1. cell cycle 2. interphase 3. mitosis 4. cytokinesis 5. chromosomes 6. chromatin 7. prophase 8....

Download 1. Cell cycle 2. Interphase 3. Mitosis 4. Cytokinesis 5. Chromosomes 6. Chromatin 7. Prophase 8. Sister chromatids 9. Centromere 10. Spindle apparatus

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 Cell Division is the process by which cells reproduce.  WHY???  Growth  Maintanence (skin)  Repair (wounds)  Reproduce (sex cells)


1. Cell cycle 2. Interphase 3. Mitosis 4. Cytokinesis 5. Chromosomes 6. Chromatin 7. Prophase 8. Sister chromatids 9. Centromere 10. Spindle apparatus 11. Metaphase 12. Anaphase 13. Telophase 14. Cyclins 15. Cancer 16. Carcinogens 17. Apoptosis 18. Stem cells 19. Genes 20. Homologous chromosomes 21. Haploid 22. Diploid 23. Meiosis 24. Gametes 25. Fertilization 26. Crossing-over Cell Division is the process by which cells reproduce. WHY??? Growth Maintanence (skin) Repair (wounds) Reproduce (sex cells) Mitosis: division of SOMATIC cells ( non-reproductive), 2 IDENTICAL cells produced Meiosis: division of SEX cells only (sperm & egg), 4 DIFFERENT cells produced 1. 1 Day Days Days Days Days 6. NEVER! 1. White Blood Cells 2. Red Blood Cells 3. Stomach Lining Cells 4. Liver Cells 5. Skin Cells 6. Brain Cells https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7cXeWxxf D4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7cXeWxxf D4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaN6uRvf PLY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaN6uRvf PLY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrfcglOmB Yw Zombie Seastars! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrfcglOmB Yw If I cut an Earthworm in half, will it grow into 2 new worms? srv/special/metro/urban- jungle/pages/ htmlsrv/special/metro/urban- jungle/pages/ html Cell Organelles involved in Mitosis: Nucleus Contains Chromosomes (DNA) Centrioles (animals only!) Cell membrane Cytoplasm NO!!! Prokaryotic: No NUCLEUS Binary Fission Ring of DNA, copies itself Cell grows larger Septum (dividing wall) grows inside the cell Cell splits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8_xoM8W wgs Time laps growth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8_xoM8W wgs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY9DNWc qxI4 Asexual Reproduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY9DNWc qxI4 Important Vocabulary: Chromatin: relaxed form of DNA Chromosome: condensed form of DNA Sister Chromatid: half of a chromosome, contain identical DNA Centromere: connection point of 2 sister chromatids Gene: Small segment of DNA, codes for a trait M phase 5 Phases of Cell Cycle: Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase MITOSIS 1.Stage in which cells spend most time 2.Cell grows 3.DNA is replicated 4.Synthesis of organelles and materials needed for cell division 5.Chromatin condenses Chromosomes coil up (from chromatin) Nucleolus disappears Nuclear envelope dissolves Spindle fibers grow from Centrioles Prophase -(Prepare) Aster Chromosomes line up in middle of cell Spindle fibers connect to centromeres. Metaphase(Middle)tarranimations/chapter14/videos_animation s/karyotype.html Anaphase(Apart) Chromosomes separate & divide Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids to opposite poles Chromosomes uncoil : return to Chromatin form Nuclear envelopes form 2 new nuclei are formed Spindle fibers disappear Telophase(Two) Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm. The process of cytokinesis is different in animal and plant cells. Cell returns to Interphase after cytokinesis is complete. Cytokinesis (Cut) The cell membrane pinches in towards the center of the cell Called the Cleavage Furrow Each part contains its own nucleus and organelles. Cleavage furrow 100 m Contractile ring of microfilaments Daughter cells Cleavage of an animal cell (SEM) Cell plate forms between the divided cell, creating a cell membrane divider A cell wall then forms in between the two new membranes. Cell plate Nucleus Cell plate Chromosomes Nucleolus Chromatin condensing 10 m InterphaseProphaseMetaphaseAnaphaseTelophase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwcwSZIfKlMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwcwSZIfKlM Amoeba Sisters: Mitosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgdx-kpxXnAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgdx-kpxXnA Mitosis Microscope INTERPHASE PROPHASE METAPHASE ANAPHASE TELOPHASE AND CYTOKINESIS AGING Causes some cells to slow down in mitosis Ex) skin, hair, stomach Some cells never reproduce! Ex) heart muscle (stop by age 9), nerve & brain cells APOPTOSIS: programmed cell death, suicide Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease Fingers and toes not attached Menstruation Cell Division Control: CANCER DNA controls all cell activities including cell division- CYCLINS Some cells lose their ability to control their rate of cell division the DNA of these cells has become damaged or changed (mutated) These super-dividing cells form masses called tumors Benign tumors are not cancerous these cells do not spread to other parts of the body Malignant tumors are cancerous these cells break loose and can invade and destroy healthy tissue in other parts of the body (called metastasis) george-zaidanbiointeractive/media/ angiogenesis- lg.wmvhttp://www.hhmi.org/ biointeractive/media/ angiogenesis- lg.wmv Tumor annimation https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=lpAa4TWj HQ4&list=PLwL0Myd7 Dk1F0iQPGrjehze3eD pco1eVz&index=10 https://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=lpAa4TWj HQ4&list=PLwL0Myd7 Dk1F0iQPGrjehze3eD pco1eVz&index=10 Amoeba Sisters: Cancer Which cells in our body CANNOT reproduce? What is Bone Marrow, and what is it used for? What is a STEM CELL? Stem Cells Unspecialized cells that are developed into cells with specific functions, under certain conditions Types: Embryonic: from a Blastocyst, Pleuripotent (ability to turn into ANY cell) Adult: reserve cells (bone marrow, skin, liver), created during fetal development, used to maintain cell count Stem Cell Transplants: Autologous: from your own supply Allogenic: from a donor Used for: drug testing, spinal cord injuries, type 1 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, stroke & burns NOVA: Stem Cells & Diabetesupdateno PA, NJ andouts/Fall%202008/Toenjes/Biol%20178 /B178F08%20Handout7.pdfhttp://www.msubillings.edu/sciencefaculty/h andouts/Fall%202008/Toenjes/Biol%20178 /B178F08%20Handout7.pdf notes on dna/meiosis Meiosis is the division of sex cells, also known as gametes. Examples: Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Sex cells divide differently than body cells Make sperm & egg cells with the number of chromosomes SPERM ZYGOTEEGG FERTILIZATION COMBINATION OF SPERM & EGG TO MAKE A ZYGOTE 1n =3 2n = 6 Fertilization 45 WHERE DOES MEIOSIS OCCUR? Occurs in the testes in males (Spermatogenesis) Occurs in the ovaries in females (Oogenesis) Homologous chromosomes Matching pair of chromosomes carrying DNA 1 of the pair came from your mother, the other came from your father Diploid cell vs Haploid cell Somatic Cells are Diploid (2 sets of chromosomes) Gametes are Haploid (1 set of chromosomes) Fertilization of sperm & egg creates a DIPLOID zygote cell 2 DIVISIONS = amount of Chromosomes in each new cell Meiosis I: DNA copied, 2 diploid daughter cells, not identical Meiosis II: no interphase, 4 haploid daughter cells, not identical 49 Replication of: DNA Organelles Cell growth Chromatin condenses 50 Prophase: same as MitosisPLUS: Tetrads form Crossing Over 51 TETRADS FORM IN PROPHASE I Homologous chromosomes (each with sister chromatids) Join to form a TETRAD tetra means 4, 4 chromatids Called Synapsis 53 CROSSING-OVER Homologous chromosomes form tetrads Pieces of chromosomes exchanged Produces different combinations of genes on the chromosomes 54 METAPHASE I Homologous pairs of chromosomes align along the equator of the cell How does this look different from MITOSIS Metaphase? 55 ANAPHASE I Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles.Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles. 57 TELOPHASE I Nuclear envelopes reassemble.Nuclear envelopes reassemble. Spindle disappears.Spindle disappears. Cytokinesis divides the cell into twoCytokinesis divides the cell into two 58 NO INTERPHASE!!! WHY??? 59 PROPHASE II Nuclear envelope dissolves.Nuclear envelope dissolves. Spindle forms.Spindle forms. 60 METAPHASE II Chromosomes align along equator of cell, single file line.. Chromosomes align along equator of cell, single file line.. 61 ANAPHASE II Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite polesSister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles. 62 TELOPHASE II Nuclear envelope re- assembles. Chromosomes return to chromatin form. Spindle disappears. Cytokinesis divides each cell into two. 63 RESULTS OF MEIOSIS 4 Gametes (egg & sperm) form Four haploid cells, with one copy of each chromosome Different combinations of genes along the chromosome miracle.html Miracle of Lifemiracle.html hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/chapter2 /animation__comparison_of_meiosis_and_mitosis__q uiz_1_.html Mitosis/Meiosis animationhill.com/sites/ /student_view0/chapter2 /animation__comparison_of_meiosis_and_mitosis__q uiz_1_.html animation 2parts.html replacing body partsparts.html Meiosis I: Homologous chromosomes separate Meiosis II : single chromosomes divide 68 GAMETOGENESIS Making Sex Cells: Oogenesis or Spermatogenesis 69 SPERMATOGENESIS Occurs in the testes Two divisions produce 4 spermatids Spermatids mature into sperm Men produce about 250,000,000 sperm per day 70 SPERMATO -GENESIS IN THE TESTES 71 OOGENESIS Occurs in the ovaries Two divisions produce 3 polar bodies that die and 1 egg Polar bodies die because of unequal division of cytoplasm Immature egg called oocyte Starting at puberty, one oocyte matures into an ovum (egg) every 28 days 72 OOGENESIS IN THE OVARIES