11 biology 1-16-08 circulatory system

 You Gotta Have Heart The Circulatory System

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 You Gotta Have HeartThe Circulatory System

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How does exercise affect heart rate?

Circulatory System Relay Color Your Heart

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Hemo the Magnificent

Scene 6 – The Capillaries

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Circulatory System Consists of… 

Blood Vessels



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Circulatory SystemBLOOD VESSELS

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Two Pathways

Pulmonary Circulation

 – Carries blood to lungs and back 

Systemic Circulation

 – Carries blood to body and back 

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Capillaries of head and arms

Capillaries of abdominalorgans and legs

Inferior vena cava

Pulmonary vein

Capillaries of rightlung

Superior vena

cava Aorta

Pulmonary artery

Capillaries of leftlung

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 Your Blood Vessels:Pathway of Circulation

3 types of vessels

 –  Arteries

 – Capillaries

 –  Veins

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 Artery vs. Vein

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 Arteries: carries blood Away from heart

 – Large

 – Thick-walled, Muscular

 – Elastic – Oxygenated blood

Exception Pulmonary Artery

 – Carried under great pressure – Steady pulsating

 Arterioles: smaller vessels, enter tissue

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 – Smallest vessel

 – Microscopic

 – Walls one cell thick 

 – Nutrients and gases diffuse here

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 Veins: Carries blood to heart

 – Carries blood that containswaste and CO2

Exception pulmonary vein

 – Blood not under muchpressure

 –  Valves to prevent much

gravity pull

 Venules: larger than capillaries

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 Varicose VeinsDamaged Valves in Veins

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What is Blood?

Blood Simulation

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Whole Blood Sample

Red bloodcells

White bloodcells



Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample ThatHas Been Centrifuged

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Whole Blood Sample

Red bloodcells

White bloodcells



Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample ThatHas Been Centrifuged

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Whole Blood Sample

Red bloodcells

White bloodcells



Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample ThatHas Been Centrifuged

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Parts of the Blood

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 Your Blood: Fluid Transport

a Tissue

50% water

4% dissolvedsubstances

Liquid Portion Carries

Blood cells

 – Erythrocytes (RBC - red bloodcells)

 – Leucocytes (WBC - white bloodcells)

Platelets (non cellular particles)


 – Enzymes

 – Hormones – Endocrine System

Nutrients - Digestive System

Gases - Respiratory System

Inorganic salts

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Carbon Dioxide in the Blood

Hemoglobin carries CO2 also

CO2 is a waste product of cellular work 

70% of CO2 combines withwater

The rest travels to the lungs 

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What does blood contain?

50% Water

45% Erythrocytes 4% Plasma with Substances

1% Leukocytes + Platelets

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Erythrocytes (RBC) Transporters of 

 – Oxygen – Carbon Dioxide

RBC – Lack a nucleus – Contain hemoglobin

 – Disk-shaped RBC are produced in red bone

marrow of  – ribs, – humerus,

 – femur, – sternum, and other long bones

Lives for 120 days Old RBC are destroyed in liver

and spleen

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Leukocytes (WBC)

WBC fight infection –  Attack foreign


Less abundant

Large cells

Some live for

months – Most just a few days

Several types

 ALL contain nuclei

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Cell fragments

Produced in bone marrow

Short life span (1 week)

Fibrin (sticky network of proteinfibers)

 – Form a web trapping blood cells

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Circulatory SystemHEART

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 Your Heart: The Vital Pump

 At REST, the heartpumps about 5

QUARTS of blood aminute.


EXERTION (exercise)it can pump 40 quartsa minute.

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Heart:Structure and Function

Keeps blood moving

Large organcomposed of 

 – cardiac muscle,

 – rich in mitochondria

 – Enclosed by a sac PERICARDIUM

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The Structures of the Heart

Right Ventricle

Right Atrium

Left Atrium

Inferior Vena CavaVein that brings oxygen-poorblood from the lower part ofthe body to the right atrium

Tricuspid ValvePrevents blood from flowing

back into the right atrium after ithas entered the right ventricle

Pulmonary ValvePrevents blood from flowingback into the right ventricleafter it has entered thepulmonary artery

Pulmonary VeinsBring oxygen-rich blood from eachof the lungs to the left atrium

Superior Vena CavaLarge vein that brings oxygen-poor blood from theupper part of the body to the right atrium

AortaBrings oxygen-rich blood from the leftventricle to the rest of the body

Pulmonary ArteriesBring oxygen-poor bloodto the lungs

Aortic ValvePrevents blood from flowingback into the left ventricleafter it has entered the aorta

Mitral ValvePrevents blood from flowing backinto the left atrium after it has

entered the left ventricle

Left Ventricle


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Blood Flow Through the Heart

©COPY 1997 HeartPoint

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Bloods Path Through the Heart

Both Atria fill at same time

 – Rt atrium receives oxygen POOR blood frombody from vena cava

 – Left atrium receives oxygen RICH blood from

lungs through four pulmonary veins

 After filled with blood atria contract,

pushing blood into ventricle

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Both ventricles contract

Right ventricle contracts and pushes

oxygen-poor blood toward lungs, against gravity,

through pulmonary arteries

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Left ventricle contracts and forces oxygen

rich blood out of heart through

aorta (largest vessel)

Bloods Path Through the Heart(cont)

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Heartbeat Regulation

Force of blood from left ventricle into arteries(pulse)

Pacemaker (SA Node), group of cells at top of right atrium

Electrical impulse, signals BOTH atria to contract

Triggers 2nd set of cells (AV Node)-base of theright atrium to send message to ventricles, theycontract

EkG – record of electrical changes in the heart


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Sinoatrial(SA) node

Atrioventricular(AV) node


Contraction of Atria Contraction of Ventricles

The Sinoatrial Node

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Blood Pressure

Blood against the blood vessel’s walls 

 – The systolic pressure refers to

the pressure recorded while the ventricles pumpthe blood.

 – The diastolic pressure refers to

the pressure recorded as the ventricles fill with


 A normal blood pressure is 120/80

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 – Fatty deposits called plaque

 – Builds up in walls of arteries

 – Obstructs flow

 – Also a risk if clot breaks free and blocks flow


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Disorders (cont)


 – High blood pressure

 – Hearts works harder than necessary

 – Increases risk of heart attack or stroke

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Disorders (cont)

Heart Attack 

 – Atherosclerosis in coronary artery

 – Heart muscle begins to die


 – Nausea – Shortness of breath

 – Severe chest pain


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Disorders (cont)


 – Blood clot gets stuck in blood vessels leading

to brain

 – Brain cells die due to lack of oxygen

Or blood vessel burst

 – Can lead to paralysis,

loss of ability to speak 



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Current PREVENTIONRecommendations

Regular exercise

Weight control

Well balanced diet

Do not smoke

Diet low in saturated


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Blood Typing: To Clump or Not to Clump? 

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Blood Types

Massive loss of blood requires a transfusion

Four Types – A 

 – B

 – AB – O

Inherited from your parents

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Blood Types

What happens hen o mi blood

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What happens when you mix bloodtypes?

Plasma contains proteins thatcorrespond to the shape of the

different antigens If you mix one type with the

wrong one, you get CLUMPING

Type O is the universal donor

Type AB is the universal acceptor

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What Makes Our Blood Type?

Blood Transfusions

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Blood Typeof Donor





Blood Type of Recipient


Unsuccessful transfusion Successful transfusion

Blood Transfusions

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Rh Factor

Rhesus factor (Rh), also inherited

 – Rh+ (have antigen)

 – Rh- (NO antigen)

Can cause complications in pregnancies

 – mother Rh- 1st baby Rh+ : blood mixes withmother; mother’s body makes anti-Rh+ 

antibodies – 2nd Rh + body attacks baby

 – Now have medicine to prevent antibody