
So, what do you prefer, Myungsoo?  she fluttered her lashes, a little too focused i n making herself attractive. The umbrella tilted to the side, drops of water fal ling on both of their silhouettes. She giggled, clasping her soft hands on Myung soos. Myungie or Myung-myung? They have just met, half an hour ago and she was already set in giving him pet n ames. Myungsoo hated pet names. He debated with his own feelings. He realized th at it was wrong of time, or his feelings, to mindlessly assume that she would be   her. Myungsoo didnt know and he wasnt sure of why. He really didn't know. He had expect ed the girl with the umbrella to be the one. The one, who he has painted in his heart. His mind shifted, deep in thoughts and regrets. No matter how hard it was  for Myungsoo to avoid a conversation with this stranger, she simply found ways to  bring him into her senseless topic conversation. She was too close for comfort. Why are you giving me such names? Because, Im in love with you,  she responded, eyes twinkling with warmth.   ______________________ __________________ She will be making her way here. That cute girl from class 2A. She s in love with you.   ______________________ __________________ Myungsoo stopped dead in his tracks, realizing the situation. What class are you from, Hye Rim?  Myungsoo glanced at the name-badge on her school s  uniform. Im sorry that you feel that way towards me,  his voice faded, the sounds o f droplets became imminent. He had to apologize. He has been breaking hearts, ev en without him, having the slightest thought. Her eyes shaded with confusion. There was hurt under layering all of that. Hye Ri m from class 2A. I really, really like you. You wouldn t imagine how it feels to b e standing next to you. I have longed for this day. It hurts me that girls have their eyes on you but you never take a glance back. I just thought - I had the c hance, Myungie. The chance to be with you. She wasnt his friend. She wasn t mix-tape girl. Myungsoos footsteps were somewhat melancholic. He placed his hands in his pockets . He walked away. His eyes were sad, lips were quivering. He was afraid that the re were many other hearts that were waiting  waiting to be crushed. He didn't lik e that. Someone was in love with him and he was in love with somebody else.

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7/17/2019 04 1/2

So, what do you prefer, Myungsoo? she fluttered her lashes, a little too focused in making herself attractive. The umbrella tilted to the side, drops of water falling on both of their silhouettes. She giggled, clasping her soft hands on Myungsoos. Myungie or Myung-myung?

They have just met, half an hour ago and she was already set in giving him pet names. Myungsoo hated pet names. He debated with his own feelings. He realized that it was wrong of time, or his feelings, to mindlessly assume that she would be  her.

Myungsoo didnt know and he wasnt sure of why. He really didn't know. He had expected the girl with the umbrella to be the one. The one, who he has painted in hisheart. His mind shifted, deep in thoughts and regrets. No matter how hard it was for Myungsoo to avoid a conversation with this stranger, she simply found ways to bring him into her senseless topic conversation.

She was too close for comfort.

Why are you giving me such names?

Because, Im in love with you, she responded, eyes twinkling with warmth. 


She will be making her way here. That cute girl from class 2A. Shes in love withyou. 


Myungsoo stopped dead in his tracks, realizing the situation.

What class are you from, Hye Rim? Myungsoo glanced at the name-badge on her schools uniform. Im sorry that you feel that way towards me, his voice faded, the sounds of droplets became imminent. He had to apologize. He has been breaking hearts, even without him, having the slightest thought.

Her eyes shaded with confusion. There was hurt under layering all of that. Hye Rim from class 2A. I really, really like you. You wouldnt imagine how it feels to be standing next to you. I have longed for this day. It hurts me that girls havetheir eyes on you but you never take a glance back. I just thought - I had the chance, Myungie. The chance to be with you.

She wasnt his friend. She wasnt mix-tape girl.

Myungsoos footsteps were somewhat melancholic. He placed his hands in his pockets. He walked away. His eyes were sad, lips were quivering. He was afraid that there were many other hearts that were waiting  waiting to be crushed. He didn't like that.

Someone was in love with him and he was in love with somebody else.

7/17/2019 04 2/2


Guys, do you think its possible to like someone without exactly meeting her?

You havent met her? Woohyun questioned, setting the instruments to begin with bandpractice.

I thought I did, Myungsoo stated, brushing his flawless lips, as he was deep in thoughts. I broke another heart today.

Heart-breaker, Dongwoo commented. Was she anything like the girl in your dreams?

Nothing close, Myungsoo responded, shrugging. She gave me pet names.

They knew how Myungsoo hated pet names and stuffed toys. They found it amusing.His band-mates broke out into laughter, darting mischievous smiles towards Myungsoo who has been blinded by love. Myungsoo continued grumbling about how thankfu

l he was to realize the mistake. The mistake of thinking that Hye Rim had been the mix-tape girl.

Instead of messing your heart up, why dont you find her? Sunggyu said, smiling in content.

How do I go about doing that? he raised a brow, eyes lifted with hope.

Let the love guru preach, Woohyun snickered. Ill teach you the ways to find your prncess, lover-boy.

Youre not making me do a school search, are you? Myungsoo slammed his head on his lap, a little embarrassed by the thought. Without meeting the eyes of his bandmates, he lightly smiled, feeling the butterflies in his chest.

"I'll find you." Myungsoo thought.