1902...this curse also affected alexander, and his grandchildren alfred and alexia, eventually...

45 1900s: Oil, gas and energy are discovered in Eastern Slav at the beginning of the 20th Century. But the land sourcing these reserves is under control of separatists. Stanley Ashford’s son, Thomas, takes over the reins as head of the Ashford family. As per tradition he is presented with a golden teacup from the family butler and an ancestral portrait created of his likeness. It is his hope to achieve glory like his father and grandmother did before him. He has a twin brother named Arthur, but being the oldest it is Thomas’ turn to reign first. A palace is constructed in the Eastern Slav capital Holifgrad as a luxury villa for the Russian Emperor in the early 20th century. The building will be admired for its beauty across the world and will form the seat of government for the Eastern Slav President. The antique desk in the main office will used by Svetlana Belikova over 100 years from now. 1902: A prestigious private school for elites is founded in Ellnaul, Northern Kudahnkan named Marhawa Academy. LOCATION PROFILE: MARHAWA ACADEMY Marhawa is Asia’s largest private academy and is located in in the isolated forest region of Ellnaul in Northern Kudahnkan, under the jurisdiction of Prime Minster Enoell and the Kudahnkan government. The campus is purposefully situated rurally to afford maximum privacy and is several hours drive away from the nearest town. The entire complex is completely surrounded by high perimeter fencing and blanketed on all sides by thick, dense jungle and several small lakes. Numerous trails run through the trees and a rich abundance of wildlife populates the area. There is no landline installed at the school and no mobile phone signal, meaning contact could only be made via internet communication or letter. The school day runs from 8am – 4pm and students are enrolled from Elementary School age and remain on site until adulthood. Their seclusion ensures they are well sheltered from the evils of the world and they grow up oblivious to the natural cruelties of life. The school is completely self-sustaining and its students had no dealings with the wider world and were often fascinated on the rare occasion the academy was visited by ‘outsiders’. The school is exclusively for the elite and labelled as a ‘garden to grow the leaders of tomorrow.’ Tuition fees are astronomical and only the super-rich could afford to send their children. The boys dressed in crisp white suits and the girls in matching dresses branding the Marhawa logo. In later years the school was owned by the father of Gracia Delenikas and in just a single generation he transformed the institute into one of the world’s premier academies. He had eight children of his own but when he died it was Gracia he deemed best suited to be his successor. At first she did not understand why she had been chosen and felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of the position she now held. However, she soon began to revel in the idea of all these young elites swearing absolute fealty to her and she made it her mission to protect her father’s legacy at all costs. The isolated environment and exclusive nature of Marhawa Academy makes students develop an abnormal thought process regarding the concept of ‘outsiders’.

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Page 1: 1902...This curse also affected Alexander, and his grandchildren Alfred and Alexia, eventually leading to the total extinction of the once proud Ashford family. Following Edward's


1900s: Oil, gas and energy are discovered in Eastern Slav at the beginning of the 20th Century. But the land sourcing these reserves is under control of separatists. Stanley Ashford’s son, Thomas, takes over the reins as head of the Ashford family. As per tradition he is presented with a golden teacup from the family butler and an ancestral portrait created of his likeness. It is his hope to achieve glory like his father and grandmother did before him. He has a twin brother named Arthur, but being the oldest it is Thomas’ turn to reign first. A palace is constructed in the Eastern Slav capital Holifgrad as a luxury villa for the Russian Emperor in the early 20th century. The building will be admired for its beauty across the world and will form the seat of government for the Eastern Slav President. The antique desk in the main office will used by Svetlana Belikova over 100 years from now. 1902: A prestigious private school for elites is founded in Ellnaul, Northern Kudahnkan named Marhawa Academy. LOCATION PROFILE: MARHAWA ACADEMY Marhawa is Asia’s largest private academy and is located in in the isolated forest region of Ellnaul in Northern Kudahnkan, under the jurisdiction of Prime Minster Enoell and the Kudahnkan government. The campus is purposefully situated rurally to afford maximum privacy and is several hours drive away from the nearest town. The entire complex is completely surrounded by high perimeter fencing and blanketed on all sides by thick, dense jungle and several small lakes. Numerous trails run through the trees and a rich abundance of wildlife populates the area. There is no landline installed at the school and no mobile phone signal, meaning contact could only be made via internet communication or letter. The school day runs from 8am – 4pm and students are enrolled from Elementary School age and remain on site until adulthood. Their seclusion ensures they are well sheltered from the evils of the world and they grow up oblivious to the natural cruelties of life. The school is completely self-sustaining and its students had no dealings with the wider world and were often fascinated on the rare occasion the academy was visited by ‘outsiders’. The school is exclusively for the elite and labelled as a ‘garden to grow the leaders of tomorrow.’ Tuition fees are astronomical and only the super-rich could afford to send their children. The boys dressed in crisp white suits and the girls in matching dresses branding the Marhawa logo. In later years the school was owned by the father of Gracia Delenikas and in just a single generation he transformed the institute into one of the world’s premier academies. He had eight children of his own but when he died it was Gracia he deemed best suited to be his successor. At first she did not understand why she had been chosen and felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of the position she now held. However, she soon began to revel in the idea of all these young elites swearing absolute fealty to her and she made it her mission to protect her father’s legacy at all costs. The isolated environment and exclusive nature of Marhawa Academy makes students develop an abnormal thought process regarding the concept of ‘outsiders’.

Page 2: 1902...This curse also affected Alexander, and his grandchildren Alfred and Alexia, eventually leading to the total extinction of the once proud Ashford family. Following Edward's


On campus Gracia was perceived as an unquestionable authority – not unlike a ruler in an absolute monarchy. The school was strictly governed by the prefects and senior students were elected School Council President and Vice-President respectively. The layout of Marhawa consisted of four main areas: The entrance block comprises of the main gate, motor pool and various security and administration offices. Also here is the main cathedral towering over the rest of the site. This marvel of neo-classical architecture has two large spires and was the centrepiece of the whole academy. Students gather for ceremonies and religious prayer here and Gracia also make her address to the entire school from this location. To the left of the entrance block is the sports and games block, housing the flood-lit sports and athletics field. Also here is the gymnasium, outdoor swimming pool and old clubhouse. La Cross is the game of choice for the students here. The next block is the main teaching area where numerous buildings contain classrooms and the various teaching departments and faculties. All these buildings surround a central parking lot. The final block is the residential block with various apartment buildings where the staff and student live. There is also a guest accommodation for outsiders, a canteen, infirmary and numerous shops and stalls. Beneath ground level is an extensive basement full of generators, pipes and automated machinery. The underground control room is inspected once every month. At the back of the control room is a hatch leading to an emergency helicopter. The code to enter the hangar is ‘1017’. Once ready to take off, a hydraulic lift elevates the helicopter landing pad to the surface where it emerges in the middle of the sports field. Also underground is a comprehensive sewer network and water channel. In 2012 Marhawa was engulfed in a biohazard outbreak and all students and staff were killed. 1908: TUESDAY JUNE 30TH 1908 A powerful explosion occurs near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Russia. It is caused by the impact of a large meteorite with a force equivalent to 10-15 megatons of TNT. The blast knocks over an estimated 80 million trees over a radius of 2,150 kilometres or 830 square miles. This unique event results in a research facility being constructed for scientific study of the impact site and its environmental effects. This facility will be abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union and eventually taken over and expanded by Umbrella Corporation. 1910s CIRCA: Edward Ashford is born in England. He is the son of Arthur Ashford who is the younger brother of Thomas, the current head of the family. Edward will go on to rule the Ashford family during their golden age and is one of the co-founders of Umbrella. CHARACTER PROFILE: EDWARD ASHFORD *Born: 1910s. Died: July 1968. Height: UK. Weight: UK. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: British. Affiliation: Umbrella. Edward Ashford was a genius scholar and a respected member of the prestigious Ashford family. He was the heart and soul of Umbrella, with many leading scientists and researchers still looking up to him thirty years after his death. Whenever a major problem surfaced, it was not unusual for someone to say; 'If only Lord Ashford were still alive...' Edward was the son of Arthur Ashford, and because Arthur's reign as family head was cut short due to having an older brother in Thomas, Edward became the fifth generation family head at quite an advanced age. His portrait in the palace on Rockfort Island depicts him as an elderly gentleman and scholar during his formative years as co-owner of Umbrella. He was blessed with extraordinary intelligence, boasting a high IQ and graduated university with a doctorate. Whilst still at a young age he became an acquaintance of Oswell E. Spencer and the two became firm friends and respected colleagues. Whilst pursuing his own independent work as a scientist, Ashford often visited Spencer at his villa in mainland Europe where the two would talk long into the night about various ideas and ambitions. A family man, Edward doted on his own son Alexander and

Page 3: 1902...This curse also affected Alexander, and his grandchildren Alfred and Alexia, eventually leading to the total extinction of the once proud Ashford family. Following Edward's


developed a fondness for the son of Spencer’s butler, a young boy named Patrick who was eager to learn his master’s craft. One night in the mid-1950s, Edward introduced Patrick to his first taste of brandy, a moment the young boy would savour throughout his life and document in his diary some 50 years later. It was through Spencer that Ashford became acquainted with Dr. James Marcus and Edward accepted an invitation from the latter to work more closely with them both. After Spencer shared his theories regarding the 'Stairway to the Sun' from Henry Travis's books, Edward hypothesised about an unknown virus existing somewhere within the natural world which could spur evolution upon an organism. This was the beginning of a quest to the discovery of the Progenitor Virus which they finally achieved as a group just a few years later in 1966. Edward, Marcus and Spencer led a research team deep into the bowels of the Kijujuan Mountains and discovered the lost Ndipaya city after three months of searching. There they uncovered the ancient sun garden and found the filo-virus infecting the Sonnentreppe flowers. This was a major breakthrough and samples were shipped back to the Europe where all three men began independent research into the virus. It was Marcus who made the first breakthrough, sharing with Ashford one stormy night the results he achieved by filtering Progenitor through a repeat of the 1953 experiment performed by Stanley Miller, testing the Oparin-Haldane theory about the evolution of prebiotic chemicals and the origins of life on Earth. Ashford was astounded by what Marcus had achieved and together the two rushed to show Spencer. That infamous night in 1967 was the genesis for the birth of Umbrella Corporation. From that moment, the goal of Umbrella’s three founders was to achieve immortality through creating a neutered strain of the Progenitor Virus made more adaptable to modern humans. Throughout the course of human evolution, human adaptability had been lost completely and the virus was lethal to practically every modern day human. This was something they sought to rectify. Edward worked hard with Spencer to create Umbrella, focusing all his time, effort and a large slice of his personal fortune into the endeavour. He was blessed with a consummate scientific mind, possessing none of the over-zealous ambitions for power and wealth his co-founders did. The most important thing to Ashford was family, and this trait was a big reason why the Ashford’s enjoyed a golden age under his leadership. Despite this, Ashford still possessed a mean streak. He actively took part in t-Virus research and was one of a select few aware of Spencer's plans to murder George Trevor and did nothing to prevent this callous act. He also took design plans Trevor had made for Spencer and used them on the Ashford's stately home in England. These plans were used again for the Antarctic base which resulted in the main hall replica. Over the years he developed a professional rivalry with Spencer but nothing on the scale of ferocity between Spencer and Marcus. Following the formal creation of Umbrella in April 1968, Edward had Alexander assist him with a top-secret project involving Progenitor. This move was partly to groom Alexander for his succession. However, by now Edward was elderly and the strain proved too much for his ailing body. In a laboratory accident he contracted the Progenitor Virus and died almost instantly. There were rumours Spencer was behind the accident, but instead the blame was placed on Alexander and this marked the first step in the gradual decline of the Ashford family. Many believe that a curse was placed on the family bloodline ever since Edward co-founded Umbrella. This curse also affected Alexander, and his grandchildren Alfred and Alexia, eventually leading to the total extinction of the once proud Ashford family. Following Edward's death in July 1968, Spencer seized his shares in the company, and despite Alexander's best efforts to restore his family's honour, he was not blessed with the same talents his father had and was not seen as a threat by Spencer. Just before his death, Edward was informed by Alexander of his desire to re-animate their great ancestor, Veronica. Although he played no part in it, Edward had at least been aware of his son’s top-secret research project that become known as Code: Veronica.

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An early 20th century poet named Igor Mechnikov writes the poem Grace and is also a pro-independence fighter during the first push for freedom for Eastern Slav before the Soviet Union is formed. 1911: Donya Genvere Blund dies this year. 1912 ONWARDS: In the city of Lanshiang, China, the area of Poisawan is a large and desirable zone constructed amidst ruins of an old fort in the Waiyip district and is kept in order by the military and government of the Qing dynasty. But following the collapse of the Qing Empire in 1912, authoritative rule and security are removed and Poisawan becomes virtually lawless. In the years that follow, refugees from all over build temporary shelters one after another leading to over-population and the area degrading into a slum. These temporary shelters will still be in place 100 years later. 1913: A large cemetery is built in Raccoon City near to the northern outskirts of the town. 1917: NOVEMBER 1917 The climax of the Russian Revolution which sees the collapse of the Tsarist autocracy under Nicholas II and Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power, leading to the rise of the Soviet Union. The effects of the Russian revolution will largely rewrite the map of Europe. This period is when the Eastern Slav council is formed and the country declares independence. This is following Igor Mechnikov’s fight for such a cause. He will be remembered throughout Eastern Slav history as a hero and his poem will be used by the resistance over century later. 1918: James Marcus is born. Marcus will be part of the original research team that discovers the Progenitor Virus in Africa in 1966 and credited as a co-founder of Umbrella two years later. He also created the first successful t-Virus and his work was a blueprint for others to follow. CHARACTER PROFILE: JAMES MARCUS *Born: 1918. Died: 1988. Height: 180cm. Weight: 68.5kg. Blood Type: A. Nationality: American. Affiliation: Umbrella James Marcus was born in 1918 and developed an early interest in science. He attended school and became acquainted with Oswell E. Spencer at a young age. He had a brilliant mind and developed a keen passion for chess. Marcus later graduated from a top university aged 21 in 1939, becoming a prominent expert in the field of virology. He later took a job in Switzerland at a prestigious university, practicing paleobiology and the, study of extinct bacteria. He focused on evolution of specialist microbes through a virus to theorise about the formation of life on earth. His work was successful and the talk of the university, but as time went by he began to have a difference of opinion with several professors when questions were raised about the validity of his studies. Following a scandal involving falsified test results of which he was completely innocent, Marcus found his funding grants slashed and he was forced to turn to his old friend,

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Oswell Spencer for help. Marcus wasn’t someone who found it easy to get on with in the world in the first place but the Spencer Foundation agreed to fund Marcus's research under the condition he leave the university and relocate to Spencer’s European estate. It was there that Marcus was introduced Spencer's other great friend, Edward Ashford, and together the three shared common interests. Together they funded and planned an expedition to Africa in 1966 where they officially discovered the Progenitor Virus. Marcus believed the virus held the key to altering the DNA of a life form. He wanted to take it back and begin detailed investigations immediately. Together, the three scholars wanted to find the reasons why Progenitor failed to adapt to modern humans and desired to create a neutered strain that would allow them all to achieve immortality like the fabled kings of Ndipaya legend. This was the genesis behind the t-Virus Project. In 1967, Marcus made the first breakthrough by running the virus through a repeat of the Stanley Miller experiment, the results of which only further reinforced his beliefs. However, as the years passed, the virus and how it should be handled caused a split in interest between Marcus and Spencer and a power struggle was born that would eventually claim the life of one of them. Marcus was so fascinated by the properties of the Progenitor Virus that he cared little about the impending formation of Umbrella and constantly performed experiment after experiment on the new virus. After Umbrella was established in April 1968, the turning point in his career came just a few months later. He and his up and coming apprentice, Brandon Bailey, had decided to return to Africa to gather up more Progenitor samples when at the last minute, Spencer suddenly requested that Marcus remain behind in Raccoon City to become Director of the new company Management Training Facility, due to be opened in August that year. Although Marcus initially had no interest in the job, he knew the opportunity would provide his own specialist facility, allowing him to continue his work on Progenitor away from the prying eyes of Spencer. Eventually, and with some reluctance, he agreed to the request. Marcus spent the next nine years working on Progenitor, performing experiments on various types of insects, mammals and amphibians, and although Progenitor on its own was not capable of producing stable bio-organic weapons, his research laid the foundations for the very first t-type B.O.W.s. But as his work progressed he became frustrated and deemed it necessary that human test subjects needed to be introduced if his research was to go forward. But human experimentation was forbidden, despite Spencer having already secretly performed the first human Progenitor tests almost a decade earlier with the Trevor family. In 1977, Marcus began to focus his research on the study of leeches. This was also the year Albert Wesker and William Birkin were enrolled at the Training Facility and Marcus immediately saw a potential in them that he had not seen in anyone else during his nine year tenure as Director. Despite all this, the pivotal moment in the career of Dr. Marcus came in September 1977 when he successfully combined the Progenitor Virus with leech DNA to create the first successful strain of t-Virus. In the months following, Marcus began to use students from the school in his tests, at the same time becoming more and more isolated from staff and spending weeks at a time locked away in his private laboratory beneath the church. He perfected the t-Virus prototype in January 1978 but decided to keep his discovery a secret from Spencer and the other members of the executive board, confiding only in Brandon Bailey at the Africa lab via telegram. Ever since Edward Ashford's death in July 1968, Marcus had suspected that Spencer had been looking for ways to gain total control of Umbrella and from that point on he had always been careful with his research, paranoid of any information leaks. Despite his suspicions, Marcus knew that with the t-Virus, he held the power that could oust Spencer and his followers from the company for good. The only person Marcus ever fully confided in was Brandon Bailey; his student protégé and the man he hoped would one day be his successor. Bailey by this point was permanently stationed in Kijuju, running Umbrella Africa and regularly sending back Progenitor samples to Raccoon City. However, despite all his calculating and careful planning, James Marcus made one fatal mistake which was his misguided trust of Albert Wesker and William Birkin. He had often noted in his diaries that that those two were the only ones he trusted following his forced separation from Bailey. Yet he failed to realise that Birkin

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and Wesker were spying on him and making regular reports back to Spencer at the Arklay Labs. Marcus also had no knowledge of Spencer's grand plan for Wesker and that he was carefully nursing his development as part of the mysterious Wesker Children project. By the time Marcus finally suspected something amiss after discovering security measures he'd laid to protect his work had been tampered with, it was already too late. The number of students mysteriously vanishing from the facility was rapidly becoming too large a number to cover up and he was now backed into a corner. He decided to postpone his plans to move against Spencer and instead officially announced the creation of the Tyrant Virus prototype to the board of directors. However, instead of the growing praise and promotion he expected, he was instead presented with damning reports proving he had conducted unauthorised human experimentation and deliberately withheld ground-breaking new research from the rest of the company. He was immediately stripped of all his authority and removed from power completely. Soon afterwards, the Executive Training Facility was closed down and all t-Virus research was transferred to the Arklay Labs under the supervision of Wesker and Birkin. Embittered, Marcus’ dreams of ousting Spencer was in tatters. He was exiled and left alone in his old lab at the now abandoned Training Facility, and little did he know that this entire sequence of events had been orchestrated by Spencer from the very beginning. Spencer knew all along that Marcus possessed the better scientific mind and had purposefully waited for his colleague’s research to bear fruit before he made his move to intercept it. Throughout the 1980s, Marcus was forced to watch from a distance as the t-Virus came on leaps and bounds at Arklay. And in a further disgrace, William Birkin was even officially credited as the original developer of the t-Virus with Marcus stripped of all recognition completely. He spent the next few years in isolation, continuing work on his Queen Leech and swearing revenge. But with all his authority, tools, resources and finance taken away, he made no further significant contributions to Umbrella. He had next to no authority in the corporation and it was now Spencer alone who held the real power. Marcus realised he had been so absorbed in his own research he failed to see what his colleague had been planning from the beginning. When research on the t-Virus reached Level 3 in 1988 and set about creating a human biological weapon in the form of a Tyrant, Spencer formally took total control of Umbrella and had James Marcus killed to cover up any loose ends. Ironically the assassination was carried out by the very two men that Marcus had once trusted implicitly; Wesker and Birkin. Ten years after the closure of the Training Facility had buried the research on mutant leeches, the curtain on Dr. Marcus was finally brought down and his body rotted away in the waters of the gloomy research facility. However, the Queen Leech held a certain 'bond' with the late Dr. Marcus, and sought out his decomposing corpse and nestled inside it, thus beginning an extraordinary process to pro-create a new life using the t-Virus within. The body of Marcus was completely absorbed by the leech and after ten years, a 'copy' of the late Doctor appeared at the Management Training Facility. This copy was neither a ghost nor a miraculous resurrection, but a clone created from the Queen due to permanently moulding itself to DNA from his remains. This copy even reflected the will of Marcus, and his desire for revenge on Spencer was carried over. The Queen began by infiltrating the Arklay Mansion undetected and releasing the mutant V-ACT strain of the t-Virus that created Crimson Heads. It then later infected the Management Training Facility and the Ecliptic Express with the original Prototype strain using the leeches. These incidents hammered the first nail into Umbrella’s coffin that would lead to their eventual downfall. But the Queen was confronted and destroyed by S.T.A.R.S. member Rebecca Chambers and former U.S. Marine Billy Coen.

Page 7: 1902...This curse also affected Alexander, and his grandchildren Alfred and Alexia, eventually leading to the total extinction of the once proud Ashford family. Following Edward's


WEDNESDAY MAY 22ND 1918 A man named Tylar is born today in Raccoon City. 1920s CIRCA: Thomas Ashford dies, and with no children the position of family head passes over to his twin brother, Arthur. Although he retains the flaming-red hair of his father, he is sickly-looking, with a pale and gaunt appearance. He is presented with an Earthenware decorative plate by the family butler to mark his ascension to head of the family. Edward Ashford is his son. 1920: Future World War II hero Dom M. Joe is born in Raccoon City. 1921: A group of researchers from the Soviet Academy of Sciences begin a formal investigation into the mysterious Tunguska explosion of 1908. The forest around the epicentre had been completely burned away for a radius of at least 30 miles and the resulting mushroom cloud was visible from several hundred miles away. The findings of this investigation are made public with the official story being the blast was the result of a meteorite impact. But in truth, the research team never positively identified the remains of any meteorite at the disaster site and reports of strange phenomena around the blast zone begin to increase. Actual findings include traces of a metal very rare to Earth called Iridium. In addition there are accounts of strange mutations occurring in animals and plants near ground zero. Time and again rumours circulate around the local populace that the research team are uncovering the most amazing findings. 1922: After years of talks, the Soviet Union is officially established. 1923: Independence for Eastern Slav is short lived as it is absorbed into the Soviet Union. The country will have to wait until the collapse of the commonwealth to achieve true independence. Oswell E. Spencer is born. Descended from Western European nobility and inheritor of a large personal fortune, it is Spencer’s vision and personal ambition for the future of humanity that triggers the era of illegal biological experimentation in the latter half of the 20th century. CHARACTER PROFILE: OSWELL E. SPENCER *Born: 1923. Died: 2006. Height: 179.4cm. Weight: 65kg. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: British. Affiliation: Umbrella Oswell E. Spencer was born into nobility in the early part of the 20th Century. As an aristocrat and scholar with a keen interest in science, Spencer orchestrated the birth of Umbrella Corporation and ruled as its Chief Executive Officer, spearheading illegal bio-organic weapons production with a personal goal of creating an evolved race of super humans that he would one day rule over as their god. The key to this plan was the Progenitor Virus, which he discovered in Africa in 1966 with assistance from respected colleagues James Marcus and Edward Ashford. The virus had the ability to bequeath a successful host with superhuman abilities but in its natural state was a little too selective, leaving a majority of its infectees dead. A muted variant was needed to make modern humans compatible and this was the whole purpose of the t-Virus project that dominated Umbrella for over three decades. The corporation’s development of biological weapons was purely

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for financial gain so this project could continue to be funded in secret until final success was found, and so Spencer waited patiently behind the scenes for other more gifted minds to unwillingly create his perfect virus. He was an intensely private man and almost never appeared in public even after Umbrella developed into a global corporate giant, leaving his face shrouded in mystery and intrigue. When the t-Virus was perfected enough to earn him billions, he pushed for the research to continue, leaving many prominent figures to wonder just what his true intentions really were. Little is known of Spencer’s origins other than he was of European descent and believed to be British. The Spencer Family was part of the aristocracy, boasting unparalleled wealth and often socialised with the elites of Western nobility. In his youth he became fascinated with the notion of discovery and the evolution of mankind as a species through eugenics. He was an elitist and strongly believed in his own words that ‘Those who are physically and mentally superior should lead those who are not.’ Spencer’s ambition was unlimited and he would do whatever was necessary to achieve his goals. His hobbies included hunting and collecting rare antiques and expensive pieces of art. He met James Marcus at a prestigious private school and later launched the ‘Spencer Foundation’; a trust set up to fund and encourage bright, scientific minds of tomorrow. As he grew older his most distinguishing feature was his long, white hair reaching down to his shoulders and his unshadowing self-confidence. Although part of a noble family, Spencer was too focused on his career goals and never took a wife nor bore any children. Despite being an intellectually gifted man and with a sound acumen for business, he was never a leading scientist himself and was happy for the work to be done by others, but he would always be there in the background to reap the benefits of their endeavours. He was extremely calculating and had a gift for exploiting others. Thanks to his influence and connections, Spencer was able to acquire a rare copy of Henry Travis’s infamous Natural History Conspectus; an extensive set of encyclopaedias documenting the flora and fauna of Africa. In its pages he read about the Ndipaya people and their worship of the flower they called Stairway to the Sun. This flower was described as being able to enhance the natural abilities and traits of certain individuals, leading Spencer to foresee a potential in this plant that could have profound implications for the future of mankind. He later shared this hypothesis with James Marcus and his good friend and fellow nobleman, Edward Ashford. The three of them would often sit long into the night at Spencer’s European villa with cigars and brandy discussing and dissecting their ideas, planning for a future where they would stand on top of the world. By this time, Spencer was thinking of relocating from Europe to America and had hired famed New York architect George Trevor to design and construct a mansion in the deepest recesses of Raccoon Forest in the Arklay Mountains. Strangely, Spencer had requested the estate be fitted with all manner of secret rooms and security traps, assuring Trevor that cost was not an issue. The architect overlooked these unusual requests, instead looking upon them as a challenge of his design skills and estimated the mansion would take five years to build. Many physical aspects of Spencer’s European villa were incorporated into the design. As Marcus and Ashford theorised some more, they began to see a truth behind Spencer's ideas. Initially they believed his claims about the Stairway to the Sun to be nothing but rumour, but Marcus himself had already concluded that the possibility of a virus having the ability to alter DNA did likely exist and was waiting somewhere in the natural world to be discovered. They decided to plan an expedition to Africa to try and recover this flower and on December 4th 1966, they finally discovered the Progenitor Virus. This discovery was the first step for Spencer to achieve his ultimate aim of immortality.

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Although Marcus in particular seemed full of enthusiasm for the unique properties the virus possessed, Spencer simply offered a false impression to his colleagues that the virus would make them all even richer. This view disgusted Marcus who saw so much more than pure financial gain and was greatly upset at his friend’s apparent lack of understanding. However, this was feigned ignorance on Spencer’s part who secretly had the biggest plans of them all. His charade was further played out when he revealed a desire to form their own pharmaceutical company. To his colleagues, it appeared all he was after was more money. But he needed the advent of Umbrella to fund the ongoing research into the Progenitor Virus. Progenitor only reinforced Spencer's belief that the future evolution of the human race could be artificially sped up by the forced use of viruses. Now he needed to unlock the secrets of Progenitor so he could test out this claim, again recalling his core belief that those who were intellectually and physically dominant should lead all those inferior. This became his guiding principle and this survival of the fittest doctrine was at the root of his power which increased and become more sadistic with each passing year. This was to be the ultimate goal of the company he would come to call Umbrella. Using what few Progenitor samples they had left due to cultivation issues, Ashford, Spencer and Marcus all began independent research into the virus to create successful variants. This later became the ‘t-Virus’ project. In 1967, a few months after the completion of the Spencer Mansion in Raccoon Forest, Spencer invited architect George Trevor and his family over to stay, intending them to become the first human test subjects for the Progenitor Virus after two differing variants were produced, designated Type A and Type B. These variants were developed to try to stem the mortality rate of the naturally poisonous Progenitor Virus that in its pure form was fatal to almost everyone exposed to it. Trevor's wife Jessica and their daughter Lisa were administered these virus variants. Jessica's body couldn't cope with Type A and she was disposed of. Lisa however, absorbed the Type B virus and remained alive. When George Trevor himself arrived a few days later. Spencer told him his family had to leave suddenly as a relative had taken ill. He explained his vision to create a grand pharmaceutical enterprise named Umbrella and that he wanted to use the mansion as a guesthouse and summer retreat for company VIPs. Because Trevor was the only other person besides Spencer privy to the secrets of the new mansion, Spencer had him captured and taken down to the labs. But because Lisa had reacted positively to Progenitor Type B, there was no need to inject Trevor. Spencer instead decided to play a twisted little game and allowed him to escape his cell, launching a facade that was purposefully designed to test out the security of the mansion. Although Trevor was hiding out for days, Spencer ensured there was only one place he could possibly end up and had a custom gravestone made up bearing Trevor's own name, waiting at the end of the trail. Sure enough, Trevor's body was found by his makeshift grave and he was disposed of on November 30th 1967. His death ensured no one but Spencer knew all the secrets of the mansion estate and the planned work that was to be conducted there. In April 1968 Umbrella was formed, yet just a few months later Edward Ashford died in a laboratory accident involving the Progenitor Virus, though Spencer had secretly planned the ‘accident’, seeing Ashford as a potential threat to his planned takeover of the company. He knew Alexander Ashford did not possess the skills necessary to complete his father’s t-Virus research, and thus the Ashford’s gradual decline was Spencer’s gain. But he still had James Marcus to contend with and their relationship became embittered over Umbrella’s formation. Marcus had recently requested to head back to Africa to gather more Progenitor samples and Spencer had already authorised the release of funds to begin construction of Umbrella Africa and try to forcibly remove the Ndipaya from their lands. But at the last moment he requested that Marcus remain in Raccoon City so he could keep a close eye on his rival. He disguised this act by offering Marcus the position of Director at the new Executive Training Facility in Raccoon Forest with the promise of state of the art research facilities. To the delight of Spencer, Marcus accepted and would remain in Raccoon City where he could be constantly monitored. Instead it was Marcus’s student, Brandon Bailey, who went to Africa in his place, and this was just another ruse on Spencer’s part to split up a potentially dangerous partnership to his own plans.

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In June of 1969, Umbrella Africa was completed and a regular supply of Progenitor became available. Bailey took office as facility director and began sending samples back to Marcus at the Training Facility. Marcus threw himself into his work, determined to regain the respect he deserved as one of Umbrella’s founders. But this was again part of Spencer’s grand scheme which he had meticulously devised from the very beginning. Because he wasn’t sufficiently scientifically gifted himself, Spencer had manipulated Marcus’s desire to prove himself with his research, exploited his bond with Brandon Bailey and then waited patiently for his machinations to bear fruit in the form of a new breed of t-Virus, a weaponised variant of Progenitor. Whilst he waited for Marcus to do his work for him, Spencer turned his attentions back towards his own personal plans. He had visions of creating a new race of advanced human beings over which he would rule as a ‘god.’ This new race would be birthed by successful adapters to the muted Progenitor Virus, something he was banking on Marcus to perfect. He devised a secret plan with one of his most trusted researchers, a man named Dr. Wesker, in which a group of uniquely gifted children would be selected and taken from across the globe. They would be indoctrinated and subliminally programmed with Spencer’s values and traits before being sent out into the world to acquire the best possible educations in their chosen fields. There they would be watched from afar by Umbrella until they were deemed ready for the next stage of the test. This plan became known as The Wesker Children or Project Wesker, named after the researcher assisting Spencer. The program was highly classified and neither Marcus nor any other company officials were ever made aware of it. One of the first children taken was a blonde haired, blue-eyed boy named Albert. Throughout the 1970’s, Spencer helped Umbrella grow by reaching out to other prestigious noble families, offering executive positions in return for financial aid. His focus in expanding his empire and driving forward the Wesker Children in secret offered significant distractions whilst James Marcus’s personal research at the training facility was advancing nicely. But their working relationship had deteriorated further and Marcus was now devising his own plans to overthrow Spencer. Following Edward’s death, Spencer had moved quickly to acquire his share of the company and Marcus privately suspected he was seeking total control of Umbrella. He knew he needed to come up with something drastic to stop Spencer’s relentless march to power and by January 1978 he had created the perfect tool not just to stop Spencer in his tracks, but to potentially overthrow him for good… the first successful t-Virus prototype strain. However Marcus was completely unaware that Project Wesker test subject no.13, otherwise known as Albert, was making secret reports about him back to Spencer alongside fellow student William Birkin. Spencer was alarmed by these reports; students going missing, Marcus spending so much time locked away in his labs and most disturbingly of all, his successful creation of a new base virus type. Spencer knew that Marcus would be a major stumbling block in his bid to achieve his own goals and knew he would one day have to take steps to subdue this threat. Wesker and Birkin smuggled a sample of the new virus out of the training facility and Spencer immediately had his best men go to work on it at Arklay Labs, but their research was way behind what Marcus had already achieved. When Marcus formally announced the creation of the Tyrant Virus in the summer of 1978, Spencer used the evidence provided by Wesker and Birkin to forcibly remove him from power. Damning reports proving that Marcus had used illegal human testing on company students for his research was enough to get rid of him once and for all. As a bonus, the t-Virus proved to be ground-breaking and Spencer had all of Marcus' research transferred across to Arklay and placed under the guidance of new chief researchers; Albert Wesker and William Birkin, who had been rewarded for their loyalty. Marcus himself was left alone at the now abandoned training facility, stripped of all the assets he needed to further his research. But because he had such a brilliant mind, Spencer left him alone to see what he could come up with during his years in exile. Over the next few years, Spencer wanted the t-Virus exploited and improved to create the ultimate human biological weapon, desiring the virus to have an infection success rate of 100%. However, this proved impossible as Birkin and Wesker concluded that no amount of experimentation could get past a 10% natural

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immunity capacity. This alone was enough for Spencer to deem the t-Virus not viable in its current guise as a weapon that would infect an entire populace - a weapon he needed if his own personal goal of a superior human race was ever to come to fruition. Throughout the 1980’s William Birkin created several differing variants of the t-Virus to improve on Marcus’s original work and this allowed for the development of successful B.O.W.s such as the Hunter. In 1988, primary t-Virus research was completed allowing the Tyrant program to begin. This ensured Spencer could finally make his move and with his usefulness now at an end, he had Wesker and Birkin assassinate James Marcus whilst seizing full control of Umbrella in the process. This was also the year Birkin discovered the G-Virus within the body of Lisa Trevor after Spencer had pulled a few strings to get them a sample of the Nemesis Parasite from the European 6th Laboratory. Following Marcus’s assassination, Spencer restricted research on the Progenitor Virus to its cultivation grounds in Africa, tightly regulating all information surrounding it. Only a handful of executives with Level 10 status even knew the location of the hidden research centre. Employees transferred from the centre were kept under close supervision, and director Bailey was a virtual prisoner there. In 1991 Spencer authorised the construction of an expansive, state of the art research facility to be built underneath the streets of Raccoon City. He also approved Birkin’s G-Virus project. On a personal level, his visits to Arklay Labs became less frequent and he became something of a ghost working from behind the scenes. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Umbrella had gained a new alley in the form of ex-Soviet Army Colonel Sergei Vladimir. Sergei joined Umbrella in late 1991 and quickly rose up the ranks when it was revealed he was a genetic match for the Tyrant Program. He donated 10 clones of himself in exchange for an executive position in the company. These clones were used to further the Tyrant Program research by allowing Birkin to create a more adaptable t-Virus. Sergei became good friends with Spencer and swore loyalty to him. By now, Spencer’s health had begun to fade and he found himself largely confined to a wheel chair, only frustrating him even more. He often privately lamented that time was a merciless enemy and arrogantly declared he would cheat death. By 1995 he no longer visited the Arklay Labs at all and had largely removed himself from the day to day running of Umbrella, removing his face from pubic completely. However, he still made a rare public appearance, and in the latter half of the 1990s he purchased an abandoned military base on Sonido de Tortuga Island, sending many researchers there and later visiting the site and posing for a group photograph to commemorate the event. In 1998 he authorised the Reclamation Project which was a bid to re-open the old executive training facility closed down since Marcus’s forced removal from power in 1978. Spencer also saw this as an ideal opportunity to put the next stage of his Wesker Children project into effect. All viable candidates were given an experimental t-Virus that would weed out those unworthy of progressing through to the next stage. When the biohazard occurred at the Spencer Mansion in July, Spencer was initially against the destruction of the estate but realised there was little choice if they were to successfully cover-up the incident. As Operation X-Day was put into place, Spencer ordered a special t-Virus variant created by William Birkin to be passed onto Albert Wesker, but neither Birkin nor Wesker were aware of the intention behind this motive at that stage. Spencer also saw the potential of the T-A.L.O.S. project, a new prototype Tyrant currently in early development at Arklay. With the mansion due to be destroyed, Spencer called upon the services of Sergei to infiltrate the estate and retrieve T-A.L.O.S. before the S.T.A.R.S. teams arrived. Vladimir was successful in this mission. In the aftermath of the mansion explosion, Umbrella utilised their mole in the police, Chief Irons, to successfully prevent the authorities from launching a formal investigation into the incident. The only setback was the apparent death of Albert Wesker, for he had been one of the most promising candidates in the Project Wesker program. Only one other now remained, a beautiful woman named Alex. Some years earlier, Spencer had Alex in a position with Umbrella in the Information Department, even placing her in charge of Project Wesker. He had a portrait commissioned of his two most promising candidates and

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Alex operated under a pseudonym, with Albert unaware of her true significance. But working alongside each other in the Information Department, they developed a competitive rivalry, just as Spencer envisioned. As early as August 1998, Alex reported back to Spencer that the experimental t-Virus had proved to be a little too selective and had killed off all the remaining Wesker Children candidates. They were forced to look back at all the propositions who had failed to reach this stage and re-evaluate them. This put the overall success of the program down to 18%. However, Spencer was not too upset and privately believed that Albert was still alive and that one day, when the time was right, he would return to him. When the biohazard occurred in Raccoon City, Spencer knew full well that Umbrella would not get away with things once again and realised the end had finally come for his company, significantly hindering his progress with the Wesker plan and creating his perfect virus. Despite the accusations levelled at the corporation, he used his money and connections to hire the best lawyers and prepare false witnesses, yet understood the best he could hope for was to delay Umbrella's inevitable demise. He took steps to close down the African lab to preserve the secret of the Progenitor Virus source, eliminating any Level 10 employees with knowledge of its existence, including Brandon Bailey. “When one buries treasure, they should not leave behind a map.” The Raccoon incident ended what had been a solid alliance between Umbrella and the U.S. Government, and the new administration put in place following the President’s resignation immediately imposed a total suspension of business order on Umbrella. But Spencer’s actions forced the ongoing Raccoon Trials into a stalemate of sorts, as all incriminating evidence against Umbrella had seemingly been vaporised along with the city. By now, he had more or less removed himself from all responsibility from Umbrella, entrusting Sergei Vladimir to oversee all operations as the unofficial head of the company. All projects and continuing operations were transferred to Sergei's base of operations in Russia following the closure of Umbrella USA in 1999. Spencer spent his time trying to salvage his plans and rebuild his dream. He oversaw several revival plans such as the t+G-Virus and T-A.L.O.S. and placed great faith in Alex Wesker, the last of his children, although he was unaware by this point that Alex was plotting her own betrayal and escape from him. As the new millennium came and went, the court case surrounding Umbrella and the Raccoon City disaster had dragged on and on without conclusion. In 2003 Spencer wrote a letter to shareholders thanking them for their continued support. However, in February of that year, Sergei Vladimir was killed after Albert Wesker had infiltrated his base and caused a biohazard. He also stole all of Umbrella's archival research files and erased all the databases, deleting forty years’ worth of viral research that was suddenly gone in an instant. Wesker later testified anonymously in court, providing irrefutable evidence that Spencer and Umbrella were responsible for the Raccoon City tragedy. The FBI and the Russian Ministry of the Interior launched a worldwide manhunt for Spencer, and he was forced to go into hiding. He eventually retreated back to his private estate in Europe, the place where he had first formulated all of his plans more than a half century ago. The events of the last few years took their toll on Spencer and his health began to deteriorate rapidly. Yet even alone in isolation, he still bore a cruel streak and ruthless ambitions of becoming a god, even though the few he still trusted to be around him could see their master’s days were now clearly numbered. In what seemed a last throw of the dice, he turned back to Alex. Spencer had often regarded Alex as the 'best and brightest' of his children and ordered her to use the Progenitor Virus to unlock the secret to immortality. He referred back to Henry Travis's book and accounts describing how one Ndipaya king had ruled for hundreds of years, also recalling Lisa Trevor and how she refused to perish even when they tried to euthanize her following the end of her experimentation. He gave Alex

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and her research team unlimited funding, top of the line equipment, research materials, and an endless supply of test subjects before sending them all off to the facility on Sonido de Tortuga Island. But the one thing he did not have on his side was time. Spencer waited and waited until eventually it became clear he had been betrayed once more. Reports came back from Tortuga that the experimentation had been a success and yet Alex and her research results had disappeared, along with the last of his money and resources. Beyond desperate now, Spencer turned to the one person who had not yet abandoned him; his faithful butler and servant, Patrick. Spencer ordered Patrick to administer unspecified variants of the Progenitor Virus to guinea pigs they kept locked up underneath the estate, yet he lacked the required scientific skills and the work proved to be fruitless. Eventually, Spencer cut his losses and went back to the beginning. Knowing he was about to die, he released Patrick from his service, but only after issuing him with one last task to find Albert Wesker. Once Wesker learned of Spencer's location, it was not long before he came calling as he had been searching for his former master for a number of years. But it was by pure chance that he arrived the very same night as Agents Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine of the B.S.A.A. following Intel they had received on Spencer's possible whereabouts. But it was Wesker who got to him first. Spencer was not surprised to see Albert as he knew the subliminal programming drilled into Wesker's mind at a young age would have led him to seek his master out once more. With Wesker demanding answers, Spencer told him everything, explaining all about the Wesker Children and the use of the Progenitor Virus as a tool to spur natural selection and create an advanced race of human beings, which he would then rule over as god. The only thing he kept hidden was the existence of Alex. Even after losing everything, Spencer still retained his arrogance and had still not given up on this grand plan, now looking to forge a new alliance with Wesker. But enraged at Spencer's arrogance and the revelation concerning his own manufactured past, Albert brutally murdered the old man, bringing down the curtain on a lifetime of cruelty and deception. James Otto and Alfred Cones are born in Raccoon City. 1925: Doug Frost is born. In later life he will develop cancer and be treated at the old hospital in the Arklay Mountains. His treatment will involve an experimental medicinal strain of the t-Virus. EARLY 1930s: Oswell Spencer and James Marcus become acquainted for the first time whilst at private school. This is a pivotal moment in their history and they will go on to become respected colleagues and bitter rivals. The respective actions of these two men and their scientific achievements will shape disastrous future events in the years to come. Plans are announced for a small university to be constructed in Raccoon City. Japanese architect K. Ozawa submits designs for the proposed entrance hall of the university building. The American military construct a base of operations on the uninhabited Sonido de Tortuga Island in the Southern Seas. This base is built because of uneasy global affairs of the time. LOCATION PROFILE: SONIDO DE TORTUGA ISLAND Sonido de Tortuga Island is one of two small islands located in the midst of the Caribbean Sea off the coast of South America. It is largely flat and covered with thick jungle although a few raised peaks and cliffs poke through the thick tree canopy at the heart of the island. It is relatively small and no longer than a several miles in diameter, but it is practically paradise surrounded by golden sands and crystal clear waters. Its neighbouring island was known as Sanahoria and was located directly opposite across the bay. Sanahoria Island was the more developed of the two, housing a modern day town alongside a thriving marketplace and

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fishing trade. The town contains a large hotel in its Kohelo district for tourists and an expansive library offering a detailed history of both islands. The surrounding waters are home to an abundance of tropical fish such as barracuda and the seafood markets are one of the main sources of local income. Tortuga is a largely secretive and unknown place to the outside world. Internet searches bear no trace of its existence and it was undocumented and presumed uninhabited until the United States Army arrived in the 1930s. That same decade the U.S. authorities established a military base on the island used for intelligence gathering, training purposes and weapons testing. It was deemed a necessity at the time due to uneasy global affairs in the build up towards World War II. The military presence on the island kept people away which is why neighbouring Sanahoria was able to flourish. But eventually the U.S. Army permanently left Tortuga Island and the military base was left abandoned. Settlers soon arrived and constructed a small residency that became known as Ague Village. Although tiny, the local populace flourished for several decades and were left largely undisturbed by the rest of the world. In the latter part of the 1990s, the abandoned military installation was purchased by Oswell E. Spencer on behalf of Umbrella. Work began on construction of a secret underground research facility beneath the old ruins and following the Raccoon City incident, many researchers migrated to the island to conduct work on various secret projects. Spencer himself also visited the island to inspect the facilities and a photograph of him and the in-house research team was later published in a history book documenting the evolution of the island. It is believed Umbrella’s research on Tortuga Island ceased following the dissolution of the company in 2003/2004, but the old facility was reopened in 2005 when Oswell Spencer sent Alex Wesker to Tortuga with top of the line equipment, endless funding and a plentiful supply of test subjects to begin an ambitious project to unlock the secrets behind immortality. By now, Spencer was old and frail and his body was gradually giving up on him. His passion to rule over humanity as a god could now only bear fruit if he could find a way to extend his life. He believed the Progenitor Virus was the key and the task he set for Alex, the best and brightest of his Wesker Children, was to create virus that would grant him immortality. One of the researchers working alongside Wesker was a former Umbrella researcher from Germany named Dirk Miller. He idolised Wesker and helped her spearhead the Kodoku Plan; a project based on Charles Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’ theory to create the perfect virus using a template set down centuries ago from an old Chinese curse. Over the course of a year, Alex used all of Spencer’s money and test subjects on this project before eventually abandoning the plan and leaving for Sushestvovanie Island; a place she had been making preparations as far back as 2000 to take over and rule away from the shackles of Spencer – a man she had come to despise. But before she left Tortuga, she culled the research team by applying the Kodoku principle to each of them. As the only survivor and therefore the strongest and most capable candidate, Dirk Miller earned Alex’s complete trust and she left the project and the experimental virus in his possession. When Spencer learned of Wesker’s betrayal, envoys sent to Tortuga Island found nothing but an empty, abandoned facility and no signs of the research team or the thousands of test subjects sent there. Miller was now in hiding and without Spencer’s resources, was forced to improvise in order to procure raw materials for the Kodoku Plan to continue. He began posing as a tribal Shaman and gradually drew the locals under his sway using a combination of fear and voodoo rituals. Many people who regularly travelled to the island became mistrustful of the Shaman and stopped visiting altogether. Local fisherman referred to him as the devil and believed he had cast a foreboding spell over the island. Over the next 8 years, Miller continued his work, seeking out new subjects to continue his research and dispose of any untimely visitors who occasionally arrived

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looking to seek out his research. He was in complete control of the villagers and every inhabitant had lost someone close to them. They became yet more guinea pigs for the experiments. In 2014 Sonido de Tortuga Island was chosen as the preferred venue for reality TV show Idol Survival; a globally popular entertainment show in which Japanese gravure idols and international swimwear models competed across a series of survival games. But secretly the venue was secured by program producer Mike Seaman, who in reality was an agent under the employ of Chinese conglomerate Shén Yā Pharmaceuticals. Their goal was to uncover Umbrella Corporation’s hidden viral legacy, a legacy they had reason to believe was hidden somewhere on Tortuga island. At the same time, TerraSave were also investigating the island after they received two separate reports of a species of barracuda fish being infected by an unknown viral agent. These fish had bitten a fisherman who later died from his wounds. Mike Seaman secured filming rights on Tortuga Island by bribing the local government and likewise the Shaman welcomed the new arrivals for they would make yet more new guinea pigs for the surviving B.O.W.s of the Kodoku Plan, which by now was down to two final specimens. Members of the Idol Survival cast and crew were attacked by the B.O.W. known as Subject 001193 and soon a biological outbreak occurred, leaving the cast and crew reduced to shuffling zombies. This resulted in the intervention of the B.S.A.A. and a full assault on the island by Shén Yā Pharmaceuticals Special Forces. Only a handful of survivors made it off the island alive. Following the incident, the island was sealed off to the public and all landing was prohibited. NOTABLE LOCATIONS: Emerald Beach: - Several miles of sheer perfection with white golden sands reaching out to the lapping, crystal-clear waters of the ocean. The beach runs up to the jungle canopy that covers a majority of the island and affords fantastic views of the sunrise and sunset. Emerald Beach was used as base camp for the 2014 Idol Survival contest. Several traps and trenches were dug into the sand as part of the survival games challenge. Ague Village: - This was the main settlement on the island where the natives lived. Marilou Mabou was a resident here along with her brother Eliseo and their parents. It was primitive in structure, with basic dwellings constructed of wooden cabins and huts made up from the natural resources of the island. There was no electricity and the villagers grew their own produce and livestock. When former Umbrella researcher Dirk Miller began posing as the Shaman, he controlled the villagers through fear using powerful suggestion and faux voodoo rituals. He would often perform ceremonies at the village and sacrifice local animals. The Caves: - The island housed a network of caves beneath its cliffs that contained numerous subterranean tunnels, some of which lead directly back to the ocean. In one of these caverns, B.O.W. Subject 001193, formerly known as Eliseo, retained some memories of his past life as a villager and began to build an underground settlement. He foraged local materials and constructed a primitive hut, even finding and using paint to decorate strange, ritualistic markings on strips of cloth. Any of his former kin that became zombies he would collect and bring down here where they would learn to carry out basic menial tasks from their former lives such as fetching and carrying water. Abandoned Military Base: - A huge structure built in the 1930s by the Americans for military exercises. It was eventually abandoned and left to ruin. Temple: - Remnants of an old structure largely covered in vines and leaves. The Shaman later claimed it as his territory and placed idols, masks and the skeletons of animals to ward off trespassers. He also employed several villagers to act as guards. When not activated, the Schraube Dämon is kept here and is plugged into a sophisticated computer system where its data can be uploaded to the Kodoku Project mainframe. Hidden Research Facility: - A subterranean base located directly beneath the abandoned military installation accessed via a hidden freight elevator. This facility was used by Umbrella after the Raccoon City incident and later by Alex Wesker and Dirk Miller for the Kodoku Plan. It was full of various laboratories and experimental testing areas. In its prime, many researchers lived and worked down here. In 2014, a single MA-121 Hunter was kept in stasis and ready to be released should security protocols be breached.

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1931: Elliot Martin is born. He will become Chairman of the Raccoon Zoo’s Board of Directors. In 1998 he will be exposed as a frontrunner in a bootlegging scandal involving the illegal trade of rare orchid specimens. This will be a huge scandal for the zoo as the money generated from these unlawful sales helped fund many new attractions, including the Terrarium Dome. 1933: Artist Vincent Gallo submits designs of a luxury first-class lounge for an express train. Inspired by the famous Orient Express, these schematics will be purchased by Umbrella in later years and used during the construction of the Ecliptic Express. Stuardo Davido Ureski becomes Raccoon City’s General Health Inspector. 1934: George Custer is born. Mid-1930’s CIRCA: James Marcus enrols at a prestigious university. 1939: Ezra Sennett is born. He will go on to found Philosophy University in western Australia and is obsessed with a belief that humanity must focus on the desire to educate and self-improve as a way to eradicate war and conflict. CHARACTER PROFILE: EZRA SENNETT *Born: 1939. Died: N/A. Height: UK. Weight: UK. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: Italian. Affiliation: None. Ezra Sennett was an only child born into poverty during the outbreak of World War II. Little Ezra worshipped his parents who did their best to provide and teach him the meanings of being a good person. However, his world was shattered in 1945 when the war came to their home country and Ezra’s parents were both killed right in front of him by the enemy. He was orphaned at the tender age of six and sent to work cleaning up the dead bodies at the rescue tents. One day, he asked a nearby medic about all the death and destruction, wanting to know why everybody had to die. The medic had a kind heart and explained to this frightened little boy that war always endured because mankind never stopped to learn from their mistakes. These words dug deep into Ezra and struck a chord with him. After the war, he grew up and forged a good life for himself, following the philosophy engrained into him by the medic’s words and advocating self-learning and education as the true path to peace and prosperity. His own success was proof this belief could work. Ezra worked in education and preached that mankind’s eagerness to learn and improve should be a never- ending hunger and the desire to better oneself should outweigh the need for war and destruction. These guiding principles enabled him to carve out a successful career and in later years he founded Philosophy University in Western Australia from the ground up, intending to use this premier education centre as a tool for young people to make themselves better people. Ezra had no children of his own yet was deeply taken with them. He would often visit orphanages and speak with orphans because he felt a connection to them all given his own personal experiences all those years ago. One day he met an orphaned child named Matthew Russell and was so taken in by this young man’s desire to

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learn things, despite having no parents or family to look after him, that Ezra formally adopted him. Matthew would grow up to be an exceedingly bright young man and worked as his father’s personal assistant at the university. In the mind-2000s. Ezra came into contact with Ryan Howard, an ex-Umbrella researcher who had lost his way in life following the apparent death of his son Tyler during a bioterrorist incident in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Ezra gave Howard a teaching position at his university after Howard manipulated Ezra’s good character and his beliefs about the power of learning by insisting he could create the perfect virus to artificially enhance human intelligence, expanding brainwaves to provide an endless capacity to learn new things. Howard used Mary Gray, his adopted daughter, as an example. Mary was an exceedingly rare human subject who adapted perfectly to the t-Virus, and as a result her IQ had sky-rocketed to 230. Ezra was completely taken in and saw this as an ideal way to usher in his own vision for humanity’s future; a world in which intelligent humans would rule peacefully and the natural thirst for war and conflict would be drowned out by an overwhelming natural desire to further learn and better themselves. With Ezra’s help, Howard was given access to state of the art facilities and his own personal laboratory at the university where he was able to work in secret on an improved t-Virus strain. However, the bitterness over losing Tyler still clouded his judgement and he turned his attention to biological weapons research in a bid to punish the world for taking his son away from him. He began experimenting on students, and an alarming number suddenly went missing from the university. Ezra, desperate to maintain the impeccable reputation of his institution, bribed a local police detective named Barrington Meyer to discreetly investigate the disappearances and come up with an appropriate false cover story to protect Philosophy University. Ezra also employed Rebecca Chambers in a temporary teaching role, unaware of her true position as an advisor to the B.S.A.A. Ezra was warm and friendly towards Rebecca, and did his best to ensure she settled in. But his world quickly began to unravel when zombies appeared at the university. He was also devastated when Matthew committed suicide, following Ezra’s rejection of his plan to use Howard’s virus to upgrade human intelligence to the maximum level, negating the need for further learning and development altogether. Eventually, Ezra managed to escape from Philosophy University during the height of the biohazard outbreak, and along the way managed to acquire a case containing all of Howard’s research data and samples of his new strain t-Virus. He also recovered the severed arm of Mary Gray, a piece of the person that represented his perfect world, and then he fled into the night, promising Mary that he would use Howard’s work to begin again. His current whereabouts remain unknown. James Marcus graduates from a top university at the age of 21 with a PH.D. He is now a prominent virology expert and qualified bio-chemist. “To James, To commemorate your graduation, 1939.” -RE0: Old Photograph; Archived 1939 This picture depicts a handsome and youthful Marcus in his cap and gown, posing for a photograph alongside his fellow graduates. He has shoulder-length dark hair and is a tall man. Although the photograph is not signed, the inscription on the back is written by Oswell E. Spencer, his friend since their early school days. Marcus will keep this picture and when he becomes General Manager of the Executive Training School and file it inside a book in his private chambers beneath the church. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15TH 1939 A pair of solid gold Luger pistols are handcrafted in Germany by expert gunsmith Heinrich Krieghoff Waffenfabrik with the date and his signature inscribed on the barrels. These

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weapons will become rare collector’s items and eventually end up in the private military collection of Alfred Ashford over half a century later. 1940s: World War II escalates across the globe. Svetlana Belikova’s father serves in the conflict. James Marcus accepts a job as a microbiology professor at a leading university in Switzerland. On site he begins extensive research on the study of ancient Earth microbes thought to be involved in the creation of the first living organisms on the planet more than 3.8 billion years ago. The university clock tower is constructed in Raccoon City. It is a spectacular design, full of grandeur and it quickly becomes a monument of the city. Piers Nivans’ great-grandfather enlists in the U.S. Military. Alexander Ashford is born as the son of Edward. He will go on to study bio-genetics before joining Umbrella and working under his father. His greatest contribution will be the secretive Code: Veronica project. CHARACTER PROFILE: ALEXANDER ASHFORD Born: UK. Died: 1983. Height: UK. Weight: UK. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: British. Affiliation: Umbrella. Alexander Ashford was a European aristocrat and part of the legendary Ashford dynasty. His father was the great Edward Ashford; one of the co-founders of Umbrella and discoverer of the Progenitor Virus. Alexander came to maturity in the years leading up to Umbrella's formation and watched his father from afar with pride as his work brought the Ashford family into a golden age of prosperity. He graduated from university in the 1960's and specialised in genetic engineering. He was recruited by Umbrella in 1968 shortly after the company's foundation and joined his father researching the Progenitor Virus. However, Alexander soon came to realise that he was not sufficiently skilled enough to advance their work and began to have self-doubts about taking over from Edward following his retirement. Instead he turned his focus back to genetic engineering and devised an idea of creating a perfect clone of the Ashfords' great ancestor, Veronica. A working clone matching the intelligence and beauty of his legendary ancestor could then create a new type of t-Virus that would ensure the Ashford's remained at the forefront of Umbrella and the global scientific field of biotechnology. Alexander and his father enjoyed a close relationship and Edward even confided in him the truth of what happened to George Trevor, the architect who went missing shortly after the Arklay estate was completed in 1967. Until now, Spencer had only ever confided in Edward with the truth, but now Edward passed that dark secret onto his son. Alexander also told Edward of his own plan to revive their ancestor, which by now was called Code Veronica. Edward was intrigued, but too busy with his own t-Virus research to play any active part in the plan. Tragedy struck Alexander just a few month later when an experiment went wrong and his father was killed after being accidentally exposed to the Progenitor Virus. Alexander automatically became the 6th generation family head and there was no way for him to know at the time, but Edward's death had been planned in advance by Oswell E. Spencer as part of a secret plan to gain total control of Umbrella and remove the influence of the Ashfords. He was presented with an elegant golden candlestick by the new family butler, Scott Harman,

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but inside, Alexander was devastated and the rest of the Ashford family blamed him for causing Edward's death. Afterwards, Spencer shunned Alexander and he became a recluse, his scientific skills not advanced enough to continue t-Virus research on his own. Soon the Ashfords’ research was eclipsed by other development teams and over time, even Alexander himself began to believe he had disgraced the honourable name of the Ashford family. He knew he had to do something to stop Spencer gaining full control of Umbrella for the very idea would have been against his father's wishes. With renewed purpose he stopped t-Virus research and turned his attentions back to the Code: Veronica plan. He knew Spencer had eyes everywhere, so he decided to construct a large-scale research facility at an abandoned transport terminal owned by the Ashfords located in the Antarctic. Construction began in February 1969 and was completed the following November. Now Alexander was confident he could begin work without his every move being followed by Spencer, who at the time was busy expanding Umbrella's multi-national interests. Paranoid, Alexander kept security tight at the facility and even installed a self-destruct device to preserve the secrecy of his work if necessary. The following year Alexander had his first breakthrough when he finally identified and categorised the genetic element that determined the intelligence of man. He then took tissue samples from the mummified corpse of Veronica, recomposed the base alignment of her genes and implanted them into the unfertilised egg of a surrogate mother. Alexander had theorised that if a specific gene was electrically fused with a mature oocyte and the nucleus removed, the ovum would begin the process of fertilisation, then begin to divide and the same genes would fuse, therefore becoming a clone of the owner's genes and his own sperm would not need to be introduced. This process proved to be successful but instead of a one perfect clone of Veronica, an unexpected outcome resulted in twins being born, a boy and a girl. The boy had higher intelligence than normal, but not high enough for him to be considered a genius. But the girl was an almost perfect clone of his great ancestor, Veronica. The boy was named Alfred and the girl, Alexia. Alexander was certain that Alexia would restore the great name of the Ashford lineage and his own faults as a researcher would be long forgotten. Alfred was just a by-product of the experiment. Alexander watched with pride as Alexia grew to be everything he hoped for, working at Umbrella’s German laboratory at the age of just 9, before graduating from university and being appointed as chief researcher at the Antarctic lab just a year later. To commemorate the occasion, Alexander presented Alfred and Alexia with an antique music box that played the lullaby ‘Berceuse;’ a story about a kind king warped by an evil queen. This song would become a staple of his children’s lives from that point onwards. With his daughter running the lab, Alexander was able to take a back seat to proceedings and watch as Alexia worked on creating a new type of t-Virus known as t-Veronica. As the months went by, Alexia's vision for t-Veronica virus took shape and Alexander watched from the background with fascination. But as he learned more about it, he secretly began to fear for the welfare of his daughter. If the t-Veronica virus ever got out, it potentially had the power to change the fate of the world. In secret, he hastily began working on a special type of weapon designed to destroy the t-Veronica cells. The end product was the Linear Launcher and it was installed in the Antarctic base for such a time when the virus was ever unleashed. He recorded a video message offering operating instructions and timed it to activate if ever the self-destruct mechanism for the facility was activated. In 1983, Alexia's brother, Alfred, discovered a secret room in the mansion hall replica of the South Pole facility which led to the inner lab area. It was here that he learned the secret of the Code: Veronica project and the circumstances regarding the origins of Alexia and himself. Enraged, the twins captured Alexander and injected him with the t-Veronica virus. Alexander's body could not cope with the rapid change of his cells brought on by the virus and he mutated into a horrible monster which later became known as ‘Nosferatu.’ To prolong his suffering, the twins kept him alive and locked him away in the basement of the transport terminal. There he Remained for 15 long years. The virus made his body stronger. He needed no food or water, and his cells

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possessed high telomerase activity with infinite replication, essentially making him immortal. In 1998 he was let loose and attacked Claire Redfield. But Claire managed to kill him by shooting his heart with a sniper rifle. Morgan Lansdale is born. He will become an important and military and political figure, advisor to the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, and founder of the Federal Bioterrorism Commission (F.B.C.) in 2001. CHARACTER PROFILE: MORGAN LANSDALE *Birth: UK. Death: NA. Height: UK. Weight: UK. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: F.B.C. Morgan Lansdale was a very ambitious and power-hungry man. He had excellent leadership skills and came across as very intimidating to those working under him. He was given the nickname Silver Fox by his peers due to his flowing hair and beard. In his early years, Lansdale pursued a career in the U.S. Military before moving across to the Intelligence Department where he became involved in the cloak and dagger world of international espionage in a role he kept for many years. Over time he rose up the military ranks until he attained the status of General. He had a hard-measured approach to his work with absolutely no room for compromise and the ability to make tough decisions without fear of consequence. After a distinguished career, he retired from active service but retained a keen interest in politics and his achievements led him to have some influence in Congress affairs. During the Raccoon Trials he complained about the need and lack of specialised agencies trained to deal with the threats of bioterrorism in the wake of Umbrella’s actions. His campaigning on this issue led in part to Congress passing the 2001 National Biological Defences Act and later the United States Government founded the Federal Bioterrorism Commission (F.B.C.). Lansdale was elected as its first Commissioner and named National Biological Defence Community Director by the National Security Council. He was now a major figure for public health and biological defence, and a man now wielding great power, but for Lansdale, it still wasn’t enough. He was also an advisor to the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium and through this role he came into contact with various representatives of Tricell Inc, who occupied a seat on the G.P.C. Board of Directors. In 2003 following the conclusion of the Raccoon Trials and with Umbrella’s fate finally sealed, the world at large began to rest easy, hoping to close the book on what had been a nightmare five years with many people living in fear and paranoia about the proposed existence of illegal biological weapons. But before long, reports of B.O.W.s began to rise again and it soon became clear that many of Umbrella’s creations had found their way onto the world’s black markets and were falling into the hands of terrorists and rogue states around the globe. Lansdale again campaigned for action to be taken and gathered a strong wave of public support, backing his claim for stronger measures against bioterrorism. He wanted the F.B.C.’s charter expanding and his own powers extended so that he would be in a suitable position to fight global bioterrorism. His tough stance won him many favours, including the support of TerraSave official Neil Fisher, who formed a close working bond with Lansdale over many years. Lansdale came to refer to Fisher as his ‘right-hand’ man and Fisher trusted Lansdale implicitly. In later years, Fisher had a logo of a silver fox stamped onto his TerraSave binder in tribute to his former mentor. He believed in Lansdale’s mantra of the greater good by sacrificing the few to preserve the many. His misguided attempt to acquire an Uroboros sample from Alex Wesker was influenced in part by his beliefs in Lansdale’s ideals. One of Lansdale’s major weaknesses was that he was fearful of things, even little things, and thus had to plan everything out in meticulous detail. He believed he could only remain in such a position of power if the threat

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of bioterrorism remained real, and now that Umbrella was gone, that threat was no longer seen as real to the public at large. Terrorists may have obtained B.O.W.s on the black market, but this was largely restricted to isolated incidents that were quickly covered-up, and the behind the scenes trading of illegal technologies and biological weaponry was never in the public spectrum. With Umbrella, there had always been that clear threat firmly in the public eye that drove fear into the hearts of the people. Now that threat was suddenly gone and people had unwittingly started to relax. Because of this, Lansdale began to secretly yearn for another major incident like Raccoon City to occur so he could demonstrate the effectiveness of the F.B.C. and prove that they needed to have even more power and authority to be successful. Although his job was to take them down, Lansdale secretly revelled in the actions of such groups as the Sacred Snakes and Il Veltro for it meant he could retain and expand his powerful position as head of an influential counter-bioterrorist organisation. It was around this time that marine researchers had discovered a new virus inside a deep-sea fish found at a depth of 9000m in the Kermadec Trench off New Zealand. This fish displayed unusual traits through infection from an unclassified virus. Scientists of the Montpellier Marine University in France began studying this virus and mapped out the genetic structure of the fish, eventually naming this new strain of infection as the Abyss Virus. Once their research results were published, a trusted representative of Tricell approached Lansdale for his help in acquiring a sample with a proposal to study it. Because Tricell were now secretly starting up their own bio-weapons division thanks to virus information passed onto Excella Gionne from Albert Wesker, they suggested making a weaponised version of the Abyss Virus by combining it with Umbrella’s original t-Virus. Both parties saw the potential of this alliance. For Tricell it ensured they could gain a potential new weapon for marine biological weapons production, and for Lansdale it would give birth to a deadly new virus to showcase the threat of bioterrorism in a post-Umbrella world and expand the F.B.C.’s overall authority. With this informal agreement sealed, Tricell officially offered assistance from their research institute via Excella Gionne’s sole research team to help with the studies of the Abyss virus. Through Lansdale and the F.B.C. they were able to secure a number of samples. With Umbrella recently bankrupted and their assets seized, Lansdale provided the Tricell research team with three cruise ships from Umbrella’s subsidiary company Paraguas Line to carry out their research offshore. The Queens Zenobia, Dido, and Semeramis had all been upgraded by Umbrella over the years and equipped with research laboratories, thus making them a perfect place for this classified research to be carried out in secret away from the eyes of the world. By 2004, the t-Abyss Virus was completed and ready for testing. Also that year, the ‘floating city’ of Terragrigia was completed after 11 years of construction off the Mediterranean Sea coast. Known Italian terrorist group Il Veltro had actively opposed its development and were very vocal in their protests. Lansdale took notice of this organisation and felt they could be the perfect folly to launch a new bioterrorist attack upon which the F.B.C. could then rush in and save the day. Terragrigia was a perfect place to launch such an attack as the controversial aquapolis was the first of its type and the eyes of the entire world were gazing upon it. This was perfect for Lansdale because Terragrigia’s construction had been a joint U.S. and European venture, and governing policy dictated both territories to have equal footing during a terrorist attack, but if said attack was directly a result of bioterrorism, then the F.B.C. could step in and automatically assume complete control. Lansdale met in secret with Veltro’s leader, Jack Norman, to discuss an alliance. He proposed giving the t-Abyss Virus to Veltro and the means to disperse it across Terragrigia via an aerial drone. He would also finance the group so they could purchase black market B.O.W.s as well as providing them with the three Queen ships to use as a base of operations. In exchange, the F.B.C would lead the defence and move into the infected zone of Terragrigia to save the day. This deal also hinged on Norman keeping Lansdale’s identity as their financier a secret from the rest of his group and anyone else. Jack Norman accepted the deal, though as an insurance policy he had his meetings with Lansdale secretly recorded as collateral should the F.B.C. Commissioner try to double cross them in the future. The only other person aware of this plan was Neil Fisher

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who agreed the attack on Terragrigia was a necessary evil for the greater good and that any civilian losses now would be justified by the promise of saving countless more innocents in the future. With the plan agreed, Veltro dispersed the t-Abyss Virus over Terragrigia by using an unmanned drone controlled remotely from the Queen Zenobia and before long the whole city was declared a Level 4 biohazard. The F.B.C. began evacuation and containment procedures, but the rescue efforts did not go as planned and the organisation and Lansdale received criticism for their handling of the incident. The European Union tried to intervene but Lansdale blocked their efforts, allowing only the B.S.A.A., who at that time were still an N.G.O and led by Clive R. O’Brien, to come on board as observers. But any tactical advice O’Brien suggested was largely ignored. In the end, Terragrigia was declared a total loss and Lansdale appealed to the European Security Council to use the Regia Solis satellite to scorch the city and vaporise the infection. Because he also feared exposure from Jack Norman and Veltro, he also arranged to have the Queens’ Zenobia and Semeramis infected with the t-Abyss Virus, killing all the terrorists on board. He was aware Jack Norman was on board the Queen Dido in Terragrigia’s harbour and believed the sterilisation operation would sink the Dido and kill him. His plan seemed to work as the city was declared a total loss, the biohazard was eradicated and the Dido and everyone on board sunk to the depths of the Mediterranean. Lansdale publicly declared a victory and later revealed that his organisation had successfully disbanded the Veltro terrorist group completely. Because of this the F.B.C.’s charter and authority was expanded dramatically. Lansdale again confided in his protégé Fisher after TerraSave handled the aftermath of the incident and was pleased he remained in full support of his ‘greater-good’ rationale. However, several parties still remained critical of the F.B.C.’s handling of the incident with Lansdale himself admitting that the number of innocent lives lost was unacceptable. This discontent led to several of his operatives, including Parker Luciani, to transfer from the F.B.C. to the B.S.A.A. after becoming disillusioned with policy and Lansdale’s way of doing things. In order to keep tabs on O’Brian and the B.S.A.A., Lansdale ordered F.B.C. agent Jessica Sherawat to also transfer over to the rival organisation to act as his spy. In the aftermath of the Terragrigia Panic, Lansdale sent research teams to the Queen Zenobia which was still at sea in the Mediterranean and isolated the infected subjects on board. There the science team could monitor the guinea pigs in a controlled environment and work on a vaccine for the virus. Roughly a year later, the science teams on board the Zenobia reported they had successfully developed a vaccine for the t-Abyss Virus. However, once the research data was transmitted to Lansdale, he betrayed them all by sealing them on the ship and reviving the B.O.W.s stored on board from stasis. With both Veltro and the research team wiped out, no one aside from his contacts at Tricell and Neil Fisher knew the truth of his involvement in the t-Abyss Virus’ development and orchestration of the Terragrigia Panic. Lansdale also knew Tricell could never expose him without exposing themselves since they played a key role in developing the virus in the first place. He also knew Neil Fisher trusted him implicitly and agreed with his reasoning to stage the incident. He would keep Lansdale’s secret safe. It appeared as though all of Lansdale’s meticulous scheming had paid off but he was still acutely aware that one of his own employees, Raymond Vester, had been in contact with Clive O’Brian and had reason to believe the two were plotting against him. On top of this, rumours began to surface of a possible Veltro revival after the F.B.C. received intelligence of an unverified Veltro hideout in the Finnish mountains. Most worryingly of all was reports that mutated carcasses began washing up on a beach near to the quarantined Terragrigia site in the area where the Queen Dido and Jack Norman went down, suggesting the possibility of survivors. In reality, the Veltro base was a fake orchestrated by O’Brian and Vester as a ruse to panic Lansdale into making a rash move, and this paid off when Lansdale sent a plane full of B.O.W.s to wipe the base out. He also sent an armed F.B.C. team down to the wreck of the Queen Dido but they were all wiped out by Jack Norman and several of his subordinates who had used the t-Abyss virus to survive and fight off mutation for a whole year at the bottom of the ocean. To make matters worse, Lansdale suddenly lost contact with the Queen Zenobia which had up till now remained undetected on the Mediterranean for a whole year and was the only source of the t-Abyss Virus.

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He used Jessica Sherawat’s activities within the B.S.A.A. to relocate the ship and desperately tried to destroy it using the Regia Solis and wipe out any remaining evidence. He also had Jessica destroy the Queen Semeramis using explosives and tried to stall the B.S.A.A investigation by having O’Brian arrested for conspiring with Veltro. But his actions were ultimately fruitless as Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine discovered the location of the sunken Queen Dido and retrieved video evidence from Jack Norman proving conclusively that Lansdale was responsible for the Terragrigia Panic. He was subsequently arrested and forced to resign as commissioner for the F.B.C. The organisation was later disbanded and all its assets and resources absorbed into the B.S.A.A. Lansdale’s collaborators at Tricell severed all ties and left him to rot following his betrayal. Jessica and Raymond had also been secretly working for them all along and put the t-Abyss virus into Tricell’s hands. Despite all this, Lansdale had one final move and that was Neil Fisher. As a contingency should he ever fall from power, Lansdale had passed all his ideals down to him, pressing home why Terragrigia needed to happen, despite the appalling loss of life and why the F.B.C. needed to exist and be resurrected. The B.S.A.A. were too soft in their approach, too constricted by boundaries and rules and regulations imposed on them by the United Nations. They needed a new anti-bioterrorist organisation to rule with an iron fist, an organisation like the F.B.C. prepared to take a hard-lined approach and make the tough decisions. Years later this was the genesis for Fisher’s plan to cause a large-scale incident on American soil using the Uroboros Virus, an extension of Lansdale’s belief that such things needed to happen for the greater good. Brandon Bailey is born. He will pursue a career in science and become a student of James Marcus. He will also become Director of Umbrella Africa in the ruins of the Ndipaya city. 1942: Ogee O’Gravy becomes the mayor of Raccoon City. 1945: Evgeny Rebic is born on Sushestvovanie Island in Eastern Europe, where he will remain for the duration of his life. He is one of only a few survivors to escape the experimentation of Alex Wesker. CHARACTER PROFILE: EVGENY REBIC *Born: 1945. Died: 2011. Height: 170cm. Weight: 55kg. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: Slavic. Affiliation: None Evgeny was a hard-working miner born and raised on a small isolated island located on the Baltic Sea. He spent his entire life on the island living an honest, simple, yet hard-working existence largely sheltered from the outside world. Growing up, he had a close bond with his mother who always told him to be wary of people with money and wealth, teaching him that the working class honest Joe was more reliable and trustworthy than any rich capitalist. He also mistrustful of outsiders. When old enough he began working in the mines and the large coal deposits located underground was the main source of income for the island. He later married another island resident with a strong personality who endeavoured to teach Evgeny English. She also specialised in maths and arithmetic and Evgeny would often remark that he never understood women. By the late 1970’s the coal industry fell into decline on the island and Evgeny often stressed about their future. He never had any desire to leave the island and the prospect of working in the outside world troubled him. In 1988 they had their first daughter as Evgeny became a father to Irina, a beautiful baby girl named after his grandmother. He noted she had his eyes and nose but

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the mouth of his wife. Together they vowed to bring her up healthy and strong. This was a happy period in his life, especially as the mining business was also picking up again and he wanted to ensure Irina experienced the same feelings of happiness when she was older. It was his responsibility as a parent. To continue practicing his English he began keeping a journal to record her life as she matured. Evgeny doted on his daughter and she grew up to be a strong and fierce little girl, much more in line with her mother than Evgeny himself. He referred to her as Kroshka, meaning babe. She would imitate her mother and her happy smile kept his worries in check over the island’s future. By 1994 the mining industry was in trouble once again and Evgeny was fearful of losing his job. The uncertainty over Sushestvovanie’s economy constantly played on his mind and he feared for Irina’s future. By 2000, Alex Wesker had arrived at Sushestvovanie for the first time and promised to revitalise industry across the island. Evgeny accepted a new job offer to help construct a new facility beneath the mines for pharmaceuticals development, but he was very mistrustful of Wesker from the outset, remembering the values about rich outsiders his mother had taught him. He was also sad that by now Irina seemed to have a closer bond with her mother than with him. She was very rebellious and he was just an embarrassment to her, only coming to him for money or a request. By 2007 Evgeny’s wife died and a year later Irina also went to work in the mines, despite ignoring his pleas not to do so. He didn’t trust Alex Wesker nor any of the people working inside the mining facility, but by now he had a reputation for just being an insignificant, bitter old man. He was one of the few residents to take a dislike to Wesker and therefore had become isolated from the rest of the island community, viewed by many as just a stubborn dinosaur. About a year later Irina had disappeared and never returned home from the mine. Evgeny had noticed something bad was happening to the island. People were disappearing, becoming sick, and he was witnessing strange things he couldn’t explain. Deep down he knew it was all down to Wesker. Right from the start he believed she smelled of evil, but he couldn’t prove it and the rest of the island was still under her spell. Evgeny left his home and instead set up a solitary existence inside one of the old control rooms in the sewers. There he lived in solitude for two years, occasionally venturing to the surface to hunt for sustenance. All the while he never gave up hope of finding Irina, believing her to still be alive somewhere on the island. It was because of his isolation that he avoided detection by Wesker’s subordinates and was never fitted with a sensor bracelet or injected with the t-Phobos virus. By early 2011, Evgeny’s heath had degenerated and had a brief run in with Claire Redfield and Moira Burton, immediately recognising them as outsiders and treating them with disdain. However, he later visited the wreckage of the Monument Tower following its destruction and rescued Moira from the rubble. He brought her back to the sewers and patched her up, ensuring she made a full recovery. He tried to teach her to hunt, saying it was vital to her survival on the island, but to begin with their relationship was fractured and filled with mistrust. Evgeny was disgusted with her liberal attitude to swearing and offensive language and would often tell her to ‘wash her mouth out with soap.’ However, as time passed, they developed a mutual respect for each other and Moira’s looks and similar age to Irina led to Evgeny also calling her Kroshka. For six months they lived and survived together, though Evgeny’s health grew ever worse and he soon realised he was dying. He hid his illness from Moira and was determined to survive until he discovered the fate of his daughter. The sudden emergence of the Uroboros-based Revenants in the wild presented a new problem as they were killing and eating all of the game across the island. One day, at the fishing village, they found an old document with a list of names of people taken to the nearby mines to be experimented on. Irina’s name was on this list. Once at the mines, they found a letter from Irina, and Evgeny realised at last that she was dead. Having found the answer he sought, he returned to the sewers to die, locking Moira outside so that she would not see him suffer. He was now finally at peace but his relationship with Moira inspired her to survive the horrors of the island and made her determined to repair the fractured relationship with her own father, Barry Burton. Just before he died, Evgeny finally told Moira his name, and then at last found peace.

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In the final stages of World War II, Ezra Sennett’s parents are shot and killed by an Italian soldier right in front of him, making him an orphan at the age of six. Ezra is put to work in the rescue camps, sorting, organising, and cleaning dead bodies. One day he asks why everybody has to die and a friendly medical officer explains that people living in his country and others have no desire to learn from their mistakes and therefore will never make themselves into better people. These words are engrained into little Ezra’s brain and he will grow up obsessing over the principle of learning, education and self-improvement. When the war comes to an end, Eastern Slav has avoided bombings by the German air force. John Smith dies and is buried in Raccoon City. SATURDAY OCTOBER 24TH 1945 The United Nations is founded. They will take direct control of the B.S.A.A. upon its restructure in 2005 following the Queen Zenobia incident. 1946: Graham Barrows is born. He will become a respected entomologist and professor at Raccoon University. He will write a research paper on one of the bizarre creatures documented in Raccoon Forest in the prelude to the infamous Raccoon City biohazard of 1998. The creature in question is the Scissor Tail; a result of a common earwig becoming secondarily infected with the t-Virus. Mark Wilkins is born. He will sign up with the U.S. Army and fight in the jungles of Vietnam during the sixties and seventies, experiencing his fair share of blood and combat and developing an indomitable fighting spirit that will serve him well during the Raccoon City incident. CHARACTER PROFILE: MARK WILKINS *Born: 1946. Died: NA. Height: 185cm Weight: 101kg B-T: UK. National: African-American. Affiliation: Scutum Security. Mark was born one year after the conclusion of the Second World War and joined up with the U.S. Army at a young age. His unit was deployed to Vietnam during the 1964-1973 conflict as part of an invasion force to protect South Vietnam from its aggressors in the North. Mark was in his late teens at the time and learned to grow up very quickly. He experienced his fair share of bloodshed and combat, including the use of napalm gel, but also learning an assortment of military and survival skills along the way. Upon returning from the war, he was haunted by his experiences but had fond memories of his comerades and his own heroic actions. After retiring from the army, Mark led a quiet family life in Raccoon City with his wife who soon gave birth to a son. He worked for a security firm called Scutum (Latin for shield) and despite being 52 years old by 1998, his robust strength had not dimmed at all. He had tasted the emptiness of war and there was a side to him that was mentally fragile. More than anything after all his experiences, he just wanted to live a peaceful life. However, his relationship with his son was distant and they struggled to bond, despite often visiting the Elephant show at Raccoon Zoo together. Over time these problems escalated and Mark suffered increasing family problems and strained relations with his wife and boy. To escape from this stress he would turn to gardening, a hobby he had a big passion for, though he had been neglecting his garden of late. He was also an avid book reader and often turned to them for help rather than

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other people. The self-help books he read included titles such as ‘The Ideal Father’, ‘How to raise Children’, ‘How to Stop Your Marriage from Cooling’, ‘How to Scold Your Kids’ and ‘Sports with Adult and Child’. His family troubles had also made him depressed and he turned to alcohol for comfort, though he knew deep down it would not solve his problems. He tried to branch out into new ventures by taking up both photography and oil painting. He also enjoyed going to the Opera. Wherever he went, he always carried a photo from his military days as it always made him feel so nostalgic. He was also quite a stubborn man which probably contributed to his family problems. He also admitted a dislike of hospitals, but being a little overweight he knew he should probably book himself in for a physical. By September 1998 Mark was planning on making amends with his family by taking them all on a vacation. He was also going to buy a jewelled ring for his wife and a skateboard for his son. He had just finished his shift the night the Raccoon outbreak spiralled out of control and he and his colleague Bob were enjoying a quiet beer and a meal in J’s Bar. But unbeknownst to both of them, Bob had already been infected with the t-Virus and was in the latter stages of zombification. He eventually collapsed unconscious just as the zombies gathering outside entered the bar. But Mark did not abandon his friend and helped him and several other survivors escape. They made their way upstairs to the roof where Bob finally became a zombie and Mark was forced to shoot him dead. Mark fought through several other dangerous locations throughout the following week in Raccoon City, working alongside several other survivors to stay alive. He built up a good working relationship with a plumber named David King although in contrast he often came into conflict with Kevin Ryman; a R.P.D. cop also part of their group. Mark used the survival skills he’d learned in Vietnam to survive, often taking charge of the group and referring to them as a unit, a platoon or a recon team. He kept his cool throughout the incident due to his previous experiences, even recalling how his father had once told him that there wasn’t a place left on Earth that hadn’t been touched by war. His own experiences were remembered with regret and cynicism and sometimes this threatened to break his resolve as the memories of war ran so deep for him. But throughout Raccoon City he managed to hold his nerve and fought to keep himself and his friends alive. He also often wondered what became of his wife and son. In the end, Mark managed to escape from the city just moments before it was vaporised in the sterilisation operation. Following the incident, he travelled to pastures new and moved back in with his wife and son who had thankfully been out of town during the biohazard. Now he was finally able to settle down and enjoy a calm and peaceful life. Upon reflection, Mark believed his experiences in Raccoon City were just as traumatic as what he’d experienced in Vietnam as a youngster. 1948: Stuardo Davido Ureski passes away in Raccoon City at the age of 58. For the last 15 years he had been serving as the town’s General Health Inspector. He is buried in Raccoon cemetery and a plaque is erected in his memory at City Hall. It bears an inscription: ‘Raccoon City is a cleaner, more healthful and better city because of Stuardo Davido Ureski. There can be no more enduring monument to his memory.’ Joy Smith passes away. She is buried in Raccoon City cemetery. 1949: Ron Davis is born. He will go on to have an influential career in Politics, becoming a senator for Harvardville in North America and advisor and stockholder to WilPharma. He also voted to destroy Raccoon City as part of a special committee chaired by Derek C. Simmons.

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CHARACTER PROFILE: RON DAVIS *Born: 1949. Died: 2005. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: US. Govt. Although little is known about Davis’ early life, it is believed he graduated into the political scene at an early age, eventually rising up to become the elected senator for the town of Harvardville in the mid-western United States. He was an overweight, bald, little man with an angry personality and no tolerance for those he viewed as beneath him. At some point, he allied himself with WilPharma Corporation, a pharmaceutical enterprise and member of the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium. He served as a special advisor to the company and was one of their biggest stockholders, which often led to him being accused of suspected insider trading by the media. Davis had good relations with the President of the United States and was not afraid to speak his mind. He was also part of the Senate special committee that proposed the plan to sterilise Raccoon City alongside Derek Simmons. Davis voted in favour of the operation to help cover up evidence of collusion between Umbrella and the U.S. Government and gain himself more favour inside the inner circle of the United States’ political hierarchy. However, Davis also had an ulterior motive because once Umbrella had been dissolved, WilPharma would take their place as the world’s leading pharmaceutical company, ensuring that their stock value would rise exponentially. He used his connections to ensure the U.S. Government became favourable with WilPharma which led to a secret agreement allowing WilPharma to conduct clinical trials in India in order to research a t-Virus vaccine. He managed to persuade the naturally cautious new government administration that the work being carried out was a ‘necessary evil.’ In 2002, Davis used his powerful influence in Washington to gain approval for WilPharma to construct a state of the art research facility in Harvardville, appeasing the local populace to boost the economy and create job opportunities for the town. Within three years, the new facility was completed and the t-Virus vaccine finalised and awaiting federal approval. This won the company even more favour with the government and the value of their stocks went through the roof. A public announcement of an approved vaccine to the world’s most deadly bioweapon promised to win WilPharma public support the world over and Ron Davis stood waiting to take all the plaudits. However, TerraSave, an NGO protesting against WilPharma, published photographs of the company’s secret clinical trials in India on the homepage of their website. This led to WilPharma stock decreasing with the public starting to believe the corporation to be just as bad as Umbrella following these inhumane and illegal human experiments. Ron Davis attempted to deflect this criticism by hosting a National Pharmaceutical Conference in Harvardville as soon as possible. However, his world was turned upside down on November 12th 2005 when he arrived at Harvardville airport for the conference amid a huge protest aimed at him and WilPharma by Terrasave. Davis had also worked closely with WilPharma chief researcher Frederic Downing but was unaware of his corrupt side or what he was planning, and so he was just as surprised as anyone when the terrorist attack contaminated Harvardville airport with the t-Virus. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Davis found himself trapped with several survivors, including Claire Redfield, in one of the airport VIP lounges. He was later rescued by Leon Kennedy and members of the Special Response Team although he put 8-year old girl Rani Chawla in deliberate harm’s way in order to ensure that he escaped from the doomed airport first. Davis revelled in the aftermath, quite happy to place the blame on Claire and TerraSave for the delay in arrival of the t-Virus vaccine, meaning lives were lost that WilPharma essentially could have saved given the chance. But he remained ignorant as to what was really going on. Following the incident at the aerodrome facility, Claire directly accused Davis of being in league with the terrorists to ensure that WilPharma came out of the incident looking like heroes. But this was inaccurate for as cold and selfish as Davis was, he would never revert to terrorism to ensure WilPharma did not end up like

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Umbrella. However, in the weeks afterward, WilPharma and Davis continued to be hounded by TerraSave and the incident destroyed the public’s faith in the company. Once again the old allegations of his insider trading with the company began to surface and Davis found his position untenable and announced his resignation. WilPharma was later bought out by Tricell Inc. and shortly after the takeover was announced, Davis was mysteriously found dead in his office, believed to have been murdered by a Tricell agent and made to look like suicide. After that, all data relating to Tricell and WilPharma was deleted from Davis’ personal computer. THURSDAY JUNE 9TH 1949 A Raccoon City resident named Tylar dies today. He is buried in Raccoon cemetery. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8TH 1949 Emerging architect George Trevor marries his childhood sweetheart, Jessica. Four years from now she will give birth to their first and only child; Lisa Trevor. FAMILY PROFILE: THE TREVOR FAMILY George Trevor was a famous architect from New York whose work became renowned across the world during the 1950’s and 60's. He was hired by Oswell E. Spencer in 1962 to design and construct the Arklay Mansion in Raccoon Forest. Curiously enough, he also crafted designs for another of Umbrella's founders, Edward Ashford, for the family's European estate in England. His work for Ashford incorporated many design aspects similar to those Spencer requested and Edward’s son, Alexander, would go on to model several rooms in the South Pole facility based on Trevor's work to ensure his legacy continued for another generation. Trevor also designed blueprints for a luxury cruise ship which were later used posthumously in the 1970’s to construct three identical liners known as the Queen Zenobia, Queen Semeramis and Queen Dido. Little is known about Trevor's background history other than he married his childhood sweetheart Jessica in 1949 and lived in New York where his business was based. Four years later, they had their only child, Lisa. Sometime in early 1962 Trevor visited Raccoon City, just a small rural town at the time to meet with Spencer. The rich nobleman had become quite taken with the quaint little town and outlined his vision for a grand mansion as his new home. Trevor listened intently and understood Spencer's requests would be difficult to realise and would take all of his ingenuity and energy to accomplish. Spencer also expressed a desire the building be fitted with many unusual secrets that only he and Trevor would know about. Money was no object and Trevor suddenly found himself faced with a dream project and the biggest challenge of his career. He estimated that the mansion would take five years to complete and barring a small delay when the initial construction company had to be changed at Spencer’s request, the project was soon underway. By 1967, the mansion was completed and Spencer officially moved in in July. However, final work on the laboratory facilities situated beneath the estate was not due to be finished until November due to added layers of security Spencer insisted on that were not part of the initial design plans. In order to ensure the true purpose of the mansion could never be exposed, Spencer planned to have Trevor killed. In October that year, he wrote to Trevor thanking him for his work and invited his family to stay over the following month. Trevor accepted this invitation graciously as he had yet to have a look round the completed mansion in any great detail thanks to his busy work schedule. The dates Spencer arranged for their visit was close to the Trevor’s' 18th wedding anniversary, but George and Jessica agreed to go regardless as they longed to see mansion in all its completed splendour. However, Trevor became delayed with work in New York and sent Jessica and Lisa on ahead. Before they left, Jessica left him a note wishing him a happy anniversary. Two days later on November 10th, they arrived at the

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mansion and were greeted by Spencer. Jessica had bought him an antique shotgun for his birthday and Lisa played Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata on his grand piano. Later that night, they were both kidnapped by men in white coats and taken down to the labs beneath the house to be used as human test subjects for a special variant of the Progenitor Virus. Jessica was administered with a variant Type-A. But the virus fusion with her body was negative and she died shortly afterwards. She was buried in a special tomb underneath the main hall of the mansion. Lisa was given variant Type-B and the virus fusion was positive, meaning she survived. The fate of George Trevor was decided on November 13th 1967 when he arrived at the estate three days after his wife and child. He was told by Spencer that Jessica and Lisa had already left as a relative had fallen ill. He never knew what had become of his family and was too distracted taking in every detail of the mansion in all its magnificence. He and Spencer enjoyed a delicious banquet in the dining room and the next day Spencer gave him a guided tour of the mansion and revealed his plans to create Umbrella. Trevor spent the next few days in the mansion but gradually became more concerned about his family who still had not been in touch. His troubles grew when he overheard a meeting between Spencer and his aides discussing virus research and in his wanderings around the estate, he began to notice features and structures around the mansion that were not part of his original design plans. The more he saw the more his suspicions grew. He eventually decided to leave and track down his missing family himself. But before he could get out he was captured and drugged by several researchers and moved down to a cell near the lab complex. He later managed to escape and spent the next few days trying to get off the estate but his attempts were futile. Every possible route was blocked or guarded and he eventually arrived at a small alcove that bore his own purpose-built tombstone. As Trevor succumbed to exhaustion and dehydration, he realised that his escape was all an elaborate trap set up and planned by Spencer from the very beginning. He was allowed to escape his cell in order to test the solidity and security of the mansion. From the moment he escaped, Spencer knew the only place Trevor could end up was this place, right where his tombstone was waiting for him. As he lay dying, he prayed that his wife and child were safe, and it was perhaps fortunate for him that he never knew what terrible fates they had both suffered. His body was later found and exposed of. George Trevor was terminated on November 30th, 1967. There are unverified reports that a Progenitor variant was tested on his corpse prior to being exposed, but all records of this seem to have been purged. George Trevor’s sudden disappearance became something of a mystery and his death was never solved. His architecture business was later taken over and absorbed by an individual named Chamberlain and the company was rebranded as ‘Trevor and Chamberlain Construction.’ They were hired by Jack Baker in November 1992 to install several shadow-activated doorways inside the family home in Dulvey, Louisiana. 1950s: The estimated birth date of Brian Irons; an evil man full of demons but possessing a brilliant mind enabling him to rise to Chief of the Raccoon City Police Department in the early 1990s. CHARACTER PROFILE: BRIAN IRONS *Born: UK. Died: 1998. Height: UK. Weight: UK. Blood Type: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: R.P.D. Brian Irons was a sadistically evil man and something was not quite right in his head. Whilst little is known about his early years, he married at a young age and attended university. Whilst there he was arrested twice for incidents relating to domestic violence against his wife, but he avoided a criminal charge thanks largely to circumstantial evidence and his remarkable academic achievements. However, he was ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation with a yearly review as part of his rehabilitation. Despite his lucky escape, Irons was less than grateful and did his best to avoid the sessions. After graduating university, he ironically pursued a career in politics and law enforcement. In his spare time, he was a keen fisherman and developed a love for taxidermy and art. After a successful front-line policing career he eventually became Chief of Police for the R.P.D., but was never popular with the staff working under him. Irons used his influential position to buy favour with city

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politicians and enjoyed a close relationship with Mayor Michael Warren. Before he became Chief of Police, he was one of the mediators that helped acquire the old art museum as a base for the new Raccoon City Police Department precinct building. While pretending to be a warm-hearted police chief, concerned first and foremost with the safety of the city, he was actually concerned only with lining his own pockets. In the early 1990’s Umbrella were looking to earn leverage with local authority in Raccoon City and Irons was an easy target thanks to his greed. By 1993 Irons was in Umbrella’s pocket and he ensured the R.P.D. was at their calling. One of his first tasks in his new role was to cover up the incident at the old hospital in the Arklay Mountains after the police were called in to investigate following the mysterious disappearance of a local reporter. Umbrella had been conducting clinical trials on patients using an oncolytic variant of the t-Virus and things had gotten out of control. Irons derailed the police investigation long enough for Umbrella to cover its tracks and get rid of all the evidence. Over time, his 'favours' for Umbrella made him a very rich man. He used the money he made from these bribes to purchase rare, expensive paintings and art pieces, decorating many areas of the R.P.D. building which in a previous life had served as the city’s art museum. To avert any suspicion, Irons told anyone interested in his collection that it was made up of expensive replicas and not the real thing. At some point, Irons became so influential within city politics he released an autobiography entitled ‘The Power of Justice.’ His primary Umbrella contact in Raccoon City was William Birkin and Irons had a secret door installed in the back of his office with an elevator leading down to old mining tunnels connected to the underground sewer network. This enabled Irons to attend regular meetings with Umbrella and spend enough time away from the R.P.D. without raising suspicion amongst his police colleagues. Irons set up security all over the police station in order to preserve his secret. One trick involved hiding a red jewel hidden behind a painting entitled ‘A Sacrifice to Hell Fire’ which depicted a nude person being hanged. Irons put No Smoking signs all around the station to ensure no one discovered the solution to this puzzle. However, his countermeasures were not completely successful and in particular the notes left by his own secretary and those of the sewer workers clearly showed his scheming and eccentricities. His secretary, Carol Sinderman, was particularly disturbed by some of his paintings and her curious eye into Irons’ affairs earned her the wrath of his fractious temper on more than one occasion. His short temper was just another element of a dark side that Irons often struggled to keep under control when under pressure. During an Umbrella operations meeting in 1997, several members raised concerns over Irons’ erratic behaviour and debated whether Umbrella could still afford to trust him. A year later Irons did his best to stall the R.P.D.’s investigation into the brutal murders in Raccoon Forest, keeping all local authority well away from ground zero at the Arklay Mansion until the S.T.A.R.S. teams were eventually assigned to the investigation. In the build-up to this, his secretary filed an official grievance regarding his conduct and his art collection. This was the culmination of an incident dating back to when she accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor of the station. Although nothing came of the incident, it again put Umbrella on alert about whether they could still trust him. Irons later murdered his secretary after she accidentally discovered the secret room behind his office that led to a twisted torture chamber he used to carry out his sordid little fantasies. Somehow, he managed to keep this incident under wraps but the stress of the situation was clearly getting to him. Irons’ situation eventually began to spin out of control following the mansion incident. When the S.T.A.R.S. survivors tried to launch an official investigation into Umbrella, he managed to stall them. He even succeeded in getting the unit disbanded, though he had William Birkin constantly on his back warning him keep a close

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eye on them still. Chris Redfield had begun to suspect that Irons was in Umbrella's pocket and called on a friend in the F.B.I. to make some enquiries into the Chief's murky past. His background check revealed the arrests during his college years and subsequent psychiatric evaluation. Irons would regularly attend meetings and pass through the sewer, but the weight of being Birkin’s puppet was clearly taking its toll and on one occasion Irons pulled his gun on the sewer manager and threatened to shoot him. In the month leading up to the biological outbreak in Raccoon City, the terrorism threat level in the area had gone up and this prompted Irons to install a security measure in the station that involved the release of nerve gas. This was to be used as a last resort only. With Annette Birkin as his contact, he also obtained evidence that spies had breached Birkin's labs and he recovered several reels of photographic evidence he took back to the R.P.D. Overwhelmed with stress and pressure, Irons took to assaulting several young, blonde women and one such story even made the press after screams were heard on South Campbell Street. But no suspect was ever named. He was also being secretly investigated by journalist Ben Bertolucci who had somehow obtained a series of receipts suggesting bribery links to Umbrella. Even a contingent of his own officers were collecting evidence against their chief, led by Marvin Brannagh. They had taken photographs of Irons’ book-keeping records, fax records, and of a curious file he had been keeping on Michael Warren’s daughter, Katherine. When Irons discovered Raccoon City had been contaminated his sanity finally managed to get away from him. He locked himself away in his office, effectively leaving deputy-chief Raymond Douglas in charge, and when he was killed during Operation Mop-Up, the R.P.D. were left without any leadership. In order to protect himself against any possible betrayal from Umbrella, Irons had been secretly collecting damning evidence against the corporation he could use as leverage should they ever threaten him. Eventually Irons emerged from his hideaway and shot and killed several of his own officers. He also took all the ammo from weapons storage and hid it throughout the precinct. He was charged with protecting the Mayor’s daughter but instead he killed her and planned to stuff and make a trophy of her. He had several encounters with Claire Redfield before he was finally killed by the G-Creature in the early hours of September 30th. A fitting demise for an ugly man. Viktor Petrow is born in Russia. He is one year older than Sergei Vladimir and they will go on to be close childhood friends. Viktor’s sadistic nature with ultra-devotion to patriotism and the Soviet Union will have a profound effect on Sergei by teaching him to overcome fear and pain and turn them into something which must instead be embraced. This period also coincides with the predicted birthdate of Sergei Vladimir as he is in his late 40's by 1998. Sergei will rise to prominence as a dedicated member of the Red Army in the Soviet Union before later joining Umbrella and rising up through the ranks to become the unofficial heir to Oswell E. Spencer himself. CHARACTER PROFILE: SERGEI VLADIMIR *Born: UK. Died: 2003. Height: 202cm. Weight: 110kg. B-T: UK. Nationality: Russian. Affiliation: Umbrella. Sergei was born in the small mining village of Jablotschnaja, Ukraine and grew up under the watchful eye of his father who had been a strong supporter of Stalin and a member of the Communist Party. As a youngster he attended a local school for the mining industry where he met another boy who was to become his close friend; Viktor Petrow. Viktor was a year older than Sergei and whilst he was a thin, nervous child with a well-formed face, Viktor was an all-round talent in physical perfection. The thin and rather shabbily-dressed Sergei admired everything about the strongly-built Viktor, worshipping everything he stood for. Viktor was a staunch patriot and often for nights on end, the two of them would stay up until the early hours dreaming of a forthcoming world revolution and envisioning the Soviet Union standing on top of the world.

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However, Sergei never realised Viktor's desire for such a world had gone to the extreme and he had begun kidnapping local children to teach them how to become perfect slaves. One day, he lured Sergei to a small cabin in the woods and presented him with several small dead bodies. He explained to Sergei that before death they became so scared that they obeyed his every word. They did this because they were frightened and that fear is an overpowering force. Viktor believed there were two kinds of people in the world; those who rule, and those who were ruled. He believed Sergei was someone who was happy to be ruled and Viktor wanted to change this. He then preceded to torture Sergei in a bid to make him overcome his fear and convert it into pleasure. Although he was terrified at the time, it was this process that allowed Sergei to become completely immune to fear, pain, and death later in life and to embrace these feelings as a pleasure. He understood and gradually began to withstand the torture, eventually resulting in Viktor letting him live, proud Sergei he had passed the test. Now he was a ruler. Eventually, Viktor's practices were discovered and he was arrested and led away by the KGB. Sergei never saw him again and was able to return to his normal life, yet inside he was now a much stronger person. He was no longer afraid of anything. He had been reborn. Years later Sergei enrolled at university where he studied Russian, Engineering Sciences and Marxism-Leninism. He was completely self-involved in party activities and self-sacrificingly submitted unsolicited articles on patriotism and the morality of good communists to various newspapers. He eventually enlisted in the military and joined the Red Army. In 1979 he was sent as part of the Russian forces supporting the Marxist government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan against the Islamist Mujahedeen Resistance. He remained there for over ten years and at some point during the conflict, lost his right eye in battle. Eventually the public soon had enough of the endlessly drawn out war and despite the difficult circumstances Sergei endured in Afghanistan, he fulfilled his duties faithfully until the withdrawal of troops loyal to his duty. By the end of his service he held the rank of Colonel; a moniker that remained with him long after he retired from active service. Sergei was well looked after by his subordinates, remaining a staunch patriot and his subjects loved and revered him. He was also very modest and even his greatest successes never went to his head. He also gave consent for his cells to be cloned at the request of the Soviet Army for an experimental program. It was also during his army days that he met Nikolai Zinoviev, and the two became firm friends. Sergei's self-sacrificing loyalty to everyone he accepted as his masters secured him the recognition of the Communist Party and he was made a loyal party member for life. He even believed he would one day lead the Soviet Union into the future and that the era of world-wide victory for communism was not too far away. But Sergei's life was turned upside down on August 19th, 1991 when the Coup d’état of the conservative forces in Russia failed. The loss of power for the Communist Party was sealed and the Soviet Union was soon to be no more. Sergei entered a deep depression until one day he received a letter from his friend and comrade, Nikolai. It was this letter that put him on the path to Umbrella Corporation. Sometime following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sergei approached the pharmaceutical giant looking for work. He was able to get a foot in the door when it was revealed his DNA was a rare compatible match for the Tyrant Program, a 1-100,000,000 adaptor. At this point the program was at a complete standstill due to the lack of suitable hosts. Umbrella quickly urged Sergei to donate his clones to them for research, using Nikolai to help persuade him. Eventually, Sergei relented and agreed to relinquish these ten subjects he referred to as his brothers. With ten compatible hosts now to work with, the Tyrant Program was jump-started and resulted in William Birkin engineering a new t-Virus strain that could allow almost anyone to become Tyrant compatible. In gratitude, Sergei was given an executive position within the company.

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Sergei rose quickly up the ranks of Umbrella, soon catching the eye of Spencer himself and the two became close. He showed an ardour for following Spencer's orders and made sure even the most radical of his wishes were carried out. He was even prepared to sacrifice his own men, as long as it served the greater good - his greater good; the resurrection of Mother Russia. He was also responsible for the creation of the U.B.C.S. and the Monitors; an internal group set up to watch and investigate suspicious company employees. He quickly installed Nikolai in one of these positions. Sergei based himself in the Russian Caucasus Mountains, working from a Chemical Plant abandoned by the government and bought out by Umbrella. It was originally built upon the research site set up to investigate the famous Tunguska explosion of 1908. The bladed weapon Sergei always carried was forged from the rare metal compound found at the blast site. It was stronger than steel and unable to rust or become dull. This metal was so rare it could not be analysed properly and mass production was impossible, making the weapon unique to Sergei. He was also a collector of other weapons and torture instruments from European and Asian territories. In the summer of 1998 when the t-Virus leak occurred at the Arklay Labs, Sergei flew to Raccoon City at the personal request of Spencer to retrieve Umbrella's newest Tyrant prototype, the experimental T-A.L.O.S. project. This prototype was stored in the labs underneath the mansion and he extracted it in secret before the whole place was eradicated in Operation X-Day. Sergei always maintained a deep mistrust of Albert Wesker and held a strong belief, later proven right, that Wesker was going to betray them all. On the morning of July 24th, Sergei and his personal bodyguard, a re-engineered T-103 model named Ivan, intercepted Wesker as he was about to leave the training facility. Sergei showed contempt that Wesker had failed the Reclamation Project and sent Ivan to teach him a lesson. However, Wesker managed to escape thanks to the facility's imminent detonation. Despite this, Sergei took comfort in the fact Wesker now knew he was on to him. Later that night, Sergei succeeded in infiltrating the Spencer Mansion and retrieved the T-A.L.O.S. before Wesker and the other members of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team arrived. He also got his revenge on Wesker by revoking his access privileges to Umbrella's newly installed mainframe computer, hampering his progress to download the B.O.W. combat data he needed to complete his defection from Umbrella to their rival company. Sergei returned to Raccoon City in September when the citywide viral outbreak occurred. He was inside the helicopter that deployed the T-103 to the RPD and the remaining units to the Dead Factory. All Umbrella personnel and military units in the city were put under his direct command and he again saved the corporation by extracting the UMF-013 mainframe from the underground laboratory before it was destroyed. He also evacuated a high-ranking Umbrella Officer just seconds before the directive Code XX sterilisation operation sanitised the city on October 1st. Following the incident, Spencer invested heavily on expanding Sergei’s base factory into a state of the art, high-tech facility. He knew Umbrella would ultimately be blamed for the Raccoon disaster and that the company would never fully recover. Largely because of this, Spencer took more of a backseat in the running of the company, focusing instead on preserving the secret of the Progenitor Virus and the Wesker Children; effectively promoting Sergei as the unofficial head of Umbrella. With Umbrella USA facing bankruptcy, all containing t-Virus research was transferred over to Umbrella Europe, which Sergei now oversaw from Russia. Despite all the business suspension orders, the colossal legal fees and court battles, Sergei truly believed Umbrella would emerge a stronger being just as he had done that fateful day Viktor Petrow had taken him to that rickety old house by the river. With the UMF-013, T-A.L.O.S. and the Red Queen AI, he was convinced they could overcome anything. In the early years of the new millennium, the T-A.L.O.S. project was completed under Sergei's personal supervision. He also raised much-needed funding for Umbrella by signing contracts with terrorists, arms dealers and unstable countries to provide them with B.O.W.s., including South American drug lord, Javier Hidalgo. New B.O.W. production also continued, with a new model Hunter and the Anubis being just two

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examples. He also co-ordinated the safe storage of important Umbrella assets to numerous underground hangars located at various inconspicuous locations across the globe. However, Sergei's world finally came crashing down in 2003 when his facility was raided by a Private Anti-Biohazard Containment Team which included former S.T.A.R.S. members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. Albert Wesker also infiltrated the base on a personal mission of his own and caused a biohazard, ensuring Sergei would have to abandon the base. Wesker had plotted the whole thing and used Chris and Jill’s team as a diversion to achieve his own goals. But instead of fleeing, Sergei decided to face Wesker head on, not surprised for a second to see the Umbrella traitor was still alive and well, despite him being reported killed during the mansion incident. What he didn't plan for however, was Wesker's increased speed and strength thanks to the experimental t-Virus administered to him as part of the ultra-secretive Project Wesker. With his new powers, Wesker easily overcame the two Ivan Tyrants and Sergei made his last stand by injecting himself with the perfected t-Virus. But rather than become a zombie, his Tyrant matching DNA transformed him into a humanoid monster and he was able to fight Wesker on an even keel. Because he was a perfect adapter, his brain cells did not degenerate and he was able to retain his intelligence. Compared with other Tyrants, Sergei’s unique mutation had many different points. He developed a big claw like the T-002 after the tentacles binding his arms fused together, but this was utilised for speed of movement rather than attacking. And its two arms were very similar to the tentacles of the Nemesis T-Type. About his mutation, Wesker advanced a theory that the host’s mind-set appeared to influence the evolution of the virus. Sergei mutated into a monster whose very body was the picture of suffering as he was ripped apart from the inside by thorns. But despite his new-found strength and immunity to fear and pain, Wesker was able to kill Sergei and so the final nail was hammered into Umbrella's coffin. By now Oswell Spencer was in hiding and despite Wesker’s interrogation, Sergei took the secret of his master’s location to his grave. Osmund Saddler is born. He will become a religious preacher and a follower of the Los Illuminados religion in Southern Europe, convincing Ramon Salazar to undo the seal of the dormant Las Plagas parasites. CHARACTER PROFILE: OSMUND SADDLER *Born: UK. Died: 2004. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: UK. Affiliation: Los Illuminados Much of Saddler's early background remains a mystery, but he grew up heavily influenced by past teachings of the Los Illuminados, a secretive group that allegedly practiced strange occult religions. It’s also possible Saddler was a descendant of a past member as though the feudal family Salazar had battled the Los Illuminados to the verge of extinction, it is widely accepted the cult survived and that remaining members simply went in hiding, waiting for the right time to emerge once again. That time came in the early 21st Century, when the Salazar dynasty was at its most vulnerable. Through the study of ancient texts from predecessors chronicling the discovery of the Plagas and their subsequent banishment by the Salazar family, Saddler learnt of the current lord, Ramon, and the parasites still entombed beneath his castle. He visited Salazar and manipulated his fragile personality into believing his ancestors were wrong to banish the Los Illuminados and persuaded him to undo the seal trapping the Plagas beneath the castle. He also promised Salazar a great power in exchange for his help. The young Castellan, just a teenager at the time, was easily manipulated by Saddler’s almost hypnotic persuasion. With Salazar under his spell, he had the young lord gather workers from the local village to help excavate the Plagas beneath the castle which after all this time had become fossilised inside the rocks. He also built up a

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relationship with the village chief, Bitorez Mendez, converting him into a follower of the religion and the missionary work he wanted to carry out. After the Plagas were resurrected, Saddler began a process of manipulation over the village residents by holding sermons at the local church. He managed to convince them that the Los Illuminados were a group with honourable intentions and that the first Lord Salazar had gotten in the way of their good deeds. By banishing the Illuminados all those years ago, he had left a tarnished legacy and now the time had come for the village to cleanse themselves of this sin. In order to do this, they had to be injected with sacred blood which unknown to them was a Subordinate Plaga parasite. One by one, the villagers turned and willingly took this gift into their bodies. Saddler forced them to build a massive facility on a remote island for research and this was only the first step in a plan to realise his dream of using this awesome power to take control of the world. He also employed a local researcher called Luis Sera who held a deep fascination with the parasites. Sera's work was invaluable in understanding the biology of Las Plagas and the Dominant Strain Plaga was soon created, followed by several primitive but effective B.O.W.s. A team of mercenaries were hired to guard and protect the island facility and these guards were also injected with Subordinate Plagas, ensuring their absolute obedience at all times. Saddler’s trusted lieutenants; Salazar and Mendez were given Dominant Strain Plagas after swearing their absolute fealty to Saddler. This meant that Mendez could control the village Ganados, Salazar the cultists residing in his castle, and Saddler the researchers and forces on the island. As his power grew, Saddler began to set forth his plans using the parasite he called the power of the Los Illuminados. He held a deep hatred for America and their arrogance and self-belief that they could police the world as they saw fit. He planned to use the Plaga to gain control from within, seizing power in US Government, the military and large and influential corporations. He also needed an extortionate amount of money to keep his research going and wanted to acquire an important world figure as a hostage to secure this finance. Saddler was an imposing man with a hypnotic stare and wore a long purple cloak with golden crests to symbolise his status as cult leader. It also helped conceal a mutated tentacle with a sharp blade mounted at the end used for self-protection. He also carried a Plaga encrusted cane and researchers from the rival company had theorised this ceremonial staff may have contributed towards his control of other subjects as it was believed the Plagas could sense ultrasonic sound waves in a similar principle to a dog whistle. Around this time, the rival Company had learnt of the Plaga and the village and cult were under observation by Albert Wesker. He sent in Jack Krauser to infiltrate the Los Illuminados and acquire a Dominant Plaga sample. But despite being impressed with Krauser’s combat skills, Saddler distrusted him due to his American nationality and military background fighting for his country. However, he recognised his skills and Krauser was injected with a Dominant Plaga. Despite his absolute loyalty to Wesker, Krauser was hypnotised by the power of the Las Plagas. By now, Saddler’s plan was finalised and his kidnap target was the U.S. President’s daughter, Ashley Graham. In order to buy trust, Jack Krauser carried out the kidnapping and brought her back to South Europe. Saddler planned to inject her with a subordinate parasite and return her to the U.S. once he had received his ransom money. By then the Plaga egg would have hatched and he could control her at will, spreading the parasites all around the inner circle of the Presidential cabinet. He also prepared a personal invasion fleet and had somehow acquired a war ship ready for his army of Ganados to sail to America when the time was right. When Leon S. Kennedy was dispatched to Southern Europe to locate Ashley, Saddler had him captured and injected with a Subordinate Plaga. He also personally went to Salazar’s castle and killed Luis Sera after he betrayed him and stole a Dominant Plaga sample he planned to hand over to Ada Wong in return for protection. After that, he returned to his island and ordered Krauser to take care of Leon after both Mendez and Salazar had failed. But when Krauser also failed, Saddler personally ensured Leon’s rescue helicopter was destroyed and then captured and subdued Ada Wong, holding her captive to try and flush Leon out so he could

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finally get rid of this constant thorn in his side. Until now, Saddler had let Leon live, having been impressed with his survival skills and planned to make him his personal bodyguard once the Plaga inside him took hold. However, his plan finally unravelled when Leon and Ashley located Luis’ Plaga removal machine and managed to destroy the parasites inside their bodies before they reached full maturity, ending Saddler’s hold over them. Enraged that his plan was failing, Saddler trigged his full mutation and transformed into a massive spider-creature. Countless tentacles and four crab-like legs emerged from his head, leaving his body little more than a shredded husk. He was eventually destroyed when Leon shot him with a rocket launcher thrown down by Ada. Bitores Mendez is born. He will become village chief of the Pueblo near Castle Salazar in Southern Europe before converting to high priest of the Los Illuminados under Osmund Saddler. CHARACTER PROFILE: BITORES MENDEZ *Born: UK. Died: 2004. Height: UK. Weight: UK. BT: UK. Nationality: UK. Affiliation: Los Illuminados Bitores Mendez was the Chief of the small Pueblo located within the Salazar territory of rural Southern Europe. After becoming acquainted with Osmund Saddler, he became a preacher of the Los Illuminados religion and Saddler’s right hand man. It was Mendez who persuaded the people of the village to embrace Saddler’s strange teachings and the trust and respect they had for Mendez ensured they willingly accepted the Plaga into their bodies. He was a priest, and as a man of faith, his loyalty to the cult's leader, Osmund Saddler, was absolute. He would stop at nothing to eliminate anyone or anything threatening the new world order envisioned by his spiritual guide. He held regular sermons in the church preaching the cult’s dark teachings. Mendez was a very tall, imposing and intimidating man. His extreme height and broad physique – hidden beneath a dark raincoat – induced fear into anyone who dared to stand in his way. Because he was one of the few trusted by Saddler, he was given a Dominant Species Plaga to retain his free will and allow him to coordinate and control the rest of the villagers. Another key characteristic was his contrastingly coloured eyes, the left one being false. This eye activated a retinal scanner that opened the gate leading to the pathway running up to Salazar Castle. This was seen as a symbol of his determination to be the wall protecting the cult from outsiders. Mendez lived in relative luxury compared to the other villagers. While they survived on bare bones in sparsely furnished huts and shacks, Mendez lived in his own mansion built on the brow of a hill. The mansion contained a kitchen complete with antique furniture, appliances, and a master bedroom. He was also an educated man given the broad range of topics available in his extensive book collection. Mendez was also in charge of the key for the underground tunnel leading to the church. In autumn of 2004 when Saddler began the first phase of his world domination plan by kidnapping Ashley Graham, Mendez soon discovered the U.S. Government was sending someone to investigate the village. He had Leon followed and photographs of him passed around the residents, warning them to be on their guard and to attack on sight. He also strengthened the defences around the village and was on hand to capture Leon as he tried to free Luis Sera. Mendez initially questioned why Lord Saddler did not separate his prisoners but decided to trust his master’s judgement. After Leon escaped, Mendez ran into him again at his mansion, deciding to let him live after realising he had been injected with a Subordinate Plaga. Saddler ordered Mendez to keep an eye on Leon whilst the Plaga matured in his body. However, Mendez was wary after Leon continued to elude the traps they set for him and killed many of their Ganados. Mendez also sensed another party was involved in the incident aside from the

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U.S. Government and was proved correct when he captured and incapacitated Ada Wong, a double agent working for the rival company at that time. His only mistake was to hand her over to a group of Ganados to perform a ritual kill at the worship area rather than dispose of her straight away himself. After realising Leon could destroy them all before his Plaga matured, Mendez decided to eliminate him himself and cornered Leon in a barn on the outskirts of the village. After Leon shot a fuel barrel and caught Mendez in an explosion, the Chief trigged his mutation and turned into a centipede-like creature with the ability to separate from his lower torso completely. However, Leon managed to defeat him and his remains were burned away in the barn fire. Upon his death, his false eye fell out and Leon was able to retrieve it to get past the retinal scanner and escape the village. Ivan Judanovich is born. A Russian Cossack or Ataman who will go on to be one of the rebel leaders when his home nation of Eastern Slav falls into civil war with the government. CHARACTER PROFILE: IVAN 'ATAMAN' JUDANOVICH *Born: UK. Died: 2011. Height: 180cm. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: UK. Affiliation: Pro-Independence Ivan Judanovich was an Ataman from the Council of Elders that led the fight against the oligarch government of the Eastern Slav Republic after the divide between rich and poor became so great that civil war erupted. After the rise in capitalism following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, conglomerates gained power in political circles and business oligarchs came into power, essentially being able to buy the presidency. The poor were left to starve on the streets and it eventually ignited a rebellion. Judanovich and his peers’ organised armed freedom fighters to fight back against the oligarch-controlled government forces. This civil war erupted in 2006, and decimated the government’s plans to get the Eastern Slav Republic accepted into the European Union. Judanovich and the others rebel leaders formed the Council of Elders which co-ordinated the rebel war strategy against the Government. When the oligarchs used their financial power to make their military stronger and better equipped, it tipped the war in their favour and so it was Judanovich who took the decision to move the rebels’ base of operations to a hidden location, a more suitable place from which they could launch their guerrilla war against the government. Judanovich was inspired by Igor Mechnikov; a poet who first pushed for independence a century earlier and fought successfully during the time of the Russian Revolutions. His poem Grace was used as an inspiration to the current day resistance movement. Several years later, Svetlana Belikova, the Eastern Slav’s first female President, offered a cease-fire to the rebels in an attempt to improve the country’s reputation with the wider European community. Judanovich and the other elders accepted these terms but the break in hostilities was short lived. In November 2010 the government’s military suddenly resumed their attacks after discovering the rebels’ land contained valuable natural resources. The new attacks were relentless, with the government publicly claiming they were fighting terrorism. Becoming ever more desperate, the resistance fighters turned to the use of black market B.O.W.s in a bid to turn the war in their favour. However, they were unaware these black market B.O.W.s were actually supplied by a front company affiliated to Svetlana Belikova’s government named Yakovlev Security, who had been performing secret tests on Las Plagas parasites. Picking up where Tricell had left off, her team of scientists successfully managed to create a new Synthetic Plaga cultivated in a special ‘beehive’ laboratory. This new strain had all the traits of a regular Dominant Plaga, but contained a deliberate genetic flaw to slowly regress the host into a Ganado. Belikova gave the Plagas to the rebels to let the Elders give commands to Licker Betas using ultra high-frequency sound waves. However, she knew that the Plagas were defective and would

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eventually spread and infect all the resistance from within, turning them into mindless Ganados. Her government would then clean up the mess, wipe out the biohazard threat and join the long list of communities who have battled to destroy the threat of bio organic weapons, thus strengthening the Eastern Slav Republic’s political position and standing in the wider world. However, her plan did not work as fast as expected and thanks to the controlled Lickers, the resistance led by Ataman fought on. Belikova then tried a different approach, negotiating with the Council of Elders to reward them a significant slice of the oil profits in exchange for ending the war. Every council elder agreed to her terms, except for Judanovich who sensed a trap. Taking matters into his own hands, he injected the Synthetic Plaga into his own body and used the Lickers to attack the presidential palace in the city of Holifgrad; a key strategic location for the government. Initially the plan was a success, and little by little the resistance moved closer to the city, ready to storm the presidential palace, but the defective Plaga inside Ataman was weakening him, and he had to constantly fight to remain in control of his own mind. His time was quickly running out. When U.S. Government agent Leon Kennedy was dispatched to the country to verify the usage of B.O.W.s in the war, Ataman used his controlled Lickers to attack him, sparing his life at the last moment so he could be taken hostage and interrogated. But the strain of using the Plaga to command the Lickers had clearly taken its toll on Ataman and by this point he was severely weakened. He was also elderly and his body frail. Whilst in one of their many hideouts, Leon was being interrogated by Judanovich’s subordinate, Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kozachenko, when government forces attacked them. Minutes prior to this, Judanovich suffered a violent coughing fit as the Plaga inside him squirmed around his central nervous system. Despite concern from Sasha and his partner J.D., Judanovich insisted he was okay. But when government soldiers rooted them out, Judanovich finally turned into a Ganado with greying skin and blood-red eyes. This distraction was enough for Sasha to attack the guards and for Leon to get free. In the aftermath of the fight, Judanovich managed to regain control of himself once again but was too weak to escape the tunnels. Knowing he could no longer control the Plaga inside him, he begged Kozachenko to end his life while he was still human and asked him to continue the attack upon the presidential palace, leading the fight in his place. He then revealed the location where the Elders had hidden the rest of the Synthetic Plaga samples. Following this, Kozachenko shot Judanovich several times, killing him and the Plaga that resided within his body. Sasha then later took the Plaga into his own body and followed Judanovich’s wishes by launching an attack at the central palace in a bid to topple the government. Andy Holland is born. He will lead a petty life as a criminal before being employed by Umbrella as a janitor on Sheena Island in the late 1990’s. CHARACTER PROFILE: ANDY HOLLAND Born: UK. Died: UK. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: Umbrella. Andy Holland led a largely miserable existence with a small background in science before eventually resorting to a life of crime. Over the years he conducted numerous burglaries, robberies and assaults in order to make a living. He lived in a run-down old apartment and was in default with the rent. A small, stumpy man as well as overweight and almost completely bald, he was very private and liked to keep himself to himself, becoming very grumpy when in the company of others. His hobby was photography and he owned a Polaroid camera he treated as his best friend. In around 1997 he got a call out of the blue from representatives of Umbrella Corporation, offering him a job as caretaker and curator of a sewer facility on one of their many off-shore outposts. This particular job was at a place called Sheena Island, located somewhere in Europe. Some time ago Umbrella had purchased the solitary town on the island in its entirety so the families of workers could come out to live there. Underneath the city was a sewer system and treatment facility that was so old nobody knew how to repair it. Now Umbrella wanted to give the maintenance contract to him. Andy was more than a little suspicious of their intentions at first but

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what was on offer was easily better than his current life. His criminal record was so extensive he had next to no chance of ever holding down an honest job in America, so this new start was exactly what he needed. Leaving his defaulted apartment behind for good, Andy crossed over to Sheena Island, and based himself permanently in the sewers, making a crude bedroom and living quarters in one of the underground maintenance rooms. Using spray paint, he scrawled graffiti over the outside walls and door, warning people and trespassers to keep away. Andy spent over a year living in solitude, carrying out his duties whist ignoring the residents of the town living and working above him. He built up a strange obsession of photographing the town’s waste flowing through the sewers and decorated his living quarters with these pictures. Andy was happy at being left alone and because he kept himself away from everyone else, had never fully grasped the truth behind Umbrella and their more sinister practices. In the summer of 1998 Umbrella operations on Sheena Island were transferred over to Vincent Goldman, an elite sent By Umbrella headquarters as the island’s commander. Although he never met him, Andy heard several disturbing rumours about Goldman’s conduct, including the experiments performed on children at the Tyrant Plant on the mountain. On November 9th, Andy finally met Goldman face to face when he came down to the sewers for an inspection, or so he thought. The real identity of the man was Ark Thompson, a private investigator hired to look into Umbrella’s dealings on the island. Ark was posing as Vincent Goldman to gain information but Andy was none the wiser having never seen Goldman before. He tried to take a picture and ‘Goldman’ became upset and stormed out. Andy dismissed the incident as Goldman simply being just rude and unpleasant, but in reality Ark was angry as he didn’t want his cover blown. The next few weeks passed without incident until the real Vincent Goldman unleashed the t-Virus across the town in retaliation for the section leaders conspiring against him and trying to get him removed from his position. Andy survived the initial biohazard and managed to make it above ground, where he decided to hunt Goldman down and kill him himself. However, because of the incident that had happened weeks earlier in the sewer, Andy ended up chasing Ark Thompson around the city, believing him to be Goldman. He shot at Ark in the arcade and then trapped him in the library with a Hunter. But he eventually retreated when Umbrella’s clean-up crews arrived on the scene. Whilst his body was never recovered it was assumed Andy Holland never made it off Sheena Island alive. It is speculated he either met his end at one of the many B.O.W.s roaming the town, or was shot and killed by the Under Taker clean-up unit. However, the possibility remains that he somehow survived. Adam Benford is born. He will go on to have a successful military career before becoming a high-ranking government official and eventually President of the United States. He is influential in recruiting Leon S. Kennedy following the Raccoon City incident in 1998. CHARACTER PROFILE: ADAM BENFORD *Born: UK. Died: 2013. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: U.S. Gov. Adam Benford pursued a decorated career in the military, enlisting at a young age where he learnt some harsh lessons about life, especially in the business of keeping and revealing secrets. Prior to this he studied and graduated from Ivy University in Tall Oaks, thus beginning a lifelong association with the campus. In the early 1980s he met Derek Simmons and they went on to become firm friends. Following the conclusion of his military career, Benford moved into politics, an avenue Simmons also pursued. This career switch came naturally to Benford who gained a positive reputation in political circles for being an honourable man of his word and with integrity. He was also necessarily outspoken in his behaviour and was full of self-righteousness.

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By the time of the 1998 Raccoon City incident, Benford was a high-ranking government official. After evaluating Leon S. Kennedy, one of the survivors of the incident, Benford hand-picked him for a role in the U.S. Government as an agent in training for a new Secret Military Agency. This group was Benford’s brainchild dedicated to dealing with illegal bio-organic weapons and would later be formally named as the Anti-Umbrella Pursuit and Investigation Team (A.U.P.I.T.). Benford believed Leon had the skills and intelligence to become a top asset for the government against foreign and domestic threats, something which would almost certainly involve bioterrorism. Benford guided Leon’s progress and helped nurture and elevate his position through the ranks until he was awarded the prestigious position of protecting the new president’s daughter in 2004. Although their personalities were opposite with Benford an outspoken bureaucrat and Leon a calm and controlled field agent, they complimented each other perfectly and became a strong team. Trust was important to Leon and Benford had earned that trust with Leon finding himself able to rely on a man who had never directly faced the evils of bioterrorism. With mutual goals and a mutual respect, they grew close in over ten years of fighting bioterrorism together. Various government agents had often tried to get Leon to open up about what he experienced in Raccoon City, but he would always avoid them. He would only talk about his demons with Adam, and he confessed to him in confidence that he contemplated committing suicide during the incident, and had it not been for Sherry Birkin and Claire Redfield, he likely would have succeeded. In 2005 Benford recruited Tyler Howard for the Secret Military Agency following a t-Virus outbreak at St. Cloud in Minnesota. At the time, Howard was a police officer with the Rochester City Police Department and he worked with B.S.A.A. agents on the ground to co-ordinate rescue efforts, including former S.T.A.R.S. member Rebecca Chambers. During the incident Howard recovered a data pad containing proof of illegal human experimentation and evidence that the incident may have been caused by a group of former Umbrella Corporation employees. Like Leon before him, Benford saw a potential in Tyler and persuaded him to join the team, likely promising to help him track down his missing father, Ryan Howard. To cover up his tracks, Benford arranged to have Tyler’s death faked to ensure no loose ends were left behind. Benford continued to rise up the political ranks before eventually running for the Oval Office to succeed President Graham. His election campaign had a strong focus on the youth of America and he was successful, becoming inaugurated as President in early 2011. Benford quickly became a popular leader with the American people. He identified B.O.W.s as a ‘global threat’ and was determined to stamp out bio-terrorism. He made Derek Simmons his National Security Advisor and wanted to form a domestic anti-bioterrorism unit made up of elite government agents to send a message to any bioterrorists ready to threaten the United States. Although the B.S.A.A. was already well-established, Benford wanted a unit made up of his own people but was determined to avoid the mistakes made by Morgan Lansdale and the F.B.C. in years gone by. With Leon’s help, Benford founded the Division of Security Operations (D.S.O.). The idea was to select the best agents from various government branches stationed around the world and bring them together as a unit that would answer directly to Benford’s orders to engage any bioterrorist threat to the United States. Leon became a founding member and the D.S.O. was officially established in February 2011. Many of the new field agents were transferred over from the Secret Service and had top level clearance to sensitive materials and were authorised to use lethal force. To aid this group, Benford also created the Field Operations Support (F.O.S.), a support group tasked to provide intelligence and strategy for agents from multiple U.S. intelligence agencies discharging their duties around the world. As the dangers posed by bioterrorism came to take priority for U.S. security, the F.O.S. quickly evolved to oversee all operations that dealt with response to and prevention of bioterrorism. Benford installed Leon’s associate Ingrid Hunnigan as Operations Co-ordinator.

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Under Benford’s leadership, these two combined organisations led an aggressive war on all enemies and within two years of their formation, had all but eliminated any threat to the United States. This swift action led to the D.S.O. becoming known as the Sword of the President and Benford’s popularity with the American public soared. Early in his presidency, he also returned to Ivy University to give a speech on the Youth of America. In 2013, Benford assessed the threat levels of bioterrorism and concluded it was still as high as ever, despite there being no major incidents for over two years. He was also acutely aware that in certain pockets the American citizens were still deeply distrustful of the U.S. Government amidst rumours they had been in collusion with Umbrella all along in the years leading up to the 1998 Raccoon City incident. He eventually decided to make a public speech and reveal to the world the full truth of the Raccoon City incident. His hope was that this show of honesty, acceptance of responsibility, and the resulting lessons learned would make other guilty parties come forward and unite the world in the fight against bio-organic-weapons. However, he knew this was a big risk and his close associates were deeply opposed to the idea, believing it to be political suicide. National Security Advisor and close friend Derek Simmons was the most vocal, believing that if the truth was revealed the U.S. would lose all of its authority and standing as a superpower, and that the global political order would collapse as a result. Leon was also apprehensive, but agreed to stand behind his friend. Benford knew he was risking everything and that such an important disclosure would likely create more problems than it would solve, but he saw no alternative if they were truly to have a chance at eradicating bioterrorism for good. To his credit, Benford was brave to put his entire career and reputation on the line, and even saw off intimidating threats from the mysterious group known as The Family in order to get the truth out to the public. At the end of June he was due to visit his former stomping ground at Ivy University in Tall Oaks and decided to choose that moment to give his speech to the world. The date was set for June 29th and he would have Leon Kennedy there with him for this unprecedented moment. However, what Benford was unaware of was that his friend Simmons was the leader of The Family and they decided to stage a bio-terror attack in Tall Oaks using the C-Virus just as Benford was due to give his speech. The attack was successful and Benford was infected before he could reveal the truth, becoming a mindless zombie. In the end President Benford was shot in the head by none other than his close friend Leon. As a result, the truth about the government’s involvement in Raccoon City was never revealed. Clive R. O’Brian is born. He will become one of the Original 11 founding members of the B.S.A.A. in 2004 and its first operational Director. CHARACTER PROFILE: CLIVE R. O'BRIAN Born: UK. Died: NA. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: B.S.A.A. Clive O’Brian was the first operational director of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (B.S.A.A.) and it is speculated he was an Original 11 founding member alongside Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, a U.S. Government employee with close ties to Sheva Alomar, and eight Others. The B.S.A.A. was an NGO set up under the guidance of the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium as a counter bio-terrorism group and O’Brian personally recruited all members. At first glance, O’Brian is quite a scruffy-looking man but this unkempt appearance on the outside disguised a canny and intelligent mind skilled in politics and business matters. He had strong leadership skills and his knowledge and expertise on bioterrorism is second to none. He recruited all B.S.A.A. members personally and was effective at shaping a skilled team of agents out of an initial, disorganised and somewhat ruffian group. Despite his role as director, O’Brian did not

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relish being in the limelight and preferred to work from behind the scenes, leaving his field agents the freedom they needed to carry out their work. His philosophy was based off a chapter of Matthew in the bible which quoted ‘Let not your left hand know what your right hand does.’ However, if there were an emergency situation he would automatically take charge and co-ordinate from headquarters, giving precise instruction to his field agents at all times through radio contact. This was when his natural leadership skills came into play. When in this role he would use the radio call sign; Fork Ball. In 2004, during the Terragrigia Panic, the B.S.A.A. were sent in as observers to assist the F.B.C. in their handling of the incident. The F.B.C. did not want external help but the European Community campaigned due to their vested interest in the city of Terragrigia and so O’Brian was sent into the hot zone as an observer and advisor to the rescue effort. He worked closely with the F.B.C. Commissioner Morgan Lansdale, though the power-hungry Lansdale often dismissed O’Brian’s advice. Although it was obvious Lansdale at least respected O’Brian and held him in high regard, but he would not allow him to step on his toes. O’Brian rejected strongly to Lansdale’s desire to destroy the biohazard and the city by using the Regia Solis satellite to vaporise the whole area. He believed they would lose crucial evidence that would impede their investigation into exactly what happened and the virus the terrorists used. But Morgan waved away his protests. Because O’Brian was working with practically no support staff there was nothing he could do to stop him. O’Brian evacuated his staff and chose to stay behind on his own for one last-ditch attempt to chance Morgan’s mind, even though the tower building they were in had been compromised by the Hunters the Veltro terrorists had released. He reached the control room and chastised Morgan in front of his own surviving agents, claiming that destroying the city would only martyr and create a new Veltro, perhaps a dozen of them. But still the Commissioner would not see reason and in the end O’Brian was forced to evacuate via helicopter and was powerless to watch the Mega Float City burn under its own artificial power source. In the aftermath of the incident, O’Brian watched with interest as the F.B.C. came under harsh criticism for their handling of the incident and suspected Lansdale was hiding something. He quickly came to believe the decision to destroy Terragrigia was done not just to end the incident, but to get rid of something Lansdale wanted no one else to find. Several disillusioned F.B.C. members transferred over to the B.S.A.A. including Parker Luciani and Jessica Sherawat. But Jessica was secretly a mole sent by Lansdale to act as his spy within O’Brian’s organisation. In 2005, he was approached by Raymond Vester, an F.B.C. agent who survived the Terragrigia Panic and someone with similar misgivings about Lansdale. They both agreed he was hiding something behind the incident and so the two of them decided to stage a fake revival of Veltro to see how Morgan would react. They used a desolate airport in the Finnish mountains in Europe and appealed for Veltro believers to join their cause. O’Brian created a new Veltro manifesto to recruit members under the moniker Earl Brinvico –an anagram of his own name. Vester then posed as their new leader and this information was ‘leaked’ to the B.S.A.A. This was a dangerous game to play and only Vester and O’Brian knew the truth. O’Brian couldn’t even trust any of his agents, including Chris or Jill with this information as he suspected there was a mole somewhere inside the B.S.A.A. To firm up the Veltro rumour, O’Brian sent Chris Redfield and Jessica Sherawat up into the mountains to investigate the airport, and neither had any reason to believe it was anything but genuine at the time. By this point, the base was populated by sympathisers, copycats and former members. When several unidentified corpses washed up on a beach near the remains of Terragrigia, O'Brian joined Jill and Parker to conduct an investigation. He was a little out of shape and his doctor had advised him to get out and get more exercise. He often alluded to being jealous of his younger subordinates and admitted he missed field work. During the beach investigation they found traces of the t-Abyss Virus and O’Brian took a call from Vester, disguising it as an emergency message and receiving confirmation he was in position on the Queen Zenobia and everything was set.

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The mission began and O’Brian dispatched Jill and Parker to the Queen Zenobia knowing that Vester would play out the Veltro role and contact with them would soon be lost. He would then recall Chris and Jessica to look for them. However it was apparent almost immediately that O’Brian was very uncomfortable in the role of chess master. He knew he was unwittingly putting his agents in harm’s way without giving them the necessary information to survive. Things started off well-enough with Morgan panicking and attacking the fake base at Valkoinnen Mokki airport with a plane-load of B.O.W.s. He lost contact with Jill and Parker on the ship as planned but they were out of contact for too long and he began to get seriously worried. He sent agents Keith Lumley and Quint Cetcham to Valkoinnen Mokki to look for evidence into the F.B.C. operation and to hack into their database hoping to find something that would expose Lansdale. However, O’Brian’s carefully orchestrated plan began to unravel when Lansdale relocated the Queen Zenobia before he did and tried to use the Regia Solis to destroy it. It was only thanks to Quint’s advice to use the UAV to disrupt the satellite’s targeting system that kept Parker and Jill alive and the evidence against Lansdale on the ship intact. The F.B.C. also attacked Valkoinnen Mokki airport again, firebombing the whole place after they received confirmation their secure server had been hacked into. Believing Quint and Keith to be dead, and Jill and Parker now in mortal danger, O’Brian reflected on the ridiculousness of his plan and the disaster it had turned into. The Zenobia eventually sunk and Jessica was revealed to be working for Morgan. Chris managed to rescue Jill but Parker was believed to be dead. They had found circumstantial evidence to show that Lansdale had orchestrated the Terragrigia Panic but had nothing solid to prove it. However, just before he lost contact with Quint and Keith, they had managed to send over the co-ordinates for the Queen Dido, a third ship no one at the B.S.A.A. had previously known about which now rested at the bottom of the Mediterranean having been sunk during the Panic. O’Brian sent the co-ordinates to Chris and Jill. Shortly afterwards, O’Brian was arrested by Lansdale and the F.B.C. for conspiring with the terrorist group, Veltro. However, this wrong was eventually corrected when Jill and Chris obtained video evidence of Lansdale’s dealings with Jack Norman and Veltro. O’Brian was freed and Lansdale arrested in his place. Although his plan had been successful in the end, O’Brian could not live with the guilt of using his best agents as pawns in his game to bring the F.B.C. commissioner down and so resigned his position as B.S.A.A. director so he could take responsibility for his dangerous plan. He retired to his home where he spent his free time writing a detective novel. He also remained an advisor to the B.S.A.A. In the years that followed, O’Brian eventually released his novel under the title ‘The Unveiled Abyss.’ Jack Norman is born. He will become the de-facto leader of a radicalised terrorist group known as Il Veltro. CHARACTER PROFILE: JACK NORMAN *Born: UK. Died: 2005. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: Western European Affiliation: Il Veltro Jack Norman rose to prominence as the undisputed leader of the terrorist group Veltro, which is Italian for Greyhound. The origins of the man himself remain a complete mystery although the group began life as a faction of Italian college students which over a sustained period of time became radicalised and jingoistic until eventually evolving into a guerrilla terrorist group. Given Norman’s advanced age over his followers he may even have been a college professor in his pre-terrorist days though this has never been confirmed. Norman ruled Veltro with absolute authority and was idolised by his followers who all pledged to die for him. He used Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy as his guiding principle and the group’s bible. His charisma and passion shone through whenever he made speeches of Veltro’s doctrine which were always broadcast on video sharing websites. They were a secretive group and their members retained their anonymity by always wearing gas masks and balaclavas to conceal their faces. Norman was the only one to reveal himself to the world at large and literally became the face of Veltro.

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He was also very outspoken about the construction of the Terragrigia mega-float city project in the Mediterranean Sea, believing its existence to be a blasphemy and a stain on the earth. At that time, Veltro were a relatively unknown terrorist group and only ever conducted small-scale strikes and operations, but their destiny was changed in 2004 when Norman was contacted directly by Commissioner Morgan Lansdale of the Federal Bioterrorism Commission. He offered to anonymously finance Veltro and give them access to the newly-developed t-Abyss Virus in order to stage a terror attack on Terragrigia; the world’s first aquapolis. The city was a one of a kind joint American and European endeavour and powered by a solar energy matrix satellite, a feat of engineering and construction that had taken 11 years to build. Throughout construction Veltro had been extremely vocal in its objection to the project. Lansdale’s offer was to put Veltro in the eyes of the world by having them destroy this new city, creating the largest public bioterrorism incident since the Raccoon City disaster of 1998. In return, the F.B.C. would move in and clean up the mess, expanding its power and charter in the process and giving more power and authority to Lansdale. Norman was very interested in the proposal but was naturally very distrustful of Lansdale. The F.B.C. Commissioner offered him the use of three cruise ships for Veltro to use as their base of operations and an unmanned drone to disperse the virus across the city. With all of Veltro’s members on the ships, there would be no casualties at the hands of the F.B.C. troops and Norman could co-ordinate the attack from the harbour. Eventually Norman agreed to the deal and Lansdale provided him with eight samples of t-Abyss. However, Norman was not stupid and as an insurance policy, had all of his meetings with Lansdale secretly video-taped so that if Veltro were ever betrayed he could expose Lansdale and ruin his career. Norman used Lansdale’s money to purchase Hunter B.O.W.s off the black market and one sunny day in 2004 they were transported into Terragrigia as up above the aerial drone dispersed the t-Abyss virus which literally rained down on the unsuspecting populace below. The incident attracted world-wide coverage as the virus destroyed the city completely over the course of three weeks. Norman fought hard, and a close encounter with a Hunter left him with permanent scars on his head. But just as he and his comrades’ sensed victory, the t-Abyss virus simultaneously infected all three of their ships and Norman immediately realised Lansdale was trying to kill them off to hide his own involvement in the orchestration of the terror incident. Norman contacted Lansdale directly and the F.B.C. Commissioner did not deny the fact he had double-crossed them. He even taunted that he would use the infected Veltro members as guinea pigs to help develop a vaccine for the virus. Norman prepared to expose him by publicly releasing the video logs he had kept of all their interactions, but before he could act the Regia Solis satellite was deployed under Lansdale’s authorisation and the city was scorched from the sky, destroying everything within its target zone. This caused the Queen Dido to sink to the bottom of the Mediterranean still with Norman and his trusted lieutenants still on board. Trapped and with no hope of survival, Norman swore revenge on Lansdale, recording a video vowing never to rest until he had his revenge. With limited air and food, Norman and his followers were forced to inject themselves with t-Abyss in order to survive. Through sheer will and determination, many managed to fight off mutation for an extended period of time whilst others died, slow, painful deaths and sprouted huge growth-like protrusions from their bodies. The less-willed amongst them died straight away, eventually becoming creatures known as Globsters. Norman’s hate of Lansdale drove him on to survive almost a full year. He rejected the notion of death and would not let his body shut down until he was avenged. One by one his followers died around him and yet still he prevailed, waiting for the day to take his revenge. Eventually, in 2005, an armed team of F.B.C. agents stormed the Dido looking for the video evidence and Norman killed them all, but Lansdale was not among them. By now his sanity had left him and he was not of

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sound mind. When Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine later arrived, he believed them to be Lansdale and attacked them, ingesting a vial of t-Abyss orally which transformed him into a creature known as the Ultimate Abyss. This mutation was extremely similar to a Tyrant, suggesting Norman had favourable genes. His skin became armoured and muscular, developing several aquatic characteristics including scales and spines on his back. Its left arm mutated into a large claw and the creature was capable of super-quick movement and secreting a gas that causes hallucination and disorientation. Norman was eventually defeated by the B.S.A.A. agents and his dying form crawled up to the Veltro flag and declared his relief at finally being able to die. Shortly afterwards, Jack Norman was reunited with his brothers and sisters in the afterlife. Greg Mueller is born. He will go on to become an Umbrella researcher and develop the Thanatos Tyrant in 1998. CHARACTER PROFILE: GREG MUELLER *Born: UK. Died: 1998. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: Umbrella. Greg Mueller was an Umbrella researcher based in Raccoon City and was heavily involved in the Tyrant Project. He also later worked at Raccoon University which also had strong ties to the corporation. He was an extremely intelligent man and often believed himself to be above his superiors, regularly disagreeing with their decisions, particularly in relation to Tyrant development. He was also a doctor and at some point had developed a formula to induce partial and specific amnesia in a subject. His distinguishing feature was a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles he wore with his first name engraved inside. In 1993 he colluded with Raccoon Forest hospital administrator Albert Lester and was in charge of a classified experiment to provide an experimental t-Virus strain to be tested on patients. The transactions were done via one of Umbrella’s dummy companies and Lester and the staff were paid handsomely in exchange for the results of the clinical trials being sent directly to Mueller to advance biological weapons development. A year later in 1994, Raccoon University was extensively expanded and remodelled thanks to generous funds from Umbrella and many researchers including Greg were subcontracted to work there. In 1996, Dr. Mueller performed a clinical trial using a neutered form of the t-Virus on a group of student volunteers. One of these participants was a computer technician named Yoko Suzuki who worked at William Birkin’s underground laboratory. The experiment took place on May 14th 1996 with 13 subjects but there was some complications, leaving Yoko badly traumatised. Using his own developed formula, Mueller operated on Yoko to help her supress the memory of the experiment so deep that she could not remember it. The incident was never officially spoken of again but other researchers who knew of the tests, such as Monica, would often make cryptic remarks to Yoko leaving her puzzled and confused. In 1998, following the mansion incident and thanks to the recovered combat data from the T-002 Tyrant against the S.T.A.R.S. members, the Tyrant Program really gained momentum with Umbrella ordering mass-production to begin. This decision left Greg very bitter, believing that Umbrella was cheapening their creations. He strongly believed that their most successful B.O.W. should be beautiful, unique, god-like, and not just repetitive killing machines rolling off an assembly line. To try and prove his superiors wrong, Mueller began utilising data from the T-103 models to develop his own, unique Tyrant specimen in the basement of Raccoon University. He intended his own creation to be the opposite of the T-103 by having an increased emphasis on intelligence and agility. Unlike the T-103’s, it was not generated from a cloned embryo and was instead constructed from a compatible African-American male. The resulting creature was named ‘Thanatos’ – named after the Greek god of death. Mueller took his proposal to Umbrella and was incensed when they wanted to mass-produce the Thanatos as a sub-species of the T-103. Mueller had always intended Thanatos to

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be a single, unique and magnificent specimen of perfection. He became so disillusioned he even publicly branded the whole t-Virus project a disaster and his relationship with the company naturally soured shortly afterwards. He believed too much growth weakened an organisation and that only one masterpiece should be enough. In order to gain further revenge against Umbrella, Mueller partnered with a naive but gifted university professor named Peter Jenkins to develop a potential vaccine to the deadly t-Virus, something that if successful would destroy the very heart of the corporation’s profitable bio-weapons program and buy him more leverage in the Tyrant Project. Mueller managed to get Jenkins’ trust by suggesting he had severed all ties with his former employers and revealed some of Umbrella’s more morally questionable activities from the past, leaving Jenkins disgusted with the company. He went on to create the reagent that became known as Daylight, so named because nobody needed an umbrella in the daylight. However, Jenkins became suspicious of Greg when he somehow acquired a sample of the t-Virus for testing, despite having claimed to have left Umbrella months ago. Once Daylight was perfected and Peter realised the truth behind Greg’s past, Greg murdered him by slitting his throat. By now Umbrella was on his trail and he was marked for assassination by Umbrella’s internal Monitor espionage group. In the final day of the Raccoon City incident, a U.B.C.S. team was deployed to the university under the command of Nikolai Zinoviev to take him out and recover a blood sample from Thanatos. This order was known as Emperor’s Mushroom. In order to buy time, Mueller released Thanatos from its slumber and it slaughtered the U.B.C.S. team watched by Nikolai from a safe distance. In the university lab, Greg confronted several civilian survivors, one of which was Yoko Suzuki and taunted her about her past. He also explained that they would be used as test subjects to gather further combat data on Thanatos. However, Nikolai, who was hiding in the rafters above, killed Greg with a single gunshot to the head. An influential man named Delenikas is born. He will go on to be a respected businessman and owner of the highly prestigious Marhawa Academy in Asia. He will father eight children, all of whom would receive the best educations across the world. Upon his death, his daughter Gracia will follow in his footsteps as Director of Marhawa Academy. Arthur Ashford’s son Edward becomes the 5th head of the Ashford family and is presented with an earthenware vase. It is during his reign that the family will enjoy a golden age with many fine accomplishments. Travis Trading continues to take a firm grip over Africa with outposts springing up all over the continent for resource and development, including mines for precious minerals and oil and natural gas fields. Profits continue to soar and the current ongoing study of local flora and fauna lays the groundwork for development of the next stage of the company; the pharmaceuticals division. Together with Natural Resource Development and the Shipping Divisions, these three factions of Travis Trading will all join together sometime in the next decade and be rebranded as Tricell Inc. A large part of this success is due to Henry Travis and the National History Conspectus. “Travis Trading built a firm foothold in Africa, and beginning in the mid-20th Century, they had begun to actively collect samples of plants, animals and insects. Henry’s books were instrumental in guiding these endeavours. The collected specimens were used in pharmaceuticals research, and before long, that research brought commercial success and the subsequent founding of Tricell’s Pharmaceutical Division. Travis Trading was the basis of the Shipping Division, the Natural Resource Development Division was born from the information contained in Henry’s journals. The specimens obtained from African fauna were used to create the independent Pharmaceuticals Division.” -RE5: No.9 Tricell; Archived 2009

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But not everyone is taken in by the lies of the Travis Family and the claims of Henry’s work being just fiction and the product of an over-zealous imagination. Budding entrepreneur Oswell E. Spencer is able to acquire a rare copy of the complete encyclopaedia. He is fascinated by the secrets contained within the pages, specifically the chapters related to the Ndipaya tribe and their worship of the Stairway to the Sun plants. He shares the information with one of his colleagues, Edward Ashford, and this is what leads Ashford to begin his quest to seek out the Progenitor Virus in the early 1960s. “The Travis Family were not the only one privy to the knowledge of Henry’s journal. Umbrella’s founder, Oswell E. Spencer, was interested in them for the folklore contained therein. Of particular interest were the accounts of the Ndipaya rituals. Spencer hypothesised that the flower used in these rituals held significance and this ultimately led to the discovery of the Progenitor Virus.” -RE5: No.9 Tricell; Archived 2009 Spencer reads Henry’s accounts of witnessing the Ndipaya and the recreation ceremony involving the special plant and the ritualistic process of choosing a new king performed thousands of years earlier. He can see a truth in these fantastical claims and believes the powers granted to the tribe via these flowers likely stemmed from a virus, one that could have profound effects on the world once found and studied. If he can convince his colleagues of such a possibility, then he would endeavour to search all of Africa until he found the fabled Ndipaya city of legend. Luis Sera’s grandfather is a native of the Pueblo in Southern Europe where the Salazar dynasty continue to rule. He often hunts in the region and discovers many old hidden passageways and mining tunnels in the mountains. Over time during these treks he will extensively map out the whole area and pass this knowledge down onto his grandchild later in life. When the time comes, these tunnels will help Luis evade capture from the Los Illuminados and hide the Dominant Plaga sample. 1950: Joel Clemens is born. He will become an economist and a best-selling author in Raccoon City.

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1951: Erik Johan Destorente dies. Although originally from the town of Abbortsfold, he is buried in the cemetery in Raccoon City. 1952: Stanley Miller and his research partner Harold Urey conduct an experiment at the University of Chicago and later the University of California to simulate conditions on primordial Earth to test for the chemical origins of life. Their hypothesis is that these conditions on primitive Earth favoured chemical reactions that synthesised organic compounds from inorganic precursors. The results will be published next year. James Marcus is very interested in their research. 1953: Lisa Trevor is born. She is the daughter of New York architect George Trevor, and his wife Jessica. CHARACTER PROFILE: LISA TREVOR *Born: 1953. Died: 1998. Height: UK. Weight: UK. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: None Lisa was born in 1953 as the only child to Jessica and George Trevor. George was a famous New York Architect who designed and constructed the mansion in Raccoon Forest for Oswell E. Spencer. As a token of thanks to Trevor, Spencer had a large stained-glass portrait of Lisa commissioned which sat pride of place in the mansion art room. Lisa’s beautiful looks and long, flowing dark hair was accompanied by her wearing an orange bracelet, a purple necklace and a green crown. These decorations were a clue to solving one of the many puzzles that filled the estate and the painting was inscribed: ‘Lisa: Protected by the three spirits.’ Not long after the building was completed, Spencer invited the Trevor family over to stay. George was still away on business and was delayed so Lisa and her mother set off alone and arrived on the evening of November 10th, 1967. Lisa was a skilled piano player and performed Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata on Spencer's grand piano, much to the delight of their host. However, Spencer had sinister plans for the Trevor girls and they were later captured and administered varying strains of the Progenitor Virus. Jessica was given Type A but her body could not cope with the effects and she later died. Lisa was given Type B and her body fused with the virus and she was kept alive as a specimen, albeit in great pain and suffering. Lisa’s mental state deteriorated almost immediately and she was in constant search for her mother. Whenever she found a female that didn't match her mother's face she would rip it off and wear it on top of her own. She was used as a guinea pig for numerous viral experiments over a period of 20 years and her body withstood them all, resulting in a curious side-effect of her becoming practically immortal. Whilst other test subjects died after repeated injection, Lisa continued to live and this made her the ideal subject to test new virus strains on. When Wesker and Birkin transferred to Arklay in 1978, she was used as a guinea pig for the t-Virus project. By that time nobody knew who she was and her records were sealed. No one thought to enquire about her welfare and she was no longer recognised as a human being, she was merely a tool for the research to flourish. She was referred to as ‘bastard’ by the researchers. In 1988 she was used as a test subject for an experiment where the American research team wanted to try and monopolise the Nemesis Project from their European counterparts. She was given the NE-α parasite which until that point had killed every one of its hosts within five minutes of implantation, but Lisa completely absorbed the parasite and survived, leading to the discovery of the G-Virus inside her.

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Lisa was severely deformed and her true face was mostly hidden beneath her collection of face masks she wore out of withered human skin. Her skull became exposed through the flesh and her nose had completely sunken into her face. Her mouth and gums had receded, revealing rotten teeth and one of her eyes was missing. She also had a crooked spine and developed a hunchback, a curious effect brought about by the Nemesis Parasite latching onto her spinal cord and bending and twisting it over time. Whenever she was in danger or attacking other people, numerous tentacles would sprout from her face and body; another sign of the Nemesis Parasite doing its work. In addition to all this she developed a huge tumour on her back with an eyeball; a typical trait of G-Virus infection. She was dressed in a tattered old hospital gown in a bid to conceal her hideous form and samples of her contaminated DNA were used to further develop the G-Virus over time. The various treatments she had received over the years had developed her natural immune system to the extent that she was practically invulnerable. She was impervious to all forms of gunfire and even lethal injection failed to dispose of her. Intelligence wise her mind had regressed to that of an infant. By now it was doubtful she could remember her name or anything about herself other than her eternal quest to find her mother. Due to her extremely abnormal physiology, Lisa survived a euthanasia attempt in 1995 and was bound in chains and wooden shackles then left to wander an isolated part of the tunnel system beneath the Arklay estate. For three years she wandered the halls as if nothing had happened, still searching endlessly for her mother. She was still capable of basic speech though her main method of communication was to wail and bang her chains around. However, she did retain enough faculties to build a crude home beneath an abandoned cabin and fill it with dolls and childhood memories. She would attack others by swiping her hands and using her wooden shackles as a club. During the 1998 biohazard at the mansion, Lisa managed to get out of confinement and into the living areas of the estate, encountering the S.T.A.R.S. members several times. She was first thought to have perished when she finally recovered the skull of Jessica from the crypt and flung herself off into a chasm. But again she survived and crawled back up to ground level. She later encountered Albert Wesker and began to stalk him across the grounds, perhaps recognising his face as one of those who had experimented on her all those years ago. Eventually, she was pinned down by a fallen chandelier then engulfed by the explosion that destroyed the mansion. Lisa Trevor was never heard from again and finally her long suffering was at an end. Mikhail Victor is born in St. Petersburg. He will have a decorated military career in the Red Army of the old Soviet Union before eventually being recruited by Umbrella as a U.B.C.S. operative. CHARACTER PROFILE: MIKHAIL VICTOR *Born: 1953. Died: 1998. Height: 178cm. Weight: 98kg. B-T: O. Nationality: Russian. Affiliation: U.B.C.S. Mikhail was a member of Umbrella's Biohazard Countermeasure Service and Commander of Delta Platoon. Originally from St. Petersburg, he rose up the ranks to become first a Lieutenant then a Major in the army of the former Soviet Union. After the dissolution of the U.S.S.R, he left the military and focused his efforts towards helping the ethnic minority of which his wife was a part of. He eventually became leader of an underground guerrilla organisation and participated in a number of terrorist actions aimed at liberating various native peoples. Using his impressive leadership abilities, He was highly successful in a number of well-organised actions. He was among other things, responsible for an attack on the residency of the Ambassador. His subordinates would always remember him as an honest leader whom they trusted with their lives. Mikhail was eventually captured by government troops during a mission where he tried to lead a group of refugees over the border. In order not to risk the lives of the civilians that were with them, he and his comrades

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immediately surrendered. During the trial, he was sentenced to death and his execution was set for the next day. However, just hours later, Mikhail was offered a deal by a security expert who represented Umbrella. In exchange for the safety of his men, he was to join a paramilitary unit of the Umbrella Corporation; the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. With certain death looming large, Mikhail didn't hesitate and signed his life away to Umbrella. As part of his contract, his wife and his comrades would be pardoned and released from jail immediately. It was a small price to pay for saving those he loved. After some time with Umbrella, he was appointed commander of Delta Platoon, leading up to 30 mercenaries and there he truly demonstrated his brilliance as a leader. His powerful spirit of defiance and motivation forged a highly loyal unit that drew out the best qualities in all his subordinates. He grew close to every single member of his team. As part of the Raccoon City rescue operation, Mikhail and Delta Platoon were deposited into the centre of the city and charged with the protection of City Hall. But they were soon besieged by zombies and the unit was wiped out. Mikhail was severely injured but managed to survive the attack as the sole survivor. He managed to find Nikolai Zinoviev of Unit B and Carlos Oliveria of Unit A and together they took shelter in a tram car parked in the depot of Central Station on the Central St/Park St interchange. Because of his injuries, Mikhail was forced to wait inside the tram whilst the others ventured back into the city to find components in order to get it operational again. He also met Jill Valentine when Carlos brought her back to the tram to join their escape attempt, although he was initially hostile towards her. Feeling helpless, Mikhail tried to help his comrades and left the tram to assist with the search. However, he did not get very far as destroying a pack of zombies on the station platform sapped the last of his strength and he collapsed. Luckily, Jill was nearby and managed to get him back safely inside. Mikhail apologised for his earlier conduct towards her and explained he was frustrated and felt so useless because of his injuries. He also appeased her by insisting he and his men were mercenaries and not directly affiliated with Umbrella. Therefore none of them were responsible for this mess. Eventually, they managed to get the tram running again and set off for the St. Michael Clock Tower where the extraction chopper would meet them. However, whilst en route they were attacked by the Nemesis T-Type. Mikhail sacrificed his life to save Jill from the beast by blowing both himself and the creature up with a grenade. Despite his bravery, the Nemesis was only slowed down, but it was long enough for Jill and Carlos to make it safely to the clock tower. Kenneth J. Sullivan is born. He will go on to specialise in chemicals and be recruited to the Racoon S.T.A.R.S. by Albert Wesker. CHARACTER PROFILE: KENNETH J. SULLIVAN *Born: 1953: Died: 1998. Height: 188cm. Weight: 96.8kg. B-T: O. Nationality: American. Affiliation: STARS Kenneth was the oldest member of S.T.A.R.S and highly intelligent. He attended university and gained a doctoral degree in science, using the periodic table to create numerous chemicals that specialised in countermeasures and defence. Much of his background revolved around chemistry to and he also had a PH.D in the subject, yet behind the brains and advanced age was a man who possessed reconnaissance skills and position security not inferior to Chris Redfield in his role as Point Man; the most dangerous role on the team. He was also very athletic and he excelled at using knives. His investigation skills surpassed those of Bravo Team Captain Enrico Marini. Outside of work, his hobbies included landscape gardening and dog training. After he joined S.T.A.R.S., Kenneth was somewhat of a gentle giant and very quiet and reserved. He initially wondered whether his chemistry expertise would really be required for such an occupation in law enforcement, but these fears were soon put to rest when he learned it was Captain Wesker himself who personally sought him out for the S.T.A.R.S. team. This confidence boost brought Kenneth out of his shell and he warmed to the other members. He also often remarked he enjoyed the quiet 'Midwestern lifestyle' since moving to Raccoon City. In addition to his chemistry and field work skills, he was also talented in field scouting and investigation.

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Enrico often tipped his hat to Kenneth’s wealth of investigative experience. He also had a reputation as a perfectionist. For the more confrontational S.T.A.R.S. missions, Kenneth was always charged with recon and position security. For field missions, he was usually the designated member to wear the shoulder-mounted bodycam for Bravo Team, with Joseph Frost likewise for Alpha. Kenneth was part of the Bravo Team during the ill-fated mansion incident of July 1998. After Bravo Team's helicopter crashed in the woods, he joined in the search of the surrounding area to look for escaped prisoner, Billy Coen. However, he became separated from Enrico and eventually he along with Forest Speyer and Richard Aiken became the first S.T.A.R.S. members to arrive at the Arklay mansion. After splitting up to look around, Kenneth wandered for hours around the secluded estate looking for his missing comrades and trying to stay alive. Unfortunately, he was ambushed by a zombie in the first floor west wing corridor next to the Tea Room and was killed just moments after the arrival of Alpha Team. His body was later found by members of Alpha and the DV tape from his shoulder cam captured his final moments, showing Kenneth being unusually sloppy with his gun due to tiredness when facing down the zombie. From the moment he touched down on Raccoon Forest to the time of his death he had been operational for over 24 hours with no provisions or rest. The results of Stanley Miller’s experiments are published. The findings are of great interest to James Marcus and he will use their formula for his early experiments with the Progenitor Virus in 1967. 1955 CIRCA: During the summer months, Lord Edward Ashford and James Marcus visit Oswell Spencer at his European retreat. There they spend many warm nights reminiscing over past glories and contemplating future dreams. All their needs are tended to by Spencer’s butler and the butler’s young son and heir; Patrick. Patrick is just a boy and spends his days investigating and exploring every nook and cranny of the estate whilst learning the trade from his father to one day follow in his footsteps and faithfully serve the Spencer family. Spencer and his colleagues are fond of Patrick and often like to tease him. One day, Edward Ashford takes him aside and requests Patrick meet him on the second floor balcony above the dining room behind the stone statues. Once there and out of sight, they share a secret as Edward produces a bottle containing a golden liquid he reveals is fine vintage brandy. Although far too young to consume alcohol, Edward offers Patrick a taste in exchange for his discretion. Eagerly, Patrick relishes the sweet, burning liquid as it glides down his throat. He will savour this moment and refer to it in his memoirs some 50 years from now. Edward’s fondness for Patrick seems to stem from his own passion for family values. His son Alexander is not much older than Patrick at this point. “I remember fondly the days of my youth; but that seems like a lifetime ago now. It was about 50 years ago, back when my father was the head butler of the household. At that time I was

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learning his duties in preparation to succeed him, and there was always some chore or errand that would keep me running around the house. I remember how Lord Ashford, another aristocrat from a storied family, and one of Master Spencer's schoolmates, Doctor Marcus, would find refuge from the summer heat at this villa. My father and I would accompany them and do our utmost to see that they wanted for nothing. Perhaps because I was the youngest person there, they would take to teasing me as one of them. I remember the time Lord Ashford gave me my first taste of brandy. It was on the second floor of the dining hall, behind the stone statues lining the room. I will never forget the mellifluous scent when he opened the bottle.” -RE5: Patrick’s Memoirs 1; Archived 2005 Spencer, Marcus and Ashford often sit in front of a crackling fire in the drawing room, sharing fine cigars and brandy, discussing their work well into the early hours. James Marcus in particular is full of enthusiasm and often speaks of them one day discovering a virus that could reshape the DNA of a living organism. Spencer also shares the secrets and lore contained in Henry Travis’ books and the three begin to wonder if Marcus’ philosophy of a ground-breaking new virus he is convinced awaits to be discovered in the natural world is linked to the extracts contained in Henry’s dusty old books. Spencer remains absolutely convinced the legends about the Ndipaya tribe documented in the books are real. 1956: Dan DeChant is born. He will go on to have a distinguished military career before eventually joining up with the B.S.A.A. in West Africa. CHARACTER PROFILE: DAN DECHANT *Born: 1956. Died: 2009. Height: 185cm. Weight: 89kg. B-T: UK. Nationality: American. Affiliation: B.S.A.A. Dan DeChant began his military career by enlisting in the United States Army at a young age. There he rose up the ranks becoming an excellent non-commissioned officer. After taking early retirement, he enlisted in a private military company whose activities focused predominantly on Africa. Whilst there, he witnessed the full atrocity of black market B.O.W.s used by terrorists and this influenced his decision to later join the B.S.A.A. Despite his American roots, DeChant decided to remain in Africa and enlisted with the West African branch. He became a member of the Special Operations Unit (S.O.U.) and was one of the few operatives to enter the highest senior class. He eventually rose to the rank of Alpha Team Captain. DeChant took part in a number of successful operations and by 2009 was 53 years of age and had an almost unmatched level of field experience. He was also nearing the end of an illustrious career on the front line. For the Kijuju mission, DeChant led the B.S.A.A. Alpha Team into autonomous zone and secured the warehouse believed to be the location for Ricardo Irving's weapons deal. There DeChant downloaded extensive data from Irving’s computer relating to new biological weapons experiments. However, Alpha were lured into a trap and ambushed by the Uroboros creature created by the Plague Doctor. Alpha Team were massacred by the Uroboros creature and although he was mortally wounded, DeChant managed to survive through the pain long enough to ensure all the data they had collected was safely passed onto Chris Redfield of Bravo Team. He insisted Chris get the data to HQ before shortly succumbing to his injuries. A future Raccoon City restaurant owner is born. He will contract the t-Virus in 1998.

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1957: Enrico Marini is born. Future Captain of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. CHARACTER PROFILE: ENRICO MARINI *Born: 1957. Died: 1998. Height: 190cm. Weight: 83kg. B-T: O. Nationality: American. Affiliation: STARS Enrico was a seasoned veteran and Captain of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. He was Wesker's second in command for the unit overall and had more than enough experience to be the commander himself. It was only thanks to strong pushing from Umbrella that ensured the leadership remained solely with Wesker. Enrico’s abundant experience and popularity earned him deep trust from his colleagues and he performed many distinguished services unexpected of him. He was recognised for his immense willpower and was mentally strong yet also had a gentle, non-threatening personality that made him easily approachable. He was well versed in all forms of weaponry and was proud of his superior survival skills. Outside of work, his hobby was golf. Despite his dedicated years of military and police service, Enrico felt somewhat insecure about leading the secondary S.T.A.R.S. team, always holding a secret fear that one day either Chris Redfield or Barry Burton would replace him as second in command. He was also concerned about the constant influx of new recruits and movement of personnel in the build-up to the mansion incident. But regardless, he never allowed these issues to affect his duty and he was always a confident leader in the field and always immensely proud to lead the unit whenever Wesker allowed him to. Once S.T.A.R.S. was officially assigned to the investigation into the brutal murders occurring in and around Raccoon Forest in July 1998, Wesker gave Enrico the go-ahead to lead Bravo Team in an aerial search of the region. However, unexpected engine trouble forced the team to make an emergency landing in the middle of the woods. After discovering a trashed MP truck and learning that fugitive former marine Billy Coen was on the loose, Enrico made the tactical decision of splitting the team up to track him down. During the ensuing storm, Enrico became separated from the rest of the team, yet was still in radio contact, checking in with Rebecca on several occasions throughout the night. Alone in the forest and with no bearing, Enrico followed the train tracks and ended up at the vacant factory back at the city limits. There he discovered William Birkin's underground laboratory and infiltrated it, although most areas were locked down at the time. It was here Enrico learned of Umbrella's clandestine research and that the old mansion in the forest was actually a secret research facility. By sheer coincidence, he ran into Rebecca at the factory who had arrived looking for Billy Coen. But the revelations he’d uncovered about Umbrella made him to lose all interest in tracking down Coen and instead he instructed her to accompany him to the mansion, explaining that Richard, Forest and Kenneth were already ahead of him. But Rebecca insisted on tracking Billy down and perhaps against his better judgement, he allowed her to remain in the factory alone. Enrico continued by himself through an underground train tunnel that led direct to the Arklay Mansion. This was the same secret annex tunnel William Birkin had used to extract sensitive materials from the estate following the biohazard outbreak. Enrico did eventually reach the mansion but never met up with the survivors of Bravo Team. Whilst searching, he discovered further evidence the S.T.A.R.S. had been set up and that a traitor was planted in the team. He was then attacked by an unknown B.O.W., most likely a Hunter or a Tick, and left injured and immobilised in the underground tunnels beneath the courtyard. Enrico remained alone in the dark for a number of hours and based on the information he’d acquired, he strongly suspected Chris Redfield was the S.T.A.R.S. traitor. He was

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eventually found by members of Alpha Team but was shot and killed by Wesker before he could reveal the full details of what he had uncovered. Ogee O’Gravy steps down as Raccoon City mayor after 15 years in office. 1958: Robert Kendo is born. Co-owner of the Kendo Gun Shop franchise first established in 1984. FAMILY PROFILE: THE KENDO BROTHERS Robert Kendo was a gunsmith who ran a gun shop located on Flower St in Raccoon City. He was very good friends with S.T.A.R.S. member Barry Burton and the two of them would often go fishing in the neighbouring town of Stoneville. Barry often picked Robert’s brain on firearms and following his advice, ordered a custom Raging Bull magnum. His older brother Joseph was also in the business which they established together in 1984. Together they frequently worked on various gun customisations. They had a contract with the R.P.D. S.T.A.R.S. team and worked on many differing firearms, most notable of which was the Samurai Edge. When the biological outbreak hit the city, Kendo considered evacuating to the nearby town of Stoneville, writing Barry a note to meet up with him there. Unfortunately before he could put his plan into action, the city was already too far gone. Zombies roamed the streets and escape was nigh on impossible. In a bid to survive, Robert locked himself inside the gun shop and unselfishly distributed all his firearms out to the panicking citizens, including Barry’s Raging Bull. But thanks to these non-selfish deeds, he was left without sufficient weapons to defend himself with. On September 29th, Leon S. Kennedy arrived at his shop in a bid to seek refuge from the pandemonium outside. Robert took him in and locked the door, advising Leon to stay with him while he kept watch with his shotgun. Unfortunately, Leon's arrival had caused a number of zombies to follow and they smashed their way through the front glass window and devoured Robert alive. Joseph was not in Raccoon City at the time of the incident. Formerly a long-time member of the San Francisco SWAT team, Joe participated in many seemingly impossible missions, earning him respect and status as a legend. After leaving the service, he became a gun-smith for hire, quickly becoming famous for his expertise. He was hired as a trainer for the R.P.D. in Raccoon City, where he had earlier established the Kendo Gun Shop he ran with his brother Robert. After his contract as a trainer expired, Kendo returned to San Francisco to become a gun-smith again. He left the shop in Raccoon City in Robert’s capable hands of and opened up a San Francisco branch. In December 1996, he was contacted by the Raccoon City Police Department, who requested the manufacture of custom weapons for the recently established S.T.A.R.S. team. Due to funds provided by Umbrella, Joe was able to use better and more expensive materials in order to make the weapons, which he named the Samurai Edge, modified Beretta 92Fs. After the weapons’ completion in June 1998, Joe left Raccoon City once again. Some years later, Joe was tracked down by Leon Kennedy to his shop in San Francisco. The two had become acquainted after Leon had witnessed Robert’s death. At the time, Joe was working on a custom weapon similar to the Samurai Edge, but built from scratch. In autumn 2004, right before Leon departed for South Europe; he had requested a new weapon to rival the Samurai Edge. Soon after, Kendo presented Leon with a new handgun named the Silver Ghost, a hybrid matching close specifications of a Heckler &Koch USP, Smith &Wesson Sigma, and Ruger P85. The Samurai Edge was Joseph Kendo’s legacy and variations of the gun were later developed by both the B.S.A.A. and the resurrected Blue Umbrella PMC. Jill Valentine had the Samurai Edge A1 model developed by technical officer Quint Cetcham and years later he also developed the Samurai Edge Barry Burton Model V.II which was perfected to draw out the maximum capabilities of Barry’s figure and physical strength. Both weapons retained the Kendo Custom emblem engraved on the slide’s right side as a certification and tribute. Using research left behind by Albert Wesker following his death, the rehabilitated Umbrella Co. developed the

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Albert-01 anti-bioweapon handgun using the Beretta 92F Custom Samurai Edge as a base. It was based on Wesker’s customised model he received during his time in S.T.A.R.S. and had worked closely alongside Joseph Kendo to develop. Umbrella Co. researchers developed a number of enhancements including the Albert.W System Unit. These weapons fired enhanced ammunition and were supplied for testing to anti-biohazard units such as the B.S.A.A. Kendo’s blueprints for this famous weapon combined with Albert Wesker’s seized research went along way for Umbrella Co. to be resurrected in the wake of major public scrutiny. In 2016 a special 20th Anniversary party was held to commemorate the Samurai Edge. A special colour variant was handed out to several individual parties. All modern Samurai Edge weapons retain the Kendo engraving as a mark of respect to its original creator. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH 1958 Genifer Anne Moargen dies today at the age of 76 and is buried in Raccoon Cemetery. 1959: George Hamilton is born. He will become a skilled medical surgeon and work at the General Hospital in Raccoon City. CHARACTER PROFILE: GEORGE HAMILTON *Born: 1959. Died: NA. Height: 179cm. Weight: 79cm. B-T: B. Nationality: Unknown. Affiliation: None. George Hamilton was a respected surgeon working in Raccoon City and was married for many years until becoming separated from his spouse. By September 1998, he was attempting to cope with the break-up of his family and the stress of working long and demanding hours at the hospital. What became of George's family is unknown but it is thought they were not in Raccoon City at the time of the incident and had moved to a neighbouring town following the divorce. George lived in relative luxury due to his highly demanding occupation and was very well-spoken. He had a naturally active lifestyle and felt relaxed when out camping or hiking. He was proud of being a doctor and sometimes romanticised his profession, which also contributed to his divorce from his wife, although he would be the first to remark she was not without guilt herself. Whilst working at the hospital he had a reputation for never taking the lead or calling the shots, but he did possess a cooperative spirit and had the power to naturally acquire the trust of others. These were traits he carried over during his desperate plight to escape Raccoon City as the t-Virus tightened its grip over the city. Outside of work he had a passion for clocks, watches and watchmaking. He had a large personal collection and had taken a great interest in the various timepieces people wore around him. He also liked outdoor pursuits, particularly canoeing and hiking, and he had a close friend in Raccoon City named Peter Jenkins who was a professor at the university. George was a former student there himself and that was how they had first become acquainted. Peter had a hand in developing a vaccine for the t-Virus known as Daylight. Because of the deep trust he shared with George, Peter shared this dangerous secret only with him. George was relaxing in J's Bar during the night of the outbreak in Raccoon. He managed to escape and spent the next week running and hiding in various locations across the city with a pocket of other survivors. He got on especially well with a waitress from J's called Cindy Lennox and the two became close during their travels. By October 1st, George was sheltering in the underground car park of the R.P.D. where he found a note on the wall from Peter requesting his help. Immediately he made his way to the university to look for his friend but Peter had already been murdered. Following the instructions he left behind, George attempted to make the

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Daylight vaccine, whilst at the same time evading U.B.C.S. troops and the escaped Thanatos Tyrant. But eventually George and his fellow survivors prevailed and managed to escape the doomed city with a sample intact just minutes before the missile wiped out the town. Dorothy Lester is born. She will marry Dr. Albert Lester, the Director of the old private hospital in Racoon Forest. In the early 1990s, Dorothy will be diagnosed with terminal cancer and in an effort to save her, Albert will administer an experimental strain of the t-Virus referred to as t-JCCC203. LATE 1950s: Residents in Eastern Slav begin reconstruction of a Greek Orthodox Church dating back to the 11th century that was destroyed by the Josef Stalin regime. The new church will be a symbol of departure from his rule of tyranny. In later years this church will be used as base of operations for the resistance movement during the civil war against the government.