbed and killed him. When Khaja Sahib has ended these benefits, then he heard the prayer call and he was engaged in the worship of Allah. myself and all other people left the meeting place.

On Saturday on the 20th of Shawal month in the Hegira 719 month, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib. The five Sheikhs of the family of


Chist, Sheikh Bahauddin Ghaznavi, Moulana Jalaluddin, Moulana Emaduddin Mazkur and his brother were present in the service of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Eisa (A.S.) and other prophets was started. He told with his holy tongue that “ On the day when Prophet Eisa (A.S.) was born and on that day Maryam was hiding in the jungle due to fear of the Jews. And at the time of birth of Eisa (A.S.), there was nobody present there. In short, there was no water. His strike on the earth and water spring was started and with that water, she washed herself and Prophet Eisa (A.S.). And there was the spread of news that Maryam (A.S.) was given birth of the boy without a father. All Jews visited Prophet Zakaria (A.S) together and were informed by him. When he was heard this then “ He prohibited Jews not to say such thing. Because our God is such that who can create a son without a father.” He tried his best to convince all of them. But the Jews did not hear anything and they said whatever came on their tongues. At that time, the angel Gabriel came there and told Prophet Zakaria (A.S.) “ To send those Jews to the boy and he will reply all of them. ” He did the same and gathered Christians and Jews and send them. When they came and asked “ Oh: boy, who are You.? ” Prophet Eisa (A.S.) as per the command of Allah he said this “ Oh: Jews it should clear for you that I am a slave of Allah and He is the creator of mine. And he is a messenger of Allah. And he is Eisa Roh Allah. Because Allah has created me without a father and in him there is nature of everything. ” When he said this in a cradle, then on that day many Jews became Muslim.

Then Khaja Sahib said “ When Prophet Eisa (A.S) was grown up and he was wearing the saintly dress of prophet-hood and angel Gabriel came and given him command of Allah that to call these Jews and infidels towards Islamic faith. He used to do like this every day and used to show them miracles, but on such hard-hearted persons there was no effected at all and they used to say that yes he learned good magic.”

After that Jews was gathered and told “ Oh Eisa: if you give life to the dead person then we will accept faith. ” Immediately an angel Gabriel came and said “ This is your miracle and asks them to bring a dead body, then pray and that person will become alive. ” He did the same. When all Jews were gathered and brought the dead body. Then he performed two rakat of prayer and put his head in the prostration and prayed and Allah gives life to that dead body. And that dead person said “There is no God Eisa is Roh Allah is the prophet of Allah” and stood. On that


day in whose fate there was written Islamic religion, then they have become Muslim. But some people on that day also said that you have learnt good magic.”

Then he said “ When Prophet Eisa (A.S.) wants to go to the sky, then the angel Gabriel came there and took him upper side. When he reached on the 4th sky, there was commanded to live in this place and as in him still there is available filth of the world and so he never can proceed further”

After he told about Prophet Khizer (A.S.) that “Allah was given him perpetual life. For this reason, he has seen all previous prophets of Allah. And still one who is a holy person then he used to meet him and show them the wonders of the nature of Allah and explain all details of each and everything to them. For this special work, he was immortalized by the fountain of life. The administration of the water in the world is given to him. So that he can help the travellers in the world. When Khaja Sahib has ended these benefits, then he heard the prayer call and he was engaged in the worship of Allah. I and all other people left the meeting place.

On Friday on the 15th of Muharram in the 990 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib. Moulana Fakheruddin Razi, Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Shubuddin and other friends were present at the service of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about Prophet Lot (A.S.) was started. He told with his holy tongue that “ He was a prophet of Allah. He used to engage in the obedience and worship of Allah always and used to fear of Allah. His nation was followed sodomy. ”

After that, he said “He was seen it was written in the book Qasqas al-Anbia that when the nation of Lot, the disturbance was exceeding its limits then in their following ten things were well established.

1. Wine2. Wearing red dress3. Sodomy among males4. Wearing colourful thin clothes 5. Bow making6. Pigeon flying7. Backbiting8. Music and merriment, and jesting


9. To see private parts of others10. Equality with Prophet Lot (A.S.) When the above habits were well established in them, then Allah sent a rain of stones from the sky and there was a command of Allah to earth to swallow. After that Khaja Sahib said “ Abdullah bin Masood narrated prophet of Allah said that there will come at such time in my nation in addition to that ten habits, there will be one more habit will be found it means women will perform intercourse with women. ”

Then he said, “ He was seen written in exegesis that there will come such time then there will fall of stones from the sky and the earth will swallow such persons.”

When Khaja Sahib has ended these benefits, then he was engaged in the invocation of Allah. I and all other people left the meeting place.

On Thursday on the 5th of Safar in 990 Hegira years, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib. Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia and other friends were present at the service of the Sheikh Sahib. He told with his holy tongue that “ The month of Safar is a very hard month. The calamities which is befalling in the world and which are normalized in this month. He was seen in the book Asar in which it was written that Allah will send 124,000 calamities during the year, so, for this reason, the people should be engaged in the supplication and prayers so that they should be in the protection of Allah.”

Then in this situation he said “ The last prophet of Allah said that “One who will inform the end of the month of Safar and for him there will be the mercy of Allah”. Also, during this month of the prophet of Allah was started preparations to leave this mortal world. At last, he became ill.”|

Then that the discussion about mysticism was started and he told with his holy tongue that “There is saying of masters that there are 15 grades of mysticism and among them fifth is revelation and miracles. And one who will show revelation and miracles in fifth grade so that due to misleading, then he will remain in this grade and he cannot proceed further.”

Then he said“Sheikh Bahuddin Zakaria and Sheikh Fariduddin once reached the bank of the river and where there was fear of the robbers. Both of them are telling


each other that there is no boat available and thieves will kill them. So it's not good. Sheikh Fariduddin put his step immediately on the water and he was reached on the bank of the river. And Sheikh Bahuddin Zakaria was seated there. Sheikh Fariduddin said in this situation revelation is legal. Because to get safe from the enemies. When Sheikh Bahuddin Zakaria heard this conversation, then he was also put his step on the water and he was reached at the other side of the river on the bank. Then Khaja Sahib said “ To show revelation for himself, but it should be done as per the situation and it should not be done without situation. “

After that, the discussion about angel Gabriel was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Allah created him by camphor. It was asked why your perspiration is white.? Then he said “ He was created by Allah by camphor. When Allah told him to bring the last prophet of Allah, then at that time he was sleeping. He was standing near him. There was the command of Allah that be careful do not wake him up. So he sat there and kissed his feet. Then he woke up. In it, there was this is wisdom that he should kiss the feet of the last prophet of Allah. As the effect of camphor is cold due to the coldness of kiss, he was waking up. Then Khaja Sahib said of this conversation. It is known that angel Gabriel is certainly being made from camphor.”

Then the discussion about sending of blessing on the last prophet was started and “ He told with his holy tongue that in the night when prophet of Allah came back from accession and he said he was seen an angel which was having 500,000 mouths and in every mouth there were 500,000 tongues and he was engaged in the worship of Allah and he is sending blessing to the last prophet of Allah. When he was asked by Gabriel which is this angel.? He said “ That person one who will smell the flower and send blessings to you, to whom Allah will grant reward for the glorification of that angel and also he will be benefitted from other virtues.”

After that, he said “ He was seen in the books in which it was written that one who will keep the rose flower in the wine drinking party and drink wine there. Then there is fear that he will lose his faith. Because the flower is part of parts of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and doing such thing is a type of hate. One who will read the Quran or know it then he will drink wine indeed as per saying of the last prophet of Allah, he will lose his faith.”


Then he said “ One holy person asked what is the reason for throwing of prophet Younus (A.S.) in the water.? ” He said “ He was caught in the fire of love and if there will be caught on fire, then on such person water will be thrown at him. So that he will be not burned in the fire. So for this reason, he was thrown into the water. When Khaja Sahib has ended these benefits, then he heard the prayer call and he was engaged in the invocation of Allah. I and all other people left the meeting place.”

On Tuesday on the 20th of Rabil Awwal in 990 Hegira year, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Khaja Sahib. Moulana Emaduddin, Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, and some other Darvish were present in the service of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion of the last prophet of Allah and his companions was started. He told of his holy tongue that “ In the night when the last prophet of Allah was born. His uncle Abu Taleb was seen in a vision that like from the sky one lamp was come into the house of Abdullah and his relatives in whose fate there was written Islam was light their lamps from that lamp. When he was waking up at that time his mother Amana was alone in the room. And in that room, there was no lump there. But it was becoming bright as daylight. All angels came into the world. And others were prostrated on the sky that the mercy of the world came into the world. In short when he came on the earth, then in the world wherever there were idols which were coming down on the earth. When his grandfather Abdul Muttalib saw him, then immediately he went to his father's house and knocks there to open the door. He came inside and took him in his lap and he said “ He is the prophet of Allah. We have read in the “New testament”. Then came Abu Taleb and he kissed on his head and on eyes many times, and he asked if there will be his order as he did not have a son I will adopt a nephew as my son and the relatives were agreed that it is good. In short, in between both of his shoulders, it was written by the pen of lights “ Ashadu a la Elaha Illala Lahu Wahadahu La Sharikalahu Washadanna Mohammedun Abdahu Wa Rasulahu” and in between on his shoulders, there was the seal of the prophet. The narrators narrated that on the night of his birth many Jews became Muslim.”

After that, Sheikh Fariduddin said, “ In the room in which the prophet was born till then one who will enter into that room for a period of one week there will be a fragrance in his body.”


Then he said “When the prophet of Allah was became four years old when he was playing with the boys. There was a command of the angel Gabriel to take Mohammed from those boys and to cut his chest and clean filth of inside and filled with heavenly scents, ambergris and musk. Angel Gabriel did the same. Where there was a heavenly scent which he brought and filled it in the holy chest.”

After that, he said “ Oh: Darvish the light of the moon and the sun is from the light of the last prophet of Allah. ” Then he said “On the trees which are there in the heaven on which the holy name of the last prophet of Allah is written and then there is a command to them that till the day of judgment to make a recital of the name of the prophet. In the sky and earth, there is no place on which the holy name of the prophet of Allah is not written. From great veil to empyrean are also such thing is available.”

Then he said “ When he used to go with Abu-Taleb on the commercial trips then as per the command of Allah there will be a shade of clouds on him. Also, there was the miracle of the last prophet of Allah that as he can see the things in front of him, then he also can see the things on the rear side. As he listens in the wake-up condition, in the same way, he can hear in the condition of sleep.”

After that, he said, “ Allah was sworn before all angles that for him for his respect and majesty if Mohammed will not be there then he will not appear His Kingdom.”

Then he said “On the day of the judgment Allah will do as per his wish and desire of the last prophet of Allah. Because Allah declared him as his friend as this is a requirement of love. ”

After that, he said that “ On the day when Prophet Eisa (A.S.) want to make alive the dead person then there was command of Allah to recite the name of Mohammed (peace be upon him) and when he recited the name of the last prophet of Allah then Allah given life to the dead person due to the blessing of the name.”

Then he said “Once Usman bin Afan (R.A.) was purchased fish from the bazaar and he wants to roast to fish and spent all wood in the fire, but it was not burning then he went into the present in the service of the last prophet of Allah


and the prophet asked the fish why she is not burning. She said “ Once in the river and on the ship the merchants reciting a blessing on you and I was hearing their voice and I also recited the blessing on you. Due to the sake of that blessing, Allah made the fire illegal for me. ”

After that Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “Oh: my Sustainer one who read a one-time blessing for him you made the fire illegal. And one who will be drowned in the love of the last prophet of Allah and so, for this reason, there is hope that any fire could burn himself.”

Then he said “ One day angel Gabriel came in the service of the prophet of Allah and said your honour, he used to perform all his services because on the day of judgment you should recommend in his favour. And he should not forget him. I will do lots of service to your descendants.”

After that, he said “ Prophet Dawud (A.S.) asked the angel Gabriel in the skies what works are done by the angels there.? ” He said “ On the day when Allah has created all angles and there was command them to recite the holy name of the last prophet of Allah on their tongues and to keep his friendship in their hearts. And if there will be no love with him. Then you will not find that holy name as intercessor and then you will be separated. ”

Then he said “When Allah wants to accept the repentance of Prophet Dawud (A.S.) and told him to make his name as intercessor in our court so that We can accept your repentance. ” Then he said, “ From this it is known that whatever things which are existing there are due to the sake of the last prophet of Allah.”

After that, discussion about Abu Baker Siddiq was started and he said “ First of all one who was accepting the prophesied of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was Abu Baker Siddiq. It happened like that when the prophet-hood was established by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) then he asked him, “Oh: Abu Baker says that he is the messenger of Allah and Allah is only one.” He told “ Immediately was certified by the tongue and heart that he is a prophet of Allah in reality and Allah is one and alone. And there is no god except Allah. By saying this, he became Muslim.”


Then he said about his piousness that “ Once he was walking on the way and there was coming to ant below his step and he was stopped by listening to her pain and lift his right leg and saw there was seen restless of an ant. And he picked it and then ant was killed. He put the ant on his palm and looked at the sky and said: “ Oh my Sustainer if I have any small dignity in your court then for the sake of that dignity make ant alive and even these words were which he was saying from his tongue then that ant was becoming alive again.”

After that, he said his piousness he told this story that “One day he was combing into his beard and one hair were separated and it was fallen in the grave yard of the Jews. For its blessing, Allah was taken away for punishment from that graveyard for the period of 103 days.”

Afterward, he said “ When Abu Baker used to perform prayers then at that time 1000 closed angles of Allah used to watch him. And he used to perform prayer with such attention that when he will use to say “Allah” and due to its horror there will be shivering in the body parts of the angels.”

Then he said “When Abu Baker used to perform the prayer, then he used to visit and put his head on his holy residence of the prophet of Allah and when the prophet of Allah used to see then he used to embrace and ask him why he will visit at so early in the morning. ? ” He used to say “ Because he wants to see his sight first of all. The prophet used to tell him to stand up “ I swear in the name of the majesty of Allah that due to the dignity of the hairs of your beard I can see the things in the nether regions. ”

After that, he said “ It was the habit of the prophet of Allah that during every night of Ramadan month he used to visit in the jungle of Madina along with his four friends and with Hasan and Hussain and pray for the forgiveness of the nation. When there will be the last part of the night, then angel Gabriel used to visit him and say to wake up there is a command of Allah that for the sake of one white hair of Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) such and such thousand people were forgiven. And they were freed from the fire of hell.”

Then he said, “ Whenever he will visit the jungle of Madina for hymns of Allah then he will be heard this call that for the sake of one white hair of Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) such and such thousand people were forgiven.”


After that, he said “ One day when the prophet of Allah was there in the room of Ayesha Sidiqua (R.A.) and there was a discussion about Abu Baker Siddiq and the prophet of Allah asked with Ayesha Sidiqua (R.A.) whether do you have information about poisons of your father?. ” She said “No.” Your father's name is written on the tablet of the sun when the sun will reach on the roof of the house of Ka'aba and it will stand there and would say there is no other place of excellence than this place. From this place, he will not move further.When he will use to stand there and angels who are a guardian at that place and they give him swearing in the name of your father and due to the blessing of his name ask the sun to pass from there then the sun will pass from there.”

Then he said “ One day Umar bin Qattab questioned him about the piousness of Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) he said he did not have power with him to explain a little about the piousness of him. But for many years, he used to say in the hymns that perhaps for the sake of his hairs such and such thousand sinners will be forgiven.”

After that, discussion about Umar bin Qattab (R.A.) was started. He told with his holy tongue that “ On the day when Allah was revealed the religion of Islam on him and on the day that he said to the Jews that if he will not bring Mohammed imprison alive than whom he will say he as Umar.? ” The Jews said, “ If it will be happening then we will make you the ruler of Madina.?”

When he stood by the claim of such thing and rode on the horse and by chance he was passed from the door of his sister and she was reading holy Quran and at that time she was reading verse Taha and he was standing at the door and he was heard with more attention. At the time of his repentance was nearly so for this reason due to hearing of the holy book of Allah, there was prevailed passion and ecstasy upon him. And he made a slogan and asked by his sister “What she was reading to tell him truly.?” But she refused, so he was taken out with the sword in the hand and he said “ If you don't tell correctly, then he will kill her. ” She told him that “ She was reading that book which was revealed to the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). ” He told her “ To give him so that he can read it because upon hearing this my inside is shivering. ” She said “ Oh: Umar, you are now still not pure and there is a smell of idols from you. Till you will not visit Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and will not become a Muslim and not shatter the dress of sins into pieces then you cannot take a holy book in your hands.


” Upon hearing this, he said “ Go ahead and take me so that he can accept the faith of Islam. ” She said “ Not in this way. ” He asked “ In which way.? ” She said “Go there with humility and in calmness and in helplessness. ” He said “ Sister ties his hands with this rope to his back and take me to the service of the prophet of Allah and say this slave who was fleeing from your court and court of Allah and due to your favour accepts him. ” His sister did the same and she brought him in the service of the prophet of Allah. Those who were present at the service of the prophet opened the rope from his shoulders and the prophet of Allah was doing very much favour and kindness to him. Angel Gabriel came there and given the command of Allah to make him Muslim immediately. ”

After that, he said “ When Umar bin Qattab was becoming Muslim, then before it the prayer call was used to shout in the cave, but now it was called in the holy house of Ka’aba. And there was available power to the Islam.”

Then he said “ He was seen in the book Tanbih by Abul Lais in which it was written that the prophet says that if on the day of judgement if it will be asked what gift you have brought in Our court, then he will say that he was brought Umar bin Qattab (R.A.).”

After that, he said that “ There was justice and equity was in such degree that he was done justice rightly with his son. This story is famous like that Abu Sama was drinking wine and done adultery and when he was caught and brought in the mosque of Madina when the prophet of Allah and other big companions of the prophet were present there. Then he said to flog him 80 times and when some whips were beaten, he was dying and he said to beat his remaining whips on his dead body and which was done accordingly.”

After that, Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “ Praise is due only to Allah that he was freed him from the fire of hell. On the first night, he was seen in a vision and he was wearing a green dress and he was walking in the heaven. And he says that Allah bestowed favours on his father who was responsible for the salvation of the punishment of hell fire for him. He said, “ Justice is the name which did by Umar bin Qattab (R.A.).”

Afterward discussion about Usman bin Affan was started and he said about Usman bin Affan that “ He was a friend of the prophet and his son in law. The


prophet was proud of his son in law-ship that if he will have 100 daughters, then he would marry with Usman bin Affan (A.S.) one by one. Because the people of earth are proud of this.”

After that, he said “ There were huge wealth and properties were with him and such wealth and properties, were not with any companions of the prophet. He was a higher grade generous person. So there is mentioned in the saying of the prophet that once he said in the service of the prophet that he was upset with very much wealth and properties you pray for the decrease of wealth because due to engagement in this the work of obedience is not done properly. The prophet wanted to pray, but an angel Gabriel came and informed the command of Allah that not to pray in favour of Usman because he used to spend very much wealth on our way and We are increasing his wealth.”

He was invited by the prophet of Allah along with companies. After fulfilling the duties of the host, he said by folding his hands said “ The distance from the mosque to the house, is 18 feet so the friends be witnesses that for each and every step of the prophet of Allah he was freeing one slave. ” When he was done, then the prophet prayed for him and due to this reason he was benefitted of the religion of him. One day one slave girl wanted to do intercourse with Usman bin Affan (A.S.) the lady of the day of judgment and the daughter of the prophet of Allah’s look was fallen there. Due to envy, she wore veils and she went to the room of the prophet of Allah and she told all details to him. He told her “ If you go and will not happily Usman bin Affan (R.A.) then he will not see her face on the day of the judgement. ” At that time Usman bin Affan (R.A.) was standing is surprising in the condition of shame. To see what order will be given. When the prophet said this to his daughter, then she came back from there immediately and she put her head on the feet of Usman bin Affan (R.A.). He was surprised and said “ Oh daughter of the prophet and when she heard then she stood. And he has freed 300 slave girls in charities for the sake of her head.”

After that, he said on the day of the judgment Usman bin Affan (R.A.) will be given such higher positions that all prophets will be envious of him if they would Usman. Then he said about Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) The prophet of Allah said “ At the time of previous prophets when they will become helpless to conquer any fort then Allah create the shape of Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) then that the fort will


be conquered. Then he said “ Once in the war of Jack O Lantern he became helpless and made a slogan so 14 layers of the earth began shivering. And the slogan was heard in Madina. At that time, the angel Gabriel brought Surah Eqlas and conveyed command of Allah that to send this to Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) so that he could get the victory in the battle of Jack O Lantern. The prophet did the same. Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) did the recital of this verse for one day and night, then the next day he was able to conquer that battle.”

Then he said “ When Prophet Dawud (A.S.) wants to make iron armour and he used to take iron in his hand and recite the name of Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) and due to the blessing of the name then iron will become waxy. After that, he said in the service of the last prophet of Allah was present Salman Farsi and Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (R.A.) and it was his habit that he used cheerfulness by the elder persons. So in this way, he took small pebbles and thrown at the side of Salman Farsi (R.A.) many times. At last Salaman Farsi (R.A.) was upset and he said you should be ashamed that you are throwing pebbles at him whether I have not put you on my lap and fed you. He said what do you say to me to remember and so you should remember that who have snatched you from the mouth of a tiger in that jungle. This incident happened that once Salman Farsi (R.A) was coming under the control of the tiger and Allah created the shape of Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) and which was saved him from the tiger and this is confirmed by Salaman Farsi (R.A.).”

After that he said “ Once Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) was invited the last prophet Allah along with his companions and when the time of fast breaking was near then he began thinking that the distance of his house from the mosque is 18 feet and there were no slaves with him to whom he should be free. Usman bin Affan (R.A.) was freed 17 slaves. Still, he was thinking such then angel Gabriel came and informed the command of Allah that “ Oh: prophet of Allah the distance from the mosque to the house of Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) is 18 feet. For each step, we have forgiven 18,000 worlds from the fire of the hell.”

Then he said “ He was seeing book Fatwa in which it was written that Allah was created four rivers in the heaven for the believers and their details are as follows.


1.Water river2.Milk river3.Wine river4.Honey river Then he said “The example of Abubakar (R.A.) is like water river. And from the water, everything is live. The example of Umar bin Qattab (R.A.) is like milk river that unless the child will not drink milk than his nourishment is not possible. So whatever Islam was nourished was due to the reason of Umar Farouq (R.A.). The example of Usman bin Affan (R.A.) is like wine river. And from which there will be support for persons who perform the prayers. The example of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (R.A.) is like honey. For which there is a cure was kept by Allah. Allah has created the four following springs in the heaven.1. The Salsabeel spring2. The Zanjabil spring3. The Tasneem spring4. The camphor spring After that, he said “ Oh dervish in the below words there is Aain Arabic alphabet in the beginning. For example Eishiq (love) of Abubakar (R.A.), Umar, Usman and Ali. So it is proof of this reason that one who will get a share from these four springs and who will keep their friendship of four friends.” Then he said, “ In the saying of the prophet of Allah it is mentioned that indeed Allah made my friends as holy and among them made four as special are Abubaker, Usman, Umar and Ali.”

After that, he said “ The prophet said Allah will call his nation towards him at that time true persons with Abu Baker Siddiq (R.A.) will enter into the paradise and persons of giving commandments and prohibitions will be with Umar Farooq (R.A.). The people of shyness will be with Usman bin Affan (R.A.) and the generous and pious people will be with Ali bin Abi Taleb (R.A.) and the people of knowledge will be with Maze bin Jabal (R.A.), the people of Quran will be headed Abi Kab (R.A.). Darwesh with Abi Darda (R.A.) and people of mysticism will be with Abi Darda and martyrs will be with Hamza and the friends will be with Bilal and enter into the paradise.”

After that, he said, “ It was mentioned in the saying of the prophet of Allah that it means Abu Baker is my minister who established my nation and Umar is my


friend and Usman is from me and Ali is my brother and he is the owner of the flag.”

Then he said “The prophets of Allah said that Allah created all other prophets by different trees, but he and Ali were created from the same tree. And at its head and its branches are Ali. Hasan and Hussain and its fruits are other his sons and Tabin (successors to the holy prophet’s companion) are its leaves. So one who will have their connection with any of its branches, then he will be safe and secure from the fire of the hell.”

After that, he said, “ When Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) was in the womb of his mother and whenever his mother went to prostrate before the idols, then there will be commotion there that she could not be able to prostrate.”

Then he said about the piousness of the parents that “ Kindness and mercy of parents are kindness and mercy of Allah. And the anger of the parents is a calamity and anger of Allah and from such son whose parents are not happy then in such case Allah will not be happy with him.”

After that, he said “ The prophet of Allah said that at that time of helplessness to make parents as an intercessor in the court of Allah than his important affair will be completed. Then he will free from that helplessness and powerlessness.” I have seen in the book Asar Auliya in which it was written that once one holy person was passing by one graveyard, then he was heard loud and cry and he was stopped more there. When he was seen and it was known to him that there was giving punishment to one dead person and he was calling “ Oh: mother oh:mother. ” Upon seeing this that holy person requested in the court of Allah that the heap of the soil may be removed from the dead person so that he can see him. That holy person saw the dead person is in severe punishment and he is calling “Oh: mother, oh: mother.” That holy person asked him why he is calling his mother and to call Allah so that you will be free from that punishment. He said “ During his lifetime when he will face any calamity than he was used to call his mother and for this reason now he is calling his mother to be free from that difficulty. So at that time he was free from that calamity.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said “ Really calling the names of parents and giving them respect is the cause of salvation. So that person is lucky one who


fulfils his duties towards his parents. And he will not exceed a little in this matter. Because heaven is under the footsteps of the parents.”

After that, he said, “ Who is abstainer of the prayer to whom the bread and water should not be given. He told with his holy tongue that it means one who helps who is abstainer of prayer with bread and he will become such person who kills all prophets from Prophet Adam (A.S) up to the last prophet of Allah. When Khaja Sahib ended these benefits, then myself and all other persons left from the meeting place.

On Wednesday the 20th Jamidil Awwal, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Fakheruddin Razi, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and other friends were present in the service of Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about the people of mysticism was started. He told with his holy tongue that “Some categories of learned people have divided mysticism into 100 grades and among them 17th grade is miracle and revelation. So that person is the perfect one who will not show miracles and revelation in the 17th grade. If he will show, then he will not proceed further. If he will show miracles and revelation on the 100th grade, then it is legal. Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami and Shah Shuja Kirmani were divided mysticism into 50 grades and among its 10th grade is miracles and revelation. One who will reach on the 10th grade then it is legal for him to show miracles and revelation. Masters of Chist were divided mysticism into 15 grades and among them 5th grade is miracles and revelation and if he will show miracle and revelation then he will not pass from other grades. The perfect person is one who will not show miracles and revelation on 15th grade. When Khaja Sahib ended these benefits, then Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia told that “ The learned persons of previous time were divided the mysticism in many degrees and how this is.? And the learned persons of Chist upon passing from some stages and used to become the persons of miracles revelations. This grace, how they will get without endeavours.? ” Khaja Sahib said “Yes, it is a reality. The prophets who were passed before the last prophet and their ages will be 1000 years and their endeavours will be as per their ages but grace was less. When the time of the last prophet came then endeavours was becoming less and grace was increased. So our masters of Chist are among the last learned persons so the name which is available to them is more than before. There was available grace of one third of the learned persons of previous time but there were such endeavours which were available to


them and which is not available to learned persons at this time. But the miracle and grace were available un-limited so for this reason, if they will pass from some stages, then they will become the persons of revelation and miracles and which is legal.”

After that, he said “ There was once by discussion Khaja Qutubuddin Moulded Chisti and he said in the way of mysticism the perfect person is one who will reach on the 15th grade and which is degree of Velayat (saintliness). If he will pray in favour of the dead person, then he will become alive. Khaja Qutubuddin still he was saying this matter, then at that time one old woman came there by weeping and she said “ Oh : Sheikh redress my problem. Because the king killed my son who is innocent onto the cross. Upon hearing this he took others with him while carrying his staff in his hand. He reached near that boy and holds his neck and looked at the sky and said “ Oh: my Lord, if he is killed without guilt on the cross then give him life. ” Still, this prayer was not completed with his holy tongue the boy was becoming alive and he stepped down from the cross and began walking. ”

After that, Khaja Sahib told the audience that “ The extent of the perfection of the man will be such upon reaching on this degree. And from there his piousness is known to Allah only.”

Then the discussion about mysticism was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ On the day when the last prophet of Allah was adopted mysticism on that day angel Gabriel was commanded to present two worlds in the service of the last prophet of Allah. He was seen both worlds and first he looked at the world, then, the world was pride that who was honoured in the look of the last prophet. Then he was seen world of indigence so then he was giving up the world and he was adopted indigenous.”

After that, he said “ There was command of Allah, oh :prophet , we will give you the world without accountability. So accept it. ” He said “ He was rejected the world and he was opting for indigence as per his willingness.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ The categories of learned persons think mysticism as the main thing that despite having the world one who will opt for the indigence. But if one who is poor and opts for the abstainer of the world, then it is not a great thing. There will be a matter that despite having then, it should leave it.”


After that, he said Khaja Fariduddin said with his holy tongue that “ There are 70 benefits of the mysticism. And first among them is that Darwish should decide first, then there will be very much spiritual power will be with him and if he will look at the earth than he can see the things in the nether regions. If he will look at the sky, then he can see empyrean. But the dervish who will pass 70,000 stages, then his soul will be attached to the greatness of magnificence. This matter may not be understood in the wisdom and thinking. It is out of limit of the wisdom.”

Then he said “ As the status of Darvish is more than 70,000 worlds and in this same way the dervish who is not aware of 70,000 worlds when he is not darwesh. In it the first status is when he will engage in meditation, then he will go round around 18,000 worlds and he will be returned from there. Then he will find him on the prayer mat and to explain these wonders to Muslims.”

Afterward, Khaja Sahib said by weeping that “If there will be permanent for stock of life than he explains more details in this matter as there is no stability to the stock of life so, for this reason, this information enough for the mysticism.”

After that, he said “ If there will be no Darwish in the world, then there will be sent down a thousand calamities in the world. So during the time of Prophet Musa (A.S.). Allah told him. ” Oh: Musa where there are Darwish available and there will be available our knowledge and mercy. ”

Then Khaja Sahib told “ When you will see Darwish and rag dress persons are there in angry condition then understand that there will be sent to their calamities. Then he said “ In the olden days one dervish came in Gujrat and in those days there were inhabitants of many Hindu persons in the large number there and were few Muslims were there. On the day when that darwesh came there and Allah due to his mercy and kindness was not sent any calamity there from that day. The people were surprised that what is the reason in this matter.? Because there every year, many thousand people were killed there due to calamities. It is not known how there was coming to safety and security there. The king of that place was a wise person. ” He told “ To see whether an alien person came to our country. ”? After searching they took that Darwish to the court of the king. The king was given him great respect and honour. That Darwish asked him “ What is the reason for this respect and honour. ” The king told “ Every year there will be calamities in


this city. This year due to your blessing there is no prevailing of the calamity. ” Darwish said “ Yes, it is a reality. Where there will be a person of grace of Darwish and from calamities and sudden death will run away from there. ” He said “ From that day in Gujrat, there was no more calamities there.”

Then Khaja Sahib said “ Oh: derwesh it should be clear that the step of the Darwish is pious in the city. But Darwish should also fulfill the rights of darweshi (mysticism) so that he will be in the support of the city. If it's not so if derwesh will enjoy and not fulfill the rights of Dervishi (mysticism) then there will no comfort in that city. ”

After that, he said about Islam with his holy tongue that “ Oh: Darwish it is easy to take the name of Islam but it is very difficult to fulfill its rights.”

Then he said “ Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami did endeavours with the soul for a period of 70 years. So for this reason, he did not use to give water to it for a period ten and twenty years and used to keep in endeavours. The people asked him the reason, then he said as he is called Muslim so, for this reason, he should fulfill its rights.”

After that he said “ Once one Jew was asking you have so much love with Khaja Ba-Yazid Bustami then why he did not become Muslim. ” He said “ If this is called Islamic faith which you do have so from such Islamic faith he is ashamed of it. And if, that is Islamic faith which Khaja Sahib does which I cannot do. Now tell why I should become a Muslim.? ” Khaja Sahib still he was saying this and at that time Khaja Qutubuddin Hansavi and Sheikh Burhanuddin Gharib came there along with the choristers. Khaja Sahib told “ Every coming person paid respect to Khaja Sahib and he asked to sit down. When he saw the discussion about mysticism was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Sama (ecstasy) is thought of hearing but the listeners should hear it with utmost attention. So that there should be ecstasy. One who is the personification of pain, then there will be an effect of It. But one who is not personality of pain on against him if there be described on 1000 secrets of the friend then there will have no less an effect at all on him.”

Then he said “ Once he was presented in service of Sheikh Fariduddin and he was told with his holy tongue that “ Once Khaja Qutubuddin, Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori, Khaja Shamsuddin Turk, Moulana Aladdin Karam and Sheikh Mahmud


Moza Doze were present at once place. There was time for comfort. And at that time there was a meeting of Sama (ecstasy) was in progress in his shrine building. There was so much effect of one couplet on those persons so for this reason there was dancing for a period of three nights and days and they were un-aware of themselves.”

Then Khaja Sahib shut, tears and said really the pious persons used to hear Sama (Ecstasy). Then Sheikh Usman Sayyah stood and was informed that chorister were present in the service. And if there will be order. Then they sing something. He said “It is excellent.” Chorister started Sama (ecstasy) still first couplet they sing then Khaja Sahib, Sheikh Usman Sayya, Sheikh Hussain and other friends began dancing and they were dancing from the time of mid-morning till the evening time prayer they were dancing and they were un-aware of themselves.”

After that, every person was sitting in their places. Then Khaja Sahib was given winter wool dress with Sheikh Usman and was given me special cap. And in this way, everybody was getting his share. That day was the best day for the comfort and chorister sang an ode to the Persian.

On Sunday on the 20th Jamadil Akhir, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Razi, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib, Amir Hasan Ala Sejzi were present in the service. The discussion about secrets of love was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ For the secrets and the light of Allah there should be so much courage so that such secrets will be adopting and if he will not bear the first secret of the friend and declare it in general person then that person is not eligible for that secret.”

After that, he said “ Oh dervish in the way of mysticism that person is the perfect one who will not disclose whatever revealed in him from the friend’s world of light. If he will disclose them with his will, meet the treatment of Mansour Hallaj.”

Then he said “Once one holy person wrote to another holy person's favour that what you will say about such person who will become unconscious in only one cup of the love. ” That pious person wrote him in reply that “ What you have written that is the work of fewer courage people. The courageous person is one who will


be called more and more from the begging to the end. Do not write this to any person otherwise, the people of mysticism will be ashamed.”

After that, he said, “ He was seen in Asrar Auliya in which it was written that in the way of mysticism that person is true when there will be calamity from the world of secrets on him and he should be in agreeable condition due to the fate. As there Allah says in the Quran. "Our Fosterer! pour on us patience and make our steps firm and help us against the people who are infidels."

Then he said “ Friends and writers of exegesis and learned persons were given this status to such persons who will be patient at the time of grief and difficulty. The friend is such person one who will tolerate calamity sent by the friend.”

After that, he said “ In this way the lover is called such person whose presence and calamity should be same. In every condition, he should desire for the meeting of the friend. But in the way of mysticism that person is perfect who live among the mankind, but he should engage with the friend. And whatever he will get when he should not keep nothing with him.”

Then he said “ Khaja Abdullah Sohail Tastari wrote that there are four ends of the cap as follows.

1. Secrets and lights2. Love and trust3. Love and fondness4. Willingness and conformity After that, he said “ Oh dear one who will wear the cap then he should leave four things among them. First secrets and light. The people should not be deprived of such grace and why not to fulfill its rights?. Then he said “ Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori said that the cap is a friend of the person. And in it, there is love and love only. So in this way that a person is true who will be patrons of it. Because of it, there is entirely love is there. And also, from it, there will be known the secret and grace of the friend.”

After that, he said that “ It was the habit of Sheikh Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki if there will visit him in service 100 or 200 persons to become his disciple then he used to give them caps. And say that one who will not fulfill its rights and will not


follow the way of his master than the cap will punish him. But whom he will give the cap that person due to the blessing of his look he will not put his step in the wrong way. ”

Then he said “ To the people of the cap. The cap will punish them. But they do not know that why there are hardness befalls on them. One who will fulfill the rights of the cap then he never did not see the effect of un-friendliness in the both worlds. When Khaja Sahib has ended these benefits, then there was the prayer call so he was engaged in the invocation of Allah. I and all other persons left from the meeting place.”

On Saturday the Shaban, the discussion about the excellence of the month of Shaban and mysticism was started. He told with his holy tongue that “ Month of Shaban is the month of the prophet. One who will send a blessing one time on the prophet of Allah, then Allah will give the command to write 1000 virtues in his account of deeds.”

Then he said “ On the night of Barat (15th night of Shaban month) Allah is forgiven all, but the following persons are not forgiven.

1.Annoying parents2.Magicians3.Wine drinkers4.Snapping of mercifulness5.Abstainer of prayer6.Adultery7.Sodomite8.Falsehood9.Backbiting 10.Makers of idols After that, he said “ The people should keep away from the things prohibited in this night and also they prohibit others in this matter. Because of this night, there is wholly peace and forgiveness in it so that this nation should not be kept away from this felicity.”


After that discussion about Arif (one having an intimate knowledge of god ) person was started. He told with his holy tong that “ Khaja Mansour Ammar said Arif (mystic) persons have three consciences in them.1.The conscience of the world2.Conscience for the grave yard3.The conscience of the heaven First the conscience of the world, loving toward Houri and Gulman (young male servants in paradise) and the second conscience of the grave yard and its exegesis cannot be explained. The third conscience of heaven which will be with for the man since the time of death and live with him for the last time. So in the Quran, it is mentioned: “ Those who are killed on the way to Allah so do not think them as dead persons as they are living with their Lord.” At that time, Mansour said “Airf person should have four qualities by themselves. Some are not polluted by water, air or anything. Even though they will be clear others and who will bear the weight but they did not feel bad. Some are like soil and whatever they will be even given to them will not be spoil by, them but they increase it more. Some are like fire and who can burn others but they themselves will not be born. The do not follow any carelessness. ”

When he was asked to “Alaika Asqabalaam La Asbahalam” to whom it was addressed and he said it was addressed to the last prophet of Allah. “ Oh: prophet one who will bear the weight of the Shariah (Islamic law) which is your responsibility and one who will bear the weight of Tariqat (mystic way of life) and Haqiqat (reality) from him you will have no responsibilities to discharge then his account will be our responsibility.”

When Khaja Sahib was explaining this one of his Darwish complained about his wife. He said “ Whatever you will do in favour of your woman and sons and this account will not be taken calculated on the day of judgement. Yes, there is full reach on the woman for some matters if she will not fulfill then beat her for the prayer and secondly for obedience, thirdly for intercourse, if she will do disobedience, if she will fight with husband then she should be beaten. If she will not be corrected then removed her dress. In the Quran, it is mentioned as explained above. But the woman should take care of the things of the husband and did not take anything without his willingness of the husband and do not hide or give anything to others and do not confer. Even also, on the woman, there is nothing


expedient. Because she should not be punished the woman for the following things.

1.Not preparing bread2.Spinning wheel3.Carelessness in milk feeding of the children It is expedient for the man to provide about the things of livelihood and appointment house servant to perform all services in the house because the woman is free. If the woman will do all these works then it is due to her kindness otherwise, it is not expedient on her. ” Then he said, “ If the woman does these works due to kindness than she is adopting the way of Hadrat Fatima (R.A.) and on the day judgement she will get intercession of the woman of paradise Fatima (R.A.).”

After that discussion about justice was started and he told with his holy tongue that “ Once Sultan Mahmood was not getting sleep and, at last, he was given the order to see whether there is any needy person was waiting there. The servant went out three times but nobody was not there. When he himself was reached nearby mosque what he is seeing that one person was in the prostration in the corner and he is saying to do justice to Mahmood. When he was heard this then he took him in the armpit and asked: “You never come to see me or you did not inform me.” He said “ There is a man in your city and who is doing intercourse with my wife and he does not have to power to fight with him if you not do justice then on the day judgement I will hold your edge of the shirt. ” Sultan Mahmoud requested him to forgive. He told “ If he will come there again, this time, inform him. So that he can do justice to his favour.”

In short after that, the man came to that house and after three days time, then that man informed this to the Sultan Mahmood when that person visited his house. Then Sultan came there with the sword in his hand and asked to put off the lights in the house and he was entered into her house and cut off the head of the mischievous person. Then he asked to light the lamp when Sultan Mahmood saw him and said “Allah to be praised. ” Then he asked some food from that person and that man brought some pieces of bread. Mahmood eat and thanked Allah.


When Mahmud was going from there that person asked to explain the condition in this matter. He said “ When he was asked to put off the lamp and there was the reason that there may be his nearest person or his relative and, for this reason, he should not kill him and, for this reason, he should not do justice. And when he was asked to light the lamp and there was reason that there may be a friend so he said “Allah to be praised ” that person was not belonging to his family and even he was not from our city and there is reason asking for the food is that on the day when he was promised him to do justice then he was determined that unless I will not do justice then he will not eat the food. And when I did justice then there was overpowering of the hunger.”

After that Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “ Really this is a matter of justice. And with this kind of justice the world will be established. But during this time justice and equity are no more.” When Khaja Sahib has ended this story than there was the call of the prayer so myself and all others left from the meeting place.

On Saturday on the 2nd Ramazan, I was sanctified to touch the feet of the Sheikh Sahib. Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and some other friends were present at the service of the Sheikh Sahib. And also Sheikh Usman Sayyah, Hussain grandson of Qutubuddin Bakthair Kaki and four holy persons of a family of Chist came there and paid respect and sat there. Then the discussions about the excellence of the month of Ramazan and love of the holy persons and prophets were started. He told with holy tongue that “Allah For every moment of the fast of the month of Ramazan will forgive 100,000 sinners from the hell of the fire.”

After that he said, “ The believer one who will perform Taraweeh (special night prayers in Ramazan) prayer then there will be a command to 1000 angels to give trays of mercy for the exchange of each word and Houri and for each rakat one palace will be build in his name in the heaven.”

Then he said “ Oh Darwish this month is blessed so the man should be busy in the invocation of Allah. As much, as to read the Quran and for each word, there will be the reward of freeing ten slaves.”

After that, he said “ Imam Abu Hanifa was used to finish two Quran in day and night during the month of Ramazan and from this calculation he used to finish


during the whole month of Ramazan 60 Quran. And Khaja Qutubuddin Moudoud Chisti used to finish every day four Quran and two parts during the month of Ramazan. So in this way he used to finish 122 Quran during the month of Ramazan.”

Then he said, “ Unless there will be such endeavour will not be done then observation will never get.”

After that, he said, “ It was the practice of Sheikh Fariuddin during his whole life during the month of Ramazan he used to finish two Quran in every night.”

Then he said “ It was the practice of Sheikh Kabir that during the month of Ramazan he used to finish two Quran in the very night. Till his end of his life, it was his practice. After this, he told one story about poisonous of the Sheikh Fariduddin that “Sheikh Sahib used to tell that once in the country of Kirman he was met by Sheikh Ahaduddin Kirmani. He was in his company for some days. One day we both were in the courtyard of the mosque and at that time, four Darwish who were persons of grace and condition came over there and paid respect and shake hands and sat down there. The discussion about a miracle was started. One among them said those who are persons of a miracle then he should show the miracle. All of them pointed at Sheikh Ahuddin Kirmani that this shrine belongs to him and from him the beginning should be done.

In short Sheikh Ahuddin said that “ The believer of the ruler of this place is not right for him. Today he will go to the playground to play there with the ball and bat. It will be a matter of surprise that he will be back in the city safely and securely. ” At that time when these words were spoken when one of his disciples came there and said the ruler of this city was died by falling down from the horse during the play of the ball with the bat. Upon hearing, this audience accepted his miracle. Then they pointed towards me (Sheikh Kabir) and asked to show any miracle. I told “ To close the eyes and then they close the eyes and open when they saw that they were in the holy Harem (house) of Makkah. Then all agreed that the person of Allah is like that. After explaining of the above details, he shut tears and said it knew to him that Sheikh Shuaikh al-Alam used to perform morning and Eisha prayers daily in the house of Ka’aba.”


Then he said “ One day Sheikh Fariuddin and Sheikh Jalaluddin Aouchi were sitting together at one place at that time one Darwish came there and demand curd and which was not available there. He addressed Sheikh Jalaluddin and said to say that Darwish in such and such place curd is there and to go and bring it. In reality, there was nothing available except water. In short, when drawesh went there and saw there and he found all water as curd. He was saying this and chorister Hasan Bala and Burhan came over there. He has given them permission for Qawwali (mystic chorus). In the beginning, of Sama (Ecstasy) there was such effect on Khaja Sahib and of Sheikh Usman Sayyah that they began dancing and were become un-conscious.”

After the end of Sama (Ecstasy), rain coat was given to Sheikh Usman Sayyah and turban was given to me. That day was very comfortable.

After that, he said “ If there will be the friendship of the prophets and holy persons available in the hearts of believers and which is more than the worship of 1,000 years. So the people should engage in their virtuous remembrance.”

Then he said “When Qarun was to be drowned in the earth when he was reached in the fourth layer and people of that place asked him “ Who are you.? And which nation he belongs.?” He said, “ He is among the nation of Prophet Musa (A.S.).” At that time, there was the command of Allah “ To stop him there because he remembered the name of his friend. Now we do not allow him to send down from that place.” Then Khaja Sahib shut tears and said “ This is the condition of that person who has enmity of Allah and he was to be set free by taking the name of Prophet Musa (A.S.). The believer who will keep the love of the prophet in his heart till the day of judgement and so there is hope that he will not be burnt in the fire of hell.” When Khaja Sahib ended these benefits then he was engaged in the remembrance of Allah and myself and all other people left from the meeting place.

On Saturday on 5th of Muharram Moulana Shamsuddin Yahia, Moulana Fakeruddin Razi, Moulana Burhanuddin Gharib and Sheikh Nasiruddin Mahmood were present in the service of the Sheikh Sahib. The discussion about the excellence of month for Murherram and Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain was


started. He told with his holy tongue that “ During this month Sheikh Fariuddin died.”

After that, he said “ The night when he was dead when he has performed Eisha prayer three times. And every time he told this that sees whether he will be able to perform it or not.?”

Then he said “ Sheikh Fairuuddin was died in the prostration. At that time, when he was dead there was heard a voice from the sky that Moulana Farid died and was entered in the place of nearness.”

After that, Khaja Sahib said this and shut tears so there was very much effect on the audience. Then he said, “ In the saying of the prophet it is mentioned one who will cook seven grains on the day of Ashura then for every grain one virtue will be written in his name.”

Then the discussion about the birth of Hadrat Fatima was started and he said “ In the night when Fatima’s was pregnancy was established in the womb of the mother. One day before of it angel Gabriel was brought one heavenly apple and given to the last prophet of Allah and told him to eat it. And not to give it to others. The prophet of Allah did the same thing.”

During that night, the prophet of Allah did intercourse with Hadrat Khadija (R.A.) Then Hadrat Fatima (R.A.) came into existence. From this, it is known that the birth of Fatima is especially from the heaven. Then Khaja Sahib shut tears and said everybody knows the details of her sons. Cruel persons were killed them in the desert in the condition of hunger and thirst.

After that he said in the book Sair it was written that when Hasan (R.A.) and Hussain (R.A.) were used to weep in the cradle and when Hadrat Fatima (R.A.) used to busy in some work then there will command of Allah to angel Gabriel go and shake their cradle so that they can sleep comfortably.”

Then he said “ On the day of martyrdom of Imam Hussain in the world has become quite dark. There was momentum in the sky and earth. The angels were in angry. And they were asking many times for the command of Allah to kill the persons who were involved in the conspiracy. There was a command that does not worry in this matter as the fate is such. We and our friend know so there is no


interference from your side. On the day of justice, I will do justice to the cruel persons as per his will and desire of Imam Hussain. Whatever he will say in their favour than the same thing will be happening to them. Upon saying Khaja Sahib shut tears and said the specialty of the family of the prophet is courage. It may be possible that the princes will forgive them and intercession the cruel persons. But in appearance, it seems that the cruel persons will not be possible to be taken out of the hell of the fire.

He then said “On the day of judgement all cruel persons will be handed over to Hadrat Fatima (R.A.). Then she will immediately forgive all of them. There will be asked for forgiveness in the matter of the battle of Karbala. Allah will tell her that you forgive all of them and for this sake We will forgive all the nation of your father. Upon hearing this, she will leave the claim of bloodshed in the Karbala and all sinners persons of the nation the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) will be getting salvation.

After that he said “ There is Urs (death anniversary) of Sheikh Fariduddin and there are available food and sweet which should be distributed among beggars and poor persons. After this order, the food and sweet were distributed. Then a meeting of Sama (ecstasy) was started and which was continued for one day and night and Khaja Sahib and Darwish were unaware of their rapture. The choristers sang two couplets of the Persian poetry.

The End.