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FREEDOM ECONOMICS The Solution to Empowering a Great Human Society by Brian Sear Author “Compete and Empower”

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The Solution to Empowering a Great Human Societyby

Brian SearAuthor “Compete and Empower”


“The Power to Create Wealth and Eliminate Povertyis from the People not the Politician,

from the Citizen not the State”

Freedom• Choosing our Own Purpose Driven Life

• Pick a Life of Passion and Happiness

• Learn from Overcoming Life’s Challenges

• Change to Achieve your Dream

•Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Economics• What do You Produce?

• How do You Produce It?

• Who do You Sell the Product or Service To?

• How do You get Paid? MONEY

• Barter a Cake for a Cone Exchange

What can You do with Money?

• Spend It

• Save It

• Invest It

• Business

• Stocks & Bonds

• Real Estate

What do You Produce?• Products

• Services

How do You Produce It?• Products • Services








Who gets Your Product or Service?

• Retail Consumers

• Business Capital Equipment Users

• Government Consumers and Users

• Export Consumers and Users

• Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the sum of all sales including Exports for a Nation

Your Financial Statement

Government Confiscation

Federal, State, Property, Sales & Other TAXES to Pay for Services


Social Security, Medicare & Unemployment Insurance

Ward of the StateAccept an Unemployment Check

& Stop Producing, Learning, & Changing Every Day

FreedomInvestment Income equals

Burn Rate


“A Journey of Survival, Competition, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and


RESULTS• For 100,000 Years free spirited Individuals

Survived, Invented, Evolved and Created Wealth

• For 100,000 Years deviant Individuals Oppressed others into unproductive Societies and Nations

• World GDP grew at 0.2% until 1800

• World GDP grew at 2.0% from 1800

• World GDP grew at 5% from the 1960’s

• Today less than 1M Elites govern 6.8B People in 200 Nations

• Today 5.5B People live in Poverty. (81%) Why?

WHY?• For 7,000 recorded Years Tyrants, Conquerors, Kings, Emperors & Dictators Wasted the Wealth.

•Creating Countries of Slaves, Serfs, Peasants and Workers

• By 1800 the American Constitution Empowered Millions to choose FREEDOM ECONOMICS

• By 1970 BCG Empowered Virtuous Companies

• The Choice of Nations Today

•Karl Marx the Virtue of State Reliance (Failure)

•Ayn Rand the Virtue of Self Reliance (Success)


“A Journey of Competition, Empowerment, Freedom, Economic Independence and

Limited Government”

INDIVIDUAL INTEGRITY• A Nation, Society or Business

can only be great and everlasting when a Majority of it’s Members are Moral

• The essence of Ayn Rand philosophy is:

• “Man is a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute,”

• Moral Purpose is choosing right from wrong

• Have faith in Man’s Creator. His Ten Commandments are a useful guide.

• Experience each moment now.

• Rely on your judgment, your inner voice

• Do the Right Thing.

• Avoid the Siren Song.

• Productive Achievement leads to Success and Self-Reliance and avoids Dependency.

• What did you learn yesterday that you can convince someone else to write a check for tomorrow.

• Reason based on facts, not good intentions, increases everyone’s prosperity.

AMERICAN SOLUTION1 Politicians Serve the Public for One 8 year term only.

2 Empower US Business to achieve # 1 in World Market Share.

3 Enact “Fair Tax.” All Citizens Contribute. Eliminate IRS.

4 Terminate Union Law and Transform Unions to Trade Associates

5 Increase Green Card Immigration based on Business Strategy

6 Fund Military to achieve a 10 to 1 advantage over other Nations

7 Venture Fund Foreign Business. Eliminate Foreign Aid.

8 Transform Social Security-Medicaid spend to Investment Fund.

9 Sell all Federal and State Businesses to Private Enterprise.

10 Provide a Limited Safety Net for the Truly Needy.