(13) 2012.08.01 - updates, tambay week evals (s)

2012.08.01 Summarized Minutes President Updates/ Concerns/ Reminders The President Updates include COA-STC Best Practices Sharing, Project Grant, AIESEC Global Youth Leadership Summit, contact for jacket, AMS Shirt, Alumni Relations, Camp Math Sponsors Concern, TAYO Awards. COA-STC Best Practices Sharing: 6 August 2012 for Secretary-General (SecGen) and Finance Officer (FO) Project Grant: Deadline for applications is on 3 August 2012. Academics Department (Acads) Heads are still undecided upon entering Freshmen Math Intersection Challenge (FMIC). Math Applications Department (Math App) Heads will join with Math Saya as its project entry. AISEC Global Youth Leadership Summit: President will post the details by tonight (1 August 2012) Contact for jacket: President will forward contact details (Hyper Bright Incorporated) by tonight (1 August 2012) AMS Shirt: c/o Marketing Updates Alumni: Current president will meet with past presidents regarding this next week (6-10 August 2012) Camp Math Sponsors Concern: Project Heads (PHs) already agreed on not approving the deal with Universal Robina Corporation TAYO Awards: Rushed the application on Monday (30 July 2012) but met the deadline The Executive Committee (ExeCom) picked a new logistics person: Zheng (Acads Head) Since it is unlikely that the ExeCom will be able to reach quorum if it pushes through with its weekly meeting (Mondays, 1800-2100H), it has been decided that the ExeCom will meet on a Friday next week (10 August 2012) Special Projects Updates The Deputy for Special Projects (Special Projects) updated the ExeCom about Philippine Society of Mathematics Organizations (PSMO) meeting, and EnTaBLaDo tie-up. The next PSMO Meeting is on 18 August 2012. EnTaBLaDo (EnTa) tie-up: Special Projects is done with writing the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA will be signed tomorrow (2 August 2012). EnTa will provide a confidence-building workshop for TnT Pool, Marketing and Finance Associates (MaFiA), and Pool of Hosts (PoH). In return, we should be able to sell 10 tickets for 1 st semester and 15 tickets for 2 nd semester. Special Projects will clarify if ticket selling to freshmen is allowed.

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Summarized minutes of the AMS ExeCom Meeting held last 1 August 2012


Page 1: (13) 2012.08.01 - Updates, Tambay Week Evals (S)


Summarized Minutes President Updates/ Concerns/ Reminders The President Updates include COA-STC Best Practices Sharing, Project Grant, AIESEC Global Youth Leadership Summit, contact for jacket, AMS Shirt, Alumni Relations, Camp Math Sponsors Concern, TAYO Awards. COA-STC Best Practices Sharing: 6 August 2012 for Secretary-General (SecGen) and Finance Officer (FO) Project Grant: Deadline for applications is on 3 August 2012. Academics Department (Acads) Heads are still undecided upon entering Freshmen Math Intersection Challenge (FMIC). Math Applications Department (Math App) Heads will join with Math Saya as its project entry. AISEC Global Youth Leadership Summit: President will post the details by tonight (1 August 2012) Contact for jacket: President will forward contact details (Hyper Bright Incorporated) by tonight (1 August 2012) AMS Shirt: c/o Marketing Updates Alumni: Current president will meet with past presidents regarding this next week (6-10 August 2012) Camp Math Sponsors Concern: Project Heads (PHs) already agreed on not approving the deal with Universal Robina Corporation TAYO Awards: Rushed the application on Monday (30 July 2012) but met the deadline The Executive Committee (ExeCom) picked a new logistics person: Zheng (Acads Head) Since it is unlikely that the ExeCom will be able to reach quorum if it pushes through with its weekly meeting (Mondays, 1800-2100H), it has been decided that the ExeCom will meet on a Friday next week (10 August 2012)

Special Projects Updates The Deputy for Special Projects (Special Projects) updated the ExeCom about Philippine Society of Mathematics Organizations (PSMO) meeting, and EnTaBLaDo tie-up. The next PSMO Meeting is on 18 August 2012. EnTaBLaDo (EnTa) tie-up: Special Projects is done with writing the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA will be signed tomorrow (2 August 2012). EnTa will provide a confidence-building workshop for TnT Pool, Marketing and Finance Associates (MaFiA), and Pool of Hosts (PoH). In return, we should be able to sell 10 tickets for 1st semester and 15 tickets for 2nd semester. Special Projects will clarify if ticket selling to freshmen is allowed.

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Marketing Updates The Deputy for Marketing (Marketing) updated the ExeCom about Organization-wide Sponsorship (OS), Privilege Card (PC), AMS Shirt, Trinket Town, and AIDA Series. OS: Concern was raised that it seems like the OS team is not doing anything. Regarding MathSaya fundraising: convert MathSaya to “savings” (10 sponsors with Php 5 000 each). Despite its feasibility, it is not sustainable. PC: AMS has 19 sponsors. PC will be released on 25 August 2012. AMS Shirt: Marketing assigned Marianne Natividad to be the Project Head (PH) for AMS Shirt. Three (3) Other 4 Shirts and one (1) Organization shirt will be printed. Trinket Town: Marketing assigned Rehli Francisco to be the PH for Trinket Town. Target date of implementation is on 15-16 December 2012. AIDA Series: Since it has been hard to deal with other organizations for AIDA series, speakers for later episodes will be from MaFiA.

Documentations and Promotions (DP) Updates The Deputies for Documentations (Docu) and Promotions (Promo) updated the ExeCom about DP TrainSem, PC Design, EDSA Board, and DP deployments. DP TrainSem will be on 6 August 2012 (Photography) and 9 August 2012 (Photoshop). PC Design deadline was moved from 1 August 2012 to the week of 6-11 August 2012. Infinity content for the week of 16-20 July 2012 was discussed. EDSA Board: To post recognition for volunteers from First GA and Tambay Week. It was discussed and agreed upon that the Birthdays section will be retained. DP Deployments to projects were presented.

Math Applications Department (MathApp) Updates The MathApp Heads updated the ExeCom about Camp Math Concerns. Camp Math asked the ExeCom to be the welcoming committee for Camp Math Day 1, and to learn the Camp Math Dance. Also, prayer leaders for three (3) days will be come from the ExeCom.

Academics Department (Acads) Updates The Acads Heads updated the ExeCom about Sipnayan, Tutor Pool (TP), Question Maker Pool (QMP), and NSTP-AMS. Sipnayan: No meeting this week. One (1) out of three (3) shirt designs already completed. Invitation distribution started last Friday (2 August 2012). PHs will talk to AECES re: fixing the buzzer. Like Camp Math, Sipnayan will use Bills Payment Form (c/o Chief Finance Officer (CFO)). Host can now be requested from Pool of Hosts through Job Order Form. (Continued)

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Prepared by:

Member Relations Department (MemRel) Updates The MemRel Heads updated the ExeCom about Family, Pool of Hosts (PoH), Know Your AMS Member (KYAM), and Gaussip Boy (GB). Family: Next meeting will be on 2 August 2012. PoH: Pool currently has 16 hosts. Interviews and Auditions will be done by this week (30 July – 3 August 2012). KYAM: 1st KYAM was released on Monday (30 July 2012; one day late). GB: Launch date will be dependent on Family Day 1.

(Continuation) Academics Department (Acads) Updates TP: Conflict with DP was just a misunderstanding. Re: Reg Onglao’s resignation, Acads Heads clarified that there’s no truth to this (at least at present). Agimath+ was launched last Wednesday (25 July 2012). Their future engagements include SOSE tutorials and MeCO tie-up. UAO tutorial will be on 2 August 2012. QMP: Pool Heads have already given members a set of guidelines for good questions. Deadlines for first wave of Sipnayan Questions was on Tuesday (31 July 2012). NSTP-AMS: Acads Heads went to NSTP area last Saturday (28 July 2012). They will release sign-ups for module writers this week (30 July – 3 August 2012). It was suggested that MTG people might be able to contribute something to the modules.

ExeCom Evaluations (Tambay Week) – c/o MemRel Informal evaluations were done. Some points raised were that we always setup late and there weren’t enough promotions for Tambay Week activities. No formal evaluations through Form E3: ExeCom Evaluation Form will be done.

Executive Vice President (EVP) Updates/ Concerns We have been failing in relaying information to our project core teams (e.g. not all PHs know the procedure for Core Evaluations). Sipnayan and Camp Math Participant Evaluation forms will not follow the generic Form E1: Participant Evaluation Form.

Secretary-General (SecGen) Updates Status Report 1 will be posted on 5 August 2012. SecGen needs data from project documentations (c/o Docu) and financial statements (c/o CFO). SecGen has sent an email to all AMS members for database check.

Based from the comprehensive minutes prepared by: Rizzalene Detosil (AMS Deputy for Promotions)