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    Sudgest University of thi-qarMarshes research center

    A survey of Socio - Economic and social

    status in the Villages of Al-Jwaiber .

    tribe : Al-dawara , Al-braij, Al-safha and Al-abraJan. 2007

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    Thi-qar governorate


    Thi-qar governorate covers an area of 13,552 km2 and is located

    in southern Iraq to the north of Basrah governorate and shares

    internal boundaries with the governorates of Missan , Muthana,

    Qadissiya and Wassit .

    Nassiriyah city was founded in 1869 by Sheikh Nasir Al-Sadoon

    of Muntafig tribal confederation . The 2004 ministry of planning

    and development cooperational UNDP survey projected the

    population of thi_qar governorate to be 1,472,405 making it the

    sixth most populous governorate in Iraq . 530,000 are estimated

    to live in the governorate's capital Nassiriyah city .

    However the population reached 1,518,962 in 2005 (5.43% of thetotal Iraqi population ),males to females ratio is 101/100 (50.2%

    males and 49.8% females ).Thi qar population is expected to be

    1800 000 in 2007 ,crowding index in thi-qar is 130 person /km2 .

    Rural population represents 41.9% and urban population

    +58.2%.In 2005 the population below 15 years represented 43.8%

    , 15-64 years 53.9% and above 65 years 2.2 % of the total

    population .

    Industry SectorIndustry sector have an important location among another

    sector in economic development process and employment .

    Essential indicators

    1- Trans mutational and mining industry (except oil)

    The number of industrial factories :

    There are 1022 small industrial factories (5.8% of the total

    small industrial factories in Iraq). However , there was no

    intermediate industrial factories in Thi-qar governorate .

    The employee number who work in the small industrial are2929 (4.55% of the total employee in the small factories in Iraq ).

    The wages that paid to those employee are 1,763,066,000 ID

    (represented 2.6% of the total wages paid the employee of the

    small factories in Iraq ).

    Industrial factories 2004No. of factories No. of employee Salaries


    Value of production

    X 1000

    Value of all


    1022 2929 1763066 ID 21223093 ID 12549414 ID

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    Buildings :

    The central system of technologies of information prepare to

    carry out periodic surveys about building section so that to

    indicate on number of annual achieved buildings according toeconomic sectors , numbers of reconstruction permits giving to

    private sector , buildings projects of public sector , quantity and

    value of used construction material, numbers of workers , wages

    and other merits .

    Essential indicators :

    The private sector permits in 2004 in Thi-qar governorate mounted

    to (1328) permits, it constitute ( 3.4%) from the whole gained

    permits which mounted to (38687) .

    The estimated cost for permits mounted to (27.7) milliard ID , the

    rate is about (2.9) from the whole cost in Iraq mounted to

    ( 967.9) milliard ID. The new buildings permits mounted to 1033 ,

    the rate is about (3.4%) from the private sector permits mounted

    to (30583).

    The building area mounted to (0.2) million m2 .the rate

    constitute to (2.7%) from the whole area that mounted to (8.7)

    million m2 the estimated cost mounted to (24.4) milliard ID , the

    rate constitute to (902.9) from the whole cost that mounted to

    (831.3) milliard ID.

    In connection with statistics of private sector buildings , the ratemounted to (188) for new achieved buildings in Thi-qar .G.

    concluding (houses, residential , commercial, industrial buildings

    and others). The rate mounted to (2.3%) from the whole building

    that mounted to (8170) , the building area mounted to (42.1)

    thousand m2 , constitute ( 1.8%) from the whole area mounted to

    (2281) thousand m2 and the cost mounted to (4.4) milliard ID , the

    rate is (2.0%) from the whole cost that mounted to (220.6) milliard

    ID .

    in dealings with construction materials used in private sector for2004 mounted to (20.6) milliard ID, the rate is (2.0%) from the

    whole cost mounted to (1038.3) milliard ID

    The numbers of workers in private buildings sector mounted to

    (744) from the whole number that mounted to (42029) , the granted

    wages mounted to (1.5) milliard ID , the rate mounted to (1.4%)

    from Iraqi workers which their wages mounted to (109.5)milliard

    ID .

    The total cost of the private buildings in Thi-qar as 22.1 milliard

    ID .represented 1.9% of the total private buildings cost in Iraq(1148.1) milliard ID .

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    Primary schools 892 134177 95638 229815 4842 8684 13526

    Secondary schools 264 47630 26106 73736 2544 2076 4620

    Vocational schools 9 4516 640 5156 245 149 394

    Teacher institutes 10 1620 863 2483 45 40 85

    Thi-qar governorate shows the biggest percent of jobless people

    ( aged 15 years and more) among other Iraqi governorate. There is

    no significant variations in the percent of jobless people between

    urban and rural areas.

    The total number of jobless people in Thi-qar governorate reached


    Percent of jobless people aged 15 years and more (2003,2004,2005 )Year Urban Rural Total

    Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total

    2003 45.2 30.4 43.1 53.5 28.3 50.9 48.8 25.6 46.2

    2004 45.6 34.1 44.5 54.0 5.4 50.8 48.9 27.1 46.9

    2005 34.36 23.68 33.12 36.04 11.96 33.39 34.95 19.47 33.24

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    Chapter 1

    Socio economic survey for Al- Jwaiber

    SummaryThis study is a socioanthropological one , the aim

    of the study is to evaluate the social and economic status

    in Al- Jwaiber villages in Thi-qar province , south of Iraq .

    The study consists of three chapters , each of which is

    divided into sections according to a scientific , objective

    and accurate procedure .

    The first chapter , which is entitled : the general outline

    , was divided into a group of correlated items leading ,at the end , to forming a comprehensive conception about

    the problem of the study , the aims, value of the study in

    addition to the obstacles that faced this study . a

    reference has also been made to the sample and limitations

    of the study (place , time and simple of the study ) . then

    we explained the tools that have been used in the study .

    finally , a reference was made as to the mechanism or

    procedures followed by the researched in the study . The second chapter , which is entitled the social

    statusthe most important social indicators , was

    initiated by a general description of AlJwaiber tribe .

    then ,the geography and typology of the area were tackled

    including the population according to sex and age .after

    that a reference was made as to economy as a

    traditional system . the term education was also

    explained as to the efficient role it plays in the overalllife of the villagers particularly in terms of pertaining an

    incoherent and retarded social and economic system .

    after that , the study tackled the problem of emigration

    and displacement which the people of the marshes

    suffered from . This problem increased after the drying of

    these marshes in the last decade of the last century .

    The drying process affected the life of the people in terms

    of the circulation of illiteracy , poverty and aime .subsequently , an account was made of schooling and

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    necessity of the existence of a modern and developed

    educational system .later on , the dwelling and facilities

    item was discussed . the facilities (or public services )

    includes : medical care, drinking water and electric power

    . finally ,this chapter consisted of 12 figures through

    which the researchers explained the indicators of

    population , schooling , illiteracy , types and areas of

    houses , displacement and return in addition to the most

    important possessions of the families in the area .also an

    account was made , in these figures , of the way deliveries

    were handled and the medical care presented to the

    pregnant and the whole society in general .

    Chapter three is entitled as the economic indicatorsof the society under consideration . in this chapter , the

    researchers made mention of the individuals income and

    the live stock each family have .this chapter also tackled

    the strength and weakness points in the economic

    system in the villages . This system is indicative of the

    traditional system which is so common in most of the

    marshes areas and the neighboring villages. after that , a

    bundle of suggestions were made by the researchers whothink that these suggestions will be a good basis for the

    renovation of the economic system there .

    Consequently , this chapter consists of a group of figures

    through which the researchers explained the different

    living standards and sorting people according to their

    economic status and the quantity and quality of the live

    stock they have.

    Study subject

    Its a revised process and an evaluation for social

    economic status in Al- jwabier village that adherent to

    Al-Tar city about 50 km south east Nassiryah city

    center of Thi-qar . These procedures take through

    surveying samples.

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    Study objectives:

    This study aim at many achievements , we can

    summarize it :

    1-Put a comprehensive view about all social , economic, cultural circumstances for this village and the

    capability to apply the results on similar societies .

    2-Establishing an information basis about the village

    to draw up plans for any expectant developmental

    programs in mid- latest future .

    3- Distinction and specification for weakness and

    strength point in economic system for traditionalsocieties .

    4- Analysis the capabilities and local economic

    strategies in connection with local sources and kinds

    of oldnew economics .

    Significancy of the study

    This come from the importance of definite aims

    because of blundering of governmental andnongovernmental offices competed in marsh and shared

    in increase the problems in this areas which bore the

    guilt of previous dictatorial regime like emigration ,

    chase , arrests, repression , executions and the means of

    living .. etc .

    This kind of studies will setting up work in future

    during objective , scientific and precise results dependingon firm search curriculums used in most world search


    4. Difficulties of the study

    The most common difficulty that faced the

    researchers is the negative attitudes of the people under

    research. they usually do not give accurate information

    thinking that the correct information would not useful for

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    him . in addition , the survey teams are , most of the times

    , unable to do the interviews and filling the form

    properly . we have made , in advance a program which

    guarantees the formulation of items in the questionnaire

    and holding the workshops for training the researchers

    to fill the form properly and how to deal with the

    people under consideration .

    5. Sample and limitations of the study

    We have followed the sample-policy , as it were ,

    because of the difficulty of making a total numeration

    for the social , cultural and economic status for Al-

    Jwaiber villages in Al- Tar shire . the samplestyle is oneof the reliable procedure in the scientific research due

    to the reliability and reality of its results and it also saves

    time and effort . three villages of al-jwaiber tribe were

    selected . These village are : AlDawara ,Al-Aberat, Al-

    Safha and Al- Beraij .

    6. The tools of the study

    The tools of the study are represented by thequestionnaire sheet , interview and the direct scientific

    observation method. All of these methods are very

    common in the social and anthropological researches .

    the researches had distributed 100 forms . Three work-

    groups had done the mission of distributing the forms on

    the people . the three work group themselves were

    distributed on the three villages .each group was

    assigned to one village . these groups had done theirjobs successfully . these work-groups had successfully

    applied the skills they had been taught in the work shop

    held for them in the MRC.

    7. The procedure of study

    This study depended on a mechanism which is highly

    depended on in the cultural anthropology *. this study

    has been implemented by the use of the socio-

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    anthropological methods , the most important of which is

    the interview ,questionnaire sheet and the direct

    scientific observation . thenumeration of the society

    under research was done by the use of the random

    sample method.

    Among the nine village that Al- Jwaiber tribe consists

    of , only three villages were selected . these villages are :

    Al Safha and Al- Braij,al-abrat and Al-Dawara . These

    villages represent one third of the nine villages . The

    population of these villages constitute 10% of the total

    number of people for the nine villages . Although the

    three villages are situated in the eastern part of overall

    location for Al- Jwaiber tribe, they are actually disparatefrom each other. the first village occurs on the left side

    of the Euphrates on the administrational borders of Al-

    Tar shire center . The second village is parallel to the first

    and is about 3.5 km to the north east of it , on the

    right side of the road that connects Al-Tar to Al- Fuhood

    shrine . the third village is about 4.5 km and 2.5 km from

    the first and second respectively . the three village

    actually consists a triangle in which the third village isthe summit while the second and third are the extremes

    of the base .

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    Chapter two

    Social statusthe most important social indicators for

    AlJwaiber tribe

    Al-Jwaiber is a formidable tribe which consists of

    nine villages which are disparate as to their areas ,

    population and location . although each of the nine

    villages has its own name , all of them adhere to the

    general name of the tribeAl- Jwaiber . This does not

    mean that (relational system *) in this tribe is a unified

    one which is based totally on blood relationship . In fact, many people in the tribe are descendats of other tribal

    origins . This does not constitute a defect in the social

    structure ;

    on the contrary , it is a common system in most of the

    tribes that in habit the lower parts of the Euphrates in

    Thi-qar province , and even in the end of Euphrates in

    Basrah. The system is also common in all the Iraqi tribes .

    This system is called Al-Kitba . It refers to a writtenagreement between the new emigrants and the owners of

    the land that the new emigrant would like to settle in .

    This document usually specifies the rights and duties of

    the new emigrants so that they could be part and parcel

    of the tribe they made the agreement with the Euphrates

    ,before it reaches Suq Al-Shyukh city , branched to two

    rivers , the right branch is called Euphrates . Relational

    system is one of the system underlying the social structurefor any society .

    Anthropological studies depended much on the systems

    of the social structure for any society intended to be

    under research , while the second one is called al ukaika .

    the first one goes through Suq Al-Shuykh and Karmat

    Bani Saeed cities bisecting them into two parts this river

    is itself subdivided into a group of small streams that

    pours out into the marshes . The second branch flows

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    towards the south east parallel to the first bisecting many

    tribes that inhabit on its side . When this branch reaches

    Karmat Hassan it subdivides itself into two branchs or

    subdivisions . The first subdivision is called AlUkaika

    while the second one is called Karmat Hassan river . On

    the two sides of these branches and their brook , which flow

    into the marshes , and which are finally called Al- Abrat

    * ,the villages of Al-Jwaiber are situated .

    1.GeographyAdminstrationally speaking Al-Jwaiber tribe is

    associated with Al-Tar , Suq Al-Shuykh city . Some of

    the people fro Al-Jwaiber inhabit on theadministrational border of the shire taking apart

    with other tribes that also surround the shire and

    are adminstrationally associated with it . More over ,

    the borders of this tribe are themselves the borders of

    al-tar shire with other shins Karmat Bani Saeed

    ,Al-Fuhood and Al-Islah . This shows the

    importance of the geographical location of this tribe .

    it is like a triangle which separates theadministrational borders of three constituencies .

    These constituencies are al-Nassiriyah represented in

    Islah , Al-Chibaish represented in al fuhood and

    suq al-shyukh , which is represented by al- jwaiber

    tribe itself,

    * al-abrat is the plural of abra which is a local

    nomination used by the villagers in most of the south of

    Iraq . This word means the small streams that branchfrom the main rivers and vanish gradually as they flow

    for irrigating the lands , hence the name al-abrat village

    2.TypographyAll Al-Jwaiber villages occur on the out skirts of

    the marshes . the marshes cover many parts of the tribes

    lands most of the year . the villagers make use of the

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    banks of the rivers as roads for the people and vehicles(

    these banks were made as dikes by saddams government

    to dry the marshes) .sometimes , they , also use these

    banks for dwelling specially when the river water goes up

    in the flood season where the low lands are usually flooded

    with water .

    3.PopulationThe population of Al-Jwaiber , in all the nine villages

    is about (10000) people . The female percentage is a little

    bit higherthey are about ( 5250) females while the

    males are (4750) . when these people were divided into age

    groups , it was found that the group lower than 6 years, for both sexes , is about (2350) which constitutes a

    percentage of (23,5 %) while the second group which is

    limited between (6-12) years is about (2550) which

    makes (25.5 %) . the third group, limited from ( 13-18) is

    about (2100) which makes (21%) . the last group , limited

    from 19 years on , us about (3000) which makes (30%) of the

    total number of the Al-Jwaiber's population .

    4.EconomyThe people of Al-jwaiber , like all the

    neighbouring tribes , are highly influenced by the

    surrounding environment . all their economic activities

    focus on the ecological system which is the system of the

    marshes environment interconnected with and is part of

    ecological system of the neighbouring , rural area . the

    people's main vocations are agriculture raising cattle andfishing , but these vocations are practiced in a primitive

    way . That is why , the production is usually very limited

    and does not contribute , in making the over production

    which is necessary for increasing those people's wealth .

    Economic system , strength and weakness point and local

    strategies will be dealt with in details in the second

    chapter which will be assigned to the economic indicators

    in the city under discussion .

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    his life time . These include : family , neighbours ,

    companions , local community and unofficial information

    .in addition , and as we have mentioned formerly , the

    circumstances of the marshes people are very hard .

    That is because , on the other hand , the hard and tough

    marshes environment and the intentional or uninterntional

    policies of the former Iraqi government on the other . All

    these policies came to devote the catastrophe of these

    people and to increase the traditionality of their life .

    6.Emigration and displacementThe marshes people were subject to emigration and

    displacement all the last decades for many reasons . Oneof these reasons wais the excessive increase or decrease in

    the water level which will cause the loss of the source

    of living made available by water . The second reason was

    the persecutive measures made by the previous regime

    which made people migrate . It goes without saying that

    migration has bad effects which lead to poverty family

    rupture , education retrogress and the circulation of

    diseases and crime .

    7.SchoolingSchooling is one of the most important routes for the

    socialization of any society in the world . The inferior

    educational system in the villages under consideration

    has made the socialization traditional and unproductive

    .The schooling retrogress in these areas has many reasons .The first and most important of which is the reduction

    of the social awareness that does not consider school as

    a necessary place for developing the individuals . the

    second reason is the declining of the schools in the south

    of Iraq in general and the marshes area in particular .

    These schools are short of suitable buildings ,equipment

    and adequate staff necessary for making successful

    schools . Hence , the horrible increase of the illiteracy

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    level among these people .the percentage of the illiteracy

    among the house holders is (43%) while the percentage

    of the literate householders is (25%) . the percentage of

    those who have finished the primary school is (23%)

    while those who finished the secondary school (or the

    college) constitute only (2%) . The research realize the

    importance of the existence of an educated father in the

    family , hence we realize , by the same token , the extent of

    the cultural problem result from the above percentages.

    This problem is reflected on the overall life of those

    people and on all the activities they do in their life .

    As for the offspring , the percentage of illiteracy is 26%

    while the percentage of those who still study in theprimary stage is 31% .the percentage of those who study

    in the intermediate stage is (4.6%) while those at the

    secondary school are only (1%) . These figures suggest the

    following :

    1.The horrible amount of escape from schools .2.The influence of the people's traditions on

    coeducation . the females are forced after a shorttime from their study , to leave the school at the

    early stages of learning . so , at best , they finish the

    primary stage only .

    In this research we neglected the age groups below six

    years , that will make it easier for the reader to under

    stand the significance of the other percentage for the

    other age groups .

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    fig.(2) percentages of males and females in Al

    guber trip(9 villages).




    es males

    fig.(3)percentage of males and females of

    youngs in the Al jueber(3 villages).






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    fig.(5) groups age for population of Al jueber

    trip (10000 persons).





    under 6 years


    19)more than 19


    fig.(4) groups of age for the head families.








    (31-more than 55



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    fig.(6) state of the education for

    head families.





    23% read and write




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    fig.(7) total area for houses (sq.m)




    15% (201-(301-






    Fig.(8): Date of Return to Al-Juaber

    Village(100Families) in the lastv

    tenth years(1997-2006).











    No. of Years


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    Fig(9): Percentage of Houses















    Houses Equipments


    Houses ContentRefrigerator

    Houses Content TV

    Houses ContentCooler

    Houses ContentCooker

    Houses Content AirCondition

    Fig.(10): Materials using in Houses


    Blook and







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    8- Dwelling and services


    The slender incomes mentioned above bring out the real value

    of the consumer services that the people of the villages can get ,

    like education , medical care , etc . by the same token , the life-style for those people , i.e , raising cattle and poultry , reflected

    clearly on the nature of their habitation , the quarter of the

    people were like separate houses consisting of a barn for the

    animals . The people who preferred to live in separate quarters are

    41% . It is also worth mentioning that 66% of the families under

    survey live in mud houses, while 4% live in houses built of reed .

    A for those who live in houses built of brick , they constitute only

    30% of the total number of the sample .

    The number of rooms in these house varies from one houseto another , those whose house consist of one or two rooms are

    45% ,those whose house consist of three or four rooms constitute

    44% of the total number . The percentage of those house comprise

    of five or six room was only 11% . It is worth reminding that

    the average number of family members for the people under

    research is more than (8) members .

    B-Medical care

    Regarding the medical care , which is a must for any process of

    development ( the medical care is particularly important for

    developing the human who constitute the working hands ) , it is not

    actually available in the specified villages ,the people in all these

    villages have to drive for over half an hour to hit the closest

    clinic , they also have to drive for an hour and a half to reach the

    closest hospital .

    It is worth mentioning that most of the deliveries in these

    villages are done by a local midwife ; the percentage of such

    deliveries is 65.6% , he percentage of the deliveries which weredone by obstetrician is 23% , he percentage of the deliveries done

    by a legalized midwife is 10.4%,most of these deliveries were not

    being taken care of during pregnancy .

    C-Drinking water

    As far as drinking water and drainage system are concerned

    , the lack of drinking water is a problem by itself. To make this

    water available , the native of these villages spend much of their

    slender incomes. Drinking water is brought from remotepurification station ,the drainage networks are also nonexistent . it is

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    worth saying that great emphasis was made in relation to the

    installation of desalination stations and drainage networks for all

    the people ,these demands were made in many world conferences

    and forum since the beginning of the nineties of the last century .

    D- Electricity

    The availability , distribution and cheapness of the power have a

    great influence on supporting the economic and social

    development especially the rural and remote areas.

    The time of providing electricity for the fore-mentioned

    villages does not exceed (9.2) hour daily ,even the electric connection

    does not contribute to supplying these villages with enough power .

    As such , life in these villages does not improve through furnishing

    with lights or the use of power in the agricultural production orthe agricultural industry . the shortage of power contributed also

    to the increase of migration from the countryside to the city . In

    addition, most of the electric networks are incapable of meeting

    the cumulative demand for electricity ,this demand is expected to

    be even more cumulative in the few next years because of the

    rapid increase in the population .

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    Chapter 3Socio-economic indicators of Al-Jwaiber villages

    IntroductionPoverty can be ascribed many complex and multi-

    dimensional reasons. These reasons include : education , climate ,

    sex , age and available resources in addition to many other

    reasons . There is a great diversity between all the poor in the

    countryside concerning the problems they are facing and the

    possible solution for such problems . On the other hand , there is

    a complete consent that the political and economic stability and

    the existence of state investments in the economic and social

    infra -structures are important prerequisites for achievingconstant economic growth and the reduction of poverty in the

    rural areas .

    Moreover, and because of the great ignorance of the poor villagers

    with economy , public policies should focus on important affairs

    such as making available the agrarian lands and credit for the

    poor and making it easy for them to obtain education , medical

    care and other food requirements which could be done by

    carefully designed program for public employment .

    In order to understand poverty , we must study the

    accompanying economic and social situation . this is so because

    the diversity of the levels of poverty is affected by sex , age ,

    income and the place of living (rural and urban areas ). The

    percentage of poverty in the countryside is about 63% on the

    world's level. The poor in the countryside face much worse

    conditions than the poor in the cities concerning consumption ,

    education , medical care drinking water , health facilities , housing

    , transportation and communications . as a matter of fact the

    improper governmental policies , like the perspective treatment of

    the agrarian section and disregard for the infra-structures (socialand economic ) , have contributed a lot to the circulation of

    poverty in the country - side and city on a bar .

    This study pays a great attention to estimating the economic

    and social situation for some of the villages in Al-Jwaiber tribe

    ( Al-Dawara, Al-Braij, Al-Safha and Al-Abra ) in Al-Tar shire .

    the standards of living in these villages descended to a great

    extent through a long period of time . This descendence of the

    standards of living was accompanied with a state of

    backwardness in all the fields : the limitedness of production ,

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    According to figure (14) also , the percentage of the well- todo

    families is 18% where as the percentage of the in between

    families (neither poor nor rich) is 17% .

    Regarding the consumer goods these families have , 43% of

    them were registered to have a fridge . those who have a water

    based air conditioner were only 31% , those who have a cook

    stove were 16% , no family was registered to have an air

    conditioner ( AC) .


    Raising livestock is ,at a large scale, the most common

    occupation for the residents of the villages , unfortunately the nativeof these villages depend on the roving pasturage . This type of

    pasturage is improper because it is difficult to look after the cattle

    while it is moving . The animals are also more liable to stress,

    diseases and the decrease of the growth average because of the

    servers climatic conditions in the area. The grazing lands are by

    themselves not so grassy and are usually neglected and misused .

    The modern techniques in raising cattle are so limited . The.

    villagers are also more interested in increasing the number of the

    animals than increasing their production in terms of meat , milk

    and wool.

    As shown in figure 15 , the number of the livestock being

    possessed by the locals of the villages under consideration is (657).

    Sheep constitute 53.1% with 48 males and 301 females of which there

    are 221 producing milk. As for bovine, they constitute 30.7% of the

    total number of animals. The number of calves is (34) while the

    number of cows is (168) of which (86) produce milk. Regarding

    buffalo ,the percentage was 11.6% with(8) males and (66) females of

    which there are (34) produce milk. Finally, the percentage of goatsis 4.9% with (6) males and(26) females of which there are 23

    milkers .

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    Fig 15 : Number of animals in the studied village

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    Weakness points in the economic system

    In the Previous chapters ,we discuss the issues which

    form the whole frame of the people social , cultural andeconomic life . We face real problems in the socioeconomic

    system of the studied area , these problems include :

    - the illiteracy among different age groups .- the spread of traditional ideas that play an essential

    role in people convictions .

    - the obvious absence of services .- the spread of poverty as a result of unemployment and

    low wages.

    - The existence of barren , anarchist as well as thewhole economic system depend on fragile elements .

    The compelling circumstances that causing by economic

    blockade specially in 1991-1997 lead to crush most of

    these restrictions , there are great available capabilities at

    this society , the youth provide the greatest share that

    contribute in successful economic and industrial projects

    establishing at the regions contain many laborers in

    addition to need to straighten through professional

    administrative and financial training . We must find

    opportunity for education for both sexes with establishing

    qualitative courses and train the people in harmony with

    establishing projects coincide with it .

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    QuestionnaireType of the house:

    Bricks mud reed others ( numbers of units in each type):

    Date of marriage:Family size :






    Other family members (Sons and daughters ) :














    AnimalsMilk producing







    Time require to reaches the health centre ( hours )

    Time require to reaches the main hospital ( hours )

    No. of parturitions by medical aid :

    Type of aid ( physician , physician assistant , nurse )

    The availability of primary health care during pregnancy:

    Yes No

    No. of children /family (6-15 years) joint the school : Males Females

    No . of family members read and write

    Males Females

    No. of those complete the education

    Males Females

    Are there clean drinking water

    Yes No

    Is the drinking water reaches the house or it taken from desalination stations

    Is the electricity supply stable?

    Yes No

    The period of electricity supply to the house ( hour / day)

    Income of family ( I D / month)

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    Is the family income sufficient for its requirements?

    Yes No

    Can the family cover the urgent demand (100 000 ID)

    Yes No

    Is the house contains Refrigerator Yes No

    TV Yes No

    Air conditioner Yes No

    Air cooler Yes No

    Cook stove Yes No

    Cloths washing machine Yes No

    Are you: rich fair poor

    If an international organization built houses for you, what are the types of

    houses preferred by you?

    What are the services needed in these houses:

    Electricity Drinking water

    Heavy water swage


    Health services


