
... , .. \ ·c Volume XXXIII HOPE COll.ECE. Hoi .... , Michipn, Nov. 24, 1920 III t.lO, WEEK OF PRAYER paVES EXPERIENCE STUDENTS Final Battle Goes to .xt. Pleasant A L-____ -- __ FOOTBALL SQUAD NOT UP TO I bave 1)ftell wI8bed I eouId uve utiat.---be 'MIl, .... m ...... COLLEGE ASSEMBLES IN CHAPEL FOR FINE SERIES USUAL FOItM-MUDDY FIELD been at on It, au artIat, he .... _ feel .. RESPONSIBLE FOR 'LOW l1WJ3. To t'ead and re-l'Md. thOR lit ....... .... , OF SIX MEETING-PRAYER CIRCLES BIC INFLUENCE PLAY few lublime Hntencn that LillCGln alehea!:J, tht. 101D.uu.r .111 ...... "Vllioa Plul Valor" The 'Wee'll: of Prayer wa opened Sunday night in the chapel by oar collere Pastor on the topic 'evtliGn p'km Valor." ,He pictured for ua the vhrion. and oVIIllor of a Moses. MOllu, that man who denied himaelf more bon or and vain glory than we can comprehend started 1tis Ctarilltian semice by getling a vilion. We all k.now tile valor MOlel had, bow be for Forty years 'IVU able to lead the people -thru trial after trial, with still ,the courage to prees ·on. "A BUlin"l Opportunit)''' . to live long, but a delin to live well. Our total experience in life mould be going for the uke of othen, and we should mow which InIPirati0ll8 to pa. on to otherll." "What It Me.nJ to Pra)''' Vial ton Cam ... Two Tou ..... owDi ud On. Field CeNll Scar. 17-0 uttered there on that date, Ind with for It la able to ...... .at An •• elch re-rlldinr to feel a Dew won- tile COlD'lDOneR dNII7 ......... ... der It their pngnaut liqllicity- pun rold of a perfeet .... ... luch premaney of Jl1)ble thot and .. the -of ..... an I ., yet nch simplicity Gf exprellionJ- lOme , __ Ina The final curtain was rung down il truly bllaful; but to bave · ... n baser metala a pure roW, .. tile on Hope'll '20 football eeaeon when that great Dl&Il .. he al'Ol' Gn that word .. rtltt of all tiJMI te the strong Mi. Pleuant eleven leored da, to ddreu the aux- ereate hom the "_a AI." II a 17-0 victory on 19th .. t. groundll. ious multitude, Ind to our every-d.a, .. rol_ t · l I At tile .center of every Christian The game . wa. slow and at no time have heard tboee few limple ",orela of perfect poem ot ... .,Ia' fife lies the subj e- :t cf prayer." We lIIPeictacular. Ta'king an unlblued all, welling .up hom hill .own rnat phrase. An4 be Jabon . .. ' .. .... all felt t hat H ::.: d.! and Dea were view, we are lIafs in _ying , that the manly hurt, they p .... d Gn to the for from tb. ' "n ... of ear just the people we would like to hear visitons had' the better team and hearts of hll countrymen, fGrever to grut thoqbt-aJe ..... J. '- from .on this " pivot" of Christian played better foothall. Hope'll great- be entbrined there - .. an Immortal a product Gf ..,act ... ; ..... , ..... experience. A Jecture or sermon est weaknee. lay In tackling and memorial of him who gave them,- more dear to tlae htaItIi .. bean <8 message, but a confeaion blocking and the form 8ho.wed by to have wimeued and heard that, all the elltterbac .. til ., .. di. and talk by our fellow students Bome our lut Saturday was not up indeed have been "very heav- Uld min... II till "f. )of how strike .the high notes, and the to the al;andard of that mown in tile en." lIAlwever, that w .. the prfyil- ttyte in . ita breI __ ?I 19 .. .. lll.e8INI&'e remains with UII. . game with Kazoo on Armilltice Day. ege of only a few. The .rest . of _ eret ·U .. In tbe ,If ... -- pn Monday morning Corneliua We Burely owe a great deal to However the felloWi were full of muat qontenf ounelvet with a dumb it, ..... "!srt It Dosker led the meeting. He opened prayer, for "'we could not arrive at a fight, and we are prGud of for _admiration of potent maric of is he who ftell Ill •• tlJ by expr.-ing hia indebtedness to vision, could not endure failuree, the battle they put up. '. thill great addrea. It ia the flrth- and .a;pmpatUtietDr. I the week of prayer, which forty..four and oould not arrive at a purpose in Arldlough m,arlted by no eensation- ereat we can proceed in our analJlit, ,BlIt ·th .. an ,a..,. .. years ago had been .the means ()f hla life without prayer." "It _ ill 110 big I . the ........... lOn tw been -beyond liel the individual lOuI of halp in the cIen1., •• ." . ..... i ib Ii · II a Vl""",nee, -- -- . 1 :..t_.. ' .. I" convers on. and wonderful in its POIIII' i ties: fairly luccessf.ul. Hope baa not won the author, making an&lJlla pnpo.i- pNM It,. - .. . MIl " L. .t Prom a bUlin .. standpoint it is Prayer ill univeraal. Man hall thru· victorie19 but h .. lelmed a great deal ble and comprehention S !hUer of ,The . ... nee of .twk • «.-ential that .one 1m00W how to out 1ne ages 'been praying and to use of clun Kraight football. With only degree . of sympathetic peraonality ,.!It · IM ,.,. -..r mab a good invetUnent." It is al-. Harold.'s 'Words, 1/ Man il a praying a few experienced men beet in the And yet the Gett,.bur,r Adclretl la eel in .the , beut of '. '; •• , ' ... 110 a bwrin8lll' propoaition "to pay animal." Harold reiterated Mr. game at the beginning of the 118mn, merely a of maJ1Y apeel- the outward. ji". a ... ,. your honelt d.e.bt8," Ind a bulinese Douer'. atatements "that we owe it W88 quite e difficult proposition to menl of a beautifully simple proM auther ' deeb :tWa -ee . LIILI!' ... man should' have "a strong detennin - mucll to our praying motile.rs, and develop a bunch ()f green men into IItyle. In his letter to .1In. AIixb, · be auIf'secl ... n. , .... • tion to make good." often we do not fully realize what a speedy football u.ehine. However, himself it. 'l'be 10ft Prime amODC' tIN 77 r.h ... In the courae of his dilCuuion Mr. mother's prayers have in our fioe Iba . h of ))eainne.N ilave been dJrectnellll of ·thls letter baa fOllnd a rood PNIe atrle, ". .. ._ .. DoUer pointed out how nch an livee." :ut . ever;: night, a gr .. t deal hall ready appreciation in the heart of preeiaion. _ tw.N. ·1 "'inves'linentfor Christ" il better Dea drew us all into one big fam- bled and pro....... tit for next every reader. Attic -and undfetted, OMt eGrrelatlea tW ... C IF• ... £'1_ t . v·-'-ent h'd I, all h th een earn , ..... -- . 1 d . • I" -.on t... tL -.-. ......... . .: ... n eveo a ,",vemmen 18., ..... , iIy when I e sal .> !We ave e -_a-l'--l, ... ..:_"'" and yet all unnvale 1p1C""ent 0 .. WI , _, I. __ .. _Lt t 11 It ) season are ' ........ V_. ... .. t_ II ..... ,. "H we owe a a a , we owe aame probtemll in our prayer lives. F H' ...... nk Pyle Dek. beautiful prOle I 011. CaDllot help wOIl _t .. GMt " ••• '. f h d to th " __ I our men, 1e..,.-I" . . .... to our at ers an our mo era. There is the quet!ition of the I'C'IUity ker and. Boerama, played their last but admJre lt, and ret ODe caftDOt __ .. a reqa. ___ A1U ..... Then, "we owe a debt to out' col· of God. We all have a good con.cep· ame Hope, last Saturday. Tbeae proceed. . To. eaInalar7. ADa It , iI ' J' tit I ••• 1 lege," and! we owe a debt · to our- bic.n and! theory !but cannot get in the men Mye played a aplendid it fully II Impoelible: eve'll .. of thla 1 t ..... lellv •. " practical. To the of th t the aeaeeln end their partial anilyelll, however poor, letted prteialon .. ,.11 , I. fl._I' "Making money. is not making God fa not as all ·w.or4s make ram k e ruth°u 'd' f' H""'" 1'1 bring one immediately In touch with in the de.; .. er ...... J Mn i ·· . wor on e grl Iron or -,..- . . Ln.' .. ' good: an influential pol tlOn m 8001e' it and many a man 'It ,prayer is apoll- th M d ti the great lIympathetlc heart that... over, If a !up y... . L 'IIIl d lif I wor Y 0 '1 commen Ion. . ..... ,,L- ty il not making goo : our e paned by the shadc.w 1)f his o.W1l life." mh . b uart _ Lincoln 'a, and theneefonrard-u I pNIGppclleci, a _ r 11--- ,1 -e game y q e ... : - . . - .,.., .... ebanged and put In harmony with Our apiritual food must necellllarily FUrst quarter-Dyke kic'ked otr for stated a moment aro.-anal,.11 be- eWon , wID do .... God'. plan, thil is making good!" coone from the Iblble, land when we H Th ..... 11 d J... comes comprehenalon and enters In- tiOD. In faet,!.I .woald ... ;z.s .,n the ld ope. e... was recovere VI lit • In conclusion :lie threw out 0 are not in a mood of prayer, the J B d1 wh . d 't to H ' to the domain Gf feelinr and ilItul- the .... nt.ia1 seaet If ..... S- but nevertheless ever new chal1enge bilble should, Ibe our first resort. . e ow" 0 carrie loped' tive appreciatioli. develOJlGlIDt, the 1 ., •• "Ye that are men now lIerve him." Mter all 'Prayer is but a means /ard ::ay:;:;:o; Perhapll I can belt deeeribe thia · search 't.r WOld tr Wea . . .... II "That means now, and it moons a for "iin.ding I Chrilt and this is let- Mt 0;ra held. on intangible aomethlng ht gi.,.1 a elad" o ... .!a .. ntaI . .......... .... full lurender." Him find us." The responaiOili· th' te easan d · r ey a soul to thought.expreaion, call- detenmndl. to •• ', I. .... f L ··" ty of brin"';ng ()hriet to the millons d ..... Ihne f , th a ball g ing it "Ityle." But what II ItJle' AI ItUCh ,untilttbt tnuat -. II f .... , 1M ''Th. Pur--. 0 .vln. ..- fA I wulC al e e 0- . r-- c.f down-trodd.e.n women and, men . 'U W H' . th 00' d), H pe I take it, atyle II the uneonaeioUi brourht bolDt, fa tIM .. . .... , ... Prof. Wichers led the meeting on reste u,pon the Chriltian. And, in as mg oPl.eed° n fI e -: .. me F · permeation throughout hia Gtherwlle ward .a thoro ..... ,'M,••• .- Tuelday on "The Purpose of Lly- much as we give of ourselves for was pena II ve . ya...... almg empty worda of ' -an author'. noblllt the diettollUJ. A # 'tF fw,.. lng," or &8 be termed it himself "to othen, jwrt -in that proportion will to get through the hne, Hope punted penonality In art theft la 101M- ciIIoD lhouId be tilt ".Her- .un and Mt. Pleaeant was d()lW1led on the. . •• _ - ..... L lolvei the problem of .the riddle of our lives become worth while. 0 d I' H Mt PI t thmg: called Expreuloni a &trance trlcitJ .f .. 1tJI. ___ .... .'_ , 4 yar me. ere . euan th· ..... t '"" to cia I:.:. d -6.1 LU .... _o_i.a _ ............ ... human existence. ' 1J d 6 d Th lOme mg lUa •• '1" u_ en .wCa _ .. _ _ l._ Our profellllOr showed uS' how we "Th. Christ of Faith" Wal yar II. e IImears and lIrhta aDd Ihad. a kiIl- the tit .... ., -' •• 2 II 0 ought to reveal Cbriat unto others, A week of prayer without a deds - ended .'WIth the ball on Hope I 36- ship to life and NaUt,i a IOmethinr wo1l1d fail to renal, Ih 'lliaUl- how uploo tb6 . "eleict 01 God" there ion day wou1d Ibe neglecting a 101- yard tme. that lIeems to fix a lOut In the tifeleu Ina' fact tUt IJ'DOQ ...... Iii. , lies 8 responsibility, and that, no emn dutQr. Dr. Kuizenga on Thurs- in the K 1 nam a canv ... of the painter. And JUCh .ot ezatirelJ inteNhsn ••• "1 4in& matter how poor we are, "each filII day, made the piea fIlr thoBe \liPon was aubetituted for Tumsma. In the it! Ityle to liter.ature. -It la the per- ill "ery CMI of t' .1, •., I ••• a niche in the greet hall of fame." wlhose heart's door Cilrist had been flmt of the querter Hope Wal sonallty behind the worda. 'Some- tJMre la ahr.,. .......... "Our purpose in life should -first knoddn"'. He did it in a 'Calm, in- penahzed 16 yardtt iwldlng. Aft- time. it llbinn fonh In a a",eet p1a,_ letted; aDd tIIat ... of. . ro-d .... er a leriet of .brilliant dubea by Mt .• ul f b--L _ ..... Ln.o.-. ._ , . be uJI-realization, knowing our,", , spiring way as he pictured for us - did h I- n ..... 0 a .1IIDmer --i ..... _ .. __ __ awrehending, lIUl"l'endering and liv- "The Chrilt of Faith." A& the beau- J. Be low rece ve t e timel we ratbed from ItII ripp1tnc ..... . , 1Qk, If . ,.. .... ing a Ufe on a high level. tiful p&lI88ge WIUI read fTOOl Isiah, ball and 'WIIlJIt 30 yarda for the ft1'It cadenee tale eUf laurhter of a ebild -II a D,"" in tlat ""111 )'it,. .. A mind illJ .harmony with the picturing "the man of sorro.ws," our toucbdOlWll. He alao kiebd. roll. at play; an4 then again it And. a- of 'Par-. Will God," prayer and a conlJCien ' every ' heart seemed to lIing .. My W 888enaar recovered the kiek-otr prtllfon in a pauee,-aa If it weN Th. a.J.cl, ."., _ ' II. 5S lis tiOUII Christian life will develop a JesUI I love Thee" , and went ten yarda. D,te pined 16 the lob of a aorowtnc heart. But ion fa " .... I..- GI"'",''' '" llallit of lee'king the plan of God for In our youth if we had "mother more' h Tld. h 6!l adPl .. ,alle!.!...nd Hope thue are the touehe. t1f the- m'lHr- la ..t ., •• 1Ir .... , w.. e to 0WIlI, f rato of tIM.. .. ... our livell, and; "there ill no in diaciplee" we were privileged to w .. lUbetituted for Hambutt The 0 0 ry II life without a plan." .. If we lrnow a glimpse of the Ohriet, but .. 11 '. M 1 B1Ich oratory ..... , . ...... the WI11 of God, we will do tIIinee ..... half ended 'With the ba on Hope. honOR for t.;P ..... nt. IOU ... ... ts, .. ' 111'" 41f we grow older we curQunll are 7 yard line. The •• 0 ........ -- d .":-11::.- . with a Ohriatian motive." drawn gradually farther and far- M PI II PI to - .wnuwli .... & __ ... A ... ·-dI requl ... ·te in a life w.ith I t In tile third quarter t. euant Hope . , to .... n &1ld II ...... _ I ".'11,, ' .... w..- 1ft' ther, and we finaUy greap at al a d Itbr . ta ft 1d 1 B L. Eo 0 ." pUl1l0ae ii, "a heart set for a vicar- vision of "the .DIAJlifeeter o.f real hu- rna e ee pom on a e _ ro a . oe!'IIM.,..,. 1&11 ... t, 'fII. IIIII ... J experience." We Mve a eplen' manity", an-d' of.rum who. U il the Hoek, Kiupn.a, and BoeNftla dut ex- HGek L. T. -Jeet II ....... to .... til lif f . cellent delenaive work. dUrinc tilla L. G. XnDt4J .. ...... ' aid example of thil In e e 0 prDgram of the very de.. quarter Aldrich... nbsltltated HiddiD( C. X,II,," __ ."::i ... .. , Ianamori. tiny of our livee." Thunday mom- for Hleb aud Doebon BoersmL Pyle .R. G LIIraftl tine. Then, final1¥, whe mlJlt al':a iug .. w that cuuin lifted for many In the bat tile IItD ... JIltIIriDk & T. ..' ._ tIIe.1II hlr will centered on t e melnll. e . 11- of us gO J'6-ICOnaeerated Gur Uvea, Iteedily down the tletd' to 'hi ..... R. Eo 1 .. 11* .c .. _ . 'Ill oureelv6ll, and ill 11- Ind drawn . for the In Hope'l 80.,.rd lin., where I pae Va h-. Q. F •• .ta: ".,. a .riou thing, 19' e IDle our the Uvee 'at thue who took eir J. Bedlow to F. Bedlow DItted for W. IUU ·R.1L IIWaI _... -' .... ",'It : .IJIJi ... , wbatera of sdvenitJ and cHtBeulty inititial ItUl(rTor aiiiat. r every 1ft. PlMllDt Idle Anal counter. For De .Tour P ... ;; -- to _ers of Pl'OIIP8rity." prayer illlhat He may .. y unto them H Hoek, W ... naar, J[l1llJM and .., .... J[. ..... , >.i •• ·W. muat bIRe a ruling pUllon .. He did of old "I have cholen yoa u:t:'tr "Qed a &trona del... Bead . .. ......... 1 .. ... IIld if we ",ant to make the molt Gf that "'batao .... ,e .batl .. k of the pme, ...... D.rb .act CJutr .... ... ,i .. tif. we han to live, we ean do Fatller in mr lWIle, He mlU' rive . it GIlt of the "'1lI. .... .... let.. .. for ... belt b, H"'111 , for othm for ron." . aDd m .. eant.. • .. fir "' ... 1. ' .. d. 'l'Ilere 1h0uId not he a deIlre (00MIIa." .. rap t) ... - .... Pa

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·c Volume XXXIII HOPE COll.ECE. Hoi .... , Michipn, Nov. 24, 1920 III t.lO,


Final Battle Goes to .xt. Pleasant A

L-____ --__ ~~--------------~---FOOTBALL SQUAD NOT UP TO I bave 1)ftell wI8bed I eouId uve utiat.---be 'MIl, .... m ......

COLLEGE ASSEMBLES IN CHAPEL FOR FINE SERIES USUAL FOItM-MUDDY FIELD been at Gett,.b~rc on Nove~ It, au artIat, he .... _ feel .. ~

RESPONSIBLE FOR 'LOW l1WJ3. To t'ead and re-l'Md. thOR lit ....... a~ .... , OF SIX MEETING-PRAYER CIRCLES BIC INFLUENCE PLAY few lublime Hntencn that LillCGln alehea!:J, tht. 101D.uu.r .111 ......

• "Vllioa Plul Valor"

The 'Wee'll: of Prayer wa opened Sunday night in the chapel by oar collere Pastor on the topic 'evtliGn p'km Valor." ,He pictured for ua the vhrion. and oVIIllor of a Moses. MOllu, that man who denied himaelf more bon or and vain glory than we can comprehend started 1tis Ctarilltian semice by getling a vilion. We all k.now tile valor MOlel had, bow be for Forty years 'IVU able to lead the people -thru trial after trial, with still ,the courage to prees ·on.

"A BUlin"l Opportunit)'''

. to live long, but a delin to live well. Our total experience in life mould be going for the uke of othen, and we should mow which InIPirati0ll8 to pa. on to otherll."

"What It Me.nJ to Pra)'''

Vial ton Cam ... Two Tou ..... owDi ud On. Field CeNll Scar.


uttered there on that date, Ind with for It la able to ...... .at An •• elch re-rlldinr to feel a Dew won- tile COlD'lDOneR dNII7 ......... ... der It their pngnaut liqllicity- pun rold of a perfeet.... ... luch premaney of Jl1)ble thot and .. the ~ -of ..... an I ., yet nch simplicity Gf exprellionJ- lOme ~t Id.~ \~ , __ Ina

The final curtain was rung down il truly bllaful; but to bave · ... n baser metala a pure roW, .. tile on Hope'll '20 football eeaeon when that great Dl&Il .. he al'Ol' Gn that word .. rtltt of all tiJMI ~ te the strong Mi. Pleuant eleven leored memo~able da, to ddreu the aux- ereate hom the "_a AI." II a 17-0 victory on 19th .. t. groundll. ious Ge~urc multitude, Ind to our every-d.a, .. rol_ t · l I

At tile .center of every Christian The game .wa. slow and at no time have heard tboee few limple ",orela of • perfect poem ot ... ~, ' .,Ia' fife lies the subje-: t cf prayer." We lIIPeictacular. Ta'king an unlblued all, welling .up hom hill .own rnat phrase. An4 be Jabon ... ' ...... all felt that H::.: d.! and Dea were view, we are lIafs in _ying ,that the manly hurt, they p .... d Gn to the for from tb. '"n ~ ... of ear just the people we would like to hear visitons had' the better team and hearts of hll countrymen, fGrever to grut thoqbt-aJe ..... J. '- ~ from .on this " pivot" of Christian played better foothall. Hope'll great- be entbrined there -.. an Immortal a product Gf ..,act ... ; ..... , ..... experience. A Jecture or sermon est weaknee. lay In tackling and memorial of him who gave them,- more dear to tlae htaItIi .. ~~ bean <8 message, but a confeaion blocking and the form 8ho.wed by to have wimeued and heard that, all the elltterbac .. til ., .. di. and talk by our fellow students Bome our ~ lut Saturday was not up ~ indeed have been "very heav- Uld min... ....~ II till "f. )of how strike .the high notes, and the to the al;andard of that mown in tile en." lIAlwever, that w .. the prfyil- ttyte in . ita breI __ ?I 19 .. ..

lll.e8INI&'e remains with UII. . game with Kazoo on Armilltice Day. ege of only a few. The .rest .of _ eret ·U .. In tbe I~ ,If ... ~ -- pn Monday morning Corneliua We Burely owe a great deal to However the felloWi were full of muat qontenf ounelvet with a dumb c~....ter it, ..... ~ "!srt It Dosker led the meeting. He opened prayer, for "'we could not arrive at a fight, and we are prGud of th~m for _admiration of ~he potent maric of is he who ftell "'~,'" Ill •• tlJ by expr.-ing hia indebtedness to vision, could not endure failuree, the battle they put up. ' . thill great addrea. It ia the flrth- and .a;pmpatUtietDr. I

the week of prayer, which forty..four and oould not arrive at a purpose in Arldlough m,arlted by no eensation- ereat we can proceed in our analJlit, ,BlIt ·th .. an ,a..,. ~.~ .. years ago had been .the means ()f hla life without prayer." "It _ ill 110 big I . ~ft' the ~ ........... lOn tw been -beyond liel the individual lOuI of halp in the cIen1., •• ." . .....

i ib Ii · II a Vl""",nee, -- -- . 1 :..t_.. '.. I" convers on. and wonderful in its POIIII' i ties: fairly luccessf.ul. Hope baa not won the author, making an&lJlla pnpo.i- pNM It,. - ... MIl " L. .t Prom a bUlin .. standpoint it is Prayer ill univeraal. Man hall thru· victorie19 but h .. lelmed a great deal ble and comprehention S !hUer of ,The .... nee of .twk • 1~2!,!-._

«.-ential that .one 1m00W how to out 1ne ages 'been praying and to use of clun Kraight football. With only degree . of sympathetic fel!lI~. peraonality ,.!It ·IM ,.,. .~_ -..r mab a good invetUnent." It is al-. Harold.'s 'Words, 1/ Man il a praying a few experienced men beet in the And yet the Gett,.bur,r Adclretl la eel in .the ,beut of '. '; •• , ' ... 110 a bwrin8lll' propoaition "to pay animal." Harold reiterated Mr. game at the beginning of the 118mn, merely a ~ne of maJ1Y apeel- the outward. ji". ~ a ... ,. your honelt d.e.bt8," Ind a bulinese Douer'. atatements "that we owe it W88 quite e difficult proposition to menl of a beautifully simple proM auther 'deeb:tWa -ee .LIILI!' ... man should' have "a strong detennin- mucll to our praying motile.rs, and develop a bunch ()f green men into IItyle. In his letter to .1In. AIixb, ·be auIf'secl ... n. , .... • tion to make good." often we do not fully realize what a speedy football u.ehine. However, L~ncoln himself ou~id it. 'l'be 10ft Prime amODC' tIN 77 r.h ~ ...

In the courae of his dilCuuion Mr. mother's prayers have me~nt in our fioe Iba . h of ))eainne.N ilave been dJrectnellll of ·thls letter baa fOllnd a rood PNIe atrle, " ... ._ .. DoUer pointed out how nch an livee." :ut .ever;: night, a gr .. t deal hall ready appreciation in the heart of preeiaion. _ tw.N. ·1 ~~.::= "'inves'linentfor Christ" il better Dea drew us all into one big fam- bled and pro ....... tit for next every reader. Attic -and undfetted, OMt eGrrelatlea ~f tW ... C IF • ... ~ £'1_ t . v·-'-ent h'd I, all h th een earn , ..... -- . 1 d . • I" -.on t... tL • -.-. ......... ~_ . .: ... n eveo a ,",vemmen 18.,....., • iIy when I e sal .> !We ave e -_a-l'--l, ... ..:_"'" and yet all unnvale 1p1C""ent 0 .. ~ WI ,_, I. • __

.. _Lt t 11 It ) season are ' ........ ~I'II V_. ... .. t_ II ..... ,. "H we owe a ~ a a , we owe aame probtemll in our prayer lives. F H' ...... nk Pyle Dek. beautiful prOle I 011. CaDllot help wOIl _t .. GMt " ••• '. f h d to th " __ I our men, 1e..,.-I" . . ~...a.......... .... • to our at ers an our mo era. There is the quet!ition of the I'C'IUity ker and. Boerama, played their last but admJre lt, and ret ODe caftDOt __ .. a reqa. ___ A1U .....

Then, "we owe a debt to out' col· of God. We all have a good con.cep· ame l~r Hope, last Saturday. Tbeae proceed. ~yond adml~t1o~ . To. ~n- eaInalar7. ADa It ,iI 'J' tit I ••• 1 lege," and! we owe a debt ·to our- bic.n and! theory !but cannot get in the ~ur men Mye played a aplendid alYZ~ it fully II Impoelible: eve'll .. of thla ~""" 1 t ..... lellv •. " practical. To f~l the ,preaen~e of th t the aeaeeln end their partial anilyelll, however poor, m~ letted prteialon .. t~ ,.11, I. fl._I'

"Making money. is not making God fa not as Ihl~y all ·w.or4s make ramke

ruth°u 'd' f' H""'" 1'1 bring one immediately In touch with in the de.; .. ' ·er ...... JMn i ·· . wor on e grl Iron or -,..- . . Ln.' .. ' good: an influential pol tlOn m 8001e' it and many a man 'It ,prayer is apoll- th M d ti the great lIympathetlc heart that... over, If a !up y... . L 'IIIl

d lif I wor Y 0 '1 commen Ion. . ..... ,,L-ty il not making goo : our e paned by the shadc.w 1)f his o.W1l life." mh . b uart _ Lincoln 'a, and theneefonrard-u I pNIGppclleci, a _ r 11---,1 -e game y q e ... : - . . -.,..,....

ebanged and put In harmony with Our apiritual food must necellllarily FUrst quarter-Dyke kic'ked otr for stated a moment aro.-anal,.11 be- eWon ,wID do IDQ~b "IiCiIW= .... ~ • God'. plan, thil is making good!" coone from the Iblble, land when we H Th ..... 11 d J... comes comprehenalon and enters In- tiOD. In faet,!.I .woald ... ;z.s .,n

the ld ope. e... was recovere VI lit • In conclusion :lie threw out 0 are not in a mood of prayer, the J B d1 wh . d 't to H ' to the domain Gf feelinr and ilItul- the .... nt.ia1 seaet If ..... S-but nevertheless ever new chal1enge bilble should, Ibe our first resort. . e ow" 0 carrie loped' tive appreciatioli. develOJlGlIDt, ~r the 1 ., •• "Ye that are men now lIerve him." Mter all 'Prayer is but a means ~o /ard ~ne befor~:; ::ay:;:;:o; Perhapll I can belt deeeribe thia · search 't.r • WOld tr Wea. . .... II "That means now, and it moons a for "iin.ding IChrilt and this is let- Mt 0;ra ~ ~ held. on intangible aomethlng ht gi.,.1 a elad" o ... .!a .. ntaI ........... .... full lurender." ~ing Him find us." The responaiOili · th' te easan

d· r ey :er~ems>ted a soul to thought.expreaion, ~, call- detenmndl. to •• ', I. ....

f L··" ty of brin"';ng ()hriet to the millons d e~~ckya~ ..... Ihnef, ~lnd tha

ball g ing it "Ityle." But what II ItJle' AI ItUCh ,untilttbt tnuat-. II f .... ,1M ''Th. Pur--. 0 .vln. ..- fA I wulC al e e 0- . r-- c.f down-trodd.e.n women and, men . 'U W H' . th 00' d), H pe I take it, atyle II the uneonaeioUi brourht bolDt, fa tIM ... ...., ...

Prof. Wichers led the meeting on reste u,pon the Chriltian. And, in as mg oPl.eed°n

fI e -: .. ~ meF· 'l~ permeation throughout hia Gtherwlle ward .a thoro ..... ,'M, ••• .-

Tuelday on "The Purpose of Lly- much as we give of ourselves for was pena II ve . ya...... almg empty worda of '-an author'. noblllt the diettollUJ. A # 'tF • fw,.. lng," or &8 be termed it himself "to othen, jwrt -in that proportion will to get through the hne, Hope punted penonality In art theft la 101M- ciIIoD lhouId be tilt ".Her-.un

and Mt. Pleaeant was d()lW1led on the. . •• _ -.....L lolvei the problem of .the riddle of our lives become worth while. 0 d I' H Mt PI t thmg: called Expreuloni a &trance trlcitJ .f .. 1tJI. ___ .... .'_

, 4 yar me. ere . euan th·..... t '"" to cia I:.:. d -6.1 LU .... _o_i.a _ ............ ... human existence. ' 1J d 6 d Th ~ lOme mg lUa •• '1" u_ en .wCa _ .. _ _ l._ Our profellllOr showed uS' how we "Th. Christ of Faith" Wal pen~':~2 yar II. e q~a""er IImears and lIrhta aDd Ihad. a kiIl- the tit .... ., -' •• 2 II 0

ought to reveal Cbriat unto others, A week of prayer without a deds- ended .'WIth the ball on Hope I 36- ship to life and NaUt,i a IOmethinr wo1l1d fail to renal, Ih 'lliaUl-how uploo tb6. "eleict 01 God" there ion day wou1d Ibe neglecting a 101- yard tme. • that lIeems to fix a lOut In the tifeleu Ina' fact tUt IJ'DOQ ...... Iii.

, lies 8 responsibility, and that, no emn dutQr. Dr. Kuizenga on Thurs- in the ~cond qua~r, K1nama canv ... of the painter. And JUCh .ot ezatirelJ inteNhsn ••• "1 4in& matter how poor we are, "each filII day, made the piea fIlr thoBe \liPon was aubetituted for Tumsma. In the it! Ityle to liter.ature. -It la the per- ill "ery CMI of • t' .1, • ., I ••• a niche in the greet hall of fame." wlhose heart's door Cilrist had been flmt ~1ay of the querter Hope Wal sonallty behind the worda. 'Some- tJMre la ahr.,. .......... "'~'"

"Our purpose in life should -first knoddn"'. He did it in a 'Calm, in- penahzed 16 yardtt ~r iwldlng. Aft- time. it llbinn fonh In a a",eet p1a,_ letted; aDd tIIat ... of. . ro-d .... er a leriet of .brilliant dubea by Mt .• ul f b--L 1I~' _ ..... Ln.o.-. ~ ._ , . be uJI-realization, knowing our,", , spiring way as he pictured for us - did h I- n ..... 0 a .1IIDmer --i ..... _ .. __ __

awrehending, lIUl"l'endering and liv- "The Chrilt of Faith." A& the beau- Pleua~, J. Be low rece ve t e timel we ratbed from ItII ripp1tnc ~ ...... ,1Qk, If.,.. .... ing a Ufe on a high level. tiful p&lI88ge WIUI read fTOOl Isiah, ball and 'WIIlJIt 30 yarda for the ft1'It cadenee tale eUf laurhter of a ebild -II a D,"" in tlat ""111 )'it,. •

.. A mind illJ .harmony with the picturing "the man of sorro.ws," our toucbdOlWll. He alao kiebd. roll. at play; an4 then again it And. a- of 'Par-. Will ~f God," prayer and a conlJCien' every 'heart seemed to lIing .. My W 888enaar recovered the kiek-otr prtllfon in a pauee,-aa If it weN Th. a.J.cl, ."., _ ' II. 5S lis tiOUII Christian life will develop a JesUI I love Thee" , and went ten yarda. D,te pined 16 the lob of a aorowtnc heart. But ion fa " .... I..- GI"'",''' '" llallit of lee'king the plan of God for In our youth if we had "mother more'

h Tld.h6!l adPl .. ,alle!.!...nd Hope thue are the touehe. t1f the- m'lHr- la ..t ., •• 1Ir ....

, w.. e to 0WIlI, ~uurmana f rato of tIM.. .. ... our livell, and; "there ill no unl~y in diaciplee" we were privileged to g« w .. lUbetituted for Hambutt The 0 0 ry II '\~. life without a plan." .. If we lrnow a glimpse of the Ohriet, but .. 11 '. M 1 B1Ich oratory ....., ....... the WI11 of God, we will do tIIinee ..... half ended 'With the ba on Hope. honOR for t.;P ..... nt. IOU ... ... ts, .. '111'" 41f

we grow older we curQunll are 7 yard line. The Line-up:~ •• 0 ........ -- d .":-11::.- . with a Ohriatian motive." drawn gradually farther and far- M PI II PI to - .wnuwli .... & __ ...

A ... ·-dI requl ... ·te in a life w.ith I t In tile third quarter t. euant Hope . , to .... n &1ld II ...... _ I ".'11,,' .... w..- 1ft' ther, and we finaUy greap at al a d Itbr . ta ft 1d 1 B L. Eo 0 ~_ ." pUl1l0ae ii, "a heart set for a vicar- vision of "the .DIAJlifeeter o.f real hu- rna e ee pom on a e _ roa . oe!'IIM.,..,. 1&11 ... t, 'fII.IIIII ... J

io~ experience." We Mve a eplen' manity", an-d' of.rum who. U il the Hoek, Kiupn.a, and BoeNftla dut ex- HGek L. T. ~It -Jeet II ....... to .... til lif f . cellent delenaive work. dUrinc tilla ~ L. G. XnDt4J .. .~ ...... '

aid example of thil In e e 0 prDgram of humaul~, the very de.. quarter Aldrich... nbsltltated HiddiD( C. X,II,," __ ."::i ... ~~ .. , Ianamori. tiny of our livee." Thunday mom- for Hleb aud Doebon ~r BoersmL Pyle .R. G LIIraftl tine. ~-.. _".~4

Then, final1¥, whe mlJlt ~,avRe al':a iug .. w that cuuin lifted for many In the bat ~uarter tile IItD ... JIltIIriDk & T. ..' ._ tIIe.1II hlr ::~~~ will centered on t e melnll. e . 11- of us gO J'6-ICOnaeerated Gur Uvea, Iteedily ma~hed down the tletd' to 'hi..... R. Eo • 1 .. 11* .c .. _ . 'Ill oureelv6ll, and th~ltol ~ive ill 11- Ind drawn . for the first~tDe In Hope'l 80.,.rd lin., where I pae Va h-. Q. F •• _:~ .ta: • ".,. a .riou thing, 19' e IDle our the Uvee 'at thue who took eir J. Bedlow to F. Bedlow DItted for W. IUU ·R.1L IIWaI _... -' .... ",'It:.IJIJi ... • , wbatera of sdvenitJ and cHtBeulty inititial ItUl(rTor aiiiat. r every 1ft. PlMllDt Idle Anal counter. For De .Tour P ... ;; ~ --to _ers of Pl'OIIP8rity." prayer illlhat He may .. y unto them H Hoek, W ... naar, J[l1llJM and ..,.... J[. .....,>.i ••

·W. muat bIRe a ruling pUllon .. He did of old "I have cholen yoa u:t:'tr "Qed a &trona del... Bead . .. ......... 1 .. ~ ... 1~ IIld if we ",ant to make the molt Gf that "'batao .... ,e .batl .. k of the pme, ...... D.rb .act CJutr .... hlbIIl~'OD~D ... ,i ..

• tif. we han to live, we ean do Fatller in mr lWIle, He mlU' rive .it GIlt of the "'1lI. .... .... let.. .. for ... belt b, H"'111 ,for othm ~ for ron." . ~,,_ aDd m .. eant.. • .. fir "' ... 1.' .. AIl~

d. 'l'Ilere 1h0uId not he a deIlre (00MIIa." .. rap t) ... -.... Pa

Page 2: 11-24-1920

ht-)w,ed IY'" WeI.I"., "ria. ,s. 001· • ,_ II, ........ of Hope OOU ....


tat thla llOl'Dinr I. foand In Bl'Own' 1111 W, 'fine 12.

. "Greed and etr\fe. H&tred and eark and care, what

place have they In yon blue IJberalityof heavenT"

Since the lightl around the choir • • H.um or OITOBB have been In.pped out ... ttle back in


m.tead 01 adinlttiq he .. flbe bet­ter .... n, and urelq him on for the like at the Coll ....


F ~-Ball.B .. ketball

TIIecMIDN 'l. _ _ . ... _ .....•.... .EoiIto ... ln-Elhl.f your IUti for a sermon of the ..... .DI VA~ OJ ............ Aa~.\e..utor 1 .... " t i b tb d J A big m"·a eti ' I t Frld 1Iirf V.. ...._ .. _ .•.•..•..•..•.•. _ •......•. ..AthIeUce en ..... pu n vogue y . e goo on- - me ng 81 ay

_ .... _ ... -."_."_~M ............................ . NovendJar Sale I

• • Big discounts offered on ! Mens Furnishings, Mens and ! Womens Shoes and Hosiery. i

: . NothiDl R •• eryed. i : If in need of Basket-&11 Shoes :

_: take advantage of this sale. : • • : _ See p.den I •• v Wi .... fir Prlcea. :

=..:r~' .. ' . '_!.O;-';;~ athan Edwarda. night showed that the footbaUllf.pirit TIl", ~_ .• _ •... r .. _. ____ ...... .l. •. BC14 FIN Have you ever had time. taken II not an enlire nonentity at Hope,

time. C1'e&ted ti~, to go out and ~tut rather that It it very much alive. BUIINEBS nBPAaTlONT walk. JUlt walk. You- you, all Peepe' Whelan started the crowd

.~"'L~_ t . .. .. • • u ... . ~ ..•. .... ! ... : .•••.... I_ ••••• '" ••••••• _ ...... nare. alone. iHa'le you ever. gazed up in: off 'Witlt lome yelling . . Then the _,_,_, _, .~._ .. ":' ...... '1.110 .. ,.... la "nil'" to II the blue liberality of heaven" Prelrident of our Student Council ....... 00.............. ... ... I'm o.ta and 10lt aU your greed and Itrlfe, Pete Mulder, announced the S!peak: ______ __ ' __ . .....,... __ your hatred and careT Do it. Do it er.. Pluny gave an eloquent j)lea

-Aoceple4l for K.m •• a' Ipeet.l Ra'. of soon You owe it to .yurself You for an inftow of cub- wherewith he , pea.... p"YI4M .... ID 8eotlo. 110.. "e\ . . II ' Ootokr. 1811, 1'!\IoorlMd oo..,"~ Itl. owe it to future ,generations. Do you might cover the finanelal embarras-

"11. know that we Americana do nothing ment of the Athletic Auoeiation. but hurry from one thing to another? ~nd Pluggy Wli right. Every Hope­We do not tlke time to live and t(, .Ite ahoold have hil season ticket ad· think, to think deeply and nobly. Do mittiq him to all the games O'f the


Thaiel, one of the .. ven wise men we ever serioully think? Thinking ae~n. and also giving him oppelr· of 'Greece, t~ed the Godt tor has become .a eo~we~bed. spinnlng- tunlty to ulle the Xssociation's ~e tilfNl: that be Will • rational wheel long smee In dl8Use. Yet no equipment in the gym. Prof. 'Bill' ~\lre. n~ a baut. that be Will It mechanical device can function In Its Ten Haken indulged in a few min­map. not 4: woman; : that he was a place. "Can ' a nation be truly virile ~tee of lIIPeeeh making, stating ,his Greek, not a BatbMian. True or without de .. p thinkers? . Can Ideaa of the team, the eCrudents and I .... sa hi, siJiloeophy of bl'6lsi'llg coHege men and w\lmen be anything everything in general. Bill wa~ one ai,.)' bav~ been, 4t Irnacb too much but mere shams if they are not deep one of the seven who sho-velea the 01 .th, ~eal "I thank Tbai: thinkers? SMW off the foot.ball field so he th~ l: fIDl.QOt aa other men." whicll .open y~ur souls to "y~n blue lib- had a right to speak. The ~Ictures ()1l .~~1 analY'!1 prove. the very erallty of heaven." Breathe deeply of the other six will appear in the • I!tipo-de of tbAnbgtving. 'For If we into your heart its vitality. Come Milestone. (Meanwhile. don't say a

........ not, the lIIirlt of thil day II back with a new erectnell and alert- thing.)


i g, P. S. Botar &. CO. I : SHOE STORE : : : ............................................................................. :

Re-construction Sale now on.

J~hn J. Rutgers Co. The Store with Lower Prices .nd Rul V.lun .

11111111'.,1" • ••••• I ""1" ••••••••••• . ~~ .4'.'4' .... ' ....... ~~ ___ ~-

Basket Ball Season is Here! tJ:~ed leut of aU in the parade nels of body and spirit. In these Garry and Mike also indulged in .of aeIf-coJIICio\ll IUperiOrity. for autumn days and in the Indian Sum- sOome s.peech-.ma'king, but they did tb. one man wa. ''bo/."II to inherit mer days io close at· hand feel with not indulge 80 much as the others

· ,..altil or oeWWre aad another to a new masterly confidence with Neither of them aaid anything ~rth ~ the poverty of mind a-.a lOul, I'S Browning placing In the A'fI.Chor. 'I1hey may Get your B ,sket Ball Shirts, Rants and Shoes or anything ."" thl k th in the Athletic Line at

. no ~Ule to glorify the lint and de- "Ob, good gigantic smile 0' n ey d.id, and. If 80. they will · _ ........ d. Th. ........ of th. b"wn .,. ....... ton Y" wh.Ih" wh., ",y .. 'd b 'n 151"11 peri or Cigar Co .... _ri"" " H-"'" whiob ThI' •• tumn mom'", ,, "", paP"" no<. 208 H'''' ..... • ( .. e,I'D&' , the aheer .na1tedoes and hun. BeTt Van Ark. the att*nager. ,ave "'" I , I , , " "'" ' . ' , , , , , , , , , I , '! "" I , , I , , , " " ,

; ~r, 9f the,"n Iile, acknowledges (Oontlnued from Pace 1) the crOlWd' a nice discUIIlon concern· • = . :::''::''~'"'7' 'to d ... ,,., ~ " ............. I. Uk. U ... It" :::;~. u::: :: ::~n'A:' .:;n;.~ !!!!11II1I1II11I1II11II1II1II11II1II1II11I1I1II1II11U1II11II1!1I1II11II1II1II11II1II1II11II11II1II1II1I

.W •• " ."' ..... by to. mu,b Tb. Roo, J. n ...... 1.d .up ... , th .......... u ..... ~YI .... ho '"k. == is: : ble,aine . . 'l'h.~ ~mon t hingS of ev- meeting. Apin we . had with us a mto foootiball thil year. and hall been __ § Special Christtnas Bargains . ~-· ery-day-lood, clothinr, home. man who conlllBed his appreciation breaking up our opponenh' playa ev- - -.tri,nda. "ulth. ha.npt·nell, and youn" for the week of pray~r, and for the er since. 'WIllS given a chance to de-::; W'th t' f 6 -"" .. " f d = f I every. leo 7 c and up a presentation Christmas box given = ~niaoq~ In . tl\1. grelK tlme-are part it played in J li& life. Surely en his character against cena1n = ref'. $60 ~ SU1ts reduced to $46 O~. =

· t.hw our due, or not rather a free lUoh conlfeuiona from upright men charg:s made ·by the other speakers. = Exceptional fine line or Overcoats mnee to order = gift .l1om' the Giver? Clean bodies. lIh.ould drive away all tho

ll"ht of He did mighty well, and as for me 5 $52.60 Lad!es', salt seal si.1

k plush coats 542 60. . = .... and tA"'1 = $6000 Ladlee ~lIlt seal silk plush coats with coney trl'ay fur =

· ;eleM' •. ItlI1)~. liberal education. ambi- tne emotional. and reveel tile actual . my , au e st the dorm. lIVe bave = trimmmgs $60.00. D- = · tioD, 4reams. friendahip. love and working of 'th-e Holy Sc>rit in our abeolute faith in what 'he said. ~ Ladies' Suits made to order 54750 and up = .~-Gl. 0( G9d hima.eH. "all thin"",; hurta. Th.e dilCUllion 1>.'1 Rev. Dyk' Dea -os.e.waarde gave a splendid .= Leatherette Rain Coats $16.00. " a ..... talk Sh k - SCh


I bdag given free with every coat of $10 for boYI between = 4<l'e you ... ""d ye ar.e C~t'f.'! Thru. atra hinged! on the II pe11Petldicular . e .111>0 e mOltly t o the girls. = ages 0 an 16. ,=

........... of. ,. ... ... tn)' tbanJ<tn1 •• d h.ri" ... , ","",.. of 'if •. b~ n ... " ... m.' .. if .h .... k. = y" h.,. tho pri,il ••• of h"io. • up ..... " Y'" 'ro"" = · SOptite; lIIl.41rglng al he..hu from a "The perpendicular relationa.·' our dudly to the fellows, At least. = =

riell_ w~; bf iprayer. these :words relationll to God, mull; be rillht; SElfera} ()f the gentlemen's faces = = aqrelr qat coune; ' before Ibhe lIecOnd, "the &!orl~ontal ~IOIWed as If InVigorated wilb new 5 . The Co-operative Tailors, ==

"FOJ: the love of God II broader relationPt," or relationl to our hfe an4 ·hoPi!. Everyone felt better = = >b"' .......... " of ,.. ••• mi.d. '''' ....... u ... Uke unto th .... ,,, hop h.vI ..... 1«. I ..... i""'l· .. 11 E. 8th St. H,Ulld lIiebl,.. 5

.And tile heart {)f the Eternal il And. we cannot truly live among our table ·way. 51 I = B~f ";:d<.=:, ~;d;;;""bglV ~::.~~. 0:::: :: ::" tho lov. of ... ;:.~~~ ,:~:."!::te~. ~:. I,':":' 1IOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInDi i~ ~ humhleras . tjhe effelct O'f it If God II to play u~n the "orga.n nounced Bike the 00 In ,boot) told us •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " ••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••

ouailt to be generotity. Tho we bave of our lOul," we mUl!t give ourselv· t~at he would have nothing to do T h H II d D C · ~lent,. other. . sr,e deatitute. !lbere ee to him. Carrying out tile figure WIth Ibe man who I, on one Iide of e 0 a n ry I e a n e rs · i, tbe ..• Iok. ~ Dr , lonely •. or IOrrOJWinr we migtlt contract the really beauti- the ,fence (as regards hll echolallttc · bro.thet at your lide; there are the ful Christian life, full "f fervent, attallun:ems) one week, and on the Goods called for and delivered pr~ IODa .and the foolish 'Virgina. radiating love; with tbat of a worn other Side ilihe ·nex·t.' He wantl every Phone 1528 _o~JV poor, think they are rich; <>\It, wretthed. Ibrokeh ~r1t of life. ;nail- on the ~aketiball squad to be H. Meeags. Prop. 9 E. 8th Sf tod:".tIIeN sre Un"llWD'bered millionB The former haa allOlWed God to have !Jere all the tIm!! or not at all. J ack ....................................................... . clenilld ,food or clothing or die light Hi .. way, the latter hal allowed the als? ~nteItalned wit!) a iehovtoni'an "" '" '" . • ................... .. .~ ""'-'.... .T~ amlle at t1.e de ..... i------· .. , .. , .. , .. ,·,·,·,·,·,·,·,·I .. ' ..... ' ..... , .. , .. ,----------=~ . o~ ''VO'-'- !U. we are grat&~1 for devil. " p .~ ~p-e , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , ,

w~ we have. might we not .with a ' Our tove should al;ways be with .e~ Wbalon kept tbe crowd III rielH!~ heart return thanks for what wisdom. It 8Ihould be strong, vig- a good yelling IJlPlrit. The whole •• ,nare .'Witil tnem' oroul. being energized by the love of meeting wIII .a buge succees. Elrery-~r HI-bmp i. Ethica CI... God. Such a love is willing to en' one left the ,pJaee alluring himself

It Pays to 'Watch Your Shoes 8ervi(~e Shoe Shop 3S E. Sth St"

ltitt cotta from forty .to fifty talou- dura for the good o! the Kingdom, that aa far as his or her pero~1 reo · aDd :~llarl a year to run our insti' Throughout the week all the men I,POnllbillty wal concerneil, the team tu. tiqn. what .mUlt it COlt to run the and women of the eoll .... e met in ~uld come out O. K. ' , , , , , , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , , • , , ~ , , , , " """'" . Inlan! ~ylum at KalamuooT fu~'r.~~:n::;b:~!~:a~ri!'yi~ The HOope Itudent. wtJo attended ~~~:-: ........ ~-~ = A:,., ....... _ _ ·---: u. --- "'~~-~

L ' 8 ...... DO the Detrii't CI h· • • • I I I I T I I I g

ft IUV'O M DISSERTATION opl.nlont on tbe aubjeetl disculllld. "'Y'DW ony on:ohestra eon· : ' I I I

.. , I 'ro thole .who had no ibig discllion cent given in Grand Ra·pidllaet Tuee· : C oran. ~ je

~UOw-voyarera upon the rough to make. the week of prayer Wall the ~ay evening. declare themselves de· : ~. lIa ~f collere life, Bome time ago lUIDIIlAlnl to halt and review noting h~llted ~lth it. Another concert: The College Man;s Typewrl'ter lut , .. r our attention wu called to in 80 doing wilere we have fallen by W, he gwen by thea .. dl8tingulshed : the d~plor"'le ~rb of deaertion 'e'V- die 'Way. It was a strengthening arti&ts in Janua:ry. ThOle of UI who .: ident Ilpou, a!Jd I". and qut of a eer- force and spur to the on'IMrd coone. are. lovell of music will not fan to : ,taln a~e~tioUi bud, lUI it were, of The week of j)rayer over we ' now avaIl ouraelves of <heering one of ': .Vall ~te . Hall; In brief. my dear mUllt ibua,y oureelwe .. with the prac' the loarge~ .and !beat SYIl!IPhony Or· :

On Sale at

co'!JI~ I make reference to the tical. It l'l11'ely ought to make UI ebestras In the United States. : A • ., Qoutribation Des. No~. it upriibt In our deaHnp with our fel . . I : oeelllR" to " that I mirht 1'I~.tle low stadenta, 'With our .,rofe_ore Rennan Vanden Booh hal been : 30 We •• 8th St. tt ,..1t' • . ,"IIl4l~plete 'ooeu,a- etfe:-lng . . honetlty to the full_ ex~ 111 with an attack of 'llPpendieitis. It :~:':':':':':':':':':':':'::,=':':'=--.. ------, .. ------1

til ~. nut and hIa eon. ~ fo elllaroom and out of ~I_ waa feared for a time that an oper- i~~~;~;;;::::::' :' ';11 : :::::-:' :1 ~' :' :' :' :' :' :1 ;' ~' ""'I"~. I a.-t . " r- ation uId 'be n ."" ~re ... 9l, roo~ For II' one PrfellOr uld wo neeeuary. Howev·

.".,If. taa... fn mOo a die ChNtlu Coli.. are bin· , er. be II improvinc nd will be a.bIe · _.~ ~f ___ ... d .... aDd" IDftIJ oaaht ': to ,l'IRme f1l1 ecbool .work lOon. SLI PPERS FORe be ,... to .'the .. u . . I ..... a-,..,.., .... MUI . *. It ,hoQIa

M"'J"'h\~". '" ' ''~ ...., • • WIl ~bowledpt tha~ , he boWl DotJe,,* abnt women."

1i.1iIrr~"'_r,"'''WW.. 1Il' ..... D • .uperhate with ., ... 'fI w."


Ah I jUit the thiq W ha • e ve tbem In aD 1t,1. _ ooIGii.

'TH(C~ ENTRRPRISH 800 110 iiYIir AWe" ...

THE ~w ....


Page 3: 11-24-1920





HUaL\H I BASKETBA'l AGAIN t Leo TePub I&IIC for tb& Bolland deqrdaate II 10 ooupleao1lll, . oFuuor RIP IIChool Friday moml.,. backward In It,. "elopment, •

.ta& week the eal1 we tIIUed that I bectlUH of an illlullclent retard for all euullclatel for tnt aDlil eeeond The Irfilestone Ita« met lut ~.. atmolphere. If r may call ltJ.le the teama Ihoold preeent tbeJDlelv_ at to or,anilSe the wort of the new projection of onuelf Into '~'I the GJIIl at • ltipalatecl time What~. The 1tafI', .electecl !by the Wrltlnc, then atmolphere it die pro­an un)' 01 prolPlidift eqm we Junior el.. laIt lipring, consilta of jection of the mood in whieb one have I MOlt of tile men have bad the followlnr: findl oneeelf whe'D wrltln,. And hleb aool tralnlnr aDd' many oome Edllcw-Rlchard Blocker; then the abeence of any definite at-rwith elQCellent rtICords at perform· !Bun ... Mcr.-lifom. 8teneTda; mOlphen In one'l Ityle may !be at· alllCe. With Dick, Dyke, Gem, WUe, 8ubM:zIption~verett Galbma; trlbute'd to a failure to launch onu' Mike and Podtetl as a nuelelll to !Literary Ed:Ito~eda HeltIanel; lelf wholehnrtedlY into the mood of build uponJ, H09& Itu~ntl may well A'iil1etl«S--1Mike SdlmUImln; what one it tryin, to lIy. Hence,



- ,

• •



Keefer', Lunch Room , - J

OPEN DAY AND ~ look forward to a wonderful bulet- ~raee Menen; in trying to create an emotional at- ._ ... __ .. I .... ______ ... ___ •••• IIiII.~.-

~ !ball Mason It'lllay poulbly h...,en ,Phot1ot!raphy-Tony lMeenp; mOlphere In the deaeription of a that ao.me of the.. old tlmen will SnqHlbot--.Wm. Schnoobercer; scene, an author mllit not deaeribe






ha.ve to take a lback leat for lIOIIle Joke..-.Matt Van Ooatenburi', or eX']llain how he felt when viewinr .--------------------------... hwlky f,remman, for basketball Is ' it, 'but ~ust merely let that feelln, The Newhouse Shoe Store not exeqt from the prln~ip\e of 1I1e A DISSERTATION ON WORD- permeate hit mind as be writel, thlll lurvival of the fittett. We're all MAGIC 1Illowing the projection of that feel- _ '_ working for old Hope. ' Ing to magically take care of itle.1f.

Judgilll' from the material pre- (Oaoa.Unued t~ p~ 1) It is one of the myatic qualitiel of , senting Itleltf, we shall also be bleu- 6'tyl~hl. mange proJectlon-an4

haa just received a new line of Men'. t6 .. Enllilb IIMl B,lucher Shqea. We have only had this line for the ..­few weeks.

ed with a fine lecond team. Afte, by preellion-will be tbe eue with one which mutt remain unexplained. .C tB.r c.u ... A, ..... 1-. Se. 1111, an A-No. 1 first team ia a prac- which his audience Will comprehend In thi. regard, however, it m,lght ... -------------------------~ tical hr~.iIbtUty witho~ a good what he ia thinking and feeling, and be tltting to remarlc upon the pres­


second tellllJl. IElI order to Indu~ the be tempted to think and feel with ence of thil atmolphere.elemeno In .---------------------------1 men to Itlck on the. second te~ ohe him. UndoUibetdly thit quality is the ideal reporter. The ideal rei " aaaiatant manager 11 attempting to an unconscious cn c r. s far al the or- porter, it seeml to me, mUlt be a wo~k out a complete schedule w.l.th a ator il concerned but it it there malter in the atmolpbere'Projectlon, ,'ew weelk-end tripa for the 8econ~ nevertheless.' , for it ill hil function not only to re-string ootiit. AI regard. the vars~· In this regard too, it would be late the occurrence of eventl, b~t ty sehedule, the manager reports It well for the Itudent to bear in mind to make use feel the atmolphere 1ft

It ill fnfeom:plete. He i. in corrtl- Prof. Palmer'. feHcitiou. remark to which those events took place. He pondence w.itlh all the colleges of the effect that each 'violation of pre. must not do this by tellinr UI l1bout the ltate and expects lIoon to have cilion is in the nature of an uncon- that atmolphere, but mOlt 10 relate the datel definitely fixed. The fint aeioUll falsehood for it is indeed the events that the atmosphere clings game of the .ealon ,will be played in true that if one ,'is not preci .. he ia: to them. In ahort, he mIIIt not carnegie Gym. on Dl!cember 10. Tile although uDConaeioully, ,tending to- merely give UI a picture of what oe­Lowell Ameriean Legion has organ' ward a falsehood or an l1mbiguity. curred, but mUlt make UI feel II tho Ized an exc61>tiontlly Itronr team, Prof. Palmer hal stated tbil ' truth we were present wben it occurred . and they will be tile fint outfit to rather facetiolllly, but there II per- That seems like aaking a gNat de~l, tetlt our metal. rrhen on Dec. 16, ha,. a m,ore serious truth behind and it il; but it ii, allo, the magtc the ne.wly organized Calvin College than he imagined. For might not Open Sesame to the d.oor of suc­quintet will journey hltherward ·and one euily infer that ' the excellent ceas in reporterdom.

COMING DO By the dividend plan of the North ....... ..

ual Life Insurance Company your .iQu .... ,* CC' ...

you less every year. . . : , -"',\. J, • ,

All Profits go to the Poli(J

Before you buy your insurance see

c. 'A. BIGGE, District Noller • East 8th Street

PlIou R .. dnce2270

0fflc:e\1978 HoU.nd.,JIHp

attempt to fulfill the resolution pub- precilion of 1111 great Uterature-1lt- 80 much for atmolphere. T,here llehed in «The Chimes" that "We erature marked by an almolt Ineplr· are other factors of great Importance blKbly resolve to beat Hope College ed sincerity, and where even a .lIght to be studied, if one would ~uter' thll yeal'.'· falalty of expreaslon might not be the lore of word-magic i but 1ft pre ... , During Obrlatmas vacation, begin' conlclonable-I say might not one claion and atmOlphere one will find nlng De.eem-'ber 17, we expect to easily Infer that thil is due in 'part the prime lecreta of lte ~quirem'ent. take a trip" somewhere." The man- to a careful regard for this very dan' Of COUlle, a8 in every .art, there il acer bu Ibeen sweating drop' of ger of violation of , precision. For the 1Irtiltic to be conlldered. Art blood over thia and 'he well needa en- thOle who believ.e in. illJpiration- seldom goes beyond the .. rti.lt, and couragertW!nt. Countlels letten have and who .does not?-Iucil an infer- so in the development of Ityle, the .... ------------------------.... been written to Illinois, Iowa and ence it seeml to m~ n.:ed not be eharacteriltlc limitatiollJ of the au- ~. ~ ......... 4 _eO"'""' u"". pu 4 f ••

• Wisconsin, the reportl from wb~C'~ nnk~d, as highly h":'thetical. thor are ever ready to put their are eXpeCted to reveal the posabhh- So much for precllion. There i. identifying stamp upon hill work. -, -,., ., ., ., ••• , ., ••• , .. , _ .... "~, '" .. , .. , .. , , .. ,-, '''''''''''''''''''''''''''I~ .-~ .......... ----+ ties of an extended trip. So far lit- another element of primary Import· And in these peculiar characterilticl tIe hal mown up. anee In the complete development of of the author·loul will be found the BOW A BOOT A GOODDPSIWIP?

We have a complete line of desk lamps from cheapest thats iood to the beltthauche.pest. Come in and look over our line,


Win,trom Electric CO.

A great additional attraction will an author's gift of word-magic and secret of the charm or fllcinatlon be &iven at eac:b 'home game. PrC)f. that it what, for convenience, I Ihall wblch he may lend to hi. Ityle. TIlle ENana baa orcanized an excellent call " .. tnrolphere." We often hear feature of style must, of coune, be band whieh will ;put the old' tim~ peJI people re~ark concerning the atmol- le~t unexplored" except In 10 far .. into our blood. Each game- 'Wlll be phere of a certain short'story, or w~ Ill't able to Itudy it in ourselves. a virtual circus. AU together now, novel, or play, and genertlly they It II the Iweet ch8l'll\ of indlvldualltJ how much IP'\l :have we for the eea- mean ~h9r,by ~h. lpecUlc mood or which I~evitably .nlta every art. son r ~ver~Qdf t.'}~ "a,Ket.ball to ltate Of D\lnd in whioh the reading On. may Tant about precision and everybody else. Advertise! Wake of that story, i>r novel, or play, hal atmoephere anc! thl, and that as the ~ I 6et belJind tJhe tea.wt t.et'a go I 111ft them. In 1't811ty thl. mood II basic components of a good prole , -.. Ytn, 13QI not Il mental Itate induced by the Ityle, D).'t yet one mUlt an .. lly con' -#---------.... ---="------...... ---~

,tory iteelf, but one induceel by th' ceele that, after all, It la the penen· ~ __ ==~~===========~=li!!!!!iIt!!l!' '!I!!I!B!I". ~ Ityle III whlc:b that ltoTY t. Wl'1t.t,n. aUty of ~e writer which underlies "

CAMPUS NEWS · ltincI, atmospllel'f I. not 11 Ql)8\1ty tlle sweet magic of Ityle. Just as Rev. A. J. Te Pask., _Hop. '10, of a let of ,Iwationa painted In the one in ~aterinr and Vt~tectln, a

paator of .B6thany Refonned churc>h mind by an author, but I. a quality lily in it: ~owt1l 1I\&Y Imagine him- . at Grand 'Ra;pida, Mich., haa aee.epted of the manner In which those litua- lelf the ))reducer of that perfect a ~11 to Firat Reformed church of tions were painted. There II ell' Rowel', 80 the style-amateur, by care Marion, N. Y. He will preach bit 4ence enough that tile ,i\\la\1l1ns \1\ and cultivation of lIit writings, may farewell sermon November 28, and the~It!lv" (l&nllot be held accounta- Imaglne 1I1 ... 1f the ereator of a Win ~tt ~ t~e -4qtitl pf nig TI~W ble fer the mood. created in the read- faulUeu diction. But ~t Is true only lla;wrat', :nU, l. e1"l mind, in the fact th.-, bae sa1Jle In part; fOf tt tl In hke manner II

. • _ : Iituat!\lni dtPlettd bl' anether auth- the lI'atll.r of All, by lOme inetkble ltev. M. J. Duven, ,'04, of Green- 01' ma1 preeluce a totally different If- alchemy, derlvel from a handful of

leaf ton, !Minn:, declined the call ft- fect. If I were to d.plct for )'OU com'lllon clay tM golden perfection tended to him by otIhe Nort1t Hollanel the Nt .... n hUI, the atm08pl1et'8 of of a beautiful ilower, that the word-

'\. '\. the picture draWJl would undoubte\l- mqielan djr.a.. f!'Om th~ cheap C'II\llOn. . cia th 1d 11 be marked dlfterent from that of wordl of our enry Y e pure 10

The home of Rev. and Mrs. Henry a picture of the Fall. drawn by of a noble phrut. Not In a ma·

\0.. . ,

, .

... : \ ,. , , , ' : :, t( -,

. " " I ,. Our CIothiDa ill RiMbt , . I We Have wbat You Need ' :::.~=.:.~'

- A Bhe Right Price. '. - .. 'J'

, I

, '.

No~ 27 West 8th St.

Poppen waa gladdened !by the birth SOllMone elae. And yet the lC.ne il chlne-Uke lIrecition, then, or In a of SI lon, Henry Jr., on Nov. 16 at the lame, the dlfferenee obtaining In "projected" •• apbere, m'Ult w. Amoy China. Rev. and Mn. poppen the atmOlpilere of the Ityles that we leek the Intallllble reason for thil, were me.mben of the clul of '14. might choo... alchemy,-for til... are bat the

Atmoepbere il in euence, a mat- gardener" water and fertiliser by ~:::::=:==: Re and Mn John Luxen' who ter of feeling. He who feel I deeply which we can 6cWtate Urlat in .,. ••••

bave vi,.en vilitill8 in Holland and -4\f be have _ jlllt re,ard for pre- ,tbe Intpired heart of the arttat. .. Hulk n for two weeb, have reo cllion in the e~eulon of hiI thotl which tn tta lupreme momentl beatl

111m T to tileiT home In httenon, -_m find bit wrltlnp lIenneated In tune with that of God. . N. J~ Mr. and )In. Lus.n llaloapd with a C01'ftlPOndlq emotional at· \ ~. It De Vrlu, 'II. to tile el... of '91 and P't-tI!. '8', 1DOIPhm. it la , the moet wonderful ..... U •• 17 of the _mllntl of style. One mlPt

.. en be .tempted to call it .,.. it.- ALUMNI NEWS ~ T ... f9r ... ...." ..... bIIU............ ...... ala i

1Mt ~ .Moat ~ f.u.w. ........ COIDI'O. e)e1P'11 4t.J. wlIJch , .,.e N ... baa been reeelftdla BoIiJul __ then an PfOIlI*D for .-. ItMJf felt. W. "'" of Ute uri .... of _Dr~' .... I0.... B.

... IM.- . ~'.ofl l lD J) •• ull ba liD ... ~ • - , .... $*

.... i:.:14!.". ....... ..

..... ~~:ei'

Page 4: 11-24-1920

Fo.Wi 8ee

NICK 0 KEMA ... ___ • ___ "_1",,,,_1'11' _,, ___ ••

.... o p .,; , t't , . r.:r.;: r .

, \

:R:t:rBSEJ:=lS ,.:Qet your Ruhbers now. Don't wait untill it storms.

'Electric Shoe Ho.pital, Dick S.chaftener. Prop. IS E. 8th st.

'Nllft9 Stuff De.r Nut­

t have often 10lllpd to uk you a f. qaeltiou that Jave trOubled me ) for lOme Ime, 'bUt my couap al. wa,. IHD1I to faU me. A few cia,. aro, ho.wever, I couded a ITI,nd, . who told me that you were quite . harmJeu. But Dft&rilbelue, with

''The beat 'PrepatatiOD for the future is tbe pn!sent well Seen to ·"

oeo. MacDbntJd.

The present is not "wen Been to" unless some part of your present income is reiU' larly set aside for possible fu· ture need. .

fear and wembllng I tab my little Deposit some amount regu Corona on my kneel to lincer you larly in thts'strdtl" bank, . these few lines. I Ulle a typewriter

bee&ule, altlbo J I have no Jewiab Deepl'" State Balk blood in me, I Uke to 'talk with my r , .. , bandl. ....-----------

In the Jint place I am a lonely """'-<-......~. ~ • -...- _ ~ """"

Franklin Policies'

An R,gitt,r,' .

Wm. J. Olive

Not· How Cheap But

: l;;~ 1 ~;s;; ~i '-;'; B~k~d"~~d'~"l young girl with twenty-one lummen ,... ___ ,;;w, ......... ____ ~

in ·the background and am much an- f

noyed by bluhing freqquently, and I am unable to talk when I am out In company. Hor.v ,hall I overcome this' I.n the second place are big creaturea better natured than amall onea' In the third place why do

'How GOod il Our Motto.

Molenaar & De Goed

What do yo ... y? I'FEOERAL OF COURSE."

FHeral SYlte. of Bakedtl, 18 E. 8tlt St., Hollind. Rich. • """"~~~~~~ ___ """....,...~"'" some girle always ltand on the atalr-



MODZL LAlTNDRY '97·99 E. 8th St. Cib. Pholl. :«2

Our Motto ~ .... :.~-&~.,;-~.,~-~.,.~-~ .... ~-~~~-~~~.,~-~-~ ... ~-~~-~~~.,;-=-==== ".-.-_ '::-::-====-===:-::._=== ~a~~; :h:::;;aYA:~ :~ .~:;~~~~ ....... ~ ...... ~--.--' .. ~'".~ .... ' ...... '_, .... '-'''''~'~I -,.,.,_ ........ , ... , ........... , .... IiiII - ~ • place, what do you do with your

spar. ~me' TBE LACEY STUDIO, HOLLAND Quality and Prompt Service

You retain normal vision best when we fit the

needed lenses Geo. H. Huizinga & ·Co.

Op'ome ... I •• A .Iewele ...

Yours with the best of Intentlona, A. Koed.

'Dear Hin Koed:-

In the fuat place, what are your Sh and '·5 ,', intentions' Not only is thia leap' ure, year but it i8 Autumn and it is us-Ie' ually in the Autumn that youn men ce ream ye te Fall. In. the second p-Iace bow

DU HZ ·BROS. Dr,. Goocla, Coal. alld

Cloaks ... d MUU. • ..,.


18 West 8th St. many winters have you pasaed be- wa.nll·n? sides die twenty-one summers? Aa FLOWERS FOR ALL

L regards the bluahell-use a waahug, "Shure. an' St. Patrick' bles:! OCCASIONS • I I I I I I I • I I. I I I I I I I I L I I I I .,_, _ ... , ... , ... , .. ,-, ... , -, ........ ,_. and as to n.ot being able to talk· you me, it's i TWfLnB ST. FLORAL SHOP

~:"" ____ t ___ 7_fl '---, . ' ---~--., are indeed a ure specimen of a girl. Wagenaar '& Hamm ; . For your meal. and IUDches while iD Hpllaad .top at the Yea big creatures are better natured 'Pl;Ulfil P~.ae 1501 1I0lZENGA



• 36 W.8th • It

N. BOWfiN, Proprietor Citileal Phone 1041 HollaDd, Mich

than amaU onea. Consider th~ Jer- that 'as hit:' "._ , __ ~ ~~ .. y cow and the Jersey KOlqquko. Citz. PhoDe 1470 ~ike could have told you that. Some girla .block up the stalrwa,., door-wa,., ·and tanways to "maat\cate

28 W. 9th St


L.. ______ . ________________ ..... _ the fabric" because there is len

th~re than outalde. We don't have Bolland City State Bank FOOT .. •••• .a.J

'j ... i.l .......... ~;:::~.~:.~::;:;.:.~ •• ~ ..... ~ ................ ~

~th Plstt," T-aleulD P~wder, Toilet I " Water, Cndy, Ttot ... Bmltes 'or I •

I"thing in the Drug Line :

any spare time. I enjoyed . your typewriting immensely. It shows HOLLAND, MICR , wonderful character. So long. erhere'8 the "hole" story, Old Golf Ball. Capital $100,010.00

Surplus and Profit. ·$86,000.00 ...... _____ ..... __ .... __


• Call at

Lindeborg's Drug ,Store

Froah-No, ~ear freahman, you don't have to have a standing of 90 to go Ollt waHa'!ng with a co-d, but it'l beat to have at least etghty-fi~. 4% Interest paid on Time

Deposits C ••• 'MIl Jeooi.A .. ...ur s. Spriatsma & 'son ~

54 EAST EIGHTH STR. : ............................................... . ........................... .

Music Studies, Sheet Music, Song


Books, Viofins ana Vio­-Hnists Supplies


mEB'S MUSIC HOUSE 17 Waat Ilia Str .. t HOLLAND, MICH.

t ? !,

Developing, Printing ·ARD-

ver, thing irotogr&phlc: AT COSTER'S

19 E. Eilhth Street Citz. Phone 1582

't 111111118111111" 1.1111111111111 I I I

H~tAND ,PHOTO 10 E. SIb 8._

Your favorite films are ' worth eDlarging. As ale ways the bea~ work at 'rea ble price.

. ,

.Ruth Pe]grim,-Yea, Ruth, I am a line linger and have a good l'ItIgt. '

I ·Ule it to get my breakfast on ev­ery ·morning.

Garry-4 :had. a t~rrible faU last nieht.

Morrie-HiiIw' Garry-i'reda 'Wu tal1d~; I hung

on every 'Word and then, and then,­Morrill-Yes, and tben­Garry-dier volee broke. (What did abe do, Gany, dl'QP

fa remark')



22 West 8th Street, Above Woolworth!. 5 and 10 Cent Store

Olllce Houra-D to 11 A, M. 2 to 5 P. M.

Tuea. and Sat. 7 to 9 P. M.

DR.A. LBBNBOUTS Cits. PhoDe 1208




For Classll Haircut or shave

The Strdent's Barber CASPER BELT

Be/ow Hotel Hoi/and A German chemist caUed KMring,

From a bottle gently pouring, Little drope of brilliant aheen,

Drope of Nitroglycerine.

r'!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~-~ .. ~~.~- , ~/.t

Bunsen burner . standing by, Did not catCh poo.r Knoring 's eye;

A flash, a roar, an awful cruh, • It ahattered the window pane and

Bash, From the craCD within the 1I00ring

They now extract what's leoft of Knoring.

Dry Cle"niutl·& PreliJliJinll ,

One nay Serviee

We are now in a position to give you ·a daily ~ervice on Dry Cleaoioi and Pressini.

Give your suit to Mr Harold Van der Plot'~ our representa. Pretty little 'blue'eyed Rhoda, tive at Hope Colleae in the mornine and it will be delivered

Drank a pint of caultic loda, in the evenine. Dodor worked with might and main,

UHd a pump, but..all in vain; Kother, w~o well veraed In logic,

Said In accent. pedago~c, We.t M i«,hitlR,n SteRID Laund.,. Truth cruahed to earth will riae ' w ..... v ••• e.'ne ... A · No.. 50-52 W. ·8.h 8 •• . ,

qain, ' " Sodla'i a 1 ye, and won't, th r. t 'I "J~' _iiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"


Gentle little Willie Turner . SpIed • Hpted BallHll Barner. (n an eeatac)' of ....

,)(o.)'.d mOl. . NOIW ,.hla ep!tahp we read,

"A BOMn D1ltDtr did . the eleecl." ..

• • 1 • I • I • Fl. I I I • I I I I I I I I L I '11111111111

-Meet me at the .Model Drug Store A fresh·stock of Gilberts

, Chocolates for ~Dk82iving . ) MODEJ. QRUG STORE, ~r. Ri •• r A 8th $tr.lt..

• • 11 ...... 11111 •• ' •• 11 ••••• 111 ... 1111.1111111111


f' ,
