
10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States. 10.3

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10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States. 10.3. Main Topic: Industrial Revolution. Preview Standards in the back of the guide. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States.


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Main Topic: Industrial RevolutionPreview Standards in the back of the guide

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Why: Growth of knowledge and expansion of freedom allow invention to improve (?) the lives of man.

Who and Where: People of Earth, first in England then the rest of Europe and the United States and Canada

What: A change in society to machines. First clothing and then manufacturing of other products

When : mid 1700’s to 1800’s

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What was life like before the Industrial Revolution?

Show Video: Before the Industrial Revolution

Would you have liked it?

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Industrial Revolution starts in England

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Why England?1. Many workers2. Natural Resources

Water Power - Iron OreRivers for TransportationHarbors to ship products

3. Government was stable4. Investors5. Laws to protect business

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Revolution in Agriculture

The Seed DrillCrop Rotation

Result : Food becomes abundant

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Textile Advances

Spinning machines and the Cotton Gin

Clothing becomes abundant

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Transportation AdvancesSteam Engine


More transportation of goodsMore jobs = More consumers

Stone Roads = Better travel

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What other advances have taken place in Industry since?

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Essay Two

First step create the outline

I. IntroductionA. B.C.D.

II First area of IRA.


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Technology of the Industrial Revolution

Form groups of 3-5

5 letters will pop up on the screen and a topic. You must try to think of words that describe the topic and start with the letter on the screen.

You will have 3 minutes

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No stupid stuff

For example – Cell phones are after the industrial revolution but

they are not found in a restaurant. They are in a back

pack or a car though.

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Technology of the Industrial Revolution

After 3 minutes you will check each letter with the other people in your group. You earn points if you have a word that nobody else in the group has. If two people have it there are no points scored and if you do not have anything you do not score a point. Be original but accurate. The group must agree that it is a real word and that it starts with that letter. Spelling doesn’t count as long as you can tell what the word is. Mr. Mendoza is the judge on any disputes.

Keep score on your own.

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Things found in a school after the Industrial Revolution

Pencil – NoElectric Pencil Sharpener (E) – Yes


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Things found in a restaurant after the Industrial Revolution

Fork – NoMicrowave - Yes


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Things found in a Hotel/Motel after the Industrial Revolution

Bed – NoTV - Yes


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Things found only in a restaurant after the Industrial Revolution

Fork – NoMicrowave - Yes


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Things found in a student’s backpack/locker/bedroom since the

Industrial Revolution


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Things found at Target/Kmart that would not have existed before the

Industrial Revolution at a small store.


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Things found at Target/Kmart that would not have existed before the

Industrial Revolution at a small store.


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Population Growth of the World

One Dot = 1 Million People

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Population Growth of the World

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Urbanization of the World after the Industrial


Industrialized people moving to the cities

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Bath Tubs and Showers Become Common in the 1800’s (same water)• Before rivers lakes etc

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Men and Women Lived in Two

Different Worlds

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Working Conditions

Long Hours = 14 hours6 days

No VacationUnsafe conditions

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Middle Class arrives after the Industrial Revolution

Outnumber AristocratsGain Power

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Labor Unions Start to Grow

• Most made illegal by governments

• What is their purpose?• Who is in them today?

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The LudditesDestroyed Machines


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Effects on the World after the Industrial Revolution

Read purple on 262

Project #3Display women changing

At least 3 women displayed with textDisplay any way you wantResearch due by Monday

I need to know what years of women you will coverMore info on Friday but start NOW!!!!!

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Check for page 182 (HW)

• Read Colombian Exchange from old book• (see copies in file)

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Laissez Faire – A term to know

“Let business be business”

Free market – No/few government regulations

example: no minimum wage

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Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations

The government need not interfere with business

Government regulation = Less profit= Less jobs =

More poverty

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Money is invested in business with the goal of making a profit

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SocialismThe government plans the


Concern for the welfare of all

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Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto

Overthrow the Factory Owners

Communism“The government controls all production and the workers all share the products.

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Spreading of Industry

Before read “Colombian Exchange from old book”

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Spreading of Industry

• United States – Germany – France – Japan

First countries to Industrialize after England – Had similar situation (resources, govt. etc.)

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Spreading of Industry

Countries with less resources Industrialize slower (or bad conditions)

Russia had resources but bad government

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Mid-Late 1800’sAspirin



Electric MotorsLight Bulb (1870)

Interchangable PartsAssembly Line

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Early 1900’s


Telegraph > TelephoneRadio

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Review 8 points of Romanticism on page 239

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q. 1 Share one thing in your feelings or imagination at this


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q. What gross or odd thought have you had in the last 24 hours?

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q. 3 Describe an instance in which you were in nature.

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q. 4 Describe what was best about the past when times were simpler

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q.5 Who is your hero and why?

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What is your favorite story or song?

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Turn Off the Lights

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Brandenberg Concerto no.3

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1756-1791 Mozart

Hope and GloryThe Shoe

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Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

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Read 240 Romanticism in Literature and Gothic Novel

Artistic Movements - 242