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  • 8/8/2019 1st Newsletter SV


    Welcome to Science View Newsletter

    Upcoming Events:


    January 2011Issue 1

    Dear Friends,

    I would like to welcome you in our first Newsletter.

    Science View was founded around 2 years ago andsince then we have tried to organize our Association inorder to provide services that could help to bridge thegaps between the scientific community and the generalpublic. Our members, mainly science journalists andscience communicators, are working in this directiontrying to communicate research results with the bestpossible way. Our vision is to make scientific knowledgeuseful and clearly understood by the general public. Tothis direction, this Newsletter will try to keep you in-formed and updated about the latest news concerningscience, technology and innovation in Greece as well asin Europe and beyond.

    Moreover, Science View has scheduled many interestingactivities and events about which you are going to beinformed through our Newsletter. You will be more thanwelcome to join some of them. At this moment, we arehappy to announce you, the preparation for an online

    magazine (portal) on Research and Technology. This e-

    publication is under the su-pervision of the GeneralSecretariat of Research andTechnology of the Ministryof Education, Life LongLearning and Religious Af-fairs; Science View is re-sponsible for the contentdevelopment of this commu-nication tool. Furthermore,we are organizing our first Summer School in July, onScience Communication and we have started the prepa-ration for an International Conference that will be heldwithin 2011 concerning Science and Media. In additionto that, our activities go beyond Greece as we are amember of the European Union of Science JournalistsAssociations (EUSJA www.eusja.org).

    So I hope you will enjoy our first issue. We are going toenrich the Newsletter issue by issue in order to get thebest possible and updated information.

    Menelaos Sotiriou, Secretary General, Science View

    Interesting publications:

    OECD: Science Technology Outlook 2010 (www.oecd.org/sti/outlook) European Guide to Science Journalism Training (http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2007/bcn2007/


    European Research in the Media: what do Media Professionals think? (http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2007/bcn2007/journalists_en.pdf)

    European Research in the Media: the Researchers point of view (http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2007/bcn2007/researchers_en.pdf)

    The Study of Social Media Communication (http://www.ec.ubi.pt/ec/08/pdf/EC08-2010Dez-01.pdf)

    Upcoming Events:

    Conference Designing the School of Tomorrow, by Ellinogermaniki Agogi (www.schooloftomorrow.gr) 14-16/1/2011

    EUSCEA Anniversary Conference 2011 (http://www.euscea.org) 10-12/5/2011

    Ecsite Annual Conference 2011 (http://www.ecsite.eu/annual_conference) 26-28/5/2011

    EDEN Annual Conference, 2011 (http://www.eden-online.org/eden.php?menuId=530) 19-22/6/2011

    Summer School for Science Journalism (http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=27434)


    Summer School on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=27581) 15-21/7/2011

  • 8/8/2019 1st Newsletter SV


    According to the recent publishedOECD Report, Science, Technol-ogy and Industry Outlook 2010,Greece has made significant pro-gress on some innovation out-comes over the past two years.While triadic patents stood at only1.2 per million population in 2008,scientific articles published permillion population improved to anabove-average 902, and ac-counted for 0.6% of world output.

    But is this enough so as to setScience, Technology and Innova-tion among the strategic priorities

    in order to make the economymore competitive, with a strongerinternational presence? Do innova-tion remains a priority?

    while others, such as Aus-tria, Korea, Germany andUS have decided to goagainst the flow only byinvesting in money and per-sonnel in order to come outon top at the end of the cri-sis. However, we shouldstress at this point that somenon-OECD countries suchas China and Russian Fed-eration increased considera-bly their investment on R&D.Brazil, India and Indonesiaas well have done great

    steps in the frame of envi-ronmental technologies andresearch focusing mainly on

    This three dimension tool iscalled to respond immedi-ately to modern challengesthe financial crisis has gen-erated: climate and demo-graphic changes, financialand investment difficultiesthat block partnership in thedomain of research, devel-opment and innovation.OECD countries worldwidecame up with differentstrategies and fund manage-ment towards the crisis.Some countries reduced

    budgets, personnel andeducation that could createinnovation in the long term,

    the renewable energy appli-cations, climate changesand food technologies.OECD countries move to-wards a more consolidatedstrategy for the future thataims not only to thestrengthening of nationalpolicies to support the re-search and development butalso to the mixing of theactor elements, such asindustry, laboratories, uni-versities and commerce.

    (Source www.oecd.org/sti/outlook )

    Science, Technology, Innovation in Greece

    Science Technology Innovation: The rescue force in the

    era of crisis

    20% higher that the OECDcountries average!

    The Science, technologyand innovation strategiesaim to improve industrialcompetitiveness, especiallyin terms of raising productiv-ity growth, jobs and living

    standards. In Greece thesestrategies are clearly stated,under the responsibility ofthe General Secretariat ofResearch and Technology,which is starting to imple-ment in terms of specificactions that could providesignificant help to Greek

    companies. Though there isno funds provided until now(after 3 years from the startof the National StrategicReference Framework).

    But the positive issue is thateven if we have the strategyand the plans that are not

    implemented, the Greekfirms are above the OECDcountries average, in termsof products and servicesinnovations.

    Menelaos Sotiriou, Secre-tary General, Science View([email protected])

    Data shows that it is forGreek Industry, but as far asconcern the State, it seemsthat is not.

    Since the National StrategicReference Framework 2007-13 started, the Gross expen-diture on R&D (GERD) it

    comes almost totally fromabroad. Either from the in-vestors or from the Euro-pean Commissions Frame-work Programme 7.

    This fact results that the70% of the companies inGreece have new-to-marketproduct innovations, almost

    Greek firms

    are above the



    average, interms of

    products and



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  • 8/8/2019 1st Newsletter SV


    The Hellenic Association of Science Journalists, Sci-ence Writers and Science Communicators - ScienceView is a Non Governmental, Non Profit Organisation,located in Athens. Is member of EUSJA - European Un-ion of Science Journalists' Associations (www.eusja.org)located in Strasbourg, with members in 25 Europeancountries.Its mission is to promote science communication activi-ties between the scientific community and the wider pub-lic. Furthermore its scope is to act as a node betweenthe scientists and the media through the cooperation ofscience journalists. Experts in science communicationare working for the popularisation of science with severalmethods in order to integrate science and technology inthe society.A strategic objective of Science View is the involvementof Greek institutions in European Funded Programmesand to put effort in order to add value in their develop-mental course taking advantage of all the opportunitiesthat these programmes could offer.


    Communicating Science to the Public

    3 Makri str.117 42, thens


    Phone: +30 210 9231955Fax: +30 210 9231956E-mail: [email protected]

    for moving researchers away froman obsessive focus on priority andpublication towards a kind ofopenness and community. Usingthe web, scientists have the op-portunity to share data, processand records in real time wherever

    they are. After all, science is theoutcome of collaboration,

    Nowadays, social networks areeverywhere.

    For instance, Social Media Toolssuch as blogs, wikis, podcasts,social bookmarking and otherweb 2.0 applications are used inscientific communities in order tofacilitate the exchange of knowl-edge in the field faster than byJournal papers. These tools havecreated a new communicationalpath bringing together scienceand technology, creating what isreferred as Science 2.0 (http://www.science20.com).

    According to Sri Jothi & M. Nee-lamalar (http://www.ec.ubi.pt/ec/08/pdf/EC08-2010Dez-01.pdf,December, 2010) Science 2.0 isnot actually the progeny of Web2.0; it refers more appropriately,to the Open Access and Open

    Data movements in scientific pub-lishing. This tool set the startup

    Science Communication via Social Media





    so scientific social networkswould facilitate and improve theway scientists work. Cooperationon scientific publications can bealso facilitated through Wiki-likeconcepts.

    Its clear that the change is al-ready happening!