1 the dual system the dual training system in germany

1 The dual system The dual training system in Germany

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Page 1: 1 The dual system The dual training system in Germany


The dual system

The dual training system in Germany

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Dual Training in Germany

Training is mainly provided in the

company – supported by teaching in part-

time vocational school

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• 3-4 days per week

• on the basis of training regulations

• within the framework of a training contract

Partner at the enterprise

Learning at the company

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Vocational training school partners

• 1-2 days per week on average

• on the basis of a framework curriculum

• general & vocational knowledge is taught within the framework of compulsory education

Learning at the vocational training school

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Collaboration between learning locations

Training in the workplace Vocational training school

Legal basis: Vocational Training Act

Legal basis: School legislation in the federal states

Contractual obligation: Training contract

Contractual obligation: Compulsory vocational school attendance

Vocational training regulations – Regulated at a national level

Framework curricula in federal states – Nationally coordinated

Three to four days per week in the workplace

One to two days per week or block sessions in specialised classes

Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) exam

Partner interaction

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Role of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)

monitors advises


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Advantages of the dual system

For businesses:• Tailored occupations for every sector• Trainees’ work adds value• Secures supply of specialist staff

For trainees:• Practical training secures employment• Acquisition of specialist and social skills in the workplace• Motivational combination of learning and earning

For the state:• Eases public budgets• Keeps youth unemployment low

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• Demographic changes: Fewer (“mature”) applicants; young high-achievers choose university and full-time education

• Vocational training regulations are often too burdensome for businesses: unable to manage all requirements

• Increasing demands in the world of work: Many fields require a high level of training, but lower-achievers must also be integrated which is hard

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Public financed and supported vocational training

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Vocational training in a dual system

(off-market)training facility,using special

staff and methods

Federal government: (SGB)

Labour office: Local analysis of local need

Non-profit projects:


lack of competence

and ressorces

• Private non-profit companies i.e. Bildungsmarkt

• Public (regional) call for bids. Approx. 3-5 years contracts

Vocational training for youth with extra needs (SGB II/III + SGB IX)

The “necessity” must be 100% confirmed” by psychologists and counseller for each indivicual before starting VET

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Supporting the individual learner….(Binnendifferenzierung)


- Supporting Theory(Stütz- und Förderunterricht)

- Supporting personal development(Förderplan)

- Preparing for professional work(Übergangsmanagement)

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- Selbstmanagement- Kulturtechniken - lebenspraktische Fertigkeiten

(Alltagsorganisation)- Umgang mit Behörden - Lebensplanung- Gruppenentwicklung- Gruppenbindung

(Arbeitsklima/-atmosphäre)- Teamfähigkeit- Kommunikationsfähigkeit

Focussing on….

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- Konfliktfähigkeit- Leistung- Zeitmanagement- Motivationstraining- IT- und Medienkompetenzen- Drogen und Alkohol- Schuldenprävention- Mobilität- Übergang in Beschäftigung

Focussing on….

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