02 human dignity

SCRIPTURAL TEXT EXPOSITION SUMMARY TAKE THE CHALLENGE REFLECTION HUMAN DIGNITY Human persons are willed by God; they are imprinted with God's image. Their dignity does not come from the work they do, but from the persons they are. Centessimus Annus, 11 OBJECTIVES

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Page 1: 02 human dignity







Human persons are willed by God; they are imprinted with God's image. Their dignity does not come from the work they do, but from the

persons they are.

Centessimus Annus, 11


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LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

1. define human dignity2. distinguish between having and being3. enumerate 4 elements that give a

person dignity

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Psalm 8

You formed my inmost being;you knit me in my mother's womb.I praise you, so wonderfully you made me;wonderful are your works!My very self you knew;my bones were not hidden from you,When I was being made in secret,fashioned as in the depths of the earth.Your eyes foresaw my actions;in your book all are written down;my days were shaped, before one came to be.

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Hmmm . . .

Does someone who works as a

prostitute lose his or her dignity?

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What is the basis of DIGNITY?


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HAVING vs. Being

• Measured by what I have• Attitude is to accumulate or

possess• Everything is based on utility• Believes in the gospel of


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Having vs. BEING

• Characterized by who I am• Attitude is to develop one’s

potentials• Everything is based on self-

actualization• Professes the gospel of the


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The natural worth of a person as a creature formed in the image and

likeness of God

The dignity of the human person is inviolable and inalienable…

Human Dignity

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The value of women?

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This is the basis for the equality of all, regardless of creed, race, sex, age, color

It can never be taken away but may either be enhanced or diminished

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The basic truth about the person

• Created by God out of love• Created in the image and likeness of God• Gifted with freedom• Redeemed by Christ

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Created out of love. . .

• God’s love is his free choice, thus it is never merited

• The person becomes valuable (“mahal”) because of this love

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Image and likeness of God. . .

• The person shares in God’s rationality and creativity

• These traits are exercised when people perform their duty as co-creators and stewards

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Gifted with freedom. . .

• Person has capacity to determine his or her life

• Exercise of freedom is perfected in self-actualization

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Redeemed by Christ. . .

• Jesus’ Incarnation united himself with each person (GS, 22)

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Redeemed by Christ. . .

• His Public Ministry showed God’s solidarity with his people

“PAKIKIRAMAY” ng Diyos sa tao

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Redeemed by Christ. . .

• On the cross, Christ showed that Each person is worth saving He is one with us in our sufferings

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Think critically:

• Is respect something that you earn or demand from others?

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The person is created in the image and likeness of God

To achieve one’s self-actualizationPURPOSE:



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God help the outcast

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References:Illustrations by Kenneth Camaro

Other images taken from:


Video from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEEpavnk7Uw&feature=related