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Page 1: 17-18 September 2013...17 – 18 September 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne Page 4 Abstract Submission Process Step 1: Before you start To submit an abstract for PMOz 2013, please visit

17-18 September 2013

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17 – 18 September 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne

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Contents Call for Abstracts 2013 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Abstract Submission Process ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Step 1: Before you start .............................................................. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Step 2: Online abstract submission …………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 5

Step 3: Checking the status of abstract submission .……...…………………………………………………………………………………….... 6

Step 4: Accepted speakers - Paper submissions …………………………………………………...……………………………………………… 7

Full Academic Papers ………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………………….. 7

Full Non-academic Papers …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. 8

Step 5: Accepted Speakers - Presentation Submission items …………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Speaker Registrations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

1 minute video ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

PowerPoint submission …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

Poster Presentations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Step 6: Presenting at PMOz 2013 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13

Meeting with the Chairperson …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Presentation adjustments onsite …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Presentation duration and Q&A …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Speaker Zone/Corner ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Accepted Presenter Tick List ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Contact …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Appendix one: abstract submission form ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16

Abstract two: on screen confirmation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Abstract three: Email confirmation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

Abstract four: online login page …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

Abstract five: abstract/paper status ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22

Abstract six: academic paper guidelines ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Abstract seven: academic paper layout ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25

Abstract eight: non-academic paper guidelines ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

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Call for Abstracts 2013 Following on from the success of PMOz 2012’s program of experiential learning and innovation - PMOz 2013 will build on this success to ensure that this year’s conference will be the best project management conference in Australia, not only because of our commitment to quality speakers, but our commitment to presenting the forefront of experiential learning, enriching the knowledge base and skills of PMOz delegates. Be part of this success by becoming a PMOz 2013 presenter! This is your opportunity to have your voice heard by and engaged and attentive audience. Have your name and work recognised by the crème de la crème of the Project, Portfolio and Program industry. This is a not to be missed opportunity! The theme for PMOz 2013 is ‘Driving and sustaining the Future of the Australian Economy ’ PMOz 2013 will focus on the role of Project, Portfolio and Program Management, as the key used by governments, businesses and other organisations to implement strategy, increase national wealth (both social and economic) and craft a sustainable future. Optimising this value creation requires the linking of innovation to strategy, the strategic plan to portfolio management, the efficient delivery of the selected projects and programs, and the implementation of the change within the organisations to realise the intended benefits and deliver real value. Within this overall theme, each of the streams within the program will provide a series of focussed sessions highlighting one or more aspects of the ‘value chain’ within an industry focus: banking and finance, construction and engineering, government, ICT and ‘Not-for-profit’. Change is the precursor to success; but sustained success requires the right changes, delivered at the right time! This means doing the right projects and programs for the right reasons, and doing them well! PMOz 2013 welcomes the following contributions to the program:

Academic Papers that will be double-blind peer reviewed and presented at the Conference. PMOz has a B-

Grade ranking from the Australian Research Council (to find out more about ERA rankings please visit our


Industry Papers to be published on the PMGConnect website, provided as an additional tool for

Conference delegates and presented at the Conference.

Oral presentations including panel discussions, round tables, interviews/Q&As and industry case studies

Poster presentations to be conducted during the Conference breaks.

More information on each type of presentation can be found on pages 7-12. All academic papers, industry papers and oral presentations are encouraged to submit a PowerPoint presentation for publication. All papers and PowerPoint presentations and filming of all sessions will be published on the PMGlobal website – www.pmgconnect.com.au for the wider project community. Speakers can also access heavily discounted registration rates for the Conference and save up to $700 of the standard registration rate.

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Driving and Sustaining the Future of the Australian

Economy The future of the Australian Economy is all of our concerns – Let us know your opinion on how we can drive it into the future and overcome the current economic turmoil ravaging our contemporary’s.

Should you be interested in sharing your opinions, research and/or experience with an engaged and informed audience, the PMOz 2013 Conference Office welcome’s you to submit an abstract of your proposed presentation for consideration. The program will focus on three overarching streams:

Stream 1 - Projects in organisations: Portfolio and program management, governance and sustainability, benefits and value – creating wealth, PMOs, enterprise tools and systems, organisational change, stakeholder management, communication and organisation enablers for effective project management. Stream 2 - Planning and controls: Planning and scheduling, earned value/earned schedule, risk and uncertainty, critical chain, WBS, cost control and estimating, change management, claims, integrated project control systems. Stream 3 - Methodologies & certification: Project Management as a profession, PRINCE2, MSP, MoR, P3M3, GAPPS, competency, complexity. Agile, other methodologies, Industry certifications and other specialist qualifications.

For all future PMOz presenters, the following information in this document contains vital information to the success of your presentation and the Conference program. This document outlines each critical step of becoming a presenter at PMOz 2013. We encourage all potential presenters to read all the information in this document very carefully before proceeding.

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Abstract Submission Process

Step 1: Before you start

To submit an abstract for PMOz 2013, please visit www.pmoz.com.au, Abstract/Paper page (tab found at the top

of the site). Please ensure you have the following compulsory items prepared/considered before you submit

your abstract (required files are able to be downloaded and submitted on the PMOz website):

Abstract – .docx file only accepted

Completed Speaker’s Charter –DUE on abstract submission - Compulsory

High resolution Presenters photograph– DUE with abstract submission – Compulsory

Audio Visual requirements for proposed presentation – DUE with abstract submission – Compulsory

Biography – DUE with abstract submission – Compulsory

The biography that you submit upon your abstract submission will be used to help the Chairperson

introduce your presentation should it be successful. In order to facilitate your potential chairperson,

please put down something substantial about yourself and your career (at least one paragraph). Please

note that if you do not want something in your biography read out to the delegates – please do not

include it in your biography.

Co-Authors – DUE with abstract submission – If applicable (Please have ready co-author/s name/s,

biographies, if their name should appear in the Conference program if the abstract is accepted, and if the

co-author/s will be attending the Conference).

Three Learner Outcomes – Due with abstract submission – Compulsory

Will you be submitting a paper for publication if your abstract is accepted – decision (not paper) DUE with

abstract submission – Compulsory

If you intend on submitting a paper for publication, please indicate if it will be peer-reviewed or non-

academic. For more information please refer to page 7-8 of this document.

Email address – Please note that your email address is your unique identifier. Only one author should

submit an abstract. This person would then be the sole point of contact for the authors of the abstract.

Please also note that you will not be able to change your email address once the submission process has

been completed.

A secure password (Please insure you keep this password in a safe place as you will need it again to log in

to check the status of your abstract as well as register for the Conference).

Please note that these items are due with your abstract submission and are compulsory. You will not be able to

submit your abstract without above accompanying items. We require these items with the submission of your

abstract in order to expedite the speaker submission process prior to the Conference. The speaker’s Charter is

required as a pledge from the speakers that you have read and understood your roles and expectations as a

presenter in the PMOz 2013 program. All AV indicated during the submission process will be taken into

consideration by the organising committee, however, AV provided on the day to your presentation room will be

dependent on room size and capacity and conference budget.

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Step 2: Online Abstract Submission ...................................................................... DUE 30 June ‘13

Once you have completed all of the require forms and have them ready to upload with your submission of your

abstract, please visit the Conference website: www.pmoz.com.au, the Abstract/Papers page, to submit your


Your Abstract should be no larger than 300 words and follow the layout and formatting outlined in Appendix

seven. All accepted abstracts will be published. This is only possible with the full permission and

acknowledgement of the Author/s. If you are submitting an abstract for review please complete the ‘Speaker’s

Charter’ form and return it to the Conference Office with your abstract submission.

**Please note** the software will only allow you to upload one abstract per presentation. You will therefore

need to follow this submission process for all abstract submissions.

On this page you will be prompted to fill in your demographic details, presentation details (presentation type,

stream, learner outcome, intention to submit a paper for the Conference Proceedings), author (including

biography) and co-author details, as well as upload your Abstract (word .docx format), Speaker Charter (pdf), high

resolution speaker photo (jpeg).

Please refer to Appendix one for a detailed screen shot of the Abstract Submission page.

Once you have submitted your abstract and the accompanying files there should be a new screen indicating the

successful submission of your abstract (please see Appendix two). This screen indicates that the files have been

successfully saved.

Should this screen not appear, please check the file types of your uploads and try again. Should you continue to

have troubles with this submission process, please contact the Conference office on +61 7 3334 4400.

Another indicator of the successful submission of your abstract is an automatic confirmation letter (Appendix

three). Government and University email address have historically automatically sent Conference confirmation

emails to spam filters. If you have not received your confirmation letter, please first check your spam filter.

Should one of our emails be found in the spam/junk email folder please check your email settings to ensure

future Conference communication may reach you.

Should you not receive an automatic confirmation email, please contact the Conference office immediately in

order to confirm if your abstract has indeed been successfully submitted.

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Step 3: Checking the status of Abstract Submission .......................................................................

To check the status of the abstract reviews, please log on to the PMOz website. Login access can be found on the

top right hand side of the screen.

You will then be prompted to input your email address and the password you created upon your abstract

submission. If you have forgotten your password, please click on the “Forgot or don’t have password” link

(Appendix four) – A new password will then be automatically generated for you and sent to your email address.

Please note that the Conference Office does not have access to any lost passwords or regenerated passwords. It is

the speaker’s responsibility to keep their password in an easily retrievable location.

Once successfully logged in you will be brought to a summary page. You will be able to see at a glance your paper

title, status (under review, accepted, paper, declined), score and action (Appendix five).

Please note that the status of your abstract will state that it is under review until the review process has been


Once the review process has been complete and your status reads “Paper” – this is an indication that your

abstract has been accepted and that the Conference office is now waiting upon your paper submission,

registration, PowerPoint and one minute video submission.

Once the review process has been complete and your status reads “Accepted” – this is an indication that your

abstract has been accepted and that the Conference is now waiting upon your registration, PowerPoint and one

minute video submission and your paper submission (if applicable). Please refer to page7-11 for more details.

Once the review process has been completed and your status reads “Declined” – unfortunately the abstract

submitted has been unsuccessful.

Please note that there will also be an email sent to you notifying you of the status of your abstract submission

once reviews are complete.

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Step 4: Accepted Speakers – Paper submissions ...........................................................................

Paper submissions are not a required component of your presentation at PMOz 2013.

This year there will be two types of Papers accepted for the Conference proceedings: Academic papers and non-

academic/case study/experiential papers. You can present at PMOz without submitting a paper, but if you would

like to submit a paper for the Conference Proceedings, be published online AND present at PMOz, please read the


Full Academic Papers (if applicable)……………………………………………….. DUE 11 July ‘13

Presenters who wish to submit a paper for review are required to prepare papers, strictly according to the format

outline provided in Appendix six and using the template found in Appendix seven of these guidelines.

Please ensure you have read the full paper guidelines prior to writing your paper as all papers must adhere to

these specifications or risk not being included in the proceedings.

Refereed papers will go through a formal and rigorous double-blind refereeing process. In your first paper

submission please omit the names of all authors. This process insures anonymity and impartiality. Papers

submitted to be refereed must adhere to full academic requirements (including formatting, layout and

referencing as outlined in Appendix six). The referees should be only be assessing the quality of your paper and

not be concerned with the layout. For this reason it is imperative that full academic papers adhere to the above

mentioned guidelines.

The Program Chair has the final decision where referees are unable to agree on the acceptability of a submitted


A Peer Review Report will be completed by the reviewers and will then be provided to the paper author by the 25

July 2013, to update their paper final to the ‘camera ready’ submission. The final ‘camera ready’ submission, due

11 August 2013, will then be reviewed again to insure all requested changes have been made and the papers are

PMOz 2013 Proceedings-ready. Please insure that the final ‘camera ready’ paper includes the names of all


Full papers which have been received by the due dates and which have been successfully reviewed will be

published on the PMGlobal website and Conference USB proceedings. You will be notified by email if your paper

has been accepted for the Conference Proceedings on 31 August 2013.

Please note: if your academic paper is not deemed acceptable at an academic standard, you may still have your

paper published in the proceedings as a non-academic paper. Non-acceptance is not an indication of the success

of your presentation at PMOz 2013. Presentations are accepted on the merit of your abstract and the perceived

value to PMOz delegates – therefore those who submit an unsuccessful paper should NOT withdraw their

presentation from the program.

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Full Non-Academic Papers (if applicable)……………………………………………DUE 1 August ’13

Paper submissions are not a required component of your presentation at PMOz 2013.

Presenters who wish to submit a paper for the Conference Proceedings are required to prepare papers, strictly

according to the format outline provided in the template found in Appendix eight of these guidelines.

Please ensure you have read the full paper guidelines prior to writing your paper as all papers must adhere to

these specifications or risk not being included in the proceedings.

Non-Academic papers are those which are taken from experience, case studies and/or observations. These papers

are NOT reviewed and will serve as an addendum to the author’s presentation.

Please insure that your paper follows the correct formatting and layout in order for all papers to be presented in a

similar fashion.

Please note that non-academic papers should hold and be perceived to hold value for the delegate.

Commercial/promotional papers advertising a product/service/program etc. will not be accepted into the

Conference proceedings.

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Step 5: Accepted Speakers – Presentation Submission items ................. DUE FROM 30 June ‘13

Speaker Registrations ………………………………………………………… DUE 30 June ‘13

Once speakers have received notification of an accepted abstract it is expected that you will register NO LATER

than Thursday 29 March 2013. Registrations can be completed by this date without payment. It is understood

that some government agencies/businesses have a standard payment term therefore final payment for all

Speaker registration must be completed by Tuesday, 30 April 2013. Payments after this date will revert to the

standard registration rate.

All accepted Conference presenters must be registered to attend the Conference and are entitled to register at the discounted Speaker Registration rate. Speaker Registration $800.00 per presenter Speaker Day Registration $500.00 per presenter Registration is to be completed on the Conference website www.pmoz.com.au. Please note that if you do not complete your registration online, you will incur a manual processing fee of $22.00 The Speaker’s Full Registration entitles you to:

Entry to all PMOz and ISSEC Conference sessions (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Arrival tea and coffee, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea daily

One ticket to the Welcome Reception (Monday, 16 September 2013)

One ticket to the Conference Networking Dinner Party (Tuesday, 17 September 2013)

Access to the Trade Exhibition

Conference materials

The Speaker’s Day Registration entitles you to:

Entry to all PMOz and ISSEC Conference sessions on the day of your registration

Arrival tea and coffee, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea

Access to the Trade Exhibition

Conference materials

1 minute video submission………………………………………………………….... DUE 11 July ’13

Speakers are required to submit a 1 minute video as a promotional piece for their presentation. This 1 minute

video will be used on the Conference website, onsite before your allocated session time and it may also be

included on the Conference USB – space allowing.

This year the 1 minute video is a compulsory submission item. This submission item should not take long to

create. The information that we would like to know on this video is the same information that you have

submitted with your abstract (presentation summary, learner outcomes, and why delegates should attend). We

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are not looking for a ‘Hollywood production’, simply yourself in front of your webcam/smart phone talking to your

prospective audience. Graphics, sounds and editing are entirely up to the Speaker’s discretion.

Simply record your 1 minute video on your laptop or smartphone and email the file to [email protected]

Please send your video through in one of the following formats:





For information on creating a video clip on your PC click here

For information on creating a video clip on your Mac click here

For information on creating a video clip on your iPhone click here (Chapter 12)

PowerPoint Submission ………………………………………………………… DUE 1 August ‘13

PowerPoint presentations are due well in advance of the Conference as the slides are to be used in marketing of the Conference (potentially on the Conference USB). If you do need to make changes to your PowerPoint version that you will use onsite – please refer to page 13 Submission of PowerPoints by the due date is essential to the smooth running of the Conference. Late submission of PowerPoints will impede this process therefore, please insure your PPT is ready for submission by this due date

Presentations less than 5MB should be sent to [email protected] Presentations larger than 5MB should be sent on a CD to the PMOz Conference Office by post.

PowerPoint Layout It is recommended that for ease of viewing by delegates, Microsoft PowerPoint be utilised for all sessions. If you are using Mac software like Keynote – please ensure that your slides are compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint. Please note that only one source of projection will be available. Overhead/Slide projection is not available. Handy Hints for PowerPoint Presentations:

Please do not prepare your ppt in wide screen view

For a 30 minute presentation there should be no more than 15 slides – Don’t forget to allocate times for delegate questions

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Use dark primary colours for text and light background colours or colours that are easy on the eye to view

Lettering to be at least 0.7 cm in height (Size 14+ font)

No more than six (6) to eight (8) words per line

Ideally – no more than six (6) lines per slide

Use upper / lower case text

Use the ‘text-build’ feature to stop the audience reading ahead of you

Audio sounds such as bells, whistles, zooming sounds etc., and clichéd clip-art are not recommended

Graphs and graphics which are too detailed or condensed should be converted or compressed to a suitable file size/format for projection

Please note that your PowerPoint will be distributed to Conference delegates ONLY. Therefore, please insure when you are preparing your slide you clearly indicate your copy rights and be mindful of sensitive information.

Poster presentations (Poster Presenters only)…………………………… DUE 16 September ‘13

Posters are to be mounted at the commencement of the Conference and are to remain in place for the duration

of the Conference.

Time will be allocated during the breaks for Conference attendees to view the posters. During these times, poster

presenters are expected to be present at their poster.

Mandatory requirements

Poster size : AO (841mm wide x 1188mm high)

Poster orientation : Portrait

The poster title should appear across the top of the poster with author(s) name(s), address(es) and organisation(s) underneath (presenters name underlined).

Suggestions for poster presentations

Remember, you have a short period of time to capture attention and convey your message. Your poster needs to

attract people from a distance and convey a clear ‘story’.

Include a photo of the presenter, preferably in the top right corner of the poster. This helps the viewer identify the presenter for follow up information.

Font recommendations – Title: 25mm high, Authors name etc.: (24 – 32 point font), Headings and sub-headings: 15mm high, Text: 8mm high

Line spacing at least 1.5

Include logos of any assisting organisation, usually at the bottom of the poster

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Keep text to a minimum

Ensure the key message is highly visible. Develop simple and clear messages.

Use contrasting colours where appropriate in charts, diagrams etc. Avoid text in red and green as partial colour-blindness is common

Include clear, large figures and photos that are appropriate and beneficial to the key message and the visual appeal.

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Step 6: Presenting at PMOz 2013 ........................................................ FROM 17-18 September ‘13

The PMOz 2013 program will consist of 30 minute presentations. Accepted speakers should note that

presentation times will be strictly enforced in order for the program to run to schedule. Accepted speakers are

strongly urged to plan their presentation to fit neatly into the 30 minutes allocated. Speakers should also plan to

leave 5-10 minutes within their timeslot for fielding delegate questions.

Please also note that accepted presenters in the program are accepted in an unpaid position. Accepted speakers

will be required to cover all costs of presenting at PMOz 2013 including, but not limited to, speaker registration,

flights and accommodation.

Before arriving onsite for the Conference please ensure you have read and are aware of the below listed items.

Meeting with Chairperson in session rooms

A briefing session for presenters will be held in the break prior to your session in your allocated presentation

room. This is an opportunity for you to meet with the Audio Visual technicians and the Chairperson of your

session to discuss biographies and the use of the equipment. Please insure you are there at least 15 minutes prior

to the commencement of your session.

It is the presenter’s responsibility to be in their session room and to identify themselves at the start of the break

prior to their session. Being punctual to these meetings is essential in order to meet your chair person and ensure

that your introduction is correct and succinct. Attending this meeting will also ensure that you are on time to your

presentation and are familiar with your presentation space.

Presentation adjustments onsite

Should your PowerPoint presentation change after it has been submitted to the Conference Office, please ensure

you have brought your PowerPoint on a USB to be handed to the AV technician onsite in the Speakers Preparation

Room, whom will then upload your revised presentation to your session room. Please note that you may not

upload your PowerPoint on the Computer in your session room. It must be uploaded in the Speakers Preparation

Room in order to then link it to the appropriate holding slides.

Please insure that this is done well in advance of your presentation as there is generally quite a demand for this


Audio Visual

At the time of your abstract submission you will be required to indicate what AV you would like in your session

room. Please note these requests will be filled based on the demand for the item in the room specified, the size of

the room and on Conference budget.

All session rooms are equipped with a lectern, lectern microphone, data projector, screen and a laptop with PowerPoint software

Presentation duration and Q&A

Speakers MUST NOT go over their allocated session time. The allocated time for your presentation should also

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include time for any delegate questions. It is very important that speakers prepare their presentation to fit within

these time constraints in order for the program to flow smoothly as well as to not seem unprepared in front of

the delegates when your presentation is cut short by the Chairperson.

Speaker’s Corner/Zone

The Speaker Zone will be located in the Trade Exhibition Area of the Conference for Speakers to make themselves

available to delegates to discuss their presentations. Should your presentation run out of time for questions

please let the delegates know that you will be available in the break directly following your session for questions

in the Speaker Zone.

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Accepted Presenter

Have you…

Submission items are REQUIRED

Due Date Please Tick

Submitted your Photograph (high resolution JPEG) COMPULSORY

Upon abstract submission

Accepted and uploaded the Speaker’s Charter Form COMPULSORY

Upon abstract submission

Audio Visual Requirements COMPULSORY

Upon abstract submission

1 minute video clip for website or ppt slide summary of presentation (will be linked to photograph) COMPULSORY

30 April 2013

Presenters Registration and Payment COMPULSORY

30 April 2013

Full Paper for Review (Academic)

31 May 2013

Final “Print Ready” Non-academic Paper

31 May 2013

PowerPoint Presentation COMPULSORY

31 May 2013

Final “Print Ready” Full Paper (Academic)

6 July 2013

Poster 16 September 2013

Read and understood onsite expectations

Prior to 16 September 2013

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Please forward all Items and/or queries to: 10th Annual Project Management Australia Conference C/- Eventcorp Pty Ltd PO Box 3873 South Brisbane QLD 4101 Tel: +61 7 3334 4400 Fax: +61 7 3334 4499 Email: [email protected]

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APPENDIX ONE: abstract submission form

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APPENDIX TWO: on screen confirmation

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APPENDIX THREE: email confirmation

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APPENDIX FOUR: online login page

The login button is located at the top right hand side of the Conference website.

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APPENDIX FIVE: abstract/paper status

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APPENDIX SIX : academic paper guidelines

To ensure a high quality publication please follow the instructions carefully. Please also ensure that your paper is

adheres to the Conference theme and that it makes clear and concise arguments /points supported by through

research and referencing.

Paper Length: 2,000 – 3,000 words


Software Package: Word for Windows or compatible

Language: All papers must be written in the English language (Australian)

Title Font Size: 14 Point, Bold and Centred

Author details Size: 12 Point, Italic and Centred

Page Layout: Title – centred, one column

Body – Left justified, two columns

Section Headings: 12 Point

Section Sub Headings: 11 Point

Section Text: 10 Point

Figure & Table Notes: 10 Point

Font Type: Times New Roman

Margins: Top: 2.5cm Left: 2.5cm

Bottom: 2.5cm Right: 2.5cm

Spacing: Single-space


Page Numbering: Please do NOT number pages

Please do not include: Headers and Footers

Company Logos

Full papers for review must be submitted via email to [email protected]

Additional notes for academic authors:

The author must insure that they are permitted to submit their paper for publication in the Conference

Proceedings and online from all paper authors. Authors should insure that they will not be in breach of

any copyright laws before they submit their paper.

Papers must be formatted in electronic format using Microsoft Word ’97 or above. For Mac users, please

convert the files to a Windows format.

Do not use PDF software, do not PDF the paper for submission, do not use page number or headers and


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17 – 18 September 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne

Page 25

Authors must try not to have too many arguments/points present in their paper or risk it becoming

convoluted or lacking conviction. Ideally, the author should focus on one key argument/point which

should be stated clearly, early-on in the paper and then argued throughout. This argument should

highlight the author’s knowledge base and be sure to demonstrate how it is applicable to the Conference


Authors are encouraged to think ‘beyond the box’ in approaching this paper – Please be sure to support

hypothesises with ample evidence of research. Supposition is not an adequate response – all statements

must be backed up with strong supporting evidence.

Papers that are commercial in nature will not be published.

Please use APA referencing in your paper and be sure to number tables and figures with Arabic numerals.

Please be sure to also name these tables and figures and to list them at the end of your paper.

Be sure to number tables and figures with Arabic numerals, include titles for each, and group at the end

of the manuscript.

If images are to be used, please insure that they will fit within the columns or have been appropriately

arranged. Images not fitting on the page will not be fixed by the Conference Office and will lessen the

appeal of the paper to the reviewer.

Page 27: 17-18 September 2013...17 – 18 September 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne Page 4 Abstract Submission Process Step 1: Before you start To submit an abstract for PMOz 2013, please visit

Appendix Seven: paper format

<Paper Title>

(If you’re submitting for a review please do not put any names or affiliations in your first edition – Please add

these item in the Camera-ready version ONLY).

First author, second author and third author

List Institution/Employer and/or address of all authors. Superscript should be used to indicate which author

belongs to which Institution/Employer or address (Underline the name of the presenting author)


<Abstract text (250-300 words)>

<Paper text 2000-3000 words)>

<Section Heading>

<Section Sub-Heading>

<Section text>

<Section Heading>

<Section Sub-Heading>

<Section text>

Figure n - <Description>

<Table Heading> <Table Heading>

<Table text> <Table text>

Table n - <Description>

n. Conclusion

<Section text>

o. References [1] <Surname>, <Initial>, <(year)>. <Title>.

<Publication> <volume number> <(edition

number)>, <page numbers> .




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17 – 18 September 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne

Page 27

APPENDIX EIGHT : non-academic paper guidelines

To ensure a high quality publication please follow the instructions carefully.

Paper Length: 2,000 – 3,000 words


Software Package: Word for Windows or compatible

Language: All papers must be written in the English language (Australian)

Title Font Size: 14 Point, Bold and Centred

Author details Size: 12 Point, Italic and Centred

Page Layout: Title – centred, one column

Body – Left justified, two columns

Section Headings: 12 Point

Section Sub Headings: 11 Point

Section Text: 10 Point

Figure & Table Notes: 10 Point

Font Type: Times New Roman

Margins: Top: 2.5cm Left: 2.5cm

Bottom: 2.5cm Right: 2.5cm

Spacing: Single-space


Page Numbering: Please do NOT number pages

Please do not include: Headers and Footers

Company Logos

Papers for review must be submitted via email to [email protected]

Page 29: 17-18 September 2013...17 – 18 September 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne Page 4 Abstract Submission Process Step 1: Before you start To submit an abstract for PMOz 2013, please visit