20 Huntly Street, Aberdeen A Parish of the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust, a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122 Readings at Mass - Palm Sunday - Year C www.stmaryscathedralaberdeen.org“I 20th March, 2016 Palm Sunday Year C Sunday 11.15am Mass Entrance Hymn 113 All glory, laud and honour Offertory 487 My song is love unknown Communion choir Jesu, rex admirabilis Recessional 593 Ride on, ride on majesty Meditaon With the children of the Hebrews the Church parcipates today in the triumph of Christ. He enters the holy city, Jerusalem, to pass from this world to his Father. The passion narraves which are read on this Sunday form without a doubt the primive heart of our gospels. There are many concerns which converge around these simple but dramac stories. They influence the manner of recounng the passion. In the care taken to show that Chrisanity had nothing to do with a criminal or rebellious movement, the evangelists highlight both the plot which results in the death of Jesus and the innocence of the Saviour crucified for sinners. They also demonstrate to Israel how this death fulfilled the scriptures, accomplished in the central event of the passion and in the details of its unfolding. The historical inseron of the crucifixion into the celebraon of the Jewish Passover is decisive for Chrisans. Jesus replaced the immolaon of the paschal lamb with the sacrifice of a new covenant. In addion to these apologec and theological concerns, the evangelists proposed Jesus as a model of humility, of prayer, of endurance, of suffering. In these virtues which perfected the humanity of Jesus, the Church had much to learn. The passion narraves are not reduced to a mere recitaon of episodes. Marked by the personality of each evangelist, they present an undivided history in which the assaults of evil, carried to their heights in Jesus' passion, are rendered powerless by God. Entrance Anphon Cf. Jn 12: 1, 12-13; Ps 23: 9-10 Six days before the Passover, when the Lord came into the city of Jerusalem, the children ran to meet him; in their hands they carried palm branches and with a loud voice cried out: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy! O gates, li high your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Let him enter, the king of glory! Who is this king of glory? He, the Lord of hosts, he is the king of glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy! Collect Almighty ever-living God, who as an example of humility for the human race to follow caused our Saviour to take flesh and submit to the Cross, graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of paent suffering and so merit a share in his Resurrecon. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. First reading Isaiah 50:4-7 The Lord has given me a disciple’s tongue. So that I may know how to reply to the wearied he provides me with speech. Each morning he wakes me to hear, to listen like a disciple. The Lord has opened my ear. For my part, I made no resistance, neither did I turn away. I offered my back to those who struck me, my cheeks to those who tore at my beard; I did not cover my face against insult and spile. The Lord comes to my help, so that I am untouched by the insults. So, too, I set my face like flint; I know I shall not be shamed. Psalm Psalm 21:8-9,17-20,23-24 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? All who see me deride me. They curl their lips, they toss their heads. ‘He trusted in the Lord, let him save him; let him release him if this is his friend.’ R. Many dogs have surrounded me, a band of the wicked beset me. They tear holes in my hands and my feet I can count every one of my bones. R. They divide my clothing among them. They cast lots for my robe. O Lord, do not leave me alone, my strength, make haste to help me! R. I will tell of your name to my brethren and praise you where they are assembled. ‘You who fear the Lord give him praise; all sons of Jacob, give him glory. Revere him, Israel’s sons. R. Second reading Philippians 2:6-11 His state was divine, yet Christ Jesus did not cling to his equality with God but emped himself to assume the condion of a slave and became as men are; and being as all men are, he was humbler yet, even to accepng death, death on a cross. But God raised him high and gave him the name which is above all other names so that all beings in the heavens, on earth and in the underworld, should bend the knee at the name of Jesus and that every tongue should acclaim Jesus Christ as Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Gospel Acclamaon Phil2:8-9 Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory! Christ was humbler yet, even to accepng death, death on a cross. But God raised him high and gave him the name which is above all names. Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory! Communion Anphon Mt 26: 42 Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my drinking it, your will be done. Prayer aer Communion Nourished with these sacred gis, we humbly beseech you, O Lord, that, just as through the death of your Son you have brought us to hope for what we believe, so by his Resurrecon you may lead us to where you call. Through Christ our Lord.

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20 Huntly Street, Aberdeen

A Parish of the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust, a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122

Readings at Mass - Palm Sunday - Year C


20th March, 2016 • Palm Sunday • Year C

Sunday 11.15am Mass

Entrance Hymn 113 All glory, laud and honour

Offertory 487 My song is love unknown

Communion choir Jesu, rex admirabilis

Recessional 593 Ride on, ride on majesty

Medita�on With the children of the Hebrews the Church par+cipates today in the triumph of Christ.

He enters the holy city, Jerusalem, to pass from this world to his Father. The passion

narra+ves which are read on this Sunday form without a doubt the primi+ve heart of our

gospels. There are many concerns which converge around these simple but drama+c

stories. They influence the manner of recoun+ng the passion. In the care taken to show

that Chris+anity had nothing to do with a criminal or rebellious movement, the

evangelists highlight both the plot which results in the death of Jesus and the innocence

of the Saviour crucified for sinners. They also demonstrate to Israel how this

death fulfilled the scriptures, accomplished in the central event of the passion and

in the details of its unfolding. The historical inser+on of the crucifixion into the

celebra+on of the Jewish Passover is decisive for Chris+ans. Jesus replaced the

immola+on of the paschal lamb with the sacrifice of a new covenant. In addi+on to

these apologe+c and theological concerns, the evangelists proposed Jesus as a model

of humility, of prayer, of endurance, of suffering. In these virtues which perfected the

humanity of Jesus, the Church had much to learn. The passion narra+ves are not

reduced to a mere recita+on of episodes. Marked by the personality of each evangelist,

they present an undivided history in which the assaults of evil, carried to their heights in

Jesus' passion, are rendered powerless by God.

Entrance An�phon

Cf. Jn 12: 1, 12-13; Ps 23: 9-10

Six days before the Passover,

when the Lord came into the city of Jerusalem,

the children ran to meet him;

in their hands they carried palm branches

and with a loud voice cried out:

Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!

O gates, li: high your heads;

grow higher, ancient doors.

Let him enter, the king of glory!

Who is this king of glory?

He, the Lord of hosts, he is the king of glory.

Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!


Almighty ever-living God,

who as an example of humility for the human race to follow

caused our Saviour to take flesh and submit to the Cross,

graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of pa+ent suffering

and so merit a share in his Resurrec+on.

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.

First reading

Isaiah 50:4-7

The Lord has given me

a disciple’s tongue.

So that I may know how to reply to the wearied

he provides me with speech.

Each morning he wakes me to hear,

to listen like a disciple.

The Lord has opened my ear.

For my part, I made no resistance,

neither did I turn away.

I offered my back to those who struck me,

my cheeks to those who tore at my beard;

I did not cover my face

against insult and spi?le.

The Lord comes to my help,

so that I am untouched by the insults.

So, too, I set my face like flint;

I know I shall not be shamed.


Psalm 21:8-9,17-20,23-24

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

All who see me deride me.

They curl their lips, they toss their heads.

‘He trusted in the Lord, let him save him;

let him release him if this is his friend.’ R.

Many dogs have surrounded me,

a band of the wicked beset me.

They tear holes in my hands and my feet

I can count every one of my bones. R.

They divide my clothing among them.

They cast lots for my robe.

O Lord, do not leave me alone,

my strength, make haste to help me! R.

I will tell of your name to my brethren

and praise you where they are assembled.

‘You who fear the Lord give him praise;

all sons of Jacob, give him glory.

Revere him, Israel’s sons. R.

Second reading

Philippians 2:6-11

His state was divine,

yet Christ Jesus did not cling

to his equality with God

but emp+ed himself

to assume the condi+on of a slave

and became as men are;

and being as all men are,

he was humbler yet,

even to accep+ng death,

death on a cross.

But God raised him high

and gave him the name

which is above all other names

so that all beings

in the heavens, on earth and in the underworld,

should bend the knee at the name of Jesus

and that every tongue should acclaim

Jesus Christ as Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

Gospel Acclama�on


Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!

Christ was humbler yet,

even to accep+ng death, death on a cross.

But God raised him high

and gave him the name which is above all names.

Praise to you, O Christ, king of eternal glory!

Communion An�phon

Mt 26: 42

Father, if this chalice cannot pass without my drinking it,

your will be done.

Prayer a/er Communion

Nourished with these sacred gi:s,

we humbly beseech you, O Lord,

that, just as through the death of your Son

you have brought us to hope for what we believe,

so by his Resurrec+on

you may lead us to where you call.

Through Christ our Lord.

Deanery & Diocese F012345 67 G64

A new group run by Bishop Hugh at 7pm on

Thursdays from his home for singles between 30

& 40 who want to deepen their faith within a

circle of friends: Prayer, discussions and food.

B1596: H<=9’5 L23@23 R27B2C@1635

Bishop Hugh is publishing a video reflec+on each

week for your edifica+on on YouTube.com.

Congratula�ons to Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB who is celebra�ng the 40th anniversary of his profession as a monk at Pluscarden Abbey.


WLBM 67 @92 C0655

You are invited to take part in

a silent Walk of the Cross

star+ng at the Cathedral at 6

am. The cross will be carried in

procession to Kincorth Hill for

a short act of devo+on.

WLBM 67 W1@3255

This ecumenical urban pilgrimage will commence

at 11.30am at St Andrew’s Cathedral, King Street,

and pray a sta+on at various city churches.

T92 AO204223 PL55163 2016

A Light Undimmed: Saturday 26th March from

2:30 to 7:30 p.m., in AECC to performance, +cket

£10 available exclusively from



Thank you so much, for suppor+ng SCIAF’S

Lenten Appeal, and especially for

your generosity in contribu+ng to

the second collec+on. Your

prayers, dona+ons and ac+ons

make a real and las+ng difference

to families like Carfi’s.

Please return your WEE BOXES before Mass on

3rd April - Divine Mercy Sunday - and join us in

prayer during Holy Week for a joyful Easter.

U0=23@BT—L66M13= 760 L J6O

Could help me in my difficult situa+on. My

husband has recently lost a job. We have a small

child & I am looking for work as a cleaner, carer,

cook or any other simple job which would give

me some income. It can be on a one-off basis, or

an a regular basis. I am mostly available in the

evenings as we have a 3 year-old son. Contact

Krys+na: [email protected]

www.stmaryscathedralaberdeen.org VVV.stmaryscathedralaberdeen.org

Mass Inten�on Envelopes

At the back of the Church. Print details and post through Clergy House le?er box.

It may not always be possible for Mass to be celebrated on your preferred date or at the Cathedral itself.

Recommended offering for each Mass is £5.

Sunday 11:15 Mass is normally reserved for the Administrator’s or Bishop’s Inten+ons for the Parish or Diocese

St Mary’s Cathedral - Aberdeen AB10 1SH Sunday 20th March, 2016

Cathedral News Clergy & Staff

Administrator: Fr. Keith Herrera

01224 640 160

[email protected]

Assistant Priest: Fr. Tomasz Klin 07402 099 944

(Polish Chaplain) [email protected]

Deacon: Deacon Tony Schmitz

[email protected]

St Andrew 07754 891 808

Community: [email protected]

Safeguarding: Fiona Mitchell 07905 265194

[email protected]

More informa+on: Parish website or


Music Director: Shelagh Noden

[email protected]

Shop Manager: Barbara Mearns

[email protected]

Parish Office

Telephone: 01224 640 160

Manager: Robin Harding

[email protected]

Secretary: Cowan Watson

[email protected]

Finance/Gi/ Aid:John Costello [email protected]

Bulle�n: [email protected] No+ces to be in by Tuesday evening

Hall Bookings: [email protected] Call between 9am & 1pm only Terms & Condi+ons see Parish website

Liturgical Ministries

Head Sacristan: Jacqueline Armstrong [email protected]

Readers: Fiona Mitchell [email protected]

Euch. Ministers: John MacKinnon 07926 628 941 [email protected]

Welcomers: Gordon Webster 01224 592 246 webster200@b+nternet.com

Collectors: Diego Mejias Morffe 07960 325 046 [email protected]

Altar Servers: George Brand [email protected]

Flowers: Pixie Mather 01224 321 953


Rosary: Saturdays 10.30pm

Confessions: Tuesdays 6pm Saturdays 10.30am & 6pm

Adora�on: 7am to 7pm Monday to Wednesday 7am to 9pm Thursday to Saturday

Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 7.30am Saturdays 9.40am

Evening Prayer: Thursdays 6.30pm

Night Prayer: Thursdays 8.30pm

Housebound? John MacKinnon (See above) To arrange communion visits

Coeliacs: Please speak to a member of the clergy before Mass to arrange communion

Feeding Priests: Yi-Pei Chou [email protected]

Sunday Coffees: Aneta Sieminska 07415 321 792

NFP Margaret Hammond 07891 358 114 [email protected]

Children to be accompanied to toilet by parent or guardian

‘Real’ Coffee



Mon Mother & Toddler Group For parents with young children Main Hall from 10.30-12.30pm Contact: Yi-pei Chou [email protected] Credo Community Mee�ng Polish charisma+c prayer group. Main Hall at 7.30pm . Contact: Fr Tomasz Klin SJ

Tue Magnificat Prayer Group Lower Hall a:er Mass Contact: Paul Akagwu 07874 745 644

St. Vincent de Paul Feeding the homeless Contact: Evelyn Murray

Wed Light Exercise Class for all Main Hall at 10:00am Contact: Laura Walker 0777 3 021 851 [email protected]

Seniors Club Speakers, fun & fellowship Main Hall at 2 pm every 2 weeks Contact: Winnie on 01224 632 465.

African Choir For Africans and anyone else. Upper Hall from 6 - 8.00pm Contact: Patricia Malikebu 07891 714 549

Thu Healing of Memories Prayer for the healing of painful memories of the past to bring peace to the present. Clergy House at 2.30pm (by appointment) Contact: Deacon Tony

Legion of Mary Members serve the Church as needed Lower Hall at 5.30pm Contact: Nogie Osula [email protected]

Cenacolo Prayer Group Exposi+on & Rosary praying for healing of those with addic+ons Church a:er Mass Contact: Liam Sharkey 07774 931 996 [email protected]

Band Prac�ce Contemporary music for Sunday 6pm Mass Upper Hall a:er Mass Contact: Michael Thomson [email protected]

Fri Our Lady of Aberdeen Prayer Group Rosary & praise in song and word Chapter Room from 1.30 - 2.30pm Contact: Teresa Coyne 07901 851 526

Altar Servers’ Prac�ce Church from 6.00 to 7.00pm Contact: [email protected] (Simon)

Youth Groups For teenagers between 11 & 17 Upper Hall 7pm to 9pm Contact: St. Andrew’s Community 07754 891 808 [email protected]

Sat Church Cleaning Church at 10.30am Contact: Joyce Webster 01224 319 154

Saturday Club

Informal social gathering, includes prayer

Main Hall from 4pm to 7pm

Contact: Aneta Sieminska 07415 321 792

African Choir (As above) Upper Hall from 6 - 8.00pm

Weekly Calendar

Sun 11:15 Choir Leading the music for 11.15 Sunday Mass Upper Hall 10.00am Contact: Shelagh Noden

Please take me home

Mass Times Date Details Service Time Mass Inten�ons

Sun 20th Palm Sunday Mass

Polish Mass

Solemn Mass

Polish Mass

Youth Mass








Markene Mitchell RIP

For the Diocese

Parish Inten�ons

Mon 21st Monday of Holy week





Tue 22nd Tuesday of Holy week





Wed 23rd Wednesday of Holy week





Giuseppe Giambfrarimo RIP

Thu 24th Maundy Thursday

Mass of the Lord’s

Supper 7.00pm

Fri 25th Good Friday Cel. of Passion 3.00pm

Sat 26th Holy Saturday Office of Readings

Morning Prayer

Easter Food Blessing

The Easter Vigil



12 - 2pm


Sun 27th Easter Sunday Mass

Polish Mass

Solemn Mass

Polish Mass







Parish Inten�ons

For the Diocese

Gerald Francis O’Neil RIP

O7720@60T: £1,876.70 P6B159: £1,475.50

P0LT20 M1315@0T

“Pray for each other so that you may

be healed” (James 5:16)

Trained prayer teams are now available

a:er the 11.15am and 6pm Masses to pray with

anyone who would like to receive, not only the

benefit of prayer, but of hearing and experiencing

the prayer. This can be a moment of profound

encounter with God.

C6__<31@T M2LB 760 @92 H6_2B255

Our Cathedral Parish is hos+ng a meal for the

homeless once a month.

If you would like to donate

grocery items, volunteer, or

make a financial dona+on to

help with this project, please

contact the St Andrew


D251=3 L B2L04 F<340L1513=

Fr. Keith will shave his beard to raise funds for:

• World Youth Day & Youth Ac+vi+es (50%)

• Parish Renova+on Fund (50%)

Design a Beard for £5 The designs will then be


Then vote for your favourite

design (£1 per vote: The more

money, the more votes!). Fr.

Keith will wear it for a week. (no

colours … sorry) +ll the beard is


See the leaflet at the back of the church on which

you can sketch your design.

CL@9240LB B66M5 a G17@ S96: B&&' &( )*+ M&,)*: £2.50

Sta+ons of the cross by Pope Francis

Gospels of Mercy: 12 Steps to the Love of God

BB25513= 67 F664 760 F105@ M2LB 67 EL5@20 (ŚV1dC63ML)

The custom of

blessing food for

Easter arose from

the discipline of

fas+ng throughout

Lent and the special

Easter fast during

the Easter Triduum.

Easter was the first day when meat, eggs, and other

foods could again be eaten & the tradi+on of

blessing food for the first meal of Easter is s+ll


The food is brought to the church in a basket, lined

with an embroidered cloth and covered with a

white linen cloth represen+ng the shroud of Christ.

S@ V13C23@ 42 PL<B 13/03/16

Box Collec+on: £168.18

Dona+ons: £30.00, £30.00, £20.00

Expenditure: £138.23

Our grateful thanks for your support.

Cathedral Youth

Fridays 7pm to 9pm

Upper Hall

A youth group for teens

aged 11-13

A t S t . M a r y ’ s C a t h e d r a l

S@ ML0T’5 S231605 CB<O

Next mee+ng: Wednesday 23rd March at

2.00pm in the Main Hall.

Ki?y McDonald will be leading us in an

a:ernoon of reminiscences.

Do you remember Aberdeen as it was

when you were a child? Ki?y will remind

us of many long gone places etc..

Its always a delighLul a:ernoon with a

great speaker.

All welcome

Contact Winnie on 01224 632465

SC022324 ML55

We have a High Defini+on

video link to the hall.

Please use it, especially

when the children be-

come restless.

O7720@60T E3e2B6:25

For those parishioners who use

’Offertory Envelopes’: your new enve-

lopes are at the back of the church.

Fridays 7pm to 9pm

Upper Hall

A youth group for teens

aged 14-17