1 - format thesis

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  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    By: Dr. Adzrool Idzwan Hj. IsmailHead of research (Innovation)

    Research Management InstitiuteUniversiti Teknologi MARA


  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    No degree if you

    failed tocomplete !

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis



    Limitation: 5,000 - 6,000 words

    Type of font: Arial, Times New Roman, Times, Palatino& Garamond

    Size of font: Main texts : 12 point (normal), Headings /

    Sub Headings : 14 point (bold), Footnotes : 8 point

    Spacing: 1.5

    Margin : top: 3.0cm, Right: 2.5cm, Left: 4.0cm,bottom:3.0cm

    binding : Maroon hard cover

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis



    Laser jet printing

    A4 paper

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Writing Language

    Compulsory in ENGLISH

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    Thesis contents- usually:

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 2: Statement of Problem / Literaturereview

    Chapter 3: Research Approach / Methodology

    Chapter 4: Data Analysis & Finding

    Chapter 5: Conclusion and Suggestions

    (additional chapter : depend on your supervisor)

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Chapter 1 : Introduction:

    - Problem background-background to the topic /issue

    - Problem statement / research question

    - Rationale of the study

    - Significance: what benefit / what implication of your research.

    - Objective

    - Definition of term used.

    - Hypothesis (what results do you expect to obtain)

    - Scope and limitations : what will the study cover?What will leaveout?

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    Chapter 2 : Literature review

    *What is the current status about thetopic/ issue?

    *What previous studies have been carriedout on areas related to topics.


    hat method they used

    *What are findings of previous studies

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Chapter 3: Methodology

    ) - Type of research : qualitative orquantitative researchsurvey interview,questionnaire, observation, experimental

    ) -Who is your target population?

    ) - Sampling method : example : randomsampling or

    ) - Data analyzes method .

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Contents arrangement

    No page

    1 Blank page

    2 Title i

    3 Acknowledgment ii

    4 Abstract iii

    5 List of Contents iv

    6 List of table v

    7 List of figures / pictures vi

    8 List of abbreviations vii

    9 List of attachments vii

    10 Text (based on Chapter) Page 1,2, 350 (example..)

    11 Bibliography 51

    12 Attachments 52

    13 Blank page

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    What to research?

    + You are encouraged to do aresearch that parallel with your finalproject-

    + Or your writing could be in form ofproject report.support in your final projectpresentation.

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis



    According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize"means

    - to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own

    - to use (another's production) without crediting the source

    - to commit literary theft

    - to present as new and original an idea or product derived from anexisting source.

    In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealingsomeone else's work and lying about it afterward.http://www.plagiarism.org/learning_center/what_is_plagiarism.html(2/1/09)

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    The penalty for plagiarism

    - is usually determined by your supervisor.

    - In many schools and colleges, it could

    involve failure for the paper- and it could mean failure for the entire


    and even expulsion from school.- Ignorance of the rules about plagiarism is

    no excuse, and carelessness is just as

    bad as purposeful violation

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Important notice

    Get approval from your supervisor

    before you start research

    Class attendance or supervise session

    with your lecture : minimum 8 times for a


  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Thesis Assessments

    Introduction (purpose) 10%

    Methodology (procedure) 40%

    Finding 20%

    Conclusion 20%

    Language & presentation 10%

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    - Passing mark is 50%- So dont worry :

    possibility to fail is very small

    - Please not run away from yr lecture, but catchthem

  • 8/8/2019 1 - Format Thesis


    Thank you

    Refered to: En Sabki Md Nor