2. fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance (reduced)

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  • 8/7/2019 2. Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Balance (Reduced)


  • 8/7/2019 2. Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Balance (Reduced)



    Body Weight (kg) Amount of fluid per day (Basal Maintenance)

    1 10 100 ml/ kg

    11 20 1000ml + 50 ml/ kg for each kg>10 kg20 1500 ml + 20 ml/ kg for each kg > 20 kg

    Normometabolic state, at rest;

    Estimated fluid requirements-----increased or decreased fromthese parameters -----increased/decreased of H2O losses,

    e.x Elevated body temperature


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    Distribution of body fluids

    Water is the major constitutes of body tissues

    TBW range (of total body weight) from

    40% - 60% adults75% infants

    Loss of 20% - fatal

    Distribution of body fluids, or total body water (TBW),involves the presence of


    Extracellular(ECF) fluids

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    So where are these fluids kept?

    Body fluids are divided between the intracellular& extracellulardepartment

    Most of our body fluid (2/3) is found in the intracellular


    ICFContains solutes such as Oxygen, electrolytes protein & glucose.

    ICF provides a medium in which metabolic processes of the celltake place.

    ICF contain electrolytes as K, Mg (primary electrolytes)

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    Fluid outside the cells

    It is the transport system that carries nutrients &

    waste products to and from the cells

    Newborn 50% of body fluid contained within


    Toddler 30% of body fluid contained within ECF

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  • 8/7/2019 2. Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Balance (Reduced)




    Medium todissolve body


    (Na+, O2)


    Place formetabolicreaction


    Transport ofnutrients, waste &other substancesBTW Blood & cell

    Regulating &

    maintainingbody Temp

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    ICF & ECF contain

    Oxygen & CO2 Dissolvednutrients

    +ve charge ion(Cation)

    _ve (anion)


    Ex NaCl breaksinto Na+ Ion &

    Cl- Ion




    K+ major cationICF & it

    maintain ICFbalance

    Na+ majorcation ECF

    It control water


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    Composition of body fluids

    Electrolytes are measured in milliequivalentsper liter of water( mEq/L).

    Other body fluids such as gastric andintestinal secretions also containelectrolytes

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    Mechanisms of fluid movements

    Water is retained in the body in a relatively constantamount and it is almost freely exchangeable among allbody fluid compartments (ICF & ECF)

    Transport mechanisms are the basis for all activitywithin the cells, and since they have limited ability tostore materials, movement in and out of cells must berapid.

    Internal control mechanisms (such as thirst,antidiuretic hormone (ADH), and aldosterone (whichenhances sodium reabsorption) are responsible fordistribution & maintenance of fluid balance.

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    The principles involved in this shifting are




    Active transport

    Regulation of Fluids in Compartments

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    Hydrostatic pressure/Filtration

    movement of fluid&solutes

    one of lower pressure

    an area of higher

    hydrostatic pressure

    The pressure

    created by theweight of fluids

    Its caused frompressure oncapillaries Moves water &

    solutes intointerstitial spaces



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    Osmotic pressure

    water movement across

    the cell membranes

    from low soluteconcentration (low osmoticpressure)

    No energy required

    higher concentration of

    solute(high osmotic pressure)

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    Movement of water in the body between cells

    (extracellular fluid) is caused by osmosis.

    This is created by magnetic forces in the body,which keep the movement in balance. As waterflows, changes in pressure create movementacross the cell membranes.

    Any changes in pressure will allow proteins,minerals and other nutrients being carried by

    the blood to escape into spaces betweenvessels and deprive the cells of their vital

    needs to sustain life.

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    Active Transport

    movement of substanceacross the cell membrane


    Higher concentrationBy

    Less concentrationsolution


    Active transport

    ( a carrier)

    Burn calories

    Spend a bit energy

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    Osmosis versus Diffusion

    Osmosis Diffusion

    Low to high High to low




    of particles

    Both canoccur at

    the same


    Both canoccur at

    the same


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    Osmolality is

    The concentration of solutes in the body


    Reported as milliosmols per kilogram


    Sodium is the greatest determinant of serum


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    It refers to the osmolality of solution:

    Tonicity is a measure of the osmotic pressure of two solutionsseparated by a semi-permeable membrane.

    has the same osmolality as body fluids ( eg NormalIsotonic solution

    saline 0.9%)

    has a higher osmolality than body fluids ( egHypertonic solutionNormal saline 3%)

    has a lower osmolality than body fluids ( egHypotonic solutionNormal saline 0.45%)

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    It occurs when body fluids are lost in excess of fluidgain

    The great majority of disturbances in hydration & electrolytesbalance occur secondary to vomiting & diarrhea

    Fluid Imbalances-1Causes of dehydration are:

    1. Lack of oral intake.

    2. GI ; vomiting, diarrhea, malabsorption

    3. Burns

    4. Fever

    5. Diabetes mellitus

    6. Tachypnea as in bronchiolitis

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    Types of dehydration

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    Isotonic /Isonatremicdehydration:




    fluids & electrolytes losses are in

    same proportion as they exist inthe body

    water intake decreases

    &Na increases

    decrease in Na &

    retention of water

    10-20% of children with

    dehydration havehypertonic/hypernatrmic

    Fluid osmolarity is not affected &

    there is deficit of TBW.

    Proportionally greater

    loss of water than Na

    It can be caused by

    excessive plain

    water intake and

    defect in renal water

    excretion and failurein Syndrome of


    antidiuretic hormone


    Hypotonic/ Hyponatremia


    is occur in 10% of children

    with dehydration.

    70% of children with diarrhea occur when insensible

    loss of water from skin &

    respiration tract is high

    CF is due to

    excessive lose of

    Na via sweat.

    (plasma Na+ remains normal

    130-150 mEq/L).

    In this case the Na

    increase the osmotic

    pressure in the blood

    vessels that shifts the

    fluids from the IC to the

    ECS(plasma Na+ > 150

    mEq/L) .

    The water shifts

    from ECS to ICS

    causing circulatory


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    Disturbances in Fluid Volume, Electrolyte&

    Acid-Base Balances

    Many factors affect the fluid & electrolyte balance such asillness, surgery, medications, burns, vomiting,diarrhea and nasogastric suction.

    The majority of childhood illnesses that caused imbalances

    they occur secondary to vomiting and diarrhea.

    The imbalances can be:

    1. Total body deficit/excess of fluid and electrolyte with theosmolality of the body is not affected.

    2. When relationship between fluid & electrolyte has beenaltered & the osmolality is altered (electrolytes+++with dehydration & dec- with overhydration).

    3. both a and b.

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    Factors Affecting Body Fluid, Electrolytes and Acid-

    Base Balance

    infant has immature kidneys, rapid respiration and:age-1more body surface area than adult which make the infantloses the fluid rapidly.

    In elderly people, the thirst response often is blunted and

    kidney become less able to conserve water that will affectthe fluid balance.

    Female having more fat (people:Gender and Body Size-2with a higher percentage of body fat have less fluid).

    both salt and water are lost:Environmental Temperature-3through sweating in hot climate

    diet, exercise, stress and alcohol consumption all:Lifestyle-4affect the fluid and electrolyte balance

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    Sodium ImbalanceSodium ImbalanceHypertonic DehydrationHypertonic Dehydration

    Gain of Na+ in excess of waterPlasma Na+ > 145 mEq / L

    The causes of hypertonic/hypernatrmic can be

    1. Administration of hypertonic IV fluids

    2. Increase of Na intake

    3. Failure of ADH (H2O loss Increase in ECF)

    4. Increase of insensible loss of water as

    in burn, fever, respiratory infections.

    5. RF

    The defense mechanisms for this case are

    stimulation of thirst

    stimulation of ADH.

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    Hypotonic DehydrationHypotonic Dehydration

    Overall decrease in Na+ in ECF (Plasma Na+ < 130 mEq/L)


    1. Excessive plain water intake & defect in renal water


    2. C.F (excessive loss of Na+ via sweating)

    Which leads to:

    H2O shifting from ECF into ICU causing circulation collapse

    Clinical manifestations

    Neurological symptoms

    Lethargy, confusion, apprehension, depressed reflexes, seizures and


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    Overdehydration/ Edema

    Over dehydration is the excess ofinterstitial fluid caused by:

    Receiving IVF very fast (Kidney Function is normal)

    Patient receiving dialysis or enema

    Edema is the presence of excess fluid in the interstitial spaces.

    . Fluid Volume excess FVE :1

    FVE increase the capillary pressures, pushing fluid into the interstitial tissuesby filtration. (e.g heart failure and renal failure).

    . Low levels of plasma proteins in blood:2

    This will reduce the oncotic pressure so that fluid is not drawn into the capillariesfrom interstitial tissues. (e.g nephritic syndrome and malnutrition).

    OP is exerted by proteins in blood plasma that usually tends to pull waterinto the circulatory system

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    . Allergic reaction:3

    The albumin can move easily from the capillaries membrane pulling

    with it the fluid. This can be seen also in burns & truma.capillaries become more permeable allowing the fluid to escape intointerstitial tissues.

    . Increase in interstitial oncotic pressure:4The protein enter the interstitial fluid (tissue fluid) more than theyleave causing increase in interstitial oncotic pressure that in turnpull the fluid into tissue as in tumors and hypothyroidism

    . Obstructed lymph flow :5This impairs the movement of fluid from interstitial tissues back intothe vascular compartment.

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    Taking accurate daily weights is important to detect any weight


    Vital signs, physical appearance, and changes in urine character or

    output are noted.

    Edema (general) in infants may first be seen around the eyes and in

    the presacral, occipital, abdominal girth or genital areas.

    Pitting edema,

    Exerting gentle pressure with the finger 5 sec having an impression in

    the skin that lasts for several seconds

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    Electrolyte Imbalance/ PotassiumPotassium

    PotassiumPotassium (95% of K of body in ICF)mEq/L5.3K serum

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    0.5K >b.) Hyperkalemia:

    Most commonly occur in children as a result of too rapidadministration ofIV potassium chloride,

    Significant dysrhythmias and cardiac arrest may result when potassium levels ariseabove 6.0 mEq/L

    Caused also by

    Renal failure,Shift ofK from IC to EC by tissue damage

    Metabolic acidosis

    S&S: malaise, muscle weakness, oliguria to anuria, abnormalcardiac function and D & Nausea

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    HypocalcaemiaCalcium (required for activation of numerous enzymes, cardiac, neural &muscular functions

    mEq/L,0.4Ca Hypercalcemia:b.)

    caused by increase administration of Vit A and D, prolonged immobilizationand hyperparathyroidism.


    nausea, vomiting, constipation and flank pain

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    Acid-Base balanceHomeostasis: a balance of fluids, electrolytes and acids and bases in the body; thatreflects a good health.

    excretion of carbonpulmonary and renalbase balance is maintained by normal-Aciddioxide and acid, respectively.

    Acid-base balance is a dynamic relationship which reflects the concentration of

    hydrogen ions (H+) in the body

    hydrogen ions (ex Carbonic acid)releasesis the substanceAcidA drop in pH is called acidosis

    )3hydrogen ions (HCOacceptcanBase

    A rises in pH is called alkalosis

    PH is the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution:

    # higher hydrogen ions lead to more acidity which is low pH 7.

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    Body fluid PH

    Body fluids are slightly alkaline

    45.7-35.7Normal pH of arterial blood is-

    several body systems including

    1. Buffers,

    2. Respiratory system,

    3. Renal systemAre maintaining the narrow pH

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    Regulating Acid-Base balance

    Buffers (Fastest)-1

    (solutions that tend to resist changes in their PH as acid/base added)

    Major buffers system in ECF is the carbonic acid ( H2CO3) & its conjugatedbase; bicarbonate (HCO3)

    plasma proteins, hemoglobin andBesides bicarbonate & carbonic acid buffers,phosphates also function as buffers in body fluids.

    HCO3 + H+ H2CO3 this is a weak volatile acid eliminatedCO2 + H2O H2CO3 HCO3 + H+

    Respiratory Regulation:-2Regulating acid-base balance by eliminating or retaining carbon dioxide (CO2)by altering the rate and depth of respirations.

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    -If the blood level ofcarbonic acid (H2CO3) increase the rateand depth of respirations increase (hyperventilation) toexcrete CO2 to fall the level of H2CO3

    If the blood level of bicarbonate (HCO3-) increase the rate anddepth of respirations decrease (hypoventilation) to retain theCO2 and rise the level of carbonic acid.

    - PCO2 refer to pressure of carbon dioxide in venous blood

    -PaCO2 refer to pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood.

    Normal PaCO2 is 35-40 mmHg

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    3- Renal Regulation:

    Normal serum bicarbonate level is 22-26 mEq/L

    - kidneys maintain acid-base balance by excreting or

    conserving bicarbonate (acid) & hydrogen ions

    - Ifacidity increased the kidneys reabsorb and regeneratebicarbonate and excrete H

    - In the case ofalkalosis excess bicarbonate is excretedand H ion is retained

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    Acid-Base imbalances

    The abnormalities in PaCO2 increase/decrease is calledrespiratory alkalosis/acidosis because PCO2 regulated byrespiration

    # Increase in PaCO2 ---------------- respiratory acidosis

    # Decrease in PaCO2----------------respiratory alkalosis.

    The abnormalities ofplasma bicarbonate concentration refer tometabolic process

    # Increase in HCO3---------------------metabolic alkalosis

    # Decrease in HCO3------------------- metabolic acidosis

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    Respiratory Acidosis:

    Hypoventilation and CO2 retention cause carbonic acid level to increase which willdrop the pH level below 7.35.

    Ex. pH 7.28 (acidic) PaCO2 74 HCO3 26 N

    When respiratory acidosis occurthe kidneys will retain bicarbonate to restore thenormal ratio of bicarbonate:carbonic acid (20:1) in order to restore the normalpH

    pH 7.33 PaCO2 74 HCO3 32 (Compensated Res Acid)

    This can be caused by

    1. asthma

    2. central nervous system depression

    3. anesthesia, alcohol ,

    4. aspiration of foreign body.

    5. Pneumonia


    1. Headache 2. Blurred vision

    3. Restlessness 4. Anxiety 5. Tremors

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    Respiratory alkalosis:

    Hyperventilation makes the CO2 to be exhaled causing the carbonic acid to fall and risethe pH above 7.45.

    Ex. pH 7.50 (alklosic) PaCO2 30 HCO3 23 N

    This can be caused by

    1. Tetany

    2. fever,

    3. anxiety,

    4. respiratory infection.

    With respiratory alkalosis the kidneys will excrete bicarbonate to return normal pH.

    pH 7.46 PaCO2 30 HCO3 20 (Compensated Res Alklosis)

    S&S1. increase irritability of central and peripheral nervous system.

    2. Light headache

    3. Altered consciousness

    4. Paresthesia of extremities

    5. arrhythmias

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    Metabolic Acidosis (diarrhea)When bicarbonate is low in relation to the carbonic acid in the body, causingthe pH to fall.

    Ex. pH 7.21 PaCO2 40 (N) HCO3 15.6

    This can be caused by

    1. Renal failure

    2. Inability of the kidneys to excrete H ions.

    3. Increase of anaerobic metabolism

    4. Decrease in blood volume causing the kidney to function less effectively

    Metabolic acidosis will stimulate the respiratory centercausing the rate anddepth of respiration to increase in which the CO2 is eliminated andthe carbonic acid is fall).

    pH=7.34 PaCO2=28 HCO3= 15.6S&S

    1. Increase depth of respiration 2. Arrhythmia

    3. Lethargy----coma 4. Impaired growth (rickets)

    5. Wt loss 6. Anorexia

    7. Muscle weakness and listlessness.

    Metabolic alkalosis (vomiting):

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    Metabolic alkalosis (vomiting):

    When the amount of bicarbonate in the body exceeds the normal 20:1 ratio.This can be caused with ingestion of antacid, vomiting which causinglosing in H.

    pH= 7.51 (Inc) PCO2=40 HCO3= 30.4 (hig)

    The metabolic alkalosis will stimulate the respiratory center to slow and shallowthe breathing (causing to retain CO2 which will increase the carbonicacid level) pH=7.46 PaCO2= 45 HCO3= 31.2

    Causes are

    1. Muscles hypertonic

    2. vomiting

    3. nasogastric suctioning

    4. diuretics;5. Hypokalemia .

    6. HCO3 retention may result from, massive blood transfusion, excessiveadministration of sodium bicarbonate


    1. Weakness 2. Muscle cramp 3. Dizziness

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    Nursing Assessment

    1. Nursing History

    Ask about: vomiting, diarrhea, food given during illness, urination,recent changing in behaviors and activities, wt, fever, evidenceof infection, and medication.

    2- Physical Assessment

    - skin: color , temperature, moisture, edema, turgor- mucous membrane: color , moisture

    - eyes: firmness

    - Fontanels (infants): firmness level

    - cardiovascular system: heart rate, peripheral pulses, bloodpressure, capillary refill, venous filling

    - respiratory system: respiratory rate & pattern, lung sounds

    - neurologic: level of consciousness (LOC), orientation, motorfunction, reflexes.

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    . Vital signs:1

    Early phase of ECF volume depletion is increase in Temp.

    Pulse is rapid weak and thready in dehydration (thready pulse is anabnormal pulse that is weak and often fairly rapid, the artery does not feel fulland the rate may be difficult to count).

    but the bounding pulse occurs in increase of plasma fluid volume

    (decrease hematocrit & HG ) and in hypertonic dehydration.

    In metabolic acidosis the compensatory mechanism will increase therespiratory rate.

    And in potassium alteration whether its increase or decrease thebreathing will be shallow.

    BP will increase in fluid volume excess.

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    Vital Sign

    Temp Pulse R.R B/P

    Increase Early

    phase of ECF




    Rapid, Weak








    plasma fluid








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    Weight for infant and young


    Mild dehydration Moderate dehydration Severe dehydration

    3-5% loss of body W.T 6-10% loss of body W.T 10% loss or more

    Fluid volume loss ofmore than 50 ml/kg

    Fluid volume loss of 50-100ml/kg

    Fluid volume loss of100ml/kg or more

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    W.T for older children

    Mild isometricdehydration

    Moderate dehydrationSevere dehydration

    if3% of body weigh islost

    if6% of body weight islost

    if9% of body weight islost

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    Anterior fontanel & eyes

    FVE Dehydration Sever dehydration


    Tense &


    Depressed &


    Eyes are


    Suture skullbecomes


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    .. Intake and Output and Urine specific gravity4

    In fluid excess the USG is decreased (normal value 1.010-


    Urine intake should approximate the output:

    hrs24Urine output/Neonate 50-300 mL

    Infant 350-550 mL

    Child 500-1000 mL

    Adolescent 700-1400 mLAdult 1500-2000 mL.

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    . Neurologic Status:5

    In dehydration the child may become irritable to lethargic andcry with high pitched or weak.

    In hypo/hyperkalemia: there is muscle weakness, tetany.

    In Hyponatremia: confusion, headache, delirium and convulsion.

    In hypernatremia: intracerebral bleeding, brain damage.

    . Laboratory Assessment:6

    A.) Arterial Blood Gases for acid-base imbalance

    B.) Urine specific gravity for dehydration

    C.) Serum and urine electrolytes

    D.) ECG for electrolytes imbalance.

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    Nursing Diagnosis

    Fluid volume deficit ( Diagnostic label) R.T

    excessive fluid loss associated with illness/secondary to,

    hemorrhage; diarrhea; vomiting; burns; fever, and

    hyperventilation (etiology)

    as evidenced by/as manifested by 10 times/a day watery

    stool; more than 8 times vomiting, vomit the whole

    feeding, sunken eyes and depressed fontanel, dry

    skinetc (defining characteristic/signs and symptoms).

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    Nursing management

    * Maintenance requirements of the fluid and electrolytes that are

    necessary to maintain homeostasis for 24 hours,

    * The therapy must account for insensible loss, urine output, and

    caloric needs.

    * The maintenance calculated based on:

    Body weight, surface area or caloric expenditure and mostly used

    based on caloric expenditure.

    *Holliday-Segars formula (method of estimating daily caloric needs)

    (Beginning at 100 kcal/kg for an infant)

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    Fluid maintenance for a body weight of 24 Kg is:

    The first 10 Kg needs 100cc/Kg so = 10*100=1000

    The second 10 kg needs 50cc/kg=10*50=500

    And more than 20kg needs 20cc/kg=20*4=80

    So in total fluid maintenance is =

    1000+500+80= 1580cc/day, 1580calorie/day

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    Treatment phases

    (I) Deficit therapya.) Initial therapy phase: to restores the circulation

    with severe dehydration. Ringers lactated, salinesolution, plasma or albumin can be given.

    11.) Repletion therapy: correct previous loss andprovide therapy for normal and abnormal ongoing

    losses. In this phaseK

    cL can be added.

    (111) Stabilization phase: maintenance and ongoinglosses; oral intake may be resumed started with

    clear fluid.

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    Potassium chloride (KcL) administrationGive no more than 40 mEq/L

    Never give potassium by IV push

    Do not administerKCL if urine output is not age


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    Total parenteral nutrition

    1. TPN consist of carbohydrate, protein, electrolytes, vitamins,

    minerals and fat.

    2. Indicators for TPN are:

    a. malnourished / long period without enternal feeding.

    b. Premature infant will need TPN sooner than older child.

    c. Major GI tract abnormalities

    d. Immune deficiency

    e. Inflammatory bowel diseases

    f. Severe burns

    g. Renal failure

    h. AIDs.

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    3. The dextrose, amino acids, electrolytes, vitamins and elements are

    mixed together with a separate fat emulsion (looks like milk)

    administered separately in dropper without filter.

    4. TPN can be administered via IV or catheter.

    Catheter can be inserted forneonate and infant through external orinternal jugular vein to the superior vena cava.

    ForOlder Children:

    The catheter can be inserted for older children through the subclavianvein to superior vena cava.

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    Care of infants with TPN

    The line may become dislodged or clots may form.

    A serious infection called sepsis is a possible

    complication of a central line IV.

    Infants who receive TPN should be closely

    monitored by the health care team, sincecomplications can be serious and are not unusual.

    Prolonged use of TPN may lead to liver problems.

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