1. describe the voyages of columbus and his contemporaries. 2. describe the spanish conquests of the...

Spain Builds an American Empire

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Page 1: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Spain Builds an American Empire

Page 2: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries.

2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca.

3. Identify the effects of Spanish colonization of the Americas.


Page 3: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Christopher Columbus

Page 4: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Who Was Christopher Columbus ?Genoese Sea CaptainFrom Spain Voyager of the 7 SeasHe is known for arguably discovering


Page 5: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

What Was He Looking For ?Christopher Columbus was in search of

gold and money and headed to Asia in 1492.

At the time, Asia was wealthy and powerful.

Columbus decided to go explore Asia himself to see what he could find.

Page 6: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

What Did He Find Instead?Columbus decided to take a shortcut to Asia.

Instead of sailing around Africa and then

heading East, he decided to sail across the

Atlantic Ocean trying to find a faster way to

get to Asia.Instead he sailed into an island on the

Bahamas, he decided to name it San Salvador, or “Holy Savior”

Page 7: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Columbus’ Other FindingsSince Columbus did not find any gold or

sign of wealth in San Salvador, he decided to keep exploring other islands.

Finding different islands, he claimed each one.

“It was my wish to bypass no island without taking

possession,” -Christopher Columbus

Page 8: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Columbus’ Return To SpainWhen Christopher

Columbus returned to Spain he told the monarchs (kings) about his journey.

The monarchs were delighted and they agreed to fund Columbus with 3 more trips.

Columbus returned to the Americas with the goal to build an empire.

He brought over 1,000 soldiers, crewmen, and colonists in 17 ships.

Another goal the Spanish had was to transform the Caribbean into colonies.

Page 9: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Columbus’ Impact Over TimeOver the next 2 centuries, other European

explorers like Columbus began to sail across the Atlantic Ocean searching for new lands to claim as their own.

Page 10: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Spanish Conquest in Mexico

Page 11: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

• In 1519, as Magellan embarked on his historic voyage, a Spaniard named Hernando Cortés landed on the shores of Mexico.

• Cortés marched inland, looking to claim new lands for Spain.

• Cortés and the many other Spanish explores who followed him were known as conquistadors (conquerors).

Page 12: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Lured by rumors of vast lands filled with gold and silver, conquistadors carved out colonies in regions that would become Mexico, South America, and the United States.

Page 13: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

The Spanish were the first European Settlers in the American

• As a result of their colonization, the Spanish greatly enriched their empire and left a mark on the cultures of North and South America that exists today.

Page 14: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Cortes Conquers the Aztecs

After marching for weeks through difficult mountain passes, Cortés and his force of roughly 600 men finally reached the magnificent Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.

The Aztec emperor, Montezuma II, was convinced at first that Cortés was a god wearing armor.

• He agreed to give the Spanish explorer a share of the empires existing gold supply• The conquistador was not satisfied.

Page 15: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

In the late spring of 1520, Cortés and his men killed a lot of Aztecs. In June of 1520, the Aztecs rebelled against the Spanish intrudes and drove out Cortés forces.

Despite being greatly out numbered, Cortés and his men conquered the Aztecs is 1521. Several factors played a key role in the victory:

1. The Spanish had the advantage of superior weaponry.

2. Cortés was able to enlist the help of various native groups.

3. Disease: European disease would truly devastate the natives of central Mexico killing millions of them.

Page 16: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Spanish conquests in Peru

Page 17: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

In 1532, another conquistador, Francisco Pizarro, marched a small force into South America. He conquered the Inca Empire.

Pizarro lived between 1475-1541.

He defeated the Incas, most were killed or died from smallpox.

This victorious conquest brought in an enormous

amount of gold, for Spain.

Francisco Pizarro

Page 18: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Pizarro and his army of about 200 met, Atahualpa, who was the Inca leader. He commanded about 30,000 men. He brought a few thousand to a meeting between him and Pizarro. The Spanish ambushed them and killed all of his men and captured Atahualpa.

Atahualpa offered one room full of gold and two of silver for his release.

After receiving the money the Spanish killed him and marched toward the capital.

Pizarro then captured Cuzco the Incan capital in 1533.

Pizarro Subdues the Inca

Page 19: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

As Cortés and Pizarro conquered the Civilizations of the Americas, fellow conquistadors defeated other native peoples.

By the middle of the 16th century, Spain had created an American Empire.

Page 20: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Mestizo is a mixed Spanish and native American population.

It started because after the conquests, settlements began.

The Spanish settlers were known as peninsulares and were all men.

Relations began between the Spanish men and the native women began creating mestizo.

Spain's Pattern of Conquest

Page 21: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Encomienda is a grant of land made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, this also included the right to use Native Americans as laborers.

The Spanish wanted the resources that were in America.

The Spanish turned the native American's into slaves known as Encomienda’s.

The work that the slaves always lead to death.

Slave work included: farming, ranching or mining.

Page 22: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

One area of South America that remained outside of Spanish control was Brazil. In 1500, Cabral claimed the land for Portugal.

Finding little gold or silver, the settlers began growing sugar.

The demand for sugar in Europe was great, and the colony soon enriched Portugal. In time, the colonists pushed farther west into Brazil. They settled even more land for the production of sugar.

The Portuguese in Brazil

Page 23: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Spain’s Influence Expands

Page 24: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

The American colonies helped Spain become the wealthiest and most powerful country in the 1500’s.

Ships came into the harbor with riches from the Americas and it helped them bring in a new golden age of art.

Military got stronger to protect them and their riches.

Page 25: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Army lost very few battles because of how powerful and determined they were.

Spain’s navy was also increased to protect the ships coming in with riches from the Americas.

Spain began to settle in what is now modern day United States.

Page 26: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Conquistadors Push North The riches from the Americas begin to

get the Spanish interested in the Americas.

They begin to explore more into the North because of the findings in the Americas.

In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León discovers what is now Florida and was claimed for Spain.

Page 27: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

From 1540-1541, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado explored present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

Coronado was in search for a new empire to conquer.

Found little gold in the desserts and assigned priest to search and conquer the future United States.

From 1609-1610, Pedro de Peralta led a group of settlers to New Mexico and established a capital called Santa Fe or “Holy Faith.”

Missions and forts scattered through New Mexico and became headquarters for Catholicism.

Page 28: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Opposition To Spanish Rule

Page 29: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

Spanish priest worked to spread Christianity in the Americas. They also pushed for better treatment of Native.

In particular, they criticized the harsh pattern of labor that emerged under the encomienda system.

Page 30: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

African Slavery and Native Resistance

The Spanish government abolished the encomienda system in 1542.

Priest later changed his view and denounced African slavery.

Opposition to the Spanish method of colonization came not only from Spanish priests, but also from the natives themselves.

Resistance to Spain's attempt of domination began when the Spanish arrived at the Caribbean.

Page 31: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

November of 1493, Columbus encountered resistance in his attempt to conquer.

As late as the end of the 17th century, natives in New Mexico fought Spanish rule.

Converting the natives, Spanish priests and soldiers burned their scared objects.

The Spanish also forced natives to work for them and abused them physically.

Page 32: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish

1680, Popé, a Pueblo ruler, led a well organized rebellion against Spanish.

More than 8,000 warriors from villages all over New Mexico, drove out the Spanish back into New Spain.

12 Years until restored back to the original inhibitions; however rulers of Spain had far greater concerns. Other nations of Europe had begun to establish colonies in America.

Page 33: 1. Describe the voyages of Columbus and his contemporaries. 2. Describe the Spanish Conquests of the Aztecs and the Inca. 3. Identify the effects of Spanish


McNally, Rand. "Spain Builds An American Empire." World History. McDougal Littell, 2009. 553-59. Print.