10 important guidelines for success

Succeeding at anything requires a large amount of effort and usually a large amount of ability and knowledge. There are 10 essential guidelines for success that you will need to be aware of and incorporate into your plan for success. These 10 guidelines can offer you the extra boost that might just be the difference between success and failure. Precision thinking needs precise action; the following is an action guide for helping you to achieve success in life or in business.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 10 Important Guidelines for Success

Succeeding at anything requires a large amount of effort and usually a large amount of ability and knowledge.

There are 10 essential guidelines for success that you will need to be aware of and incorporate into your plan for

success. These 10 guidelines can offer you the extra boost that might just be the difference between success and

failure. Precision thinking needs precise action; the following is an action guide for helping you to achieve

success in life or in business.

Page 2: 10 Important Guidelines for Success

1. Set Targets that are beyond what you know that you can achieve.2. Never be content with just mediocrity, but

aspire for the best.3. Be in control of your life and your future rather than allowing others to choose for you.4.

Take action on what you know and continue to learn.5. Be consistent; a little action every day amounts to a lot over time.6. Be positive, and as Dale Carnegie once said, Don't complain, condemn or criticise.7. Be a giver not a taker,

and design your life to help other people.8. Enthusiasm is contagious and will do more to motivate others than

anything you say.9. Be a tough worker and never a slacker.10. Be teachable and learn to teach others.

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Set Goals that are beyond what you know that you can accomplish .

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Goal setting is a unqualified for success, otherwise how are you going to grasp where you need to go; it is like

having a road map when you start out on a voyage. Set your goals beyond what you know you can achieve; this

creates some incentive to reach them. Using good sense in your goal setting is the essence. Determining goals that are

far too optimistic could cause discouragement when not reached. Keep your goals before you so they're going to be fresh concerning you when you commence every day. Be sure to jot them down and occasionally review then and update them if necessary. My old drill sergeant used to

claim, if you do nott have a target, you'll be shooting in the mud. That is also correct for goals in life.

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Never be content with just mediocrity, but aspire for the best.

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If you are content with mediocrity, you are never going to excel. Folk who excel make it their goal and aren't pleased

till they reach it. Folk who excel at anything work very hard at it; it just doesn't happen by accident. They could have been gifted from the beginning but it took a lot of work and practice to develop their gift. Gifted musicians practice their ability for hours on end. Sportsmen work

extremely hard to be able to perform as they do.

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Be in charge of your life and your future rather than allowing others to choose for you.

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The difference between the individual that is content with simply a job and people who dream to be successful

entrepreneurs is they take their future in their own hands; they're not content with another individual setting all the rules and making the plans for their regular lives. I don't mean to seem opposed to working for someone else. I

have worked for others, but only till I was ready to work for myself. In some instances success comes through the venue of employment. But for plenty of people their best success will be set by how skilful as an entrepreneur they

become. Rich, successful folks, in general, are the ones who are in business for themselves.

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Take action on what you know and continue to learn.

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Don't wait until you think you know absolutely everything about something to take action. Do something on things as

you learn them. I started building web sites a few years back and have been learning and implementing as I'm going. If I had waited till I presumed I knew it all, I still

would not have started.

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Be consistent; a little action each day amounts to a lot over a period.

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The Bible is an especially enormous book. In truth it's a book of 66 books. If it was written on ordinary thickness paper it might fill a library. For several years I have read thru the Bible each year. If you contemplate how small

ground you cover everyday it can be discouraging. I read 3 or 4 chapters every day and it appears to be nothing in

relation to how much has still to be read. But all I must do is be consistent, and by December I'll be finished the

entire Bible. That is how enormous jobs are accomplished; a little each day constantly. Here's a suggestion: Go to the library and check out a book that parallels your interests

and read a chapter or two a day, or if that is too much, try only 15 pages per day. Before very long the book will be

finished. And you will be prepared for book 2. Education is gotten just a dribble at a time solidly.

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Be positive, and as Dale Carnegie once declared, Do not complain, condemn or criticize.

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Successful folk as a rule are positive folks. Complaining, condemning and criticizing are for losers. It is aggravating and absolutely non-productive, yet many of us do those things at least often. It does require time to wreck the habit, but when you do it will free you and make you

about 100% more fascinating to others.

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Be a giver not a taker, and design your life to assist others.

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Let us face it we live in a whole world of takers who are interested in 1 most of the time. When we break out of that mould, we will then realize the gratification and joy

attached to helping others and also gain a valuable key to becoming successful. Most successful folk have learned as Napoleon Hill said in his book, Think and grow very rich,

that learning a real need that folk have and then filling that need is a method to become rich.

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Be enthusiastic; it is contagious and will do more to incentivize others than anything you say.

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Nothing gains the attention of others like enthusiasm; not your appearance or what you say. It has long been

recognized that how you say something is very much more important than what you are saying. The literal meaning of enthusiasm is God in you. God is the most positive force

in the universe. The best enthusiasm comes when a person really has God in them. This only occurs when we

have a private relationship with Almighty God.

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Be a hard worker and never a slacker.

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Most people are lazy when talking about doing things they have no desire to do . That explains why it is important to choose what you need to do in life rather than letting

life take the decision for you. The most suitable time to do that is when you are young and single and do not yet have the duties of raising a family which can imprison you in a

job you don't want to do; not that it can not be done later on when you do have responsibilities. I did not know what I would have liked to do until long after I had an other half and children. It is just much more hard then. Doing what

we enjoy makes it easy not to be lazy. Sure you can be lazy about some things, but when talking of your success, it is going to take plenty of difficult work and slackness isn't

welcome here.

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Be teachable and learn to show others.

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A know it all will always be ignorant because they have fooled themselves into believing they understand already. Not one soul on this earth has more than a tiny part of the information now available, let alone the realization that is still un-discovered. Gaining knowledge is a life long trip; it

never ends. I started university like a know it all and graduated realizing how little I know matched against all there is to know. Un-teachable, know it everybody is by

their own ignorance destined to always be ignorant. Being teachable is a mark of intelligence.

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Teaching others and forming a network is like cloning yourself. Instead of only 2 hands and one brain you can

have many. No one person can achieve near the things a web of folks can, who are united in reaching a goal that

benefits all concerned. My friend this is among the greatest techniques of success.

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