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  • 7/30/2019 2-13-12_THEORY of MONEY_The Money Multiplier__Myth or Reality_.pdf


    The Money Multiplier: Myth or Reality?

    Most economists are of the view that the current monetary system

    amplifies the initial monetary injections of the central bank. Thus, according to a

    popular view, if the Fed injects $1 billion into the economy and banks have to hold

    only 10% in reserves against their deposits, this will cause a first bank to lend 90% of

    this $1 billion. The $900 million in turn will end up with a second bank, which will lend

    90% of the $900 million. The remaining $810 million will end up with a third bank,

    which in turn will lend out 90% of $810 million, and so on.

    Consequently the initial injection of $1 billion will become $10

    billion, i.e., money supply will expand by a multiple of 10. Observe that in this

    example banks are responding to the injection of $1 billion of reserves by the Fed,

    which coupled with the legal reserve requirements of 10%, sets in motion monetary

    expansion of $10 billion. In other words, within this framework, banks are responding

    to the injection of reserves by the central bank.

    Recently some commentators have questioned this logic [1]. They argue

    that in the present US monetary system there is no such thing as a money

    multiplier since banks make loans first and worry about reserves later.

    Moreover, it is argued, within the present lagged reserve requirement framework it is

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    pointless for the Fed to pump reserves, for these reserves cannot be used by the

    banks since required reserves are only calculated on the past 30 day's

    deposits. Consequently, if the Fed injects an extra $1 billion to the system, the banks

    won't respond at allso it is argued.

    Is the objection raised valid? The main issue is not whether the current

    banking system is on a lagged or contemporaneous reserve requirements framework

    as such, but the fact that the present monetary system, which is supervised

    by the central bank, gives support to fractional reserve banking. It is this

    fact that gives rise to the so-called money multiplier.

    Fractional reserve banking and the creation of money:

    When Tom lends his $100 to Mike, the transaction doesnt create

    new money since Tom simply transfers his saved money for the period of the loan to

    Mike. This type of transaction temporarily transfers the ownership of the $100 from

    Tom to Mike.

    Likewise, when a bank mediates between Tom and Mike, it borrows from

    Tom $100 and simply lends the $100 to Mike. The bank doesn't create new

    money. Similarly if a bank lends $1 million, which was obtained by issuing stocks to

    this amount, no new money is created. People who bought the banks stocks have

    paid with their savings, which the bank in turn employs in its lending activities. While

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    lending that is fully backed up by savings doesnt give rise to the creation of new

    money this is not the case with regard to fractional reserve banking.

    Fractional reserve banking arises as a result of the fact that

    banks are legally permitted to use money that is placed in demand deposits.

    In short, banks treat this type of money as if it was loaned to them . If John

    places $100 in demand deposit he doesn't, however, relinquish his claim over the

    deposited $100. He has an unlimited and immediate claim on his $100. Demand

    deposits must be regarded as no different from a safe deposit box. Hence

    when a bank uses the deposited money as if it were loaned to it, the bank

    generates another claim on a given amount of deposited money.

    For instance, let us say that a depositorJohndeposits $100 in cash at a

    bank (Bank A) and this constitutes the bank's current total cash deposits. The bank

    then lends $50 to Mike. By lending Mike $50, the bank creates a deposit for $50 that

    Mike can now use. This in turn means that John will continue to have a claim against

    $100 while Mike will have a claim against $50. This type of lending is what

    fractional reserve banking is all about. The bank has $100 in cash against

    claims of $150. The bank therefore holds 66.7% reserves against demand

    deposits. In short, the bank has created $50 out of "thin air" since these

    $50 are not supported by any genuine money.

    Now Mike buys for $50 goods from Tom and pays Tom by check. Tom

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    places the check with his bank, Bank B. After clearing the check Bank B will have an

    increase in cash of $50, which it may take advantage of and use to lend out $25 to

    Bob. In short, as one can see, the fact that banks make use of demand

    deposits sets in motion the money multiplier. Note that the multiplier is the

    outcome of the fractional reserve-banking framework.

    A case could be made, however, that people who place their money in

    demand deposits do not mind if banks use their money. Notwithstanding all this, as

    long as people trade, there will always be a demand for money, which will be held

    either in cash or in bank demand deposits. Consequently, regardless of people's

    attitudes, once banks use deposited money, an expansion of money that is not backed

    by money proper is set in motion. In short, if an individual has a demand for money

    then he cannot at the same time not have a demand for money. Hence, if

    against his demand for money, which is manifested by him holding money

    in demand deposit, the bank lends out part of the deposited money, an

    unbacked lending must emerge, i.e., money out of "thin air" is generated.

    Although the law allows this type of practice, from an economic point of

    view it produces a similar outcome to that which counterfeiting activities do. It

    results in money produced out of "thin air" which leads to consumption that

    is not supported by production; that is, the dilution of the pool of real


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    The legal precedent to fractional reserve banking was set in England in

    1811, in the court case of Carr v. Carr. The court had to decide whether the term

    "debts" mentioned in a will included a cash balance in a bank deposit account. The

    Judge, Sir William Grant, ruled that it did. According to Grant, because the money had

    been paid generally into the bank, and was not earmarked in a sealed bag, it had

    become a loan to the bank. The Judge also insisted that money deposited with a bank

    becomes part of that banks assets and liabilities. [2]

    On this Mises wrote,

    It is usual to reckon the acceptance of a deposit which can be drawn upon

    at any time by means of notes or checks as a type of credit transaction and juristically

    this view is, of course, justified; but economically, the case is not one of a credit

    transaction. If credit in the economic sense means the exchange of a present good or

    a present service against a future good or a future service, then it is hardly possible to

    include the transactions in question under the conception of credit. A depositor of a

    sum of money who acquires in exchange for it a claim convertible into money at any

    time which will perform exactly the same service for him as the sum it refers to, has

    exchanged no present good for a future good. The claim that he has acquired by his

    deposit is also a present good for him. The depositing of money in no way means that

    he has renounced immediate disposal over the utility that it commands. [3]

    Similarly, Rothbard argued,

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    In this sense, a demand deposit, while legally designated as credit, is

    actually a present gooda warehouse claim to a present good that is similar to a

    bailment transaction, in which the warehouse pledges to redeem the ticket at any time

    on demand. [4]

    Fractional reserve banking vs. free banking:

    In a truly free market economy, the likelihood that banks will

    practice fractional reserve banking will tend to be very low. If a particular

    bank tries to practice fractional reserve banking it runs the risk of not being

    able to honour its checks. For instance, if Bank A lends out $50 to Mike out of $100

    deposited by John, it runs the risk of going bust. Why? Let us say that both John and

    Mike have decided to exercise their claims. Let us also assume that John buys goods

    for $100 from Tom while Mike buys goods for $50 from Jerry. Both John and Mike pay

    for the goods with checks against their deposits with the Bank A.

    Now Tom and Jerry deposit their received checks from John and Mike with

    their bankBank B, which is a competitor of Bank A. Bank B in turn presents these

    checks to Bank A and demands cash in return. However, Bank A has only $100 in cash

    it is short $50. Consequently, Bank A is running the risk of going belly-up unless it

    can quickly mobilise the cash by selling some of its assets or by borrowing.

    In other words, the fact that banks are required to clear their checks will be a

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    sufficient deterrent against practising fractional reserve banking in a free

    market economy.

    Furthermore, it must be realised that in a free market the tendency of

    being "caught" practicing fractional reserve banking, so to speak, rises, as there are

    many competitive banks. In short, as the number of banks rises and the number of

    clients per bank declines, the chances that clients will spend money on goods of

    individuals that are banking with other banks will increase. This in turn increases the

    risk of the bank not being able to honour its checks once it practices

    fractional reserve banking.

    Conversely, as the number of competitive banks diminishes, that is, as the

    number of clients per bank rises, the likelihood of being "caught" practicing

    fractional reserve banking diminishes. In the extreme case of there being only

    one bank, it can practice fractional reserve banking without any fear of being "caught"

    so to speak. Thus if Tom and Jerry are also clients of Bank A, then once they deposit

    their received checks from John and Mike, the ownership of deposits will now be

    transferred from John and Mike to Tom and Jerry. This transfer of ownership however,

    will not have any effect on Bank A.

    I can conclude then that in a free banking environment if a particular

    bank tries to expand credit by practicing fractional reserve banking it runs the risk of

    being caught. Hence in a true free market economy the threat of bankruptcy will

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    bring to a minimum the practice of fractional reserve banking.

    The Central Bank and fractional reserve banking:

    Whilst in a free market economy the practice of fractional reserve

    banking would tend to be minimal, this is not so in the case of the existence

    of a central bank. By means of monetary policy, which is also regarded as the

    reserve management of the banking system, the central bank permits the

    existence of fractional reserve banking and thus the creation of money out

    of "thin air."

    In this respect the modern banking system can be seen as one

    huge monopoly bank which is guided and coordinated by the central bank.

    Banks in this framework can be regarded as branches of the central bank. In other

    words, for all intents and purposes the banking system can be seen as being

    comprised of one bank. (As we have seen, one monopoly bank can practice fractional

    reserve banking without running the risk of being caught).

    -Through ongoing monetary management, i.e., monetary

    pumping, the central bank makes sure that all the banks can engage jointly

    in the expansion of credit out of thin air via the practice of fractional

    reserve banking. The joint expansion in turn guarantees that checks presented for

    redemption by banks to each other are netted out, because the redemption of each

    will cancel the other redemption out. In short, by means of monetary injections, the

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    central bank makes sure that the banking system is "liquid enough" so that

    banks will not bankrupt each other.

    Thus, whenever the Fed injects money into the system, it inevitably ends

    up as an increase in the deposits of a particular bank. This bank, based on its portfolio

    strategy, will decide how much of this increase in deposits it will lend out and how

    much it will keep in reserves. (Even in the modern banking system banks voluntary

    keep certain amount of reserves, regardless of legal requirements, in order to settle

    transactions) [5].

    Now, if Bank A decides to keep 20% in reserves against the new increase

    in deposits, then it will lend out 80% of the new deposits. In other words, if as a result

    of the Feds monetary injections Bank A's deposits increase by $1 billion then the bank

    will lend $800 million and the rest will be kept in reserves. Now let us assume that the

    borrowers of the $800 million buy goods from individuals that bank with Bank B, who

    in turn present checks for clearance of this amount to Bank A. Since Bank A has in its

    possession $1 billion it would have no problem clearing the check.

    However, a problem can emerge if the original depositor of $1 billion

    decides to use his $1billion. Then there is a risk that Bank A will not be able to

    honour his checks. In the event of such an occurrence the Fed is likely to

    provide Bank A with a loan to prevent bankruptcy. However, by ongoing

    coordination the Fed makes sure that such disruptions do not occur too

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    Regardless of the nature of legal reserve requirements, when the Fed

    pumps new money into the system, the new money is not reserves as such but new

    money that the bank is likely to use in its lending activities. Moreover, even in the

    present monetary system that is coordinated by the central bank, banks do not lend

    first and worry about funding later on. On the contrary, like any other business, banks

    are constantly engaged in the management of assets and liabilities.

    So before any lending is undertaken, it must be fully funded. Any

    unfunded lending runs the risk of undermining the existence of a bank.

    What's more, if the bank fails to clear its checks and runs a deficit in its account with

    the central bank, the Fed will charge the bank a penalty rate for having a deficit. In

    short, while the central banking system provides support for fractional reserve

    banking, it doesn't approve completely reckless lending by commercial banks.

    Otherwise the whole system would have collapsed very quickly.

    Finally, not only does fractional reserve banking gives rise to

    monetary inflation; it is also responsible for monetary deflation. We have

    seen that banksby means of fractional reserve bankinggenerate money

    out of thin air. Consequently, whenever they do not renew their lending

    they in fact give rise to the disappearance of money.

    This must be contrasted with the lending of genuine money, which can

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    never physically disappear unless it is physically destroyed. Thus when John lends his

    $50 via Bank A to Mike, the $50 is transferred to Mike from John. On the day of the

    maturity of the loan, Mike transfers to Bank A $50 plus interest. The bank in turn

    transfers the $50 plus interest adjusted for bank fees to Johnno money has


    If, however, Bank A practices fractional reserve banking, it lends the $50

    to Mike out of thin air. On the day of maturity when Mike repays the $50

    the money goes back to the bankthe original creator of this empty money;

    that is, money disappears from the economy, or it vanishes into the thin


    Hence, in order to prevent monetary disruptions brought about by

    monetary deflation, what is needed is the establishment of a genuine free market and

    not a reliance upon the Feds aggressive, loose monetary policies as

    suggested by the popular view.


    Whether legal reserve requirements are applied on the average of the last four weeks

    deposits or on same day deposits is beside the point, so far as the money multiplier is

    concerned. The existence of the money multiplier is the outcome of fractional reserve

    banking, which the current banking system makes possible. In short, it is the

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    existence of the central bank that enables banks to

    practice fractional reserve banking, thereby creating

    inflationary credit.


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