
V ' - GO OUT FOR TRACK BRING THE CUP BACK SAVE TOUR CASH ALL-COLLEGE SPLASH VOLUME L HOPE COLLEGE, HOLLAND, MICH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1987 NUMBER 28 SPEECH COACH GIVES ADDRESS ON ETIQUETTE Emmies, Addisons in Joint Session Hear Dx. Shack- son Discuss Social Prob- lems on Campup. "1 believe that putting the other fellow first and yourself last would solve all the social proVlenis here on the Hope campus. To find out just what those problems were, I asked some 160 students to tell me in just whs# respects Pope men were deficient in etiquette." So said Dr. Roland Shackson, popular head of Hope's speech de- partment, as he addressed a joint meeting of the Emersonian and Addison societies at the Emersoni- an house shortly before the Blaster holidays. Dr. Shackson's address was based upon the answers which he received from the 150 Hope students whom he questioned dur- ing his survey. Ten criticisms of Hope men by Hope students indicate that some of the antics practised by many campus kings are not as funny as some may have thought. Here are some of the things to which stu- dents objected: Studying in chapel. Interrupting others while they are speaking. Failure to attend to recitations. Chewing gum publicly, Loitering and spoonipg in the halls. Being in too big a hurry. War whoops after dat^s. Unconventional dress, such as white shoes during the winter sea- son. Failure to converse at social gatherings. Failure to ask pardon in passing in front of others. Dr. Shackson concluded his re- marks to the meeting by saying: "Courtesy to girls is exactly as other forms, founded on unselfish- ness—^willingness to share, to ap- preciate, the other fejlow. And that is the kind of courtesy that makes the true college gentleman." o Pi Kap Elects New Officers for Fall Coach Is Impressed By Showing Of Senior Play Cast Characters "Perfect, perfect! What a pro- file! If I were an artist I'd paint it myself!" Miss Metz, newly chos- en coach of the Senior Class Play, was delighted. It was simply an in- spiration to choose Dorothy Park- er as Veronica Duane, young, vivid, alive, in love with Ricky Whits— none other than Gene Osterhaven. Ricky, the student architect, dreams of facing city streets with buildings finer than Inigo JomV, but some- how can't fit this girl into any of his blueprints. As for the father and mother, Maitland and Nancy White, VOORHEES WOMEN ARE DETERMINED TO BE SMOOTHIES With the election of officers for next year, Pi Kappa Delta, Hope's speech fraternity, brought its activ- ities for this year to a close last Wednesday evening. The final meeting of the year was held at the Knickerbocker house. The results of the election gave the presidency for the coming year to Herman Luben, and the vice- presidency to Alma Nyland. Luben succeeds Richard Smith in the pres- idency of the organization. The of- fice of secretary and treasurer was placed in the hands of Paul Stewart. Ernest Tirrell and Eunice Sluyter were made managers of men's and women's debate, respectively. The librarian of the organization for the coming year will b& Orville Hine. The entertainment of the eve- ning was presented to Pi Kappa Delta by Miss Evelyn Metz, a grad- uate of the Northwestern Univers- ity school of speech. Miss Metz read for the group two selections written by Cornelia Otis Skinner, 'The Paintable Type," and "Skat- ing," and a poem in French-Cana- dian dialect. The reading was well received by the entire group, the largest that has yet been present at a Hope Pi Kappa Delta meeting yf A large group of neophytes will • be received into Pi Kappa Delta a the annual banquet which will be held in May. Those whose appli- cations have already l^een received are Don Van Liere, Dell Te Paske Ernest Tirrell, Henry Vande Brake, Esther Hinkamp, Margaret Lemke Ruth Koskamp, Lydia De Vries, Ilia Meppelink, Virginia Ellison, Lucille Buter, Orville Hine, Eugene Ten Brink, Chester Wing, Lester Waisenaar, Eunice Sluyter. DEAN HELPS GET JOBS The dorm is in despair. For years girls have struggled to main- tain their natural beauty (?) but that old enemy, hard water, is al- ways on their hands, in their hair, or under their skin. Voorhees Hall is in favor of a plsa, petition, or pep-talk on the advantages of soft water. The following list enumer- ates the wonderful changes which could be brought about by the abolishment of the present water system by merely adding a soft- water tank. (1) Itching and scratching dur- ing classes could be eliminated 99 & 44/100% in the course of two days, if the girls had the privilege of performing their ablutions in soothing, soft water. (It would take two days for everyone in the dorm to get a chance to take a bath.) (2) Fellows would find them- selves fondling hands like the tex- ture of the Carthaginian Rose in- stead of something resembling the lowly hoof of the cow. (3) Girls wouldn't become fa- tigued from mending stockings. Hard water ^s 'death to fine silk things, don't 'y know. (4) Soft, shining tresses in- stead of dingy, dirty locks, could be the possession of Hope's co-eds if they but used this marvelous, sensational, colossal, new shampoo called "Soft Water on the Brain." (5) Beauty (allure, and, ah-h- glamour—would be within reach of every girl as her complexion re- sponded to the gentleness of soft water, and blossomed out (no, not with pimples, you dope!), with a lovely, satiny, smooth surface. Thus conclude the "Famous Five Points." Vooheesites shall expect the assignment completed within two weeks. Class is dismissed. Miss Metz, is agreed that John Wyngarden and Ruth Hein- richs couldn't have been better chosen. Maitland himself is middle- aged, touched by the slow years, but still shadowed by the faces he should have painted when he met Nancy. In her travels over this country, and in touch with all dramatics, legitimats stage, and Hollywood, Miss Metz is enthusiastic in her ap- proval of the cast, and the play. It is ideal, not too sophisticated, just brushed by tragedy, and salted with wit and humorous situations. The coach thinks that the char- acters of G. T. Warren, a self-made man, and Jeff Nichols, weary world traveler, heighten the father's problem by their different tugs on his son's heart. Rowland Koskamp, as the Babbitt, G. T. Warren, of- fers Ronny a job and the money to marry Ricky, but Russell Van Tatenhove, as the world trotter, shows the boy the glamour and ro- mance of following his dreams. The father, Maity, finds the per- fect profile to paint, in the household maid, Etta, whose part is taken by Mildred Vanden Bos. Lovely Etta, who is afraid to be painted, fears heaven will have no protection for the "woiking goil," once she is in the hands of those immoral Bohemians. The father and son on the same stage, the father to prevent his son from his wrong turning, and the son, eager to forego his dreams for the girl Ronny, solve their problems May 5 and 6 at the High School auditorium. Students Protest Hiteh-Hiking Bill Petitions Circulating on Hope Capmua IJeguu Joint Action PRES. WICKERS IS BACK FROM EASTERN VISIT Attended Albany Alumni Addressing Fifty-five People Entertained At Banquet President Wynand Wichers re- turned to Holland yesterday noon after a week in the east, where he visited Hope college alumni groups in eastern cities. Leaving last Tuesday, Dr. Wich- ers was in Pattersonville, New York, Wednesday night He attend- ed and spoke at the Albany Alumni chapter banquet in the Rev. Char- les Pelon's church. Fifty-five alumni attended. Thursday night the president met with the New York chapter of the alumni, in St. Nicholas Re- formed church. Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, pastor. The Girls' Glee Club was at this meeting. The Rev. Theo- dore Luidens, of Willinston Park Church, Long Island, is president of the New York chapter. Friday and Saturday morning, meetings were held in connection with the board of education. Dr. Wichers left New York Sat- urday afternoon and arrived in Rochester at about nine. In Roches- ter he stayed with the Rev. and Mrs. Anthony Luidens. The meet- ing of the Rochester alumni was held in Brighton Reformed church. Russell Van Dyke is president of this alumni group, which met Mon- day night. About forty-five attend- ed. The Rev. Paul E. Hinkamp took charge of Chapel during the presi- dent's absence. 'Y' Heads Appoint Cabinet Members College Pastor Presides At-InstaUation of ... Y Appointees )pen Forum Includes Three Faculty Talks The Y. M. C. A. meeting held ast night in the Hope Memorial chapel was a Faculty Symposium. Dr. Warner led the devotions. Three ten-minute addresses were given. The first was delivered by Prof- essor Hinkamp on "The Church in China". Dr. Shackson followed with "The Church in Germany", and the last was delivered by Mr. Ten Cate on the subject, "The Ernest G. Nagel, State Represen- tative from Detroit, has introduced a bill in the Michigan legislature designed to prohibit hitch-hiking in this state, according to word re- ceived from the Student Hitch- Hikers' Committee at the Univers- ity of Michigan. In protest against the proposed law, which under- graduates feel would burden hun- dreds of college students already financially hard pressed, petitions against the law are being circu- lated on Hope's campus. Sponsored by the Anchor, peti- tions will be posted at all frater- nity houses, and even in sorority rooms, for the co-eds who hitch to local points, such as Grand Rapids. For students not affiliated with any society, copies of the petition will be placed on the college bulletin boards. The petitions will appear on the campus today. William A. Wichers WASSENAARTO ADDRESS FROSH SECOND PORUM New Organization To Aid Frosh Speech Groups Through Informal Talks By Students. -Photo by Lacey Studio. Church in Russia". The meeting closed with an open forum. Attempts are being made to obtain Dr. C. H. Spaan of Grand Rapids as the guest speaker for the meeting of April 20. Candid Camera Photographs Harbinger Of Spring On Voorhees Dormitory Steps . . - - — - — — — — — ^ Miss Lichty will be glad to a< vise any girl who needs help in planning the summer vacation. She has had a great deal of experi- enct in guidance work. Flash! Something's up. The efferves- cence of spring must have affected this couple quite strongly. So deep- ly concerned with (?) on Voorhees steps that they didn't even notice ths candid camera man's approach. Or it may be that they didn't care, being so elated over spring's flam- boyant promise of romance. Note the lady's slipper, so daint- ily lifted from the ground. The strong, firm stance of the man in the case. Why are .they standing so, together-r-what causes that? Have they been walking? Are they talking? Mayhap a discussion of| the technique of practice teaching. Practice teaching what? A sight such as this is news. And the first requisite of a news story is WHO? Who are the faces on the cutting room floor? Sug- gestions are in order. What unsus- pecting Hopites furnished this pose which so adequately illustrates the of the season? The second concluding installment of this •stery drama may never meet public eye. But it may be— (continued in our next) At the Installation service for the new Cabinet of the Y. M. C. A. on Tuesday evening, April 6th, the College Pastor, Prof. Paul E. Hin- kamp, presided. He reviewed the work of the Y. M. C. A. during the past year and thanked the members of the old Cabinet for their splendid cooperation. He con- gratulated the members of the new Cabinet and urged them to even greater achievements. The retiring President, Richard Smith, gave a farewell address in which he urged all "Y" members to obtain as many contacts as possible with other Christians through "Y" confer- ences. After the Installation service the members of both the old and new Cabinets went to the home of Prof, linkamp. Here the new Cabinet members received instructions from the old Cabinet members as to their specific tasks. A scripture memory contest provided enjoyable enter- tainment. Jeanette Douma, newly elected Y. W. C. A. president, recently announced her appointment of a cabinet for the coming year. The following were selected: member- ship, Kathryn Stronks; publicity, Theodora Meulendyke; finance, Pat- ricia Verhulst; deputetion, Ger- trude Dame; big sister, Esther Bultman; music, Esther Hinkamp; personal service, Marjorie Vyver- berg; social, Eunice Sluyter. The new cabinet is to assist the previously elected officers: Kath- arine Boone, vice-president; Lydia De Vries, secretary; Dorothy Lin- coln, treasurer. Herman Luben announced his •election for the coming year: membership, Paul Holleman; pub- licity, David De Pree; finance, Edwin Luidens; deputation, Adel- phos Te Paske; librarian, Orville Hine; music, Harold Van Heu- velen; personal service, Paul Boy- ink; social, Kenneth Hesselink. The cabinet members are to assist the other elected officers: Harold Leestma, vice-president; Fred De Hoog, secretary; John Olert, trea- surer. Boeing Scholarship Given Hope Senior -j ——— An aeronautics scholarship of approximately $1,500 has been awarded William A. Wichers, sen- ior, according to an announcement made by the National Committee of Award of the Eighth Annual W. E. Boeing Scholarships, on April 6. The award is the result of Bill's having taken the third award in the evaluation of treatises received from undergraduates at colleges and universities throughout the United States and Canada. He will receive the Boeing Amateur Pilot Flying Course, plus his choice of the Air Transport Engineering, Practical Aeronautical Engineer- ing, Airline Techniciaon, Dispatch- ing and Meteorology, Airline Oper- ations, or the Airline Mechanic Course. First award, valued at $6,040, went to R. Dickson Speas, of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Other winners represent- ed, beside Hope, the University of Washington and Riverside Junior College, California. 0^! Buys, Vanden Berge Debate Over WJJD With debate season completely finished Hope speakers are still active. Last Saturday Peter Van- den Berge and Ekdal Buys deliver- ed a fifteen-minute radio discussion of the sit down strike over the transmitting equipment of station WJJD, Chicago. The discussion was carried on in an informal manner with Mr, Vanden Berge taking the side of the laborer and Mr. Buys taking a stand with capital. Next Friday Lester Wassenaar attends the State Peace Oratorica Contest at Western State Teachers College in Kalamazoo. His oration, "Money, Munitions, Men", won him first place in the local contest last fall and gave him the right to represent Hope in the state con- test next Friday. A week from next Friday the MISL interpretative reading con- test will be held at Michigan State .College in East Lansing. Lester Wassenaar and Mildred Vanden Bos go as Hope's representatives. o— CAMPUS VOTES YES ON PLEBESCITE TO INCREASE COUNCIL Lester Wassenaar will address the second meeting of the Speakers Forum this afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. room on the topic "War and Peace." Wassenaar will deliver his oration with which he will later represent Hope college in a state wide peace oratorical contest. The meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend. The meeting today will be under the chairmanship of Eugene Flipte. An informal discussion on "Neu- trality" will follow upon the ad- dress of Wassenaar. This new institution was initiat- ed into the life of Hope college last Wednesday afternoon when the Speakers Forum held its first meeting in the Y. M. C. A. room. The topic for difcussion at the first meeting was "Sit Down Strikes." The nucleus of the after- noon program was a conversation- al discussion by Ekdal Buys and Peter Vanden Berge. Following the discussion by Buys and Vanden Berge there waa m period of open discussion in which the entire audience took part A great deal of interest was demon- strated by several members of the audience who took active part in ;he discussion. The Speakers Forum haa been instituted through the efforts of Dr. Roland Shackson for the pri- mary purpose of providing: those members of freshmen speech classes who deserve it an opportunity to address larger audiences than their own class groups. Each of the six freshman speech classes have elected a represent- ative to the council, which will help Dr. Shackson in making the arrangements for the remaining Speakers Forum meetings. The members who were elected to the council are: Jean Van RaaHe, Virginia Ellison, Eugene Flipae, Paul Scholten, Jack Lokker and Roger Heyns. The meeting next week will be on the subject of "Interpretative Readings" and will be under the chairmanship of Mary Frances Cullen. 'Coronation' Theme of All-School Fete Ruth De Vries, freshman, has left college and gone to her home in Vindication was given the stu- dent council's constitutional amend- ment in the plebescite conducted on the campus before vacation. By a vote of 294-25, the student body ap- proved the measure which will in- crease the membership of the stu- dent council to 16 and place rep- resentation on a society rather than a class basis. Heavy voting indi- cated a widespread interest in the question. Popular election of the student president for next year will be held early in June in conjunction with the voting for the associate editor of the Anchor. Individual societies will dect their represent- atives the last week in May. o H1NGA RETURNS MONDAY Coach Milton Hinga, who haa been absent from his classes for some time because of illness, will report back for work next Mon- day according to Prof. Bruce Ray- mond. In keeping with the event over which the whole world ia agog this spring, the all-college banquet to to be held April 30, is based on the theme of "Coronation." In previous years a banquet such as this, spon- sored by the Student Council, and held in the second semester of the school year, has usually been the occasion for the presentation of various awards and titles as well aa for a general social entertainment for both faculty and students. This year plans for the event have been going ahead under the leadership of Dorothy Parker, assisted by several committees. Charles Steketee is in charge of financial arrangements, while Clarence De Dee and Wflma De Young will handle the publicity. The place where the banquet will be held will be selected by Marjorie Moody and Lucia Ayers, and the program ia being arranged by Lester McBride, Jean Hoekje, Paul Holleman and Pauline Hollebrands, Hildegarde Bos, Louise Van Evera, Allan Cook and Gerhardt Hoffius in charge of decorating the are banquet hall and furnishing pro- grams, while Renetta Shackson and Hester Soeters will arrange for tM food. During thf course of the evening Gal Vander^prf is expected te preside; Dr- Wichers will probably speak, aod various musical and dramaticjapiunbers of interest will be presented. Tickets for the affair (which is to be strictly informal) t, will be placed on sale aeon. ——-o-—: Pauline Hollebrands spent the at the home of in Detroit - I.'-T. "./RIV" F?" '• * VC

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ON ETIQUETTE Emmies, Addisons in Joint

Session Hear Dx. Shack-son Discuss Social Prob-lems on Campup.

"1 believe that putting the other fellow first and yourself last would solve all the social proVlenis here on the Hope campus. To find out just what those problems were, I asked some 160 students to tell me in just whs# respects Pope men were deficient in etiquette."

So said Dr. Roland Shackson, popular head of Hope's speech de-partment, as he addressed a joint meeting of the Emersonian and Addison societies at the Emersoni-an house shortly before the Blaster holidays. Dr. Shackson's address was based upon the answers which he received from the 150 Hope students whom he questioned dur-ing his survey.

Ten criticisms of Hope men by Hope students indicate that some of the antics practised by many campus kings are not as funny as some may have thought. Here are some of the things to which stu-dents objected:

Studying in chapel. Interrupting others while they

are speaking. Failure to attend to recitations. Chewing gum publicly, Loitering and spoonipg in the

halls. Being in too big a hurry. War whoops after dat^s.

Unconventional dress, such as white shoes during the winter sea-son.

Failure to converse at social gatherings.

Failure to ask pardon in passing in front of others.

Dr. Shackson concluded his re-marks to the meeting by saying: "Courtesy to girls is exactly as other forms, founded on unselfish-ness—^willingness to share, to ap-preciate, the other fejlow. And that is the kind of courtesy that makes the true college gentleman."


Pi Kap Elects New Officers for Fall

Coach Is Impressed By Showing Of Senior Play Cast Characters

"Perfect, perfect! What a pro-file! If I were an artist I'd paint it myself!" Miss Metz, newly chos-en coach of the Senior Class Play, was delighted. It was simply an in-spiration to choose Dorothy Park-er as Veronica Duane, young, vivid, alive, in love with Ricky Whits— none other than Gene Osterhaven. Ricky, the student architect, dreams of facing city streets with buildings finer than Inigo JomV, but some-how can't fit this girl into any of his blueprints.

As for the father and mother, Maitland and Nancy White,


With the election of officers for next year, Pi Kappa Delta, Hope's speech fraternity, brought its activ-ities for this year to a close last Wednesday evening. The final meeting of the year was held at the Knickerbocker house.

The results of the election gave the presidency for the coming year to Herman Luben, and the vice-presidency to Alma Nyland. Luben succeeds Richard Smith in the pres-idency of the organization. The of-fice of secretary and treasurer was placed in the hands of Paul Stewart. Ernest Tirrell and Eunice Sluyter were made managers of men's and women's debate, respectively. The librarian of the organization for the coming year will b& Orville Hine.

The entertainment of the eve-ning was presented to Pi Kappa Delta by Miss Evelyn Metz, a grad-uate of the Northwestern Univers-ity school of speech. Miss Metz read for the group two selections written by Cornelia Otis Skinner, 'The Paintable Type," and "Skat-ing," and a poem in French-Cana-dian dialect. The reading was well received by the entire group, the largest that has yet been present at a Hope Pi Kappa Delta meeting

yf A large group of neophytes will • be received into Pi Kappa Delta a

the annual banquet which will be held in May. Those whose appli-cations have already l een received are Don Van Liere, Dell Te Paske Ernest Tirrell, Henry Vande Brake, Esther Hinkamp, Margaret Lemke Ruth Koskamp, Lydia De Vries, Ilia Meppelink, Virginia Ellison, Lucille Buter, Orville Hine, Eugene Ten Brink, Chester Wing, Lester Waisenaar, Eunice Sluyter.


The dorm is in despair. For years girls have struggled to main-tain their natural beauty (?) but that old enemy, hard water, is al-ways on their hands, in their hair, or under their skin. Voorhees Hall is in favor of a plsa, petition, or pep-talk on the advantages of soft water. The following list enumer-ates the wonderful changes which could be brought about by the abolishment of the present water system by merely adding a soft-water tank.

(1) Itching and scratching dur-ing classes could be eliminated 99 & 44/100% in the course of two days, if the girls had the privilege of performing their ablutions in soothing, soft water. (It would take two days for everyone in the dorm to get a chance to take a bath.)

(2) Fellows would find them-selves fondling hands like the tex-ture of the Carthaginian Rose in-stead of something resembling the lowly hoof of the cow.

(3) Girls wouldn't become fa-tigued from mending stockings. Hard water ^ s 'death to fine silk things, don't 'y know.

(4) Soft, shining tresses in-stead of dingy, dirty locks, could be the possession of Hope's co-eds if they but used this marvelous, sensational, colossal, new shampoo called "Soft Water on the Brain."

(5) Beauty (allure, and, ah-h-glamour—would be within reach of every girl as her complexion re-sponded to the gentleness of soft water, and blossomed out (no, not with pimples, you dope!), with a lovely, satiny, smooth surface.

Thus conclude the "Famous Five Points." Vooheesites shall expect the assignment completed within two weeks. Class is dismissed.

Miss Metz, is agreed that John Wyngarden and Ruth Hein-richs couldn't have been better chosen. Maitland himself is middle-aged, touched by the slow years, but still shadowed by the faces he should have painted when he met Nancy.

In her travels over this country, and in touch with all dramatics, legitimats stage, and Hollywood, Miss Metz is enthusiastic in her ap-proval of the cast, and the play. It is ideal, not too sophisticated, just brushed by tragedy, and salted with wit and humorous situations.

The coach thinks that the char-acters of G. T. Warren, a self-made man, and Jeff Nichols, weary world traveler, heighten the father's problem by their different tugs on his son's heart. Rowland Koskamp, as the Babbitt, G. T. Warren, of-fers Ronny a job and the money to marry Ricky, but Russell Van Tatenhove, as the world trotter, shows the boy the glamour and ro-mance of following his dreams.

The father, Maity, finds the per-fect profile to paint, in the household maid, Etta, whose part is taken by Mildred Vanden Bos. Lovely Etta, who is afraid to be painted, fears heaven will have no protection for the "woiking goil," once she is in the hands of those immoral Bohemians.

The father and son on the same stage, the father to prevent his son from his wrong turning, and the son, eager to forego his dreams for the girl Ronny, solve their problems May 5 and 6 at the High School auditorium.

Students Protest Hiteh-Hiking Bill

Petitions Circulating on Hope Capmua IJeguu

Joint Action


Attended Albany Alumni Addressing Fifty-five People Entertained At Banquet

President Wynand Wichers re-turned to Holland yesterday noon after a week in the east, where he visited Hope college alumni groups in eastern cities.

Leaving last Tuesday, Dr. Wich-ers was in Pattersonville, New York, Wednesday night He attend-ed and spoke at the Albany Alumni chapter banquet in the Rev. Char-les Pelon's church. Fifty-five alumni attended.

Thursday night the president met with the New York chapter of the alumni, in St. Nicholas Re-formed church. Dr. Joseph R. Sizoo, pastor. The Girls' Glee Club was at this meeting. The Rev. Theo-dore Luidens, of Willinston Park Church, Long Island, is president of the New York chapter.

Friday and Saturday morning, meetings were held in connection with the board of education.

Dr. Wichers left New York Sat-urday afternoon and arrived in Rochester at about nine. In Roches-ter he stayed with the Rev. and Mrs. Anthony Luidens. The meet-ing of the Rochester alumni was held in Brighton Reformed church. Russell Van Dyke is president of this alumni group, which met Mon-day night. About forty-five attend-ed.

The Rev. Paul E. Hinkamp took charge of Chapel during the presi-dent's absence.

'Y' Heads Appoint Cabinet Members

College Pastor Presides At-InstaUation of ...

Y Appointees

)pen Forum Includes Three Faculty Talks

The Y. M. C. A. meeting held ast night in the Hope Memorial chapel was a Faculty Symposium. Dr. Warner led the devotions. Three ten-minute addresses were given. The first was delivered by Prof-essor Hinkamp on "The Church

in China". Dr. Shackson followed with "The Church in Germany", and the last was delivered by Mr. Ten Cate on the subject, "The

Ernest G. Nagel, State Represen-tative from Detroit, has introduced a bill in the Michigan legislature designed to prohibit hitch-hiking in this state, according to word re-ceived from the Student Hitch-Hikers' Committee at the Univers-ity of Michigan. In protest against the proposed law, which under-graduates feel would burden hun-dreds of college students already financially hard pressed, petitions against the law are being circu-lated on Hope's campus.

Sponsored by the Anchor, peti-tions will be posted at all frater-nity houses, and even in sorority rooms, for the co-eds who hitch to local points, such as Grand Rapids. For students not affiliated with any society, copies of the petition will be placed on the college bulletin boards.

The petitions will appear on the campus today.


SECOND PORUM New Organization To Aid

Frosh Speech Groups Through Informal Talks By Students.

-Photo by Lacey Studio.

Church in Russia". The meeting closed with an open forum.

Attempts are being made to obtain Dr. C. H. Spaan of Grand Rapids as the guest speaker for the meeting of April 20.

Candid Camera Photographs Harbinger Of Spring On Voorhees Dormitory Steps

. . - - — - — — — — — ^

Miss Lichty will be glad to a< vise any girl who needs help in planning the summer vacation. She has had a great deal of experi-enct in guidance work.

Flash! Something's up. The efferves-

cence of spring must have affected this couple quite strongly. So deep-ly concerned with (?) on Voorhees steps that they didn't even notice ths candid camera man's approach. Or it may be that they didn't care, being so elated over spring's flam-boyant promise of romance.

Note the lady's slipper, so daint-ily lifted from the ground. The strong, firm stance of the man in the case. Why are .they standing so, together-r-what causes that? Have they been walking? Are they talking? Mayhap a discussion of | the technique of practice teaching. Practice teaching what?

A sight such as this is news. And the first requisite of a news story is WHO? Who are the faces on the cutting room floor? Sug-gestions are in order. What unsus-pecting Hopites furnished this pose

which so adequately illustrates the of the season? The second

concluding installment of this •stery drama may never meet

public eye. But it may be— (continued in our next)

At the Installation service for the new Cabinet of the Y. M. C. A. on Tuesday evening, April 6th, the College Pastor, Prof. Paul E. Hin-kamp, presided. He reviewed the work of the Y. M. C. A. during the past year and thanked the members of the old Cabinet for their splendid cooperation. He con-gratulated the members of the new Cabinet and urged them to even greater achievements. The retiring President, Richard Smith, gave a farewell address in which he urged all "Y" members to obtain as many contacts as possible with other Christians through "Y" confer-ences.

After the Installation service the members of both the old and new Cabinets went to the home of Prof, linkamp. Here the new Cabinet

members received instructions from the old Cabinet members as to their specific tasks. A scripture memory contest provided enjoyable enter-tainment.

Jeanette Douma, newly elected Y. W. C. A. president, recently announced her appointment of a cabinet for the coming year. The following were selected: member-ship, Kathryn Stronks; publicity, Theodora Meulendyke; finance, Pat-ricia Verhulst; deputetion, Ger-trude Dame; big sister, Esther Bultman; music, Esther Hinkamp; personal service, Marjorie Vyver-berg; social, Eunice Sluyter.

The new cabinet is to assist the previously elected officers: Kath-arine Boone, vice-president; Lydia De Vries, secretary; Dorothy Lin-coln, treasurer.

Herman Luben announced his •election for the coming year: membership, Paul Holleman; pub-licity, David De Pree; finance, Edwin Luidens; deputation, Adel-phos Te Paske; librarian, Orville Hine; music, Harold Van Heu-velen; personal service, Paul Boy-ink; social, Kenneth Hesselink. The cabinet members are to assist the other elected officers: Harold Leestma, vice-president; Fred De Hoog, secretary; John Olert, trea-surer.

Boeing Scholarship Given Hope Senior

- j — — — An aeronautics scholarship of

approximately $1,500 has been awarded William A. Wichers, sen-ior, according to an announcement made by the National Committee of Award of the Eighth Annual W. E. Boeing Scholarships, on April 6.

The award is the result of Bill's having taken the third award in the evaluation of treatises received from undergraduates at colleges and universities throughout the United States and Canada. He will receive the Boeing Amateur Pilot Flying Course, plus his choice of the Air Transport Engineering, Practical Aeronautical Engineer-ing, Airline Techniciaon, Dispatch-ing and Meteorology, Airline Oper-ations, or the Airline Mechanic Course.

First award, valued at $6,040, went to R. Dickson Speas, of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology. Other winners represent-ed, beside Hope, the University of Washington and Riverside Junior College, California.


Buys, Vanden Berge Debate Over WJJD

With debate season completely finished Hope speakers are still active. Last Saturday Peter Van-den Berge and Ekdal Buys deliver-ed a fifteen-minute radio discussion of the sit down strike over the transmitting equipment of station WJJD, Chicago. The discussion was carried on in an informal manner with Mr, Vanden Berge taking the side of the laborer and Mr. Buys taking a stand with capital.

Next Friday Lester Wassenaar attends the State Peace Oratorica Contest at Western State Teachers College in Kalamazoo. His oration, "Money, Munitions, Men", won him first place in the local contest last fall and gave him the right to represent Hope in the state con-test next Friday.

A week from next Friday the MISL interpretative reading con-test will be held at Michigan State .College in East Lansing. Lester Wassenaar and Mildred Vanden Bos go as Hope's representatives.




Lester Wassenaar will address the second meeting of the Speakers Forum this afternoon i n t h e Y. M. C. A. room on the topic "War and Peace." Wassenaar will deliver his oration with which he will later represent Hope college in a state wide peace oratorical contest. The meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend.

The meeting today will be under the chairmanship of Eugene Flipte. An informal discussion on "Neu-trality" will follow upon the ad-dress of Wassenaar.

This new institution was initiat-ed into the life of Hope college last Wednesday afternoon when the Speakers Forum held its first meeting in the Y. M. C. A. room. The topic for difcussion at the first meeting was "Sit Down Strikes." The nucleus of the after-noon program was a conversation-al discussion by Ekdal Buys and Peter Vanden Berge.

Following the discussion by Buys and Vanden Berge there waa m period of open discussion in which the entire audience took p a r t A great deal of interest was demon-strated by several members of the audience who took active part in ;he discussion.

The Speakers Forum haa been instituted through the efforts of Dr. Roland Shackson for the pri-mary purpose of providing: those members of freshmen speech classes who deserve it an opportunity to address larger audiences than their own class groups.

Each of the six freshman speech classes have elected a represent-ative to the council, which will help Dr. Shackson in making the arrangements for the remaining Speakers Forum meetings. The members who were elected to the council are: Jean Van RaaHe, Virginia Ellison, Eugene Flipae, Paul Scholten, Jack Lokker and Roger Heyns.

The meeting next week will be on the subject of "Interpretative Readings" and will be under the chairmanship of Mary Frances Cullen.

'Coronation' Theme of All-School Fete

Ruth De Vries, freshman, has

left college and gone to her home


Vindication was given the stu-dent council's constitutional amend-ment in the plebescite conducted on the campus before vacation. By a vote of 294-25, the student body ap-proved the measure which will in-crease the membership of the stu-dent council to 16 and place rep-resentation on a society rather than a class basis. Heavy voting indi-cated a widespread interest in the question.

Popular election of the student president for next year will be held early in June in conjunction with the voting for the associate editor of the Anchor. Individual societies will dect their represent-atives the last week in May.

o H1NGA RETURNS MONDAY Coach Milton Hinga, who haa

been absent from his classes for some time because of illness, will report back for work next Mon-day according to Prof. Bruce Ray-mond.

In keeping with the event over which the whole world ia agog this spring, the all-college banquet to to be held April 30, is based on the theme of "Coronation." In previous years a banquet such as this, spon-sored by the Student Council, and held in the second semester of the school year, has usually been the occasion for the presentation of various awards and titles as well aa for a general social entertainment for both faculty and students.

This year plans for the event have been going ahead under the leadership of Dorothy Parker, assisted by several committees. Charles Steketee is in charge of financial arrangements, while Clarence De Dee and Wflma De Young will handle the publicity. The place where the banquet will be held will be selected by Marjorie Moody and Lucia Ayers, and the program ia being arranged by Lester McBride, Jean Hoekje, Paul Holleman and Pauline Hollebrands, Hildegarde Bos, Louise Van Evera, Allan Cook and Gerhardt Hoffius

in charge of decorating the are banquet hall and furnishing pro-grams, while Renetta Shackson and Hester Soeters will arrange for t M food.

During thf course of the evening Gal Vander^prf is expected te preside; Dr- Wichers will probably speak, aod various musical and dramaticjapiunbers of interest will be presented. Tickets for the affair (which is to be strictly informal) t , will be placed on sale aeon.

— — - o - — : Pauline Hollebrands spent the

at the home of in Detroit — — -

I.'-T. "./RIV" F?" '• * VC

Page 2: 04-14-1937

I , 1 1 1 7 . o c m 0 m | r , O r ' n B * r t ' 0 n



VAUPELL. Editor,


P ^ r , Randal Cl*T«r, Maryuerit* B«rg«n, Patay > W1,u*ai Popplnk,


^ • • ^ . ^ v g ^ ^ . v f g a a

OUnr K S t f S S f t t & Z A S S f f . . B U S I N E S S S T A P P P C T E R V E L T M A N . CLIFFORD MARCUS — . . . BU^D^B Manager

^ .AMT. tsuatneaa Manager



NII>MESBNTKO FOR NATIONAL AOVIATieiNa BY Nalional Advertising Service, Inc ^ 2 * * R M U K * * Mtprn^uUtht 4 1 ° M A D I S O N A V K . N K W Y O U K . N . Y .

- • W ^ M C C O U>« AMMLia - P O R T L A N D . • K A T T L B

Pacalty AdriMr Adrinr

"Tempus Fugit"

Member > 1037

Ptoocicied CbUeeside FVe$$

The Ancient Romans knew the value of time and the stu-dente on Hope's campus should realize it. A chance remark of Miss Ross in an English class brought about the realiza-tion that hoursor days are really no more important than the lapses of fifteen or twenty minutes which occur so fre-quently during the day. These may be easily utilized to ad-vantage instead of waste.

Eminent people are conscious of the fact that the correct use of time is essential for success in any phase of life. Day

V 0 , T 0 n e n e m y o f m a n y students. Little is accomplished, despite the pen in hand and book in lap, if the

~ - i r . s z . 7 ^ T ^ ^ z z

is S 3 e i T S f 0 f t h e d a y s h o u l d 1)6 u s e d i n 8 o m e way that is beneficia' This means mentally and physcially, and in re-

o u i T w l n r r k ; i . W h e t h f i r " C l a S S e S ' C h u r c h ' - - « ^ ourse, , f we bear this in mind we may look upon our life at

Volen-know- r e a d e r '

)ve, as I £*ns w

Play Time

on h S « m S i 0 ^ L ^ a f a n L 0 f '36' dramatics lected Thpm 1,00 k , ^ e a r s has been woefully necr-S n s ind t h L f r , 1 , 0 C , a sf p l ay P«>d"ced for ^veral sawons^ and those that were staged before that time were

r e c e h ^ ^ t ^ ^ I , l g ^ e S e c i a l l y s u c c e M f u l - They usually w r e ^ D r i y ^ t t e n d e d C < M ) P e r a t i o n a n d

P f r s a a s s

—By Betty Nieusma. • • •

Dikes, windmills, some pictures of Rembrandt, and some poor fisher folk of Marken and Volen-dam are not all that is worth ing about Holland. The above, ^ inferred by T. de Vries in his book —Holland'8 Influence on Englis \ Language and Literature, is fur-ther confirmed by a brief study 0 the subject.

The earliest words borrowed from the Dutch were very likel; sea terms, such as "cruise," "sloop," "jacht" (originally used to mean a fast ship), "ahoy," "avast, and "splice." We learn that even the word "pilot" is nothing more than the old Dutch, disguised under a French spelling.

During the time of Elizabeth, we ind many Dutch words and terms

in common usage in England, due argelx, it is believed, to the war

against Spain. "Pake," from the word "facken," meaning "to catch or to grip," and "frolic," expres sive of "gay," derived from the Dutch "vrolyk," are but two of these.

Shakespeare, too, made use of the Dutch language. "Deck," "fum-ble," "heyday," "loiter," "snap," "sniff," "switch," and "toy," are a very few of these.

Many of our so-called English words have also been taken from the Friesians, who came over into England with the Saxons. For ex-ample, we find "boy," bounce," "curl," "lack," "duck," "mud," scold," "shudder," and "tub" are

still others of this type. Dutch names for various foods

fiave passed readily from one lan-' guage .to another. Some of those coming into our American are "cold-slaw," "cookie," "cruller," and "waffle."

The medical profession has also elt the Dutch influence, in the

contribution of the word "measles," derived from the Dutch "mazelen" or "mazel," derived from "maas," meaning "spot." "Mumps" is an-other which is under this classifica-

on. Even the name of "golf," com-

monly believed to be a modem game, was known in the Nether-lands in 1467 under the name of " k d f ~ - ' > ^


P | THE STUDENT PRINTS 87 Jean Hoekje .nd Dorothy Lincoln


Perhaps you've noticed, gentle

', that this column usually be-with a "well," but that's be-

cause it was so dry. Prom now on things are going to be different-look, today we're starting out with a bang!

The writers of this column, hav-ing spent part of their vacations in what is known as the "Yeast," just to get a rise out of the kids that live there, have gathered a few pointers as to what they think of us out there.

It seems that in Rochester they refer to us all as the "sitterzdns of Michigan!

And they think the Mayor of Holland has to wage an anti-noise campaign against the racket of our wooden shoes! •

Some people asked us if the Ottawa Indians were peaceful or did they massacre us every once in a while?

While others wanted us to give their love to the cowboys I It seems that the only way that they're at all the same is that they think we have a good (and a good-looking) Glee club,

WEATHER NOTE: Spring is .he season of balls — golf, tennis, )ase, and moth. Too bad the Mili-

tary was postponed!

And speaking of spring, now that the track, and tennis seasons tave started, we imagine there'll

be a lot of healthy looking stu-dents around. After all, you do build up a lot of resistance stand-ing around in a cold wind!

Overheard in the hall some time last week: " . . . butt, holy smoke, if they ashes not to, we won't get in the public eye!" -

So both Mrs. Godfrey and Bill Rens got new ears during the spring vacation! It must be they think that used cars aren't what they're jacked up to be.

AND somebody's girl is so dumb that she thinks a cover charge is

what you pay for-laundering table-cloths!

jfatd probably the same one

that's so dumb that she thinks a hangover is a Jewish holiday!

Prof McLean, it seems, has been telling- his Advanced Sosh classes that women should go into poli-tics. We think it's a good idear-specially in the diplomatic service. Think what fun you could have a a peace conference in the Versailles Hall of Mirrors!

Says Droopy: "Gee, the weath-er's been so changeable lately, that a guy doesn't know what to pawn next."

PICK-UPS: Motto of a modern co-ed— Every man for herself . . . Tentative opening for novel on col-lege life —"A small coupe drew up to the fraternity house and eleven passengers alighted . . There was a Turk who was so polite he even salaamed the door

It was in Classical Club that a laper on Roman dress was being read. Quotes: " . . . above all, they mre no hats."

TODAY'S THOUGHT: In the spring the young man's fancy ightly turns, and turns, and turns.

Well, we just know that you all are just on pins and needles to mow who won the prize contest we

started in our last issue. We hate W admit it, but nobody entered, although there was one New York-er who almost did. When inter-viewed, he said, "Well, I kinda fought I would, but I decided I didn t wanna take de fame away from youse gals so I didn't." Ah, well, that's life, we guess.

And from now on the Hope co-eds are goine to have to walk a mile for a Camel!


Would Yon /Like to Take s Walk? • • •

There's a place beyond the river Where tl^e branches, thick and

low. Guard the path of them that step

there , Where enticing breezes blow.

From a sandy promontory See the hazy city's smoke

Rising from beyond the marshes; Distance. folds all in its cloak.

There's a-mossy dell for resting; A caress would go unseen;

"In the spring a young man's fan-cy—" j '•

Toward a kiss is bound to lean.

Romance courses on the Four-Mile Use the same old, dear old b o o k -

Words of love and sighs of prom-ise

And a woman's teasfeg look.


U N D E D 1899




t l X T a M CASE


f o r Coto lo i , recom. liif of pf«-leool

subiecli, and booklet. "Study oflow and Proper Preparation" addre in Edward T. Lee, Dean.


(40 weeki per year) Afternoon—3 years 5day f . . . 4 i30 -*30

Evpning — 4 yoon Man., Wad., Frl., 6,30-9i20 Pect-grodvot* lyoar..twic«o weak

•xdusiyply, All courses load to degrees. Two yoars' collogo work required for on franco.

Now dassos form In Fob. and Sept.




IEdward T. lee. Dean.

315 Plymouth Ct4 Chicago III. its originator.

^ h e Only Way to Have a Friend Is to be One!

Sfekefee-Van Hon Prioting House, Inc. CREATIVE PRINTING

9 East 10th SL Phone 4337 Holland, Mich. • >

PEOPLE'S STATE BANK Wt»he« for Hope College and The Anchor

the Success it Merits

Dear Editor, What place has music on this

campus ? We have an excellent organ, a capable teacher but little cooperation from faculty and stu-dent body.

Anyone of average intelligence

who can hear the organ motor

when he enters the Chapel should know that the person playing the organ is either seriously practicing or taking a lesson. In such case the Chapel is a classroom and should be considered as such. Who would go into any other classroom while the class is in session and boisterously wait for the next hour? And yet, organ students

Sparks Fly

Letter To the Senior Class:

Safe Odorless Dry Cleaning i MODEl. L A U N D R Y , Inc. 1 9 7 - 9 9 East E ighth S t ree t p j , o n e 3 6 2 5

Holland, Mich. Each year it is necessary to

choose a fitting memorial for the outgoing class to leave the school and undergraduates. It seems logical, then, that this remem-brance should be something prac-tical, visible, and that will add materially to the good of all. May I suggest that the fund from our college play, soon to be given, be dedicated to some worthy purpose ?

First consideration, I believe, should be given the library, in

which a floor covering of linoleum

is badly needed. I am sure the organ students ' 1 , t c u c u - * am sure the who pay dearly for organ practice ' b e f i t s derived by increased silence and lessoiui mnof ' M ;_J . ,

We Are Proud of


and wish for it only continued success. As in the past, may its influence for good become

great with the passing years.


HoDand, Mich.

and lessons must continuaUy suf-fer interruptions by members of chapel choir, glee clubs, faculty, and student body.

We realize that the organ is noisy, but because of its location we are unable to keep from dis-turbing certain people. However, this course is offered on Hope's curriculum and we feel that we should have the same consideration given to other departments in the college.

and inducements to study will more than compensate for the cost.

If the total expense is too great for our class alone to bear, may I

suggest that part of the library be

covered this year, or if this is im-

possible, that the money be placed

in a fund to be contributed to by succeeding graduating classes.

Yours very truly,


We are proud

To have Hope College as our neighbors


makers of


C l y a m f o r o f ( K n t t t r n m ?

An cncntial branch of any pro-IWMlje d t y , « MtWti*. i , i t , Clianber of Coaneree. ft fills the f ap between the official city body

' ' , 0 8 k e d W lor leadership in the promotion of commerce and industry

b W*U « w»J t . in-

S « £ L T r , T - 8 " p , , o r t y o u r

SALE st the R E X A L L S T O R E

Just Received—

A Large Selection of SPORT COATS


in plaids and checks. Stop in and see them.

P. S. Boter & Co.

MAGIC HOUR SPECIAL Gardenia Toilet Soap-—

Box S Cakes 29c Tooth Pastes j * . Month Washes 49c

Shaving Cream . 25c Men'. Tak . Aspirin 25c


MAGIC HOUR SPECIAL 72 large sheets 48 Envelopes I CASCADE

B - ' - - . . 1*


A R . £ 0 C — P I C T U R E S COLD A K C T I C p m t e u » ^ d e a d 0 „ „ d p j . .

to. the

W l , h

a r c t i c i c e C R E A M CO AT YOUR SERVICE

P h 0 0 e 3 8 8 6 133 FAIRBANKS AVE.


l ie


20 We»t


"^kes Warm Friends


•. k * ' '

rM v ^ f e s

Page 3: 04-14-1937



• ' • " I C3f\nw A T

Alethean society elected tike fol-lowing new officers: president, Bea-trice Boot; vice president, Louise Van Erera; secretary, Mabe Leackfeldt; treasurer, Ethel Van der Zalm; serg^ant-at-arms, Alice McClay; keeper of the archives Katherine Esther. Betty Kieusma was elected as representative in the Women's League for the com ing year.

The officers donned raincoats and presented "April Showers" as the theme of their program to the so-ciety last Friday evening. Alice McClay, Louise Van Evera, am Beatrice Boot gave is musical num-ber "Call of Sprinfe," then "Dew Drops" was given by Alice Mc-Clay. Everyone joirted in "Singing in the iRain/' Katherine Esther read an original paper on, "Thoughts of Spring." A report ot current news, "Fitter Patter" was reviewed by Mabel Leackfeldt and Katherine Esther. Louise Van Ev-era presented a piano solo, "Spring Song." "Seedy," a humorous paper, "All-A-Twitter," and "Raindrops and Flowers" were'given by Ma-bel Leackfeldt, Ethel Vander Zalm and Louise Van Evera, respective-ly. Beatrice Boot read a collection of poems, some of which were ori-ginal. "April Fool" gave all the members a potted geranium as a souvenir of the evening.


J . l

B iCIts'a tUILBIMft

m / 'fOfeHOPt COLlFGt



Comne-li men

Architect's drawing of Hope's proposed science building, for which a financial drive was started last week. The $260,000 structure is

ed, "Dots of Spring."

The Dorians held their regular meeting on Friday. The program was in charge of Marian Kuyper and had "dots" for a theme. A humorous paper, "A Dot of This and a Dot of That" was read by Marian Kuyper. Dorothy Schut-maat read a paper entitled, MFam-ous Dorothies." Three Dorothies, Schutmaat, Strabbing and fioev-ing composed a Dotty trio.

A story was read by Marian Kuyper and the ^meeting came to an end with a fashion show intit-

New officers of Sorosis are as ollows: Eunice Koster, president; .atharine Eldridge, vice president; iOis De Vries, secretary; Esther linkamp, treasurer. Peg Bergen

was elected sergeant-at-arms and Dorothy Vissche rthe repreenta-tive in the Women's League.

G I R L S Have Your Next Suit

Tailored to Measure

by the College Shop Tailors

# Distinctive Fabrics

# Individual Style and Fit

# Fine Tailoring

# Low Prices $19*75 up

~5be Cosmopolitan and Fraternal

to be built on the Tenth Street side of the campus.

Each floor of the new building is to be devoted to a different de-

read by Paul Stewart Humor was provided by Bill Poppink in a dis-cussion of "Whrft 'College Ha|" Done for Me."

Gene Oosterhaven acted as mas-ter critic of the evening. Gruop singing was led by Edward Buteyn.

Ths Knickerbockers held their regular meeting on Friday. The program consisted of a serious pa-per on the "Manufacture of Shoes" by Carl Marcus. Harry Fransen read a biography of John Keats.

societies held a joint meeting on Friday, April 9 at the Fraternal house. A trumpet duet was play-ed by John Olert and Cornie Stek- The Addisons held a spell-down etee. Bill Jacobs accompanied. A at their meeting last Friday even-paper, "The Supreme Court" was ing. Clarence Veltman, salutator-

partment—physics and museum on the first, chemistry on the second, and the biology department on the third floor.

ian of the senior class, was the winner. A report on the news of the week was given by John De Witt

An attempt is being made to have the new science building ready •in time for the seventy-fifth anni-versary celebration of Hope Col-lege in 1941.

At a tea given by the retiring officers of Delphi on March 25, election for the spring term took place with results as follows: Christine Ver Hulst, president; Lil-lian Van Raalte, vice president; Ruth Heinrichs, fcecretary; Ruth Malefyt, treasurer. Marjorie Moody was chosen as Delphi's rep-resentative in the Women's League; Norma Claus, sergeant-at-arms.

With the turn of the term Rich-ard Smith takes over the presi-

dency of the Emersonian Society. He succeeds Wynton Hotaling in that office. During Smith's pres-idency of the society Herman De . 1^ r i l l i n f a

v!" ** T 'eC. ' ' r e ' i d e n > 0 " ° I brirf businMs^meeting' Peter Velt-man was received into the member-ship of the club.

o -

vince of the Lakes tournament at tition was and women in debate^ oratory, and extemporaneous speaking. Hope College entered speakers in all of the divisions of the tourn-ament except that of women's ora-tory.

The outstanding accomplishment of the Hope squad was the plac-ug of Ernest Tirrell in the men's

oratorical division,-second only to the speaker from Akron Univer-sity, of Akron, Ohio. Mr. Tirrell used his oration entitled "Liberty of Law."

Other Hope entries in the tour-nament were:-. Herman Luben,. Wendell Miles, D. Van Liere, Mar-garet Lemke,, Ruth Koskamp, Csther Hinkamp, Alma Nyland,

Allen Cook. Dr. Roland Shackson and Prof. Clarence De Graff accom-panied the delegation to Kalama-zoo.

• - o

CLASSICAL CLUB MEETS An interesting talk on Greek -

mythology was given by Avis Dykstra at the Classical Club meet-ng, Thursday, April 8, in the <7hapel. Margaret Laman read v a taper on Roman mythology. "Greek Minerals" was the subject of a talk

by William Terwilliger, while Lu-cille Ter Maat gave a talk on "Roman Funerals." The program was interspersed with two piano solos by Angeline Dornbos. At a

Come In and Browse Around

Store Completely remodeled.

New Display of Watches, Clocks,

Gifts, Jewelry and Glassware.

Post Jewelry and Gift Shop

Trinkets Discovered In Books Tell Stories of Joy and Woe

ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS neatly done # Skirts Shortened # Coats Shortened # Suits Remade to latest

styles *

French Pastry Shop Try Our Line of Delicious

Baked Goods.

Phone 2542 We Deliver

"Hope's Pastry Center"

The CoDege Shop • Clothes qf Character

212 College Ave*

"No Mend"

Silk Hosiery Chifion and Service

Quality Shoe Repairing

That's Our Business "DICK" THE SHOE DOCTOR

Electric Shoe Hospital


SUITS— $23.50 up 19H WEST 8TH STREET


Hand Bags, Gloves and Neckwear

Ladies' and Men's Handkerchiefs

Anklets, plain and fancy

G. VAN PUTTEN 204 River Ave.

Highest Quality

Groceries and Meats

Molenaar & De Goede

Bits of ribbon,-faded rose, crumpled tear-stained note, these together with combs, peanuts, letters, and hairpins form a conglomeration of articles which librarians find in re-turned books. One can easily see that the Librarian's life is entirely without humor for some of the notes which are left in borrowed books certainly would give the edi-tors of College Humor something to hoot about. It seems that read-ers have the very common habit of scribbling notes to friends, notes regarding secret passions, etc., on the blank pages which no doubt were left blank for the express purpose of being scribbled upon.

Probably many an artist got his start by drawing pictures on fly leaves or enhancing the shadings on some of the portraits which ac-company the various stories. Hit-ler's moustache has probably been grown, via pencil, on more faces found in books than would fill His Majesty's ship, "Queen Mary."

Not all the markings found in the books of the college library have been made by the students, for it has been ascertained that as many passages have been under-lined by borrowing faculty mem-

w * - i-ivwy-ifuym

hers as by the less learned mem-bers of tbe student body. Filled in O's and torn corners of pages prove that pixilation is world wide.

Not all the humor in the li-brarian's job comes through their lost and found department, for it seems that subscribers have a great deal of trouble with author and ti-tle combinations.

For instance, there is the inci-dent which ^happened in Hope's own library. A student appeared at the desk and hesitatingly asked, "Have you the book called-ah the-"Red Ship", maybe it's the "Crim-son Boat" of—I can't remember the author's name." Whereupon the poor librarian racked the card cat-alogue and searched her brain—but with little success. Suddenly an idea came to her, and questioning the student, discovered both the title and name of the book. It was the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.". "Gone with the Wind", too, has

had its share of synonomous ti-, ties, having been called for by the j titles: "Gone with the Cyclone" and "Blown by tbe Breezes."

There was also that person who insisted that is was Bunion's "Pil-grims' Progress."

Van Lare as secretary, and Har-old Elenbaas as sergeant-at-arms. The society janitors for the final term of the year will be Wendell Miles and Clayton Kullman. Mar-vin Smallegan was ratified for the occupancy of house manager after having held that position tenta-tively for a few weeks.

After installation of officers last Friday, the members adjourned to the theatre for an officer's treat

Have Your Ejne Baaa^ei

--» • I F —




4* East ttk Street

PERSONALS Catherine Voris, sophomore stu-

dent, has accepted a position with a bank in New York City. Gather-, ine left college right after taking her semester exams.

Cleaning and Pressing Expert Workmanship

JOHN FABER all kinds of


At Reasonable Prices

W A D E 11 ( j H T H

• ------ i-|-inrrM\ium. FO R —

Photo Finishing and Printing - G O TO—


The New Spring





LACEY STUDIO Comes Through Again!

This year we took approximately 400 Freshmen, Sophmore, and Junior pictures, plus a large percentage of the

Seniors and 20 groups for your Milestone.

. • — -•-•-•->-rv-iaaniuxjurlArLnjvijm

See the New Spring Styles at—


186 River Ave. p h o n e 9 1 6 2

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Keefer a Restaur ant Serves You Twenty-four Hours a Day

Prompt Service

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Q t i f * S u l t p "Just Wonderful Food at Wonderful Pricet

Special 25c Dinners 59 East 8ih St. Former Humpty Dumpcy Bldg. Holland

R . J . R u t g e r s Popular Prices 1800 Patterns on Display





i i H o l l a n d I n s t i t u t i o n


• » •: m



V-V- •• /:.••• 'Wm

Page 4: 04-14-1937

'•. jl "*•) V. ' ••

Inter-Frat Meet to Have Queen; Ceremony, Pomp Approximates League Track Meet

for Golf and | j Tennis Teams

Hope college's chances for the M. I. A. A. sports trophy look goot if the results of the tennis and golf matches can go very far in decid-ing the race.

Hope's golf team is a veteran one, with every member of the foursome that drove its way into second place last year returning for play.

Bill Poppink tops play among the golfers, and Ralph De Roo, Lester Hopkins, and BUI Van Dusen are the remaining boys of the second place team.

In addition the team this year

Hope's first annual interfrater-nity track meet will be run off on April 28 with all the pomp and ceremony of an M. I. A. A. track and field meet

By a vote of the student council last Monday evening, the track meet was made an annual event in conjunction with the All-College spring banquet . - .

This year, because of the inabil- ^ a 8 Bob Marcus, three times Hol-ity of the committee to find a place ' a n ^ school golf champion. He for the banquet on April 23, the I has not played much recently, but party will be a week following the ^ looked good in this season's track meet I early rounds.

The Woman's League has joined Renier Papegaay and Mayo Had-in planning for the event, and the den are other members of this sea-

^ organisation will vote on plans for son's squad. Both are able golfers, a senior queen this afternoon. and Coach Bruce Raymond will

The league will select a senior have a hard job picking his match Victory Queen, to be announced at {lineup. the meet Friday afternoon. She will be officially crowned at the banquet the following Friday even-ing.

This senior girl will relinquish her crown to a junior queen at the Woman's league field day, and the new girl will be Hope's Victory

The team will find most competi-tion atOlivet where Ed Novak will lead his foursome into the race. He is a contender with Poppink of Hope and Gowan of Albion for the individual title.

Uraneck, Wilson and Novak comprise the Olivet team, while Queen at the M. I. A. A. field meet ;n

Te m ' w m i e

. this spring, and at the interfrater- ^ W a " a n d I f » r d t h e ^ s t on nity meet in 1938. , b ' 0 " . C l n b - /alamaioo haa

The announcement of the queen l l o 8 t everythingr, and other teams in

Opening Ceremony and Parade — 1:30 F. M.





POLE VAULT. 1:45 i n d

SHOT PUT. 1:45 Urt- 2nd.. ONE MILE RUN. 2M ^ - Srd.. 440 YARD DASH. 2:15 Irt- - Srd.. 190 YARD DASH. 2:S0 lit...... 2nd. Srd. JAVELIN. 2:30 l i t . 2nd. Srd. HIGH JUMP. 2:80 l i t - .2nd Srd. 120 HIGH HURDLES. 2:45 '•k* 2nd. Srd. ~...4Ui. Time.. 880 YARD RUN. 3:00 l s t - 3rd 4th. -....Time ...; 220 YARD DASH. 3:15

2nd^ SnL —4th. Time-DISCUS. S:15 lit*- 2nd.. Srd....- .....4th. ....Distance. BROAD JUMP. 3:30

^nd. Srd. 4th -..Distance-TWO MILE RUN. 3:30 l i t - .Aid Srd 4tlL.... -..Time..-220 YARD LOW HURDLES. 3:45 l i t lad. - Srd. -...4tlL Time.. FOUR LAP RELAY. 4:00 l i t - 2nd. Srd..— —.4th. —Time.

Keep this chart, and use it as your program of the meet Winners and records of each event will be announced.

" * * * - - - - - - - - - - i n n i i n r i - n


will be held at 1:30 P.M., April 23, and she will direct the parade of fraternity teams around the track. At 1:45 events will be under way.

The events of the meet vary but a little from those of the

tbe loop may or may not enter teams in the race.

Hope's schedule opens with the Grand Rapids College of Applied Science on April 22. Western State's varsity will also be played beside other M. I. A. A. schools. M J . A. A. finals. In the relay, one i., .

Up qf 1/6 mile will be substituted b a r , y m a t c h e 8 ^ ^ P 1 ^ o u t o f

for the usual M mile for each man T11* ^ of the team. The mile run may be L , ™ tenni8 8et-«P. Coach Klein-limited to a straight number of h 1 a l i k e l y l o o k i n f i r straight laps.

In all, 15 events will make up the first track meet Holland fans have seen in more than five years, and if the excitement running high i. . . -in the fraternity houses means any- t ^ g h J 0 " 1 * f o f a n y t h r e e m e n o n

tViiner of -11 ^ Iw. 0 t h e r M- I- A. A. teaiUS.

warming up for early matches. Bill Arendshorst, a veteran, leads

the candidates with two sopho-mores, Gordon Pleune and Paul Boyink. These three will make it

thing at all, the meet will become one of the oustanding athletic events of the year.

All efforts are being made to have the meet run as smoothly as possible. For that reason, a meet-ing of fraternity team managers will be called at 4:30 P.M. Thurs-day.

All tefm entries must be in the hands of these managers at that time, and he will draw for positions and lanes of every man on his team. Managers will announce the positions of entrants at fraternity meetings Thursday evening.

Rules of competition will be ex-plained at that time, but several general rules regarding the meet as a whole have already been made clear.

1. There shall be no restriction as to eligibility except that the en-trant shall be registered as a mem-ber of his own fraternity or of the independent group.

2. All entries shall be handed to the fraternity manager so that he may make arrangements for place-ment in events. This must be done before the meeting with the com-mittee on Thursday, April 22.

3. No boy will be allowed to enter distance races greater than 220 yards unless he reports for training this week and next

This rule is made to avoid in-juries to muscles of untrained boys who might enter the races without conditioning.

L To avoid accidents, all spec-tators must stay outside the track, and field of play. All entrants must stay outside the track except when participating.

Special sections will be marked for spectators, and ribbons will be provided for field judges, to avoid aeddents during the discus, javelin and shot-put events.

Judges for the meet have been tentatively appointed, bat will not be announced until later. Jack Schouten will be the referee and •tarter, and will direct the prog-ress of the

Phil Abell, George Plakke, Pete Vanden Berg and Don Visser are older members of the team, while two more sophomores are Ed Heneveld and Bill De Groot.

There will be a fight for posi-tions on the team, and when the boys go into the race, they will find toughest competition at Kala-mazoo.

Simpson, M. I. A. A. champ, and Linsenmeayer, are the two high Hornets Hope must knock off in their trek to the all-sports crown.

* * * * * - - - - - - - - - - -

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If any Hope sporting enthusiasts can't stand the night air, they had better get used to it . . . A share of Hope's football games will be played at night next year, for Holland's city council has approved a plan to install a lighting system at Riverview park . . . Prof. E. P. McLean spoke in behalf of the plan, saying that crowds would prob-ably be increased . . . Holland high and Hope are usually fighting for the field on Saturdays, and the lights will make. Friday games for Hope profitable . . . In some cities, the lighting system has increased crowds 300 percent . . .

Hope fans are fast being aroused by the interfraternity track meet . . . The cooperation of the student council and the Women's league in supplying ribbons for winners, and a queen to pass them out is significant . . . Don Martin, sure to be an attraction at the meet, tied the M.I.A.A. 100 yard dash record last spring at 10 seconds . . . He spent a three year field artillery service in the regular army at Porto Rico, returning to Hope last year . . . Before he left, he helped a Hope relay team win the league title . . . In that year, he with five others, won the M.I.A.A. track title . . . Each man entered at least three events . . .

In freshmen gym tests, Don Botsford high jumped 5 feet 2 inches for the indoor title this year . . . In a running straight jump he attain-ed the height of 5 feet . . . He jumped"3 feet 7 inches in the straight standing event . . . He is just one of the boys not on the track team that may place in events a week from Friday . . .

In girl's gym examination. Alma Wieldreyer topped her classmates with a sco^e of 96 H, writing on rules and plays in girl's basketball and baseball . . . She also took the foul shooting contest with a record of 27 of 50 fouls . . . Genevie Nafe was second in the event with 25 of 50 . . .

Ruth Van Popering has been proving herself an able all-around athlete . . . She is not only one of the best bowlers in school, but shows remarkable speed in the water . . . Gertrude Young and Geo Olin are, with Miss Van Popering, the bowlers of the Women's league . . . They score frequently around 170 . . .

Bill Poppink, named all-M.I.A.A. forward, was named an all-city center when in high school . . . He attended East High at Rochester N. Y. . . . Bob Marcus' fame in basketball has spread outside of Hol-land . . . Recently he passed a table of pretty girls in an ant of town cafe, and one of them rose to greet him . . . "Bob Marcus, I'd like to H itroduce myself," she said . . .

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M M T T T r n f m r n T T t m y

—By Donald Martin. * # •

Each Spring there is the sound of running feet as many men make their slow way 'round a thousand cinder tracks. To some it is be-yond foolishness; others think 'tis a waste of time; some pass it with indifferent eye; and others, a few, look in diffident interest, knowing kinship of one sport to another, but not feeling the time or tension behind the runners.

We who run know the romance, the glamour, the joy, the zest of competition, soon forget leaden arms and legs, the torture of breathing, eyes that are blind, and the bitter taste of defeat. It is not an easy sport, yet it is thought hardly fit for men since it is all over In ten seconds or ten minutes. And again, there are no bodily con-tacts, no bruises , no serious sprains, and a broken bone comes seldom; but back of the few mo-ments of competition is the longest incubation period of all sports. No man is fit to run well until he has wearily made his way around the track for six weeks. Even then he is not seasoned. One runs alone, with no encouragement from team-mates, no grandstand of fluttering flags, with only the thought of whether or no he has trained well, and if that one late night has spoiled two weeks'work. Years are required to make a man track wise, and then he is not allowed to wear wings until he's both run in the mud and served a long period of growth, dotted with defeats.

CO. Team Faced 12 Games for

Neirt Year; No Center Jump Play

Hope college's basketball cham-pions of the M. I. A. A. were hon-ored individually as two members were placed on the coaches selec-tion for all-M. L A. A. first team, and two were named for second.

Bill Poppink,; Rochester, N. Y., senior, and captain of the squad this year, was named at a first-team forward position, and Bob Marcus, Holland sophomore guard, was called a first-team defense man.

Don Thomas, Kalamaioo junior, and John Robbert, Holland senior, were named to the second team. Thomas was a forward, and Rob-bert a guard.


Don Spalsbury, KaUmazoo..F Bill Poppink, Hope F Ed Novak, Olivet C Bob Marcus, Hope.— G Al Rizzardi, Hillsdale G Jim Rouman, Albion. G

SECOND TEAM Thomas, Hope - F Howard, Kazoo F Warren, Kazoo C Robbert, Hope G Smith, Alma .G

ad* -uf H H

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vvvvvvvv In the selections, Rizzardi and

Rouman were named in a tie to pair with Marcus at guard. Ed Novak, who set several conference scoring records this season as he paced the Comets to a second place in the loop, was named first team center.

Bill Poppink finds a fitting cli-max to his court career here in the placement. He and Novak will be (rivals on the golf links for the re-mainder of their college careers.

Marcus is one of three sopho-mores named on the team. Riszardi and Spalsbury are the other two first-year men who stood out in play during the 1936-37 season.

Hope will lose Poppink and Rob-bert of the honor selection for play next year in a tough schedule.

Next year's play in the M. L A. A. will be without the use of the cen-ter jump except at the start of periods and after- a double fouL The ball will be thrown in from under the basket by the defensive team after a score has been made.

Adrian is included for title play n the following schedule for 1937-38: Jan. 10—Olivet at Hope

14—Alma at Hope 17—Albion at Hope 22—Hope at Kalamazoo 28—Hope at Alma

Feb. 4—Hope at Olivet 8—Adrian at Hope

11—Hillsdale at Hope 15—Hope at Hillsdale 18—Hope at Albion 10—Hope at Adrian 25—Kalamaioo at Hope

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