1 beijing - april 21, 2015 formez pa for eu-china social protection reform project

1 BEIJING - April 21, 2015 Formez PA for EU-China Social Protection Reform Project

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BEIJING - April 21, 2015

Formez PA for EU-China Social Protection Reform Project

Formez PA – Centre for services, assistance, studies and training for the modernization of the PA


FORMEZ is a legal entity governed by private law dealing with

training and operational cooperation between Central and Local

Administrations. FormezPA is an in-house agency acknowledged by

the European Union, whose mission and organization is established

by law. It responds to the Department for Public Administration of

the Italian Prime Minister’s Office.

Formez PA associate members may include:

•Italian State’s administrations •Regions •Provinces•Municipalities

Currently, 9 Italian regions, 5 municipalities and 1 province are associated.

Formez has its main offices in Rome and two branches in Naples and Cagliari with a permanent staff of around 400 people and a roster of over 1000 consultants and lecturers.

Its current MISSION is to:

•ASSIST the process of Public Administration reforms

•HELP strengthen regional and local governments

•PROMOTE the cultural and professional growth of human resources operating in the Public Administration

•SUPPORT the dissemination of administrative innovation

•IMPROVE public work

Since July 2014, FormezPA has been managed by a special Commissioner who has conducted due diligence regarding the Institute’s activities.

In the light of the positive balance-sheet figures, FormezPA has been re-confirmed to be a useful support for Italy’s public system.

FormezPA mission shall be re-designed in the framework of a more general re-organization of the system of Italy’s public bodies.

The main activities of Formez International Activities Office are:

•Twinning projects aimed at Institution Building;•Project POAT funded by Structural Funds (ERDF – European Regional Development Fund)•Projects funded by the EU International Cooperation and Development Programme – EuropeAid (EUrosociAL II);•Cross-border Cooperation Programmes funded by IPA (Adriatic and Balkan regions)•Projects funded by the Programme Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC)•Technical Assistance under the financial opportunities directly funded by the European Commission (Europe for Citizens, COSME, Horizon 2020)•Formez PA has been appointed Europe Direct Rome, EU information service for citizens


• FormezPA has been committed to constant and profitable liaisons with China since 2004, when a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese Communist Party School was signed. Other Memorandums with the Academy of Governance and the Shanghai Administration Institute followed.

• From 2005 to 2008 FormezPA participated, as a partner, in the development of the first project CEPA - Technical Assistance for the CEPA (China Europe Public Administration).

• Since 2007, FormezPA has been the only Italian public body accredited by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) as regards the exchange of delegations for study visits from and to China, and for the training in Italy of the Chinese PA executives.

FormezPA contribution to the EU-China Project

FORMEZ is in charge of the Project Secretariat and provides support to the Project Leader in carrying out the following activities:

Collection of data necessary to the project implementationOrganization of activities, offices, personnel and general logistics in China, and from Europe to ChinaSupport to the preparation of documents and certifications that are required by the Audit of the EUCreation and management of conventional and electronic archives of project documentsSupport to the monitoring of statistical and financial dataSupport to the Project Leader for the preparation of administrative documents relating to financial and programming issuesSupport for the management of relations between the EU and the ConsortiumOrganization of institutional meetings (PAC and IMC meetings and visibility events)Support in the Collection of the financial reporting of the various PartnersCreation and management of a project website including translation and publication of relevant documentsTechnical support for the activities in the scope of the ComponentsPreparation of the contract arrangements for the European public staff as the mandated body, if delegated by the Project Leader

Formez PA is also responsible for Component 2 of the project: “Enhancing institutional capacity for financial management and supervision concerning social security funds in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance”.

The Component envisages the following Actions:

•Capacity Building of China’s MoF on managing tax support to social security by the establishment of a unified statistic index system and the development of a performance assessment model.

•Development of a national actuarial analysis model of old-age insurance by MoF and upgrading of skills and knowledge of provincial administrators on risk control of tax support to basic pension funds.

•Strengthening the reform process by reinforcing MoF capacity to manage social insurance funds, with a focus on tax support budgeting, accounting system, investment techniques and adjustment of pension benefits.

VISIBILITY PLANThe proposed visibility and communication plan aims to enhance the inter-institutional cooperation initiated by the international partners (Consortium) and to involve the Chinese stakeholders.

All communication actions will be shared and assessed by the EU Delegation in China. In addition, in order to ensure consistency and uniformity of all documentation, the activities will be implemented according to EU guidelines (Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions)

This plan aims to promote and strengthen the Project Communication and Information in all its phases (preparation, implementation, dissemination of results).

In carrying out Visibility actions, Formez will provide several communication tools for an integrated and multichannel platforms communication able to actively involve all actors, and EU Press Agencies.

Formez also aims to link all documents produced by the working groups and systematize them in a database accessible by all consortium’s members.

Thanks to its solid knowledge of the Public Administration system, Formez will be able to involve all national public administrations in the communication plan.


[email protected]