145101260 24895217 comparative analysis icici bank hdfc bank

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  Icfai national



Pr oject Report 

  Submitted in lieu of the partial

fulfillment of the

Degree of Master of Business Management  



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Submitted by:-

Submitted to:-

  Avinash kumar

Mrs.Sujata sinha

 En no-nblk!"

#aculty of inc

$atch- %!!-%!1! &uckno'





• Introduction

• (om)any )rofile

• $anking structure

•  )roduct

• Major com)onents

• %

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• Introduction of to)ic

• *esearch methodology

• +bjective

• ,ata analysis

• *ecommendations

• (onclusions

• $ibliogra)hy

• uestionnaire


o ackno'ledge all the )ersons 'ho had hel)ed for the fulfillment of the

 )roject is not )ossible for any researcher but in s)ite of all that it becomes

the foremost res)onsibility of the researcher and also the )art of research

ethics to ackno'ledge those 'ho had )layed a great role for the

com)letion of the )roject.

he te/t contain in this re)ort is the manifestation of learning 0rocess

that began for me over 1 month ago.during the intervening )eriod I have

come across some 'onderful )eo)le in the form of *elatives friends or

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ac3uaintances from I have learnt immensely .4hile it is not )ossible to

name them individually I 'ould like to e/)ress a dee) sense of gratitude

to'ards them.

I 'ould like to thank my colleagues 'ho have su))orted me through thick

and thin during the last fe' months.hese include Mr.,ev kant MrAjit


5o amount of thank can ever re)ay the great debt that I o'e My #aculty

guide Mrs. Sujata sinha 'ho has )rovided me constant ins)iration over

the )ast one year.In fact this re)ort 4ould not have been )ossible but for

the direct and indirect Su))ort ins)iration and guidance from Sujata mam

'ho has been a consant mentor in my efforts over the fe' months.

*est all those )eo)le 'ho hel)ed me are not only matter of

ackno'ledgment but also authori6ed for sharing my success.

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 Marketing is a social & managerial process by which an individual and group obtain what

they need and want through creating offering and exchanging products of value with others.

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Marketing is getting the right good and services to the right )eo)le to the

right )lace at the right time at the right )lace 'ith the right

communication and )romotion. It is the art of creating and satisfying

customer at a )rofit.

 Advertising is one of the major tools of com)anies to direct )ervasive

communication to target buyers and )ublics. An identified s)onsor defines

it as any )aid from and non )ersonal )resentation and )romotion of ideas

goods or services.

 Advertising is a cost effective 'ay to disseminate message 'hether it is to

saving account of I(I(I bank and give best service in account.


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 Banking is the backbone of a modern economy. Health of banking industry is one of

the most important pre-conditions for sustained economic progress of any country. The world

of banking has assumed a new dimension at the dawn of the ! st  century with the advent of

tech banking" thereby lending the industry a stamp of universality. #n general" banking may be

classified as retail and corporate banking. $etail banking" which is designed to meet the

re%uirements of individual customers and encourage their savings" includes payment of utility

bills" consumer loans" credit cards" checking account balances" TMs" transferring funds

between accounts and the like. 'orporate banking" on the other hand" caters to the needs of

corporate customers like bills discounting" opening letters of credit and managing cash.

he Indian banking scene has changed drastically 'ith the )rivate

sector making inroads in an area hitherto dominated by large )ublic sector

banks. ro'ing disinvestment is likely to im)act the banking industry as

'ell. here is every )ossibility of )rivati6ation of )ublic sector banks

leading to greater o)erational autonomy.

he develo)ment of the Indian banking sector has been

accom)anied by the introduction of ne' norms such as Income

*ecognition and (a)ital Ade3uacy by the government. he latter im)lies

that banks can lend on the basis of their res)ective ca)ital base. hese

norms have caused banks to construct e3uity on their o'n before going in

for debt. ,isintermediation is a real threat for banks. +f late banks are

ado)ting the E;A <Economic ;alue Added= conce)t 'herein revenues are

vie'ed in the conte/t of the risk associated 'ith them.

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he 5e' 4orld order has ensured ?Survival of the #ittest?. 5e' services

are the order of the day in order to stay ahead in the rat race. $anks are

no' foraying into net banking securities consumer finance housing

finance treasury market merchant banking and insurance.

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(+M0A5@ 0*+#I&E

I(I(I $ank is Indias second-largest bank 'ith total assets of about *s. 1

trillion and a net'ork of about "7! branches and offices and over 1!!!

 AMs. I(I(I $ank offers a 'ide range of banking )roducts and financial

services to cor)orate and retail customers through a variety of delivery

channels and through its s)eciali6ed subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas

of investment banking life and non-$anking venture ca)ital asset

management and information technology. I(I(I $anks e3uity shares are

listed in India on stock e/changes at (hennai Mu6affarnagar Bolkata and

;adodara the Stock E/change Mumbai and the 5ational Stock E/change

of India &imited and its American ,e)ositary *ecei)ts <A,*s= are listed on

the 5e' @ork Stock E/change <5@SE=.

I(I(I $ank 'as originally )romoted in 1CC7 by I(I(I &imited an Indian

financial institution and 'as its 'holly o'ned subsidiary. I(I(Is

shareholding in I(I(I $ank 'as reduced to 79D through a )ublic offering of

shares in India in fiscal 1CC an e3uity offering in the form of A,*s listed

on the 5@SE in fiscal %!!! I(I(I $anks ac3uisition of $ank of Madura

&imited in an all-stock amalgamation in fiscal %!!1 and secondary market

sales by I(I(I to institutional investors in fiscal %!!1 and fiscal %!!%. I(I(I

'as formed in 1C"" at the initiative of the 4orld $ank the overnment of

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India and re)resentatives of Indian industry. he )rinci)al objective 'as to

create a develo)ment financial institution for )roviding medium-term and

long-term )roject financing to Indian businesses. In the 1CC!s I(I(I

transformed its business from a develo)ment financial institution offering

only )roject finance to a diversified financial services grou) offering a 'ide

variety of )roducts and services both directly and through a number of

subsidiaries and affiliates like I(I(I $ank. In 1CCC I(I(I become the first

Indian com)any and the first bank or financial institution from non-a)an

 Asia to be listed on the 5@SE.

 After consideration of various cor)orate structuring alternatives in the

conte/t of the emerging com)etitive scenario in the Indian banking

industry and the move to'ards universal banking the managements of

I(I(I and I(I(I $ank formed the vie' that the merger of I(I(I 'ith I(I(I

$ank 'ould be the o)timal strategic alternative for both entities and

'ould create the o)timal legal structure for the I(I(I grou)s universal

banking strategy. he merger 'ould enhance value for I(I(I shareholders

through the merged entitys access to lo'-cost de)osits greater

o))ortunities for earning fee-based income and the ability to )artici)ate in

the )ayments system and )rovide transaction-banking services. he

merger 'ould enhance value for I(I(I $ank shareholders through a large

ca)ital base and scale of o)erations seamless access to I(I(Is strong

cor)orate relationshi)s built u) over five decades entry into ne' business

segments higher market share in various business segments )articularly

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FIS+*@ +# (+M0A5@ 

  I(I(I $ank has signed an agreement to use the 5(* s'itch mark

technology for online-net'orking all its AMs the officials said they

net'ork 'ould come into )lace in Se)tember.

I(I(I $ank recently restructured its organi6ational structure by setting u)

strategic business units for retail banking cor)orate banking and fore and

treasury o)erations as inde)endent )rofit centers.

I(I(I is all set to launch a 9!-second television commercial on August 1"



I(I(I $ank became the first Indian bank to list on the 5e' @ork Stock

E/change 'ith its G1>"-million American de)ository shares issue

generating a demand book 12 times its si6e at G%.% billion.

he $ank )ro)oses to bring credit cards to the ?large underserved

 )o)ulation? in rural and semi-urban areas.

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 Sky(ell (ommunications &td one of the t'o cellular service )roviders in

(hennai has launched HSky $anking for 'hich the com)any has tied u)

'ith I(I(I $ank and F,#( $ank.

he I(I(I has announced the launch of mobile banking services for its

customers using the 'ireless a))lication )rotocol <4A0= technology.

#ord India has tied u) 'ith I(I(I $ank to introduce a scheme enabling

non-resident Indians <5*Is= to )urchase a #ord Ikon car for their friends

and relatives in India.

I(I(I $ank has set u) an AM facility at an Indian +il (or)oration

 )etrodiesel outlet at (hennai.

I(I(I $ank has tied u) 'ith (hennai ele)hones to )rovide Internet bill

 )ayment facility to its customers.

$A5BI5 S*8(8*E

The #ndian banking industry" which has $eserve Bank of #ndia as its regulatory

authority" is a mix of the public sector" private sector" and foreign banks. The private sector

banks are again split into old banks and new banks.

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Scheduled commercial banks are those that come under the )urvie'

of the Second Schedule of *eserve $ank of India <*$I= Act 1C27. he

banks that are included under this schedule are those that satisfy the

criteria laid do'n vide section 7% <9! of the Act=. Some co-o)erative banks

come under the category of scheduled commercial banks though not all

co-o)erative banks.


0ublic sector banks are those in 'hich the overnment of India or

the *$I is a majority shareholder. hese banks include the State $ank of

India <S$I= and its subsidiaries other nationali6ed banks and *egional

*ural $anks <**$s=. +ver >!D of the aggregate branches in India are

those of the )ublic sector banks. Some of the leading banks in this

segment include Allahabad $ank (anara $ank $ank of Maharashtra

(entral $ank of India Indian +verseas $ank State $ank of India State

$ank of 0atiala State $ank of $ikaner and ai)ur State $ank of

ravancore $ank of $aroda $ank of India +riental $ank of (ommerce

8(+ $ank 8nion $ank of India ,ena $ank and (or)oration $ank.


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0rivate banks are essentially com)rised of t'o ty)es: the old and the

ne'. he old )rivate sector banks com)rise those 'hich 'ere o)erating

before $anking 5ationali6ation Act 'as )assed in 1C9C. +n account of

their small si6e and regional o)erations these banks 'ere not

nationali6ed. hese banks face intense rivalry from the ne' )rivate banks

and the foreign banks. he banks that are included in this segment

include: $ank of Madura &td. <no' a )art of I(I(I $ank= $harat +verseas

$ank &td. $ank of *ajasthan Barnataka $ank &td. &ord Brishna $ank &td.

he (atholic Syrian $ank &td. he ,hanalakshmi $ank &td. he #ederal

$ank &td. he ammu Bashmir $ank &td. he Barur ;ysya $ank &td.

he &akshmi ;ilas $ank &td. he 5edungadi $ank &td. and ;ysya $ank.

he ne' )rivate sector banks 'ere established 'hen the $anking

*egulation Act 'as amended in 1CC2. #inancial institutions )romoted

several of these banks. After the initial licenses the *$I has granted no

more licenses. hese banks are gearing u) to face the foreign banks by

focusing on service and technology. (urrently these banks are on an

e/)ansion s)ree s)reading into semi-urban areas and satellite to'ns. he

leading banks that are included in this segment include $ank of 0unjab

&td. (enturion $ank &td. lobal rust $ank &td. F,#( $ank &td. I(I(I

$anking (or)oration &td. I,$I $ank &td. IndusInd $ank &td. and 8I $ank


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he o)erations of foreign banks though similar to that of other

commercial Indian banks are mainly confined to metro)olitan areas.

#oray of foreign banks de)ends on reci)rocity economic and )olitical

bilateral relations. An inter-de)artmental committee has been set u) to

endorse a))lications for entry and e/)ansion. #oreign banks in the 'ake

of the liberali6ation era are looking to e/)and and diversify. Some of the

leading foreign banks that o)erate in India are (itibank Standard

(hartered rindlays $ank Fong Bong Shanghai $anking (or)oration

$ank of America ,eutsche $ank ,evelo)ment $ank of Singa)ore and

$an3ue 5ational ,e 0aris.


#unctioning of 0ublic Sector $anks <0S$s= 'hich are yet to achieve

com)uteri6ation across the board is at a relative disadvantage 'hen

com)ared to the )rivate sector 'hich is offering state-of-the-art facilities

such as AMs doorste) banking banking on )hone and net banking. 0S$s

also suffer from huge costs of labor and lo' levels of automation. At this

rate it may not be long before ne' channels devised by )rivate banks

effectively sur)ass the number of branch net'orks offered by the 0S$s.

his a)art the )roblems 'hich have assumed enormous )ro)ortion

today as far as 0ublic Sector banks are concerned are ballooning 50A

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levels declining margins )oor credit off-take high overheads and lack of

good 3uality assets. $anks are sticking to reliable borro'ers for fear of bad

debts. In fact banks largely invest in government securities 'hich have

 6ero risk. 4ith +I being the single largest borro'er the yields on these

securities determine the interest rates.

he government aims to decrease its shareholding in 0S$s to 22D

ho'ever at the same time it also 'ants to retain the controlling stake.

his it is feared is not going to solve the )roblems 'hich 0S$s are co)ing

'ith no'.

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0*I;AE SE(+* $&++MS

(or)orate governance and self-regulation are the ground rules for

the )rivate sector. overnment interference is not )referred. 4hile some

 )rivate banks such as I(I(I $ank 8I $ank and I,$I $ank have financial

institutions backing them others are o)ting for foreign )artnershi)s for

technology and monetary resources.

0rivate banks have emerged relatively strong 'ith about 9!D

gro'th re)orted in net )rofits in the year ended March %!!!. 4ith a net

 )rofit of *s.1%! crores <J79D= F,#( 'as the clear leader. I,$I $ank

ho'ever took the cake by doubling its net )rofit 'hich reached *s.9!.CC

crores in March %!!!.he jum) in )rofits can mainly be attributed to non-

traditional sectors such as commission e/change brokerage and )rofit

on sale of investments.

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0*+,8( 0+*#+&I+

'($)($T* B+,#+ $*T# B+,#+

 'orporate /olutions Home oans

 overnment /olutions 'ar & Two 0heeler oans

 'apital Market /ervices 'onsumer1)ersonal oans

 griculture 2inance /aving & Term 3eposit

/tructured 2inance /alary ccount 

 )ro4ect 2inance $oaming 'urrent ccounts

 #nfrastructure 2inance #nvestment )roducts

 Term oans )rivate Banking

0orking 'apital 2inance +$# /ervices

'ash Management /ervices 3emat /ervices

Trade 2inance /ervices 'redit & 3ebit 'ards

 #nternational Banking /mart 'ards

• 1C

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 Treasury /ervices Bill )ayment /ervices

'orporate #nternet Banking *-'he%ues

 'orporate dvisory Branches

 'ustodial /ervices TMs

 )rofessional 'learing #nternet Banking 

 Membership /ervices )hone Banking

• %!

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W/at0s on offer

Fello I(I(I and F,#( brings you a host of services at your fingerti)s 29"

days a year. A user friendly automated service menu offers you

convenient access to your account cou)led 'ith security as all your

transactions are )rotected by a 0I5 - he 0ersonal )ass'ord to your

account. $ut if you do need any assistance our officers 'ill be glad to hel)


4hats more... this facility comes to you totally free of chargeK Some of the

services offered are listed belo'

 Savings account :

o $alance En3uiry Statement of account

o (he3ue status en3uiry Sto) 0ayment

o (he3ue book re3uest

o ,ial-a- draftL)ayorder

o  AM lost card re)orting

o *e3uest for a ne' AM 0I5

#i/ed ,e)osits:• %1

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o +)ening a #i/ed ,e)osit

o (hecking #i/ed ,e)osit details

o *e3uest for ,S statement

(redit (ards:

o $alance and account related in3uiries Statement of account

o ,ial a draftL)ayorder

o &ostL*e)lacement card

o  AM )in re-issue

o 0ayment instructions <maybe through a letter to the (all



o Standing Instructions

o (om)laints and suggestions

o In3uire about any I(I(I retail )roduct

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 $isk is an integral part of the banking business and #'#'# Bank aims at the delivery of

 superior shareholder value by achieving an appropriate trade-off between risk and returns.

 #'#'# Bank is exposed to various risks" including credit risk" market risk and operational risk.

(ur risk management strategy is based on a clear understanding of various risks" disciplined

risk-assessment and measurement procedures and continuous monitoring. The policies and

 procedures established for this purpose are continuously benchmarked with international best

 practices. comprehensive range of %uantitative and modelling tools developed by a

dedicated risk analytics team supports the risk management function at #'#'# Bank.

The $isk" 'ompliance & udit roup 5$'6 is responsible for assessment"

management and mitigation of risk in #'#'# Bank. This group" forming a part of the

'orporate 'entre" is completely independent of all business operations and accountable to

the $isk and udit 'ommittees of the Board of 3irectors. $' is organised into six sub-

 groups7 'redit $isk Management roup" Market $isk roup" 'redit )olicies roup" #nternet

 udit roup" $etail $isk roup and $isk nalytics roup.

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'redit risk is the risk that a borrower is unable to meet its financial obligations to the lender.

 #'#'# Bank measures" monitors and manasgers credit risk for each borrower asnd also at the

 portfolio level. #'#'# Bank has a standardised credit approval process" which includes a

well-established procedure of comprehensive credit appraisal and rating. #'#'# Bank has

developed internal credit rating methodologies for rating obligors as well as for rating. #'#'#

 Bank has developed internal credit rating methodologies for rating obligors as well as for

 product 1 facilities. The rating factors in %uantitative and %ualitative issues and credit

enhancement features specific to the transaction. The rating serves as a key input in the

 sanction as well as post-sanction credit processes. 'redit rating" a as concept" has been well

internalised within the Bank. The rating for every borrower is reviewed as least annually and

 for higher risks credits and large exposures at shorter intervals. /ector knowledge has been

institutionali8ed across #'#'# Bank through the availability of sector-specific information on

the #ntranet. #ndustry knowledge is constantly updated through field visits" interactions with

clients" regulatory bodies and industry experts. #n respect of the retail credit business" #'#'#

 Bank has a system of centrali8ed approval of all products and policies and monitoring of the

retail portfolio. 0e continuously refine our retail credit parameters based on portfolio



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 M$,*T $#/, 

 Market risk is the risk of loss resulting from changes in interest rates

foreign currency e/change rates e3uity )rices and commodity )rices.

F,#( $anks e/)osure to market risk a function of its trading and asset

and liability management activities and its role as a financial intermediary

in customer-related transactions. he objective of market risk

management is to minimi6e the im)act of losses due to market risks on

earning and e3uity ca)ital.

Market risk )olicies include Asset-&iability Management <A&M=

 )olicies and )olicies for the trading )ortfolio. he Asset-&iability

Management (ommittee <A&(+= of $oard of ,irectors a))roves A&M

 )olicies. A&(+s role encom)asses sti)ulating li3uidity and interest-rate

risk limits monitoring risk levels by adherence to set limits articulating

the organi6ations interest rate vie' and determining business strategy in

the light of the current and e/)ected business environment. hese sets of

 )olicies and )rocesses are articulated in A&M )olicy. A se)arate set of

 )olicies for the trading )ortfolio address issues related to investments in

various trading )roducts and are a))roved by the (ommittee of ,irectors

<(+,= of the $oard. *(A e/ercises inde)endent control over the )rocess

of market-risk management and recommends changes in )rocesses and

methodologies for measuring market risk.

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 M#33* (22#'* $(9) 

F,#( $ank has a se)arate Middle +ffice rou) to monitor both

credit and treasury-related com)liance. he (redit Middle rou) monitors

com)liance 'ith )olicies and terms of sanction of credit )ro)osals.

he reasury Middle +ffice rou) monitors the asset-liability

 )osition under the su)ervision of the A&(+. It also monitors treasury

activities including determining com)liance 'ith various e/)osure and

dealing limits verifying the a))ro)riateness and accuracy of various

transactions )rocessing these transactions tracking the daily funds

 )osition and all treasury related management and regulatory re)orting.

 #nterest rate risk is measured through the use of re-pricing gap analysis. i%uidity risk

is measured through gap analysis. H32' Bank ensures ade%uate li%uidity at all times

through systematic funds maintenance of li%uid investment as well as by focusing on more

 stables funding sources such as retail deposits. H32' Bank mitigates its exposure to

exchange rate risk by stipulating daily stop-loss limits and position limits.

()*$T#(+ $#/, 

+)erational risk can result from a variety of factors including failure

to obtain )ro)er internal authori6ation im)ro)erly documented

transactions failure of o)erational and information security )rocedures

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com)uter systems and soft'are or e3ui)ment fraud inade3uate training

and em)loyee errors. 4e attem)t o)erational risk by maintaining a

com)rehensive system of internal controls establishing systems and

 )rocedures to monitors transactions maintaining key back-u) )rocedures

and undertaking regular contingency )lanning. he Middle +ffice rou)

monitors adherence to credit )rocedures. he International Audit rou)

undertakes a com)rehensive audit of all business grou) and other

functions in accordance 'ith a risk-based audit )lan. his )lan allocates

audit resources based on an assessment of the o)erational risks in the

various businesses. I(I(I $ank has been a )ioneer in the im)lementation

of a risk-based audit methodology in the Indian banking sector. he

International Audit rou) conce)tuali6es and im)lements im)roved

system of internal controls to minimi6e o)erational risk.

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#88*E 0*+S0E(S +# I(I(I A5,

F,#( $A5B 

#uture e/)ectations

4e soon )lan to introduce:

•  )ayment services to certain standard utilities

• ,emat-related information

• o'n accounts funds transfer

• I(I(I 'ill also use 4A0 technology for undertaking on-line


 #f you have an H32' )hone Banking $elationship +umber 5under which your

accounts are linked to the H32' 'all 'entre for H32' )hone Banking6" the same accounts

will be linked for Mobile 'ommerce. #f you do not have an H32' )hone Banking

 $elationship +umber" you can specify the account number5s6 and your H32' 'redit 'ard

 +umber to be linked for /M/.

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I(I(I $A5B 5AMES (+5S8&A5

#+* +; $8SI5ESS

ICICI Bank has appointed international consultancy major

monitor group to help the bank in identification of business

prospects in the government sector which has recently been

identifies as a focus area.

Monitor will help ICICI get business from the government

sector, particularly the infrastructure sector mandates. he

bank did not consider government business a focus area till

sometime back. !ow, Monitor "roup will study investment

prospect of tourism in #ajasthan, opportunities for the

government of $ndhra %radesh and investment prospects for

the bank through the government in cities such as %une and


'(e are trying to find out how ICICI Bank can be a

partner to the government in development plans and

projects. he bank has initiated fresh focus towards the

government which is a major source of business and we would

like to increase relationship with government agencies,) ICICI

officials said.

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Monitor "roup will find out ways and means for ICICI

Bank through which the latter 'Can solve government fund

flow problems and how ICICI Bank can play a role in the

projects,) bank officials said.

his is a test study and if there is a positive response

from the government then more such specific developmental

studies will be taken up by the bank as partners to



1L11L!2 I(I(I $ank clocks 11!D gro'th in retail )ortfolio in %

Mumbai: he retail )ortfolio of I(I(I $ank gre' by 11! )er cent to *s

%"%!" crore <*s 1%!%1 crore= in the second 3uarter. *etail assets

constituted 2C )er cent of the banks customer assets. 4hile leveraging

and enhancing its )osition as the original lender the bank also continued

to focus on securitisation of its customer assets. his had enabled the

bank to o)timi6e resources and ca)ital utili6ation and diversify the

com)osition of its asset )ortfolio.

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,uring the first half of this financial year the total sell do'n and

securitisation of assets 'as around *s "2!! crore. According to the bank

its net restructured loans declined to *s >"9 crore <*s 1!7C1 crore=. 5et

50As 'ere at *s 21% crore constituting 7. )er cent of its customer

assets. ,e)osits gre' by 1 )er cent to *s "9! crore <*s 719C crore=.

 As on Se)tember 2! %!!9 the de)osits constituted " )er cent of the

banks funding against 7% )er cent in the corres)onding )eriod of the

 )revious year. he ca)ital ade3uacy as on Se)tember 2! %!!9 'as at

11." )er cent.

 A((+85S I5 I(I(I $A5B

I(I(I $ank offers 'ide variety of ,e)osit 0roducts to suit your

re3uirements.(ou)led 'ith convenience of net'orked branchesL AMs and

facility of E-channels like Internet and Mobile $anking I(I(I $ank brings

banking at your doorste). Select any of our de)osit )roducts and )rovide

 your details online and our re)resentative 'ill contact you for Account


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I(I(I $ank offers you a )o'er )acked Savings Account 'ith a host of

convenient features and banking channels to transact through. So no'

 you can bank at your convenience 'ithout the stress of 'aiting in 3ueues.


Senior Citi1en Ser2ices

4e understand that as you reach the age to retire you do have certain

concerns N 'hether your hard earned money is safe and secure N

'hether your investments give you the kind of returns that you need.

hats 'hy 'e have an ideal $anking Service for those 'ho are 9! years

and above. he Senior (iti6en Services from I(I(I $ank has several

advantages that are tailored to bring more convenience and enjoyment in

 your life.

3oung Stars

Its really im)ortant to hel) children learn the value of finances and money

management at an early age. $anking is a serious business but 'e make

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banking a )leasure and at the same time children learn ho' to manage

their )ersonal finances.

-i4e' Deposits

Safety #le/ibility &i3uidity and *eturnsKKKK A combination of unbeatable

features of the #i/ed ,e)osit from I(I(I $ank.

4hen e/)enses are high you may not have ade3uate funds to make big

investments. $ut sim)ly going ahead 'ithout saving for the future is not

an o)tion for you. hrough I(I(I $ank *ecurring ,e)osit you can invest

small amounts of money every month that ends u) 'ith a large saving on

maturity. So you enjoy t'in advantages- affordability and higher earnings.


 A))licants must satisfy the follo'ing documentation re3uirements:

• Identity )roof

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service )roviders <B@( che3ue

mandatory for mobile service


,efence ,e)endents card (onsumer gas connection

cardLbookL0i)e as bill <same as

electricity bill=

E/-Service Man (ard (ertificate from the

'ardLe3uivalent rank officer

maintaining election roll certifying

address of the a))licant

$ar (ouncilLIndian Medical Association

(ardLSenior (iti6en (ard

*egistered and valid &easeL &eave

agreement 'ith co)ies of utility


0I+ $ooklet for returning 5*Is 0ost +ffice Savings 0ass $ook 'ith

B@( che3ue

MA0I5 card Statement of account or 0ass $ook

of a scheduled commercial bank

'ith entries of at least last 2

months along'ith B@( che3ue

0remium *ecei)t from any $anking


(ertificate by ;illage E/tension

• 2"

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+fficer <;E+=L;illage Fead or e3ual

rank officers

,omicile (ertificate 'ith

communication address and


 Accepte' as 6ot/ I'entit5 an' A''ress proof

<Any one of the follo'ing=


 Arms &icense issued by StateL(entral overnment of India authorities

#reedom fighters )ass issued by Ministry of Fome affairs overnment of

India 'ith )hotogra)h of a))licant

0ension )ayment orderLbookL(ard issued by StateL(entral overnment of


0rinted *ation (ard 'ith 0hotogra)h of a))licant.

Fouse hold (ard 'ith )hotogra)h issued by ovt of Andhra 0radesh

I, card 'ith )hotogra)h issued by ovt of ammu and Bashmir

$ank 0ass $ook 'ith )hotogra)h issued by S$I and its subsidiaries or

5ationalised $anks

0hoto Social Security (ard <Smart (ard= issued by (entralLState ovts or

8nion territories.

Sa2ings Ban$ Account7 2."!D

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,omestic term de)osits <eneral (ategory= :

* Su6ject to re2ision %it/out furt/er notice.

88 Recurring Deposit %i&& not 6e a2ai&a6&e for tenure of 9:; 'a5s<

Note7 Rates for Deposits for Rs<= Crore an' a6o2e %i&& 6e a'2ise'

65 treasur5 from time to time<


=< E&igi6i&it5 Criteria

 A )erson 'ho has com)leted the age of 9! years may be treated as a

senior citi6en for getting the benefit under the s)ecial de)osit scheme for

senior citi6ens.

?< ,erification of Age7

Opening of Ne% Account 

 At the time of o)ening of a ne' de)osit account of a senior citi6en the

branch should satisfy about the age through verification of any of the

follo'ing documents:-

Secondary School &eaving (ertificate indicating date of $irth

&I( 0olicy 

;oters Identity (ard

0ension 0ayment +rder 

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$irth (ertificate issued by the com)etent authority 



Interest *ates for Senior (iti6ens :

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8Su6ject to re2ision %it/out furt/er notice.

88 Recurring Deposit %i&& not 6e a2ai&a6&e for tenure of 9:; 'a5s<

Pena&t5 on Pre"mature %it/'ra%a& !A&& Categories# %ou&' 6e

app&ica6&e as 6e&o%7


he I(I(I $ank 5cash debit card is a debit-cum-AM card )roviding

 you 'ith the convenience of acce)tance at merchant establishments

and cash 'ithdra'als at AMs.(lick here for details 

• #ree Access to any $anks AM O he ne/t time you 'ant to

'ithdra' cash from your I(I(I $ank account just 'alk into any

banks AM and use your I(I(I $ank AM-cum-,ebit card for as

many as C free transactions <including cash 'ithdra'al and balance

en3uiry= in a 3uarter. his offer is available to customers 'ho

maintain more than *s.%"!!! in a given 3uarter in their domestic

Savings Account 'ith I(I(I $ank. he above benefit can be availed in

the ne/t 3uarter.

•  Any'here $anking - his facility entitles the account holder to

'ithdra' or de)osit cash u)to a limit of *s."!!!! across all I(I(I

$ank branches.

• 2C

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• @ou can give us various ty)es of standing instructions like

transferring to fi/ed de)osit accounts at regular intervals.

 An average 3uarterly balance of *s "!!! only.

Minimum Ba&ance 

T5pe of

 Account  Ba&ance 


 Account*s "%!!

5on-maintenance of the minimum average 3uarterly balance

attracts a fee of *s >"! )er 3uarter.


• he facility of 5omination is available for relationshi)s in the names

of individuals. 8nless other'ise s)ecifically given in 'riting by

de)ositors nomination in de)osit accounts 'ill be at (ustomer I,


•  A de)ositor<s= ho'ever has L have the right to s)ecify different

nominations at account level by com)leting the a))ro)riate forms.

• 7!

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certificates along 'ith a demat re3uest form. @ou should also o)en the

re3uired combination under the correct ty)e of demat account :

 PINS NRE : #or shares ac3uired earlier under 0I5S on re)atriation basis.

 PINS NRO  : #or shares ac3uired earlier under 0I5S on non-re)atriation


 Non"PINS NRE  : #or shares ac3uired earlier other than under 0I5S on

re)atriation basis.

 Non"PINS NRO  : #or shares ac3uired earlier other than under 0I5S on

non-re)atriation basis and also 'hen *esident in India.

I< Terms @ Con'itions for esta6&is/ing re&ations/ip an' Operating

 Accounts <#or *esident Individuals=

=< Esta6&is/ing a Re&ations/ip

1.1 A))licant<s= desiring to o)en a *elationshi) need<s= to sign a

*elationshi) form and declare therein that heLsheLthey hasLhave agreed to

abide by the rules 'hich are in force from time to time.

1.% A))licant is re3uired to furnish Identity 0roof and Address )roof as

follo's 'hile establishing a banking relationshi) 'ith the $ank :

I'entit5  Proof 

;erified true co)y of valid )ass)ort

&etter from e/isting bank 

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;alid driving license

;alid em)loyee identity card

;alid 0A5 card

;alid )hoto credit card along 'ith the current billing cycle <latest=


rue co)y of valid arms license issued by ovt of IndiaLState govtsL8nion

territory 'ith )hotogra)h

;alid )ension book 

;alid freedom fighters )ass issued Fome Ministry of overnment of India

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MA+* (+M0EI+*S

SAE $A5B +# I5,IA

It is Indias largest bank 'ith assets 'orth *s.% 91" billion. S$I also has

the distinction of having the 'orlds largest branch net'ork of C!!!

branches. he bank has a share of about %%D of Indias loans and

de)osits and is a to) )layer in trade finance and fore/. hrough its

subsidiaries S$I is also a leading )rovider of other financial )roducts like

mutual funds investment banking housing finance and factoring. S$I has

a market share of one-fifth of the banking sector in India. 5ationali6ed

banks and S$I and its subsidiaries form the heart of the Indian banking

system. hese t'o entities o)erate >!D of the total branches s)read

across the length and breadth of India.

$A5B +# I5,IA

 As one of the leading )ublic sector Indian banks $ank of India has the

distinction of being the first bank to o)en a branch outside India. he

bank 'hich currently has overseas o)erations in about 1! countries is

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one of the leaders in financing foreign trade. It is one of the fe' Indian

banks that )rovide tele-banking facilities *emote Access erminals for

cor)orate clients and Signature *etrieval System. Some of the recent

forays made by the bank in terms of its business o)erations include bullion

business and demat services.

It is a )ioneer in terms of the introduction and ado)tion of a model

banking )olicy that suits India and other develo)ing countries. he bank

'hich is synonymous 'ith )rogressive banking in India has a strong

 )resence in rural India. he bank 'as nationali6ed in 1C9C. Syndicate $ank

has corres)ondent relations 'ith 7!! banks from all over the globe. he

bank is also one of the leading )layers in the foreign e/change market.

(itibank idbi hdfchsbc

(FA&&E5E #+* FE I5,IA5 $A5BI5 SE(+*

Indian banks have a long 'ay to go before they reach the si6e of their

international counter)arts. Even the biggest Indian bank State $ank of

India is no'here on the international scale 'ith assets in the range of

G"!billion. Absence of significant scale benefits and higher im)licit costs of

several services are )er)etuating the )oor ranking of Indian banks in the

international league tables.

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Shareholding structure government regulations and sheer si6e of the

country ensure that the e/istence of Indian banks is not at stake at this

stage. 4hat is at stake is the banking su))ort that is available for Indian

economic activity and thereby the international com)etitiveness of

various sectors. 4hat is also at stake is the sco)e for the banking industry

to earn su)erior returns through differentiated 'ider services.

#urther it is 3uite conceivable that 'ith )assage of time as government

holding in banks is )rogressively divested regulatory authorities 'ill be

unable to hold back the international giants from buying out Indian banks.

Even economies 'ith a ?domestic mindset? such as #rance and ermany

have been forced to bo' before the international ca)ital market forces.

It 'ould be a shame if )ainstakingly built retail strength is offered on a

 )latter to some )redator. he challenge can be met through some

concerted action -


he overnment needs to do a'ay 'ith artificial

fragmentation of the financial sector. A case in )oint is the

segregation of banks and financial institutions induced by )olicy. If

this is changed 'e may 'ell see mergers bet'een the t'o sectors

to create organi6ations of si6e. 4hy not a merger of Industrial

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,evelo)ment $ank of India 'ith $ank of $aroda or even better 'ith

State $ank of IndiaP his 'ould definitely lead to a merger bet'een

I(I(I and I(I(I $ank and for that matter bet'een F,#( and F,#(

$ank. he )ossibilities are interesting and numerous.

,omestic $anks

,omestic $anks - )rivate as 'ell as )ublic - need to continuously

e/)lore o)tions to ac3uire or merge 'ith other institutions to enhance

their si6e service or skill-set. his could also mean looking beyond the

national boundaries as truly global cor)orations do.

5e' Initiatives

he recent crisis in the #ar East has demonstrated the need

for a robust banking sector. herefore the 'hole structure of

*egional *ural $anks <**$s= and 8rban (o-o)erative $anks <8($s=

needs to be strengthened. he focus that #M( com)anies such as

Findustan &ever have given to the rural sector )roves that )rivate

sector interest is not limited to the cities and major to'ns.

echnological changes <such as 'ireless communication net etc.=

have drastically changed the communications scenario. his may be

the time to come out 'ith interesting initiatives 'ith regard to• 7

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structure of **$s and 8($s so that )rivate sector organi6ations -

banks as 'ell as non-banks - )lay a greater role in meeting the

needs and as)irations of hitherto neglected )arts of the country.

 Social considerations

he full benefit of mergers can only be reali6ed if they are follo'ed

u) 'ith some hard measures such as re-location L closure of branches

rationali6ation of em)loyee strength etc. It 'ould be a 'elcome change if

the management and unions collaborate in seeking a))ro)riate social

security from the overnment - financed out of the divestment of stake in

these banks.

Indian banking has to o)erate 'ith a global mindset even 'hile fulfilling

local banking re3uirements. $y joining in the effort to make this ha))en

'e 'ill get the banking service 'e need. Else 'e 'ill deserve the banking

service 'e get.

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<I5*+,8(I+5 +# +0I(=

The topic of : '(M)$#/#(+ B*T0**+ #'#'# +3 H32' B+,7 Banking is the

backbone of a modern economy. Health of banking industry is one of the most important pre-

conditions for sustained economic progress of any country. The world of banking has

assumed a new dimension at the dawn of the ! st  century with the advent of tech banking"

thereby lending the industry a stamp of universality. #n general" banking may be classified as

retail and corporate banking. $etail banking" which is designed to meet the re%uirements of

individual customers and encourage their savings" includes payment of utility bills" consumer

• "!

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*ESEA*(F MEF+,+&+@ 

*esearch methodology is a systematic 'ay 'hich consists of series of

action ste)s necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired

se3uencing to these ste)s. he marketing research is a )rocess of involves

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a no. of inter-related activities 'hich overla) and do rigidly follo' a

 )articular se3uence. It consists of the follo'ing ste)s:-

#ormulating the objective of the study 

• ,esigning the methods of data collection

• Selecting the sam)le )lan

• (ollecting the data

• 0rocessing and analy6ing the data

• *e)orting the findings

• "2

O6jecti2e of Stu'5 

Researc/ Design

Samp&e Design

Data Co&&ection

Data Ana& sis

Report of fin'ings

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o stud of market share in banking sector of I(I(I and F,#(.

o study the consumer satisfaction 'ith I(I(I and F,#(.

o kno' about the is the )osition of I(I(I bank in market.

o analy6e the decision making )rocess of the consumers.


• "7

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*esearch design s)ecifies the methods and )rocedures for conducting a

 )articular study.

 A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and

analysis of the data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the

research )ur)ose 'ith economy in )rocedure. *esearch design is broadly

classified into three ty)es as

• E/)loratory *esearch ,esign

,escri)tive *esearch ,esign

• (ausal *esearch ,esign

I have chosen the descri)tive research design.

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,escri)tive research studies are those studies 'hich are concerned 'ith

described the characteristics of )articular individual.

In descri)tive as 'ell as in diagnostic studies the researcher must be able

to define clearly 'hat he 'ants to measure and must find ade3uate

methods for measuring it along 'ith a clear cut definition of )o)ulation he

'ant to study. Since the aim is to obtain com)lete and accurate

information in the said studies the )rocedure to be used must be carefully

 )lanned. he research design must make enough )rovision for )rotection

against bias and must ma/imi6e reliability 'ith due concern for the

economical com)letion of the research study.


 A Sam)le ,esign is a definite )lan for obtaining a sam)le from a given

 )o)ulation. It refers to the techni3ue to the )rocedure ado)ted in selecting

items for the sam)ling designs are as belo':

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• Sam)le method

• Survey )eriod

SAMP*E SI>E7 he substantial )ortions of the target customer that are

sam)led to achieve reliable result are "!.

he cost and time limitation com)leted me to select "! res)ondents as

sam)le si6e


• In this marketing research )roject I am using

• *andom sam)ling method


 As com)lete enumeration of all the members of the )o)ulation <Member

and 5on-member= I have understate sam)ling techni3ue.

SAMP*E SI>E %!! (ustomers

• ">

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Sam)le area



Sim)le random selection sam)ling


I have taken the Statistical tool of )ercentage method to analysis and

inter)retation of the collected data.


 A random sam)le gives every unit of the )o)ulation a kno'n and non-6ero

 )robability of being selected. Since random sam)ling im)lies e3ual

 )robability to every unit in the )o)ulation it is necessary that the

selection of the sam)le must be free from human judgment.

here is some confusion bet'een the t'o terms Qrandom sam)ling and

Qunrestricted random sam)ling. In the latter case each unit in the

 )o)ulation has an e3ual chance of being selected in the sam)le. Such a

sam)le is dra'n Q'ith re)lacement 'hich means that the unit selected at

each dra' is re)laced into the )o)ulation before another dra' is made

• "

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from it QAs such a unit can be included more than once in the sam)le.

Most statically theory relates to Qunrestricted random sam)ling. In order to

distinguish bet'een these t'o sam)le. I.e. sam)le 'ithout re)lacement

and sam)le 'ith re)lacement the terms Qsam)le random sam)le and

Qunrestricted random sam)le are used. If the latter is devised in such a

manner that no unit can be included more than once it 'ill then be kno'n

as the sim)le random sam)ling.

It may be noted that 'hile both sam)le random sam)ling and unrestricted

random sam)ling give an e3ual )robability to each unit of the )o)ulation

for being included in the sam)le there are other sam)le design too 'hich

 )rovide e3ual )robability to the units. he )rocess of randomness is the

very core of sim)le and unrestricted random sam)ling. he selection of a

sam)le must be free from bias 'hich can be ensured only 'hen the

 )rocess of selection is free from human judgment.

(+&&E(I+5 +# ,AA


he study 'as conducted by the means of )ersonal intervie' 'ith

res)ondents and the information given by them 'ere directly recorded on


• "C

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#or the )ur)ose of analy6ing the data it is necessary to collect the vital

information. here are t'o ty)es of data this are-

0rimary ,ata

• Secondary data


0rimary data can be collected through 3uestionnaire. he 3uestionnaire

can be classified into four main ty)es.

• Structured non disguised 3uestionnaire

• Structured disguised 3uestionnaire.

• 5on structured non disguised 3uestionnaire

• 5on Ostructured disguised 3uestionnaire.

#or my market study I have sleeted structured non-disguised

3uestionnaire because my 3uestionnaire is 'ell structured listing of

3uestions are in a )rearranged order and 'here the object of en3uiry is

revealed to the res)ondents.

o making a 'ell-structured 3uestionnaire 'e have ado)ted three ty)e of


• 9!

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• +)en ended 3uestion

• ,ichotomous 3uestions

• Multi)le choice 3uestions

hese ty)es of 3uestions are easy to understand and easy to give re3uired



Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer the

data 'hich have already been collected and analy6ed by someone else.

4hen the researcher utili6es secondary data than he has to look into

various sources from 'here h e can obtain them in this case he is

certainly not confronted 'ith the )roblems that are usually associated

'ith the collection of original data. Secondary data may either be

 )ublished data or un)ublished data. 8sually )ublished data are available


• ;arious )ublications of the central state and local governmentR

• ;arious )ublications of foreign government or of international bodies

and their subsidiary organi6ationalR

• echnical and trade journalsR

• $ooks maga6ines and ne's)a)ersR

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/iii0abulation1 tabulation com)rises sorting of the data into different

categories and counting the number of cases that belong to each

category. he sim)lest 'ay to tabulate is to count the number of

res)onses to one 3uestion. his is also called universal tabulation. he

analysis based on just one variable is obviously meager. 4here t'o or

more variables are involved in tabulation it is called bivariate or

multivariate tabulation.

(iv) Analysis1 after the all three above steps, the most important step

is analysis of the data. 2nder this step, they can use the various

tools of the analysis such as   Central endency, 3ispersion,

Correlation co*efficient, #egression $nalysis, est of

4ypothesis etc.

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  Are 5ou /a2ing an 6an$ account
















=" >!D

-rom %/ic/ 6an$ 5ou /a2e account

• 9"

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="  2D $ank name of I(I(I.

?"  1%D $ank name of F,#(. 9" %!D$ank name of other.

 Do 5ou t/in$ t/at Ban$ is gi2ing a goo' return

• 99

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  Are 5ou p&anning to get account or &oan from an5


















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 If get an opportunit5 in future %ou&' 5ou &i$e to 6e get

attac/e' %it/ ICICI Ban$

















• >!

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I(I(I $ank and F,#( bank has to im)rove its brand image i.e.

it has to )osition itself in the minds of )ros)ects in a better 'ay

in com)arisons to others.

It should )rovide better career o))ortunities for the retention of

its )otential advisors.

#urther it has to )rovide training to its recruited advisors by good

and efficient training methods 'hich might be a little bit

customi6ed if needed.

It should more em)hasi6e in advertising as it is the most

 )o'erful tool to )osition ant brand in the mindsets of customers.

It should )rovide online training and for those 'ho are in jobs

and 'ant to become advisors I(I(I should )rovide evening

• >1

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training classes so that they can join the training after doing

there jobs.


$anking is also no' being regarded as a versatile financial )lanning

tool. *esearch indicates that Indians have four basic financial needs

during their life asset accumulation <such as buying a house or car=

 )rotecting their family securing their childrens education and

 )rovision for their retirement.

India being a country having a huge )o)ulation of around one billion

 )eo)le 'ith only 2%D of the banking )o)ulation in India )ossessing

banking the country has a vast )otential 'hich has been left unta))ed

till no'.

#or $anking com)any $anking advisors are the lifeline and a very

huge asset so each com)any try to recruit and select a )otential force

of $anking advisors because this is the advisors 'ho generate

ma/imum business for the $ank . $anking advisors )rovide a very

• >%

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strong su))ort to the $ank and do sall )ossible efforts to generate

huge amount of )rofit to the com)any and for him.




Bothari (.* *esearch Methodology 5e' delhi ;ikas 0ublishing

Fouse 0; &,. %!!>

I(I(I and F,#( brochure of advisors *ecruitment.


• >2

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a= overnment Em)loyee b= 0rivate Em)loyee

c= Self Em)loyed d= Student E= Fouse'ife

@our monthly household income

a= &ess than 1"!!! b= 1"!!1-%"!!! c=%"!!1 and above

0lease give some references of )eo)le 'ho you kno' are

tradingLinvesting in stocks:



• >7

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1. 4here do you o)en a accountP

ii. I(I(I

iii. F,#(

iv. Any other.

%. 4hich bank is more secureP

i. I(I(I

ii. F,#(

iii. +ther  

2. 4hich banks give more returnP

i. I(I(I

ii. F,#(

iii. +ther

7. Are you satisfied 'ith services of bankP

i. @es

ii. 5o

". @our o)en account decisions are influenced by 

• >"

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i. +neself 

ii. $roker 

iii. Market *esearch

iv. #riendsL*elatives

v.  An other 

9. Are you satisfied 'ith com)any servicesP

i. @es ii. 5o

>. 4hat are the factors 'hich you considered before o)ening account

in a )articular bankP

i. #inancial 0osition

ii. (urrent Market 0osition

iii. ood'ill

iv. #uture 0ros)ects

v. Any others.