10 ways to be a better learner - imu webinar

10 Ways to Be a Be,er Learner Essen1al 1ps for thriving in the global learning economy

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Slides for a presentation on the book 10 Ways to Be a Better Learner for the IMU Webinar Series.


10  Ways  to  Be  a  Be,er  Learner  Essen1al  1ps  for  thriving  in  the  global  learning  economy  

Session  content:  

•  Brief  background/context  •  Overview  and  discussion  of  10  ways  •  Thoughts  on  moving  forward  

•  Notes  on  publishing  

Spotlight  on  You!  

Who’s  talking?  

  Educator    Writer  /  Blogger  

  Consultant    Entrepreneur    Volunteer    Musician  

  Lifelong  learner    Introvert    Father    Strongly  Disagree  

We  are  not  yet  well  prepared…  

…for  the  learning  economy.  

How  I  define  learning:  

Learning  is  the  lifelong  process  of  transforming  informa1on  and  experience  into  knowledge,  skills,  behaviors,  and  aVtudes.  

The  10  Ways  

1.  Adopt  the  Right  Mindset  2.  Cul1vate  Your  Network  3.  Ask  Ques1ons  4.  Be  an  Ac1ve  Note  Taker  5.  Set  and  Manage  Goals  6.  Prac1ce,  Deliberately  7.  Be  Accountable  8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  9.  Mind  Your  Body  10.  Embrace  Responsibility  

 10  Ways,  not        THE  10  Ways  

 Focus  on  learner   Focus  on  act  more  than  outcome  

1.  Adopt  the  Right  Mindset  

•  Belief  •  Consciousness  •  Competence  •  Recep1vity    

2.  Cul1vate  Your  Network  

•  Content  •  Integrity  •  Diversity    

3.  Ask  Ques1ons  

•  text  

•  Reliability  •  Significance  •  Comprehension  

•  Ac1on    

4.  Be  an  Ac1ve  Note  Taker  

•  text  

•  Organize  •  Review  •  Rework  •  Reflect  •  Connect  

5.  Set  and  Manage  Goals  

•  text   •  Rigor  •  Specificity  •  Commitment  

•  Process  

6.  Prac1ce,  Deliberately   •  Stretching  •  Repe11on  •  Feedback  •  Reflec1on    

7.  Be  Accountable   •  Check  Sources  

•  Test  Yourself  •  Teach  It  

8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  

•  Assessment  •  Access  •  Diversity  •  Ac1on  •  Order  

8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  

•  Assessment  •  Access  •  Diversity  •  Ac1on  •  Order  

Have  I  found  tools  that  help  me  test  the  knowledge  I  possess  in  a  par1cular  area?  

Have  I  iden1fied  informa1on  sources,  conversa1ons,  and  curators  that  help  me  assess  ways  in  which  I  might  want  to  build  my  knowledge  or  skills?  

8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  

•  Assessment  •  Access  •  Diversity  •  Ac1on  •  Order  

When  is  the  last  1me  I  went  on  a  “learnabout”  (a  coinage  based  on  the  term  “walkabout”)  to  find  interes1ng  new  resources  to  support  my  learning  goals?  

What  are  the  types  of  technology-­‐driven  learning  experiences  I  have  found  helpful,  and  why?  Where  can  I  find  more  of  a  similar  nature?  

8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  

•  Assessment  •  Access  •  Diversity  •  Ac1on  •  Order  

Am  I  consciously  using  technology  to  seek  a  diversity  of  learning  experiences?  

Do  I  repeat  the  same  old  things  again  and  again,  or  do  I  challenge  myself  to  find  ideas  and  perspec1ves  I  haven’t  previously  considered?  

8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  

•  Assessment  •  Access  •  Diversity  •  Ac1on  •  Order  

Am  I  using  technology  not  just  as  tool  for  passive  consump1on,  but  also  as  a  way  to  ac1vely  engage  in  learning  ac1vi1es,  such  as  taking  notes,  wri1ng  a  blog,  playing  learning  games,  etc.?  

What  new  approaches  –  e.g.,  crea1ng  a  podcast,  producing  a  short  video,  star1ng  a  Tumblr  feed  –  might  align  well  with  my  current  learning  goals?  

8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  

•  Assessment  •  Access  •  Diversity  •  Ac1on  •  Order  

Am  I  using  technology  tools  effec1vely  to  help  me  make  sense  of  the  chao1c  flow  of  new  informa1on  and  experiences?  

Have  I  explored  the  full  capabili1es  of  the  tools  I’m  using  so  that  I  can  get  the  most  out  of  them?  

9.  Mind  Your  Body   •  Diet  •  Exercise  •  Sleep  

10.  Embrace  Responsibility  

•  Contribu1on  •  Mo1va1on  

•  Consequences  

Moving  forward  

They  know  enough  who  know  how  to  learn    –  Henry  Adams  

Addi1onal  ques1ons  or  comments?  

1.  Adopt  the  Right  Mindset  2.  Cul1vate  Your  Network  3.  Ask  Ques1ons  4.  Be  an  Ac1ve  Note  Taker  5.  Set  and  Manage  Goals  6.  Prac1ce,  Deliberately  7.  Be  Accountable  8.  Use  Technology  Be,er  9.  Mind  Your  Body  10.  Embrace  Responsibility  


•  Jeff  Cobb  e:  [email protected]  

t:  missiontolearn  p:  +1.919.201.7460  

b:  www.be,erlearner.net    w:  www.tagoras.com        

Corwin  2011  

AMACOM  2013