11111 j-*. - i - nys historic...

Houses for Sale C KOOM BUNGALOW,' all , improve- ments , siUiuted on Campbell St,, lot BOx 100. Potter & Robliwpns, Inc. , " 38tt EIGHT HOOM HOUSE, 117 Jayno Avenuo ' . most aristocratic section of that street) j hot water heat , two- car garage , lot 00x230, largo chick- en coop ond run , fruit trees. Apply Sam Smith , phono 382, or your broker. ¦ V ¦ . itt ROE PARK—Throe ' new modern hoiises always on hand to sell at at- tractive prices and «auy terms, _ John J. ltoe , " ;- . - ' " ggtf Acreage for Sale 55 ACRES IN greenhouse section north of Blue Point; iittrtly clear- ed; wonderful location; high arttl dry. Anyone looking for green- house silo will find it worth while to investigate. Inquire S. A. Smith , 77 Rose-Avenue , Pateliogue, Phone 382, ' ' - ' ¦ 4Btf Real Estate for Sale WATERFRONT and business proper- ty in Bellport. John T. Quinn , Wy- andotte Hotel , B.llpoi't. 52.5 FOLLOW'Ssong Island real estate in The Patchogue Advance, Suffolk Counfy ' s leading newspaper , ?3 a year—published Tuesdays and Fri- days. Advertise your listings in the real estate columns; results always follow. Telephone Patchogue 1000. .;. " . . ¦ ' . ' . 28tf Goal—Wopd—Feed GOOD OAK WOOD' $8.(10 a load. Sox , 35, Medford Station^ .. . . 52tl PINE WOOD) ijsO.OIV cord. H. G. , Cleaves , Bellpor t. 5US FIREPLACE WOOD Wonderful burning fireplace wood for sale. 18" or 24" size, only ?12 ; a load; "kindling $10 aloud. Phone Bellport . 101). . ' ¦ y TIGER NURSERIES , Brookhayeri _ "*-*^ COAL and FEED Our Coal Makes Warm Friends SNEDECOR COAL & FEED CO., Inc. ' ¦ . - West Avenue and L. I. Railroad Tel. 496 . . " ' .." . tt ' - ^ttf Insurance (•OTTER 4 ROBINSONS. V 33 West Main Street i Telephone Patchogue 8 . All branches of insurance ' , Choice local , and out-of-town ' property. both in acreage and improved. ¦ . y ' . ¦ ;- . ' ¦: , . - . ¦ : ¦ R4tf Tailoring—-Cleaning NEW, , YORK . TAILORS ' 69 South Ocean Ave, Tel. 37-M . Cleaning, pressing, hemstitching, pleating and 'button covering. All kinds of furs remodeled. 30t2«T Hair Goods THE CORRECT hair pieces for grow- ing bobs. L. ConklLn, 232 Ocean __ Avemio, Phone , -1266-M. ' 26tTM V Furniture for Sale ; LEATHER DAVENPORT , cheap. Call niorrtingns, 13-1 Greene Avenue, Sny- __ vUle^. . - ' , ; ' . 52t l X . : . .: . . ' y Lost , GOLD ' WATCH" nnd chain , mono- gram , W. G. C. ¦ -Reward. A. l-\ Hawkins , 70 Cedar Avenue, Patch- _j)gueV. N. Y. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' 52t2 __ Gookih ' g and-Heating CANOPY RANGE No- 8; Park ~ 0-ik No. 15. Iloth good condition , cheap. _ Isuae Smith , Bellport- SHI , ONE POKTRESS Crawford coal range; one 3-buniei-: gas stove. Kx- i-elle ' nt condition. Reason for sell- ing—installing larger gas range. After Up. ni. Phone Bellport 12. V '1. U SEVERAL SECOND-HAND ranges for sale cheap. Edwin K, Usher, Icrry Street , icar ol I' litchogue Post __^ hcc. . - . , . ¦ _ : ; " - 'IGlf Tracking and< Carting " EARL iCIIEVNING ¦ ' . . : 303 Waverly Avenue " , Patchogue . Phone Blue Point 1528-J. ; ' . ;.; General Trucking, Rubbish and GaxBagcV ; Rciiioval ¦ ' J- -W6fd S6Td By C&M ' of L6ad. ^ V' :; : . ; ' , :yvi ; ¦ Sltrr Houses for Rent 7J100M HOUSE, ull improvements. 2 car garage, paved driveivay. Call evenings. Patchogue 3025. 521-2 8 ROOM HOUSE , furnace in cellar. All improvements. $10 per month. Main Street , mill pi-opei-ly. Ap- ply at olllce. Piitchiigue-Plynioutli Mills Corp, ' C2t2 ¦1 ROOM house and garage. Steve Ko- bus , 27 Sycamore Strict , phone 554? W. . . . . - , 51t. 0 ROOM HOUSE , hath , all improve- ments. $30. 29 Evergreen Avenue, . r. -ia-ss 0 ROOM HOUSE, - also 3 rooms, bath, Mrs. Blgglo, care of , Fuguzy ' s. 51 South Occiui. Avenue, ., , 50tf G-ROOM houfc , all improvements. 170 Washington . Avenue, telephone 003-J. "" 4718 7-ROOM HOUSE , improvements. ' at 92 Jayne Avenue. ' Inquire 83 Lakewood Street. 45tX0 2 SIX ROOM houses, all improve- ments. Inquire Lichenstein Bros. South Ocean Avenue, " 35tf Rooms to Refit 4 ROOBIS, improvements. Very rea- sonable. Inquire Butler store,. 53 South Ocean Avenue, 5fE2 Apartments for Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT ?30 a month. Albin , Roe &' ¦ Tory, Patch- ogue. 52tl TWO APARTMENTS, ' all improve- ments. PlibneVPatchogue 1086. 5Lt2 6 ROOM STEAM heated apartment , can be used for olliees. Olympia Confectionery - Co., ,32 South Ocean Avenue. 45 tf APARTMENT for rent at 75 Rider Avenue. Inquire at H. S. Conklin ' s. 30tf APARTMENT for rent. Ackerly, 89 East Main Street. 65tf Furnished Rooms COMFORTABLY furnished; heated; ' §4 up. 79 Baker St., phone 1481. 4St_ DESIRABLE ROOMS , private family. 272 South Ocean Avenue. Tele- phone 1299. . , " . 77tf Stores and Offices LARGE ' , HEATED , sunny offices , front and rear. 40 South Ocean Avenue , Ackerly, 89 East Main Street. , 7tf Wanted to Rent G ORi 7 ROOM house ,; with hath, heat , convenient to station and sehool. : ' All year round tenant. Box A, 138: ¦ •- . ¦ ' .. , 52tl .SMALL' BUNGALOW; all improve- ments, garage, good location. Phone ¦ - 247. ¦ ' - ' . ¦ A s *4 Automobiles MARMON "75" town coupe , - like new. Great sacrifice , run 2738 miles. Pat- chogue Marmon Company, 272 East . Main Street , Patchogue, Tclojihoifc . 1242. 5212 1927 AUBURN 8-88 sedan. Sacrifice; like new. Patchogue Marmon Ci>m- p 'iin-j*, 272 East ' Main Slreet , PaUih- yogue. telephone 1242. _ , 5212 USED CARS all types, pleasure and commer- cial , . " LARGE ASSORTM^T ' Stock constantly changing. Time Payments arranged, y JAMES A. CONROY , INC., West Main Street , Patchogue , N. 'T. 35tf&H Brake Relining BRAKES RELINED, repaired and ad- justed b. v experts; work guaran- teed; authorized Raybestos service. Vatchogue Brake Service Stolon, Medftml Avenue near Roo Boulo- yard. ' ' ' . . ' 6*tfT . Automobile Painting SEI J . RESPECTING'PEOPLE' ' " ¦ ' wouldn 't go about the ' - trectk ; in iiiiki'inpt clothes , would they ' . ' Well , why go about in a "worn-out looking can when our .painters will make it like new ' . ' . NOLAN & CO. Waverly Ave., Patchoguo. Phone 20-R. ' Sl-llll IlllttllllllllltllllllSltl.lSISIIIIIIIIII IIIIsllsillllllltltllllllitllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllll tlllltlllll Help Wanted—Nfrile RADIO SALESMEN wanted. Smith & Lull Corporation , 74 Eust Main _^r. V£^.J^J^OBU^. ______ - ___ 62tf Help Wanted—Female BOOKKEEPER and stenographer , ux- •icrlonci'd. Cull in person with nuul- ifleiitioris. Good position for the right girl. Chance for iidvuiicemont with one of Long Island' s growing furniture stores. Long Island Fur- niture Scrvjce Co., 83 Soutli Ocean Avenue, C2tl GIRLS , WANTED on power sewing miifhiiic. Experienced sewer an well us learner, " Good pay. Apply l' ut- choguc-Plym outh Mills Corp. 5112 GIRLS WANTED on Singer Sewing machines. Steady, work , good nay, Graham & Eyton , D Railroad Ave- nue , one flight up. 6112 EXPERIENCED helper in hair dress- ing. Good wages nnd commission. . Floret t c Beauty Parlor. 48tf Help Wanted—Male - Female YOUNG MAN or young lady wanted for olllce work . Those , haVinfc some knowledge of boolikcepinfc prefer- red. South Shore Motor Transpor- tation Co. 52tf ' AGENTS WANTED. ^ Sell new $3 re- peut article. Sells on sight to "homes and retailers. Fully , guaranteed. Exclusive territory. Write; Paul Murchison Co., Inc., -280 Broadway, : New York, ¦ ,- ¦ 52tl Situations Wanted ELDERLY WOMAN wishes position us housekeeper. . No laundry work. A-l l' efcrenccs.i Apply ^Shtlndf 29 Medfoi 'd Avenue. ¦ . , , 52tL SITUATION wanted by stenographer, graduate of Euclid , Brooklyn. Ap- ply at thews ' office , Sayville. '51tf LINOn r i?E OPERATOR wishes ' po- sition on Long Island newspaper. Willard Andrews, Patchogue Ad- vance. __ 47tt Busjbfiess Opportunities PARTNER WANTED by contracting painter. Wonderful opportunity for experienced man. Write Box A-140. 52t 2 Wearing Apparel BEAUTIFU L FUR COAT size 42, " slightly worn , will sacrifice; conti- dential. Box A-139. : 52tl " QUALITY DRESSES ~~~ . , . (all sizes) ; Having no -overhead. " expense a mokes low prices possible. vCall and be convinced. MYRA POFFLEY 4G Case Avenue, Patchogue, N. Y. 48t fT Eggs , Poultry. Etc. CHICKS, CHICKS, CHICK-S , chicks Large,, vigorous, White Leghorn day-old chicks, that conic- from knowri tr' apnested high producers. Hatch every Tuesday. Pedigreed ¦and blood-tested. Males from 250- 290; eggei's. Large birds , larg ' e eggs, excellent winter layers. Money bacR guarantee. Seaver Farm , Smithtown Branch , L. I. Telephone 352, Smith- town, 40tl4T BARRED ROCK and S. C. W. Leg- horn chicks every .week. Order ear- ly. Hamlyn' s Poultry Fririn, Bell- port. . _ _ 50t4 S ~ ETTING OF 5 GOOSE eggs , ?2.25. Frank Miller , ' Summit Aveiiue, ¦ _ , . 5: ' t10 HARTWICK bettor quality baby chicks and pullets. Our ehi' eks are all from carefully selected old hens that are mated to males certified by tho N, Y. State Certification Asso- ciation ^ Heavy production is the re- sult of out"careful breeding! Write for catalogue and prices. Ifartwick Hatchery, Inc., Hartwick, N. " Y. ; , . . . 4Gtl4 Nursing MALE NURSE, day or night, Herman J. Charpied , 03 Norton Street. Phone 43LR. . ' ; 20tf JevVelry Diamonds Watches . . ' GUY N. ASH 21 South Ocean Avenue, Patchogue , N. Y. - Phone 780 Established' 1885 "The House of Quality " Jewelry Repairing 32tf For Sale—Miscellaneous UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER , first class condition, $25.00. South Shore Motor Tra n sportation Co. 52lf Y'OUNG JERSEY " cow and ilnlsteiri heifer, 2 horse farm wagon , 12 Pl y- mouth Rock pullets, 1 rooster. La- dy ' s bicycle. ' Tel. Patchogue 788-.IV ^ 52t3 MOTOR AND circular saw 011 wheels, good condition. E. Sherman Robin- son , East Patchogue. Tel ephon e 62. 5Qt4 "TO LET" signs for sale. Also every other real estate necessity in tho sign line. The Advanco Paper Shoppe. , -. ¦ _ ¦ ¦ *¦; .; . , . it 6tf (Coiitiniieil from Page 1 , thin suetion) ltytler , CI IIII 'I CH Spoiilieliiii'i' , Paul Ilti- I11111 , llarolil Johnson , Atlriotuio Davis Amy Ciiae , Rose Diss , Helen Iving, Anna Olil' ei', Edith Rostel ,. Rose Sel- ijol. Grade 3, Room 0: Erncii t G11- miiltli , Otto Ilol-er , Fre d Keute , Ed- ward Miller , VVurrcn Sephton , Ever- ett Strybinn' , Jesse ^orriid , Jean Gottfried , Dorothy iMuyers. Gratle 3, Room 8—David Cuse, Wesley Druid. 1 , Uoriitird LenowllZ , .Jack Meyer , Dominick Monaco , ' Irving Young, Waller Zenker , Eilwurtl Rttti- Kii n , Elsie lk'iikcnsteiii , Cliiirlotte Chopslcl , . LoiTiiine Victor , Emiiieline Monaco. Grade 2 , Room , 7: Burburii Car- man , Ellen Densiiig, Julia Milled, Helen Olifer , Grucu Penney, Ruth Pot.ii.ci*, Constance Rohelun , Florence Salanione , Lois Steins, Elsie Ackerly, Alla ' ii Brown , Anthony Parent) , Hor- nard Ryder , Raphael Sobarii , " Raymond Shrimpton ,. Dale Whitlock , Charles Zenker. Grade 2, Room 0: William Fichtner , Nelson Gillespie, ' Archio Hampton , Elmer llowl n iul ,. Wallace King, Fre d lCirschenfiid , Robert Maz- zotti , Archibald Milne , ' Richard Tetty, Francis Rainiondi , AVilliam Rotvlulid , Edward"RuBgery, Anthony Salii ftioiie , Edward Worrad , Genevieve Chumas , Edith Doerr , Herta. Doerr. sRose Gurd- .folo , Helen Lizewski ,. Mnric Stiriz, Charlotte Sorrcll. .. .. , . .. '" . Grade ' 1 , ' Robin _ ' : Kenneth Ab- rams, Jos eph-Boei'nei 1 , Adrian-doopor , Glonwood Hunter , Kenneth Miller , Richard , -Pevzner , Hhrold Rockwell , George Wittier , Dorothy Knoell , Dor- othy Malverty, Eleanor McAlister , Florence Swezey, Norman Stenvall. Grade 1 , Room 4: Staiiley Bronski , Ruby Davis, Carl Funaro , Ruth Hed- burg, Cai-olyn Mitchell , Peter- Pouios, Wilson Rowley, Margaret Sehiel , George Sephton, Mildred Stiriz. Grade lj Room 3: Josephine Ben- kenstein, Dorothy Kaler , Mary iLizew- ski , Marie Zenker, Albert Horton , Michael Vcntielri , Reginald Murdock , Ferdinand Hanschei , Edward Barth , William Johnston. , - ,;- LOAF OF BREAD FREE Introducing a new bread , product of new ovens, Zenker 's bakery is of- fering a : :ton-cent loaf free with every purchase" of 30 cents or moro during the next ton days. An advertisement explains this specialty. ISIItlllllllllllllltSIIIIIISSIIIIIIIIIItllllMltlSIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIslllllllllllllllllll Pupils Who Hit Attendance Mark ,1 minimi mi"""" ; ••' . ¦ ¦ """ WE'RE DEUGHTED , T00 1 The following ad appeared on this page last Friday : j The Advance is informed that the advertiser sold | CIIEVROLET ' UTILITY coupe, 192.. I $35 takes it. 73 Muple Avenue or phone Patchogue 248-W. -51tl the car the next ddy and is "delighted with the results achieved. " AdvcrtUiiiBT in Then Column- i> Four Cents a Word , Ctuh With j Order. Ench tulditlonnl iiuortion three cents a word. No ndvertieo- ! ment t-iltoii for ono insertion for less tlmn 40 cents. Classified Dis- j piny •pocii , $1.30 an inch. j Yo u Can Save Money, By Reading The Want Ads On This Page 'YOU CAN GET IT FOR LESS At HOCHHEISER'S Great Sc and 10c Stores •"pilE following editorial from tlie Riverhend News is interesting to the people of this section in partictilur and to Long Islanders In general : "Know thyself" is u. " command thut was Jnid upon mini ill -wisdom , and Hoine follow ami obey it, although it Is to ho feared that muny do ' not puy enough attention to the construction ol' their own bodies , "fciu'l' iilly nntl wonderfully iiiade, " not to mention the even more baffling mysteries con- cerning llic intellectual ami .spiritual makeup of one' s being, ' which are still more * difficult to classify nntl record In memory, But if many of us cannot qualify as experts along the lilies mentioned in the first paragraph' of this article , how many of us can ' - reiich the plane of Miss Celine Hoffman of Mcdfonl , 15 years old , in speaking in 'forniingly as to the settlement of Long Island anil of other facts of importance touching this favored, part of the country ? ' , She dashed . oil a , letter, , to the Brooklyn Eagle in a qontcst . for the testing of this mine of local knowl- edge antl sue scored IOO per cent iii accuracy, She told about the first settlement in the Town of Brookhaven , of ihe area of the Hempstead Lake State Park , gave a brief history of the de- velopment of Shelter Island' under the early Englisn settlers, announced that 250 species of fish liavts beeii- discov- ered and classified in JLong : Island, waters, told amout early/Babylon and Farmingdale, wi'ote a short treatise on the subject of village: government , gave the name of tho Mayor of the Landing in the Town of Smithtown , informed tlie world about the con- struction arid early operation of thc Long Island Railroad and even wont so f ar as to locate the elusive "Punk's Hole , " credited with . having once been a name applied to ifctinprvillc. To be sure these answers were at hand in thc Eagle Alm.inac , but it re- quired study and application to dig them out and express them in satis- factory fashion. ¦;¦ .?. , Miss Hoffman sets a worthy exam- ple; more Long Islanders would do -well to study with her and be able to answer intelligentl y wlicn - . sthey a^e questioned about their place of resi- dence, s- Medford Girl Gets Prize and Praise (or Knowing the Island (Continued from Page 1 , this section) pfel , lluriganliiii , Mi'M, Murlii Sicgcl , Gi . 'i'miiii , Frank Bekerl , Hungarian , , Anton Knobloch , Hungarian , Ron- konkonia, Mrs. Lillian Schul.u , Polish , Pat rick McGiiith , Irish , Mrs. Mury The- resu llognii , Irish , Miss Sarah McGlu- ity, Irish , Central Islip; Carl Lunge., Jr. , Austrian , Curl Lunger , Austrian , Adolf I'luher, German , Mrs. lilnry . Bosshui-niimr, Swiss , Adolph Sonnen- berg, Russian , Islip Terrace; Michnel Luwik , Polish , West Babylon; John Muiiro , Scotch , East Iluuppiuige ; Sa- die Mitiriiiib , Italian , Rocco Volpe , Italian , Copiugue. i Nicholas Luwrow, Austrian, West Islip; Mrs, Frances Sarah Giuntini , English , East Setuukot; Adolph Don- esieski , Russian , Center Moriches; Mi-Ss ' Etlicl Muller , Hungarian , Mrs. Sophie ;S-liwtfii ' z ' e!v , .; ' German , St. James ; John Sives, Scotch , Brook- haven; Frank Ripak , Ilungurhili , Bo- hemia ; Mrs . .. Olgu Biscardi , Punish , | Oi-e.to Ciiiriifbli ' eti , Italia n , Bay Shore ; Leonard Chstiglinoe, Italian , Linden- hurst , NEW LAW AY5ULi> REQUIRE JURY DUTY OF FIREMEN A; bill' htis beeii introduced to amend the Judiciary Law so that active and exempt firemen would no longer bo entitled to any Exemption from jui' y duty. Senator Wales of Binghampton being axithor of the nieasure. George J. Schncllcr of Elinhu, rst , chairman of the law- committee of the . New York State Fh-cmeri' s Association^ has nof titled fix-e companies all over Long.Is- land of this bill and it is expected that tjic judiciary committeq of , the senate will hoar from many; of these organs izations against passage of the: Wales bill. Senator !. Fearon 7 of Syracuse is chairman of the judiciary. cohrniitte . and Charles E. Russell of Brooklyn is the only Long Island member.. ¦,; J. TO BE SUCCESSFUL—ADVERTISE 47 Aliens Admitted ' U, S. Citizens ' *^»:' '^c<*I":"^<:"^'^•>•^>^?:»^'^•:":"^*C":¦'C"^'' •J , | WITH THE 1 \M \ I THAT COUNTS \ | ^ —^_ i I Miike 1 j- *. - i I More 1 - : I •{• - - ¦'- ¦ - ¦ ' - . - . _ , * npi . i * * . ''"' 'v A. rlhaii a $ $ ., vv. " - ¦ " i I Time of I Year ¦ ' y ^'i ' ivf X CPRING urges illl to i ntv ycx- * |lj piinsion of life and ah cit-i 1 ^ !*! liuiiccmcht of.tlio joys . of living, . .>J, y A good car cnaUlc. oiie to trails- y X late buoyant spitit into specific % ' tj uetivities and definite achieve- A !* . ments. To gieet Sniing in ono x * »J of our reconditioncti used , tars i^ *S j J to make lhc ct of- ybur " b> S , | jj portunities for plea6uveah|e. aml »fi !*J profit ible living tlfr ' o ' ut'hoUt the X ' 4 yo ™- t ' ' . i %. e I V, *- " " t* ' /. 2 1927 ' Demonstration- ' .j ! y ' i'l Chevrolet Landau Se- , $ ' 4' ' ' dans $ | " " ,i f- 1927 Chevrolet Cabriojet ' ^i y , & t ' y •^ 1 1927 Chevrolet Sedan *$ . * . ' . i ' % |* 1 1926 Chevrolet , . Pa-iel | \ Body >"V" . v<, - "-V % :*: * s. % 2 1926 Chevrolet Coaches £ y , . * « A, ' •§¦ ' ;;; 2 1925 Chevrolet Coaches- ' 4 •? < . 4 A * V ' 4 2 Chrysler Coaches ' S y . * . y *i* X 1 Buichf Sedaui - * f. * : * | 1 Studebaker Sedan | V y y - »> y * * . X 1 Dodge Sedan £ £ ' ' v •!• $ 1 Dodge Sedan , 1 928 , like & % new , & s . , 4* | J Willys Knight Sedan | 'k J ^ ' * * % 1 Cleveland Sedan, like g %* - ¦ »* ? * new , K y , .!- ?: t 4 2 192ff Essex Cdaches, K ' 4 Al. I y •!« * $ I Several Late Trucks , dif- j X ferent typg bodies. ' * , v A . * . - ~=^ $ - - ¦ . * . " k ' '? * All well worth the pric<* « ' * ' <• *? % we ask for tnerii. * •? & . >: % 1—* \k % After 3 days ' use of any % % used car bought of lis, if % * vou are dinsatisfied rd. »:• y - KS ' _ \ turn it If not damaged g ?| * we will allow you all you ' £, ' k paid for it toward anothei 4' '? -B«T * » ? «* •> t o . , t . ^ ; ' ; Guaranteed Satisfaction ;*; •|* «•:• •f »:» X or Money Refunded g y . . . ?:• t * . ' . v . .:. •> ¦ ¦ " .. ¦ ¦ ' : * . y Jbr Economical Transporte r ;, # t , % / & ! ' & rT^ ff &m^ & ' &'^SS i * ' * 4 ? * * . . . ¦ - .- •:« X H «t% / : ' l' J____J « I ??• :?: *? *5* iBeli-a nl k MOTOR MART :> J 80-84 West Main St. | l PATCHOGUE, L. I. J 5 . .? v , > , >'j 'j *i< , i , ^*s* « ''>i"; , 'j *' * , , C'> * . , c«'>'5-i'i' X' i »i'*i , » » * ACKERLYPiAHOS QyHadeJbr J^ny Island Qlmala' Wi.rll, Mo«f ¦ ¦Z jjL aa^-Z TfcianThcy J^g MUSIC C ° _^ 0u T^Pf C ENTER . " > 'J _T' f atcf togut ^^"ZeX ' ' JOZSt— *y ** ' " i V%V ^ ' - /' "B t lhe liorse car is gone forever YES , and so arc tj ic methods of the horse-car days. Today we reduce miics to minutes in swift subways iniflcr land and water , ;nri _ l dri ve 75 mile-an-hoii r motor cars over concrete roads. In commuiiication , we also rel y on the modern - 7 - 7 -and sslvc time by telephoning. . 4 ¦ A question comes up as yoii jg o over ithe morning ' s mail. A customer iri Chicago , iii New Orleans , or perhaps even fiirllier tuviiy. - Reiich for your . telephone—-you have him on the wire—and the matter is settled for good. Quick ? Modern speed itself;. Practicable? As though you were both in lho same room. Cosl? Infinitel y less even than . "writing.—for you ' ve saved Lime—'lhe greatest expense in modern business. Arc you lctting yo ur telep hon e save time for you? NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY ^g&£s£ / V ) ' " ¦ V " ' ' . ' - ' ¦ ' ¦ 'V 'V . - ti— ;. ,; . -y ¦ ¦ -21 - ¦ -——- ¦ \l

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Houses for SaleC KOOM BUNGALOW,' all , improve-

ments , siUiuted on Campbell St,, lotBOx 100. Potter & Robliwpns, Inc.

, " 38tt

EIGHT HOOM HOUSE, 117 JaynoAvenuo '. most aristocratic sectionof that street) j hot water heat, two-car garage, lot 00x230, largo chick-en coop ond run , fruit trees. ApplySam Smith , phono 382, or yourbroker . ¦ V ¦ . itt

ROE PARK—Throe ' new modernhoiises always on hand to sell at at-tractive prices and «auy terms,

_John J. ltoe, " ;- . - ' " ggtf

Acreage for Sale55 ACRES IN greenhouse section

north of Blue Point; iittrtly clear-ed; wonderful location; high arttldry. Anyone looking for green-house silo will find it worth whileto investigate. Inquire S. A. Smith,77 Rose-Avenue, Pateliogue, Phone382, ' •••' -' ¦ 4Btf

Real Estate for SaleWATERFRONT and business proper-

ty in Bellport. John T. Quinn, Wy-andotte Hotel, B.llpoi't. 52.5

FOLLOW'Ssong Island real estate inThe Patchogue Advance, SuffolkCounfy 's leading newspaper, ?3 ayear—published Tuesdays and Fri-days. Advertise your listings in thereal estate columns; results alwaysfollow. Telephone Patchogue 1000.

. ; . ". . ¦ ' . ' . 28tf

Goal—Wopd—FeedGOOD OAK WOOD' $8.(10 a load. Sox, 35, Medford Station^ ... . 52tl

PINE WOOD) ijsO.OIV cord. H. G., Cleaves, Bellpor t. 5US

FIREPLACE WOODWonderful burning fireplace woodfor sale. 18" or 24" size, only ?12 ;a load; "kindling $10 aloud. PhoneBellport . 101). . '¦ y

TIGER NURSERIES,Brookhayeri _ "*-*

COAL and FEEDOur Coal Makes Warm Friends


- West Avenue and L. I. RailroadTel. 496

. . " ' .." . tt ' - ^ttf


33 West Main Streeti Telephone Patchogue 8 .

All branches of insurance', Choicelocal , and out-of-town' property.

both in acreage and improved.¦ . y ' . ¦ ; - . '¦ : , . - . ¦ : ¦ R4tf


NEW, ,YORK . TAILORS '69 South Ocean Ave, Tel. 37-M .Cleaning, pressing, hemstitching,pleating and 'button covering. Allkinds of furs remodeled. 30t2«T

Hair GoodsTHE CORRECT hair pieces for grow-

ing bobs. L. ConklLn, 232 Ocean__ Avemio, Phone ,-1266-M. ' 26tTM

V Furniture for Sale ;LEATHER DAVENPORT, cheap. Call

niorrtingns, 13-1 Greene Avenue, Sny-__ vUle^. . -', ;' . 52tl

X . :. . :. . ' y Lost ,GOLD 'WATCH" nnd chain , mono-

gram , W. G. C. ¦ -Reward. A. l-\Hawkins, 70 Cedar Avenue, Patch-

_j)gueV.N. Y. ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' 52t2

__ Gookih'g and-HeatingCANOPY RANGE No- 8; Park


No. 15. Iloth good condition , cheap._ Isuae Smith , Bellport- SHI,ONE POKTRESS Crawford coal

range; one 3-buniei-: gas stove. Kx-i-elle'nt condition. Reason for sell-ing—installing larger gas range.After U p . ni. Phone Bellport 12.


for sale cheap. Edwin K, Usher,Icrry Street , icar ol I'litchogue Post__^hcc. . -. , . ¦ _ : ; " - 'IGlf

Tracking and< Carting" EARL iCIIEVNING ¦' . . :

303 Waverly Avenue",Patchogue

.„ Phone Blue Point 1528-J.;'.; . ; General Trucking, Rubbish and

GaxBagcV; Rciiioval ¦'J- -W6fd S6Td By C&M 'of L6ad. ^V' :;: . ; ' , :yvi ; ¦ • Sltrr

Houses for Rent7J100M HOUSE, ull improvements. 2

car garage, paved driveivay. Callevenings. Patchogue 3025. 521-2

8 ROOM HOUSE , furnace in cellar.All improvements. $10 per month.Main Street , mill pi-opei-ly. Ap-ply at olllce. Piitchiigue-PlynioutliMills Corp, ' C2t2

¦1 ROOM house and garage. Steve Ko-bus, 27 Sycamore Strict, phone 554?W. . . . . - , 51t.

0 ROOM HOUSE, hath , all improve-ments. $30. 29 Evergreen Avenue,

. r.-ia-ss

0 ROOM HOUSE,- also 3 rooms, bath,Mrs. Blgglo, care of , Fuguzy's. 51South Occiui. Avenue, ., , 50tf

G-ROOM houfc , all improvements. 170Washington . Avenue, telephone003-J. "" 4718

7-ROOM HOUSE, improvements.'at 92Jayne Avenue.' Inquire 83 LakewoodStreet. 45tX0

2 SIX ROOM houses, all improve-ments. Inquire Lichenstein Bros.South Ocean Avenue, " 35tf

Rooms to Refit4 ROOBIS, improvements. Very rea-

sonable. Inquire Butler store,. 53South Ocean Avenue, 5fE2

Apartments for RentFURNISHED APARTMENT ?30 a

month. Albin , Roe &'¦ Tory, Patch-ogue. 52tl

TWO APARTMENTS,' all improve-ments. PlibneVPatchogue 1086. 5Lt2

6 ROOM STEAM heated apartment ,can be used for olliees. OlympiaConfectionery - Co., ,32 South OceanAvenue. 45 tf

APARTMENT for rent at 75 RiderAvenue. Inquire at H. S. Conklin 's.


APARTMENT for rent. Ackerly, 89East Main Street. 65tf

Furnished RoomsCOMFORTABLY furnished; heated;' §4 up. 79 Baker St., phone 1481.


DESIRABLE ROOMS, private family.272 South Ocean Avenue. Tele-phone 1299. . ,". 77tf

Stores and OfficesLARGE', HEATED, sunny offices ,

front and rear. 40 South OceanAvenue, Ackerly, 89 East MainStreet. , 7tf

Wanted to RentG ORi 7 ROOM house,; with hath, heat,

convenient to station and sehool.:' All year round tenant. Box A, 138:¦• - .

¦ •' .. , 52tl

.SMALL' BUNGALOW; all improve-ments, garage, good location. Phone¦

-• 247. ¦ ' - ' . ¦ As*4

AutomobilesMARMON "75" town coupe,- like new.

Great sacrifice, run 2738 miles. Pat-chogue Marmon Company, 272 East

. Main Street , Patchogue, Tclojihoifc .1242. 5212

1927 AUBURN 8-88 sedan. Sacrifice;like new. Patchogue Marmon Ci>m-p'iin-j*, 272 East' Main Slreet, PaUih-

yogue. telephone 1242. _ , 5212


all types, pleasure and commer-cial , . "

LARGE ASSORTM^T' Stock constantly changing.

Time Payments arranged, y


West Main Street, Patchogue, N.'T.35tf&H

Brake ReliningBRAKES RELINED, repaired and ad-

justed b.v experts; work guaran-teed; authorized Raybestos service.Vatchogue Brake Service Stolon,Medftml Avenue near Roo Boulo-yard.' ' ' ..' 6*tfT

.Automobile PaintingSEIJ. RESPECTING'PEOPLE' '"¦'

wouldn 't go about the' -trectk;iniiiiki'inpt clothes, would they '.'Well , why go about in a"worn-outlooking can when our .painterswill make it like new '.'

. NOLAN & CO.Waverly Ave., Patchoguo.

Phone 20-R. ' Sl-llll

I l l l t t l l l l l l l l l t l l l l l lSl t l . lSISIIIIIIIIII IIIIs l ls i l l l l l l l t l t l l l l l l i t l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ' l l l l l l l l l l l t l l l l t l l l l l

Help Wanted—NfrileRADIO SALESMEN wanted. Smith

& Lull Corporation , 74 Eust Main_^r.V£^.J^J^OBU^.______-_ _ _ 62tf

Help Wanted—FemaleBOOKKEEPE R and stenographer, ux-

•icrlonci'd. Cull in person with nuul-ifleiitioris. Good position for theright girl. Chance for iidvuiicemontwith one of Long Island's growingfurniture stores. Long Island Fur-niture Scrvjce Co., 83 Soutli OceanAvenue, C2tl

GIRLS ,WANTED on power sewingmiifhiiic. Experienced sewer an wellus learner, " Good pay. Apply l'ut-choguc-Plym outh Mills Corp. 5112

GIRLS WANTED on Singer Sewingmachines. Steady, work , good nay,Graham & Eyton, D Railroad Ave-nue , one flight up. 6112

EXPERIENCED helper in hair dress-ing. Good wages nnd commission.

. Florett c Beauty Parlor. 48tf

Help Wanted—Male - FemaleYOUNG MAN or young lady wanted

for olllce work . Those , haVinfc someknowledge of boolikcepinfc prefer-red. South Shore Motor Transpor-tation Co. 52tf

' AGENTS WANTED. ^ Sell new $3 re-peut article. Sells on sight to "homesand retailers. Fully , guaranteed.Exclusive territory. Write; PaulMurchison Co., Inc., -280 Broadway,

: New York, ¦ ,- ¦ 52tl

Situations WantedELDERLY WOMAN wishes position

us housekeeper.. No laundry work.A-l l'efcrenccs.i Apply Shtlndf 29Medfoi'd Avenue. ¦. , , 52tL

SITUATION wanted by stenographer,graduate of Euclid, Brooklyn. Ap-ply at thews' office , Sayville. '51tf

LINOnri?E OPERATOR wishes' po-sition on Long Island newspaper.Willard Andrews, Patchogue Ad-vance.__ 47tt

Busjbfiess OpportunitiesPARTNER WANTED by contracting

painter. Wonderful opportunity forexperienced man. Write Box A-140.


Wearing ApparelBEAUTIFU L FUR COAT size 42,

" slightly worn , will sacrifice; conti-dential. Box A-139. : 52tl



., . (all sizes) ;Having no -overhead." expense

a mokes low prices possible.vCall and be convinced.


Patchogue, N. Y.48tfT

Eggs, Poultry. Etc.CHICKS, CHICKS, CHICK-S, chicks

Large,, vigorous, White Leghornday-old chicks, that conic- fromknowri tr'apnested high producers.Hatch every Tuesday. Pedigreed¦and blood-tested. Males from 250-290; eggei's. Large birds, larg'e eggs,excellent winter layers. Money bacRguarantee. Seaver Farm, SmithtownBranch , L. I. Telephone 352, Smith-town, 40tl4T

BARRED ROCK and S. C. W. Leg-horn chicks every .week. Order ear-ly. Hamlyn's Poultry Fririn, Bell-port. ._ _ 50t4

S~ETTING OF 5 GOOSE eggs, ?2.25.Frank Miller,' Summit Aveiiue,

/ ¦ ¦_ , .

5:'t10HARTWICK bettor quality baby

chicks and pullets. Our ehi'eks areall from carefully selected old hensthat are mated to males certified bytho N, Y. State Certification Asso-ciation ^ Heavy production is the re-sult of out"careful breeding! Writefor catalogue and prices. IfartwickHatchery, Inc., Hartwick, N." Y.

; , . . . 4Gtl4

NursingMALE NURSE, day or night, Herman

J. Charpied, 03 Norton Street.Phone 43LR. . ' ; 20tf


Diamonds Watches. . ' GUY N. ASH

21 South Ocean Avenue,Patchogue, N. Y.-

Phone 780Established' 1885

"The House of Quality"

Jewelry Repairing32tf

For Sale—MiscellaneousUNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER , first

class condition, $25.00. South ShoreMotor Tra nsportation Co. 52lf

Y'OUNG JERSEY " cow and ilnlsteiri

heifer, 2 horse farm wagon, 12 Ply-mouth Rock pullets, 1 rooster. La-dy's bicycle. ' Tel. Patchogue 788-.IV


MOTOR AND circular saw 011 wheels,good condition. E. Sherman Robin-son, East Patchogue. Tel ephone 62.

5Qt4"TO LET" signs for sale. Also every

other real estate necessity in thosign line. The Advanco PaperShoppe. , -. ¦_ ¦• ¦ * ¦ ; .; . , .it 6tf

(Coiitiniieil from Page 1, thin suetion)ltytler , CIIIII 'I CH Spoiilieliiii'i' , Paul Ilti-I11111, llarolil Johnson , Atlriotuio DavisAmy Ciiae, Rose Diss, Helen Iving,Anna Olil'ei', Edith Rostel , . Rose Sel-ijol. Grade 3, Room 0: Ernciit G11-miiltli , Otto Ilol-er , Fred Keute , Ed-ward Miller , VVurrcn Sephton , Ever-ett Strybinn ', Jesse ^orriid , JeanGottfried , Dorothy iMuyers.

Gratle 3, Room 8—David Cuse,Wesley Druid.1, Uoriitird LenowllZ ,.Jack Meyer, Dominick Monaco,' IrvingYoung, Waller Zenker, Eilwurtl Rttti-Kii n , Elsie lk'iikcnsteiii, CliiirlotteChopslcl , .LoiTiiine Victor, EmiiielineMonaco.

Grade 2, Room , 7: Burburii Car-man , Ellen Densiiig, Julia Milled,Helen Olifer , Grucu Penney, RuthPot.ii.ci*, Constance Rohelun , FlorenceSalanione, Lois Steins, Elsie Ackerly,Alla'ii Brown , Anthony Parent), Hor-nard Ryder, Raphael Sobarii ," RaymondShrimpton ,. Dale Whitlock , CharlesZenker. Grade 2, Room 0: WilliamFichtner, Nelson Gillespie, ' ArchioHampton, Elmer llowln iul,. WallaceKing, Fred lCirschenfiid , Robert Maz-zotti , Archibald Milne ,'Richard Tetty,Francis Rainiondi , AVilliam Rotvlulid,Edward"RuBgery, Anthony Salii ftioiie ,Edward Worrad , Genevieve Chumas ,Edith Doerr, Herta. Doerr. sRose Gurd-.folo, Helen Lizewski,. Mnric Stiriz,Charlotte Sorrcll. . . .. ,. . . '".

Grade ' 1,' Robin _ ': Kenneth Ab-rams, Joseph-Boei'nei1, Adrian-doopor,Glonwood Hunter , Kenneth Miller ,Richard ,-Pevzner, Hhrold Rockwell,George Wittier, Dorothy Knoell , Dor-othy Malverty, Eleanor McAlister,Florence Swezey, Norman Stenvall.Grade 1, Room 4: Staiiley Bronski ,Ruby Davis, Carl Funaro, Ruth Hed-burg, Cai-olyn Mitchell , Peter- Pouios,Wilson Rowley, Margaret Sehiel,George Sephton, Mildred Stiriz.

Grade l j Room 3: Josephine Ben-kenstein, Dorothy Kaler, Mary iLizew-ski, Marie Zenker, Albert Horton ,Michael Vcntielri , Reginald Murdock,Ferdinand Hanschei , Edward Barth ,William Johnston. , - ,;-


Introducing a new bread , productof new ovens, Zenker's bakery is of-fering a::ton-cent loaf free with everypurchase" of 30 cents or moro duringthe next ton days. An advertisementexplains this specialty.


Pupils Who HitAttendance Mark

,1 minimi mi"""" ; ••' .¦ ¦


The following ad appeared on this page last Friday: jThe Advance is informed that the advertiser sold |

CIIEVROLET 'UTILITY coupe, 192.. I$35 takes it. 73 Muple Avenue orphone Patchogue 248-W. -51tl

the car the next ddy and is "delighted with the resultsachieved."

AdvcrtU iiiBT in Then Column- i> Four Cents a Word , Ctuh With jOrder. Ench tulditlonnl iiuortion three cents a word. No ndvertieo- !ment t-iltoii for ono insertion for less tlmn 40 cents. Classified Dis- jpiny •pocii , $1.30 an inch. • j

You Can Save Money, By Reading The Want Ads On This Page


HOCHHEISER'SGreat Sc and 10c Stores

•"pilE following editorial from tlie*¦ Riverhend News is interesting to

the people of this section in partictilurand to Long Islanders In general :

"Know thyself" is u. "command thutwas Jnid upon mini ill -wisdom , andHoine follow ami obey it, although itIs to ho feared that muny do ' not puyenough attention to the constructionol' their own bodies , "fciu'l'iilly nntlwonderfully iiiade," not to mentionthe even more baffling mysteries con-cerning llic intellectual ami .spir i tualmakeup of one's being, ' which are stillmore* difficult to classify nntl recordIn memory, •

But if many of us cannot qualify asexperts along the lilies mentioned inthe first paragraph' of this article ,how many of us can'- reiich the planeof Miss Celine Hoffman of Mcdfonl ,15 years old , in speaking in 'forniinglyas to the settlement of Long Islandanil of other facts of importancetouching this favored, part • of thecountry ? ' ,

She dashed . oil a , letter,, to theBrooklyn Eagle in a qontcst. for thetesting of this mine of local knowl-edge antl sue scored IOO per cent iiiaccuracy,

She told about the first settlementin the Town of Brookhaven , of ihearea of the Hempstead Lake StatePark , gave a brief history of the de-velopment of Shelter Island' under theearly Englisn settlers, announced that250 species of fish liavts beeii- discov-ered and classified in JLong : Island,waters, told amout early/Babylon andFarmingdale, wi'ote a short treatiseon the subject of village: government,gave the name of tho Mayor of theLanding in the Town of Smithtown,informed tlie world about the con-struction arid early operation of thcLong Island Railroad and even wontso f ar as to locate the elusive "Punk'sHole," credited with .having once beena name applied to ifctinprvillc.

To be sure these answers were athand in thc Eagle Alm.inac, but it re-quired study and application to digthem out and express them in satis-factory fashion. ¦;¦.?.,

Miss Hoffman sets a worthy exam-ple; more Long Islanders would do-well to study with her and be able toanswer intelligently wlicn -.sthey a^equestioned about their place of resi-dence, s-

Medford Girl GetsPrize and Praise (or

Knowing the Island (Continued from Page 1, this section)

pfel , lluriganliiii , Mi'M, Murlii Sicgcl,Gi.'i'miiii , Frank Bekerl , Hungarian ,

, Anton Knobloch , Hungarian , Ron-konkonia ,

Mrs. Lillian Schul.u , Polish , Patrick McGiiith , Irish , Mrs. Mury The-resu llognii , Irish , Miss Sarah McGlu-ity, Irish, Central Islip; Carl Lunge.,Jr., Austrian , Curl Lunger , Austrian,Adolf I'luher, German , Mrs. lilnry .Bosshui-niimr, Swiss, Adolph Sonnen-berg, Russian , Islip Terrace; MichnelLuwik, Polish , West Babylon; JohnMuiiro , Scotch , East Iluuppiuige ; Sa-die Mitiriiiib , Italian , Rocco Volpe,Italian , Copiugue. i

Nicholas Luwrow, Austrian, WestIslip; Mrs, Frances Sarah Giunt ini ,English, East Setuukot; Adolph Don-esieski , Russian , Center Moriches;Mi-Ss 'Etlicl Muller, Hungarian , Mrs.Sophie ;S-liwtfii'z'e!v ,.; 'German, St.James ; John Sives, Scotch , Brook-haven; Frank Ripak , Ilungurhili , Bo-hemia ; Mrs... Olgu Biscardi, Punish , |Oi-e.to Ciiiriifbli'eti , Italia n, Bay Shore ;Leonard Chstiglinoe, Italian , Linden-hurst ,


A; bill' htis beeii introduced to amendthe Judiciary Law so that active andexempt firemen would no longer boentitled to any Exemption from jui'yduty. Senator Wales of Binghamptonbeing axithor of the nieasure. GeorgeJ. Schncllcr of Elinhu,rst, chairman ofthe law- committee of the. New YorkState Fh-cmeri's Association^ has noftitled fix-e companies all over Long.Is-land of this bill and it is expected thattjic judiciary committeq of , the senatewill hoar from many; of these organsizations against passage of the: Walesbill. Senator!. Fearon 7 of Syracuse ischairman of the judiciary. cohrniitte.and Charles E. Russell of Brooklyn isthe only Long Island member.. ¦,; J.


47 Aliens Admitted 'U, S. Citizens

;»'* »:'' c<*I":" <:" ' •>• >^?:» ' •:":"^*C":¦'C" ''•J,


\M \I THAT COUNTS \| ^—^_ iI Miike 1j -*. - iI More 1 - : I•{• - - ¦'- ¦-¦' - . - . _,

* npi . i * *.''"' 'v A.rlhaii a $$ . , vv. "- ¦" i

I Time of IYear

¦ ' y ^'i 'ivfX CPRING urges illl to i ntv ycx- *|lj piinsion of life and ah cit-i 1

^!*! liuiiccmcht of.tlio joys. of living, ..>J,y A good car cnaUlc. oiie to trails- yX late buoyant spitit into specific %'tj uetivities and definite achieve- A!*. ments. To gieet Sniing in ono x*»J of our reconditioncti used, tars i *SjJj£ to make lhc i« ct of- ybur" b> S,|jj portunities for plea6uveah|e.aml »fi!*J profit ible living tlfr'o'ut'hoUt the X'4 y o™- t ' ' . i%. e IV, *- " "t*'/. 2 1927 ' Demonstration- '.j !y'i'l Chevrolet Landau Se- , $'4''' dans $| " —" , if- 1927 Chevrolet Cabriojet '^iy , &t ' y• 1 1927 Chevrolet Sedan *$.*.

' . — i

' %

|*1 1926 Chevrolet,. Pa-iel |\ Body >"V".v< , -"-V %:*: — *s.% 2 1926 Chevrolet Coaches £y , .*«A, ' •§¦';;; 2 1925 Chevrolet Coaches- '4•? < — . 4A * V'4 2 Chrysler Coaches ' Sy • .*.y *i*X 1 Buichf Sedaui - *f. *:*| 1 Studebaker Sedan |V yy - »>y **.X 1 Dodge Sedan ££ '' • v •!•$ 1 Dodge Sedan, 1928, like &% new, &s . , 4*| J Willys Knight Sedan |'k J— '**% 1 Cleveland Sedan, like g%* - ¦


* new , Ky , .!-?: t4 2 192ff Essex Cdaches, K'4 Al. Iy •!«•*• $I Several Late Trucks, dif- jX ferent typg bodies. '*,v A.*. —-~= $

— - - ¦ .*.

"k ' '?•*• All well worth the pric<* «'*' <• *?% we ask for tnerii. * •?& . >:% 1—* \k% After 3 days' use of any %% used car bought of lis, if %* vou are dinsatisfied rd. »:•y - KS'_\ turn it If not damaged g?|* we will allow you all you '£,'k paid for it toward anothei 4''? -B«T *»? «*•> t o., t .

^;'; Guaranteed Satisfaction ;*;•|* «•:••f »:»X or Money Refunded g

y ... ?:••t* .'.v . .:.•> ¦



': •


y Jbr Economica l Transporte r ;, #t,

% /&!&£'& rT f f & m&'&' SSi *'*

4 ?**... ¦ -

.- •:«

X H «t%/ : 'l'J____J«I ??• :?:

*? *5*

iBeli-a nlk MOTOR MART :>J 80-84 West Main St. |l PATCHOGUE, L. I. J5 . .?v,>,>'j 'j *i<,i,^*s*«''>i";,'j *'*,,C'>*.,c«'>'5-i'i'X'i»i'*i,»»*

ACKERLYPiAHOSQyHadeJbr J ny Island Qlmala'

Wi.rll, Mo«f¦¦Zj j L aa -ZTfcianThcy J gMUSIC

C°_^0u T^Pf CENTER."

> 'J_ T' f atcf togut

^^"ZeX ' ' JOZSt—

*y ** '

" iV%V ' -

/' "B t

lhe liorse car is gone forever

YES, and so arc tj ic methods of the horse-car days. Todaywe reduce miics to minutes in swift subways iniflcr land

and water, ;nri _ l dri ve 75 mile-an-hoiir motor cars overconcrete roads. In commuiiication , we also rely on themodern -7-7-and sslvc time by telephoning.

. 4 • ¦

• A question comes up as yoii jgo over ithe morning's mail.A customer iri Chicago, iii New Orleans, or perhaps evenfiirllier tuviiy.- Reiich for your . telephone—-you have himon the wire—and the matter is settled for good.

Quick ? Modern speed itself;. Practicable? As though youwere both in lho same room. Cosl? Infinitely less even than . •"writing.—for you've saved Lime—'lhe greatest expense inmodern business.

Arc you lctting yo ur telep hone save time for you?


^g&£s£/ V ) '"¦ V " '' . ' - '• ¦ ' ¦ 'V 'V .- ti— ; . , ; • . ;¦ - y ¦ ¦ • • -21 - ¦ -——- ¦ \l