1799-1815. 1769-born in corsica attended military school in france joins army of the national...

1799-1815 The Napoleonic Era

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Page 1: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory


The Napoleonic Era

Page 2: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Napoleon Bonparte

1769-born in CorsicaAttended military

school in FranceJoins army of the

National AssemblyBecomes general of

the French Army by Directory in 1799. “savior of the Republic”

after successful cannonade to ward off conservatives

Page 3: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Coup d'etatCoup d’etat=stroke the


November 9, 1799Napoleon uses his

military prestige and success to overthrow the Directory

Believed the Directory to be corrupt and not interested in promoted the betterment of French welfare

Page 4: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

November 10, 1799- French Consulate in place3 leaders called Consuls

1st Consul- Napoleon Bonaparte2nd Consul- Napoleon’s brother Lucien Bonaparte3rd Consul-former Director- Sieyes

Napoleon drafts a new constitution

naming him as 1st consul of France for life…unbeknownst to the other consuls

French Consolate

Page 5: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Plebiscite= vote of YES or NO on specific question

1800- plebiscite votes YES-1st Consul of France

1802-plebiscite votes YES-1st Consul of France for life

1804-plebiscite votes YES- EMPEROR OF FRANCE

Napoleon becomes Emperor

Page 6: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Napoleon's CoronationDecember 2,

1804 Napoleon’s

Coronation at

Notre Dame Cathedral

He crowns himself-big


Page 7: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Makes good and lasting changes to economy, society, and religion.

Enlightened but did limit some rights as well.

Reforms focused on four areas:Economic OrderSocial OrderReligious OrderLegal Order

Napoleon's Reforms

Page 8: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Slowed inflationBalanced budgetNational BankControlled circulation of moneyPaid off debt

Sold Louisiana Territory to President ?? What was this purchase called?Who explored the territory?

Economic Order

Page 9: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Welcomed émigrés (nobles) back on good behavior

Promoted officials by merit not nobilitySet up Lycees (public schools)

Social Order

Page 10: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Establish CONCORDATNew relationship b/w church and stateAllowed freedom of religionPromoted Catholicism as “great majority” and

“true” religion of FranceEliminated any political control of Pope

Religous Order

Page 11: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Established the Napoleonic Code of LawsSet of 101 new laws establishing strong sense

of law and order Many laws still in use today

Equality under the lawCensured newspapersReduced women’s rightsRestored slavery in French Colonies

Legal Order

Page 12: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Military geniusExpert in use of artilleryDeveloped innovative artillery strategy still in

use todayFather of modern artillery warfare

Military Mastermind

Page 13: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Napoleon quickly forced his power across Europe

Battle of Austerlitz-December 1805Invades AustriaForces emperor to make peace and forms


Battle of Jena-October 1806Invades PrussiaForces King to make peace and forms alliance

Napoleon: The Conquerer

Page 14: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Battle of Friedland: June 1807Fought in PolandAgainst RussiansForces Czar Alex I to the bargaining table

PEACE OF TILSITNapoleon can have western ½ of Poland and all of

EuropeAlex I can have eastern ½ of Poland and all Ottoman

EmpirePeaceful coexistenceNon-aggression Pact

Napoleon: The Conqueror

Page 15: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Battle of Trafalgar: October 1805Massive naval battle against British Royal Navy GB lead by Admiral Horatio Nelson Fought off coast of SpainBig loss for NapoleonNelson shot by sniper and dies moments after

hearing the British won

This loss sets Napoleon on a obsessive mission to “get” Great Britain

Napoleon learns he's not invincible…

Page 16: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Napoleon's Europe

Page 17: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

he becomes blinded by success and makes three decisive mistakes…1. Continental System2. The Peninsular War3. Invasion of Russia

Napoleon's ego gets in his way…

Page 18: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

1806GOAL: to make Europe self-sufficient from GBBlockaded GB goods into EuropeGB blockades backEuropean economy suffersCauses War of 1812

Continental System

Page 19: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

1808-1813Goal: Make brother Joe King of Spain and

take Portugal from GBSpanish guerrillas fight in the name of

NATIONALISMNapoleon never gets Portugal and Joe never

gets the crownNapoleon losses 300,000 men

Penninsular War

Page 20: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

June, 1812GOAL: quickly take Russia as punishment for

breaking Continental SystemInvades with Grand Army of 400,000 menScorched-earth policy sucks him inNever get RussiaDecember, 1812-Returns with 10,000 menBeginning of the end for Napoleon

Invasion of Russia

Page 21: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Europe has Napoleon at his weakest and decide to attack

Grand Alliance takes him on and winsExiled to Elba, but returns; Last 100 daysFinally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by

WellingtonExiled again…but much further away—St.

HelenaDies on the island in 1821

Why don’t they just kill’em?

Kick him when he's down…

Page 22: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory
Page 23: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

Now that he's gone…what do we do? Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)

AGENDA: Restore order and stability in Europe

4 weeks of meetings turned into 8 months

Ring Leader and HostKlemens von Metternich –

Foreign Minister of AustriaPut down the “Experiments

of Democracy”Major conservativeWants to restore all rightful

monarchs to the throne

Page 24: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory


Balance of Power

Containment of


Klemens von Metternich

Page 25: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

3 Major Goals1. Encirclement of France

Strengthen countries around France Prevent French aggression

2. Balance of Power Strengthen weaker countries to offset

France’s size and power3. Legitimacy

Restore the monarchies deposed by Napoleon Uphold conservative political ideals

Metternich's Agenda

Page 26: 1799-1815. 1769-born in Corsica Attended military school in France Joins army of the National Assembly Becomes general of the French Army by Directory

1. Great Britain2. Austrian Empire3. Prussia4. Russia5. France

Was it right to keep France a great power?

Great Powers of Europe