14.1.2001sudeshna sarkar, iit kharagpur 1 programming and data structure sudeshna sarkar lecture 4

14.1.2001 Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Khara gpur 1 Programming and Data Structure Sudeshna Sarkar Lecture 4

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Page 1: 14.1.2001Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur 1 Programming and Data Structure Sudeshna Sarkar Lecture 4

14.1.2001 Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur1

Programming and Data Structure

Sudeshna Sarkar

Lecture 4

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14.1.2001 Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur2

Sample C program #4#include <stdio.h>#define PI 3.1415926

/* Compute the area of a circle */main() { float radius, area; float myfunc (float radius);

scanf (“%f”, &radius); area = myfunc (radius); printf (“\n Area is %f \n”, area); }

float myfunc (float r) { float a; a = PI * r * r; /* return result */ return (a); }

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14.1.2001 Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur3


Operators are used to manipulate variables. They perform

arithmetic logic functions comparisons between values

int x = 6 ;int y = 9;int z, w;z = x + y ; w = x * y ;

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Expressions and statements

Expressions : combine constants and variables with operators x * y

Expressions can be grouped to form statements z = x * y ;Semicolons terminate statements

One or more simple sentences can be grouped to form a compound sentence or a block by enclosing within { }

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Assignment operator

int x = 4 ;

x = x + 9 ;

1. The right hand side is evaluated.

2. The left hand side is set to the value of the right hand side.

All expressions evaluate to a value of a particular type.

x + 9 evaluates to the integer value of 13.

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Arithmetic operators

+ : addition

- : subtraction

* : multiplication

/ : division

% : modulus operator

distance = rate * time ; netIncome = income - tax ; speed = distance / time ; area = PI * radius * radius y = a * x * x + b*x + c; quotient = dividens/divisor; remainder=dividend %divisor;

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C Program # 5


main(){ int a, b, c; scanf (“%d %d %d”, &a, &b, &c); if ((a>b) && (a>c)) /* Composite condition check*/ printf (“\n Largest is %d”, a); else if (b>c) /* return result */

printf (“\n Largest is %d”, b); else printf (“\n Largest is %d”, c); }

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Structure of a C program

Every C program consists of one or more functions. One of the functions must be called main. The program will always begin by executing

the main function.

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Each function must contain: A function heading, which consists of the

function name, followed by an optional list of arguments enclosed in parentheses.

A list of argument declarations. A compound statement, which comprises the

remainder of the function.

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Each function must contain: A function heading, which consists of the

function name, followed by an optional list of arguments enclosed in parentheses.

A list of argument declarations. A compound statement, which comprises the

remainder of the function.

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Compound Statement

Each compound statement is enclosed within a pair of braces (‘{‘ and ‘}’). The braces may contain combinations of

elementary statements and other compound statements.

Comments may appear anywhere in a program, enclosed within delimiters

‘/*’ and ‘*/’.

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Compound Statement (or block)


definitions-and-declarations (optional)



Used for grouping, as function body, and to restrict identifier visibility

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Desirable programming style

Clarity The program should be clearly written. It should be easy to follow the program logic.

Meaningful variable names Make variable/constant names meaningful to

enhance program clarity. ‘area’ instead of ‘a’ ‘radius’ instead of ‘r’

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Program Documentation

Insert comments in the program to make it easy to understand.

Put a comment for each function. Put comments for the important variables. Do not give too many comments.

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Program indentation

Use proper indentation. C has standard indentation conventions.

Followed by any book on C Followed in the class

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Identifiers Names given to various program elements

(variables, constants, functions, etc.) May consist of letters, digits and the

underscore (‘_’) character, with no space in between.

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First character must be a letter. An identifier can be arbitrary long.

Some C compilers recognize only the first few characters of the name (16 or 31).

Case sensitive ‘area’, ‘AREA’ and ‘Area’ are all different

Examples : number, simple_interest, List Non-examples :1stnum, simple interest, no-


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Reserved words that have standard, predefined meanings in C.

Cannot be used as identifiers. OK within comments. Standard C keywords:


auto break case char const continue default do

double else enum extern float for goto if

int long register return short signed sizeof static

struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while

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Data Types in C

int : signed integer, typically 2 / 4 bytes

int numberOfStudents ; char: character, typically 1 byte

char lock; char key = ‘Q’ ; float: floating point number (4 bytes)

float averageTemp ; double: double precision floating point (8 bytes)

double electrondPerSecond ;

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Variations of these types

short int, longed int, unsigned intshort int age;

long int worldPopulation;

unsigned int numberOfDays; long double

long double particlesInUniverse;

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Values of Data Types 2 byte int :

-32768 to +32767 (-215 to 215-1) 4 byte int :

-2147483648 to +2147483647 2 byte unsigned int :

0 to 65535 (216-1) char : 0 to 255

‘a’, ‘A’, ‘+’, ‘=‘, ...... float : -2.34, 0.0037, 23.0, 1.234e-5

E or e means “10 to the power of”

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integer constants: 0, 1, 648, 9999

floating point constants: 0.2, 12.3, 1.67E+8, 1.12E-12

character constants: ‘C’, ‘x’, ‘ ‘,

string constants: “Welcome aboard”, “Rs. 89.95”, “Bye \n”

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Ascii value Character000 NUL032 blank036 $038 &043 +048 0049 1057 9065 A 066 B090 Z097 a098 b122 z

Escape Sequences: Certain non-printing characters can be ex-pressed in terms of escape sequences:

‘\n’ : new line ‘\t’ : horizontal tab‘\v’ : vertical tab ‘\\’ : backslash ‘\”’ : double quote ‘\0’ : null

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It is an identifier used to represent a specified type of information within a designated portion of the program

The data item must be assigned to the variable at some point of the program

It can be accessed later by referring to the variable name

A given variable can be assigned different data items at different places within the program.

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int a, b, c ;

char d;

a = 3;

b = 5;

c = a+b;

d = ‘a’ ;

a = 4;

b = 2;

c = a-b;

d = ‘D’ ;

a b c d


? ? ? ?







? ? ?

3 ? ?3 5 ?

3 5 8

5 8 974 8 97

4 2 97

4 2 2

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Declaration of Variables

data-type variable-list ;

int a, b, c;

float root1, root2;

char flag, response;

Declaration : 1. specifies the name of

the variable 2. Specifies what type of

data the variable willhold.

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A First Look at Pointers

A variable is assigned a specific memory location. For example, a variable speed is assigned memory

location 1350. Also assume that the memory location contains the data

value 100. When we use the name speed in an expression, it refers

to the value 100 stored in the memory location.

distance = speed * time; Thus every variable has an address (in memory),

and its contents.

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In C terminology, in an expression speed refers to the contents of the memory

location. &speed refers to the address of the memory


Examples: printf (“%f %f %f”, speed, time, distance); scanf (“%f %f”, &speed, &time);

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An Example

#include <stdio.h>main(){ float speed, time, distance;

scanf (“%f %f”, &speed, &time); distance = speed * time; printf (“\n The distance traversed is: \n”,distance); }

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Assignment Statement Used to assign values to variables, using the

assignment operator (=). General syntax:

variable_name = expression; Examples:

velocity = 20; b = 15; temp = 12.5; /* Multiple assign on same line */ A = A + 10; v = u + f * t; s = u * t + 0.5 * f * t * t;

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A value can be assigned to a variable at the time the variable is declared. int speed = 30; char flag = ‘y’;

Several variables can be assigned the same value using multiple assignment operators. a = b = c = 5; flag1 = flag2 = ‘y’; speed = flow = 0.0;

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Assignment Statement Used to assign values to variables, using the

assignment operator (=). General syntax:

variable_name = expression; Examples:

velocity = 20.5; b = 15; temp = 12; /* Multiple assign on same line*/ A = A + 10; v = u + f * t; s = u * t + 0.5 * f * t * t;

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Operators in Expressions





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Operator Precedence

In decreasing order of priority1. Parentheses :: ( )2. Unary minus :: -53. Multiplication, Division, and Modulus4. Addition and Subtraction

For operators of the same priority, evaluation is from left to right as they appear.

Parenthesis may be used to change the precedence of operator evaluation.

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Examples: Arithmetic expressions

a + b * c – d / e a + (b * c) – (d / e) a * -b + d % e – f a * (-b) + (d % e) – f a – b + c + d (((a – b) + c) + d) x * y * z ((x * y) * z) a + b + c * d * e (a + b) + ((c * d) * e)

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Integer Arithmetic

When the operands in an arithmetic expression are integers, the expression is called integer expression, and the operation is called integer arithmetic.

Integer arithmetic always yields integer values.

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Real Arithmetic

Arithmetic operations involving only real or floating-point operands.

Since floating-point values are rounded to the number of significant digits permissible, the final value is an approximation of the final result. 1.0 / 3.0 * 3.0 will have the value 0.99999 and not

1.0 The modulus operator cannot be used with real


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Mixed-mode Arithmetic

When one of the operands is integer and the other is real, the expression is called a mixed-mode arithmetic expression.

If either operand is of the real type, then only real arithmetic is performed, and the result is a real number. 25 / 10 2 25 / 10.0 2.5

Some more issues will be considered later.

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Relational Operators

Used to compare two quantities.

< is less than

> is greater than

<= is less than or equal to

>= is greater than or equal to

== is equal to

!= is not equal to

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10 > 20 is false 25 < 35.5 is true 12 > (7 + 5) is false

When arithmetic expressions are used on either side of a relational operator, the arithmetic expressions will be evaluated first and then the results compared. a + b > c – d is the same as (a+b) > (c+d)

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Logical Operators

Logical operators act upon logical expressions && : and (true if both operands are true) || : or (true if either or both operands true ! : negates the value of the logical expression

Example (n >= lo_bound) && (n <= upper_bound) ! (num > 100)

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Example: Logical Operatorsint main () { int i, j; for (i=0; i<2; i++) {

for (j=0; j<2; j++) printf (“%d AND %d = %d,

%d OR %d=%d\n”,i,j,i&&j, i,j, i||j) ;


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[himalay] $ ./a.out0 AND 0 = 0 0 OR 0 = 00 AND 1 = 0 0 OR 1 = 11 AND 0 = 0 1 OR 0 = 11 AND 1 = 1 1 OR 1 = 1[himalay] $

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int main () {int amount ; /* The no of bytes to be transferred */int rate ; /* The average network transfer rate */int time; /* The time, in seconds, for the transfer */int hours, minutes, seconds; /* The no of hrs,mins,secs for the transfer*/

printf (“How many bytes of data to be transferred ?\n”) ;scanf (“%d”, &amount) ;printf (“What is the average transfer rate in bytes/sec ?\n”) ;scanf (“%d”, &rate) ;time = amount / rate ;hours = time / 3600 ;minutes = (time % 3600) / 60 ;seconds = ((time % 3600) % 60) /60 ;printf (“The expected time is %dh %dm %ds\n”,


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C’s special operators ++ and -- : a trademark of C programming ++ : increments a variable ; -- : decrements a variable x++

In an expression, value of this expression is the value of x prior to increment

++x In an expression, value of this expression is the

value of x after the increment.

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x = 4;

y = x++;

x = 4;y = ++x ;

y=4, x=5 after evaluation y=5, x=5 after avaluation

x += 5 equivalent to x = x + 5 h %= f equivalent to h = h%f product *= num equivalent to product = product * num

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void main ()


int x = 10;

printf (“ x = %d\n”, ++x) ;

primtf (“x = %d\n”, x++) ;


Question : What will get printed ?

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Suppose your program contains two integer variables, x and y which have values 3 and 4 respectively, Write C statements that will exchange the values in x and y such that after the statements are executed, x is equal to 4 and y is equal to 3. First, write this routine using a temporary variable

for storage. Now re-write this routine without using a temporary

variable for storage.

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Control Structures: conditional constructs

if (x <= 10) y = x * x + 5;

if (x <= 10) { y = x * x + 5; z = (2 * y)/4 ;} if (x <= 10)

y = x * x + 5; z = (2 * y)/4 ;

if (condition) action ;

