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ENGINEERING talent solutions 1 8 0 180 Engineering Resume Kit for Engineering Professionals Resume creation tools and templates for engineers and technology professionals

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180 EngineeringResume Kit forEngineeringProfessionalsResume creation tools and

templates for engineers and

technology professionals

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180 Engineering Resume Kit for Engineering ProfessionalsResume creation tools and templates for engineers and technology professionals

180 Engineering Award-Winning Engineering & TechnicalTalent Acquisition Expertise That Delivers Results

The core principles of resume writing have not changed. Your resume

needs to be a compelling document that sells and showcases your

ability to help hiring organizations achieve their objectives. While

the foundations of resume writing are similar, the widespread use

of applicant tracking systems (ATS) requires job seekers to approach

resume formatting and word selection a bit differently.

180 Engineering’s Resume Kit for Engineering Professionals packages

helpful resources and provides sample resumes for various positions.

This kit contains:

• Creating Effective Resumes That Don’t Confuse Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

• Resume Creation Tools

• Sample Resumes for Engineers

- Chronological

- Hybrid

- Skills-Based

- Management

- Executive

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180 Engineering is exclusively focused on identifying and engaging

top engineering, technology, and technical talent either with specific

job opportunities or merely building our talent network so that we

can quickly and effectively fill positions for our clients when the need


Why candidates work with 180 Engineering

• Genuine investment in the career growth of our candidates

• Deep matching of candidates’ skills and personalities to opportunities

• Honesty and transparency

• High direct hire and contractor retention rates reflect attention to both the needs of candidates and hiring organizations

• Individualized coaching and interview preparation

• Dedication to the engineering and technical fields offers a robust ongoing career management resource

Learn more at 180Engineering.com

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Creating Effective Resumes That Don’t ConfuseApplicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiting firms and many hiring organizations now use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to manage the volume of resumes

they receive and in some cases, help with labor law compliance. These systems organize, sort, track, and screen applications.

Because these systems are often being used as a “first screen,” it is critical for your resume to be ATS friendly so that your

resume is ultimately routed to a human reviewer. At 180 Engineering, we don’t rely heavily on our ATS as a screening tool; we

review many, many resumes the old-fashioned way. However, this is not the case for many other recruiting firms or a lot of

hiring organizations. The last thing you want is your resume, full of outstanding credentials, to fall through the cracks.

Formatting your resume in an ATS friendly way increases your odds of success. While many of the principles of resume writing

have not changed, others have. For example, many of us were taught to use the finest paper and we learned that eye-catching

graphics or other visual creativity help to differentiate us. This is no longer the case. The following offers guidance for creating

and submitting ATS-compatible resumes.

Formatting Your Resumes for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

• Simple is better.

• When presenting historical information – like work or education history, present the information consistently for each occurrence. For example, list the information like company name, location, and dates in the same order and in the same format for each occurrence.

• Unless otherwise instructed, save your resume as a Word document. Also, avoid templates. They usually contain tables which often cause resumes to import incorrectly.

• Use traditional fonts like Arial, Georgia, and Times New Roman. Avoid special fonts.

• Don’t use images, columns, special characters, tables, text boxes, lines, shading, borders, or other graphics – these elements confuse an ATS and lead to garbled resume imports.

• Include your name and a functional/common title within your resume’s document file name.

• Stick to common resume section headings like Education, Professional Experience, Education, etc.

• Use an 11-point font or larger.

• Consider using all caps for section headers as this can make it easier for an ATS to identify sections within the resume.

• While an ATS will not penalize you for having a long resume, a human reader will be involved at some point. Therefore, keep your resume as concise as possible. If your resume is more than one page, include page numbers in the footer of the resume so that the ATS can’t see the page number, but human readers can.

• Because your resume will be read by a human reader, don’t strip down the resume completely. Submitting a .txt file is no longer necessary or appropriate for most systems. Avoid all of the graphics and formatting complexity mentioned in this post, but do use bold words, caps and simple bullet points to aid readability for a human reader.

• Don’t include your credentials (like MBA or Meng) next to your name. Rather, include them on the next line to make sure that the system correctly identifies your credentials.

• Using a different font color for a section header is fine and if done well can make the resume more attractive to a human reader.

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Structuring Your Resume Content for ATS

Like so many search and data analysis technologies, ATS technology has become more sophisticated. Older ATS technology relied on

semantic search technology. This meant systems essentially counted keywords and, generally speaking, the more occurrences of an

important keyword, the better match the candidate’s resume was deemed to be.

Google and other search engine technology worked in similar ways leading marketers to execute keyword stuffing strategies and

other tricks of this nature to try to game the system. Job seekers worked to game ATS technology in similar ways.

Just as search engine technology is increasingly contextual, the same is true of ATS technology. Systems will now scan the resume

for keywords and work to weigh keywords within the context of the resume. ATS contextualization does not just look for keywords

relating to desirable skills, but looks at how long ago desirable skills were acquired and how frequently those skills were likely used

in recent years.

How should your ATS-friendly resume be structured?

• Include contact information within the body of the resume, not within the header or footer.

• Tweak your resume to align with a given job description. Use keywords and phrases likely to highly relate to that job description.

• If possible, use the job title within the job description in your resume.

• Mirror the keywords used in the job description. For example, if “product integrity testing” appears to be important within a job description, use this phrase within the professional experience or skills section of your resume.

• Be specific when describing skills. For example, rather than stating “Skilled at using CAD software,” instead say “Completed Solidworks 3D CAD Modeling Certification.”

• Use the professional summary and/or skills section of your resume to include keywords and phrases that align with the job description. If possible, use those keywords and phrases in other appropriate places within your resume.

• Don’t overuse keywords.

• It goes without saying that proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation matter. Not only is this the sign of a qualified candidate who takes pride in their work, the presence of a misspelling or misuse of words can confuse an ATS.

• Although it is important to craft your resume knowing that an ATS is likely being used, a resume still needs to read well for a human reader.

Other Important Factors for ATS Resume Submission

• When given the option to upload your resume or to cut and paste it into the system, it is much better to upload a resume that is well-formatted for an ATS. Cutting and pasting can result in the inclusion of text formatting code which can garble your resume in the system.

• Do not submit your resume multiple times to the same recruiter or hiring organization for the same job. You are in the system the first time and the ATS will track and identify this multiple submission activity. If you are applying for multiple jobs within the same company, you should submit multiple resumes. You may tweak your resume for the different positions, but be very certain that your resumes all tell the same story. The different versions of your resume will be identified and inconsistencies will be easily recognized.

• If possible, have an employee of the company you are targeting submit your resume to the system. Most systems assign different values to the submission source and it is likely that an internally submitted resume (an internal referral) will weigh more heavily than a resume submitted via a job board, for example.

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Resume Creation Tool Links

Excellent Resume In Hand & 180 Engineering in Your Corner

Assuring that your resume is formatted in an ATS-friendly manner is really important. For obvious reasons, you want your resume to be in the

consideration set for as many organizations as possible.

This said, 180 Engineering takes a much more hands-on approach. We do use an ATS, but we don’t rely on it—we review many resumes the

old-fashioned way. Additionally, one of our core missions is to help our candidates advance their careers and to achieve their goals. We take the

time to understand our candidates’ strengths and their career objectives. With this understanding, we work to match candidates with opportunities

we believe are worthy of exploring.

The 180 Engineering team takes this same approach with our hiring organization clients. We spend a lot of time working to understand their goals

and needs for the positions they are working to fill. As a result of this commitment, the candidates 180 Engineering puts forward tend to be thor-

oughly considered. We are looking forward to helping you make your next career move.

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Jobscan is an extremely helpful tool that assists you with optimization of your resume for a specific job listing.

Using a FreeResume Builderto Create a Top-Notch Resume

Another source discussing available free resume creation tools.

Keywords forEngineeringResumes

The right keywords are critical. This list provides some great ideas.

ActionKeywords forEngineeringResumes

More keyword ideas that are very helpful when working to powerfully describe the contributions you have made.

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Julia GonzalezCity, State Zip(555) 555-5555 • [email protected]/in/julia-gonalez

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE____________________________________________________________________________________

Most Recent Job, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(Present)

In this section, you will describe your experience in this position. However, don’t just list your responsibili-ties, use keywords that are relevant for the position to which you are applying. As much as possible, com-municate the value you contributed to your team or company. Frame your accomplishments in measurable results as much as possible. For example, “decreased product development timeline by 20%,” “improved quality assurance scores by 33%,” “decreased costs of a multi-million project by 15%.” Try to use the job title within the job description in your resume.

Job Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

Keep your sentences short and to the point. Don’t detail every aspect of this position, rather focus on the areas of responsibilities or accomplishments pertinent to the new job. Job Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

If you make transitions in your career, describe how the skills acquired or accomplishments in this position relate to the new position.

Job Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

If you made transitions in your career, describe how the skills acquired or accomplishments in this posi-tion relate to the new position.

Chronological Resume

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Chronological Resume (page 2)

EDUCATION, AFFILIATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS____________________________________________________________________________________

Degree, Graduation Year (YYYY)College Name, Location

Amazing Certification 1Amazing Certification 2

Member: Relevant Industry AssociationMember: Relevant Industry Association

TECHNICAL SKILLS____________________________________________________________________________________

Programs: Relevant computer programs hereStandards: Relevant standards you are familiar with hereLanguages: If relevant to the position, computer languages in which you are skilled and proficient

SOFT SKILLS____________________________________________________________________________________

Soft skills are important for success on technical teams. Some say that strong soft skills are even more important than technical skills. List your areas of strength here. Some of the top soft skills employers look for include communication, teamwork, adaptability, perseverance, problem-solving, creativity, work ethic, interpersonal skills, time management, and leadership.

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Hybrid Resume

Julia GonzalezCity, State Zip | (555) 555-5555 | [email protected]/in/julia-gonzalez

Include a strong summary that calls attention to your accomplishments, highlights your skills, communi-cates the types of companies you have worked for, what you enjoy most about your career, any areas of specialization you might have, and areas of particular interest. This is a great place to call attention to appropriate soft skills. If possible, use the job title within the job description in your resume.


● 1st Skill Area (eg: IoT Device Electrical Engineering): Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 ... ● 2nd Skill Area: Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 | Skill 5… ● 3rd Skill Area: Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 … ● 1st Accomplishment: Use to-the-point action language and quantify outcome wherever possible. Example - Sped Market Delivery: Reduced product development timeline by 20% which facilitated revenue generation 43 days faster. ● 2nd Accomplishment: ● 3rd Accomplishment:


Most Recent Company, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(Present)

In this section, you will describe your experience in this position. However. Don’t just list your responsibili-ties, use keywords that are relevant for the position to which you are applying. As much as possible, com-municate the value you contributed to your team or company. Frame your accomplishments in measurable results as much as possible. For example, “decreased product development timeline by 20%,” improved quality assurance scores by 33%,” “decreased costs of a multi-million project by 15%.”

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

Since many of your skills and accomplishments are featured at the beginning of the resume, you might be able to include a bit less detail for each position.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

If you made transitions in your career, describe how the skills acquired or accomplishments in this posi-tion relate to the new position.

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Hybrid Resume (page 2)

Company Before, City, StateYour Title, (MM/YYYY)-Present

If this is a position without much relevance to the position you are seeking, keep the description very brief. Or, you can consider leaving it off your resume, particularly if more than 15 years ago.


Degree, Graduation Year (YYYY)College Name, Location

Amazing Certification 1Amazing Certification 2

Member: Relevant Industry AssociationMember: Relevant Industry Association

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Skills-Focus Resume

Julia Gonzalez City, State Zip • (555) [email protected] • linkedin.com/in/julia-gonzalez


Most Recent Company, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(Present)

Skills: Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 | Skill 5

This type of resume focuses on skills and provides a great opportunity to focus on keywords. This resume style might work particularly well if you are applying for a position where a lot of technical skills are needed. Don’t use up too much of your space detailing daily duties. Spend time reviewing the job description to identify important keywords to include. If possible, use the job title within the job description in your resume.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

Skills: Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 | Skill 5

Focus on including relevant keywords, but make sure the position description is not merely a string of keywords. Provide context and include accomplishments.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

Skills: Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 | Skill 5

How has your career evolved over time? How have you worked to keep pace with changing technologies? How has your career evolved in terms of level of responsibility?


Degree, Graduation Year (YYYY), College Name, Location

Certification Program 1Certification Program 2

Member: Relevant Industry Association

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Management Resume

Julia GonzalezCity, State Zip • (555) 555-5555 • [email protected] • linkedin.com/in/julia-gonzalez


Create a strong resume summary that highlights what it is you do, the types of companies you’ve worked with, and your strengths. Include your experience, areas of specialization, and your interests. Key skills include (be sure to include management-focused soft skills):

Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4 | Skill 5 | Skill 6

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEMost Recent Company, City, State

Job Title, MM/YYYY-Present

A management-focused resume needs to highlight the teams you have managed and what those teams have achieved under your leadership. ● Summarize your accomplishments using as many numbers and specific results as possible. ● Focus your resume on skills and results rather than day-to-day duties.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title, MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY

A management-focused resume needs to highlight the teams you have managed and what those teams have achieved under your leadership. ● Summarize your accomplishments using as many numbers and specific results as possible. ● Focus your resume on skills and results rather than day-to-day duties.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title, MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY

A management-focused resume needs to highlight the teams you have managed and what those teams have achieved under your leadership. ● Summarize your accomplishments using as many numbers and specific results as possible. ● Focus your resume on skills and results rather than day-to-day duties. ● Include some of your technical skills from earlier in your career to give recruiters and hiring organizations a better idea of your background.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title, MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY

Include some of your technical skills from earlier in your career to give recruiters and hiring organizations a better idea of your background. ● If a position is not relevant to the position you are applying for, feel free to leave it off. ● It’s OK for a resume to be 2 pages if your experience justifies it.


Degree, Graduation Year (YYYY), College Name, Location

Amazing Certification Leadership Program 1Amazing Certification Leadership Program 2

Member: Relevant Industry Association 1Member: Relevant Industry Association 2

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Executive Resume

Julia GonzalezCity, State Zip(555) 555-5555 [email protected]/in/julia-gonzalez

Your executive summary must be succinct and powerful. Include your target job title, the industry or sector, your years of experience, and any relevant specialties. Call attention to specific and measurable achievements.

Example: Innovation-drive, growth-focused Chief Products Officer with 18+ years’ experience in expediting product development, product launch strategy, market needs assessment, alliance management, and oper-ations. A results-oriented executive with a strong background in result-driven product development, having launched 10 products exceeding $50 million in sales within the last 10 years. Recognized for the ability to inspire innovation, collaborative leadership style, and ability to effectively translate complex product de-velopment problems into tangible action plans. A proven leader capable of establishing a long-term vision while achieving near-term goals.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE____________________________________________________________________________________

Most Recent Company, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(Present)

● Executive resumes should contain little discussion of day-to-day duties or hard skills. o You must focus on the results you achieved. ● What did the business achieve under your leadership? o How much did the business grow? What were some of the initiatives you launched to achieve your goal? How did you foster innovation? ● Include as many numbers and specific results metrics as you can.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

● Executive soft skills are more important than hard skills. ● How did this organization benefit from your leadership? ● What big ideas did you bring to life in the organization? ● What risks did you take that really paid off? ● Did you enact operational or structural changes that really paid off? ● What are some of your professional values?

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

● Work to illustrate how your leadership skills grew in these earlier positions. ● What accomplishments did you achieve? ● What innovations did you lead?

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Executive Resume (page 2)

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

● Work to illustrate how your leadership skills grew in these earlier positions. ● What accomplishments did you achieve and how do you inspire people? ● What innovations did you lead? ● What are your professional values? Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

● It’s helpful to share a summary of your hard skills from positions earlier in your career to give recruiters and hiring organizations a better feel for your background.

Company Before, City, StateYour Title (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYY)

● You don’t need to include every position, especially if it is more than 15 years ago.

EDUCATIONS, AFFILIATIONS & CERTIFICATIONS___________________________________________________________________________________

Degree, Graduation Year College Name, Location

Amazing Certification Leadership Program 1Amazing Certification Leadership Program 2

Tri-State Product Innovation Association, Chairman of Board (MM/YYYY)-(MM/YYYYY)Member: Relevant Industry Association 1Member: Relevant Industry Association 2

AWARDS & RECOGNITION___________________________________________________________________________________

Greater Metro Area Innovation Award Recipient (YYYY)Most Amazing Executive Award (YYYY)

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