1... · web viewwould make it a place of fearful gloom. i could not rest if i heard the tread. of a...

CHINGA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FORM 1 AUGUST HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT NAME…………………………………ADMNO……………….CLASS……………… 1. Your class will be visiting Masaai Mara for one week during the August holiday.Write a packing list of items you will carry.(20mks) 2. ORAL SKILLS A) Identify the odd one in each set.(4mks) i. Enough staff dough graph 1

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1. Your class will be visiting Masaai Mara for one week during the August holiday.Write a packing list of items

you will carry.(20mks)


A) Identify the odd one in each set.(4mks)

i. Enough staff dough graph

ii. Depot report rapport debut

iii. Wept debt receipt doubt

iv. Machine chef chess machete


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B) Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.

Narrator: story story!

Audience: Story come!

God created the tortoise, man and stones. Of each he created male and female. He gave life to tortoise and man, but not to the stones. None could have children but when they became old, they did not die, but became young again.

The tortoise, however, whished to have children, and went to God. But God said, ‘I have given you life but I have not given you permission to have children. You always come and ask for children. Do you not realize that when living things have had several children they must die?’

But the tortoise said, ‘let me see my children and die. So God granted his wish.’When man saw that the tortoise had children he too wanted children. God warned man, as he had

the tortoise, that he would die if his wish was granted. But man also said, ‘let me see my children and then die.’That’s how death and children came into the world. Only the stones did not want to have children,

and so they never die.


i) What is the significance of using the words ‘story story’?(3mks)






E) Give the homophones of each of the following words. (2 mks)

(i) Oral

(ii) Colonel -

(iii) Ate

(iv) Berry

(v) Coup

(vi) Rain




Write a letter to the school principal apologising for reporting to schoolone week after opening day.gie adequate

reasons why it happened. (20mks)








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Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.

Most of us know our ______________2 human rights are. We often demand that they be respected. This is as it

should be. Unfortunately, some of us do _____________2 realize that others have a right too. For instance, you have

the right to __________3 loud music. You have to consider if the music would be a nuisance to other people who

want peace and ____________ 4. What about the way we dress? Should we dress to please ourselves? Should you

dress to please others? Definitely, we come first. We must not dress in a way that ____________5 to modesty of

others. Also, many people defend the right to _____________6. They know how harmful this is to our health.

I however strongly believe that smoking should not be done in ______________7. Doing so denies others the right

to enjoy a pollution free environment and ______________8 their health. Remember nobody is likely

to___________9 your rights if you do not respect those of others.

Long live____________10 human rights.

3. (a) (i) Outline the entire riddling cycle.(5mks)






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(ii) Give five songs and state five of their functions(5mks)







iii)Why do we study oral literarure.(5mks)







iv) Define a genre(2mks)



v)List the major genres in oral literature(5mks)







vi)Give 5 qualities of a good story teller(5mks)







(b) Identify the silent letter in the following words (5mks)

(i) Married

(ii) Government

(iii) Half


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(iv) Difference

(v) Wrong

(d) Write down five features of oral narratives.(5mks)






(e) Write a public notice to notify other students from other schools to attend your school cultural day. (5mks)

Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.

An Old Woman and her Deformed Son

There was an old woman whose children died in infancy and only a deformed boy survived to grow into adulthood. The boy was a hunchback.Although the old woman loved this hunchback son of hers, she was secretly ashamed of his physical appearance. She was so ashamed that each day she was on the look – out for visitors who might come around just to make fun of him. To keep him away from the public eye, she used to confine him in a drum most of the time. So, right from his childhood the boy grew up in a drum . He was taken out only a few times during the day when the old woman was sure that there were likely to be no intruders around. When the boy attained circumcision age, he was duly circumcised. After circumcision he said to the old woman, “Mother, I now want a wife, can you please find me a girl to marry!” “Yes, my son”, said the old woman. “I will try. I am indeed very pleased to learn that you are already thinking of a wife.”By and by, the old woman went to look for a suitable girl to marry her son. She approached a pretty girl and asked her whether she would be interested in marrying her son and the girl, promised to think about it. Without disclosing her son’s physical defects to the girl, the old woman set about wooing her intensively. She brought all sorts of gifts to her mother, helped the girl to collect firewood and even helped her with the work in the shamba. Reluctantly the girl gave in and there upon requested the old woman to make the necessary arrangements so that she would meet the future husband. The old woman cunningly suggested that the girl should accompany her to her house where she would be able to meet the boy.

The old woman lived a long way from the girl’s village. On the day when the girl decided to visit her prospective bridegroom, she walked and walked until sunset. It was a very long journey indeed. When she eventually arrived, the old woman pretended that the young man was around and would appear shortly. The girl waited and waited but


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the boy did not appear at all. At bed time the girl was told that the boy was already in bed sleeping. She was shown a separate place to sleep, and thus no opportunity to either see or talk to the boy as would have been expected of people who were planning to live together. Very early in the morning the girl asked the old man, “ Please, where is the boy you want me to marry?” and the woman replied, “ My son woke up early in the morning and went to work in a different village yonder so that he can earn something for your bride price”

Although the girl was visibly disappointed, she tried to conceal her sentiments and appear to be at home with everything around the house. The old woman and the girl went to cultivate in a banana grove. While they were away the boy jumped out of the drum and busied himself about the house with the little chores singing:

Khanenuya munju, mwange, Khanenuye munju mwangeMkhasi nakikhali misilu, maji kakuombelesay musecha kacha Khuema, abele khuchuma nacha sina?Menyile, mukhang’oma, kurumba kuli khumukongo(Let me busy myself in my house. Aren’t women foolish? Mother fooled

her. “Your husband has gone to work.” How could I have gone to work? I just live

in my little drum because I have a hunchback.)The girl heard the boy’s singing but it was so faint that she would neither comprehend the meaning of the song nor even make out as to which direction the sound came from. However, out of curiosity she stopped from time to time and listened. This went on for several days until she started to guess the meaning of the words in the song. On getting the message home, she was quite disturbed. Her suspicion was strengthened by the fact that each morning they left for the shamba without sweeping or washing utensils but on their return they found everything tidy about the house. One day she deceived the old woman by telling her that she was going to attend to the call of nature while in fact her intention was to discover the house and stood listening keenly at the door. She got really upset with the boy’s derogatory song. She pondered with herself, “ So this is my husband to be? A hunch back confined to drum? No wonder the old woman deceived me the way she did. What girl in proper senses could marry a man like that? Anyway what can I do now? I must put an end to this continued bluff…..”

One morning she said to the old woman, “Mother, today will you go to look for firewood while I go to the plantation alone?” The old woman said, “Yes, my daughter, we can share work that way.” She had grown so used to the cheerful and friendly manner of the girl, thinking that she would not mind staying on as her daughter – in law even after discovering that her son was deformed. Indeed she was already contemplating making the revelation to her.

And so each went her separate way. But as soon as the old woman vanished from sight the girl dashed back and stood at the door which had now become a familiar ground for spying on the hunchback. She listened briefly as the boy sang mischievously inside the house. Then she stole a quick glance peeping through a side hole.To her amazement, she saw that he was a real hunchback! Quite oblivious, the boy went on sweeping the floor and singing. The girl felt that she could no longer stand it. She broke into the house suddenly with the intention of beating up the mischievous fellow. But before she could get hold of him he dodged nimbly and slipped back into the drum. Nonetheless, the girl fuming with anger picked up the drum and smashed it on the floor. A pool of blood started oozing from the broken drum. The poor hunchback was dead.Considering it appropriate revenge on the old woman the girl felt no remorse for the action she had taken. She rolled over the cold body of the hunchback as a lump of anger swelled up in her throat. When the old woman returned home and found the mess she had done in the house she screamed at the top of her voice, “ 00h , oh…. Uuuuwee…. Uuuuweeeeeee!” But it was all in vain. The deformed boy whom she had been ashamed of showing to the public was dead and gone forever! Yes, instead of feeling relieved by the burden of shame she now felt great anguish for this loss. After killing the hunchback the girl also disappeared never to be seen again. The poor old woman remained there weeping and feeling quite forlorn.


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(a) Identify two socio – economic activities in the community. Support your answer with the evidence from the

story. (4mks)




What is the role of the song in the narrative? (2mks)



(b) Describe the character of:


(i) The girl




(ii) The old woman



(c) Identify and illustrate any two moral lessons we learn from this narrative





(d) How is the old woman to blame for the tragedy that befell her?




(e) Place this narrative in its correct genre.




Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Bury me in a free land

Make me a grave whatever you will,

In a lowly pain, or a lofty hill;

Make it among earth’s humblest graves’


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But not in a land where men are slaves.

I could not rest if a round my grave

I heard the steps of a trembling slave;

His shadow above my silent tomb

Would make it a place of fearful gloom.

I could not rest if I heard the tread

Of a gang to the shambles led,

And the mother’s shriek of wild despair.

Rise like a curse on trembling air.

By France Watkins Harper (USA)

(i) Show the rhyme scheme of the poem and describe it




ii) Give four pairs of rhyming words.



Identify four pairs of words that are pronounced the same way from the list below. (4mks) Plate flu ware herd rein mare wear

Rain had flew plait mere coach heard.

………………………………………………………..………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………..………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………..………………………………………………

iii) Study the oral literature form below and then answer the questions that follow

Mti mkuu ukigua, wana wa nyuni huyumba.

(when an old tree falls, the baby birds scramper)

a) Classify the above form of oral literature (2mks) ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………


b) Mention three features of style which are common in this form.(3mks) ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………



c) Other than stylistic devices mention other major characteristics of the above form. (3mks) ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………


Farewell Achebe, the literary giant who wrote with a feathery touch


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We lionise people too much when they die in this part of the world. But Chinua Achebe richly deserves all the praise he is getting.

The other literary giants of his age – Wole Soyinka and Ngugi wa Thiong’o – are both great in their own ways.

But the one thing that struck me about Achebe is that he seemed to write with a smile on his face. There was a playful sense of mischief. His sense of humour while addressing serious issues made him thoroughly readable.

I didn’t enjoy Things Fall Apart, possibly because I read it too young. I found Okwonkwo’s end too tragic at an age when all the stories I had heard about community heroes concluded in emphatic triumph.

The creditorBut for no particular reason, the story I remember most is the episode where an angry

creditor comes knocking on the door of Okwonkwo’s father, Unoka.The creditor was thoroughly worked up while Unoka was a picture of calm. After listening

to his creditor’s charges, Unoka pointed to a wall where he showed him several sticks he had drawn indicating how many sacks of yam he owed other people.

“I have many debtors who I owe far more than you but they have not come knocking on my door at dawn,” he said, though that’s not an exact quote (I’m writing this from the memory of books read as a teenager; the literary expert will write more accurate reviews). Here is Achebe addressing the subject of the balance between rashness and bravery in, I think, Anthills of the Savannah. “The coward watches the funerals of his brave neighbour from the dung heap in his compound.” You will struggle to find such multilayered wisdom away from Achebe.

Was it in A Man of the People where a thief barges at the door and the victim simply cries: “God will not agree!” The voice, with a Nigerian accent, pops directly from the page to your ears as you read it.

Something that unites the great writers of Achebe’s era is their direct political activism.The best recent summary of this is to be found in Soyinka’s excellent semi-autobiographical work,

You Must Set Forth at Dawn.The book offers a vivid portrait of the tragedy that is modern Nigeria. Through all the dramas of

coups and wars, the writers were never far from the action.Sadly, the ethnic tensions that will be familiar to Kenyans are never far from the surface.

Soyinka, a proud Yoruba, opposed the Biafra secession movement. Achebe, an Igbo, sided with Biafra. Soyinka tried to organise a conference of writers from both camps that would send a strong message of unity as the nation headed towards war. The Achebe camp boycotted, he writes. (I will now have to look for Achebe’s There was a Country to get his own version of events).

In Kenya, writers such as Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Micere Mugo were at the forefront in searching for solutions to the problems society faced, something that holds lessons for the current generation of writers.

Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieMy former colleague Munyori Buku attended a talk by Achebe at university where he told

them: oyiina kaenacho, zumarizu (where one thing stands, another stands beside it). Having not touched a work of fiction for a decade, I will test that proverb by reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun, which was recommended by Prof. Egara Kabaji in yesterday’s paper.

Meanwhile, we should celebrate, not mourn, Achebe. He achieved a feat only a few dozen people ever will. His work belongs in the category of “permanent literature”. It will be read for as long as man lives.

2(a) What aspect of Achebe’s literary works made them readable? (2 marks)




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(b) How can we tell that the author doesn’t read much. (2 marks)





(c) Identify an instance of irony in the passage. (2 marks)





(d) In note form, relate the encounter between Unoka and his debtor as brought out in the passage.(4 marks)




____________________________________________________________________________(e) What can the current generation of writers in Kenya learn from Ngugi wa Thiong’o and

Micere Mugo?(2 marks)





(g) It will be read as long as man lives. (Add a question tag). (1 mark)




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(h) What is common among the great writers of Achebe’s era? (2 marks)


(i) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage. (3 marks)

(i) Boycotted: _____________________________________________________________


(a) For each of the following words, write another word that is pronounced the same way.


(i) Assistance: ……………………………………………………………………………

(ii) Him: …………………………………………………………………………………..

(iii) Cellar:…………………………………………………………………………………

(iv) Floor:………………………………………………………………………………….

(v) Sees:………………………………………………………………………………….

(b) Circle the odd word from the following groups of words according to the underlined vowel sound(s)


(i) Pulse further fur nurse

(ii) Book zoom shoot boot

(iii) Have fame race fate

(iv) Shake brake same sudden

(v) Barn ban bag hag

(c) Your class has learnt that there is a live performance of the literature texts at a local theatre. The first

person they plan to see is the principal. You being their class prefect is sent to discuss the issue, fill in the

missing responses.

Principal: Come in please, Good afternoon.

You: ……………………………………………………………………... (1mk)

Principal: Oh… Yes what can I do for you?

You: ………………………………………………………………………(1mk)

Principal: (Looking straight at the student, voice raised). How do I come in? I

thought this is a departmental affair. Have you discussed the matter with your subject


You: ………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………….. (2mks)


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Principal: Any issues on academic trips should actually be brought to me by

your teacher.

You: ……………………………………………………………………… (1mk)

Principal: Anyway since the trip will be of good help to all form four students,

I will have a meeting with your teacher.

You: ………………………………………………………………………………..

................................................................................................. (1mk)

Principal: Oh, when is the performance taking place and what are the charges?

You: ………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………….. (2mks)

Principal: That is too soon. Anyway you can leave.



JINA: ……………………………….……………………. NAMBARI. ………… KIDATO …..

1. Andika hotuba ya kamishna wa Polisi kwa maafisa wa kupambana na ugaidi nchini. (Maneno


2. Tunga sentensi tatu tatu kubainisha matumizi ya alama hizi za uakifishaji.

- Kinyota

- Mstari

- Kistari kirefu

- Kifungo

3. Andika barua kwa dada yako aliye Marekani ukimwambia hali ya kisasa ilivyo hapa nchini


4. Tunga sentensi mbilimbili udhihirishe aian zote 8 za maneno.

5. Fafanua miundo yoyote mitatu ya ngeli ya:-






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MATHEMATICS FORM ONENAME: …………………………………………………………ADM NO. ………..… CLASS ………1. Round off the following numbers to the nearest number indicated in the bracket. (a) 473,678 (100)


(b) Thirty eight million, seven hundred and thirty nine, six hundred and nineteen (10,000) (2mks)

2. (a) Arrange the following integers in ascending order (2mks)9, -9, 0, 6, 5, -3, 1, 8, -10

(b) Evaluate 24÷3+4×5−8÷4×10+1(2mks)

3. What must be subtracted from the product of (3mks)

5 12 and

3 13 to get 18


4. Evaluate

0 .234+0 .042.5×6 . 4

5. Find the perimeter of a square whose area is 0.0084m2. (3mks)

6. Given that a=2, b=-5, c=4 and d=-3, find the value of



7. A man bought 10 mangoes at sh.9 each. He ate four and sold the rest at an overall profit of Ksh. 6. Calculate the selling price per mango.



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8. A pavement 540cm long and 140cm wide is to be paved with square tiles. (i) Find the area of the largest tile that can be used without any cutting.


(ii) Find how many such tiles that will cover the pavement. (2mks)

9. Work out


of ( 23+1

2 )×25

of (1 45−1 2

3 )(3mks)

10. Write the following numbers in standard form. (a) 1596.9


(b) 0.0195 (1mk)

11. The average marks for 20 students in a maths exam was 46%. (a) What was the total marks for all the students


(b) The teacher cancelled the exam of one of the students in (a) above who had scored 35%, what was the new average marks.


12. Use mathematical tables to get the value of: (a) 19.42 + 0.2132


(b) √563 - √0 . 0792(3mks)


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13. Use factorization method to get the square root of 7569. (2mks)

14. In the figure below ABCD in a square and BCE in an equilateral triangle. Given that side CE=5cm and that the figure was formed by bending a wire, calculate;

(a) area of the square part of the figure. (2mks)

(b) Length of the wire used. (2mks)

15. In a market 4 oranges cost Sh. 20 while 6 mangoes cost Sh. 30. A lady bought 10 oranges and 15 mangoes and later sold all of them at a total of Sh. 150. Calculate; (a) The total buying price of 1 orange and 1 mango.


(b) The profit the lady made in Ksh. (2mks)


CHEMISTRY FORM ONENAME: ……………………………….…………………………. ADM NO. ………… CLASS …..1. Paper chromatography was carried out on substances P, Q, R, S and T on the chromatography paper. The component of P moved 2 and 6 centimeters from the baseline. Components of Q moved six centimeters from the baseline. Components of R moved 1 and 4 centimetres. Component of S remained on the baseline. Components of T moved 3 and 7 centimeters.

(a) Show the results on a paper chromatography. (4 mks)(b) Which substance are same? Explain. (1 mk)(c ) What does the chromatography show about S. Explain? (1 mk)


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(d) Give the applications of paper chromatography.2. Indicate whether the chemical symbol given for each element in the table below is correct or wrong.

Element Chemical symbol

Correct or wrong

Element Chemical symbol

Correct or Wrong

Sodium So Boron BoArgon Ag Sulphur SLithium Li Silicon SPotassium Po Nitrogen nCarbon C Neon NeFluorine Fl Silver agIron fe Hydrogen HyPhosporous Po Lead Pb Calcium Ca Copper CoAluminium AL Mercury HgChlorine CL Copper Co

3. The diagram below show changes in physical states when a typical sold is heated. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) What is the name given this type of a curve? (1 mk)

(b) Identify the physical process taking place at (i) Region BC

(1 mk)

(ii) Region DE (1 mk)

(c ) State and explain what happen in the following regions.


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(i) AB (2 mks)

(ii) BC (2 mks)

(iii) CD (2 mks)

(iv) DE (2 mks)

4. Identify the most suitable physical method of mixture separation to obtain the following; (10 mks)(a) Water from salt solution.

(b) Kerosene from crude oil.

(c) Ethanol from a mixture of ethanol and water.

(d) Petro from a mixture of kerosene and water.

(e) Coloured substances such as chlorophyll from green leaves.\

(f) Oil from castor oil seeds.

(g) Copper(II)sulphate crystals copper(II)sulphate solution.

(h) Water from mixture of sand and water.(i) Sodium chloride from a mixture of common salt and ammonium chloride.

(j) Sugar from a mixture of sugar and sand.

5. Effects of heat on hydrated cobalt(II)chloride are shown in the flow chart below. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the type of reaction taking place in step 1. (1 mk)(b) Identify the condition necessary for reaction in step 1 to take place. (1 mk)(c) Write words equations for the reactions taking place in:


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(i) Step 1 (1 mk) (ii) Step 1 (1 mk) (d) State and explain the observation made in:

(i) Step 1 (1 mk) (ii) Step 1 (1 mk)6. Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the type of reaction taking place in: (2 mks)(i) Process 1 (ii) Process II

(b) State changes in kinetic energy and intermolecular forces of attraction of iodine molecules in:


(i) Process 1 (ii) Process II7. Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the type of type of processes labeled: (2 mks)

(i) Process A (ii) Process B(b) Identify the conditions necessary for reaction in following processes takes place.

(i) Process A (1 mk) (ii) Process B (2 mks)

(c ) State changes in kinetic energy and intermolecular forces of attraction between sulphur Molecules in:

(i) Process A (1 mk) (ii) Process B (2 mks)

8. Identify the state of matter in which the particles of matter have: (a)Highest kinetic energy (b) Lowest kinetic energy (c ) Highest intermolecular forces of attraction (d) Lowest/Weakest of attraction between particles. 9. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.


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(a) What is observed in the following tubes:(i) Test tube 1 (ii) Test tube 2 (2

mks)(b) Identify the type of reaction taking place in tube 1.(c) Identify the liquid collected at test tube 1. (1 mk)(d) Give the physical and chemical tests for the product formed in test tube 2. (3

mks)(e) What is observed when few drops of the liquid collected in test tube 2 is added to the

residue in test tube 1, explain your answer. (2 mks)

10. Study the flow chart below and answer questions that follow.

(a)Identify the following substances (i) Compound T (ii) Solution R

(iii) Solid M. (b) Write a word equation for the following reactions between:

(i) Compound T and dilute Sulphuric(IV) acid (1 mk)

(ii) Carbon (IV) oxide and lime water. (1 mk)

(c ) State and explain the observations made when the following substances react, (i) Compound T and dilute Sulphuric (VI) acid.

(1 mk)(ii) Carbon (IV)Oxide and lime water.

(1 mk) (d) State and explain the observations that would be made if compound T of Magnesium was replaced by similar compound of calcium. (2 mks)11. A beekeeper learnt that bee sting contain methanoic acid. After having a bee sting, the farmer would apply little sodium hydrogen carbonate which would relieve pain, Explain. (2 mks) (b) Why would it not be advisable to use sodium carbonate instead of sodium hydrogen carbonate.


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(1 mk)

12. (a) Complete the following general equations. (4 mks) (i) Acid + Metal (ii) Acid + Base (iii) Acid + Metal Carbonate (iv) Acid + Metal hydrogen Carbonate (b) Complete the table below by giving the products formed when the following substances react. (5 mks)Reactants ProductsDilute acids and basesDilute acids and most electropositive metalsDilute acids and metal carbonatesDilute acid with metal oxide Dilute acids and metal hydrogen carbonates13. (I) Fill in the missing substance in the word equations below. (10 mks)(a) Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid Magnesium chloride + (b) Zinc + Phosphoric (V) acid + Hydrogen gas(c ) Hydrochloric acid + Calcium hydroxide + Water(d) Nitric (V) acid + Magnesium nitrate + water(e) Calcium Carbonate + Phosphorous acid + + (f) Hydrochloric acid + Zinc chloride + Hydrogen gas(g) Ammonium hydrogen + + Ammonium chloride + Carbonate(IV)oxide + water carbonate(h) + Calcium Chloride + Water

(i) Sulphuric(VI)acid + Potassium sulphate + Carbon(VI) oxide + water

(j) Phosphoric acid + Zinc Phosphate + Water

(I) Complete the word equations below.(a) Zinc + Hydrochloric Acid (b) Magnesium + Sulphuric (VI) acid (c ) Calcium + Sulphuric (VI) acid (d) Hydrochloric acid + Sodium Hydroxide (e) Sulphuric (VI) acid + Potassium Hydroxide (f) Nitric (V) acid + Potassium Carbonate (g) Hydrochloric Acid + Calcium Carbonate (h) Sulphuric(VI)acid + Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (i) Nitric (V) acid + Potassium Carbonate (j) Calcium + Phosphoric acid


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(k) Zinc + Sulphuric (VI)acid (l) Calcium + Hydrochloric acid (m) Zinc + nitric (V) acid (n) Calcium + nitric (V) acid(o ) Hydrochloric acid + Potassium Hydroxide (p) Sulphuric(VI)acid + Sodium Hydroxide (q) Phosphoric(V)acid + Sodium Hydroxide (r) Hydrochloric acid + Ammonium Hydroxide (t) Sulphuric(VI) + Sodium oxide (u) Hydrochloric acid + Potassium Oxide (v) Sulphuric (VI) acid + Zinc Oxide (w) Phosphoric (V) acid + Sodium Oxide (x) Nitric (V) acid + Lead (II) Oxide

14. The set up below were used to investigate reaction of acids and metal.

(a) State and explain the observations on the burning splint in each experiment. (2 mks)(b) State and explain the changes in the observations made in set up (i) if dilute hydrochloric acid is replaced with dilute methanoic acid. (2 mks)(c ) Write a word equation between dilute Hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon. (1 mk)

15. The table below gives pH values of some solutions. Study it and answer the questions that follow.Solution A1 A2 A3 A4 A5pH Value 7 14 6.5 3 8.5

(a) Which solution is likely to be;(i) Weak Acid (1 mk) (ii) Strong Base (1 mk) (iii) Neutral (1 mk)(iv) Weak Base (1 mk) (v) Strong acid (1 mk)(b) Write a general word equation for the reaction between substances A4 and A5. (1 mk)(c ) Which of the above solutions will have the following?(i) Have no effect on colour of both red and blue litmus paper? Explain. (2 mks)


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(ii) Change the colour of Methyl Orange indicator to Yellow? Explain your answer. (2 mks)(d) What is likely to be Ph value of :(i) Ash solution (ii) Potassium hydroxide (iii) Oxalic acid(e) Identify the type of indicator used in this experiment, Give reason. (1 mk)



FORM 1 BIOLOGYClassification 1

1. Give two characteristics that distinguish scientific names of organisms from the ordinary names

1. (a) In which kingdom do bacteria belong?2. (b) I which kingdom do peniciilium belong?3. Name the branch of Biology that deals with the study of animals

(a) What is meant by the term taxonomy?(b) The scientific name of a rat is Rattus norvegicus

Write the name correctlyIdentify the genus and species names

2. The cell – structure & functions of organelles.1. Name the organelles that perform each of the following functions:a) Digestion and destruction of worn out organelles.b) Osmoregulation2. Explain why the following processes are important during the preparation of temporary slides (a) Staining(b) Use of a sharp cutting 3. In a class experiment to establish the size of an onion cell, a leaner observed the following onthe microscope field of view.

If the student counted 20 cells across the diameter of this field of view, calculate the size of onecell in micrometers.4. State the functions of the following cell organelles: (a) Nucleolus.

(b) Plasma membrane 5. What is the of nucleus of a cell made up of?6. (a) In a laboratory exercise a student observing a drop of pond water under a microscope saw

and drew a spirogyra. If the magnification of the eye-piece was x5 and that of the objective lens

was x100, what was the magnification of the spirogyra?

(b) If the spirogyra has a length of 5cm at the above magnification, calculate the actual length in


7. Identify the structures of the cells that perform the following functions:-


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(a) Synthesize ribosomes(b)Regulate exchange of substances in and out of the nucleus8. (a) State the roles of enzyme catalase in living cells (b)Which factor inactivates enzyme?

9. The figure below represents a certain cell organelle:-

(a) (i) Identify the cell organelle (ii) What is the function of the part labelled A

10. (a)Name the organelles that perform each of the following functions;(i) Osmoregulation in amoeba(ii) Carries out digestion and destruction of worn out cell organelles (iii)State three properties of the cell membrane

11. The diagram below represents a plant cell

(a) Name a compound which forms part of the structure labelled S(b) State two functions of the part labelled R(c) Name two structures present in the diagram but absent in the animal cell11. What do you understand by the following termsa) Anatomy b)Biochemistry12. State the function of the following parts of a cella) Ribosome b)Chloroplasts13.What is the formula for calculating linear magnification of a specimen when using a hand lens

14. State the function of the following cell structures:- ( a) Ribosome (b) Centrioles ;15. Distinguish between the following terms :-a) Magnification and resolution of a microscopeb) Mounting and staining of a specimen17. Name the organelle that performs each of the following functions in a cell.(a) Transport of packaged glycoproteins(b) Destruction of worn out cell organelles(c) Synthesis of proteins18. What are the functions of the following parts of a light microscope?(a) Eye piece lens(b) Condenser(c) Diaphragm3. Cell Physiology – Osmosis, Diffusion and Active transport.1. Two equal strips A and B were from a potato whose cell was 30% of sugar. The strip A was


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placed in a solution of 10% sugar concentration while B was placed in 50% sugar concentrationa) What change was expected in strip A and Bb) Account for the change in strip A2. An experiment was set-up as shown below and left for one hour

(a) State the expected result at the end of one hour(b) Explain the observations made in this experiment 3. State what would happen in each of the following:-(a) A plant cell placed: (i) Strong salt solution

(ii) Distilled water4.Potato cylinders were weighed and kept in distilled water evernight. They were thenreweighed.

2.5 gm 2.4 gm 2.7 gm 3.0 gm 3.1gm 3.2 gmBefore the experiment After the experiment

a) Calculate the average mass of a potato cylinders after reweighing. Show your working.b) Explain why mass of the cylinders hand increased.

5. The diagrams below show a red blood cell that was subjected to a certain treatment.

a) Account for the shape of the cell at the end of the experiment.b) Draw a diagram to illustrate how a plant cell would appear if subjected to the same treatment6. The two cells shown below are obtained from two different potato cylinders which wereimmersed in tow different solutions P and Q.


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a) i) Name the structure labelled A.ii) State the function of structure B.

b) If eight of cell I were observed across the diameter of the filed of view of 0.5 mm.Work out the actual diameters of each cell in micrometers.

c) Suggest the identity of the solution Q.d) Account for the change in cell I above.e) State any one importance of the physiological process being demonstrated above in animals.

4. Nutrition in (a) plants (b) animals1. The chemical equation below represents a physiological process that takes place in livingorganisms:C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 C12H22O11 + Q(a) Name the process R(b) Name the substance Q2. (a) A leaf of a potted plant kept in darkness for 48hours was smeared with Vaseline jelly then

exposed to sunlight for 8hours. Explain why the test for starch in the leaf was negative(b)Name two other processes that were interfered with in the plant

4. What are the two functions of bile salts during the process of digestion?

5. State three adaptations of aquatic plants to photosynthesis

6. (a) Name the component of a persons diet that is essential for peristalisis(b) Give two groups of food which are reabsorbed along the mammalion digestive system without undergoing digestion

7. State three roles of light in photosynthesis8. State two ways in which the guard cells differ their adjacent epidermal cells9. What is the role of bile in digestion

10. (a)What is peristalsis?(b) Explain how the process above is brought about.

10. The diagram below represents a cell

(a)State the role of y(b) name part labelled x11. (a) the role of emulsification in the digestion of fats in the alimentary canal

(b) What is the function of hydrochloric acid in the alimentary canal12. Briefly explain the effect of poisoning the roots hair on the uptake of nitrate by plants

13. State two ways in which guard cells differ from other epidermal cells

14. Briefly explain the fate of the following products from the light stage of the process of

photosynthesis: hydrogen ,Oxygen and energy



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FORM 1 TERM 2 PHYSICS HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT1. State what waves as a branch of physics entails?

(1 mark)2. State one factor to be considered when selecting the instrument to be used to measure length.

3. In an experiment a student filled a burette with a liquid to the 30.0 cm3 mark. After dipping a pebble of mass 20.0 g and density 2500 kg/m3, find the new reading of the burette. (3 marks)

4. A tin-lead alloy of mass 25.5 g has a volume of 3.0 cm3.if the density of tin and lead are 12.5g/cm3 and 8.0 g/cm3 respectively. Determine the mass of each metal in the alloy. (3 marks)5. a) State one type of non contact force.

(1 mark) b) Explain the use the detergents in washing clothes. (2 marks)

6. The air pressure at the base of a mountain is 75cmHg and the top is 64cmHg. Calculate the height of the mountain. (Take the density of air = 1.25g/m3 and density of mercury = 13.6g/cm3). (3 marks)

7. State the principle used in transmission of pressure in fluids. (1 mark)

8. A hydraulic jack has an effort piston of cross-section area of 200mm2 and load pistons of cross section area of 100cm2 calculate the force required to raise a load of 800N. (3 marks)

9. Figure 3 below shows apparatus used to compare the rates of diffusion of gases.


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From gas tap60mm

Water is observed to rise up the glass tube. Explain this observation.(2 marks)

10.The figure below shows a u- tube manometer containing oil density 900kgm-3 one end is connected to a gas tap

Given that the atmospheric pressure is 1.0x 105 pa determine the pressure of the gas. (3mks11. Figure 2. shows drops of mercury and water on a glass surface,

12Explain the difference in the shapes of the drops.

(2mks)13. State why diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids.

(1mk)14.Explain why steel is selected for use to reinforce a concreter beam.

(1mk)15 The height of mercury column in a barometer density 13600kg/ m-3, at a place is 64cm. What would be the height of a column of paraffin in barometer at the same place.(Density of paraffin = 8.0 x 102 kg /m3). 16. A block of metal whose density is 20g/cm3 measures 5cm x 3 cm x 2cm. Given that the force of gravity is 10N/kg, determine a) The volume of the block (1mk)b) The mass of the block (2mk)c) The force of the block (2mks) d) The maximum pressure exerted by the block on a flat ground (2mks) e) The minimum pressure (2mk) 17. 1800cm3 of fresh water of density 1000kg/m3 is mixed with 2200cm3 of sea water of density 1025 kg/m3, Calculate the density of the mixture. (4mks)19.An object is attached to a string balance and its weight determined in air. It is then lowered into a liquid beaker. State what you expect to happen to the reading. 20.Give a reason why water wets glass while mercury does not.21.a) State the kinetic theory of gases (1m)b) Define the term diffusion (1mk)c) State and explain one factor that affects diffusion (2mks)



Water drop Mercury drop

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Hot water Metal rod


22. (a) Explain two factors that affect pressure in liquids.(b) A hole of area 2cm at the bottom of the tank 2m deep is closed with plasticine. Determine the force on the plasticine when the tank is filled with water.[Density of water =1000kg/m3] 23. Differentiate between heat and temperature. In each case state the SI units.b) Most houses in Mombasa are painted white. Explain.24. State the differences between images formed by a pinhole camera and plane mirrors.25.Convert the following values of temperature to degrees Celsius.

A. 100KB. -29K.

26. (i) State two properties of a liquid that is considered during the construction of a liquid – in – glass thermometer.(ii) Give the main reason why water is not used as a barometric liquid.(i) Explain why steel is selected as a better material for reinforcement for a concrete beam.(ii) A barefooted student feels colder when stepping on a cemented floor than when stepping on a wooden one. Explain this observation.27 Water tanks supplying showers and taps in a house are erected as high as possible.Explain.28. Explain why a dead dog thrown next to school smells so much during the day than during cold morning.29. (i)Pure water at 00C is heated upto 100C sketch the graph its volume against temperature on the axis given below

(ii) State the effects of anomalous expansion of water.Explain why a man using a parachute fall through air slowly while a stone falls through air very fast. 30. Explain why it is possible to compress gases but not solids or liquids.31. The figure below shows a hot water bath with metal rods inserted through one of its sides. Some wax is fixed at the end of each rod. Use this information to answer questions that follows.

(a)What property of metals could be tested using this set-up


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(b)Besides the length of the rods that is kept constant, what else should be kept constant when comparing the property for different metal rods.

(c) Solids conducts heat by use of two mechanisms, name them.


TERM TWO1. Give two reasons for the migration of the Borana from Ethiopia to Kenya (2mks)2. Name three earliest inhabitants of Kenya (3mks)3. What was the main dispersal area of the Luo in Kenya (1mk)4. Give the reason for the grouping of the Nilotes into three classes (1mk)5. State two environmental factors that led to the migration and settlement of Kenyan communities (2mks)6. Give four characteristics of early inhabitants of Kenya (4mks)7. Discuss the results of the interactions between the Bantu and the Cushites in Kenya during the pre-colonial period (10mks)8. Discuss six religious functions of the Orkoiyot among the Nandi (12mks)9. Discuss the functions of the council of elders among the Somali during the pre-colonial period (10mks)10. State five similarities in the social organization of the Agikuyu and Luo during the pre-colonial period (5mks)11. Give four reasons why Kenyan communities fought each other during the pre-colonial period (4mks)12. Name three age-grades among the Akamba (3mks)13. Give five political roles of the Njuri Ncheke of the Ameru (5mks)14. Name three cultural practices that the Agikuyu borrowed from the Cushites(3mks)


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15. State three factors which made the Abaluhya to become crop farmers(3mks)16. Name two council of elders among the Nandi in the 19th century (1mk)17. Identify the main characteristics of the clan among traditional African community (1mk)18. Name three Highland Nilotic groups that remained in Mount Elgon as communities were migrating (3mks)19. Give three archeological evidence that show that the Kenyan coast had contacts with the outside world by AD 500 (3mks)20. Give two reasons why the Portuguese built Fort Jesus (2mks)21. Give three natural factors that facilitated contact between Kenyan coast and the outside world by AD 500 (3mks)22. State three technological factors that facilitated the coming of early visitors to the Kenyan Coast (3mks)23. Discuss five negative impacts that the Indian Ocean trade had on the people of East Africa (10mks) 24. Give five written sources of information about the East African coast before the 15th C (5mks)25. Explain five factors that led to the growth of towns along the coast of Kenya before the 19th Century (10mks)


GEOGRAPHY FORM ONENAME: ……………………………….…………………………. ADM NO. ………… CLASS …..

MINERALS1. (a) (i) Define the term mineral. (1 mk) (ii) Distinguish between minerals and rocks. (2 mks) (b) Describe the following characteristics of minerals. (i) Colour (3 mks) (ii) Luster (3 mks)


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(iii) Cleavage (3 mks) (c ) A part from the above list six other characteristics of minerals. (6 mks) (d) Give three main examples of fossils fuels. (3 mks) (e) Give three main examples of minerals. (3 mks) (f) Give two main reasons as to why fossil fuels are not minerals. (2 mks) (g) Give five examples of non-metallic minerals. (5 mks) (h) Why is industrial diamond used in shaping hard stones and other metals. (2 mks) 2. (a) Name three types of minerals. (3 mks) (b) Distinguish between compound metallic minerals and pure state metallic minerals.(2 mks) (c) Identify the two types of metallic minerals. (2 mks) (d) Describe the four types of iron ore. (4 mks)

3. (a) What are non-metallic minerals? (1 mk) (b) List six non metallic minerals. (6 mks) (c ) State the use of each of the above named non metallic minerals. (6 mks)4. (a) Distinguish between petroleum and crude oil. (2 mks) (b) What is crude oil? (2 mks) (c ) List six by products of crude oil after refining. (6 mks)5. (a) What is core? (2 mks) (b) Describe how coal is formed. (6 mks) (c ) (i) Identify the three types of coal. (3 mks) (ii) Describe the three types of coal named in (c ) (i) above. (6 mks)6. (a) What is natural gas? (5 mks) (b) List two by products of natural gas. (2 mks)


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(c ) State two uses of natural gas. (2 mks)7. (a) What is uranium? (2 mks) (b) State two important uses of uranium. (2 mks) (c ) Name three world’s leading producer of uranium. (3 mks)

ROCKS1. (a) Define the term rock. (2 mks) (b) Give two main bases on which rocks are classified. (2 mks)2. (a) Briefly describe how igneous rocks are formed. (6 mks) (b) Give three general characteristics of igneous rocks. (3 mks) (c) Explain how intrusive igneous rocks are formed. (3 mks)(d) With examples attempts classification of igneous rocks according to their chemical composition.

(8 mks)

3. (a) Give the other name for extrusive igneous rocks. (1 mk) (b) Explain how extrusive igneous rocks are formed. (4 mks) (c ) State three characteristics of extrusive igneous rocks. (3 mks)(d) Identify the two types of extrusive igneous rocks. (2 mks)(e) (i) Briefly describe how volcanic ejecta igneous rocks are formed. (4 mks)(ii) Give the two main examples of volcanic ejecta extrusive igneous rocks. (2 mks)(f) (i) Explain how extrusive igneous rocks resulting from lava flows are formed. (4 mks)(ii) List two examples of igneous rocks formed as a result of lava flows. (2 mks)(g) Differentiate between processes of formation of plutonic rocks from those of volcanic rocks. (2 mks)4. (a) Describe five characteristics between processes of formation of plutonic rocks from those of volcanic rocks. (2 mks)


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(b) (i) Generally describe the formation of sedimentary rocks. (5 mks) (ii) Identify the three main categories of sedimentary rocks. (3 mks) (iii) Give two causes of stratification in sedimentary rocks. (2 mks) (c) State the main types of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (3 mks) (d) Explain how the above types of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks are formed. (5 mks) (e) State the main characteristics of each of the above named categories of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (5 mks) (f) With examples attempt a classification of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (10 mks)5. (a) Explain how organically formed sedimentary rocks are formed. (3 mks)(b) Give three characteristics of organically formed sedimentary rocks. (3 mks)(c ) (i) Give the categories of organically formed sedimentary rocks. (4 mks)(ii) List two factors considered while classifying organically formed sedimentary rocks. (2 mks)(d) (i) Explain how calcareous rocks are formed. (2 mks)(ii) Limestone is the main example of organically formed calcareous rocks. Give the forms in which the limestone rock exist. (3 mks)(e) Explain how ferruginous rocks are formed. (2 mks)(f) Explain the main way in which siliceous rocks are formed. (2 mks)(g) Explain the main way in which carbonaceous rocks are formed. (2 mks)(h) Give one example of each of the following types of rocks.

Calcareous(1 mk) Ferruginous(1 mk) Siliceous(1 mk) Carbonaceous(1 mk)

6. (a) Explain how chemically formed sedimentary rocks are formed. (5 mks)(b) Give three characteristics of chemically formed sedimentary rocks. (3 mks)(c ) Give the categories of chemically formed sedimentary rocks. (5 mks)(d) (i) Explain the main way in which each of the following type of rocks is formed. (5 mks)

Carbonate Sulphates Chlorides Silicates Iron stones

(ii) With examples describe how chemically formed sedimentary rocks are classified. (10 mks)(e ) Explain three sources of sedimentary rocks. (6 mks)7. (a) (i) What is metamorphic rocks. (3 mks) (ii) Give three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. (3 mks)


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(b) Describe three main ways in which metamorphic rocks are formed. (6 mks)(c ) Give the metamorphic rock that is derived from the following types of rocks. (8 mks)(d)(i) Explain the main way in which each of the following type of rocks is formed. (5 mks)CarbonateSulphatesChloridesSilicatesIron stones(ii) With examples describe how chemically formed sedimentary rocks are classified. (10 mks)(e) Explain three sources of sedimentary rocks. (6 mks)7.(a) (i) What is metamorphism?(1 mk)(ii) Give three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. (3 mks)(b) Describe three main ways in which metamorphic rocks are formed. (6 mks)(c ) Give the metamorphic rock that is derived from the following types of rocks. (8 mks)Original rock Metamorphic rockGraniteAugiteSandstoneLimestoneCoalClayShaleMustone (d) Explain five factors which determine the ease and degree of change of change of rocks during metamorphism. (10mks)8. (a) Give three ways in which the age of rocks can be determined. (3 mks) (b) What is a geological time scale? (2 mks)9. (a) Describe five characteristics of rocks. (5 mks) (b) Explain how heat leads to the formation of metamorphic rocks. (6 mks) (c) State two effects of heat on the formation of metamorphic rocks. (2 mks)10. (a) Name two minerals that make up granite rocks. (2 mks) (b) Distinguish between thermal and dynamic metamorphism. (2 mks)11.(a) State four main characteristics that determine the chemical composition of igneous rocks. (4 mks) (b) In what three ways do plutonic and volcanic rocks differ? (6 mks)


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(c ) Give the difference between plutonic and hypabyssal rocks? (6 mks) (d) What are the effects of heat and pressure on sedimentary rocks? (6 mks)12. (a) State two factors that influence corals in their growing. (2 mks)(b) Explain how coral rocks are formed. (5 mks)(c ) Explain three conditions necessary for the growth of coral polyps. (6 mks)13. Distinguish between pervious and porous rocks. (2 mks)14. Explain the economic importance of rocks. (10 mks) 15. (a) The map below shows the distribution of rocks in Kenya.

(a) Identify the areas with the following type of rocks. Volcanic rocks

(1 mk) Sedimentary rocks

(1 mk) Metamorphic rocks

(1 mk)(b) Name three eras of rocks according to the geological time scale. (3 mks)(c) (i) What are periods in rocks? (2 mks)(ii) What are ages in rocks? (2 mks)MINING1. (a) Define the term mining. (1 mk) (b) Describe the various ways in which minerals occur. (8 mks)


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2. Identify ten main factors that influence the exploitation of minerals. (10 mks)3. (a) Distinguish between mineral and mining. (2 mks)(b)(i) The size of the mineral deposit. (4 mks)(ii) The size of the mineral deposit. (4 mks) 4. (a) Distinguish between a mineral and an ore. (2 mks) (b) How do the following conditions interfere with mining?(i) Quality of ore. (4 mks)(ii) Transport cost. (4 mks)5.(a) Why is mining referred to as a robber industry? (2 mks)(b) Describe how mineral exploitation is affected by the following (i) Labour (4 mks)(ii) Methods of extraction. (4 mks)6.(a) Distinguish between veins and lodes. (2 mks)(b) Explain how the following factors influence the rate at which minerals are exploited.(i) Political influence. (4 mks)(ii) Demand for the mineral. (4 mks)7.(a) Distinguish between products of weathering and alluvial deposits. (2 mks)(b) Why is it important to consider the following before you exploit minerals? (i) Capital (4 mks)(ii) Skilled and qualified workers. (4 mks)8.(a) List the major methods of mining. (3 mks)(b) With examples attempt a classification of underground mining method. (8 mks)(c ) Explain how the following factors influence the exploitation of minerals

(i) Technology (4 mks)(ii) Accessibility (4 mks)


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9. (a) Using a well labeled diagram, describe the shaft method of mining. (10 mks) (b) List four problems associated with the shaft method of mining. (4 mks) (c ) State five precautionary measures that must be taken into account while extracting minerals through the underground method of mining. (5 mks)10. (a) What is adit mining? (2 mks) (b) Describe the adit mining. (4 mks) (c ) Name the main mineral in Uganda which has been mined through the adit method. (2 mks) (d) State the main factor that necessitates the use of adit method of mining. (1 mk)


CRE FORM ONENAME: ……………………………….…………………………. ADM NO. ………… CLASS …..

CHAPTER TWOFAITH AND GOD’S PROMISESDEFINITION OF FAITH1. Describe ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God2. Outline the promises of god to Abraham3. Describe five actions from the life of Abraham which show his faith in God.4. List five animals used in making of the covenant between God and

Abraham.5. State the promises that God and Abraham6. a) State the characteristics of the covenant between God and Abraham. (10mks)

b) Explain the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (10 mks)c) What lessons do Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was

willing to sacrifice his son Isaac? (5mks)7. Describe the covenant between God and Abraham8. Identify the circumstances under which covenants were made in the traditional

African society.9. Name five modern covenants10. What was the importance of the covenant made between God and Abraham?11. Name any three covenants made in the Old Testament.


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12. Why Abraham is called the father of faith?13. Explain the importance of circumcision of Abraham and his descendant14. From the Mt- Mariah experience explain what Abraham and his descendant15. From the Mt-Mariah experience explain what Abraham learnt about God’s nature16. Narrate the call of Abraham17. What can Christian learn from the call of Abraham?


1. Outline the qualities of god learnt by the Israelites during the making of the Sinai covenant.

2. Describe ways in which God demonstrated his mercy to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai

3. Explain the stages followed in the making of the Sinai covenant.4. List the qualities of Moses shown during his call at Mt. Sinai5. Identify five lessons that Christians learn about God from the call of

Moses.6. State five ways in which God revealed himself to the Israelites at Mt.

Sinai.7. Give the values that a Christian can learn from the call of Moses.8. Describe how the Israelites worshipped God before the Babylonian exile.9. Explain the conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the

Sinai covenant.10. State five ways in which God’s power is demonstrated in the deliverance of

the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land.11. Give five lessons why Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt after his

call.12. List five commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate

to one another13. What problems did Moses face as he led the Israelites during the Exodus?14. a) Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover.(5 mks) b) Give five reasons why the exodus was important to the Israelites. (10mks) c) How do Christians show their respect for God? (5 mks)15. Give the events which took place on the night of the Exodus.16. Give similarities between the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter17. Identify ways in which the Israelites showed lack of faith during the Exodus.18. Describe ways in which Moses showed his obedience to God19. Give ways in which the Israelites disobeyed the Ten Commandments.20. Give lessons why God made a covenant with the Israelites at Mt. Sinai 21. Explain what the Israelites understood about God from the Exodus experience.


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22. Why should Christians live by the laws of God?23. Describe the call of Moses.


AGRICULTURE FORM ONENAME: ………………………………………………………… ADM NO. …..……. CLASS ………..1. Define agriculture.

(2mks)2. Give four areas of study to show agriculture is a science.


3. State four main branches of agriculture. (2mks)

4. (i) What is small scale farming? (2mks)

(ii) State four advantages of small scale farming.


5.(a) What is organic farming?


(b) Explain advantages of organic farming.


(c ) Outline five activities undertaken in organic farming.


6. Explain the role of agriculture to the economy of Kenya.


7. Give three ways in which agriculture help in industrial development in Kenya.


8. State four effects of HIV/AIDS/poor health in agriculture.


9. Give four negative effects of strong wind in crop growth.


10. (a) How do cultural and religious factors influence agriculture?


(b) Give four ways in which government policy influence agriculture?



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11. Give four aspects of rainfall that affects the growth of crops.


12. List three aspects of light that affects growth of crops.


13. Explain five ways in which biotic factors influence the growth of crops.


14. State and explain the factors that influence soil formation.


15. State two roles of soil micro-organisms that is beneficial to crops.


16. What is soil profile?


17. Give five reasons for preparing land before planting. (5mks)

18. Name three tertially operations carried out by a farmer during land preparations. (3 mks)

19. Give four reasons for carrying out secondary cultivation.


20. Give five reasons for maintaining farm tools and equipment. (5mks) 21. Give one use of each of the following tools and equipment.

(6mks)(i) Tinsmans snips (ii) Cold chisel

(iii) Center punch

(iv) Steel float

(v) Mallet

(vi) Trocar and canular

22. Name the tools and equipment used to do the following farm activities. (5mks)

(i) Cutting identity marks on a pigs ear. (ii) Administer a liquid dewormer orally.

(iii) Check for mastitis

(iv) Lift seedlings during transplanting


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(v) Cut back pyrethrum

23. Give two ways of lowering soil pH.


24. Give five characteristics of sand soil.


25. (a) What is mixed farming.


(b) Give five advantages of mixed farming.


26. Give three reasons why shifting cultivation may not be practiced in Kenya today.


27. State three ways in which agriculture contribute to industrial development in Kenya.


28. Name four environmental factors that influence crop distribution or types of crops grown in different parts of Kenya. (4mks)29. List down six factors that influence soil formation. (3mks)30. State four roles of living organisms in the soil.


31. Give five farming practices that improve soil structure.


32. Name five tools used by a mason in laying stones when constructing the wall of a farm building. (5mks)33. Give two disadvantages of burning in clearing vegetation.


34. Define the term drainage as used in reclamation. (2mks)

35. State four merits of drainage of wet lands. (4mks)36. State five methods of drainage. (5mks)37. (a) Illustrate a water treatment system in the space provided below. (6mks)


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(b) Identify the various stages of water treatment and briefly explain what happens in each stage. (6mks)38. Give four reasons for treating water. (4mks)39. State four advantages (merits) of Drip irrigation.

(4mks)40. Distinguish between a dam and a weir. (2mks)41. Give three underground water sources. (3mks)42. Define the term minimum tillage.

(2mks)43. Give four reasons for carrying out minimum tillage. (4mks)44. Give three main agricultural practices that pollute water sources. (3mks)45. What is the importance of secondary cultivation? (4mks)46. Describe each of the following practices. (a) Ridging. (2mks)

(b) Rolling. (2mks) (c ) Sub-soiling (2mks)

47. Give four branches of agriculture. (4mks)48. Give four merits of shifting cultivation. (4mks)49. Give three effects of HIV/AIDs on agriculture. (3mks)50. Name the tool/equipment of performing each of the following practices. (2mks) (i) Release accumulated gases in the rumen of a cow. (ii) Smoothing curved surfaces of timber.


BUSINESS STUDIES FORM ONE1. Define the term business studies. (1mk)2. Explain five reasons why it is important for one to learn business studies. (4 mks)3. Outline five benefits that may accrue to an individual who engages in Business activities. (5 mks)4. Discuss any five factors in the external environmental that may influence the operations of a business negatively. (5 mks)

5. Describe any six characteristics of human wants. (3 mks)6. Explain the relationship between scarcity, choice and opportunity cost. (4 mks)


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7. Explain any five characteristics of economic resources. (5 mks)8. Give any four characteristics of Basic human wants. (4 mks)9. Outline the three levels of production and their corresponding occupations. (3 mks)10. Explain the four types of utility. (4 mks)11. State any four types of utility. (4 mks)12. Describe five characteristics of land as a factor of production. (5 mks)13. Give any four disadvantages of division of labour and specialization in production of goods.

(4 mks)

14. Using appropriate examples, explain the following types of goods.(a) Producer goods(b) Intermediate goods(c ) Economic goods(d) Public goods(e ) Durable goods15. Explain the importance of preparing a business plan. (5 mks)16. Explain any six factors that may hinder entrepreneurial development in a country.17. Explain any five factors that one may consider when evaluating a business opportunity. (5 mks)18. Discuss six factors that can lead to the success of a business. (6 mks)19. Discuss five reasons why entrepreneurship is important to a country. (5 mks)20. Discuss any five disadvantages of office machines. (5 mks)21. Give any five problems that may face a business that does not file it documents. (5 mks)22. Explain the uses of the following office machines. (4 mks)(a) Shredder(b) Guillotine(c ) Franking machine(d) Stapling machine23. Highlight five duties of an effective manager. (5 mks)24. Explain any five benefits of electronic filing. (5 mks)


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25. Describe any five features of a good filing system. (5 mks)


1.Briefly explain the characteristics of the 2nd and 5th computer generations. 2.State four factors used to classify computers3.Give two reasons why smaller computers like Laptops tend to be more expensive than Desktop computers4.Differentiate between a microcomputer and a personal computer5.Explain four reasons which make microcomputers suitable for personal computing work6.Identify and explain five areas where computers are used to process data7.Identify three advantages of using computers in banking

8.List down three safety precautions one should observe when entering a computer laboratory9.Describe the ideal environment for a computer to work properly10.Identify three facilities that will ensure proper ventilation in a room11.State one reason why a computer needs to be connected to a stable power supply12.List down four functions of the uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS13.Mention two things that are likely to cause strain- in the computer room14.State two methods of minimizing dust in a computer laboratory15.Explain three ways that computer technology could make office more efficient16.Give two main functions of a computer input device17.Give 4 examples of a: (3 marks)(i). Device that reads data (scanning device). (ii). Keying device.(iii)Voice input device.(iv). Printing device18.State two advantages of using a mouse instead of a keyboard. (2 marks)19.What are computer scanning devices.give three examples.20.State four areas where speech input would be used21.List five factors one would consider when selecting a data input device22.Explain the functions performed by each of the following central processing unit elementsControl unit, ALU, Main memory(RAM and ROM),Registers,and Cache memory,system clock.23. Give two reasons why there are many forms of computer storage device24. Describe the following storage devices

Hard diskFlash diskZip disk

25. Compare a floppy disk and zip disk in relation to size26. Give three disadvantages of floppy disks as storage devices27. State three advantages of using hard disks as medium of storage28. List three advantages of a plotter over normal printer machines29. Give two advantages of using sound output devices


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30. Explain two differences between serial and parallel communication ports of a computer31. Name and Explain three classifications of computer software.