16th assignment (2020-21) std - 3 subject- english date - 19 ...16th assignment (2020-21) std - 3...

16th Assignment (2020-21) Std - 3 subject- English Date - 19/08/2020 Do the given assignment in your English notebook. Lesson - 7 The Seven Snowmen Words to learn 1. trek 8. refused 2. shelter 9. crashed 3. basement 10. pebbles 4. trapdoor 11. upturned 5. rescued 12. hearty 6. disappearing 13. whirring 7. screamed 14. cables Word meaning 1. trek = a long journey on foot 2. shelter = a place that is safe from danger, rain and so on 3. basement = a room below the ground 4. trapdoor = a small door in the floor, leading to an underground room 5. hopeless = feeling that nothing good will happen 6. rescued = saved 7. pebbles = small, smooth stones, usually found near a river 8. upturned = upside -down 9. hearty = (for food) in large amount 10. cables = very strong thick ropes or wires Make sentences 1. shelter - The soldier took shelter in a cave. 2. basement - I was in the basement when the doorbell rang. 3. hopeless - Never be hopeless. 4. pebbles - I have different colourful pebbles. 5. cables - The truck used cables to drag the car. Answer these questions. Q.1. Why did the seven people feel hopeless? Ans: The seven people felt hopeless because they failed to draw the attention of the rescue team who came by helicopter. Q.2. What did the men decide to do? Why did they do so? Ans: The men decided to take turns waiting outside the house, if the helicopter came looking for them again.

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Page 1: 16th Assignment (2020-21) Std - 3 subject- English Date - 19 ...16th Assignment (2020-21) Std - 3 subject- English Date - 19/08/2020 Do the given assignment in your English notebook

16th Assignment (2020-21) Std - 3 subject- English Date - 19/08/2020 Do the given assignment in your English notebook. Lesson - 7 The Seven Snowmen Words to learn 1. trek 8. refused 2. shelter 9. crashed 3. basement 10. pebbles 4. trapdoor 11. upturned 5. rescued 12. hearty 6. disappearing 13. whirring 7. screamed 14. cables Word meaning 1. trek = a long journey on foot 2. shelter = a place that is safe from danger, rain and so on 3. basement = a room below the ground 4. trapdoor = a small door in the floor, leading to an underground room 5. hopeless = feeling that nothing good will happen 6. rescued = saved 7. pebbles = small, smooth stones, usually found near a river 8. upturned = upside -down 9. hearty = (for food) in large amount 10. cables = very strong thick ropes or wires Make sentences 1. shelter - The soldier took shelter in a cave. 2. basement - I was in the basement when the doorbell rang. 3. hopeless - Never be hopeless. 4. pebbles - I have different colourful pebbles. 5. cables - The truck used cables to drag the car. Answer these questions. Q.1. Why did the seven people feel hopeless? Ans: The seven people felt hopeless because they failed to draw the attention of the rescue team who came by helicopter. Q.2. What did the men decide to do? Why did they do so? Ans: The men decided to take turns waiting outside the house, if the helicopter came looking for them again.

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Q.3. Why did the men suffer? How did the children help them? Ans: The men suffered because of colds and stiff joints. The children helped them out in small ways by making tea, chopping vegetables and tidying up the basement. Q.4. How did Jiya, Om and Alka enjoy themselves in the snow? Ans: Jiya, Om and Alka enjoyed themselves by packing the snow as if making ladoos. They threw them up in the air and watched in delight as they crashed to the ground. Q.5. How did Jiya make a snowman? Ans Jiya made a snowman by placing one ball on another. She used pebbles for the eyes, a twig for the nose and shaped a smile with little stones. Q.6. Who offered to help Dinesh ? What happened as a result of that? Ans: Jiya offered to help Dinesh . As a result of that Jiya slept near the window and the helicopter was flying away from them.

Learn the poem A Frog in a Well of your course book page no - 41 Draw and colour the National Flag in your English notebook.

Learn and write the given composition in your English notebook. "Independence Day"

1. We celebrate Independence Day on 15th August every year. 2. On this day, India got freedom from the British rule in 1947. 3. It is our national festival. 4. The Prime Minister unfurls the National Flag at the Red Fort and addresses the nation on this occasion. 5. Patriotic songs are sung and all pay homage to the freedom fighters. 6. People celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. 7. All schools, offices, societies and colleges celebrate this day by organizing various cultural events. 8. This celebration reminds us about the importance of freedom and our responsibilities towards the country. __________________________X______________________X_____________________X_____________________________

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विशेष कायय(16)

विषय- हहदी (2020-21)

कक्षा –तीसरी


पाठ-9 चंदा मामा और हम

ददए गए शब्दों के ऄथय ऄपनी कॉपी में विवखए ।

ऄनोखा - ऄद्भुत

प्रकाश - रोशनी

न्यारा - वबिकुि ऄिग

चााँदनी - चंद्रमा का प्रकाश

वबखराता - फैिाता

प्र1 ईवचत्र विकल्प पर सही(√)का वचन्ह िगाआए ।

1) चंद्रमा हमें बडा क्यों ददखाइ देता ह ै?

क िह अकार में बडा ह ै।

ख िह धरती के ऄवधक पास ह ै।(√)

ग िह धरती से ऄवधक दरू ह ै।

2) चंद्रमा के बडा ददखाइ दनेे तथा तारों के छोटे ददखाइ दनेे के क्या कारण ह ै?

क चंद्रमा धरती से दरू तथा तारे धरती से वनकट हैं ।

ख चंद्रमा अकार में बडा तथा तारे अकार में छोटे होते हैं ।

ग चंद्रमा धरती के पास तथा तारे धरती से दरू हैं ।(√)

3) चंद्रमा हमेशा एक ही रूप में क्यों नहीं रहता ?

क धरती चंद्रमा के चारों तरफ घूमती ह ै।

ख चंद्रमा धरती के चारों तरफ घूमता ह ै।(√)

ग चंद्रमा घटता बढ़ता रहता ह ै।

4) चंद्रमा को धरती का चक्कर िगाने में दकतने ददनों का समय िग जाता ह ै?

क 27 ददन , 7 घंटे , 43 वमनट और 11:47 सेकंड(√)

ख 27 ददन , 9 घंटे , 40 वमनट और 11 सेकंड

ग 27 ददन , 9 घंटे , 40 वमनट और 11: 47 सेकें ड

5) चंद्रमा दकससे रोशनी प्राप्त करता ह ै?

क तारों स े

ख धरती से

ग सूयय से(√)

प्र3 वनम्नविवखत सही िाक्यों में सही (√) तथा गित िाक्यों में गित (X ) का वनशान िगाआए ।

क दादी जी न ेबच्चों को कहानी सुनाइ ।(X)

ख चंद्रमा धरती का चक्कर िगाता ह ै।(√)

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ग चंद्रमा सूयय और तारों से रोशनी िेता ह ै।(X)

घ चंद्रमा पर रात को गमी होती ह ै।(X)

ङ चंद्रमा का प्रकाश िािा भाग घटता - बढ़तााा रहता ह ै।(√)

च चंद्रमा हम सबका मामा नहीं कहिाता ह ै।( X)

प्र4 ददए गए बॉक्स से ईवचत शब्द छााँटकर कर ररक्त स्थानों की पूर्तत कीवजए।

[ चंद्रमा , चााँद , तारे , गमी , मामा , सदी , प्रकाश ]

क अज मैं तुम्हें चंद्रमा के बारे में जानकारी दूाँगा ।

ख हमें चााँद और तारे ददखाइ दतेे हैं।

ग िहााँ ददनों में बहुत गरमी होती ह ैऔर रात में बहुत सदी ।

घ चंद्रमा के प्रकाश िािा भाग घटता - बढ़ता रहता ह ै।

ड) चंद्रमा को बचे्च मामा कह कर पुकारते हैं ।

प्र5 वनम्नविवखत शब्दों के समान ऄथय िािे शब्द विवखए ।

पानी - जि

रात - रावत्र

धरती - धरा

शीशा - दपयण

हिा - पिन

चक्कर – घुमाि

प्र6 आन्हें पदढ़ए, समवझए तथा हिग बदविए ।

दादा - दादी

राजा - रानी

बेटा - बेटी

राजकुमार - राजकुमारी

िडका - िडकी

मामा – मामी

गृह कायय - दियाकिाप पृष्ठ संख्या 83 प्रश्न 1 और 2

ऄभ्यास पवुस्तका (ददए गए सभी ऄभ्यास कायय ऄपन ेऄभ्यास पवुस्तका में करें )

प्रश्न1 ऄनुच्छेद को पढ़कर प्रश्नों के ईवचत विकल्प पर सही (√) का वनशान िगाआए ।

“नहीं बेटी , हम चंद्रमा पर नहीं रह सकते । िहााँ न हिा ह ैन पानी । िहााँ ददनों में बहुत गमी होती ह ैतथा

रात में बहुत सदी ।“

1) क्या हम चंद्रमा पर रह सकते हैं ?

क नहीं (√) ख) हां। ग) कभी-कभी

2) चंद्रमा पर दकस चीज की कमी ह?ै

क रोटी की ख) हिा ,पानी की ग)आन सभी की(√)

3) चंद्रमा पर ददन में मौसम कैसा होता ह ै?

क सदी का ख) गमी का (√) ग) सदी - गमी का

4) चंद्रमा की रातें कैसी होती हैं ?

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क गमय ख) हिादार ग) सदय (√)

प्रश्न2 शब्दों को पढ़कर जो ईनसे ऄथय से वभन्न हो ईसे ऄिग कर पुनः विखें ।

क धरती धरा भू अकाश – अकाश

ख) चंद्रमा चााँद शवश सूरज - सूरज

ग) बेटा सुत पुत्र सूत – सूत

घ) सूयय ददनकर सूरज तारे - तारे

ड) जि पानी िारर ऄहर – ऄहर

प्रश्न3 ।ददए गए शब्दों से ररक्त स्थानों की पूर्तत कीवजए।

[ चंद्रमा , तारे , िस्तु , बडी , दरू , छोटी , चारों ओर , चंद्रमा , 28 ददन , सूयय ]

क हमें चंद्रमा और औ ददखाइ दतेे हैं ।

ख जो िस्तु हमारे पास होती ह ैिह बडी तथा जो दरू होती है िह छोटी ददखाइ दतेी ह।ै

ग चंद्रमा धरती के चारों ओर घूमता ह ै।

घ धरती का चक्कर िगाने में चंद्रमा को िगभग 28 ददन िगते हैं ।

ङ चंद्रमा सूयय से प्रकाश ग्रहण करता ह ै।

प्रश्न4 वनम्न शब्दों का िणय विच्छेद कीवजए ।

क चंद्रमा – च् +ऄ + ञ ्+ द ्+ र् + ऄ + म् + अ

ख सूयय - स् + ई + र् + य् + ऄ

ग ऄवधक – ऄ + ध् + आ +क् +ऄ

घ िस्तु – ि् + ऄ + स् + त् +ई

ङ चााँदनी – च् + अाँ + द ्+ ऄ + न ्+ इ

च प्रकाश – प् + र् + ऄ + क् + अ + श ्+ ऄ

व्याकरण भाग

पाठ – 6 विशेषण

अज राहुि का जन्मददन ह।ै मेज़ पर बडा केक रखा है। राहुि न ेनइ पोशाक पहनी है। ईसके कुछ दोस्त अए हैं।

सब सुंदर ईपहार िाए हैं। राहुि ने केक काटा । ईसकी मााँ ने सबको मीठा शरबत वपिाया ।

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उपर ददए गए िाक्यों में रंगीन शब्द संज्ञा शब्द जैसे केक , पोशाक , दोस्त , ईपहार तथा शरबत की विशेषता बता

रह ेहैं।

कुछ शब्द सियनाम शब्दों की विशेषता भी बताते हैं। जैसे

मैं िंबा ह।ं िह कमजोर है। िह दयािु ह ै।

यहााँ मैं , िह , िह सियनाम शब्द ह ैऔर िंबा , कमजोर , दयािु ईनकी विशेषता बताने िािे शब्द ह ै।

पररभाषा - जो शब्द सजं्ञा या सियनाम की विशषेता बताएाँ , ईन्हें विशेषण कहते हैं ।

विशेषण वजन संज्ञा या सियनाम की विशेषता बताते हैं। ईन्हें विशेप्य से कहते हैं।

जैसे - पीिा फूि

यहााँ पीिा विशेषण तथा फूि विशेष्य ह ै।

सुंदर िडकी

यहां सुंदर विशेषण तथा िडकी विशेष्य ह।ै

कुछ विशेषण शब्द ह ैजैसे


स्िततं्रता ददिस पर पााँच िाक्य विखो।

स्ितंत्रता ददिस प्रत्येक िषय 15 ऄगस्त को पूरे भारत में बडे धूमधाम से मनाया जाता ह।ै यह भारत का राष्ट्रीय

त्योहार ह।ै हमारा दशे 15 ऄगस्त को ऄंग्रेजों के शासन से अजाद हुअ था । आस ददन िोग शहीदों के बविदान को

याद करते हैं ।आस ददन प्रधानमंत्री िाि दकिे पर झंडा फहराते हैं। स्कूिों , कािेजों तथा दफ्तरों में झंडा फहराया

जाता ह।ै यह ददन पूरे भारत के विए गौरि का ददन है।


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Special Assignment – 16 Subject – Mathematics

Class – Three

Lesson – 6: Symmetry and Patterns

Learning content


When a figure is folded in such a way that one part of it covers and matches the

other part exactly, then that figure is said to be symmetrical.

Examples of symmetrical objects, letters and numbers.

The line in the middle which divides the figure into exactly equal parts is called the

line of symmetry.



When numbers, objects or geometrical figures follow a definite order, they make a


In a pattern the objects or numbers are repeated uniformly in a specific way.

Examples –

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Number patterns – a) 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 ....................

b) 215, 315, 415, 515 .......................


1.Complete the given patterns.


____, ____, _____, _____

b) _____, _____, _____, _____

c) _____, _____, ______, _____

d) ______, ______, ______, _____

e) BC, BD, BE, ____, ____, _____, ______

f) 8, 108, 208, ____, _____, _____, _____

g) 1600, 1400, 1200, _____, _____, ____, ______

Ans.(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) BF, BG, BH, BI f) 308, 408, 508, 608 g) 1000, 800, 600, 400

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2.Choose the symmetrical figure and draw line of symmetry.

Answer. (a) , (b), (e), (f) , (g), (i)

3.Complete the following incomplete figures.


Note – Complete the exercises given in Page number 81, 82, 83 and 84 in your textbook. ----------×---------

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Ch 9: Animals Date: 19.08.2020

Learning Content: Animals are living things that need food to grow and air to breathe. They reproduce by giving

birth to their young or lay eggs.

Characteristics of Animals Animals need food to stay alive. It gives them energy.

Animals have sense organs to feel different things around them.

Animals use different types of organs for breathing.

All animals reproduce.

Most of the animals have tails. They use their tail in many ways. Dogs wag their tail to

show that they are happy. Cats generally wag their tail to show anger.

All animals have characteristic sound. For example –

Dogs – Bark, lions – Roar, Snakes – Hiss, Bears - Growl

Types of Animals The various types of animals are:

Big animals – Some animals like elephant, giraffe and whale are big in size.

Small animals – Some animals like mouse, ant and rabbit are small in size.

Domestic animals - Some animals like cow, horse and sheep are kept on farms or near

our homes for domestic purposes are called domestic animals.

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Pet animals - Some animals like dogs, cats, parrots and fish are kept at home are

called pet animals.

Wild animals - Some animals like lion, tiger, wolf and bear live in forests are called

wild animals.

Aquatic animals - Some animals like fish and octopus live in water are called aquatic



Definitions 1. Domestic animals - Animals that are kept on farms or near our homes for domestic

purposes are called domestic animals.

Examples: Cow, goat, buffalo etc.

2. Pet animals - Animals that are kept at home are called pet animals.

Examples: Dog, cat, parrot etc.

3. Wild animals - Animals that live in forests are called wild animals.

Examples: Tiger, lion, bear, wolf etc.

4. Aquatic animals - Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals.

5. Examples: Fish, octopus etc.

Give two examples of each of the following. 1. Domestic animals - -------, -------

2. Pet animals - -------, --------

3. Wild animals - -------, -------

4. Aquatic animals - -------, -------

Answers: 1. Cow, Goat 2. Dog, Cat 3. Tiger, Wolf 4. Fish, Octopus

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Write any two characteristics of animals.

Ans. Two characteristics of animals are:

a) Animals have sense organs to feel different things around them.

b) Animals use different types of organs for breathing.

Pick the odd one out.

1. Cow, lion, sheep, horse

2. Tiger, goat, wolf, leopard

3. Vulture, rabbit, cat, dog

Ans. 1. Lion 2. Goat 3. Vulture


1. Paste/ Draw the pictures of two wild animals.

2. Paste/ Draw the pictures of two domestic animals.

3. Paste/ Draw the pictures of two aquatic animals.

Do pg.no. 67, 68, and 69 in EVS textbook.

NOTE: Do all work in the EVS. notebook where you have done the previous assignments.

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Revision Assignment

Subject — M.Sc.


Learn the following Question/ Answer

Q1. Why should we not do wrong work ?

Ans.We should not do wrong work because god is present everywhere and watches all our


Q2. State three causes of many species are becoming endangered ?

Ans. There are three main causes of many species are becoming endangered :—

1. Deforestation

2. Pollution

3. Hunting of animals and birds

Q3. Mention any three qualities of a respectful person

Ans. The three qualities of respectful person are :— Being honest , truthful and kind towards


Q4. Do you think that ban on hunting is right ?

Ans.Yes , it is very right that hunting should be completely banned .

Q5. Have you ever visited an orphanage ? List few things if you have donated there ?

Ans.Yes , I have visited an orphanage once . I have donated my old clothes and books as well as

some food items there .

Q6. Where do children go to earn knowledge ?

Ans. The children go to school to learn values and earn knowledge .

Q7. How can you help a blind person on the road ?

Ans. I can help a blind person to cross the road .

Q8. What will you do if you see an old man crossing the road with two heavy packets in his

hand ?

Ans. If I see the old man crossing the road with two heavy packets in his hand I will immediately

go and help him .

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Special assignment- 16

Class - 3 Subject - Computer

L3:Using Windows

Computer manages all its job using a special program called operating

system. Windows is an operating system.

Booting: The process of loading the operating system in the

computer’s memory from its hard disk is called booting.

Desktop :The first screen you see after you turn on the computer is

called desktop.

Taskbar: A long bar located at the bottom of the desktop is known

as taskbar.

Components of taskbar

1. Start button :This button is located at the left side of the taskbar and

performs most work of the computer.

2. Quick launch icons: These icons are located next to start button and

help to open important software .

3. System Tray: It is present on the right side of the taskbar and contains

small icons that give information about the status of the programs

running on the computer.

Steps to change the desktop background

Right click on the blank space on the desktop.

(Shortcut menu will appear.)

Select the Personalize Option.

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(Personalization dialog will appear.)

Click on Desktop background and select the desired background.

Click on the save change button.

Close the dialog box.


The small pictures present on the desktop and used to open software

programs are called icons.

Icons present in all desktop are:

Computer: This icon displays the contents of the computer and the drives

available for working.

My Documents: It gives the list of documents made in it.

My Network Place icon: It helps to connect our computer with other


Recycle Bin Icon : It contains all deleted files.


A. Q/Ans

1. What is windows?

Ans. Windows is a single user operating system.

2. List the different icons on the desktop.

Ans. The different icons on the desktop are.

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My Documents

My Network Place icon

Recycle Bin Icon

3.What are quick launch icons?

Ans. The icons located next to start button in the taskbar and help

to open important software are called quick launch icons .

B.Tick (√) the correct sentences and cross(X) out the incorrect ones.

1. Recycle Bin stores the duplicate copy of all deleted files and


2. Windows is an operating system.___√__

3. Icons are the folders in task bar._X____

4. Start button is clicked to shut down the computer.____√_

5. Desktop is the wall paper of a computer.____√_


Start computer and change the background of your computer.

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DATE- 19.08.2020

. Learn the following.

Q.1) Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for the book


Ans. Rabindra Nath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize

for the book ‘Gitanjali’.

Q.2) Who said this statement ‘There is no friend as loyal as

a book’?

Ans. Ernest Hemingway

Q.3) Who was the author of these books:

a) Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru

b) Shakuntala Kalidasa

c) The jungle book Rudyard Kipling

d) Bhagavat Gita Ved Vyas

Q.4) Who lost her glass slipper while returning from the


Ans. Cindrella

Q.5) Name a girl who made friends with the seven drawfs.

Ans. Snow white

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Q.6) Who had a magic lamp?

Ans. Aladin

Q.7) Name a little girl who went in the wonderland.

Ans. Alice

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Special Assignment 2020-21 Subject –Drawing Class – Three Name of the book – Art for generation-3 Fill colour in book (Page no. - 14-15, Vegetable Basket )