100in1day introdution brief

From an idea to a Global Movement

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Information about 100In1Day | Citizen Movement


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From an idea to a Globa l Movement

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A MOVEMENTThat is transforming the way citizens perceive

the public space.

Nowadays the cities are living in a critical state of change where new ways of culture are surfacing.

Humanity, more connected every day, does not see frontiers or barriers that might prevent thinking, feeling, and acting as a whole. That is why, this global movement searches the involvement of all the citizens thinking globally, feeling wholly, and acting crazily.100In1Day shows, connects, and catalyses the change, from empowerment and active participation from people in order to build their dreamed cities.One day where citizens make 100 or more actions in public space.

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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It is a movement, a festival, a platform, and a model for social transformation. In the same way in which the cities are changing, 100In1Day is also in permanent

construction, without losing its essence.








The power that citizens have to be catalysts of change.

Actions above opinions.

Citizens’ connections to activate the potential of each individual.

Everything is possible if we work, imagine, and create the change altogether.

Opens spaces of participation that have an impact on the construction of democracy.

Creativity as a powerful tool to transform.

The importance of dreaming and taking the necessary measures to transform dreams into realities.

The potential of local actions to generate global changes.


www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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AND AFTER ALLwhy become an active citizen?

We have shown that citizens want to participate in the construction of cities, and are anything but apathetic to their surroundings.

100In1Day has become the perfect place to transform the conception of citizen that, further than participating by voting, worries about intervening, acting, and proposing solutions that democratize the public space.

We use the term: ‘Active Citizen’ that, even if it seems redundant, reminds each one the importance of the actions in their role as a subject of political rights and duties.

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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100In1Day is the result of a co-design and co–creation project. It was born from the crossing of two paths that were working on building initiatives on civic culture and active citizenship. Firstly, the citizen culture group that was constituted in the city of Bogota, at the time called Acciones Urbanas, and secondly, the active citizenship conformed by a group of students from the Team 17 of the Business Danish School Kaospilot.

This collective creation was conceived in the first half of 2012 when the two groups were working together in the city of Bogota. At its inception it sought to generate six projects of interaction and urban intervention that would provide new cultural conditions for the local citizenry. On an exercise of co-creation, the proposal for the final project began to take shape based on a central factor: involving the people of Bogota in the construction of the city, through the concept of active citizenship. For this six interventions were not enough, then why not 100?

Today, after some years, the motor group conformed by 7 colombians and based in Bogotá, has connected cities and visions around the world consolidating the initiative and projecting itself as one of the movements that transform individuals and groups.


www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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100In1Day PHASES

Preliminary: 60%‘Discover, Inspire, Participate’

The Big Day: 20%‘Act’

Building and Dreaming: 20%‘Anchoring and Future Perspectives’

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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Meeting spaces where the interventions for the big day take form. All creative energy and networking

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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¡CHANGING THE CHIP AS A TEAM! Meetings of the organising team.

Constant meetings of each city’s organising team to plan, set up objectives, and the action plans, to make

this initiative a reality.

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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¡NETWORKING!Launch and closure.

Events where we tell the world about the dawn of a new 100In1Day (City), and we share the experience we have

had living it.

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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SHARING OUR VISIONForums, meetings and, fairs.

Spaces where we inspire citizens and share our success stories.

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37


100In1Day is all about creating, dreaming, and overall enjoying! Parties and meetings are vital for the connection of dreams and people because we are a community that

vibrates for what it does.

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People involved20.000 people around the world.

Number of interventions1.200 actions around the world.

Number of 100In1Day 20 cities arund theworld

Average of citizens per action4 citizens

Number of work hours per version2640 work hours per motor group.(In the first version of 100In1Day Bogotá)


www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

CITIZENSHIP IS CONTAGIOUSCities that make part of the movement

Bogotá 2012PastoPamplonaChinúSan José- Costa RicaBogotá 2013CaliCopenhagueCiudad del Cabo 2013ManaguaKaluga-RusiaYumboMontrealSantiago de ChileCiudad del Cabo 2014PamplonaRio de JaneiroVancouver TorontoTijuanaTuxtlaSan José 2014Halifax







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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

THE POWER OF SMALL ACTIONSThe interventions or interactions are made in the public space, and have an impact in the physical or human dimension of the city. They come from the reflection of the citizens about the territory, and they are founded in their needs and dreams.

They can be focused towards environmental or cultural topics, of mobility or arts, and are intended to influence in a positive way in the local context.

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37


El TiempoADN

PublimetroCanal Caracol

City TvCanal ET El Tiempo

Cartel UrbanoSeñal Radio Colombia

RCN RadioLa NaciónCNN Chile

Plataforma UrbanaDIKO

El Aguaite, Cultura CriollaCultural Agent

Urbanismo TácticoThe Big City

(IFHP) The International Federation for Housing and PlanningRuta Ciudadana.org

CAKI Center of applied Artistic InnovationYorokubo

CBC MontrealNatugaven

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

32 LATERCERA Miércoles 16 de octubre de 2013

Guía para sacar provecho al festival de intervenciones urbanas 100 en 1 DíaR El próximo domingo, más de 120

actividades artísticas se realizarán durante todo el día en la capital.

R Se inspiró en un festival de Bogotá y se verán desde picnics masivos hasta vagones de Metro decorados.

Pacman humano Como si las calles fueran un laberinto, dos personas co-rren persiguiéndose. Inscrip-ción en el lugar. Parte fuera del M. Los Leones. 15.00 h.

La kombi del barrio La kombi llamada “Lupe”, que siempre aparca en Mosqueto con Sto. Domingo, se moverá ese día al Parque Forestal, donde será intervenida con peces y plantas de lana para que parezca un acuario. P. Fo-restal, frente al M. de Bellas Artes, de 10 a 18 h.


Arcoíris sobre el río Retazos de telas ordenadas por colores transformarán el puente Racamalac en un ar-coíris. Frente a Av. Condell, de 11 a 19 h.

Metro a crochet Los asientos de un vagón de la Línea 1 de Metro se cubrirán con cuadros de color, como los que tejían las abuelas. ¿La idea? Hacer el viaje más aco-gedor. Desde las 8.00 h.

Una espera lúdica La publicidad de los parade-ros de Av. Grecia, en Ñuñoa, se intervendrá con mensajes creativos. Paraderos frente a E. Nacional, desde las 10 h.

Tendedero de libros En el bandejón central de la Alameda habrá tendederos con libros colgados, que se podrán llevar. Entre Av. Brasil y Av. Cumming, de 10 a 11.30 h.

Picnic saludable Será de puros vegetales en el Parque Bicentenario de Vita-cura. Habrá una clase de ali-mentación saludable. Av. Bi-centenario, de 16 a 18 h.

Pared de nailon Un grupo de siete personas llevará un nailon tensado de 20 metros de largo. Con éste rodearán a la gente e, inclu-so, detendrán el tráfico (por un tiempo breve, eso sí). Es-tación Central de trenes, de 12 a 13 horas.


















Jardín sobre ruedas ”Jardincletas” les llaman a las bicicletas en las que instalarán macetas con flores y plantas. En la Plaza Felipe Dawes, de Providencia, habrá tres de ésas, para hacer el lugar más verde y acogedor. Salida sur del M. Manuel Montt, 10 h.

Como en Hollywood Frente a los edificios Turri, la gente podrá caminar sobre una alfombra roja y el público la aplaudirá, como estrellas. Plaza Italia, de 11.30 a 14 h.

Picnic en pijama En medio de la Plaza Ñuñoa se hará un picnic particular: ahí, quienes quieran, com-partirán un refrigerio en pija-ma. Las personas podrán ha-cer consultas privadas sobre sexualidad a los médicos y sicólogos de una ONG. Plaza Ñuñoa, de 16 a 19 h.

Flashmob bailable Un flashmob (baile improvi-sado) acompañará a las per-sonas que ingresen a la Quin-ta Normal. Salida del M. Quin-ta Normal, de 13 a 14 h.

Parque “enchulado” El mobiliario menos atractivo del Parque Uruguay (ribera sur del Mapocho) será inter-venido por pintores para de-jarlos como obras de arte. Parque Uruguay, de 12 a 18 h.

Batucada de gaitas La colonia gallega en Santia-go realizará un pasacalles en Vitacura, con música y bailes típicos. Entorno del P. Bicen-tenario, de 17 a 19 h.

Barcos en el Forestal Para recordar la laguna que existió en el Forestal hasta los 40, se pondrán barcos de papel en el terreno donde estaba. P. Forestal, 9.00 h.

Una siesta pública Con la idea de cuestionar lo público y lo privado, se insta-larán dos camas con perso-nas durmiendo en el barrio. Lastarria con Merced, 14 h.

Aves de ciudad En las salidas del paseo sub-terráneo, frente al Santa Lucía, se colocará una bandada de pájaros hechos a mano, que parecieran venir saliendo de una jaula. Vereda del cerro Santa Lucía y Casa Central UC, de 9.30 a 17 h.


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UN REGALO PARA SANTIAGO Este festival partió en 2012, en Bogotá, y aterrizó este año en Santiago. En agosto se invitó a colectivos de arte a pensar en actividades creativas que desplegarán este domingo.

El detalle de las intervenciones restantes se puede ver en la web del festival: www.100en1dia.cl


La Tercera (Santiago de Chile)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

The City Fix(Costa Rica)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

Veja Rio (Rio de Janeiro)

Page 19: 100in1day Introdution Brief

www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

Yorokubo (España)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

Young Marketing(Colombia)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

Diario La Nación (Costa Rica)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

IFHP- The International Federation for Housing and Planning


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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

Revista Travel Mall(Mexico)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

The Star(Canada)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

CNN Chile(Chile)

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www.100en1dia.com Bogotá, Colombia | Carrera 11 N 61-67. Number: +57 3 47 74 37

Urban Solutions(Singapore)

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