1 knowing electromagntic disclaimer: the information contained within of these pages solely is for...

MOBILE RAD GUARD the protection sticker 1 KNOWING ELECTROMAGNTIC Disclaimer: The information contained within of these pages solely is for information and educational purpose only. Nothing set forth herein is intended to be medical advice. www.mobileradguard.co m {Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved}

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Slide 2 1 KNOWING ELECTROMAGNTIC Disclaimer: The information contained within of these pages solely is for information and educational purpose only. Nothing set forth herein is intended to be medical advice. www.mobileradguard.com { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} Slide 3 What is Electrosmog and its symptoms: Electrosmog is the invisible electromagnetic radiation resulting from the use of both wireless technology and mains electricity. The most common sources of wireless electrosmog are: DECT Digital Cordless phones Cordless baby alarms Mobile towers Mobile phones Wireless networks Electrosmog Symptoms include: Headaches Allergies Brain cancer (adult and child Disruptive sleep patterns Alzheimer's Disease Breast cancer (male and female) Depression Blood pressure (raised) Depression (also leading to suicide) Chronic fatigue Sleep disturbance Behavioral patterns in children Electro sensitivity Skin complaints Hypersensitivity and erratic blood pressure Heart disease Hormone changes Leukemia (adult and child) Miscarriage Immune system damage Nerve damage Sperm abnormalities DNA damage has also been identified as a potential problem area as a result of both RF and ELF exposure. DNA damage can have direct consequences in cancer Children, the elderly and anyone with a lowered immune system are most at risk from the health effects. The health effects from electrosmog can take 10 20 years to manifest themselves, however for some, the effect can appear immediately 2 www.mobileradguard.com { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} Slide 4 How electromagnetic field generated: A- Natural: The Earth as a composite whole solar system has its own magnetic, gravitational and other fields, which are superimposed on the field throughout the solar system. The electromagnetic field generated by the charge in an oscillatory circuit, creates two components: Heat (energy) Non-thermal - vortex electric field created by changing the gradient of magnetic induction. To neutralize the induced electric field effect is used molded waves. Constant exposure to electromagnetic fields on the population has significant social consequences, in terms of risk of chronic diseases. Health protection is justified economically active population, and since confirmed by studies of the harm caused by electromagnetic fields, protecting humanity from the electromagnetic radiation becomes a global concern. Humans and animals are sensitive to many wave forms heat, light, sound, vibrations in the ground as well as geomagnetic energy. The Earth's magnetic field is generated in the fluid outer core by a self-exciting dynamo process. Electrical currents flowing in the slowly moving molten iron generate the magnetic field 3 www.mobileradguard.com Copyright { (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} Slide 5 4 We use a huge amount household,office appliances, mobile phone, wireless devices on daily basis and do not think about how is dangerous To our health. Despite the fact that our planet has a natural electromagnetic background; it is not harmful to human health, as antennas or devices that transmit radio signals that exceed many times the power of the electromagnetic field of the Earth. And although we do not see it, the electromagnetic field is very strong impact on the human body and can cause the growth of malignant tumors, lead to increased fatigue, reduced mental capacity, memory and much more. Electromagnetic waves from mobile phone handset are absorbed by the tissues of the head, in particular tissues of the brain, retina, optic structures, the vestibular and auditory analyzers, and the radiation effects as separate entities, and the organism as a whole suffer nervous, cardio vascular and endocrine system. The problem is that electromagnetic waves are not tangible senses. But electromagnetic radiation affects the circulatory and endocrine system, brain, eyes and nervous system. If you work is connected to a computer and wireless devices, you should pay attention, if increased fatigue, headaches became frequent. In the occurrence of these symptoms plays and important role electromagnetic radiation. It will take decades, and you may run into serious problems the impact of electromagnetic radiation can lead to ontological diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases, blood disorders. { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 6 Today s 50% of infertile families. And including the young family of 18-25 year olds! In the early suppression of radiation the immune system (thyroid gland) is faster. Infectious diseases occur in the more severe form, with the prospect of complications in the formation of the body. Diseases peculiar to the elderly appear young - heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc. not to mention cancer.. The power of Mobile Phone radiation absorbed directly in the head. Cell phones are currently the most intense microwave emitters of appliances and put them to the head, the most sensitive organ - pure madness. Children should only use mobile phones for essential purposes and keep all calls short. 5 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 7 Recommendations to Protect Children from EMF. Notice that the child's relationship with the Wi-Fi devices is not always normal and harmless. Nervousness, depression behavior, headaches, eye fatigue, unexplained craving a child to the computer screen and wireless devices, to the detriment of other activities and affairs - this is only the visible part of the defeat of health and psyche of the child. Brain cells are very sensitive. Direct over-brain radiation monitor inhibits its activity, reduces the oxygen supply of brain cells and leads to a reduction or degradation of cognitive development. The defeat of the child's growing body radiation is much more dangerous and destructive than an adult. Deformation of the child's mind is immediately at all levels. In the state of oxygen deficiency, the excitation of brain activity under the influence of radiation, it is particularly easy to clean,. Given the central role of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus in the human psyche, we can expect that their long-term re-over-radiation monitor can lead to mental illness. Radiation inhibits an important part of the brain - the pituitary gland. This leads to considerable disruption and destruction of the hormonal system.. Lack of hormones in the growing organism, a disaster. We get a small build, weak skeleton, muscle immaturity, "weedy" of the body, delayed sexual development and pathology of sexual function. Impotence has ceased to be a "privilege" of the elderly. 6 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 8 Recommendations to Protect from EMF. Recommended that the length of mobile phone use be limited, and that one switches the phone into standby mode when carrying the phone near the heart (i.e. breast pocket) or near organs (i.e. pants pocket). It is also recommended, as with the use of other cordless telephones or infant telecoms, that a safe distance of 2 meters is observed. With the advent of mobile communications, a wide spectrum of immediate and potentially dangerous factors has been introduced to our environment, whose long-term effects (over several generations) are still unknown. For humans this impact can lead to insufficient sleep quality, loss of vitality, headaches, tinnitus, lack of concentration, decreased mental and physical resilience, as well as increased stress placed upon the cardiovascular system. According to international research this list goes on to encompass more severe medical conditions such as an increased risk of cancer, genetic changes, alteration of the immune system and central nervous system. The disturbance of the sleep phase evidently has particularly serious consequences. pregnant women who regularly use mobile phones could increase the risk of their children behaving badly Keep cell phone out of your bra It studied the effects over a 12 month period. Adult males were to carry a cell phone on their right hip for 11 hours a day. At the end of the study, bone mineral density and bone mineral content were measured using dual-energy x- ray absorptiometry. On the face of it, just using the x-ray machine seems to be one of those cases where simply "observing" the subject can affect the results. men who wear cell phones near their groin risk reductions in their sperm count by up to 30 per cent. the cell phone in a trouser pocket in talk mode may negatively affect spermatozoa and impair male fertility. 7 www.mobileradguard.com { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} Slide 9 The destruction of health occurs gradually, with the accumulation, and leads to signs of incipient disease. The earliest manifestations of the effects of radiation on a woman are the complaints of weakness, irritability, fatigue, memory loss, vision. Pains in the heart, there are jumps in blood pressure. Regular exposure to even small doses causes a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland, adrenal suppression and sexual function. Hormone leads to premature aging, overweight and facial defects. Endocrinologists describe the prospect of a deficit of hormones than we do 1583 survey of women conducted in Oakland (California, USA), Kaiser Medical Center, found that women, more than 20 hours per week using computer terminals, the risk of miscarriage in the early and late stages of pregnancy to 80% higher than in women, that perform the same job without the display terminals. According to scientists in Sweden there is a 90% probability that the user is 1.5 times more abortions, and they have a child with birth defects is 2.5 times higher than women of other professions pregnant women who regularly use mobile phones could increase the risk of their children behaving badly. 8 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 10 Do you use Baby Alarms or Listening devices? Children are more vulnerable from exposure to any form of electromagnetic energy, such as that generated by Baby alarms or listing devices. This is because of their developing nervous systems, so there is a greater absorption of energy in their tissue and also a longer lifetime of exposure. Parents responsibility is buy many products for the safety of their babies and to make their lives as easy as possible. A wireless baby alarms / listening / monitor devices are often some of those products. But they may be not knowing about the possible dangers of these harmless devices. Do you talk on mobile phone? Mobile phones use pulsed radio frequency signals that do not exist in the natural electromagnetic spectrum of the Earth. The result is an "electromagnetic pollution" (electro smog), which reduces the energy required environmental regulations for the preservation of health and vitality and can increase the regulatory burden of the organism. Interference with the subtle signals of the human bio-field frequencies are equally inevitable. For the biological cause debilitating effects seems the potential of information technology generated vibrations to be responsible and not the force field pulls itself long term, the increased regulation effort usually disorders of cardiac rhythm after themselves. 9 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 11 Do you work at your computer? Know that your body is exposed to strong electromagnetic radiation from two sides, because its source is not only a monitor, but the computer system unit. If you are after using the computer reduced the level of perception, there is dizziness and fatigue, is an occasion to once again think about what is causing these anxiety symptoms. Do you watch TV? We all love to relax and sit at the TV, watch your favorite film or program. But this is awfully nice work can not only lead to problems with vision, but also harm the body by radiation. In fact, working from the TV comes something like a faint X-rays, which are under constant exposure may lead to a variety of serious diseases, including cancer. Therefore, the pleasures do not have to give up, but to protect your body a must. Do you talk by DECT cordless telephone: All modern digital cordless phones (DECT emit the same type of pulsed microwave radiation (about 1.8 GHz) as ordinary mobile phones. Emissions can be about 6 V/m within a meter of the base unit, for as long as it is plugged in. These base stations emit their radiation even when the phone is not in use. All DECT base units emit microwaves continuously 24 hours a day as long as they are plugged in. 10 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 12 We do not see electromagnetic radiation, cannot hear it, does not feel its smell, and therefore believe that more or less in order. When human come inhabitant with such familiar devices as microwave, computer, wireless devices, mobile phone, television and other appliances; it seems there are not dangerous. However, such belief is fundamentally wrong. From exposure to electromagnetic radiation may have serious health problems, it has been confirmed in clinical studies as far back as 80 years of the twentieth century. But scientists today have found a way to protect against this invisible treacherous enemy. Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible. Different people deal with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in different ways, according to their sensitivity. Nevertheless, the reactions are manifold and the number of sensitive people is on the rise. With the advent of mobile communications, a wide spectrum of immediate and potentially dangerous factors has been introduced to our environment, whose long-term effects (over several generations) are still unknown. For humans this impact can lead to insufficient sleep quality, loss of vitality, headaches, tinnitus, lack of concentration, decreased mental and physical resilience, as well as increased stress placed upon the cardiovascular system. According to international research this list goes on to encompass more severe medical conditions such as an increased risk of cancer, genetic changes, alteration of the immune system and central nervous system. The disturbance of the sleep phase evidently has particularly serious consequences. 11 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 13 Todays diverse use of modern technology appears to be impossible without the use of electrical current and high-frequency radiation. At present, the fields of mobile communications technology are approximately ten to one hundred times of those emissions created by television and radio transmitters. We are, however, only at the beginning of a phase of development which will bring with it an increasing number of applications requiring wireless communication. It is not only mobile telephones, interior antennas, laptops and computer networks that transmit information wirelessly, but also smoke alarms and measuring devices. Scientists today have found a way to protect against this invisible treacherous enemy. Therefore future is your hand by protecting you, your family and beloved ones. Best way to buy EMF protection product is study and research how EMF production products function and effectiveness. The intention of the information field of programmed MOBILE RAD GUARD is to restore a natural order in the structures of the technical energy fields. 12 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 14 How MOBILE RAD GUARD Function: MOBILE RAD GUARD makes a 1.5 meter closed circle shield around device; therefore it gives more protection to user of device. MOBILE RAD GUARD neutralize, harmonize and make an order human-made electromagnetic radiation similar to natural electromagnetic radiation which it is exist on earth This way we achieve neutral energy, which is not harmful for human being. It is important to know MOBILE RAD GUARD does not block and reduce electromagnetic radiation but neutral it ; therefore there is no mal-function on devices and in the contrary make them better function MOBILE RAD GUARD is a physically informed foil Aluminum, proven to protect the human body from the effects of hurtful energy components when using mobile communication devices. Is a technical innovation. Medically and Physically tested. MOBILE RAD GUARD Proven to work as a result of its unique programming. Has no comparable product on the market Offers a profitable price / perform MOBILE RAD GUARD neutralize the weakening and harming effects on the organism caused by information from technically generated electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile telephones and similar devices using wireless technology. MOBILE RAD GUARD rearranges the energy information component of the technical oscillation, erases the negative potential and consequently creates a natural frequency pattern. 13 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 15 Effectiveness of the MOBILE RAD GUARD The MOBILE RAD GUARD was developed especially for the neutralization of the biologically interfering or damaging effect of the radiation from Mobile phones, baby monitors, iPhone and Android Phones with Wi-Fi. Pulsed microwaves, as they are used for the wireless communication, do not seem in the natural electromagnetic spectrum of the earth. Therefore, interferences of the technical energy fields with the natural signals of the control of the organism are inevitable. It is recognizable from researches that the lacking order of the technical energy fields is to be looked as a cause about biological incompatibility. The field of information of the MOBILE RAD GUARD produces the natural order in the radiation area of all WLAN and radio uses again. Besides, the available energy fields are not reduced, i.e. purely measuring -technically the electric smog is preserved in the sphere. The most important quality of the life is the physical order. The majority of the people suffer not from illnesses, but from disturbances of the regularization by the lacking order in the life sphere which can lead stealthily to the defend illness. Therefore, the proof of the effect of the MOBILE RAD GUARD is especially visible in the regularization process of the human organism as numerous biophysical investigations point. The reduction of the biological effect of the radiation from Mobile phones with use of the MOBILE RAD GUARD was proved by scientific studies persuasive. 14 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 16 The human body and nature communicate reciprocally with electromagnetic oscillations which are of he same quality as the oscillations produced by technology for communication. A reciprocal influence is inevitable. In particular the energy-information component of the electric field is causing unintentional malfunctions on strategically important parts of the body through quantal-information interference, which can eventually lead to health problems. Different people react or cope with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in different ways, according to their sensitivity. Nevertheless, the reactions are manifold and the number of sensitive people is on the rise. With the advent of mobile communications, a wide spectrum of immediate and potentially dangerous factors has been introduced to our environment, whose long-term effects (over several generations) are still unknown. For humans this impact can lead to insufficient sleep quality, loss of vitality, headaches, tinnitus, lack of concentration, decreased mental and physical resilience, as well as increased stress placed upon the cardiovascular system. According to international research this list goes on to encompass more severe medical conditions such as an increased risk of cancer, genetic changes, alteration of the immune system and central nervous system. The disturbance of the sleep phase evidently has particularly Serious consequences. 15 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com Slide 17 16 www.mobileradguard.com { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} Slide 18 For More information and order contact us: Phone +1-818-666-1086 E-mail [email protected]@mobileradguard.com 17 { Copyright (C) 2012 www.mobileradguard.com All Rights Reserved} www.mobileradguard.com