1. act (ag): drive (force), do agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs agent: one who acts...

1. act (ag): drive (force), do Ag itate : to do something that upsets or disturbs Ag ent : one who acts or does on behalf of someone Re act : to do something in response to another ac •_____________________________________________ e basketball player’s agent negotiated a contract t cluded a higher salary for the next five years.

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Page 1: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

1. act (ag): drive (force), do

•Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs

•Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else

•React: to do something in response to another action


The basketball player’s agent negotiated a contract that included a higher salary for the next five years.

Page 2: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

2. andr: male

•Android: having characteristics of a male

•Philanderer: one who loves males


Page 3: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

3. arthr: joint

•Arthropod: an animal with jointed limbs and a segmentedbody

•Arthritis: a condition caused by inflammation of joints

•Arthropathy: the result of a disease in the joints


As a result of her arthritis, Janice had a difficult time doing things that required extensive use of her hands.

Page 4: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

4. biblio: book

•Bible: the holy book of Christianity

•Bibliography: a written record of a book used as a source

•Bibliophile: a person who loves books


The students were required to include a bibliography page in their research paper in order to indicate the sources they used.

Page 5: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

5. calli (kali): beautiful

•Calligraphy: a beautiful form of writing using differentslants and positions

•Calisthenics: exercises that develop beautiful musculartone and promote good physical condition

•Kaleidoscope: a tubular instrument that you look throughto see beautiful colors and changing images


The young girl spent hours looking through the kaleidoscope,oohing and aahing over the beautiful colors.

Page 6: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

6. capit: head

•Capital: the headquarters of a state

•Decapitate: to cut off someone’s head

•Capitulum: small knob or head-shaped part as on theend of a bone


Macduff decapitates Macbeth at the end of the play byShakespeare.

Page 7: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

7. chron: time

•Chronic: something that continues for a long period of time

•Chronological: in order of time

•Synchronize: to do something at the same time


The students organized the events of the war onto a chronological timeline.

Page 8: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

8. emia: blood condition

•Anemia: a disease that is a result of a lack of blood

•Toxemia: a condition that occurs as a result of poison inthe blood

•Leukemia: a fatal disease of the blood in which white blood cells multiply uncontrollably


An abnormally high level of alcohol in the blood can causetoxemia.

Page 9: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

9. flu: flow

•Fluent: flowing smoothly and naturally

•Confluence: state or condition of flowing together

•Superfluous: having the characteristics of flowing aboveor over


Traveling to different countries was very comfortable to herbecause she was fluent in so many languages.

Page 10: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

10. fus: pour

•Confuse: to mix up or pour together so that one can’t tell one thing from another

•Effusive: that which pours out

•Profusion: state of pouring forth


The twins looked so much alike that everyone was confusedabout who was who.

Page 11: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

11. gno: know

•Agnostic: state of not knowing whether or not Godexists

•Ignorance: a state of not knowing

•Prognosis: a prediction of knowledge about the outcomeof something, usually a disease


Some men stay single for a long time because they are ignorant about what women want.

Page 12: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

12. greg: flock, gather

•Segregate: to gather with others that are alike, separate from ones who are different

•Congregation: a gathering of people, usually for worship

•Gregarious: habitually gathering with other people,sociable


In any school cafeteria, there is evidence of segregation amongstudents.

Page 13: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

13. hem (hemo): blood

•Hemorrhage: excessive bleeding

•Hemophilia: condition of loving blood

•Hematology: study of blood


The injury from the car accident caused Jamie to have ahemorrhage in her brain.

Page 14: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

14. ism: belief, doctrine

•Communism: a belief in a government in which goods and production are commonly owned.

•Chauvinism: belief in the superiority of one’s own group

•Egoism: belief that oneself is better than others


The Red Scare in the 1950s was caused by a fear of communists in the United States.

Page 15: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

15. jur: swear

•Juror: one who swears to judge a case fairly

•Perjury: a violation of a sworn oath to tell the truth in a court of law

•Abjure: to recant your sworn testimony


The twelve jurors were in charge of determining the defendant’s guilt or innocence, based on evidence.

Page 16: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

16. lat: side

•Lateral: relating to a side

•Unilateral: relating to one side

•Quadrilateral: related to four sides


A square and a rectangle are considered to be quadrilaterals.

Page 17: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

17. mania: craze, obsession

•Maniac: one who has an obsession

•Kleptomania: an obsession with stealing

•Pyromania: obsession with starting fires


Even though he knew it was wrong, Jim felt compelled to steal because of his kleptomania.

Page 18: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

18. neuro: nerve, brain

•Neurology: the study of the brain

•Neuralgia: condition that results in pain in the nerves or brain

•Neurectomy: procedure of cutting out a nerve


Bob always had an interest in the way the brain works, Which led him into the field of neurology.

Page 19: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

19. ped (pod): foot

•Pedal: a lever operated by the foot

•Pedestrian: one who travels on foot

•Podiatrist: one who cures the feet


In Chapel Hill, pedestrians always have the right of way.

Page 20: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

20. rupt: break, burst

•Rupture: state of breaking or bursting

•Erupt: burst out

•Interrupt: break between or among


After the concert was over, the audience erupted in applause.

Page 21: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

21. scrib (script): write

•Scribble: to write

•Circumscribe: to write around or to limit

•Post script: to write after


She forgot to include something in her letter so she just wrote a post script message.

Page 22: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

22. terr: land, earth

•Terrain: related to the layout of the land

•Inter: bury into the earth

•Terricolous: dwelling in or on the earth


The terrain of the mountain made the hike very difficult.

Page 23: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

23. tors (tort): twist

•Torso: the middle part of the body that allows you to twist

•Distort: to twist something away from its reality

•Tortuous: full of many twists and turns


The drive up the mountain was tortuous.

Page 24: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

24. vers (vert): turn

•Reverse: turn back

•Convert: turn together into something different

•Versatile: the ability to turn or change for different uses


The jacket was reversible, which made it versatile for all kinds of weather.

Page 25: 1. act (ag): drive (force), do Agitate: to do something that upsets or disturbs Agent: one who acts or does on behalf of someone else React: to do something

25. vor: eat

•Devour: eat down

•Carnivorous: characteristic of eating flesh

•Voracious: having a large appetite, eating a lot


Dustin has a voracious appetite, evident by the fact that he eats all of the time.