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Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» Программа дисциплины [Введите название дисциплины] для направления/ специальности [код направления подготовки и «Название направления подготовки» ] подготовки бакалавра/ магистра/ специалиста Санкт-Петербургский филиал федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" Факультет Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента Программа дисциплины Стратегический менеджмент для направления 38.04.02 «Менеджмент» подготовки магистра для магистерской программы Стратегическое управление логистикой Автор программы: Т.Ю. Грищенко, доцент, к.э.н., [email protected] Согласована начальником ОСУП в магистратуре «_____»_________201 г. Т.И. Видяева _____________________ Утверждена академическим советом ОП «Стратегическое управление логистикой» «_____»_________201 г. Академический руководитель ОП В.С. Лукинский _____________________

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Санкт-Петербургский филиал федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального

образования "Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики"

Факультет Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента

Программа дисциплины Стратегический менеджмент

для направления 38.04.02 «Менеджмент» подготовки магистрадля магистерской программы Стратегическое управление логистикой

Автор программы:Т.Ю. Грищенко, доцент, к.э.н., [email protected]

Согласована начальником ОСУП в магистратуре «_____»_________201 г.

Т.И. Видяева _____________________

Утверждена академическим советом ОП «Стратегическое управление логистикой»

«_____»_________201 г.Академический руководитель ОП

В.С. Лукинский _____________________

Санкт-Петербург, 201_

Настоящая программа не может быть использована другими подразделениями университета и другими вузами без разрешения кафедры-разработчика программы.

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The Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education "National Research University - Higher School of Economics"

St. Petersburg Faculty of Economics and Management

Course Title«Strategic Management»

Master’s Program 38.04.02 «Strategic Management in Logistic»

Author: Tatiana Yu. Grishchenko, Associate Professor, [email protected]

Saint-Petersburg, 2014This document may not be reproduced or redistributed by other Departments of the University with-

out permission of the Author

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1 Scope and normative referencesThe elective course «Strategic management» is designed for educators, teaching assistants and for

the first-year students of the Master’s program «Strategic management in Logistics».

The course is developed in accordance with: Educational standard of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) for

the field of study 38.03.02 «Management». http://spb.hse.ru/s_plan Work plan of the Master’s programme «Strategic management in Logistics» for the field of study

38.03.02 «Management», Curriculum of the Master's degree programme "Strategic logistics management" for the field of

study 38.03.02 «Management», approved on 04/24/2014.

2 Student Learning Goals: Course GoalsAs the world becomes a more complex place to operate logistically it is necessary to empower stu-

dents with a hands-on experience strategies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. This course pro-vides the theoretical framework and practical experience of strategic management in unpredictable and rapidly changing business environment.

The main goal of the course is to develop advanced skills and competency in fundamental under-standing, evaluating, and implementing successful company strategies. The course concentrates on modern analytical approaches and on enduring successful strategic practices.The course objectives:

to develop students’ capacity to think strategically about a company, its business position; to integrate and apply understanding of the functional areas of business to Strategic Management

theory; to build student’s skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of industries and competitive

situations; to learn to implement strategic management tools and methods for particular situations in

organization and to gain sustainable competitive advantage by solving the strategic problems of organization.

3 Student’s Competencies The course develops the following competencies:



Descriptors - the learning outcomes (the indicators of


Teaching forms and methods of that con-tribute to the develop-ment of a competence

Be able to reflect on (evaluate and process) assimilated scien-tific methods and activities

СК-1 Show the ability of indepen-dent scientific and research work

Lectures, Seminars, Teamwork,

Case write-ups, Assignments

Be able to organize a multilat-eral (including, intercultural) communication and control it

СК-7 Show the ability of English language communicating skills during problem discus-sions and presentations, ap-propriately prepare and

Problem discussions,Teamwork,


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Descriptors - the learning outcomes (the indicators of


Teaching forms and methods of that con-tribute to the develop-ment of a competence

present the results of team-work

Be able to use the methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis and modeling, theoret-ical and experimental research in the field of management


Show the links between the models, methods of quantita-tive and qualitative analysis and practices in real business contexts, analyze their ade-quacy and adapt to specific strategic management objec-tives

Lectures, Seminars,Teamwork,

Case write-ups,Assignments

Be able to plan and implement projects and activities aimed at realizing strategies inorganizations


Reproduce the knowledge achieved from lectures and seminars for strategy devel-opment process and decision making

Lectures, Seminars,Teamwork,

Case write-ups,Assignments

Be able to select and validate tool means, modern informa-tion technologies for informa-tion processing in accordance with the intended management objectives, to analyze calcula-tion results and to justify man-agement recommendations


Show the links between mathematical models and practices in real business contexts and reproduce the data to solve problems

Lectures, Seminars,Teamwork,

Case write-ups,Assignments

4 The Course in the Structure of the CurriculumThe course is designed to integrate the knowledge gained in other courses in educational program. It

is a “big picture” course about "strategy" and about "managing for success." This course is concerned on strategy issues at the business unit level with the emphasis on logistics business. The topics covered in the course include the development of competitive advantage through commitment, environment screening, competitor analysis, the organizational response to environmental changes.

The content of the course has all of the ingredients needed to keep students’ interest and attention. The course materials, including cases, particular business situations, and assignments for the teamwork provide students with real life experiences using what-if analysis to create an effective strategy.

The course «Strategic Management» is elective. Prior to this course students must attend following courses in Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Information Systems in Management, and Hu-man Resource Management.

The main provisions of the course should be used for further studies of the following courses: Strategic management of logistics infrastructure, Strategic development of the company's distribution net-work.

Upon the completion of the Course the student is supposed to

know: the basic terms and concepts of strategic planning and management of companies;

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the basic tools of analysis and methods of strategic management in organizations; the main current trends and processes happened in global environment; the features of the logistics strategies implementation;

be able to do: apply research methodology in the field of strategic management; apply the classical models of strategic analysis of the external and internal environment of

5organization; be able to use the strategic analysis methods of the industry and competitive environment; effectively apply the tools and technology of portfolio analysis;

gain skills (experience): skills of company mission development, goals and tasks setting; skills of planning and organizing of analytic activities and strategic decision making on the basis of

conducted analysis; advanced skills in applying methods and frameworks in the field of strategic management to the

real business life; skills of independent scientific and research work; skills of qualitative and quantitative analysis for strategy development process; skills of teamwork and presentations; Increased skills in English language, including writing skills and oral presentations.

5 The Course Plan

№ Themes Total amount of hours

Teaching Activities(classroom hours),



(hours)Lectures Seminars

1 Introduction /Strategic Management

14 2 2 10

2 External Environment 14 2 2 103 Internal Environment 14 2 2 104 Entry Strategies 28 4 4 205 Corporate Strategy 21 3 3 156 Business Strategy 21 3 3 15

7 International Strategy 14 2 2 108 Implementation/Leading

Strategically14 2 2 10

Total: 144 20 20 104

6 Grading Forms

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Type of Control

Form ofcontrol

1 academic yearDepartment Parameters1 2 3 4

IntermediateControl of stu-


Short test* * Department of


One questionevery seminar

(10-15 minutes)

Case study

Department of management

Two case write-ups(timing depends on

the case)Two case studies for student’s teamwork

discussions(timing depends on

the case)Final

appraisal ExamDepartment of management

Written Test(30 minutes)

Students will individually prepare case analyses in written form and teamwork with the following oral presentation. There is no single correct answer to a case study. The key to a good case analysis is to carefully read the case study, analyze the given information, apply relevant strategic management concepts, models and frameworks and evaluate possible courses of action.

The case write-ups Two cases write-ups are required. In essence, the paper should demonstrate that the student care-

fully analyzed the case, and has a coherent view on how the company should develop a strategy. Be clear and concise. Case discussions should be about 2-3 pages, double-spaced, Times Roman font, size 12 point, normal, range left. In guiding the case analyses student can follow the questions that are given for each case in the assignments section.

6.1 Grading CriteriaGrading criteria for the case study analysis:

clear understanding of the material presented; writing competency and clarity of the arguments; effective communication and analysis in response to the research questions; support of students’ arguments with references to the materials; appropriateness of concluding statements; ease and logic writing style.

Grading criteria for assessment of the results of teamwork: knowledge of the material, the ability to communicate the material, the ability to complement the answers, the ability to ask important questions and to formulate the problem, the ability to prepare and present reports

Final Course GradeFinal exam will be conducted in the written form. The final exam will have multiple choice test.

The test is based upon the material from the lectures and seminars. The test has twenty-five questions with four possible answers. The final exam will be held during finals week of appropriate module. Duration of final exam: 30 minutes for test.

6.2 Grading Procedure

Overall grades are based on work products that address grade level standards of HSE. Grades should reflect student performance during the course implementation. Within each topic grades shall be

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determined and recorded using forms of home assignment, teamwork, case study writing, class participa-tion and final exam evaluation table.

Evaluating the performance of students educator takes into account the students' activity on lectures and seminars and the results of case write-ups and teamwork discussions. Grades for work on lectures and seminars teacher puts in the work sheet. The resulting score on a 10-point scale for their work on lec-tures and seminars is determined before an intermediate or final control- Оclassroom

.Educator evaluates student’s work by the quality of assignments presented in Section 7. The resulting estimate for final control in the form of an written exam exhibited by the following

formula, where Оfinal  - assessment for working directly on the exam:

Оfinal = 0,3· Оexam + 0,25· Оhomeassignment + 0,25· Оteamassignment +0,2· Оclassroom

The grade assigned for the final control is blocking; in case of unsatisfactory final grade it is equiv-alent to the resultant grade. Final control grade will be put in the diploma supplement, which is the resul-tant assessment of student performance.

7 The Course ContentTheme 1: Introduction / Strategic ManagementIntroduction to the nature of strategic management. The role of the strategy in organizations. Common themes on strategy. The concept of strategy. Levels of Strategy. Corporate strategy. Business strategy. Functional strategies. Mission, objectives, goals. Strategic role of managers at different levels in an organization. Main pitfalls of the strategic planning.References:Key References1. Peters, Thomas J., Waterman, Robert H. (1982). In Search of Excellence: Lessons from Amer-

ica's Best Run Companies. USA: New York, Harper & Row.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2082/eds/detail/detail?sid=8cd8b8b4-b6b5-416d-ad8b-4823bacbd94c%40sessionmgr112&vid=0&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edseru&AN=050045ar

2. Porter, M.E. (2008), The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard Business Review, (January). P. 86-104.https://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2076/eds/detail/detail?vid=11&sid=22bb9e2b-f1db-437b-aed5-c7f434894759%40sessionmgr198&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=buh&AN=28000138

3. Porter, M. E. (1996), What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, Vol. 74, No. 6 (Novermber-December), p. 61–78.https://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2076/eds/detail/detail?vid=9&sid=22bb9e2b-f1db-437b-aed5-


Supplementary Reading1. Hill, Charles W.L., Gareth R. Jones (2012). Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Ap-

proach. Cengage Learning, 10th ed.2. Nag, R.; Hambrick, D. C.; Chen, M.-J (2007), What is strategic management, really? Inductive

derivation of a consensus definition of the field, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 28, No. 9, p. 935–955.

3. Moncrieff, J. (1999), Is strategy making a difference, Long Range Planning Review, Vol.32 No.2, p. 273–276.

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Assignment: Strategic Management. New history.

Theme 2: External EnvironmentMain global trends, influencing strategies of MNCs. Competitiveness and globalization. External environment analysis. PEST or PESTEL framework.References:Core TextbookLasserre, Phillipe (2003). Global Strategic Management. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-211.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2082/eds/detail/detail?sid=6f3dad19-50b5-4d9c-af86-c0e381d5e790%40sessionmgr113&vid=0&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edsebk&AN=117056

Supplementary ReadingGhemawat, Pankaj (2001), Distance still Matters: The Hard Reality of Global Expansion, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 79, No. 8, p. 137-147. http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2082/eds/detail/detail?sid=a4b06026-925c-44ee-98ca- d9bb90935fde


Assignment: PEST / PESTEL analysis, environment screening

Theme 3: Internal EnvironmentInternal Analysis. Value chain analysis. Corporate appraisal. SWOT analysis. TOWS analysis. Achieving competitive advantage. Strategic options and choice. Strategic direction. Strategic methods. Evaluation of strategic options.References: Core Textbook Lasserre, Phillipe (2003). Global Strategic Management. Palgrave Macmillan, p. 187-211.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2082/eds/detail/detail?sid=6f3dad19-50b5-4d9c-af86-c0e381d5e790%40sessionmgr113&vid=0&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edsebk&AN=117056Supplementary Reading1. Ansoff, I., Antoniou, P. (2006). The Secrets of Strategic Management: The Ansoffian

Approach. BookSurge Publishing.2. Collis, D. J. & Montgomery, C. A. (1998). Creating corporate advantage. Harvard Business

Review, Vol. 76, No.3, p. 71–83.Assignment: SWOT/TOWS analysis of a logistic company

Theme 4: Entry StrategiesCompetitive environment. Porter’s five5-force model. Threat of entry. Pressure from substitute products. Bargaining power of buyers. Bargaining power of suppliers. Rivalry among the existing competitors. References: Core TextbookKamran, Qeis (2013). Complexity the Sixth Competitive Force that Shapes Strategy: A Cybernetics Approach to 'Porter's Five Forces Model' in Turbulent and Complex. SSRN Working Paper Series.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/abiglobal/docview/1322043169/BD795CB70EEB4E58PQ/1?accountid=45451Supplementary Reading

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1. Ansoff, I., Nakamura G.I. (2007). Strategic Management Classic Edition. Palgrave Macmillan, 1st ed.

2. Ansoff, I., Antoniou, P. (2006). The Secrets of Strategic Management: The Ansoffian Approach. BookSurge Publishing.

3. Ansoff, Igor (1965). Corporate Strategy. McGraw Hill. 4. Ansoff, I. (1957) Strategies for Diversification, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 35, No. 5

(Septem- ber-October), p. 113-124.5. Porter, M.E. (2008), The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard Business

Review, (January). P. 86-104.6. Prior to class: Video: the Interview with Michael Porter. The Five Competitive Forces That

Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review. Available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0anqeLM3J8

Case: Shannon airport: the Aeroflot Connection

Theme 5: Corporate StrategyMain corporate strategies, their special features. Hierarchy of corporate goals. The components of a corporate mission statement. “Pro and contra” concentrating in one industry. Types of integration. Vertical integration and alternatives. Diversification. 7S McKinsey framework. VRIO model.References:Core TextbookHunger, J. (2007). Essentials of strategic management. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice Hall, 4th ed.Supplementary Reading1. Ansoff, I., Nakamura, G.I. (2007). Strategic Management Classic Edition. Palgrave Macmillan,

1st ed.2. Peters, Thomas J., Waterman, Robert H. (1982). In Search of Excellence: Lessons from Amer-

ica's Best Run Companies. USA: New York, Harper & Row.3. Bacon, T. (2004), “You are how you behave: customers can't be fooled”, Journal of Business

Strategy, Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 35-40.Prior to class:Article/McKinsey Quarterly. Enduring Ideas: The 7-S Framework. March 2008http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/strategy/enduring_ideas_the_7-s_framework Gallo, C. (2012), “How the Ritz-Carlton inspired the Apple Store (video)”, Forbes, available at: http://forbes.com/sites/carminegallo/2012/04/10/how-the-ritz-carlton-inspired-the-apple-store- vid eo/ Case: Values-based organization – Ritz Carlton Abu Dhabi Hotel

Theme 6: Business StrategyTypes of business-level strategies, their advantages and disadvantages. Business strategy tools and technics. References:Core TextbookHunger, J. (2007). Essentials of strategic management. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice Hall, 4th ed.Supplementary Reading1. Mulcaster, W.R. (2009), Three Strategic Frameworks, Business Strategy Series. Vol.10, No.1,

p. 68 – 75.2. Mckeown, Max (2012). The Strategy Book, FT Prentice Hall.Case: Airline Frequent Flyer Programmes

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Theme 7: International Strategy2-hour Lecture and 2-hour seminarInternational business. Globalization drivers. Multidomestic strategy. Global Strategy. Transnational Strategy. Main modes for entering foreign markets. Global alliances. References:Key ReferencesLundan, Sarianna M (2010), What are Ownership Advantages? Multinational Business Review, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Summer), p. 51-69. http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/abiglobal/docview/850888224/75CEC43D5E1A4218PQ/2?

accounti d=45451Supplementary Reading1. Christensen, Clayton (1997). The Innovator's Dilemma. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.2. Dunning, John H., Lundan, Sarianna M. (2008). Multinational Enterprises and the Global

Economy. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing limited, 2nd ed. Assignment: International strategies in the global car industry

Theme 8: Implementation/Leading StrategicallyOrganizational strategy implementation through organization structure. Building blocks of organisation structure. Portfolio of Core Competences. Tactical programmes and decisions. Operational programmes. Formal top-down strategy process.References:Core TextbookHunger, J. (2007). Essentials of strategic management. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice Hall, 4th ed.Supplementary ReadingBartlett, Christopher A., and Meg, Wozny. (1999), GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Case 9-399-150 (April 28).Prior to class: 1. “How Strategists Lead,” by Cynthia A. Montgomery, McKinsey Quarterly

http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/strategy/how_strategists_lead2. Montgomery, Cynthia A. (2008), Putting Leadership Back into Strategy, by Harvard Business

Review, Vol. 86, No. 1 (January), p.54-60. http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/docview/227837541/ADE2C95B90444ABEPQ/1?accountid=45451

3. Isaacson, Walter. (2012), The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs, Harvard Business Review Vol. 90, No. 4, (April ), p.93-102.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/docview/963929059/6D01F4FDAB9144C2PQ/1?accountid=45451

Case: GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership

8 Educational TechnologyThis is a "big picture" course. This trait makes it a truly different kind of course from other courses

in program. In studying the tasks of managing strategy, we shall also tackle another important function: that of trying to integrate much of the knowledge students have gained in the core curriculum. A key aspect during the course is to have an opportunity to observe and assess the strategic management activities. This course provides concrete framework for implementing the strategic management tools and methods.

The Course includes a traditional Lecture-Segment and a student Activity-Segment with the core focus will be on real life situations. The case studies and assignments will be used to illustrate key points of Strategic Management theory.

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The successful completion of the course will increase students' capacity to think strategically about a company, its business position and possible sustainable competitive advantage. During the course stu-dents develop their vital skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of competitive situations.

This course is designed to promote students’ English language skills for a variety of purposes, as well as to give them new knowledge and skills in the field of Strategic Management.

9 Evaluation Tools of Student’s Monitoring and Assessment9.1 Assignments for the students' intermediate control

Classroom student work Assignment: Strategic Management. New history – 40 minutes Case: Shannon airport: the Aeroflot Connection – 60 minutes Assignment: SWOT/TOWS analysis – 60 minutes Assignment: Environmental scanning – 30 minutes Assignment: PEST/PESTEL analysis – 90 minutes Case: Values-based organization – Ritz Carlton Abu Dhabi Hotel – 105 minutes Case: Airline Frequent Flyer Programmes – 110 minutes Assignment: International strategies in the global car industry – 90 minutes Case: GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership – 90 minutes

List of topics for the students' self-study Strategic management in the 21 century Ansoff matrix SWOT analysis framework Porters’ five-forces model 7S McKinsey framework VRIO model The blue ocean strategy

9.2 Questions for the student’s assessment Questions are based upon the material presented during the course. The questions will be similar to, but more general than, the questions for the posting discussions each week.List of preliminary questions for a Final Test

1. What is a recognized prerequisite for market planning?2. What does it mean to be a customer-centric and people-centric organization?3. What strategy could be used to create a unique differentiator from the competition?4. What is the difference between the red and the blue ocean strategy?5. What companies are examples of adopted blue ocean strategy?6. What are the central differences that exist between the development of a corporate and a business

strategy?7. Should corporate strategy be formulated first and then followed by the development of the indi-

vidual business strategies that are part of the corporate portfolio (a top-down approach), or should the business strategies be done first and then followed b the formulation of a corporate strategy (bottom-up approach)?

8. What is the role played by aggregate and granular metrics both in defining a strategy and in moni-toring its execution?

9. What is the role of metrics that contribute to the economic value generated by a strategy?10. Determine what factors of the environment are external and internal for organization. What factors

determines the company’s strategy?

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9.3 Examples of test for intermediate / final controlExample of multichose test for final control: Example of multiple-choice question for final test:Resources to support high net cash overflow and initial losses and ability to use leverage effectively

represent finance area’s capability at which stage of industry evolution?A. GrowthB. IntroductionC. DeclineD. Maturity

10 Educational Guidance and Informational Support of the Course

10.1 Core Textbooks1. Hunger, J. (2007). Essentials of strategic management. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Prentice

Hall, 4th ed.2. Lasserre, Phillipe (2003). Global Strategic Management. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-211.


10.2 Key references1. Ansoff, I., Nakamura, G.I. (2007). Strategic Management Classic Edition. Palgrave Macmillan, 1st

ed.2. Dunning, John H., Lundan, Sarianna M. (2008). Multinational Enterprises and the Global Econ-

omy. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing limited, 2nd ed.3. Isaacson, Walter. (2012), The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs, Harvard Business Review

Vol. 90, No. 4, (April ), p.93-102.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/docview/963929059/6D01F4FDAB9144C2PQ/1?accountid=45451

4. Kamran, Qeis (2013). Complexity the Sixth Competitive Force that Shapes Strategy: A Cybernetics Approach to 'Porter's Five Forces Model' in Turbulent and Complex. SSRN Working Paper Series.http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/abiglobal/docview/1322043169/BD795CB70EEB4E58PQ/1?accountid=45451

5. Montgomery, Cynthia A. (2008) Putting Leadership Back Into Strategy, by Harvard Business Review (January) p.54-60. http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2202/docview/227837541/ADE2C95B90444ABEPQ/1?accountid=45451

6. Porter, M.E. (2008), The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard Business Review, (January). P. 86-104.https://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2076/eds/detail/detail?vid=11&sid=22bb9e2b-f1db-437b-aed5-c7f434894759%40sessionmgr198&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=buh&AN=28000138

7. Porter, M. E. (1996), What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, Vol. 74, No. 6 (Novermber-De-cember), p. 61–78. https://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2076/eds/detail/detail?vid=9&sid=22bb9e2b-f1db-437b-aed5-c7f434894759%40sessionmgr198&hid=104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=buh&AN=9611187954

8. Peters, Thomas J., Waterman, Robert H. (1982). In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best Run Companies. USA: New York, Harper & Row.

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10.3 Supplementary Reading1. Ansoff, I., Antoniou, P. (2006). The Secrets of Strategic Management: The Ansoffian Approach.

BookSurge Publishing.2. Ansoff, Igor (1965). Corporate Strategy. McGraw Hill. 3. Ansoff, I. (1957) Strategies for Diversification, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 35, No. 5 (Septem-

ber-October), p. 113-124.4. Bartlett, C. A., Ghoshal, S. (1995). Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in Cross

Border Management. Burr Ridge, Ill.: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed.5. Bartlett, Christopher A., and Meg, Wozny. (1999), GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's

Leadership, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Case 9-399-150 (April 28).6. Christensen, Clayton (1997). The Innovator's Dilemma. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.7. Collis, D. J. & Montgomery, C. A. (1998). Creating corporate advantage. Harvard Business Re-

view, Vol. 76, No.3, p. 71–83.8. Collis, D. J. and Montgomery, C. A. (2008), Competing on Resources, Harvard Business Review

(July-August), p. 140-150.9. Dunning, J.H., Lundan, S.M. (2008). Multinational enterprises and the global economy. U.K.: Ed-

ward Elgar.10. Grant, R. (1991). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Cambridge, U.K.: Blackwell Business.11. Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C.K. (1994). Competing for the Future. Boston. MA: Harvard Business

School Press.12. Hill, Charles W.L., Jones, Gareth R. (2009). Essentials of Strategic Management. South-Western

Cengage learning, 2th ed.13. Hill, Charles W.L., Gareth R. Jones (2012). Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Ap-

proach. Cengage Learning, 10th ed.14. Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R. D., Hoskisson, R. E. (2011). Strategic Management: Competitiveness &

Globalization. South-Western Cengage learning, 9th ed.

15. Mckeown, Max (2012). The Strategy Book, FT Prentice Hall.

16. Moncrieff, J. (1999), Is strategy making a difference, Long Range Planning Review, Vol.32 No.2, p. 273–276.

17. Mulcaster, W.R. (2009), Three Strategic Frameworks, Business Strategy Series. Vol.10, No.1, p. 68 – 75.

18. Nag, R.; Hambrick, D. C.; Chen, M.-J (2007), What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 28, No. 9, p. 935–955.

19. Porter, Michael E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Free Press.

20. Prahalad, C.K, Doz Y.L. (1987). The Multinational Mission: Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision. New York: Free Press.

21. Rumelt, R. P., Schendel, D. E., Teece D. J. (1994). Fundamental Issues in Strategy. Boston: Har-vard Business School Press, p. 97-154.

22. Yip, G. S. (2003). Total Global Strategy. Prentice Hall.

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11 Technical ProvisionThe classrooms are equipped with a full complement of audio/visual equipment, including a multi-

media projector, a computer, a sound system. Larger rooms also contain a microphone.