2. ajuste del modelo de pozo

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  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.2Sensitivity Modelling

    This is based on the data used in Example 1, with

    sensitivities set up to model well performance as water-cut

    increases and reservoir pressure declines.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.3Sensitivity Modelling

    Select File - Openand load EXAMPL2.WFL

    Select Analysis - Operat ing Po int - Sensi t iv i ty

    Review Sensitivity Values selected Water Cut Values = 17%, 40% and 70%

    Reservoir Pressures = 3800 psia, 3500 psia & 3000psia

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.4Sensitivity Modelling

    Review other sensitivity groups

    sensitivities available depend on the data input to the model

    Calculateto perform the Sensitivity Analysis.

    10 rates x 3 x 3 = 90 calculations. Max = 21 rates x10x10 = 2100

    Plot as Inf low/Outf low

    Layer pressu re= All values Water Cut= All Values

    Note that one sensitivity set is labelled no operating

    point. Identify which sensitivity values the condition corresponds

    to and plot it individually as an Inf low - Outf lowplot.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.5Sensitivity Modelling

    Note generally that any one sensitivity value can be plottedagainst any other.

    On the Plot Opt ion sdialog box select Performance

    Analysis. You can plot Operat ing RateorPressureagainstone sensitivity with the other sensitivity as the curve family.

    Plot operat ing rateagainst water cu tfor all three layerpressures.

    Note that on the Plot Opt ion sscreen almost any

    combination can be used to set up the desired presentationin the Performance Analysis. Try other combinations.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.6Sensitivity Modelling

    Investigate the minimum layer pressure for stableproduction at 40% water cut.

    What would this well produce at a layer pressure of 3800psia with a zero water cut?

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.7Plots Vs Depth

    Standard plots show pressure and temperature Vs depth.

    Rerun your operating point analysis with Iterate to exactswitched on, and inspect the pressure-depth plots.

    Select Con f ig - Select Plot Axesto display other variablesVs. depth.

    Limited to two parameters on any run

    Must be defined before calculating

    Try Pressure gradients, Flow regimes, in si tu l iquid

    ho ldup , etc. For more variables and more flexibility, use

    ANALYSIS.LOG file (discussed later). Next

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.8Plots Vs Depth

    Try with new axes as Erosional velocity and in-situ liquidvelocity or mixture velocity.

    Determine what problem can the completion has and atwhat depth.

    Make a sensitivity to the diameter of the tubing withpossible problems to check if its recommendablechange the diameter at this depth.

    Make a sensitivity to P layer and check if this can solve theproblem at future.

    Solids can increase the problem.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.9Plots Vs Depth

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.10Plots Vs Depth

    Try changing plot axes to superficial gas velocity andTurner critical velocity.

    Check running operating point, plot pressure/depth anddetermine flow stability. (one of the stability criteria).

    Try again changing axes to in situ liquid hold up andmixture density for instance.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.11

    Reviewing previousanalyses

    Return to the graphical interface and select View Resu ltsfrom the Analysismenu.

    Select Ex2v36c.CLC and Open

    Then Plotto review the results of a more detailed analysis.

    Ex2bv36c.CLC is an even more detailed analysis

    After opening a .CLC file, it is possible to create a reportfor this data.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.12Reporting

    Subjects covered:

    Export to Tab-separated files - WELLFLO.RPT

    Reporting in Write/WordPad. Copying graphs to Word Processors.

    Data in Analysis. log.

    Data in WellFlo. log.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.13Reporting in Write

    Load EXAMPL2.WFL and View Results - OpenEx2v36c.CLC

    UnderCon f igu re - Preferencesselect Tabbed Text Format

    Go to Analysis/View Resu lts - Repo rt

    Scan through the file and review.

    Go back to Con f igu re - Preferences andselect RTF (defaul t)

    Go to Analysis/View Resu lts - Repo rtagain and check the

    improved report formatting in WordPad.

    You can call up your own report browser (see manual).

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.14Reporting

    The Macro fo rmatoption underConf ig ure Preferencesinserts markers into the report that can be used by a macroto prepare the desired format (tabbing, pagination, boldheadings, etc). You might need this if your favourite word

    processor cannot handle rich text format (RTF). Each section is numbered and labelled with three asterisks

    on the following line. These can be used to find theappropriate section and enter page breaks, select textformat and change styles.

    This has been superseded by the RTFoption, which shouldbe compatible with most word processors.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.15

    Reporting -Pasting Plots

    Bring a report up on screen (open WELLFLO.RPT). Go backto WellFlo without closing down Wordpad (Notepad) *

    Plot Performance Analysis. If desired, the plot can beprinted directly from here (File - Prin t), or pasted in the


    Alt+PrintScreenallows you to copy the graph to theClipBoard. From here, it can be pasted directly into thereport, or into a graphics program (such as PaintShop Pro,PaintBrush)* for editing, and then copied into the report.

    Once the graph is ready, insert it into the report using Edit -Paste (or Ctrl+V)

    * Alt+Tabis a useful shortcut to jump betweenapplications

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.16Reporting

    Close WELLFLO.RPT in WordPad (or NotePad)

    Go to Program Manager and load Excel or otherspreadsheet package.

    Open WELLFLO.RPT in spreadsheet (text file). Note that theTabbed Format is Excel compatible, but the rtf is not.

    Review File.

    Try graphing some of the data.

    Pressure depth plots etc.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.17Detailed Reporting

    Return to WellFlo.

    Select Conf ig ure - Preferences.

    Switch on the options to output ANALYSIS.LOG and

    WELLFLO.LOG Normally switched off as these files are written as the program runs

    and slow down execution.

    WELLFLO.LOG includes similar information toWELLFLO.RPT but is not formatted and has a time stamp.

    Useful for identifying problems. ANALYSIS.LOG provides a detailed listing of: phase

    densities, viscosities, flow regimes, hold ups, erosionalvelocity, unloading velocity, etc. Open this file in Excel andinspect.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.18Export To Simulator

    Load EXAMPL2.WFL again and select Analysis - Export toSimulato r - VFP File For Ec l ips e - Sing le Well

    Select File - DOS Form at(note UNIX option)

    Select Units - Oil f ield- note that this module uses unitsystems consistent with the reservoir simulators for whichthe file will be built.

    Select Flowrates:

    From 1000 to 10000 with 9 steps

    Select Gas Ratios: Leave one value at 0.4 - note units

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.19Export to Simulator

    Select Water Cut:

    Set the first three values to 0.17, 0.2 and 0.4 (decimal units)

    Select Pressures:

    Set three values to 100 psia, 150 psia and 200 psia at tubinghead

    Select Create Fileand export to EXAMPL2.VFP.

    Switch to NotePad and load the file just created.

    Note that the file contains the keywords and is correctly laidout to be pasted directly into the control file for the

    Reservoir Simulator.

  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


  • 7/28/2019 2. Ajuste Del Modelo de Pozo


    EX 2.21Summary

    Sensitivity modelling and reporting have been examined fora naturally flowing well.

    The various graphing and output options including

    exporting data to reservoir simulators was reviewed. These features are fundamentals of WellFlo and can be

    applied to oil, gas, condensate, ESP and gas-lifted wells fora wide range of applications.