1800 3070-2868 prevent indigestion problems with toily tool foot stool

ToilyTool 1800-3070-28 Process of digestion in human body Human digestion begins when the food one eats breaks down into nutrients and uses it to obtain energy, growth and for cell repair. With proper chewing, the food breaks into pieces and mixes with saliva to process it breaking down for the body to absorb it and utilize them for wear and tear of the body.

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Post on 19-Feb-2017



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Page 1: 1800 3070-2868 prevent indigestion problems with toily tool foot stool

ToilyTool  1800-3070-2868

Process of digestion in human bodyHuman digestion begins when the food one eats breaks down into nutrients and uses it to obtain energy, growth and for cell repair. With proper chewing, the food breaks into pieces and mixes with saliva to process it breaking down for the body to absorb it and utilize them for wear and tear of the body.

Page 2: 1800 3070-2868 prevent indigestion problems with toily tool foot stool

ToilyTool  1800-3070-2868

When does indigestion issue start up?Indigestion issues occur when human body contains health issues such as constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers or gallbladder disease. When suffering from indigestion issues indications such as burning sensation in the stomach or upper abdomen, bloating, belching and gas, nausea and vomiting, acidic taste and growling stomach.

Page 3: 1800 3070-2868 prevent indigestion problems with toily tool foot stool

ToilyTool  1800-3070-2868

How to cure Indigestion issue completely?Curing indigestion issues is simple with the help of simple home remedies. Check the home remedies mentioned underneath-Add roasted coriander seeds to half glass of buttermilk and use one teaspoon dried leaves per cup of boiling water.Take twice a day half teaspoon of fennel seeds powder along with waterUse toilets stool with western seat toilet to poop easy by squatting over potty

Page 4: 1800 3070-2868 prevent indigestion problems with toily tool foot stool

ToilyTool  1800-3070-2868

How toilet squat stool is helpful?Toilet Squats stool is designed to help people receive squatting posture when using the western toilet seat. Squatting is the natural posture to eliminate waste by relaxing the puborectalis muscles. With Squatting posture using the stool with western toilet both your knee and your colon muscles will get a huge relief as waste evacuates fully from body. Waste will not stagnate to turn out hard stool. This would cool down excessive acid reflux in the body.

Page 5: 1800 3070-2868 prevent indigestion problems with toily tool foot stool

ToilyTool  1800-3070-2868

Brief Description about ToilyToolToilyTool is an Indian based company which manufactured Toilets stool to squat easy. The company designed to help prevent constipation, hard stool, piles, hemorrhoids and indigestion issues such as acidity and gas. The product is made out of special plastic alloy, designed with perfect height, weight and length that is convenient for individual of any age. The Stool is a reliable preventive solution as it is recommended by Doctors, Yoga Gurus and Health Experts.