10 gens of green - gen 1.1


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Welcome back to my epic fail attempt at a legacy, and if you've just joined us, please go read "10 Gens of Green - Before The Green", so you can understand what's happening and why I'm so bad at legacies. Here's a quick re-cap anyway though…

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The Green Legacy's original founder, Curian Green, in his quest to found an alien legacy where all the heirs would be aliens, died unexpectedly, leaving little Scope Green all on his lonesome. Not wanting this legacy to fail, my simself and roommate Casey took him in and decided to raise him until he was old enough to head off to uni and re-found the legacy! Now read on…

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And here he is, Scope Green, all grown up and uni-fied. Before we learn about the college years though, I need to take you all back to Scope's childhood years, where a certain simself learned that mother-hood ain't no picnic...

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"Oh I do say daddy, this classical music is simply delightful“

"Why yes my dear, it is, but what is that ghastly noise pollution coming from upstairs?"

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Sorry, the contrast amused me. Anyhoo, my point being, you can see pretty clearly that our household wasn't exactly fitting in here at our new apartment block.

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“Excuse me sir, but I DO NOT smell!”

The neighbours, and occasionally the landlord, were knocking on our door at all hours, complaining about, well, everything really. And as for Scope...

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Scope was still as moody as the first day he began living with us. Seriously, what a temper that guy has! He was forever throwing tantrums, ruining painting and even knocked over his own trash-can!

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Can't say the neighbours liked him very much either. The boy had a tendency to run amok around the building in the middle of the night, destroying the furniture and stinking up the place.

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He was getting to Casey too..."Hey little dude, can I shower please?“"No. Cleaning“"But..“"CLEANING!“ I told you he was going to turn in to a complete neat freak

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But one day, I found him seeming actually happy. He was still misbehaving of course, but at least he was doing it with a smile on his face.

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"Why such a good mood gloomy guts?" I asked him, watching him couch-summersault.

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"Because today's my birthday and that means I can finally move out and get away from you!" Ah. That explained it. But he wasn't getting away from me that easily.

"Hate to burst your bubble kid, but we've got to talk. Let's do this over some grilled cheese"

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So we headed in to the kitchen and sat down with a plate of infamous grilled cheese each. Scope's good mood had instantly faded and he was now scowling down at his plate. I winced as I thought about the topic that I had to bring up, but there was no avoiding it. I gulped.

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"Kid, your father Curian, he was a great man..." I began. Scope flinched at the mention of his dad, but I pushed on. "When he died, he took his legacy with him, but we can't let it end this way... What I'm trying to say is... You need to take his place"

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"You need to begin the legacy again, Scope“

There was an awkward silence. Well, a more awkward one than the usual one between us anyway.

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Until finally, "There's no way I'm gonna start a legacy for you," he said. My heart sunk. This was it. It was over. The legacy was over.

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"I'm doing it for dad."

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I smiled at him sincerely, "I wouldn't have it any other way.”

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So with our newfound truce in mind, the two of us headed over to the birthday cake I'd bought for Scope and made some noise for his final moments of childhood.

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But we both knew it wasn't just his birthday we were cheering for.

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We were celebrating the re-birth of The Green Legacy too.

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Scope grew up in this outfit, which I thought was rather fitting for his personality. He rolled knowledge- just like his dad- with a lifetime want to become a criminal mastermind - just like his dad. It couldn't have been more perfect.

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Of course, despite our new alliance, he didn't stay around for more than a few hours. Soon it was off to uni.


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So that left two teens, in a fancy apartment, with a motherlode of money, alone, with a stereo bigger than both of them put together.

"So Casey we just successfully raised a child and now we've got this place to ourselves?“

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

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And while there was partying to be done over at our place, there was studying to be done in the dorms of La Fiesta Tech.

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La Fiesta Tech was the prefect choice for Scope. LFT was the closest university to the neighbourhood of Belladonna cove and since it was situated on the edge of Strangetown too, aliens were pretty commonplace and he was welcomed with open arms despite his shocking grades due to his lack of schooling.

He majored in math and with that knowledge sim head of his, was earning a 4.0 GPA in no time at all.

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Of course no matter how successful he was becoming, that still didn't stop me from checking up on him.

"So this is uni? Gnarly!" I jabbered enthusiastically, "Anyway, legacy talk, how's the wife search going?"

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"W-w-wife search?" he spluttered.

"Well, yeah," I said, "To found a legacy, you've gotta have a co-founder. You mean you've not seen anyone you like?"

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"Well, there's this one girl…”

"That's more like it!"

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He went on to tell me about Lora. She was a girl he had met on his first day at the dorms. She was smart and pretty and he decided to strike up a conversation with her over breakfast.

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He had told her all about the legacy and she had listened intently to the stories of his sad past and the hope he had for his future.

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“That's pretty neat," she had told him, "I'd never have the guts to do a legacy“

"Well, y'know, I'm a tough guy. The jacket says it all," he replied smugly.

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Ever since they had become pretty good friends and hung out together in eachother's dorms every day.

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I made a face at him, "Well duh Scope, tell her how you feel!"


"No buts! You need a wife!"

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The next day, over he and Lora's daily game of chess (Scope was pretty obsessed with chess), he decided to take my advice, and tell Lora how he felt about her.

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"So yeah, Ellen's trying to get me to find a future wife. Y'know, to co-found the legacy and stuff with me..." he began casually, making the first move in the game, in more ways than one.

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"Oh really?" Lora replied, "Have anyone in mind?“

"Actually, yeah, there's this one girl“

"Who?" The two young adults tensed up.

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"Well, she's just my type. We have a two bolt chemistry together and she's blonde, and really pretty and..." Scope added slyly in a flirtatious manner, "she's sitting right across from me"

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Lora looked away, avoiding Scope's eyes, a knot of guilt forming in the pit of her stomach. "Scope..."

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"I can't, I'm sorry," she told him, "I like you, it's just, I really don't want to get messed up in this whole legacy business. I'm so sorry, we can still be friends, but you're best finding someone else"

Scope didn't know what to say. He felt as though she had just punched him in the gut. "Oh, yeah, I'm

cool with that." was all he could manage.

"Great advice Ellen.“ Shut up.

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True to her word though, Lora still remained friends with Scope. However, untrue to his, Scope pressed on, deciding he would just roll with the punches until Lora finally caved."Lora, you know, we'd be really good together...“

"Oh Scope," she shook her head and chuckled, smiling at him somewhat sympathetically, "Give it up all ready" There was a tinge of seriousness in her smile.

"Nope, I can take it, tough guy remember! So what you say?" Lora rolled her eyes.

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"Come on, it's time we called it a night," she said, making her way towards the door. Scope followed her, "How 'bout a goodnight kiss?" Although his comment came out jokingly, they both

knew he was being serious.

Lora went to roll her eyes, but she didn't have enough time. He leaned in.

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And before she knew what she was doing, she was leaning in too.

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Suddenly common sense regained control again and she pushed him off and crossed the room. "I think you better leave now" she told him sternly.

"But Lora!“

"Now!" Lora, hands on hips, kept at the best poker-face she could possibly manage. Why did she always fall for the tough guy?

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That night Scope couldn't sleep. He just couldn't stop thinking about Lora.

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He had tried to take Lora's advice and find some other girl to co-found the legacy with, but it seemed like no matter how smart and pretty...

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Or cool and hot the girl was..

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...They were no Lora.

But regardless, that night he realised that pushing Lora further and further wasn't going to help his case, and the only thing it was doing was putting her under pressure. So no matter how much it hurt him to do what he was about to do, he had to.

He found her at the arcade game in the common room and with a sigh, he dragged his feet over toward her, knowing this would probably be the last time he ever got to speak to her.

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His voice was merely a whisper as he forced out the words.

"Lora, I'm so sorry for what I've been putting you th-through..." Scope paused to blush slightly as his voice cracked with the pounding fists of his emotions raging to break out, but he swallowed them back and forced himself on, "It wasn't fair and I feel terrible, so starting today you never have to worry about me again, I'm moving out and you'll never have to see me. It's for the best...“

With that he rushed off, flustered, refusing to let the tears so desperately trying to show themselves do so, after all, tough guys don't cry remember? But Lora was having none of it. She followed him and with just a few quick strides caught up to him in the cafeteria where she grabbed his arm, spun him round to face her and did something Scope completely did not expect.

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But of course that doesn't mean it was un-welcomed.

Despite his little speech, Scope kissed her back and what seemed like an eternity to the cafeteria onlookers but not long enough to Scope, as the new couple came up for air Lora grinned. "You're not going anywhere," she whispered. Scope replied with a grin of his own as they slowly but surely moved the make-out session to her dorm room.

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College went by like a blur after that. Although he would never admit it himself, it was plain to see to everyone that knew him- Scope was in love.

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But regardless there was still work to be done, and not just the term paper kind.

Scope founded himself a Greek house that would also become host to future generations should they attend La Fiesta Tech. Of course this meant lawn living once more, which quite frankly noone was happy about, let alone Scope.

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But he sucked it up, realising it would be up to his children and his children's children to furnish his sorry excuse for a Greek House (and also think up an appropriate name) and in true Legacy tradition, began throwing toga party after toga party... Which apparently Scope decided he was too cool for and dressed in his pjs to toga instead.

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Naturally I was the guest of honour at these parties and happily raided whatever rations Scope had stocked. Old habits die hard my friends.

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But pyjama bottoms, simself fridge raidings and wall-lessness aside, Scope's nameless Greek House soon became party central. Roberto Gerbis here was Scope's closest friend on campus and was soon moved in to serve as placeholder. However he really irritates me and I can't see him sticking around

that long in the future...

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With the Greek House being well... Not a house in the slightest, barely even a garden really.. Scope didn't actually spend a lot of his time there when there wasn't a party to be thrown and soon found the LFT Student Union becoming a second home to him. It really is an awesome place, I don't know why I've never tried it before.

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Time flew by and in the blink of an eye Scope hit senior year. With graduation nearing ever closer, Scope realised it was time.

He was going to propose to Lora.

However neither he nor I was expecting what happened next to take place, but stupid me forgot to take more pictures 'cause I was too busy staring at the screen with my mouth open trying to figure out what the heck just happened.

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"SCOPE I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH THIS SKANKY COW!!“ "Um... What?“ "I hate you! I hate you and your skanky cow mistress!!“ "Again... what?“ Yeah Lora... what?!

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But it was too late, she was already storming off. Desperately, Scope followed her, confusion written all over his face. "Lora baby, look, I don't know what you're talking about but I asked you here because I want to spend the rest of my life with you and..."

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Giving up on explaining, with a frustrated sigh Scope thought the engagement ring he had bought would do the talking for him. He was lost for words.Lora was quite the opposite though. "Woah, woah, you're proposing?! I don't think so lover boy, not after what you just did to me!" She span on her heel and thundered out of the room, well, lack of room.

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Scope, with his minus-10 nice points, finally lost his patience. "Look Lora, I don't know what you're doing but you better stop 'cause you're acting totally psycho!" he snapped after her.

"Pfft, whatever cheater!" she retorted.

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"Are you actually insane?! For the love of Wright! I didn't cheat on you!" he was yelling now, his cheeks burning patches of emerald green in anger.

"I have nothing more to say to you!" Lora snarled before storming off the lot and out of Scope's life forever.

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With Lora gone, taking his rage with her, the realisation that the woman he thought was the love of his life was gone forever began seep in.

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Scope began to spend even more time at the LFT student union now that the night’s event at the Greek House made it too painful to stay there for more than a short period of time, confiding in anyone who would listen."I mean dude! I invited her so I could propose to her, not so she could go skitzo on me! We were about to woohoo for the first time and everything!“

"I feel for you man, I really do, but how long exactly have you been in your sweats for now?“

"About a week now"

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"And then she accused me of cheating on her with Sim State's cow mascot of all people! Just when I was about to propose to her and now she won't even speak to me!" Scope's story was met with a chorus of 'awws' from the majority of the female-based group he was whining to.

"That sucks, but I just have two questions," Roxy Sharp perked up, "One: Why are we talking to you from behind the counter tops? And two: How long have you been in those sweats for? You're actually starting to stink up the place dude"

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And it wasn't just Roxy acting cynical in response to Scope's sob stories. Uma, another go-er of the LFT Student Union, was less that sympathetic also.

"And she just left after accusing me of something I didn't even do! Right after I proposed!" Scope whinged for what was probably the millionth time.

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Uma blinked a few times at him. She had heard this story one too many times before. "Scope, you really need to get a grip“

"Um, excuse me?"

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Uma rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Well, it's just, I mean, how long have you been in those sweats for? No offence but you stink so bad! The girl obviously wasn't any good for you if she's done this to you, so you've gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back out there, y'know?" She added the best sympathetic smile she could muster at the end, feeling bad for being so harsh towards the fragile alien boy.

"Actually Uma, you're totally right!" Scope agreed in revelation.

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So the two young adults spent the rest of the night talking about pretty much everything- relationships mostly though. By closing time they had both realised something had clicked between them.

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As someone from downstairs shouted up about it being time to leave, Scope beamed at Uma. "You know Uma, this conversation we've had tonight was way more interesting than any me and Lora ever had," he said thoughtfully.

Uma smiled back."What did you say your turn ons were again?" she asked as she got up to leave.

"Blondes, why?"

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Uma began to make her way out, " 'Cause I bet I can make you like brunettes," she told him slyly and silkily voice before disappearing downstairs.

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"Ooo, no sweats today?" Uma teased.

Scope chuckled, "Nope, and I showered too. You like?" Uma shook her head and laughed at him. By graduation, the students had become as close as can be and Scope had forgotten all about Lora. He forgot about everything whenever he was with Uma.

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And the rest, they say, is history.

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During Scope and Uma's first date, the Secret Society decided to show up and initiate Scope.

Talk about sucky timing.

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"Umm, Uma... Some blonde guy's handcuffing me...“

"Oh honey, don't worry it's fine. I thought you were a 'tough guy'?“


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"Get a grip."

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Scope, as it turns out, loved the Secret Society and stayed there all night.

"Hey new guy, didn't you say you were on a date?“

"Oh crap, Uma!"

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Relax Scope, it couldn't have went that bad.

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Infact, I'd say it went pretty well...

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A couple days later it was graduation time and Scope left The Greek House forever, leaving Roberto on his own to call dormies up randomly and talk about dresses for a whole generation. My heart goes out to those poor sims.

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For the first time since he was a child, Scope set foot on the lot that had once been the basis for the original Green Legacy. The legacy his father had began so many years ago. The legacy that was cruelly snatched away from him, leaving only Scope to re-found it in his honour.

He allowed himself a sad sigh as the few memories he had of his father crossed his mind. It still looked the same.

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But this was a new legacy, even if it had the same rules. And it was a legacy Scope would begin with Uma, in hopes of raising nine more generations of alien children, just like his father had planned to. Scope was going to make his father, Curian Green, proud.

After changing in to something a lot less embarrassing, Scope phoned up Uma.

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He gazed in to her eyes lovingly. Usually, Scope hated expressing his emotions, but Uma made it effortless.

"Uma," he started, brushing a stray hair of hers out of the way so he could stare deep in to face, "I need you," he went on, "Since the day I met you you've been there for me to straighten me up when the going gets tough and I know I can't do this legacy without you..."

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"Uma, I may be a tough guy, but I'm nothing without you. Will you marry me?“

A girlish squeel escaped Uma’s lips, "Yes! Yes Yes! Of course I will"

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After the house was done up a bit, namely giving it actual walls and a roof, Uma and Scope were wed in a quiet but traditional ceremony, in front of the home where generation upon generation would be born, all because of them.

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Uma Green is extremely neat, shy, active, serious and has five nice points. Her turn ons are black hair and facial hair.

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"Umm, honey, we're in the middle of getting married, can't you finish that later?“


I like her already.

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After wedding, a few moments were taken to explore the house. Scope froze as they entered a painfully familiar room.

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"What is it?" Uma asked him softly. She knew him well enough to see he was trying hard not to let his tears show.

"It's nothing.." Scope told her silently.

Uma was having none of it."Spill.“

Scope turned to her, defeated, "It's just... This was my old room. Well, it was the only room, but still..“ he had told her all about his past before, and she couldn't imagine what it was like loosing someone so close to you so young. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

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She took his hands and smiled at him, urging for him to show her a smile too, "Well, it's you and me now. And we're gonna do Curian good and carry this alien legacy on in the Green name“

"You're right," Scope grinned, Uma was always right, "By the way, we should probably talk babies soon.

When do you want to get started on an heir?"

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As soon as possible turned out to be her answer. Generation two was on the way.

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Scope was delighted; he couldn't wait to be a dad! Especially now that the family actually had a house to raise a family in. He was going to give this kid everything he had never had.

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It had taken a while, but eventually I stopped by to meet Uma in person myself. "Hey Uma, how's the baby making going along? Remember the heir's gotta be alien, so make sure you pop out a greeny!“

"Er, who are you?“ "I'm your creator, and I watch everything you do“ "Umm.. That's pretty creepy, kid"

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Okay, so we didn't get off to the best start, but five solid hours of talking about shoes later, it's safe to say she warmed up to me.

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Labour time arrived a little later, and pretty soon we'd be hearing the pitter patter of the first baby of gen two's feet."Owww, when I agreed to this I didn't realise it would hurt so much!“

That is if Uma ever stops complaining long enough to actually have the baby.

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"Oh crap you're not green!“

Hmm, maybe this challenge is gonna be harder than I thought.__________________________________________________

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Thanks so much for taking your time to read the first chapter of my legacy 10 Gens of Green. This was a total nightmare to write with my insanely slow computer so I really appreciate it! Anyway, I shall leave you here with the questions: Will Uma and Scope manage to conceive an alien heir, or have I already lost my challenge? Will my computer explode because it's so slow? Will I think up a decent plot? All this revealed in the next installment of 10 Gens of Green._____